import httpclient, asyncdispatch, options, times, strutils, uri import packedjson import types, agents, tokens, consts, parserutils proc genParams*(pars: openarray[(string, string)] = @[]; cursor=""): seq[(string, string)] = result = timelineParams for p in pars: result &= p if cursor.len > 0: result &= ("cursor", cursor) proc genHeaders*(token: Token): HttpHeaders = result = newHttpHeaders({ "DNT": "1", "authorization": auth, "content-type": "application/json", "user-agent": getAgent(), "x-guest-token": if token == nil: "" else: token.tok, "x-twitter-active-user": "yes", "authority": "", "accept-language": "en-US,en;q=0.9", "accept": "*/*", }) proc fetch*(url: Uri; retried=false; oldApi=false): Future[JsonNode] {.async.} = var token = await getToken() keepToken = true proxy: Proxy = when defined(proxy): newProxy(prox) else: nil client = newAsyncHttpClient(proxy=proxy, headers=genHeaders(token)) try: let resp = await client.get($url) body = await resp.body const rl = "x-rate-limit-" if not oldApi and resp.headers.hasKey(rl & "limit"): token.remaining = parseInt(resp.headers[rl & "remaining"]) token.reset = fromUnix(parseInt(resp.headers[rl & "reset"])) if resp.status != $Http200: if "Bad guest token" in body: keepToken = false return newJNull() elif not body.startsWith('{'): echo resp.status, " ", body return newJNull() result = parseJson(body) if result{"errors"}.notNull and result.getError == forbidden: keepToken = false echo "bad token" except: echo "error: ", url result = newJNull() finally: if keepToken: token.release() try: client.close() except: discard