
322 lines
9.6 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import std/[times, macros, htmlgen, options, algorithm, re]
import std/strutils except escape
import std/unicode except strip
from xmltree import escape
import packedjson
import types, utils, formatters
unicodeOpen = "\uFFFA"
unicodeClose = "\uFFFB"
xmlOpen = escape("<")
xmlClose = escape(">")
unRegex = re"(^|[^A-z0-9-_./?])@([A-z0-9_]{1,15})"
unReplace = "$1<a href=\"/$2\">@$2</a>"
htRegex = re"(^|[^\w-_./?])([#$]|)([\w_]+)"
htReplace = "$1<a href=\"/search?q=%23$3\">$2$3</a>"
ReplaceSliceKind = enum
rkRemove, rkUrl, rkHashtag, rkMention
ReplaceSlice = object
slice: Slice[int]
kind: ReplaceSliceKind
url, display: string
template isNull*(js: JsonNode): bool = js.kind == JNull
template notNull*(js: JsonNode): bool = js.kind != JNull
template `?`*(js: JsonNode): untyped =
let j = js
if j.isNull: return
template with*(ident, value, body): untyped =
if true:
let ident {.inject.} = value
if ident != nil: body
template with*(ident; value: JsonNode; body): untyped =
if true:
let ident {.inject.} = value
# value.notNull causes a compilation error for versions < 1.6.14
if notNull(value): body
template getCursor*(js: JsonNode): string =
js{"content", "operation", "cursor", "value"}.getStr
template getError*(js: JsonNode): Error =
if js.kind != JArray or js.len == 0: null
else: Error(js[0]{"code"}.getInt)
template parseTime(time: string; f: static string; flen: int): DateTime =
if time.len != flen: return
parse(time, f, utc())
proc getDateTime*(js: JsonNode): DateTime =
parseTime(js.getStr, "yyyy-MM-dd\'T\'HH:mm:ss\'Z\'", 20)
proc getTime*(js: JsonNode): DateTime =
parseTime(js.getStr, "ddd MMM dd hh:mm:ss \'+0000\' yyyy", 30)
proc getId*(id: string): string {.inline.} =
let start = id.rfind("-")
if start < 0: return id
id[start + 1 ..< id.len]
proc getId*(js: JsonNode): int64 {.inline.} =
case js.kind
of JString: return parseBiggestInt(js.getStr("0"))
of JInt: return js.getBiggestInt()
else: return 0
proc getEntryId*(js: JsonNode): string {.inline.} =
let entry = js{"entryId"}.getStr
if entry.len == 0: return
if "tweet" in entry or "sq-I-t" in entry:
return entry.getId
elif "tombstone" in entry:
return js{"content", "item", "content", "tombstone", "tweet", "id"}.getStr
echo "unknown entry: ", entry
template getStrVal*(js: JsonNode; default=""): string =
proc getImageStr*(js: JsonNode): string =
result = js.getStr
template getImageVal*(js: JsonNode): string =
js{"image_value", "url"}.getImageStr
proc getCardUrl*(js: JsonNode; kind: CardKind): string =
result = js{"website_url"}.getStrVal
if kind == promoVideoConvo:
result = js{"thank_you_url"}.getStrVal(result)
if result.startsWith("card://"):
result = ""
proc getCardDomain*(js: JsonNode; kind: CardKind): string =
result = js{"vanity_url"}.getStrVal(js{"domain"}.getStr)
if kind == promoVideoConvo:
result = js{"thank_you_vanity_url"}.getStrVal(result)
proc getCardTitle*(js: JsonNode; kind: CardKind): string =
result = js{"title"}.getStrVal
if kind == promoVideoConvo:
result = js{"thank_you_text"}.getStrVal(result)
elif kind == liveEvent:
result = js{"event_category"}.getStrVal
elif kind in {videoDirectMessage, imageDirectMessage}:
result = js{"cta1"}.getStrVal
proc getBanner*(js: JsonNode): string =
let url = js{"profile_banner_url"}.getImageStr
if url.len > 0:
return url & "/1500x500"
let color = js{"profile_link_color"}.getStr
if color.len > 0:
return '#' & color
# use primary color from profile picture color histogram
with p, js{"profile_image_extensions", "mediaColor", "r", "ok", "palette"}:
if p.len > 0:
let pal = p[0]{"rgb"}
result = "#"
result.add toHex(pal{"red"}.getInt, 2)
result.add toHex(pal{"green"}.getInt, 2)
result.add toHex(pal{"blue"}.getInt, 2)
proc getTombstone*(js: JsonNode): string =
result = js{"text"}.getStr
result.removeSuffix(" Learn more")
proc getMp4Resolution*(url: string): int =
# parses the height out of a URL like this one:
const vidSep = "/vid/"
vidIdx = url.find(vidSep) + vidSep.len
resIdx = url.find('x', vidIdx) + 1
res = url[resIdx ..< url.find("/", resIdx)]
return parseInt(res)
except ValueError:
# cannot determine resolution (e.g. m3u8/non-mp4 video)
return 0
proc getVideoViewCount*(js: JsonNode): string =
with stats, js{"ext_media_stats"}:
return stats{"view_count"}.getStr($stats{"viewCount"}.getInt)
return $js{"mediaStats", "viewCount"}.getInt(0)
proc extractSlice(js: JsonNode): Slice[int] =
result = js["indices"][0].getInt ..< js["indices"][1].getInt
proc extractUrls(result: var seq[ReplaceSlice]; js: JsonNode;
textLen: int; hideTwitter = false) =
url = js["expanded_url"].getStr
slice = js.extractSlice
if hideTwitter and slice.b.succ >= textLen and url.isTwitterUrl:
if slice.a < textLen:
result.add ReplaceSlice(kind: rkRemove, slice: slice)
result.add ReplaceSlice(kind: rkUrl, url: url,
display: url.shortLink, slice: slice)
proc extractHashtags(result: var seq[ReplaceSlice]; js: JsonNode) =
result.add ReplaceSlice(kind: rkHashtag, slice: js.extractSlice)
proc replacedWith(runes: seq[Rune]; repls: openArray[ReplaceSlice];
textSlice: Slice[int]): string =
template extractLowerBound(i: int; idx): int =
if i > 0: repls[idx].slice.b.succ else: textSlice.a
result = newStringOfCap(runes.len)
for i, rep in repls:
result.add $runes[extractLowerBound(i, i - 1) ..< rep.slice.a]
case rep.kind
of rkHashtag:
name = $runes[rep.slice.a.succ .. rep.slice.b]
symbol = $runes[rep.slice.a]
result.add a(symbol & name, href = "/search?q=%23" & name)
of rkMention:
result.add a($runes[rep.slice], href = rep.url, title = rep.display)
of rkUrl:
result.add a(rep.display, href = rep.url)
of rkRemove:
let rest = extractLowerBound(repls.len, ^1) ..< textSlice.b
if rest.a <= rest.b:
result.add $runes[rest]
proc deduplicate(s: var seq[ReplaceSlice]) =
len = s.len
i = 0
while i < len:
var j = i + 1
while j < len:
if s[i].slice.a == s[j].slice.a:
s.del j
dec len
inc j
inc i
proc cmp(x, y: ReplaceSlice): int = cmp(x.slice.a, y.slice.b)
proc expandUserEntities*(user: var User; js: JsonNode) =
orig =
ent = ? js{"entities"}
with urls, ent{"url", "urls"}: = urls[0]{"expanded_url"}.getStr
var replacements = newSeq[ReplaceSlice]()
with urls, ent{"description", "urls"}:
for u in urls:
replacements.extractUrls(u, orig.high)
replacements.sort(cmp) = orig.replacedWith(replacements, 0 .. orig.len) =, unReplace)
.replacef(htRegex, htReplace)
proc expandTextEntities(tweet: Tweet; entities: JsonNode; text: string; textSlice: Slice[int];
replyTo=""; hasRedundantLink=false) =
let hasCard = tweet.card.isSome
var replacements = newSeq[ReplaceSlice]()
with urls, entities{"urls"}:
for u in urls:
let urlStr = u["url"].getStr
if urlStr.len == 0 or urlStr notin text:
replacements.extractUrls(u, textSlice.b, hideTwitter = hasRedundantLink)
if hasCard and u{"url"}.getStr == get(tweet.card).url:
get(tweet.card).url = u{"expanded_url"}.getStr
with media, entities{"media"}:
for m in media:
replacements.extractUrls(m, textSlice.b, hideTwitter = true)
if "hashtags" in entities:
for hashtag in entities["hashtags"]:
if "symbols" in entities:
for symbol in entities["symbols"]:
if "user_mentions" in entities:
for mention in entities["user_mentions"]:
name = mention{"screen_name"}.getStr
slice = mention.extractSlice
idx = tweet.reply.find(name)
if slice.a >= textSlice.a:
replacements.add ReplaceSlice(kind: rkMention, slice: slice,
url: "/" & name, display: mention["name"].getStr)
if idx > -1 and name != replyTo:
tweet.reply.delete idx
elif idx == -1 and tweet.replyId != 0:
tweet.reply.add name
tweet.text = text.toRunes.replacedWith(replacements, textSlice).strip(leading=false)
proc expandTweetEntities*(tweet: Tweet; js: JsonNode) =
entities = ? js{"entities"}
textRange = js{"display_text_range"}
textSlice = textRange{0}.getInt .. textRange{1}.getInt
hasQuote = js{"is_quote_status"}.getBool
hasJobCard = tweet.card.isSome and get(tweet.card).kind == jobDetails
var replyTo = ""
if tweet.replyId != 0:
with reply, js{"in_reply_to_screen_name"}:
replyTo = reply.getStr
tweet.reply.add replyTo
tweet.expandTextEntities(entities, tweet.text, textSlice, replyTo, hasQuote or hasJobCard)
proc expandNoteTweetEntities*(tweet: Tweet; js: JsonNode) =
entities = ? js{"entity_set"}
text = js{"text"}.getStr.multiReplace(("<", unicodeOpen), (">", unicodeClose))
textSlice = 0..text.runeLen
tweet.expandTextEntities(entities, text, textSlice)
tweet.text = tweet.text.multiReplace((unicodeOpen, xmlOpen), (unicodeClose, xmlClose))