{% extends "base.html" %} {% import "utils.html" as utils %} {% block title %}{{ post.title }} - r/{{ post.community }}{% endblock %} {% block search %} {% call utils::search(["/r/", post.community.as_str()].concat(), "") %} {% endblock %} {% block root %}/r/{{ post.community }}{% endblock %}{% block location %}r/{{ post.community }}{% endblock %} {% block head %} {% call super() %} {% endblock %} {% block subscriptions %} {% call utils::sub_list(post.community.as_str()) %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}
{% call utils::post(post) %} {% if post.num_duplicates == 0 %} (No duplicates found) {% else if post.flags.nsfw && prefs.show_nsfw != "on" %} (Enable "Show NSFW posts" in settings to show duplicates) {% else %}


{% if num_posts_filtered > 0 %} {% if all_posts_filtered %} (All posts have been filtered) {% else %} (Some posts have been filtered) {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% for post in duplicates -%} {# TODO: utils::post should be reworked to permit a truncated display of a post as below #} {% if !(post.flags.nsfw) || prefs.show_nsfw == "on" %}

{% let community -%} {% if post.community.starts_with("u_") -%} {% let community = format!("u/{}", &post.community[2..]) -%} {% else -%} {% let community = format!("r/{}", post.community) -%} {% endif -%} {{ post.community }} {{ post.rel_time }} {% if !post.awards.is_empty() && prefs.hide_awards != "on" %} {% for award in post.awards.clone() %} {{ award.name }} {% endfor %} {% endif %}

{% if post.flair.flair_parts.len() > 0 %} {% call utils::render_flair(post.flair.flair_parts) %} {% endif %} {{ post.title }}{% if post.flags.nsfw %} NSFW{% endif %}

{% if prefs.hide_score != "on" %}
{{ post.score.0 }} Upvotes
{% endif %}
{% endif %} {%- endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}