/* * This is the source code of Telegram for Android v. 5.x.x. * It is licensed under GNU GPL v. 2 or later. * You should have received a copy of the license in this archive (see LICENSE). * * Copyright Nikolai Kudashov, 2013-2018. */ package org.telegram.messenger; import android.graphics.Color; public class Intro { public static native void onDrawFrame(int deltaMs); public static native void setScrollOffset(float a_offset); public static native void setPage(int page); public static native void setDate(float a); public static native void setIcTextures(int a_ic_bubble_dot, int a_ic_bubble, int a_ic_cam_lens, int a_ic_cam, int a_ic_pencil, int a_ic_pin, int a_ic_smile_eye, int a_ic_smile, int a_ic_videocam); public static native void setTelegramTextures(int a_telegram_sphere, int a_telegram_plane, int a_telegram_mask); public static native void setFastTextures(int a_fast_body, int a_fast_spiral, int a_fast_arrow, int a_fast_arrow_shadow); public static native void setFreeTextures(int a_knot_up, int a_knot_down); public static native void setPowerfulTextures(int a_powerful_mask, int a_powerful_star, int a_powerful_infinity, int a_powerful_infinity_white); public static native void setPrivateTextures(int a_private_door, int a_private_screw); public static native void onSurfaceCreated(); public static native void onSurfaceChanged(int a_width_px, int a_height_px, float a_scale_factor, int a1); public static void setBackgroundColor(int color) { setBackgroundColor((float)Color.red(color) / 0xFF, (float)Color.green(color) / 0xFF, (float)Color.blue(color) / 0xFF, (float)Color.alpha(color) / 0xFF); } private static native void setBackgroundColor(float r, float g, float b, float a); }