
467 lines
20 KiB

import static org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.Image.ResolutionLevel.LOW;
import static org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.Image.ResolutionLevel.MEDIUM;
import static org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.ServiceList.SoundCloud;
import static org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.utils.Utils.isNullOrEmpty;
import static org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.utils.Utils.replaceHttpWithHttps;
import com.grack.nanojson.JsonArray;
import com.grack.nanojson.JsonObject;
import com.grack.nanojson.JsonParser;
import com.grack.nanojson.JsonParserException;
import org.jsoup.Jsoup;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Document;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Element;
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.MultiInfoItemsCollector;
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.Image;
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.NewPipe;
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.downloader.Downloader;
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.downloader.Response;
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.exceptions.ExtractionException;
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.exceptions.ParsingException;
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.exceptions.ReCaptchaException;
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.utils.ImageSuffix;
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.utils.JsonUtils;
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.utils.Parser;
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.utils.Parser.RegexException;
import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.utils.Utils;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.time.format.DateTimeParseException;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public final class SoundcloudParsingHelper {
// From
// and researches on images used by the websites
SoundCloud avatars and artworks are almost squares
When we get non-square pictures, all these images variants are still squares, except the
original and the crop versions provides images which are respecting aspect ratios.
The websites only use the square variants.
t2400x2400 and t3000x3000 variants also exists, but are not returned as several images are
uploaded with a lower size than these variants: in this case, these variants return an upscaled
version of the original image.
List.of(new ImageSuffix("mini.jpg", 16, 16, LOW),
new ImageSuffix("t20x20.jpg", 20, 20, LOW),
new ImageSuffix("small.jpg", 32, 32, LOW),
new ImageSuffix("badge.jpg", 47, 47, LOW),
new ImageSuffix("t50x50.jpg", 50, 50, LOW),
new ImageSuffix("t60x60.jpg", 60, 60, LOW),
// Seems to work also on avatars, even if it is written to be not the case in
// the old API docs
new ImageSuffix("t67x67.jpg", 67, 67, LOW),
new ImageSuffix("t80x80.jpg", 80, 80, LOW),
new ImageSuffix("large.jpg", 100, 100, LOW),
new ImageSuffix("t120x120.jpg", 120, 120, LOW),
new ImageSuffix("t200x200.jpg", 200, 200, MEDIUM),
new ImageSuffix("t240x240.jpg", 240, 240, MEDIUM),
new ImageSuffix("t250x250.jpg", 250, 250, MEDIUM),
new ImageSuffix("t300x300.jpg", 300, 300, MEDIUM),
new ImageSuffix("t500x500.jpg", 500, 500, MEDIUM));
private static final List<ImageSuffix> VISUALS_URL_SUFFIXES_AND_RESOLUTIONS =
List.of(new ImageSuffix("t1240x260.jpg", 1240, 260, MEDIUM),
new ImageSuffix("t2480x520.jpg", 2480, 520, MEDIUM));
private static String clientId;
public static final String SOUNDCLOUD_API_V2_URL = "";
private SoundcloudParsingHelper() {
public static synchronized String clientId() throws ExtractionException, IOException {
if (!isNullOrEmpty(clientId)) {
return clientId;
final Downloader dl = NewPipe.getDownloader();
final Response download = dl.get("");
final String responseBody = download.responseBody();
final String clientIdPattern = ",client_id:\"(.*?)\"";
final Document doc = Jsoup.parse(responseBody);
final Elements possibleScripts =
// The one containing the client id will likely be the last one
final var headers = Map.of("Range", List.of("bytes=0-50000"));
for (final Element element : possibleScripts) {
final String srcUrl = element.attr("src");
if (!isNullOrEmpty(srcUrl)) {
try {
clientId = Parser.matchGroup1(clientIdPattern, dl.get(srcUrl, headers)
return clientId;
} catch (final RegexException ignored) {
// Ignore it and proceed to try searching other script
// Officially give up
throw new ExtractionException("Couldn't extract client id");
public static OffsetDateTime parseDateFrom(final String textualUploadDate)
throws ParsingException {
try {
return OffsetDateTime.parse(textualUploadDate);
} catch (final DateTimeParseException e1) {
try {
return OffsetDateTime.parse(textualUploadDate, DateTimeFormatter
.ofPattern("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss +0000"));
} catch (final DateTimeParseException e2) {
throw new ParsingException("Could not parse date: \"" + textualUploadDate + "\""
+ ", " + e1.getMessage(), e2);
* Call the endpoint "/resolve" of the API.<p>
* <p>
* See
public static JsonObject resolveFor(@Nonnull final Downloader downloader, final String url)
throws IOException, ExtractionException {
final String apiUrl = SOUNDCLOUD_API_V2_URL + "resolve"
+ "?url=" + Utils.encodeUrlUtf8(url)
+ "&client_id=" + clientId();
try {
final String response = downloader.get(apiUrl, SoundCloud.getLocalization())
return JsonParser.object().from(response);
} catch (final JsonParserException e) {
throw new ParsingException("Could not parse json response", e);
* Fetch the embed player with the apiUrl and return the canonical url (like the permalink_url
* from the json API).
* @return the url resolved
public static String resolveUrlWithEmbedPlayer(final String apiUrl) throws IOException,
ReCaptchaException {
final String response = NewPipe.getDownloader().get(""
+ Utils.encodeUrlUtf8(apiUrl), SoundCloud.getLocalization()).responseBody();
return Jsoup.parse(response).select("link[rel=\"canonical\"]").first()
* Fetch the widget API with the url and return the id (like the id from the json API).
* @return the resolved id
public static String resolveIdWithWidgetApi(final String urlString) throws IOException,
ParsingException {
// Remove the tailing slash from URLs due to issues with the SoundCloud API
String fixedUrl = urlString;
if (fixedUrl.charAt(fixedUrl.length() - 1) == '/') {
fixedUrl = fixedUrl.substring(0, fixedUrl.length() - 1);
// Make URL lower case and remove m. and www. if it exists.
// Without doing this, the widget API does not recognize the URL.
fixedUrl = Utils.removeMAndWWWFromUrl(fixedUrl.toLowerCase());
final URL url;
try {
url = Utils.stringToURL(fixedUrl);
} catch (final MalformedURLException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The given URL is not valid");
try {
final String widgetUrl = ""
+ Utils.encodeUrlUtf8(url.toString())
+ "&format=json&client_id=" + SoundcloudParsingHelper.clientId();
final String response = NewPipe.getDownloader().get(widgetUrl,
final JsonObject o = JsonParser.object().from(response);
return String.valueOf(JsonUtils.getValue(o, "id"));
} catch (final JsonParserException e) {
throw new ParsingException("Could not parse JSON response", e);
} catch (final ExtractionException e) {
throw new ParsingException(
"Could not resolve id with embedded player. ClientId not extracted", e);
* Fetch the users from the given API and commit each of them to the collector.
* <p>
* This differ from {@link #getUsersFromApi(ChannelInfoItemsCollector, String)} in the sense
* that they will always get MIN_ITEMS or more.
* @param minItems the method will return only when it have extracted that many items
* (equal or more)
public static String getUsersFromApiMinItems(final int minItems,
final ChannelInfoItemsCollector collector,
final String apiUrl) throws IOException,
ReCaptchaException, ParsingException {
String nextPageUrl = SoundcloudParsingHelper.getUsersFromApi(collector, apiUrl);
while (!nextPageUrl.isEmpty() && collector.getItems().size() < minItems) {
nextPageUrl = SoundcloudParsingHelper.getUsersFromApi(collector, nextPageUrl);
return nextPageUrl;
* Fetch the user items from the given API and commit each of them to the collector.
* @return the next streams url, empty if don't have
public static String getUsersFromApi(final ChannelInfoItemsCollector collector,
final String apiUrl) throws IOException,
ReCaptchaException, ParsingException {
final String response = NewPipe.getDownloader().get(apiUrl, SoundCloud.getLocalization())
final JsonObject responseObject;
try {
responseObject = JsonParser.object().from(response);
} catch (final JsonParserException e) {
throw new ParsingException("Could not parse json response", e);
final JsonArray responseCollection = responseObject.getArray("collection");
for (final Object o : responseCollection) {
if (o instanceof JsonObject) {
final JsonObject object = (JsonObject) o;
collector.commit(new SoundcloudChannelInfoItemExtractor(object));
return getNextPageUrl(responseObject);
* Fetch the streams from the given API and commit each of them to the collector.
* <p>
* This differ from {@link #getStreamsFromApi(StreamInfoItemsCollector, String)} in the sense
* that they will always get MIN_ITEMS or more items.
* @param minItems the method will return only when it have extracted that many items
* (equal or more)
public static String getStreamsFromApiMinItems(final int minItems,
final StreamInfoItemsCollector collector,
final String apiUrl) throws IOException,
ReCaptchaException, ParsingException {
String nextPageUrl = SoundcloudParsingHelper.getStreamsFromApi(collector, apiUrl);
while (!nextPageUrl.isEmpty() && collector.getItems().size() < minItems) {
nextPageUrl = SoundcloudParsingHelper.getStreamsFromApi(collector, nextPageUrl);
return nextPageUrl;
* Fetch the streams from the given API and commit each of them to the collector.
* @return the next streams url, empty if don't have
public static String getStreamsFromApi(final StreamInfoItemsCollector collector,
final String apiUrl,
final boolean charts) throws IOException,
ReCaptchaException, ParsingException {
final Response response = NewPipe.getDownloader().get(apiUrl, SoundCloud
if (response.responseCode() >= 400) {
throw new IOException("Could not get streams from API, HTTP " + response
final JsonObject responseObject;
try {
responseObject = JsonParser.object().from(response.responseBody());
} catch (final JsonParserException e) {
throw new ParsingException("Could not parse json response", e);
final JsonArray responseCollection = responseObject.getArray("collection");
for (final Object o : responseCollection) {
if (o instanceof JsonObject) {
final JsonObject object = (JsonObject) o;
collector.commit(new SoundcloudStreamInfoItemExtractor(charts
? object.getObject("track") : object));
return getNextPageUrl(responseObject);
private static String getNextPageUrl(@Nonnull final JsonObject response) {
try {
String nextPageUrl = response.getString("next_href");
if (!nextPageUrl.contains("client_id=")) {
nextPageUrl += "&client_id=" + SoundcloudParsingHelper.clientId();
return nextPageUrl;
} catch (final Exception ignored) {
return "";
public static String getStreamsFromApi(final StreamInfoItemsCollector collector,
final String apiUrl) throws ReCaptchaException,
ParsingException, IOException {
return getStreamsFromApi(collector, apiUrl, false);
public static String getInfoItemsFromApi(final MultiInfoItemsCollector collector,
final String apiUrl) throws ReCaptchaException,
ParsingException, IOException {
final Response response = NewPipe.getDownloader().get(apiUrl, SoundCloud.getLocalization());
if (response.responseCode() >= 400) {
throw new IOException("Could not get streams from API, HTTP "
+ response.responseCode());
final JsonObject responseObject;
try {
responseObject = JsonParser.object().from(response.responseBody());
} catch (final JsonParserException e) {
throw new ParsingException("Could not parse json response", e);
.forEach(searchResult -> {
final String kind = searchResult.getString("kind", "");
switch (kind) {
case "user":
collector.commit(new SoundcloudChannelInfoItemExtractor(searchResult));
case "track":
collector.commit(new SoundcloudStreamInfoItemExtractor(searchResult));
case "playlist":
collector.commit(new SoundcloudPlaylistInfoItemExtractor(searchResult));
String nextPageUrl;
try {
nextPageUrl = responseObject.getString("next_href");
if (!nextPageUrl.contains("client_id=")) {
nextPageUrl += "&client_id=" + SoundcloudParsingHelper.clientId();
} catch (final Exception ignored) {
nextPageUrl = "";
return nextPageUrl;
public static String getUploaderUrl(final JsonObject object) {
final String url = object.getObject("user").getString("permalink_url", "");
return replaceHttpWithHttps(url);
public static String getAvatarUrl(final JsonObject object) {
final String url = object.getObject("user").getString("avatar_url", "");
return replaceHttpWithHttps(url);
public static String getUploaderName(final JsonObject object) {
return object.getObject("user").getString("username", "");
public static List<Image> getAllImagesFromTrackObject(@Nonnull final JsonObject trackObject)
throws ParsingException {
final String artworkUrl = trackObject.getString("artwork_url");
if (artworkUrl != null) {
return getAllImagesFromArtworkOrAvatarUrl(artworkUrl);
final String avatarUrl = trackObject.getObject("user").getString("avatar_url");
if (avatarUrl != null) {
return getAllImagesFromArtworkOrAvatarUrl(avatarUrl);
throw new ParsingException("Could not get track or track user's thumbnails");
public static List<Image> getAllImagesFromArtworkOrAvatarUrl(
@Nullable final String originalArtworkOrAvatarUrl) {
if (isNullOrEmpty(originalArtworkOrAvatarUrl)) {
return List.of();
return getAllImagesFromImageUrlReturned(
// Artwork and avatars are originally returned with the "large" resolution, which
// is 100x100
originalArtworkOrAvatarUrl.replace("large.jpg", ""),
public static List<Image> getAllImagesFromVisualUrl(
@Nullable final String originalVisualUrl) {
if (isNullOrEmpty(originalVisualUrl)) {
return List.of();
return getAllImagesFromImageUrlReturned(
// Images are originally returned with the "original" resolution, which may be
// huge so don't include it for size purposes
originalVisualUrl.replace("original.jpg", ""),
private static List<Image> getAllImagesFromImageUrlReturned(
@Nonnull final String baseImageUrl,
@Nonnull final List<ImageSuffix> imageSuffixes) {
.map(imageSuffix -> new Image(baseImageUrl + imageSuffix.getSuffix(),
imageSuffix.getHeight(), imageSuffix.getWidth(),