/* * This is the source code of Telegram for Android v. 5.x.x. * It is licensed under GNU GPL v. 2 or later. * You should have received a copy of the license in this archive (see LICENSE). * * Copyright Nikolai Kudashov, 2013-2018. */ package org.telegram.messenger; import android.appwidget.AppWidgetManager; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder; import android.text.Spanned; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.text.style.ForegroundColorSpan; import android.util.Pair; import android.util.SparseArray; import android.util.SparseIntArray; import androidx.annotation.UiThread; import androidx.collection.LongSparseArray; import org.telegram.PhoneFormat.PhoneFormat; import org.telegram.SQLite.SQLiteCursor; import org.telegram.SQLite.SQLiteDatabase; import org.telegram.SQLite.SQLiteException; import org.telegram.SQLite.SQLitePreparedStatement; import org.telegram.messenger.support.LongSparseIntArray; import org.telegram.tgnet.NativeByteBuffer; import org.telegram.tgnet.RequestDelegate; import org.telegram.tgnet.TLObject; import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC; import org.telegram.ui.ActionBar.Theme; import org.telegram.ui.Adapters.DialogsSearchAdapter; import org.telegram.ui.DialogsActivity; import org.telegram.ui.EditWidgetActivity; import java.io.File; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import java.util.function.Consumer; public class MessagesStorage extends BaseController { private DispatchQueue storageQueue; private SQLiteDatabase database; private File cacheFile; private File walCacheFile; private File shmCacheFile; private AtomicLong lastTaskId = new AtomicLong(System.currentTimeMillis()); private SparseArray> tasks = new SparseArray<>(); private int lastDateValue = 0; private int lastPtsValue = 0; private int lastQtsValue = 0; private int lastSeqValue = 0; private int lastSecretVersion = 0; private byte[] secretPBytes = null; private int secretG = 0; private int lastSavedSeq = 0; private int lastSavedPts = 0; private int lastSavedDate = 0; private int lastSavedQts = 0; private ArrayList dialogFilters = new ArrayList<>(); private SparseArray dialogFiltersMap = new SparseArray<>(); private LongSparseArray unknownDialogsIds = new LongSparseArray<>(); private int mainUnreadCount; private int archiveUnreadCount; private volatile int pendingMainUnreadCount; private volatile int pendingArchiveUnreadCount; private CountDownLatch openSync = new CountDownLatch(1); private static volatile MessagesStorage[] Instance = new MessagesStorage[UserConfig.MAX_ACCOUNT_COUNT]; private static final Object[] lockObjects = new Object[UserConfig.MAX_ACCOUNT_COUNT]; static { for (int i = 0; i < UserConfig.MAX_ACCOUNT_COUNT; i++) { lockObjects[i] = new Object(); } } public final static int LAST_DB_VERSION = 114; private boolean databaseMigrationInProgress; public boolean showClearDatabaseAlert; private LongSparseIntArray dialogIsForum = new LongSparseIntArray(); public static MessagesStorage getInstance(int num) { MessagesStorage localInstance = Instance[num]; if (localInstance == null) { synchronized (lockObjects[num]) { localInstance = Instance[num]; if (localInstance == null) { Instance[num] = localInstance = new MessagesStorage(num); } } } return localInstance; } private void ensureOpened() { try { openSync.await(); } catch (Throwable ignore) { } } public int getLastDateValue() { ensureOpened(); return lastDateValue; } public void setLastDateValue(int value) { ensureOpened(); lastDateValue = value; } public int getLastPtsValue() { ensureOpened(); return lastPtsValue; } public int getMainUnreadCount() { return mainUnreadCount; } public int getArchiveUnreadCount() { return archiveUnreadCount; } public void setLastPtsValue(int value) { ensureOpened(); lastPtsValue = value; } public int getLastQtsValue() { ensureOpened(); return lastQtsValue; } public void setLastQtsValue(int value) { ensureOpened(); lastQtsValue = value; } public int getLastSeqValue() { ensureOpened(); return lastSeqValue; } public void setLastSeqValue(int value) { ensureOpened(); lastSeqValue = value; } public int getLastSecretVersion() { ensureOpened(); return lastSecretVersion; } public void setLastSecretVersion(int value) { ensureOpened(); lastSecretVersion = value; } public byte[] getSecretPBytes() { ensureOpened(); return secretPBytes; } public void setSecretPBytes(byte[] value) { ensureOpened(); secretPBytes = value; } public int getSecretG() { ensureOpened(); return secretG; } public void setSecretG(int value) { ensureOpened(); secretG = value; } public MessagesStorage(int instance) { super(instance); storageQueue = new DispatchQueue("storageQueue_" + instance); storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> openDatabase(1)); } public SQLiteDatabase getDatabase() { return database; } public DispatchQueue getStorageQueue() { return storageQueue; } @UiThread public void bindTaskToGuid(Runnable task, int guid) { ArrayList arrayList = tasks.get(guid); if (arrayList == null) { arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); tasks.put(guid, arrayList); } arrayList.add(task); } @UiThread public void cancelTasksForGuid(int guid) { ArrayList arrayList = tasks.get(guid); if (arrayList == null) { return; } for (int a = 0, N = arrayList.size(); a < N; a++) { storageQueue.cancelRunnable(arrayList.get(a)); } tasks.remove(guid); } @UiThread public void completeTaskForGuid(Runnable runnable, int guid) { ArrayList arrayList = tasks.get(guid); if (arrayList == null) { return; } arrayList.remove(runnable); if (arrayList.isEmpty()) { tasks.remove(guid); } } public long getDatabaseSize() { long size = 0; if (cacheFile != null) { size += cacheFile.length(); } if (shmCacheFile != null) { size += shmCacheFile.length(); } /*if (walCacheFile != null) { size += walCacheFile.length(); }*/ return size; } public void openDatabase(int openTries) { if (!NativeLoader.loaded()) { int tryCount = 0; while (!NativeLoader.loaded()) { try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } tryCount++; if (tryCount > 5) { break; } } } File filesDir = ApplicationLoader.getFilesDirFixed(); if (currentAccount != 0) { filesDir = new File(filesDir, "account" + currentAccount + "/"); filesDir.mkdirs(); } cacheFile = new File(filesDir, "cache4.db"); walCacheFile = new File(filesDir, "cache4.db-wal"); shmCacheFile = new File(filesDir, "cache4.db-shm"); boolean createTable = false; if (!cacheFile.exists()) { createTable = true; } try { database = new SQLiteDatabase(cacheFile.getPath()); database.executeFast("PRAGMA secure_delete = ON").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("PRAGMA temp_store = MEMORY").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("PRAGMA journal_size_limit = 10485760").stepThis().dispose(); if (createTable) { if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) { FileLog.d("create new database"); } createTables(database); } else { int version = database.executeInt("PRAGMA user_version"); if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) { FileLog.d("current db version = " + version); } if (version == 0) { throw new Exception("malformed"); } try { SQLiteCursor cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT seq, pts, date, qts, lsv, sg, pbytes FROM params WHERE id = 1"); if (cursor.next()) { lastSeqValue = cursor.intValue(0); lastPtsValue = cursor.intValue(1); lastDateValue = cursor.intValue(2); lastQtsValue = cursor.intValue(3); lastSecretVersion = cursor.intValue(4); secretG = cursor.intValue(5); if (cursor.isNull(6)) { secretPBytes = null; } else { secretPBytes = cursor.byteArrayValue(6); if (secretPBytes != null && secretPBytes.length == 1) { secretPBytes = null; } } } cursor.dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); if (e.getMessage() != null && e.getMessage().contains("malformed")) { throw new RuntimeException("malformed"); } try { database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS params(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, seq INTEGER, pts INTEGER, date INTEGER, qts INTEGER, lsv INTEGER, sg INTEGER, pbytes BLOB)").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("INSERT INTO params VALUES(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL)").stepThis().dispose(); } catch (Exception e2) { FileLog.e(e2); } } if (version < LAST_DB_VERSION) { try { updateDbToLastVersion(version); } catch (Exception e) { if (BuildVars.DEBUG_PRIVATE_VERSION) { throw e; } FileLog.e(e); throw new RuntimeException("malformed"); } } } } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); if (openTries < 3 && e.getMessage() != null && e.getMessage().contains("malformed")) { if (openTries == 2) { cleanupInternal(true); clearLoadingDialogsOffsets(); } else { cleanupInternal(false); } openDatabase(openTries == 1 ? 2 : 3); } } AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { if (databaseMigrationInProgress) { databaseMigrationInProgress = false; NotificationCenter.getInstance(currentAccount).postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.onDatabaseMigration, false); } }); loadDialogFilters(); loadUnreadMessages(); loadPendingTasks(); try { openSync.countDown(); } catch (Throwable ignore) { } AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { //TODO add progress view and uncomment showClearDatabaseAlert = false;//getDatabaseSize() > 150 * 1024 * 1024; NotificationCenter.getInstance(currentAccount).postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.onDatabaseOpened); }); } private void clearLoadingDialogsOffsets() { for (int a = 0; a < 2; a++) { getUserConfig().setDialogsLoadOffset(a, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); getUserConfig().setTotalDialogsCount(a, 0); } getUserConfig().saveConfig(false); } private boolean recoverDatabase() { database.close(); boolean restored = DatabaseMigrationHelper.recoverDatabase(cacheFile, walCacheFile, shmCacheFile, currentAccount); if (restored) { try { database = new SQLiteDatabase(cacheFile.getPath()); database.executeFast("PRAGMA secure_delete = ON").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("PRAGMA temp_store = MEMORY").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("PRAGMA journal_size_limit = 10485760").stepThis().dispose(); } catch (SQLiteException e) { FileLog.e(new Exception(e)); restored = false; } } if (!restored) { cleanupInternal(true); for (int a = 0; a < 2; a++) { getUserConfig().setDialogsLoadOffset(a, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); getUserConfig().setTotalDialogsCount(a, 0); } getUserConfig().saveConfig(false); openDatabase(1); } return restored; } public final static String[] DATABASE_TABLES = new String[] { "messages_holes", "media_holes_v2", "scheduled_messages_v2", "messages_v2", "download_queue", "user_contacts_v7", "user_phones_v7", "dialogs", "dialog_filter", "dialog_filter_ep", "dialog_filter_pin_v2", "randoms_v2", "enc_tasks_v4", "messages_seq", "params", "media_v4", "bot_keyboard", "chat_settings_v2", "user_settings", "chat_pinned_v2", "chat_pinned_count", "chat_hints", "botcache", "users_data", "users", "chats", "enc_chats", "channel_users_v2", "channel_admins_v3", "contacts", "user_photos", "dialog_settings", "web_recent_v3", "stickers_v2", "stickers_featured", "stickers_dice", "stickersets", "hashtag_recent_v2", "webpage_pending_v2", "sent_files_v2", "search_recent", "media_counts_v2", "keyvalue", "bot_info_v2", "pending_tasks", "requested_holes", "sharing_locations", "shortcut_widget", "emoji_keywords_v2", "emoji_keywords_info_v2", "wallpapers2", "unread_push_messages", "polls_v2", "reactions", "reaction_mentions", "downloading_documents", "animated_emoji", "attach_menu_bots", "premium_promo", "emoji_statuses", "messages_holes_topics", "messages_topics", "media_topics", "media_holes_topics", "topics", "media_counts_topics", "reaction_mentions_topics", "emoji_groups" }; public static void createTables(SQLiteDatabase database) throws SQLiteException { database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE messages_holes(uid INTEGER, start INTEGER, end INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(uid, start));").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS uid_end_messages_holes ON messages_holes(uid, end);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE media_holes_v2(uid INTEGER, type INTEGER, start INTEGER, end INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(uid, type, start));").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS uid_end_media_holes_v2 ON media_holes_v2(uid, type, end);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE scheduled_messages_v2(mid INTEGER, uid INTEGER, send_state INTEGER, date INTEGER, data BLOB, ttl INTEGER, replydata BLOB, reply_to_message_id INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(mid, uid))").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS send_state_idx_scheduled_messages_v2 ON scheduled_messages_v2(mid, send_state, date);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS uid_date_idx_scheduled_messages_v2 ON scheduled_messages_v2(uid, date);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS reply_to_idx_scheduled_messages_v2 ON scheduled_messages_v2(mid, reply_to_message_id);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE messages_v2(mid INTEGER, uid INTEGER, read_state INTEGER, send_state INTEGER, date INTEGER, data BLOB, out INTEGER, ttl INTEGER, media INTEGER, replydata BLOB, imp INTEGER, mention INTEGER, forwards INTEGER, replies_data BLOB, thread_reply_id INTEGER, is_channel INTEGER, reply_to_message_id INTEGER, custom_params BLOB, group_id INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(mid, uid))").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS uid_mid_read_out_idx_messages_v2 ON messages_v2(uid, mid, read_state, out);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS uid_date_mid_idx_messages_v2 ON messages_v2(uid, date, mid);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS mid_out_idx_messages_v2 ON messages_v2(mid, out);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS task_idx_messages_v2 ON messages_v2(uid, out, read_state, ttl, date, send_state);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS send_state_idx_messages_v2 ON messages_v2(mid, send_state, date);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS uid_mention_idx_messages_v2 ON messages_v2(uid, mention, read_state);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS is_channel_idx_messages_v2 ON messages_v2(mid, is_channel);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS reply_to_idx_messages_v2 ON messages_v2(mid, reply_to_message_id);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS uid_mid_groupid_messages_v2 ON messages_v2(uid, mid, group_id);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE download_queue(uid INTEGER, type INTEGER, date INTEGER, data BLOB, parent TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (uid, type));").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS type_date_idx_download_queue ON download_queue(type, date);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE user_contacts_v7(key TEXT PRIMARY KEY, uid INTEGER, fname TEXT, sname TEXT, imported INTEGER)").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE user_phones_v7(key TEXT, phone TEXT, sphone TEXT, deleted INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (key, phone))").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS sphone_deleted_idx_user_phones ON user_phones_v7(sphone, deleted);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE dialogs(did INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, date INTEGER, unread_count INTEGER, last_mid INTEGER, inbox_max INTEGER, outbox_max INTEGER, last_mid_i INTEGER, unread_count_i INTEGER, pts INTEGER, date_i INTEGER, pinned INTEGER, flags INTEGER, folder_id INTEGER, data BLOB, unread_reactions INTEGER, last_mid_group INTEGER, ttl_period INTEGER)").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS date_idx_dialogs ON dialogs(date);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS last_mid_idx_dialogs ON dialogs(last_mid);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS unread_count_idx_dialogs ON dialogs(unread_count);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS last_mid_i_idx_dialogs ON dialogs(last_mid_i);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS unread_count_i_idx_dialogs ON dialogs(unread_count_i);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS folder_id_idx_dialogs ON dialogs(folder_id);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS flags_idx_dialogs ON dialogs(flags);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE dialog_filter(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, ord INTEGER, unread_count INTEGER, flags INTEGER, title TEXT)").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE dialog_filter_ep(id INTEGER, peer INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (id, peer))").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE dialog_filter_pin_v2(id INTEGER, peer INTEGER, pin INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (id, peer))").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE randoms_v2(random_id INTEGER, mid INTEGER, uid INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (random_id, mid, uid))").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS mid_idx_randoms_v2 ON randoms_v2(mid, uid);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE enc_tasks_v4(mid INTEGER, uid INTEGER, date INTEGER, media INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(mid, uid, media))").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS date_idx_enc_tasks_v4 ON enc_tasks_v4(date);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE messages_seq(mid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, seq_in INTEGER, seq_out INTEGER);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS seq_idx_messages_seq ON messages_seq(seq_in, seq_out);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE params(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, seq INTEGER, pts INTEGER, date INTEGER, qts INTEGER, lsv INTEGER, sg INTEGER, pbytes BLOB)").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("INSERT INTO params VALUES(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL)").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE media_v4(mid INTEGER, uid INTEGER, date INTEGER, type INTEGER, data BLOB, PRIMARY KEY(mid, uid, type))").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS uid_mid_type_date_idx_media_v4 ON media_v4(uid, mid, type, date);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE bot_keyboard(uid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, mid INTEGER, info BLOB)").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS bot_keyboard_idx_mid_v2 ON bot_keyboard(mid, uid);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE chat_settings_v2(uid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, info BLOB, pinned INTEGER, online INTEGER, inviter INTEGER, links INTEGER)").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS chat_settings_pinned_idx ON chat_settings_v2(uid, pinned) WHERE pinned != 0;").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE user_settings(uid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, info BLOB, pinned INTEGER)").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS user_settings_pinned_idx ON user_settings(uid, pinned) WHERE pinned != 0;").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE chat_pinned_v2(uid INTEGER, mid INTEGER, data BLOB, PRIMARY KEY (uid, mid));").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE chat_pinned_count(uid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, count INTEGER, end INTEGER);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE chat_hints(did INTEGER, type INTEGER, rating REAL, date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(did, type))").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS chat_hints_rating_idx ON chat_hints(rating);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE botcache(id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, date INTEGER, data BLOB)").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS botcache_date_idx ON botcache(date);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE users_data(uid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, about TEXT)").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE users(uid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, status INTEGER, data BLOB)").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE chats(uid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, data BLOB)").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE enc_chats(uid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, user INTEGER, name TEXT, data BLOB, g BLOB, authkey BLOB, ttl INTEGER, layer INTEGER, seq_in INTEGER, seq_out INTEGER, use_count INTEGER, exchange_id INTEGER, key_date INTEGER, fprint INTEGER, fauthkey BLOB, khash BLOB, in_seq_no INTEGER, admin_id INTEGER, mtproto_seq INTEGER)").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE channel_users_v2(did INTEGER, uid INTEGER, date INTEGER, data BLOB, PRIMARY KEY(did, uid))").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE channel_admins_v3(did INTEGER, uid INTEGER, data BLOB, PRIMARY KEY(did, uid))").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE contacts(uid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, mutual INTEGER)").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE user_photos(uid INTEGER, id INTEGER, data BLOB, PRIMARY KEY (uid, id))").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE dialog_settings(did INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, flags INTEGER);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE web_recent_v3(id TEXT, type INTEGER, image_url TEXT, thumb_url TEXT, local_url TEXT, width INTEGER, height INTEGER, size INTEGER, date INTEGER, document BLOB, PRIMARY KEY (id, type));").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE stickers_v2(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, data BLOB, date INTEGER, hash INTEGER);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE stickers_featured(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, data BLOB, unread BLOB, date INTEGER, hash INTEGER, premium INTEGER, emoji INTEGER);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE stickers_dice(emoji TEXT PRIMARY KEY, data BLOB, date INTEGER);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE stickersets(id INTEGER PRIMATE KEY, data BLOB, hash INTEGER);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE hashtag_recent_v2(id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, date INTEGER);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE webpage_pending_v2(id INTEGER, mid INTEGER, uid INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (id, mid, uid));").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE sent_files_v2(uid TEXT, type INTEGER, data BLOB, parent TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (uid, type))").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE search_recent(did INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, date INTEGER);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE media_counts_v2(uid INTEGER, type INTEGER, count INTEGER, old INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(uid, type))").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE keyvalue(id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, value TEXT)").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE bot_info_v2(uid INTEGER, dialogId INTEGER, info BLOB, PRIMARY KEY(uid, dialogId))").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE pending_tasks(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, data BLOB);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE requested_holes(uid INTEGER, seq_out_start INTEGER, seq_out_end INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (uid, seq_out_start, seq_out_end));").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE sharing_locations(uid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, mid INTEGER, date INTEGER, period INTEGER, message BLOB, proximity INTEGER);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE shortcut_widget(id INTEGER, did INTEGER, ord INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (id, did));").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS shortcut_widget_did ON shortcut_widget(did);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE emoji_keywords_v2(lang TEXT, keyword TEXT, emoji TEXT, PRIMARY KEY(lang, keyword, emoji));").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS emoji_keywords_v2_keyword ON emoji_keywords_v2(keyword);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE emoji_keywords_info_v2(lang TEXT PRIMARY KEY, alias TEXT, version INTEGER, date INTEGER);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE wallpapers2(uid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, data BLOB, num INTEGER)").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS wallpapers_num ON wallpapers2(num);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE unread_push_messages(uid INTEGER, mid INTEGER, random INTEGER, date INTEGER, data BLOB, fm TEXT, name TEXT, uname TEXT, flags INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(uid, mid))").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS unread_push_messages_idx_date ON unread_push_messages(date);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS unread_push_messages_idx_random ON unread_push_messages(random);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE polls_v2(mid INTEGER, uid INTEGER, id INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (mid, uid));").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS polls_id_v2 ON polls_v2(id);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE reactions(data BLOB, hash INTEGER, date INTEGER);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE reaction_mentions(message_id INTEGER, state INTEGER, dialog_id INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(message_id, dialog_id))").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS reaction_mentions_did ON reaction_mentions(dialog_id);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE downloading_documents(data BLOB, hash INTEGER, id INTEGER, state INTEGER, date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(hash, id));").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE animated_emoji(document_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, data BLOB);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE attach_menu_bots(data BLOB, hash INTEGER, date INTEGER);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE premium_promo(data BLOB, date INTEGER);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE emoji_statuses(data BLOB, type INTEGER);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE messages_holes_topics(uid INTEGER, topic_id INTEGER, start INTEGER, end INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(uid, topic_id, start));").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS uid_end_messages_holes ON messages_holes_topics(uid, topic_id, end);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE messages_topics(mid INTEGER, uid INTEGER, topic_id INTEGER, read_state INTEGER, send_state INTEGER, date INTEGER, data BLOB, out INTEGER, ttl INTEGER, media INTEGER, replydata BLOB, imp INTEGER, mention INTEGER, forwards INTEGER, replies_data BLOB, thread_reply_id INTEGER, is_channel INTEGER, reply_to_message_id INTEGER, custom_params BLOB, PRIMARY KEY(mid, topic_id, uid))").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS uid_date_mid_idx_messages_topics ON messages_topics(uid, date, mid);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS mid_out_idx_messages_topics ON messages_topics(mid, out);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS task_idx_messages_topics ON messages_topics(uid, out, read_state, ttl, date, send_state);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS send_state_idx_messages_topics ON messages_topics(mid, send_state, date);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS is_channel_idx_messages_topics ON messages_topics(mid, is_channel);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS reply_to_idx_messages_topics ON messages_topics(mid, reply_to_message_id);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS mid_uid_messages_topics ON messages_topics(mid, uid);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS uid_mid_read_out_idx_messages_topics ON messages_topics(uid, topic_id, mid, read_state, out);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS uid_mention_idx_messages_topics ON messages_topics(uid, topic_id, mention, read_state);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS uid_topic_id_messages_topics ON messages_topics(uid, topic_id);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS uid_topic_id_date_mid_messages_topics ON messages_topics(uid, topic_id, date, mid);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS uid_topic_id_mid_messages_topics ON messages_topics(uid, topic_id, mid);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE media_topics(mid INTEGER, uid INTEGER, topic_id INTEGER, date INTEGER, type INTEGER, data BLOB, PRIMARY KEY(mid, uid, topic_id, type))").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS uid_mid_type_date_idx_media_topics ON media_topics(uid, topic_id, mid, type, date);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE media_holes_topics(uid INTEGER, topic_id INTEGER, type INTEGER, start INTEGER, end INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(uid, topic_id, type, start));").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS uid_end_media_holes_topics ON media_holes_topics(uid, topic_id, type, end);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE topics(did INTEGER, topic_id INTEGER, data BLOB, top_message INTEGER, topic_message BLOB, unread_count INTEGER, max_read_id INTEGER, unread_mentions INTEGER, unread_reactions INTEGER, read_outbox INTEGER, pinned INTEGER, total_messages_count INTEGER, hidden INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(did, topic_id));").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS did_top_message_topics ON topics(did, top_message);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS did_topics ON topics(did);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE media_counts_topics(uid INTEGER, topic_id INTEGER, type INTEGER, count INTEGER, old INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(uid, topic_id, type))").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE reaction_mentions_topics(message_id INTEGER, state INTEGER, dialog_id INTEGER, topic_id INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(message_id, dialog_id, topic_id))").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS reaction_mentions_topics_did ON reaction_mentions_topics(dialog_id, topic_id);").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE emoji_groups(type INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, data BLOB)").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("CREATE TABLE app_config(data BLOB)").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("PRAGMA user_version = " + MessagesStorage.LAST_DB_VERSION).stepThis().dispose(); } public boolean isDatabaseMigrationInProgress() { return databaseMigrationInProgress; } private void updateDbToLastVersion(int currentVersion) throws Exception { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { databaseMigrationInProgress = true; NotificationCenter.getInstance(currentAccount).postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.onDatabaseMigration, true); }); int version = currentVersion; FileLog.d("MessagesStorage start db migration from " + version + " to " + LAST_DB_VERSION); version = DatabaseMigrationHelper.migrate(MessagesStorage.this, version); FileLog.d("MessagesStorage db migration finished to varsion " + version); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { databaseMigrationInProgress = false; NotificationCenter.getInstance(currentAccount).postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.onDatabaseMigration, false); }); } void executeNoException(String query) { try { database.executeFast(query).stepThis().dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } } private void cleanupInternal(boolean deleteFiles) { if (deleteFiles) { reset(); } else { clearDatabaseValues(); } if (database != null) { database.close(); database = null; } if (deleteFiles) { if (cacheFile != null) { cacheFile.delete(); cacheFile = null; } if (walCacheFile != null) { walCacheFile.delete(); walCacheFile = null; } if (shmCacheFile != null) { shmCacheFile.delete(); shmCacheFile = null; } } } public void clearDatabaseValues() { lastDateValue = 0; lastSeqValue = 0; lastPtsValue = 0; lastQtsValue = 0; lastSecretVersion = 0; mainUnreadCount = 0; archiveUnreadCount = 0; pendingMainUnreadCount = 0; pendingArchiveUnreadCount = 0; dialogFilters.clear(); dialogFiltersMap.clear(); unknownDialogsIds.clear(); lastSavedSeq = 0; lastSavedPts = 0; lastSavedDate = 0; lastSavedQts = 0; secretPBytes = null; secretG = 0; } public void cleanup(boolean isLogin) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { cleanupInternal(true); openDatabase(1); if (isLogin) { Utilities.stageQueue.postRunnable(() -> getMessagesController().getDifference()); } }); } public void saveSecretParams(int lsv, int sg, byte[] pbytes) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { try { SQLitePreparedStatement state = database.executeFast("UPDATE params SET lsv = ?, sg = ?, pbytes = ? WHERE id = 1"); state.bindInteger(1, lsv); state.bindInteger(2, sg); NativeByteBuffer data = new NativeByteBuffer(pbytes != null ? pbytes.length : 1); if (pbytes != null) { data.writeBytes(pbytes); } state.bindByteBuffer(3, data); state.step(); state.dispose(); data.reuse(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } }); } boolean tryRecover; public void checkSQLException(Throwable e) { checkSQLException(e, true); } private void checkSQLException(Throwable e, boolean logToAppCenter) { if (e instanceof SQLiteException && e.getMessage() != null && e.getMessage().contains("is malformed") && !tryRecover) { tryRecover = true; if (recoverDatabase()) { tryRecover = false; clearLoadingDialogsOffsets(); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.onDatabaseReset); }); FileLog.e(new Exception("database restored!!")); } else { FileLog.e(new Exception(e), logToAppCenter); } } else { FileLog.e(e, logToAppCenter); } } public void fixNotificationSettings() { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { try { LongSparseArray ids = new LongSparseArray<>(); SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getNotificationsSettings(currentAccount); Map values = preferences.getAll(); for (Map.Entry entry : values.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); if (key.startsWith("notify2_")) { Integer value = (Integer) entry.getValue(); if (value == 2 || value == 3) { key = key.replace("notify2_", ""); long flags; if (value == 2) { flags = 1; } else { Integer time = (Integer) values.get("notifyuntil_" + key); if (time != null) { flags = ((long) time << 32) | 1; } else { flags = 1; } } try { ids.put(Long.parseLong(key), flags); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } try { database.beginTransaction(); SQLitePreparedStatement state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO dialog_settings VALUES(?, ?)"); for (int a = 0; a < ids.size(); a++) { state.requery(); state.bindLong(1, ids.keyAt(a)); state.bindLong(2, ids.valueAt(a)); state.step(); } state.dispose(); database.commitTransaction(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } } catch (Throwable e) { checkSQLException(e); } }); } public long createPendingTask(NativeByteBuffer data) { if (data == null) { return 0; } long id = lastTaskId.getAndAdd(1); storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { try { SQLitePreparedStatement state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO pending_tasks VALUES(?, ?)"); state.bindLong(1, id); state.bindByteBuffer(2, data); state.step(); state.dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { data.reuse(); } }); return id; } public void removePendingTask(long id) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { try { database.executeFast("DELETE FROM pending_tasks WHERE id = " + id).stepThis().dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } }); } private void loadPendingTasks() { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { try { SQLiteCursor cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT id, data FROM pending_tasks WHERE 1"); while (cursor.next()) { long taskId = cursor.longValue(0); NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(1); if (data != null) { int type = data.readInt32(false); switch (type) { case 0: { TLRPC.Chat chat = TLRPC.Chat.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); if (chat != null) { Utilities.stageQueue.postRunnable(() -> getMessagesController().loadUnknownChannel(chat, taskId)); } break; } case 1: { long channelId = data.readInt32(false); int newDialogType = data.readInt32(false); Utilities.stageQueue.postRunnable(() -> getMessagesController().getChannelDifference(channelId, newDialogType, taskId, null)); break; } case 2: case 5: case 8: case 10: case 14: { TLRPC.Dialog dialog = new TLRPC.TL_dialog(); dialog.id = data.readInt64(false); dialog.top_message = data.readInt32(false); dialog.read_inbox_max_id = data.readInt32(false); dialog.read_outbox_max_id = data.readInt32(false); dialog.unread_count = data.readInt32(false); dialog.last_message_date = data.readInt32(false); dialog.pts = data.readInt32(false); dialog.flags = data.readInt32(false); if (type >= 5) { dialog.pinned = data.readBool(false); dialog.pinnedNum = data.readInt32(false); } if (type >= 8) { dialog.unread_mentions_count = data.readInt32(false); } if (type >= 10) { dialog.unread_mark = data.readBool(false); } if (type >= 14) { dialog.folder_id = data.readInt32(false); } TLRPC.InputPeer peer = TLRPC.InputPeer.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> getMessagesController().checkLastDialogMessage(dialog, peer, taskId)); break; } case 3: { long random_id = data.readInt64(false); TLRPC.InputPeer peer = TLRPC.InputPeer.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); TLRPC.TL_inputMediaGame game = (TLRPC.TL_inputMediaGame) TLRPC.InputMedia.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); getSendMessagesHelper().sendGame(peer, game, random_id, taskId); break; } case 4: { long did = data.readInt64(false); boolean pin = data.readBool(false); TLRPC.InputPeer peer = TLRPC.InputPeer.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> getMessagesController().pinDialog(did, pin, peer, taskId)); break; } case 6: { long channelId = data.readInt32(false); int newDialogType = data.readInt32(false); TLRPC.InputChannel inputChannel = TLRPC.InputChannel.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); Utilities.stageQueue.postRunnable(() -> getMessagesController().getChannelDifference(channelId, newDialogType, taskId, inputChannel)); break; } case 25: { long channelId = data.readInt64(false); int newDialogType = data.readInt32(false); TLRPC.InputChannel inputChannel = TLRPC.InputChannel.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); Utilities.stageQueue.postRunnable(() -> getMessagesController().getChannelDifference(channelId, newDialogType, taskId, inputChannel)); break; } case 7: { long channelId = data.readInt32(false); int constructor = data.readInt32(false); TLObject request = TLRPC.TL_messages_deleteMessages.TLdeserialize(data, constructor, false); if (request == null) { request = TLRPC.TL_channels_deleteMessages.TLdeserialize(data, constructor, false); } if (request == null) { removePendingTask(taskId); } else { TLObject finalRequest = request; AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> getMessagesController().deleteMessages(null, null, null, -channelId, true, false, false, taskId, finalRequest)); } break; } case 24: { long dialogId = data.readInt64(false); int constructor = data.readInt32(false); TLObject request = TLRPC.TL_messages_deleteMessages.TLdeserialize(data, constructor, false); if (request == null) { request = TLRPC.TL_channels_deleteMessages.TLdeserialize(data, constructor, false); } if (request == null) { removePendingTask(taskId); } else { TLObject finalRequest = request; AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> getMessagesController().deleteMessages(null, null, null, dialogId, true, false, false, taskId, finalRequest)); } break; } case 9: { long did = data.readInt64(false); TLRPC.InputPeer peer = TLRPC.InputPeer.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> getMessagesController().markDialogAsUnread(did, peer, taskId)); break; } case 11: { TLRPC.InputChannel inputChannel; int mid = data.readInt32(false); long channelId = data.readInt32(false); int ttl = data.readInt32(false); if (channelId != 0) { inputChannel = TLRPC.InputChannel.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); } else { inputChannel = null; } AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> getMessagesController().markMessageAsRead2(-channelId, mid, inputChannel, ttl, taskId)); break; } case 23: { TLRPC.InputChannel inputChannel; long dialogId = data.readInt64(false); int mid = data.readInt32(false); int ttl = data.readInt32(false); if (!DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(dialogId) && DialogObject.isChatDialog(dialogId) && data.hasRemaining()) { inputChannel = TLRPC.InputChannel.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); } else { inputChannel = null; } AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> getMessagesController().markMessageAsRead2(dialogId, mid, inputChannel, ttl, taskId)); break; } case 12: case 19: case 20: removePendingTask(taskId); break; case 21: { Theme.OverrideWallpaperInfo info = new Theme.OverrideWallpaperInfo(); long id = data.readInt64(false); info.isBlurred = data.readBool(false); info.isMotion = data.readBool(false); info.color = data.readInt32(false); info.gradientColor1 = data.readInt32(false); info.rotation = data.readInt32(false); info.intensity = (float) data.readDouble(false); boolean install = data.readBool(false); info.slug = data.readString(false); info.originalFileName = data.readString(false); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> getMessagesController().saveWallpaperToServer(null, info, install, taskId)); break; } case 13: { long did = data.readInt64(false); boolean first = data.readBool(false); int onlyHistory = data.readInt32(false); int maxIdDelete = data.readInt32(false); boolean revoke = data.readBool(false); TLRPC.InputPeer inputPeer = TLRPC.InputPeer.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> getMessagesController().deleteDialog(did, first ? 1 : 0, onlyHistory, maxIdDelete, revoke, inputPeer, taskId)); break; } case 15: { TLRPC.InputPeer inputPeer = TLRPC.InputPeer.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); Utilities.stageQueue.postRunnable(() -> getMessagesController().loadUnknownDialog(inputPeer, taskId)); break; } case 16: { int folderId = data.readInt32(false); int count = data.readInt32(false); ArrayList peers = new ArrayList<>(); for (int a = 0; a < count; a++) { TLRPC.InputDialogPeer inputPeer = TLRPC.InputDialogPeer.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); peers.add(inputPeer); } AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> getMessagesController().reorderPinnedDialogs(folderId, peers, taskId)); break; } case 17: { int folderId = data.readInt32(false); int count = data.readInt32(false); ArrayList peers = new ArrayList<>(); for (int a = 0; a < count; a++) { TLRPC.TL_inputFolderPeer inputPeer = TLRPC.TL_inputFolderPeer.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); peers.add(inputPeer); } AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> getMessagesController().addDialogToFolder(null, folderId, -1, peers, taskId)); break; } case 18: { long dialogId = data.readInt64(false); data.readInt32(false); int constructor = data.readInt32(false); TLObject request = TLRPC.TL_messages_deleteScheduledMessages.TLdeserialize(data, constructor, false); if (request == null) { removePendingTask(taskId); } else { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> getMessagesController().deleteMessages(null, null, null, dialogId, true, true, false, taskId, request)); } break; } case 22: { TLRPC.InputPeer inputPeer = TLRPC.InputPeer.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> getMessagesController().reloadMentionsCountForChannel(inputPeer, taskId)); break; } case 100: { final int chatId = data.readInt32(false); final boolean revoke = data.readBool(false); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> getSecretChatHelper().declineSecretChat(chatId, revoke, taskId)); break; } } data.reuse(); } } cursor.dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } }); } public void saveChannelPts(long channelId, int pts) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { try { SQLitePreparedStatement state = database.executeFast("UPDATE dialogs SET pts = ? WHERE did = ?"); state.bindInteger(1, pts); state.bindLong(2, -channelId); state.step(); state.dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } }); } private void saveDiffParamsInternal(int seq, int pts, int date, int qts) { try { if (lastSavedSeq == seq && lastSavedPts == pts && lastSavedDate == date && lastQtsValue == qts) { return; } SQLitePreparedStatement state = database.executeFast("UPDATE params SET seq = ?, pts = ?, date = ?, qts = ? WHERE id = 1"); state.bindInteger(1, seq); state.bindInteger(2, pts); state.bindInteger(3, date); state.bindInteger(4, qts); state.step(); state.dispose(); lastSavedSeq = seq; lastSavedPts = pts; lastSavedDate = date; lastSavedQts = qts; } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } } public void saveDiffParams(int seq, int pts, int date, int qts) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> saveDiffParamsInternal(seq, pts, date, qts)); } public void updateMutedDialogsFiltersCounters() { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> resetAllUnreadCounters(true)); } public void setDialogFlags(long did, long flags) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { try { int oldFlags = 0; SQLiteCursor cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT flags FROM dialog_settings WHERE did = " + did); if (cursor.next()) { oldFlags = cursor.intValue(0); } cursor.dispose(); if (flags == oldFlags) { return; } database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "REPLACE INTO dialog_settings VALUES(%d, %d)", did, flags)).stepThis().dispose(); resetAllUnreadCounters(true); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } }); } public void putPushMessage(MessageObject message) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { try { NativeByteBuffer data = new NativeByteBuffer(message.messageOwner.getObjectSize()); message.messageOwner.serializeToStream(data); int flags = 0; if (message.localType == 2) { flags |= 1; } if (message.localChannel) { flags |= 2; } SQLitePreparedStatement state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO unread_push_messages VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); state.requery(); state.bindLong(1, message.getDialogId()); state.bindInteger(2, message.getId()); state.bindLong(3, message.messageOwner.random_id); state.bindInteger(4, message.messageOwner.date); state.bindByteBuffer(5, data); if (message.messageText == null) { state.bindNull(6); } else { state.bindString(6, message.messageText.toString()); } if (message.localName == null) { state.bindNull(7); } else { state.bindString(7, message.localName); } if (message.localUserName == null) { state.bindNull(8); } else { state.bindString(8, message.localUserName); } state.bindInteger(9, flags); state.step(); data.reuse(); state.dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } }); } public void clearLocalDatabase() { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state5 = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state6 = null; try { ArrayList dialogsToCleanup = new ArrayList<>(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM reaction_mentions").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM reaction_mentions_topics").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM downloading_documents").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM attach_menu_bots").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM animated_emoji").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM stickers_v2").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM stickersets").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM messages_holes_topics").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM messages_topics").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM topics").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM media_holes_topics").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM media_topics").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM media_counts_topics").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM chat_pinned_v2").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM chat_pinned_count").stepThis().dispose(); cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT did FROM dialogs WHERE 1"); while (cursor.next()) { long did = cursor.longValue(0); if (!DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(did)) { dialogsToCleanup.add(did); } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; state5 = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO messages_holes VALUES(?, ?, ?)"); state6 = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO media_holes_v2 VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)"); database.beginTransaction(); for (int a = 0; a < dialogsToCleanup.size(); a++) { Long did = dialogsToCleanup.get(a); int messagesCount = 0; cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT COUNT(mid) FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = " + did); if (cursor.next()) { messagesCount = cursor.intValue(0); } cursor.dispose(); if (messagesCount <= 2) { continue; } cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT last_mid_i, last_mid FROM dialogs WHERE did = " + did); int messageId = -1; if (cursor.next()) { long last_mid_i = cursor.longValue(0); long last_mid = cursor.longValue(1); SQLiteCursor cursor2 = database.queryFinalized("SELECT data FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = " + did + " AND mid IN (" + last_mid_i + "," + last_mid + ")"); try { while (cursor2.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor2.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { TLRPC.Message message = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); if (message != null) { messageId = message.id; message.readAttachPath(data, UserConfig.getInstance(currentAccount).clientUserId); } data.reuse(); } } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } cursor2.dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = " + did + " AND mid != " + last_mid_i + " AND mid != " + last_mid).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM messages_holes WHERE uid = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM bot_keyboard WHERE uid = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM media_counts_v2 WHERE uid = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM media_v4 WHERE uid = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM media_holes_v2 WHERE uid = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); MediaDataController.getInstance(currentAccount).clearBotKeyboard(did, null); if (messageId != -1) { MessagesStorage.createFirstHoles(did, state5, state6, messageId, 0); } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } state5.dispose(); state6.dispose(); state5 = null; state6 = null; database.commitTransaction(); database.executeFast("PRAGMA journal_size_limit = 0").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("VACUUM").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("PRAGMA journal_size_limit = -1").stepThis().dispose(); getMessagesController().getTopicsController().databaseCleared(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (database != null) { database.commitTransaction(); } if (state5 != null) { state5.dispose(); } if (state6 != null) { state6.dispose(); } if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } reset(); } }); } public void saveTopics(long dialogId, List topics, boolean replace, boolean useQueue) { if (useQueue) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { saveTopicsInternal(dialogId, topics, replace, true); }); } else { saveTopicsInternal(dialogId, topics, replace, false); } } private void saveTopicsInternal(long dialogId, List topics, boolean replace, boolean inTransaction) { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { HashSet existingTopics = new HashSet<>(); HashMap pinnedValues = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < topics.size(); i++) { TLRPC.TL_forumTopic topic = topics.get(i); SQLiteCursor cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT did, pinned FROM topics WHERE did = " + dialogId + " AND topic_id = " + topic.id); boolean exist = cursor.next(); if (exist) { pinnedValues.put(i, cursor.intValue(2)); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (exist) { existingTopics.add(i); } } if (replace) { database.executeFast("DELETE FROM topics WHERE did = " + dialogId).stepThis().dispose(); } state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO topics VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); if (inTransaction) { database.beginTransaction(); } for (int i = 0; i < topics.size(); i++) { TLRPC.TL_forumTopic topic = topics.get(i); boolean exist = existingTopics.contains(i); state.requery(); state.bindLong(1, dialogId); state.bindInteger(2, topic.id); NativeByteBuffer data = new NativeByteBuffer(topic.getObjectSize()); topic.serializeToStream(data); state.bindByteBuffer(3, data); state.bindInteger(4, topic.top_message); NativeByteBuffer messageData = new NativeByteBuffer(topic.topicStartMessage.getObjectSize()); topic.topicStartMessage.serializeToStream(messageData); state.bindByteBuffer(5, messageData); state.bindInteger(6, topic.unread_count); state.bindInteger(7, topic.read_inbox_max_id); state.bindInteger(8, topic.unread_mentions_count); state.bindInteger(9, topic.unread_reactions_count); state.bindInteger(10, topic.read_outbox_max_id); if (topic.isShort && pinnedValues.containsKey(i)) { state.bindInteger(11, pinnedValues.get(i)); } else { state.bindInteger(11, topic.pinned ? 1 + topic.pinnedOrder : 0); } state.bindInteger(12, topic.totalMessagesCount); state.bindInteger(13, topic.hidden ? 1 : 0); state.step(); messageData.reuse(); data.reuse(); if (exist) { closeHolesInTable("messages_holes_topics", dialogId, topic.top_message, topic.top_message, topic.id); closeHolesInMedia(dialogId, topic.top_message, topic.top_message, -1, 0); } else { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "DELETE FROM messages_holes_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d", dialogId, topic.id)).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "DELETE FROM media_holes_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d", dialogId, topic.id)).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "DELETE FROM messages_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d", dialogId, topic.id)).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "DELETE FROM media_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d", dialogId, topic.id)).stepThis().dispose(); SQLitePreparedStatement state_holes = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO messages_holes_topics VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)"); SQLitePreparedStatement state_media_holes = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO media_holes_topics VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); createFirstHoles(dialogId, state_holes, state_media_holes, topic.top_message, topic.id); state_holes.dispose(); state_holes.dispose(); } } resetAllUnreadCounters(false); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } database.commitTransaction(); } } public void updateTopicData(long dialogId, TLRPC.TL_forumTopic fromTopic, int flags) { if (fromTopic == null) { return; } storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { if ((flags & TopicsController.TOPIC_FLAG_TOTAL_MESSAGES_COUNT) != 0) { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE topics SET total_messages_count = ? WHERE did = ? AND topic_id = ?"); state.requery(); state.bindInteger(1, fromTopic.totalMessagesCount); state.bindLong(2, dialogId); state.bindInteger(3, fromTopic.id); state.step(); state.dispose(); if (flags == TopicsController.TOPIC_FLAG_TOTAL_MESSAGES_COUNT) { return; } } TLRPC.TL_forumTopic topicToUpdate = null; cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT data FROM topics WHERE did = %d AND topic_id = %d", dialogId, fromTopic.id)); if (cursor.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { topicToUpdate = TLRPC.TL_forumTopic.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(true), true); data.reuse(); } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (topicToUpdate != null) { if ((flags & TopicsController.TOPIC_FLAG_TITLE) != 0) { topicToUpdate.title = fromTopic.title; } if ((flags & TopicsController.TOPIC_FLAG_ICON) != 0) { topicToUpdate.icon_emoji_id = fromTopic.icon_emoji_id; topicToUpdate.flags |= 1; } if ((flags & TopicsController.TOPIC_FLAG_PIN) != 0) { topicToUpdate.pinned = fromTopic.pinned; topicToUpdate.pinnedOrder = fromTopic.pinnedOrder; } int pinnedOrder = topicToUpdate.pinned ? 1 + topicToUpdate.pinnedOrder : 0; if ((flags & TopicsController.TOPIC_FLAG_CLOSE) != 0) { topicToUpdate.closed = fromTopic.closed; } if ((flags & TopicsController.TOPIC_FLAG_HIDE) != 0) { topicToUpdate.hidden = fromTopic.hidden; } state = database.executeFast("UPDATE topics SET data = ?, pinned = ?, hidden = ? WHERE did = ? AND topic_id = ?"); database.beginTransaction(); NativeByteBuffer data = new NativeByteBuffer(topicToUpdate.getObjectSize()); topicToUpdate.serializeToStream(data); state.bindByteBuffer(1, data); state.bindInteger(2, pinnedOrder); state.bindInteger(3, topicToUpdate.hidden ? 1 : 0); state.bindLong(4, dialogId); state.bindInteger(5, topicToUpdate.id); state.step(); data.reuse(); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } database.commitTransaction(); } }); } public void loadTopics(long dialogId, Consumer> callback) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { ArrayList topics = null; SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT top_message, data, topic_message, unread_count, max_read_id, unread_mentions, unread_reactions, read_outbox, pinned, total_messages_count FROM topics WHERE did = %d ORDER BY pinned ASC", dialogId)); SparseArray> topicsByTopMessageId = null; HashSet topMessageIds = null; while (cursor.next()) { if (topics == null) { topics = new ArrayList<>(); topicsByTopMessageId = new SparseArray<>(); topMessageIds = new HashSet<>(); } int topMessageId = cursor.intValue(0); NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(1); if (data != null) { TLRPC.TL_forumTopic topic = TLRPC.TL_forumTopic.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); if (topic != null) { topic.top_message = topMessageId; ArrayList topicsListByTopMessageId = topicsByTopMessageId.get(topMessageId); if (topicsListByTopMessageId == null) { topicsListByTopMessageId = new ArrayList<>(); topicsByTopMessageId.put(topMessageId, topicsListByTopMessageId); } topicsListByTopMessageId.add(topic); topMessageIds.add(topMessageId); topics.add(topic); NativeByteBuffer data2 = cursor.byteBufferValue(2); //if (data2 != null) { topic.topicStartMessage = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data2, data2.readInt32(false), false); if (data2 != null) { data2.reuse(); } // } topic.unread_count = cursor.intValue(3); topic.read_inbox_max_id = cursor.intValue(4); topic.unread_mentions_count = cursor.intValue(5); topic.unread_reactions_count = cursor.intValue(6); topic.read_outbox_max_id = cursor.intValue(7); topic.pinnedOrder = cursor.intValue(8) - 1; topic.pinned = topic.pinnedOrder >= 0; topic.totalMessagesCount = cursor.intValue(9); } data.reuse(); } } ArrayList usersToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList chatsToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); LongSparseArray>> replyMessageOwners = new LongSparseArray<>(); LongSparseArray> dialogReplyMessagesIds = new LongSparseArray<>(); if (topics != null && !topics.isEmpty()) { SQLiteCursor cursor2 = database.queryFinalized("SELECT mid, data, replydata FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = " + dialogId + " AND mid IN (" + TextUtils.join(",", topMessageIds) + ")"); while (cursor2.next()) { int messageId = cursor2.intValue(0); NativeByteBuffer data = cursor2.byteBufferValue(1); if (data != null) { TLRPC.Message message = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); if (message != null) { message.readAttachPath(data, UserConfig.getInstance(currentAccount).clientUserId); } data.reuse(); topMessageIds.remove(messageId); ArrayList topicsList = topicsByTopMessageId.get(messageId); if (topicsList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < topicsList.size(); i++) { topicsList.get(i).topMessage = message; } } addUsersAndChatsFromMessage(message, usersToLoad, chatsToLoad, null); try { if (message != null && message.reply_to != null && message.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id != 0 && ( message.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionPinMessage || message.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionPaymentSent || message.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionGameScore )) { if (!cursor2.isNull(2)) { NativeByteBuffer data2 = cursor2.byteBufferValue(2); if (data2 != null) { message.replyMessage = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data2, data2.readInt32(false), false); message.replyMessage.readAttachPath(data2, getUserConfig().clientUserId); data2.reuse(); if (message.replyMessage != null) { addUsersAndChatsFromMessage(message.replyMessage, usersToLoad, chatsToLoad, null); } } } if (message.replyMessage == null) { addReplyMessages(message, replyMessageOwners, dialogReplyMessagesIds); } } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } } } cursor2.dispose(); if (!topMessageIds.isEmpty()) { cursor2 = database.queryFinalized("SELECT mid, data FROM messages_topics WHERE uid = " + dialogId + " AND mid IN (" + TextUtils.join(",", topMessageIds) + ")"); try { while (cursor2.next()) { int messageId = cursor2.intValue(0); NativeByteBuffer data = cursor2.byteBufferValue(1); if (data != null) { TLRPC.Message message = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); if (message != null) { message.readAttachPath(data, UserConfig.getInstance(currentAccount).clientUserId); } data.reuse(); topMessageIds.remove(messageId); addUsersAndChatsFromMessage(message, usersToLoad, chatsToLoad, null); ArrayList topicsList = topicsByTopMessageId.get(messageId); if (topicsList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < topicsList.size(); i++) { topicsList.get(i).topMessage = message; } } } } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } } loadReplyMessages(replyMessageOwners, dialogReplyMessagesIds, usersToLoad, chatsToLoad, false); ArrayList chats = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList users = new ArrayList<>(); if (!chatsToLoad.isEmpty()) { getChatsInternal(TextUtils.join(",", chatsToLoad), chats); } if (!usersToLoad.isEmpty()) { getUsersInternal(TextUtils.join(",", usersToLoad), users); } AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { if (!users.isEmpty()) { getMessagesController().putUsers(users, true); } if (!chats.isEmpty()) { getMessagesController().putChats(chats, true); } }); loadGroupedMessagesForTopics(dialogId, topics); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } callback.accept(topics); }); } public void loadGroupedMessagesForTopicUpdates(ArrayList topics) { if (topics == null) { return; } try { LongSparseArray> topicsByGroupedId = new LongSparseArray<>(); for (int i = 0; i < topics.size(); i++) { if (topics.get(i).reloadTopic || topics.get(i).onlyCounters || topics.get(i).topMessage == null) { continue; } long groupId = topics.get(i).topMessage.grouped_id; if (groupId != 0) { ArrayList array = topicsByGroupedId.get(groupId); if (array == null) { array = new ArrayList<>(); topicsByGroupedId.put(groupId, array); } array.add(topics.get(i)); } } for (int i = 0; i < topicsByGroupedId.size(); i++) { long groupId = topicsByGroupedId.keyAt(i); ArrayList topicsToUpdate = topicsByGroupedId.valueAt(i); SQLiteCursor cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT data FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = %s AND group_id = %s ORDER BY date DESC", topicsToUpdate.get(0).dialogId, groupId)); ArrayList messageObjects = null; while (cursor.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); TLRPC.Message message = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); if (message != null) { message.readAttachPath(data, UserConfig.getInstance(currentAccount).clientUserId); } if (messageObjects == null) { messageObjects = new ArrayList<>(); } messageObjects.add(new MessageObject(currentAccount, message, false, false)); } cursor.dispose(); for (int k = 0; k < topicsToUpdate.size(); k++) { topicsToUpdate.get(k).groupedMessages = messageObjects; } } } catch (Throwable e) { checkSQLException(e); } } public void loadGroupedMessagesForTopics(long dialogId, ArrayList topics) { if (topics == null) { return; } try { LongSparseArray> topicsByGroupedId = new LongSparseArray<>(); for (int i = 0; i < topics.size(); i++) { if (topics.get(i).topMessage == null) { continue; } long groupId = topics.get(i).topMessage.grouped_id; if (groupId != 0) { ArrayList array = topicsByGroupedId.get(groupId); if (array == null) { array = new ArrayList<>(); topicsByGroupedId.put(groupId, array); } array.add(topics.get(i)); } } for (int i = 0; i < topicsByGroupedId.size(); i++) { long groupId = topicsByGroupedId.keyAt(i); ArrayList topicsToUpdate = topicsByGroupedId.valueAt(i); SQLiteCursor cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT data FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = %s AND group_id = %s ORDER BY date DESC", dialogId, groupId)); ArrayList messageObjects = null; while (cursor.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); TLRPC.Message message = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); if (message != null) { message.readAttachPath(data, UserConfig.getInstance(currentAccount).clientUserId); } if (messageObjects == null) { messageObjects = new ArrayList<>(); } messageObjects.add(new MessageObject(currentAccount, message, false, false)); } cursor.dispose(); for (int k = 0; k < topicsToUpdate.size(); k++) { topicsToUpdate.get(k).groupedMessages = messageObjects; } } } catch (Throwable e) { checkSQLException(e); } } public void removeTopic(long dialogId, int topicId) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { try { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM topics WHERE did = %d AND topic_id = %d", dialogId, topicId)).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM messages_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d", dialogId, topicId)).stepThis().dispose(); } catch (SQLiteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }); } public void updateTopicsWithReadMessages(HashMap topicsReadOutbox) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { for (TopicKey topicKey : topicsReadOutbox.keySet()) { int value = topicsReadOutbox.get(topicKey); try { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE topics SET read_outbox = max((SELECT read_outbox FROM topics WHERE did = %d AND topic_id = %d), %d) WHERE did = %d AND topic_id = %d", topicKey.dialogId, topicKey.topicId, value, topicKey.dialogId, topicKey.topicId)).stepThis().dispose(); } catch (SQLiteException e) { checkSQLException(e); } } }); } public void setDialogTtl(long did, int ttl) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { try { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE dialogs SET ttl_period = %d WHERE did = %d", ttl, did)).stepThis().dispose(); } catch (SQLiteException e) { checkSQLException(e); } }); } public ArrayList getDatabaseFiles() { ArrayList files = new ArrayList<>(); files.add(cacheFile); files.add(walCacheFile); files.add(shmCacheFile); return files; } public void reset() { clearDatabaseValues(); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { for (int a = 0; a < 2; a++) { getUserConfig().setDialogsLoadOffset(a, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); getUserConfig().setTotalDialogsCount(a, 0); } getUserConfig().clearFilters(); getUserConfig().clearPinnedDialogsLoaded(); NotificationCenter.getInstance(currentAccount).postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.didClearDatabase); getMediaDataController().loadAttachMenuBots(false, true); getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.onDatabaseReset); }); } private static class ReadDialog { public int lastMid; public int date; public int unreadCount; } public void readAllDialogs(int folderId) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { ArrayList usersToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList chatsToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList encryptedChatIds = new ArrayList<>(); LongSparseArray dialogs = new LongSparseArray<>(); if (folderId >= 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT did, last_mid, unread_count, date FROM dialogs WHERE unread_count > 0 AND folder_id = %1$d", folderId)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT did, last_mid, unread_count, date FROM dialogs WHERE unread_count > 0"); } while (cursor.next()) { long did = cursor.longValue(0); if (DialogObject.isFolderDialogId(did)) { continue; } ReadDialog dialog = new ReadDialog(); dialog.lastMid = cursor.intValue(1); dialog.unreadCount = cursor.intValue(2); dialog.date = cursor.intValue(3); dialogs.put(did, dialog); if (!DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(did)) { if (DialogObject.isChatDialog(did)) { if (!chatsToLoad.contains(-did)) { chatsToLoad.add(-did); } } else { if (!usersToLoad.contains(did)) { usersToLoad.add(did); } } } else { int encryptedChatId = DialogObject.getEncryptedChatId(did); if (!encryptedChatIds.contains(encryptedChatId)) { encryptedChatIds.add(encryptedChatId); } } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; ArrayList users = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList chats = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList encryptedChats = new ArrayList<>(); if (!encryptedChatIds.isEmpty()) { getEncryptedChatsInternal(TextUtils.join(",", encryptedChatIds), encryptedChats, usersToLoad); } if (!usersToLoad.isEmpty()) { getUsersInternal(TextUtils.join(",", usersToLoad), users); } if (!chatsToLoad.isEmpty()) { getChatsInternal(TextUtils.join(",", chatsToLoad), chats); } AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { getMessagesController().putUsers(users, true); getMessagesController().putChats(chats, true); getMessagesController().putEncryptedChats(encryptedChats, true); for (int a = 0; a < dialogs.size(); a++) { long did = dialogs.keyAt(a); ReadDialog dialog = dialogs.valueAt(a); getMessagesController().markDialogAsRead(did, dialog.lastMid, dialog.lastMid, dialog.date, false, 0, dialog.unreadCount, true, 0); } }); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } }); } private TLRPC.messages_Dialogs loadDialogsByIds(String ids, ArrayList usersToLoad, ArrayList chatsToLoad, ArrayList encryptedToLoad) throws Exception { TLRPC.messages_Dialogs dialogs = new TLRPC.TL_messages_dialogs(); LongSparseArray replyMessageOwners = new LongSparseArray<>(); LongSparseArray groupsToLoad = new LongSparseArray<>(); SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT d.did, d.last_mid, d.unread_count, d.date, m.data, m.read_state, m.mid, m.send_state, s.flags, m.date, d.pts, d.inbox_max, d.outbox_max, m.replydata, d.pinned, d.unread_count_i, d.flags, d.folder_id, d.data, d.unread_reactions, d.last_mid_group, d.ttl_period FROM dialogs as d LEFT JOIN messages_v2 as m ON d.last_mid = m.mid AND d.did = m.uid LEFT JOIN dialog_settings as s ON d.did = s.did WHERE d.did IN (%s) ORDER BY d.pinned DESC, d.date DESC", ids)); while (cursor.next()) { long dialogId = cursor.longValue(0); TLRPC.Dialog dialog = new TLRPC.TL_dialog(); dialog.id = dialogId; dialog.top_message = cursor.intValue(1); dialog.unread_count = cursor.intValue(2); dialog.last_message_date = cursor.intValue(3); dialog.pts = cursor.intValue(10); dialog.flags = dialog.pts == 0 || DialogObject.isUserDialog(dialog.id) ? 0 : 1; dialog.read_inbox_max_id = cursor.intValue(11); dialog.read_outbox_max_id = cursor.intValue(12); dialog.pinnedNum = cursor.intValue(14); dialog.pinned = dialog.pinnedNum != 0; dialog.unread_mentions_count = cursor.intValue(15); int dialog_flags = cursor.intValue(16); dialog.unread_mark = (dialog_flags & 1) != 0; long flags = cursor.longValue(8); int low_flags = (int) flags; dialog.notify_settings = new TLRPC.TL_peerNotifySettings(); if ((low_flags & 1) != 0) { dialog.notify_settings.mute_until = (int) (flags >> 32); if (dialog.notify_settings.mute_until == 0) { dialog.notify_settings.mute_until = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } } dialog.folder_id = cursor.intValue(17); dialog.unread_reactions_count = cursor.intValue(19); long groupMessagesId = cursor.longValue(20); if (groupMessagesId != 0) { groupsToLoad.append(dialogId, groupMessagesId); } dialog.ttl_period = cursor.intValue(21); dialogs.dialogs.add(dialog); NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(4); if (data != null) { TLRPC.Message message = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); if (message != null) { message.readAttachPath(data, getUserConfig().clientUserId); data.reuse(); MessageObject.setUnreadFlags(message, cursor.intValue(5)); message.id = cursor.intValue(6); int date = cursor.intValue(9); if (date != 0) { dialog.last_message_date = date; } message.send_state = cursor.intValue(7); message.dialog_id = dialog.id; dialogs.messages.add(message); addUsersAndChatsFromMessage(message, usersToLoad, chatsToLoad, null); try { if (message.reply_to != null && message.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id != 0 && ( message.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionPinMessage || message.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionPaymentSent || message.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionGameScore)) { if (!cursor.isNull(13)) { NativeByteBuffer data2 = cursor.byteBufferValue(13); if (data2 != null) { message.replyMessage = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data2, data2.readInt32(false), false); message.replyMessage.readAttachPath(data2, getUserConfig().clientUserId); data2.reuse(); if (message.replyMessage != null) { addUsersAndChatsFromMessage(message.replyMessage, usersToLoad, chatsToLoad, null); } } } if (message.replyMessage == null) { replyMessageOwners.put(dialog.id, message); } } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } } else { data.reuse(); } } if (!DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(dialogId)) { if (dialog.read_inbox_max_id > dialog.top_message) { dialog.read_inbox_max_id = 0; } } if (DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(dialogId)) { int encryptedChatId = DialogObject.getEncryptedChatId(dialogId); if (!encryptedToLoad.contains(encryptedChatId)) { encryptedToLoad.add(encryptedChatId); } } else if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(dialogId)) { if (!usersToLoad.contains(dialogId)) { usersToLoad.add(dialogId); } } else { if (!chatsToLoad.contains(-dialogId)) { chatsToLoad.add(-dialogId); } } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (!groupsToLoad.isEmpty()) { StringBuilder whereClause = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < groupsToLoad.size(); ++i) { whereClause.append("uid = ").append(groupsToLoad.keyAt(i)).append(" AND group_id = ").append(groupsToLoad.valueAt(i)); if (i + 1 < groupsToLoad.size()) { whereClause.append(" OR "); } } cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT uid, data, read_state, mid, send_state, date, replydata FROM messages_v2 WHERE %s ORDER BY date DESC", whereClause)); int count = 0; while (cursor.next()) { count++; long dialogId = cursor.longValue(0); TLRPC.Dialog dialog = null; for (int i = 0; i < dialogs.dialogs.size(); ++i) { TLRPC.Dialog d = dialogs.dialogs.get(i); if (d != null && d.id == dialogId) { dialog = d; break; } } if (dialog == null) { continue; } NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(1); if (data != null) { TLRPC.Message message = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); if (message != null) { message.readAttachPath(data, getUserConfig().clientUserId); data.reuse(); MessageObject.setUnreadFlags(message, cursor.intValue(2)); message.id = cursor.intValue(3); int date = cursor.intValue(5); if (date != 0) { dialog.last_message_date = date; } message.send_state = cursor.intValue(4); message.dialog_id = dialog.id; dialogs.messages.add(message); addUsersAndChatsFromMessage(message, usersToLoad, chatsToLoad, null); try { if (message.reply_to != null && message.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id != 0 && ( message.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionPinMessage || message.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionPaymentSent || message.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionGameScore)) { if (!cursor.isNull(6)) { NativeByteBuffer data2 = cursor.byteBufferValue(6); if (data2 != null) { message.replyMessage = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data2, data2.readInt32(false), false); message.replyMessage.readAttachPath(data2, getUserConfig().clientUserId); data2.reuse(); if (message.replyMessage != null) { addUsersAndChatsFromMessage(message.replyMessage, usersToLoad, chatsToLoad, null); } } } if (message.replyMessage == null) { replyMessageOwners.put(dialog.id, message); } } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } } else { data.reuse(); } } } cursor.dispose(); } if (!replyMessageOwners.isEmpty()) { for (int a = 0, N = replyMessageOwners.size(); a < N; a++) { long dialogId = replyMessageOwners.keyAt(a); TLRPC.Message ownerMessage = replyMessageOwners.valueAt(a); SQLiteCursor replyCursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT data, mid, date, uid FROM messages_v2 WHERE mid = %d and uid = %d", ownerMessage.id, dialogId)); while (replyCursor.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = replyCursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { TLRPC.Message message = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); message.readAttachPath(data, getUserConfig().clientUserId); data.reuse(); message.id = replyCursor.intValue(1); message.date = replyCursor.intValue(2); message.dialog_id = replyCursor.longValue(3); addUsersAndChatsFromMessage(message, usersToLoad, chatsToLoad, null); ownerMessage.replyMessage = message; message.dialog_id = ownerMessage.dialog_id; } } replyCursor.dispose(); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } return dialogs; } private void loadDialogFilters() { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor filtersCursor = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { ArrayList usersToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList chatsToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList encryptedToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList dialogsToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); SparseArray filtersById = new SparseArray<>(); usersToLoad.add(getUserConfig().getClientUserId()); filtersCursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT id, ord, unread_count, flags, title FROM dialog_filter WHERE 1"); boolean updateCounters = false; boolean hasDefaultFilter = false; while (filtersCursor.next()) { MessagesController.DialogFilter filter = new MessagesController.DialogFilter(); filter.id = filtersCursor.intValue(0); filter.order = filtersCursor.intValue(1); filter.pendingUnreadCount = filter.unreadCount = -1;//filtersCursor.intValue(2); filter.flags = filtersCursor.intValue(3); filter.name = filtersCursor.stringValue(4); dialogFilters.add(filter); dialogFiltersMap.put(filter.id, filter); filtersById.put(filter.id, filter); if (filter.pendingUnreadCount < 0) { updateCounters = true; } for (int a = 0; a < 2; a++) { SQLiteCursor cursor2; if (a == 0) { cursor2 = database.queryFinalized("SELECT peer, pin FROM dialog_filter_pin_v2 WHERE id = " + filter.id); } else { cursor2 = database.queryFinalized("SELECT peer FROM dialog_filter_ep WHERE id = " + filter.id); } while (cursor2.next()) { long did = cursor2.longValue(0); if (a == 0) { if (!DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(did)) { filter.alwaysShow.add(did); } int pin = cursor2.intValue(1); if (pin != Integer.MIN_VALUE) { filter.pinnedDialogs.put(did, pin); if (!dialogsToLoad.contains(did)) { dialogsToLoad.add(did); } } } else { if (!DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(did)) { filter.neverShow.add(did); } } if (DialogObject.isChatDialog(did)) { if (!chatsToLoad.contains(-did)) { chatsToLoad.add(-did); } } else if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(did)) { if (!usersToLoad.contains(did)) { usersToLoad.add(did); } } else { int encryptedChatId = DialogObject.getEncryptedChatId(did); if (!encryptedToLoad.contains(encryptedChatId)) { encryptedToLoad.add(encryptedChatId); } } } cursor2.dispose(); } if (filter.id == 0) { hasDefaultFilter = true; } } filtersCursor.dispose(); filtersCursor = null; if (!hasDefaultFilter) { MessagesController.DialogFilter filter = new MessagesController.DialogFilter(); filter.id = 0; filter.order = 0; filter.name = "ALL_CHATS"; for (int i = 0; i < dialogFilters.size(); i++) { dialogFilters.get(i).order++; } dialogFilters.add(filter); dialogFiltersMap.put(filter.id, filter); filtersById.put(filter.id, filter); state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO dialog_filter VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); state.bindInteger(1, filter.id); state.bindInteger(2, filter.order); state.bindInteger(3, filter.unreadCount); state.bindInteger(4, filter.flags); state.bindString(5, filter.name); state.stepThis().dispose(); state = null; } Collections.sort(dialogFilters, (o1, o2) -> { if (o1.order > o2.order) { return 1; } else if (o1.order < o2.order) { return -1; } return 0; }); if (updateCounters) { calcUnreadCounters(true); } TLRPC.messages_Dialogs dialogs; if (!dialogsToLoad.isEmpty()) { dialogs = loadDialogsByIds(TextUtils.join(",", dialogsToLoad), usersToLoad, chatsToLoad, encryptedToLoad); } else { dialogs = new TLRPC.TL_messages_dialogs(); } ArrayList users = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList chats = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList encryptedChats = new ArrayList<>(); if (!encryptedToLoad.isEmpty()) { getEncryptedChatsInternal(TextUtils.join(",", encryptedToLoad), encryptedChats, usersToLoad); } if (!usersToLoad.isEmpty()) { getUsersInternal(TextUtils.join(",", usersToLoad), users); } if (!chatsToLoad.isEmpty()) { getChatsInternal(TextUtils.join(",", chatsToLoad), chats); } getMessagesController().processLoadedDialogFilters(new ArrayList<>(dialogFilters), dialogs, null, users, chats, encryptedChats, 0); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (filtersCursor != null) { filtersCursor.dispose(); } if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } }); } private int[][] contacts = new int[][]{new int[2], new int[2]}; private int[][] nonContacts = new int[][]{new int[2], new int[2]}; private int[][] bots = new int[][]{new int[2], new int[2]}; private int[][] channels = new int[][]{new int[2], new int[2]}; private int[][] groups = new int[][]{new int[2], new int[2]}; private int[] mentionChannels = new int[2]; private int[] mentionGroups = new int[2]; private LongSparseArray dialogsWithMentions = new LongSparseArray<>(); private LongSparseArray dialogsWithUnread = new LongSparseArray<>(); private void calcUnreadCounters(boolean apply) { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { for (int a = 0; a < 2; a++) { for (int b = 0; b < 2; b++) { contacts[a][b] = nonContacts[a][b] = bots[a][b] = channels[a][b] = groups[a][b] = 0; } } dialogsWithMentions.clear(); dialogsWithUnread.clear(); ArrayList users = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList encUsers = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList chats = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList usersToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList chatsToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList encryptedToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); LongSparseIntArray dialogsByFolders = new LongSparseIntArray(); LongSparseIntArray forumUnreadCount = new LongSparseIntArray(); cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT DISTINCT did FROM topics WHERE unread_count > 0 OR unread_mentions > 0"); while (cursor.next()) { long dialogId = cursor.longValue(0); if (isForum(dialogId)) { forumUnreadCount.put(dialogId, 1); } } cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT did, folder_id, unread_count, unread_count_i FROM dialogs WHERE unread_count > 0 OR flags > 0 UNION ALL " + "SELECT did, folder_id, unread_count, unread_count_i FROM dialogs WHERE unread_count_i > 0"); while (cursor.next()) { int folderId = cursor.intValue(1); long did = cursor.longValue(0); int unread; int mentions = 0; if (isForum(did)) { unread = forumUnreadCount.get(did, 0); if (unread == 0) { continue; } } else { unread = cursor.intValue(2); mentions = cursor.intValue(3); } if (unread > 0) { dialogsWithUnread.put(did, unread); } if (mentions > 0) { dialogsWithMentions.put(did, mentions); } /*if (BuildVars.DEBUG_VERSION) { FileLog.d("unread chat " + did + " counters = " + unread + " and " + mentions); }*/ dialogsByFolders.put(did, folderId); if (DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(did)) { int encryptedChatId = DialogObject.getEncryptedChatId(did); if (!encryptedToLoad.contains(encryptedChatId)) { encryptedToLoad.add(encryptedChatId); } } else if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(did)) { if (!usersToLoad.contains(did)) { usersToLoad.add(did); } } else { if (!chatsToLoad.contains(-did)) { chatsToLoad.add(-did); } } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; LongSparseArray usersDict = new LongSparseArray<>(); LongSparseArray chatsDict = new LongSparseArray<>(); LongSparseArray encUsersDict = new LongSparseArray<>(); LongSparseIntArray encryptedChatsByUsersCount = new LongSparseIntArray(); LongSparseArray mutedDialogs = new LongSparseArray<>(); LongSparseArray archivedDialogs = new LongSparseArray<>(); if (!usersToLoad.isEmpty()) { getUsersInternal(TextUtils.join(",", usersToLoad), users); for (int a = 0, N = users.size(); a < N; a++) { TLRPC.User user = users.get(a); boolean muted = getMessagesController().isDialogMuted(user.id, 0); int idx1 = dialogsByFolders.get(user.id); int idx2 = muted ? 1 : 0; if (muted) { mutedDialogs.put(user.id, true); } if (idx1 == 1) { archivedDialogs.put(user.id, true); } if (user.bot) { bots[idx1][idx2]++; } else if (user.self || user.contact) { contacts[idx1][idx2]++; } else { nonContacts[idx1][idx2]++; } usersDict.put(user.id, user); } } if (!encryptedToLoad.isEmpty()) { ArrayList encUsersToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList encryptedChats = new ArrayList<>(); getEncryptedChatsInternal(TextUtils.join(",", encryptedToLoad), encryptedChats, encUsersToLoad); if (!encUsersToLoad.isEmpty()) { getUsersInternal(TextUtils.join(",", encUsersToLoad), encUsers); for (int a = 0, N = encUsers.size(); a < N; a++) { TLRPC.User user = encUsers.get(a); encUsersDict.put(user.id, user); } for (int a = 0, N = encryptedChats.size(); a < N; a++) { TLRPC.EncryptedChat encryptedChat = encryptedChats.get(a); TLRPC.User user = encUsersDict.get(encryptedChat.user_id); if (user == null) { continue; } long did = DialogObject.makeEncryptedDialogId(encryptedChat.id); boolean muted = getMessagesController().isDialogMuted(did, 0); int idx1 = dialogsByFolders.get(did); int idx2 = muted ? 1 : 0; if (muted) { mutedDialogs.put(user.id, true); } if (idx1 == 1) { archivedDialogs.put(user.id, true); } if (user.self || user.contact) { contacts[idx1][idx2]++; } else { nonContacts[idx1][idx2]++; } int count = encryptedChatsByUsersCount.get(user.id, 0); encryptedChatsByUsersCount.put(user.id, count + 1); } } } if (!chatsToLoad.isEmpty()) { getChatsInternal(TextUtils.join(",", chatsToLoad), chats); for (int a = 0, N = chats.size(); a < N; a++) { TLRPC.Chat chat = chats.get(a); if (chat.migrated_to instanceof TLRPC.TL_inputChannel || ChatObject.isNotInChat(chat)) { dialogsWithUnread.remove(-chat.id); dialogsWithMentions.remove(-chat.id); continue; } boolean muted = getMessagesController().isDialogMuted(-chat.id, 0, chat); int idx1 = dialogsByFolders.get(-chat.id); int idx2 = muted && dialogsWithMentions.indexOfKey(-chat.id) < 0 ? 1 : 0; if (muted) { mutedDialogs.put(-chat.id, true); } if (idx1 == 1) { archivedDialogs.put(-chat.id, true); } if (ChatObject.isChannel(chat) && !chat.megagroup) { channels[idx1][idx2]++; } else { groups[idx1][idx2]++; } chatsDict.put(chat.id, chat); } } /*if (BuildVars.DEBUG_VERSION) { for (int b = 0; b < 2; b++) { FileLog.d("contacts = " + contacts[b][0] + ", " + contacts[b][1]); FileLog.d("nonContacts = " + nonContacts[b][0] + ", " + nonContacts[b][1]); FileLog.d("groups = " + groups[b][0] + ", " + groups[b][1]); FileLog.d("channels = " + channels[b][0] + ", " + channels[b][1]); FileLog.d("bots = " + bots[b][0] + ", " + bots[b][1]); } }*/ for (int a = 0, N = dialogFilters.size(); a < N + 2; a++) { MessagesController.DialogFilter filter; int flags; if (a < N) { filter = dialogFilters.get(a); if (filter.pendingUnreadCount >= 0) { continue; } flags = filter.flags; } else { filter = null; flags = MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_ALL_CHATS; if (a == N) { if (!getNotificationsController().showBadgeMuted) { flags |= MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED; } flags |= MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_ARCHIVED; } else { flags |= MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_ONLY_ARCHIVED; } } int unreadCount = 0; if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_CONTACTS) != 0) { if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_ONLY_ARCHIVED) == 0) { unreadCount += contacts[0][0]; if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) == 0) { unreadCount += contacts[0][1]; } } if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_ARCHIVED) == 0) { unreadCount += contacts[1][0]; if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) == 0) { unreadCount += contacts[1][1]; } } } if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_NON_CONTACTS) != 0) { if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_ONLY_ARCHIVED) == 0) { unreadCount += nonContacts[0][0]; if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) == 0) { unreadCount += nonContacts[0][1]; } } if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_ARCHIVED) == 0) { unreadCount += nonContacts[1][0]; if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) == 0) { unreadCount += nonContacts[1][1]; } } } if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_GROUPS) != 0) { if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_ONLY_ARCHIVED) == 0) { unreadCount += groups[0][0]; if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) == 0) { unreadCount += groups[0][1]; } } if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_ARCHIVED) == 0) { unreadCount += groups[1][0]; if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) == 0) { unreadCount += groups[1][1]; } } } if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_CHANNELS) != 0) { if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_ONLY_ARCHIVED) == 0) { unreadCount += channels[0][0]; if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) == 0) { unreadCount += channels[0][1]; } } if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_ARCHIVED) == 0) { unreadCount += channels[1][0]; if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) == 0) { unreadCount += channels[1][1]; } } } if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_BOTS) != 0) { if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_ONLY_ARCHIVED) == 0) { unreadCount += bots[0][0]; if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) == 0) { unreadCount += bots[0][1]; } } if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_ARCHIVED) == 0) { unreadCount += bots[1][0]; if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) == 0) { unreadCount += bots[1][1]; } } } if (filter != null) { for (int b = 0, N2 = filter.alwaysShow.size(); b < N2; b++) { long did = filter.alwaysShow.get(b); if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(did)) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { LongSparseArray dict = i == 0 ? usersDict : encUsersDict; TLRPC.User user = dict.get(did); if (user != null) { int count; if (i == 0) { count = 1; } else { count = encryptedChatsByUsersCount.get(did, 0); if (count == 0) { continue; } } int flag; if (user.bot) { flag = MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_BOTS; } else if (user.self || user.contact) { flag = MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_CONTACTS; } else { flag = MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_NON_CONTACTS; } if ((flags & flag) == 0) { unreadCount += count; } else if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) != 0 && mutedDialogs.indexOfKey(user.id) >= 0) { unreadCount += count; } else if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_ARCHIVED) != 0 && archivedDialogs.indexOfKey(user.id) >= 0) { unreadCount += count; } } } } else { TLRPC.Chat chat = chatsDict.get(-did); if (chat != null) { int flag; if (ChatObject.isChannel(chat) && !chat.megagroup) { flag = MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_CHANNELS; } else { flag = MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_GROUPS; } if ((flags & flag) == 0) { unreadCount++; } else if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) != 0 && mutedDialogs.indexOfKey(-chat.id) >= 0 && dialogsWithMentions.indexOfKey(-chat.id) < 0) { unreadCount++; } else if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_ARCHIVED) != 0 && archivedDialogs.indexOfKey(-chat.id) >= 0) { unreadCount++; } } } } for (int b = 0, N2 = filter.neverShow.size(); b < N2; b++) { long did = filter.neverShow.get(b); if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(did)) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { LongSparseArray dict = i == 0 ? usersDict : encUsersDict; TLRPC.User user = dict.get(did); if (user != null) { int count; if (i == 0) { count = 1; } else { count = encryptedChatsByUsersCount.get(did, 0); if (count == 0) { continue; } } int flag; if (user.bot) { flag = MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_BOTS; } else if (user.self || user.contact) { flag = MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_CONTACTS; } else { flag = MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_NON_CONTACTS; } if ((flags & flag) != 0) { if (((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_ARCHIVED) == 0 || archivedDialogs.indexOfKey(user.id) < 0) && ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) == 0 || mutedDialogs.indexOfKey(user.id) < 0)) { unreadCount -= count; } } } } } else { TLRPC.Chat chat = chatsDict.get(-did); if (chat != null) { int flag; if (ChatObject.isChannel(chat) && !chat.megagroup) { flag = MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_CHANNELS; } else { flag = MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_GROUPS; } if ((flags & flag) != 0) { if (((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_ARCHIVED) == 0 || archivedDialogs.indexOfKey(-chat.id) < 0) && ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) == 0 || mutedDialogs.indexOfKey(-chat.id) < 0 || dialogsWithMentions.indexOfKey(-chat.id) >= 0)) { unreadCount--; } } } } } filter.pendingUnreadCount = unreadCount; /*if (BuildVars.DEBUG_VERSION) { FileLog.d("filter " + filter.name + " flags = " + filter.flags + " unread count = " + filter.pendingUnreadCount); }*/ if (apply) { filter.unreadCount = unreadCount; } } else if (a == N) { pendingMainUnreadCount = unreadCount; if (apply) { mainUnreadCount = unreadCount; } } else if (a == N + 1) { pendingArchiveUnreadCount = unreadCount; if (apply) { archiveUnreadCount = unreadCount; } } } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } } private void saveDialogFilterInternal(MessagesController.DialogFilter filter, boolean atBegin, boolean peers) { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { if (!dialogFilters.contains(filter)) { if (atBegin) { dialogFilters.add(0, filter); } else { dialogFilters.add(filter); } dialogFiltersMap.put(filter.id, filter); } state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO dialog_filter VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); state.bindInteger(1, filter.id); state.bindInteger(2, filter.order); state.bindInteger(3, filter.unreadCount); state.bindInteger(4, filter.flags); state.bindString(5, filter.id == 0 ? "ALL_CHATS" : filter.name); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; if (peers) { database.executeFast("DELETE FROM dialog_filter_ep WHERE id = " + filter.id).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM dialog_filter_pin_v2 WHERE id = " + filter.id).stepThis().dispose(); database.beginTransaction(); state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO dialog_filter_pin_v2 VALUES(?, ?, ?)"); for (int a = 0, N = filter.alwaysShow.size(); a < N; a++) { long key = filter.alwaysShow.get(a); state.requery(); state.bindInteger(1, filter.id); state.bindLong(2, key); state.bindInteger(3, filter.pinnedDialogs.get(key, Integer.MIN_VALUE)); state.step(); } for (int a = 0, N = filter.pinnedDialogs.size(); a < N; a++) { long key = filter.pinnedDialogs.keyAt(a); if (!DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(key)) { continue; } state.requery(); state.bindInteger(1, filter.id); state.bindLong(2, key); state.bindInteger(3, filter.pinnedDialogs.valueAt(a)); state.step(); } state.dispose(); state = null; state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO dialog_filter_ep VALUES(?, ?)"); for (int a = 0, N = filter.neverShow.size(); a < N; a++) { state.requery(); state.bindInteger(1, filter.id); state.bindLong(2, filter.neverShow.get(a)); state.step(); } state.dispose(); state = null; database.commitTransaction(); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (database != null) { database.commitTransaction(); } if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } } public void checkLoadedRemoteFilters(TLRPC.Vector vector) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { try { SparseArray filtersToDelete = new SparseArray<>(); for (int a = 0, N = dialogFilters.size(); a < N; a++) { MessagesController.DialogFilter filter = dialogFilters.get(a); filtersToDelete.put(filter.id, filter); } ArrayList filtersOrder = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList usersToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); HashMap usersToLoadMap = new HashMap<>(); ArrayList chatsToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); HashMap chatsToLoadMap = new HashMap<>(); ArrayList dialogsToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); HashMap dialogsToLoadMap = new HashMap<>(); ArrayList filtersToSave = new ArrayList<>(); HashMap> filterUserRemovals = new HashMap<>(); HashMap> filterDialogRemovals = new HashMap<>(); HashSet filtersUnreadCounterReset = new HashSet<>(); for (int a = 0, N = vector.objects.size(); a < N; a++) { TLRPC.DialogFilter newFilter = (TLRPC.DialogFilter) vector.objects.get(a); filtersOrder.add(newFilter.id); int newFlags = 0; if (newFilter.contacts) { newFlags |= MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_CONTACTS; } if (newFilter.non_contacts) { newFlags |= MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_NON_CONTACTS; } if (newFilter.groups) { newFlags |= MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_GROUPS; } if (newFilter.broadcasts) { newFlags |= MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_CHANNELS; } if (newFilter.bots) { newFlags |= MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_BOTS; } if (newFilter.exclude_muted) { newFlags |= MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED; } if (newFilter.exclude_read) { newFlags |= MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_READ; } if (newFilter.exclude_archived) { newFlags |= MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_ARCHIVED; } MessagesController.DialogFilter filter = dialogFiltersMap.get(newFilter.id); if (filter != null) { filtersToDelete.remove(newFilter.id); boolean changed = false; boolean unreadChanged = false; if (!TextUtils.equals(filter.name, newFilter.title)) { changed = true; filter.name = newFilter.title; } if (filter.flags != newFlags) { filter.flags = newFlags; changed = true; unreadChanged = true; } HashSet existingIds = new HashSet<>(filter.alwaysShow); existingIds.addAll(filter.neverShow); HashSet existingDialogsIds = new HashSet<>(); LinkedHashMap secretChatsMap = null; if (filter.pinnedDialogs.size() != 0) { ArrayList pinArray = new ArrayList<>(); boolean hasSecret = false; for (int c = 0, N2 = filter.pinnedDialogs.size(); c < N2; c++) { long did = filter.pinnedDialogs.keyAt(c); if (DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(did)) { hasSecret = true; } pinArray.add(did); } if (hasSecret) { secretChatsMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); LongSparseIntArray pinnedDialogs = filter.pinnedDialogs; Collections.sort(pinArray, (o1, o2) -> { int idx1 = pinnedDialogs.get(o1); int idx2 = pinnedDialogs.get(o2); if (idx1 > idx2) { return 1; } else if (idx1 < idx2) { return -1; } return 0; }); for (int c = 0, N2 = pinArray.size(); c < N2; c++) { long did = pinArray.get(c); if (!DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(did)) { continue; } secretChatsMap.put(c, did); } } } for (int c = 0, N2 = filter.pinnedDialogs.size(); c < N2; c++) { long did = filter.pinnedDialogs.keyAt(c); if (DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(did)) { continue; } existingDialogsIds.add(did); existingIds.remove(did); } for (int c = 0; c < 2; c++) { ArrayList fromArray = c == 0 ? newFilter.include_peers : newFilter.exclude_peers; ArrayList toArray = c == 0 ? filter.alwaysShow : filter.neverShow; if (c == 0) { filter.pinnedDialogs.clear(); for (int b = 0, N2 = newFilter.pinned_peers.size(); b < N2; b++) { TLRPC.InputPeer peer = newFilter.pinned_peers.get(b); Long id; if (peer.user_id != 0) { id = peer.user_id; } else { id = -(peer.chat_id != 0 ? peer.chat_id : peer.channel_id); } if (!filter.alwaysShow.contains(id)) { filter.alwaysShow.add(id); } int index = filter.pinnedDialogs.size(); if (secretChatsMap != null) { Long did; while ((did = secretChatsMap.remove(index)) != null) { filter.pinnedDialogs.put(did, index); index++; } } filter.pinnedDialogs.put(id, index); existingIds.remove(id); if (!existingDialogsIds.remove(id)) { changed = true; if (!dialogsToLoadMap.containsKey(id)) { dialogsToLoad.add(id); dialogsToLoadMap.put(id, peer); } } } if (secretChatsMap != null) { for (LinkedHashMap.Entry entry : secretChatsMap.entrySet()) { filter.pinnedDialogs.put(entry.getValue(), filter.pinnedDialogs.size()); } } } for (int b = 0, N2 = fromArray.size(); b < N2; b++) { TLRPC.InputPeer peer = fromArray.get(b); if (peer.user_id != 0) { Long uid = peer.user_id; if (!existingIds.remove(uid)) { changed = true; if (!toArray.contains(uid)) { toArray.add(uid); } if (!usersToLoadMap.containsKey(uid)) { usersToLoad.add(uid); usersToLoadMap.put(uid, peer); unreadChanged = true; } } } else { Long chatId = peer.chat_id != 0 ? peer.chat_id : peer.channel_id; Long dialogId = -chatId; if (!existingIds.remove(dialogId)) { changed = true; if (!toArray.contains(dialogId)) { toArray.add(dialogId); } if (!chatsToLoadMap.containsKey(chatId)) { chatsToLoad.add(chatId); chatsToLoadMap.put(chatId, peer); unreadChanged = true; } } } } } if (!existingIds.isEmpty()) { filterUserRemovals.put(filter.id, existingIds); unreadChanged = true; changed = true; } if (!existingDialogsIds.isEmpty()) { filterDialogRemovals.put(filter.id, existingDialogsIds); changed = true; } if (changed) { filtersToSave.add(filter); } if (unreadChanged) { filtersUnreadCounterReset.add(filter.id); } } else { filter = new MessagesController.DialogFilter(); filter.id = newFilter.id; filter.flags = newFlags; filter.name = newFilter.title; filter.pendingUnreadCount = -1; for (int c = 0; c < 2; c++) { if (c == 0) { for (int b = 0, N2 = newFilter.pinned_peers.size(); b < N2; b++) { TLRPC.InputPeer peer = newFilter.pinned_peers.get(b); Long id; if (peer.user_id != 0) { id = peer.user_id; } else { id = -(peer.chat_id != 0 ? peer.chat_id : peer.channel_id); } if (!filter.alwaysShow.contains(id)) { filter.alwaysShow.add(id); } filter.pinnedDialogs.put(id, filter.pinnedDialogs.size() + 1); if (!dialogsToLoadMap.containsKey(id)) { dialogsToLoad.add(id); dialogsToLoadMap.put(id, peer); } } } ArrayList fromArray = c == 0 ? newFilter.include_peers : newFilter.exclude_peers; ArrayList toArray = c == 0 ? filter.alwaysShow : filter.neverShow; for (int b = 0, N2 = fromArray.size(); b < N2; b++) { TLRPC.InputPeer peer = fromArray.get(b); if (peer.user_id != 0) { Long uid = peer.user_id; if (!toArray.contains(uid)) { toArray.add(uid); } if (!usersToLoadMap.containsKey(uid)) { usersToLoad.add(uid); usersToLoadMap.put(uid, peer); } } else { Long chatId = peer.chat_id != 0 ? peer.chat_id : peer.channel_id; Long dialogId = -chatId; if (!toArray.contains(dialogId)) { toArray.add(dialogId); } if (!chatsToLoadMap.containsKey(chatId)) { chatsToLoad.add(chatId); chatsToLoadMap.put(chatId, peer); } } } } filtersToSave.add(filter); } } TLRPC.messages_Dialogs dialogs; if (!dialogsToLoad.isEmpty()) { dialogs = loadDialogsByIds(TextUtils.join(",", dialogsToLoad), usersToLoad, chatsToLoad, new ArrayList<>()); for (int a = 0, N = dialogs.dialogs.size(); a < N; a++) { TLRPC.Dialog dialog = dialogs.dialogs.get(a); dialogsToLoadMap.remove(dialog.id); } } else { dialogs = new TLRPC.TL_messages_dialogs(); } ArrayList users = new ArrayList<>(); if (!usersToLoad.isEmpty()) { getUsersInternal(TextUtils.join(",", usersToLoad), users); for (int a = 0, N = users.size(); a < N; a++) { TLRPC.User user = users.get(a); usersToLoadMap.remove(user.id); } } ArrayList chats = new ArrayList<>(); if (!chatsToLoad.isEmpty()) { getChatsInternal(TextUtils.join(",", chatsToLoad), chats); for (int a = 0, N = chats.size(); a < N; a++) { TLRPC.Chat chat = chats.get(a); chatsToLoadMap.remove(chat.id); } } if (usersToLoadMap.isEmpty() && chatsToLoadMap.isEmpty() && dialogsToLoadMap.isEmpty()) { processLoadedFilterPeersInternal(dialogs, null, users, chats, filtersToSave, filtersToDelete, filtersOrder, filterDialogRemovals, filterUserRemovals, filtersUnreadCounterReset); } else { getMessagesController().loadFilterPeers(dialogsToLoadMap, usersToLoadMap, chatsToLoadMap, dialogs, new TLRPC.TL_messages_dialogs(), users, chats, filtersToSave, filtersToDelete, filtersOrder, filterDialogRemovals, filterUserRemovals, filtersUnreadCounterReset); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } }); } private void processLoadedFilterPeersInternal(TLRPC.messages_Dialogs pinnedDialogs, TLRPC.messages_Dialogs pinnedRemoteDialogs, ArrayList users, ArrayList chats, ArrayList filtersToSave, SparseArray filtersToDelete, ArrayList filtersOrder, HashMap> filterDialogRemovals, HashMap> filterUserRemovals, HashSet filtersUnreadCounterReset) { boolean anythingChanged = false; putUsersAndChats(users, chats, true, false); for (int a = 0, N = filtersToDelete.size(); a < N; a++) { deleteDialogFilterInternal(filtersToDelete.valueAt(a)); anythingChanged = true; } for (Integer id : filtersUnreadCounterReset) { MessagesController.DialogFilter filter = dialogFiltersMap.get(id); if (filter == null) { continue; } filter.pendingUnreadCount = -1; } for (HashMap.Entry> entry : filterUserRemovals.entrySet()) { MessagesController.DialogFilter filter = dialogFiltersMap.get(entry.getKey()); if (filter == null) { continue; } HashSet set = entry.getValue(); filter.alwaysShow.removeAll(set); filter.neverShow.removeAll(set); anythingChanged = true; } for (HashMap.Entry> entry : filterDialogRemovals.entrySet()) { MessagesController.DialogFilter filter = dialogFiltersMap.get(entry.getKey()); if (filter == null) { continue; } HashSet set = entry.getValue(); for (Long id : set) { filter.pinnedDialogs.delete(id); } anythingChanged = true; } for (int a = 0, N = filtersToSave.size(); a < N; a++) { saveDialogFilterInternal(filtersToSave.get(a), false, true); anythingChanged = true; } boolean orderChanged = false; for (int a = 0, N = dialogFilters.size(); a < N; a++) { MessagesController.DialogFilter filter = dialogFilters.get(a); int order = filtersOrder.indexOf(filter.id); if (filter.order != order) { filter.order = order; anythingChanged = true; orderChanged = true; } } if (orderChanged) { Collections.sort(dialogFilters, (o1, o2) -> { if (o1.order > o2.order) { return 1; } else if (o1.order < o2.order) { return -1; } return 0; }); saveDialogFiltersOrderInternal(); } int remote = anythingChanged ? 1 : 2; calcUnreadCounters(true); getMessagesController().processLoadedDialogFilters(new ArrayList<>(dialogFilters), pinnedDialogs, pinnedRemoteDialogs, users, chats, null, remote); } protected void processLoadedFilterPeers(TLRPC.messages_Dialogs pinnedDialogs, TLRPC.messages_Dialogs pinnedRemoteDialogs, ArrayList users, ArrayList chats, ArrayList filtersToSave, SparseArray filtersToDelete, ArrayList filtersOrder, HashMap> filterDialogRemovals, HashMap> filterUserRemovals, HashSet filtersUnreadCounterReset) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> processLoadedFilterPeersInternal(pinnedDialogs, pinnedRemoteDialogs, users, chats, filtersToSave, filtersToDelete, filtersOrder, filterDialogRemovals, filterUserRemovals, filtersUnreadCounterReset)); } private void deleteDialogFilterInternal(MessagesController.DialogFilter filter) { try { dialogFilters.remove(filter); dialogFiltersMap.remove(filter.id); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM dialog_filter WHERE id = " + filter.id).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM dialog_filter_ep WHERE id = " + filter.id).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM dialog_filter_pin_v2 WHERE id = " + filter.id).stepThis().dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } } public void deleteDialogFilter(MessagesController.DialogFilter filter) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> deleteDialogFilterInternal(filter)); } public void saveDialogFilter(MessagesController.DialogFilter filter, boolean atBegin, boolean peers) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { saveDialogFilterInternal(filter, atBegin, peers); calcUnreadCounters(false); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { ArrayList filters = getMessagesController().dialogFilters; for (int a = 0, N = filters.size(); a < N; a++) { filters.get(a).unreadCount = filters.get(a).pendingUnreadCount; } mainUnreadCount = pendingMainUnreadCount; archiveUnreadCount = pendingArchiveUnreadCount; getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.updateInterfaces, MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_READ_DIALOG_MESSAGE); }); }); } public void saveDialogFiltersOrderInternal() { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE dialog_filter SET ord = ?, flags = ? WHERE id = ?"); for (int a = 0, N = dialogFilters.size(); a < N; a++) { MessagesController.DialogFilter filter = dialogFilters.get(a); state.requery(); state.bindInteger(1, filter.order); state.bindInteger(2, filter.flags); state.bindInteger(3, filter.id); state.step(); } state.dispose(); state = null; } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } } public void saveDialogFiltersOrder() { ArrayList filtersFinal = new ArrayList<>(getMessagesController().dialogFilters); storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { dialogFilters.clear(); dialogFiltersMap.clear(); dialogFilters.addAll(filtersFinal); for (int i = 0; i < filtersFinal.size(); i++) { filtersFinal.get(i).order = i; dialogFiltersMap.put(filtersFinal.get(i).id, filtersFinal.get(i)); } saveDialogFiltersOrderInternal(); }); } protected static void addReplyMessages(TLRPC.Message message, LongSparseArray>> replyMessageOwners, LongSparseArray> dialogReplyMessagesIds) { int messageId = message.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id; long dialogId = MessageObject.getReplyToDialogId(message); SparseArray> sparseArray = replyMessageOwners.get(dialogId); ArrayList ids = dialogReplyMessagesIds.get(dialogId); if (sparseArray == null) { sparseArray = new SparseArray<>(); replyMessageOwners.put(dialogId, sparseArray); } if (ids == null) { ids = new ArrayList<>(); dialogReplyMessagesIds.put(dialogId, ids); } ArrayList arrayList = sparseArray.get(message.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id); if (arrayList == null) { arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); sparseArray.put(message.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id, arrayList); if (!ids.contains(message.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id)) { ids.add(message.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id); } } arrayList.add(message); } protected void loadReplyMessages(LongSparseArray>> replyMessageOwners, LongSparseArray> dialogReplyMessagesIds, ArrayList usersToLoad, ArrayList chatsToLoad, boolean scheduled) throws SQLiteException { if (replyMessageOwners.isEmpty()) { return; } for (int b = 0, N2 = replyMessageOwners.size(); b < N2; b++) { long dialogId = replyMessageOwners.keyAt(b); SparseArray> owners = replyMessageOwners.valueAt(b); ArrayList ids = dialogReplyMessagesIds.get(dialogId); if (ids == null) { continue; } SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (i == 1 && !scheduled) { continue; } boolean findInScheduled = i == 1; if (findInScheduled) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT data, mid, date, uid FROM scheduled_messages_v2 WHERE mid IN(%s) AND uid = %d", TextUtils.join(",", ids), dialogId)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT data, mid, date, uid FROM messages_v2 WHERE mid IN(%s) AND uid = %d", TextUtils.join(",", ids), dialogId)); } while (cursor.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { TLRPC.Message message = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); message.readAttachPath(data, getUserConfig().clientUserId); data.reuse(); message.id = cursor.intValue(1); message.date = cursor.intValue(2); message.dialog_id = cursor.longValue(3); addUsersAndChatsFromMessage(message, usersToLoad, chatsToLoad, null); ArrayList arrayList = owners.get(message.id); if (arrayList != null) { for (int a = 0, N = arrayList.size(); a < N; a++) { TLRPC.Message m = arrayList.get(a); m.replyMessage = message; MessageObject.getDialogId(message); } } } } cursor.dispose(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } } } public void loadUnreadMessages() { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { ArrayList usersToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList chatsToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList encryptedChatIds = new ArrayList<>(); LongSparseArray pushDialogs = new LongSparseArray<>(); cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT d.did, d.unread_count, s.flags FROM dialogs as d LEFT JOIN dialog_settings as s ON d.did = s.did WHERE d.unread_count > 0"); StringBuilder ids = new StringBuilder(); int currentTime = getConnectionsManager().getCurrentTime(); while (cursor.next()) { long flags = cursor.longValue(2); boolean muted = (flags & 1) != 0; int mutedUntil = (int) (flags >> 32); if (cursor.isNull(2) || !muted || mutedUntil != 0 && mutedUntil < currentTime) { long did = cursor.longValue(0); if (DialogObject.isFolderDialogId(did)) { continue; } int count = cursor.intValue(1); pushDialogs.put(did, count); if (ids.length() != 0) { ids.append(","); } ids.append(did); if (DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(did)) { int encryptedChatId = DialogObject.getEncryptedChatId(did); if (!encryptedChatIds.contains(encryptedChatId)) { encryptedChatIds.add(encryptedChatId); } } else if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(did)) { if (!usersToLoad.contains(did)) { usersToLoad.add(did); } } else { if (!chatsToLoad.contains(-did)) { chatsToLoad.add(-did); } } } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; LongSparseArray>> replyMessageOwners = new LongSparseArray<>(); LongSparseArray> dialogReplyMessagesIds = new LongSparseArray<>(); ArrayList messages = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList pushMessages = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList users = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList chats = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList encryptedChats = new ArrayList<>(); int maxDate = 0; if (ids.length() > 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT read_state, data, send_state, mid, date, uid, replydata FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid IN (" + ids.toString() + ") AND out = 0 AND read_state IN(0,2) ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 50"); while (cursor.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(1); if (data != null) { TLRPC.Message message = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); message.readAttachPath(data, getUserConfig().clientUserId); data.reuse(); MessageObject.setUnreadFlags(message, cursor.intValue(0)); message.id = cursor.intValue(3); message.date = cursor.intValue(4); message.dialog_id = cursor.longValue(5); messages.add(message); maxDate = Math.max(maxDate, message.date); addUsersAndChatsFromMessage(message, usersToLoad, chatsToLoad, null); message.send_state = cursor.intValue(2); if (message.peer_id.channel_id == 0 && !MessageObject.isUnread(message) && !DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(message.dialog_id) || message.id > 0) { message.send_state = 0; } if (DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(message.dialog_id) && !cursor.isNull(5)) { message.random_id = cursor.longValue(5); } try { if (message.reply_to != null && message.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id != 0 && ( message.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionPinMessage || message.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionPaymentSent || message.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionGameScore)) { if (!cursor.isNull(6)) { data = cursor.byteBufferValue(6); if (data != null) { message.replyMessage = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); message.replyMessage.readAttachPath(data, getUserConfig().clientUserId); data.reuse(); if (message.replyMessage != null) { addUsersAndChatsFromMessage(message.replyMessage, usersToLoad, chatsToLoad, null); } } } if (message.replyMessage == null) { addReplyMessages(message, replyMessageOwners, dialogReplyMessagesIds); } } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; database.executeFast("DELETE FROM unread_push_messages WHERE date <= " + maxDate).stepThis().dispose(); cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT data, mid, date, uid, random, fm, name, uname, flags FROM unread_push_messages WHERE 1 ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 50"); while (cursor.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { TLRPC.Message message = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); data.reuse(); message.id = cursor.intValue(1); message.date = cursor.intValue(2); message.dialog_id = cursor.longValue(3); message.random_id = cursor.longValue(4); String messageText = cursor.isNull(5) ? null : cursor.stringValue(5); String name = cursor.isNull(6) ? null : cursor.stringValue(6); String userName = cursor.isNull(7) ? null : cursor.stringValue(7); int flags = cursor.intValue(8); if (MessageObject.getFromChatId(message) == 0) { if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(message.dialog_id)) { message.from_id = new TLRPC.TL_peerUser(); message.from_id.user_id = message.dialog_id; } } if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(message.dialog_id)) { if (!usersToLoad.contains(message.dialog_id)) { usersToLoad.add(message.dialog_id); } } else if (DialogObject.isChatDialog(message.dialog_id)) { if (!chatsToLoad.contains(-message.dialog_id)) { chatsToLoad.add(-message.dialog_id); } } pushMessages.add(new MessageObject(currentAccount, message, messageText, name, userName, (flags & 1) != 0, (flags & 2) != 0, (message.flags & 0x80000000) != 0, false)); addUsersAndChatsFromMessage(message, usersToLoad, chatsToLoad, null); } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; loadReplyMessages(replyMessageOwners, dialogReplyMessagesIds, usersToLoad, chatsToLoad, false); if (!encryptedChatIds.isEmpty()) { getEncryptedChatsInternal(TextUtils.join(",", encryptedChatIds), encryptedChats, usersToLoad); } if (!usersToLoad.isEmpty()) { getUsersInternal(TextUtils.join(",", usersToLoad), users); } if (!chatsToLoad.isEmpty()) { getChatsInternal(TextUtils.join(",", chatsToLoad), chats); for (int a = 0; a < chats.size(); a++) { TLRPC.Chat chat = chats.get(a); if (chat != null && (ChatObject.isNotInChat(chat) || chat.min || chat.migrated_to != null)) { long did = -chat.id; database.executeFast("UPDATE dialogs SET unread_count = 0 WHERE did = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE messages_v2 SET read_state = 3 WHERE uid = %d AND mid > 0 AND read_state IN(0,2) AND out = 0", did)).stepThis().dispose(); chats.remove(a); a--; pushDialogs.remove(did); for (int b = 0; b < messages.size(); b++) { TLRPC.Message message = messages.get(b); if (message.dialog_id == did) { messages.remove(b); b--; } } } } } } Collections.reverse(messages); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> getNotificationsController().processLoadedUnreadMessages(pushDialogs, messages, pushMessages, users, chats, encryptedChats)); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } }); } public void putWallpapers(ArrayList wallPapers, int action) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { if (action == 1) { database.executeFast("DELETE FROM wallpapers2 WHERE num >= -1").stepThis().dispose(); } database.beginTransaction(); if (action != 0) { state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO wallpapers2 VALUES(?, ?, ?)"); } else { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE wallpapers2 SET data = ? WHERE uid = ?"); } for (int a = 0, N = wallPapers.size(); a < N; a++) { TLRPC.WallPaper wallPaper = (TLRPC.WallPaper) wallPapers.get(a); state.requery(); NativeByteBuffer data = new NativeByteBuffer(wallPaper.getObjectSize()); wallPaper.serializeToStream(data); if (action != 0) { state.bindLong(1, wallPaper.id); state.bindByteBuffer(2, data); if (action < 0) { state.bindInteger(3, action); } else { state.bindInteger(3, action == 2 ? -1 : a); } } else { state.bindByteBuffer(1, data); state.bindLong(2, wallPaper.id); } state.step(); data.reuse(); } state.dispose(); state = null; database.commitTransaction(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (database != null) { database.commitTransaction(); } if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } }); } public void deleteWallpaper(long id) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { try { database.executeFast("DELETE FROM wallpapers2 WHERE uid = " + id).stepThis().dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } }); } public void getWallpapers() { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT data FROM wallpapers2 WHERE 1 ORDER BY num ASC"); ArrayList wallPapers = new ArrayList<>(); while (cursor.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { TLRPC.WallPaper wallPaper = TLRPC.WallPaper.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); data.reuse(); if (wallPaper != null) { wallPapers.add(wallPaper); } } } AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.wallpapersDidLoad, wallPapers)); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } }); } public void addRecentLocalFile(String imageUrl, String localUrl, TLRPC.Document document) { if (imageUrl == null || imageUrl.length() == 0 || ((localUrl == null || localUrl.length() == 0) && document == null)) { return; } storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { if (document != null) { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE web_recent_v3 SET document = ? WHERE image_url = ?"); state.requery(); NativeByteBuffer data = new NativeByteBuffer(document.getObjectSize()); document.serializeToStream(data); state.bindByteBuffer(1, data); state.bindString(2, imageUrl); state.step(); state.dispose(); data.reuse(); } else { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE web_recent_v3 SET local_url = ? WHERE image_url = ?"); state.requery(); state.bindString(1, localUrl); state.bindString(2, imageUrl); state.step(); state.dispose(); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } }); } public void deleteUserChatHistory(long dialogId, long fromId) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { ArrayList mids = new ArrayList<>(); cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT data FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = " + dialogId); ArrayList filesToDelete = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList namesToDelete = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList> idsToDelete = new ArrayList<>(); try { while (cursor.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { TLRPC.Message message = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); if (message != null) { message.readAttachPath(data, getUserConfig().clientUserId); if (UserObject.isReplyUser(dialogId) && MessageObject.getPeerId(message.fwd_from.from_id) == fromId || MessageObject.getFromChatId(message) == fromId && message.id != 1) { mids.add(message.id); addFilesToDelete(message, filesToDelete, idsToDelete, namesToDelete, false); } } data.reuse(); } } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; deleteFromDownloadQueue(idsToDelete, true); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { getFileLoader().cancelLoadFiles(namesToDelete); getMessagesController().markDialogMessageAsDeleted(dialogId, mids); }); markMessagesAsDeletedInternal(dialogId, mids, false, false); updateDialogsWithDeletedMessagesInternal(dialogId, DialogObject.isChatDialog(dialogId) ? -dialogId : 0, mids, null); getFileLoader().deleteFiles(filesToDelete, 0); if (!mids.isEmpty()) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.messagesDeleted, mids, DialogObject.isChatDialog(dialogId) ? -dialogId : 0, false)); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } }); } private boolean addFilesToDelete(TLRPC.Message message, ArrayList filesToDelete, ArrayList> ids, ArrayList namesToDelete, boolean forceCache) { if (message == null) { return false; } int type = 0; long id = 0; TLRPC.Document document = MessageObject.getDocument(message); TLRPC.Photo photo = MessageObject.getPhoto(message); if (MessageObject.isVoiceMessage(message)) { if (document == null) { return false; } if (getMediaDataController().ringtoneDataStore.contains(document.id)) { return false; } id = document.id; type = DownloadController.AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_AUDIO; } else if (MessageObject.isStickerMessage(message) || MessageObject.isAnimatedStickerMessage(message)) { if (document == null) { return false; } id = document.id; type = DownloadController.AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_PHOTO; } else if (MessageObject.isVideoMessage(message) || MessageObject.isRoundVideoMessage(message) || MessageObject.isGifMessage(message)) { if (document == null) { return false; } id = document.id; type = DownloadController.AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_VIDEO; } else if (document != null) { if (getMediaDataController().ringtoneDataStore.contains(document.id)) { return false; } id = document.id; type = DownloadController.AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_DOCUMENT; } else if (photo != null) { TLRPC.PhotoSize photoSize = FileLoader.getClosestPhotoSizeWithSize(photo.sizes, AndroidUtilities.getPhotoSize()); if (photoSize != null) { id = photo.id; type = DownloadController.AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_PHOTO; } } if (id != 0) { ids.add(new Pair<>(id, type)); } if (photo != null) { for (int a = 0, N = photo.sizes.size(); a < N; a++) { TLRPC.PhotoSize photoSize = photo.sizes.get(a); String name = FileLoader.getAttachFileName(photoSize); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(name)) { namesToDelete.add(name); } File file = getFileLoader().getPathToAttach(photoSize, forceCache); if (file.toString().length() > 0) { filesToDelete.add(file); } } return true; } else if (document != null) { String name = FileLoader.getAttachFileName(document); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(name)) { namesToDelete.add(name); } File file = getFileLoader().getPathToAttach(document, forceCache); if (file.toString().length() > 0) { filesToDelete.add(file); } for (int a = 0, N = document.thumbs.size(); a < N; a++) { TLRPC.PhotoSize photoSize = document.thumbs.get(a); file = getFileLoader().getPathToAttach(photoSize); if (file.toString().length() > 0) { filesToDelete.add(file); } } return true; } return false; } public void deleteDialog(long did, int messagesOnly) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; SQLiteCursor cursor2 = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state5 = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state6 = null; try { if (messagesOnly == 3) { int lastMid = -1; cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT last_mid FROM dialogs WHERE did = " + did); if (cursor.next()) { lastMid = cursor.intValue(0); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (lastMid != 0) { return; } } if (DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(did) || messagesOnly == 2) { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT data FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = " + did); ArrayList filesToDelete = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList namesToDelete = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList> idsToDelete = new ArrayList<>(); try { while (cursor.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { TLRPC.Message message = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); message.readAttachPath(data, getUserConfig().clientUserId); data.reuse(); addFilesToDelete(message, filesToDelete, idsToDelete, namesToDelete, false); } } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; deleteFromDownloadQueue(idsToDelete, true); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> getFileLoader().cancelLoadFiles(namesToDelete)); getFileLoader().deleteFiles(filesToDelete, messagesOnly); } if (messagesOnly == 0 || messagesOnly == 3) { database.executeFast("DELETE FROM dialogs WHERE did = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM chat_pinned_v2 WHERE uid = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM chat_pinned_count WHERE uid = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM channel_users_v2 WHERE did = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM search_recent WHERE did = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); if (!DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(did)) { if (DialogObject.isChatDialog(did)) { database.executeFast("DELETE FROM chat_settings_v2 WHERE uid = " + (-did)).stepThis().dispose(); } } else { database.executeFast("DELETE FROM enc_chats WHERE uid = " + DialogObject.getEncryptedChatId(did)).stepThis().dispose(); } } else if (messagesOnly == 2) { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT last_mid_i, last_mid FROM dialogs WHERE did = " + did); int messageId = -1; if (cursor.next()) { long last_mid_i = cursor.longValue(0); long last_mid = cursor.longValue(1); cursor2 = database.queryFinalized("SELECT data FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = " + did + " AND mid IN (" + last_mid_i + "," + last_mid + ")"); try { while (cursor2.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor2.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { TLRPC.Message message = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); if (message != null) { message.readAttachPath(data, getUserConfig().clientUserId); } data.reuse(); if (message != null) { messageId = message.id; } } } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } cursor2.dispose(); cursor2 = null; database.executeFast("DELETE FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = " + did + " AND mid != " + last_mid_i + " AND mid != " + last_mid).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM messages_holes WHERE uid = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM bot_keyboard WHERE uid = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM media_counts_v2 WHERE uid = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM media_v4 WHERE uid = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM media_holes_v2 WHERE uid = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); getMediaDataController().clearBotKeyboard(did, null); state5 = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO messages_holes VALUES(?, ?, ?)"); state6 = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO media_holes_v2 VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)"); if (messageId != -1) { createFirstHoles(did, state5, state6, messageId, 0); } state5.dispose(); state5 = null; state6.dispose(); state6 = null; updateWidgets(did); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; return; } database.executeFast("UPDATE dialogs SET unread_count = 0, unread_count_i = 0 WHERE did = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM bot_keyboard WHERE uid = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM media_counts_v2 WHERE uid = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM media_v4 WHERE uid = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM messages_holes WHERE uid = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM media_holes_v2 WHERE uid = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); getMediaDataController().clearBotKeyboard(did, null); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.needReloadRecentDialogsSearch)); resetAllUnreadCounters(false); updateWidgets(did); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } if (cursor2 != null) { cursor2.dispose(); } if (state5 != null) { state5.dispose(); } if (state6 != null) { state6.dispose(); } } }); } public void onDeleteQueryComplete(long did) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { try { database.executeFast("DELETE FROM media_counts_v2 WHERE uid = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } }); } public void getDialogPhotos(long did, int count, int maxId, int classGuid) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { if (maxId != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT data FROM user_photos WHERE uid = %d AND id < %d ORDER BY rowid ASC LIMIT %d", did, maxId, count)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT data FROM user_photos WHERE uid = %d ORDER BY rowid ASC LIMIT %d", did, count)); } TLRPC.photos_Photos res = new TLRPC.TL_photos_photos(); ArrayList messages = new ArrayList<>(); while (cursor.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { TLRPC.Photo photo = TLRPC.Photo.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); if (data.remaining() > 0) { messages.add(TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false)); } else { messages.add(null); } data.reuse(); res.photos.add(photo); } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; Utilities.stageQueue.postRunnable(() -> getMessagesController().processLoadedUserPhotos(res, messages, did, count, maxId, true, classGuid)); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } }); } public void clearUserPhotos(long dialogId) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { try { database.executeFast("DELETE FROM user_photos WHERE uid = " + dialogId).stepThis().dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } }); } public void clearUserPhoto(long dialogId, long pid) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { try { database.executeFast("DELETE FROM user_photos WHERE uid = " + dialogId + " AND id = " + pid).stepThis().dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } }); } public void resetDialogs(TLRPC.messages_Dialogs dialogsRes, int messagesCount, int seq, int newPts, int date, int qts, LongSparseArray new_dialogs_dict, LongSparseArray> new_dialogMessage, TLRPC.Message lastMessage, int dialogsCount) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { int maxPinnedNum = 0; ArrayList dids = new ArrayList<>(); int totalPinnedCount = dialogsRes.dialogs.size() - dialogsCount; LongSparseIntArray oldPinnedDialogNums = new LongSparseIntArray(); ArrayList oldPinnedOrder = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList orderArrayList = new ArrayList<>(); for (int a = dialogsCount; a < dialogsRes.dialogs.size(); a++) { TLRPC.Dialog dialog = dialogsRes.dialogs.get(a); orderArrayList.add(dialog.id); } cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT did, pinned FROM dialogs WHERE 1"); while (cursor.next()) { long did = cursor.longValue(0); int pinnedNum = cursor.intValue(1); if (!DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(did)) { dids.add(did); if (pinnedNum > 0) { maxPinnedNum = Math.max(pinnedNum, maxPinnedNum); oldPinnedDialogNums.put(did, pinnedNum); oldPinnedOrder.add(did); } } } Collections.sort(oldPinnedOrder, (o1, o2) -> { int val1 = oldPinnedDialogNums.get(o1); int val2 = oldPinnedDialogNums.get(o2); if (val1 < val2) { return 1; } else if (val1 > val2) { return -1; } return 0; }); while (oldPinnedOrder.size() < totalPinnedCount) { oldPinnedOrder.add(0, 0L); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; String ids = "(" + TextUtils.join(",", dids) + ")"; database.beginTransaction(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM chat_pinned_count WHERE uid IN " + ids).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM chat_pinned_v2 WHERE uid IN " + ids).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM dialogs WHERE did IN " + ids).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid IN " + ids).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM polls_v2 WHERE 1").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM bot_keyboard WHERE uid IN " + ids).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM media_v4 WHERE uid IN " + ids).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM messages_holes WHERE uid IN " + ids).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM media_holes_v2 WHERE uid IN " + ids).stepThis().dispose(); database.commitTransaction(); for (int a = 0; a < totalPinnedCount; a++) { TLRPC.Dialog dialog = dialogsRes.dialogs.get(dialogsCount + a); if (dialog instanceof TLRPC.TL_dialog && !dialog.pinned) { continue; } int oldIdx = oldPinnedOrder.indexOf(dialog.id); int newIdx = orderArrayList.indexOf(dialog.id); if (oldIdx != -1 && newIdx != -1) { if (oldIdx == newIdx) { int oldNum = oldPinnedDialogNums.get(dialog.id, -1); if (oldNum != -1) { dialog.pinnedNum = oldNum; } } else { long oldDid = oldPinnedOrder.get(newIdx); int oldNum = oldPinnedDialogNums.get(oldDid, -1); if (oldNum != -1) { dialog.pinnedNum = oldNum; } } } if (dialog.pinnedNum == 0) { dialog.pinnedNum = (totalPinnedCount - a) + maxPinnedNum; } } putDialogsInternal(dialogsRes, 0); saveDiffParamsInternal(seq, newPts, date, qts); int totalDialogsLoadCount = getUserConfig().getTotalDialogsCount(0); int dialogsLoadOffsetId; int dialogsLoadOffsetDate; long dialogsLoadOffsetChannelId = 0; long dialogsLoadOffsetChatId = 0; long dialogsLoadOffsetUserId = 0; long dialogsLoadOffsetAccess = 0; totalDialogsLoadCount += dialogsRes.dialogs.size(); dialogsLoadOffsetId = lastMessage.id; dialogsLoadOffsetDate = lastMessage.date; if (lastMessage.peer_id.channel_id != 0) { dialogsLoadOffsetChannelId = lastMessage.peer_id.channel_id; dialogsLoadOffsetChatId = 0; dialogsLoadOffsetUserId = 0; for (int a = 0; a < dialogsRes.chats.size(); a++) { TLRPC.Chat chat = dialogsRes.chats.get(a); if (chat.id == dialogsLoadOffsetChannelId) { dialogsLoadOffsetAccess = chat.access_hash; break; } } } else if (lastMessage.peer_id.chat_id != 0) { dialogsLoadOffsetChatId = lastMessage.peer_id.chat_id; dialogsLoadOffsetChannelId = 0; dialogsLoadOffsetUserId = 0; for (int a = 0; a < dialogsRes.chats.size(); a++) { TLRPC.Chat chat = dialogsRes.chats.get(a); if (chat.id == dialogsLoadOffsetChatId) { dialogsLoadOffsetAccess = chat.access_hash; break; } } } else if (lastMessage.peer_id.user_id != 0) { dialogsLoadOffsetUserId = lastMessage.peer_id.user_id; dialogsLoadOffsetChatId = 0; dialogsLoadOffsetChannelId = 0; for (int a = 0; a < dialogsRes.users.size(); a++) { TLRPC.User user = dialogsRes.users.get(a); if (user.id == dialogsLoadOffsetUserId) { dialogsLoadOffsetAccess = user.access_hash; break; } } } for (int a = 0; a < 2; a++) { getUserConfig().setDialogsLoadOffset(a, dialogsLoadOffsetId, dialogsLoadOffsetDate, dialogsLoadOffsetUserId, dialogsLoadOffsetChatId, dialogsLoadOffsetChannelId, dialogsLoadOffsetAccess); getUserConfig().setTotalDialogsCount(a, totalDialogsLoadCount); } getUserConfig().draftsLoaded = false; getUserConfig().saveConfig(false); getMessagesController().completeDialogsReset(dialogsRes, messagesCount, seq, newPts, date, qts, new_dialogs_dict, new_dialogMessage, lastMessage); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (database != null) { database.commitTransaction(); } if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } }); } public void putDialogPhotos(long did, TLRPC.photos_Photos photos, ArrayList messages) { if (photos == null) { return; } storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { putDialogPhotosInternal(did, photos, messages); }); } private void putDialogPhotosInternal(long did, TLRPC.photos_Photos photos, ArrayList messages) { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { database.executeFast("DELETE FROM user_photos WHERE uid = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO user_photos VALUES(?, ?, ?)"); for (int a = 0, N = photos.photos.size(); a < N; a++) { TLRPC.Photo photo = photos.photos.get(a); if (photo instanceof TLRPC.TL_photoEmpty || photo == null) { continue; } if (photo.file_reference == null) { photo.file_reference = new byte[0]; } state.requery(); int size = photo.getObjectSize(); if (messages != null && messages.get(a) != null) { size += messages.get(a).getObjectSize(); } NativeByteBuffer data = new NativeByteBuffer(size); photo.serializeToStream(data); if (messages != null && messages.get(a) != null) { messages.get(a).serializeToStream(data); } state.bindLong(1, did); state.bindLong(2, photo.id); state.bindByteBuffer(3, data); state.step(); data.reuse(); } state.dispose(); state = null; } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } } public void addDialogPhoto(long did, TLRPC.Photo photoToAdd) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT data FROM user_photos WHERE uid = %d ORDER BY rowid ASC", did)); TLRPC.photos_Photos res = new TLRPC.TL_photos_photos(); ArrayList messages = new ArrayList<>(); while (cursor.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { TLRPC.Photo photo = TLRPC.Photo.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); if (data.remaining() > 0) { messages.add(TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false)); } else { messages.add(null); } data.reuse(); res.photos.add(photo); messages.add(null); } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; res.photos.add(0, photoToAdd); putDialogPhotosInternal(did, res, messages); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } }); } public void emptyMessagesMedia(long dialogId, ArrayList mids) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { ArrayList filesToDelete = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList namesToDelete = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList> idsToDelete = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList messages = new ArrayList<>(); cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT data, mid, date, uid, custom_params FROM messages_v2 WHERE mid IN (%s) AND uid = %d", TextUtils.join(",", mids), dialogId)); while (cursor.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { TLRPC.Message message = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); message.readAttachPath(data, getUserConfig().clientUserId); data.reuse(); if (message.media != null) { if (!addFilesToDelete(message, filesToDelete, idsToDelete, namesToDelete, true)) { continue; } else { if (message.media.document != null) { message.media.document = new TLRPC.TL_documentEmpty(); } else if (message.media.photo != null) { message.media.photo = new TLRPC.TL_photoEmpty(); } } message.media.flags = message.media.flags & ~1; message.id = cursor.intValue(1); message.date = cursor.intValue(2); message.dialog_id = cursor.longValue(3); NativeByteBuffer customParams = cursor.byteBufferValue(4); if (customParams != null) { MessageCustomParamsHelper.readLocalParams(message, customParams); customParams.reuse(); } messages.add(message); } } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; deleteFromDownloadQueue(idsToDelete, true); if (!messages.isEmpty()) { state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO messages_v2 VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 0, ?, ?)"); for (int a = 0; a < messages.size(); a++) { TLRPC.Message message = messages.get(a); NativeByteBuffer data = new NativeByteBuffer(message.getObjectSize()); message.serializeToStream(data); state.requery(); state.bindInteger(1, message.id); state.bindLong(2, message.dialog_id); state.bindInteger(3, MessageObject.getUnreadFlags(message)); state.bindInteger(4, message.send_state); state.bindInteger(5, message.date); state.bindByteBuffer(6, data); state.bindInteger(7, (MessageObject.isOut(message) || message.from_scheduled ? 1 : 0)); state.bindInteger(8, message.ttl); if ((message.flags & TLRPC.MESSAGE_FLAG_HAS_VIEWS) != 0) { state.bindInteger(9, message.views); } else { state.bindInteger(9, getMessageMediaType(message)); } int flags = 0; if (message.stickerVerified == 0) { flags |= 1; } else if (message.stickerVerified == 2) { flags |= 2; } state.bindInteger(10, flags); state.bindInteger(11, message.mentioned ? 1 : 0); state.bindInteger(12, message.forwards); NativeByteBuffer repliesData = null; if (message.replies != null) { repliesData = new NativeByteBuffer(message.replies.getObjectSize()); message.replies.serializeToStream(repliesData); state.bindByteBuffer(13, repliesData); } else { state.bindNull(13); } if (message.reply_to != null) { state.bindInteger(14, message.reply_to.reply_to_top_id != 0 ? message.reply_to.reply_to_top_id : message.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id); } else { state.bindInteger(14, 0); } state.bindLong(15, MessageObject.getChannelId(message)); NativeByteBuffer customParams = MessageCustomParamsHelper.writeLocalParams(message); if (customParams != null) { state.bindByteBuffer(16, customParams); } else { state.bindNull(16); } if ((message.flags & 131072) != 0) { state.bindLong(17, message.grouped_id); } else { state.bindNull(17); } state.step(); data.reuse(); if (repliesData != null) { repliesData.reuse(); } if (customParams != null) { customParams.reuse(); } } state.dispose(); state = null; AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { for (int a = 0; a < messages.size(); a++) { getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.updateMessageMedia, messages.get(a)); } }); } AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> getFileLoader().cancelLoadFiles(namesToDelete)); getFileLoader().deleteFiles(filesToDelete, 0); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } }); } public void updateMessagePollResults(long pollId, TLRPC.Poll poll, TLRPC.PollResults results) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { LongSparseArray> dialogs = null; cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT uid, mid FROM polls_v2 WHERE id = %d", pollId)); while (cursor.next()) { long dialogId = cursor.longValue(0); if (dialogs == null) { dialogs = new LongSparseArray<>(); } ArrayList mids = dialogs.get(dialogId); if (mids == null) { mids = new ArrayList<>(); dialogs.put(dialogId, mids); } mids.add(cursor.intValue(1)); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (dialogs != null) { database.beginTransaction(); SQLitePreparedStatement state = database.executeFast("UPDATE messages_v2 SET data = ? WHERE mid = ? AND uid = ?"); SQLitePreparedStatement state_topics = database.executeFast("UPDATE messages_topics SET data = ? WHERE mid = ? AND uid = ?"); for (int b = 0, N2 = dialogs.size(); b < N2; b++) { long dialogId = dialogs.keyAt(b); ArrayList mids = dialogs.valueAt(b); for (int a = 0, N = mids.size(); a < N; a++) { Integer mid = mids.get(a); boolean foundMessage = false; for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++) { boolean isTopic = k == 1; if (isTopic) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT data FROM messages_topics WHERE mid = %d AND uid = %d", mid, dialogId)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT data FROM messages_v2 WHERE mid = %d AND uid = %d", mid, dialogId)); } SQLitePreparedStatement currentState = isTopic ? state_topics : state; if (cursor.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { TLRPC.Message message = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); message.readAttachPath(data, getUserConfig().clientUserId); data.reuse(); if (message.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPoll) { TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPoll media = (TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPoll) message.media; if (poll != null) { media.poll = poll; } if (results != null) { MessageObject.updatePollResults(media, results); } data = new NativeByteBuffer(message.getObjectSize()); message.serializeToStream(data); currentState.requery(); currentState.bindByteBuffer(1, data); currentState.bindInteger(2, mid); currentState.bindLong(3, dialogId); currentState.step(); data.reuse(); } } foundMessage = true; } cursor.dispose(); } if (!foundMessage) { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM polls_v2 WHERE mid = %d AND uid = %d", mid, dialogId)).stepThis().dispose(); } } } state.dispose(); database.commitTransaction(); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } }); } public void updateMessageReactions(long dialogId, int msgId, TLRPC.TL_messageReactions reactions) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { database.beginTransaction(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (i == 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT data FROM messages_v2 WHERE mid = %d AND uid = %d", msgId, dialogId)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT data FROM messages_topics WHERE mid = %d AND uid = %d", msgId, dialogId)); } if (cursor.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { TLRPC.Message message = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); if (message != null) { message.readAttachPath(data, getUserConfig().clientUserId); data.reuse(); MessageObject.updateReactions(message, reactions); SQLitePreparedStatement state; if (i == 0) { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE messages_v2 SET data = ? WHERE mid = ? AND uid = ?"); } else { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE messages_topics SET data = ? WHERE mid = ? AND uid = ?"); } NativeByteBuffer data2 = new NativeByteBuffer(message.getObjectSize()); message.serializeToStream(data2); state.requery(); state.bindByteBuffer(1, data2); state.bindInteger(2, msgId); state.bindLong(3, dialogId); state.step(); data2.reuse(); state.dispose(); } else { data.reuse(); } } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } database.commitTransaction(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (database != null) { database.commitTransaction(); } if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } }); } public void updateMessageVoiceTranscriptionOpen(long dialogId, int msgId, TLRPC.Message saveFromMessage) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { database.beginTransaction(); TLRPC.Message message = getMessageWithCustomParamsOnlyInternal(msgId, dialogId); message.voiceTranscriptionOpen = saveFromMessage.voiceTranscriptionOpen; message.voiceTranscriptionRated = saveFromMessage.voiceTranscriptionRated; message.voiceTranscriptionFinal = saveFromMessage.voiceTranscriptionFinal; message.voiceTranscriptionForce = saveFromMessage.voiceTranscriptionForce; message.voiceTranscriptionId = saveFromMessage.voiceTranscriptionId; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (i == 0) { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE messages_v2 SET custom_params = ? WHERE mid = ? AND uid = ?"); } else { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE messages_topics SET custom_params = ? WHERE mid = ? AND uid = ?"); } state.requery(); NativeByteBuffer nativeByteBuffer = MessageCustomParamsHelper.writeLocalParams(message); if (nativeByteBuffer != null) { state.bindByteBuffer(1, nativeByteBuffer); } else { state.bindNull(1); } state.bindInteger(2, msgId); state.bindLong(3, dialogId); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; if (nativeByteBuffer != null) { nativeByteBuffer.reuse(); } } database.commitTransaction(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (database != null) { database.commitTransaction(); } if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } }); } public void updateMessageVoiceTranscription(long dialogId, int messageId, String text, long transcriptionId, boolean isFinal) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { database.beginTransaction(); TLRPC.Message message = getMessageWithCustomParamsOnlyInternal(messageId, dialogId); message.voiceTranscriptionFinal = isFinal; message.voiceTranscriptionId = transcriptionId; message.voiceTranscription = text; state = database.executeFast("UPDATE messages_v2 SET custom_params = ? WHERE mid = ? AND uid = ?"); state.requery(); NativeByteBuffer nativeByteBuffer = MessageCustomParamsHelper.writeLocalParams(message); if (nativeByteBuffer != null) { state.bindByteBuffer(1, nativeByteBuffer); } else { state.bindNull(1); } state.bindInteger(2, messageId); state.bindLong(3, dialogId); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; database.commitTransaction(); if (nativeByteBuffer != null) { nativeByteBuffer.reuse(); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (database != null) { database.commitTransaction(); } if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } }); } public void updateMessageVoiceTranscription(long dialogId, int messageId, String text, TLRPC.Message saveFromMessage) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { database.beginTransaction(); TLRPC.Message message = getMessageWithCustomParamsOnlyInternal(messageId, dialogId); message.voiceTranscriptionOpen = saveFromMessage.voiceTranscriptionOpen; message.voiceTranscriptionRated = saveFromMessage.voiceTranscriptionRated; message.voiceTranscriptionFinal = saveFromMessage.voiceTranscriptionFinal; message.voiceTranscriptionForce = saveFromMessage.voiceTranscriptionForce; message.voiceTranscriptionId = saveFromMessage.voiceTranscriptionId; message.voiceTranscription = text; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (i == 0) { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE messages_v2 SET custom_params = ? WHERE mid = ? AND uid = ?"); } else { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE messages_topics SET custom_params = ? WHERE mid = ? AND uid = ?"); } state.requery(); NativeByteBuffer nativeByteBuffer = MessageCustomParamsHelper.writeLocalParams(message); if (nativeByteBuffer != null) { state.bindByteBuffer(1, nativeByteBuffer); } else { state.bindNull(1); } state.bindInteger(2, messageId); state.bindLong(3, dialogId); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; database.commitTransaction(); if (nativeByteBuffer != null) { nativeByteBuffer.reuse(); } } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (database != null) { database.commitTransaction(); } if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } }); } public void updateMessageCustomParams(long dialogId, TLRPC.Message saveFromMessage) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { database.beginTransaction(); TLRPC.Message message = getMessageWithCustomParamsOnlyInternal(saveFromMessage.id, dialogId); MessageCustomParamsHelper.copyParams(saveFromMessage, message); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (i == 0) { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE messages_v2 SET custom_params = ? WHERE mid = ? AND uid = ?"); } else { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE messages_topics SET custom_params = ? WHERE mid = ? AND uid = ?"); } state.requery(); NativeByteBuffer nativeByteBuffer = MessageCustomParamsHelper.writeLocalParams(message); if (nativeByteBuffer != null) { state.bindByteBuffer(1, nativeByteBuffer); } else { state.bindNull(1); } state.bindInteger(2, saveFromMessage.id); state.bindLong(3, dialogId); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; if (nativeByteBuffer != null) { nativeByteBuffer.reuse(); } } database.commitTransaction(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (database != null) { database.commitTransaction(); } if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } }); } public TLRPC.Message getMessageWithCustomParamsOnlyInternal(int messageId, long dialogId) { TLRPC.Message message = new TLRPC.TL_message(); SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT custom_params FROM messages_v2 WHERE mid = " + messageId + " AND uid = " + dialogId); boolean read = false; if (cursor.next()) { MessageCustomParamsHelper.readLocalParams(message, cursor.byteBufferValue(0)); read = true; } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (!read) { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT custom_params FROM messages_topics WHERE mid = " + messageId + " AND uid = " + dialogId); if (cursor.next()) { MessageCustomParamsHelper.readLocalParams(message, cursor.byteBufferValue(0)); read = true; } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } } catch (SQLiteException e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } return message; } public void getNewTask(LongSparseArray> oldTask, LongSparseArray> oldTaskMedia) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { if (oldTask != null) { for (int a = 0, N = oldTask.size(); a < N; a++) { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM enc_tasks_v4 WHERE mid IN(%s) AND uid = %d AND media = 0", TextUtils.join(",", oldTask.valueAt(a)), oldTask.keyAt(a))).stepThis().dispose(); } } if (oldTaskMedia != null) { for (int a = 0, N = oldTaskMedia.size(); a < N; a++) { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM enc_tasks_v4 WHERE mid IN(%s) AND uid = %d AND media = 1", TextUtils.join(",", oldTaskMedia.valueAt(a)), oldTaskMedia.keyAt(a))).stepThis().dispose(); } } int date = 0; LongSparseArray> newTask = null; LongSparseArray> newTaskMedia = null; cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT mid, date, media, uid FROM enc_tasks_v4 WHERE date = (SELECT min(date) FROM enc_tasks_v4)"); while (cursor.next()) { int mid = cursor.intValue(0); date = cursor.intValue(1); int isMedia = cursor.intValue(2); long uid = cursor.longValue(3); boolean media; if (isMedia == -1) { media = mid > 0; } else { media = isMedia != 0; } LongSparseArray> task; if (media) { if (newTaskMedia == null) { newTaskMedia = new LongSparseArray<>(); } task = newTaskMedia; } else { if (newTask == null) { newTask = new LongSparseArray<>(); } task = newTask; } ArrayList arr = task.get(uid); if (arr == null) { arr = new ArrayList<>(); task.put(uid, arr); } arr.add(mid); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; getMessagesController().processLoadedDeleteTask(date, newTask, newTaskMedia); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } }); } public void markMentionMessageAsRead(long dialogId, int messageId, long did) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE messages_v2 SET read_state = read_state | 2 WHERE mid = %d AND uid = %d", messageId, dialogId)).stepThis().dispose(); cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT unread_count_i FROM dialogs WHERE did = " + did); int old_mentions_count = 0; if (cursor.next()) { old_mentions_count = Math.max(0, cursor.intValue(0) - 1); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE dialogs SET unread_count_i = %d WHERE did = %d", old_mentions_count, did)).stepThis().dispose(); LongSparseIntArray sparseArray = new LongSparseIntArray(1); sparseArray.put(did, old_mentions_count); if (old_mentions_count == 0) { updateFiltersReadCounter(null, sparseArray, true); } getMessagesController().processDialogsUpdateRead(null, sparseArray); database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE messages_topics SET read_state = read_state | 2 WHERE mid = %d AND uid = %d", messageId, dialogId)).stepThis().dispose(); cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT data FROM messages_topics WHERE mid = %d AND uid = %d", messageId, dialogId)); int topicId = 0; while (cursor.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { TLRPC.Message message = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); data.reuse(); topicId = MessageObject.getTopicId(message, isForum(dialogId)); } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (topicId != 0) { int topicMentionsCount = 0; cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT unread_mentions FROM topics WHERE did = %d AND topic_id = %d", did, topicId)); if (cursor.next()) { topicMentionsCount = Math.max(0, cursor.intValue(0) - 1); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE topics SET unread_mentions = %d WHERE did = %d AND topic_id = %d",topicMentionsCount, dialogId, topicId)).stepThis().dispose(); getMessagesController().getTopicsController().updateMentionsUnread(dialogId, topicId, topicMentionsCount); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } }); } public void markMessageAsMention(long dialogId, int mid) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { try { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE messages_v2 SET mention = 1, read_state = read_state & ~2 WHERE mid = %d AND uid = %d", mid, dialogId)).stepThis().dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } }); } public void resetMentionsCount(long did, int topicId, int count) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { if (topicId == 0) { int prevUnreadCount = 0; cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT unread_count_i FROM dialogs WHERE did = " + did); if (cursor.next()) { prevUnreadCount = cursor.intValue(0); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (prevUnreadCount != 0 || count != 0) { if (count == 0) { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE messages_v2 SET read_state = read_state | 2 WHERE uid = %d AND mention = 1 AND read_state IN(0, 1)", did)).stepThis().dispose(); } database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE dialogs SET unread_count_i = %d WHERE did = %d", count, did)).stepThis().dispose(); LongSparseIntArray sparseArray = new LongSparseIntArray(1); sparseArray.put(did, count); getMessagesController().processDialogsUpdateRead(null, sparseArray); if (count == 0) { updateFiltersReadCounter(null, sparseArray, true); } } } else { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE topics SET unread_mentions = %d WHERE did = %d AND topic_id = %d", count, did, topicId)).stepThis().dispose(); TopicsController.TopicUpdate topicUpdate = new TopicsController.TopicUpdate(); topicUpdate.dialogId = did; topicUpdate.topicId = topicId; topicUpdate.onlyCounters = true; topicUpdate.unreadMentions = count; topicUpdate.unreadCount = -1; getMessagesController().getTopicsController().processUpdate(Collections.singletonList(topicUpdate)); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } }); } public void createTaskForMid(long dialogId, int messageId, int time, int readTime, int ttl, boolean inner) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { int minDate = Math.max(time, readTime) + ttl; SparseArray> messages = new SparseArray<>(); ArrayList midsArray = new ArrayList<>(); midsArray.add(messageId); messages.put(minDate, midsArray); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { if (!inner) { markMessagesContentAsRead(dialogId, midsArray, 0); } getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.messagesReadContent, dialogId, midsArray); }); state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO enc_tasks_v4 VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)"); for (int a = 0; a < messages.size(); a++) { int key = messages.keyAt(a); ArrayList arr = messages.get(key); for (int b = 0; b < arr.size(); b++) { state.requery(); state.bindInteger(1, arr.get(b)); state.bindLong(2, dialogId); state.bindInteger(3, key); state.bindInteger(4, 1); state.step(); } } state.dispose(); state = null; database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE messages_v2 SET ttl = 0 WHERE mid = %d AND uid = %d", messageId, dialogId)).stepThis().dispose(); getMessagesController().didAddedNewTask(minDate, dialogId, messages); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } }); } public void createTaskForSecretChat(int chatId, int time, int readTime, int isOut, ArrayList random_ids) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { long dialogId = DialogObject.makeEncryptedDialogId(chatId); int minDate = Integer.MAX_VALUE; SparseArray> messages = new SparseArray<>(); ArrayList midsArray = new ArrayList<>(); StringBuilder mids = new StringBuilder(); if (random_ids == null) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT mid, ttl FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND out = %d AND read_state > 0 AND ttl > 0 AND date <= %d AND send_state = 0 AND media != 1", dialogId, isOut, time)); } else { String ids = TextUtils.join(",", random_ids); cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT m.mid, m.ttl FROM messages_v2 as m INNER JOIN randoms_v2 as r ON m.mid = r.mid AND m.uid = r.uid WHERE r.random_id IN (%s)", ids)); } while (cursor.next()) { int ttl = cursor.intValue(1); int mid = cursor.intValue(0); if (random_ids != null) { midsArray.add(mid); } if (ttl <= 0) { continue; } int date = Math.max(time, readTime) + ttl; minDate = Math.min(minDate, date); ArrayList arr = messages.get(date); if (arr == null) { arr = new ArrayList<>(); messages.put(date, arr); } if (mids.length() != 0) { mids.append(","); } mids.append(mid); arr.add(mid); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (random_ids != null) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { markMessagesContentAsRead(dialogId, midsArray, 0); getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.messagesReadContent, dialogId, midsArray); }); } if (messages.size() != 0) { database.beginTransaction(); state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO enc_tasks_v4 VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)"); for (int a = 0; a < messages.size(); a++) { int key = messages.keyAt(a); ArrayList arr = messages.get(key); for (int b = 0; b < arr.size(); b++) { state.requery(); state.bindInteger(1, arr.get(b)); state.bindLong(2, dialogId); state.bindInteger(3, key); state.bindInteger(4, 0); state.step(); } } state.dispose(); state = null; database.commitTransaction(); database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE messages_v2 SET ttl = 0 WHERE mid IN(%s) AND uid = %d", mids.toString(), dialogId)).stepThis().dispose(); getMessagesController().didAddedNewTask(minDate, dialogId, messages); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (database != null) { database.commitTransaction(); } if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } }); } private void updateFiltersReadCounter(LongSparseIntArray dialogsToUpdate, LongSparseIntArray dialogsToUpdateMentions, boolean read) throws Exception { if ((dialogsToUpdate == null || dialogsToUpdate.size() == 0) && (dialogsToUpdateMentions == null || dialogsToUpdateMentions.size() == 0)) { return; } for (int a = 0; a < 2; a++) { for (int b = 0; b < 2; b++) { contacts[a][b] = nonContacts[a][b] = bots[a][b] = channels[a][b] = groups[a][b] = 0; } mentionChannels[a] = mentionGroups[a] = 0; } ArrayList users = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList encUsers = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList chats = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList usersToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList chatsToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList encryptedToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); LongSparseArray dialogsByFolders = new LongSparseArray<>(); LongSparseArray newUnreadDialogs = new LongSparseArray<>(); for (int b = 0; b < 2; b++) { LongSparseIntArray array = b == 0 ? dialogsToUpdate : dialogsToUpdateMentions; if (array == null) { continue; } for (int a = 0; a < array.size(); a++) { Integer count = array.valueAt(a); if (read && count != 0 || !read && count == 0) { continue; } long did = array.keyAt(a); if (read) { if (b == 0) { dialogsWithUnread.remove(did); /*if (BuildVars.DEBUG_VERSION) { FileLog.d("read remove = " + did); }*/ } else { dialogsWithMentions.remove(did); /*if (BuildVars.DEBUG_VERSION) { FileLog.d("mention remove = " + did); }*/ } } else { if (dialogsWithMentions.indexOfKey(did) < 0 && dialogsWithUnread.indexOfKey(did) < 0) { newUnreadDialogs.put(did, count); } if (b == 0) { dialogsWithUnread.put(did, count); /*if (BuildVars.DEBUG_VERSION) { FileLog.d("read add = " + did); }*/ } else { dialogsWithMentions.put(did, count); /*if (BuildVars.DEBUG_VERSION) { FileLog.d("mention add = " + did); }*/ } } if (dialogsByFolders.indexOfKey(did) < 0) { SQLiteCursor cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT folder_id FROM dialogs WHERE did = " + did); int folderId = 0; if (cursor.next()) { folderId = cursor.intValue(0); } cursor.dispose(); dialogsByFolders.put(did, folderId); } if (DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(did)) { int encryptedChatId = DialogObject.getEncryptedChatId(did); if (!encryptedToLoad.contains(encryptedChatId)) { encryptedToLoad.add(encryptedChatId); } } else if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(did)) { if (!usersToLoad.contains(did)) { usersToLoad.add(did); } } else { if (!chatsToLoad.contains(-did)) { chatsToLoad.add(-did); } } } } LongSparseArray usersDict = new LongSparseArray<>(); LongSparseArray chatsDict = new LongSparseArray<>(); LongSparseArray encUsersDict = new LongSparseArray<>(); LongSparseArray encryptedChatsByUsersCount = new LongSparseArray<>(); LongSparseArray mutedDialogs = new LongSparseArray<>(); LongSparseArray archivedDialogs = new LongSparseArray<>(); if (!usersToLoad.isEmpty()) { getUsersInternal(TextUtils.join(",", usersToLoad), users); for (int a = 0, N = users.size(); a < N; a++) { TLRPC.User user = users.get(a); boolean muted = getMessagesController().isDialogMuted(user.id, 0); Integer folderId = dialogsByFolders.get(user.id); int idx1 = folderId == null || folderId < 0 || folderId > 1 ? 0 : folderId; int idx2 = muted ? 1 : 0; if (muted) { mutedDialogs.put(user.id, true); } if (idx1 == 1) { archivedDialogs.put(user.id, true); } if (user.bot) { bots[idx1][idx2]++; } else if (user.self || user.contact) { contacts[idx1][idx2]++; } else { nonContacts[idx1][idx2]++; } usersDict.put(user.id, user); } } if (!encryptedToLoad.isEmpty()) { ArrayList encUsersToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList encryptedChats = new ArrayList<>(); getEncryptedChatsInternal(TextUtils.join(",", encryptedToLoad), encryptedChats, encUsersToLoad); if (!encUsersToLoad.isEmpty()) { getUsersInternal(TextUtils.join(",", encUsersToLoad), encUsers); for (int a = 0, N = encUsers.size(); a < N; a++) { TLRPC.User user = encUsers.get(a); encUsersDict.put(user.id, user); } for (int a = 0, N = encryptedChats.size(); a < N; a++) { TLRPC.EncryptedChat encryptedChat = encryptedChats.get(a); TLRPC.User user = encUsersDict.get(encryptedChat.user_id); if (user == null) { continue; } long did = DialogObject.makeEncryptedDialogId(encryptedChat.id); boolean muted = getMessagesController().isDialogMuted(did, 0); Integer folderId = dialogsByFolders.get(did); int idx1 = folderId == null || folderId < 0 || folderId > 1 ? 0 : folderId; int idx2 = muted ? 1 : 0; if (muted) { mutedDialogs.put(user.id, true); } if (idx1 == 1) { archivedDialogs.put(user.id, true); } if (user.self || user.contact) { contacts[idx1][idx2]++; } else { nonContacts[idx1][idx2]++; } int count = encryptedChatsByUsersCount.get(user.id, 0); encryptedChatsByUsersCount.put(user.id, count + 1); } } } if (!chatsToLoad.isEmpty()) { getChatsInternal(TextUtils.join(",", chatsToLoad), chats); for (int a = 0, N = chats.size(); a < N; a++) { TLRPC.Chat chat = chats.get(a); if (chat.migrated_to instanceof TLRPC.TL_inputChannel || ChatObject.isNotInChat(chat)) { continue; } boolean muted = getMessagesController().isDialogMuted(-chat.id, 0, chat); boolean hasUnread = dialogsWithUnread.indexOfKey(-chat.id) >= 0; boolean hasMention = dialogsWithMentions.indexOfKey(-chat.id) >= 0; Integer folderId = dialogsByFolders.get(-chat.id); int idx1 = folderId == null || folderId < 0 || folderId > 1 ? 0 : folderId; int idx2 = muted ? 1 : 0; if (muted) { mutedDialogs.put(-chat.id, true); } if (idx1 == 1) { archivedDialogs.put(-chat.id, true); } if (muted && dialogsToUpdateMentions != null && dialogsToUpdateMentions.indexOfKey(-chat.id) >= 0) { if (ChatObject.isChannel(chat) && !chat.megagroup) { mentionChannels[idx1]++; } else { mentionGroups[idx1]++; } } if (read && !hasUnread && !hasMention || !read && newUnreadDialogs.indexOfKey(-chat.id) >= 0) { if (ChatObject.isChannel(chat) && !chat.megagroup) { channels[idx1][idx2]++; } else { groups[idx1][idx2]++; } } chatsDict.put(chat.id, chat); } } /*if (BuildVars.DEBUG_VERSION) { for (int b = 0; b < 2; b++) { FileLog.d("read = " + read + " contacts = " + contacts[b][0] + ", " + contacts[b][1]); FileLog.d("read = " + read + " nonContacts = " + nonContacts[b][0] + ", " + nonContacts[b][1]); FileLog.d("read = " + read + " groups = " + groups[b][0] + ", " + groups[b][1]); FileLog.d("read = " + read + " channels = " + channels[b][0] + ", " + channels[b][1]); FileLog.d("read = " + read + " bots = " + bots[b][0] + ", " + bots[b][1]); } }*/ for (int a = 0, N = dialogFilters.size(); a < N + 2; a++) { int unreadCount; MessagesController.DialogFilter filter; int flags; if (a < N) { filter = dialogFilters.get(a); if (filter.pendingUnreadCount < 0) { continue; } unreadCount = filter.pendingUnreadCount; flags = filter.flags; } else { filter = null; flags = MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_ALL_CHATS; if (a == N) { unreadCount = pendingMainUnreadCount; flags |= MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_ARCHIVED; if (!getNotificationsController().showBadgeMuted) { flags |= MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED; } } else { unreadCount = pendingArchiveUnreadCount; flags |= MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_ONLY_ARCHIVED; } } if (read) { if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_CONTACTS) != 0) { if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_ONLY_ARCHIVED) == 0) { unreadCount -= contacts[0][0]; if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) == 0) { unreadCount -= contacts[0][1]; } } if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_ARCHIVED) == 0) { unreadCount -= contacts[1][0]; if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) == 0) { unreadCount -= contacts[1][1]; } } } if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_NON_CONTACTS) != 0) { if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_ONLY_ARCHIVED) == 0) { unreadCount -= nonContacts[0][0]; if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) == 0) { unreadCount -= nonContacts[0][1]; } } if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_ARCHIVED) == 0) { unreadCount -= nonContacts[1][0]; if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) == 0) { unreadCount -= nonContacts[1][1]; } } } if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_GROUPS) != 0) { if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_ONLY_ARCHIVED) == 0) { unreadCount -= groups[0][0]; if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) == 0) { unreadCount -= groups[0][1]; } else { unreadCount -= mentionGroups[0]; } } if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_ARCHIVED) == 0) { unreadCount -= groups[1][0]; if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) == 0) { unreadCount -= groups[1][1]; } else { unreadCount -= mentionGroups[1]; } } } if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_CHANNELS) != 0) { if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_ONLY_ARCHIVED) == 0) { unreadCount -= channels[0][0]; if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) == 0) { unreadCount -= channels[0][1]; } else { unreadCount -= mentionChannels[0]; } } if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_ARCHIVED) == 0) { unreadCount -= channels[1][0]; if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) == 0) { unreadCount -= channels[1][1]; } else { unreadCount -= mentionChannels[1]; } } } if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_BOTS) != 0) { if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_ONLY_ARCHIVED) == 0) { unreadCount -= bots[0][0]; if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) == 0) { unreadCount -= bots[0][1]; } } if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_ARCHIVED) == 0) { unreadCount -= bots[1][0]; if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) == 0) { unreadCount -= bots[1][1]; } } } if (filter != null) { for (int b = 0, N2 = filter.alwaysShow.size(); b < N2; b++) { long did = filter.alwaysShow.get(b); if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(did)) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { LongSparseArray dict = i == 0 ? usersDict : encUsersDict; TLRPC.User user = dict.get(did); if (user != null) { int count; if (i == 0) { count = 1; } else { count = encryptedChatsByUsersCount.get(did, 0); if (count == 0) { continue; } } int flag; if (user.bot) { flag = MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_BOTS; } else if (user.self || user.contact) { flag = MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_CONTACTS; } else { flag = MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_NON_CONTACTS; } if ((flags & flag) == 0) { unreadCount -= count; } else if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) != 0 && mutedDialogs.indexOfKey(user.id) >= 0) { unreadCount -= count; } else if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_ARCHIVED) != 0 && archivedDialogs.indexOfKey(user.id) >= 0) { unreadCount -= count; } } } } else { TLRPC.Chat chat = chatsDict.get(-did); if (chat != null) { int flag; if (ChatObject.isChannel(chat) && !chat.megagroup) { flag = MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_CHANNELS; } else { flag = MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_GROUPS; } if ((flags & flag) == 0) { unreadCount--; } else if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) != 0 && mutedDialogs.indexOfKey(-chat.id) >= 0 && dialogsWithMentions.indexOfKey(-chat.id) < 0) { unreadCount--; } else if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_ARCHIVED) != 0 && archivedDialogs.indexOfKey(-chat.id) >= 0) { unreadCount--; } } } } for (int b = 0, N2 = filter.neverShow.size(); b < N2; b++) { long did = filter.neverShow.get(b); if (dialogsToUpdateMentions != null && dialogsToUpdateMentions.indexOfKey(did) >= 0 && mutedDialogs.indexOfKey(did) < 0) { continue; } if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(did)) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { LongSparseArray dict = i == 0 ? usersDict : encUsersDict; TLRPC.User user = dict.get(did); if (user != null) { int count; if (i == 0) { count = 1; } else { count = encryptedChatsByUsersCount.get(did, 0); if (count == 0) { continue; } } int flag; if (user.bot) { flag = MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_BOTS; } else if (user.self || user.contact) { flag = MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_CONTACTS; } else { flag = MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_NON_CONTACTS; } if ((flags & flag) != 0) { if (((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_ARCHIVED) == 0 || archivedDialogs.indexOfKey(user.id) < 0) && ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) == 0 || mutedDialogs.indexOfKey(user.id) < 0)) { unreadCount += count; } } } } } else { TLRPC.Chat chat = chatsDict.get(-did); if (chat != null) { int flag; if (ChatObject.isChannel(chat) && !chat.megagroup) { flag = MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_CHANNELS; } else { flag = MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_GROUPS; } if ((flags & flag) != 0) { if (((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_ARCHIVED) == 0 || archivedDialogs.indexOfKey(-chat.id) < 0) && ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) == 0 || mutedDialogs.indexOfKey(-chat.id) < 0 || dialogsWithMentions.indexOfKey(-chat.id) >= 0)) { unreadCount++; } } } } } } if (unreadCount < 0) { unreadCount = 0; } } else { if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_CONTACTS) != 0) { if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_ONLY_ARCHIVED) == 0) { unreadCount += contacts[0][0]; if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) == 0) { unreadCount += contacts[0][1]; } } if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_ARCHIVED) == 0) { unreadCount += contacts[1][0]; if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) == 0) { unreadCount += contacts[1][1]; } } } if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_NON_CONTACTS) != 0) { if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_ONLY_ARCHIVED) == 0) { unreadCount += nonContacts[0][0]; if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) == 0) { unreadCount += nonContacts[0][1]; } } if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_ARCHIVED) == 0) { unreadCount += nonContacts[1][0]; if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) == 0) { unreadCount += nonContacts[1][1]; } } } if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_GROUPS) != 0) { if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_ONLY_ARCHIVED) == 0) { unreadCount += groups[0][0]; if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) == 0) { unreadCount += groups[0][1]; } else { unreadCount += mentionGroups[0]; } } if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_ARCHIVED) == 0) { unreadCount += groups[1][0]; if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) == 0) { unreadCount += groups[1][1]; } else { unreadCount += mentionGroups[1]; } } } if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_CHANNELS) != 0) { if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_ONLY_ARCHIVED) == 0) { unreadCount += channels[0][0]; if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) == 0) { unreadCount += channels[0][1]; } else { unreadCount += mentionChannels[0]; } } if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_ARCHIVED) == 0) { unreadCount += channels[1][0]; if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) == 0) { unreadCount += channels[1][1]; } else { unreadCount += mentionChannels[1]; } } } if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_BOTS) != 0) { if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_ONLY_ARCHIVED) == 0) { unreadCount += bots[0][0]; if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) == 0) { unreadCount += bots[0][1]; } } if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_ARCHIVED) == 0) { unreadCount += bots[1][0]; if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) == 0) { unreadCount += bots[1][1]; } } } if (filter != null) { if (!filter.alwaysShow.isEmpty()) { if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) != 0) { for (int b = 0, N2 = dialogsToUpdateMentions.size(); b < N2; b++) { long did = dialogsToUpdateMentions.keyAt(b); TLRPC.Chat chat = chatsDict.get(-did); if (ChatObject.isChannel(chat) && !chat.megagroup) { if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_CHANNELS) == 0) { continue; } } else { if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_GROUPS) == 0) { continue; } } if (mutedDialogs.indexOfKey(did) >= 0 && filter.alwaysShow.contains(did)) { unreadCount--; } } } for (int b = 0, N2 = filter.alwaysShow.size(); b < N2; b++) { long did = filter.alwaysShow.get(b); if (newUnreadDialogs.indexOfKey(did) < 0) { continue; } if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(did)) { TLRPC.User user = usersDict.get(did); if (user != null) { if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) != 0 && mutedDialogs.indexOfKey(user.id) >= 0) { unreadCount++; } else { if (user.bot) { if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_BOTS) == 0) { unreadCount++; } } else if (user.self || user.contact) { if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_CONTACTS) == 0) { unreadCount++; } } else { if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_NON_CONTACTS) == 0) { unreadCount++; } } } } user = encUsersDict.get(did); if (user != null) { int count = encryptedChatsByUsersCount.get(did, 0); if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) != 0 && mutedDialogs.indexOfKey(user.id) >= 0) { unreadCount += count; } else { if (user.bot) { if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_BOTS) == 0) { unreadCount += count; } } else if (user.self || user.contact) { if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_CONTACTS) == 0) { unreadCount += count; } } else { if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_NON_CONTACTS) == 0) { unreadCount += count; } } } } } else { TLRPC.Chat chat = chatsDict.get(-did); if (chat != null) { if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) != 0 && mutedDialogs.indexOfKey(-chat.id) >= 0) { unreadCount++; } else { if (ChatObject.isChannel(chat) && !chat.megagroup) { if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_CHANNELS) == 0) { unreadCount++; } } else { if ((flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_GROUPS) == 0) { unreadCount++; } } } } } } } for (int b = 0, N2 = filter.neverShow.size(); b < N2; b++) { long did = filter.neverShow.get(b); if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(did)) { TLRPC.User user = usersDict.get(did); if (user != null) { unreadCount--; } user = encUsersDict.get(did); if (user != null) { unreadCount -= encryptedChatsByUsersCount.get(did, 0); } } else { TLRPC.Chat chat = chatsDict.get(-did); if (chat != null) { unreadCount--; } } } } } if (filter != null) { filter.pendingUnreadCount = unreadCount; /*if (BuildVars.DEBUG_VERSION) { FileLog.d("filter " + filter.name + " flags = " + flags + " read = " + read + " unread count = " + filter.pendingUnreadCount); }*/ } else if (a == N) { pendingMainUnreadCount = unreadCount; } else if (a == N + 1) { pendingArchiveUnreadCount = unreadCount; } } AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { ArrayList filters = getMessagesController().dialogFilters; for (int a = 0, N = filters.size(); a < N; a++) { filters.get(a).unreadCount = filters.get(a).pendingUnreadCount; } mainUnreadCount = pendingMainUnreadCount; archiveUnreadCount = pendingArchiveUnreadCount; }); } private void updateDialogsWithReadMessagesInternal(ArrayList messages, LongSparseIntArray inbox, LongSparseIntArray outbox, LongSparseArray> mentions, LongSparseIntArray stillUnreadMessagesCount) { try { LongSparseIntArray dialogsToUpdate = new LongSparseIntArray(); LongSparseIntArray dialogsToUpdateMentions = new LongSparseIntArray(); ArrayList channelMentionsToReload = new ArrayList<>(); if (!isEmpty(messages)) { String ids = TextUtils.join(",", messages); SQLiteCursor cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT uid, read_state, out FROM messages_v2 WHERE mid IN(%s) AND is_channel = 0", ids)); while (cursor.next()) { int out = cursor.intValue(2); if (out != 0) { continue; } int read_state = cursor.intValue(1); if (read_state != 0) { continue; } long uid = cursor.longValue(0); int currentCount = dialogsToUpdate.get(uid); if (currentCount == 0) { dialogsToUpdate.put(uid, 1); } else { dialogsToUpdate.put(uid, currentCount + 1); } } cursor.dispose(); } else { if (!isEmpty(inbox)) { for (int b = 0; b < inbox.size(); b++) { long key = inbox.keyAt(b); int messageId = inbox.get(key); int stillUnread = stillUnreadMessagesCount == null ? -2 : stillUnreadMessagesCount.get(key, -2); if (stillUnread >= 0) { dialogsToUpdate.put(key, stillUnread); if (BuildVars.DEBUG_VERSION) { FileLog.d(key + " update unread messages count by still unread " + stillUnread); } } else { boolean canCountByMessageId = true; if (stillUnreadMessagesCount != null && stillUnread != -2) { SQLiteCursor checkHolesCursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT start, end FROM messages_holes WHERE uid = %d AND end > %d", key, messageId)); while (checkHolesCursor.next()) { canCountByMessageId = false; } checkHolesCursor.dispose(); } if (canCountByMessageId) { SQLiteCursor cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT COUNT(mid) FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND mid > %d AND read_state IN(0,2) AND out = 0", key, messageId)); if (cursor.next()) { int unread = cursor.intValue(0); dialogsToUpdate.put(key, unread); if (BuildVars.DEBUG_VERSION) { FileLog.d(key + " update unread messages count " + unread); } } else { if (BuildVars.DEBUG_VERSION) { FileLog.d(key + " can't update unread messages count cursor trouble"); } } cursor.dispose(); } else { if (BuildVars.DEBUG_VERSION) { FileLog.d(key + " can't update unread messages count"); } } } FileLog.d(key + " set inbox max " + messageId); SQLitePreparedStatement state = database.executeFast("UPDATE dialogs SET inbox_max = max((SELECT inbox_max FROM dialogs WHERE did = ?), ?) WHERE did = ?"); state.requery(); state.bindLong(1, key); state.bindInteger(2, messageId); state.bindLong(3, key); state.step(); state.dispose(); } } if (!isEmpty(mentions)) { for (int b = 0, N = mentions.size(); b < N; b++) { ArrayList arrayList = mentions.valueAt(b); ArrayList notFoundMentions = new ArrayList<>(arrayList); String ids = TextUtils.join(",", arrayList); long channelId = 0; SQLiteCursor cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT uid, read_state, out, mention, mid, is_channel FROM messages_v2 WHERE mid IN(%s)", ids)); while (cursor.next()) { long did = cursor.longValue(0); notFoundMentions.remove((Integer) cursor.intValue(4)); if (cursor.intValue(1) < 2 && cursor.intValue(2) == 0 && cursor.intValue(3) == 1) { int unread_count = dialogsToUpdateMentions.get(did, -1); if (unread_count < 0) { SQLiteCursor cursor2 = database.queryFinalized("SELECT unread_count_i FROM dialogs WHERE did = " + did); int old_mentions_count = 0; if (cursor2.next()) { old_mentions_count = cursor2.intValue(0); } cursor2.dispose(); dialogsToUpdateMentions.put(did, Math.max(0, old_mentions_count - 1)); } else { dialogsToUpdateMentions.put(did, Math.max(0, unread_count - 1)); } } channelId = cursor.longValue(5); } cursor.dispose(); if (!notFoundMentions.isEmpty() && channelId != 0) { if (!channelMentionsToReload.contains(channelId)) { channelMentionsToReload.add(channelId); } } } } if (!isEmpty(outbox)) { for (int b = 0; b < outbox.size(); b++) { long key = outbox.keyAt(b); int messageId = outbox.get(key); SQLitePreparedStatement state = database.executeFast("UPDATE dialogs SET outbox_max = max((SELECT outbox_max FROM dialogs WHERE did = ?), ?) WHERE did = ?"); state.requery(); state.bindLong(1, key); state.bindInteger(2, messageId); state.bindLong(3, key); state.step(); state.dispose(); } } } if (dialogsToUpdate.size() > 0 || dialogsToUpdateMentions.size() > 0) { database.beginTransaction(); if (dialogsToUpdate.size() > 0) { ArrayList dids = new ArrayList<>(); SQLitePreparedStatement state = database.executeFast("UPDATE dialogs SET unread_count = ? WHERE did = ?"); for (int a = 0; a < dialogsToUpdate.size(); a++) { long did = dialogsToUpdate.keyAt(a); if (isForum(did)) { dialogsToUpdate.removeAt(a); a--; continue; } int prevUnreadCount = 0; int newCount = dialogsToUpdate.valueAt(a); SQLiteCursor cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT unread_count FROM dialogs WHERE did = " + did); if (cursor.next()) { prevUnreadCount = cursor.intValue(0); } cursor.dispose(); if (prevUnreadCount == newCount) { dialogsToUpdate.removeAt(a); a--; continue; } state.requery(); state.bindInteger(1, newCount); state.bindLong(2, did); state.step(); dids.add(did); } state.dispose(); updateWidgets(dids); } if (dialogsToUpdateMentions.size() > 0) { SQLitePreparedStatement state = database.executeFast("UPDATE dialogs SET unread_count_i = ? WHERE did = ?"); for (int a = 0; a < dialogsToUpdateMentions.size(); a++) { long did = dialogsToUpdateMentions.keyAt(a); if (isForum(did)) { dialogsToUpdateMentions.removeAt(a); a--; continue; } state.requery(); state.bindInteger(1, dialogsToUpdateMentions.valueAt(a)); state.bindLong(2, did); state.step(); } state.dispose(); } database.commitTransaction(); } updateFiltersReadCounter(dialogsToUpdate, dialogsToUpdateMentions, true); getMessagesController().processDialogsUpdateRead(dialogsToUpdate, dialogsToUpdateMentions); if (!channelMentionsToReload.isEmpty()) { getMessagesController().reloadMentionsCountForChannels(channelMentionsToReload); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } } private static boolean isEmpty(SparseArray array) { return array == null || array.size() == 0; } private static boolean isEmpty(LongSparseIntArray array) { return array == null || array.size() == 0; } private static boolean isEmpty(List array) { return array == null || array.isEmpty(); } private static boolean isEmpty(SparseIntArray array) { return array == null || array.size() == 0; } private static boolean isEmpty(LongSparseArray array) { return array == null || array.size() == 0; } public void updateDialogsWithReadMessages(LongSparseIntArray inbox, LongSparseIntArray outbox, LongSparseArray> mentions, LongSparseIntArray stillUnread, boolean useQueue) { if (isEmpty(inbox) && isEmpty(outbox) && isEmpty(mentions) && isEmpty(stillUnread)) { return; } if (useQueue) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> updateDialogsWithReadMessagesInternal(null, inbox, outbox, mentions, stillUnread)); } else { updateDialogsWithReadMessagesInternal(null, inbox, outbox, mentions, stillUnread); } } public void updateChatParticipants(TLRPC.ChatParticipants participants) { if (participants == null) { return; } storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT info, pinned, online, inviter FROM chat_settings_v2 WHERE uid = " + participants.chat_id); TLRPC.ChatFull info = null; ArrayList loadedUsers = new ArrayList<>(); if (cursor.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { info = TLRPC.ChatFull.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); data.reuse(); info.pinned_msg_id = cursor.intValue(1); info.online_count = cursor.intValue(2); info.inviterId = cursor.longValue(3); } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (info instanceof TLRPC.TL_chatFull) { info.participants = participants; TLRPC.ChatFull finalInfo = info; AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.chatInfoDidLoad, finalInfo, 0, false, false)); SQLitePreparedStatement state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO chat_settings_v2 VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); NativeByteBuffer data = new NativeByteBuffer(info.getObjectSize()); info.serializeToStream(data); state.bindLong(1, info.id); state.bindByteBuffer(2, data); state.bindInteger(3, info.pinned_msg_id); state.bindInteger(4, info.online_count); state.bindLong(5, info.inviterId); state.bindInteger(6, info.invitesCount); state.step(); state.dispose(); data.reuse(); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } }); } public void loadChannelAdmins(long chatId) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT uid, data FROM channel_admins_v3 WHERE did = " + chatId); LongSparseArray ids = new LongSparseArray<>(); while (cursor.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(1); if (data != null) { TLRPC.ChannelParticipant participant = TLRPC.ChannelParticipant.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); data.reuse(); if (participant != null) { ids.put(cursor.longValue(0), participant); } } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; getMessagesController().processLoadedChannelAdmins(ids, chatId, true); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } }); } public void putChannelAdmins(long chatId, LongSparseArray ids) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { database.executeFast("DELETE FROM channel_admins_v3 WHERE did = " + chatId).stepThis().dispose(); database.beginTransaction(); state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO channel_admins_v3 VALUES(?, ?, ?)"); NativeByteBuffer data; for (int a = 0; a < ids.size(); a++) { state.requery(); state.bindLong(1, chatId); state.bindLong(2, ids.keyAt(a)); TLRPC.ChannelParticipant participant = ids.valueAt(a); data = new NativeByteBuffer(participant.getObjectSize()); participant.serializeToStream(data); state.bindByteBuffer(3, data); state.step(); data.reuse(); } state.dispose(); state = null; database.commitTransaction(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (database != null) { database.commitTransaction(); } if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } }); } public void updateChannelUsers(long channelId, ArrayList participants) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { long did = -channelId; database.executeFast("DELETE FROM channel_users_v2 WHERE did = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); database.beginTransaction(); state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO channel_users_v2 VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)"); NativeByteBuffer data; int date = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000); for (int a = 0; a < participants.size(); a++) { TLRPC.ChannelParticipant participant = participants.get(a); state.requery(); state.bindLong(1, did); state.bindLong(2, MessageObject.getPeerId(participant.peer)); state.bindInteger(3, date); data = new NativeByteBuffer(participant.getObjectSize()); participant.serializeToStream(data); state.bindByteBuffer(4, data); state.step(); data.reuse(); date--; } state.dispose(); state = null; database.commitTransaction(); loadChatInfo(channelId, true, null, false, true); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (database != null) { database.commitTransaction(); } if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } }); } public void saveBotCache(String key, TLObject result) { if (result == null || TextUtils.isEmpty(key)) { return; } storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { int currentDate = getConnectionsManager().getCurrentTime(); if (result instanceof TLRPC.TL_messages_botCallbackAnswer) { currentDate += ((TLRPC.TL_messages_botCallbackAnswer) result).cache_time; } else if (result instanceof TLRPC.TL_messages_botResults) { currentDate += ((TLRPC.TL_messages_botResults) result).cache_time; } state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO botcache VALUES(?, ?, ?)"); NativeByteBuffer data = new NativeByteBuffer(result.getObjectSize()); result.serializeToStream(data); state.bindString(1, key); state.bindInteger(2, currentDate); state.bindByteBuffer(3, data); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; data.reuse(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } }); } public void getBotCache(String key, RequestDelegate requestDelegate) { if (key == null || requestDelegate == null) { return; } int currentDate = getConnectionsManager().getCurrentTime(); storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { TLObject result = null; SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { database.executeFast("DELETE FROM botcache WHERE date < " + currentDate).stepThis().dispose(); cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT data FROM botcache WHERE id = ?", key); if (cursor.next()) { try { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { int constructor = data.readInt32(false); if (constructor == TLRPC.TL_messages_botCallbackAnswer.constructor) { result = TLRPC.TL_messages_botCallbackAnswer.TLdeserialize(data, constructor, false); } else { result = TLRPC.messages_BotResults.TLdeserialize(data, constructor, false); } data.reuse(); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { requestDelegate.run(result, null); if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } }); } public ArrayList loadUserInfos(HashSet uids) { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); try { String ids = TextUtils.join(",", uids); SQLiteCursor cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT info, pinned FROM user_settings WHERE uid IN(" + ids + ")"); while (cursor.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { TLRPC.UserFull info = TLRPC.UserFull.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); info.pinned_msg_id = cursor.intValue(1); arrayList.add(info); data.reuse(); } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } return arrayList; } public void loadUserInfo(TLRPC.User user, boolean force, int classGuid, int fromMessageId) { if (user == null) { return; } storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { HashMap pinnedMessagesMap = new HashMap<>(); ArrayList pinnedMessages = new ArrayList<>(); int totalPinnedCount = 0; boolean pinnedEndReached = false; TLRPC.UserFull info = null; SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT info, pinned FROM user_settings WHERE uid = " + user.id); if (cursor.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { info = TLRPC.UserFull.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); info.pinned_msg_id = cursor.intValue(1); data.reuse(); } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; cursor = getMessagesStorage().getDatabase().queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT mid FROM chat_pinned_v2 WHERE uid = %d ORDER BY mid DESC", user.id)); while (cursor.next()) { int id = cursor.intValue(0); pinnedMessages.add(id); pinnedMessagesMap.put(id, null); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT count, end FROM chat_pinned_count WHERE uid = " + user.id); if (cursor.next()) { totalPinnedCount = cursor.intValue(0); pinnedEndReached = cursor.intValue(1) != 0; } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (info != null && info.pinned_msg_id != 0) { if (pinnedMessages.isEmpty() || info.pinned_msg_id > pinnedMessages.get(0)) { pinnedMessages.clear(); pinnedMessages.add(info.pinned_msg_id); pinnedMessagesMap.put(info.pinned_msg_id, null); } } if (!pinnedMessages.isEmpty()) { ArrayList messageObjects = getMediaDataController().loadPinnedMessages(user.id, 0, pinnedMessages, false); if (messageObjects != null) { for (int a = 0, N = messageObjects.size(); a < N; a++) { MessageObject messageObject = messageObjects.get(a); pinnedMessagesMap.put(messageObject.getId(), messageObject); } } } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { getMessagesController().processUserInfo(user, info, true, force, classGuid, pinnedMessages, pinnedMessagesMap, totalPinnedCount, pinnedEndReached); if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } }); } public void updateUserInfo(TLRPC.UserFull info, boolean ifExist) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { if (ifExist) { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT uid FROM user_settings WHERE uid = " + info.user.id); boolean exist = cursor.next(); cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (!exist) { return; } } state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO user_settings VALUES(?, ?, ?)"); NativeByteBuffer data = new NativeByteBuffer(info.getObjectSize()); info.serializeToStream(data); state.bindLong(1, info.user.id); state.bindByteBuffer(2, data); state.bindInteger(3, info.pinned_msg_id); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; data.reuse(); if ((info.flags & 2048) != 0) { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE dialogs SET folder_id = ? WHERE did = ?"); state.bindInteger(1, info.folder_id); state.bindLong(2, info.user.id); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; unknownDialogsIds.remove(info.user.id); } if ((info.flags & 16384) != 0) { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE dialogs SET ttl_period = ? WHERE did = ?"); state.bindInteger(1, info.ttl_period); state.bindLong(2, info.user.id); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } }); } public void saveChatInviter(long chatId, long inviterId) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE chat_settings_v2 SET inviter = ? WHERE uid = ?"); state.requery(); state.bindLong(1, inviterId); state.bindLong(2, chatId); state.step(); state.dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } }); } public void saveChatLinksCount(long chatId, int linksCount) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE chat_settings_v2 SET links = ? WHERE uid = ?"); state.requery(); state.bindInteger(1, linksCount); state.bindLong(2, chatId); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } }); } public void updateChatInfo(TLRPC.ChatFull info, boolean ifExist) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { int currentOnline = -1; int inviter = 0; int links = 0; cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT online, inviter, links FROM chat_settings_v2 WHERE uid = " + info.id); if (cursor.next()) { currentOnline = cursor.intValue(0); info.inviterId = cursor.longValue(1); links = cursor.intValue(2); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (ifExist && currentOnline == -1) { return; } if (currentOnline >= 0 && (info.flags & 8192) == 0) { info.online_count = currentOnline; } if (links >= 0) { info.invitesCount = links; } state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO chat_settings_v2 VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); NativeByteBuffer data = new NativeByteBuffer(info.getObjectSize()); info.serializeToStream(data); state.bindLong(1, info.id); state.bindByteBuffer(2, data); state.bindInteger(3, info.pinned_msg_id); state.bindInteger(4, info.online_count); state.bindLong(5, info.inviterId); state.bindInteger(6, info.invitesCount); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; data.reuse(); if (info instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelFull) { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT inbox_max, outbox_max FROM dialogs WHERE did = " + (-info.id)); if (cursor.next()) { int inbox_max = cursor.intValue(0); if (inbox_max < info.read_inbox_max_id) { int outbox_max = cursor.intValue(1); state = database.executeFast("UPDATE dialogs SET unread_count = ?, inbox_max = ?, outbox_max = ? WHERE did = ?"); state.bindInteger(1, info.unread_count); state.bindInteger(2, info.read_inbox_max_id); state.bindInteger(3, Math.max(outbox_max, info.read_outbox_max_id)); state.bindLong(4, -info.id); state.step(); state.dispose(); } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } if ((info.flags & 2048) != 0) { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE dialogs SET folder_id = ? WHERE did = ?"); state.bindInteger(1, info.folder_id); state.bindLong(2, -info.id); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; unknownDialogsIds.remove(-info.id); } state = database.executeFast("UPDATE dialogs SET ttl_period = ? WHERE did = ?"); state.bindInteger(1, info.ttl_period); state.bindLong(2, -info.id); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } }); } public void updateChatOnlineCount(long channelId, int onlineCount) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE chat_settings_v2 SET online = ? WHERE uid = ?"); state.requery(); state.bindInteger(1, onlineCount); state.bindLong(2, channelId); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } }); } public void updatePinnedMessages(long dialogId, ArrayList ids, boolean pin, int totalCount, int maxId, boolean end, HashMap messages) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; SQLiteCursor cursor2 = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { if (pin) { database.beginTransaction(); int alreadyAdded = 0; boolean endReached; if (messages != null) { if (maxId == 0) { database.executeFast("DELETE FROM chat_pinned_v2 WHERE uid = " + dialogId).stepThis().dispose(); } } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT COUNT(mid) FROM chat_pinned_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND mid IN (%s)", dialogId, TextUtils.join(",", ids))); alreadyAdded = cursor.next() ? cursor.intValue(0) : 0; cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO chat_pinned_v2 VALUES(?, ?, ?)"); for (int a = 0, N = ids.size(); a < N; a++) { Integer id = ids.get(a); state.requery(); state.bindLong(1, dialogId); state.bindInteger(2, id); MessageObject message = null; if (messages != null) { message = messages.get(id); } NativeByteBuffer data = null; if (message != null) { data = new NativeByteBuffer(message.messageOwner.getObjectSize()); message.messageOwner.serializeToStream(data); state.bindByteBuffer(3, data); } else { state.bindNull(3); } state.step(); if (data != null) { data.reuse(); } } state.dispose(); state = null; database.commitTransaction(); cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT COUNT(mid) FROM chat_pinned_v2 WHERE uid = %d", dialogId)); int newCount1 = cursor.next() ? cursor.intValue(0) : 0; cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; int newCount; if (messages != null) { newCount = Math.max(totalCount, newCount1); endReached = end; } else { cursor2 = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT count, end FROM chat_pinned_count WHERE uid = %d", dialogId)); int newCount2; if (cursor2.next()) { newCount2 = cursor2.intValue(0); endReached = cursor2.intValue(1) != 0; } else { newCount2 = 0; endReached = false; } cursor2.dispose(); cursor2 = null; newCount = Math.max(newCount2 + (ids.size() - alreadyAdded), newCount1); } state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO chat_pinned_count VALUES(?, ?, ?)"); state.requery(); state.bindLong(1, dialogId); state.bindInteger(2, newCount); state.bindInteger(3, endReached ? 1 : 0); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.didLoadPinnedMessages, dialogId, ids, true, null, messages, maxId, newCount, endReached)); } else { int newCount; boolean endReached; if (ids == null) { database.executeFast("DELETE FROM chat_pinned_v2 WHERE uid = " + dialogId).stepThis().dispose(); if (DialogObject.isChatDialog(dialogId)) { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE chat_settings_v2 SET pinned = 0 WHERE uid = %d", -dialogId)).stepThis().dispose(); } else { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE user_settings SET pinned = 0 WHERE uid = %d", dialogId)).stepThis().dispose(); } newCount = 0; endReached = true; } else { String idsStr = TextUtils.join(",", ids); if (DialogObject.isChatDialog(dialogId)) { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE chat_settings_v2 SET pinned = 0 WHERE uid = %d AND pinned IN (%s)", -dialogId, idsStr)).stepThis().dispose(); } else { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE user_settings SET pinned = 0 WHERE uid = %d AND pinned IN (%s)", dialogId, idsStr)).stepThis().dispose(); } database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM chat_pinned_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND mid IN(%s)", dialogId, idsStr)).stepThis().dispose(); cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT changes()"); int updatedCount = cursor.next() ? cursor.intValue(0) : 0; cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT COUNT(mid) FROM chat_pinned_v2 WHERE uid = %d", dialogId)); int newCount1 = cursor.next() ? cursor.intValue(0) : 0; cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT count, end FROM chat_pinned_count WHERE uid = %d", dialogId)); int newCount2; if (cursor.next()) { newCount2 = Math.max(0, cursor.intValue(0) - updatedCount); endReached = cursor.intValue(1) != 0; } else { newCount2 = 0; endReached = false; } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; newCount = Math.max(newCount1, newCount2); } state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO chat_pinned_count VALUES(?, ?, ?)"); state.requery(); state.bindLong(1, dialogId); state.bindInteger(2, newCount); state.bindInteger(3, endReached ? 1 : 0); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.didLoadPinnedMessages, dialogId, ids, false, null, messages, maxId, newCount, endReached)); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (database != null) { database.commitTransaction(); } if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } }); } public void updateChatInfo(long chatId, long userId, int what, long invited_id, int version) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT info, pinned, online, inviter FROM chat_settings_v2 WHERE uid = " + chatId); TLRPC.ChatFull info = null; ArrayList loadedUsers = new ArrayList<>(); if (cursor.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { info = TLRPC.ChatFull.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); data.reuse(); info.pinned_msg_id = cursor.intValue(1); info.online_count = cursor.intValue(2); info.inviterId = cursor.longValue(3); } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (info instanceof TLRPC.TL_chatFull) { if (what == 1) { for (int a = 0; a < info.participants.participants.size(); a++) { TLRPC.ChatParticipant participant = info.participants.participants.get(a); if (participant.user_id == userId) { info.participants.participants.remove(a); break; } } } else if (what == 0) { for (TLRPC.ChatParticipant part : info.participants.participants) { if (part.user_id == userId) { return; } } TLRPC.TL_chatParticipant participant = new TLRPC.TL_chatParticipant(); participant.user_id = userId; participant.inviter_id = invited_id; participant.date = getConnectionsManager().getCurrentTime(); info.participants.participants.add(participant); } else if (what == 2) { for (int a = 0; a < info.participants.participants.size(); a++) { TLRPC.ChatParticipant participant = info.participants.participants.get(a); if (participant.user_id == userId) { TLRPC.ChatParticipant newParticipant; if (invited_id == 1) { newParticipant = new TLRPC.TL_chatParticipantAdmin(); } else { newParticipant = new TLRPC.TL_chatParticipant(); } newParticipant.user_id = participant.user_id; newParticipant.date = participant.date; newParticipant.inviter_id = participant.inviter_id; info.participants.participants.set(a, newParticipant); break; } } } info.participants.version = version; TLRPC.ChatFull finalInfo = info; AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.chatInfoDidLoad, finalInfo, 0, false, false)); SQLitePreparedStatement state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO chat_settings_v2 VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); NativeByteBuffer data = new NativeByteBuffer(info.getObjectSize()); info.serializeToStream(data); state.bindLong(1, chatId); state.bindByteBuffer(2, data); state.bindInteger(3, info.pinned_msg_id); state.bindInteger(4, info.online_count); state.bindLong(5, info.inviterId); state.bindInteger(6, info.invitesCount); state.step(); state.dispose(); data.reuse(); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } }); } public boolean isMigratedChat(long chatId) { CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); boolean[] result = new boolean[1]; storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT info FROM chat_settings_v2 WHERE uid = " + chatId); TLRPC.ChatFull info = null; ArrayList loadedUsers = new ArrayList<>(); if (cursor.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { info = TLRPC.ChatFull.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); data.reuse(); } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; result[0] = info instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelFull && info.migrated_from_chat_id != 0; countDownLatch.countDown(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } countDownLatch.countDown(); } }); try { countDownLatch.await(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } return result[0]; } public TLRPC.Message getMessage(long dialogId, long msgId) { CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); AtomicReference ref = new AtomicReference<>(); storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT data FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = " + dialogId + " AND mid = " + msgId + " LIMIT 1"); while (cursor.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { TLRPC.Message message = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); data.reuse(); ref.set(message); } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } countDownLatch.countDown(); } }); try { countDownLatch.await(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } return ref.get(); } public boolean hasInviteMeMessage(long chatId) { CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); boolean[] result = new boolean[1]; storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { long selfId = getUserConfig().getClientUserId(); cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT data FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = " + -chatId + " AND out = 0 ORDER BY mid DESC LIMIT 100"); while (cursor.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { TLRPC.Message message = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); data.reuse(); if (message.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionChatAddUser && message.action.users.contains(selfId)) { result[0] = true; break; } } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } countDownLatch.countDown(); } }); try { countDownLatch.await(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } return result[0]; } private TLRPC.ChatFull loadChatInfoInternal(long chatId, boolean isChannel, boolean force, boolean byChannelUsers, int fromMessageId) { TLRPC.ChatFull info = null; ArrayList loadedUsers = new ArrayList<>(); HashMap pinnedMessagesMap = new HashMap<>(); ArrayList pinnedMessages = new ArrayList<>(); int totalPinnedCount = 0; boolean pinnedEndReached = false; SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT info, pinned, online, inviter, links FROM chat_settings_v2 WHERE uid = " + chatId); if (cursor.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { info = TLRPC.ChatFull.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); data.reuse(); info.pinned_msg_id = cursor.intValue(1); info.online_count = cursor.intValue(2); info.inviterId = cursor.longValue(3); info.invitesCount = cursor.intValue(4); } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (info instanceof TLRPC.TL_chatFull) { StringBuilder usersToLoad = new StringBuilder(); for (int a = 0; a < info.participants.participants.size(); a++) { TLRPC.ChatParticipant c = info.participants.participants.get(a); if (usersToLoad.length() != 0) { usersToLoad.append(","); } usersToLoad.append(c.user_id); } if (usersToLoad.length() != 0) { getUsersInternal(usersToLoad.toString(), loadedUsers); } } else if (info instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelFull) { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT us.data, us.status, cu.data, cu.date FROM channel_users_v2 as cu LEFT JOIN users as us ON us.uid = cu.uid WHERE cu.did = " + (-chatId) + " ORDER BY cu.date DESC"); info.participants = new TLRPC.TL_chatParticipants(); while (cursor.next()) { try { TLRPC.User user = null; TLRPC.ChannelParticipant participant = null; NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { user = TLRPC.User.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); data.reuse(); } data = cursor.byteBufferValue(2); if (data != null) { participant = TLRPC.ChannelParticipant.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); data.reuse(); } if (participant != null && participant.user_id == getUserConfig().clientUserId) { user = getUserConfig().getCurrentUser(); } if (user != null && participant != null) { if (user.status != null) { user.status.expires = cursor.intValue(1); } loadedUsers.add(user); participant.date = cursor.intValue(3); TLRPC.TL_chatChannelParticipant chatChannelParticipant = new TLRPC.TL_chatChannelParticipant(); chatChannelParticipant.user_id = MessageObject.getPeerId(participant.peer); chatChannelParticipant.date = participant.date; chatChannelParticipant.inviter_id = participant.inviter_id; chatChannelParticipant.channelParticipant = participant; info.participants.participants.add(chatChannelParticipant); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; StringBuilder usersToLoad = new StringBuilder(); for (int a = 0; a < info.bot_info.size(); a++) { TLRPC.BotInfo botInfo = info.bot_info.get(a); if (usersToLoad.length() != 0) { usersToLoad.append(","); } usersToLoad.append(botInfo.user_id); } if (usersToLoad.length() != 0) { getUsersInternal(usersToLoad.toString(), loadedUsers); } } if (info != null && info.inviterId != 0) { getUsersInternal("" + info.inviterId, loadedUsers); } cursor = getMessagesStorage().getDatabase().queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT mid FROM chat_pinned_v2 WHERE uid = %d ORDER BY mid DESC", -chatId)); while (cursor.next()) { int id = cursor.intValue(0); pinnedMessages.add(id); pinnedMessagesMap.put(id, null); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT count, end FROM chat_pinned_count WHERE uid = " + (-chatId)); if (cursor.next()) { totalPinnedCount = cursor.intValue(0); pinnedEndReached = cursor.intValue(1) != 0; } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (info != null && info.pinned_msg_id != 0) { if (pinnedMessages.isEmpty() || info.pinned_msg_id > pinnedMessages.get(0)) { pinnedMessages.clear(); pinnedMessages.add(info.pinned_msg_id); pinnedMessagesMap.put(info.pinned_msg_id, null); } } if (!pinnedMessages.isEmpty()) { ArrayList messageObjects = getMediaDataController().loadPinnedMessages(-chatId, isChannel ? chatId : 0, pinnedMessages, false); if (messageObjects != null) { for (int a = 0, N = messageObjects.size(); a < N; a++) { MessageObject messageObject = messageObjects.get(a); pinnedMessagesMap.put(messageObject.getId(), messageObject); } } } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } getMessagesController().processChatInfo(chatId, info, loadedUsers, true, force, byChannelUsers, pinnedMessages, pinnedMessagesMap, totalPinnedCount, pinnedEndReached); } return info; } public TLRPC.ChatFull loadChatInfo(long chatId, boolean isChannel, CountDownLatch countDownLatch, boolean force, boolean byChannelUsers) { return loadChatInfo(chatId, isChannel, countDownLatch, force, byChannelUsers, 0); } public TLRPC.ChatFull loadChatInfo(long chatId, boolean isChannel, CountDownLatch countDownLatch, boolean force, boolean byChannelUsers, int fromMessageId) { TLRPC.ChatFull[] result = new TLRPC.ChatFull[1]; storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { result[0] = loadChatInfoInternal(chatId, isChannel, force, byChannelUsers, fromMessageId); if (countDownLatch != null) { countDownLatch.countDown(); } }); if (countDownLatch != null) { try { countDownLatch.await(); } catch (Throwable ignore) { } } return result[0]; } public void processPendingRead(long dialogId, int maxPositiveId, int maxNegativeId, int scheduledCount) { int maxDate = lastSavedDate; storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { int currentMaxId = 0; int unreadCount = 0; long last_mid = 0; int prevUnreadCount = 0; cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT unread_count, inbox_max, last_mid FROM dialogs WHERE did = " + dialogId); if (cursor.next()) { prevUnreadCount = unreadCount = cursor.intValue(0); currentMaxId = cursor.intValue(1); last_mid = cursor.longValue(2); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; database.beginTransaction(); if (!DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(dialogId)) { currentMaxId = Math.max(currentMaxId, maxPositiveId); state = database.executeFast("UPDATE messages_v2 SET read_state = read_state | 1 WHERE uid = ? AND mid <= ? AND read_state IN(0,2) AND out = 0"); state.requery(); state.bindLong(1, dialogId); state.bindInteger(2, currentMaxId); state.step(); state.dispose(); if (currentMaxId >= last_mid) { unreadCount = 0; } else { int updatedCount = 0; cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT changes()"); if (cursor.next()) { updatedCount = cursor.intValue(0) + scheduledCount; } cursor.dispose(); unreadCount = Math.max(0, unreadCount - updatedCount); } state = database.executeFast("DELETE FROM unread_push_messages WHERE uid = ? AND mid <= ?"); state.requery(); state.bindLong(1, dialogId); state.bindInteger(2, currentMaxId); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = database.executeFast("DELETE FROM unread_push_messages WHERE uid = ? AND date <= ?"); state.requery(); state.bindLong(1, dialogId); state.bindInteger(2, maxDate); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; } else { currentMaxId = maxNegativeId; state = database.executeFast("UPDATE messages_v2 SET read_state = read_state | 1 WHERE uid = ? AND mid >= ? AND read_state IN(0,2) AND out = 0"); state.requery(); state.bindLong(1, dialogId); state.bindInteger(2, currentMaxId); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; if (currentMaxId <= last_mid) { unreadCount = 0; } else { int updatedCount = 0; cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT changes()"); if (cursor.next()) { updatedCount = cursor.intValue(0) + scheduledCount; } cursor.dispose(); unreadCount = Math.max(0, unreadCount - updatedCount); } } state = database.executeFast("UPDATE dialogs SET unread_count = ?, inbox_max = ? WHERE did = ?"); state.requery(); state.bindInteger(1, unreadCount); state.bindInteger(2, currentMaxId); state.bindLong(3, dialogId); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; database.commitTransaction(); //TODO topics maybe read all topics when all messages read if (prevUnreadCount != 0 && unreadCount == 0 && !isForum(dialogId)) { LongSparseIntArray dialogsToUpdate = new LongSparseIntArray(); dialogsToUpdate.put(dialogId, unreadCount); updateFiltersReadCounter(dialogsToUpdate, null, true); } updateWidgets(dialogId); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } if (database != null) { database.commitTransaction(); } } }); } public void putContacts(ArrayList contacts, boolean deleteAll) { if (contacts.isEmpty() && !deleteAll) { return; } ArrayList contactsCopy = new ArrayList<>(contacts); storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { if (deleteAll) { database.executeFast("DELETE FROM contacts WHERE 1").stepThis().dispose(); } database.beginTransaction(); state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO contacts VALUES(?, ?)"); for (int a = 0; a < contactsCopy.size(); a++) { TLRPC.TL_contact contact = contactsCopy.get(a); state.requery(); state.bindLong(1, contact.user_id); state.bindInteger(2, contact.mutual ? 1 : 0); state.step(); } state.dispose(); state = null; database.commitTransaction(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } if (database != null) { database.commitTransaction(); } } }); } public void deleteContacts(ArrayList uids) { if (uids == null || uids.isEmpty()) { return; } storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { try { String ids = TextUtils.join(",", uids); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM contacts WHERE uid IN(" + ids + ")").stepThis().dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } }); } public void applyPhoneBookUpdates(String adds, String deletes) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(adds)) { return; } storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { try { if (adds.length() != 0) { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE user_phones_v7 SET deleted = 0 WHERE sphone IN(%s)", adds)).stepThis().dispose(); } if (deletes.length() != 0) { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE user_phones_v7 SET deleted = 1 WHERE sphone IN(%s)", deletes)).stepThis().dispose(); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } }); } public void putCachedPhoneBook(HashMap contactHashMap, boolean migrate, boolean delete) { if (contactHashMap == null || contactHashMap.isEmpty() && !migrate && !delete) { return; } storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state2 = null; try { if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) { FileLog.d(currentAccount + " save contacts to db " + contactHashMap.size()); } database.executeFast("DELETE FROM user_contacts_v7 WHERE 1").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM user_phones_v7 WHERE 1").stepThis().dispose(); database.beginTransaction(); state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO user_contacts_v7 VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); state2 = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO user_phones_v7 VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)"); for (HashMap.Entry entry : contactHashMap.entrySet()) { ContactsController.Contact contact = entry.getValue(); if (contact.phones.isEmpty() || contact.shortPhones.isEmpty()) { continue; } state.requery(); state.bindString(1, contact.key); state.bindInteger(2, contact.contact_id); state.bindString(3, contact.first_name); state.bindString(4, contact.last_name); state.bindInteger(5, contact.imported); state.step(); for (int a = 0; a < contact.phones.size(); a++) { state2.requery(); state2.bindString(1, contact.key); state2.bindString(2, contact.phones.get(a)); state2.bindString(3, contact.shortPhones.get(a)); state2.bindInteger(4, contact.phoneDeleted.get(a)); state2.step(); } } state.dispose(); state = null; state2.dispose(); state2 = null; database.commitTransaction(); if (migrate) { database.executeFast("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS user_contacts_v6;").stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS user_phones_v6;").stepThis().dispose(); getCachedPhoneBook(false); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } if (state2 != null) { state2.dispose(); } if (database != null) { database.commitTransaction(); } } }); } public void getCachedPhoneBook(boolean byError) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='user_contacts_v6'"); boolean migrate = cursor.next(); cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (migrate) { int count = 16; cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM user_contacts_v6 WHERE 1"); if (cursor.next()) { count = Math.min(5000, cursor.intValue(0)); } cursor.dispose(); SparseArray contactHashMap = new SparseArray<>(count); cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT us.uid, us.fname, us.sname, up.phone, up.sphone, up.deleted, us.imported FROM user_contacts_v6 as us LEFT JOIN user_phones_v6 as up ON us.uid = up.uid WHERE 1"); while (cursor.next()) { int uid = cursor.intValue(0); ContactsController.Contact contact = contactHashMap.get(uid); if (contact == null) { contact = new ContactsController.Contact(); contact.first_name = cursor.stringValue(1); contact.last_name = cursor.stringValue(2); contact.imported = cursor.intValue(6); if (contact.first_name == null) { contact.first_name = ""; } if (contact.last_name == null) { contact.last_name = ""; } contact.contact_id = uid; contactHashMap.put(uid, contact); } String phone = cursor.stringValue(3); if (phone == null) { continue; } contact.phones.add(phone); String sphone = cursor.stringValue(4); if (sphone == null) { continue; } if (sphone.length() == 8 && phone.length() != 8) { sphone = PhoneFormat.stripExceptNumbers(phone); } contact.shortPhones.add(sphone); contact.phoneDeleted.add(cursor.intValue(5)); contact.phoneTypes.add(""); if (contactHashMap.size() == 5000) { break; } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; getContactsController().migratePhoneBookToV7(contactHashMap); return; } } catch (Throwable e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } int count = 16; int currentContactsCount = 0; int start = 0; try { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT COUNT(key) FROM user_contacts_v7 WHERE 1"); if (cursor.next()) { currentContactsCount = cursor.intValue(0); count = Math.min(5000, currentContactsCount); if (currentContactsCount > 5000) { start = currentContactsCount - 5000; } if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) { FileLog.d(currentAccount + " current cached contacts count = " + currentContactsCount); } } } catch (Throwable e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } HashMap contactHashMap = new HashMap<>(count); try { if (start != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT us.key, us.uid, us.fname, us.sname, up.phone, up.sphone, up.deleted, us.imported FROM user_contacts_v7 as us LEFT JOIN user_phones_v7 as up ON us.key = up.key WHERE 1 LIMIT " + 0 + "," + currentContactsCount); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT us.key, us.uid, us.fname, us.sname, up.phone, up.sphone, up.deleted, us.imported FROM user_contacts_v7 as us LEFT JOIN user_phones_v7 as up ON us.key = up.key WHERE 1"); } while (cursor.next()) { String key = cursor.stringValue(0); ContactsController.Contact contact = contactHashMap.get(key); if (contact == null) { contact = new ContactsController.Contact(); contact.contact_id = cursor.intValue(1); contact.first_name = cursor.stringValue(2); contact.last_name = cursor.stringValue(3); contact.imported = cursor.intValue(7); if (contact.first_name == null) { contact.first_name = ""; } if (contact.last_name == null) { contact.last_name = ""; } contactHashMap.put(key, contact); } String phone = cursor.stringValue(4); if (phone == null) { continue; } contact.phones.add(phone); String sphone = cursor.stringValue(5); if (sphone == null) { continue; } if (sphone.length() == 8 && phone.length() != 8) { sphone = PhoneFormat.stripExceptNumbers(phone); } contact.shortPhones.add(sphone); contact.phoneDeleted.add(cursor.intValue(6)); contact.phoneTypes.add(""); if (contactHashMap.size() == 5000) { break; } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } catch (Exception e) { contactHashMap.clear(); checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } getContactsController().performSyncPhoneBook(contactHashMap, true, true, false, false, !byError, false); }); } public void getContacts() { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { ArrayList contacts = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList users = new ArrayList<>(); SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE 1"); StringBuilder uids = new StringBuilder(); while (cursor.next()) { long userId = cursor.intValue(0); TLRPC.TL_contact contact = new TLRPC.TL_contact(); contact.user_id = userId; contact.mutual = cursor.intValue(1) == 1; if (uids.length() != 0) { uids.append(","); } contacts.add(contact); uids.append(contact.user_id); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (uids.length() != 0) { getUsersInternal(uids.toString(), users); } } catch (Exception e) { contacts.clear(); users.clear(); checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } getContactsController().processLoadedContacts(contacts, users, 1); }); } public void getUnsentMessages(int count) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { SparseArray messageHashMap = new SparseArray<>(); ArrayList messages = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList scheduledMessages = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList users = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList chats = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList encryptedChats = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList usersToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList chatsToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList encryptedChatIds = new ArrayList<>(); cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT m.read_state, m.data, m.send_state, m.mid, m.date, r.random_id, m.uid, s.seq_in, s.seq_out, m.ttl FROM messages_v2 as m LEFT JOIN randoms_v2 as r ON r.mid = m.mid AND r.uid = m.uid LEFT JOIN messages_seq as s ON m.mid = s.mid WHERE (m.mid < 0 AND m.send_state = 1) OR (m.mid > 0 AND m.send_state = 3) ORDER BY m.mid DESC LIMIT " + count); while (cursor.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(1); if (data != null) { TLRPC.Message message = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); message.send_state = cursor.intValue(2); message.readAttachPath(data, getUserConfig().clientUserId); data.reuse(); if (messageHashMap.indexOfKey(message.id) < 0) { MessageObject.setUnreadFlags(message, cursor.intValue(0)); message.id = cursor.intValue(3); message.date = cursor.intValue(4); if (!cursor.isNull(5)) { message.random_id = cursor.longValue(5); } message.dialog_id = cursor.longValue(6); message.seq_in = cursor.intValue(7); message.seq_out = cursor.intValue(8); message.ttl = cursor.intValue(9); messages.add(message); messageHashMap.put(message.id, message); if (DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(message.dialog_id)) { int encryptedChatId = DialogObject.getEncryptedChatId(message.dialog_id); if (!encryptedChatIds.contains(encryptedChatId)) { encryptedChatIds.add(encryptedChatId); } } else if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(message.dialog_id)) { if (!usersToLoad.contains(message.dialog_id)) { usersToLoad.add(message.dialog_id); } } else { if (!chatsToLoad.contains(-message.dialog_id)) { chatsToLoad.add(-message.dialog_id); } } addUsersAndChatsFromMessage(message, usersToLoad, chatsToLoad, null); if (message.send_state != 3 && (message.peer_id.channel_id == 0 && !MessageObject.isUnread(message) && !DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(message.dialog_id) || message.id > 0)) { message.send_state = 0; } } } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT m.data, m.send_state, m.mid, m.date, r.random_id, m.uid, m.ttl FROM scheduled_messages_v2 as m LEFT JOIN randoms_v2 as r ON r.mid = m.mid AND r.uid = m.uid WHERE (m.mid < 0 AND m.send_state = 1) OR (m.mid > 0 AND m.send_state = 3) ORDER BY date ASC"); while (cursor.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { TLRPC.Message message = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); message.send_state = cursor.intValue(1); message.readAttachPath(data, getUserConfig().clientUserId); data.reuse(); if (messageHashMap.indexOfKey(message.id) < 0) { message.id = cursor.intValue(2); message.date = cursor.intValue(3); if (!cursor.isNull(4)) { message.random_id = cursor.longValue(4); } message.dialog_id = cursor.longValue(5); message.ttl = cursor.intValue(6); scheduledMessages.add(message); messageHashMap.put(message.id, message); if (DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(message.dialog_id)) { int encryptedChatId = DialogObject.getEncryptedChatId(message.dialog_id); if (!encryptedChatIds.contains(encryptedChatId)) { encryptedChatIds.add(encryptedChatId); } } else if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(message.dialog_id)) { if (!usersToLoad.contains(message.dialog_id)) { usersToLoad.add(message.dialog_id); } } else { if (!chatsToLoad.contains(-message.dialog_id)) { chatsToLoad.add(-message.dialog_id); } } addUsersAndChatsFromMessage(message, usersToLoad, chatsToLoad, null); if (message.send_state != 3 && (message.peer_id.channel_id == 0 && !MessageObject.isUnread(message) && !DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(message.dialog_id) || message.id > 0)) { message.send_state = 0; } } } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (!encryptedChatIds.isEmpty()) { getEncryptedChatsInternal(TextUtils.join(",", encryptedChatIds), encryptedChats, usersToLoad); } if (!usersToLoad.isEmpty()) { getUsersInternal(TextUtils.join(",", usersToLoad), users); } if (!chatsToLoad.isEmpty()) { StringBuilder stringToLoad = new StringBuilder(); for (int a = 0; a < chatsToLoad.size(); a++) { Long cid = chatsToLoad.get(a); if (stringToLoad.length() != 0) { stringToLoad.append(","); } stringToLoad.append(cid); } getChatsInternal(stringToLoad.toString(), chats); } getSendMessagesHelper().processUnsentMessages(messages, scheduledMessages, users, chats, encryptedChats); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } }); } public boolean checkMessageByRandomId(long random_id) { boolean[] result = new boolean[1]; CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT random_id FROM randoms_v2 WHERE random_id = %d", random_id)); if (cursor.next()) { result[0] = true; } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } countDownLatch.countDown(); }); try { countDownLatch.await(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } return result[0]; } public boolean checkMessageId(long dialogId, int mid) { boolean[] result = new boolean[1]; CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT mid FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND mid = %d", dialogId, mid)); if (cursor.next()) { result[0] = true; } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } countDownLatch.countDown(); }); try { countDownLatch.await(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } return result[0]; } public void getUnreadMention(long dialog_id, int topicId, IntCallback callback) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { int result; if (topicId != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT MIN(mid) FROM messages_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND mention = 1 AND read_state IN(0, 1)", dialog_id, topicId)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT MIN(mid) FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND mention = 1 AND read_state IN(0, 1)", dialog_id)); } if (cursor.next()) { result = cursor.intValue(0); } else { result = 0; } cursor.dispose(); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> callback.run(result)); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } }); } public void getMessagesCount(long dialog_id, IntCallback callback) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { int result; cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT COUNT(mid) FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = %d", dialog_id)); if (cursor.next()) { result = cursor.intValue(0); } else { result = 0; } cursor.dispose(); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> callback.run(result)); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { cursor.dispose(); } }); } public Runnable getMessagesInternal(long dialogId, long mergeDialogId, int count, int max_id, int offset_date, int minDate, int classGuid, int load_type, boolean scheduled, int threadMessageId, int loadIndex, boolean processMessages, boolean isTopic) { TLRPC.TL_messages_messages res = new TLRPC.TL_messages_messages(); long currentUserId = getUserConfig().clientUserId; int count_unread = 0; int mentions_unread = 0; int count_query = count; int offset_query = 0; int min_unread_id = 0; int last_message_id = 0; boolean queryFromServer = false; int max_unread_date = 0; int messageMaxId = max_id; int max_id_query = max_id; boolean unreadCountIsLocal = false; int max_id_override = max_id; boolean isEnd = false; int num = dialogId == 777000 ? 10 : 1; int messagesCount = 0; int serviceUnreadCount = 0; long startLoadTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { ArrayList usersToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList chatsToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList animatedEmojiToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); LongSparseArray>> replyMessageOwners = new LongSparseArray<>(); LongSparseArray> dialogReplyMessagesIds = new LongSparseArray<>(); LongSparseArray> replyMessageRandomOwners = new LongSparseArray<>(); ArrayList replyMessageRandomIds = new ArrayList<>(); String messageSelect; if (threadMessageId != 0) { messageSelect = "SELECT m.read_state, m.data, m.send_state, m.mid, m.date, r.random_id, m.replydata, m.media, m.ttl, m.mention, m.imp, m.forwards, m.replies_data, m.custom_params FROM messages_topics as m LEFT JOIN randoms_v2 as r ON r.mid = m.mid AND r.uid = m.uid"; } else { messageSelect = "SELECT m.read_state, m.data, m.send_state, m.mid, m.date, r.random_id, m.replydata, m.media, m.ttl, m.mention, m.imp, m.forwards, m.replies_data, m.custom_params FROM messages_v2 as m LEFT JOIN randoms_v2 as r ON r.mid = m.mid AND r.uid = m.uid"; } if (scheduled) { isEnd = true; cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT m.data, m.send_state, m.mid, m.date, r.random_id, m.replydata, m.ttl FROM scheduled_messages_v2 as m LEFT JOIN randoms_v2 as r ON r.mid = m.mid AND r.uid = m.uid WHERE m.uid = %d ORDER BY m.date DESC", dialogId)); while (cursor.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { TLRPC.Message message = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); message.send_state = cursor.intValue(1); message.id = cursor.intValue(2); if (message.id > 0 && message.send_state != 0 && message.send_state != 3) { message.send_state = 0; } if (dialogId == currentUserId) { message.out = true; message.unread = false; } else { message.unread = true; } message.readAttachPath(data, currentUserId); data.reuse(); message.date = cursor.intValue(3); message.dialog_id = dialogId; if (message.ttl == 0) { message.ttl = cursor.intValue(6); } res.messages.add(message); addUsersAndChatsFromMessage(message, usersToLoad, chatsToLoad, animatedEmojiToLoad); if (message.reply_to != null && (message.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id != 0 || message.reply_to.reply_to_random_id != 0)) { if (!cursor.isNull(5)) { data = cursor.byteBufferValue(5); if (data != null) { message.replyMessage = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); message.replyMessage.readAttachPath(data, currentUserId); data.reuse(); if (message.replyMessage != null) { addUsersAndChatsFromMessage(message.replyMessage, usersToLoad, chatsToLoad, animatedEmojiToLoad); } } } if (message.replyMessage == null) { if (message.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id != 0) { addReplyMessages(message, replyMessageOwners, dialogReplyMessagesIds); } else { ArrayList messages = replyMessageRandomOwners.get(message.reply_to.reply_to_random_id); if (messages == null) { messages = new ArrayList<>(); replyMessageRandomOwners.put(message.reply_to.reply_to_random_id, messages); } if (!replyMessageRandomIds.contains(message.reply_to.reply_to_random_id)) { replyMessageRandomIds.add(message.reply_to.reply_to_random_id); } messages.add(message); } } } } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } else { if (!DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(dialogId)) { if (load_type == 3 && minDate == 0) { if (threadMessageId == 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT inbox_max, unread_count, date, unread_count_i FROM dialogs WHERE did = " + dialogId); if (cursor.next()) { min_unread_id = Math.max(1, cursor.intValue(0)) + 1; count_unread = cursor.intValue(1); max_unread_date = cursor.intValue(2); mentions_unread = cursor.intValue(3); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT unread_count, unread_mentions FROM topics WHERE did = %d AND topic_id = %d", dialogId, threadMessageId)); if (cursor.next()) { count_unread = cursor.intValue(0); mentions_unread = cursor.intValue(1); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } } else if (load_type != 1 && load_type != 3 && load_type != 4 && minDate == 0) { if (load_type == 2) { if (threadMessageId == 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT inbox_max, unread_count, date, unread_count_i FROM dialogs WHERE did = " + dialogId); if (cursor.next()) { messageMaxId = max_id_query = min_unread_id = Math.max(1, cursor.intValue(0)); count_unread = cursor.intValue(1); max_unread_date = cursor.intValue(2); mentions_unread = cursor.intValue(3); queryFromServer = true; if (dialogId == currentUserId) { count_unread = 0; } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT max_read_id, unread_count, unread_mentions FROM topics WHERE did = %d AND topic_id = %d", dialogId, threadMessageId)); if (cursor.next()) { messageMaxId = max_id_query = min_unread_id = Math.max(1, cursor.intValue(0)); count_unread = cursor.intValue(1); mentions_unread = cursor.intValue(2); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; queryFromServer = true; } if (!queryFromServer) { if (threadMessageId != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT min(mid), max(date) FROM messages_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND out = 0 AND read_state IN(0,2) AND mid > 0", dialogId, threadMessageId)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT min(mid), max(date) FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND out = 0 AND read_state IN(0,2) AND mid > 0", dialogId)); } if (cursor.next()) { min_unread_id = cursor.intValue(0); max_unread_date = cursor.intValue(1); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (min_unread_id != 0) { if (threadMessageId != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND mid >= %d AND out = 0 AND read_state IN(0,2)", dialogId, threadMessageId, min_unread_id)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND mid >= %d AND out = 0 AND read_state IN(0,2)", dialogId, min_unread_id)); } if (cursor.next()) { count_unread = cursor.intValue(0); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } } else if (max_id_query == 0) { int existingUnreadCount = 0; if (threadMessageId != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND mid > 0 AND out = 0 AND read_state IN(0,2)", dialogId, threadMessageId)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND mid > 0 AND out = 0 AND read_state IN(0,2)", dialogId)); } if (cursor.next()) { existingUnreadCount = cursor.intValue(0); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (existingUnreadCount == count_unread) { if (threadMessageId != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT min(mid) FROM messages_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND out = 0 AND read_state IN(0,2) AND mid > 0", dialogId, threadMessageId)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT min(mid) FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND out = 0 AND read_state IN(0,2) AND mid > 0", dialogId)); } if (cursor.next()) { messageMaxId = max_id_query = min_unread_id = cursor.intValue(0); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } } else { if (threadMessageId != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT start, end FROM messages_holes_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND start < %d AND end > %d", dialogId, threadMessageId, max_id_query, max_id_query)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT start, end FROM messages_holes WHERE uid = %d AND start < %d AND end > %d", dialogId, max_id_query, max_id_query)); } boolean containMessage = !cursor.next(); cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (containMessage) { if (threadMessageId != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT min(mid) FROM messages_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND out = 0 AND read_state IN(0,2) AND mid > %d", dialogId, threadMessageId, max_id_query)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT min(mid) FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND out = 0 AND read_state IN(0,2) AND mid > %d", dialogId, max_id_query)); } if (cursor.next()) { messageMaxId = max_id_query = cursor.intValue(0); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } } } if (count_query > count_unread || count_unread < num) { count_query = Math.max(count_query, count_unread + 10); if (count_unread < num) { serviceUnreadCount = count_unread; count_unread = 0; min_unread_id = 0; messageMaxId = 0; last_message_id = 0; queryFromServer = false; } } else { offset_query = count_unread - count_query; count_query += 10; } } if (threadMessageId != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT start FROM messages_holes_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND start IN (0, 1)", dialogId, threadMessageId)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT start FROM messages_holes WHERE uid = %d AND start IN (0, 1)", dialogId)); } if (cursor.next()) { isEnd = cursor.intValue(0) == 1; } else { cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (threadMessageId != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT min(mid) FROM messages_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND mid > 0", dialogId, threadMessageId)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT min(mid) FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND mid > 0", dialogId)); } if (cursor.next()) { int mid = cursor.intValue(0); if (mid != 0) { SQLitePreparedStatement state; if (threadMessageId != 0) { state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO messages_holes_topics VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)"); } else { state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO messages_holes VALUES(?, ?, ?)"); } int pointer = 1; state.requery(); state.bindLong(pointer++, dialogId); if (threadMessageId != 0) { state.bindInteger(pointer++, threadMessageId); } state.bindInteger(pointer++, 0); state.bindInteger(pointer++, mid); state.step(); state.dispose(); } } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (load_type == 3 || load_type == 4 || queryFromServer && load_type == 2) { if (threadMessageId != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT max(mid) FROM messages_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND mid > 0", dialogId, threadMessageId)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT max(mid) FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND mid > 0", dialogId)); } if (cursor.next()) { last_message_id = cursor.intValue(0); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (load_type == 4 && offset_date != 0) { int startMid; int endMid; if (threadMessageId != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT max(mid) FROM messages_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND date <= %d AND mid > 0", dialogId, threadMessageId, offset_date)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT max(mid) FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND date <= %d AND mid > 0", dialogId, offset_date)); } if (cursor.next()) { startMid = cursor.intValue(0); } else { startMid = -1; } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (threadMessageId != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT min(mid) FROM messages_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND date >= %d AND mid > 0", dialogId, threadMessageId, offset_date)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT min(mid) FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND date >= %d AND mid > 0", dialogId, offset_date)); } if (cursor.next()) { endMid = cursor.intValue(0); } else { endMid = -1; } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (startMid != -1 && endMid != -1) { if (startMid == endMid) { max_id_query = startMid; } else { if (threadMessageId != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT start FROM messages_holes_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND start <= %d AND end > %d", dialogId, threadMessageId, startMid, startMid)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT start FROM messages_holes WHERE uid = %d AND start <= %d AND end > %d", dialogId, startMid, startMid)); } if (cursor.next()) { startMid = -1; } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (startMid != -1) { if (threadMessageId != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT start FROM messages_holes_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND start <= %d AND end > %d", dialogId, threadMessageId, endMid, endMid)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT start FROM messages_holes WHERE uid = %d AND start <= %d AND end > %d", dialogId, endMid, endMid)); } if (cursor.next()) { endMid = -1; } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (endMid != -1) { max_id_override = endMid; messageMaxId = max_id_query = endMid; } } } } } boolean containMessage = max_id_query != 0; if (containMessage) { if (threadMessageId != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT start FROM messages_holes_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND start < %d AND end > %d", dialogId, threadMessageId, max_id_query, max_id_query)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT start FROM messages_holes WHERE uid = %d AND start < %d AND end > %d", dialogId, max_id_query, max_id_query)); } if (cursor.next()) { containMessage = false; } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } if (containMessage) { int holeMessageMaxId = 0; int holeMessageMinId = 1; if (threadMessageId != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT start FROM messages_holes_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND start >= %d ORDER BY start ASC LIMIT 1", dialogId, threadMessageId, max_id_query)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT start FROM messages_holes WHERE uid = %d AND start >= %d ORDER BY start ASC LIMIT 1", dialogId, max_id_query)); } if (cursor.next()) { holeMessageMaxId = cursor.intValue(0); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (threadMessageId != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT end FROM messages_holes_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND end <= %d ORDER BY end DESC LIMIT 1", dialogId, threadMessageId, max_id_query)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT end FROM messages_holes WHERE uid = %d AND end <= %d ORDER BY end DESC LIMIT 1", dialogId, max_id_query)); } if (cursor.next()) { holeMessageMinId = cursor.intValue(0); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (holeMessageMaxId != 0 || holeMessageMinId != 1) { if (holeMessageMaxId == 0) { holeMessageMaxId = 1000000000; } if (threadMessageId != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT * FROM (" + messageSelect + " WHERE m.uid = %d AND m.topic_id = %d AND m.mid <= %d AND (m.mid >= %d OR m.mid < 0) ORDER BY m.date DESC, m.mid DESC LIMIT %d) UNION " + "SELECT * FROM (" + messageSelect + " WHERE m.uid = %d AND m.topic_id = %d AND m.mid > %d AND (m.mid <= %d OR m.mid < 0) ORDER BY m.date ASC, m.mid ASC LIMIT %d)", dialogId, threadMessageId, messageMaxId, holeMessageMinId, count_query / 2, dialogId, threadMessageId, messageMaxId, holeMessageMaxId, count_query / 2)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT * FROM (" + messageSelect + " WHERE m.uid = %d AND m.mid <= %d AND (m.mid >= %d OR m.mid < 0) ORDER BY m.date DESC, m.mid DESC LIMIT %d) UNION " + "SELECT * FROM (" + messageSelect + " WHERE m.uid = %d AND m.mid > %d AND (m.mid <= %d OR m.mid < 0) ORDER BY m.date ASC, m.mid ASC LIMIT %d)", dialogId, messageMaxId, holeMessageMinId, count_query / 2, dialogId, messageMaxId, holeMessageMaxId, count_query / 2)); } } else { if (threadMessageId != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT * FROM (" + messageSelect + " WHERE m.uid = %d AND m.topic_id = %d AND m.mid <= %d ORDER BY m.date DESC, m.mid DESC LIMIT %d) UNION " + "SELECT * FROM (" + messageSelect + " WHERE m.uid = %d AND m.topic_id = %d AND m.mid > %d ORDER BY m.date ASC, m.mid ASC LIMIT %d)", dialogId, threadMessageId, messageMaxId, count_query / 2, dialogId, threadMessageId, messageMaxId, count_query / 2)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT * FROM (" + messageSelect + " WHERE m.uid = %d AND m.mid <= %d ORDER BY m.date DESC, m.mid DESC LIMIT %d) UNION " + "SELECT * FROM (" + messageSelect + " WHERE m.uid = %d AND m.mid > %d ORDER BY m.date ASC, m.mid ASC LIMIT %d)", dialogId, messageMaxId, count_query / 2, dialogId, messageMaxId, count_query / 2)); } } } else { if (load_type == 2) { int existingUnreadCount = 0; if (threadMessageId != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND mid != 0 AND out = 0 AND read_state IN(0,2)", dialogId, threadMessageId)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND mid != 0 AND out = 0 AND read_state IN(0,2)", dialogId)); } if (cursor.next()) { existingUnreadCount = cursor.intValue(0); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (existingUnreadCount == count_unread) { unreadCountIsLocal = true; if (threadMessageId != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT * FROM (" + messageSelect + " WHERE m.uid = %d AND m.topic_id = %d AND m.mid <= %d ORDER BY m.date DESC, m.mid DESC LIMIT %d) UNION " + "SELECT * FROM (" + messageSelect + " WHERE m.uid = %d AND m.topic_id = %d AND m.mid > %d ORDER BY m.date ASC, m.mid ASC LIMIT %d)", dialogId, threadMessageId, messageMaxId, count_query / 2, dialogId, threadMessageId, messageMaxId, count_query / 2)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT * FROM (" + messageSelect + " WHERE m.uid = %d AND m.mid <= %d ORDER BY m.date DESC, m.mid DESC LIMIT %d) UNION " + "SELECT * FROM (" + messageSelect + " WHERE m.uid = %d AND m.mid > %d ORDER BY m.date ASC, m.mid ASC LIMIT %d)", dialogId, messageMaxId, count_query / 2, dialogId, messageMaxId, count_query / 2)); } } } } } else if (load_type == 1) { int holeMessageId = 0; if (threadMessageId != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT start, end FROM messages_holes_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND (start >= %d AND start != 1 AND end != 1 OR start < %d AND end > %d) ORDER BY start ASC LIMIT 1", dialogId, threadMessageId, max_id, max_id, max_id)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT start, end FROM messages_holes WHERE uid = %d AND (start >= %d AND start != 1 AND end != 1 OR start < %d AND end > %d) ORDER BY start ASC LIMIT 1", dialogId, max_id, max_id, max_id)); } if (cursor.next()) { holeMessageId = cursor.intValue(0); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (threadMessageId != 0) { if (holeMessageId != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "" + messageSelect + " WHERE m.uid = %d AND m.topic_id = %d AND m.date >= %d AND m.mid > %d AND m.mid <= %d ORDER BY m.date ASC, m.mid ASC LIMIT %d", dialogId, threadMessageId, minDate, messageMaxId, holeMessageId, count_query)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "" + messageSelect + " WHERE m.uid = %d AND m.topic_id = %d AND m.date >= %d AND m.mid > %d ORDER BY m.date ASC, m.mid ASC LIMIT %d", dialogId, threadMessageId, minDate, messageMaxId, count_query)); } } else { if (holeMessageId != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "" + messageSelect + " WHERE m.uid = %d AND m.date >= %d AND m.mid > %d AND m.mid <= %d ORDER BY m.date ASC, m.mid ASC LIMIT %d", dialogId, minDate, messageMaxId, holeMessageId, count_query)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "" + messageSelect + " WHERE m.uid = %d AND m.date >= %d AND m.mid > %d ORDER BY m.date ASC, m.mid ASC LIMIT %d", dialogId, minDate, messageMaxId, count_query)); } } } else if (minDate != 0) { if (messageMaxId != 0) { int holeMessageId = 0; if (threadMessageId != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT end FROM messages_holes_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND end <= %d ORDER BY end DESC LIMIT 1", dialogId, threadMessageId, max_id)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT end FROM messages_holes WHERE uid = %d AND end <= %d ORDER BY end DESC LIMIT 1", dialogId, max_id)); } if (cursor.next()) { holeMessageId = cursor.intValue(0); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (threadMessageId != 0) { if (holeMessageId != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "" + messageSelect + " WHERE m.uid = %d AND m.topic_id = %d AND m.date <= %d AND m.mid < %d AND (m.mid >= %d OR m.mid < 0) ORDER BY m.date DESC, m.mid DESC LIMIT %d", dialogId, threadMessageId, minDate, messageMaxId, holeMessageId, count_query)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "" + messageSelect + " WHERE m.uid = %d AND m.topic_id = %d AND m.date <= %d AND m.mid < %d ORDER BY m.date DESC, m.mid DESC LIMIT %d", dialogId, threadMessageId, minDate, messageMaxId, count_query)); } } else { if (holeMessageId != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "" + messageSelect + " WHERE m.uid = %d AND m.date <= %d AND m.mid < %d AND (m.mid >= %d OR m.mid < 0) ORDER BY m.date DESC, m.mid DESC LIMIT %d", dialogId, minDate, messageMaxId, holeMessageId, count_query)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "" + messageSelect + " WHERE m.uid = %d AND m.date <= %d AND m.mid < %d ORDER BY m.date DESC, m.mid DESC LIMIT %d", dialogId, minDate, messageMaxId, count_query)); } } } else { if (threadMessageId != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "" + messageSelect + " WHERE m.uid = %d AND m.topic_id = %d AND m.date <= %d ORDER BY m.date DESC, m.mid DESC LIMIT %d,%d", dialogId, threadMessageId, minDate, offset_query, count_query)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "" + messageSelect + " WHERE m.uid = %d AND m.date <= %d ORDER BY m.date DESC, m.mid DESC LIMIT %d,%d", dialogId, minDate, offset_query, count_query)); } } } else { if (threadMessageId != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT max(mid) FROM messages_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND mid > 0", dialogId, threadMessageId)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT max(mid) FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND mid > 0", dialogId)); } if (cursor.next()) { last_message_id = cursor.intValue(0); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; int holeMessageId = 0; if (threadMessageId != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT max(end) FROM messages_holes_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d", dialogId, threadMessageId)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT max(end) FROM messages_holes WHERE uid = %d", dialogId)); } if (cursor.next()) { holeMessageId = cursor.intValue(0); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (threadMessageId != 0) { if (holeMessageId != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "" + messageSelect + " WHERE m.uid = %d AND m.topic_id = %d AND (m.mid >= %d OR m.mid < 0) ORDER BY m.date DESC, m.mid DESC LIMIT %d,%d", dialogId, threadMessageId, holeMessageId, offset_query, count_query)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "" + messageSelect + " WHERE m.uid = %d AND m.topic_id = %d ORDER BY m.date DESC, m.mid DESC LIMIT %d,%d", dialogId, threadMessageId, offset_query, count_query)); } } else { if (holeMessageId != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "" + messageSelect + " WHERE m.uid = %d AND (m.mid >= %d OR m.mid < 0) ORDER BY m.date DESC, m.mid DESC LIMIT %d,%d", dialogId, holeMessageId, offset_query, count_query)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "" + messageSelect + " WHERE m.uid = %d ORDER BY m.date DESC, m.mid DESC LIMIT %d,%d", dialogId, offset_query, count_query)); } } } } else { isEnd = true; if (load_type == 3 && minDate == 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT min(mid) FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND mid < 0", dialogId)); if (cursor.next()) { min_unread_id = cursor.intValue(0); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; int min_unread_id2 = 0; cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT max(mid), max(date) FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND out = 0 AND read_state IN(0,2) AND mid < 0", dialogId)); if (cursor.next()) { min_unread_id2 = cursor.intValue(0); max_unread_date = cursor.intValue(1); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (min_unread_id2 != 0) { min_unread_id = min_unread_id2; cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND mid <= %d AND out = 0 AND read_state IN(0,2)", dialogId, min_unread_id2)); if (cursor.next()) { count_unread = cursor.intValue(0); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } } if (load_type == 3 || load_type == 4) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT min(mid) FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND mid < 0", dialogId)); if (cursor.next()) { last_message_id = cursor.intValue(0); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT * FROM (" + messageSelect + " WHERE m.uid = %d AND m.mid <= %d ORDER BY m.mid DESC LIMIT %d) UNION " + "SELECT * FROM (" + messageSelect + " WHERE m.uid = %d AND m.mid > %d ORDER BY m.mid ASC LIMIT %d)", dialogId, messageMaxId, count_query / 2, dialogId, messageMaxId, count_query / 2)); } else if (load_type == 1) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "" + messageSelect + " WHERE m.uid = %d AND m.mid < %d ORDER BY m.mid DESC LIMIT %d", dialogId, max_id, count_query)); } else if (minDate != 0) { if (max_id != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "" + messageSelect + " WHERE m.uid = %d AND m.mid > %d ORDER BY m.mid ASC LIMIT %d", dialogId, max_id, count_query)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "" + messageSelect + " WHERE m.uid = %d AND m.date <= %d ORDER BY m.mid ASC LIMIT %d,%d", dialogId, minDate, offset_query, count_query)); } } else { if (load_type == 2) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT min(mid) FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND mid < 0", dialogId)); if (cursor.next()) { last_message_id = cursor.intValue(0); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT max(mid), max(date) FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND out = 0 AND read_state IN(0,2) AND mid < 0", dialogId)); if (cursor.next()) { min_unread_id = cursor.intValue(0); max_unread_date = cursor.intValue(1); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (min_unread_id != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND mid <= %d AND out = 0 AND read_state IN(0,2)", dialogId, min_unread_id)); if (cursor.next()) { count_unread = cursor.intValue(0); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } } if (count_query > count_unread || count_unread < num) { count_query = Math.max(count_query, count_unread + 10); if (count_unread < num) { count_unread = 0; min_unread_id = 0; last_message_id = 0; } } else { offset_query = count_unread - count_query; count_query += 10; } cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "" + messageSelect + " WHERE m.uid = %d ORDER BY m.mid ASC LIMIT %d,%d", dialogId, offset_query, count_query)); } } int minId = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int maxId = Integer.MIN_VALUE; ArrayList messageIdsToFix = null; if (cursor != null) { while (cursor.next()) { messagesCount++; if (!processMessages) { continue; } NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(1); if (data != null) { TLRPC.Message message = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); message.send_state = cursor.intValue(2); long fullMid = cursor.longValue(3); message.id = (int) fullMid; if ((fullMid & 0xffffffff00000000L) == 0xffffffff00000000L && message.id > 0) { if (messageIdsToFix == null) { messageIdsToFix = new ArrayList<>(); } messageIdsToFix.add(fullMid); } if (message.id > 0 && message.send_state != 0 && message.send_state != 3) { message.send_state = 0; } if (dialogId == currentUserId) { message.out = true; } message.readAttachPath(data, currentUserId); data.reuse(); MessageObject.setUnreadFlags(message, cursor.intValue(0)); if (message.id > 0) { minId = Math.min(message.id, minId); maxId = Math.max(message.id, maxId); } message.date = cursor.intValue(4); message.dialog_id = dialogId; if ((message.flags & TLRPC.MESSAGE_FLAG_HAS_VIEWS) != 0) { message.views = cursor.intValue(7); message.forwards = cursor.intValue(11); } NativeByteBuffer repliesData = cursor.byteBufferValue(12); if (repliesData != null) { TLRPC.MessageReplies replies = TLRPC.MessageReplies.TLdeserialize(repliesData, repliesData.readInt32(false), false); if (replies != null) { message.replies = replies; } repliesData.reuse(); } if (!DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(dialogId) && message.ttl == 0) { message.ttl = cursor.intValue(8); } if (cursor.intValue(9) != 0) { message.mentioned = true; } int flags = cursor.intValue(10); if ((flags & 1) != 0) { message.stickerVerified = 0; } else if ((flags & 2) != 0) { message.stickerVerified = 2; } NativeByteBuffer customParams = cursor.byteBufferValue(13); if (customParams != null) { MessageCustomParamsHelper.readLocalParams(message, customParams); customParams.reuse(); } res.messages.add(message); addUsersAndChatsFromMessage(message, usersToLoad, chatsToLoad, animatedEmojiToLoad); if (message.reply_to != null && (message.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id != 0 || message.reply_to.reply_to_random_id != 0)) { if (!cursor.isNull(6)) { data = cursor.byteBufferValue(6); if (data != null) { message.replyMessage = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); message.replyMessage.readAttachPath(data, currentUserId); data.reuse(); if (message.replyMessage != null) { addUsersAndChatsFromMessage(message.replyMessage, usersToLoad, chatsToLoad, animatedEmojiToLoad); } } } if (message.replyMessage == null) { if (message.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id != 0) { addReplyMessages(message, replyMessageOwners, dialogReplyMessagesIds); } else { ArrayList messages = replyMessageRandomOwners.get(message.reply_to.reply_to_random_id); if (messages == null) { messages = new ArrayList<>(); replyMessageRandomOwners.put(message.reply_to.reply_to_random_id, messages); } if (!replyMessageRandomIds.contains(message.reply_to.reply_to_random_id)) { replyMessageRandomIds.add(message.reply_to.reply_to_random_id); } messages.add(message); } } } if (DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(dialogId) && !cursor.isNull(5)) { message.random_id = cursor.longValue(5); } if (MessageObject.isSecretMedia(message)) { try { SQLiteCursor cursor2 = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT date FROM enc_tasks_v4 WHERE mid = %d AND uid = %d AND media = 1", message.id, MessageObject.getDialogId(message))); if (cursor2.next()) { message.destroyTime = cursor2.intValue(0); } cursor2.dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } } } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } Collections.sort(res.messages, (lhs, rhs) -> { if (lhs.id > 0 && rhs.id > 0) { if (lhs.id > rhs.id) { return -1; } else if (lhs.id < rhs.id) { return 1; } } else if (lhs.id < 0 && rhs.id < 0) { if (lhs.id < rhs.id) { return -1; } else if (lhs.id > rhs.id) { return 1; } } else { if (lhs.date > rhs.date) { return -1; } else if (lhs.date < rhs.date) { return 1; } } return 0; }); if (!DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(dialogId)) { if ((load_type == 3 || load_type == 4 || load_type == 2 && queryFromServer && !unreadCountIsLocal) && !res.messages.isEmpty()) { if (!(minId <= max_id_query && maxId >= max_id_query)) { usersToLoad.clear(); chatsToLoad.clear(); res.messages.clear(); } } if ((load_type == 4 || load_type == 3) && res.messages.size() == 1) { res.messages.clear(); } } if (mentions_unread != 0) { if (threadMessageId == 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT COUNT(mid) FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND mention = 1 AND read_state IN(0, 1)", dialogId)); if (cursor.next()) { if (mentions_unread != cursor.intValue(0)) { mentions_unread *= -1; } } else { mentions_unread *= -1; } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT COUNT(mid) FROM messages_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND mention = 1 AND read_state IN(0, 1)", dialogId, threadMessageId)); if (cursor.next()) { if (mentions_unread != cursor.intValue(0)) { mentions_unread *= -1; } } else { mentions_unread *= -1; } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } } } if (!replyMessageRandomOwners.isEmpty()) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT m.data, m.mid, m.date, r.random_id FROM randoms_v2 as r INNER JOIN messages_v2 as m ON r.mid = m.mid AND r.uid = m.uid WHERE r.random_id IN(%s)", TextUtils.join(",", replyMessageRandomIds))); while (cursor.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { TLRPC.Message message = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); message.readAttachPath(data, currentUserId); data.reuse(); message.id = cursor.intValue(1); message.date = cursor.intValue(2); message.dialog_id = dialogId; addUsersAndChatsFromMessage(message, usersToLoad, chatsToLoad, animatedEmojiToLoad); long value = cursor.longValue(3); ArrayList arrayList = replyMessageRandomOwners.get(value); replyMessageRandomOwners.remove(value); if (arrayList != null) { for (int a = 0; a < arrayList.size(); a++) { TLRPC.Message object = arrayList.get(a); object.replyMessage = message; if (object.reply_to != null) { object.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id = message.id; } } } } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; for (int b = 0, N = replyMessageRandomOwners.size(); b < N; b++) { ArrayList arrayList = replyMessageRandomOwners.valueAt(b); for (int a = 0, N2 = arrayList.size(); a < N2; a++) { TLRPC.Message message = arrayList.get(a); if (message.reply_to != null) { message.reply_to.reply_to_random_id = 0; } } } } else { loadReplyMessages(replyMessageOwners, dialogReplyMessagesIds, usersToLoad, chatsToLoad, scheduled); } if (!usersToLoad.isEmpty()) { getUsersInternal(TextUtils.join(",", usersToLoad), res.users); } if (!chatsToLoad.isEmpty()) { getChatsInternal(TextUtils.join(",", chatsToLoad), res.chats); } if (!animatedEmojiToLoad.isEmpty()) { res.animatedEmoji = new ArrayList<>(); getAnimatedEmoji(TextUtils.join(",", animatedEmojiToLoad), res.animatedEmoji); } } catch (Exception e) { res.messages.clear(); res.chats.clear(); res.users.clear(); res.animatedEmoji = null; checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) { FileLog.d("messages load time = " + (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - startLoadTime) + " for dialog = " + dialogId); } if (dialogId == 777000 && serviceUnreadCount != 0) { count_unread = serviceUnreadCount; } int countQueryFinal = count_query; int maxIdOverrideFinal = max_id_override; int minUnreadIdFinal = min_unread_id; int lastMessageIdFinal = last_message_id; boolean isEndFinal = isEnd; boolean queryFromServerFinal = queryFromServer; int mentionsUnreadFinal = mentions_unread; int countUnreadFinal = count_unread; int maxUnreadDateFinal = max_unread_date; /*if (!scheduled && mergeDialogId != 0 && res.messages.size() < count && isEnd && load_type == 2) { TODO fix if end not reached Runnable runnable = getMessagesInternal(mergeDialogId, 0, count, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0, 0, classGuid, 0, false, false, loadIndex); return () -> { getMessagesController().processLoadedMessages(res, dialogId, mergeDialogId, countQueryFinal, maxIdOverrideFinal, offset_date, true, classGuid, minUnreadIdFinal, lastMessageIdFinal, countUnreadFinal, maxUnreadDateFinal, load_type, isChannel, isEndFinal, scheduled, -loadIndex, queryFromServerFinal, mentionsUnreadFinal); runnable.run(); }; } else {*/ int finalMessagesCount = scheduled ? res.messages.size() : messagesCount; return () -> getMessagesController().processLoadedMessages(res, finalMessagesCount, dialogId, mergeDialogId, countQueryFinal, maxIdOverrideFinal, offset_date, true, classGuid, minUnreadIdFinal, lastMessageIdFinal, countUnreadFinal, maxUnreadDateFinal, load_type, isEndFinal, scheduled ? 1 : 0, threadMessageId, loadIndex, queryFromServerFinal, mentionsUnreadFinal, processMessages, isTopic); //} } private void getAnimatedEmoji(String join, ArrayList documents) { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT data FROM animated_emoji WHERE document_id IN (%s)", join)); while (cursor.next()) { NativeByteBuffer byteBuffer = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); try { TLRPC.Document document = TLRPC.Document.TLdeserialize(byteBuffer, byteBuffer.readInt32(true), true); if (document != null && document.id != 0) { documents.add(document); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } if (byteBuffer != null) { byteBuffer.reuse(); } } } catch (SQLiteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } } public void getMessages(long dialogId, long mergeDialogId, boolean loadInfo, int count, int max_id, int offset_date, int minDate, int classGuid, int load_type, boolean scheduled, int replyMessageId, int loadIndex, boolean processMessages, boolean isTopic) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { Runnable processMessagesRunnable = getMessagesInternal(dialogId, mergeDialogId, count, max_id, offset_date, minDate, classGuid, load_type, scheduled, replyMessageId, loadIndex, processMessages, isTopic); Utilities.stageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { processMessagesRunnable.run(); }); }); } public void clearSentMedia() { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { try { database.executeFast("DELETE FROM sent_files_v2 WHERE 1").stepThis().dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } }); } public Object[] getSentFile(String path, int type) { if (path == null || path.toLowerCase().endsWith("attheme")) { return null; } CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); Object[] result = new Object[2]; storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { try { String id = Utilities.MD5(path); if (id != null) { SQLiteCursor cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT data, parent FROM sent_files_v2 WHERE uid = '%s' AND type = %d", id, type)); if (cursor.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { TLObject file = TLRPC.MessageMedia.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); data.reuse(); if (file instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaDocument) { result[0] = ((TLRPC.TL_messageMediaDocument) file).document; } else if (file instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPhoto) { result[0] = ((TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPhoto) file).photo; } if (result[0] != null) { result[1] = cursor.stringValue(1); } } } cursor.dispose(); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { countDownLatch.countDown(); } }); try { countDownLatch.await(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } return result[0] != null ? result : null; } private void updateWidgets(long did) { ArrayList dids = new ArrayList<>(); dids.add(did); updateWidgets(dids); } private void updateWidgets(ArrayList dids) { if (dids.isEmpty()) { return; } try { AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager = null; String ids = TextUtils.join(",", dids); SQLiteCursor cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT DISTINCT id FROM shortcut_widget WHERE did IN(%s,-1)", TextUtils.join(",", dids))); while (cursor.next()) { if (appWidgetManager == null) { appWidgetManager = AppWidgetManager.getInstance(ApplicationLoader.applicationContext); } appWidgetManager.notifyAppWidgetViewDataChanged(cursor.intValue(0), R.id.list_view); } cursor.dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } } public void putWidgetDialogs(int widgetId, ArrayList dids) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { try { database.beginTransaction(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM shortcut_widget WHERE id = " + widgetId).stepThis().dispose(); SQLitePreparedStatement state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO shortcut_widget VALUES(?, ?, ?)"); if (dids.isEmpty()) { state.requery(); state.bindInteger(1, widgetId); state.bindLong(2, -1); state.bindInteger(3, 0); state.step(); } else { for (int a = 0, N = dids.size(); a < N; a++) { long did = dids.get(a).dialogId; state.requery(); state.bindInteger(1, widgetId); state.bindLong(2, did); state.bindInteger(3, a); state.step(); } } state.dispose(); database.commitTransaction(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } }); } public void clearWidgetDialogs(int widgetId) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { try { database.executeFast("DELETE FROM shortcut_widget WHERE id = " + widgetId).stepThis().dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } }); } public void getWidgetDialogIds(int widgetId, int type, ArrayList dids, ArrayList users, ArrayList chats, boolean edit) { CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { ArrayList usersToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList chatsToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT did FROM shortcut_widget WHERE id = %d ORDER BY ord ASC", widgetId)); while (cursor.next()) { long id = cursor.longValue(0); if (id == -1) { continue; } dids.add(id); if (users != null && chats != null) { if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(id)) { usersToLoad.add(id); } else { chatsToLoad.add(-id); } } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (!edit && dids.isEmpty()) { if (type == EditWidgetActivity.TYPE_CHATS) { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT did FROM dialogs WHERE folder_id = 0 ORDER BY pinned DESC, date DESC LIMIT 0,10"); while (cursor.next()) { long dialogId = cursor.longValue(0); if (DialogObject.isFolderDialogId(dialogId)) { continue; } dids.add(dialogId); if (users != null && chats != null) { if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(dialogId)) { usersToLoad.add(dialogId); } else { chatsToLoad.add(-dialogId); } } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } else { cursor = getMessagesStorage().getDatabase().queryFinalized("SELECT did FROM chat_hints WHERE type = 0 ORDER BY rating DESC LIMIT 4"); while (cursor.next()) { long dialogId = cursor.longValue(0); dids.add(dialogId); if (users != null && chats != null) { if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(dialogId)) { usersToLoad.add(dialogId); } else { chatsToLoad.add(-dialogId); } } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } } if (users != null && chats != null) { if (!chatsToLoad.isEmpty()) { getChatsInternal(TextUtils.join(",", chatsToLoad), chats); } if (!usersToLoad.isEmpty()) { getUsersInternal(TextUtils.join(",", usersToLoad), users); } } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } countDownLatch.countDown(); } }); try { countDownLatch.await(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } } public void getWidgetDialogs(int widgetId, int type, ArrayList dids, LongSparseArray dialogs, LongSparseArray messages, ArrayList users, ArrayList chats) { CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { boolean add = false; ArrayList usersToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList chatsToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT did FROM shortcut_widget WHERE id = %d ORDER BY ord ASC", widgetId)); while (cursor.next()) { long id = cursor.longValue(0); if (id == -1) { continue; } dids.add(id); if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(id)) { usersToLoad.add(id); } else { chatsToLoad.add(-id); } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (dids.isEmpty() && type == EditWidgetActivity.TYPE_CONTACTS) { cursor = getMessagesStorage().getDatabase().queryFinalized("SELECT did FROM chat_hints WHERE type = 0 ORDER BY rating DESC LIMIT 4"); while (cursor.next()) { long dialogId = cursor.longValue(0); dids.add(dialogId); if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(dialogId)) { usersToLoad.add(dialogId); } else { chatsToLoad.add(-dialogId); } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } if (dids.isEmpty()) { add = true; cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT d.did, d.last_mid, d.unread_count, d.date, m.data, m.read_state, m.mid, m.send_state, m.date FROM dialogs as d LEFT JOIN messages_v2 as m ON d.last_mid = m.mid AND d.did = m.uid WHERE d.folder_id = 0 ORDER BY d.pinned DESC, d.date DESC LIMIT 0,10"); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT d.did, d.last_mid, d.unread_count, d.date, m.data, m.read_state, m.mid, m.send_state, m.date FROM dialogs as d LEFT JOIN messages_v2 as m ON d.last_mid = m.mid AND d.did = m.uid WHERE d.did IN(%s)", TextUtils.join(",", dids))); } while (cursor.next()) { long dialogId = cursor.longValue(0); if (DialogObject.isFolderDialogId(dialogId)) { continue; } if (add) { dids.add(dialogId); } TLRPC.Dialog dialog = new TLRPC.TL_dialog(); dialog.id = dialogId; dialog.top_message = cursor.intValue(1); dialog.unread_count = cursor.intValue(2); dialog.last_message_date = cursor.intValue(3); dialogs.put(dialog.id, dialog); NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(4); if (data != null) { TLRPC.Message message = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); message.readAttachPath(data, getUserConfig().clientUserId); data.reuse(); MessageObject.setUnreadFlags(message, cursor.intValue(5)); message.id = cursor.intValue(6); message.send_state = cursor.intValue(7); int date = cursor.intValue(8); if (date != 0) { dialog.last_message_date = date; } message.dialog_id = dialog.id; messages.put(dialog.id, message); addUsersAndChatsFromMessage(message, usersToLoad, chatsToLoad, null); } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (!add) { if (dids.size() > dialogs.size()) { for (int a = 0, N = dids.size(); a < N; a++) { long did = dids.get(a); if (dialogs.get(dids.get(a)) == null) { TLRPC.TL_dialog dialog = new TLRPC.TL_dialog(); dialog.id = did; dialogs.put(dialog.id, dialog); if (DialogObject.isChatDialog(did)) { if (chatsToLoad.contains(-did)) { chatsToLoad.add(-did); } } else { if (usersToLoad.contains(did)) { usersToLoad.add(did); } } } } } } if (!chatsToLoad.isEmpty()) { getChatsInternal(TextUtils.join(",", chatsToLoad), chats); } if (!usersToLoad.isEmpty()) { getUsersInternal(TextUtils.join(",", usersToLoad), users); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } countDownLatch.countDown(); } }); try { countDownLatch.await(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } } public void putSentFile(String path, TLObject file, int type, String parent) { if (path == null || file == null || parent == null) { return; } storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { String id = Utilities.MD5(path); if (id != null) { TLRPC.MessageMedia messageMedia = null; if (file instanceof TLRPC.Photo) { messageMedia = new TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPhoto(); messageMedia.photo = (TLRPC.Photo) file; messageMedia.flags |= 1; } else if (file instanceof TLRPC.Document) { messageMedia = new TLRPC.TL_messageMediaDocument(); messageMedia.document = (TLRPC.Document) file; messageMedia.flags |= 1; } if (messageMedia == null) { return; } state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO sent_files_v2 VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)"); state.requery(); NativeByteBuffer data = new NativeByteBuffer(messageMedia.getObjectSize()); messageMedia.serializeToStream(data); state.bindString(1, id); state.bindInteger(2, type); state.bindByteBuffer(3, data); state.bindString(4, parent); state.step(); data.reuse(); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } }); } public void updateEncryptedChatSeq(TLRPC.EncryptedChat chat, boolean cleanup) { if (chat == null) { return; } storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE enc_chats SET seq_in = ?, seq_out = ?, use_count = ?, in_seq_no = ?, mtproto_seq = ? WHERE uid = ?"); state.bindInteger(1, chat.seq_in); state.bindInteger(2, chat.seq_out); state.bindInteger(3, (int) chat.key_use_count_in << 16 | chat.key_use_count_out); state.bindInteger(4, chat.in_seq_no); state.bindInteger(5, chat.mtproto_seq); state.bindInteger(6, chat.id); state.step(); if (cleanup && chat.in_seq_no != 0) { long did = DialogObject.getEncryptedChatId(chat.id); database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM messages_v2 WHERE mid IN (SELECT m.mid FROM messages_v2 as m LEFT JOIN messages_seq as s ON m.mid = s.mid WHERE m.uid = %d AND m.date = 0 AND m.mid < 0 AND s.seq_out <= %d) AND uid = %d", did, chat.in_seq_no, did)).stepThis().dispose(); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } }); } public void updateEncryptedChatTTL(TLRPC.EncryptedChat chat) { if (chat == null) { return; } storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE enc_chats SET ttl = ? WHERE uid = ?"); state.bindInteger(1, chat.ttl); state.bindInteger(2, chat.id); state.step(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } }); } public void updateEncryptedChatLayer(TLRPC.EncryptedChat chat) { if (chat == null) { return; } storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE enc_chats SET layer = ? WHERE uid = ?"); state.bindInteger(1, chat.layer); state.bindInteger(2, chat.id); state.step(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } }); } public void updateEncryptedChat(TLRPC.EncryptedChat chat) { if (chat == null) { return; } storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { if ((chat.key_hash == null || chat.key_hash.length < 16) && chat.auth_key != null) { chat.key_hash = AndroidUtilities.calcAuthKeyHash(chat.auth_key); } state = database.executeFast("UPDATE enc_chats SET data = ?, g = ?, authkey = ?, ttl = ?, layer = ?, seq_in = ?, seq_out = ?, use_count = ?, exchange_id = ?, key_date = ?, fprint = ?, fauthkey = ?, khash = ?, in_seq_no = ?, admin_id = ?, mtproto_seq = ? WHERE uid = ?"); NativeByteBuffer data = new NativeByteBuffer(chat.getObjectSize()); NativeByteBuffer data2 = new NativeByteBuffer(chat.a_or_b != null ? chat.a_or_b.length : 1); NativeByteBuffer data3 = new NativeByteBuffer(chat.auth_key != null ? chat.auth_key.length : 1); NativeByteBuffer data4 = new NativeByteBuffer(chat.future_auth_key != null ? chat.future_auth_key.length : 1); NativeByteBuffer data5 = new NativeByteBuffer(chat.key_hash != null ? chat.key_hash.length : 1); chat.serializeToStream(data); state.bindByteBuffer(1, data); if (chat.a_or_b != null) { data2.writeBytes(chat.a_or_b); } if (chat.auth_key != null) { data3.writeBytes(chat.auth_key); } if (chat.future_auth_key != null) { data4.writeBytes(chat.future_auth_key); } if (chat.key_hash != null) { data5.writeBytes(chat.key_hash); } state.bindByteBuffer(2, data2); state.bindByteBuffer(3, data3); state.bindInteger(4, chat.ttl); state.bindInteger(5, chat.layer); state.bindInteger(6, chat.seq_in); state.bindInteger(7, chat.seq_out); state.bindInteger(8, (int) chat.key_use_count_in << 16 | chat.key_use_count_out); state.bindLong(9, chat.exchange_id); state.bindInteger(10, chat.key_create_date); state.bindLong(11, chat.future_key_fingerprint); state.bindByteBuffer(12, data4); state.bindByteBuffer(13, data5); state.bindInteger(14, chat.in_seq_no); state.bindLong(15, chat.admin_id); state.bindInteger(16, chat.mtproto_seq); state.bindInteger(17, chat.id); state.step(); data.reuse(); data2.reuse(); data3.reuse(); data4.reuse(); data5.reuse(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } }); } public void isDialogHasTopMessage(long did, Runnable onDontExist) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { boolean exists = false; SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT last_mid FROM dialogs WHERE did = %d", did)); if (cursor.next()) { exists = cursor.intValue(0) != 0; } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } if (!exists) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(onDontExist); } }); } public boolean hasAuthMessage(int date) { CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); boolean[] result = new boolean[1]; storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT mid FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = 777000 AND date = %d AND mid < 0 LIMIT 1", date)); result[0] = cursor.next(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } countDownLatch.countDown(); } }); try { countDownLatch.await(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } return result[0]; } public void getEncryptedChat(long chatId, CountDownLatch countDownLatch, ArrayList result) { if (countDownLatch == null || result == null) { return; } storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { try { ArrayList usersToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList encryptedChats = new ArrayList<>(); getEncryptedChatsInternal("" + chatId, encryptedChats, usersToLoad); if (!encryptedChats.isEmpty() && !usersToLoad.isEmpty()) { ArrayList users = new ArrayList<>(); getUsersInternal(TextUtils.join(",", usersToLoad), users); if (!users.isEmpty()) { result.add(encryptedChats.get(0)); result.add(users.get(0)); } } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { countDownLatch.countDown(); } }); } public void putEncryptedChat(TLRPC.EncryptedChat chat, TLRPC.User user, TLRPC.Dialog dialog) { if (chat == null) { return; } storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { if ((chat.key_hash == null || chat.key_hash.length < 16) && chat.auth_key != null) { chat.key_hash = AndroidUtilities.calcAuthKeyHash(chat.auth_key); } state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO enc_chats VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); NativeByteBuffer data = new NativeByteBuffer(chat.getObjectSize()); NativeByteBuffer data2 = new NativeByteBuffer(chat.a_or_b != null ? chat.a_or_b.length : 1); NativeByteBuffer data3 = new NativeByteBuffer(chat.auth_key != null ? chat.auth_key.length : 1); NativeByteBuffer data4 = new NativeByteBuffer(chat.future_auth_key != null ? chat.future_auth_key.length : 1); NativeByteBuffer data5 = new NativeByteBuffer(chat.key_hash != null ? chat.key_hash.length : 1); chat.serializeToStream(data); state.bindInteger(1, chat.id); state.bindLong(2, user.id); state.bindString(3, formatUserSearchName(user)); state.bindByteBuffer(4, data); if (chat.a_or_b != null) { data2.writeBytes(chat.a_or_b); } if (chat.auth_key != null) { data3.writeBytes(chat.auth_key); } if (chat.future_auth_key != null) { data4.writeBytes(chat.future_auth_key); } if (chat.key_hash != null) { data5.writeBytes(chat.key_hash); } state.bindByteBuffer(5, data2); state.bindByteBuffer(6, data3); state.bindInteger(7, chat.ttl); state.bindInteger(8, chat.layer); state.bindInteger(9, chat.seq_in); state.bindInteger(10, chat.seq_out); state.bindInteger(11, (int) chat.key_use_count_in << 16 | chat.key_use_count_out); state.bindLong(12, chat.exchange_id); state.bindInteger(13, chat.key_create_date); state.bindLong(14, chat.future_key_fingerprint); state.bindByteBuffer(15, data4); state.bindByteBuffer(16, data5); state.bindInteger(17, chat.in_seq_no); state.bindLong(18, chat.admin_id); state.bindInteger(19, chat.mtproto_seq); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; data.reuse(); data2.reuse(); data3.reuse(); data4.reuse(); data5.reuse(); if (dialog != null) { state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO dialogs VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); state.bindLong(1, dialog.id); state.bindInteger(2, dialog.last_message_date); state.bindInteger(3, dialog.unread_count); state.bindInteger(4, dialog.top_message); state.bindInteger(5, dialog.read_inbox_max_id); state.bindInteger(6, dialog.read_outbox_max_id); state.bindInteger(7, 0); state.bindInteger(8, dialog.unread_mentions_count); state.bindInteger(9, dialog.pts); state.bindInteger(10, 0); state.bindInteger(11, dialog.pinnedNum); state.bindInteger(12, dialog.flags); state.bindInteger(13, dialog.folder_id); state.bindNull(14); state.bindInteger(15, dialog.unread_reactions_count); state.bindInteger(16, 0); state.bindInteger(17, dialog.ttl_period); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } }); } private String formatUserSearchName(TLRPC.User user) { StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); if (user.first_name != null && user.first_name.length() > 0) { str.append(user.first_name); } if (user.last_name != null && user.last_name.length() > 0) { if (str.length() > 0) { str.append(" "); } str.append(user.last_name); } str.append(";;;"); if (user.username != null && user.username.length() > 0) { str.append(user.username); } else if (user.usernames != null && user.usernames.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < user.usernames.size(); ++i) { TLRPC.TL_username u = user.usernames.get(i); if (u != null && u.active) { str.append(u.username).append(";;"); } } } return str.toString().toLowerCase(); } private void putUsersInternal(ArrayList users) throws Exception { if (users == null || users.isEmpty()) { return; } SQLitePreparedStatement state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO users VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)"); for (int a = 0; a < users.size(); a++) { TLRPC.User user = users.get(a); if (user != null && user.min) { SQLiteCursor cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT data FROM users WHERE uid = %d", user.id)); if (cursor.next()) { try { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { TLRPC.User oldUser = TLRPC.User.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); data.reuse(); if (oldUser != null) { if (user.username != null) { oldUser.username = user.username; oldUser.flags |= 8; } else { oldUser.username = null; oldUser.flags = oldUser.flags & ~8; } if (user.apply_min_photo) { if (user.photo != null) { oldUser.photo = user.photo; oldUser.flags |= 32; } else { oldUser.photo = null; oldUser.flags = oldUser.flags & ~32; } } user = oldUser; } } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } } cursor.dispose(); } state.requery(); NativeByteBuffer data = new NativeByteBuffer(user.getObjectSize()); user.serializeToStream(data); state.bindLong(1, user.id); state.bindString(2, formatUserSearchName(user)); if (user.status != null) { if (user.status instanceof TLRPC.TL_userStatusRecently) { user.status.expires = -100; } else if (user.status instanceof TLRPC.TL_userStatusLastWeek) { user.status.expires = -101; } else if (user.status instanceof TLRPC.TL_userStatusLastMonth) { user.status.expires = -102; } state.bindInteger(3, user.status.expires); } else { state.bindInteger(3, 0); } state.bindByteBuffer(4, data); state.step(); data.reuse(); } state.dispose(); } public void updateChatDefaultBannedRights(long chatId, TLRPC.TL_chatBannedRights rights, int version) { if (rights == null || chatId == 0) { return; } storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { TLRPC.Chat chat = null; cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT data FROM chats WHERE uid = %d", chatId)); if (cursor.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { chat = TLRPC.Chat.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); data.reuse(); } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (chat == null || chat.default_banned_rights != null && version < chat.version) { return; } chat.default_banned_rights = rights; chat.flags |= 262144; chat.version = version; state = database.executeFast("UPDATE chats SET data = ? WHERE uid = ?"); NativeByteBuffer data = new NativeByteBuffer(chat.getObjectSize()); chat.serializeToStream(data); state.bindByteBuffer(1, data); state.bindLong(2, chat.id); state.step(); data.reuse(); state.dispose(); state = null; } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } }); } private void putChatsInternal(ArrayList chats) throws Exception { if (chats == null || chats.isEmpty()) { return; } SQLitePreparedStatement state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO chats VALUES(?, ?, ?)"); for (int a = 0; a < chats.size(); a++) { TLRPC.Chat chat = chats.get(a); if (chat.min) { SQLiteCursor cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT data FROM chats WHERE uid = %d", chat.id)); if (cursor.next()) { try { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { TLRPC.Chat oldChat = TLRPC.Chat.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); data.reuse(); if (oldChat != null) { oldChat.title = chat.title; oldChat.photo = chat.photo; oldChat.broadcast = chat.broadcast; oldChat.verified = chat.verified; oldChat.megagroup = chat.megagroup; oldChat.call_not_empty = chat.call_not_empty; oldChat.call_active = chat.call_active; if (chat.default_banned_rights != null) { oldChat.default_banned_rights = chat.default_banned_rights; oldChat.flags |= 262144; } if (chat.admin_rights != null) { oldChat.admin_rights = chat.admin_rights; oldChat.flags |= 16384; } if (chat.banned_rights != null) { oldChat.banned_rights = chat.banned_rights; oldChat.flags |= 32768; } if (chat.username != null) { oldChat.username = chat.username; oldChat.flags |= 64; } else { oldChat.username = null; oldChat.flags = oldChat.flags & ~64; } chat = oldChat; } } } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } } cursor.dispose(); } state.requery(); chat.flags |= 131072; NativeByteBuffer data = new NativeByteBuffer(chat.getObjectSize()); chat.serializeToStream(data); state.bindLong(1, chat.id); if (chat.title != null) { String name = chat.title.toLowerCase(); state.bindString(2, name); } else { state.bindString(2, ""); } state.bindByteBuffer(3, data); state.step(); data.reuse(); dialogIsForum.put(-chat.id, chat.forum ? 1 : 0); } state.dispose(); } public void getUsersInternal(String usersToLoad, ArrayList result) throws Exception { if (usersToLoad == null || usersToLoad.length() == 0 || result == null) { return; } SQLiteCursor cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT data, status FROM users WHERE uid IN(%s)", usersToLoad)); while (cursor.next()) { try { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { TLRPC.User user = TLRPC.User.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); data.reuse(); if (user != null) { if (user.status != null) { user.status.expires = cursor.intValue(1); } result.add(user); } } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } } cursor.dispose(); } public void getChatsInternal(String chatsToLoad, ArrayList result) throws Exception { getChatsInternal(chatsToLoad, result, true); } public void getChatsInternal(String chatsToLoad, ArrayList result, boolean parseFullData) throws Exception { if (chatsToLoad == null || chatsToLoad.length() == 0 || result == null) { return; } SQLiteCursor cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT data FROM chats WHERE uid IN(%s)", chatsToLoad)); while (cursor.next()) { try { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { TLRPC.Chat chat = TLRPC.Chat.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false, parseFullData); data.reuse(); if (chat != null) { result.add(chat); } } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } } cursor.dispose(); } public void getEncryptedChatsInternal(String chatsToLoad, ArrayList result, ArrayList usersToLoad) throws Exception { if (chatsToLoad == null || chatsToLoad.length() == 0 || result == null) { return; } SQLiteCursor cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT data, user, g, authkey, ttl, layer, seq_in, seq_out, use_count, exchange_id, key_date, fprint, fauthkey, khash, in_seq_no, admin_id, mtproto_seq FROM enc_chats WHERE uid IN(%s)", chatsToLoad)); while (cursor.next()) { try { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { TLRPC.EncryptedChat chat = TLRPC.EncryptedChat.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); data.reuse(); if (chat != null) { chat.user_id = cursor.longValue(1); if (usersToLoad != null && !usersToLoad.contains(chat.user_id)) { usersToLoad.add(chat.user_id); } chat.a_or_b = cursor.byteArrayValue(2); chat.auth_key = cursor.byteArrayValue(3); chat.ttl = cursor.intValue(4); chat.layer = cursor.intValue(5); chat.seq_in = cursor.intValue(6); chat.seq_out = cursor.intValue(7); int use_count = cursor.intValue(8); chat.key_use_count_in = (short) (use_count >> 16); chat.key_use_count_out = (short) (use_count); chat.exchange_id = cursor.longValue(9); chat.key_create_date = cursor.intValue(10); chat.future_key_fingerprint = cursor.longValue(11); chat.future_auth_key = cursor.byteArrayValue(12); chat.key_hash = cursor.byteArrayValue(13); chat.in_seq_no = cursor.intValue(14); long admin_id = cursor.longValue(15); if (admin_id != 0) { chat.admin_id = admin_id; } chat.mtproto_seq = cursor.intValue(16); result.add(chat); } } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } } cursor.dispose(); } private void putUsersAndChatsInternal(ArrayList users, ArrayList chats, boolean withTransaction) { try { if (withTransaction) { database.beginTransaction(); } putUsersInternal(users); putChatsInternal(chats); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (database != null) { database.commitTransaction(); } } } public void putUsersAndChats(ArrayList users, ArrayList chats, boolean withTransaction, boolean useQueue) { if (users != null && users.isEmpty() && chats != null && chats.isEmpty()) { return; } if (useQueue) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> putUsersAndChatsInternal(users, chats, withTransaction)); } else { putUsersAndChatsInternal(users, chats, withTransaction); } } public void removeFromDownloadQueue(long id, int type, boolean move) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { if (move) { int minDate = -1; cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT min(date) FROM download_queue WHERE type = %d", type)); if (cursor.next()) { minDate = cursor.intValue(0); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (minDate != -1) { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE download_queue SET date = %d WHERE uid = %d AND type = %d", minDate - 1, id, type)).stepThis().dispose(); } } else { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM download_queue WHERE uid = %d AND type = %d", id, type)).stepThis().dispose(); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } }); } private void deleteFromDownloadQueue(ArrayList> ids, boolean transaction) { if (ids == null || ids.isEmpty()) { return; } SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { if (transaction) { database.beginTransaction(); } state = database.executeFast("DELETE FROM download_queue WHERE uid = ? AND type = ?"); for (int a = 0, N = ids.size(); a < N; a++) { Pair pair = ids.get(a); state.requery(); state.bindLong(1, pair.first); state.bindInteger(2, pair.second); state.step(); } state.dispose(); state = null; if (transaction) { database.commitTransaction(); } AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> getDownloadController().cancelDownloading(ids)); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } if (transaction) { if (database != null) { database.commitTransaction(); } } } } public void clearDownloadQueue(int type) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { try { if (type == 0) { database.executeFast("DELETE FROM download_queue WHERE 1").stepThis().dispose(); } else { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM download_queue WHERE type = %d", type)).stepThis().dispose(); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } }); } public void getDownloadQueue(int type) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { ArrayList objects = new ArrayList<>(); cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT uid, type, data, parent FROM download_queue WHERE type = %d ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 3", type)); while (cursor.next()) { DownloadObject downloadObject = new DownloadObject(); downloadObject.type = cursor.intValue(1); downloadObject.id = cursor.longValue(0); downloadObject.parent = cursor.stringValue(3); NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(2); if (data != null) { TLRPC.MessageMedia messageMedia = TLRPC.MessageMedia.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); data.reuse(); if (messageMedia.document != null) { downloadObject.object = messageMedia.document; downloadObject.secret = MessageObject.isVideoDocument(messageMedia.document) && messageMedia.ttl_seconds > 0 && messageMedia.ttl_seconds <= 60; } else if (messageMedia.photo != null) { downloadObject.object = messageMedia.photo; downloadObject.secret = messageMedia.ttl_seconds > 0 && messageMedia.ttl_seconds <= 60; } downloadObject.forceCache = (messageMedia.flags & 0x80000000) != 0; } objects.add(downloadObject); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> getDownloadController().processDownloadObjects(type, objects)); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } }); } private int getMessageMediaType(TLRPC.Message message) { if (message instanceof TLRPC.TL_message_secret) { if (message.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPhoto || MessageObject.isGifMessage(message) || MessageObject.isVoiceMessage(message) || MessageObject.isVideoMessage(message) || MessageObject.isRoundVideoMessage(message)) { if (message.ttl > 0 && message.ttl <= 60) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } } else if (message instanceof TLRPC.TL_message && (message.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPhoto || message.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaDocument) && message.media.ttl_seconds != 0) { return 1; } else if (message.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPhoto || MessageObject.isVideoMessage(message)) { return 0; } return -1; } public void putWebPages(LongSparseArray webPages) { if (isEmpty(webPages)) { return; } storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state2 = null; try { ArrayList messages = new ArrayList<>(); for (int a = 0, N = webPages.size(); a < N; a++) { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT mid, uid FROM webpage_pending_v2 WHERE id = " + webPages.keyAt(a)); LongSparseArray> dialogs = new LongSparseArray<>(); while (cursor.next()) { long dialogId = cursor.longValue(1); ArrayList mids = dialogs.get(dialogId); if (mids == null) { mids = new ArrayList<>(); dialogs.put(dialogId, mids); } mids.add(cursor.intValue(0)); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (dialogs.isEmpty()) { continue; } for (int b = 0, N2 = dialogs.size(); b < N2; b++) { long dialogId = dialogs.keyAt(b); ArrayList mids = dialogs.valueAt(b); cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT mid, data FROM messages_v2 WHERE mid IN (%s) AND uid = %d", TextUtils.join(",", mids), dialogId)); while (cursor.next()) { int mid = cursor.intValue(0); NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(1); if (data != null) { TLRPC.Message message = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); message.readAttachPath(data, getUserConfig().clientUserId); data.reuse(); if (message.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaWebPage) { message.id = mid; message.media.webpage = webPages.valueAt(a); messages.add(message); } } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } } if (messages.isEmpty()) { return; } database.beginTransaction(); state = database.executeFast("UPDATE messages_v2 SET data = ? WHERE mid = ? AND uid = ?"); state2 = database.executeFast("UPDATE media_v4 SET data = ? WHERE mid = ? AND uid = ?"); for (int a = 0; a < messages.size(); a++) { TLRPC.Message message = messages.get(a); NativeByteBuffer data = new NativeByteBuffer(message.getObjectSize()); message.serializeToStream(data); state.requery(); state.bindByteBuffer(1, data); state.bindInteger(2, message.id); state.bindLong(3, MessageObject.getDialogId(message)); state.step(); state2.requery(); state2.bindByteBuffer(1, data); state2.bindInteger(2, message.id); state2.bindLong(3, MessageObject.getDialogId(message)); state2.step(); data.reuse(); } state.dispose(); state = null; state2.dispose(); state2 = null; database.commitTransaction(); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.didReceivedWebpages, messages)); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } if (state2 != null) { state2.dispose(); } if (database != null) { database.commitTransaction(); } } }); } public void overwriteChannel(long channelId, TLRPC.TL_updates_channelDifferenceTooLong difference, int newDialogType) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { boolean checkInvite = false; long did = -channelId; int pinned = 0; cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT pinned FROM dialogs WHERE did = " + did); if (!cursor.next()) { if (newDialogType != 0) { checkInvite = true; } } else { pinned = cursor.intValue(0); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; database.executeFast("DELETE FROM chat_pinned_count WHERE uid = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM chat_pinned_v2 WHERE uid = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM bot_keyboard WHERE uid = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("UPDATE media_counts_v2 SET old = 1 WHERE uid = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM media_v4 WHERE uid = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM messages_holes WHERE uid = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM media_holes_v2 WHERE uid = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM topics WHERE did = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM media_topics WHERE uid = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM media_holes_topics WHERE uid = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("UPDATE media_counts_topics SET old = 1 WHERE uid = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM messages_topics WHERE uid = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM messages_holes_topics WHERE uid = " + did).stepThis().dispose(); getMediaDataController().clearBotKeyboard(did, null); TLRPC.TL_messages_dialogs dialogs = new TLRPC.TL_messages_dialogs(); dialogs.chats.addAll(difference.chats); dialogs.users.addAll(difference.users); dialogs.messages.addAll(difference.messages); TLRPC.Dialog dialog = difference.dialog; dialog.id = did; dialog.flags = 1; dialog.notify_settings = null; dialog.pinned = pinned != 0; dialog.pinnedNum = pinned; dialogs.dialogs.add(dialog); putDialogsInternal(dialogs, 0); updateDialogsWithDeletedMessages(-channelId, channelId, new ArrayList<>(), null, false); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.removeAllMessagesFromDialog, did, true, difference)); if (checkInvite) { if (newDialogType == 1) { getMessagesController().checkChatInviter(channelId, true); } else { getMessagesController().generateJoinMessage(channelId, false); } } if (newDialogType != 1) { getMessagesController().getTopicsController().reloadTopics(channelId); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } }); } public void putChannelViews(LongSparseArray channelViews, LongSparseArray channelForwards, LongSparseArray> channelReplies, boolean addReply) { if (isEmpty(channelViews) && isEmpty(channelForwards) && isEmpty(channelReplies)) { return; } storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { boolean inTransaction = false; SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { database.beginTransaction(); inTransaction = true; if (!isEmpty(channelViews)) { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE messages_v2 SET media = max((SELECT media FROM messages_v2 WHERE mid = ? AND uid = ?), ?) WHERE mid = ? AND uid = ?"); for (int a = 0; a < channelViews.size(); a++) { long peer = channelViews.keyAt(a); SparseIntArray messages = channelViews.valueAt(a); for (int b = 0, N = messages.size(); b < N; b++) { int views = messages.valueAt(b); int messageId = messages.keyAt(b); state.requery(); state.bindInteger(1, messageId); state.bindLong(2, peer); state.bindInteger(3, views); state.bindInteger(4, messageId); state.bindLong(5, peer); state.step(); } } state.dispose(); state = null; } if (!isEmpty(channelForwards)) { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE messages_v2 SET forwards = max((SELECT forwards FROM messages_v2 WHERE mid = ? AND uid = ?), ?) WHERE mid = ? AND uid = ?"); for (int a = 0; a < channelForwards.size(); a++) { long peer = channelForwards.keyAt(a); SparseIntArray messages = channelForwards.valueAt(a); for (int b = 0, N = messages.size(); b < N; b++) { int forwards = messages.valueAt(b); int messageId = messages.keyAt(b); state.requery(); state.bindInteger(1, messageId); state.bindLong(2, peer); state.bindInteger(3, forwards); state.bindInteger(4, messageId); state.bindLong(5, peer); state.step(); } } state.dispose(); state = null; } if (!isEmpty(channelReplies)) { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE messages_v2 SET replies_data = ? WHERE mid = ? AND uid = ?"); for (int a = 0; a < channelReplies.size(); a++) { long peer = channelReplies.keyAt(a); SparseArray messages = channelReplies.valueAt(a); for (int b = 0, N3 = messages.size(); b < N3; b++) { int messageId = messages.keyAt(b); boolean messageExists; TLRPC.MessageReplies currentReplies = null; SQLiteCursor cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT replies_data FROM messages_v2 WHERE mid = %d AND uid = %d", messageId, peer)); if (messageExists = cursor.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { currentReplies = TLRPC.MessageReplies.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); data.reuse(); } } cursor.dispose(); if (!messageExists) { continue; } TLRPC.MessageReplies replies = messages.get(messages.keyAt(b)); if (!addReply && currentReplies != null && currentReplies.replies_pts != 0 && replies.replies_pts <= currentReplies.replies_pts && replies.read_max_id <= currentReplies.read_max_id && replies.max_id <= currentReplies.max_id) { continue; } if (addReply) { if (currentReplies == null) { currentReplies = new TLRPC.TL_messageReplies(); currentReplies.flags |= 2; } currentReplies.replies += replies.replies; for (int c = 0, N = replies.recent_repliers.size(); c < N; c++) { long id = MessageObject.getPeerId(replies.recent_repliers.get(c)); for (int d = 0, N2 = currentReplies.recent_repliers.size(); d < N2; d++) { long id2 = MessageObject.getPeerId(currentReplies.recent_repliers.get(d)); if (id == id2) { currentReplies.recent_repliers.remove(d); d--; N2--; } } } currentReplies.recent_repliers.addAll(0, replies.recent_repliers); while (currentReplies.recent_repliers.size() > 3) { currentReplies.recent_repliers.remove(0); } replies = currentReplies; } if (currentReplies != null && currentReplies.read_max_id > replies.read_max_id) { replies.read_max_id = currentReplies.read_max_id; } state.requery(); NativeByteBuffer data = new NativeByteBuffer(replies.getObjectSize()); replies.serializeToStream(data); state.bindByteBuffer(1, data); state.bindInteger(2, messageId); state.bindLong(3, peer); state.step(); data.reuse(); } } state.dispose(); state = null; } database.commitTransaction(); inTransaction = false; } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (inTransaction) { if (database != null) { database.commitTransaction(); } } if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } }); } private void updateRepliesMaxReadIdInternal(long chatId, int mid, int readMaxId, int unreadCount) { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { long dialogId = -chatId; if (!isForum(-chatId)) { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE messages_v2 SET replies_data = ? WHERE mid = ? AND uid = ?"); TLRPC.MessageReplies currentReplies = null; cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT replies_data FROM messages_v2 WHERE mid = %d AND uid = %d", mid, dialogId)); if (cursor.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { currentReplies = TLRPC.MessageReplies.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); data.reuse(); } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (currentReplies != null) { currentReplies.read_max_id = readMaxId; state.requery(); NativeByteBuffer data = new NativeByteBuffer(currentReplies.getObjectSize()); currentReplies.serializeToStream(data); state.bindByteBuffer(1, data); state.bindInteger(2, mid); state.bindLong(3, dialogId); state.step(); data.reuse(); } state.dispose(); state = null; } cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT max_read_id FROM topics WHERE did = %d AND topic_id = %d", -chatId, mid)); boolean updateTopic = false; if (cursor.next()) { int currentMaxId = cursor.intValue(0); if (readMaxId >= currentMaxId) { updateTopic = true; } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE messages_topics SET read_state = read_state | 1 WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND mid <= %d AND read_state IN(0, 2) AND out = 0", -chatId, mid, readMaxId)).stepThis().dispose(); //mark mentions as read database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE messages_topics SET read_state = read_state | 2 WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND mid <= %d AND read_state IN(0, 1) AND out = 0", -chatId, mid, readMaxId)).stepThis().dispose(); int unreadMentionsCount = -1; if (unreadCount < 0) { unreadCount = 0; cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT count(mid) FROM messages_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND mid > %d AND read_state IN(0, 2) AND out = 0", -chatId, mid, readMaxId)); if (cursor.next()) { unreadCount = cursor.intValue(0); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (unreadCount == 0) { unreadMentionsCount = 0; } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT count(mid) FROM messages_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND mid > %d AND read_state IN(0, 1) AND out = 0", -chatId, mid, readMaxId)); if (cursor.next()) { unreadMentionsCount = cursor.intValue(0); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; int currentUnreadMentions = 0; cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT unread_mentions FROM topics WHERE did = %d AND topic_id = %d", -chatId, mid)); if (cursor.next()) { currentUnreadMentions = cursor.intValue(0); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (unreadMentionsCount > currentUnreadMentions) { unreadMentionsCount = currentUnreadMentions; } } } else if (unreadCount == 0) { unreadMentionsCount = 0; } if (updateTopic) { if (unreadMentionsCount >= 0) { if (BuildVars.DEBUG_PRIVATE_VERSION && unreadMentionsCount > 0) { FileLog.d("(updateRepliesMaxReadIdInternal) new unread mentions " + unreadMentionsCount + " for dialog_id=" + -chatId + " topic_id=" + mid); } database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "UPDATE topics SET max_read_id = %d, unread_count = %d, unread_mentions = %d WHERE did = %d AND topic_id = %d", readMaxId, unreadCount, unreadMentionsCount, -chatId, mid)).stepThis().dispose(); } else { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "UPDATE topics SET max_read_id = %d, unread_count = %d WHERE did = %d AND topic_id = %d", readMaxId, unreadCount, -chatId, mid)).stepThis().dispose(); } int finalUnreadCount = unreadCount; int finalUnreadMentionsCount = unreadMentionsCount; AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { getMessagesController().getTopicsController().updateMaxReadId(chatId, mid, readMaxId, finalUnreadCount, finalUnreadMentionsCount); }); resetForumBadgeIfNeed(-chatId); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } } //if all topics read mark all dialog as read private void resetForumBadgeIfNeed(long dialogId) { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "SELECT topic_id FROM topics WHERE did = %d AND unread_count > 0", dialogId)); LongSparseIntArray dialogsToUpdate = null; if (!cursor.next()) { dialogsToUpdate = new LongSparseIntArray(); dialogsToUpdate.put(dialogId, 0); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (dialogsToUpdate != null) { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "UPDATE dialogs SET unread_count = 0, unread_count_i = 0 WHERE did = %d", dialogId)).stepThis().dispose(); } updateFiltersReadCounter(dialogsToUpdate, null, true); getMessagesController().processDialogsUpdateRead(dialogsToUpdate, null); } catch (Throwable e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } } public void updateRepliesMaxReadId(long chatId, int mid, int readMaxId, int unreadCount, boolean useQueue) { if (useQueue) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> updateRepliesMaxReadIdInternal(chatId, mid, readMaxId, unreadCount)); } else { updateRepliesMaxReadIdInternal(chatId, mid, readMaxId, unreadCount); } } public void updateRepliesCount(long chatId, int mid, ArrayList repliers, int maxId, int count) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE messages_v2 SET replies_data = ? WHERE mid = ? AND uid = ?"); TLRPC.MessageReplies currentReplies = null; cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "SELECT replies_data FROM messages_v2 WHERE mid = %d AND uid = %d", mid, -chatId)); if (cursor.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { currentReplies = TLRPC.MessageReplies.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); data.reuse(); } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (currentReplies != null) { currentReplies.replies += count; if (currentReplies.replies < 0) { currentReplies.replies = 0; } if (repliers != null) { currentReplies.recent_repliers = repliers; currentReplies.flags |= 2; } if (maxId != 0) { currentReplies.max_id = maxId; } state.requery(); NativeByteBuffer data = new NativeByteBuffer(currentReplies.getObjectSize()); currentReplies.serializeToStream(data); state.bindByteBuffer(1, data); state.bindInteger(2, mid); state.bindLong(3, -chatId); state.step(); data.reuse(); } state.dispose(); state = null; } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } }); } private boolean isValidKeyboardToSave(TLRPC.Message message) { return message.reply_markup != null && !(message.reply_markup instanceof TLRPC.TL_replyInlineMarkup) && (!message.reply_markup.selective || message.mentioned); } public void updateMessageVerifyFlags(ArrayList messages) { Utilities.stageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { boolean databaseInTransaction = false; SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { database.beginTransaction(); databaseInTransaction = true; state = database.executeFast("UPDATE messages_v2 SET imp = ? WHERE mid = ? AND uid = ?"); for (int a = 0, N = messages.size(); a < N; a++) { TLRPC.Message message = messages.get(a); state.requery(); int flags = 0; if (message.stickerVerified == 0) { flags |= 1; } else if (message.stickerVerified == 2) { flags |= 2; } state.bindInteger(1, flags); state.bindInteger(2, message.id); state.bindLong(3, MessageObject.getDialogId(message)); state.step(); } state.dispose(); state = null; database.commitTransaction(); databaseInTransaction = false; } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (databaseInTransaction) { if (database != null) { database.commitTransaction(); } } if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } }); } private void putMessagesInternal(ArrayList messages, boolean withTransaction, boolean doNotUpdateDialogDate, int downloadMask, boolean ifNoLastMessage, boolean scheduled, int threadMessageId) { boolean databaseInTransaction = false; SQLitePreparedStatement state_messages = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state_messages_topic = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state_randoms = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state_download = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state_webpage = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state_media = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state_polls = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state_tasks = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state_dialogs_replace = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state_dialogs_update = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state_topics_update = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state_media_topics = null; SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { if (scheduled) { if (withTransaction) { database.beginTransaction(); databaseInTransaction = true; } state_messages = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO scheduled_messages_v2 VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NULL, 0)"); state_randoms = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO randoms_v2 VALUES(?, ?, ?)"); ArrayList dialogsToUpdate = new ArrayList<>(); for (int a = 0; a < messages.size(); a++) { TLRPC.Message message = messages.get(a); if (message instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageEmpty) { continue; } fixUnsupportedMedia(message); state_messages.requery(); int messageId = message.id; if (message.local_id != 0) { messageId = message.local_id; } NativeByteBuffer data = new NativeByteBuffer(message.getObjectSize()); message.serializeToStream(data); long did = MessageObject.getDialogId(message); state_messages.bindInteger(1, messageId); state_messages.bindLong(2, did); state_messages.bindInteger(3, message.send_state); state_messages.bindInteger(4, message.date); state_messages.bindByteBuffer(5, data); state_messages.bindInteger(6, message.ttl); state_messages.step(); if (message.random_id != 0) { state_randoms.requery(); state_randoms.bindLong(1, message.random_id); state_randoms.bindInteger(2, messageId); state_randoms.bindLong(3, message.dialog_id); state_randoms.step(); } data.reuse(); if (!dialogsToUpdate.contains(did)) { dialogsToUpdate.add(did); } } state_messages.dispose(); state_messages = null; state_randoms.dispose(); state_randoms = null; if (withTransaction) { database.commitTransaction(); databaseInTransaction = false; } for (int a = 0, N = dialogsToUpdate.size(); a < N; a++) { broadcastScheduledMessagesChange(dialogsToUpdate.get(a)); } } else { if (ifNoLastMessage) { TLRPC.Message lastMessage = messages.get(0); if (lastMessage.dialog_id == 0) { MessageObject.getDialogId(lastMessage); } int lastMid = -1; cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT last_mid FROM dialogs WHERE did = " + lastMessage.dialog_id); if (cursor.next()) { lastMid = cursor.intValue(0); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (lastMid != 0) { return; } } if (withTransaction) { database.beginTransaction(); databaseInTransaction = false; } LongSparseArray messagesMap = new LongSparseArray<>(); LongSparseIntArray messagesCounts = new LongSparseIntArray(); LongSparseIntArray newMessagesCounts = new LongSparseIntArray(); LongSparseIntArray newMentionsCounts = new LongSparseIntArray(); LongSparseIntArray mentionCounts = new LongSparseIntArray(); SparseArray mediaCounts = null; LongSparseArray botKeyboards = new LongSparseArray<>(); LongSparseArray> dialogMessagesMediaIdsMap = null; LongSparseArray dialogsMediaTypesChange = null; LongSparseArray mediaIdsMap = null; LongSparseArray dialogMediaTypes = null; LongSparseArray messageIdsMap = new LongSparseArray<>(); LongSparseIntArray dialogsReadMax = new LongSparseIntArray(); LongSparseArray> dialogMessagesIdsMap = new LongSparseArray<>(); LongSparseArray> dialogMentionsIdsMap = new LongSparseArray<>(); HashMap topicsReadMax = new HashMap<>(); HashMap topicsNewUnreadMessages = new HashMap<>(); HashMap topicsNewMessages = new HashMap<>(); HashMap topicMessagesMap = new HashMap<>(); HashMap> topicMentionsIdsMap = new HashMap<>(); HashMap topicsMentions = new HashMap<>(); SparseArray> mediaCountsTopics = new SparseArray<>(); HashMap mediaIdsMapTopics = new HashMap<>(); HashMap> messagesMediaIdsMapTopics = new HashMap<>(); ArrayList createNewTopics = null; state_messages = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO messages_v2 VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 0, ?, ?)"); state_messages_topic = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO messages_topics VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 0, ?)"); state_media = null; state_randoms = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO randoms_v2 VALUES(?, ?, ?)"); state_download = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO download_queue VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); state_webpage = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO webpage_pending_v2 VALUES(?, ?, ?)"); state_polls = null; state_tasks = null; int minDeleteTime = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (int a = 0; a < messages.size(); a++) { TLRPC.Message message = messages.get(a); int messageId = message.id; MessageObject.getDialogId(message); int topicId = MessageObject.getTopicId(message, isForum(message.dialog_id)); if (message.mentioned && message.media_unread) { ArrayList ids = dialogMentionsIdsMap.get(message.dialog_id); if (ids == null) { ids = new ArrayList<>(); dialogMentionsIdsMap.put(message.dialog_id, ids); } ids.add(messageId); if (topicId != 0) { FileLog.d("add message with message to " + message.dialog_id + " " + topicId); TopicKey topicKey = TopicKey.of(message.dialog_id, topicId); ArrayList ids2 = topicMentionsIdsMap.get(topicKey); if (ids2 == null) { ids2 = new ArrayList<>(); topicMentionsIdsMap.put(topicKey, ids2); } ids2.add(messageId); } } if (!(message.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionHistoryClear) && (!MessageObject.isOut(message) || message.from_scheduled || topicId != 0) && (message.id > 0 || MessageObject.isUnread(message)) && !(isForum(message.dialog_id) && topicId == 0)) { int currentMaxId = dialogsReadMax.get(message.dialog_id, -1); if (currentMaxId == -1) { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT inbox_max FROM dialogs WHERE did = " + message.dialog_id); if (cursor.next()) { currentMaxId = cursor.intValue(0); } else { currentMaxId = 0; } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; dialogsReadMax.put(message.dialog_id, currentMaxId); } FileLog.d("update messageRead currentMaxId = " + currentMaxId + " dialogId = " + message.dialog_id); if (message.id < 0 || currentMaxId < message.id) { StringBuilder messageIds = messageIdsMap.get(message.dialog_id); if (messageIds == null) { messageIds = new StringBuilder(); messageIdsMap.put(message.dialog_id, messageIds); } if (messageIds.length() > 0) { messageIds.append(","); } messageIds.append(messageId); ArrayList ids = dialogMessagesIdsMap.get(message.dialog_id); if (ids == null) { ids = new ArrayList<>(); dialogMessagesIdsMap.put(message.dialog_id, ids); } ids.add(messageId); } if (topicId != 0) { TopicKey topicKey = TopicKey.of(message.dialog_id, topicId); Integer value = topicsReadMax.get(topicKey); int currentTopicMaxId = value == null ? -1 : value; if (currentTopicMaxId == -1) { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT top_message FROM topics WHERE did = " + message.dialog_id + " AND topic_id = " + topicId); if (cursor.next()) { currentTopicMaxId = cursor.intValue(0); } else { currentTopicMaxId = 0; } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; topicsReadMax.put(topicKey, currentTopicMaxId); } if (currentTopicMaxId < message.id && message.unread && !message.out) { Integer newUnread = topicsNewUnreadMessages.get(topicKey); if (newUnread == null) { newUnread = 0; } newUnread++; topicsNewUnreadMessages.put(topicKey, newUnread); } if (currentTopicMaxId < message.id) { Integer newMessages = topicsNewMessages.get(topicKey); if (newMessages == null) { newMessages = 0; } newMessages++; topicsNewMessages.put(topicKey, newMessages); } } } if (MediaDataController.canAddMessageToMedia(message)) { if (mediaIdsMap == null) { mediaIdsMap = new LongSparseArray<>(); dialogMessagesMediaIdsMap = new LongSparseArray<>(); dialogMediaTypes = new LongSparseArray<>(); } StringBuilder messageMediaIds = mediaIdsMap.get(message.dialog_id); if (messageMediaIds == null) { messageMediaIds = new StringBuilder(); mediaIdsMap.put(message.dialog_id, messageMediaIds); } if (messageMediaIds.length() > 0) { messageMediaIds.append(","); } messageMediaIds.append(messageId); ArrayList ids = dialogMessagesMediaIdsMap.get(message.dialog_id); if (ids == null) { ids = new ArrayList<>(); dialogMessagesMediaIdsMap.put(message.dialog_id, ids); } ids.add(messageId); SparseIntArray mediaTypes = dialogMediaTypes.get(message.dialog_id); if (mediaTypes == null) { mediaTypes = new SparseIntArray(); dialogMediaTypes.put(message.dialog_id, mediaTypes); } mediaTypes.put(messageId, MediaDataController.getMediaType(message)); if (topicId != 0) { TopicKey topicKey = TopicKey.of(message.dialog_id, topicId); StringBuilder messageMediaIdsTopics = mediaIdsMapTopics.get(topicKey); if (messageMediaIdsTopics == null) { messageMediaIdsTopics = new StringBuilder(); mediaIdsMapTopics.put(topicKey, messageMediaIdsTopics); } if (messageMediaIdsTopics.length() > 0) { messageMediaIdsTopics.append(","); } messageMediaIdsTopics.append(messageId); ids = messagesMediaIdsMapTopics.get(topicKey); if (ids == null) { ids = new ArrayList<>(); messagesMediaIdsMapTopics.put(topicKey, ids); } ids.add(messageId); } } if (isValidKeyboardToSave(message)) { TLRPC.Message oldMessage = botKeyboards.get(message.dialog_id); if (oldMessage == null || oldMessage.id < message.id) { botKeyboards.put(message.dialog_id, message); } } } for (int a = 0; a < botKeyboards.size(); a++) { getMediaDataController().putBotKeyboard(botKeyboards.keyAt(a), botKeyboards.valueAt(a)); } if (mediaIdsMap != null) { for (int b = 0, N2 = mediaIdsMap.size(); b < N2; b++) { long dialogId = mediaIdsMap.keyAt(b); StringBuilder messageMediaIds = mediaIdsMap.valueAt(b); SparseIntArray mediaTypes = dialogMediaTypes.get(dialogId); ArrayList messagesMediaIds = dialogMessagesMediaIdsMap.get(dialogId); SparseIntArray mediaTypesChange = null; cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT mid, type FROM media_v4 WHERE mid IN(%s) AND uid = %d", messageMediaIds.toString(), dialogId)); while (cursor.next()) { int mid = cursor.intValue(0); int type = cursor.intValue(1); if (type == mediaTypes.get(mid)) { messagesMediaIds.remove((Integer) mid); } else { if (mediaTypesChange == null) { if (dialogsMediaTypesChange == null) { dialogsMediaTypesChange = new LongSparseArray<>(); } mediaTypesChange = dialogsMediaTypesChange.get(dialogId); if (mediaTypesChange == null) { mediaTypesChange = new SparseIntArray(); dialogsMediaTypesChange.put(dialogId, mediaTypesChange); } } mediaTypesChange.put(mid, type); } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (mediaCounts == null) { mediaCounts = new SparseArray<>(); } for (int a = 0, N = messagesMediaIds.size(); a < N; a++) { int messageId = messagesMediaIds.get(a); int type = mediaTypes.get(messageId); LongSparseIntArray counts = mediaCounts.get(type); int count; if (counts == null) { counts = new LongSparseIntArray(); mediaCounts.put(type, counts); count = 0; } else { count = counts.get(dialogId, Integer.MIN_VALUE); } if (count == Integer.MIN_VALUE) { count = 0; } count++; counts.put(dialogId, count); if (mediaTypesChange != null) { int previousType = mediaTypesChange.get(messageId, -1); if (previousType >= 0) { counts = mediaCounts.get(previousType); if (counts == null) { counts = new LongSparseIntArray(); count = 0; mediaCounts.put(previousType, counts); } else { count = counts.get(dialogId, Integer.MIN_VALUE); } if (count == Integer.MIN_VALUE) { count = 0; } count--; counts.put(dialogId, count); } } } } } if (mediaIdsMapTopics != null) { Iterator iterator = mediaIdsMapTopics.keySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { TopicKey topicKey = iterator.next(); ArrayList messagesIds = messagesMediaIdsMapTopics.get(topicKey); StringBuilder messageIds = mediaIdsMapTopics.get(topicKey); cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT mid, type FROM media_topics WHERE mid IN(%s) AND uid = %d AND topic_id = %d", messageIds.toString(), topicKey.dialogId, topicKey.topicId)); SparseIntArray mediaTypesChange = null; while (cursor.next()) { SparseIntArray mediaTypes = dialogMediaTypes.get(topicKey.dialogId); int mid = cursor.intValue(0); int type = cursor.intValue(1); if (type == mediaTypes.get(mid)) { messagesIds.remove((Integer) mid); } else { if (mediaTypesChange == null) { if (dialogsMediaTypesChange == null) { dialogsMediaTypesChange = new LongSparseArray<>(); } mediaTypesChange = dialogsMediaTypesChange.get(topicKey.dialogId); if (mediaTypesChange == null) { mediaTypesChange = new SparseIntArray(); dialogsMediaTypesChange.put(topicKey.dialogId, mediaTypesChange); } } mediaTypesChange.put(mid, type); } } SparseIntArray mediaTypes = dialogMediaTypes.get(topicKey.dialogId); if (mediaCountsTopics == null) { mediaCountsTopics = new SparseArray<>(); } for (int a = 0, N = messagesIds.size(); a < N; a++) { int messageId = messagesIds.get(a); int type = mediaTypes.get(messageId); HashMap counts = mediaCountsTopics.get(type); int count; if (counts == null) { counts = new HashMap<>(); mediaCountsTopics.put(type, counts); count = 0; } else { Integer v = counts.get(topicKey); if (v == null) { count = 0; } else { count = v; } } count++; counts.put(topicKey, count); if (mediaTypesChange != null) { int previousType = mediaTypesChange.get(messageId, -1); if (previousType >= 0) { counts = mediaCountsTopics.get(previousType); if (counts == null) { counts = new HashMap<>(); count = 0; mediaCountsTopics.put(previousType, counts); } else { Integer v = counts.get(topicKey); if (v == null) { count = Integer.MIN_VALUE; } else { count = v; } } if (count == Integer.MIN_VALUE) { count = 0; } count--; counts.put(topicKey, count); } } } } } if (!messageIdsMap.isEmpty()) { for (int b = 0, N2 = messageIdsMap.size(); b < N2; b++) { long dialogId = messageIdsMap.keyAt(b); StringBuilder messageIds = messageIdsMap.valueAt(b); ArrayList messagesIdsMap = dialogMessagesIdsMap.get(dialogId); ArrayList mentionsIdsMap = dialogMentionsIdsMap.get(dialogId); cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT mid FROM messages_v2 WHERE mid IN(%s) AND uid = %d", messageIds.toString(), dialogId)); while (cursor.next()) { Integer mid = cursor.intValue(0); if (messagesIdsMap != null) { messagesIdsMap.remove(mid); } if (mentionsIdsMap != null) { mentionsIdsMap.remove(mid); } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (messagesCounts != null) { int count = messagesCounts.get(dialogId, -1); if (count < 0) { count = 0; } count += messagesIdsMap.size(); messagesCounts.put(dialogId, count); } if (mentionsIdsMap != null) { int count = mentionCounts.get(dialogId, -1); if (count < 0) { count = 0; } count += mentionsIdsMap.size(); mentionCounts.put(dialogId, count); } } } if (!topicMentionsIdsMap.isEmpty()) { Iterator iterator = topicMentionsIdsMap.keySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { TopicKey topicKey = iterator.next(); ArrayList messageIds = topicMentionsIdsMap.get(topicKey); cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT mid FROM messages_topics WHERE mid IN(%s) AND uid = %d AND topic_id = %d", TextUtils.join(",", messageIds), topicKey.dialogId, topicKey.topicId)); while (cursor.next()) { Integer mid = cursor.intValue(0); messageIds.remove(mid); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; FileLog.d("new unread mentions " + topicKey.dialogId + " " + topicKey.topicId + " " + messageIds.size()); topicsMentions.put(topicKey, messageIds.size()); } } if (dialogsMediaTypesChange != null) { for (int i = 0; i < dialogsMediaTypesChange.size(); i++) { long dialogId = dialogsMediaTypesChange.keyAt(i); SparseIntArray messageIds = dialogsMediaTypesChange.valueAt(i); StringBuilder messagesString = new StringBuilder(); for (int k = 0; k < dialogsMediaTypesChange.size(); k++) { int mid = messageIds.keyAt(k); if (messagesString.length() != 0) { messagesString.append(", "); } messagesString.append(mid); } database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM media_v4 WHERE mid IN(%s) AND uid = %d", messagesString.toString(), dialogId)).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM media_topics WHERE mid IN(%s) AND uid = %d", messagesString.toString(), dialogId)).stepThis().dispose(); } } int downloadMediaMask = 0; for (int a = 0; a < messages.size(); a++) { TLRPC.Message message = messages.get(a); if (message == null) { continue; } fixUnsupportedMedia(message); int topicId = MessageObject.getTopicId(message, isForum(message.dialog_id)); state_messages.requery(); int messageId = message.id; if (message.local_id != 0) { messageId = message.local_id; } NativeByteBuffer data = new NativeByteBuffer(message.getObjectSize()); message.serializeToStream(data); boolean updateDialog = true; if (message.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageEncryptedAction && !(message.action.encryptedAction instanceof TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageActionSetMessageTTL || message.action.encryptedAction instanceof TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageActionScreenshotMessages)) { updateDialog = false; } else if (message.out) { // cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT mid, group_id FROM messages_v2 WHERE mid = %d AND uid = %d", messageId, message.dialog_id)); // if (cursor.next()) { // updateDialog = false; // } // cursor.dispose(); // cursor = null; } if (message.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionTopicCreate && !MessageObject.isOut(message)) { if (createNewTopics == null) { createNewTopics = new ArrayList<>(); } createNewTopics.add(message); } if (message.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionTopicEdit) { if (createNewTopics == null) { createNewTopics = new ArrayList<>(); } createNewTopics.add(message); } if (updateDialog) { TLRPC.Message lastMessage = messagesMap.get(message.dialog_id); if (lastMessage == null || message.date > lastMessage.date || lastMessage.id > 0 && message.id > lastMessage.id || lastMessage.id < 0 && message.id < lastMessage.id) { messagesMap.put(message.dialog_id, message); } if (topicId != 0) { TopicKey topicKey = TopicKey.of(message.dialog_id, topicId); lastMessage = topicMessagesMap.get(topicKey); if (lastMessage == null || message.date > lastMessage.date || lastMessage.id > 0 && message.id > lastMessage.id || lastMessage.id < 0 && message.id < lastMessage.id) { topicMessagesMap.put(topicKey, message); } } } for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { boolean isTopic = i == 1; if (threadMessageId != 0 && !isTopic) { continue; } if (isTopic && topicId == 0) { continue; } int pointer = 1; SQLitePreparedStatement statement = isTopic ? state_messages_topic : state_messages; statement.requery(); statement.bindInteger(pointer++, messageId); statement.bindLong(pointer++, message.dialog_id); if (isTopic) { statement.bindLong(pointer++, topicId); } statement.bindInteger(pointer++, MessageObject.getUnreadFlags(message)); statement.bindInteger(pointer++, message.send_state); statement.bindInteger(pointer++, message.date); statement.bindByteBuffer(pointer++, data); statement.bindInteger(pointer++, (MessageObject.isOut(message) || message.from_scheduled ? 1 : 0)); statement.bindInteger(pointer++, message.ttl); if ((message.flags & TLRPC.MESSAGE_FLAG_HAS_VIEWS) != 0) { statement.bindInteger(pointer++, message.views); } else { statement.bindInteger(pointer++, getMessageMediaType(message)); } int flags = 0; if (message.stickerVerified == 0) { flags |= 1; } else if (message.stickerVerified == 2) { flags |= 2; } statement.bindInteger(pointer++, flags); statement.bindInteger(pointer++, message.mentioned ? 1 : 0); statement.bindInteger(pointer++, message.forwards); NativeByteBuffer repliesData = null; if (message.replies != null) { repliesData = new NativeByteBuffer(message.replies.getObjectSize()); message.replies.serializeToStream(repliesData); statement.bindByteBuffer(pointer++, repliesData); } else { statement.bindNull(pointer++); } if (message.reply_to != null) { statement.bindInteger(pointer++, message.reply_to.reply_to_top_id != 0 ? message.reply_to.reply_to_top_id : message.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id); } else { statement.bindInteger(pointer++, 0); } statement.bindLong(pointer++, MessageObject.getChannelId(message)); NativeByteBuffer customParams = MessageCustomParamsHelper.writeLocalParams(message); if (customParams != null) { statement.bindByteBuffer(pointer++, customParams); } else { statement.bindNull(pointer++); } if (!isTopic) { if ((message.flags & 131072) != 0) { statement.bindLong(pointer++, message.grouped_id); } else { statement.bindNull(pointer++); } } statement.step(); if (repliesData != null) { repliesData.reuse(); } if (customParams != null) { customParams.reuse(); } } if (message.random_id != 0) { state_randoms.requery(); state_randoms.bindLong(1, message.random_id); state_randoms.bindInteger(2, messageId); state_randoms.bindLong(3, message.dialog_id); state_randoms.step(); } if (MediaDataController.canAddMessageToMedia(message)) { if (state_media == null) { state_media = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO media_v4 VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); } state_media.requery(); state_media.bindInteger(1, messageId); state_media.bindLong(2, message.dialog_id); state_media.bindInteger(3, message.date); state_media.bindInteger(4, MediaDataController.getMediaType(message)); state_media.bindByteBuffer(5, data); state_media.step(); state_media = null; if (topicId != 0) { if (state_media_topics == null) { state_media_topics = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO media_topics VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); } state_media_topics.requery(); state_media_topics.bindInteger(1, messageId); state_media_topics.bindLong(2, message.dialog_id); state_media_topics.bindInteger(3, topicId); state_media_topics.bindInteger(4, message.date); state_media_topics.bindInteger(5, MediaDataController.getMediaType(message)); state_media_topics.bindByteBuffer(6, data); state_media_topics.step(); } } if (message.ttl_period != 0 && message.id > 0) { if (state_tasks == null) { state_tasks = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO enc_tasks_v4 VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)"); } state_tasks.requery(); state_tasks.bindInteger(1, messageId); state_tasks.bindLong(2, message.dialog_id); state_tasks.bindInteger(3, message.date + message.ttl_period); state_tasks.bindInteger(4, 0); state_tasks.step(); minDeleteTime = Math.min(minDeleteTime, message.date + message.ttl_period); } if (message.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPoll) { if (state_polls == null) { state_polls = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO polls_v2 VALUES(?, ?, ?)"); } TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPoll mediaPoll = (TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPoll) message.media; state_polls.requery(); state_polls.bindInteger(1, messageId); state_polls.bindLong(2, message.dialog_id); state_polls.bindLong(3, mediaPoll.poll.id); state_polls.step(); } else if (message.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaWebPage) { state_webpage.requery(); state_webpage.bindLong(1, message.media.webpage.id); state_webpage.bindInteger(2, messageId); state_webpage.bindLong(3, message.dialog_id); state_webpage.step(); } data.reuse(); if (downloadMask != 0 && (message.peer_id.channel_id == 0 || message.post) && message.date >= getConnectionsManager().getCurrentTime() - 60 * 60 && getDownloadController().canDownloadMedia(message) == 1) { if (message.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPhoto || message.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaDocument || message.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaWebPage) { int type = 0; long id = 0; TLRPC.MessageMedia object = null; TLRPC.Document document = MessageObject.getDocument(message); TLRPC.Photo photo = MessageObject.getPhoto(message); if (MessageObject.isVoiceMessage(message)) { id = document.id; type = DownloadController.AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_AUDIO; object = new TLRPC.TL_messageMediaDocument(); object.document = document; object.flags |= 1; } else if (MessageObject.isStickerMessage(message) || MessageObject.isAnimatedStickerMessage(message)) { id = document.id; type = DownloadController.AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_PHOTO; object = new TLRPC.TL_messageMediaDocument(); object.document = document; object.flags |= 1; } else if (MessageObject.isVideoMessage(message) || MessageObject.isRoundVideoMessage(message) || MessageObject.isGifMessage(message)) { id = document.id; type = DownloadController.AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_VIDEO; object = new TLRPC.TL_messageMediaDocument(); object.document = document; object.flags |= 1; } else if (document != null) { id = document.id; type = DownloadController.AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_DOCUMENT; object = new TLRPC.TL_messageMediaDocument(); object.document = document; object.flags |= 1; } else if (photo != null) { TLRPC.PhotoSize photoSize = FileLoader.getClosestPhotoSizeWithSize(photo.sizes, AndroidUtilities.getPhotoSize()); if (photoSize != null) { id = photo.id; type = DownloadController.AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_PHOTO; object = new TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPhoto(); object.photo = photo; object.flags |= 1; if (message.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaWebPage) { object.flags |= 0x80000000; } } } if (object != null) { if (message.media.ttl_seconds != 0) { object.ttl_seconds = message.media.ttl_seconds; object.flags |= 4; } MessageObject messageObject = new MessageObject(currentAccount, message, false, false); downloadMediaMask |= type; state_download.requery(); data = new NativeByteBuffer(object.getObjectSize()); object.serializeToStream(data); state_download.bindLong(1, id); state_download.bindInteger(2, type); state_download.bindInteger(3, message.date); state_download.bindByteBuffer(4, data); state_download.bindString(5, "sent_" + (message.peer_id != null ? message.peer_id.channel_id : 0) + "_" + message.id + "_" + DialogObject.getPeerDialogId(message.peer_id) + "_" + messageObject.type + "_" + messageObject.getSize()); state_download.step(); data.reuse(); } } } } state_messages.dispose(); state_messages_topic.dispose(); if (state_media != null) { state_media.dispose(); state_media = null; } if (state_tasks != null) { state_tasks.dispose(); getMessagesController().didAddedNewTask(minDeleteTime, 0, null); state_tasks = null; } if (state_polls != null) { state_polls.dispose(); state_polls = null; } state_randoms.dispose(); state_randoms = null; state_download.dispose(); state_download = null; state_webpage.dispose(); state_webpage = null; if (createNewTopics != null) { for (int i = 0; i < createNewTopics.size(); i++) { TLRPC.Message message = createNewTopics.get(i); createOrEditTopic(message.dialog_id, message); } } state_dialogs_replace = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO dialogs VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); state_dialogs_update = database.executeFast("UPDATE dialogs SET date = ?, unread_count = ?, last_mid = ?, last_mid_group = ?, unread_count_i = ? WHERE did = ?"); state_topics_update = database.executeFast("UPDATE topics SET unread_count = ?, top_message = ?, unread_mentions = ?, total_messages_count = ? WHERE did = ? AND topic_id = ?"); ArrayList dids = new ArrayList<>(); for (int a = 0; a < messagesMap.size(); a++) { long key = messagesMap.keyAt(a); if (key == 0) { continue; } TLRPC.Message message = messagesMap.valueAt(a); long channelId = MessageObject.getChannelId(message); cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT date, unread_count, last_mid, unread_count_i FROM dialogs WHERE did = " + key); int dialog_date = 0; int last_mid = 0; int old_unread_count = 0; int old_mentions_count = 0; boolean exists; if (exists = cursor.next()) { dialog_date = cursor.intValue(0); old_unread_count = Math.max(0, cursor.intValue(1)); last_mid = cursor.intValue(2); old_mentions_count = Math.max(0, cursor.intValue(3)); } else if (channelId != 0) { getMessagesController().checkChatInviter(channelId, true); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; int mentions_count = mentionCounts.get(key, -1); int unread_count = messagesCounts.get(key, -1); if (unread_count == -1) { unread_count = 0; } else { messagesCounts.put(key, unread_count + old_unread_count); } if (mentions_count == -1) { mentions_count = 0; } else { mentionCounts.put(key, mentions_count + old_mentions_count); } int messageId = message != null ? message.id : last_mid; if (message != null) { if (message.local_id != 0) { messageId = message.local_id; } } if (!isForum(key)) { if (old_unread_count == 0 && unread_count != 0) { newMessagesCounts.put(key, unread_count); } if (old_mentions_count == 0 && mentions_count != 0){ newMentionsCounts.put(key, mentions_count); } } dids.add(key); if (exists) { state_dialogs_update.requery(); state_dialogs_update.bindInteger(1, message != null && (!doNotUpdateDialogDate || dialog_date == 0) ? message.date : dialog_date); state_dialogs_update.bindInteger(2, old_unread_count + unread_count); state_dialogs_update.bindInteger(3, messageId); if (message != null && (message.flags & 131072) != 0) { state_dialogs_update.bindLong(4, message.grouped_id); } else { state_dialogs_update.bindNull(4); } state_dialogs_update.bindInteger(5, old_mentions_count + mentions_count); state_dialogs_update.bindLong(6, key); state_dialogs_update.step(); } else { state_dialogs_replace.requery(); state_dialogs_replace.bindLong(1, key); state_dialogs_replace.bindInteger(2, message != null && (!doNotUpdateDialogDate || dialog_date == 0) ? message.date : dialog_date); state_dialogs_replace.bindInteger(3, old_unread_count + unread_count); state_dialogs_replace.bindInteger(4, messageId); state_dialogs_replace.bindInteger(5, 0); state_dialogs_replace.bindInteger(6, 0); state_dialogs_replace.bindLong(7, 0); state_dialogs_replace.bindInteger(8, old_mentions_count + mentions_count); state_dialogs_replace.bindInteger(9, channelId != 0 ? 1 : 0); state_dialogs_replace.bindInteger(10, 0); state_dialogs_replace.bindInteger(11, 0); state_dialogs_replace.bindInteger(12, 0); state_dialogs_replace.bindInteger(13, 0); state_dialogs_replace.bindNull(14); state_dialogs_replace.bindInteger(15, 0); if (message != null && (message.flags & 131072) != 0) { state_dialogs_replace.bindLong(16, message.grouped_id); } else { state_dialogs_replace.bindNull(16); } state_dialogs_replace.bindInteger(17, 0); state_dialogs_replace.step(); unknownDialogsIds.put(key, true); } } state_dialogs_update.dispose(); state_dialogs_update = null; state_dialogs_replace.dispose(); state_dialogs_replace = null; ArrayList topicUpdatesInUi = new ArrayList<>(); Iterator iterator = topicMessagesMap.keySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { TopicKey topicKey = iterator.next(); if (topicKey.dialogId == 0 || topicKey.topicId == 0) { continue; } TLRPC.Message message = topicMessagesMap.get(topicKey); cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT unread_count, top_message, unread_mentions, total_messages_count FROM topics WHERE did = " + topicKey.dialogId + " AND topic_id = " + topicKey.topicId); int oldUnreadCount = 0; int oldMentions = 0; int oldTotalCount = 0; int topMessage = 0; int newMentions = 0; int newUnreadMessages = 0; int newMessages = 0; boolean exist = false; if (cursor.next()) { exist = true; oldUnreadCount = cursor.intValue(0); topMessage = cursor.intValue(1); oldMentions = cursor.intValue(2); oldTotalCount = cursor.intValue(3); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (!exist) { if (topicUpdatesInUi == null) { topicUpdatesInUi = new ArrayList<>(); } TopicsController.TopicUpdate topicUpdate = new TopicsController.TopicUpdate(); topicUpdate.dialogId = topicKey.dialogId; topicUpdate.topicId = topicKey.topicId; topicUpdate.reloadTopic = true; topicUpdatesInUi.add(topicUpdate); FileLog.d("unknown topic need reload " + topicKey.dialogId + " " + topicKey.topicId); continue; } Integer newMessagesInteger = topicsNewUnreadMessages.get(topicKey); Integer newMentionsInteger = topicsMentions.get(topicKey); Integer newMessagesTotalInteger = topicsNewMessages.get(topicKey); int messageId = message != null ? message.id : topMessage; if (message != null) { if (message.local_id != 0) { messageId = message.local_id; } } if (newMessagesInteger != null) { newUnreadMessages = newMessagesInteger; } if (newMentionsInteger != null) { newMentions = newMentionsInteger; } if (newMessagesTotalInteger != null) { newMessages = newMessagesTotalInteger; } int newUnreadCount = oldUnreadCount + newUnreadMessages; int newUnreadMentions = oldMentions + newMentions; int newTotalMessagesCount = oldTotalCount == 0 ? 0 : oldTotalCount + newMessages; if (BuildVars.DEBUG_PRIVATE_VERSION && newUnreadMentions > 0) { FileLog.d("(putMessagesInternal)" + " new unread mentions " + newUnreadMentions + " for dialog_id=" + topicKey.dialogId + " topic_id=" + topicKey.topicId); } state_topics_update.requery(); state_topics_update.bindInteger(1, newUnreadCount); state_topics_update.bindInteger(2, messageId); state_topics_update.bindInteger(3, newUnreadMentions); state_topics_update.bindInteger(4, newTotalMessagesCount); state_topics_update.bindLong(5, topicKey.dialogId); state_topics_update.bindInteger(6, topicKey.topicId); state_topics_update.step(); if (isForum(topicKey.dialogId)) { if (oldUnreadCount == 0 && newUnreadCount != 0) { newMessagesCounts.put(topicKey.dialogId, 1); } if (oldMentions == 0 && newUnreadMentions != 0){ newMentionsCounts.put(topicKey.dialogId, newUnreadMentions); } } FileLog.d("update topic " + topicKey.dialogId + " " + topicKey.topicId + " " + (oldUnreadCount + newUnreadMessages) + " " + (oldMentions + newMentions)); if (message != null) { if (topicUpdatesInUi == null) { topicUpdatesInUi = new ArrayList<>(); } TopicsController.TopicUpdate topicUpdate = new TopicsController.TopicUpdate(); topicUpdate.dialogId = topicKey.dialogId; topicUpdate.topicId = topicKey.topicId; topicUpdate.topMessage = message; topicUpdate.unreadMentions = oldMentions + newMentions; topicUpdate.topMessageId = messageId; topicUpdate.unreadCount = oldUnreadCount + newUnreadMessages; topicUpdate.totalMessagesCount = newTotalMessagesCount; topicUpdatesInUi.add(topicUpdate); } } state_topics_update.dispose(); state_topics_update = null; if (mediaCounts != null) { state_randoms = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO media_counts_v2 VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)"); for (int a = 0, N = mediaCounts.size(); a < N; a++) { int type = mediaCounts.keyAt(a); LongSparseIntArray value = mediaCounts.valueAt(a); for (int b = 0, N2 = value.size(); b < N2; b++) { long uid = value.keyAt(b); int count = -1; int old = 0; cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT count, old FROM media_counts_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND type = %d LIMIT 1", uid, type)); if (cursor.next()) { count = cursor.intValue(0); old = cursor.intValue(1); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (count != -1) { state_randoms.requery(); count += value.valueAt(b); state_randoms.bindLong(1, uid); state_randoms.bindInteger(2, type); state_randoms.bindInteger(3, Math.max(0, count)); state_randoms.bindInteger(4, old); state_randoms.step(); } } } state_randoms.dispose(); state_randoms = null; } if (mediaCountsTopics != null) { state_randoms = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO media_counts_topics VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); for (int a = 0, N = mediaCountsTopics.size(); a < N; a++) { int type = mediaCountsTopics.keyAt(a); HashMap topicCountsMap = mediaCountsTopics.valueAt(a); iterator = topicCountsMap.keySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { TopicKey topicKey = iterator.next(); int count = -1; int old = 0; cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT count, old FROM media_counts_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND type = %d LIMIT 1", topicKey.dialogId, topicKey.topicId, type)); if (cursor.next()) { count = cursor.intValue(0); old = cursor.intValue(1); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (count != -1) { state_randoms.requery(); count += topicCountsMap.get(topicKey); state_randoms.bindLong(1, topicKey.dialogId); state_randoms.bindInteger(2, topicKey.topicId); state_randoms.bindInteger(3, type); state_randoms.bindInteger(4, Math.max(0, count)); state_randoms.bindInteger(5, old); state_randoms.step(); } if (BuildVars.DEBUG_PRIVATE_VERSION) { FileLog.d("update" + topicKey.dialogId + topicKey.topicId + " " + type + " " + count); } } } state_randoms.dispose(); state_randoms = null; } if (withTransaction) { database.commitTransaction(); databaseInTransaction = false; } updateFiltersReadCounter(newMessagesCounts, newMentionsCounts, false); loadGroupedMessagesForTopicUpdates(topicUpdatesInUi); getMessagesController().processDialogsUpdateRead(messagesCounts, mentionCounts); getMessagesController().getTopicsController().processUpdate(topicUpdatesInUi); if (downloadMediaMask != 0) { int downloadMediaMaskFinal = downloadMediaMask; AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> getDownloadController().newDownloadObjectsAvailable(downloadMediaMaskFinal)); } updateWidgets(dids); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (databaseInTransaction) { if (database != null) { database.commitTransaction(); } } if (state_messages != null) { state_messages.dispose(); } if (state_randoms != null) { state_randoms.dispose(); } if (state_download != null) { state_download.dispose(); } if (state_webpage != null) { state_webpage.dispose(); } if (state_media != null) { state_media.dispose(); } if (state_polls != null) { state_polls.dispose(); } if (state_tasks != null) { state_tasks.dispose(); } if (state_dialogs_replace != null) { state_dialogs_replace.dispose(); } if (state_dialogs_update != null) { state_dialogs_update.dispose(); } if (state_topics_update != null) { state_topics_update.dispose(); } if (cursor != null) { cursor = null; } } } private void createOrEditTopic(long dialogId, TLRPC.Message message) { TLRPC.TL_forumTopic forumTopic = new TLRPC.TL_forumTopic(); forumTopic.topicStartMessage = message; forumTopic.top_message = message.id; forumTopic.topMessage = message; forumTopic.from_id = getMessagesController().getPeer(getUserConfig().clientUserId); forumTopic.notify_settings = new TLRPC.TL_peerNotifySettings(); forumTopic.unread_count = 0; if (message.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionTopicCreate) { TLRPC.TL_messageActionTopicCreate action = (TLRPC.TL_messageActionTopicCreate) message.action; forumTopic.id = message.id; forumTopic.icon_emoji_id = action.icon_emoji_id; forumTopic.title = action.title; forumTopic.icon_color = action.icon_color; if (forumTopic.icon_emoji_id != 0) { forumTopic.flags |= 1; } ArrayList topics = new ArrayList<>(); topics.add(forumTopic); saveTopics(dialogId, topics, false, false); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { getMessagesController().getTopicsController().onTopicCreated(dialogId, forumTopic, false); }); } else if (message.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionTopicEdit) { TLRPC.TL_messageActionTopicEdit action = (TLRPC.TL_messageActionTopicEdit) message.action; forumTopic.id = MessageObject.getTopicId(message, true); forumTopic.icon_emoji_id = action.icon_emoji_id; forumTopic.title = action.title; forumTopic.closed = action.closed; forumTopic.hidden = action.hidden; int flags = 0; if ((action.flags & 1) != 0) { flags += TopicsController.TOPIC_FLAG_TITLE; } if ((action.flags & 2) != 0) { flags += TopicsController.TOPIC_FLAG_ICON; } if ((action.flags & 4) != 0) { flags += TopicsController.TOPIC_FLAG_CLOSE; } if ((action.flags & 8) != 0) { flags += TopicsController.TOPIC_FLAG_HIDE; } updateTopicData(dialogId, forumTopic, flags); int finalFlags = flags; AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { getMessagesController().getTopicsController().updateTopicInUi(dialogId, forumTopic, finalFlags); }); } } public void putMessages(ArrayList messages, boolean withTransaction, boolean useQueue, boolean doNotUpdateDialogDate, int downloadMask, boolean scheduled, int threadMessageId) { putMessages(messages, withTransaction, useQueue, doNotUpdateDialogDate, downloadMask, false, scheduled, threadMessageId); } public void putMessages(ArrayList messages, boolean withTransaction, boolean useQueue, boolean doNotUpdateDialogDate, int downloadMask, boolean ifNoLastMessage, boolean scheduled, int threadMessageId) { if (messages.size() == 0) { return; } if (useQueue) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> putMessagesInternal(messages, withTransaction, doNotUpdateDialogDate, downloadMask, ifNoLastMessage, scheduled, threadMessageId)); } else { putMessagesInternal(messages, withTransaction, doNotUpdateDialogDate, downloadMask, ifNoLastMessage, scheduled, threadMessageId); } } public void markMessageAsSendError(TLRPC.Message message, boolean scheduled) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { try { long messageId = message.id; if (scheduled) { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE scheduled_messages_v2 SET send_state = 2 WHERE mid = %d AND uid = %d", messageId, MessageObject.getDialogId(message))).stepThis().dispose(); } else { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE messages_v2 SET send_state = 2 WHERE mid = %d AND uid = %d", messageId, MessageObject.getDialogId(message))).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE messages_topics SET send_state = 2 WHERE mid = %d AND uid = %d", messageId, MessageObject.getDialogId(message))).stepThis().dispose(); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } }); } public void setMessageSeq(int mid, int seq_in, int seq_out) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO messages_seq VALUES(?, ?, ?)"); state.requery(); state.bindInteger(1, mid); state.bindInteger(2, seq_in); state.bindInteger(3, seq_out); state.step(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } }); } private long[] updateMessageStateAndIdInternal(long randomId, long dialogId, Integer _oldId, int newId, int date, int scheduled) { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; int oldMessageId; if (_oldId == null) { try { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT mid, uid FROM randoms_v2 WHERE random_id = %d LIMIT 1", randomId)); if (cursor.next()) { _oldId = cursor.intValue(0); dialogId = cursor.longValue(1); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } if (_oldId == null) { return null; } } oldMessageId = _oldId; if (_oldId < 0 && scheduled == 1) { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE randoms_v2 SET mid = ? WHERE random_id = ? AND mid = ?"); state.bindInteger(1, newId); state.bindLong(2, randomId); state.bindInteger(3, oldMessageId); state.step(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } } else if (_oldId > 0) { TLRPC.TL_updateDeleteScheduledMessages update = new TLRPC.TL_updateDeleteScheduledMessages(); update.messages.add(oldMessageId); if (DialogObject.isChatDialog(dialogId)) { update.peer = new TLRPC.TL_peerChannel(); update.peer.channel_id = -dialogId; } else { update.peer = new TLRPC.TL_peerUser(); update.peer.user_id = dialogId; } TLRPC.TL_updates updates = new TLRPC.TL_updates(); updates.updates.add(update); Utilities.stageQueue.postRunnable(() -> getMessagesController().processUpdates(updates, false)); try { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM randoms_v2 WHERE random_id = %d AND mid = %d AND uid = %d", randomId, _oldId, dialogId)).stepThis().dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } return null; } long did = 0; if (scheduled == -1 || scheduled == 0) { try { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT uid FROM messages_v2 WHERE mid = %d LIMIT 1", oldMessageId)); if (cursor.next()) { did = cursor.longValue(0); scheduled = 0; } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } } if (scheduled == -1 || scheduled == 1) { try { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT uid FROM scheduled_messages_v2 WHERE mid = %d LIMIT 1", oldMessageId)); if (cursor.next()) { did = cursor.longValue(0); scheduled = 1; } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } } if (did == 0) { return null; } SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state2 = null; if (oldMessageId == newId && date != 0) { try { if (scheduled == 0) { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE messages_v2 SET send_state = 0, date = ? WHERE mid = ? AND uid = ?"); } else { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE scheduled_messages_v2 SET send_state = 0, date = ? WHERE mid = ? AND uid = ?"); } state.bindInteger(1, date); state.bindInteger(2, newId); state.bindLong(3, did); state.step(); if (scheduled == 0) { state2 = database.executeFast("UPDATE messages_topics SET send_state = 0, date = ? WHERE mid = ? AND uid = ?"); state2.bindInteger(1, date); state2.bindInteger(2, newId); state2.bindLong(3, did); state2.step(); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } if (state2 != null) { state2.dispose(); } } return new long[]{did, newId}; } else { if (scheduled == 0) { try { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE messages_v2 SET mid = ?, send_state = 0 WHERE mid = ? AND uid = ?"); state.bindInteger(1, newId); state.bindInteger(2, oldMessageId); state.bindLong(3, did); state.step(); state2 = database.executeFast("UPDATE messages_topics SET mid = ?, send_state = 0 WHERE mid = ? AND uid = ?"); state2.bindInteger(1, newId); state2.bindInteger(2, oldMessageId); state2.bindLong(3, did); state2.step(); } catch (Exception e) { try { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM messages_v2 WHERE mid = %d AND uid = %d", oldMessageId, did)).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM messages_seq WHERE mid = %d", oldMessageId)).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM messages_topics WHERE mid = %d AND uid = %d", oldMessageId, did)).stepThis().dispose(); } catch (Exception e2) { checkSQLException(e2); } } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); state = null; } if (state2 != null) { state2.dispose(); state2 = null; } } try { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE media_v4 SET mid = ? WHERE mid = ? AND uid = ?"); state.bindInteger(1, newId); state.bindInteger(2, oldMessageId); state.bindLong(3, did); state.step(); } catch (Exception e) { try { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM media_v4 WHERE mid = %d AND uid = %d", oldMessageId, did)).stepThis().dispose(); } catch (Exception e2) { checkSQLException(e2); } } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); state = null; } } try { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE media_topics SET mid = ? WHERE mid = ? AND uid = ?"); state.bindInteger(1, newId); state.bindInteger(2, oldMessageId); state.bindLong(3, did); state.step(); } catch (Exception e) { try { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM media_topics WHERE mid = %d AND uid = %d", oldMessageId, did)).stepThis().dispose(); } catch (Exception e2) { checkSQLException(e2); } } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); state = null; } } try { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE dialogs SET last_mid = ? WHERE last_mid = ?"); state.bindInteger(1, newId); state.bindInteger(2, oldMessageId); state.step(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } } else { try { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE scheduled_messages_v2 SET mid = ?, send_state = 0 WHERE mid = ? AND uid = ?"); state.bindInteger(1, newId); state.bindInteger(2, oldMessageId); state.bindLong(3, did); state.step(); } catch (Exception e) { try { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM scheduled_messages_v2 WHERE mid = %d AND uid = %d", oldMessageId, did)).stepThis().dispose(); } catch (Exception e2) { checkSQLException(e2); } } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } } return new long[]{did, _oldId}; } } public long[] updateMessageStateAndId(long random_id, long dialogId, Integer _oldId, int newId, int date, boolean useQueue, int scheduled) { if (useQueue) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> updateMessageStateAndIdInternal(random_id, dialogId, _oldId, newId, date, scheduled)); } else { return updateMessageStateAndIdInternal(random_id, dialogId, _oldId, newId, date, scheduled); } return null; } private void updateUsersInternal(ArrayList users, boolean onlyStatus, boolean withTransaction) { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { if (onlyStatus) { if (withTransaction) { database.beginTransaction(); } state = database.executeFast("UPDATE users SET status = ? WHERE uid = ?"); for (int a = 0, N = users.size(); a < N; a++) { TLRPC.User user = users.get(a); state.requery(); if (user.status != null) { state.bindInteger(1, user.status.expires); } else { state.bindInteger(1, 0); } state.bindLong(2, user.id); state.step(); } state.dispose(); state = null; if (withTransaction) { database.commitTransaction(); } } else { StringBuilder ids = new StringBuilder(); LongSparseArray usersDict = new LongSparseArray<>(); for (int a = 0, N = users.size(); a < N; a++) { TLRPC.User user = users.get(a); if (ids.length() != 0) { ids.append(","); } ids.append(user.id); usersDict.put(user.id, user); } ArrayList loadedUsers = new ArrayList<>(); getUsersInternal(ids.toString(), loadedUsers); for (int a = 0, N = loadedUsers.size(); a < N; a++) { TLRPC.User user = loadedUsers.get(a); TLRPC.User updateUser = usersDict.get(user.id); if (updateUser != null) { if (updateUser.first_name != null && updateUser.last_name != null) { if (!UserObject.isContact(user)) { user.first_name = updateUser.first_name; user.last_name = updateUser.last_name; } user.username = updateUser.username; } else if (updateUser.photo != null) { user.photo = updateUser.photo; } else if (updateUser.phone != null) { user.phone = updateUser.phone; } } } if (!loadedUsers.isEmpty()) { if (withTransaction) { database.beginTransaction(); } putUsersInternal(loadedUsers); if (withTransaction) { database.commitTransaction(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (database != null) { database.commitTransaction(); } if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } } public void updateUsers(ArrayList users, boolean onlyStatus, boolean withTransaction, boolean useQueue) { if (users == null || users.isEmpty()) { return; } if (useQueue) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> updateUsersInternal(users, onlyStatus, withTransaction)); } else { updateUsersInternal(users, onlyStatus, withTransaction); } } private void markMessagesAsReadInternal(LongSparseIntArray inbox, LongSparseIntArray outbox, SparseIntArray encryptedMessages) { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { if (!isEmpty(inbox)) { state = database.executeFast("DELETE FROM unread_push_messages WHERE uid = ? AND mid <= ?"); for (int b = 0; b < inbox.size(); b++) { long key = inbox.keyAt(b); int messageId = inbox.get(key); database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE messages_v2 SET read_state = read_state | 1 WHERE uid = %d AND mid > 0 AND mid <= %d AND read_state IN(0,2) AND out = 0", key, messageId)).stepThis().dispose(); state.requery(); state.bindLong(1, key); state.bindInteger(2, messageId); state.step(); } state.dispose(); state = null; } if (!isEmpty(outbox)) { for (int b = 0; b < outbox.size(); b++) { long key = outbox.keyAt(b); int messageId = outbox.get(key); database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE messages_v2 SET read_state = read_state | 1 WHERE uid = %d AND mid > 0 AND mid <= %d AND read_state IN(0,2) AND out = 1", key, messageId)).stepThis().dispose(); } } if (encryptedMessages != null && !isEmpty(encryptedMessages)) { for (int a = 0; a < encryptedMessages.size(); a++) { long dialogId = DialogObject.makeEncryptedDialogId(encryptedMessages.keyAt(a)); int max_date = encryptedMessages.valueAt(a); state = database.executeFast("UPDATE messages_v2 SET read_state = read_state | 1 WHERE uid = ? AND date <= ? AND read_state IN(0,2) AND out = 1"); state.requery(); state.bindLong(1, dialogId); state.bindInteger(2, max_date); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; } } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } } private void markMessagesContentAsReadInternal(long dialogId, ArrayList mids, int date) { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { String midsStr = TextUtils.join(",", mids); database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE messages_v2 SET read_state = read_state | 2 WHERE mid IN (%s) AND uid = %d", midsStr, dialogId)).stepThis().dispose(); if (date != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT mid, ttl FROM messages_v2 WHERE mid IN (%s) AND uid = %d AND ttl > 0", midsStr, dialogId)); ArrayList arrayList = null; while (cursor.next()) { if (arrayList == null) { arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); } arrayList.add(cursor.intValue(0)); } if (arrayList != null) { emptyMessagesMedia(dialogId, arrayList); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } } public void markMessagesContentAsRead(long dialogId, ArrayList mids, int date) { if (isEmpty(mids)) { return; } storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { if (dialogId == 0) { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { LongSparseArray> sparseArray = new LongSparseArray<>(); cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT uid, mid FROM messages_v2 WHERE mid IN (%s) AND is_channel = 0", TextUtils.join(",", mids))); while (cursor.next()) { long did = cursor.longValue(0); ArrayList arrayList = sparseArray.get(did); if (arrayList == null) { arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); sparseArray.put(did, arrayList); } arrayList.add(cursor.intValue(1)); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; for (int a = 0, N = sparseArray.size(); a < N; a++) { markMessagesContentAsReadInternal(sparseArray.keyAt(a), sparseArray.valueAt(a), date); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } } else { markMessagesContentAsReadInternal(dialogId, mids, date); } }); } public void markMessagesAsRead(LongSparseIntArray inbox, LongSparseIntArray outbox, SparseIntArray encryptedMessages, boolean useQueue) { if (useQueue) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> markMessagesAsReadInternal(inbox, outbox, encryptedMessages)); } else { markMessagesAsReadInternal(inbox, outbox, encryptedMessages); } } public void markMessagesAsDeletedByRandoms(ArrayList messages) { if (messages.isEmpty()) { return; } storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { String ids = TextUtils.join(",", messages); cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT mid, uid FROM randoms_v2 WHERE random_id IN(%s)", ids)); LongSparseArray> dialogs = new LongSparseArray<>(); while (cursor.next()) { long dialogId = cursor.longValue(1); ArrayList mids = dialogs.get(dialogId); if (mids == null) { mids = new ArrayList<>(); dialogs.put(dialogId, mids); } mids.add(cursor.intValue(0)); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (!dialogs.isEmpty()) { for (int a = 0, N = dialogs.size(); a < N; a++) { long dialogId = dialogs.keyAt(a); ArrayList mids = dialogs.valueAt(a); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.messagesDeleted, mids, 0L, false)); updateDialogsWithReadMessagesInternal(mids, null, null, null, null); markMessagesAsDeletedInternal(dialogId, mids, true, false); updateDialogsWithDeletedMessagesInternal(dialogId, 0, mids, null); } } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } }); } protected void deletePushMessages(long dialogId, ArrayList messages) { try { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM unread_push_messages WHERE uid = %d AND mid IN(%s)", dialogId, TextUtils.join(",", messages))).stepThis().dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } } private void broadcastScheduledMessagesChange(Long did) { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT COUNT(mid) FROM scheduled_messages_v2 WHERE uid = %d", did)); int count; if (cursor.next()) { count = cursor.intValue(0); } else { count = 0; } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.scheduledMessagesUpdated, did, count)); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } } private ArrayList markMessagesAsDeletedInternal(long dialogId, ArrayList messages, boolean deleteFiles, boolean scheduled) { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { ArrayList dialogsIds = new ArrayList<>(); if (scheduled) { String ids = TextUtils.join(",", messages); ArrayList dialogsToUpdate = new ArrayList<>(); cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT uid FROM scheduled_messages_v2 WHERE mid IN(%s) AND uid = %d", ids, dialogId)); try { while (cursor.next()) { long did = cursor.longValue(0); if (!dialogsToUpdate.contains(did)) { dialogsToUpdate.add(did); } } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM scheduled_messages_v2 WHERE mid IN(%s) AND uid = %d", ids, dialogId)).stepThis().dispose(); for (int a = 0, N = dialogsToUpdate.size(); a < N; a++) { broadcastScheduledMessagesChange(dialogsToUpdate.get(a)); } } else { ArrayList unknownMessages = new ArrayList<>(messages); ArrayList unknownMessagesInTopics = new ArrayList<>(messages); LongSparseArray dialogsToUpdate = new LongSparseArray<>(); HashMap topicsMessagesToUpdate = new HashMap<>(); LongSparseArray> messagesByDialogs = new LongSparseArray<>(); String ids = TextUtils.join(",", messages); ArrayList filesToDelete = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList namesToDelete = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList> idsToDelete = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList topicUpdatesInUi = null; long currentUser = getUserConfig().getClientUserId(); if (dialogId != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT uid, data, read_state, out, mention, mid FROM messages_v2 WHERE mid IN(%s) AND uid = %d", ids, dialogId)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT uid, data, read_state, out, mention, mid FROM messages_v2 WHERE mid IN(%s) AND is_channel = 0", ids)); } try { while (cursor.next()) { long did = cursor.longValue(0); int mid = cursor.intValue(5); unknownMessages.remove((Integer) mid); ArrayList mids = messagesByDialogs.get(did); if (mids == null) { mids = new ArrayList<>(); messagesByDialogs.put(did, mids); } mids.add(mid); if (did != currentUser) { int read_state = cursor.intValue(2); if (cursor.intValue(3) == 0) { Integer[] unread_count = dialogsToUpdate.get(did); if (unread_count == null) { unread_count = new Integer[]{0, 0}; dialogsToUpdate.put(did, unread_count); } if (read_state < 2) { unread_count[1]++; } if (read_state == 0 || read_state == 2) { unread_count[0]++; } } } if (!DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(did) && !deleteFiles) { continue; } NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(1); if (data != null) { TLRPC.Message message = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); message.readAttachPath(data, getUserConfig().clientUserId); data.reuse(); addFilesToDelete(message, filesToDelete, idsToDelete, namesToDelete, false); } } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; ArrayList topicsToDelete = null; if (dialogId < 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT uid, data, read_state, out, mention, mid FROM messages_topics WHERE mid IN(%s) AND uid = %d", ids, dialogId)); try { while (cursor.next()) { long did = cursor.longValue(0); int mid = cursor.intValue(5); int topicId = 0; unknownMessagesInTopics.remove((Integer) mid); NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(1); if (data != null) { TLRPC.Message message = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); message.readAttachPath(data, getUserConfig().clientUserId); data.reuse(); addFilesToDelete(message, filesToDelete, idsToDelete, namesToDelete, false); if (message.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionTopicCreate) { if (topicsToDelete == null) { topicsToDelete = new ArrayList<>(); } topicsToDelete.add(TopicKey.of(did, message.id)); } topicId = MessageObject.getTopicId(message, isForum(did)); } if (topicId != 0) { TopicKey topicKey = TopicKey.of(dialogId, topicId); int read_state = cursor.intValue(2); int[] count = topicsMessagesToUpdate.get(topicKey); if (count == null) { count = new int[3]; topicsMessagesToUpdate.put(topicKey, count); } count[2]++; if (cursor.intValue(3) == 0) { if (read_state < 2) { count[1]++; } if (read_state == 0 || read_state == 2) { count[0]++; } } } } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } database.beginTransaction(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (i == 0) { if (dialogId != 0) { state = getMessagesStorage().getDatabase().executeFast("UPDATE messages_v2 SET replydata = ? WHERE reply_to_message_id IN(?) AND uid = ?"); } else { state = getMessagesStorage().getDatabase().executeFast("UPDATE messages_v2 SET replydata = ? WHERE reply_to_message_id IN(?) AND is_channel = 0"); } } else if (i == 1) { if (dialogId != 0) { state = getMessagesStorage().getDatabase().executeFast("UPDATE scheduled_messages_v2 SET replydata = ? WHERE reply_to_message_id IN(?) AND uid = ?"); } else { state = getMessagesStorage().getDatabase().executeFast("UPDATE scheduled_messages_v2 SET replydata = ? WHERE reply_to_message_id IN(?)"); } } else { if (dialogId == 0) { continue; } state = getMessagesStorage().getDatabase().executeFast("UPDATE messages_topics SET replydata = ? WHERE reply_to_message_id IN(?) AND uid = ?"); } TLRPC.TL_messageEmpty emptyMessage = new TLRPC.TL_messageEmpty(); NativeByteBuffer data = new NativeByteBuffer(emptyMessage.getObjectSize()); emptyMessage.serializeToStream(data); state.requery(); state.bindByteBuffer(1, data); state.bindString(2, ids); if (dialogId != 0) { state.bindLong(3, dialogId); } state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; database.commitTransaction(); data.reuse(); } deleteFromDownloadQueue(idsToDelete, true); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> getFileLoader().cancelLoadFiles(namesToDelete)); getFileLoader().deleteFiles(filesToDelete, 0); for (int a = 0; a < dialogsToUpdate.size(); a++) { long did = dialogsToUpdate.keyAt(a); Integer[] counts = dialogsToUpdate.valueAt(a); cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT unread_count, unread_count_i FROM dialogs WHERE did = " + did); int old_unread_count = 0; int old_mentions_count = 0; if (cursor.next()) { old_unread_count = cursor.intValue(0); old_mentions_count = cursor.intValue(1); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; dialogsIds.add(did); state = database.executeFast("UPDATE dialogs SET unread_count = ?, unread_count_i = ? WHERE did = ?"); state.requery(); state.bindInteger(1, Math.max(0, old_unread_count - counts[0])); state.bindInteger(2, Math.max(0, old_mentions_count - counts[1])); state.bindLong(3, did); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; } if (!topicsMessagesToUpdate.isEmpty()) { HashSet dialogsToCheck = null; for (TopicKey topicKey : topicsMessagesToUpdate.keySet()) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT unread_count, unread_mentions, total_messages_count FROM topics WHERE did = %d AND topic_id = %d", topicKey.dialogId, topicKey.topicId)); int old_unread_count = 0; int old_mentions_count = 0; int old_total_count = 0; if (cursor.next()) { old_unread_count = cursor.intValue(0); old_mentions_count = cursor.intValue(1); old_total_count = cursor.intValue(2); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; int[] counts = topicsMessagesToUpdate.get(topicKey); int newUnreadCount = Math.max(0, old_unread_count - counts[0]); int newUnreadMentionsCount = Math.max(0, old_mentions_count - counts[1]); int newTotalCount = Math.max(0, old_total_count - counts[2]); if (BuildVars.DEBUG_PRIVATE_VERSION && newUnreadMentionsCount > 0) { FileLog.d("(markMessagesAsDeletedInternal) new unread mentions " + newUnreadMentionsCount + " for dialog_id=" + topicKey.dialogId + " topic_id=" + topicKey.topicId); } state = database.executeFast("UPDATE topics SET unread_count = ?, unread_mentions = ?, total_messages_count = ? WHERE did = ? AND topic_id = ?"); state.requery(); state.bindInteger(1, newUnreadCount); state.bindInteger(2, newUnreadMentionsCount); state.bindLong(3, newTotalCount); state.bindLong(4, topicKey.dialogId); state.bindLong(5, topicKey.topicId); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; if (newUnreadCount == 0) { if (dialogsToCheck == null) { dialogsToCheck = new HashSet<>(); } dialogsToCheck.add(topicKey.dialogId); } TopicsController.TopicUpdate topicUpdate = new TopicsController.TopicUpdate(); topicUpdate.dialogId = topicKey.dialogId; topicUpdate.topicId = topicKey.topicId; topicUpdate.unreadCount = newUnreadCount; topicUpdate.totalMessagesCount = newTotalCount; topicUpdate.onlyCounters = true; if (topicUpdatesInUi == null) { topicUpdatesInUi = new ArrayList<>(); } topicUpdatesInUi.add(topicUpdate); } if (dialogsToCheck != null) { for (Long dialogToResert : dialogsToCheck) { resetForumBadgeIfNeed(dialogToResert); } } } for (int a = 0, N = messagesByDialogs.size(); a < N; a++) { long did = messagesByDialogs.keyAt(a); ArrayList mids = messagesByDialogs.valueAt(a); String idsStr = TextUtils.join(",", mids); if (!DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(did)) { if (DialogObject.isChatDialog(did)) { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE chat_settings_v2 SET pinned = 0 WHERE uid = %d AND pinned IN (%s)", -did, idsStr)).stepThis().dispose(); } else { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE user_settings SET pinned = 0 WHERE uid = %d AND pinned IN (%s)", did, idsStr)).stepThis().dispose(); } } database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM chat_pinned_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND mid IN(%s)", did, idsStr)).stepThis().dispose(); int updatedCount = 0; cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT changes()"); if (cursor.next()) { updatedCount = cursor.intValue(0); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (updatedCount > 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT count FROM chat_pinned_count WHERE uid = %d", did)); if (cursor.next()) { int count = cursor.intValue(0); state = database.executeFast("UPDATE chat_pinned_count SET count = ? WHERE uid = ?"); state.requery(); state.bindInteger(1, Math.max(0, count - updatedCount)); state.bindLong(2, did); state.step(); state.dispose(); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM messages_v2 WHERE mid IN(%s) AND uid = %d", ids, did)).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM messages_topics WHERE mid IN(%s) AND uid = %d", ids, did)).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM polls_v2 WHERE mid IN(%s) AND uid = %d", ids, did)).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM bot_keyboard WHERE mid IN(%s) AND uid = %d", ids, did)).stepThis().dispose(); if (unknownMessages.isEmpty()) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT uid, type FROM media_v4 WHERE mid IN(%s) AND uid = %d", ids, did)); SparseArray> mediaCounts = null; while (cursor.next()) { long uid = cursor.longValue(0); int type = cursor.intValue(1); if (mediaCounts == null) { mediaCounts = new SparseArray<>(); } LongSparseArray counts = mediaCounts.get(type); Integer count; if (counts == null) { counts = new LongSparseArray<>(); count = 0; mediaCounts.put(type, counts); } else { count = counts.get(uid); } if (count == null) { count = 0; } count++; counts.put(uid, count); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (mediaCounts != null) { state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO media_counts_v2 VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)"); for (int c = 0, N3 = mediaCounts.size(); c < N3; c++) { int type = mediaCounts.keyAt(c); LongSparseArray value = mediaCounts.valueAt(c); for (int b = 0, N2 = value.size(); b < N2; b++) { long uid = value.keyAt(b); int count = -1; int old = 0; cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT count, old FROM media_counts_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND type = %d LIMIT 1", uid, type)); if (cursor.next()) { count = cursor.intValue(0); old = cursor.intValue(1); } cursor.dispose(); if (count != -1) { state.requery(); count = Math.max(0, count - value.valueAt(b)); state.bindLong(1, uid); state.bindInteger(2, type); state.bindInteger(3, count); state.bindInteger(4, old); state.step(); } } } state.dispose(); state = null; } } if (unknownMessagesInTopics.isEmpty()) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT uid, topic_id, type FROM media_topics WHERE mid IN(%s) AND uid = %d", ids, did)); SparseArray> mediaCounts = null; while (cursor.next()) { long uid = cursor.longValue(0); int topicId = cursor.intValue(1); int type = cursor.intValue(2); TopicKey topicKey = TopicKey.of(uid, topicId); if (mediaCounts == null) { mediaCounts = new SparseArray<>(); } HashMap counts = mediaCounts.get(type); Integer count; if (counts == null) { counts = new HashMap<>(); count = 0; mediaCounts.put(type, counts); } else { count = counts.get(topicKey); } if (count == null) { count = 0; } count++; counts.put(topicKey, count); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (mediaCounts != null) { state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO media_counts_topics VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); for (int c = 0, N3 = mediaCounts.size(); c < N3; c++) { int type = mediaCounts.keyAt(c); HashMap value = mediaCounts.valueAt(c); Iterator iterator = value.keySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { TopicKey topicKey = iterator.next(); int count = -1; int old = 0; cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT count, old FROM media_counts_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND type = %d LIMIT 1", topicKey.dialogId, topicKey.topicId, type)); if (cursor.next()) { count = cursor.intValue(0); old = cursor.intValue(1); } cursor.dispose(); if (count != -1) { state.requery(); count = Math.max(0, count - value.get(topicKey)); state.bindLong(1, topicKey.dialogId); state.bindLong(2, topicKey.topicId); state.bindInteger(3, type); state.bindInteger(4, count); state.bindInteger(5, old); state.step(); } } } state.dispose(); state = null; } } database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM media_v4 WHERE mid IN(%s) AND uid = %d", ids, did)).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM media_topics WHERE mid IN(%s) AND uid = %d", ids, did)).stepThis().dispose(); } database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM messages_seq WHERE mid IN(%s)", ids)).stepThis().dispose(); if (!unknownMessages.isEmpty()) { if (dialogId == 0) { database.executeFast("UPDATE media_counts_v2 SET old = 1 WHERE 1").stepThis().dispose(); } else { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE media_counts_v2 SET old = 1 WHERE uid = %d", dialogId)).stepThis().dispose(); } } if (!unknownMessagesInTopics.isEmpty()) { if (dialogId == 0) { database.executeFast("UPDATE media_counts_topics SET old = 1 WHERE 1").stepThis().dispose(); } else { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE media_counts_topics SET old = 1 WHERE uid = %d", dialogId)).stepThis().dispose(); } } getMediaDataController().clearBotKeyboard(0, messages); if (dialogsToUpdate.size() != 0) { resetAllUnreadCounters(false); } updateWidgets(dialogsIds); if (topicsToDelete != null) { for (int i = 0; i < topicsToDelete.size(); i++) { TopicKey topicKey = topicsToDelete.get(i); database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM topics WHERE did = %d AND topic_id = %d", topicKey.dialogId, topicKey.topicId)).stepThis().dispose(); } getMessagesController().getTopicsController().onTopicsDeletedServerSide(topicsToDelete); } if (topicUpdatesInUi != null) { getMessagesController().getTopicsController().processUpdate(topicUpdatesInUi); } } return dialogsIds; } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (database != null) { database.commitTransaction(); } if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } return null; } private void updateDialogsWithDeletedMessagesInternal(long originalDialogId, long channelId, ArrayList messages, ArrayList additionalDialogsToUpdate) { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { ArrayList dialogsToUpdate = new ArrayList<>(); if (!messages.isEmpty()) { if (channelId != 0) { dialogsToUpdate.add(-channelId); state = database.executeFast("UPDATE dialogs SET (last_mid, last_mid_group) = (SELECT mid, group_id FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = ? AND date = (SELECT MAX(date) FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = ?)) WHERE did = ?"); } else { if (originalDialogId == 0) { String ids = TextUtils.join(",", messages); cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT did FROM dialogs WHERE last_mid IN(%s) AND flags = 0", ids)); while (cursor.next()) { dialogsToUpdate.add(cursor.longValue(0)); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } else { dialogsToUpdate.add(originalDialogId); } state = database.executeFast("UPDATE dialogs SET (last_mid, last_mid_group) = (SELECT mid, group_id FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = ? AND date = (SELECT MAX(date) FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = ? AND date != 0)) WHERE did = ?"); } database.beginTransaction(); for (int a = 0; a < dialogsToUpdate.size(); a++) { long did = dialogsToUpdate.get(a); state.requery(); state.bindLong(1, did); state.bindLong(2, did); state.bindLong(3, did); state.step(); } state.dispose(); state = null; database.commitTransaction(); } else { dialogsToUpdate.add(-channelId); } if (additionalDialogsToUpdate != null) { for (int a = 0; a < additionalDialogsToUpdate.size(); a++) { Long did = additionalDialogsToUpdate.get(a); if (!dialogsToUpdate.contains(did)) { dialogsToUpdate.add(did); } } } String ids = TextUtils.join(",", dialogsToUpdate); TLRPC.messages_Dialogs dialogs = new TLRPC.TL_messages_dialogs(); ArrayList encryptedChats = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList usersToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList chatsToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList encryptedToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); LongSparseArray groupsToLoad = new LongSparseArray<>(); cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT d.did, d.last_mid, d.unread_count, d.date, m.data, m.read_state, m.mid, m.send_state, m.date, d.pts, d.inbox_max, d.outbox_max, d.pinned, d.unread_count_i, d.flags, d.folder_id, d.data, d.unread_reactions, d.last_mid_group, d.ttl_period FROM dialogs as d LEFT JOIN messages_v2 as m ON d.last_mid = m.mid AND d.did = m.uid AND d.last_mid_group IS NULL WHERE d.did IN(%s)", ids)); while (cursor.next()) { long dialogId = cursor.longValue(0); TLRPC.Dialog dialog; if (DialogObject.isFolderDialogId(dialogId)) { TLRPC.TL_dialogFolder dialogFolder = new TLRPC.TL_dialogFolder(); if (!cursor.isNull(16)) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(16); if (data != null) { dialogFolder.folder = TLRPC.TL_folder.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); data.reuse(); } else { dialogFolder.folder = new TLRPC.TL_folder(); dialogFolder.folder.id = cursor.intValue(15); } } dialog = dialogFolder; } else { dialog = new TLRPC.TL_dialog(); } dialog.id = dialogId; dialog.top_message = cursor.intValue(1); dialog.read_inbox_max_id = cursor.intValue(10); dialog.read_outbox_max_id = cursor.intValue(11); dialog.unread_count = cursor.intValue(2); dialog.unread_mentions_count = cursor.intValue(13); dialog.last_message_date = cursor.intValue(3); dialog.pts = cursor.intValue(9); dialog.flags = channelId == 0 ? 0 : 1; dialog.pinnedNum = cursor.intValue(12); dialog.pinned = dialog.pinnedNum != 0; int dialog_flags = cursor.intValue(14); dialog.unread_mark = (dialog_flags & 1) != 0; dialog.folder_id = cursor.intValue(15); dialog.unread_reactions_count = cursor.intValue(17); long groupMessagesId = cursor.longValue(18); if (groupMessagesId != 0) { groupsToLoad.put(dialogId, groupMessagesId); } dialog.ttl_period = cursor.intValue(19); dialogs.dialogs.add(dialog); NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(4); if (data != null) { TLRPC.Message message = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); message.readAttachPath(data, getUserConfig().clientUserId); data.reuse(); MessageObject.setUnreadFlags(message, cursor.intValue(5)); message.id = cursor.intValue(6); message.send_state = cursor.intValue(7); int date = cursor.intValue(8); if (date != 0) { dialog.last_message_date = date; } message.dialog_id = dialog.id; dialogs.messages.add(message); addUsersAndChatsFromMessage(message, usersToLoad, chatsToLoad, null); } if (!DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(dialogId)) { if (dialog.read_inbox_max_id > dialog.top_message) { dialog.read_inbox_max_id = 0; } } if (DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(dialogId)) { int encryptedChatId = DialogObject.getEncryptedChatId(dialogId); if (!encryptedToLoad.contains(encryptedChatId)) { encryptedToLoad.add(encryptedChatId); } } else if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(dialogId)) { if (!usersToLoad.contains(dialogId)) { usersToLoad.add(dialogId); } } else { if (!chatsToLoad.contains(-dialogId)) { chatsToLoad.add(-dialogId); } } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (!groupsToLoad.isEmpty()) { StringBuilder whereClause = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < groupsToLoad.size(); ++i) { whereClause.append("uid = ").append(groupsToLoad.keyAt(i)).append(" AND group_id = ").append(groupsToLoad.valueAt(i)); if (i + 1 < groupsToLoad.size()) { whereClause.append(" OR "); } } cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT uid, data, read_state, mid, send_state, date, group_id FROM messages_v2 WHERE %s", whereClause)); while (cursor.next()) { long dialogId = cursor.longValue(0); TLRPC.Dialog dialog = null; for (int i = 0; i < dialogs.dialogs.size(); ++i) { TLRPC.Dialog d = dialogs.dialogs.get(i); if (d != null && d.id == dialogId) { dialog = d; break; } } if (dialog == null) { continue; } NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(1); if (data != null) { TLRPC.Message message = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); message.readAttachPath(data, getUserConfig().clientUserId); data.reuse(); MessageObject.setUnreadFlags(message, cursor.intValue(2)); message.id = cursor.intValue(3); message.send_state = cursor.intValue(4); int date = cursor.intValue(5); if (date != 0) { dialog.last_message_date = date; } message.dialog_id = dialog.id; dialogs.messages.add(message); addUsersAndChatsFromMessage(message, usersToLoad, chatsToLoad, null); } } cursor.dispose(); } if (!encryptedToLoad.isEmpty()) { getEncryptedChatsInternal(TextUtils.join(",", encryptedToLoad), encryptedChats, usersToLoad); } if (!chatsToLoad.isEmpty()) { getChatsInternal(TextUtils.join(",", chatsToLoad), dialogs.chats); } if (!usersToLoad.isEmpty()) { getUsersInternal(TextUtils.join(",", usersToLoad), dialogs.users); } getMessagesController().getTopicsController().updateTopicsWithDeletedMessages(originalDialogId, messages); if (!dialogs.dialogs.isEmpty() || !encryptedChats.isEmpty()) { getMessagesController().processDialogsUpdate(dialogs, encryptedChats, true); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (database != null) { database.commitTransaction(); } if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } } public void updateDialogsWithDeletedMessages(long dialogId, long channelId, ArrayList messages, ArrayList additionalDialogsToUpdate, boolean useQueue) { if (useQueue) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> updateDialogsWithDeletedMessagesInternal(dialogId, channelId, messages, additionalDialogsToUpdate)); } else { updateDialogsWithDeletedMessagesInternal(dialogId, channelId, messages, additionalDialogsToUpdate); } } public ArrayList markMessagesAsDeleted(long dialogId, ArrayList messages, boolean useQueue, boolean deleteFiles, boolean scheduled) { if (messages.isEmpty()) { return null; } if (useQueue) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> markMessagesAsDeletedInternal(dialogId, messages, deleteFiles, scheduled)); } else { return markMessagesAsDeletedInternal(dialogId, messages, deleteFiles, scheduled); } return null; } private ArrayList markMessagesAsDeletedInternal(long channelId, int mid, boolean deleteFiles) { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { ArrayList dialogsIds = new ArrayList<>(); LongSparseArray dialogsToUpdate = new LongSparseArray<>(); ArrayList filesToDelete = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList namesToDelete = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList> idsToDelete = new ArrayList<>(); long currentUser = getUserConfig().getClientUserId(); cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT uid, data, read_state, out, mention FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND mid <= %d", -channelId, mid)); try { while (cursor.next()) { long did = cursor.longValue(0); if (did != currentUser) { int read_state = cursor.intValue(2); if (cursor.intValue(3) == 0) { Integer[] unread_count = dialogsToUpdate.get(did); if (unread_count == null) { unread_count = new Integer[]{0, 0}; dialogsToUpdate.put(did, unread_count); } if (read_state < 2) { unread_count[1]++; } if (read_state == 0 || read_state == 2) { unread_count[0]++; } } } if (!DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(did) && !deleteFiles) { continue; } NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(1); if (data != null) { TLRPC.Message message = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); message.readAttachPath(data, getUserConfig().clientUserId); data.reuse(); addFilesToDelete(message, filesToDelete, idsToDelete, namesToDelete, false); } } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; deleteFromDownloadQueue(idsToDelete, true); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> getFileLoader().cancelLoadFiles(namesToDelete)); getFileLoader().deleteFiles(filesToDelete, 0); for (int a = 0; a < dialogsToUpdate.size(); a++) { long did = dialogsToUpdate.keyAt(a); Integer[] counts = dialogsToUpdate.valueAt(a); cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT unread_count, unread_count_i FROM dialogs WHERE did = " + did); int old_unread_count = 0; int old_mentions_count = 0; if (cursor.next()) { old_unread_count = cursor.intValue(0); old_mentions_count = cursor.intValue(1); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; dialogsIds.add(did); state = database.executeFast("UPDATE dialogs SET unread_count = ?, unread_count_i = ? WHERE did = ?"); state.requery(); state.bindInteger(1, Math.max(0, old_unread_count - counts[0])); state.bindInteger(2, Math.max(0, old_mentions_count - counts[1])); state.bindLong(3, did); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; } database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE chat_settings_v2 SET pinned = 0 WHERE uid = %d AND pinned <= %d", channelId, mid)).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM chat_pinned_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND mid <= %d", channelId, mid)).stepThis().dispose(); int updatedCount = 0; cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT changes()"); if (cursor.next()) { updatedCount = cursor.intValue(0); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (updatedCount > 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT count FROM chat_pinned_count WHERE uid = %d", -channelId)); if (cursor.next()) { int count = cursor.intValue(0); state = database.executeFast("UPDATE chat_pinned_count SET count = ? WHERE uid = ?"); state.requery(); state.bindInteger(1, Math.max(0, count - updatedCount)); state.bindLong(2, -channelId); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND mid <= %d", -channelId, mid)).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM messages_topics WHERE uid = %d AND mid <= %d", -channelId, mid)).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM media_v4 WHERE uid = %d AND mid <= %d", -channelId, mid)).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE media_counts_v2 SET old = 1 WHERE uid = %d", -channelId)).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE media_counts_topics SET old = 1 WHERE uid = %d", -channelId)).stepThis().dispose(); updateWidgets(dialogsIds); return dialogsIds; } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } return null; } public ArrayList markMessagesAsDeleted(long channelId, int mid, boolean useQueue, boolean deleteFiles) { if (useQueue) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> markMessagesAsDeletedInternal(channelId, mid, deleteFiles)); } else { return markMessagesAsDeletedInternal(channelId, mid, deleteFiles); } return null; } private void fixUnsupportedMedia(TLRPC.Message message) { if (message == null) { return; } boolean ok = false; if (message.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaUnsupported_old) { if (message.media.bytes.length == 0) { message.media.bytes = Utilities.intToBytes(TLRPC.LAYER); } } else if (message.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaUnsupported) { message.media = new TLRPC.TL_messageMediaUnsupported_old(); message.media.bytes = Utilities.intToBytes(TLRPC.LAYER); message.flags |= TLRPC.MESSAGE_FLAG_HAS_MEDIA; } } private void doneHolesInTable(String table, long did, int max_id, int thread_message_id) throws Exception { if (thread_message_id != 0) { if (max_id == 0) { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM " + table + " WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d", did, thread_message_id)).stepThis().dispose(); } else { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM " + table + " WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND start = 0", did, thread_message_id)).stepThis().dispose(); } } else { if (max_id == 0) { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM " + table + " WHERE uid = %d", did)).stepThis().dispose(); } else { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM " + table + " WHERE uid = %d AND start = 0", did)).stepThis().dispose(); } } SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { if (thread_message_id != 0) { state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO " + table + " VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)"); } else { state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO " + table + " VALUES(?, ?, ?)"); } state.requery(); int pointer = 1; state.bindLong(pointer++, did); if (thread_message_id != 0) { state.bindInteger(pointer++, thread_message_id); } state.bindInteger(pointer++, 1); state.bindInteger(pointer++, 1); state.step(); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } } public void doneHolesInMedia(long did, int max_id, int type, int thread_message_id) throws Exception { if (type == -1) { if (thread_message_id != 0) { if (max_id == 0) { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM media_holes_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d", did, thread_message_id)).stepThis().dispose(); } else { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM media_holes_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND start = 0", did, thread_message_id)).stepThis().dispose(); } } else { if (max_id == 0) { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM media_holes_v2 WHERE uid = %d", did)).stepThis().dispose(); } else { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM media_holes_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND start = 0", did)).stepThis().dispose(); } } SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { if (thread_message_id != 0) { state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO media_holes_topics VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); } else { state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO media_holes_v2 VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)"); } for (int a = 0; a < MediaDataController.MEDIA_TYPES_COUNT; a++) { state.requery(); int pointer = 1; state.bindLong(pointer++, did); if (thread_message_id != 0) { state.bindInteger(pointer++, thread_message_id); } state.bindInteger(pointer++, a); state.bindInteger(pointer++, 1); state.bindInteger(pointer++, 1); state.step(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } } else { if (thread_message_id != 0) { if (max_id == 0) { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM media_holes_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND type = %d", did, thread_message_id, type)).stepThis().dispose(); } else { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM media_holes_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND type = %d AND start = 0", did, thread_message_id, type)).stepThis().dispose(); } } else { if (max_id == 0) { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM media_holes_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND type = %d", did, type)).stepThis().dispose(); } else { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM media_holes_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND type = %d AND start = 0", did, type)).stepThis().dispose(); } } SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { if (thread_message_id != 0) { state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO media_holes_topics VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); } else { state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO media_holes_v2 VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)"); } state.requery(); int pointer = 1; state.bindLong(pointer++, did); if (thread_message_id != 0) { state.bindInteger(pointer++, thread_message_id); } state.bindInteger(pointer++, type); state.bindInteger(pointer++, 1); state.bindInteger(pointer++, 1); state.step(); state.dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } } } private static class Hole { public Hole(int s, int e) { start = s; end = e; } public Hole(int t, int s, int e) { type = t; start = s; end = e; } public int start; public int end; public int type; } public void closeHolesInMedia(long did, int minId, int maxId, int type, int topicId) { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { boolean ok = false; if (topicId != 0) { if (type < 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT type, start, end FROM media_holes_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND type >= 0 AND ((end >= %d AND end <= %d) OR (start >= %d AND start <= %d) OR (start >= %d AND end <= %d) OR (start <= %d AND end >= %d))", did, topicId, minId, maxId, minId, maxId, minId, maxId, minId, maxId)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT type, start, end FROM media_holes_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND type = %d AND ((end >= %d AND end <= %d) OR (start >= %d AND start <= %d) OR (start >= %d AND end <= %d) OR (start <= %d AND end >= %d))", did, topicId, type, minId, maxId, minId, maxId, minId, maxId, minId, maxId)); } } else { if (type < 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT type, start, end FROM media_holes_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND type >= 0 AND ((end >= %d AND end <= %d) OR (start >= %d AND start <= %d) OR (start >= %d AND end <= %d) OR (start <= %d AND end >= %d))", did, minId, maxId, minId, maxId, minId, maxId, minId, maxId)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT type, start, end FROM media_holes_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND type = %d AND ((end >= %d AND end <= %d) OR (start >= %d AND start <= %d) OR (start >= %d AND end <= %d) OR (start <= %d AND end >= %d))", did, type, minId, maxId, minId, maxId, minId, maxId, minId, maxId)); } } ArrayList holes = null; while (cursor.next()) { if (holes == null) { holes = new ArrayList<>(); } int holeType = cursor.intValue(0); int start = cursor.intValue(1); int end = cursor.intValue(2); if (start == end && start == 1) { continue; } holes.add(new Hole(holeType, start, end)); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (holes != null) { for (int a = 0; a < holes.size(); a++) { Hole hole = holes.get(a); if (maxId >= hole.end - 1 && minId <= hole.start + 1) { if (topicId != 0) { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM media_holes_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND type = %d AND start = %d AND end = %d", did, topicId, hole.type, hole.start, hole.end)).stepThis().dispose(); } else { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM media_holes_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND type = %d AND start = %d AND end = %d", did, hole.type, hole.start, hole.end)).stepThis().dispose(); } } else if (maxId >= hole.end - 1) { if (hole.end != minId) { try { if (topicId != 0) { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE media_holes_topics SET end = %d WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND type = %d AND start = %d AND end = %d", minId, did, topicId, hole.type, hole.start, hole.end)).stepThis().dispose(); } else { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE media_holes_v2 SET end = %d WHERE uid = %d AND type = %d AND start = %d AND end = %d", minId, did, hole.type, hole.start, hole.end)).stepThis().dispose(); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e, false); } } } else if (minId <= hole.start + 1) { if (hole.start != maxId) { try { if (topicId != 0) { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE media_holes_topics SET start = %d WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND type = %d AND start = %d AND end = %d", maxId, did, topicId, hole.type, hole.start, hole.end)).stepThis().dispose(); } else { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE media_holes_v2 SET start = %d WHERE uid = %d AND type = %d AND start = %d AND end = %d", maxId, did, hole.type, hole.start, hole.end)).stepThis().dispose(); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e, false); } } } else { if (topicId != 0) { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM media_holes_topics WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND type = %d AND start = %d AND end = %d", did, topicId, hole.type, hole.start, hole.end)).stepThis().dispose(); state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO media_holes_topics VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); } else { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM media_holes_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND type = %d AND start = %d AND end = %d", did, hole.type, hole.start, hole.end)).stepThis().dispose(); state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO media_holes_v2 VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)"); } state.requery(); int pointer = 1; state.bindLong(pointer++, did); if (topicId != 0) { state.bindInteger(pointer++, topicId); } state.bindInteger(pointer++, hole.type); state.bindInteger(pointer++, hole.start); state.bindInteger( pointer++, minId); state.step(); state.requery(); state.bindLong(1, did); state.bindInteger(2, hole.type); state.bindInteger(3, maxId); state.bindInteger(4, hole.end); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; } } } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } } private void closeHolesInTable(String table, long did, int minId, int maxId, int thread_message_id) { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { boolean ok = false; if (thread_message_id != 0) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT start, end FROM " + table + " WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND ((end >= %d AND end <= %d) OR (start >= %d AND start <= %d) OR (start >= %d AND end <= %d) OR (start <= %d AND end >= %d))", did, thread_message_id, minId, maxId, minId, maxId, minId, maxId, minId, maxId)); } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT start, end FROM " + table + " WHERE uid = %d AND ((end >= %d AND end <= %d) OR (start >= %d AND start <= %d) OR (start >= %d AND end <= %d) OR (start <= %d AND end >= %d))", did, minId, maxId, minId, maxId, minId, maxId, minId, maxId)); } ArrayList holes = null; while (cursor.next()) { if (holes == null) { holes = new ArrayList<>(); } int start = cursor.intValue(0); int end = cursor.intValue(1); if (start == end && start == 1) { continue; } holes.add(new Hole(start, end)); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (holes != null) { for (int a = 0; a < holes.size(); a++) { Hole hole = holes.get(a); if (maxId >= hole.end - 1 && minId <= hole.start + 1) { if (thread_message_id != 0) { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM " + table + " WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND start = %d AND end = %d", did, thread_message_id, hole.start, hole.end)).stepThis().dispose(); } else { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM " + table + " WHERE uid = %d AND start = %d AND end = %d", did, hole.start, hole.end)).stepThis().dispose(); } } else if (maxId >= hole.end - 1) { if (hole.end != minId) { try { if (thread_message_id != 0) { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE " + table + " SET end = %d WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND start = %d AND end = %d", minId, did, thread_message_id, hole.start, hole.end)).stepThis().dispose(); } else { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE " + table + " SET end = %d WHERE uid = %d AND start = %d AND end = %d", minId, did, hole.start, hole.end)).stepThis().dispose(); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e, false); } } } else if (minId <= hole.start + 1) { if (hole.start != maxId) { try { if (thread_message_id != 0) { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE " + table + " SET start = %d WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND start = %d AND end = %d", maxId, did, thread_message_id, hole.start, hole.end)).stepThis().dispose(); } else { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE " + table + " SET start = %d WHERE uid = %d AND start = %d AND end = %d", maxId, did, hole.start, hole.end)).stepThis().dispose(); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e, false); } } } else { if (thread_message_id != 0) { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM " + table + " WHERE uid = %d AND topic_id = %d AND start = %d AND end = %d", did, thread_message_id, hole.start, hole.end)).stepThis().dispose(); state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO " + table + " VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)"); } else { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM " + table + " WHERE uid = %d AND start = %d AND end = %d", did, hole.start, hole.end)).stepThis().dispose(); state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO " + table + " VALUES(?, ?, ?)"); } int pointer = 1; state.requery(); state.bindLong(pointer++, did); if (thread_message_id != 0) { state.bindInteger(pointer++, thread_message_id); } state.bindInteger(pointer++, hole.start); state.bindInteger(pointer++, minId); state.step(); state.requery(); pointer = 1; state.bindLong(pointer++, did); if (thread_message_id != 0) { state.bindInteger(pointer++, thread_message_id); } state.bindInteger(pointer++, maxId); state.bindInteger(pointer++, hole.end); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; } } } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } } public void replaceMessageIfExists(TLRPC.Message message, ArrayList users, ArrayList chats, boolean broadcast) { if (message == null) { return; } storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state2 = null; try { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; int readState = 0; NativeByteBuffer customParams = null; try { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT uid, read_state, custom_params FROM messages_v2 WHERE mid = %d AND uid = %d LIMIT 1", message.id, MessageObject.getDialogId(message))); if (!cursor.next()) { return; } readState = cursor.intValue(1); customParams = cursor.byteBufferValue(2); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } database.beginTransaction(); if (message.dialog_id == 0) { MessageObject.getDialogId(message); } fixUnsupportedMedia(message); NativeByteBuffer data = new NativeByteBuffer(message.getObjectSize()); message.serializeToStream(data); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { boolean isTopic = i == 1; int topicId = MessageObject.getTopicId(message, isForum(message.dialog_id)); if (isTopic && topicId == 0) { continue; } if (isTopic) { state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO messages_topics VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 0, ?)"); } else { state = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO messages_v2 VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 0, ?, ?)"); } state.requery(); int pointer = 1; state.bindInteger(pointer++, message.id); state.bindLong(pointer++, message.dialog_id); if (isTopic) { state.bindInteger(pointer++, topicId); } state.bindInteger(pointer++, readState); state.bindInteger(pointer++, message.send_state); state.bindInteger(pointer++, message.date); state.bindByteBuffer(pointer++, data); state.bindInteger(pointer++, (MessageObject.isOut(message) || message.from_scheduled ? 1 : 0)); state.bindInteger(pointer++, message.ttl); if ((message.flags & TLRPC.MESSAGE_FLAG_HAS_VIEWS) != 0) { state.bindInteger(pointer++, message.views); } else { state.bindInteger(pointer++, getMessageMediaType(message)); } int flags = 0; if (message.stickerVerified == 0) { flags |= 1; } else if (message.stickerVerified == 2) { flags |= 2; } state.bindInteger(pointer++, flags); state.bindInteger(pointer++, message.mentioned ? 1 : 0); state.bindInteger(pointer++, message.forwards); NativeByteBuffer repliesData = null; if (message.replies != null) { repliesData = new NativeByteBuffer(message.replies.getObjectSize()); message.replies.serializeToStream(repliesData); state.bindByteBuffer(pointer++, repliesData); } else { state.bindNull(pointer++); } if (message.reply_to != null) { state.bindInteger(pointer++, message.reply_to.reply_to_top_id != 0 ? message.reply_to.reply_to_top_id : message.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id); } else { state.bindInteger(pointer++, 0); } state.bindLong(pointer++, MessageObject.getChannelId(message)); if (customParams != null) { state.bindByteBuffer(pointer++, customParams); } else { state.bindNull(pointer++); } if (!isTopic) { if ((message.flags & 131072) != 0) { state.bindLong(pointer++, message.grouped_id); } else { state.bindNull(pointer++); } } state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; if (repliesData != null) { repliesData.reuse(); } } if (MediaDataController.canAddMessageToMedia(message)) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { boolean isTopic = i == 1; int topicId = MessageObject.getTopicId(message, isForum(message.dialog_id)); if (isTopic && topicId == 0) { continue; } if (i == 0) { state2 = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO media_v4 VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); } else { state2 = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO media_topics VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); } int pointer = 1; state2.requery(); state2.bindInteger(pointer++, message.id); state2.bindLong(pointer++, message.dialog_id); if (i != 0) { state2.bindLong(pointer++, topicId); } state2.bindInteger(pointer++, message.date); state2.bindInteger(pointer++, MediaDataController.getMediaType(message)); state2.bindByteBuffer(pointer++, data); state2.step(); state2.dispose(); state2 = null; } } if (customParams != null) { customParams.reuse(); } data.reuse(); database.commitTransaction(); if (broadcast) { HashMap userHashMap = new HashMap<>(); HashMap chatHashMap = new HashMap<>(); for (int a = 0; a < users.size(); a++) { TLRPC.User user = users.get(a); userHashMap.put(user.id, user); } for (int a = 0; a < chats.size(); a++) { TLRPC.Chat chat = chats.get(a); chatHashMap.put(chat.id, chat); } MessageObject messageObject = new MessageObject(currentAccount, message, userHashMap, chatHashMap, true, true); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); arrayList.add(messageObject); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.replaceMessagesObjects, messageObject.getDialogId(), arrayList)); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (database != null) { database.commitTransaction(); } if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } if (state2 != null) { state2.dispose(); } } }); } // put messages in data base while load history public void putMessages(TLRPC.messages_Messages messages, long dialogId, int load_type, int max_id, boolean createDialog, boolean scheduled, int threadMessageId) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLitePreparedStatement state_messages = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state_messages_topics = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state_media = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state_media_topics = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state_polls = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state_webpage = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state_tasks = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state3 = null; SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { if (scheduled) { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM scheduled_messages_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND mid > 0", dialogId)).stepThis().dispose(); state_messages = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO scheduled_messages_v2 VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NULL, 0)"); int count = messages.messages.size(); for (int a = 0; a < count; a++) { TLRPC.Message message = messages.messages.get(a); if (message instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageEmpty) { continue; } fixUnsupportedMedia(message); state_messages.requery(); NativeByteBuffer data = new NativeByteBuffer(message.getObjectSize()); message.serializeToStream(data); state_messages.bindInteger(1, message.id); state_messages.bindLong(2, dialogId); state_messages.bindInteger(3, message.send_state); state_messages.bindInteger(4, message.date); state_messages.bindByteBuffer(5, data); state_messages.bindInteger(6, message.ttl); state_messages.step(); data.reuse(); } state_messages.dispose(); state_messages = null; putUsersInternal(messages.users); putChatsInternal(messages.chats); database.commitTransaction(); broadcastScheduledMessagesChange(dialogId); } else { int mentionCountUpdate = Integer.MAX_VALUE; boolean isTopic = threadMessageId != 0; String holesTableName = isTopic ? "messages_holes_topics" : "messages_holes"; if (messages.messages.isEmpty()) { if (load_type == 0) { doneHolesInTable(holesTableName, dialogId, max_id, threadMessageId); doneHolesInMedia(dialogId, max_id, -1, threadMessageId); } return; } database.beginTransaction(); if (load_type == 0) { int minId = messages.messages.get(messages.messages.size() - 1).id; closeHolesInTable(holesTableName, dialogId, minId, max_id, threadMessageId); closeHolesInMedia(dialogId, minId, max_id, -1, threadMessageId); } else if (load_type == 1) { int maxId = messages.messages.get(0).id; closeHolesInTable(holesTableName, dialogId, max_id, maxId, threadMessageId); closeHolesInMedia(dialogId, max_id, maxId, -1, threadMessageId); } else if (load_type == 3 || load_type == 2 || load_type == 4) { int maxId = max_id == 0 && load_type != 4 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : messages.messages.get(0).id; int minId = messages.messages.get(messages.messages.size() - 1).id; closeHolesInTable(holesTableName, dialogId, minId, maxId, threadMessageId); closeHolesInMedia(dialogId, minId, maxId, -1, threadMessageId); } int count = messages.messages.size(); //load_type == 0 ? backward loading //load_type == 1 ? forward loading //load_type == 2 ? load from first unread //load_type == 3 ? load around message //load_type == 4 ? load around date ArrayList filesToDelete = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList namesToDelete = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList> idsToDelete = new ArrayList<>(); Integer lastMessageId = null; Long lastMessageGroupId = null; state_messages_topics = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO messages_topics VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 0, ?)"); state_messages = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO messages_v2 VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 0, ?, ?)"); state_media = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO media_v4 VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); state_media_topics = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO media_topics VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); state_polls = null; state_webpage = null; state_tasks = null; int minDeleteTime = Integer.MAX_VALUE; TLRPC.Message botKeyboard = null; long channelId = 0; for (int a = 0; a < count; a++) { TLRPC.Message message = messages.messages.get(a); if (lastMessageId == null && message != null || lastMessageId != null && lastMessageId < message.id) { lastMessageId = message.id; lastMessageGroupId = (message.flags & 131072) != 0 ? message.grouped_id : null; } if (channelId == 0) { channelId = message.peer_id.channel_id; } if (load_type == -2) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT mid, data, ttl, mention, read_state, send_state, custom_params FROM messages_v2 WHERE mid = %d AND uid = %d", message.id, MessageObject.getDialogId(message))); boolean exist; if (exist = cursor.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(1); if (data != null) { TLRPC.Message oldMessage = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); oldMessage.readAttachPath(data, getUserConfig().clientUserId); data.reuse(); int send_state = cursor.intValue(5); if (send_state != 3) { if (MessageObject.getFileName(oldMessage).equals(MessageObject.getFileName(message))) { message.attachPath = oldMessage.attachPath; } message.ttl = cursor.intValue(2); } boolean sameMedia = false; if (oldMessage.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPhoto && message.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPhoto && oldMessage.media.photo != null && message.media.photo != null) { sameMedia = oldMessage.media.photo.id == message.media.photo.id; } else if (oldMessage.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaDocument && message.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaDocument && oldMessage.media.document != null && message.media.document != null) { sameMedia = oldMessage.media.document.id == message.media.document.id; } if (!sameMedia) { addFilesToDelete(oldMessage, filesToDelete, idsToDelete, namesToDelete, false); } NativeByteBuffer customParams = cursor.byteBufferValue(6); MessageCustomParamsHelper.readLocalParams(message, customParams); if (customParams != null) { customParams.reuse(); } } boolean oldMention = cursor.intValue(3) != 0; int readState = cursor.intValue(4); if (oldMention != message.mentioned) { if (mentionCountUpdate == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { SQLiteCursor cursor2 = database.queryFinalized("SELECT unread_count_i FROM dialogs WHERE did = " + dialogId); if (cursor2.next()) { mentionCountUpdate = cursor2.intValue(0); } cursor2.dispose(); } if (oldMention) { if (readState <= 1) { mentionCountUpdate--; } } else { if (message.media_unread) { mentionCountUpdate++; } } } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (!exist) { continue; } } if (a == 0 && createDialog) { int pinned = 0; int mentions = 0; int flags = 0; cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT pinned, unread_count_i, flags FROM dialogs WHERE did = " + dialogId); boolean exist; if (exist = cursor.next()) { pinned = cursor.intValue(0); mentions = cursor.intValue(1); flags = cursor.intValue(2); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (exist) { state3 = database.executeFast("UPDATE dialogs SET date = ?, last_mid = ?, last_mid_group = ?, inbox_max = ?, last_mid_i = ?, pts = ?, date_i = ? WHERE did = ?"); state3.bindInteger(1, message.date); state3.bindInteger(2, message.id); if (message != null && (message.flags & 131072) != 0) { state3.bindLong(3, message.grouped_id); } else { state3.bindNull(3); } state3.bindInteger(4, message.id); state3.bindInteger(5, message.id); state3.bindInteger(6, messages.pts); state3.bindInteger(7, message.date); state3.bindLong(8, dialogId); } else { state3 = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO dialogs VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); state3.bindLong(1, dialogId); state3.bindInteger(2, message.date); state3.bindInteger(3, 0); state3.bindInteger(4, message.id); state3.bindInteger(5, message.id); state3.bindInteger(6, 0); state3.bindInteger(7, message.id); state3.bindInteger(8, mentions); state3.bindInteger(9, messages.pts); state3.bindInteger(10, message.date); state3.bindInteger(11, pinned); state3.bindInteger(12, flags); state3.bindInteger(13, -1); state3.bindNull(14); state3.bindInteger(15, 0); if (message != null && (message.flags & 131072) != 0) { state3.bindLong(16, message.grouped_id); } else { state3.bindNull(16); } state3.bindInteger(17, 0); unknownDialogsIds.put(dialogId, true); } state3.step(); state3.dispose(); state3 = null; } fixUnsupportedMedia(message); NativeByteBuffer data = new NativeByteBuffer(message.getObjectSize()); message.serializeToStream(data); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { boolean isTopicMessage = i == 1; int topicId = threadMessageId; if (isTopicMessage && topicId == 0) { topicId = MessageObject.getTopicId(message, isForum(message.dialog_id)); } if (isTopicMessage && topicId == 0) { continue; } SQLitePreparedStatement currentState = isTopicMessage ? state_messages_topics : state_messages; currentState.requery(); int pointer = 1; currentState.bindInteger(pointer++, message.id); currentState.bindLong(pointer++, dialogId); if (isTopicMessage) { currentState.bindInteger(pointer++, topicId); } currentState.bindInteger(pointer++, MessageObject.getUnreadFlags(message)); currentState.bindInteger(pointer++, message.send_state); currentState.bindInteger(pointer++, message.date); currentState.bindByteBuffer(pointer++, data); currentState.bindInteger(pointer++, (MessageObject.isOut(message) || message.from_scheduled ? 1 : 0)); currentState.bindInteger(pointer++, message.ttl); if ((message.flags & TLRPC.MESSAGE_FLAG_HAS_VIEWS) != 0) { currentState.bindInteger(pointer++, message.views); } else { currentState.bindInteger(pointer++, getMessageMediaType(message)); } int flags = 0; if (message.stickerVerified == 0) { flags |= 1; } else if (message.stickerVerified == 2) { flags |= 2; } currentState.bindInteger(pointer++, flags); currentState.bindInteger(pointer++, message.mentioned ? 1 : 0); currentState.bindInteger(pointer++, message.forwards); NativeByteBuffer repliesData = null; if (message.replies != null) { repliesData = new NativeByteBuffer(message.replies.getObjectSize()); message.replies.serializeToStream(repliesData); currentState.bindByteBuffer(pointer++, repliesData); } else { currentState.bindNull(pointer++); } if (message.reply_to != null) { currentState.bindInteger(pointer++, message.reply_to.reply_to_top_id != 0 ? message.reply_to.reply_to_top_id : message.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id); } else { currentState.bindInteger(pointer++, 0); } currentState.bindLong(pointer++, MessageObject.getChannelId(message)); NativeByteBuffer customParams = MessageCustomParamsHelper.writeLocalParams(message); if (customParams == null) { currentState.bindNull(pointer++); } else { currentState.bindByteBuffer(pointer++, customParams); } if (!isTopicMessage) { if ((message.flags & 131072) != 0) { currentState.bindLong(pointer++, message.grouped_id); } else { currentState.bindNull(pointer++); } } currentState.step(); if (repliesData != null) { repliesData.reuse(); } if (customParams != null) { customParams.reuse(); } } if (threadMessageId == 0 || load_type == -2) { if (MediaDataController.canAddMessageToMedia(message)) { state_media.requery(); state_media.bindInteger(1, message.id); state_media.bindLong(2, dialogId); state_media.bindInteger(3, message.date); state_media.bindInteger(4, MediaDataController.getMediaType(message)); state_media.bindByteBuffer(5, data); state_media.step(); } else if (message instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageService && message.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionHistoryClear) { try { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "DELETE FROM media_v4 WHERE mid = %d AND uid = %d", message.id, dialogId)).stepThis().dispose(); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM media_counts_v2 WHERE uid = " + dialogId).stepThis().dispose(); } catch (Exception e2) { checkSQLException(e2); } } } int topicId = MessageObject.getTopicId(message, isForum(message.dialog_id)); if (threadMessageId != 0 || (load_type == -2 && topicId != 0)) { if (MediaDataController.canAddMessageToMedia(message)) { state_media_topics.requery(); state_media_topics.bindInteger(1, message.id); state_media_topics.bindLong(2, dialogId); state_media_topics.bindLong(3, threadMessageId != 0 ? threadMessageId : topicId); state_media_topics.bindInteger(4, message.date); state_media_topics.bindInteger(5, MediaDataController.getMediaType(message)); state_media_topics.bindByteBuffer(6, data); state_media_topics.step(); } } data.reuse(); if (message.ttl_period != 0 && message.id > 0) { if (state_tasks == null) { state_tasks = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO enc_tasks_v4 VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)"); } state_tasks.requery(); state_tasks.bindInteger(1, message.id); state_tasks.bindLong(2, message.dialog_id); state_tasks.bindInteger(3, message.date + message.ttl_period); state_tasks.bindInteger(4, 0); state_tasks.step(); minDeleteTime = Math.min(minDeleteTime, message.date + message.ttl_period); } if (message.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPoll) { if (state_polls == null) { state_polls = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO polls_v2 VALUES(?, ?, ?)"); } TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPoll mediaPoll = (TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPoll) message.media; state_polls.requery(); state_polls.bindInteger(1, message.id); state_polls.bindLong(2, message.dialog_id); state_polls.bindLong(3, mediaPoll.poll.id); state_polls.step(); } else if (message.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaWebPage) { if (state_webpage == null) { state_webpage = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO webpage_pending_v2 VALUES(?, ?, ?)"); } state_webpage.requery(); state_webpage.bindLong(1, message.media.webpage.id); state_webpage.bindInteger(2, message.id); state_webpage.bindLong(3, message.dialog_id); state_webpage.step(); } if (load_type == 0 && isValidKeyboardToSave(message)) { if (botKeyboard == null || botKeyboard.id < message.id) { botKeyboard = message; } } } state_messages.dispose(); state_messages = null; state_messages_topics.dispose(); state_messages_topics = null; state_media.dispose(); state_media = null; if (state_webpage != null) { state_webpage.dispose(); state_webpage = null; } if (state_tasks != null) { state_tasks.dispose(); getMessagesController().didAddedNewTask(minDeleteTime, 0, null); state_tasks = null; } if (state_polls != null) { state_polls.dispose(); state_polls = null; } if (botKeyboard != null) { getMediaDataController().putBotKeyboard(dialogId, botKeyboard); } deleteFromDownloadQueue(idsToDelete, false); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> getFileLoader().cancelLoadFiles(namesToDelete)); getFileLoader().deleteFiles(filesToDelete, 0); putUsersInternal(messages.users); putChatsInternal(messages.chats); if (mentionCountUpdate != Integer.MAX_VALUE) { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE dialogs SET unread_count_i = %d WHERE did = %d", mentionCountUpdate, dialogId)).stepThis().dispose(); LongSparseIntArray sparseArray = new LongSparseIntArray(1); sparseArray.put(dialogId, mentionCountUpdate); getMessagesController().processDialogsUpdateRead(null, sparseArray); } boolean updateDialogs = false; if (lastMessageId != null) { database.executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE dialogs SET last_mid_group = %s WHERE did = %d AND last_mid <= %d", lastMessageGroupId == null ? "NULL" : lastMessageGroupId + "", dialogId, lastMessageId)).stepThis().dispose(); updateDialogs = true; } database.commitTransaction(); if (createDialog || updateDialogs) { updateDialogsWithDeletedMessages(dialogId, channelId, new ArrayList<>(), null, false); } } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (database != null) { database.commitTransaction(); } if (state_messages_topics != null) { state_messages_topics.dispose(); } if (state_messages != null) { state_messages.dispose(); } if (state_media != null) { state_media.dispose(); } if (state_polls != null) { state_polls.dispose(); } if (state_webpage != null) { state_webpage.dispose(); } if (state_tasks != null) { state_tasks.dispose(); } if (state3 != null) { state3.dispose(); } if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } }); } public static void addUsersAndChatsFromMessage(TLRPC.Message message, ArrayList usersToLoad, ArrayList chatsToLoad, ArrayList emojiToLoad) { long fromId = MessageObject.getFromChatId(message); if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(fromId)) { if (!usersToLoad.contains(fromId)) { usersToLoad.add(fromId); } } else if (DialogObject.isChatDialog(fromId)) { if (!chatsToLoad.contains(-fromId)) { chatsToLoad.add(-fromId); } } if (message.via_bot_id != 0 && !usersToLoad.contains(message.via_bot_id)) { usersToLoad.add(message.via_bot_id); } if (message.action != null) { if (message.action.user_id != 0 && !usersToLoad.contains(message.action.user_id)) { usersToLoad.add(message.action.user_id); } if (message.action.channel_id != 0 && !chatsToLoad.contains(message.action.channel_id)) { chatsToLoad.add(message.action.channel_id); } if (message.action.chat_id != 0 && !chatsToLoad.contains(message.action.chat_id)) { chatsToLoad.add(message.action.chat_id); } if (message.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionGeoProximityReached) { TLRPC.TL_messageActionGeoProximityReached action = (TLRPC.TL_messageActionGeoProximityReached) message.action; long id = MessageObject.getPeerId(action.from_id); if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(id)) { if (!usersToLoad.contains(id)) { usersToLoad.add(id); } } else if (!chatsToLoad.contains(-id)) { chatsToLoad.add(-id); } id = MessageObject.getPeerId(action.to_id); if (id > 0) { if (!usersToLoad.contains(id)) { usersToLoad.add(id); } } else if (!chatsToLoad.contains(-id)) { chatsToLoad.add(-id); } } if (!message.action.users.isEmpty()) { for (int a = 0; a < message.action.users.size(); a++) { Long uid = message.action.users.get(a); if (!usersToLoad.contains(uid)) { usersToLoad.add(uid); } } } } if (!message.entities.isEmpty()) { for (int a = 0; a < message.entities.size(); a++) { TLRPC.MessageEntity entity = message.entities.get(a); if (entity instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageEntityMentionName) { usersToLoad.add(((TLRPC.TL_messageEntityMentionName) entity).user_id); } else if (entity instanceof TLRPC.TL_inputMessageEntityMentionName) { usersToLoad.add(((TLRPC.TL_inputMessageEntityMentionName) entity).user_id.user_id); } else if (emojiToLoad != null && entity instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageEntityCustomEmoji) { emojiToLoad.add(((TLRPC.TL_messageEntityCustomEmoji) entity).document_id); } } } if (message.media != null) { if (message.media.user_id != 0 && !usersToLoad.contains(message.media.user_id)) { usersToLoad.add(message.media.user_id); } if (message.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPoll) { TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPoll messageMediaPoll = (TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPoll) message.media; if (!messageMediaPoll.results.recent_voters.isEmpty()) { usersToLoad.addAll(messageMediaPoll.results.recent_voters); } } } if (message.replies != null) { for (int a = 0, N = message.replies.recent_repliers.size(); a < N; a++) { long id = MessageObject.getPeerId(message.replies.recent_repliers.get(a)); if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(id)) { if (!usersToLoad.contains(id)) { usersToLoad.add(id); } } else if (DialogObject.isChatDialog(id)) { if (!chatsToLoad.contains(-id)) { chatsToLoad.add(-id); } } } } if (message.reply_to != null && message.reply_to.reply_to_peer_id != null) { long id = MessageObject.getPeerId(message.reply_to.reply_to_peer_id); if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(id)) { if (!usersToLoad.contains(id)) { usersToLoad.add(id); } } else if (DialogObject.isChatDialog(id)) { if (!chatsToLoad.contains(-id)) { chatsToLoad.add(-id); } } } if (message.fwd_from != null) { if (message.fwd_from.from_id instanceof TLRPC.TL_peerUser) { if (!usersToLoad.contains(message.fwd_from.from_id.user_id)) { usersToLoad.add(message.fwd_from.from_id.user_id); } } else if (message.fwd_from.from_id instanceof TLRPC.TL_peerChannel) { if (!chatsToLoad.contains(message.fwd_from.from_id.channel_id)) { chatsToLoad.add(message.fwd_from.from_id.channel_id); } } else if (message.fwd_from.from_id instanceof TLRPC.TL_peerChat) { if (!chatsToLoad.contains(message.fwd_from.from_id.chat_id)) { chatsToLoad.add(message.fwd_from.from_id.chat_id); } } if (message.fwd_from.saved_from_peer != null) { if (message.fwd_from.saved_from_peer.user_id != 0) { if (!chatsToLoad.contains(message.fwd_from.saved_from_peer.user_id)) { usersToLoad.add(message.fwd_from.saved_from_peer.user_id); } } else if (message.fwd_from.saved_from_peer.channel_id != 0) { if (!chatsToLoad.contains(message.fwd_from.saved_from_peer.channel_id)) { chatsToLoad.add(message.fwd_from.saved_from_peer.channel_id); } } else if (message.fwd_from.saved_from_peer.chat_id != 0) { if (!chatsToLoad.contains(message.fwd_from.saved_from_peer.chat_id)) { chatsToLoad.add(message.fwd_from.saved_from_peer.chat_id); } } } } if (message.params != null) { String peerIdStr = message.params.get("fwd_peer"); if (peerIdStr != null) { long peerId = Utilities.parseLong(peerIdStr); if (peerId < 0) { if (!chatsToLoad.contains(-peerId)) { chatsToLoad.add(-peerId); } } } } } public void getDialogs(int folderId, int offset, int count, boolean loadDraftsPeersAndFolders) { long[] draftsDialogIds; if (loadDraftsPeersAndFolders) { LongSparseArray> drafts = getMediaDataController().getDrafts(); int draftsCount = drafts.size(); if (draftsCount > 0) { draftsDialogIds = new long[draftsCount]; for (int i = 0; i < draftsCount; i++) { SparseArray threads = drafts.valueAt(i); if (threads.get(0) == null) { continue; } draftsDialogIds[i] = drafts.keyAt(i); } } else { draftsDialogIds = null; } } else { draftsDialogIds = null; } storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { TLRPC.messages_Dialogs dialogs = new TLRPC.TL_messages_dialogs(); ArrayList encryptedChats = new ArrayList<>(); SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { ArrayList usersToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); HashSet dialogUsers = new HashSet<>(); usersToLoad.add(getUserConfig().getClientUserId()); ArrayList chatsToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList encryptedToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList loadedDialogs = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList emojiToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); LongSparseArray>> replyMessageOwners = new LongSparseArray<>(); LongSparseArray> dialogReplyMessagesIds = new LongSparseArray<>(); ArrayList foldersToLoad = new ArrayList<>(2); foldersToLoad.add(folderId); for (int a = 0; a < foldersToLoad.size(); a++) { int fid = foldersToLoad.get(a); int off; int cnt; if (a == 0) { off = offset; cnt = count; } else { off = 0; cnt = 100; } ArrayList> dialogsToLoadGroupMessages = new ArrayList<>(); cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT d.did, d.last_mid, d.unread_count, d.date, m.data, m.read_state, m.mid, m.send_state, s.flags, m.date, d.pts, d.inbox_max, d.outbox_max, m.replydata, d.pinned, d.unread_count_i, d.flags, d.folder_id, d.data, d.unread_reactions, d.last_mid_group, d.ttl_period FROM dialogs as d LEFT JOIN messages_v2 as m ON d.last_mid = m.mid AND d.did = m.uid AND d.last_mid_group IS NULL LEFT JOIN dialog_settings as s ON d.did = s.did WHERE d.folder_id = %d ORDER BY d.pinned DESC, d.date DESC LIMIT %d,%d", fid, off, cnt)); while (cursor.next()) { long dialogId = cursor.longValue(0); TLRPC.Dialog dialog; if (DialogObject.isFolderDialogId(dialogId)) { TLRPC.TL_dialogFolder dialogFolder = new TLRPC.TL_dialogFolder(); if (!cursor.isNull(18)) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(18); if (data != null) { dialogFolder.folder = TLRPC.TL_folder.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); data.reuse(); } else { dialogFolder.folder = new TLRPC.TL_folder(); dialogFolder.folder.id = DialogObject.getFolderId(dialogId); } } dialog = dialogFolder; if (a == 0) { foldersToLoad.add(dialogFolder.folder.id); } } else { dialog = new TLRPC.TL_dialog(); } dialog.id = dialogId; dialog.top_message = cursor.intValue(1); dialog.unread_count = cursor.intValue(2); dialog.last_message_date = cursor.intValue(3); dialog.pts = cursor.intValue(10); dialog.flags = dialog.pts == 0 || DialogObject.isUserDialog(dialog.id) ? 0 : 1; dialog.read_inbox_max_id = cursor.intValue(11); dialog.read_outbox_max_id = cursor.intValue(12); dialog.pinnedNum = cursor.intValue(14); dialog.pinned = dialog.pinnedNum != 0; dialog.unread_mentions_count = cursor.intValue(15); int dialog_flags = cursor.intValue(16); dialog.unread_mark = (dialog_flags & 1) != 0; long flags = cursor.longValue(8); int low_flags = (int) flags; dialog.notify_settings = new TLRPC.TL_peerNotifySettings(); if ((low_flags & 1) != 0) { dialog.notify_settings.mute_until = (int) (flags >> 32); if (dialog.notify_settings.mute_until == 0) { dialog.notify_settings.mute_until = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } } dialog.folder_id = cursor.intValue(17); dialog.unread_reactions_count = cursor.intValue(19); long groupMessagesId = cursor.longValue(20); if (groupMessagesId != 0) { dialogsToLoadGroupMessages.add(new Pair<>(dialogId, groupMessagesId)); } dialog.ttl_period = cursor.intValue(21); dialogs.dialogs.add(dialog); if (draftsDialogIds != null) { loadedDialogs.add(dialogId); } NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(4); if (data != null) { TLRPC.Message message = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); if (message != null) { message.readAttachPath(data, getUserConfig().clientUserId); data.reuse(); MessageObject.setUnreadFlags(message, cursor.intValue(5)); message.id = cursor.intValue(6); int date = cursor.intValue(9); if (date != 0) { dialog.last_message_date = date; } message.send_state = cursor.intValue(7); message.dialog_id = dialog.id; dialogs.messages.add(message); addUsersAndChatsFromMessage(message, usersToLoad, chatsToLoad, emojiToLoad); try { if (message.reply_to != null && message.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id != 0 && ( message.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionPinMessage || message.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionPaymentSent || message.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionGameScore)) { if (!cursor.isNull(13)) { NativeByteBuffer data2 = cursor.byteBufferValue(13); if (data2 != null) { message.replyMessage = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data2, data2.readInt32(false), false); message.replyMessage.readAttachPath(data2, getUserConfig().clientUserId); data2.reuse(); if (message.replyMessage != null) { addUsersAndChatsFromMessage(message.replyMessage, usersToLoad, chatsToLoad, emojiToLoad); } } } if (message.replyMessage == null) { addReplyMessages(message, replyMessageOwners, dialogReplyMessagesIds); } } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } } else { data.reuse(); } } if (!DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(dialogId)) { if (dialog.read_inbox_max_id > dialog.top_message) { dialog.read_inbox_max_id = 0; } } if (DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(dialogId)) { int encryptedChatId = DialogObject.getEncryptedChatId(dialogId); if (!encryptedToLoad.contains(encryptedChatId)) { encryptedToLoad.add(encryptedChatId); } } else if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(dialogId)) { if (!usersToLoad.contains(dialogId)) { usersToLoad.add(dialogId); } dialogUsers.add(dialogId); } else if (DialogObject.isChatDialog(dialogId)) { if (!chatsToLoad.contains(-dialogId)) { chatsToLoad.add(-dialogId); } } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (!dialogsToLoadGroupMessages.isEmpty()) { StringBuilder whereClause = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < dialogsToLoadGroupMessages.size(); ++i) { Pair pair = dialogsToLoadGroupMessages.get(i); whereClause.append("uid = ").append(pair.first).append(" AND group_id = ").append(pair.second); if (i + 1 < dialogsToLoadGroupMessages.size()) { whereClause.append(" OR "); } } cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT uid, data, read_state, mid, send_state, date, replydata, group_id FROM messages_v2 WHERE %s ORDER BY date DESC", whereClause)); int COUNT = 0; while (cursor.next()) { COUNT++; long did = cursor.longValue(0); NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(1); TLRPC.Dialog dialog = null; for (int i = 0; i < dialogs.dialogs.size(); ++i) { TLRPC.Dialog d = dialogs.dialogs.get(i); if (d != null && d.id == did) { dialog = d; break; } } if (dialog == null) { continue; } if (data != null) { TLRPC.Message message = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); if (message != null) { message.readAttachPath(data, getUserConfig().clientUserId); data.reuse(); MessageObject.setUnreadFlags(message, cursor.intValue(2)); message.id = cursor.intValue(3); int date = cursor.intValue(5); if (date != 0) { dialog.last_message_date = date; } message.send_state = cursor.intValue(4); message.dialog_id = did; dialogs.messages.add(message); addUsersAndChatsFromMessage(message, usersToLoad, chatsToLoad, null); try { if (message.reply_to != null && message.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id != 0 && ( message.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionPinMessage || message.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionPaymentSent || message.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionGameScore)) { if (!cursor.isNull(7)) { NativeByteBuffer data2 = cursor.byteBufferValue(7); if (data2 != null) { message.replyMessage = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data2, data2.readInt32(false), false); message.replyMessage.readAttachPath(data2, getUserConfig().clientUserId); data2.reuse(); if (message.replyMessage != null) { addUsersAndChatsFromMessage(message.replyMessage, usersToLoad, chatsToLoad, null); } } } if (message.replyMessage == null) { addReplyMessages(message, replyMessageOwners, dialogReplyMessagesIds); } } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } } else { data.reuse(); } } } cursor.dispose(); } } loadReplyMessages(replyMessageOwners, dialogReplyMessagesIds, usersToLoad, chatsToLoad, false); if (draftsDialogIds != null) { ArrayList unloadedDialogs = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < draftsDialogIds.length; i++) { long dialogId = draftsDialogIds[i]; if (DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(dialogId)) { continue; } if (dialogId > 0) { if (!usersToLoad.contains(dialogId)) { usersToLoad.add(dialogId); } } else { if (!chatsToLoad.contains(-dialogId)) { chatsToLoad.add(-dialogId); } } if (!loadedDialogs.contains(draftsDialogIds[i])) { unloadedDialogs.add(draftsDialogIds[i]); } } LongSparseArray folderIds; if (!unloadedDialogs.isEmpty()) { folderIds = new LongSparseArray<>(unloadedDialogs.size()); cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT did, folder_id FROM dialogs WHERE did IN(%s)", TextUtils.join(",", unloadedDialogs))); while (cursor.next()) { folderIds.put(cursor.longValue(0), cursor.intValue(1)); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } else { folderIds = null; } AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { MediaDataController mediaDataController = getMediaDataController(); mediaDataController.clearDraftsFolderIds(); if (folderIds != null) { for (int i = 0, size = folderIds.size(); i < size; i++) { mediaDataController.setDraftFolderId(folderIds.keyAt(i), folderIds.valueAt(i)); } } }); } if (!encryptedToLoad.isEmpty()) { getEncryptedChatsInternal(TextUtils.join(",", encryptedToLoad), encryptedChats, usersToLoad); } if (!chatsToLoad.isEmpty()) { getChatsInternal(TextUtils.join(",", chatsToLoad), dialogs.chats); } if (!usersToLoad.isEmpty()) { getUsersInternal(TextUtils.join(",", usersToLoad), dialogs.users); } ArrayList fullUsers = null; if (!dialogUsers.isEmpty()) { HashSet fullUsersToLoad = new HashSet<>(); for (Long did : dialogUsers) { for (int i = 0; i < dialogs.users.size(); i++) { if (dialogs.users.get(i).id == did && dialogs.users.get(i).premium) { fullUsersToLoad.add(did); } } } if (!fullUsersToLoad.isEmpty()) { fullUsers = loadUserInfos(fullUsersToLoad); } } getMessagesController().processLoadedDialogs(dialogs, encryptedChats, fullUsers, folderId, offset, count, 1, false, false, true); } catch (Exception e) { dialogs.dialogs.clear(); dialogs.users.clear(); dialogs.chats.clear(); encryptedChats.clear(); checkSQLException(e); getMessagesController().processLoadedDialogs(dialogs, encryptedChats, null, folderId, 0, 100, 1, true, false, true); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } }); } public static void createFirstHoles(long did, SQLitePreparedStatement state5, SQLitePreparedStatement state6, int messageId, int topicId) throws Exception { state5.requery(); int pointer = 1; state5.bindLong(pointer++, did); if (topicId != 0) { state5.bindInteger(pointer++, topicId); } state5.bindInteger(pointer++, messageId == 1 ? 1 : 0); state5.bindInteger(pointer++, messageId); state5.step(); for (int b = 0; b < MediaDataController.MEDIA_TYPES_COUNT; b++) { state6.requery(); pointer = 1; state6.bindLong(pointer++, did); if (topicId != 0) { state6.bindInteger(pointer++, topicId); } state6.bindInteger(pointer++, b); state6.bindInteger(pointer++, messageId == 1 ? 1 : 0); state6.bindInteger(pointer++, messageId); state6.step(); } } public void updateDialogData(TLRPC.Dialog dialog) { if (dialog == null) { return; } storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT data FROM dialogs WHERE did = " + dialog.id); if (!cursor.next()) { return; } state = database.executeFast("UPDATE dialogs SET data = ? WHERE did = ?"); NativeByteBuffer data = new NativeByteBuffer(dialog.getObjectSize()); dialog.serializeToStream(data); state.bindByteBuffer(1, data); state.bindLong(2, dialog.id); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; data.reuse(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } }); } private void putDialogsInternal(TLRPC.messages_Dialogs dialogs, int check) { SQLitePreparedStatement state_messages = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state_dialogs = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state_media = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state_settings = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state_holes = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state_media_holes = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state_polls = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state_tasks = null; SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { database.beginTransaction(); LongSparseArray new_dialogMessage = new LongSparseArray<>(dialogs.messages.size()); for (int a = 0; a < dialogs.messages.size(); a++) { TLRPC.Message message = dialogs.messages.get(a); long did = MessageObject.getDialogId(message); if (!new_dialogMessage.containsKey(did) || new_dialogMessage.get(did) != null && new_dialogMessage.get(did).date < message.date) { new_dialogMessage.put(did, message); } } if (!dialogs.dialogs.isEmpty()) { state_messages = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO messages_v2 VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 0, NULL, ?)"); state_dialogs = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO dialogs VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); state_media = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO media_v4 VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); state_settings = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO dialog_settings VALUES(?, ?)"); state_holes = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO messages_holes VALUES(?, ?, ?)"); state_media_holes = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO media_holes_v2 VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)"); state_polls = null; state_tasks = null; int minDeleteTime = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (int a = 0; a < dialogs.dialogs.size(); a++) { TLRPC.Dialog dialog = dialogs.dialogs.get(a); boolean exists = false; DialogObject.initDialog(dialog); unknownDialogsIds.remove(dialog.id); if (check == 1) { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT did FROM dialogs WHERE did = " + dialog.id); exists = cursor.next(); cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (exists) { continue; } } else if (check == 2) { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT pinned FROM dialogs WHERE did = " + dialog.id); if (cursor.next()) { exists = true; if (dialog.pinned) { dialog.pinnedNum = cursor.intValue(0); } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } else if (check == 3) { int mid = 0; cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT last_mid FROM dialogs WHERE did = " + dialog.id); if (cursor.next()) { mid = cursor.intValue(0); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (mid < 0) { continue; } } int messageDate = 0; TLRPC.Message message = new_dialogMessage.get(dialog.id); if (message != null) { messageDate = Math.max(message.date, messageDate); if (isValidKeyboardToSave(message)) { getMediaDataController().putBotKeyboard(dialog.id, message); } fixUnsupportedMedia(message); NativeByteBuffer data = new NativeByteBuffer(message.getObjectSize()); message.serializeToStream(data); state_messages.requery(); state_messages.bindInteger(1, message.id); state_messages.bindLong(2, dialog.id); state_messages.bindInteger(3, MessageObject.getUnreadFlags(message)); state_messages.bindInteger(4, message.send_state); state_messages.bindInteger(5, message.date); state_messages.bindByteBuffer(6, data); state_messages.bindInteger(7, (MessageObject.isOut(message) || message.from_scheduled ? 1 : 0)); state_messages.bindInteger(8, 0); state_messages.bindInteger(9, (message.flags & TLRPC.MESSAGE_FLAG_HAS_VIEWS) != 0 ? message.views : 0); int flags = 0; if (message.stickerVerified == 0) { flags |= 1; } else if (message.stickerVerified == 2) { flags |= 2; } state_messages.bindInteger(10, flags); state_messages.bindInteger(11, message.mentioned ? 1 : 0); state_messages.bindInteger(12, message.forwards); NativeByteBuffer repliesData = null; if (message.replies != null) { repliesData = new NativeByteBuffer(message.replies.getObjectSize()); message.replies.serializeToStream(repliesData); state_messages.bindByteBuffer(13, repliesData); } else { state_messages.bindNull(13); } if (message.reply_to != null) { state_messages.bindInteger(14, message.reply_to.reply_to_top_id != 0 ? message.reply_to.reply_to_top_id : message.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id); } else { state_messages.bindInteger(14, 0); } state_messages.bindLong(15, MessageObject.getChannelId(message)); if ((message.flags & 131072) != 0) { state_messages.bindLong(16, message.grouped_id); } else { state_messages.bindNull(16); } state_messages.step(); if (MediaDataController.canAddMessageToMedia(message)) { state_media.requery(); state_media.bindInteger(1, message.id); state_media.bindLong(2, dialog.id); state_media.bindInteger(3, message.date); state_media.bindInteger(4, MediaDataController.getMediaType(message)); state_media.bindByteBuffer(5, data); state_media.step(); } if (repliesData != null) { repliesData.reuse(); } data.reuse(); if (message.ttl_period != 0 && message.id > 0) { if (state_tasks == null) { state_tasks = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO enc_tasks_v4 VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)"); } state_tasks.requery(); state_tasks.bindInteger(1, message.id); state_tasks.bindLong(2, message.dialog_id); state_tasks.bindInteger(3, message.date + message.ttl_period); state_tasks.bindInteger(4, 0); state_tasks.step(); minDeleteTime = Math.min(minDeleteTime, message.date + message.ttl_period); } if (message.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPoll) { if (state_polls == null) { state_polls = database.executeFast("REPLACE INTO polls_v2 VALUES(?, ?, ?)"); } TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPoll mediaPoll = (TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPoll) message.media; state_polls.requery(); state_polls.bindInteger(1, message.id); state_polls.bindLong(2, message.dialog_id); state_polls.bindLong(3, mediaPoll.poll.id); state_polls.step(); } if (exists) { closeHolesInTable("messages_holes", dialog.id, message.id, message.id, 0); closeHolesInMedia(dialog.id, message.id, message.id, -1, 0); } else { createFirstHoles(dialog.id, state_holes, state_media_holes, message.id, 0); } } state_dialogs.requery(); state_dialogs.bindLong(1, dialog.id); state_dialogs.bindInteger(2, messageDate); state_dialogs.bindInteger(3, dialog.unread_count); state_dialogs.bindInteger(4, dialog.top_message); state_dialogs.bindInteger(5, dialog.read_inbox_max_id); state_dialogs.bindInteger(6, dialog.read_outbox_max_id); state_dialogs.bindLong(7, 0); state_dialogs.bindInteger(8, dialog.unread_mentions_count); state_dialogs.bindInteger(9, dialog.pts); state_dialogs.bindInteger(10, 0); state_dialogs.bindInteger(11, dialog.pinnedNum); int flags = 0; if (dialog.unread_mark) { flags |= 1; } state_dialogs.bindInteger(12, flags); state_dialogs.bindInteger(13, dialog.folder_id); NativeByteBuffer data; if (dialog instanceof TLRPC.TL_dialogFolder) { TLRPC.TL_dialogFolder dialogFolder = (TLRPC.TL_dialogFolder) dialog; data = new NativeByteBuffer(dialogFolder.folder.getObjectSize()); dialogFolder.folder.serializeToStream(data); state_dialogs.bindByteBuffer(14, data); } else { data = null; state_dialogs.bindNull(14); } state_dialogs.bindInteger(15, dialog.unread_reactions_count); if (message != null && (message.flags & 131072) != 0) { state_dialogs.bindLong(16, message.grouped_id); } else { state_dialogs.bindNull(16); } state_dialogs.bindInteger(17, dialog.ttl_period); state_dialogs.step(); if (data != null) { data.reuse(); } if (dialog.notify_settings != null) { state_settings.requery(); state_settings.bindLong(1, dialog.id); state_settings.bindInteger(2, dialog.notify_settings.mute_until != 0 ? 1 : 0); state_settings.step(); } } state_messages.dispose(); state_messages = null; state_dialogs.dispose(); state_dialogs = null; state_media.dispose(); state_media = null; state_settings.dispose(); state_settings = null; state_holes.dispose(); state_holes = null; state_media_holes.dispose(); state_media_holes = null; if (state_tasks != null) { state_tasks.dispose(); getMessagesController().didAddedNewTask(minDeleteTime, 0, null); } if (state_polls != null) { state_polls.dispose(); } } putUsersInternal(dialogs.users); putChatsInternal(dialogs.chats); database.commitTransaction(); resetAllUnreadCounters(false); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (database != null) { database.commitTransaction(); } if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } if (state_messages != null) { state_messages.dispose(); } if (state_dialogs != null) { state_dialogs.dispose(); } if (state_media != null) { state_media.dispose(); } if (state_settings != null) { state_settings.dispose(); } if (state_holes != null) { state_holes.dispose(); } if (state_holes != null) { state_holes.dispose(); } if (state_media_holes != null) { state_media_holes.dispose(); } if (state_polls != null) { state_polls.dispose(); } if (state_tasks != null) { state_tasks.dispose(); } } } public void getDialogFolderId(long dialogId, IntCallback callback) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { int folderId; if (unknownDialogsIds.get(dialogId) != null) { folderId = -1; } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT folder_id FROM dialogs WHERE did = ?", dialogId); if (cursor.next()) { folderId = cursor.intValue(0); } else { folderId = -1; } cursor.dispose(); } AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> callback.run(folderId)); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } }); } public void setDialogsFolderId(ArrayList peers, ArrayList inputPeers, long dialogId, int folderId) { if (peers == null && inputPeers == null && dialogId == 0) { return; } storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { database.beginTransaction(); state = database.executeFast("UPDATE dialogs SET folder_id = ?, pinned = ? WHERE did = ?"); if (peers != null) { for (int a = 0, N = peers.size(); a < N; a++) { TLRPC.TL_folderPeer folderPeer = peers.get(a); long did = DialogObject.getPeerDialogId(folderPeer.peer); state.requery(); state.bindInteger(1, folderPeer.folder_id); state.bindInteger(2, 0); state.bindLong(3, did); state.step(); unknownDialogsIds.remove(did); } } else if (inputPeers != null) { for (int a = 0, N = inputPeers.size(); a < N; a++) { TLRPC.TL_inputFolderPeer folderPeer = inputPeers.get(a); long did = DialogObject.getPeerDialogId(folderPeer.peer); state.requery(); state.bindInteger(1, folderPeer.folder_id); state.bindInteger(2, 0); state.bindLong(3, did); state.step(); unknownDialogsIds.remove(did); } } else { state.requery(); state.bindInteger(1, folderId); state.bindInteger(2, 0); state.bindLong(3, dialogId); state.step(); } state.dispose(); state = null; database.commitTransaction(); checkIfFolderEmptyInternal(1); resetAllUnreadCounters(false); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (database != null) { database.commitTransaction(); } if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } }); } private void checkIfFolderEmptyInternal(int folderId) { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT did FROM dialogs WHERE folder_id = ?", folderId); boolean isEmpty = true; while (cursor.next()) { long did = cursor.longValue(0); if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(did) || DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(did)) { isEmpty = false; break; } else { TLRPC.Chat chat = getChat(-did); if (!ChatObject.isNotInChat(chat) && chat.migrated_to == null) { isEmpty = false; break; } } } cursor.dispose(); if (isEmpty) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> getMessagesController().onFolderEmpty(folderId)); database.executeFast("DELETE FROM dialogs WHERE did = " + DialogObject.makeFolderDialogId(folderId)).stepThis().dispose(); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } } public void checkIfFolderEmpty(int folderId) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> checkIfFolderEmptyInternal(folderId)); } public void unpinAllDialogsExceptNew(ArrayList dids, int folderId) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { ArrayList unpinnedDialogs = new ArrayList<>(); cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT did, folder_id FROM dialogs WHERE pinned > 0 AND did NOT IN (%s)", TextUtils.join(",", dids))); while (cursor.next()) { long did = cursor.longValue(0); int fid = cursor.intValue(1); if (fid == folderId && !DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(did) && !DialogObject.isFolderDialogId(did)) { unpinnedDialogs.add(cursor.longValue(0)); } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (!unpinnedDialogs.isEmpty()) { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE dialogs SET pinned = ? WHERE did = ?"); for (int a = 0; a < unpinnedDialogs.size(); a++) { long did = unpinnedDialogs.get(a); state.requery(); state.bindInteger(1, 0); state.bindLong(2, did); state.step(); } state.dispose(); state = null; } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } }); } public void setDialogUnread(long did, boolean unread) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { int flags = 0; SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT flags FROM dialogs WHERE did = " + did); if (cursor.next()) { flags = cursor.intValue(0); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } if (unread) { flags |= 1; } else { flags &= ~1; } state = database.executeFast("UPDATE dialogs SET flags = ? WHERE did = ?"); state.bindInteger(1, flags); state.bindLong(2, did); state.step(); state.dispose(); resetAllUnreadCounters(false); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } }); } public void resetAllUnreadCounters(boolean muted) { for (int a = 0, N = dialogFilters.size(); a < N; a++) { MessagesController.DialogFilter filter = dialogFilters.get(a); if (muted) { if ((filter.flags & MessagesController.DIALOG_FILTER_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MUTED) != 0) { filter.pendingUnreadCount = -1; } } else { filter.pendingUnreadCount = -1; } } calcUnreadCounters(false); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { ArrayList filters = getMessagesController().dialogFilters; for (int a = 0, N = filters.size(); a < N; a++) { filters.get(a).unreadCount = filters.get(a).pendingUnreadCount; } mainUnreadCount = pendingMainUnreadCount; archiveUnreadCount = pendingArchiveUnreadCount; getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.updateInterfaces, MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_READ_DIALOG_MESSAGE); }); } public void setDialogPinned(long did, int pinned) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE dialogs SET pinned = ? WHERE did = ?"); state.bindInteger(1, pinned); state.bindLong(2, did); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } }); } public void setDialogsPinned(ArrayList dids, ArrayList pinned) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE dialogs SET pinned = ? WHERE did = ?"); for (int a = 0, N = dids.size(); a < N; a++) { state.requery(); state.bindInteger(1, pinned.get(a)); state.bindLong(2, dids.get(a)); state.step(); } state.dispose(); state = null; } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } }); } public void putDialogs(TLRPC.messages_Dialogs dialogs, int check) { if (dialogs.dialogs.isEmpty()) { return; } storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { putDialogsInternal(dialogs, check); try { loadUnreadMessages(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } }); } public void getDialogMaxMessageId(long dialog_id, IntCallback callback) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; int[] max = new int[1]; try { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT MAX(mid) FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = " + dialog_id); if (cursor.next()) { max[0] = cursor.intValue(0); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> callback.run(max[0])); }); } public int getDialogReadMax(boolean outbox, long dialog_id) { CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); Integer[] max = new Integer[]{0}; storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { if (outbox) { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT outbox_max FROM dialogs WHERE did = " + dialog_id); if (cursor.next()) { max[0] = cursor.intValue(0); } } else { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT last_mid, inbox_max FROM dialogs WHERE did = " + dialog_id); if (cursor.next()) { int lastMid = cursor.intValue(0); int inboxMax = cursor.intValue(1); if (inboxMax > lastMid) { max[0] = 0; } else { max[0] = inboxMax; } } } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } countDownLatch.countDown(); }); try { countDownLatch.await(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } return max[0]; } public int getChannelPtsSync(long channelId) { CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); Integer[] pts = new Integer[]{0}; storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT pts FROM dialogs WHERE did = " + (-channelId)); if (cursor.next()) { pts[0] = cursor.intValue(0); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } try { countDownLatch.countDown(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } }); try { countDownLatch.await(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } return pts[0]; } public TLRPC.User getUserSync(long userId) { CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); TLRPC.User[] user = new TLRPC.User[1]; storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { user[0] = getUser(userId); countDownLatch.countDown(); }); try { countDownLatch.await(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } return user[0]; } public TLRPC.Chat getChatSync(long chatId) { CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); TLRPC.Chat[] chat = new TLRPC.Chat[1]; storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { chat[0] = getChat(chatId); countDownLatch.countDown(); }); try { countDownLatch.await(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } return chat[0]; } public TLRPC.User getUser(long userId) { TLRPC.User user = null; try { ArrayList users = new ArrayList<>(); getUsersInternal("" + userId, users); if (!users.isEmpty()) { user = users.get(0); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } return user; } public ArrayList getUsers(ArrayList uids) { ArrayList users = new ArrayList<>(); try { getUsersInternal(TextUtils.join(",", uids), users); } catch (Exception e) { users.clear(); checkSQLException(e); } return users; } public TLRPC.Chat getChat(long chatId) { TLRPC.Chat chat = null; try { ArrayList chats = new ArrayList<>(); getChatsInternal("" + chatId, chats); if (!chats.isEmpty()) { chat = chats.get(0); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } return chat; } public TLRPC.EncryptedChat getEncryptedChat(long chatId) { TLRPC.EncryptedChat chat = null; try { ArrayList encryptedChats = new ArrayList<>(); getEncryptedChatsInternal("" + chatId, encryptedChats, null); if (!encryptedChats.isEmpty()) { chat = encryptedChats.get(0); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } return chat; } public void localSearch(int dialogsType, String query, ArrayList resultArray, ArrayList resultArrayNames, ArrayList encUsers, ArrayList onlyDialogIds, int folderId) { long selfUserId = UserConfig.getInstance(currentAccount).getClientUserId(); SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { String search1 = query.trim().toLowerCase(); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(search1)) { return; } String savedMessages = LocaleController.getString("SavedMessages", R.string.SavedMessages).toLowerCase(); String savedMessages2 = "saved messages"; String replies = LocaleController.getString("RepliesTitle", R.string.RepliesTitle).toLowerCase(); String replies2 = "replies"; String search2 = LocaleController.getInstance().getTranslitString(search1); if (search1.equals(search2) || search2.length() == 0) { search2 = null; } String[] search = new String[1 + (search2 != null ? 1 : 0)]; search[0] = search1; if (search2 != null) { search[1] = search2; } ArrayList usersToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList chatsToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList encryptedToLoad = new ArrayList<>(); int resultCount = 0; LongSparseArray dialogsResult = new LongSparseArray<>(); if (folderId >= 0) { cursor = getDatabase().queryFinalized("SELECT did, date FROM dialogs WHERE folder_id = ? ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 600", folderId); } else { cursor = getDatabase().queryFinalized("SELECT did, date FROM dialogs ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 600"); } while (cursor.next()) { long id = cursor.longValue(0); DialogsSearchAdapter.DialogSearchResult dialogSearchResult = new DialogsSearchAdapter.DialogSearchResult(); dialogSearchResult.date = cursor.intValue(1); dialogsResult.put(id, dialogSearchResult); if (dialogsType == DialogsActivity.DIALOGS_TYPE_BOT_REQUEST_PEER && (onlyDialogIds == null || !onlyDialogIds.contains(id))) { continue; } if (!DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(id)) { if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(id)) { if (dialogsType == DialogsActivity.DIALOGS_TYPE_USERS_ONLY && id == selfUserId) { continue; } if (dialogsType == DialogsActivity.DIALOGS_TYPE_GROUPS_ONLY || dialogsType == DialogsActivity.DIALOGS_TYPE_CHANNELS_ONLY) { continue; } if (dialogsType != DialogsActivity.DIALOGS_TYPE_ADD_USERS_TO && !usersToLoad.contains(id)) { usersToLoad.add(id); } } else { if (dialogsType == DialogsActivity.DIALOGS_TYPE_USERS_ONLY) { continue; } if (!chatsToLoad.contains(-id)) { chatsToLoad.add(-id); } } } else if (dialogsType == DialogsActivity.DIALOGS_TYPE_DEFAULT || dialogsType == DialogsActivity.DIALOGS_TYPE_FORWARD) { int encryptedChatId = DialogObject.getEncryptedChatId(id); if (!encryptedToLoad.contains(encryptedChatId)) { encryptedToLoad.add(encryptedChatId); } } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (dialogsType != 4 && (savedMessages).startsWith(search1) || savedMessages2.startsWith(search1)) { TLRPC.User user = UserConfig.getInstance(currentAccount).getCurrentUser(); DialogsSearchAdapter.DialogSearchResult dialogSearchResult = new DialogsSearchAdapter.DialogSearchResult(); dialogSearchResult.date = Integer.MAX_VALUE; dialogSearchResult.name = savedMessages; dialogSearchResult.object = user; dialogsResult.put(user.id, dialogSearchResult); resultCount++; } if (dialogsType != 4 && (replies).startsWith(search1) || replies2.startsWith(search1)) { TLRPC.User user = getMessagesController().getUser(708513L); if (user == null) { user = getMessagesController().getUser(1271266957L); } if (user != null) { DialogsSearchAdapter.DialogSearchResult dialogSearchResult = new DialogsSearchAdapter.DialogSearchResult(); dialogSearchResult.date = Integer.MAX_VALUE; dialogSearchResult.name = LocaleController.getString("RepliesTitle", R.string.RepliesTitle); dialogSearchResult.object = user; dialogsResult.put(user.id, dialogSearchResult); resultCount++; } } if (!usersToLoad.isEmpty()) { cursor = getDatabase().queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT data, status, name FROM users WHERE uid IN(%s)", TextUtils.join(",", usersToLoad))); while (cursor.next()) { String name = cursor.stringValue(2); String tName = LocaleController.getInstance().getTranslitString(name); if (name.equals(tName)) { tName = null; } String username = null; int usernamePos = name.lastIndexOf(";;;"); if (usernamePos != -1) { username = name.substring(usernamePos + 3); } int found = 0; for (String q : search) { if (name.startsWith(q) || name.contains(" " + q) || tName != null && (tName.startsWith(q) || tName.contains(" " + q))) { found = 1; } else if (username != null && username.startsWith(q)) { found = 2; } if (found != 0) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { TLRPC.User user = TLRPC.User.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); data.reuse(); if (dialogsType == DialogsActivity.DIALOGS_TYPE_BOT_REQUEST_PEER && (onlyDialogIds == null || !onlyDialogIds.contains(user.id))) { continue; } DialogsSearchAdapter.DialogSearchResult dialogSearchResult = dialogsResult.get(user.id); if (user.status != null) { user.status.expires = cursor.intValue(1); } if (found == 1) { dialogSearchResult.name = AndroidUtilities.generateSearchName(user.first_name, user.last_name, q); } else { dialogSearchResult.name = AndroidUtilities.generateSearchName("@" + UserObject.getPublicUsername(user), null, "@" + q); } dialogSearchResult.object = user; resultCount++; } break; } } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } if (!chatsToLoad.isEmpty()) { cursor = getDatabase().queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT data, name FROM chats WHERE uid IN(%s)", TextUtils.join(",", chatsToLoad))); while (cursor.next()) { String name = cursor.stringValue(1); String tName = LocaleController.getInstance().getTranslitString(name); if (name.equals(tName)) { tName = null; } for (String q : search) { if (name.startsWith(q) || name.contains(" " + q) || tName != null && (tName.startsWith(q) || tName.contains(" " + q))) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { TLRPC.Chat chat = TLRPC.Chat.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); data.reuse(); if (dialogsType == DialogsActivity.DIALOGS_TYPE_BOT_REQUEST_PEER && (onlyDialogIds == null || !onlyDialogIds.contains(-chat.id))) { continue; } if (dialogsType == DialogsActivity.DIALOGS_TYPE_GROUPS_ONLY && ChatObject.isChannelAndNotMegaGroup(chat)) { continue; } if (dialogsType == DialogsActivity.DIALOGS_TYPE_CHANNELS_ONLY && !ChatObject.isChannelAndNotMegaGroup(chat)) { continue; } if (!(chat == null || chat.deactivated || ChatObject.isChannel(chat) && ChatObject.isNotInChat(chat))) { long dialog_id = -chat.id; DialogsSearchAdapter.DialogSearchResult dialogSearchResult = dialogsResult.get(dialog_id); dialogSearchResult.name = AndroidUtilities.generateSearchName(chat.title, null, q); dialogSearchResult.object = chat; resultCount++; } } break; } } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } if (!encryptedToLoad.isEmpty() && dialogsType != DialogsActivity.DIALOGS_TYPE_BOT_REQUEST_PEER) { cursor = getDatabase().queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT q.data, u.name, q.user, q.g, q.authkey, q.ttl, u.data, u.status, q.layer, q.seq_in, q.seq_out, q.use_count, q.exchange_id, q.key_date, q.fprint, q.fauthkey, q.khash, q.in_seq_no, q.admin_id, q.mtproto_seq FROM enc_chats as q INNER JOIN users as u ON q.user = u.uid WHERE q.uid IN(%s)", TextUtils.join(",", encryptedToLoad))); while (cursor.next()) { String name = cursor.stringValue(1); String tName = LocaleController.getInstance().getTranslitString(name); if (name.equals(tName)) { tName = null; } String username = null; int usernamePos = name.lastIndexOf(";;;"); if (usernamePos != -1) { username = name.substring(usernamePos + 2); } int found = 0; for (int a = 0; a < search.length; a++) { String q = search[a]; if (name.startsWith(q) || name.contains(" " + q) || tName != null && (tName.startsWith(q) || tName.contains(" " + q))) { found = 1; } else if (username != null && username.startsWith(q)) { found = 2; } if (found != 0) { TLRPC.EncryptedChat chat = null; TLRPC.User user = null; NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { chat = TLRPC.EncryptedChat.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); data.reuse(); } data = cursor.byteBufferValue(6); if (data != null) { user = TLRPC.User.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); data.reuse(); } if (chat != null && user != null) { DialogsSearchAdapter.DialogSearchResult dialogSearchResult = dialogsResult.get(DialogObject.makeEncryptedDialogId(chat.id)); chat.user_id = cursor.longValue(2); chat.a_or_b = cursor.byteArrayValue(3); chat.auth_key = cursor.byteArrayValue(4); chat.ttl = cursor.intValue(5); chat.layer = cursor.intValue(8); chat.seq_in = cursor.intValue(9); chat.seq_out = cursor.intValue(10); int use_count = cursor.intValue(11); chat.key_use_count_in = (short) (use_count >> 16); chat.key_use_count_out = (short) (use_count); chat.exchange_id = cursor.longValue(12); chat.key_create_date = cursor.intValue(13); chat.future_key_fingerprint = cursor.longValue(14); chat.future_auth_key = cursor.byteArrayValue(15); chat.key_hash = cursor.byteArrayValue(16); chat.in_seq_no = cursor.intValue(17); long admin_id = cursor.longValue(18); if (admin_id != 0) { chat.admin_id = admin_id; } chat.mtproto_seq = cursor.intValue(19); if (user.status != null) { user.status.expires = cursor.intValue(7); } if (found == 1) { dialogSearchResult.name = new SpannableStringBuilder(ContactsController.formatName(user.first_name, user.last_name)); ((SpannableStringBuilder) dialogSearchResult.name).setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_chats_secretName)), 0, dialogSearchResult.name.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); } else { dialogSearchResult.name = AndroidUtilities.generateSearchName("@" + UserObject.getPublicUsername(user), null, "@" + q); } dialogSearchResult.object = chat; encUsers.add(user); resultCount++; } break; } } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } ArrayList searchResults = new ArrayList<>(resultCount); for (int a = 0; a < dialogsResult.size(); a++) { DialogsSearchAdapter.DialogSearchResult dialogSearchResult = dialogsResult.valueAt(a); if (dialogSearchResult.object != null && dialogSearchResult.name != null) { searchResults.add(dialogSearchResult); } } Collections.sort(searchResults, (lhs, rhs) -> { if (lhs.date < rhs.date) { return 1; } else if (lhs.date > rhs.date) { return -1; } return 0; }); for (int a = 0; a < searchResults.size(); a++) { DialogsSearchAdapter.DialogSearchResult dialogSearchResult = searchResults.get(a); resultArray.add(dialogSearchResult.object); resultArrayNames.add(dialogSearchResult.name); } if (dialogsType != DialogsActivity.DIALOGS_TYPE_ADD_USERS_TO && dialogsType != DialogsActivity.DIALOGS_TYPE_BOT_REQUEST_PEER && dialogsType != DialogsActivity.DIALOGS_TYPE_GROUPS_ONLY && dialogsType != DialogsActivity.DIALOGS_TYPE_CHANNELS_ONLY) { cursor = getDatabase().queryFinalized("SELECT u.data, u.status, u.name, u.uid FROM users as u INNER JOIN contacts as c ON u.uid = c.uid"); while (cursor.next()) { long uid = cursor.longValue(3); if (dialogsResult.indexOfKey(uid) >= 0) { continue; } String name = cursor.stringValue(2); String tName = LocaleController.getInstance().getTranslitString(name); if (name.equals(tName)) { tName = null; } String username = null; int usernamePos = name.lastIndexOf(";;;"); if (usernamePos != -1) { username = name.substring(usernamePos + 3); } int found = 0; for (String q : search) { if (name.startsWith(q) || name.contains(" " + q) || tName != null && (tName.startsWith(q) || tName.contains(" " + q))) { found = 1; } else if (username != null && username.startsWith(q)) { found = 2; } if (found != 0) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { TLRPC.User user = TLRPC.User.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); data.reuse(); if (user.status != null) { user.status.expires = cursor.intValue(1); } if (found == 1) { resultArrayNames.add(AndroidUtilities.generateSearchName(user.first_name, user.last_name, q)); } else { resultArrayNames.add(AndroidUtilities.generateSearchName("@" + UserObject.getPublicUsername(user), null, "@" + q)); } resultArray.add(user); } break; } } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } } public ArrayList getCachedMessagesInRange(long dialogId, int minDate, int maxDate) { ArrayList messageIds = new ArrayList<>(); SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT mid FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND date >= %d AND date <= %d", dialogId, minDate, maxDate)); try { while (cursor.next()) { int mid = cursor.intValue(0); messageIds.add(mid); } } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } cursor.dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } return messageIds; } public void updateUnreadReactionsCount(long dialogId, int topicId, int count) { updateUnreadReactionsCount(dialogId, topicId, count, false); } public void updateUnreadReactionsCount(long dialogId, int topicId, int count, boolean increment) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; if (topicId != 0) { try { int currentReactions = 0; if (increment) { SQLiteCursor cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format("SELECT unread_reactions FROM topics WHERE did = %d AND topic_id = %d", dialogId, topicId)); if (cursor.next()) { currentReactions = cursor.intValue(0); } cursor.dispose(); } state = database.executeFast("UPDATE topics SET unread_reactions = ? WHERE did = ? AND topic_id = ?"); state.bindInteger(1, Math.max(currentReactions + count, 0)); state.bindLong(2, dialogId); state.bindInteger(3, topicId); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; if (count == 0) { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE reaction_mentions_topics SET state = 0 WHERE dialog_id = ? AND topic_id = ? "); state.bindLong(1, dialogId); state.bindInteger(2, topicId); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; } } catch (SQLiteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } } else { try { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE dialogs SET unread_reactions = ? WHERE did = ?"); state.bindInteger(1, Math.max(count, 0)); state.bindLong(2, dialogId); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; if (count == 0) { state = database.executeFast("UPDATE reaction_mentions SET state = 0 WHERE dialog_id = ?"); state.bindLong(1, dialogId); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; } } catch (SQLiteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } } } }); } public void markMessageReactionsAsRead(long dialogId, int topicId, int messageId, boolean usequeue) { if (usequeue) { getStorageQueue().postRunnable(() -> { markMessageReactionsAsReadInternal(dialogId, topicId, messageId); }); } else { markMessageReactionsAsReadInternal(dialogId, topicId, messageId); } } public void markMessageReactionsAsReadInternal(long dialogId, int topicId, int messageId) { SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; SQLiteCursor cursor = null; try { for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++) { boolean isTopic = k == 1; if (isTopic && topicId == 0) { continue; } if (!isTopic) { state = getMessagesStorage().getDatabase().executeFast("UPDATE reaction_mentions SET state = 0 WHERE message_id = ? AND dialog_id = ?"); state.bindInteger(1, messageId); state.bindLong(2, dialogId); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT data FROM messages_v2 WHERE uid = %d AND mid = %d", dialogId, messageId)); } else { state = getMessagesStorage().getDatabase().executeFast("UPDATE reaction_mentions_topics SET state = 0 WHERE message_id = ? AND dialog_id = ? AND topic_id = ? "); state.bindInteger(1, messageId); state.bindLong(2, dialogId); state.bindInteger(3, topicId); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT data FROM messages_topics WHERE uid = %d AND mid = %d", dialogId, messageId)); } TLRPC.Message message = null; if (cursor.next()) { NativeByteBuffer data = cursor.byteBufferValue(0); if (data != null) { message = TLRPC.Message.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); message.readAttachPath(data, getUserConfig().clientUserId); data.reuse(); if (message.reactions != null && message.reactions.recent_reactions != null) { for (int i = 0; i < message.reactions.recent_reactions.size(); i++) { message.reactions.recent_reactions.get(i).unread = false; } } } } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; if (message != null) { if (!isTopic) { state = getMessagesStorage().getDatabase().executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE messages_v2 SET data = ? WHERE uid = %d AND mid = %d", dialogId, messageId)); } else { state = getMessagesStorage().getDatabase().executeFast(String.format(Locale.US, "UPDATE messages_topics SET data = ? WHERE uid = %d AND mid = %d", dialogId, messageId)); } try { NativeByteBuffer data = new NativeByteBuffer(message.getObjectSize()); message.serializeToStream(data); state.bindByteBuffer(1, data); state.step(); state.dispose(); data.reuse(); } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } } } } catch (SQLiteException e) { checkSQLException(e); } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } } public void updateDialogUnreadReactions(long dialogId, int topicId, int newUnreadCount, boolean increment) { storageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { SQLiteCursor cursor = null; SQLitePreparedStatement state = null; try { int oldUnreadRactions = 0; if (increment) { cursor = database.queryFinalized("SELECT unread_reactions FROM dialogs WHERE did = " + dialogId); if (cursor.next()) { oldUnreadRactions = Math.max(0, cursor.intValue(0)); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } oldUnreadRactions += newUnreadCount; state = getMessagesStorage().getDatabase().executeFast("UPDATE dialogs SET unread_reactions = ? WHERE did = ?"); state.bindInteger(1, oldUnreadRactions); state.bindLong(2, dialogId); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; if (topicId != 0) { oldUnreadRactions = 0; if (increment) { cursor = database.queryFinalized(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT unread_reactions FROM topics WHERE did = %d AND topic_id = %d", dialogId, topicId)); if (cursor.next()) { oldUnreadRactions = Math.max(0, cursor.intValue(0)); } cursor.dispose(); cursor = null; } oldUnreadRactions += newUnreadCount; state = getMessagesStorage().getDatabase().executeFast("UPDATE topics SET unread_reactions = ? WHERE did = ? AND topic_id = ?"); state.bindInteger(1, oldUnreadRactions); state.bindLong(2, dialogId); state.bindInteger(3, topicId); state.step(); state.dispose(); state = null; } } catch (SQLiteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (state != null) { state.dispose(); } if (cursor != null) { cursor.dispose(); } } }); } private boolean isForum(long dialogId) { int v = dialogIsForum.get(dialogId, -1); if (v == -1) { TLRPC.Chat chat = getChat(-dialogId); v = chat != null && chat.forum ? 1 : 0; dialogIsForum.put(dialogId, v); } return v == 1; } public interface IntCallback { void run(int param); } public interface LongCallback { void run(long param); } public interface StringCallback { void run(String param); } public interface BooleanCallback { void run(boolean param); } public static class TopicKey { public long dialogId; public int topicId; public static TopicKey of(long dialogId, int topicId) { TopicKey topicKey = new TopicKey(); topicKey.dialogId = dialogId; topicKey.topicId = topicId; return topicKey; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; TopicKey topicKey = (TopicKey) o; return dialogId == topicKey.dialogId && topicId == topicKey.topicId; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(dialogId, topicId); } } }