
48 lines
1.6 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package youtube.playlists;
option java_outer_classname = "PlaylistProtobufContinuation";
option java_multiple_files = false;
option java_package = "";
message PlaylistContinuation {
ContinuationParams parameters = 80226972;
message ContinuationParams {
// The playlist ID as a browse one (it should be "VL" + playlist ID)
string browseId = 2;
// A PlaylistContinuationProperties message safe-encoded as a Base64 string
string continuationProperties = 3;
string playlistId = 35;
message PlaylistContinuationProperties {
// Optional field which should be used to avoid difference behavior with
// continuations returned by YouTube, starts at 0
int32 requestCount = 1;
// The playlist response starts at 0 if this field is omitted
// An optional string "PT:" with a PlaylistIndexContinuationParameter message
// safe-encoded in Base64 appended at the end
string playlistIndexParam = 15;
PlaylistContentFiltersParams contentFilters = 104;
message PlaylistIndexContinuationParam {
// The index cannot be 0 and should be a 100 multiplier (YouTube backends
// return that requests contain an invalid argument otherwise)
int32 index = 1;
// Content filters parameters for playlists.
// Parameters hideUnavailableVideos and showOnlyVideos can be used at the same
// time, but no videos would be returned in this case
message PlaylistContentFiltersParams {
bool hideUnavailableVideos = 1;
bool showOnlyVideos = 2;
// Parameter works but doesn't return a Shorts UI as of 09/12/23 (American
// English date format)
bool showOnlyShorts = 3;