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2020-01-09 22:04:13 +01:00
# Nekogram
2013-10-25 17:55:11 +02:00
2016-03-16 13:26:32 +01:00
[Telegram](https://telegram.org) is a messaging app with a focus on speed and security. Its superfast, simple and free.
2013-10-25 17:55:11 +02:00
2020-01-09 22:04:13 +01:00
Nekogram is an UNOFFICIAL app that uses Telegram's API.
2014-10-23 17:30:35 +02:00
2020-01-09 22:04:13 +01:00
- Google play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=tw.nekomimi.nekogram
2020-01-25 08:45:06 +01:00
- Update news (English): https://t.me/nekoupdates
- Update news (Chinese): https://t.me/zuragram
2020-01-09 22:04:13 +01:00
- APKs: https://github.com/Nekogram/Nekogram/releases
2020-01-25 08:45:06 +01:00
- Feedback: https://t.me/nekosupportbot
2020-01-09 22:04:13 +01:00
- Feedback: https://github.com/Nekogram/Nekogram/issues
- Chat group (Chinese & English): Join our channel (https://t.me/Zuragram) and click "Chat"
2014-10-23 17:30:35 +02:00
2020-01-09 22:04:13 +01:00
## API, Protocol documentation
2013-10-25 17:55:11 +02:00
2016-03-16 13:26:32 +01:00
Telegram API manuals: https://core.telegram.org/api
2013-10-25 17:55:11 +02:00
2016-03-16 13:26:32 +01:00
MTproto protocol manuals: https://core.telegram.org/mtproto
2013-10-25 17:55:11 +02:00
2020-01-09 22:04:13 +01:00
## Compilation Guide
2013-10-25 17:55:11 +02:00
2019-12-31 15:18:43 +01:00
**Note**: In order to support [reproducible builds](https://core.telegram.org/reproducible-builds), this repo contains dummy release.keystore, google-services.json and filled variables inside BuildVars.java. Before publishing your own APKs please make sure to replace all these files with your own.
2019-07-19 11:22:40 +02:00
You will require Android Studio 3.4, Android NDK rev. 20 and Android SDK 8.1
2014-10-11 13:37:47 +02:00
2020-01-09 22:04:13 +01:00
1. Download the Nekogram source code from https://github.com/Nekogram/Nekogram ( git clone https://github.com/Nekogram/Nekogram.git )
2019-06-14 16:23:49 +02:00
2. Copy your release.keystore into TMessagesProj/config
2020-01-09 22:04:13 +01:00
3. Fill out RELEASE_KEY_PASSWORD, RELEASE_KEY_ALIAS, RELEASE_STORE_PASSWORD in local.properties to access your release.keystore
4. Open the project in the Studio (note that it should be opened, NOT imported).
2020-01-17 05:02:37 +01:00
5. If you're compiling DEBUG version, make sure your build variants is set to afatDebugMultidex.
6. You are ready to compile Nekogram.
2020-01-09 22:04:13 +01:00
## Localization
Nekogram is forked from Telegram, thus most locales follows the translations of Telegram for Android, checkout https://translations.telegram.org/en/android/.
2020-01-17 17:43:48 +01:00
As for the Nekogram specialized strings, we use Crowdin to translate Nekogram. Join project at https://neko.crowdin.com/nekogram. Help us bring Nekogram to the world!
2020-01-09 22:04:13 +01:00
## Contributors
Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](https://allcontributors.org/docs/en/emoji-key)):
2014-03-13 19:21:38 +01:00
2020-01-09 22:04:13 +01:00
<!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:START - Do not remove or modify this section -->
2020-01-17 05:02:37 +01:00
| [<img src="https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/42698724?s=460&v=4" width="80px;"/><br /><sub>猫耳逆变器</sub>](https://github.com/NekoInverter)<br />[💻](https://github.com/Nekogram/Nekogram/commits?author=NekoInverter "Code") | [<img src="https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/18373361?s=460&v=4" width="80px;"/><br /><sub>梨子</sub>](https://github.com/rikakomoe)<br />[💻](https://github.com/Nekogram/Nekogram/commits?author=rikakomoe "Code") [🚧](https://github.com/Nekogram/Nekogram/commits?author=rikakomoe "Maintenance") | [<img src="https://i.loli.net/2020/01/17/e9Z5zkG7lNwUBPE.jpg" width="80px;"/><br /><sub>呆瓜</sub>](https://t.me/Duang)<br /> [🎨](#design-duang "Design") | [<img src="https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/37411589?s=460&v=4" width="80px;"/><br /><sub>Red</sub>](https://github.com/tgbetauser)<br />[🌍](#translation-tgbetauser "Translation") |
2020-01-09 22:04:13 +01:00
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
2014-03-13 19:21:38 +01:00
2020-01-09 22:04:13 +01:00
This project follows the [all-contributors](https://github.com/kentcdodds/all-contributors) specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!