
182 lines
5.8 KiB

use crate::utils::{format_num, format_url, request, val, Comment, ErrorTemplate, Flair, Params, Post};
use actix_web::{http::StatusCode, web, HttpResponse, Result};
use async_recursion::async_recursion;
use askama::Template;
use chrono::{TimeZone, Utc};
#[template(path = "post.html", escape = "none")]
struct PostTemplate {
comments: Vec<Comment>,
post: Post,
sort: String,
async fn render(id: String, sort: Option<String>, comment_id: Option<String>) -> Result<HttpResponse> {
// Log the post ID being fetched in debug mode
// Handling sort paramater
let sorting: String = sort.unwrap_or("confidence".to_string());
// Build the Reddit JSON API url
let url: String = match comment_id {
None => format!("{}.json?sort={}&raw_json=1", id, sorting),
Some(val) => format!("{}.json?sort={}&comment={}&raw_json=1", id, sorting, val),
// Send a request to the url, receive JSON in response
let req = request(url).await;
// If the Reddit API returns an error, exit and send error page to user
if req.is_err() {
let s = ErrorTemplate {
message: req.err().unwrap().to_string(),
return Ok(HttpResponse::Ok().status(StatusCode::NOT_FOUND).content_type("text/html").body(s));
// Otherwise, grab the JSON output from the request
let res = req.unwrap();
// Parse the JSON into Post and Comment structs
let post = parse_post(res[0].clone()).await;
let comments = parse_comments(res[1].clone()).await;
// Use the Post and Comment structs to generate a website to show users
let s = PostTemplate {
comments: comments.unwrap(),
post: post.unwrap(),
sort: sorting,
pub async fn short(web::Path(id): web::Path<String>, params: web::Query<Params>) -> Result<HttpResponse> {
render(id, params.sort.clone(), None).await
pub async fn comment(web::Path((_sub, id, _title, comment_id)): web::Path<(String, String, String, String)>, params: web::Query<Params>) -> Result<HttpResponse> {
render(id, params.sort.clone(), Some(comment_id)).await
pub async fn page(web::Path((_sub, id)): web::Path<(String, String)>, params: web::Query<Params>) -> Result<HttpResponse> {
render(id, params.sort.clone(), None).await
async fn media(data: &serde_json::Value) -> (String, String) {
let post_type: &str;
let url = if !data["preview"]["reddit_video_preview"]["fallback_url"].is_null() {
post_type = "video";
} else if !data["secure_media"]["reddit_video"]["fallback_url"].is_null() {
post_type = "video";
} else if data["post_hint"].as_str().unwrap_or("") == "image" {
post_type = "image";
} else {
post_type = "link";
(post_type.to_string(), url)
async fn parse_post(json: serde_json::Value) -> Result<Post, &'static str> {
// Retrieve post (as opposed to comments) from JSON
let post_data: &serde_json::Value = &json["data"]["children"][0];
// Grab UTC time as unix timestamp
let unix_time: i64 = post_data["data"]["created_utc"].as_f64().unwrap().round() as i64;
// Parse post score
let score = post_data["data"]["score"].as_i64().unwrap();
// Determine the type of media along with the media URL
let media = media(&post_data["data"]).await;
// Build a post using data parsed from Reddit post API
let post = Post {
title: val(post_data, "title").await,
community: val(post_data, "subreddit").await,
body: val(post_data,"selftext_html").await,
author: val(post_data, "author").await,
author_flair: Flair(
val(post_data, "author_flair_text").await,
val(post_data, "author_flair_background_color").await,
val(post_data, "author_flair_text_color").await,
url: val(post_data, "permalink").await,
score: format_num(score),
post_type: media.0,
flair: Flair(
val(post_data, "link_flair_text").await,
val(post_data, "link_flair_background_color").await,
if val(post_data, "link_flair_text_color").await == "dark" {
} else {
nsfw: post_data["data"]["over_18"].as_bool().unwrap_or(false),
media: media.1,
time: Utc.timestamp(unix_time, 0).format("%b %e %Y %H:%M UTC").to_string(),
async fn parse_comments(json: serde_json::Value) -> Result<Vec<Comment>, &'static str> {
// Separate the comment JSON into a Vector of comments
let comment_data = json["data"]["children"].as_array().unwrap();
let mut comments: Vec<Comment> = Vec::new();
// For each comment, retrieve the values to build a Comment object
for comment in comment_data {
let unix_time: i64 = comment["data"]["created_utc"].as_f64().unwrap_or(0.0).round() as i64;
if unix_time == 0 {
let score = comment["data"]["score"].as_i64().unwrap_or(0);
let body = val(comment, "body_html").await;
let replies: Vec<Comment> = if comment["data"]["replies"].is_object() {
} else {
comments.push(Comment {
id: val(comment, "id").await,
body: body,
author: val(comment, "author").await,
score: format_num(score),
time: Utc.timestamp(unix_time, 0).format("%b %e %Y %H:%M UTC").to_string(),
replies: replies,
flair: Flair(
val(comment, "author_flair_text").await,
val(comment, "author_flair_background_color").await,
val(comment, "author_flair_text_color").await,