Address review comments.

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Valentine 2022-11-04 17:25:08 -06:00
parent cc69f947fb
commit e22404bf03
1 changed files with 28 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -11,18 +11,37 @@ use crate::server::RequestExt;
const REDDIT_URL_BASE: &str = "";
/// Gets the canonical path for a resource on Reddit. On success, a
/// `Some(Option<String>)` will be returned. If Reddit responds with
/// anything other than an HTTP 3xx, a `None` will be returned. Any
/// other error results in an `Err(String)`.
/// Gets the canonical path for a resource on Reddit. This is accomplished by
/// making a `HEAD` request to Reddit at the path given in `path`.
/// This function returns `Ok(Some(path))`, where `path`'s value is identical
/// to that of the value of the argument `path`, if Reddit responds to our
/// `HEAD` request with a 2xx-family HTTP code. It will also return an
/// `Ok(Some(String))` if Reddit responds to our `HEAD` request with a
/// `Location` header in the response, and the HTTP code is in the 3xx-family;
/// the `String` will contain the path as reported in `Location`. The return
/// value is `Ok(None)` if Reddit responded with a 3xx, but did not provide a
/// `Location` header. An `Err(String)` is returned if Reddit responds with a
/// 429, or if we were unable to decode the value in the `Location` header.
#[cached(size = 1024, time = 600, result = true)]
pub async fn canonical_path(path: String) -> Result<Option<String>, String> {
let res = reddit_head(path, true).await?;
let res = reddit_head(path.clone(), true).await?;
if res.status() == 429 {
return Err("Too many requests.".to_string());
// If Reddit responds with a 2xx, then the path is already canonical.
if res.status().to_string().starts_with('2') {
return Ok(Some(path));
// If Reddit responds with anything other than 3xx (except for the 2xx as
// above), return a None.
if !res.status().to_string().starts_with('3') {
return Ok(None);
match res.headers().get(header::LOCATION) {
None => Ok(None),
Some(hdr) => match hdr.to_str() {
@ -111,8 +130,8 @@ fn request(method: &'static Method, path: String, redirect: bool, quarantine: bo
// Construct the hyper client from the HTTPS connector.
let client: client::Client<_, hyper::Body> = client::Client::builder().build(https);
// Build request to Reddit. When making a GET, request gzip compression
// (Reddit doesn't do brotli yet)
// Build request to Reddit. When making a GET, request gzip compression.
// (Reddit doesn't do brotli yet.)
let builder = Request::builder()
@ -187,9 +206,8 @@ fn request(method: &'static Method, path: String, redirect: bool, quarantine: bo
decompressed = Vec::<u8>::new();
match io::copy(&mut decoder, &mut decompressed) {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(e) => return Err(e.to_string()),
if let Err(e) = io::copy(&mut decoder, &mut decompressed) {
return Err(e.to_string());