
598 lines
22 KiB

* Created by Christian Schabesberger on 10.08.18.
* Copyright (C) Christian Schabesberger 2016 <>
* is part of NewPipe.
* NewPipe is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* NewPipe is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with NewPipe. If not, see <>.
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.InfoItem;
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.InfoItemsCollector;
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.InfoItemExtractor;
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.Extractor;
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.MediaFormat;
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.MetaInfo;
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.StreamingService;
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.exceptions.ExtractionException;
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.exceptions.ParsingException;
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.linkhandler.LinkHandler;
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.localization.DateWrapper;
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.utils.Parser;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
* Scrapes information from a video/audio streaming service (eg, YouTube).
public abstract class StreamExtractor extends Extractor {
public static final int NO_AGE_LIMIT = 0;
public StreamExtractor(StreamingService service, LinkHandler linkHandler) {
super(service, linkHandler);
* The original textual date provided by the service. Should be used as a fallback if
* {@link #getUploadDate()} isn't provided by the service, or it fails for some reason.
* <p>If the stream is a live stream, {@code null} should be returned.</p>
* @return The original textual date provided by the service, or {@code null}.
* @throws ParsingException if there is an error in the extraction
* @see #getUploadDate()
public String getTextualUploadDate() throws ParsingException {
return null;
* A more general {@code Calendar} instance set to the date provided by the service.<br>
* Implementations usually will just parse the date returned from the {@link #getTextualUploadDate()}.
* <p>If the stream is a live stream, {@code null} should be returned.</p>
* @return The date this item was uploaded, or {@code null}.
* @throws ParsingException if there is an error in the extraction
* or the extracted date couldn't be parsed.
* @see #getTextualUploadDate()
public DateWrapper getUploadDate() throws ParsingException {
return null;
* This will return the url to the thumbnail of the stream. Try to return the medium resolution here.
* @return The url of the thumbnail.
* @throws ParsingException
public abstract String getThumbnailUrl() throws ParsingException;
* This is the stream description.
* @return The description of the stream/video or Description.emptyDescription if the description is empty.
* @throws ParsingException
public Description getDescription() throws ParsingException {
return Description.emptyDescription;
* Get the age limit.
* @return The age which limits the content or {@value NO_AGE_LIMIT} if there is no limit
* @throws ParsingException if an error occurs while parsing
public int getAgeLimit() throws ParsingException {
return NO_AGE_LIMIT;
* This should return the length of a video in seconds.
* @return The length of the stream in seconds or 0 when it has no length (e.g. a livestream).
* @throws ParsingException
public long getLength() throws ParsingException {
return 0;
* If the url you are currently handling contains a time stamp/seek, you can return the
* position it represents here.
* If the url has no time stamp simply return zero.
* @return the timestamp in seconds or 0 when there is no timestamp
* @throws ParsingException
public long getTimeStamp() throws ParsingException {
return 0;
* The count of how many people have watched the video/listened to the audio stream.
* If the current stream has no view count or its not available simply return -1
* @return amount of views or -1 if not available.
* @throws ParsingException
public long getViewCount() throws ParsingException {
return -1;
* The amount of likes a video/audio stream got.
* If the current stream has no likes or its not available simply return -1
* @return the amount of likes the stream got or -1 if not available.
* @throws ParsingException
public long getLikeCount() throws ParsingException {
return -1;
* The amount of dislikes a video/audio stream got.
* If the current stream has no dislikes or its not available simply return -1
* @return the amount of likes the stream got or -1 if not available.
* @throws ParsingException
public long getDislikeCount() throws ParsingException {
return -1;
* The Url to the page of the creator/uploader of the stream. This must not be a homepage,
* but the page offered by the service the extractor handles. This url will be handled by the
* {@link ChannelExtractor},
* so be sure to implement that one before you return a value here, otherwise NewPipe will crash if one selects
* this url.
* @return the url to the page of the creator/uploader of the stream or an empty string
* @throws ParsingException
public abstract String getUploaderUrl() throws ParsingException;
* The name of the creator/uploader of the stream.
* If the name is not available you can simply return an empty string.
* @return the name of the creator/uploader of the stream or an empty tring
* @throws ParsingException
public abstract String getUploaderName() throws ParsingException;
* Whether the uploader has been verified by the service's provider.
* If there is no verification implemented, return <code>false</code>.
* @return whether the uploader has been verified by the service's provider
* @throws ParsingException
public boolean isUploaderVerified() throws ParsingException {
return false;
* The url to the image file/profile picture/avatar of the creator/uploader of the stream.
* If the url is not available you can return an empty String.
* @return The url of the image file of the uploader or an empty String
* @throws ParsingException
public String getUploaderAvatarUrl() throws ParsingException {
return "";
* The Url to the page of the sub-channel of the stream. This must not be a homepage,
* but the page offered by the service the extractor handles. This url will be handled by the
* {@link ChannelExtractor},
* so be sure to implement that one before you return a value here, otherwise NewPipe will crash if one selects
* this url.
* @return the url to the page of the sub-channel of the stream or an empty String
* @throws ParsingException
public String getSubChannelUrl() throws ParsingException {
return "";
* The name of the sub-channel of the stream.
* If the name is not available you can simply return an empty string.
* @return the name of the sub-channel of the stream or an empty String
* @throws ParsingException
public String getSubChannelName() throws ParsingException {
return "";
* The url to the image file/profile picture/avatar of the sub-channel of the stream.
* If the url is not available you can return an empty String.
* @return The url of the image file of the sub-channel or an empty String
* @throws ParsingException
public String getSubChannelAvatarUrl() throws ParsingException {
return "";
* Get the dash mpd url. If you don't know what a dash MPD is you can read about it
* <a href="">here</a>.
* @return the url as a string or an empty string or an empty string if not available
* @throws ParsingException if an error occurs while reading
public String getDashMpdUrl() throws ParsingException {
return "";
* I am not sure if this is in use, and how this is used. However the frontend is missing support
* for HLS streams. Prove me if I am wrong. Please open an
* <a href="">issue</a>,
* or fix this description if you know whats up with this.
* @return The Url to the hls stream or an empty string if not available.
* @throws ParsingException
public String getHlsUrl() throws ParsingException {
return "";
* This should return a list of available
* <a href="">AudioStream</a>s
* You can also return null or an empty list, however be aware that if you don't return anything
* in getVideoStreams(), getVideoOnlyStreams() and getDashMpdUrl() either the Collector will handle this as
* a failed extraction procedure.
* @return a list of audio only streams in the format of AudioStream
* @throws IOException
* @throws ExtractionException
public abstract List<AudioStream> getAudioStreams() throws IOException, ExtractionException;
* This should return a list of available
* <a href="">VideoStream</a>s
* Be aware this is the list of video streams which do contain an audio stream.
* You can also return null or an empty list, however be aware that if you don't return anything
* in getAudioStreams(), getVideoOnlyStreams() and getDashMpdUrl() either the Collector will handle this as
* a failed extraction procedure.
* @return a list of combined video and streams in the format of AudioStream
* @throws IOException
* @throws ExtractionException
public abstract List<VideoStream> getVideoStreams() throws IOException, ExtractionException;
* This should return a list of available
* <a href="">VideoStream</a>s.
* Be aware this is the list of video streams which do NOT contain an audio stream.
* You can also return null or an empty list, however be aware that if you don't return anything
* in getAudioStreams(), getVideoStreams() and getDashMpdUrl() either the Collector will handle this as
* a failed extraction procedure.
* @return a list of video and streams in the format of AudioStream
* @throws IOException
* @throws ExtractionException
public abstract List<VideoStream> getVideoOnlyStreams() throws IOException, ExtractionException;
* This will return a list of available
* <a href="">Subtitles</a>s.
* If no subtitles are available an empty list can be returned.
* @return a list of available subtitles or an empty list
* @throws IOException
* @throws ExtractionException
public List<SubtitlesStream> getSubtitlesDefault() throws IOException, ExtractionException {
return Collections.emptyList();
* This will return a list of available
* <a href="">Subtitles</a>s.
* given by a specific type.
* If no subtitles in that specific format are available an empty list can be returned.
* @param format the media format by which the subtitles should be filtered
* @return a list of available subtitles or an empty list
* @throws IOException
* @throws ExtractionException
public List<SubtitlesStream> getSubtitles(MediaFormat format) throws IOException, ExtractionException {
return Collections.emptyList();
* Get the <a href="">StreamType</a>.
* @return the type of the stream
* @throws ParsingException
public abstract StreamType getStreamType() throws ParsingException;
* Should return a list of streams related to the current handled. Many services show suggested
* streams. If you don't like suggested streams you should implement them anyway since they can
* be disabled by the user later in the frontend. The first related stream might be what was
* previously known as a next stream.
* If related streams aren't available simply return {@code null}.
* @return a list of InfoItems showing the related videos/streams
* @throws IOException
* @throws ExtractionException
public InfoItemsCollector<? extends InfoItem, ? extends InfoItemExtractor>
getRelatedItems() throws IOException, ExtractionException {
return null;
* @deprecated Use {@link #getRelatedItems()}. May be removed in a future version.
* @return The result of {@link #getRelatedItems()} if it is a
* StreamInfoItemsCollector, <code>null</code> otherwise
* @throws IOException
* @throws ExtractionException
public StreamInfoItemsCollector getRelatedStreams() throws IOException, ExtractionException {
InfoItemsCollector<?, ?> collector = getRelatedItems();
if (collector instanceof StreamInfoItemsCollector) {
return (StreamInfoItemsCollector) collector;
} else return null;
* Should return a list of Frameset object that contains preview of stream frames
* @return list of preview frames or empty list if frames preview is not supported or not found for specified stream
* @throws ExtractionException
public List<Frameset> getFrames() throws ExtractionException {
return Collections.emptyList();
* Should analyse the webpage's document and extracts any error message there might be.
* @return Error message; <code>null</code> if there is no error message.
public String getErrorMessage() {
return null;
/// Helper
* Override this function if the format of time stamp in the url is not the same format as that form youtube.
* Honestly I don't even know the time stamp format of YouTube.
* @param regexPattern
* @return the time stamp/seek for the video in seconds
* @throws ParsingException
protected long getTimestampSeconds(String regexPattern) throws ParsingException {
String timeStamp;
try {
timeStamp = Parser.matchGroup1(regexPattern, getOriginalUrl());
} catch (Parser.RegexException e) {
// catch this instantly since a url does not necessarily have a timestamp
// -2 because the testing system will consequently know that the regex failed
// not good, I know
return -2;
if (!timeStamp.isEmpty()) {
try {
String secondsString = "";
String minutesString = "";
String hoursString = "";
try {
secondsString = Parser.matchGroup1("(\\d{1,3})s", timeStamp);
minutesString = Parser.matchGroup1("(\\d{1,3})m", timeStamp);
hoursString = Parser.matchGroup1("(\\d{1,3})h", timeStamp);
} catch (Exception e) {
//it could be that time is given in another method
if (secondsString.isEmpty() //if nothing was got,
&& minutesString.isEmpty()//treat as unlabelled seconds
&& hoursString.isEmpty()) {
secondsString = Parser.matchGroup1("t=(\\d+)", timeStamp);
int seconds = secondsString.isEmpty() ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(secondsString);
int minutes = minutesString.isEmpty() ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(minutesString);
int hours = hoursString.isEmpty() ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(hoursString);
//don't trust BODMAS!
return seconds + (60 * minutes) + (3600 * hours);
//Log.d(TAG, "derived timestamp value:"+ret);
//the ordering varies internationally
} catch (ParsingException e) {
throw new ParsingException("Could not get timestamp.", e);
} else {
return 0;
* The host of the stream (Eg.
* If the host is not available, or if the service doesn't use
* a federated system, but a centralised system,
* you can simply return an empty string.
* @return the host of the stream or an empty string.
* @throws ParsingException
public String getHost() throws ParsingException {
return "";
* The privacy of the stream (Eg. Public, Private, Unlisted…).
* @return the privacy of the stream.
* @throws ParsingException
public Privacy getPrivacy() throws ParsingException {
return Privacy.PUBLIC;
* The name of the category of the stream.
* If the category is not available you can simply return an empty string.
* @return the category of the stream or an empty string.
* @throws ParsingException
public String getCategory() throws ParsingException {
return "";
* The name of the licence of the stream.
* If the licence is not available you can simply return an empty string.
* @return the licence of the stream or an empty String.
* @throws ParsingException
public String getLicence() throws ParsingException {
return "";
* The locale language of the stream.
* If the language is not available you can simply return null.
* If the language is provided by a language code, you can return
* new Locale(language_code);
* @return the locale language of the stream or <code>null</code>.
* @throws ParsingException
public Locale getLanguageInfo() throws ParsingException {
return null;
* The list of tags of the stream.
* If the tag list is not available you can simply return an empty list.
* @return the list of tags of the stream or Collections.emptyList().
* @throws ParsingException
public List<String> getTags() throws ParsingException {
return Collections.emptyList();
* The support information of the stream.
* see:
* (support button).
* If the support information are not available,
* you can simply return an empty String.
* @return the support information of the stream or an empty string.
* @throws ParsingException
public String getSupportInfo() throws ParsingException {
return "";
* The list of stream segments by timestamps for the stream.
* If the segment list is not available you can simply return an empty list.
* @return The list of segments of the stream or an empty list.
* @throws ParsingException
public List<StreamSegment> getStreamSegments() throws ParsingException {
return Collections.emptyList();
* Meta information about the stream.
* <p>
* This can be information about the stream creator (e.g. if the creator is a public broadcaster)
* or further information on the topic (e.g. hints that the video might contain conspiracy theories
* or contains information about a current health situation like the Covid-19 pandemic).
* </p>
* The meta information often contains links to external sources like Wikipedia or the WHO.
* @return The meta info of the stream or an empty list if not provided.
* @throws ParsingException
public List<MetaInfo> getMetaInfo() throws ParsingException {
return Collections.emptyList();
public enum Privacy {