
132 lines
3.8 KiB

# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import strutils, tables, strformat, unicode
import karax/[karaxdsl, vdom, vstyles]
from jester import Request
import renderutils
import ".."/[types, utils, formatters]
const doctype = "<!DOCTYPE html>\n"
proc getSmallPic(url: string): string =
result = url
if "?" notin url and not url.endsWith("placeholder.png"):
result &= "?name=small"
result = getPicUrl(result)
proc renderMiniAvatar(user: User; prefs: Prefs): VNode =
let url = getPicUrl(user.getUserPic("_mini"))
img(class=(prefs.getAvatarClass & " mini"), src=url)
proc renderNoteParagraph(articleParagraph: ArticleParagraph; article: Article): VNode =
let text = articleParagraph.text
case articleParagraph.baseType
of ArticleType.headerOne:
result = h1.newVNode()
of ArticleType.headerTwo:
result = h2.newVNode()
of ArticleType.headerThree:
result = h3.newVNode()
of ArticleType.orderedListItem:
result = li.newVNode()
of ArticleType.unorderedListItem:
result = li.newVNode()
result = p.newVNode()
# Assume the style applies for the entire paragraph
for styleRange in articleParagraph.inlineStyleRanges:
of ArticleStyle.bold:
result.setAttr("style", "font-weight:bold")
of ArticleStyle.italic:
result.setAttr("style", "font-style:italic")
of ArticleStyle.strikethrough:
result.setAttr("style", "text-decoration:line-through")
else: discard
var last = 0
for er in articleParagraph.entityRanges:
# flush remaining text
if er.offset > last:
result.add text text.runeSubStr(last, er.offset - last)
let entity = article.entities[er.key]
case entity.entityType
let link = buildHtml(a(href=entity.url)):
text text.runeSubStr(er.offset, er.length)
result.add link
for id in entity.mediaIds:
let url: string =[id]
let image = buildHtml(span(class="image")):
img(src=url, alt="")
result.add image
of ArticleEntityType.twemoji:
let url = entity.twemoji
let emoji = buildHtml(img(src=url, alt=""))
result.add emoji
of ArticleEntityType.tweet:
let url = fmt"/i/status/{entity.tweetId}/embed"
let iframe = buildHtml(iframe(src=url, loading="lazy", frameborder="0", style={maxWidth: "100%"}))
result.add iframe
else: discard
last = er.offset + er.length
# flush remaining text
if last < text.len:
result.add text text.runeSubStr(last)
proc renderNote*(article: Article; prefs: Prefs): VNode =
let cover = getSmallPic(article.coverImage)
let author = article.user
# build header
let main = buildHtml(article):
h1: text article.title
renderMiniAvatar(author, prefs)
linkUser(author, class="fullname")
linkUser(author, class="username")
text " · "
text article.time.getShortTime
# add paragraphs
var listType = ArticleType.unknown
var list: VNode = nil
for paragraph in article.paragraphs:
let node = renderNoteParagraph(paragraph, article)
let currentType = paragraph.baseType
if currentType in [ArticleType.orderedListItem, ArticleType.unorderedListItem]:
if currentType != listType:
# flush last list
if list != nil:
main.add list
list = nil
case currentType:
of ArticleType.orderedListItem:
list = ol.newVNode()
of ArticleType.unorderedListItem:
list = ul.newVNode()
else: discard
listType = currentType
list.add node
if list != nil:
main.add list
list = nil
main.add node
img(class="cover", src=(cover), alt="")