Searx was created by Adam Tauber and is maintained by Adam Tauber and Alexandre Flament. Major contributing authors: - Adam Tauber `@asciimoo `_ - Matej Cotman - Thomas Pointhuber - Alexandre Flament `@dalf `_ - @Cqoicebordel People who have submitted patches/translates, reported bugs, consulted features or generally made searx better: - Laszlo Hammerl - Stefan Marsiske - Gabor Nagy - @pw3t - @rhapsodhy - András Veres-Szentkirályi - Benjamin Sonntag - @HLFH - @TheRadialActive - @Okhin - André Koot - Alejandro León Aznar - rike - dp - Martin Zimmermann - @courgette - @kernc - @Reventl0v - Caner Başaran - Benjamin Sonntag - @opi - @dimqua - Giorgos Logiotatidis - Luc Didry - Niklas Haas - @underr - Emmanuel Benazera - @GreenLunar - Noemi Vanyi - Kang-min Liu - Kirill Isakov - Guilhem Bonnefille - Marc Abonce Seguin - @jibe-b - Christian Pietsch @pietsch - @Maxqia - Ashutosh Das @pyprism - YuLun Shih @imZack - Dmitry Mikhirev @mikhirev