
74 lines
2.1 KiB

use crate::utils::{fetch_posts, format_url, nested_val, request, ErrorTemplate, Params, Post, User};
use actix_web::{http::StatusCode, web, HttpResponse, Result};
use askama::Template;
#[template(path = "user.html", escape = "none")]
struct UserTemplate {
user: User,
posts: Vec<Post>,
sort: String,
async fn render(username: String, sort: String) -> Result<HttpResponse> {
// Build the Reddit JSON API url
let url: String = format!("user/{}/.json?sort={}", username, sort);
let user = user(&username).await;
let posts = fetch_posts(url, "Comment".to_string()).await;
if user.is_err() || posts.is_err() {
let s = ErrorTemplate {
message: user.err().unwrap().to_string(),
} else {
let s = UserTemplate {
user: user.unwrap(),
posts: posts.unwrap().0,
sort: sort,
pub async fn page(web::Path(username): web::Path<String>, params: web::Query<Params>) -> Result<HttpResponse> {
match &params.sort {
Some(sort) => render(username, sort.to_string()).await,
None => render(username, "hot".to_string()).await,
async fn user(name: &String) -> Result<User, &'static str> {
// Build the Reddit JSON API url
let url: String = format!("user/{}/about.json", name);
// Send a request to the url, receive JSON in response
let req = request(url).await;
// If the Reddit API returns an error, exit this function
if req.is_err() {
return Err(req.err().unwrap());
// Otherwise, grab the JSON output from the request
let res = req.unwrap();
// Parse the JSON output into a User struct
Ok(User {
name: name.to_string(),
icon: format_url(nested_val(&res, "subreddit", "icon_img").await.as_str()).await,
karma: res["data"]["total_karma"].as_i64().unwrap(),
banner: nested_val(&res, "subreddit", "banner_img").await,
description: nested_val(&res, "subreddit", "public_description").await,