/* * Copyright 2017 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ package org.webrtc; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import org.webrtc.EncodedImage; /** * Interface for a video encoder that can be used with WebRTC. All calls will be made on the * encoding thread. The encoder may be constructed on a different thread and changing thread after * calling release is allowed. */ public interface VideoEncoder { /** Settings passed to the encoder by WebRTC. */ public class Settings { public final int numberOfCores; public final int width; public final int height; public final int startBitrate; // Kilobits per second. public final int maxFramerate; public final int numberOfSimulcastStreams; public final boolean automaticResizeOn; public final Capabilities capabilities; // TODO(bugs.webrtc.org/10720): Remove. @Deprecated public Settings(int numberOfCores, int width, int height, int startBitrate, int maxFramerate, int numberOfSimulcastStreams, boolean automaticResizeOn) { this(numberOfCores, width, height, startBitrate, maxFramerate, numberOfSimulcastStreams, automaticResizeOn, new VideoEncoder.Capabilities(false /* lossNotification */)); } @CalledByNative("Settings") public Settings(int numberOfCores, int width, int height, int startBitrate, int maxFramerate, int numberOfSimulcastStreams, boolean automaticResizeOn, Capabilities capabilities) { this.numberOfCores = numberOfCores; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.startBitrate = startBitrate; this.maxFramerate = maxFramerate; this.numberOfSimulcastStreams = numberOfSimulcastStreams; this.automaticResizeOn = automaticResizeOn; this.capabilities = capabilities; } } /** Capabilities (loss notification, etc.) passed to the encoder by WebRTC. */ public class Capabilities { /** * The remote side has support for the loss notification RTCP feedback message format, and will * be sending these feedback messages if necessary. */ public final boolean lossNotification; @CalledByNative("Capabilities") public Capabilities(boolean lossNotification) { this.lossNotification = lossNotification; } } /** Additional info for encoding. */ public class EncodeInfo { public final EncodedImage.FrameType[] frameTypes; @CalledByNative("EncodeInfo") public EncodeInfo(EncodedImage.FrameType[] frameTypes) { this.frameTypes = frameTypes; } } // TODO(sakal): Add values to these classes as necessary. /** Codec specific information about the encoded frame. */ public class CodecSpecificInfo {} public class CodecSpecificInfoVP8 extends CodecSpecificInfo {} public class CodecSpecificInfoVP9 extends CodecSpecificInfo {} public class CodecSpecificInfoH264 extends CodecSpecificInfo {} /** * Represents bitrate allocated for an encoder to produce frames. Bitrate can be divided between * spatial and temporal layers. */ public class BitrateAllocation { // First index is the spatial layer and second the temporal layer. public final int[][] bitratesBbs; /** * Initializes the allocation with a two dimensional array of bitrates. The first index of the * array is the spatial layer and the second index in the temporal layer. */ @CalledByNative("BitrateAllocation") public BitrateAllocation(int[][] bitratesBbs) { this.bitratesBbs = bitratesBbs; } /** * Gets the total bitrate allocated for all layers. */ public int getSum() { int sum = 0; for (int[] spatialLayer : bitratesBbs) { for (int bitrate : spatialLayer) { sum += bitrate; } } return sum; } } /** Settings for WebRTC quality based scaling. */ public class ScalingSettings { public final boolean on; @Nullable public final Integer low; @Nullable public final Integer high; /** * Settings to disable quality based scaling. */ public static final ScalingSettings OFF = new ScalingSettings(); /** * Creates settings to enable quality based scaling. * * @param low Average QP at which to scale up the resolution. * @param high Average QP at which to scale down the resolution. */ public ScalingSettings(int low, int high) { this.on = true; this.low = low; this.high = high; } private ScalingSettings() { this.on = false; this.low = null; this.high = null; } // TODO(bugs.webrtc.org/8830): Below constructors are deprecated. // Default thresholds are going away, so thresholds have to be set // when scaling is on. /** * Creates quality based scaling setting. * * @param on True if quality scaling is turned on. */ @Deprecated public ScalingSettings(boolean on) { this.on = on; this.low = null; this.high = null; } /** * Creates quality based scaling settings with custom thresholds. * * @param on True if quality scaling is turned on. * @param low Average QP at which to scale up the resolution. * @param high Average QP at which to scale down the resolution. */ @Deprecated public ScalingSettings(boolean on, int low, int high) { this.on = on; this.low = low; this.high = high; } @Override public String toString() { return on ? "[ " + low + ", " + high + " ]" : "OFF"; } } /** * Bitrate limits for resolution. */ public class ResolutionBitrateLimits { /** * Maximum size of video frame, in pixels, the bitrate limits are intended for. */ public final int frameSizePixels; /** * Recommended minimum bitrate to start encoding. */ public final int minStartBitrateBps; /** * Recommended minimum bitrate. */ public final int minBitrateBps; /** * Recommended maximum bitrate. */ public final int maxBitrateBps; public ResolutionBitrateLimits( int frameSizePixels, int minStartBitrateBps, int minBitrateBps, int maxBitrateBps) { this.frameSizePixels = frameSizePixels; this.minStartBitrateBps = minStartBitrateBps; this.minBitrateBps = minBitrateBps; this.maxBitrateBps = maxBitrateBps; } @CalledByNative("ResolutionBitrateLimits") public int getFrameSizePixels() { return frameSizePixels; } @CalledByNative("ResolutionBitrateLimits") public int getMinStartBitrateBps() { return minStartBitrateBps; } @CalledByNative("ResolutionBitrateLimits") public int getMinBitrateBps() { return minBitrateBps; } @CalledByNative("ResolutionBitrateLimits") public int getMaxBitrateBps() { return maxBitrateBps; } } public interface Callback { /** * Old encoders assume that the byte buffer held by |frame| is not accessed after the call to * this method returns. If the pipeline downstream needs to hold on to the buffer, it then has * to make its own copy. We want to move to a model where no copying is needed, and instead use * retain()/release() to signal to the encoder when it is safe to reuse the buffer. * * Over the transition, implementations of this class should use the maybeRetain() method if * they want to keep a reference to the buffer, and fall back to copying if that method returns * false. */ void onEncodedFrame(EncodedImage frame, CodecSpecificInfo info); } /** * The encoder implementation backing this interface is either 1) a Java * encoder (e.g., an Android platform encoder), or alternatively 2) a native * encoder (e.g., a software encoder or a C++ encoder adapter). * * For case 1), createNativeVideoEncoder() should return zero. * In this case, we expect the native library to call the encoder through * JNI using the Java interface declared below. * * For case 2), createNativeVideoEncoder() should return a non-zero value. * In this case, we expect the native library to treat the returned value as * a raw pointer of type webrtc::VideoEncoder* (ownership is transferred to * the caller). The native library should then directly call the * webrtc::VideoEncoder interface without going through JNI. All calls to * the Java interface methods declared below should thus throw an * UnsupportedOperationException. */ @CalledByNative default long createNativeVideoEncoder() { return 0; } /** * Returns true if the encoder is backed by hardware. */ @CalledByNative default boolean isHardwareEncoder() { return true; } /** * Initializes the encoding process. Call before any calls to encode. */ @CalledByNative VideoCodecStatus initEncode(Settings settings, Callback encodeCallback); /** * Releases the encoder. No more calls to encode will be made after this call. */ @CalledByNative VideoCodecStatus release(); /** * Requests the encoder to encode a frame. */ @CalledByNative VideoCodecStatus encode(VideoFrame frame, EncodeInfo info); /** Sets the bitrate allocation and the target framerate for the encoder. */ @CalledByNative VideoCodecStatus setRateAllocation(BitrateAllocation allocation, int framerate); /** Any encoder that wants to use WebRTC provided quality scaler must implement this method. */ @CalledByNative ScalingSettings getScalingSettings(); /** Returns the list of bitrate limits. */ @CalledByNative default ResolutionBitrateLimits[] getResolutionBitrateLimits() { // TODO(ssilkin): Update downstream projects and remove default implementation. ResolutionBitrateLimits bitrate_limits[] = {}; return bitrate_limits; } /** * Should return a descriptive name for the implementation. Gets called once and cached. May be * called from arbitrary thread. */ @CalledByNative String getImplementationName(); }