fix(nitter): add graphql user search

This commit is contained in:
Lucien 2023-10-19 22:43:44 +02:00
parent d7ca353a55
commit 2509aee94f
16 changed files with 301 additions and 448 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -11,3 +11,5 @@ nitter

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ requires ""
requires "zippy#ca5989a"
requires "flatty#e668085"
requires "jsony#ea811be"
requires "oauth#b8c163b"
# Tasks

View File

@ -33,23 +33,6 @@ proc getGraphUserTweets*(id: string; kind: TimelineKind; after=""): Future[Profi
js = await fetch(url ? params, apiId)
result = parseGraphTimeline(js, "user", after)
# proc getTimeline*(id: string; after=""; replies=false): Future[Profile] {.async.} =
# if id.len == 0: return
# let
# ps = genParams({"userId": id, "include_tweet_replies": $replies}, after)
# url = oldUserTweets / (id & ".json") ? ps
# result = parseTimeline(await fetch(url, Api.timeline), after)
proc getUserTimeline*(id: string; after=""): Future[Profile] {.async.} =
var ps = genParams({"id": id})
if after.len > 0:
ps.add ("down_cursor", after)
url = legacyUserTweets ? ps
js = await fetch(url, Api.userTimeline)
result = parseUserTimeline(js, after)
proc getGraphListTweets*(id: string; after=""): Future[Timeline] {.async.} =
if id.len == 0: return
@ -112,10 +95,10 @@ proc getTweet*(id: string; after=""): Future[Conversation] {.async.} =
if after.len > 0:
result.replies = await getReplies(id, after)
proc getGraphSearch*(query: Query; after=""): Future[Profile] {.async.} =
proc getGraphTweetSearch*(query: Query; after=""): Future[Timeline] {.async.} =
let q = genQueryParam(query)
if q.len == 0 or q == emptyQuery:
return Profile(tweets: Timeline(query: query, beginning: true))
return Timeline(query: query, beginning: true)
variables = %*{
@ -129,44 +112,28 @@ proc getGraphSearch*(query: Query; after=""): Future[Profile] {.async.} =
if after.len > 0:
variables["cursor"] = % after
let url = graphSearchTimeline ? {"variables": $variables, "features": gqlFeatures}
result = Profile(tweets: parseGraphSearch(await fetch(url,, after))
result.tweets.query = query
proc getTweetSearch*(query: Query; after=""): Future[Timeline] {.async.} =
var q = genQueryParam(query)
if q.len == 0 or q == emptyQuery:
return Timeline(query: query, beginning: true)
if after.len > 0:
q &= " max_id:" & after
let url = tweetSearch ? genParams({
"q": q ,
"modules": "status",
"result_type": "recent",
result = parseTweetSearch(await fetch(url,, after)
result = parseGraphSearch[Tweets](await fetch(url,, after)
result.query = query
proc getUserSearch*(query: Query; page="1"): Future[Result[User]] {.async.} =
proc getGraphUserSearch*(query: Query; after=""): Future[Result[User]] {.async.} =
if query.text.len == 0:
return Result[User](query: query, beginning: true)
var url = userSearch ? {
"q": query.text,
"skip_status": "1",
"count": "20",
"page": page
variables = %*{
"rawQuery": query.text,
"count": 20,
"product": "People",
"withDownvotePerspective": false,
"withReactionsMetadata": false,
"withReactionsPerspective": false
if after.len > 0:
variables["cursor"] = % after
result.beginning = false
result = parseUsers(await fetchRaw(url, Api.userSearch))
result.query = query
if page.len == 0:
result.bottom = "2"
elif page.allCharsInSet(Digits):
result.bottom = $(parseInt(page) + 1)
let url = graphSearchTimeline ? {"variables": $variables, "features": gqlFeatures}
result = parseGraphSearch[User](await fetch(url,, after)
proc getPhotoRail*(name: string): Future[PhotoRail] {.async.} =
if name.len == 0: return

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import httpclient, asyncdispatch, options, strutils, uri
import jsony, packedjson, zippy
import httpclient, asyncdispatch, options, strutils, uri, times, math, tables
import jsony, packedjson, zippy, oauth1
import types, tokens, consts, parserutils, http_pool
import experimental/types/common
@ -29,12 +29,30 @@ proc genParams*(pars: openArray[(string, string)] = @[]; cursor="";
result &= ("cursor", cursor)
proc genHeaders*(token: Token = nil): HttpHeaders =
proc getOauthHeader(url, oauthToken, oauthTokenSecret: string): string =
encodedUrl = url.replace(",", "%2C").replace("+", "%20")
params = OAuth1Parameters(
consumerKey: consumerKey,
signatureMethod: "HMAC-SHA1",
timestamp: $int(round(epochTime())),
nonce: "0",
isIncludeVersionToHeader: true,
token: oauthToken
signature = getSignature(HttpGet, encodedUrl, "", params, consumerSecret, oauthTokenSecret)
params.signature = percentEncode(signature)
return getOauth1RequestHeader(params)["authorization"]
proc genHeaders*(url, oauthToken, oauthTokenSecret: string): HttpHeaders =
let header = getOauthHeader(url, oauthToken, oauthTokenSecret)
result = newHttpHeaders({
"connection": "keep-alive",
"authorization": auth,
"authorization": header,
"content-type": "application/json",
"x-guest-token": if token == nil: "" else: token.tok,
"x-twitter-active-user": "yes",
"authority": "",
"accept-encoding": "gzip",
@ -43,24 +61,18 @@ proc genHeaders*(token: Token = nil): HttpHeaders =
"DNT": "1"
template updateToken() =
if resp.headers.hasKey(rlRemaining):
remaining = parseInt(resp.headers[rlRemaining])
reset = parseInt(resp.headers[rlReset])
token.setRateLimit(api, remaining, reset)
template fetchImpl(result, fetchBody) {.dirty.} =
pool = HttpPool()
var token = await getToken(api)
if token.tok.len == 0:
var account = await getGuestAccount(api)
if account.oauthToken.len == 0:
echo "[accounts] Empty oauth token, account: ",
raise rateLimitError()
var resp: AsyncResponse
pool.use(genHeaders($url, account.oauthToken, account.oauthSecret)):
template getContent =
resp = await c.get($url)
result = await resp.body
@ -71,30 +83,58 @@ template fetchImpl(result, fetchBody) {.dirty.} =
badClient = true
raise newException(BadClientError, "Bad client")
if resp.headers.hasKey(rlRemaining):
remaining = parseInt(resp.headers[rlRemaining])
reset = parseInt(resp.headers[rlReset])
account.setRateLimit(api, remaining, reset)
if result.len > 0:
if resp.headers.getOrDefault("content-encoding") == "gzip":
result = uncompress(result, dfGzip)
echo "non-gzip body, url: ", url, ", body: ", result
if result.startsWith("{\"errors"):
let errors = result.fromJson(Errors)
if errors in {expiredToken, badToken}:
echo "fetch error: ", errors
raise rateLimitError()
elif errors in {rateLimited}:
# rate limit hit, resets after 24 hours
setLimited(account, api)
raise rateLimitError()
elif result.startsWith("429 Too Many Requests"):
echo "[accounts] 429 error, API: ", api, ", account: ",
account.apis[api].remaining = 0
# rate limit hit, resets after the 15 minute window
raise rateLimitError()
release(token, used=true)
if resp.status == $Http400:
raise newException(InternalError, $url)
except InternalError as e:
raise e
except BadClientError as e:
release(token, used=true)
raise e
except OSError as e:
raise e
except Exception as e:
echo "error: ",, ", msg: ", e.msg, ", token: ", token[], ", url: ", url
if "length" notin e.msg and "descriptor" notin e.msg:
release(token, invalid=true)
let id = if account.isNil: "null" else:
echo "error: ",, ", msg: ", e.msg, ", accountId: ", id, ", url: ", url
raise rateLimitError()
template retry(bod) =
except RateLimitError:
echo "[accounts] Rate limited, retrying ", api, " request..."
proc fetch*(url: Uri; api: Api): Future[JsonNode] {.async.} =
var body: string
fetchImpl body:
if body.startsWith('{') or body.startsWith('['):
@ -103,25 +143,15 @@ proc fetch*(url: Uri; api: Api): Future[JsonNode] {.async.} =
echo resp.status, ": ", body, " --- url: ", url
result = newJNull()
let error = result.getError
if error in {invalidToken, badToken}:
echo "fetch error: ", result.getError
release(token, invalid=true)
if error in {expiredToken, badToken}:
echo "fetchBody error: ", error
raise rateLimitError()
proc fetchRaw*(url: Uri; api: Api): Future[string] {.async.} =
fetchImpl result:
if not (result.startsWith('{') or result.startsWith('[')):
echo resp.status, ": ", result, " --- url: ", url
if result.startsWith("{\"errors"):
let errors = result.fromJson(Errors)
if errors in {invalidToken, badToken}:
echo "fetch error: ", errors
release(token, invalid=true)
raise rateLimitError()

View File

@ -2,17 +2,13 @@
import uri, sequtils, strutils
consumerKey* = "3nVuSoBZnx6U4vzUxf5w"
consumerSecret* = "Bcs59EFbbsdF6Sl9Ng71smgStWEGwXXKSjYvPVt7qys"
api = parseUri("")
activate* = $(api / "1.1/guest/activate.json")
legacyUserTweets* = api / "1.1/timeline/user.json"
photoRail* = api / "1.1/statuses/media_timeline.json"
userSearch* = api / "1.1/users/search.json"
tweetSearch* = api / "1.1/search/universal.json"
# oldUserTweets* = api / "2/timeline/profile"
graphql = api / "graphql"
graphUser* = graphql / "u7wQyGi6oExe8_TRWGMq4Q/UserResultByScreenNameQuery"
@ -20,7 +16,7 @@ const
graphUserTweets* = graphql / "3JNH4e9dq1BifLxAa3UMWg/UserWithProfileTweetsQueryV2"
graphUserTweetsAndReplies* = graphql / "8IS8MaO-2EN6GZZZb8jF0g/UserWithProfileTweetsAndRepliesQueryV2"
graphUserMedia* = graphql / "PDfFf8hGeJvUCiTyWtw4wQ/MediaTimelineV2"
graphTweet* = graphql / "83h5UyHZ9wEKBVzALX8R_g/ConversationTimelineV2"
graphTweet* = graphql / "q94uRCEn65LZThakYcPT6g/TweetDetail"
graphTweetResult* = graphql / "sITyJdhRPpvpEjg4waUmTA/TweetResultByIdQuery"
graphSearchTimeline* = graphql / "gkjsKepM6gl_HmFWoWKfgg/SearchTimeline"
graphListById* = graphql / "iTpgCtbdxrsJfyx0cFjHqg/ListByRestId"
@ -38,6 +34,7 @@ const
"include_user_entities": "1",
"include_ext_reply_count": "1",
"include_ext_is_blue_verified": "1",
"include_ext_verified_type": "1",
"include_ext_media_color": "0",
"cards_platform": "Web-13",
"tweet_mode": "extended",
@ -91,8 +88,12 @@ const
tweetVariables* = """{
"focalTweetId": "$1",
"includeHasBirdwatchNotes": false
"includeHasBirdwatchNotes": false,
"includePromotedContent": false,
"withBirdwatchNotes": false,
"withVoice": false,
"withV2Timeline": true
}""".replace(" ", "").replace("\n", "")
# oldUserTweetsVariables* = """{
# "userId": "$1", $2

View File

@ -39,11 +39,8 @@ template use*(pool: HttpPool; heads: HttpHeaders; body: untyped): untyped =
except ProtocolError:
# Twitter closed the connection, retry
except BadClientError:
# Twitter returned 503, we need a new client
except BadClientError, ProtocolError:
# Twitter returned 503 or closed the connection, we need a new client
pool.release(c, true)
badClient = false
c = pool.acquire(heads)

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import asyncdispatch, strformat, logging
from net import Port
from htmlgen import a
from os import getEnv
from json import parseJson
import jester
@ -15,8 +16,14 @@ import routes/[
const instancesUrl = ""
const issuesUrl = ""
let configPath = getEnv("NITTER_CONF_FILE", "./nitter.conf")
let (cfg, fullCfg) = getConfig(configPath)
configPath = getEnv("NITTER_CONF_FILE", "./nitter.conf")
(cfg*, fullCfg) = getConfig(configPath)
accountsPath = getEnv("NITTER_ACCOUNTS_FILE", "./guest_accounts.json")
accounts = parseJson(readFile(accountsPath))
initAccountPool(cfg, parseJson(readFile(accountsPath)))
if not cfg.enableDebug:
# Silence Jester's query warning
@ -38,8 +45,6 @@ waitFor initRedisPool(cfg)
stdout.write &"Connected to Redis at {cfg.redisHost}:{cfg.redisPort}\n"
asyncCheck initTokenPool(cfg)

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import packedjson, packedjson/deserialiser
import types, parserutils, utils
import experimental/parser/unifiedcard
proc parseGraphTweet(js: JsonNode): Tweet
proc parseGraphTweet(js: JsonNode; isLegacy=false): Tweet
proc parseUser(js: JsonNode; id=""): User =
if js.isNull: return
@ -29,7 +29,9 @@ proc parseUser(js: JsonNode; id=""): User =
proc parseGraphUser(js: JsonNode): User =
let user = ? js{"user_result", "result"}
var user = js{"user_result", "result"}
if user.isNull:
user = ? js{"user_results", "result"}
result = parseUser(user{"legacy"})
if "is_blue_verified" in user:
@ -287,169 +289,6 @@ proc parseTweet(js: JsonNode; jsCard: JsonNode = newJNull()): Tweet =
result.text.removeSuffix(" Learn more.")
result.available = false
proc parseLegacyTweet(js: JsonNode): Tweet =
result = parseTweet(js, js{"card"})
if not result.isNil and result.available:
result.user = parseUser(js{"user"})
if result.quote.isSome:
result.quote = some parseLegacyTweet(js{"quoted_status"})
proc parseTweetSearch*(js: JsonNode; after=""): Timeline =
result.beginning = after.len == 0
if js.kind == JNull or "modules" notin js or js{"modules"}.len == 0:
for item in js{"modules"}:
with tweet, item{"status", "data"}:
let parsed = parseLegacyTweet(tweet)
if parsed.retweet.isSome:
parsed.retweet = some parseLegacyTweet(tweet{"retweeted_status"})
result.content.add @[parsed]
if result.content.len > 0:
result.bottom = $(result.content[^1][0].id - 1)
proc parseUserTimelineTweet(tweet: JsonNode; users: TableRef[string, User]): Tweet =
result = parseTweet(tweet, tweet{"card"})
if result.isNil or not result.available:
with user, tweet{"user"}:
let userId = user{"id_str"}.getStr
if user{"ext_is_blue_verified"}.getBool(false):
users[userId].verified = users[userId].verified or true
result.user = users[userId]
proc parseUserTimeline*(js: JsonNode; after=""): Profile =
result = Profile(tweets: Timeline(beginning: after.len == 0))
if js.kind == JNull or "response" notin js or "twitter_objects" notin js:
var users = newTable[string, User]()
for userId, user in js{"twitter_objects", "users"}:
users[userId] = parseUser(user)
for entity in js{"response", "timeline"}:
tweetId = entity{"tweet", "id"}.getId
isPinned = entity{"tweet", "is_pinned"}.getBool(false)
with tweet, js{"twitter_objects", "tweets", $tweetId}:
var parsed = parseUserTimelineTweet(tweet, users)
if not parsed.isNil and parsed.available:
if parsed.quote.isSome:
parsed.quote = some parseUserTimelineTweet(tweet{"quoted_status"}, users)
if parsed.retweet.isSome:
let retweet = parseUserTimelineTweet(tweet{"retweeted_status"}, users)
if retweet.quote.isSome:
retweet.quote = some parseUserTimelineTweet(tweet{"retweeted_status", "quoted_status"}, users)
parsed.retweet = some retweet
if isPinned:
parsed.pinned = true
result.pinned = some parsed
result.tweets.content.add parsed
result.tweets.bottom = js{"response", "cursor", "bottom"}.getStr
# proc finalizeTweet(global: GlobalObjects; id: string): Tweet =
# let intId = if id.len > 0: parseBiggestInt(id) else: 0
# result = global.tweets.getOrDefault(id, Tweet(id: intId))
# if result.quote.isSome:
# let quote = get(result.quote).id
# if $quote in global.tweets:
# result.quote = some global.tweets[$quote]
# else:
# result.quote = some Tweet()
# if result.retweet.isSome:
# let rt = get(result.retweet).id
# if $rt in global.tweets:
# result.retweet = some finalizeTweet(global, $rt)
# else:
# result.retweet = some Tweet()
# proc parsePin(js: JsonNode; global: GlobalObjects): Tweet =
# let pin = js{"pinEntry", "entry", "entryId"}.getStr
# if pin.len == 0: return
# let id = pin.getId
# if id notin global.tweets: return
# global.tweets[id].pinned = true
# return finalizeTweet(global, id)
# proc parseGlobalObjects(js: JsonNode): GlobalObjects =
# result = GlobalObjects()
# let
# tweets = ? js{"globalObjects", "tweets"}
# users = ? js{"globalObjects", "users"}
# for k, v in users:
# result.users[k] = parseUser(v, k)
# for k, v in tweets:
# var tweet = parseTweet(v, v{"card"})
# if in result.users:
# tweet.user = result.users[]
# result.tweets[k] = tweet
# proc parseInstructions(res: var Profile; global: GlobalObjects; js: JsonNode) =
# if js.kind != JArray or js.len == 0:
# return
# for i in js:
# if res.tweets.beginning and i{"pinEntry"}.notNull:
# with pin, parsePin(i, global):
# res.pinned = some pin
# with r, i{"replaceEntry", "entry"}:
# if "top" in r{"entryId"}.getStr:
# = r.getCursor
# elif "bottom" in r{"entryId"}.getStr:
# res.tweets.bottom = r.getCursor
# proc parseTimeline*(js: JsonNode; after=""): Profile =
# result = Profile(tweets: Timeline(beginning: after.len == 0))
# let global = parseGlobalObjects(? js)
# let instructions = ? js{"timeline", "instructions"}
# if instructions.len == 0: return
# result.parseInstructions(global, instructions)
# var entries: JsonNode
# for i in instructions:
# if "addEntries" in i:
# entries = i{"addEntries", "entries"}
# for e in ? entries:
# let entry = e{"entryId"}.getStr
# if "tweet" in entry or entry.startsWith("sq-I-t") or "tombstone" in entry:
# let tweet = finalizeTweet(global, e.getEntryId)
# if not tweet.available: continue
# result.tweets.content.add tweet
# elif "cursor-top" in entry:
# = e.getCursor
# elif "cursor-bottom" in entry:
# result.tweets.bottom = e.getCursor
# elif entry.startsWith("sq-cursor"):
# with cursor, e{"content", "operation", "cursor"}:
# if cursor{"cursorType"}.getStr == "Bottom":
# result.tweets.bottom = cursor{"value"}.getStr
# else:
# = cursor{"value"}.getStr
proc parsePhotoRail*(js: JsonNode): PhotoRail =
with error, js{"error"}:
if error.getStr == "Not authorized.":
@ -467,7 +306,7 @@ proc parsePhotoRail*(js: JsonNode): PhotoRail =
if url.len == 0: continue
result.add GalleryPhoto(url: url, tweetId: $
proc parseGraphTweet(js: JsonNode): Tweet =
proc parseGraphTweet(js: JsonNode; isLegacy=false): Tweet =
if js.kind == JNull:
return Tweet()
@ -483,9 +322,12 @@ proc parseGraphTweet(js: JsonNode): Tweet =
of "TweetPreviewDisplay":
return Tweet(text: "You're unable to view this Tweet because it's only available to the Subscribers of the account owner.")
of "TweetWithVisibilityResults":
return parseGraphTweet(js{"tweet"})
return parseGraphTweet(js{"tweet"}, isLegacy)
var jsCard = copy(js{"tweet_card", "legacy"})
if not js.hasKey("legacy"):
return Tweet()
var jsCard = copy(js{if isLegacy: "card" else: "tweet_card", "legacy"})
if jsCard.kind != JNull:
var values = newJObject()
for val in jsCard["binding_values"]:
@ -500,10 +342,9 @@ proc parseGraphTweet(js: JsonNode): Tweet =
if result.quote.isSome:
result.quote = some(parseGraphTweet(js{"quoted_status_result", "result"}))
result.quote = some(parseGraphTweet(js{"quoted_status_result", "result"}, isLegacy))
proc parseGraphThread(js: JsonNode): tuple[thread: Chain; self: bool] =
let thread = js{"content", "items"}
for t in js{"content", "items"}:
let entryId = t{"entryId"}.getStr
if "cursor-showmore" in entryId:
@ -511,28 +352,33 @@ proc parseGraphThread(js: JsonNode): tuple[thread: Chain; self: bool] =
result.thread.cursor = cursor.getStr
result.thread.hasMore = true
elif "tweet" in entryId:
let tweet = parseGraphTweet(t{"item", "content", "tweetResult", "result"})
result.thread.content.add tweet
isLegacy = t{"item"}.hasKey("itemContent")
(contentKey, resultKey) = if isLegacy: ("itemContent", "tweet_results")
else: ("content", "tweetResult")
if t{"item", "content", "tweetDisplayType"}.getStr == "SelfThread":
with content, t{"item", contentKey}:
result.thread.content.add parseGraphTweet(content{resultKey, "result"}, isLegacy)
if content{"tweetDisplayType"}.getStr == "SelfThread":
result.self = true
proc parseGraphTweetResult*(js: JsonNode): Tweet =
with tweet, js{"data", "tweet_result", "result"}:
result = parseGraphTweet(tweet)
result = parseGraphTweet(tweet, false)
proc parseGraphConversation*(js: JsonNode; tweetId: string): Conversation =
result = Conversation(replies: Result[Chain](beginning: true))
let instructions = ? js{"data", "timeline_response", "instructions"}
let instructions = ? js{"data", "threaded_conversation_with_injections_v2", "instructions"}
if instructions.len == 0:
for e in instructions[0]{"entries"}:
let entryId = e{"entryId"}.getStr
if entryId.startsWith("tweet"):
with tweetResult, e{"content", "content", "tweetResult", "result"}:
let tweet = parseGraphTweet(tweetResult)
with tweetResult, e{"content", "itemContent", "tweet_results", "result"}:
let tweet = parseGraphTweet(tweetResult, true)
if not tweet.available: = parseBiggestInt(entryId.getId())
@ -546,7 +392,7 @@ proc parseGraphConversation*(js: JsonNode; tweetId: string): Conversation =
let tweet = Tweet(
id: parseBiggestInt(id),
available: false,
text: e{"content", "content", "tombstoneInfo", "richText"}.getTombstone
text: e{"content", "itemContent", "tombstoneInfo", "richText"}.getTombstone
if id == tweetId:
@ -560,7 +406,7 @@ proc parseGraphConversation*(js: JsonNode; tweetId: string): Conversation =
result.replies.content.add thread
elif entryId.startsWith("cursor-bottom"):
result.replies.bottom = e{"content", "content", "value"}.getStr
result.replies.bottom = e{"content", "itemContent", "value"}.getStr
proc parseGraphTimeline*(js: JsonNode; root: string; after=""): Profile =
result = Profile(tweets: Timeline(beginning: after.len == 0))
@ -578,7 +424,7 @@ proc parseGraphTimeline*(js: JsonNode; root: string; after=""): Profile =
let entryId = e{"entryId"}.getStr
if entryId.startsWith("tweet"):
with tweetResult, e{"content", "content", "tweetResult", "result"}:
let tweet = parseGraphTweet(tweetResult)
let tweet = parseGraphTweet(tweetResult, false)
if not tweet.available: = parseBiggestInt(entryId.getId())
result.tweets.content.add tweet
@ -589,7 +435,7 @@ proc parseGraphTimeline*(js: JsonNode; root: string; after=""): Profile =
result.tweets.bottom = e{"content", "value"}.getStr
if after.len == 0 and i{"__typename"}.getStr == "TimelinePinEntry":
with tweetResult, i{"entry", "content", "content", "tweetResult", "result"}:
let tweet = parseGraphTweet(tweetResult)
let tweet = parseGraphTweet(tweetResult, false)
tweet.pinned = true
if not tweet.available and tweet.tombstone.len == 0:
let entryId = i{"entry", "entryId"}.getEntryId
@ -597,8 +443,8 @@ proc parseGraphTimeline*(js: JsonNode; root: string; after=""): Profile = = parseBiggestInt(entryId)
result.pinned = some tweet
proc parseGraphSearch*(js: JsonNode; after=""): Timeline =
result = Timeline(beginning: after.len == 0)
proc parseGraphSearch*[T: User | Tweets](js: JsonNode; after=""): Result[T] =
result = Result[T](beginning: after.len == 0)
let instructions = js{"data", "search_by_raw_query", "search_timeline", "timeline", "instructions"}
if instructions.len == 0:
@ -607,15 +453,21 @@ proc parseGraphSearch*(js: JsonNode; after=""): Timeline =
for instruction in instructions:
let typ = instruction{"type"}.getStr
if typ == "TimelineAddEntries":
for e in instructions[0]{"entries"}:
for e in instruction{"entries"}:
let entryId = e{"entryId"}.getStr
when T is Tweets:
if entryId.startsWith("tweet"):
with tweetResult, e{"content", "itemContent", "tweet_results", "result"}:
let tweet = parseGraphTweet(tweetResult)
with tweetRes, e{"content", "itemContent", "tweet_results", "result"}:
let tweet = parseGraphTweet(tweetRes)
if not tweet.available: = parseBiggestInt(entryId.getId())
result.content.add tweet
elif entryId.startsWith("cursor-bottom"):
elif T is User:
if entryId.startsWith("user"):
with userRes, e{"content", "itemContent"}:
result.content.add parseGraphUser(userRes)
if entryId.startsWith("cursor-bottom"):
result.bottom = e{"content", "value"}.getStr
elif typ == "TimelineReplaceEntry":
if instruction{"entry_id_to_replace"}.getStr.startsWith("cursor-bottom"):

View File

@ -36,7 +36,8 @@ template with*(ident, value, body): untyped =
template with*(ident; value: JsonNode; body): untyped =
if true:
let ident {.inject.} = value
if value.notNull: body
# value.notNull causes a compilation error for versions < 1.6.14
if notNull(value): body
template getCursor*(js: JsonNode): string =
js{"content", "operation", "cursor", "value"}.getStr

View File

@ -147,15 +147,15 @@ proc getCachedUsername*(userId: string): Future[string] {.async.} =
if result.len > 0 and > 0:
await all(cacheUserId(result,, cache(user))
proc getCachedTweet*(id: int64): Future[Tweet] {.async.} =
if id == 0: return
let tweet = await get(id.tweetKey)
if tweet != redisNil:
result = await getGraphTweetResult($id)
if not result.isNil:
await cache(result)
# proc getCachedTweet*(id: int64): Future[Tweet] {.async.} =
# if id == 0: return
# let tweet = await get(id.tweetKey)
# if tweet != redisNil:
# tweet.deserialize(Tweet)
# else:
# result = await getGraphTweetResult($id)
# if not result.isNil:
# await cache(result)
proc getCachedPhotoRail*(name: string): Future[PhotoRail] {.async.} =
if name.len == 0: return

View File

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ proc proxyMedia*(req: jester.Request; url: string): Future[HttpCode] {.async.} =
let res = await client.get(url)
if res.status != "200 OK":
echo "[media] Proxying failed, status: $1, url: $2" % [res.status, url]
return Http404
let hashed = $hash(url)
@ -65,6 +66,7 @@ proc proxyMedia*(req: jester.Request; url: string): Future[HttpCode] {.async.} =
await request.client.send(data)
data.setLen 0
except HttpRequestError, ProtocolError, OSError:
echo "[media] Proxying exception, error: $1, url: $2" % [getCurrentExceptionMsg(), url]
result = Http404

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ proc timelineRss*(req: Request; cfg: Config; query: Query): Future[Rss] {.async.
var q = query
q.fromUser = names
profile.tweets = await getTweetSearch(q, after)
profile.tweets = await getGraphTweetSearch(q, after)
# this is kinda dumb
profile.user = User(
username: name,
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ proc createRssRouter*(cfg: Config) =
if rss.cursor.len > 0:
respRss(rss, "Search")
let tweets = await getTweetSearch(query, cursor)
let tweets = await getGraphTweetSearch(query, cursor)
rss.cursor = tweets.bottom
rss.feed = renderSearchRss(tweets.content, query.text, genQueryUrl(query), cfg)

View File

@ -11,6 +11,12 @@ include "../views/opensearch.nimf"
export search
import jsony, times
export jsony
proc dumpHook*(s: var string, v: DateTime) =
s.add $v.toTime().toUnix()
proc createSearchRouter*(cfg: Config) =
router search:
get "/search/?":
@ -29,13 +35,13 @@ proc createSearchRouter*(cfg: Config) =
redirect("/" & q)
var users: Result[User]
users = await getUserSearch(query, getCursor())
users = await getGraphUserSearch(query, getCursor())
except InternalError:
users = Result[User](beginning: true, query: query)
resp renderMain(renderUserSearch(users, prefs), request, cfg, prefs, title)
of tweets:
tweets = await getTweetSearch(query, getCursor())
tweets = await getGraphTweetSearch(query, getCursor())
rss = "/search/rss?" & genQueryUrl(query)
resp renderMain(renderTweetSearch(tweets, prefs, getPath()),
request, cfg, prefs, title, rss=rss)

View File

@ -12,6 +12,12 @@ export router_utils
export redis_cache, formatters, query, api
export profile, timeline, status
import jsony, times
export jsony
proc dumpHook*(s: var string, v: DateTime) =
s.add $v.toTime().toUnix()
proc getQuery*(request: Request; tab, name: string): Query =
case tab
of "with_replies": getReplyQuery(name)
@ -53,10 +59,10 @@ proc fetchProfile*(after: string; query: Query; skipRail=false;
result =
case query.kind
of posts: await getUserTimeline(userId, after)
of posts: await getGraphUserTweets(userId, TimelineKind.tweets, after)
of replies: await getGraphUserTweets(userId, TimelineKind.replies, after)
of media: await getGraphUserTweets(userId,, after)
else: Profile(tweets: await getTweetSearch(query, after))
else: Profile(tweets: await getGraphTweetSearch(query, after))
result.user = await user
result.photoRail = await rail
@ -67,7 +73,7 @@ proc showTimeline*(request: Request; query: Query; cfg: Config; prefs: Prefs;
rss, after: string): Future[string] {.async.} =
if query.fromUser.len != 1:
timeline = await getTweetSearch(query, after)
timeline = await getGraphTweetSearch(query, after)
html = renderTweetSearch(timeline, prefs, getPath())
return renderMain(html, request, cfg, prefs, "Multi", rss=rss)
@ -122,7 +128,7 @@ proc createTimelineRouter*(cfg: Config) =
# used for the infinite scroll feature
if @"scroll".len > 0:
if query.fromUser.len != 1:
var timeline = await getTweetSearch(query, after)
var timeline = await getGraphTweetSearch(query, after)
if timeline.content.len == 0: resp Http404
timeline.beginning = true
resp $renderTweetSearch(timeline, prefs, getPath())

View File

@ -1,166 +1,151 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import asyncdispatch, httpclient, times, sequtils, json, random
import strutils, tables
import types, consts
#SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import asyncdispatch, times, json, random, strutils, tables, sets
import types
# max requests at a time per account to avoid race conditions
maxConcurrentReqs = 5 # max requests at a time per token, to avoid race conditions
maxLastUse = 1.hours # if a token is unused for 60 minutes, it expires
maxAge = 2.hours + 55.minutes # tokens expire after 3 hours
failDelay = initDuration(minutes=30)
maxConcurrentReqs = 2
dayInSeconds = 24 * 60 * 60
tokenPool: seq[Token]
lastFailed: Time
accountPool: seq[GuestAccount]
enableLogging = false
let headers = newHttpHeaders({"authorization": auth})
template log(str) =
if enableLogging: echo "[tokens] ", str
template log(str: varargs[string, `$`]) =
if enableLogging: echo "[accounts] ", str.join("")
proc getPoolJson*(): JsonNode =
list = newJObject()
totalReqs = 0
totalPending = 0
limited: HashSet[string]
reqsPerApi: Table[string, int]
for token in tokenPool:
list[token.tok] = %*{
let now = epochTime().int
for account in accountPool:
var includeAccount = false
let accountJson = %*{
"apis": newJObject(),
"pending": token.pending,
"init": $token.init,
"lastUse": $token.lastUse
"pending": account.pending,
for api in token.apis.keys:
list[token.tok]["apis"][$api] = %token.apis[api]
for api in account.apis.keys:
apiStatus = account.apis[api]
obj = %*{}
if apiStatus.reset >
obj["remaining"] = %apiStatus.remaining
if "remaining" notin obj and not
obj["limited"] = %true
accountJson{"apis", $api} = obj
includeAccount = true
maxReqs =
case api
of 100000
of 50
of Api.tweetDetail: 150
of Api.photoRail: 180
of Api.timeline: 187
of Api.userTweets, Api.userTimeline: 300
of Api.userTweetsAndReplies, Api.userRestId,
Api.userScreenName, Api.tweetDetail, Api.tweetResult,
Api.list, Api.listTweets, Api.listMembers, Api.listBySlug, Api.userMedia: 500
of Api.userSearch: 900
reqs = maxReqs - token.apis[api].remaining
of Api.userTweets, Api.userTweetsAndReplies, Api.userMedia,
Api.userRestId, Api.userScreenName,
Api.list, Api.listTweets, Api.listMembers, Api.listBySlug: 500
reqs = maxReqs - apiStatus.remaining
reqsPerApi[$api] = reqsPerApi.getOrDefault($api, 0) + reqs
if includeAccount:
list[] = accountJson
return %*{
"amount": tokenPool.len,
"amount": accountPool.len,
"limited": limited.card,
"requests": totalReqs,
"pending": totalPending,
"apis": reqsPerApi,
"tokens": list
"accounts": list
proc rateLimitError*(): ref RateLimitError =
newException(RateLimitError, "rate limited")
proc fetchToken(): Future[Token] {.async.} =
if getTime() - lastFailed < failDelay:
raise rateLimitError()
let client = newAsyncHttpClient(headers=headers)
resp = await client.postContent(activate)
tokNode = parseJson(resp)["guest_token"]
tok = tokNode.getStr($(tokNode.getInt))
time = getTime()
return Token(tok: tok, init: time, lastUse: time)
except Exception as e:
echo "[tokens] fetching token failed: ", e.msg
if "Try again" notin e.msg:
echo "[tokens] fetching tokens paused, resuming in 30 minutes"
lastFailed = getTime()
proc expired(token: Token): bool =
let time = getTime()
token.init < time - maxAge or token.lastUse < time - maxLastUse
proc isLimited(token: Token; api: Api): bool =
if token.isNil or token.expired:
proc isLimited(account: GuestAccount; api: Api): bool =
if account.isNil:
return true
if api in token.apis:
let limit = token.apis[api]
return (limit.remaining <= 10 and limit.reset > epochTime().int)
if api in account.apis:
let limit = account.apis[api]
if and (epochTime().int - limit.limitedAt) > dayInSeconds:
account.apis[api].limited = false
log "resetting limit, api: ", api, ", id: ",
return or (limit.remaining <= 10 and limit.reset > epochTime().int)
return false
proc isReady(token: Token; api: Api): bool =
not (token.isNil or token.pending > maxConcurrentReqs or token.isLimited(api))
proc isReady(account: GuestAccount; api: Api): bool =
not (account.isNil or account.pending > maxConcurrentReqs or account.isLimited(api))
proc release*(token: Token; used=false; invalid=false) =
if token.isNil: return
if invalid or token.expired:
if invalid: log "discarding invalid token"
elif token.expired: log "discarding expired token"
proc invalidate*(account: var GuestAccount) =
if account.isNil: return
log "invalidating expired account: ",
let idx = tokenPool.find(token)
if idx > -1: tokenPool.delete(idx)
elif used:
dec token.pending
token.lastUse = getTime()
# TODO: This isn't sufficient, but it works for now
let idx = accountPool.find(account)
if idx > -1: accountPool.delete(idx)
account = nil
proc getToken*(api: Api): Future[Token] {.async.} =
for i in 0 ..< tokenPool.len:
proc release*(account: GuestAccount) =
if account.isNil: return
dec account.pending
proc getGuestAccount*(api: Api): Future[GuestAccount] {.async.} =
for i in 0 ..< accountPool.len:
if result.isReady(api): break
result = tokenPool.sample()
result = accountPool.sample()
if not result.isReady(api):
result = await fetchToken()
log "added new token to pool"
tokenPool.add result
if not result.isNil:
if not result.isNil and result.isReady(api):
inc result.pending
log "no accounts available for API: ", api
raise rateLimitError()
proc setRateLimit*(token: Token; api: Api; remaining, reset: int) =
proc setLimited*(account: GuestAccount; api: Api) =
account.apis[api].limited = true
account.apis[api].limitedAt = epochTime().int
log "rate limited, api: ", api, ", reqs left: ", account.apis[api].remaining, ", id: ",
proc setRateLimit*(account: GuestAccount; api: Api; remaining, reset: int) =
# avoid undefined behavior in race conditions
if api in token.apis:
let limit = token.apis[api]
if api in account.apis:
let limit = account.apis[api]
if limit.reset >= reset and limit.remaining < remaining:
if limit.reset == reset and limit.remaining >= remaining:
account.apis[api].remaining = remaining
token.apis[api] = RateLimit(remaining: remaining, reset: reset)
account.apis[api] = RateLimit(remaining: remaining, reset: reset)
proc poolTokens*(amount: int) {.async.} =
var futs: seq[Future[Token]]
for i in 0 ..< amount:
futs.add fetchToken()
for token in futs:
var newToken: Token
try: newToken = await token
except: discard
if not newToken.isNil:
log "added new token to pool"
tokenPool.add newToken
proc initTokenPool*(cfg: Config) {.async.} =
proc initAccountPool*(cfg: Config; accounts: JsonNode) =
enableLogging = cfg.enableDebug
while true:
if tokenPool.countIt(not it.isLimited(Api.userTimeline)) < cfg.minTokens:
await poolTokens(min(4, cfg.minTokens - tokenPool.len))
await sleepAsync(2000)
for account in accounts:
accountPool.add GuestAccount(
id: account{"user", "id_str"}.getStr,
oauthToken: account{"oauth_token"}.getStr,
oauthSecret: account{"oauth_token_secret"}.getStr,

View File

@ -17,11 +17,8 @@ type
Api* {.pure.} = enum
@ -35,11 +32,13 @@ type
RateLimit* = object
remaining*: int
reset*: int
limited*: bool
limitedAt*: int
Token* = ref object
tok*: string
init*: Time
lastUse*: Time
GuestAccount* = ref object
id*: string
oauthToken*: string
oauthSecret*: string
pending*: int
apis*: Table[Api, RateLimit]
@ -54,7 +53,7 @@ type
userNotFound = 50
suspended = 63
rateLimited = 88
invalidToken = 89
expiredToken = 89
listIdOrSlug = 112
tweetNotFound = 144
tweetNotAuthorized = 179