/* * This is the source code of Telegram for Android v. 5.x.x. * It is licensed under GNU GPL v. 2 or later. * You should have received a copy of the license in this archive (see LICENSE). * * Copyright Nikolai Kudashov, 2013-2018. */ package org.telegram.messenger; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.SparseArray; import com.google.android.exoplayer2.util.Log; import org.telegram.messenger.voip.Instance; import org.telegram.messenger.voip.VoIPService; import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC; import org.telegram.ui.GroupCallActivity; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import androidx.collection.LongSparseArray; public class ChatObject { public static final int CHAT_TYPE_CHAT = 0; public static final int CHAT_TYPE_CHANNEL = 2; public static final int CHAT_TYPE_USER = 3; public static final int CHAT_TYPE_MEGAGROUP = 4; public static final int ACTION_PIN = 0; public static final int ACTION_CHANGE_INFO = 1; public static final int ACTION_BLOCK_USERS = 2; public static final int ACTION_INVITE = 3; public static final int ACTION_ADD_ADMINS = 4; public static final int ACTION_POST = 5; public static final int ACTION_SEND = 6; public static final int ACTION_SEND_MEDIA = 7; public static final int ACTION_SEND_STICKERS = 8; public static final int ACTION_EMBED_LINKS = 9; public static final int ACTION_SEND_POLLS = 10; public static final int ACTION_VIEW = 11; public static final int ACTION_EDIT_MESSAGES = 12; public static final int ACTION_DELETE_MESSAGES = 13; public static final int ACTION_MANAGE_CALLS = 14; public final static int VIDEO_FRAME_NO_FRAME = 0; public final static int VIDEO_FRAME_REQUESTING = 1; public final static int VIDEO_FRAME_HAS_FRAME = 2; private static final int MAX_PARTICIPANTS_COUNT = 5000; public static class Call { public TLRPC.GroupCall call; public long chatId; public LongSparseArray participants = new LongSparseArray<>(); public final ArrayList sortedParticipants = new ArrayList<>(); public final ArrayList visibleVideoParticipants = new ArrayList<>(); public final ArrayList visibleParticipants = new ArrayList<>(); public final HashMap thumbs = new HashMap<>(); private final HashMap videoParticipantsCache = new HashMap<>(); public ArrayList invitedUsers = new ArrayList<>(); public HashSet invitedUsersMap = new HashSet<>(); public SparseArray participantsBySources = new SparseArray<>(); public SparseArray participantsByVideoSources = new SparseArray<>(); public SparseArray participantsByPresentationSources = new SparseArray<>(); private String nextLoadOffset; public boolean membersLoadEndReached; public boolean loadingMembers; public boolean reloadingMembers; public boolean recording; public boolean canStreamVideo; public int activeVideos; public VideoParticipant videoNotAvailableParticipant; public AccountInstance currentAccount; public int speakingMembersCount; private Runnable typingUpdateRunnable = () -> { typingUpdateRunnableScheduled = false; checkOnlineParticipants(); currentAccount.getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.groupCallTypingsUpdated); }; private boolean typingUpdateRunnableScheduled; private int lastLoadGuid; private HashSet loadingGuids = new HashSet<>(); private ArrayList updatesQueue = new ArrayList<>(); private long updatesStartWaitTime; public TLRPC.Peer selfPeer; private HashSet loadingUids = new HashSet<>(); private HashSet loadingSsrcs = new HashSet<>(); private Runnable checkQueueRunnable; private long lastGroupCallReloadTime; private boolean loadingGroupCall; private static int videoPointer; public final LongSparseArray currentSpeakingPeers = new LongSparseArray<>(); private final Runnable updateCurrentSpeakingRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { long uptime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); boolean update = false; for(int i = 0; i < currentSpeakingPeers.size(); i++) { long key = currentSpeakingPeers.keyAt(i); TLRPC.TL_groupCallParticipant participant = currentSpeakingPeers.get(key); if (uptime - participant.lastSpeakTime >= 500) { update = true; currentSpeakingPeers.remove(key); if (key > 0) { TLRPC.User user = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount.getCurrentAccount()).getUser(key); Log.d("GroupCall", "remove from speaking " + key + " " + (user == null ? null : user.first_name)); } else { TLRPC.Chat user = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount.getCurrentAccount()).getChat(-key); Log.d("GroupCall", "remove from speaking " + key + " " + (user == null ? null : user.title)); } i--; } } if (currentSpeakingPeers.size() > 0) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(updateCurrentSpeakingRunnable, 550); } if (update) { currentAccount.getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.groupCallSpeakingUsersUpdated, chatId, call.id, false); } } }; public void setCall(AccountInstance account, long chatId, TLRPC.TL_phone_groupCall groupCall) { this.chatId = chatId; currentAccount = account; call = groupCall.call; recording = call.record_start_date != 0; int date = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (int a = 0, N = groupCall.participants.size(); a < N; a++) { TLRPC.TL_groupCallParticipant participant = groupCall.participants.get(a); participants.put(MessageObject.getPeerId(participant.peer), participant); sortedParticipants.add(participant); processAllSources(participant, true); date = Math.min(date, participant.date); } sortParticipants(); nextLoadOffset = groupCall.participants_next_offset; loadMembers(true); createNoVideoParticipant(); } public void createNoVideoParticipant() { if (videoNotAvailableParticipant != null) { return; } TLRPC.TL_groupCallParticipant noVideoParticipant = new TLRPC.TL_groupCallParticipant(); noVideoParticipant.peer = new TLRPC.TL_peerChannel(); noVideoParticipant.peer.channel_id = chatId; noVideoParticipant.muted = true; noVideoParticipant.video = new TLRPC.TL_groupCallParticipantVideo(); noVideoParticipant.video.paused = true; noVideoParticipant.video.endpoint = ""; videoNotAvailableParticipant = new VideoParticipant(noVideoParticipant, false, false); } public void addSelfDummyParticipant(boolean notify) { long selfId = getSelfId(); if (participants.indexOfKey(selfId) >= 0) { return; } TLRPC.TL_groupCallParticipant selfDummyParticipant = new TLRPC.TL_groupCallParticipant(); selfDummyParticipant.peer = selfPeer; selfDummyParticipant.muted = true; selfDummyParticipant.self = true; selfDummyParticipant.video_joined = call.can_start_video; TLRPC.Chat chat = currentAccount.getMessagesController().getChat(chatId); selfDummyParticipant.can_self_unmute = !call.join_muted || ChatObject.canManageCalls(chat); selfDummyParticipant.date = currentAccount.getConnectionsManager().getCurrentTime(); if (ChatObject.canManageCalls(chat) || !ChatObject.isChannel(chat) || chat.megagroup || selfDummyParticipant.can_self_unmute) { selfDummyParticipant.active_date = currentAccount.getConnectionsManager().getCurrentTime(); } if (selfId > 0) { TLRPC.UserFull userFull = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount.getCurrentAccount()).getUserFull(selfId); if (userFull != null) { selfDummyParticipant.about = userFull.about; } } else { TLRPC.ChatFull chatFull = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount.getCurrentAccount()).getChatFull(-selfId); if (chatFull != null) { selfDummyParticipant.about = chatFull.about; } } participants.put(selfId, selfDummyParticipant); sortedParticipants.add(selfDummyParticipant); sortParticipants(); if (notify) { currentAccount.getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.groupCallUpdated, chatId, call.id, false); } } public void migrateToChat(TLRPC.Chat chat) { chatId = chat.id; VoIPService voIPService = VoIPService.getSharedInstance(); if (voIPService != null && voIPService.getAccount() == currentAccount.getCurrentAccount() && voIPService.getChat() != null && voIPService.getChat().id == -chatId) { voIPService.migrateToChat(chat); } } public boolean shouldShowPanel() { return call.participants_count > 0 || isScheduled(); } public boolean isScheduled() { return (call.flags & 128) != 0; } private long getSelfId() { long selfId; if (selfPeer != null) { return MessageObject.getPeerId(selfPeer); } else { return currentAccount.getUserConfig().getClientUserId(); } } private void onParticipantsLoad(ArrayList loadedParticipants, boolean fromBegin, String reqOffset, String nextOffset, int version, int participantCount) { LongSparseArray old = null; long selfId = getSelfId(); TLRPC.TL_groupCallParticipant oldSelf = participants.get(selfId); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(reqOffset)) { if (participants.size() != 0) { old = participants; participants = new LongSparseArray<>(); } else { participants.clear(); } sortedParticipants.clear(); participantsBySources.clear(); participantsByVideoSources.clear(); participantsByPresentationSources.clear(); loadingGuids.clear(); } nextLoadOffset = nextOffset; if (loadedParticipants.isEmpty() || TextUtils.isEmpty(nextLoadOffset)) { membersLoadEndReached = true; } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(reqOffset)) { call.version = version; call.participants_count = participantCount; if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) { FileLog.d("new participants count " + call.participants_count); } } long time = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); currentAccount.getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.applyGroupCallVisibleParticipants, time); boolean hasSelf = false; for (int a = 0, N = loadedParticipants.size(); a <= N; a++) { TLRPC.TL_groupCallParticipant participant; if (a == N) { if (fromBegin && oldSelf != null && !hasSelf) { participant = oldSelf; } else { continue; } } else { participant = loadedParticipants.get(a); if (participant.self) { hasSelf = true; } } TLRPC.TL_groupCallParticipant oldParticipant = participants.get(MessageObject.getPeerId(participant.peer)); if (oldParticipant != null) { sortedParticipants.remove(oldParticipant); processAllSources(oldParticipant, false); if (oldParticipant.self) { participant.lastTypingDate = oldParticipant.active_date; } else { participant.lastTypingDate = Math.max(participant.active_date, oldParticipant.active_date); } if (time != participant.lastVisibleDate) { participant.active_date = participant.lastTypingDate; } } else if (old != null) { oldParticipant = old.get(MessageObject.getPeerId(participant.peer)); if (oldParticipant != null) { if (oldParticipant.self) { participant.lastTypingDate = oldParticipant.active_date; } else { participant.lastTypingDate = Math.max(participant.active_date, oldParticipant.active_date); } if (time != participant.lastVisibleDate) { participant.active_date = participant.lastTypingDate; } else { participant.active_date = oldParticipant.active_date; } } } participants.put(MessageObject.getPeerId(participant.peer), participant); sortedParticipants.add(participant); processAllSources(participant, true); } if (call.participants_count < participants.size()) { call.participants_count = participants.size(); } sortParticipants(); currentAccount.getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.groupCallUpdated, chatId, call.id, false); setParticiapantsVolume(); } public void loadMembers(boolean fromBegin) { if (fromBegin) { if (reloadingMembers) { return; } membersLoadEndReached = false; nextLoadOffset = null; } if (membersLoadEndReached || sortedParticipants.size() > MAX_PARTICIPANTS_COUNT) { return; } if (fromBegin) { reloadingMembers = true; } loadingMembers = true; TLRPC.TL_phone_getGroupParticipants req = new TLRPC.TL_phone_getGroupParticipants(); req.call = getInputGroupCall(); req.offset = nextLoadOffset != null ? nextLoadOffset : ""; req.limit = 20; currentAccount.getConnectionsManager().sendRequest(req, (response, error) -> AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { loadingMembers = false; if (fromBegin) { reloadingMembers = false; } if (response != null) { TLRPC.TL_phone_groupParticipants groupParticipants = (TLRPC.TL_phone_groupParticipants) response; currentAccount.getMessagesController().putUsers(groupParticipants.users, false); currentAccount.getMessagesController().putChats(groupParticipants.chats, false); onParticipantsLoad(groupParticipants.participants, fromBegin, req.offset, groupParticipants.next_offset, groupParticipants.version, groupParticipants.count); } })); } private void setParticiapantsVolume() { VoIPService voIPService = VoIPService.getSharedInstance(); if (voIPService != null && voIPService.getAccount() == currentAccount.getCurrentAccount() && voIPService.getChat() != null && voIPService.getChat().id == -chatId) { voIPService.setParticipantsVolume(); } } public void setTitle(String title) { TLRPC.TL_phone_editGroupCallTitle req = new TLRPC.TL_phone_editGroupCallTitle(); req.call = getInputGroupCall(); req.title = title; currentAccount.getConnectionsManager().sendRequest(req, (response, error) -> { if (response != null) { final TLRPC.Updates res = (TLRPC.Updates) response; currentAccount.getMessagesController().processUpdates(res, false); } }); } public void addInvitedUser(long uid) { if (participants.get(uid) != null || invitedUsersMap.contains(uid)) { return; } invitedUsersMap.add(uid); invitedUsers.add(uid); } public void processTypingsUpdate(AccountInstance accountInstance, ArrayList uids, int date) { boolean updated = false; ArrayList participantsToLoad = null; long time = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); currentAccount.getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.applyGroupCallVisibleParticipants, time); for (int a = 0, N = uids.size(); a < N; a++) { Long id = uids.get(a); TLRPC.TL_groupCallParticipant participant = participants.get(id); if (participant != null) { if (date - participant.lastTypingDate > 10) { if (participant.lastVisibleDate != date) { participant.active_date = date; } participant.lastTypingDate = date; updated = true; } } else { if (participantsToLoad == null) { participantsToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); } participantsToLoad.add(id); } } if (participantsToLoad != null) { loadUnknownParticipants(participantsToLoad, true, null); } if (updated) { sortParticipants(); currentAccount.getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.groupCallUpdated, chatId, call.id, false); } } private void loadUnknownParticipants(ArrayList participantsToLoad, boolean isIds, OnParticipantsLoad onLoad) { HashSet set = isIds ? loadingUids : loadingSsrcs; for (int a = 0, N = participantsToLoad.size(); a < N; a++) { if (set.contains(participantsToLoad.get(a))) { participantsToLoad.remove(a); a--; N--; } } if (participantsToLoad.isEmpty()) { return; } int guid = ++lastLoadGuid; loadingGuids.add(guid); set.addAll(participantsToLoad); TLRPC.TL_phone_getGroupParticipants req = new TLRPC.TL_phone_getGroupParticipants(); req.call = getInputGroupCall(); for (int a = 0, N = participantsToLoad.size(); a < N; a++) { long uid = participantsToLoad.get(a); if (isIds) { if (uid > 0) { TLRPC.TL_inputPeerUser peerUser = new TLRPC.TL_inputPeerUser(); peerUser.user_id = uid; req.ids.add(peerUser); } else { TLRPC.Chat chat = currentAccount.getMessagesController().getChat(-uid); TLRPC.InputPeer inputPeer; if (chat == null || ChatObject.isChannel(chat)) { inputPeer = new TLRPC.TL_inputPeerChannel(); inputPeer.channel_id = -uid; } else { inputPeer = new TLRPC.TL_inputPeerChat(); inputPeer.chat_id = -uid; } req.ids.add(inputPeer); } } else { req.sources.add((int) uid); } } req.offset = ""; req.limit = 100; currentAccount.getConnectionsManager().sendRequest(req, (response, error) -> AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { if (!loadingGuids.remove(guid)) { return; } if (response != null) { TLRPC.TL_phone_groupParticipants groupParticipants = (TLRPC.TL_phone_groupParticipants) response; currentAccount.getMessagesController().putUsers(groupParticipants.users, false); currentAccount.getMessagesController().putChats(groupParticipants.chats, false); for (int a = 0, N = groupParticipants.participants.size(); a < N; a++) { TLRPC.TL_groupCallParticipant participant = groupParticipants.participants.get(a); long pid = MessageObject.getPeerId(participant.peer); TLRPC.TL_groupCallParticipant oldParticipant = participants.get(pid); if (oldParticipant != null) { sortedParticipants.remove(oldParticipant); processAllSources(oldParticipant, false); } participants.put(pid, participant); sortedParticipants.add(participant); processAllSources(participant, true); if (invitedUsersMap.contains(pid)) { Long id = pid; invitedUsersMap.remove(id); invitedUsers.remove(id); } } if (call.participants_count < participants.size()) { call.participants_count = participants.size(); } sortParticipants(); currentAccount.getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.groupCallUpdated, chatId, call.id, false); if (onLoad != null) { onLoad.onLoad(participantsToLoad); } else { setParticiapantsVolume(); } } set.removeAll(participantsToLoad); })); } private void processAllSources(TLRPC.TL_groupCallParticipant participant, boolean add) { if (participant.source != 0) { if (add) { participantsBySources.put(participant.source, participant); } else { participantsBySources.remove(participant.source); } } for (int c = 0; c < 2; c++) { TLRPC.TL_groupCallParticipantVideo data = c == 0 ? participant.video : participant.presentation; if (data != null) { if ((data.flags & 2) != 0 && data.audio_source != 0) { if (add) { participantsBySources.put(data.audio_source, participant); } else { participantsBySources.remove(data.audio_source); } } SparseArray sourcesArray = c == 0 ? participantsByVideoSources : participantsByPresentationSources; for (int a = 0, N = data.source_groups.size(); a < N; a++) { TLRPC.TL_groupCallParticipantVideoSourceGroup sourceGroup = data.source_groups.get(a); for (int b = 0, N2 = sourceGroup.sources.size(); b < N2; b++) { int source = sourceGroup.sources.get(b); if (add) { sourcesArray.put(source, participant); } else { sourcesArray.remove(source); } } } if (add) { if (c == 0) { participant.videoEndpoint = data.endpoint; } else { participant.presentationEndpoint = data.endpoint; } } else { if (c == 0) { participant.videoEndpoint = null; } else { participant.presentationEndpoint = null; } } } } } public void processVoiceLevelsUpdate(int[] ssrc, float[] levels, boolean[] voice) { boolean updated = false; boolean updateCurrentSpeakingList = false; int currentTime = currentAccount.getConnectionsManager().getCurrentTime(); ArrayList participantsToLoad = null; long time = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); long uptime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); currentAccount.getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.applyGroupCallVisibleParticipants, time); for (int a = 0; a < ssrc.length; a++) { TLRPC.TL_groupCallParticipant participant; if (ssrc[a] == 0) { participant = participants.get(getSelfId()); } else { participant = participantsBySources.get(ssrc[a]); } if (participant != null) { participant.hasVoice = voice[a]; if (voice[a] || time - participant.lastVoiceUpdateTime > 500) { participant.hasVoiceDelayed = voice[a]; participant.lastVoiceUpdateTime = time; } long peerId = MessageObject.getPeerId(participant.peer); if (levels[a] > 0.1f) { if (voice[a] && participant.lastTypingDate + 1 < currentTime) { if (time != participant.lastVisibleDate) { participant.active_date = currentTime; } participant.lastTypingDate = currentTime; updated = true; } participant.lastSpeakTime = uptime; participant.amplitude = levels[a]; if (currentSpeakingPeers.get(peerId, null) == null) { if (peerId > 0) { TLRPC.User user = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount.getCurrentAccount()).getUser(peerId); Log.d("GroupCall", "add to current speaking " + peerId + " " + (user == null ? null : user.first_name)); } else { TLRPC.Chat user = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount.getCurrentAccount()).getChat(-peerId); Log.d("GroupCall", "add to current speaking " + peerId + " " + (user == null ? null : user.title)); } currentSpeakingPeers.put(peerId, participant); updateCurrentSpeakingList = true; } } else { if (uptime - participant.lastSpeakTime >= 500) { if (currentSpeakingPeers.get(peerId, null) != null) { currentSpeakingPeers.remove(peerId); if (peerId > 0) { TLRPC.User user = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount.getCurrentAccount()).getUser(peerId); Log.d("GroupCall", "remove from speaking " + peerId + " " + (user == null ? null : user.first_name)); } else { TLRPC.Chat user = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount.getCurrentAccount()).getChat(-peerId); Log.d("GroupCall", "remove from speaking " + peerId + " " + (user == null ? null : user.title)); } updateCurrentSpeakingList = true; } } participant.amplitude = 0; } } else if (ssrc[a] != 0) { if (participantsToLoad == null) { participantsToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); } participantsToLoad.add((long) ssrc[a]); } } if (participantsToLoad != null) { loadUnknownParticipants(participantsToLoad, false, null); } if (updated) { sortParticipants(); currentAccount.getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.groupCallUpdated, chatId, call.id, false); } if (updateCurrentSpeakingList) { if (currentSpeakingPeers.size() > 0) { AndroidUtilities.cancelRunOnUIThread(updateCurrentSpeakingRunnable); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(updateCurrentSpeakingRunnable, 550); } currentAccount.getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.groupCallSpeakingUsersUpdated, chatId, call.id, false); } } public void updateVisibleParticipants() { sortParticipants(); currentAccount.getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.groupCallUpdated, chatId, call.id, false, 0L); } public void clearVideFramesInfo() { for (int i = 0; i < sortedParticipants.size(); i++) { sortedParticipants.get(i).hasCameraFrame = VIDEO_FRAME_NO_FRAME; sortedParticipants.get(i).hasPresentationFrame = VIDEO_FRAME_NO_FRAME; sortedParticipants.get(i).videoIndex = 0; } sortParticipants(); } public interface OnParticipantsLoad { void onLoad(ArrayList ssrcs); } public void processUnknownVideoParticipants(int[] ssrc, OnParticipantsLoad onLoad) { ArrayList participantsToLoad = null; for (int a = 0; a < ssrc.length; a++) { if (participantsBySources.get(ssrc[a]) != null || participantsByVideoSources.get(ssrc[a]) != null || participantsByPresentationSources.get(ssrc[a]) != null) { continue; } if (participantsToLoad == null) { participantsToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); } participantsToLoad.add((long) ssrc[a]); } if (participantsToLoad != null) { loadUnknownParticipants(participantsToLoad, false, onLoad); } else { onLoad.onLoad(null); } } private int isValidUpdate(TLRPC.TL_updateGroupCallParticipants update) { if (call.version + 1 == update.version || call.version == update.version) { return 0; } else if (call.version < update.version) { return 1; } else { return 2; } } public void setSelfPeer(TLRPC.InputPeer peer) { if (peer == null) { selfPeer = null; } else { if (peer instanceof TLRPC.TL_inputPeerUser) { selfPeer = new TLRPC.TL_peerUser(); selfPeer.user_id = peer.user_id; } else if (peer instanceof TLRPC.TL_inputPeerChat) { selfPeer = new TLRPC.TL_peerChat(); selfPeer.chat_id = peer.chat_id; } else { selfPeer = new TLRPC.TL_peerChannel(); selfPeer.channel_id = peer.channel_id; } } } private void processUpdatesQueue() { Collections.sort(updatesQueue, (updates, updates2) -> AndroidUtilities.compare(updates.version, updates2.version)); if (updatesQueue != null && !updatesQueue.isEmpty()) { boolean anyProceed = false; for (int a = 0; a < updatesQueue.size(); a++) { TLRPC.TL_updateGroupCallParticipants update = updatesQueue.get(a); int updateState = isValidUpdate(update); if (updateState == 0) { processParticipantsUpdate(update, true); anyProceed = true; updatesQueue.remove(a); a--; } else if (updateState == 1) { if (updatesStartWaitTime != 0 && (anyProceed || Math.abs(System.currentTimeMillis() - updatesStartWaitTime) <= 1500)) { if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) { FileLog.d("HOLE IN GROUP CALL UPDATES QUEUE - will wait more time"); } if (anyProceed) { updatesStartWaitTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } else { if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) { FileLog.d("HOLE IN GROUP CALL UPDATES QUEUE - reload participants"); } updatesStartWaitTime = 0; updatesQueue.clear(); nextLoadOffset = null; loadMembers(true); } return; } else { updatesQueue.remove(a); a--; } } updatesQueue.clear(); if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) { FileLog.d("GROUP CALL UPDATES QUEUE PROCEED - OK"); } } updatesStartWaitTime = 0; } private void checkQueue() { checkQueueRunnable = null; if (updatesStartWaitTime != 0 && (System.currentTimeMillis() - updatesStartWaitTime) >= 1500) { if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) { FileLog.d("QUEUE GROUP CALL UPDATES WAIT TIMEOUT - CHECK QUEUE"); } processUpdatesQueue(); } if (!updatesQueue.isEmpty()) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(checkQueueRunnable = this::checkQueue, 1000); } } public void reloadGroupCall() { TLRPC.TL_phone_getGroupCall req = new TLRPC.TL_phone_getGroupCall(); req.call = getInputGroupCall(); req.limit = 100; currentAccount.getConnectionsManager().sendRequest(req, (response, error) -> AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { if (response instanceof TLRPC.TL_phone_groupCall) { TLRPC.TL_phone_groupCall phoneGroupCall = (TLRPC.TL_phone_groupCall) response; call = phoneGroupCall.call; currentAccount.getMessagesController().putUsers(phoneGroupCall.users, false); currentAccount.getMessagesController().putChats(phoneGroupCall.chats, false); onParticipantsLoad(phoneGroupCall.participants, true, "", phoneGroupCall.participants_next_offset, phoneGroupCall.call.version, phoneGroupCall.call.participants_count); } })); } private void loadGroupCall() { if (loadingGroupCall || SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - lastGroupCallReloadTime < 30000) { return; } loadingGroupCall = true; TLRPC.TL_phone_getGroupParticipants req = new TLRPC.TL_phone_getGroupParticipants(); req.call = getInputGroupCall(); req.offset = ""; req.limit = 1; currentAccount.getConnectionsManager().sendRequest(req, (response, error) -> AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { lastGroupCallReloadTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); loadingGroupCall = false; if (response != null) { TLRPC.TL_phone_groupParticipants res = (TLRPC.TL_phone_groupParticipants) response; currentAccount.getMessagesController().putUsers(res.users, false); currentAccount.getMessagesController().putChats(res.chats, false); if (call.participants_count != res.count) { call.participants_count = res.count; if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) { FileLog.d("new participants reload count " + call.participants_count); } currentAccount.getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.groupCallUpdated, chatId, call.id, false); } } })); } public void processParticipantsUpdate(TLRPC.TL_updateGroupCallParticipants update, boolean fromQueue) { if (!fromQueue) { boolean versioned = false; for (int a = 0, N = update.participants.size(); a < N; a++) { TLRPC.TL_groupCallParticipant participant = update.participants.get(a); if (participant.versioned) { versioned = true; break; } } if (versioned && call.version + 1 < update.version) { if (reloadingMembers || updatesStartWaitTime == 0 || Math.abs(System.currentTimeMillis() - updatesStartWaitTime) <= 1500) { if (updatesStartWaitTime == 0) { updatesStartWaitTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) { FileLog.d("add TL_updateGroupCallParticipants to queue " + update.version); } updatesQueue.add(update); if (checkQueueRunnable == null) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(checkQueueRunnable = this::checkQueue, 1500); } } else { nextLoadOffset = null; loadMembers(true); } return; } if (versioned && update.version < call.version) { if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) { FileLog.d("ignore processParticipantsUpdate because of version"); } return; } } boolean reloadCall = false; boolean updated = false; boolean selfUpdated = false; boolean changedOrAdded = false; boolean speakingUpdated = false; long selfId = getSelfId(); long time = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); long justJoinedId = 0; int lastParticipantDate; if (!sortedParticipants.isEmpty()) { lastParticipantDate = sortedParticipants.get(sortedParticipants.size() - 1).date; } else { lastParticipantDate = 0; } currentAccount.getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.applyGroupCallVisibleParticipants, time); for (int a = 0, N = update.participants.size(); a < N; a++) { TLRPC.TL_groupCallParticipant participant = update.participants.get(a); long pid = MessageObject.getPeerId(participant.peer); if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) { FileLog.d("process participant " + pid + " left = " + participant.left + " versioned " + participant.versioned + " flags = " + participant.flags + " self = " + selfId + " volume = " + participant.volume); } TLRPC.TL_groupCallParticipant oldParticipant = participants.get(pid); if (participant.left) { if (oldParticipant == null && update.version == call.version) { if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) { FileLog.d("unknowd participant left, reload call"); } reloadCall = true; } if (oldParticipant != null) { participants.remove(pid); processAllSources(oldParticipant, false); sortedParticipants.remove(oldParticipant); visibleParticipants.remove(oldParticipant); if (currentSpeakingPeers.get(pid, null) != null) { if (pid > 0) { TLRPC.User user = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount.getCurrentAccount()).getUser(pid); Log.d("GroupCall", "left remove from speaking " + pid + " " + (user == null ? null : user.first_name)); } else { TLRPC.Chat user = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount.getCurrentAccount()).getChat(-pid); Log.d("GroupCall", "left remove from speaking " + pid + " " + (user == null ? null : user.title)); } currentSpeakingPeers.remove(pid); speakingUpdated = true; } for (int i = 0; i < visibleVideoParticipants.size(); i++) { VideoParticipant videoParticipant = visibleVideoParticipants.get(i); if (MessageObject.getPeerId(videoParticipant.participant.peer) == MessageObject.getPeerId(oldParticipant.peer)) { visibleVideoParticipants.remove(i); i--; } } } call.participants_count--; if (call.participants_count < 0) { call.participants_count = 0; } updated = true; } else { if (invitedUsersMap.contains(pid)) { Long id = pid; invitedUsersMap.remove(id); invitedUsers.remove(id); } if (oldParticipant != null) { if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) { FileLog.d("new participant, update old"); } oldParticipant.muted = participant.muted; if (participant.muted && currentSpeakingPeers.get(pid, null) != null) { currentSpeakingPeers.remove(pid); if (pid > 0) { TLRPC.User user = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount.getCurrentAccount()).getUser(pid); Log.d("GroupCall", "muted remove from speaking " + pid + " " + (user == null ? null : user.first_name)); } else { TLRPC.Chat user = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount.getCurrentAccount()).getChat(-pid); Log.d("GroupCall", "muted remove from speaking " + pid + " " + (user == null ? null : user.title)); } speakingUpdated = true; } if (!participant.min) { oldParticipant.volume = participant.volume; oldParticipant.muted_by_you = participant.muted_by_you; } else { if ((participant.flags & 128) != 0 && (oldParticipant.flags & 128) == 0) { participant.flags &=~ 128; } if (participant.volume_by_admin && oldParticipant.volume_by_admin) { oldParticipant.volume = participant.volume; } } oldParticipant.flags = participant.flags; oldParticipant.can_self_unmute = participant.can_self_unmute; oldParticipant.video_joined = participant.video_joined; if (oldParticipant.raise_hand_rating == 0 && participant.raise_hand_rating != 0) { oldParticipant.lastRaiseHandDate = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); } oldParticipant.raise_hand_rating = participant.raise_hand_rating; oldParticipant.date = participant.date; oldParticipant.lastTypingDate = Math.max(oldParticipant.active_date, participant.active_date); if (time != oldParticipant.lastVisibleDate) { oldParticipant.active_date = oldParticipant.lastTypingDate; } if (oldParticipant.source != participant.source || !isSameVideo(oldParticipant.video, participant.video) || !isSameVideo(oldParticipant.presentation, participant.presentation)) { processAllSources(oldParticipant, false); oldParticipant.video = participant.video; oldParticipant.presentation = participant.presentation; oldParticipant.source = participant.source; processAllSources(oldParticipant, true); participant.presentationEndpoint = oldParticipant.presentationEndpoint; participant.videoEndpoint = oldParticipant.videoEndpoint; participant.videoIndex = oldParticipant.videoIndex; } else if (oldParticipant.video != null && participant.video != null) { oldParticipant.video.paused = participant.video.paused; } } else { if (participant.just_joined) { if (pid != selfId) { justJoinedId = pid; } call.participants_count++; if (update.version == call.version) { reloadCall = true; if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) { FileLog.d("new participant, just joined, reload call"); } } else { if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) { FileLog.d("new participant, just joined"); } } } if (participant.raise_hand_rating != 0) { participant.lastRaiseHandDate = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); } if (pid == selfId || sortedParticipants.size() < 20 || participant.date <= lastParticipantDate || participant.active_date != 0 || participant.can_self_unmute || !participant.muted || !participant.min || membersLoadEndReached) { sortedParticipants.add(participant); } participants.put(pid, participant); processAllSources(participant, true); } if (pid == selfId && participant.active_date == 0 && (participant.can_self_unmute || !participant.muted)) { participant.active_date = currentAccount.getConnectionsManager().getCurrentTime(); } changedOrAdded = true; updated = true; } if (pid == selfId) { selfUpdated = true; } } if (update.version > call.version) { call.version = update.version; if (!fromQueue) { processUpdatesQueue(); } } if (call.participants_count < participants.size()) { call.participants_count = participants.size(); } if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) { FileLog.d("new participants count after update " + call.participants_count); } if (reloadCall) { loadGroupCall(); } if (updated) { if (changedOrAdded) { sortParticipants(); } currentAccount.getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.groupCallUpdated, chatId, call.id, selfUpdated, justJoinedId); } if (speakingUpdated) { currentAccount.getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.groupCallSpeakingUsersUpdated, chatId, call.id, false); } } private boolean isSameVideo(TLRPC.TL_groupCallParticipantVideo oldVideo, TLRPC.TL_groupCallParticipantVideo newVideo) { if (oldVideo == null && newVideo != null || oldVideo != null && newVideo == null) { return false; } if (oldVideo == null || newVideo == null) { return true; } if (!TextUtils.equals(oldVideo.endpoint, newVideo.endpoint)) { return false; } if (oldVideo.source_groups.size() != newVideo.source_groups.size()) { return false; } for (int a = 0, N = oldVideo.source_groups.size(); a < N; a++) { TLRPC.TL_groupCallParticipantVideoSourceGroup oldGroup = oldVideo.source_groups.get(a); TLRPC.TL_groupCallParticipantVideoSourceGroup newGroup = newVideo.source_groups.get(a); if (!TextUtils.equals(oldGroup.semantics, newGroup.semantics)) { return false; } if (oldGroup.sources.size() != newGroup.sources.size()) { return false; } for (int b = 0, N2 = oldGroup.sources.size(); b < N2; b++) { if (!newGroup.sources.contains(oldGroup.sources.get(b))) { return false; } } } return true; } public void processGroupCallUpdate(TLRPC.TL_updateGroupCall update) { if (call.version < update.call.version) { nextLoadOffset = null; loadMembers(true); } call = update.call; TLRPC.TL_groupCallParticipant selfParticipant = participants.get(getSelfId()); recording = call.record_start_date != 0; currentAccount.getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.groupCallUpdated, chatId, call.id, false); } public TLRPC.TL_inputGroupCall getInputGroupCall() { TLRPC.TL_inputGroupCall inputGroupCall = new TLRPC.TL_inputGroupCall(); inputGroupCall.id = call.id; inputGroupCall.access_hash = call.access_hash; return inputGroupCall; } public static boolean videoIsActive(TLRPC.TL_groupCallParticipant participant, boolean presentation, ChatObject.Call call) { if (participant == null) { return false; } VoIPService service = VoIPService.getSharedInstance(); if (service == null) { return false; } if (participant.self) { return service.getVideoState(presentation) == Instance.VIDEO_STATE_ACTIVE; } else { if (call.videoNotAvailableParticipant != null && call.videoNotAvailableParticipant.participant == participant || call.participants.get(MessageObject.getPeerId(participant.peer)) != null) { if (presentation) { return participant.presentation != null;// && participant.hasPresentationFrame == 2; } else { return participant.video != null;// && participant.hasCameraFrame == 2; } } else { return false; } } } public void sortParticipants() { visibleVideoParticipants.clear(); visibleParticipants.clear(); TLRPC.Chat chat = currentAccount.getMessagesController().getChat(chatId); boolean isAdmin = ChatObject.canManageCalls(chat); long selfId = getSelfId(); VoIPService service = VoIPService.getSharedInstance(); TLRPC.TL_groupCallParticipant selfParticipant = participants.get(selfId); canStreamVideo = true;//selfParticipant != null && selfParticipant.video_joined || BuildVars.DEBUG_PRIVATE_VERSION; boolean allowedVideoCount; boolean hasAnyVideo = false; activeVideos = 0; for (int i = 0, N = sortedParticipants.size(); i < N; i++) { TLRPC.TL_groupCallParticipant participant = sortedParticipants.get(i); boolean cameraActive = videoIsActive(participant, false, this); boolean screenActive = videoIsActive(participant, true, this); if (!participant.self && (cameraActive || screenActive)) { activeVideos++; } if (cameraActive || screenActive) { hasAnyVideo = true; if (canStreamVideo) { if (participant.videoIndex == 0) { if (participant.self) { participant.videoIndex = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } else { participant.videoIndex = ++videoPointer; } } } else { participant.videoIndex = 0; } } else if (participant.self || !canStreamVideo || (participant.video == null && participant.presentation == null)) { participant.videoIndex = 0; } } Comparator comparator = (o1, o2) -> { boolean videoActive1 = o1.videoIndex > 0; boolean videoActive2 = o2.videoIndex > 0; if (videoActive1 && videoActive2) { return o2.videoIndex - o1.videoIndex; } else if (videoActive1) { return -1; } else if (videoActive2) { return 1; } if (o1.active_date != 0 && o2.active_date != 0) { return Integer.compare(o2.active_date, o1.active_date); } else if (o1.active_date != 0) { return -1; } else if (o2.active_date != 0) { return 1; } if (MessageObject.getPeerId(o1.peer) == selfId) { return -1; } else if (MessageObject.getPeerId(o2.peer) == selfId) { return 1; } if (isAdmin) { if (o1.raise_hand_rating != 0 && o2.raise_hand_rating != 0) { return Long.compare(o2.raise_hand_rating, o1.raise_hand_rating); } else if (o1.raise_hand_rating != 0) { return -1; } else if (o2.raise_hand_rating != 0) { return 1; } } if (call.join_date_asc) { return Integer.compare(o1.date, o2.date); } else { return Integer.compare(o2.date, o1.date); } }; Collections.sort(sortedParticipants, comparator); TLRPC.TL_groupCallParticipant lastParticipant = sortedParticipants.isEmpty() ? null : sortedParticipants.get(sortedParticipants.size() - 1); if (videoIsActive(lastParticipant, false, this) || videoIsActive(lastParticipant, true, this)) { if (call.unmuted_video_count > activeVideos) { activeVideos = call.unmuted_video_count; VoIPService voIPService = VoIPService.getSharedInstance(); if (voIPService != null && voIPService.groupCall == this) { if (voIPService.getVideoState(false) == Instance.VIDEO_STATE_ACTIVE || voIPService.getVideoState(true) == Instance.VIDEO_STATE_ACTIVE) { activeVideos--; } } } } if (sortedParticipants.size() > MAX_PARTICIPANTS_COUNT && (!ChatObject.canManageCalls(chat) || lastParticipant.raise_hand_rating == 0)) { for (int a = MAX_PARTICIPANTS_COUNT, N = sortedParticipants.size(); a < N; a++) { TLRPC.TL_groupCallParticipant p = sortedParticipants.get(MAX_PARTICIPANTS_COUNT); if (p.raise_hand_rating != 0) { continue; } processAllSources(p, false); participants.remove(MessageObject.getPeerId(p.peer)); sortedParticipants.remove(MAX_PARTICIPANTS_COUNT); } } checkOnlineParticipants(); if (!canStreamVideo && hasAnyVideo && videoNotAvailableParticipant != null) { visibleVideoParticipants.add(videoNotAvailableParticipant); } int wideVideoIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sortedParticipants.size(); i++) { TLRPC.TL_groupCallParticipant participant = sortedParticipants.get(i); if (canStreamVideo && participant.videoIndex != 0) { if (!participant.self && videoIsActive(participant, true, this) && videoIsActive(participant, false, this)) { VideoParticipant videoParticipant = videoParticipantsCache.get(participant.videoEndpoint); if (videoParticipant == null) { videoParticipant = new VideoParticipant(participant, false, true); videoParticipantsCache.put(participant.videoEndpoint, videoParticipant); } else { videoParticipant.participant = participant; videoParticipant.presentation = false; videoParticipant.hasSame = true; } VideoParticipant presentationParticipant = videoParticipantsCache.get(participant.presentationEndpoint); if (presentationParticipant == null) { presentationParticipant = new VideoParticipant(participant, true, true); } else { presentationParticipant.participant = participant; presentationParticipant.presentation = true; presentationParticipant.hasSame = true; } visibleVideoParticipants.add(videoParticipant); if (videoParticipant.aspectRatio > 1f) { wideVideoIndex = visibleVideoParticipants.size() - 1; } visibleVideoParticipants.add(presentationParticipant); if (presentationParticipant.aspectRatio > 1f) { wideVideoIndex = visibleVideoParticipants.size() - 1; } } else { if (participant.self) { if (videoIsActive(participant, true, this)) { visibleVideoParticipants.add(new VideoParticipant(participant, true, false)); } if (videoIsActive(participant, false, this)) { visibleVideoParticipants.add(new VideoParticipant(participant, false, false)); } } else { boolean presentation = videoIsActive(participant, true, this); VideoParticipant videoParticipant = videoParticipantsCache.get(presentation ? participant.presentationEndpoint : participant.videoEndpoint); if (videoParticipant == null) { videoParticipant = new VideoParticipant(participant, presentation, false); videoParticipantsCache.put(presentation ? participant.presentationEndpoint : participant.videoEndpoint, videoParticipant); } else { videoParticipant.participant = participant; videoParticipant.presentation = presentation; videoParticipant.hasSame = false; } visibleVideoParticipants.add(videoParticipant); if (videoParticipant.aspectRatio > 1f) { wideVideoIndex = visibleVideoParticipants.size() - 1; } } } } else { visibleParticipants.add(participant); } } if (!GroupCallActivity.isLandscapeMode && visibleVideoParticipants.size() % 2 == 1) { VideoParticipant videoParticipant = visibleVideoParticipants.remove(wideVideoIndex); visibleVideoParticipants.add(videoParticipant); } } public boolean canRecordVideo() { if (!canStreamVideo) { return false; } VoIPService voIPService = VoIPService.getSharedInstance(); if (voIPService != null && voIPService.groupCall == this && (voIPService.getVideoState(false) == Instance.VIDEO_STATE_ACTIVE || voIPService.getVideoState(true) == Instance.VIDEO_STATE_ACTIVE)) { return true; } return activeVideos < call.unmuted_video_limit; } public void saveActiveDates() { for (int a = 0, N = sortedParticipants.size(); a < N; a++) { TLRPC.TL_groupCallParticipant p = sortedParticipants.get(a); p.lastActiveDate = p.active_date; } } private void checkOnlineParticipants() { if (typingUpdateRunnableScheduled) { AndroidUtilities.cancelRunOnUIThread(typingUpdateRunnable); typingUpdateRunnableScheduled = false; } speakingMembersCount = 0; int currentTime = currentAccount.getConnectionsManager().getCurrentTime(); int minDiff = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (int a = 0, N = sortedParticipants.size(); a < N; a++) { TLRPC.TL_groupCallParticipant participant = sortedParticipants.get(a); int diff = currentTime - participant.active_date; if (diff < 5) { speakingMembersCount++; minDiff = Math.min(diff, minDiff); } if (Math.max(participant.date, participant.active_date) <= currentTime - 5) { break; } } if (minDiff != Integer.MAX_VALUE) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(typingUpdateRunnable, minDiff * 1000); typingUpdateRunnableScheduled = true; } } public void toggleRecord(String title, int type) { recording = !recording; TLRPC.TL_phone_toggleGroupCallRecord req = new TLRPC.TL_phone_toggleGroupCallRecord(); req.call = getInputGroupCall(); req.start = recording; if (title != null) { req.title = title; req.flags |= 2; } if (type == 1 || type == 2) { req.flags |= 4; req.video = true; req.video_portrait = type == 1; } currentAccount.getConnectionsManager().sendRequest(req, (response, error) -> { if (response != null) { final TLRPC.Updates res = (TLRPC.Updates) response; currentAccount.getMessagesController().processUpdates(res, false); } }); currentAccount.getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.groupCallUpdated, chatId, call.id, false); } } public static int getParticipantVolume(TLRPC.TL_groupCallParticipant participant) { return ((participant.flags & 128) != 0 ? participant.volume : 10000); } private static boolean isBannableAction(int action) { switch (action) { case ACTION_PIN: case ACTION_CHANGE_INFO: case ACTION_INVITE: case ACTION_SEND: case ACTION_SEND_MEDIA: case ACTION_SEND_STICKERS: case ACTION_EMBED_LINKS: case ACTION_SEND_POLLS: case ACTION_VIEW: return true; } return false; } private static boolean isAdminAction(int action) { switch (action) { case ACTION_PIN: case ACTION_CHANGE_INFO: case ACTION_INVITE: case ACTION_ADD_ADMINS: case ACTION_POST: case ACTION_EDIT_MESSAGES: case ACTION_DELETE_MESSAGES: case ACTION_BLOCK_USERS: return true; } return false; } private static boolean getBannedRight(TLRPC.TL_chatBannedRights rights, int action) { if (rights == null) { return false; } boolean value; switch (action) { case ACTION_PIN: return rights.pin_messages; case ACTION_CHANGE_INFO: return rights.change_info; case ACTION_INVITE: return rights.invite_users; case ACTION_SEND: return rights.send_messages; case ACTION_SEND_MEDIA: return rights.send_media; case ACTION_SEND_STICKERS: return rights.send_stickers; case ACTION_EMBED_LINKS: return rights.embed_links; case ACTION_SEND_POLLS: return rights.send_polls; case ACTION_VIEW: return rights.view_messages; } return false; } public static boolean isActionBannedByDefault(TLRPC.Chat chat, int action) { if (getBannedRight(chat.banned_rights, action)) { return false; } return getBannedRight(chat.default_banned_rights, action); } public static boolean isActionBanned(TLRPC.Chat chat, int action) { return chat != null && (getBannedRight(chat.banned_rights, action) || getBannedRight(chat.default_banned_rights, action)); } public static boolean canUserDoAdminAction(TLRPC.Chat chat, int action) { if (chat == null) { return false; } if (chat.creator) { return true; } if (chat.admin_rights != null) { boolean value; switch (action) { case ACTION_PIN: value = chat.admin_rights.pin_messages; break; case ACTION_CHANGE_INFO: value = chat.admin_rights.change_info; break; case ACTION_INVITE: value = chat.admin_rights.invite_users; break; case ACTION_ADD_ADMINS: value = chat.admin_rights.add_admins; break; case ACTION_POST: value = chat.admin_rights.post_messages; break; case ACTION_EDIT_MESSAGES: value = chat.admin_rights.edit_messages; break; case ACTION_DELETE_MESSAGES: value = chat.admin_rights.delete_messages; break; case ACTION_BLOCK_USERS: value = chat.admin_rights.ban_users; break; case ACTION_MANAGE_CALLS: value = chat.admin_rights.manage_call; break; default: value = false; break; } if (value) { return true; } } return false; } public static boolean canUserDoAction(TLRPC.Chat chat, int action) { if (chat == null) { return true; } if (canUserDoAdminAction(chat, action)) { return true; } if (getBannedRight(chat.banned_rights, action)) { return false; } if (isBannableAction(action)) { if (chat.admin_rights != null && !isAdminAction(action)) { return true; } if (chat.default_banned_rights == null && ( chat instanceof TLRPC.TL_chat_layer92 || chat instanceof TLRPC.TL_chat_old || chat instanceof TLRPC.TL_chat_old2 || chat instanceof TLRPC.TL_channel_layer92 || chat instanceof TLRPC.TL_channel_layer77 || chat instanceof TLRPC.TL_channel_layer72 || chat instanceof TLRPC.TL_channel_layer67 || chat instanceof TLRPC.TL_channel_layer48 || chat instanceof TLRPC.TL_channel_old)) { return true; } if (chat.default_banned_rights == null || getBannedRight(chat.default_banned_rights, action)) { return false; } return true; } return false; } public static boolean isLeftFromChat(TLRPC.Chat chat) { return chat == null || chat instanceof TLRPC.TL_chatEmpty || chat instanceof TLRPC.TL_chatForbidden || chat instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelForbidden || chat.left || chat.deactivated; } public static boolean isKickedFromChat(TLRPC.Chat chat) { return chat == null || chat instanceof TLRPC.TL_chatEmpty || chat instanceof TLRPC.TL_chatForbidden || chat instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelForbidden || chat.kicked || chat.deactivated || chat.banned_rights != null && chat.banned_rights.view_messages; } public static boolean isNotInChat(TLRPC.Chat chat) { return chat == null || chat instanceof TLRPC.TL_chatEmpty || chat instanceof TLRPC.TL_chatForbidden || chat instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelForbidden || chat.left || chat.kicked || chat.deactivated; } public static boolean canSendAsPeers(TLRPC.Chat chat) { return ChatObject.isChannel(chat) && chat.megagroup && (!TextUtils.isEmpty(chat.username) || chat.has_geo || chat.has_link); } public static boolean isChannel(TLRPC.Chat chat) { return chat instanceof TLRPC.TL_channel || chat instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelForbidden; } public static boolean isChannelOrGiga(TLRPC.Chat chat) { return (chat instanceof TLRPC.TL_channel || chat instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelForbidden) && (!chat.megagroup || chat.gigagroup); } public static boolean isMegagroup(TLRPC.Chat chat) { return (chat instanceof TLRPC.TL_channel || chat instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelForbidden) && chat.megagroup; } public static boolean isChannelAndNotMegaGroup(TLRPC.Chat chat) { return isChannel(chat) && !isMegagroup(chat); } public static boolean isMegagroup(int currentAccount, long chatId) { TLRPC.Chat chat = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).getChat(chatId); return ChatObject.isChannel(chat) && chat.megagroup; } public static boolean hasAdminRights(TLRPC.Chat chat) { return chat != null && (chat.creator || chat.admin_rights != null && chat.admin_rights.flags != 0); } public static boolean canChangeChatInfo(TLRPC.Chat chat) { return canUserDoAction(chat, ACTION_CHANGE_INFO); } public static boolean canAddAdmins(TLRPC.Chat chat) { return canUserDoAction(chat, ACTION_ADD_ADMINS); } public static boolean canBlockUsers(TLRPC.Chat chat) { return canUserDoAction(chat, ACTION_BLOCK_USERS); } public static boolean canManageCalls(TLRPC.Chat chat) { return canUserDoAction(chat, ACTION_MANAGE_CALLS); } public static boolean canSendStickers(TLRPC.Chat chat) { return canUserDoAction(chat, ACTION_SEND_STICKERS); } public static boolean canSendEmbed(TLRPC.Chat chat) { return canUserDoAction(chat, ACTION_EMBED_LINKS); } public static boolean canSendMedia(TLRPC.Chat chat) { return canUserDoAction(chat, ACTION_SEND_MEDIA); } public static boolean canSendPolls(TLRPC.Chat chat) { return canUserDoAction(chat, ACTION_SEND_POLLS); } public static boolean canSendMessages(TLRPC.Chat chat) { return canUserDoAction(chat, ACTION_SEND); } public static boolean canPost(TLRPC.Chat chat) { return canUserDoAction(chat, ACTION_POST); } public static boolean canAddUsers(TLRPC.Chat chat) { return canUserDoAction(chat, ACTION_INVITE); } public static boolean shouldSendAnonymously(TLRPC.Chat chat) { return chat != null && chat.admin_rights != null && chat.admin_rights.anonymous; } public static long getSendAsPeerId(TLRPC.Chat chat, TLRPC.ChatFull chatFull) { return getSendAsPeerId(chat, chatFull, false); } public static long getSendAsPeerId(TLRPC.Chat chat, TLRPC.ChatFull chatFull, boolean invertChannel) { if (chat != null && chatFull != null && chatFull.default_send_as != null) { TLRPC.Peer p = chatFull.default_send_as; return p.user_id != 0 ? p.user_id : invertChannel ? -p.channel_id : p.channel_id; } if (chat != null && chat.admin_rights != null && chat.admin_rights.anonymous) { return invertChannel ? -chat.id : chat.id; } return UserConfig.getInstance(UserConfig.selectedAccount).getClientUserId(); } public static boolean canAddBotsToChat(TLRPC.Chat chat) { if (isChannel(chat)) { if (chat.megagroup && (chat.admin_rights != null && (chat.admin_rights.post_messages || chat.admin_rights.add_admins) || chat.creator)) { return true; } } else { if (chat.migrated_to == null) { return true; } } return false; } public static boolean canPinMessages(TLRPC.Chat chat) { return canUserDoAction(chat, ACTION_PIN) || ChatObject.isChannel(chat) && !chat.megagroup && chat.admin_rights != null && chat.admin_rights.edit_messages; } public static boolean isChannel(long chatId, int currentAccount) { TLRPC.Chat chat = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).getChat(chatId); return chat instanceof TLRPC.TL_channel || chat instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelForbidden; } public static boolean isChannelAndNotMegaGroup(long chatId, int currentAccount) { TLRPC.Chat chat = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).getChat(chatId); return isChannelAndNotMegaGroup(chat); } public static boolean isCanWriteToChannel(long chatId, int currentAccount) { TLRPC.Chat chat = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).getChat(chatId); return ChatObject.canSendMessages(chat) || chat.megagroup; } public static boolean canWriteToChat(TLRPC.Chat chat) { return !isChannel(chat) || chat.creator || chat.admin_rights != null && chat.admin_rights.post_messages || !chat.broadcast && !chat.gigagroup || chat.gigagroup && ChatObject.hasAdminRights(chat); } public static String getBannedRightsString(TLRPC.TL_chatBannedRights bannedRights) { String currentBannedRights = ""; currentBannedRights += bannedRights.view_messages ? 1 : 0; currentBannedRights += bannedRights.send_messages ? 1 : 0; currentBannedRights += bannedRights.send_media ? 1 : 0; currentBannedRights += bannedRights.send_stickers ? 1 : 0; currentBannedRights += bannedRights.send_gifs ? 1 : 0; currentBannedRights += bannedRights.send_games ? 1 : 0; currentBannedRights += bannedRights.send_inline ? 1 : 0; currentBannedRights += bannedRights.embed_links ? 1 : 0; currentBannedRights += bannedRights.send_polls ? 1 : 0; currentBannedRights += bannedRights.invite_users ? 1 : 0; currentBannedRights += bannedRights.change_info ? 1 : 0; currentBannedRights += bannedRights.pin_messages ? 1 : 0; currentBannedRights += bannedRights.until_date; return currentBannedRights; } public static boolean hasPhoto(TLRPC.Chat chat) { return chat != null && chat.photo != null && !(chat.photo instanceof TLRPC.TL_chatPhotoEmpty); } public static TLRPC.ChatPhoto getPhoto(TLRPC.Chat chat) { return hasPhoto(chat) ? chat.photo : null; } public static class VideoParticipant { public TLRPC.TL_groupCallParticipant participant; public boolean presentation; public boolean hasSame; public float aspectRatio;// w / h public VideoParticipant(TLRPC.TL_groupCallParticipant participant, boolean presentation, boolean hasSame) { this.participant = participant; this.presentation = presentation; this.hasSame = hasSame; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } VideoParticipant that = (VideoParticipant) o; return presentation == that.presentation && MessageObject.getPeerId(participant.peer) == MessageObject.getPeerId(that.participant.peer); } public void setAspectRatio(float aspectRatio, Call call) { if (this.aspectRatio != aspectRatio) { this.aspectRatio = aspectRatio; if (!GroupCallActivity.isLandscapeMode && call.visibleVideoParticipants.size() % 2 == 1) { call.updateVisibleParticipants(); } } } } }