mirror of https://github.com/zedeus/nitter synced 2024-11-29 21:10:09 +01:00

In with the new

This commit is contained in:
Zed 2020-06-01 02:16:24 +02:00
parent 4167ce458b
commit 762d00b21d
7 changed files with 971 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -1,2 +1,85 @@
import api/[profile, timeline, tweet, search, media, list, resolver]
export profile, timeline, tweet, search, media, list, resolver
import asyncdispatch, httpclient, uri, json, strutils, options
import types, query, formatters, consts, apiutils, parser
proc getGraphProfile*(username: string): Future[Profile] {.async.} =
variables = %*{"screen_name": username, "withHighlightedLabel": true}
js = await fetch(graphUser ? {"variables": $variables})
result = parseGraphProfile(js, username)
proc getGraphList*(name, list: string): Future[List] {.async.} =
variables = %*{"screenName": name, "listSlug": list, "withHighlightedLabel": false}
js = await fetch(graphList ? {"variables": $variables})
result = parseGraphList(js)
proc getGraphListById*(id: string): Future[List] {.async.} =
variables = %*{"listId": id, "withHighlightedLabel": false}
js = await fetch(graphListId ? {"variables": $variables})
result = parseGraphList(js)
proc getListTimeline*(id: string; after=""): Future[Timeline] {.async.} =
ps = genParams({"list_id": id, "ranking_mode": "reverse_chronological"}, after)
url = listTimeline ? ps
result = parseTimeline(await fetch(url), after)
proc getListMembers*(list: List; after=""): Future[Result[Profile]] {.async.} =
if list.id.len == 0: return
ps = genParams({"list_id": list.id}, after)
url = listMembers ? ps
result = parseListMembers(await fetch(url, oldApi=true), after)
proc getTimeline*(id: string; after=""; replies=false): Future[Timeline] {.async.} =
ps = genParams({"userId": id, "include_tweet_replies": $replies}, after)
url = timeline / (id & ".json") ? ps
result = parseTimeline(await fetch(url), after)
proc getMediaTimeline*(id: string; after=""): Future[Timeline] {.async.} =
let url = mediaTimeline / (id & ".json") ? genParams(cursor=after)
result = parseTimeline(await fetch(url), after)
proc getPhotoRail*(id: string): Future[PhotoRail] {.async.} =
result = parsePhotoRail(await getMediaTimeline(id))
proc getSearch*[T](query: Query; after=""): Future[Result[T]] {.async.} =
when T is Profile:
searchMode = ("result_filter", "user")
parse = parseUsers
searchMode = ("tweet_search_mode", "live")
parse = parseTimeline
q = genQueryParam(query)
url = search ? genParams(searchParams & @[("q", q), searchMode], after)
result = parse(await fetch(url), after)
result.query = query
proc getTweetImpl(id: string; after=""): Future[Conversation] {.async.} =
let url = tweet / (id & ".json") ? genParams(cursor=after)
result = parseConversation(await fetch(url), id)
proc getReplies*(id, after: string): Future[Result[Chain]] {.async.} =
result = (await getTweetImpl(id, after)).replies
result.beginning = after.len == 0
proc getTweet*(id: string; after=""): Future[Conversation] {.async.} =
result = await getTweetImpl(id)
if after.len > 0:
result.replies = await getReplies(id, after)
proc resolve*(url: string; prefs: Prefs): Future[string] {.async.} =
let client = newAsyncHttpClient(maxRedirects=0)
let resp = await client.request(url, $HttpHead)
result = resp.headers["location"].replaceUrl(prefs)

src/apiutils.nim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
import httpclient, asyncdispatch, options, times, strutils, json, uri
import types, agents, tokens, consts
proc genParams*(pars: openarray[(string, string)] = @[];
cursor=""): seq[(string, string)] =
result = timelineParams
for p in pars:
result &= p
if cursor.len > 0:
result &= ("cursor", cursor)
proc genHeaders*(token: Token): HttpHeaders =
result = newHttpHeaders({
"DNT": "1",
"authorization": auth,
"content-type": "application/json",
"user-agent": getAgent(),
"x-guest-token": if token == nil: "" else: token.tok,
"x-twitter-active-user": "yes",
"authority": "api.twitter.com",
"accept-language": "en-US,en;q=0.9",
"accept": "*/*",
proc fetch*(url: Uri; retried=false; oldApi=false): Future[JsonNode] {.async.} =
token = await getToken()
keepToken = true
proxy: Proxy = when defined(proxy): newProxy(prox) else: nil
client = newAsyncHttpClient(proxy=proxy, headers=genHeaders(token))
resp = await client.get($url)
body = await resp.body
const rl = "x-rate-limit-"
if not oldApi and resp.headers.hasKey(rl & "limit"):
token.limit = parseInt(resp.headers[rl & "limit"])
token.remaining = parseInt(resp.headers[rl & "remaining"])
token.reset = fromUnix(parseInt(resp.headers[rl & "reset"]))
if resp.status != $Http200:
if "Bad guest token" in body:
elif not body.startsWith('{'):
echo resp.status, " ", body
result = parseJson(body)
if result{"errors"} != nil and result{"errors"}[0]{"code"}.getInt == 200:
keepToken = false
echo "bad token"
echo "error: ", url
return nil
if keepToken:
try: client.close()
except: discard

src/consts.nim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
import uri, sequtils
api = parseUri("https://api.twitter.com")
graphql = api / "graphql"
timelineApi = api / "2/timeline"
graphUser* = graphql / "E4iSsd6gypGFWx2eUhSC1g/UserByScreenName"
graphList* = graphql / "ErWsz9cObLel1BF-HjuBlA/ListBySlug"
graphListId* = graphql / "JADTh6cjebfgetzvF3tQvQ/List"
timeline* = timelineApi / "profile"
mediaTimeline* = timelineApi / "media"
listTimeline* = timelineApi / "list.json"
listMembers* = api / "1.1/lists/members.json"
tweet* = timelineApi / "conversation"
search* = api / "2/search/adaptive.json"
timelineParams* = {
"include_profile_interstitial_type": "0",
"include_blocking": "0",
"include_blocked_by": "0",
"include_followed_by": "1",
"include_want_retweets": "0",
"include_mute_edge": "0",
"include_can_dm": "0",
"include_can_media_tag": "1",
"skip_status": "1",
"cards_platform": "Web-12",
"include_cards": "1",
"include_composer_source": "false",
"include_ext_alt_text": "true",
"include_reply_count": "1",
"tweet_mode": "extended",
"include_entities": "true",
"include_user_entities": "true",
"include_ext_media_color": "false",
"include_ext_media_availability": "true",
"send_error_codes": "true",
"simple_quoted_tweet": "true",
"count": "20",
"ext": "mediaStats,highlightedLabel,cameraMoment",
"include_quote_count": "true"
searchParams* = {
"query_source": "typed_query",
"pc": "1",
"spelling_corrections": "1"
## top: nothing
## latest: "tweet_search_mode: live"
## user: "result_filter: user"
## photos: "result_filter: photos"
## videos: "result_filter: videos"

src/parser.nim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
import json, strutils, options, tables, times, math
import types, parserutils
proc parseProfile(js: JsonNode; id=""): Profile =
if js == nil: return
result = Profile(
id: if id.len > 0: id else: js{"id_str"}.getStr,
username: js{"screen_name"}.getStr,
fullname: js{"name"}.getStr,
location: js{"location"}.getStr,
bio: js{"description"}.getStr,
userpic: js{"profile_image_url_https"}.getStr.replace("_normal", ""),
banner: js.getBanner,
following: $js{"friends_count"}.getInt,
followers: $js{"followers_count"}.getInt,
tweets: $js{"statuses_count"}.getInt,
likes: $js{"favourites_count"}.getInt,
media: $js{"media_count"}.getInt,
verified: js{"verified"}.getBool,
protected: js{"protected"}.getBool,
joinDate: js{"created_at"}.getTime
proc parseGraphProfile*(js: JsonNode; username: string): Profile =
with errors, js{"errors"}:
for error in errors:
case Error(error{"code"}.getInt)
of notFound: return Profile(username: username)
of suspended: return Profile(username: username, suspended: true)
else: discard
let user = js{"data", "user", "legacy"}
let id = js{"data", "user", "rest_id"}.getStr
parseProfile(user, id)
proc parseGraphList*(js: JsonNode): List =
if js == nil: return
var list = js{"data", "user_by_screen_name", "list"}
if list == nil:
list = js{"data", "list"}
if list == nil:
result = List(
id: list{"id_str"}.getStr,
name: list{"name"}.getStr,
username: list{"user", "legacy", "screen_name"}.getStr,
userId: list{"user", "legacy", "id_str"}.getStr,
description: list{"description"}.getStr,
members: list{"member_count"}.getInt,
banner: list{"custom_banner_media", "media_info", "url"}.getStr
proc parseListMembers*(js: JsonNode; cursor: string): Result[Profile] =
result = Result[Profile](
beginning: cursor.len == 0,
query: Query(kind: userList)
if js == nil: return
result.top = js{"previous_cursor_str"}.getStr
result.bottom = js{"next_cursor_str"}.getStr
if result.bottom.len == 1:
result.bottom.setLen 0
for u in js{"users"}:
result.content.add parseProfile(u)
proc parsePoll(js: JsonNode): Poll =
let vals = js{"binding_values"}
# name format is pollNchoice_*
for i in '1' .. js{"name"}.getStr[4]:
let choice = "choice" & i
result.values.add parseInt(vals{choice & "_count"}.getStrVal("0"))
result.options.add vals{choice & "_label"}.getStrVal
let time = vals{"end_datetime_utc", "string_value"}.getDateTime
if time > getTime():
let timeLeft = $(time - getTime())
result.status = timeLeft[0 ..< timeLeft.find(",")]
result.status = "Final results"
result.leader = result.values.find(max(result.values))
result.votes = result.values.sum
proc parseGif(js: JsonNode): Gif =
url: js{"video_info", "variants"}[0]{"url"}.getStr,
thumb: js{"media_url_https"}.getStr
proc parseVideo(js: JsonNode): Video =
result = Video(
videoId: js{"id_str"}.getStr,
thumb: js{"media_url_https"}.getStr,
views: js{"ext", "mediaStats", "r", "ok", "viewCount"}.getStr,
available: js{"ext_media_availability", "status"}.getStr == "available",
title: js{"ext_alt_text"}.getStr,
durationMs: js{"duration_millis"}.getInt
for v in js{"video_info", "variants"}:
result.variants.add VideoVariant(
videoType: v{"content_type"}.to(VideoType),
bitrate: v{"bitrate"}.getInt,
url: v{"url"}.getStr
proc parsePromoVideo(js: JsonNode): Video =
result = Video(
videoId: js{"player_content_id"}.getStrVal(js{"card_id"}.getStrVal),
thumb: js{"player_image_large", "image_value", "url"}.getStr,
available: true,
durationMs: js{"content_duration_seconds"}.getStrVal("0").parseInt * 1000,
var variant = VideoVariant(
videoType: m3u8,
url: js{"player_hls_url"}.getStrVal(js{"player_stream_url"}.getStrVal)
if "vmap" in variant.url:
variant.videoType = vmap
result.playbackType = vmap
result.variants.add variant
proc parseBroadcast(js: JsonNode): Card =
let image = js{"broadcast_thumbnail_large", "image_value", "url"}.getStr
result = Card(
kind: broadcast,
url: js{"broadcast_url"}.getStrVal,
title: js{"broadcaster_display_name"}.getStrVal,
text: js{"broadcast_title"}.getStrVal,
image: image,
video: some Video(videoId: js{"broadcast_media_id"}.getStrVal, thumb: image)
proc parseCard(js: JsonNode; urls: JsonNode): Card =
const imageTypes = ["photo_image_full_size", "summary_photo_image",
"thumbnail_image", "promo_image", "player_image"]
vals = ? js{"binding_values"}
name = js{"name"}.getStr
kind = parseEnum[CardKind](name[(name.find(":") + 1) ..< name.len])
result = Card(
kind: kind,
url: vals.getCardUrl(kind),
dest: vals.getCardDomain(kind),
title: vals.getCardTitle(kind),
text: vals{"description"}.getStrVal
if result.url.len == 0:
result.url = js{"url"}.getStr
case kind
of promoVideo, promoVideoConvo:
result.video = some parsePromoVideo(vals)
of broadcast:
result = parseBroadcast(vals)
of player:
result.url = vals{"player_url"}.getStrVal
if "youtube.com" in result.url:
result.url = result.url.replace("/embed/", "/watch?v=")
else: discard
for typ in imageTypes:
with img, vals{typ & "_large"}:
result.image = img{"image_value", "url"}.getStr
for u in ? urls:
if u{"url"}.getStr == result.url:
result.url = u{"expanded_url"}.getStr
proc parseTweet(js: JsonNode): Tweet =
if js == nil: return
result = Tweet(
id: js{"id_str"}.getId,
threadId: js{"conversation_id_str"}.getId,
replyId: js{"in_reply_to_status_id_str"}.getId,
text: js{"full_text"}.getStr,
time: js{"created_at"}.getTime,
hasThread: js{"self_thread"} != nil,
available: true,
profile: Profile(id: js{"user_id_str"}.getStr),
stats: TweetStats(
replies: js{"reply_count"}.getInt,
retweets: js{"retweet_count"}.getInt,
likes: js{"favorite_count"}.getInt,
if js{"is_quote_status"}.getBool:
result.quote = some Tweet(id: js{"quoted_status_id_str"}.getId)
with rt, js{"retweeted_status_id_str"}:
result.retweet = some Tweet(id: rt.getId)
with jsCard, js{"card"}:
let name = jsCard{"name"}.getStr
if "poll" in name:
if "image" in name:
result.photos.add jsCard{"binding_values", "image_large", "image_value", "url"}.getStr
result.poll = some parsePoll(jsCard)
result.card = some parseCard(jsCard, js{"entities", "urls"})
with jsMedia, js{"extended_entities", "media"}:
for m in jsMedia:
case m{"type"}.getStr
of "photo":
result.photos.add m{"media_url_https"}.getStr
of "video":
result.video = some(parseVideo(m))
of "animated_gif":
result.gif = some(parseGif(m))
else: discard
proc finalizeTweet(global: GlobalObjects; id: string): Tweet =
let intId = if id.len > 0: parseInt(id) else: 0
result = global.tweets.getOrDefault(id, Tweet(id: intId))
if result.quote.isSome:
let quote = get(result.quote).id
if $quote in global.tweets:
result.quote = some global.tweets[$quote]
result.quote = some Tweet()
if result.retweet.isSome:
let rt = get(result.retweet).id
if $rt in global.tweets:
result.retweet = some finalizeTweet(global, $rt)
result.retweet = some Tweet()
proc parsePin(js: JsonNode; global: GlobalObjects): Tweet =
let pin = js{"pinEntry", "entry", "entryId"}.getStr
if pin.len == 0: return
let id = pin.getId
if id notin global.tweets: return
global.tweets[id].pinned = true
return finalizeTweet(global, id)
proc parseGlobalObjects(js: JsonNode): GlobalObjects =
result = GlobalObjects()
tweets = ? js{"globalObjects", "tweets"}
users = ? js{"globalObjects", "users"}
for k, v in users:
result.users[k] = parseProfile(v, k)
for k, v in tweets:
var tweet = parseTweet(v)
if tweet.profile.id in result.users:
tweet.profile = result.users[tweet.profile.id]
result.tweets[k] = tweet
proc parseThread(js: JsonNode; global: GlobalObjects): tuple[thread: Chain, self: bool] =
result.thread = Chain()
for t in js{"content", "timelineModule", "items"}:
let content = t{"item", "content"}
if "Self" in content{"tweet", "displayType"}.getStr:
result.self = true
let entry = t{"entryId"}.getStr
if "show_more" in entry:
cursor = content{"timelineCursor"}
more = cursor{"displayTreatment", "actionText"}.getStr
result.thread.more = parseInt(more[0 ..< more.find(" ")])
result.thread.cursor = cursor{"value"}.getStr
var tweet = finalizeTweet(global, entry.getId)
if not tweet.available:
tweet.tombstone = getTombstone(content{"tombstone"})
result.thread.content.add tweet
proc parseConversation*(js: JsonNode; tweetId: string): Conversation =
result = Conversation(replies: Result[Chain](beginning: true))
let global = parseGlobalObjects(? js)
let instructions = ? js{"timeline", "instructions"}
for e in instructions[0]{"addEntries", "entries"}:
let entry = e{"entryId"}.getStr
if "tweet" in entry:
let tweet = finalizeTweet(global, entry.getId)
if $tweet.id != tweetId:
result.before.content.add tweet
result.tweet = tweet
elif "conversationThread" in entry:
let (thread, self) = parseThread(e, global)
if thread.content.len > 0:
if self:
result.after = thread
result.replies.content.add thread
elif "cursor-showMore" in entry:
result.replies.bottom = e.getCursor
elif "cursor-bottom" in entry:
result.replies.bottom = e.getCursor
proc parseUsers*(js: JsonNode; after=""): Result[Profile] =
result = Result[Profile](beginning: after.len == 0)
let global = parseGlobalObjects(? js)
let instructions = ? js{"timeline", "instructions"}
for e in instructions[0]{"addEntries", "entries"}:
let entry = e{"entryId"}.getStr
if "sq-I-u" in entry:
let id = entry.getId
if id in global.users:
result.content.add global.users[id]
elif "cursor-top" in entry:
result.top = e.getCursor
elif "cursor-bottom" in entry:
result.bottom = e.getCursor
proc parseTimeline*(js: JsonNode; after=""): Timeline =
result = Timeline(beginning: after.len == 0)
let global = parseGlobalObjects(? js)
let instructions = ? js{"timeline", "instructions"}
if instructions.len == 0: return
for i in instructions:
if result.beginning and i{"pinEntry"} != nil:
with pin, parsePin(i, global):
result.content.add pin
# This is necessary for search
with r, i{"replaceEntry", "entry"}:
if "top" in r{"entryId"}.getStr:
result.top = r.getCursor
elif "bottom" in r{"entryId"}.getStr:
result.bottom = r.getCursor
for e in instructions[0]{"addEntries", "entries"}:
let entry = e{"entryId"}.getStr
if "tweet" in entry or "sq-I-t" in entry:
let tweet = finalizeTweet(global, entry.getId)
if not tweet.available: continue
result.content.add tweet
elif "cursor-top" in entry:
result.top = e.getCursor
elif "cursor-bottom" in entry:
result.bottom = e.getCursor
proc parsePhotoRail*(tl: Timeline): PhotoRail =
for tweet in tl.content:
if result.len == 16: break
let url = if tweet.photos.len > 0: tweet.photos[0]
elif tweet.video.isSome: get(tweet.video).thumb
elif tweet.gif.isSome: get(tweet.gif).thumb
elif tweet.card.isSome: get(tweet.card).image
else: ""
if url.len == 0:
result.add GalleryPhoto(
url: url,
tweetId: $tweet.id,
color: "#161616" # TODO: photo rail specific parser?

src/parserutils.nim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
import json, strutils, times, tables, macros, htmlgen, uri, unicode, options
import regex
import types, utils, formatters
unRegex = re"(^|[^A-z0-9-_./?])@([A-z0-9_]{1,15})"
unReplace = "$1<a href=\"/$2\">@$2</a>"
htRegex = re"(^|[^A-z0-9-_./?])#([A-z0-9_]+)"
htReplace = "$1<a href=\"/search?q=%23$2\">#$2</a>"
template `?`*(js: JsonNode): untyped =
let j = js
if j == nil: return
else: j
template `with`*(ident, value, body): untyped =
let ident {.inject.} = value
if ident != nil:
template `with`*(ident; value: JsonNode; body): untyped =
let ident {.inject.} = value
if ident != nil and ident.kind != JNull:
proc getCursor*(js: JsonNode): string =
js{"content", "operation", "cursor", "value"}.getStr
proc parseTime(time: string; f: static string; flen: int): Time =
if time.len != flen: return
parseTime(time, f, utc())
proc getDateTime*(js: JsonNode): Time =
parseTime(js.getStr, "yyyy-MM-dd\'T\'HH:mm:ss\'Z\'", 20)
proc getTime*(js: JsonNode): Time =
parseTime(js.getStr, "ddd MMM dd hh:mm:ss \'+0000\' yyyy", 30)
proc getId*(id: string): string =
let start = id.rfind("-")
if start < 0: return id
id[start + 1 ..< id.len]
proc getId*(js: JsonNode): int64 =
if js == nil: return
case js.kind
of JString: return parseBiggestInt(js.getStr("0"))
of JInt: return js.getBiggestInt()
else: return 0
proc getStrVal*(js: JsonNode; default=""): string =
if js == nil: return default
proc getCardUrl*(js: JsonNode; kind: CardKind): string =
result = js{"website_url"}.getStrVal
if kind == promoVideoConvo:
result = js{"thank_you_url"}.getStrVal(result)
proc getCardDomain*(js: JsonNode; kind: CardKind): string =
result = js{"vanity_url"}.getStrVal(js{"domain"}.getStr)
if kind == promoVideoConvo:
result = js{"thank_you_vanity_url"}.getStrVal(result)
proc getCardTitle*(js: JsonNode; kind: CardKind): string =
result = js{"title"}.getStrVal
if kind == promoVideoConvo:
result = js{"thank_you_text"}.getStrVal(result)
proc getBanner*(js: JsonNode): string =
let url = js{"profile_banner_url"}.getStr
if url.len > 0:
return url & "/1500x500"
let color = js{"profile_link_color"}.getStr
if color.len > 0:
return '#' & color
# use primary color from profile picture color histrogram
with p, js{"profile_image_extensions", "mediaColor", "r", "ok", "palette"}:
if p.len > 0:
let pal = p[0]{"rgb"}.getFields
result = "#"
result.add toHex(pal["red"].getInt, 2)
result.add toHex(pal["green"].getInt, 2)
result.add toHex(pal["blue"].getInt, 2)
return "#161616"
proc getTombstone*(js: JsonNode): string =
let epitaph = js{"epitaph"}.getStr
case epitaph
of "Suspended":
result = "This tweet is from a suspended account."
of "Protected":
result = "This account owner limits who can view their tweets."
of "Missing":
result = "This tweet is unavailable."
result = js{"tombstoneInfo", "richText", "text"}.getStr
if epitaph.len > 0 or result.len > 0:
echo "Unknown tombstone (", epitaph, "): ", result
template getSlice(text: string; slice: seq[int]): string =
text.runeSubStr(slice[0], slice[1] - slice[0])
proc getSlice(text: string; js: JsonNode): string =
if js == nil or js.kind != JArray or js.len < 2 or
js[0].kind != JInt: return text
let slice = js.to(seq[int])
proc expandUrl(text: var string; js: JsonNode; tLen: int; hideTwitter=false) =
let u = js{"url"}.getStr
if u.len == 0 or u notin text:
url = js{"expanded_url"}.getStr
slice = js{"indices"}.to(seq[int])
if hideTwitter and slice[1] >= tLen and url.isTwitterUrl:
text = text.replace(u, "")
text.removeSuffix(' ')
text = text.replace(u, a(shortLink(url), href=url))
proc expandTag(text: var string; js: JsonNode; prefix: char) =
tag = prefix & js{"text"}.getStr
html = a(tag, href=("/search?q=" & encodeUrl(tag)))
oldLen = text.len
text = text.replaceWord(tag, html)
# for edgecases with emojis or other characters around the tag
if text.len == oldLen:
text = text.replace(tag, html)
proc expandMention(text: var string; orig: string; js: JsonNode) =
name = js{"name"}.getStr
href = '/' & js{"screen_name"}.getStr
uname = orig.getSlice(js{"indices"})
text = text.replace(uname, a(uname, href=href, title=name))
proc expandProfileEntities*(profile: var Profile; js: JsonNode) =
orig = profile.bio
ent = ? js{"entities"}
with urls, ent{"url", "urls"}:
profile.website = urls[0]{"expanded_url"}.getStr
with urls, ent{"description", "urls"}:
for u in urls: profile.bio.expandUrl(u, orig.high)
profile.bio = profile.bio.replace(unRegex, unReplace)
.replace(htRegex, htReplace)
for mention in ? ent{"user_mentions"}:
profile.bio.expandMention(orig, mention)
proc expandTweetEntities*(tweet: Tweet; js: JsonNode) =
orig = tweet.text
slice = js{"display_text_range"}.to(seq[int])
hasQuote = js{"is_quote_status"}.getBool
hasCard = tweet.card.isSome
tweet.text = tweet.text.getSlice(slice)
var replyTo = ""
if tweet.replyId != 0:
with reply, js{"in_reply_to_screen_name"}:
tweet.reply.add reply.getStr
replyTo = reply.getStr
let ent = ? js{"entities"}
with urls, ent{"urls"}:
for u in urls:
tweet.text.expandUrl(u, slice[1], hasQuote)
if hasCard and u{"url"}.getStr == get(tweet.card).url:
get(tweet.card).url = u{"expanded_url"}.getStr
with media, ent{"media"}:
for m in media: tweet.text.expandUrl(m, slice[1], hideTwitter=true)
with hashes, ent{"hashtags"}:
for h in hashes: tweet.text.expandTag(h, '#')
with symbols, ent{"symbols"}:
for s in symbols: tweet.text.expandTag(s, '$')
for mention in ? ent{"user_mentions"}:
name = mention{"screen_name"}.getStr
idx = tweet.reply.find(name)
if mention{"indices"}[0].getInt >= slice[0]:
tweet.text.expandMention(orig, mention)
if idx > -1 and name != replyTo:
tweet.reply.delete idx
elif idx == -1 and tweet.replyId != 0:
tweet.reply.add name

src/redis_cache.nim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
import asyncdispatch, times, strutils, options, tables
import redis, redpool, msgpack4nim
export redpool, msgpack4nim
import types, api
const redisNil = "\0\0"
pool: RedisPool
baseCacheTime = 60 * 60
rssCacheTime: int
listCacheTime*: int
proc setCacheTimes*(cfg: Config) =
rssCacheTime = cfg.rssCacheTime * 60
listCacheTime = cfg.listCacheTime * 60
proc initRedisPool*(cfg: Config) =
pool = waitFor newRedisPool(cfg.redisConns, maxConns=cfg.redisMaxConns,
host=cfg.redisHost, port=cfg.redisPort)
template toKey(p: Profile): string = "p:" & toLower(p.username)
template toKey(v: Video): string = "v:" & v.videoId
template toKey(c: Card): string = "c:" & c.id
template toKey(l: List): string = toLower("l:" & l.username & '/' & l.name)
template toKey(t: Token): string = "t:" & t.tok
template to(s: string; typ: typedesc): untyped =
var res: typ
if s.len > 0:
proc get(query: string): Future[string] {.async.} =
result = await r.get(query)
proc uncache*(id: int64) {.async.} =
discard await r.del("v:" & $id)
proc cache*[T](data: T; time=baseCacheTime) {.async.} =
discard await r.setex(data.toKey, time, pack(data))
proc cache*(data: PhotoRail; id: string) {.async.} =
discard await r.setex("pr:" & id, baseCacheTime, pack(data))
proc cache*(data: Profile; time=baseCacheTime) {.async.} =
discard await r.setex(data.toKey, time, pack(data))
discard await r.hset("p:", toLower(data.username), data.id)
discard await r.flushPipeline()
proc cacheRss*(query, rss, cursor: string) {.async.} =
let key = "rss:" & query
await r.hmset(key, @[("rss", rss), ("min", cursor)])
discard await r.expire(key, rssCacheTime)
discard await r.flushPipeline()
proc getProfileId*(username: string): Future[string] {.async.} =
result = await r.hget("p:", toLower(username))
if result == redisNil:
proc hasCachedProfile*(username: string): Future[Option[Profile]] {.async.} =
let prof = await get("p:" & toLower(username))
if prof != redisNil:
result = some prof.to(Profile)
proc getCachedProfile*(username: string; fetch=true): Future[Profile] {.async.} =
let prof = await get("p:" & toLower(username))
if prof != redisNil:
result = prof.to(Profile)
result = await getGraphProfile(username)
if result.id.len > 0:
await cache(result)
proc getCachedPhotoRail*(id: string): Future[PhotoRail] {.async.} =
if id.len == 0: return
let rail = await get("pr:" & toLower(id))
if rail != redisNil:
result = rail.to(PhotoRail)
result = await getPhotoRail(id)
await cache(result, id)
proc getCachedList*(username=""; name=""; id=""): Future[List] {.async.} =
let list = if id.len > 0: redisNil
else: await get(toLower("l:" & username & '/' & name))
if list != redisNil:
result = list.to(List)
if id.len > 0:
result = await getGraphListById(id)
result = await getGraphList(username, name)
await cache(result, time=listCacheTime)
proc getCachedRss*(key: string): Future[(string, string)] {.async.} =
var res: Table[string, string]
res = await r.hgetall("rss:" & key)
if "rss" in res:
result = (res["rss"], res["min"])

src/tokens.nim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
import asyncdispatch, httpclient, times, sequtils, strutils
import types
var tokenPool: seq[Token]
proc fetchToken(): Future[Token] {.async.} =
headers = newHttpHeaders({
"accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8",
"accept-language": "en-US,en;q=0.5",
"connection": "keep-alive",
"user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:75.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/75.0"
client = newAsyncHttpClient(headers=headers)
resp = await client.getContent("https://twitter.com")
pos = resp.rfind("gt=")
try: client.close()
except: discard
if pos == -1: echo "token parse fail"; return
result = Token(tok: resp[pos+3 .. pos+21], limit: 187, remaining: 187,
reset: getTime() + 15.minutes, init: getTime())
proc expired(token: Token): bool {.inline.} =
const expirationTime = 1.hours
result = token.init < getTime() - expirationTime
proc isLimited(token: Token): bool {.inline.} =
token == nil or token.remaining <= 1 and token.reset > getTime() or
proc release*(token: Token) =
if token != nil and not token.expired:
proc getToken*(): Future[Token] {.async.} =
for i in 0 ..< tokenPool.len:
if not result.isLimited: break
result = tokenPool.pop()
if result.isLimited:
result = await fetchToken()
proc poolTokens*(amount: int) {.async.} =
var futs: seq[Future[Token]]
for i in 0 ..< amount:
futs.add fetchToken()
for token in futs:
release(await token)
proc initTokenPool*(cfg: Config) {.async.} =
while true:
if tokenPool.filterIt(not it.isLimited).len < cfg.minTokens:
await poolTokens(min(5, cfg.minTokens - tokenPool.len))
await sleepAsync(4000)