# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import strutils, strformat, times, uri, tables, xmltree, htmlparser import regex import types, utils, query const ytRegex = re"([A-z.]+\.)?youtu(be\.com|\.be)" igRegex = re"(www\.)?instagram\.com" rdRegex = re"(? length: result = result[0 ..< length] & "…" proc replaceUrls*(body: string; prefs: Prefs; absolute=""): string = result = body if prefs.replaceYouTube.len > 0 and ytRegex in result: result = result.replace(ytRegex, prefs.replaceYouTube) if prefs.replaceYouTube in result: result = result.replace("/c/", "/") if prefs.replaceTwitter.len > 0 and (twRegex in result or tco in result): result = result.replace(tco, https & prefs.replaceTwitter & "/t.co") result = result.replace(cards, prefs.replaceTwitter & "/cards") result = result.replace(twRegex, prefs.replaceTwitter) if prefs.replaceReddit.len > 0 and (rdRegex in result or "redd.it" in result): result = result.replace(rdShortRegex, prefs.replaceReddit & "/comments/") result = result.replace(rdRegex, prefs.replaceReddit) if prefs.replaceReddit in result and "/gallery/" in result: result = result.replace("/gallery/", "/comments/") if prefs.replaceInstagram.len > 0 and igRegex in result: result = result.replace(igRegex, prefs.replaceInstagram) if absolute.len > 0 and "href" in result: result = result.replace("href=\"/", "href=\"" & absolute & "/") proc getM3u8Url*(content: string): string = var m: RegexMatch if content.find(m3u8Regex, m): result = content[m.group(0)[0]] proc proxifyVideo*(manifest: string; proxy: bool): string = proc cb(m: RegexMatch; s: string): string = result = "https://video.twimg.com/" & s[m.group(0)[0]] if proxy: result = getVidUrl(result) result = manifest.replace(manifestRegex, cb) proc getUserpic*(userpic: string; style=""): string = let pic = userpic.replace(userpicRegex, "$2") pic.replace(extRegex, style & "$1") proc getUserpic*(profile: Profile; style=""): string = getUserPic(profile.userpic, style) proc getVideoEmbed*(cfg: Config; id: int64): string = &"{getUrlPrefix(cfg)}/i/videos/{id}" proc pageTitle*(profile: Profile): string = &"{profile.fullname} (@{profile.username})" proc pageTitle*(tweet: Tweet): string = &"{pageTitle(tweet.profile)}: \"{stripHtml(tweet.text)}\"" proc pageDesc*(profile: Profile): string = if profile.bio.len > 0: stripHtml(profile.bio) else: "The latest tweets from " & profile.fullname proc getJoinDate*(profile: Profile): string = profile.joinDate.format("'Joined' MMMM YYYY") proc getJoinDateFull*(profile: Profile): string = profile.joinDate.format("h:mm tt - d MMM YYYY") proc getTime*(tweet: Tweet): string = tweet.time.format("d/M/yyyy', 'HH:mm:ss") proc getRfc822Time*(tweet: Tweet): string = tweet.time.format("ddd', 'dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss 'GMT'") proc getTweetTime*(tweet: Tweet): string = tweet.time.format("h:mm tt' · 'MMM d', 'YYYY") proc getShortTime*(tweet: Tweet): string = let now = now() let since = now - tweet.time if now.year != tweet.time.year: result = tweet.time.format("d MMM yyyy") elif since.inDays >= 1: result = tweet.time.format("MMM d") elif since.inHours >= 1: result = $since.inHours & "h" elif since.inMinutes >= 1: result = $since.inMinutes & "m" elif since.inSeconds > 1: result = $since.inSeconds & "s" else: result = "now" proc getLink*(tweet: Tweet; focus=true): string = if tweet.id == 0: return var username = tweet.profile.username if username.len == 0: username = "i" result = &"/{username}/status/{tweet.id}" if focus: result &= "#m" proc getTwitterLink*(path: string; params: Table[string, string]): string = var username = params.getOrDefault("name") query = initQuery(params, username) path = path if "," in username: query.fromUser = username.split(",") path = "/search" if "/search" notin path and query.fromUser.len < 2: return $(twitter / path) let p = { "f": if query.kind == users: "user" else: "live", "q": genQueryParam(query), "src": "typed_query" } result = $(twitter / path ? p) if username.len > 0: result = result.replace("/" & username, "") proc getLocation*(u: Profile | Tweet): (string, string) = if "://" in u.location: return (u.location, "") let loc = u.location.split(":") let url = if loc.len > 1: "/search?q=place:" & loc[1] else: "" (loc[0], url) proc getSuspended*(username: string): string = &"User \"{username}\" has been suspended"