use async_std::{io, net::TcpStream, prelude::*}; use async_tls::TlsConnector; use tide::{http::url::Url, Request, Response}; /// Handle tide routes to proxy by parsing `params` from `req`uest. pub async fn handler(req: Request<()>, format: &str, params: Vec<&str>) -> tide::Result { let mut url = format.to_string(); for name in params { let param = req.param(name).unwrap_or_default(); url = url.replacen("{}", param, 1); } request(url).await } /// Sends a request to a Reddit media domain and proxy the response. /// /// Relays the `Content-Length` and `Content-Type` header. async fn request(url: String) -> tide::Result { // Parse url into parts let parts = Url::parse(&url).unwrap(); let host =; let domain = parts.domain().unwrap_or_default(); let path = format!("{}?{}", parts.path(), parts.query().unwrap_or_default()); // Build reddit-compliant user agent for Libreddit let user_agent = format!("web:libreddit:{}", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")); // Construct a request body let req = format!( "GET {} HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: {}\r\nAccept: */*\r\nConnection: close\r\nUser-Agent: {}\r\n\r\n", path, host, user_agent ); // Initialize TLS connector for requests let connector = TlsConnector::default(); // Open a TCP connection let tcp_stream = TcpStream::connect(format!("{}:443", domain)).await.unwrap(); // Use the connector to start the handshake process let mut tls_stream = connector.connect(domain, tcp_stream).await.unwrap(); // Write the aforementioned HTTP request to the stream tls_stream.write_all(req.as_bytes()).await.unwrap(); // And read the response let mut writer = Vec::new(); io::copy(&mut tls_stream, &mut writer).await.unwrap(); // Find the delimiter which separates the body and headers match (0..writer.len()).find(|i| writer[i.to_owned()] == 10_u8 && writer[i - 2] == 10_u8) { Some(delim) => { // Split the response into the body and headers let split = writer.split_at(delim); let headers_str = String::from_utf8_lossy(split.0); let headers = headers_str.split("\r\n").collect::>(); let body = split.1[1..split.1.len()].to_vec(); // Parse the status code from the first header line let status: u16 = headers[0].split(' ').collect::>()[1].parse().unwrap_or_default(); // Define a closure for easier header fetching let header = |name: &str| { headers .iter() .find(|x| x.starts_with(name)) .map(|f| f.split(": ").collect::>()[1]) .unwrap_or_default() }; // Parse Content-Length and Content-Type from headers let content_length = header("Content-Length"); let content_type = header("Content-Type"); // Build response Ok( Response::builder(status) .body(tide::http::Body::from_bytes(body)) .header("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=1209600, s-maxage=86400") .header("Content-Length", content_length) .header("Content-Type", content_type) .build(), ) } None => Ok(Response::builder(503).body("Couldn't parse media".to_string()).build()), } }