import import cn.hutool.json.JSONObject apply plugin: '' apply plugin: 'kotlin-android' apply plugin: 'kotlin-android-extensions' def verName = "7.1.3-rc04" def verCode = 80 def serviceAccountCredentialsFile = rootProject.file("service_account_credentials.json") def beta = verName.contains("preview") if (serviceAccountCredentialsFile.isFile()) { setupPlay(beta) play.serviceAccountCredentials = serviceAccountCredentialsFile } else if (System.getenv().containsKey("ANDROID_PUBLISHER_CREDENTIALS")) { setupPlay(beta) } void setupPlay(boolean beta) { apply plugin: '' play { track = beta ? "beta" : "production" defaultToAppBundles = true userFraction = 1 } } configurations { compile.exclude module: 'support-v4' } def okHttpVersion = '4.9.0' def fcmVersion = '20.3.0' def crashlyticsVersion = '17.2.2' def playCoreVersion = '1.8.2' buildscript { repositories { jcenter() mavenCentral() google() } dependencies { classpath 'cn.hutool:hutool-all:5.4.5' } } repositories { jcenter() maven { url "" } } dependencies { implementation 'androidx.core:core-ktx:1.5.0-alpha04' implementation 'androidx.palette:palette-ktx:1.0.0' implementation 'androidx.viewpager:viewpager:1.0.0' implementation 'androidx.exifinterface:exifinterface:1.3.1' implementation "androidx.interpolator:interpolator:1.0.0" implementation 'androidx.dynamicanimation:dynamicanimation:1.0.0' implementation 'androidx.multidex:multidex:2.0.1' implementation "androidx.sharetarget:sharetarget:1.0.0" // replace zxing with latest // TODO: fix problem with android L implementation '' compileOnly 'org.checkerframework:checker-qual:3.7.0' compileOnly 'org.checkerframework:checker-compat-qual:2.5.5' // don't change this :) //noinspection GradleDependency implementation 'com.googlecode.mp4parser:isoparser:1.0.6' implementation '' implementation 'org.osmdroid:osmdroid-android:6.1.8' implementation 'org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8:1.4.10' implementation 'org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-android:1.3.9' implementation "com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:$okHttpVersion" implementation "com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp-dnsoverhttps:$okHttpVersion" implementation 'dnsjava:dnsjava:3.3.0' implementation 'org.dizitart:nitrite:3.4.2' implementation 'cn.hutool:hutool-core:5.4.5' implementation 'cn.hutool:hutool-crypto:5.4.5' implementation project(":openpgp-api") compileOnly files('libs/libv2ray.aar') compileOnly "$fcmVersion" compileOnly "$crashlyticsVersion" compileOnly "$playCoreVersion" releaseImplementation "$fcmVersion" releaseImplementation "$crashlyticsVersion" releaseImplementation "$playCoreVersion" coreLibraryDesugaring '' } task writeUpdateInfo { def info = new JSONObject() info.set("version", verName) info.set("versionCode", verCode) info.set("defaultFlavor", "full") info.set("defaultApkName", "NekoX-full-arm64-v8a-release.apk.xz") FileUtil.writeUtf8String(info.toStringPretty(), new File("build/update.json")) } tasks.findByName("preBuild").finalizedBy(writeUpdateInfo) android { compileSdkVersion 30 buildToolsVersion '30.0.2' ndkVersion rootProject.ext.ndkVersion defaultConfig.applicationId = "nekox.messenger" defaultConfig { minSdkVersion 16 //noinspection OldTargetApi targetSdkVersion 28 versionName verName versionCode verCode def appId = null def appHash = null //obtain your own keys at if (project.rootProject.file('').exists()) { Properties properties = new Properties() properties.load(project.rootProject.file('').newDataInputStream()) appId = properties.getProperty("TELEGRAM_APP_ID") ?: System.getenv("TELEGRAM_APP_ID") appHash = properties.getProperty("TELEGRAM_APP_HASH") ?: System.getenv("TELEGRAM_APP_HASH") } buildConfigField 'int', 'APP_ID', appId != null ? appId : "1391584" buildConfigField 'String', 'APP_HASH', "\"" + (appHash != null ? appHash : "355c91550b0d658cfb7ff89dcf91a08c") + "\"" externalNativeBuild { cmake { version '3.10.2' arguments '-DANDROID_STL=c++_static', '-DANDROID_PLATFORM=android-16', "-j=16" } } } bundle { language { enableSplit = false } } externalNativeBuild { cmake { path 'jni/CMakeLists.txt' } } lintOptions { disable 'MissingTranslation' disable 'ExtraTranslation' disable 'BlockedPrivateApi' } packagingOptions { exclude '/fabric/**' exclude '/META-INF/*.version' exclude '/META-INF/*.kotlin_module' exclude '/builddef.lst' exclude '/*.txt' } dexOptions { jumboMode = true } compileOptions { sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 coreLibraryDesugaringEnabled true } kotlinOptions { jvmTarget = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8.toString() } signingConfigs { def keystorePwd = null def alias = null def pwd = null Properties properties if (project.rootProject.file('').exists()) { properties = new Properties() properties.load(project.rootProject.file('').newDataInputStream()) } else { def base64 = System.getenv("LOCAL_PROPERTIES") if (base64 != null && !base64.isBlank()) { properties = new Properties() properties.load(new ByteArrayInputStream(Base64.decoder.decode(base64))) } } if (properties != null) { keystorePwd = properties.getProperty("KEYSTORE_PASS") alias = properties.getProperty("ALIAS_NAME") pwd = properties.getProperty("ALIAS_PASS") } keystorePwd = keystorePwd ?: System.getenv("KEYSTORE_PASS") alias = alias ?: System.getenv("ALIAS_NAME") pwd = pwd ?: System.getenv("ALIAS_PASS") release { storeFile project.file('release.keystore') storePassword keystorePwd keyAlias alias keyPassword pwd } } buildTypes { debug { debuggable true jniDebuggable true multiDexEnabled true } releaseNoGcm { debuggable false jniDebuggable false minifyEnabled true shrinkResources true multiDexEnabled true proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), '' matchingFallbacks = ['debug'] signingConfig signingConfigs.release } release { debuggable false jniDebuggable false minifyEnabled true shrinkResources true multiDexEnabled true proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), '' matchingFallbacks = ['debug'] signingConfig signingConfigs.release } foss { debuggable false jniDebuggable false minifyEnabled true shrinkResources true multiDexEnabled true proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), '' matchingFallbacks = ['debug'] } } sourceSets { main { jni.srcDirs = [] } debug { jniLibs.srcDir 'src/main/libs' } releaseNoGcm { jniLibs.srcDir 'src/main/libs' } release { jniLibs.srcDir 'src/main/libs' manifest.srcFile 'src/gservcies/AndroidManifest.xml' } foss { jni.srcDirs = ['./jni/'] } } splits.abi { enable true universalApk false } flavorDimensions "version" productFlavors { mini { versionNameSuffix '-mini' } miniNoEmoji { versionNameSuffix '-mini-no-emoji' } miniAppleEmoji { versionNameSuffix '-mini-apple-emoji' } miniTwitterEmoji { versionNameSuffix '-mini-twitter-emoji' } full { } fullPlay { versionNameSuffix '-play' } fullNoEmoji { versionNameSuffix '-full-no-emoji' } fullAppleEmoji { versionNameSuffix '-full-apple-emoji' } fullTwitterEmoji { versionNameSuffix '-full-twitter-emoji' } } sourceSets.all { set -> if ("full")) { set.dependencies { implementation files('libs/libv2ray.aar','libs/ss-rust-release.aar','libs/ssr-libev-release.aar') } } if ("(mini|full).*")) { if ("Apple")) { set.assets.srcDirs = ["src/main/assets", "src/emojis/apple"] } else if ("Twitter")) { set.assets.srcDirs = ["src/main/assets", "src/emojis/twitter"] } else if (!"NoEmoji")) { set.assets.srcDirs = ["src/main/assets", "src/emojis/blob"] } } } tasks.all { task -> if ((('Ndk') ||'generateJsonModel') ||'externalNativeBuild'))) && !"Foss")) { task.enabled = false } if ("uploadCrashlyticsMappingFile")) { enabled = false } } applicationVariants.all { variant -> variant.outputs.all { output -> outputFileName = outputFileName.replace("TMessagesProj", "NekoX") } } } apply plugin: '' apply plugin: '' android { tasks.all { task -> if ('uploadCrashlyticsMappingFile')) { task.enabled = false } else if ((('Crashlytics'))) && !"Release")) { task.enabled = false } else if ((('GoogleServices'))) && !"ReleaseGoogleServices")) { task.enabled = false } } }