/* * This is the source code of Telegram for Android v. 5.x.x. * It is licensed under GNU GPL v. 2 or later. * You should have received a copy of the license in this archive (see LICENSE). * * Copyright Nikolai Kudashov, 2013-2018. */ package org.telegram.messenger; import android.content.ClipDescription; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.res.AssetFileDescriptor; import android.database.Cursor; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.BitmapFactory; import android.graphics.PorterDuff; import android.graphics.PorterDuffColorFilter; import android.graphics.drawable.BitmapDrawable; import android.location.Location; import android.location.LocationListener; import android.location.LocationManager; import android.media.MediaCodecInfo; import android.media.MediaMetadataRetriever; import android.media.MediaPlayer; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.provider.MediaStore; import android.provider.OpenableColumns; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Base64; import android.util.SparseArray; import android.util.TypedValue; import android.view.Gravity; import android.webkit.MimeTypeMap; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; import androidx.annotation.UiThread; import androidx.collection.LongSparseArray; import androidx.core.view.inputmethod.InputContentInfoCompat; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.telegram.messenger.audioinfo.AudioInfo; import org.telegram.messenger.support.SparseLongArray; import org.telegram.tgnet.ConnectionsManager; import org.telegram.tgnet.NativeByteBuffer; import org.telegram.tgnet.RequestDelegate; import org.telegram.tgnet.SerializedData; import org.telegram.tgnet.TLObject; import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC; import org.telegram.ui.ActionBar.AlertDialog; import org.telegram.ui.ActionBar.BaseFragment; import org.telegram.ui.ActionBar.Theme; import org.telegram.ui.Cells.ChatMessageCell; import org.telegram.ui.ChatActivity; import org.telegram.ui.Components.AlertsCreator; import org.telegram.ui.Components.AnimatedFileDrawable; import org.telegram.ui.Components.Bulletin; import org.telegram.ui.Components.LayoutHelper; import org.telegram.ui.Components.Point; import org.telegram.ui.Components.Premium.LimitReachedBottomSheet; import org.telegram.ui.TwoStepVerificationActivity; import org.telegram.ui.TwoStepVerificationSetupActivity; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.RandomAccessFile; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; public class SendMessagesHelper extends BaseController implements NotificationCenter.NotificationCenterDelegate { private HashMap> delayedMessages = new HashMap<>(); private SparseArray unsentMessages = new SparseArray<>(); private SparseArray sendingMessages = new SparseArray<>(); private SparseArray editingMessages = new SparseArray<>(); private SparseArray uploadMessages = new SparseArray<>(); private LongSparseArray sendingMessagesIdDialogs = new LongSparseArray<>(); private LongSparseArray uploadingMessagesIdDialogs = new LongSparseArray<>(); private HashMap waitingForLocation = new HashMap<>(); private HashMap waitingForCallback = new HashMap<>(); private HashMap waitingForVote = new HashMap<>(); private LongSparseArray voteSendTime = new LongSparseArray(); private HashMap importingHistoryFiles = new HashMap<>(); private LongSparseArray importingHistoryMap = new LongSparseArray<>(); private HashMap importingStickersFiles = new HashMap<>(); private HashMap importingStickersMap = new HashMap<>(); public class ImportingHistory { public String historyPath; public ArrayList mediaPaths = new ArrayList<>(); public HashSet uploadSet = new HashSet<>(); public HashMap uploadProgresses = new HashMap<>(); public HashMap uploadSize = new HashMap<>(); public ArrayList uploadMedia = new ArrayList<>(); public TLRPC.InputPeer peer; public long totalSize; public long uploadedSize; public long dialogId; public long importId; public int uploadProgress; public double estimatedUploadSpeed; private long lastUploadTime; private long lastUploadSize; public int timeUntilFinish = Integer.MAX_VALUE; private void initImport(TLRPC.InputFile inputFile) { TLRPC.TL_messages_initHistoryImport req = new TLRPC.TL_messages_initHistoryImport(); req.file = inputFile; req.media_count = mediaPaths.size(); req.peer = peer; getConnectionsManager().sendRequest(req, new RequestDelegate() { @Override public void run(TLObject response, TLRPC.TL_error error) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { if (response instanceof TLRPC.TL_messages_historyImport) { importId = ((TLRPC.TL_messages_historyImport) response).id; uploadSet.remove(historyPath); getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.historyImportProgressChanged, dialogId); if (uploadSet.isEmpty()) { startImport(); } lastUploadTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); for (int a = 0, N = uploadMedia.size(); a < N; a++) { getFileLoader().uploadFile(uploadMedia.get(a), false, true, ConnectionsManager.FileTypeFile); } } else { importingHistoryMap.remove(dialogId); getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.historyImportProgressChanged, dialogId, req, error); } }); } }, ConnectionsManager.RequestFlagFailOnServerErrors); } public long getUploadedCount() { return uploadedSize; } public long getTotalCount() { return totalSize; } private void onFileFailedToUpload(String path) { if (path.equals(historyPath)) { importingHistoryMap.remove(dialogId); TLRPC.TL_error error = new TLRPC.TL_error(); error.code = 400; error.text = "IMPORT_UPLOAD_FAILED"; getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.historyImportProgressChanged, dialogId, new TLRPC.TL_messages_initHistoryImport(), error); } else { uploadSet.remove(path); } } private void addUploadProgress(String path, long sz, float progress) { uploadProgresses.put(path, progress); uploadSize.put(path, sz); uploadedSize = 0; for (HashMap.Entry entry : uploadSize.entrySet()) { uploadedSize += entry.getValue(); } long newTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); if (!path.equals(historyPath) && uploadedSize != lastUploadSize && newTime != lastUploadTime) { double dt = (newTime - lastUploadTime) / 1000.0; double uploadSpeed = (uploadedSize - lastUploadSize) / dt; if (estimatedUploadSpeed == 0) { estimatedUploadSpeed = uploadSpeed; } else { double coef = 0.01; estimatedUploadSpeed = coef * uploadSpeed + (1 - coef) * estimatedUploadSpeed; } timeUntilFinish = (int) ((totalSize - uploadedSize) * 1000 / (double) estimatedUploadSpeed); lastUploadSize = uploadedSize; lastUploadTime = newTime; } float pr = getUploadedCount() / (float) getTotalCount(); int newProgress = (int) (pr * 100); if (uploadProgress != newProgress) { uploadProgress = newProgress; getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.historyImportProgressChanged, dialogId); } } private void onMediaImport(String path, long size, TLRPC.InputFile inputFile) { addUploadProgress(path, size, 1.0f); TLRPC.TL_messages_uploadImportedMedia req = new TLRPC.TL_messages_uploadImportedMedia(); req.peer = peer; req.import_id = importId; req.file_name = new File(path).getName(); MimeTypeMap myMime = MimeTypeMap.getSingleton(); String ext = "txt"; int idx = req.file_name.lastIndexOf('.'); if (idx != -1) { ext = req.file_name.substring(idx + 1).toLowerCase(); } String mimeType = myMime.getMimeTypeFromExtension(ext); if (mimeType == null) { if ("opus".equals(ext)) { mimeType = "audio/opus"; } else if ("webp".equals(ext)) { mimeType = "image/webp"; } else { mimeType = "text/plain"; } } if (mimeType.equals("image/jpg") || mimeType.equals("image/jpeg")) { TLRPC.TL_inputMediaUploadedPhoto inputMediaUploadedPhoto = new TLRPC.TL_inputMediaUploadedPhoto(); inputMediaUploadedPhoto.file = inputFile; req.media = inputMediaUploadedPhoto; } else { TLRPC.TL_inputMediaUploadedDocument inputMediaDocument = new TLRPC.TL_inputMediaUploadedDocument(); inputMediaDocument.file = inputFile; inputMediaDocument.mime_type = mimeType; req.media = inputMediaDocument; } getConnectionsManager().sendRequest(req, new RequestDelegate() { @Override public void run(TLObject response, TLRPC.TL_error error) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { uploadSet.remove(path); getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.historyImportProgressChanged, dialogId); if (uploadSet.isEmpty()) { startImport(); } }); } }, ConnectionsManager.RequestFlagFailOnServerErrors); } private void startImport() { TLRPC.TL_messages_startHistoryImport req = new TLRPC.TL_messages_startHistoryImport(); req.peer = peer; req.import_id = importId; getConnectionsManager().sendRequest(req, new RequestDelegate() { @Override public void run(TLObject response, TLRPC.TL_error error) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { importingHistoryMap.remove(dialogId); if (error == null) { getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.historyImportProgressChanged, dialogId); } else { getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.historyImportProgressChanged, dialogId, req, error); } }); } }); } public void setImportProgress(int value) { if (value == 100) { importingHistoryMap.remove(dialogId); } getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.historyImportProgressChanged, dialogId); } } public static class ImportingSticker { public String path; public String emoji; public boolean validated; public String mimeType; public boolean animated; public TLRPC.TL_inputStickerSetItem item; public void uploadMedia(int account, TLRPC.InputFile inputFile, Runnable onFinish) { TLRPC.TL_messages_uploadMedia req = new TLRPC.TL_messages_uploadMedia(); req.peer = new TLRPC.TL_inputPeerSelf(); req.media = new TLRPC.TL_inputMediaUploadedDocument(); req.media.file = inputFile; req.media.mime_type = mimeType; ConnectionsManager.getInstance(account).sendRequest(req, new RequestDelegate() { @Override public void run(TLObject response, TLRPC.TL_error error) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { if (response instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaDocument) { TLRPC.TL_messageMediaDocument mediaDocument = (TLRPC.TL_messageMediaDocument) response; item = new TLRPC.TL_inputStickerSetItem(); item.document = new TLRPC.TL_inputDocument(); item.document.id = mediaDocument.document.id; item.document.access_hash = mediaDocument.document.access_hash; item.document.file_reference = mediaDocument.document.file_reference; item.emoji = emoji != null ? emoji : ""; mimeType = mediaDocument.document.mime_type; } else if (animated) { mimeType = "application/x-bad-tgsticker"; } onFinish.run(); }); } }, ConnectionsManager.RequestFlagFailOnServerErrors); } } public class ImportingStickers { public HashMap uploadSet = new HashMap<>(); public HashMap uploadProgresses = new HashMap<>(); public HashMap uploadSize = new HashMap<>(); public ArrayList uploadMedia = new ArrayList<>(); public String shortName; public String title; public String software; public long totalSize; public long uploadedSize; public int uploadProgress; public double estimatedUploadSpeed; private long lastUploadTime; private long lastUploadSize; public int timeUntilFinish = Integer.MAX_VALUE; private void initImport() { getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.stickersImportProgressChanged, shortName); lastUploadTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); for (int a = 0, N = uploadMedia.size(); a < N; a++) { getFileLoader().uploadFile(uploadMedia.get(a).path, false, true, ConnectionsManager.FileTypeFile); } } public long getUploadedCount() { return uploadedSize; } public long getTotalCount() { return totalSize; } private void onFileFailedToUpload(String path) { ImportingSticker file = uploadSet.remove(path); if (file != null) { uploadMedia.remove(file); } } private void addUploadProgress(String path, long sz, float progress) { uploadProgresses.put(path, progress); uploadSize.put(path, sz); uploadedSize = 0; for (HashMap.Entry entry : uploadSize.entrySet()) { uploadedSize += entry.getValue(); } long newTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); if (uploadedSize != lastUploadSize && newTime != lastUploadTime) { double dt = (newTime - lastUploadTime) / 1000.0; double uploadSpeed = (uploadedSize - lastUploadSize) / dt; if (estimatedUploadSpeed == 0) { estimatedUploadSpeed = uploadSpeed; } else { double coef = 0.01; estimatedUploadSpeed = coef * uploadSpeed + (1 - coef) * estimatedUploadSpeed; } timeUntilFinish = (int) ((totalSize - uploadedSize) * 1000 / (double) estimatedUploadSpeed); lastUploadSize = uploadedSize; lastUploadTime = newTime; } float pr = getUploadedCount() / (float) getTotalCount(); int newProgress = (int) (pr * 100); if (uploadProgress != newProgress) { uploadProgress = newProgress; getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.stickersImportProgressChanged, shortName); } } private void onMediaImport(String path, long size, TLRPC.InputFile inputFile) { addUploadProgress(path, size, 1.0f); ImportingSticker file = uploadSet.get(path); if (file == null) { return; } file.uploadMedia(currentAccount, inputFile, () -> { uploadSet.remove(path); getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.stickersImportProgressChanged, shortName); if (uploadSet.isEmpty()) { startImport(); } }); } private void startImport() { TLRPC.TL_stickers_createStickerSet req = new TLRPC.TL_stickers_createStickerSet(); req.user_id = new TLRPC.TL_inputUserSelf(); req.title = title; req.short_name = shortName; req.animated = uploadMedia.get(0).animated; if (software != null) { req.software = software; req.flags |= 8; } for (int a = 0, N = uploadMedia.size(); a < N; a++) { ImportingSticker file = uploadMedia.get(a); if (file.item == null) { continue; } req.stickers.add(file.item); } getConnectionsManager().sendRequest(req, new RequestDelegate() { @Override public void run(TLObject response, TLRPC.TL_error error) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { importingStickersMap.remove(shortName); if (error == null) { getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.stickersImportProgressChanged, shortName); } else { getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.stickersImportProgressChanged, shortName, req, error); } if (response instanceof TLRPC.TL_messages_stickerSet) { if (getNotificationCenter().hasObservers(NotificationCenter.stickersImportComplete)) { getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.stickersImportComplete, response); } else { getMediaDataController().toggleStickerSet(null, response, 2, null, false, false); } } }); } }); } public void setImportProgress(int value) { if (value == 100) { importingStickersMap.remove(shortName); } getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.stickersImportProgressChanged, shortName); } } private static DispatchQueue mediaSendQueue = new DispatchQueue("mediaSendQueue"); private static ThreadPoolExecutor mediaSendThreadPool; static { int cores; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 17) { cores = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); } else { cores = 2; } mediaSendThreadPool = new ThreadPoolExecutor(cores, cores, 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue<>()); } private static class MediaSendPrepareWorker { public volatile TLRPC.TL_photo photo; public volatile String parentObject; public CountDownLatch sync; } private LocationProvider locationProvider = new LocationProvider(new LocationProvider.LocationProviderDelegate() { @Override public void onLocationAcquired(Location location) { sendLocation(location); waitingForLocation.clear(); } @Override public void onUnableLocationAcquire() { HashMap waitingForLocationCopy = new HashMap<>(waitingForLocation); getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.wasUnableToFindCurrentLocation, waitingForLocationCopy); waitingForLocation.clear(); } }); public static class SendingMediaInfo { public Uri uri; public String path; public String caption; public String thumbPath; public String paintPath; public int ttl; public ArrayList entities; public ArrayList masks; public VideoEditedInfo videoEditedInfo; public MediaController.SearchImage searchImage; public TLRPC.BotInlineResult inlineResult; public HashMap params; public boolean isVideo; public boolean canDeleteAfter; public boolean forceImage; } public static class LocationProvider { public interface LocationProviderDelegate { void onLocationAcquired(Location location); void onUnableLocationAcquire(); } private LocationProviderDelegate delegate; private LocationManager locationManager; private GpsLocationListener gpsLocationListener = new GpsLocationListener(); private GpsLocationListener networkLocationListener = new GpsLocationListener(); private Runnable locationQueryCancelRunnable; private Location lastKnownLocation; private class GpsLocationListener implements LocationListener { @Override public void onLocationChanged(Location location) { if (location == null || locationQueryCancelRunnable == null) { return; } if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) { FileLog.d("found location " + location); } lastKnownLocation = location; if (location.getAccuracy() < 100) { if (delegate != null) { delegate.onLocationAcquired(location); } if (locationQueryCancelRunnable != null) { AndroidUtilities.cancelRunOnUIThread(locationQueryCancelRunnable); } cleanup(); } } @Override public void onStatusChanged(String provider, int status, Bundle extras) { } @Override public void onProviderEnabled(String provider) { } @Override public void onProviderDisabled(String provider) { } } public LocationProvider() { } public LocationProvider(LocationProviderDelegate locationProviderDelegate) { delegate = locationProviderDelegate; } public void setDelegate(LocationProviderDelegate locationProviderDelegate) { delegate = locationProviderDelegate; } private void cleanup() { locationManager.removeUpdates(gpsLocationListener); locationManager.removeUpdates(networkLocationListener); lastKnownLocation = null; locationQueryCancelRunnable = null; } public void start() { if (locationManager == null) { locationManager = (LocationManager) ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE); } try { locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 1, 0, gpsLocationListener); } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } try { locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER, 1, 0, networkLocationListener); } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } try { lastKnownLocation = locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER); if (lastKnownLocation == null) { lastKnownLocation = locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER); } } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } if (locationQueryCancelRunnable != null) { AndroidUtilities.cancelRunOnUIThread(locationQueryCancelRunnable); } locationQueryCancelRunnable = () -> { if (delegate != null) { if (lastKnownLocation != null) { delegate.onLocationAcquired(lastKnownLocation); } else { delegate.onUnableLocationAcquire(); } } cleanup(); }; AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(locationQueryCancelRunnable, 5000); } public void stop() { if (locationManager == null) { return; } if (locationQueryCancelRunnable != null) { AndroidUtilities.cancelRunOnUIThread(locationQueryCancelRunnable); } cleanup(); } } protected class DelayedMessageSendAfterRequest { public TLObject request; public MessageObject msgObj; public ArrayList msgObjs; public String originalPath; public ArrayList originalPaths; public ArrayList parentObjects; public DelayedMessage delayedMessage; public Object parentObject; public boolean scheduled; } protected class DelayedMessage { public long peer; ArrayList requests; public TLObject sendRequest; public TLObject sendEncryptedRequest; public int type; public String originalPath; public TLRPC.PhotoSize photoSize; public TLObject locationParent; public String httpLocation; public MessageObject obj; public TLRPC.EncryptedChat encryptedChat; public VideoEditedInfo videoEditedInfo; public boolean performMediaUpload; public boolean retriedToSend; public int topMessageId; public TLRPC.InputMedia inputUploadMedia; public ArrayList locations; public ArrayList httpLocations; public ArrayList videoEditedInfos; public ArrayList messageObjects; public ArrayList parentObjects; public ArrayList messages; public ArrayList inputMedias; public ArrayList originalPaths; public HashMap extraHashMap; public long groupId; public int finalGroupMessage; public boolean scheduled; public Object parentObject; public DelayedMessage(long peer) { this.peer = peer; } public void initForGroup(long id) { type = 4; groupId = id; messageObjects = new ArrayList<>(); messages = new ArrayList<>(); inputMedias = new ArrayList<>(); originalPaths = new ArrayList<>(); parentObjects = new ArrayList<>(); extraHashMap = new HashMap<>(); locations = new ArrayList<>(); httpLocations = new ArrayList<>(); videoEditedInfos = new ArrayList<>(); } public void addDelayedRequest(final TLObject req, final MessageObject msgObj, final String originalPath, Object parentObject, DelayedMessage delayedMessage, boolean scheduled) { DelayedMessageSendAfterRequest request = new DelayedMessageSendAfterRequest(); request.request = req; request.msgObj = msgObj; request.originalPath = originalPath; request.delayedMessage = delayedMessage; request.parentObject = parentObject; request.scheduled = scheduled; if (requests == null) { requests = new ArrayList<>(); } requests.add(request); } public void addDelayedRequest(final TLObject req, final ArrayList msgObjs, final ArrayList originalPaths, ArrayList parentObjects, DelayedMessage delayedMessage, boolean scheduled) { DelayedMessageSendAfterRequest request = new DelayedMessageSendAfterRequest(); request.request = req; request.msgObjs = msgObjs; request.originalPaths = originalPaths; request.delayedMessage = delayedMessage; request.parentObjects = parentObjects; request.scheduled = scheduled; if (requests == null) { requests = new ArrayList<>(); } requests.add(request); } public void sendDelayedRequests() { if (requests == null || type != 4 && type != 0) { return; } int size = requests.size(); for (int a = 0; a < size; a++) { DelayedMessageSendAfterRequest request = requests.get(a); if (request.request instanceof TLRPC.TL_messages_sendEncryptedMultiMedia) { getSecretChatHelper().performSendEncryptedRequest((TLRPC.TL_messages_sendEncryptedMultiMedia) request.request, this); } else if (request.request instanceof TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMultiMedia) { performSendMessageRequestMulti((TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMultiMedia) request.request, request.msgObjs, request.originalPaths, request.parentObjects, request.delayedMessage, request.scheduled); } else { performSendMessageRequest(request.request, request.msgObj, request.originalPath, request.delayedMessage, request.parentObject, null, request.scheduled); } } requests = null; } public void markAsError() { if (type == 4) { for (int a = 0; a < messageObjects.size(); a++) { MessageObject obj = messageObjects.get(a); getMessagesStorage().markMessageAsSendError(obj.messageOwner, obj.scheduled); obj.messageOwner.send_state = MessageObject.MESSAGE_SEND_STATE_SEND_ERROR; getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.messageSendError, obj.getId()); processSentMessage(obj.getId()); removeFromUploadingMessages(obj.getId(), scheduled); } delayedMessages.remove( "group_" + groupId); } else { getMessagesStorage().markMessageAsSendError(obj.messageOwner, obj.scheduled); obj.messageOwner.send_state = MessageObject.MESSAGE_SEND_STATE_SEND_ERROR; getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.messageSendError, obj.getId()); processSentMessage(obj.getId()); removeFromUploadingMessages(obj.getId(), scheduled); } sendDelayedRequests(); } } private static SparseArray Instance = new SparseArray<>(); public static SendMessagesHelper getInstance(int num) { SendMessagesHelper localInstance = Instance.get(num); if (localInstance == null) { synchronized (SendMessagesHelper.class) { localInstance = Instance.get(num); if (localInstance == null) { Instance.put(num, localInstance = new SendMessagesHelper(num)); } } } return localInstance; } public SendMessagesHelper(int instance) { super(instance); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { getNotificationCenter().addObserver(SendMessagesHelper.this, NotificationCenter.fileUploaded); getNotificationCenter().addObserver(SendMessagesHelper.this, NotificationCenter.fileUploadProgressChanged); getNotificationCenter().addObserver(SendMessagesHelper.this, NotificationCenter.fileUploadFailed); getNotificationCenter().addObserver(SendMessagesHelper.this, NotificationCenter.filePreparingStarted); getNotificationCenter().addObserver(SendMessagesHelper.this, NotificationCenter.fileNewChunkAvailable); getNotificationCenter().addObserver(SendMessagesHelper.this, NotificationCenter.filePreparingFailed); getNotificationCenter().addObserver(SendMessagesHelper.this, NotificationCenter.httpFileDidFailedLoad); getNotificationCenter().addObserver(SendMessagesHelper.this, NotificationCenter.httpFileDidLoad); getNotificationCenter().addObserver(SendMessagesHelper.this, NotificationCenter.fileLoaded); getNotificationCenter().addObserver(SendMessagesHelper.this, NotificationCenter.fileLoadFailed); }); } public void cleanup() { delayedMessages.clear(); unsentMessages.clear(); sendingMessages.clear(); editingMessages.clear(); sendingMessagesIdDialogs.clear(); uploadMessages.clear(); uploadingMessagesIdDialogs.clear(); waitingForLocation.clear(); waitingForCallback.clear(); waitingForVote.clear(); importingHistoryFiles.clear(); importingHistoryMap.clear(); importingStickersFiles.clear(); importingStickersMap.clear(); locationProvider.stop(); } @Override public void didReceivedNotification(int id, int account, final Object... args) { if (id == NotificationCenter.fileUploadProgressChanged) { String fileName = (String) args[0]; ImportingHistory importingHistory = importingHistoryFiles.get(fileName); if (importingHistory != null) { Long loadedSize = (Long) args[1]; Long totalSize = (Long) args[2]; importingHistory.addUploadProgress(fileName, loadedSize, loadedSize / (float) totalSize); } ImportingStickers importingStickers = importingStickersFiles.get(fileName); if (importingStickers != null) { Long loadedSize = (Long) args[1]; Long totalSize = (Long) args[2]; importingStickers.addUploadProgress(fileName, loadedSize, loadedSize / (float) totalSize); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.fileUploaded) { final String location = (String) args[0]; final TLRPC.InputFile file = (TLRPC.InputFile) args[1]; final TLRPC.InputEncryptedFile encryptedFile = (TLRPC.InputEncryptedFile) args[2]; ImportingHistory importingHistory = importingHistoryFiles.get(location); if (importingHistory != null) { if (location.equals(importingHistory.historyPath)) { importingHistory.initImport(file); } else { importingHistory.onMediaImport(location, (Long) args[5], file); } } ImportingStickers importingStickers = importingStickersFiles.get(location); if (importingStickers != null) { importingStickers.onMediaImport(location, (Long) args[5], file); } ArrayList arr = delayedMessages.get(location); if (arr != null) { for (int a = 0; a < arr.size(); a++) { DelayedMessage message = arr.get(a); TLRPC.InputMedia media = null; if (message.sendRequest instanceof TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMedia) { media = ((TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMedia) message.sendRequest).media; } else if (message.sendRequest instanceof TLRPC.TL_messages_editMessage) { media = ((TLRPC.TL_messages_editMessage) message.sendRequest).media; } else if (message.sendRequest instanceof TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMultiMedia) { media = (TLRPC.InputMedia) message.extraHashMap.get(location); } if (file != null && media != null) { if (message.type == 0) { media.file = file; performSendMessageRequest(message.sendRequest, message.obj, message.originalPath, message, true, null, message.parentObject, null, message.scheduled); } else if (message.type == 1) { if (media.file == null) { media.file = file; if (media.thumb == null && message.photoSize != null && message.photoSize.location != null) { performSendDelayedMessage(message); } else { performSendMessageRequest(message.sendRequest, message.obj, message.originalPath, null, message.parentObject, null, message.scheduled); } } else { media.thumb = file; media.flags |= 4; performSendMessageRequest(message.sendRequest, message.obj, message.originalPath, null, message.parentObject, null, message.scheduled); } } else if (message.type == 2) { if (media.file == null) { media.file = file; if (media.thumb == null && message.photoSize != null && message.photoSize.location != null) { performSendDelayedMessage(message); } else { performSendMessageRequest(message.sendRequest, message.obj, message.originalPath, null, message.parentObject, null, message.scheduled); } } else { media.thumb = file; media.flags |= 4; performSendMessageRequest(message.sendRequest, message.obj, message.originalPath, null, message.parentObject, null, message.scheduled); } } else if (message.type == 3) { media.file = file; performSendMessageRequest(message.sendRequest, message.obj, message.originalPath, null, message.parentObject, null, message.scheduled); } else if (message.type == 4) { if (media instanceof TLRPC.TL_inputMediaUploadedDocument) { if (media.file == null) { media.file = file; MessageObject messageObject = (MessageObject) message.extraHashMap.get(location + "_i"); int index = message.messageObjects.indexOf(messageObject); if (index >= 0) { stopVideoService(message.messageObjects.get(index).messageOwner.attachPath); } message.photoSize = (TLRPC.PhotoSize) message.extraHashMap.get(location + "_t"); if (media.thumb == null && message.photoSize != null && message.photoSize.location != null) { message.performMediaUpload = true; performSendDelayedMessage(message, index); } else { uploadMultiMedia(message, media, null, location); } } else { media.thumb = file; media.flags |= 4; uploadMultiMedia(message, media, null, (String) message.extraHashMap.get(location + "_o")); } } else { media.file = file; uploadMultiMedia(message, media, null, location); } } arr.remove(a); a--; } else if (encryptedFile != null && message.sendEncryptedRequest != null) { TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessage decryptedMessage = null; if (message.type == 4) { TLRPC.TL_messages_sendEncryptedMultiMedia req = (TLRPC.TL_messages_sendEncryptedMultiMedia) message.sendEncryptedRequest; TLRPC.InputEncryptedFile inputEncryptedFile = (TLRPC.InputEncryptedFile) message.extraHashMap.get(location); int index = req.files.indexOf(inputEncryptedFile); if (index >= 0) { req.files.set(index, encryptedFile); if (inputEncryptedFile.id == 1) { MessageObject messageObject = (MessageObject) message.extraHashMap.get(location + "_i"); message.photoSize = (TLRPC.PhotoSize) message.extraHashMap.get(location + "_t"); stopVideoService(message.messageObjects.get(index).messageOwner.attachPath); } decryptedMessage = req.messages.get(index); } } else { decryptedMessage = (TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessage) message.sendEncryptedRequest; } if (decryptedMessage != null) { if (decryptedMessage.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageMediaVideo || decryptedMessage.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageMediaPhoto || decryptedMessage.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageMediaDocument) { long size = (Long) args[5]; decryptedMessage.media.size = (int) size; } decryptedMessage.media.key = (byte[]) args[3]; decryptedMessage.media.iv = (byte[]) args[4]; if (message.type == 4) { uploadMultiMedia(message, null, encryptedFile, location); } else { getSecretChatHelper().performSendEncryptedRequest(decryptedMessage, message.obj.messageOwner, message.encryptedChat, encryptedFile, message.originalPath, message.obj); } } arr.remove(a); a--; } } if (arr.isEmpty()) { delayedMessages.remove(location); } } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.fileUploadFailed) { final String location = (String) args[0]; final boolean enc = (Boolean) args[1]; ImportingHistory importingHistory = importingHistoryFiles.get(location); if (importingHistory != null) { importingHistory.onFileFailedToUpload(location); } ImportingStickers importingStickers = importingStickersFiles.get(location); if (importingStickers != null) { importingStickers.onFileFailedToUpload(location); } ArrayList arr = delayedMessages.get(location); if (arr != null) { for (int a = 0; a < arr.size(); a++) { DelayedMessage obj = arr.get(a); if (enc && obj.sendEncryptedRequest != null || !enc && obj.sendRequest != null) { obj.markAsError(); arr.remove(a); a--; } } if (arr.isEmpty()) { delayedMessages.remove(location); } } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.filePreparingStarted) { MessageObject messageObject = (MessageObject) args[0]; if (messageObject.getId() == 0) { return; } String finalPath = (String) args[1]; ArrayList arr = delayedMessages.get(messageObject.messageOwner.attachPath); if (arr != null) { for (int a = 0; a < arr.size(); a++) { DelayedMessage message = arr.get(a); if (message.type == 4) { int index = message.messageObjects.indexOf(messageObject); message.photoSize = (TLRPC.PhotoSize) message.extraHashMap.get(messageObject.messageOwner.attachPath + "_t"); message.performMediaUpload = true; performSendDelayedMessage(message, index); arr.remove(a); break; } else if (message.obj == messageObject) { message.videoEditedInfo = null; performSendDelayedMessage(message); arr.remove(a); break; } } if (arr.isEmpty()) { delayedMessages.remove(messageObject.messageOwner.attachPath); } } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.fileNewChunkAvailable) { MessageObject messageObject = (MessageObject) args[0]; if (messageObject.getId() == 0) { return; } String finalPath = (String) args[1]; long availableSize = (Long) args[2]; long finalSize = (Long) args[3]; boolean isEncrypted = DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(messageObject.getDialogId()); getFileLoader().checkUploadNewDataAvailable(finalPath, isEncrypted, availableSize, finalSize); if (finalSize != 0) { stopVideoService(messageObject.messageOwner.attachPath); ArrayList arr = delayedMessages.get(messageObject.messageOwner.attachPath); if (arr != null) { for (int a = 0; a < arr.size(); a++) { DelayedMessage message = arr.get(a); if (message.type == 4) { for (int b = 0; b < message.messageObjects.size(); b++) { MessageObject obj = message.messageObjects.get(b); if (obj == messageObject) { message.obj.shouldRemoveVideoEditedInfo = true; obj.messageOwner.params.remove("ve"); obj.messageOwner.media.document.size = (int) finalSize; ArrayList messages = new ArrayList<>(); messages.add(obj.messageOwner); getMessagesStorage().putMessages(messages, false, true, false, 0, obj.scheduled); break; } } } else if (message.obj == messageObject) { message.obj.shouldRemoveVideoEditedInfo = true; message.obj.messageOwner.params.remove("ve"); message.obj.messageOwner.media.document.size = (int) finalSize; ArrayList messages = new ArrayList<>(); messages.add(message.obj.messageOwner); getMessagesStorage().putMessages(messages, false, true, false, 0, message.obj.scheduled); break; } } } } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.filePreparingFailed) { MessageObject messageObject = (MessageObject) args[0]; if (messageObject.getId() == 0) { return; } String finalPath = (String) args[1]; stopVideoService(messageObject.messageOwner.attachPath); ArrayList arr = delayedMessages.get(finalPath); if (arr != null) { for (int a = 0; a < arr.size(); a++) { DelayedMessage message = arr.get(a); if (message.type == 4) { for (int b = 0; b < message.messages.size(); b++) { if (message.messageObjects.get(b) == messageObject) { message.markAsError(); arr.remove(a); a--; break; } } } else if (message.obj == messageObject) { message.markAsError(); arr.remove(a); a--; } } if (arr.isEmpty()) { delayedMessages.remove(finalPath); } } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.httpFileDidLoad) { final String path = (String) args[0]; ArrayList arr = delayedMessages.get(path); if (arr != null) { for (int a = 0; a < arr.size(); a++) { final DelayedMessage message = arr.get(a); final MessageObject messageObject; int fileType = -1; if (message.type == 0) { fileType = 0; messageObject = message.obj; } else if (message.type == 2) { fileType = 1; messageObject = message.obj; } else if (message.type == 4) { messageObject = (MessageObject) message.extraHashMap.get(path); if (messageObject.getDocument() != null) { fileType = 1; } else { fileType = 0; } } else { messageObject = null; } if (fileType == 0) { String md5 = Utilities.MD5(path) + "." + ImageLoader.getHttpUrlExtension(path, "file"); final File cacheFile = new File(FileLoader.getDirectory(FileLoader.MEDIA_DIR_CACHE), md5); Utilities.globalQueue.postRunnable(() -> { final TLRPC.TL_photo photo = generatePhotoSizes(cacheFile.toString(), null); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { if (photo != null) { messageObject.messageOwner.media.photo = photo; messageObject.messageOwner.attachPath = cacheFile.toString(); ArrayList messages = new ArrayList<>(); messages.add(messageObject.messageOwner); getMessagesStorage().putMessages(messages, false, true, false, 0, messageObject.scheduled); getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.updateMessageMedia, messageObject.messageOwner); message.photoSize = photo.sizes.get(photo.sizes.size() - 1); message.locationParent = photo; message.httpLocation = null; if (message.type == 4) { message.performMediaUpload = true; performSendDelayedMessage(message, message.messageObjects.indexOf(messageObject)); } else { performSendDelayedMessage(message); } } else { if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) { FileLog.e("can't load image " + path + " to file " + cacheFile.toString()); } message.markAsError(); } }); }); } else if (fileType == 1) { String md5 = Utilities.MD5(path) + ".gif"; final File cacheFile = new File(FileLoader.getDirectory(FileLoader.MEDIA_DIR_CACHE), md5); Utilities.globalQueue.postRunnable(() -> { final TLRPC.Document document = message.obj.getDocument(); if (document.thumbs.isEmpty() || document.thumbs.get(0).location instanceof TLRPC.TL_fileLocationUnavailable) { try { Bitmap bitmap = ImageLoader.loadBitmap(cacheFile.getAbsolutePath(), null, 90, 90, true); if (bitmap != null) { document.thumbs.clear(); document.thumbs.add(ImageLoader.scaleAndSaveImage(bitmap, 90, 90, 55, message.sendEncryptedRequest != null)); bitmap.recycle(); } } catch (Exception e) { document.thumbs.clear(); FileLog.e(e); } } AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { message.httpLocation = null; message.obj.messageOwner.attachPath = cacheFile.toString(); if (!document.thumbs.isEmpty()) { TLRPC.PhotoSize photoSize = document.thumbs.get(0); if (!(photoSize instanceof TLRPC.TL_photoStrippedSize)) { message.photoSize = photoSize; message.locationParent = document; } } ArrayList messages = new ArrayList<>(); messages.add(messageObject.messageOwner); getMessagesStorage().putMessages(messages, false, true, false, 0, messageObject.scheduled); message.performMediaUpload = true; performSendDelayedMessage(message); getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.updateMessageMedia, message.obj.messageOwner); }); }); } } delayedMessages.remove(path); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.fileLoaded) { String path = (String) args[0]; ArrayList arr = delayedMessages.get(path); if (arr != null) { for (int a = 0; a < arr.size(); a++) { performSendDelayedMessage(arr.get(a)); } delayedMessages.remove(path); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.httpFileDidFailedLoad || id == NotificationCenter.fileLoadFailed) { String path = (String) args[0]; ArrayList arr = delayedMessages.get(path); if (arr != null) { for (int a = 0; a < arr.size(); a++) { arr.get(a).markAsError(); } delayedMessages.remove(path); } } } private void revertEditingMessageObject(MessageObject object) { object.cancelEditing = true; object.messageOwner.media = object.previousMedia; object.messageOwner.message = object.previousMessage; object.messageOwner.entities = object.previousMessageEntities; object.messageOwner.attachPath = object.previousAttachPath; object.messageOwner.send_state = MessageObject.MESSAGE_SEND_STATE_SENT; if (object.messageOwner.entities != null) { object.messageOwner.flags |= 128; } else { object.messageOwner.flags &=~ 128; } object.previousMedia = null; object.previousMessage = null; object.previousMessageEntities = null; object.previousAttachPath = null; object.videoEditedInfo = null; object.type = -1; object.setType(); object.caption = null; if (object.type != 0) { object.generateCaption(); } else { object.resetLayout(); object.checkLayout(); } ArrayList arr = new ArrayList<>(); arr.add(object.messageOwner); getMessagesStorage().putMessages(arr, false, true, false, 0, object.scheduled); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); arrayList.add(object); getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.replaceMessagesObjects, object.getDialogId(), arrayList); } public void cancelSendingMessage(MessageObject object) { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); arrayList.add(object); cancelSendingMessage(arrayList); } public void cancelSendingMessage(ArrayList objects) { ArrayList keysToRemove = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList checkReadyToSendGroups = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList messageIds = new ArrayList<>(); boolean enc = false; boolean scheduled = false; long dialogId = 0; for (int c = 0; c < objects.size(); c++) { MessageObject object = objects.get(c); if (object.scheduled) { scheduled = true; } dialogId = object.getDialogId(); messageIds.add(object.getId()); TLRPC.Message sendingMessage = removeFromSendingMessages(object.getId(), object.scheduled); if (sendingMessage != null) { getConnectionsManager().cancelRequest(sendingMessage.reqId, true); } for (HashMap.Entry> entry : delayedMessages.entrySet()) { ArrayList messages = entry.getValue(); for (int a = 0; a < messages.size(); a++) { DelayedMessage message = messages.get(a); if (message.type == 4) { int index = -1; MessageObject messageObject = null; for (int b = 0; b < message.messageObjects.size(); b++) { messageObject = message.messageObjects.get(b); if (messageObject.getId() == object.getId()) { index = b; removeFromUploadingMessages(object.getId(), object.scheduled); break; } } if (index >= 0) { message.messageObjects.remove(index); message.messages.remove(index); message.originalPaths.remove(index); if (!message.parentObjects.isEmpty()) { message.parentObjects.remove(index); } if (message.sendRequest != null) { TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMultiMedia request = (TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMultiMedia) message.sendRequest; request.multi_media.remove(index); } else { TLRPC.TL_messages_sendEncryptedMultiMedia request = (TLRPC.TL_messages_sendEncryptedMultiMedia) message.sendEncryptedRequest; request.messages.remove(index); request.files.remove(index); } MediaController.getInstance().cancelVideoConvert(object); String keyToRemove = (String) message.extraHashMap.get(messageObject); if (keyToRemove != null) { keysToRemove.add(keyToRemove); } if (message.messageObjects.isEmpty()) { message.sendDelayedRequests(); } else { if (message.finalGroupMessage == object.getId()) { MessageObject prevMessage = message.messageObjects.get(message.messageObjects.size() - 1); message.finalGroupMessage = prevMessage.getId(); prevMessage.messageOwner.params.put("final", "1"); TLRPC.TL_messages_messages messagesRes = new TLRPC.TL_messages_messages(); messagesRes.messages.add(prevMessage.messageOwner); getMessagesStorage().putMessages(messagesRes, message.peer, -2, 0, false, scheduled); } if (!checkReadyToSendGroups.contains(message)) { checkReadyToSendGroups.add(message); } } } break; } else if (message.obj.getId() == object.getId()) { removeFromUploadingMessages(object.getId(), object.scheduled); messages.remove(a); message.sendDelayedRequests(); MediaController.getInstance().cancelVideoConvert(message.obj); if (messages.size() == 0) { keysToRemove.add(entry.getKey()); if (message.sendEncryptedRequest != null) { enc = true; } } break; } } } } for (int a = 0; a < keysToRemove.size(); a++) { String key = keysToRemove.get(a); if (key.startsWith("http")) { ImageLoader.getInstance().cancelLoadHttpFile(key); } else { getFileLoader().cancelFileUpload(key, enc); } stopVideoService(key); delayedMessages.remove(key); } for (int a = 0, N = checkReadyToSendGroups.size(); a < N; a++) { sendReadyToSendGroup(checkReadyToSendGroups.get(a), false, true); } if (objects.size() == 1 && objects.get(0).isEditing() && objects.get(0).previousMedia != null) { revertEditingMessageObject(objects.get(0)); } else { getMessagesController().deleteMessages(messageIds, null, null, dialogId, false, scheduled); } } public boolean retrySendMessage(MessageObject messageObject, boolean unsent) { if (messageObject.getId() >= 0) { if (messageObject.isEditing()) { editMessage(messageObject, null, null, null, null, null, true, messageObject); } return false; } if (messageObject.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageEncryptedAction) { int enc_id = DialogObject.getEncryptedChatId(messageObject.getDialogId()); TLRPC.EncryptedChat encryptedChat = getMessagesController().getEncryptedChat(enc_id); if (encryptedChat == null) { getMessagesStorage().markMessageAsSendError(messageObject.messageOwner, messageObject.scheduled); messageObject.messageOwner.send_state = MessageObject.MESSAGE_SEND_STATE_SEND_ERROR; getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.messageSendError, messageObject.getId()); processSentMessage(messageObject.getId()); return false; } if (messageObject.messageOwner.random_id == 0) { messageObject.messageOwner.random_id = getNextRandomId(); } if (messageObject.messageOwner.action.encryptedAction instanceof TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageActionSetMessageTTL) { getSecretChatHelper().sendTTLMessage(encryptedChat, messageObject.messageOwner); } else if (messageObject.messageOwner.action.encryptedAction instanceof TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageActionDeleteMessages) { getSecretChatHelper().sendMessagesDeleteMessage(encryptedChat, null, messageObject.messageOwner); } else if (messageObject.messageOwner.action.encryptedAction instanceof TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageActionFlushHistory) { getSecretChatHelper().sendClearHistoryMessage(encryptedChat, messageObject.messageOwner); } else if (messageObject.messageOwner.action.encryptedAction instanceof TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageActionNotifyLayer) { getSecretChatHelper().sendNotifyLayerMessage(encryptedChat, messageObject.messageOwner); } else if (messageObject.messageOwner.action.encryptedAction instanceof TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageActionReadMessages) { getSecretChatHelper().sendMessagesReadMessage(encryptedChat, null, messageObject.messageOwner); } else if (messageObject.messageOwner.action.encryptedAction instanceof TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageActionScreenshotMessages) { getSecretChatHelper().sendScreenshotMessage(encryptedChat, null, messageObject.messageOwner); } else if (messageObject.messageOwner.action.encryptedAction instanceof TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageActionTyping) { } else if (messageObject.messageOwner.action.encryptedAction instanceof TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageActionResend) { getSecretChatHelper().sendResendMessage(encryptedChat, 0, 0, messageObject.messageOwner); } else if (messageObject.messageOwner.action.encryptedAction instanceof TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageActionCommitKey) { getSecretChatHelper().sendCommitKeyMessage(encryptedChat, messageObject.messageOwner); } else if (messageObject.messageOwner.action.encryptedAction instanceof TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageActionAbortKey) { getSecretChatHelper().sendAbortKeyMessage(encryptedChat, messageObject.messageOwner, 0); } else if (messageObject.messageOwner.action.encryptedAction instanceof TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageActionRequestKey) { getSecretChatHelper().sendRequestKeyMessage(encryptedChat, messageObject.messageOwner); } else if (messageObject.messageOwner.action.encryptedAction instanceof TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageActionAcceptKey) { getSecretChatHelper().sendAcceptKeyMessage(encryptedChat, messageObject.messageOwner); } else if (messageObject.messageOwner.action.encryptedAction instanceof TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageActionNoop) { getSecretChatHelper().sendNoopMessage(encryptedChat, messageObject.messageOwner); } return true; } else if (messageObject.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionScreenshotTaken) { TLRPC.User user = getMessagesController().getUser(messageObject.getDialogId()); sendScreenshotMessage(user, messageObject.getReplyMsgId(), messageObject.messageOwner); } if (unsent) { unsentMessages.put(messageObject.getId(), messageObject); } sendMessage(messageObject); return true; } protected void processSentMessage(int id) { int prevSize = unsentMessages.size(); unsentMessages.remove(id); if (prevSize != 0 && unsentMessages.size() == 0) { checkUnsentMessages(); } } public void processForwardFromMyName(MessageObject messageObject, long did) { if (messageObject == null) { return; } if (messageObject.messageOwner.media != null && !(messageObject.messageOwner.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaEmpty) && !(messageObject.messageOwner.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaWebPage) && !(messageObject.messageOwner.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaGame) && !(messageObject.messageOwner.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaInvoice)) { HashMap params = null; if (DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(did) && messageObject.messageOwner.peer_id != null && (messageObject.messageOwner.media.photo instanceof TLRPC.TL_photo || messageObject.messageOwner.media.document instanceof TLRPC.TL_document)) { params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("parentObject", "sent_" + messageObject.messageOwner.peer_id.channel_id + "_" + messageObject.getId()); } if (messageObject.messageOwner.media.photo instanceof TLRPC.TL_photo) { sendMessage((TLRPC.TL_photo) messageObject.messageOwner.media.photo, null, did, messageObject.replyMessageObject, null, messageObject.messageOwner.message, messageObject.messageOwner.entities, null, params, true, 0, messageObject.messageOwner.media.ttl_seconds, messageObject); } else if (messageObject.messageOwner.media.document instanceof TLRPC.TL_document) { sendMessage((TLRPC.TL_document) messageObject.messageOwner.media.document, null, messageObject.messageOwner.attachPath, did, messageObject.replyMessageObject, null, messageObject.messageOwner.message, messageObject.messageOwner.entities, null, params, true, 0, messageObject.messageOwner.media.ttl_seconds, messageObject, null); } else if (messageObject.messageOwner.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaVenue || messageObject.messageOwner.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaGeo) { sendMessage(messageObject.messageOwner.media, did, messageObject.replyMessageObject, null, null, null, true, 0); } else if (messageObject.messageOwner.media.phone_number != null) { TLRPC.User user = new TLRPC.TL_userContact_old2(); user.phone = messageObject.messageOwner.media.phone_number; user.first_name = messageObject.messageOwner.media.first_name; user.last_name = messageObject.messageOwner.media.last_name; user.id = messageObject.messageOwner.media.user_id; sendMessage(user, did, messageObject.replyMessageObject, null, null, null, true, 0); } else if (!DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(did)) { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); arrayList.add(messageObject); sendMessage(arrayList, did, true, false, true, 0); } } else if (messageObject.messageOwner.message != null) { TLRPC.WebPage webPage = null; if (messageObject.messageOwner.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaWebPage) { webPage = messageObject.messageOwner.media.webpage; } ArrayList entities; if (messageObject.messageOwner.entities != null && !messageObject.messageOwner.entities.isEmpty()) { entities = new ArrayList<>(); for (int a = 0; a < messageObject.messageOwner.entities.size(); a++) { TLRPC.MessageEntity entity = messageObject.messageOwner.entities.get(a); if (entity instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageEntityBold || entity instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageEntityItalic || entity instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageEntityPre || entity instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageEntityCode || entity instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageEntityTextUrl || entity instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageEntitySpoiler) { entities.add(entity); } } } else { entities = null; } sendMessage(messageObject.messageOwner.message, did, messageObject.replyMessageObject, null, webPage, true, entities, null, null, true, 0, null); } else if (DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(did)) { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); arrayList.add(messageObject); sendMessage(arrayList, did, true, false, true, 0); } } public void sendScreenshotMessage(TLRPC.User user, int messageId, TLRPC.Message resendMessage) { if (user == null || messageId == 0 || user.id == getUserConfig().getClientUserId()) { return; } TLRPC.TL_messages_sendScreenshotNotification req = new TLRPC.TL_messages_sendScreenshotNotification(); req.peer = new TLRPC.TL_inputPeerUser(); req.peer.access_hash = user.access_hash; req.peer.user_id = user.id; TLRPC.Message message; if (resendMessage != null) { message = resendMessage; req.reply_to_msg_id = messageId; req.random_id = resendMessage.random_id; } else { message = new TLRPC.TL_messageService(); message.random_id = getNextRandomId(); message.dialog_id = user.id; message.unread = true; message.out = true; message.local_id = message.id = getUserConfig().getNewMessageId(); message.from_id = new TLRPC.TL_peerUser(); message.from_id.user_id = getUserConfig().getClientUserId(); message.flags |= 256; message.flags |= 8; message.reply_to = new TLRPC.TL_messageReplyHeader(); message.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id = messageId; message.peer_id = new TLRPC.TL_peerUser(); message.peer_id.user_id = user.id; message.date = getConnectionsManager().getCurrentTime(); message.action = new TLRPC.TL_messageActionScreenshotTaken(); getUserConfig().saveConfig(false); } req.random_id = message.random_id; MessageObject newMsgObj = new MessageObject(currentAccount, message, false, true); newMsgObj.messageOwner.send_state = MessageObject.MESSAGE_SEND_STATE_SENDING; newMsgObj.wasJustSent = true; ArrayList objArr = new ArrayList<>(); objArr.add(newMsgObj); getMessagesController().updateInterfaceWithMessages(message.dialog_id, objArr, false); getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.dialogsNeedReload); ArrayList arr = new ArrayList<>(); arr.add(message); getMessagesStorage().putMessages(arr, false, true, false, 0, false); performSendMessageRequest(req, newMsgObj, null, null, null, null, false); } public void sendSticker(TLRPC.Document document, String query, long peer, MessageObject replyToMsg, MessageObject replyToTopMsg, Object parentObject, MessageObject.SendAnimationData sendAnimationData, boolean notify, int scheduleDate) { if (document == null) { return; } if (DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(peer)) { int encryptedId = DialogObject.getEncryptedChatId(peer); TLRPC.EncryptedChat encryptedChat = getMessagesController().getEncryptedChat(encryptedId); if (encryptedChat == null) { return; } TLRPC.TL_document_layer82 newDocument = new TLRPC.TL_document_layer82(); newDocument.id = document.id; newDocument.access_hash = document.access_hash; newDocument.date = document.date; newDocument.mime_type = document.mime_type; newDocument.file_reference = document.file_reference; if (newDocument.file_reference == null) { newDocument.file_reference = new byte[0]; } newDocument.size = document.size; newDocument.dc_id = document.dc_id; newDocument.attributes = new ArrayList<>(document.attributes); if (newDocument.mime_type == null) { newDocument.mime_type = ""; } TLRPC.PhotoSize thumb = FileLoader.getClosestPhotoSizeWithSize(document.thumbs, 90); if (thumb instanceof TLRPC.TL_photoSize || thumb instanceof TLRPC.TL_photoSizeProgressive) { File file = FileLoader.getInstance(currentAccount).getPathToAttach(thumb, true); if (file.exists()) { try { int len = (int) file.length(); byte[] arr = new byte[(int) file.length()]; RandomAccessFile reader = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r"); reader.readFully(arr); TLRPC.PhotoSize newThumb = new TLRPC.TL_photoCachedSize(); TLRPC.TL_fileLocation_layer82 fileLocation = new TLRPC.TL_fileLocation_layer82(); fileLocation.dc_id = thumb.location.dc_id; fileLocation.volume_id = thumb.location.volume_id; fileLocation.local_id = thumb.location.local_id; fileLocation.secret = thumb.location.secret; newThumb.location = fileLocation; newThumb.size = thumb.size; newThumb.w = thumb.w; newThumb.h = thumb.h; newThumb.type = thumb.type; newThumb.bytes = arr; newDocument.thumbs.add(newThumb); newDocument.flags |= 1; } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } } } if (newDocument.thumbs.isEmpty()) { thumb = new TLRPC.TL_photoSizeEmpty(); thumb.type = "s"; newDocument.thumbs.add(thumb); } document = newDocument; } TLRPC.Document finalDocument = document; if (MessageObject.isGifDocument(document)) { mediaSendQueue.postRunnable(() -> { final Bitmap[] bitmapFinal = new Bitmap[1]; final String[] keyFinal = new String[1]; String docExt; String mediaLocationKey = ImageLocation.getForDocument(finalDocument).getKey(null, null, false); if ("video/mp4".equals(finalDocument.mime_type)) { docExt = ".mp4"; } else if ("video/x-matroska".equals(finalDocument.mime_type)) { docExt = ".mkv"; } else { docExt = ""; } File docFile = new File(FileLoader.getDirectory(FileLoader.MEDIA_DIR_DOCUMENT), mediaLocationKey + docExt); if (!docFile.exists()) { docFile = new File(FileLoader.getDirectory(FileLoader.MEDIA_DIR_VIDEO), mediaLocationKey + docExt); } ensureMediaThumbExists(getAccountInstance(), false, finalDocument, docFile.getAbsolutePath(), null, 0); keyFinal[0] = getKeyForPhotoSize(getAccountInstance(), FileLoader.getClosestPhotoSizeWithSize(finalDocument.thumbs, 320), bitmapFinal, true, true); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { if (bitmapFinal[0] != null && keyFinal[0] != null) { ImageLoader.getInstance().putImageToCache(new BitmapDrawable(bitmapFinal[0]), keyFinal[0], false); } sendMessage((TLRPC.TL_document) finalDocument, null, null, peer, replyToMsg, replyToTopMsg, null, null, null, null, notify, scheduleDate, 0, parentObject, sendAnimationData); }); }); } else { HashMap params; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(query)) { params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("query", query); } else { params = null; } sendMessage((TLRPC.TL_document) finalDocument, null, null, peer, replyToMsg, replyToTopMsg, null, null, null, params, notify, scheduleDate, 0, parentObject, sendAnimationData); } } public int sendMessage(ArrayList messages, final long peer, boolean forwardFromMyName, boolean hideCaption, boolean notify, int scheduleDate) { if (messages == null || messages.isEmpty()) { return 0; } int sendResult = 0; long myId = getUserConfig().getClientUserId(); boolean isChannel = false; if (!DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(peer)) { final TLRPC.Peer peer_id = getMessagesController().getPeer(peer); boolean isSignature = false; boolean canSendStickers = true; boolean canSendMedia = true; boolean canSendPolls = true; boolean canSendPreview = true; String rank = null; long linkedToGroup = 0; TLRPC.Chat chat; if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(peer)) { TLRPC.User sendToUser = getMessagesController().getUser(peer); if (sendToUser == null) { return 0; } chat = null; } else { chat = getMessagesController().getChat(-peer); if (ChatObject.isChannel(chat)) { isSignature = chat.signatures; isChannel = !chat.megagroup; if (isChannel && chat.has_link) { TLRPC.ChatFull chatFull = getMessagesController().getChatFull(chat.id); if (chatFull != null) { linkedToGroup = chatFull.linked_chat_id; } } } if (chat != null) { rank = getMessagesController().getAdminRank(chat.id, myId); } canSendStickers = ChatObject.canSendStickers(chat); canSendMedia = ChatObject.canSendMedia(chat); canSendPreview = ChatObject.canSendEmbed(chat); canSendPolls = ChatObject.canSendPolls(chat); } LongSparseArray groupsMap = new LongSparseArray<>(); ArrayList objArr = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList arr = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList randomIds = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList ids = new ArrayList<>(); LongSparseArray messagesByRandomIds = new LongSparseArray<>(); TLRPC.InputPeer inputPeer = getMessagesController().getInputPeer(peer); long lastDialogId = 0; final boolean toMyself = peer == myId; long lastGroupedId; for (int a = 0; a < messages.size(); a++) { MessageObject msgObj = messages.get(a); if (msgObj.getId() <= 0 || msgObj.needDrawBluredPreview()) { if (msgObj.type == 0 && !TextUtils.isEmpty(msgObj.messageText)) { TLRPC.WebPage webPage = msgObj.messageOwner.media != null ? msgObj.messageOwner.media.webpage : null; sendMessage(msgObj.messageText.toString(), peer, null, null, webPage, webPage != null, msgObj.messageOwner.entities, null, null, notify, scheduleDate, null); } continue; } boolean mediaIsSticker = (msgObj.isSticker() || msgObj.isAnimatedSticker() || msgObj.isGif() || msgObj.isGame()); if (!canSendStickers && mediaIsSticker) { if (sendResult == 0) { sendResult = ChatObject.isActionBannedByDefault(chat, ChatObject.ACTION_SEND_STICKERS) ? 4 : 1; } continue; } else if (!canSendMedia && (msgObj.messageOwner.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPhoto || msgObj.messageOwner.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaDocument) && !mediaIsSticker) { if (sendResult == 0) { sendResult = ChatObject.isActionBannedByDefault(chat, ChatObject.ACTION_SEND_MEDIA) ? 5 : 2; } continue; } else if (!canSendPolls && msgObj.messageOwner.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPoll) { if (sendResult == 0) { sendResult = ChatObject.isActionBannedByDefault(chat, ChatObject.ACTION_SEND_POLLS) ? 6 : 3; } continue; } final TLRPC.Message newMsg = new TLRPC.TL_message(); if (!forwardFromMyName) { boolean forwardFromSaved = msgObj.getDialogId() == myId && msgObj.isFromUser() && msgObj.messageOwner.from_id.user_id == myId; if (msgObj.isForwarded()) { newMsg.fwd_from = new TLRPC.TL_messageFwdHeader(); if ((msgObj.messageOwner.fwd_from.flags & 1) != 0) { newMsg.fwd_from.flags |= 1; newMsg.fwd_from.from_id = msgObj.messageOwner.fwd_from.from_id; } if ((msgObj.messageOwner.fwd_from.flags & 32) != 0) { newMsg.fwd_from.flags |= 32; newMsg.fwd_from.from_name = msgObj.messageOwner.fwd_from.from_name; } if ((msgObj.messageOwner.fwd_from.flags & 4) != 0) { newMsg.fwd_from.flags |= 4; newMsg.fwd_from.channel_post = msgObj.messageOwner.fwd_from.channel_post; } if ((msgObj.messageOwner.fwd_from.flags & 8) != 0) { newMsg.fwd_from.flags |= 8; newMsg.fwd_from.post_author = msgObj.messageOwner.fwd_from.post_author; } if ((peer == myId || isChannel) && (msgObj.messageOwner.fwd_from.flags & 16) != 0 && !UserObject.isReplyUser(msgObj.getDialogId())) { newMsg.fwd_from.flags |= 16; newMsg.fwd_from.saved_from_peer = msgObj.messageOwner.fwd_from.saved_from_peer; newMsg.fwd_from.saved_from_msg_id = msgObj.messageOwner.fwd_from.saved_from_msg_id; } newMsg.fwd_from.date = msgObj.messageOwner.fwd_from.date; newMsg.flags = TLRPC.MESSAGE_FLAG_FWD; } else if (!forwardFromSaved) { //if (!toMyself || !msgObj.isOutOwner()) long fromId = msgObj.getFromChatId(); newMsg.fwd_from = new TLRPC.TL_messageFwdHeader(); newMsg.fwd_from.channel_post = msgObj.getId(); newMsg.fwd_from.flags |= 4; if (msgObj.isFromUser()) { newMsg.fwd_from.from_id = msgObj.messageOwner.from_id; newMsg.fwd_from.flags |= 1; } else { newMsg.fwd_from.from_id = new TLRPC.TL_peerChannel(); newMsg.fwd_from.from_id.channel_id = msgObj.messageOwner.peer_id.channel_id; newMsg.fwd_from.flags |= 1; if (msgObj.messageOwner.post && fromId > 0) { newMsg.fwd_from.from_id = msgObj.messageOwner.from_id != null ? msgObj.messageOwner.from_id : msgObj.messageOwner.peer_id; } } if (msgObj.messageOwner.post_author != null) { /*newMsg.fwd_from.post_author = msgObj.messageOwner.post_author; newMsg.fwd_from.flags |= 8;*/ } else if (!msgObj.isOutOwner() && fromId > 0 && msgObj.messageOwner.post) { TLRPC.User signUser = getMessagesController().getUser(fromId); if (signUser != null) { newMsg.fwd_from.post_author = ContactsController.formatName(signUser.first_name, signUser.last_name); newMsg.fwd_from.flags |= 8; } } newMsg.date = msgObj.messageOwner.date; newMsg.flags = TLRPC.MESSAGE_FLAG_FWD; } if (peer == myId && newMsg.fwd_from != null) { newMsg.fwd_from.flags |= 16; newMsg.fwd_from.saved_from_msg_id = msgObj.getId(); newMsg.fwd_from.saved_from_peer = msgObj.messageOwner.peer_id; if (newMsg.fwd_from.saved_from_peer.user_id == myId) { newMsg.fwd_from.saved_from_peer.user_id = msgObj.getDialogId(); } } } newMsg.params = new HashMap<>(); newMsg.params.put("fwd_id", "" + msgObj.getId()); newMsg.params.put("fwd_peer", "" + msgObj.getDialogId()); if (!msgObj.messageOwner.restriction_reason.isEmpty()) { newMsg.restriction_reason = msgObj.messageOwner.restriction_reason; newMsg.flags |= 4194304; } if (!canSendPreview && msgObj.messageOwner.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaWebPage) { newMsg.media = new TLRPC.TL_messageMediaEmpty(); } else { newMsg.media = msgObj.messageOwner.media; } if (newMsg.media != null) { newMsg.flags |= TLRPC.MESSAGE_FLAG_HAS_MEDIA; } if (msgObj.messageOwner.via_bot_id != 0) { newMsg.via_bot_id = msgObj.messageOwner.via_bot_id; newMsg.flags |= TLRPC.MESSAGE_FLAG_HAS_BOT_ID; } if (linkedToGroup != 0) { newMsg.replies = new TLRPC.TL_messageReplies(); newMsg.replies.comments = true; newMsg.replies.channel_id = linkedToGroup; newMsg.replies.flags |= 1; newMsg.flags |= 8388608; } if (!hideCaption || newMsg.media == null) { newMsg.message = msgObj.messageOwner.message; } if (newMsg.message == null) { newMsg.message = ""; } newMsg.fwd_msg_id = msgObj.getId(); newMsg.attachPath = msgObj.messageOwner.attachPath; newMsg.entities = msgObj.messageOwner.entities; if (msgObj.messageOwner.reply_markup instanceof TLRPC.TL_replyInlineMarkup) { newMsg.reply_markup = new TLRPC.TL_replyInlineMarkup(); boolean dropMarkup = false; for (int b = 0, N = msgObj.messageOwner.reply_markup.rows.size(); b < N; b++) { TLRPC.TL_keyboardButtonRow oldRow = msgObj.messageOwner.reply_markup.rows.get(b); TLRPC.TL_keyboardButtonRow newRow = null; for (int c = 0, N2 = oldRow.buttons.size(); c < N2; c++) { TLRPC.KeyboardButton button = oldRow.buttons.get(c); if (button instanceof TLRPC.TL_keyboardButtonUrlAuth || button instanceof TLRPC.TL_keyboardButtonUrl || button instanceof TLRPC.TL_keyboardButtonSwitchInline || button instanceof TLRPC.TL_keyboardButtonBuy) { if (button instanceof TLRPC.TL_keyboardButtonUrlAuth) { TLRPC.TL_keyboardButtonUrlAuth auth = new TLRPC.TL_keyboardButtonUrlAuth(); auth.flags = button.flags; if (button.fwd_text != null) { auth.text = auth.fwd_text = button.fwd_text; } else { auth.text = button.text; } auth.url = button.url; auth.button_id = button.button_id; button = auth; } if (newRow == null) { newRow = new TLRPC.TL_keyboardButtonRow(); newMsg.reply_markup.rows.add(newRow); } newRow.buttons.add(button); } else { dropMarkup = true; break; } } if (dropMarkup) { break; } } if (!dropMarkup) { newMsg.flags |= 64; } else { msgObj.messageOwner.reply_markup = null; newMsg.flags &=~ 64; } } if (!newMsg.entities.isEmpty()) { newMsg.flags |= TLRPC.MESSAGE_FLAG_HAS_ENTITIES; } if (newMsg.attachPath == null) { newMsg.attachPath = ""; } newMsg.local_id = newMsg.id = getUserConfig().getNewMessageId(); newMsg.out = true; if ((lastGroupedId = msgObj.messageOwner.grouped_id) != 0) { Long gId = groupsMap.get(msgObj.messageOwner.grouped_id); if (gId == null) { gId = Utilities.random.nextLong(); groupsMap.put(msgObj.messageOwner.grouped_id, gId); } newMsg.grouped_id = gId; newMsg.flags |= 131072; } if (peer_id.channel_id != 0 && isChannel) { if (isSignature) { newMsg.from_id = new TLRPC.TL_peerUser(); newMsg.from_id.user_id = myId; } else { newMsg.from_id = peer_id; } newMsg.post = true; } else { long fromPeerId = ChatObject.getSendAsPeerId(chat, getMessagesController().getChatFull(-peer), true); if (fromPeerId == myId) { newMsg.from_id = new TLRPC.TL_peerUser(); newMsg.from_id.user_id = myId; newMsg.flags |= TLRPC.MESSAGE_FLAG_HAS_FROM_ID; } else { newMsg.from_id = getMessagesController().getPeer(fromPeerId); if (rank != null) { newMsg.post_author = rank; newMsg.flags |= 65536; } } } if (newMsg.random_id == 0) { newMsg.random_id = getNextRandomId(); } randomIds.add(newMsg.random_id); messagesByRandomIds.put(newMsg.random_id, newMsg); ids.add(newMsg.fwd_msg_id); newMsg.date = scheduleDate != 0 ? scheduleDate : getConnectionsManager().getCurrentTime(); if (inputPeer instanceof TLRPC.TL_inputPeerChannel && isChannel) { if (scheduleDate == 0) { newMsg.views = 1; newMsg.flags |= TLRPC.MESSAGE_FLAG_HAS_VIEWS; } } else { if ((msgObj.messageOwner.flags & TLRPC.MESSAGE_FLAG_HAS_VIEWS) != 0) { if (scheduleDate == 0) { newMsg.views = msgObj.messageOwner.views; newMsg.flags |= TLRPC.MESSAGE_FLAG_HAS_VIEWS; } } newMsg.unread = true; } newMsg.dialog_id = peer; newMsg.peer_id = peer_id; if (MessageObject.isVoiceMessage(newMsg) || MessageObject.isRoundVideoMessage(newMsg)) { if (inputPeer instanceof TLRPC.TL_inputPeerChannel && msgObj.getChannelId() != 0) { newMsg.media_unread = msgObj.isContentUnread(); } else { newMsg.media_unread = true; } } MessageObject newMsgObj = new MessageObject(currentAccount, newMsg, true, true); newMsgObj.scheduled = scheduleDate != 0; newMsgObj.messageOwner.send_state = MessageObject.MESSAGE_SEND_STATE_SENDING; newMsgObj.wasJustSent = true; objArr.add(newMsgObj); arr.add(newMsg); if (msgObj.replyMessageObject != null) { for (int i = 0; i < messages.size(); i++) { if (messages.get(i).getId() == msgObj.replyMessageObject.getId()) { newMsgObj.messageOwner.replyMessage = msgObj.replyMessageObject.messageOwner; newMsgObj.replyMessageObject = msgObj.replyMessageObject; break; } } } putToSendingMessages(newMsg, scheduleDate != 0); boolean differentDialog = false; if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) { FileLog.d("forward message user_id = " + inputPeer.user_id + " chat_id = " + inputPeer.chat_id + " channel_id = " + inputPeer.channel_id + " access_hash = " + inputPeer.access_hash); } if (arr.size() == 100 || a == messages.size() - 1 || a != messages.size() - 1 && messages.get(a + 1).getDialogId() != msgObj.getDialogId()) { getMessagesStorage().putMessages(new ArrayList<>(arr), false, true, false, 0, scheduleDate != 0); getMessagesController().updateInterfaceWithMessages(peer, objArr, scheduleDate != 0); getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.dialogsNeedReload); getUserConfig().saveConfig(false); final TLRPC.TL_messages_forwardMessages req = new TLRPC.TL_messages_forwardMessages(); req.to_peer = inputPeer; req.silent = !notify || MessagesController.getNotificationsSettings(currentAccount).getBoolean("silent_" + peer, false); if (scheduleDate != 0) { req.schedule_date = scheduleDate; req.flags |= 1024; } if (msgObj.messageOwner.peer_id instanceof TLRPC.TL_peerChannel) { TLRPC.Chat channel = getMessagesController().getChat(msgObj.messageOwner.peer_id.channel_id); req.from_peer = new TLRPC.TL_inputPeerChannel(); req.from_peer.channel_id = msgObj.messageOwner.peer_id.channel_id; if (channel != null) { req.from_peer.access_hash = channel.access_hash; } } else { req.from_peer = new TLRPC.TL_inputPeerEmpty(); } req.random_id = randomIds; req.id = ids; req.drop_author = forwardFromMyName; req.drop_media_captions = hideCaption; req.with_my_score = messages.size() == 1 && messages.get(0).messageOwner.with_my_score; final ArrayList newMsgObjArr = arr; final ArrayList newMsgArr = new ArrayList<>(objArr); final LongSparseArray messagesByRandomIdsFinal = messagesByRandomIds; boolean scheduledOnline = scheduleDate == 0x7FFFFFFE; getConnectionsManager().sendRequest(req, (response, error) -> { if (error == null) { SparseLongArray newMessagesByIds = new SparseLongArray(); TLRPC.Updates updates = (TLRPC.Updates) response; for (int a1 = 0; a1 < updates.updates.size(); a1++) { TLRPC.Update update = updates.updates.get(a1); if (update instanceof TLRPC.TL_updateMessageID) { TLRPC.TL_updateMessageID updateMessageID = (TLRPC.TL_updateMessageID) update; newMessagesByIds.put(updateMessageID.id, updateMessageID.random_id); updates.updates.remove(a1); a1--; } } Integer value = getMessagesController().dialogs_read_outbox_max.get(peer); if (value == null) { value = getMessagesStorage().getDialogReadMax(true, peer); getMessagesController().dialogs_read_outbox_max.put(peer, value); } int sentCount = 0; for (int a1 = 0; a1 < updates.updates.size(); a1++) { TLRPC.Update update = updates.updates.get(a1); if (update instanceof TLRPC.TL_updateNewMessage || update instanceof TLRPC.TL_updateNewChannelMessage || update instanceof TLRPC.TL_updateNewScheduledMessage) { boolean currentSchedule = scheduleDate != 0; updates.updates.remove(a1); a1--; final TLRPC.Message message; if (update instanceof TLRPC.TL_updateNewMessage) { TLRPC.TL_updateNewMessage updateNewMessage = (TLRPC.TL_updateNewMessage) update; message = updateNewMessage.message; getMessagesController().processNewDifferenceParams(-1, updateNewMessage.pts, -1, updateNewMessage.pts_count); } else if (update instanceof TLRPC.TL_updateNewScheduledMessage) { TLRPC.TL_updateNewScheduledMessage updateNewMessage = (TLRPC.TL_updateNewScheduledMessage) update; message = updateNewMessage.message; } else { TLRPC.TL_updateNewChannelMessage updateNewChannelMessage = (TLRPC.TL_updateNewChannelMessage) update; message = updateNewChannelMessage.message; getMessagesController().processNewChannelDifferenceParams(updateNewChannelMessage.pts, updateNewChannelMessage.pts_count, message.peer_id.channel_id); } if (scheduledOnline && message.date != 0x7FFFFFFE) { currentSchedule = false; } ImageLoader.saveMessageThumbs(message); if (!currentSchedule) { message.unread = value < message.id; } if (toMyself) { message.out = true; message.unread = false; message.media_unread = false; } long random_id = newMessagesByIds.get(message.id); if (random_id != 0) { final TLRPC.Message newMsgObj1 = messagesByRandomIdsFinal.get(random_id); if (newMsgObj1 == null) { continue; } int index = newMsgObjArr.indexOf(newMsgObj1); if (index == -1) { continue; } MessageObject msgObj1 = newMsgArr.get(index); newMsgObjArr.remove(index); newMsgArr.remove(index); final int oldId = newMsgObj1.id; final ArrayList sentMessages = new ArrayList<>(); sentMessages.add(message); msgObj1.messageOwner.post_author = message.post_author; if ((message.flags & 33554432) != 0) { msgObj1.messageOwner.ttl_period = message.ttl_period; msgObj1.messageOwner.flags |= 33554432; } updateMediaPaths(msgObj1, message, message.id, null, true); int existFlags = msgObj1.getMediaExistanceFlags(); newMsgObj1.id = message.id; sentCount++; if (scheduleDate != 0 && !currentSchedule) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { ArrayList messageIds = new ArrayList<>(); messageIds.add(oldId); getMessagesController().deleteMessages(messageIds, null, null, newMsgObj1.dialog_id, false, true); getMessagesStorage().getStorageQueue().postRunnable(() -> { getMessagesStorage().putMessages(sentMessages, true, false, false, 0, false); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { ArrayList messageObjects = new ArrayList<>(); messageObjects.add(new MessageObject(msgObj.currentAccount, msgObj.messageOwner, true, true)); getMessagesController().updateInterfaceWithMessages(newMsgObj1.dialog_id, messageObjects, false); getMediaDataController().increasePeerRaiting(newMsgObj1.dialog_id); processSentMessage(oldId); removeFromSendingMessages(oldId, scheduleDate != 0); }); }); }); } else { getMessagesStorage().getStorageQueue().postRunnable(() -> { getMessagesStorage().updateMessageStateAndId(newMsgObj1.random_id, MessageObject.getPeerId(peer_id), oldId, newMsgObj1.id, 0, false, scheduleDate != 0 ? 1 : 0); getMessagesStorage().putMessages(sentMessages, true, false, false, 0, scheduleDate != 0); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { newMsgObj1.send_state = MessageObject.MESSAGE_SEND_STATE_SENT; getMediaDataController().increasePeerRaiting(peer); getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.messageReceivedByServer, oldId, message.id, message, peer, 0L, existFlags, scheduleDate != 0); processSentMessage(oldId); removeFromSendingMessages(oldId, scheduleDate != 0); }); }); } } } } if (!updates.updates.isEmpty()) { getMessagesController().processUpdates(updates, false); } getStatsController().incrementSentItemsCount(ApplicationLoader.getCurrentNetworkType(), StatsController.TYPE_MESSAGES, sentCount); } else { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> AlertsCreator.processError(currentAccount, error, null, req)); } for (int a1 = 0; a1 < newMsgObjArr.size(); a1++) { final TLRPC.Message newMsgObj1 = newMsgObjArr.get(a1); getMessagesStorage().markMessageAsSendError(newMsgObj1, scheduleDate != 0); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { newMsgObj1.send_state = MessageObject.MESSAGE_SEND_STATE_SEND_ERROR; getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.messageSendError, newMsgObj1.id); processSentMessage(newMsgObj1.id); removeFromSendingMessages(newMsgObj1.id, scheduleDate != 0); }); } }, ConnectionsManager.RequestFlagCanCompress | ConnectionsManager.RequestFlagInvokeAfter); if (a != messages.size() - 1) { objArr = new ArrayList<>(); arr = new ArrayList<>(); randomIds = new ArrayList<>(); ids = new ArrayList<>(); messagesByRandomIds = new LongSparseArray<>(); } } } } else { for (int a = 0; a < messages.size(); a++) { processForwardFromMyName(messages.get(a), peer); } } return sendResult; } private void writePreviousMessageData(TLRPC.Message message, SerializedData data) { if (message.media == null) { TLRPC.TL_messageMediaEmpty media = new TLRPC.TL_messageMediaEmpty(); media.serializeToStream(data); } else { message.media.serializeToStream(data); } data.writeString(message.message != null ? message.message : ""); data.writeString(message.attachPath != null ? message.attachPath : ""); int count; data.writeInt32(count = message.entities.size()); for (int a = 0; a < count; a++) { message.entities.get(a).serializeToStream(data); } } public void editMessage(MessageObject messageObject, TLRPC.TL_photo photo, VideoEditedInfo videoEditedInfo, TLRPC.TL_document document, String path, HashMap params, boolean retry, Object parentObject) { if (messageObject == null) { return; } if (params == null) { params = new HashMap<>(); } TLRPC.Message newMsg = messageObject.messageOwner; messageObject.cancelEditing = false; try { int type = -1; DelayedMessage delayedMessage = null; long peer = messageObject.getDialogId(); boolean supportsSendingNewEntities = true; if (DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(peer)) { int encryptedId = DialogObject.getEncryptedChatId(peer); TLRPC.EncryptedChat encryptedChat = getMessagesController().getEncryptedChat(encryptedId); if (encryptedChat == null || AndroidUtilities.getPeerLayerVersion(encryptedChat.layer) < 101) { supportsSendingNewEntities = false; } } if (retry) { if (messageObject.messageOwner.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaWebPage || messageObject.messageOwner.media == null || messageObject.messageOwner.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaEmpty) { type = 1; } else if (messageObject.messageOwner.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPhoto) { photo = (TLRPC.TL_photo) messageObject.messageOwner.media.photo; type = 2; } else if (messageObject.messageOwner.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaDocument) { document = (TLRPC.TL_document) messageObject.messageOwner.media.document; if (MessageObject.isVideoDocument(document) || videoEditedInfo != null) { type = 3; } else { type = 7; } videoEditedInfo = messageObject.videoEditedInfo; } params = newMsg.params; if (parentObject == null && params != null && params.containsKey("parentObject")) { parentObject = params.get("parentObject"); } messageObject.editingMessage = newMsg.message; messageObject.editingMessageEntities = newMsg.entities; path = newMsg.attachPath; } else { messageObject.previousMedia = newMsg.media; messageObject.previousMessage = newMsg.message; messageObject.previousMessageEntities = newMsg.entities; messageObject.previousAttachPath = newMsg.attachPath; TLRPC.MessageMedia media = newMsg.media; if (media == null) { media = new TLRPC.TL_messageMediaEmpty(); } SerializedData serializedDataCalc = new SerializedData(true); writePreviousMessageData(newMsg, serializedDataCalc); SerializedData prevMessageData = new SerializedData(serializedDataCalc.length()); writePreviousMessageData(newMsg, prevMessageData); if (params == null) { params = new HashMap<>(); } params.put("prevMedia", Base64.encodeToString(prevMessageData.toByteArray(), Base64.DEFAULT)); prevMessageData.cleanup(); if (photo != null) { newMsg.media = new TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPhoto(); newMsg.media.flags |= 3; newMsg.media.photo = photo; type = 2; if (path != null && path.length() > 0 && path.startsWith("http")) { newMsg.attachPath = path; } else { TLRPC.FileLocation location1 = photo.sizes.get(photo.sizes.size() - 1).location; newMsg.attachPath = FileLoader.getInstance(currentAccount).getPathToAttach(location1, true).toString(); } } else if (document != null) { newMsg.media = new TLRPC.TL_messageMediaDocument(); newMsg.media.flags |= 3; newMsg.media.document = document; if (MessageObject.isVideoDocument(document) || videoEditedInfo != null) { type = 3; } else { type = 7; } if (videoEditedInfo != null) { String ve = videoEditedInfo.getString(); params.put("ve", ve); } newMsg.attachPath = path; } else { type = 1; } newMsg.params = params; newMsg.send_state = MessageObject.MESSAGE_SEND_STATE_EDITING; } if (newMsg.attachPath == null) { newMsg.attachPath = ""; } newMsg.local_id = 0; if ((messageObject.type == 3 || videoEditedInfo != null || messageObject.type == 2) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(newMsg.attachPath)) { messageObject.attachPathExists = true; } if (messageObject.videoEditedInfo != null && videoEditedInfo == null) { videoEditedInfo = messageObject.videoEditedInfo; } if (!retry) { if (messageObject.editingMessage != null) { String oldMessge = newMsg.message; newMsg.message = messageObject.editingMessage.toString(); messageObject.caption = null; if (type == 1) { if (messageObject.editingMessageEntities != null) { newMsg.entities = messageObject.editingMessageEntities; newMsg.flags |= 128; } else if (!TextUtils.equals(oldMessge, newMsg.message)) { newMsg.flags &=~ 128; } } else { if (messageObject.editingMessageEntities != null) { newMsg.entities = messageObject.editingMessageEntities; newMsg.flags |= 128; } else { CharSequence[] message = new CharSequence[]{messageObject.editingMessage}; ArrayList entities = getMediaDataController().getEntities(message, supportsSendingNewEntities); if (entities != null && !entities.isEmpty()) { newMsg.entities = entities; newMsg.flags |= 128; } else if (!TextUtils.equals(oldMessge, newMsg.message)) { newMsg.flags &=~ 128; } } messageObject.generateCaption(); } } ArrayList arr = new ArrayList<>(); arr.add(newMsg); getMessagesStorage().putMessages(arr, false, true, false, 0, messageObject.scheduled); messageObject.type = -1; messageObject.setType(); if (type == 1) { if (messageObject.messageOwner.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPhoto || messageObject.messageOwner.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaDocument) { messageObject.generateCaption(); } else { messageObject.resetLayout(); messageObject.checkLayout(); } } messageObject.createMessageSendInfo(); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); arrayList.add(messageObject); getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.replaceMessagesObjects, peer, arrayList); } String originalPath = null; if (params != null && params.containsKey("originalPath")) { originalPath = params.get("originalPath"); } boolean performMediaUpload = false; if (type >= 1 && type <= 3 || type >= 5 && type <= 8) { TLRPC.InputMedia inputMedia = null; if (type == 1) { } else if (type == 2) { TLRPC.TL_inputMediaUploadedPhoto uploadedPhoto = new TLRPC.TL_inputMediaUploadedPhoto(); if (params != null) { String masks = params.get("masks"); if (masks != null) { SerializedData serializedData = new SerializedData(Utilities.hexToBytes(masks)); int count = serializedData.readInt32(false); for (int a = 0; a < count; a++) { uploadedPhoto.stickers.add(TLRPC.InputDocument.TLdeserialize(serializedData, serializedData.readInt32(false), false)); } uploadedPhoto.flags |= 1; serializedData.cleanup(); } } if (photo.access_hash == 0) { inputMedia = uploadedPhoto; performMediaUpload = true; } else { TLRPC.TL_inputMediaPhoto media = new TLRPC.TL_inputMediaPhoto(); media.id = new TLRPC.TL_inputPhoto(); media.id.id = photo.id; media.id.access_hash = photo.access_hash; media.id.file_reference = photo.file_reference; if (media.id.file_reference == null) { media.id.file_reference = new byte[0]; } inputMedia = media; } delayedMessage = new DelayedMessage(peer); delayedMessage.type = 0; delayedMessage.obj = messageObject; delayedMessage.originalPath = originalPath; delayedMessage.parentObject = parentObject; delayedMessage.inputUploadMedia = uploadedPhoto; delayedMessage.performMediaUpload = performMediaUpload; if (path != null && path.length() > 0 && path.startsWith("http")) { delayedMessage.httpLocation = path; } else { delayedMessage.photoSize = photo.sizes.get(photo.sizes.size() - 1); delayedMessage.locationParent = photo; } } else if (type == 3) { TLRPC.TL_inputMediaUploadedDocument uploadedDocument = new TLRPC.TL_inputMediaUploadedDocument(); if (params != null) { String masks = params.get("masks"); if (masks != null) { SerializedData serializedData = new SerializedData(Utilities.hexToBytes(masks)); int count = serializedData.readInt32(false); for (int a = 0; a < count; a++) { uploadedDocument.stickers.add(TLRPC.InputDocument.TLdeserialize(serializedData, serializedData.readInt32(false), false)); } uploadedDocument.flags |= 1; serializedData.cleanup(); } } uploadedDocument.mime_type = document.mime_type; uploadedDocument.attributes = document.attributes; if (!messageObject.isGif() && (videoEditedInfo == null || !videoEditedInfo.muted)) { uploadedDocument.nosound_video = true; if (BuildVars.DEBUG_VERSION) { FileLog.d("nosound_video = true"); } } if (document.access_hash == 0) { inputMedia = uploadedDocument; performMediaUpload = true; } else { TLRPC.TL_inputMediaDocument media = new TLRPC.TL_inputMediaDocument(); media.id = new TLRPC.TL_inputDocument(); media.id.id = document.id; media.id.access_hash = document.access_hash; media.id.file_reference = document.file_reference; if (media.id.file_reference == null) { media.id.file_reference = new byte[0]; } inputMedia = media; } delayedMessage = new DelayedMessage(peer); delayedMessage.type = 1; delayedMessage.obj = messageObject; delayedMessage.originalPath = originalPath; delayedMessage.parentObject = parentObject; delayedMessage.inputUploadMedia = uploadedDocument; delayedMessage.performMediaUpload = performMediaUpload; if (!document.thumbs.isEmpty()) { TLRPC.PhotoSize photoSize = document.thumbs.get(0); if (!(photoSize instanceof TLRPC.TL_photoStrippedSize)) { delayedMessage.photoSize = photoSize; delayedMessage.locationParent = document; } } delayedMessage.videoEditedInfo = videoEditedInfo; } else if (type == 7) { boolean http = false; TLRPC.InputMedia uploadedDocument = new TLRPC.TL_inputMediaUploadedDocument(); uploadedDocument.mime_type = document.mime_type; uploadedDocument.attributes = document.attributes; if (document.access_hash == 0) { inputMedia = uploadedDocument; performMediaUpload = uploadedDocument instanceof TLRPC.TL_inputMediaUploadedDocument; } else { TLRPC.TL_inputMediaDocument media = new TLRPC.TL_inputMediaDocument(); media.id = new TLRPC.TL_inputDocument(); media.id.id = document.id; media.id.access_hash = document.access_hash; media.id.file_reference = document.file_reference; if (media.id.file_reference == null) { media.id.file_reference = new byte[0]; } inputMedia = media; } if (!http) { delayedMessage = new DelayedMessage(peer); delayedMessage.originalPath = originalPath; delayedMessage.type = 2; delayedMessage.obj = messageObject; if (!document.thumbs.isEmpty()) { TLRPC.PhotoSize photoSize = document.thumbs.get(0); if (!(photoSize instanceof TLRPC.TL_photoStrippedSize)) { delayedMessage.photoSize = photoSize; delayedMessage.locationParent = document; } } delayedMessage.parentObject = parentObject; delayedMessage.inputUploadMedia = uploadedDocument; delayedMessage.performMediaUpload = performMediaUpload; } } TLObject reqSend; TLRPC.TL_messages_editMessage request = new TLRPC.TL_messages_editMessage(); request.id = messageObject.getId(); request.peer = getMessagesController().getInputPeer(peer); if (inputMedia != null) { request.flags |= 16384; request.media = inputMedia; } if (messageObject.scheduled) { request.schedule_date = messageObject.messageOwner.date; request.flags |= 32768; } if (messageObject.editingMessage != null) { request.message = messageObject.editingMessage.toString(); request.flags |= 2048; request.no_webpage = !messageObject.editingMessageSearchWebPage; if (messageObject.editingMessageEntities != null) { request.entities = messageObject.editingMessageEntities; request.flags |= 8; } else { CharSequence[] message = new CharSequence[]{messageObject.editingMessage}; ArrayList entities = getMediaDataController().getEntities(message, supportsSendingNewEntities); if (entities != null && !entities.isEmpty()) { request.entities = entities; request.flags |= 8; } } messageObject.editingMessage = null; messageObject.editingMessageEntities = null; } if (delayedMessage != null) { delayedMessage.sendRequest = request; } reqSend = request; if (type == 1) { performSendMessageRequest(reqSend, messageObject, null, delayedMessage, parentObject, params, messageObject.scheduled); } else if (type == 2) { if (performMediaUpload) { performSendDelayedMessage(delayedMessage); } else { performSendMessageRequest(reqSend, messageObject, originalPath, null, true, delayedMessage, parentObject, params, messageObject.scheduled); } } else if (type == 3) { if (performMediaUpload) { performSendDelayedMessage(delayedMessage); } else { performSendMessageRequest(reqSend, messageObject, originalPath, delayedMessage, parentObject, params, messageObject.scheduled); } } else if (type == 6) { performSendMessageRequest(reqSend, messageObject, originalPath, delayedMessage, parentObject, params, messageObject.scheduled); } else if (type == 7) { if (performMediaUpload) { performSendDelayedMessage(delayedMessage); } else { performSendMessageRequest(reqSend, messageObject, originalPath, delayedMessage, parentObject, params, messageObject.scheduled); } } else if (type == 8) { if (performMediaUpload) { performSendDelayedMessage(delayedMessage); } else { performSendMessageRequest(reqSend, messageObject, originalPath, delayedMessage, parentObject, params, messageObject.scheduled); } } } } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); revertEditingMessageObject(messageObject); } } public int editMessage(MessageObject messageObject, String message, boolean searchLinks, final BaseFragment fragment, ArrayList entities, int scheduleDate) { if (fragment == null || fragment.getParentActivity() == null) { return 0; } final TLRPC.TL_messages_editMessage req = new TLRPC.TL_messages_editMessage(); req.peer = getMessagesController().getInputPeer(messageObject.getDialogId()); if (message != null) { req.message = message; req.flags |= 2048; req.no_webpage = !searchLinks; } req.id = messageObject.getId(); if (entities != null) { req.entities = entities; req.flags |= 8; } if (scheduleDate != 0) { req.schedule_date = scheduleDate; req.flags |= 32768; } return getConnectionsManager().sendRequest(req, (response, error) -> { if (error == null) { getMessagesController().processUpdates((TLRPC.Updates) response, false); } else { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> AlertsCreator.processError(currentAccount, error, fragment, req)); } }); } private void sendLocation(Location location) { TLRPC.TL_messageMediaGeo mediaGeo = new TLRPC.TL_messageMediaGeo(); mediaGeo.geo = new TLRPC.TL_geoPoint(); mediaGeo.geo.lat = AndroidUtilities.fixLocationCoord(location.getLatitude()); mediaGeo.geo._long = AndroidUtilities.fixLocationCoord(location.getLongitude()); for (HashMap.Entry entry : waitingForLocation.entrySet()) { MessageObject messageObject = entry.getValue(); sendMessage(mediaGeo, messageObject.getDialogId(), messageObject, null, null, null, true, 0); } } public void sendCurrentLocation(final MessageObject messageObject, final TLRPC.KeyboardButton button) { if (messageObject == null || button == null) { return; } final String key = messageObject.getDialogId() + "_" + messageObject.getId() + "_" + Utilities.bytesToHex(button.data) + "_" + (button instanceof TLRPC.TL_keyboardButtonGame ? "1" : "0"); waitingForLocation.put(key, messageObject); locationProvider.start(); } public boolean isSendingCurrentLocation(MessageObject messageObject, TLRPC.KeyboardButton button) { if (messageObject == null || button == null) { return false; } final String key = messageObject.getDialogId() + "_" + messageObject.getId() + "_" + Utilities.bytesToHex(button.data) + "_" + (button instanceof TLRPC.TL_keyboardButtonGame ? "1" : "0"); return waitingForLocation.containsKey(key); } public void sendNotificationCallback(long dialogId, int msgId, byte[] data) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { final String key = dialogId + "_" + msgId + "_" + Utilities.bytesToHex(data) + "_" + 0; waitingForCallback.put(key, true); if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(dialogId)) { TLRPC.User user = getMessagesController().getUser(dialogId); if (user == null) { user = getMessagesStorage().getUserSync(dialogId); if (user != null) { getMessagesController().putUser(user, true); } } } else { TLRPC.Chat chat = getMessagesController().getChat(-dialogId); if (chat == null) { chat = getMessagesStorage().getChatSync(-dialogId); if (chat != null) { getMessagesController().putChat(chat, true); } } } TLRPC.TL_messages_getBotCallbackAnswer req = new TLRPC.TL_messages_getBotCallbackAnswer(); req.peer = getMessagesController().getInputPeer(dialogId); req.msg_id = msgId; req.game = false; if (data != null) { req.flags |= 1; req.data = data; } getConnectionsManager().sendRequest(req, (response, error) -> AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> waitingForCallback.remove(key)), ConnectionsManager.RequestFlagFailOnServerErrors); getMessagesController().markDialogAsRead(dialogId, msgId, msgId, 0, false, 0, 0, true, 0); }); } public byte[] isSendingVote(MessageObject messageObject) { if (messageObject == null) { return null; } final String key = "poll_" + messageObject.getPollId(); return waitingForVote.get(key); } public int sendVote(final MessageObject messageObject, final ArrayList answers, final Runnable finishRunnable) { if (messageObject == null) { return 0; } final String key = "poll_" + messageObject.getPollId(); if (waitingForCallback.containsKey(key)) { return 0; } TLRPC.TL_messages_sendVote req = new TLRPC.TL_messages_sendVote(); req.msg_id = messageObject.getId(); req.peer = getMessagesController().getInputPeer(messageObject.getDialogId()); byte[] options; if (answers != null) { options = new byte[answers.size()]; for (int a = 0; a < answers.size(); a++) { TLRPC.TL_pollAnswer answer = answers.get(a); req.options.add(answer.option); options[a] = answer.option[0]; } } else { options = new byte[0]; } waitingForVote.put(key, options); return getConnectionsManager().sendRequest(req, (response, error) -> { if (error == null) { voteSendTime.put(messageObject.getPollId(), 0L); getMessagesController().processUpdates((TLRPC.Updates) response, false); voteSendTime.put(messageObject.getPollId(), SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()); } AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { waitingForVote.remove(key); if (finishRunnable != null) { finishRunnable.run(); } }); }); } protected long getVoteSendTime(long pollId) { return voteSendTime.get(pollId, 0L); } public void sendReaction(MessageObject messageObject, CharSequence reaction, boolean big, ChatActivity parentFragment, Runnable callback) { if (messageObject == null || parentFragment == null) { return; } TLRPC.TL_messages_sendReaction req = new TLRPC.TL_messages_sendReaction(); if (messageObject.messageOwner.isThreadMessage && messageObject.messageOwner.fwd_from != null) { req.peer = getMessagesController().getInputPeer(messageObject.getFromChatId()); req.msg_id = messageObject.messageOwner.fwd_from.saved_from_msg_id; } else { req.peer = getMessagesController().getInputPeer(messageObject.getDialogId()); req.msg_id = messageObject.getId(); } if (reaction != null) { req.reaction = reaction.toString(); req.flags |= 1; } if (big) { req.flags |= 2; req.big = true; } getConnectionsManager().sendRequest(req, (response, error) -> { if (response != null) { getMessagesController().processUpdates((TLRPC.Updates) response, false); if (callback != null) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(callback); } } }); } public void requestUrlAuth(String url, ChatActivity parentFragment, boolean ask) { TLRPC.TL_messages_requestUrlAuth req = new TLRPC.TL_messages_requestUrlAuth(); req.url = url; req.flags |= 4; getConnectionsManager().sendRequest(req, (response, error) -> { if (response != null) { if (response instanceof TLRPC.TL_urlAuthResultRequest) { TLRPC.TL_urlAuthResultRequest res = (TLRPC.TL_urlAuthResultRequest) response; parentFragment.showRequestUrlAlert(res, (TLRPC.TL_messages_requestUrlAuth) req, url, ask); } else if (response instanceof TLRPC.TL_urlAuthResultAccepted) { TLRPC.TL_urlAuthResultAccepted res = (TLRPC.TL_urlAuthResultAccepted) response; AlertsCreator.showOpenUrlAlert(parentFragment, res.url, false, false); } else if (response instanceof TLRPC.TL_urlAuthResultDefault) { AlertsCreator.showOpenUrlAlert(parentFragment, url, false, ask); } } else { AlertsCreator.showOpenUrlAlert(parentFragment, url, false, ask); } }, ConnectionsManager.RequestFlagFailOnServerErrors); } public void sendCallback(final boolean cache, final MessageObject messageObject, final TLRPC.KeyboardButton button, final ChatActivity parentFragment) { sendCallback(cache, messageObject, button, null, null, parentFragment); } public void sendCallback(final boolean cache, final MessageObject messageObject, final TLRPC.KeyboardButton button, TLRPC.InputCheckPasswordSRP srp, TwoStepVerificationActivity passwordFragment, final ChatActivity parentFragment) { if (messageObject == null || button == null || parentFragment == null) { return; } final boolean cacheFinal; int type; if (button instanceof TLRPC.TL_keyboardButtonUrlAuth) { cacheFinal = false; type = 3; } else if (button instanceof TLRPC.TL_keyboardButtonGame) { cacheFinal = false; type = 1; } else { cacheFinal = cache; if (button instanceof TLRPC.TL_keyboardButtonBuy) { type = 2; } else { type = 0; } } final String key = messageObject.getDialogId() + "_" + messageObject.getId() + "_" + Utilities.bytesToHex(button.data) + "_" + type; waitingForCallback.put(key, true); TLObject[] request = new TLObject[1]; RequestDelegate requestDelegate = (response, error) -> AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { waitingForCallback.remove(key); if (cacheFinal && response == null) { sendCallback(false, messageObject, button, parentFragment); } else if (response != null) { if (passwordFragment != null) { passwordFragment.needHideProgress(); passwordFragment.finishFragment(); } long uid = messageObject.getFromChatId(); if (messageObject.messageOwner.via_bot_id != 0) { uid = messageObject.messageOwner.via_bot_id; } String name = null; if (uid > 0) { TLRPC.User user = getMessagesController().getUser(uid); if (user != null) { name = ContactsController.formatName(user.first_name, user.last_name); } } else { TLRPC.Chat chat = getMessagesController().getChat(-uid); if (chat != null) { name = chat.title; } } if (name == null) { name = "bot"; } if (button instanceof TLRPC.TL_keyboardButtonUrlAuth) { if (response instanceof TLRPC.TL_urlAuthResultRequest) { TLRPC.TL_urlAuthResultRequest res = (TLRPC.TL_urlAuthResultRequest) response; parentFragment.showRequestUrlAlert(res, (TLRPC.TL_messages_requestUrlAuth) request[0], button.url, false); } else if (response instanceof TLRPC.TL_urlAuthResultAccepted) { TLRPC.TL_urlAuthResultAccepted res = (TLRPC.TL_urlAuthResultAccepted) response; AlertsCreator.showOpenUrlAlert(parentFragment, res.url, false, false); } else if (response instanceof TLRPC.TL_urlAuthResultDefault) { TLRPC.TL_urlAuthResultDefault res = (TLRPC.TL_urlAuthResultDefault) response; AlertsCreator.showOpenUrlAlert(parentFragment, button.url, false, true); } } else if (button instanceof TLRPC.TL_keyboardButtonBuy) { Toast.makeText(ApplicationLoader.applicationContext, R.string.nekoXPaymentRemovedToast, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); // NekoX: The payment function has been removed. } else { TLRPC.TL_messages_botCallbackAnswer res = (TLRPC.TL_messages_botCallbackAnswer) response; if (!cacheFinal && res.cache_time != 0 && !button.requires_password) { getMessagesStorage().saveBotCache(key, res); } if (res.message != null) { if (res.alert) { if (parentFragment.getParentActivity() == null) { return; } AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(parentFragment.getParentActivity()); builder.setTitle(name); builder.setPositiveButton(LocaleController.getString("OK", R.string.OK), null); builder.setMessage(res.message); parentFragment.showDialog(builder.create()); } else { parentFragment.showAlert(name, res.message); } } else if (res.url != null) { if (parentFragment.getParentActivity() == null) { return; } TLRPC.User user = getMessagesController().getUser(uid); boolean verified = user != null && user.verified; if (button instanceof TLRPC.TL_keyboardButtonGame) { TLRPC.TL_game game = messageObject.messageOwner.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaGame ? messageObject.messageOwner.media.game : null; if (game == null) { return; } parentFragment.showOpenGameAlert(game, messageObject, res.url, !verified && MessagesController.getNotificationsSettings(currentAccount).getBoolean("askgame_" + uid, true), uid); } else { AlertsCreator.showOpenUrlAlert(parentFragment, res.url, false, false); } } } } else if (error != null) { if (parentFragment.getParentActivity() == null) { return; } if ("PASSWORD_HASH_INVALID".equals(error.text)) { if (srp == null) { AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(parentFragment.getParentActivity()); builder.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("BotOwnershipTransfer", R.string.BotOwnershipTransfer)); builder.setMessage(AndroidUtilities.replaceTags(LocaleController.formatString("BotOwnershipTransferReadyAlertText", R.string.BotOwnershipTransferReadyAlertText))); builder.setPositiveButton(LocaleController.getString("BotOwnershipTransferChangeOwner", R.string.BotOwnershipTransferChangeOwner), (dialogInterface, i) -> { TwoStepVerificationActivity fragment = new TwoStepVerificationActivity(); fragment.setDelegate(password -> sendCallback(cache, messageObject, button, password, fragment, parentFragment)); parentFragment.presentFragment(fragment); }); builder.setNegativeButton(LocaleController.getString("Cancel", R.string.Cancel), null); parentFragment.showDialog(builder.create()); } } else if ("PASSWORD_MISSING".equals(error.text) || error.text.startsWith("PASSWORD_TOO_FRESH_") || error.text.startsWith("SESSION_TOO_FRESH_")) { if (passwordFragment != null) { passwordFragment.needHideProgress(); } AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(parentFragment.getParentActivity()); builder.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("EditAdminTransferAlertTitle", R.string.EditAdminTransferAlertTitle)); LinearLayout linearLayout = new LinearLayout(parentFragment.getParentActivity()); linearLayout.setPadding(AndroidUtilities.dp(24), AndroidUtilities.dp(2), AndroidUtilities.dp(24), 0); linearLayout.setOrientation(LinearLayout.VERTICAL); builder.setView(linearLayout); TextView messageTextView = new TextView(parentFragment.getParentActivity()); messageTextView.setTextColor(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_dialogTextBlack)); messageTextView.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 16); messageTextView.setGravity((LocaleController.isRTL ? Gravity.RIGHT : Gravity.LEFT) | Gravity.TOP); messageTextView.setText(AndroidUtilities.replaceTags(LocaleController.formatString("BotOwnershipTransferAlertText", R.string.BotOwnershipTransferAlertText))); linearLayout.addView(messageTextView, LayoutHelper.createLinear(LayoutHelper.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutHelper.WRAP_CONTENT)); LinearLayout linearLayout2 = new LinearLayout(parentFragment.getParentActivity()); linearLayout2.setOrientation(LinearLayout.HORIZONTAL); linearLayout.addView(linearLayout2, LayoutHelper.createLinear(LayoutHelper.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutHelper.WRAP_CONTENT, 0, 11, 0, 0)); ImageView dotImageView = new ImageView(parentFragment.getParentActivity()); dotImageView.setImageResource(R.drawable.list_circle); dotImageView.setPadding(LocaleController.isRTL ? AndroidUtilities.dp(11) : 0, AndroidUtilities.dp(9), LocaleController.isRTL ? 0 : AndroidUtilities.dp(11), 0); dotImageView.setColorFilter(new PorterDuffColorFilter(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_dialogTextBlack), PorterDuff.Mode.MULTIPLY)); messageTextView = new TextView(parentFragment.getParentActivity()); messageTextView.setTextColor(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_dialogTextBlack)); messageTextView.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 16); messageTextView.setGravity((LocaleController.isRTL ? Gravity.RIGHT : Gravity.LEFT) | Gravity.TOP); messageTextView.setText(AndroidUtilities.replaceTags(LocaleController.getString("EditAdminTransferAlertText1", R.string.EditAdminTransferAlertText1))); if (LocaleController.isRTL) { linearLayout2.addView(messageTextView, LayoutHelper.createLinear(LayoutHelper.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutHelper.WRAP_CONTENT)); linearLayout2.addView(dotImageView, LayoutHelper.createLinear(LayoutHelper.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutHelper.WRAP_CONTENT, Gravity.RIGHT)); } else { linearLayout2.addView(dotImageView, LayoutHelper.createLinear(LayoutHelper.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutHelper.WRAP_CONTENT)); linearLayout2.addView(messageTextView, LayoutHelper.createLinear(LayoutHelper.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutHelper.WRAP_CONTENT)); } linearLayout2 = new LinearLayout(parentFragment.getParentActivity()); linearLayout2.setOrientation(LinearLayout.HORIZONTAL); linearLayout.addView(linearLayout2, LayoutHelper.createLinear(LayoutHelper.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutHelper.WRAP_CONTENT, 0, 11, 0, 0)); dotImageView = new ImageView(parentFragment.getParentActivity()); dotImageView.setImageResource(R.drawable.list_circle); dotImageView.setPadding(LocaleController.isRTL ? AndroidUtilities.dp(11) : 0, AndroidUtilities.dp(9), LocaleController.isRTL ? 0 : AndroidUtilities.dp(11), 0); dotImageView.setColorFilter(new PorterDuffColorFilter(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_dialogTextBlack), PorterDuff.Mode.MULTIPLY)); messageTextView = new TextView(parentFragment.getParentActivity()); messageTextView.setTextColor(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_dialogTextBlack)); messageTextView.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 16); messageTextView.setGravity((LocaleController.isRTL ? Gravity.RIGHT : Gravity.LEFT) | Gravity.TOP); messageTextView.setText(AndroidUtilities.replaceTags(LocaleController.getString("EditAdminTransferAlertText2", R.string.EditAdminTransferAlertText2))); if (LocaleController.isRTL) { linearLayout2.addView(messageTextView, LayoutHelper.createLinear(LayoutHelper.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutHelper.WRAP_CONTENT)); linearLayout2.addView(dotImageView, LayoutHelper.createLinear(LayoutHelper.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutHelper.WRAP_CONTENT, Gravity.RIGHT)); } else { linearLayout2.addView(dotImageView, LayoutHelper.createLinear(LayoutHelper.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutHelper.WRAP_CONTENT)); linearLayout2.addView(messageTextView, LayoutHelper.createLinear(LayoutHelper.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutHelper.WRAP_CONTENT)); } if ("PASSWORD_MISSING".equals(error.text)) { builder.setPositiveButton(LocaleController.getString("EditAdminTransferSetPassword", R.string.EditAdminTransferSetPassword), (dialogInterface, i) -> parentFragment.presentFragment(new TwoStepVerificationSetupActivity(TwoStepVerificationSetupActivity.TYPE_INTRO, null))); builder.setNegativeButton(LocaleController.getString("Cancel", R.string.Cancel), null); } else { messageTextView = new TextView(parentFragment.getParentActivity()); messageTextView.setTextColor(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_dialogTextBlack)); messageTextView.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 16); messageTextView.setGravity((LocaleController.isRTL ? Gravity.RIGHT : Gravity.LEFT) | Gravity.TOP); messageTextView.setText(LocaleController.getString("EditAdminTransferAlertText3", R.string.EditAdminTransferAlertText3)); linearLayout.addView(messageTextView, LayoutHelper.createLinear(LayoutHelper.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutHelper.WRAP_CONTENT, 0, 11, 0, 0)); builder.setNegativeButton(LocaleController.getString("OK", R.string.OK), null); } parentFragment.showDialog(builder.create()); } else if ("SRP_ID_INVALID".equals(error.text)) { TLRPC.TL_account_getPassword getPasswordReq = new TLRPC.TL_account_getPassword(); ConnectionsManager.getInstance(currentAccount).sendRequest(getPasswordReq, (response2, error2) -> AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { if (error2 == null) { TLRPC.TL_account_password currentPassword = (TLRPC.TL_account_password) response2; passwordFragment.setCurrentPasswordInfo(null, currentPassword); TwoStepVerificationActivity.initPasswordNewAlgo(currentPassword); sendCallback(cache, messageObject, button, passwordFragment.getNewSrpPassword(), passwordFragment, parentFragment); } }), ConnectionsManager.RequestFlagWithoutLogin); } else { if (passwordFragment != null) { passwordFragment.needHideProgress(); passwordFragment.finishFragment(); } } } }); if (cacheFinal) { getMessagesStorage().getBotCache(key, requestDelegate); } else { if (button instanceof TLRPC.TL_keyboardButtonUrlAuth) { TLRPC.TL_messages_requestUrlAuth req = new TLRPC.TL_messages_requestUrlAuth(); req.peer = getMessagesController().getInputPeer(messageObject.getDialogId()); req.msg_id = messageObject.getId(); req.button_id = button.button_id; req.flags |= 2; request[0] = req; getConnectionsManager().sendRequest(req, requestDelegate, ConnectionsManager.RequestFlagFailOnServerErrors); } else if (button instanceof TLRPC.TL_keyboardButtonBuy) { if ((messageObject.messageOwner.media.flags & 4) == 0) { TLRPC.TL_payments_getPaymentForm req = new TLRPC.TL_payments_getPaymentForm(); TLRPC.TL_inputInvoiceMessage inputInvoice = new TLRPC.TL_inputInvoiceMessage(); inputInvoice.msg_id = messageObject.getId(); inputInvoice.peer = getMessagesController().getInputPeer(messageObject.messageOwner.peer_id); req.invoice = inputInvoice; try { JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put("bg_color", Theme.getColor(Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhite)); jsonObject.put("text_color", Theme.getColor(Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteBlackText)); jsonObject.put("hint_color", Theme.getColor(Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteHintText)); jsonObject.put("link_color", Theme.getColor(Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteLinkText)); jsonObject.put("button_color", Theme.getColor(Theme.key_featuredStickers_addButton)); jsonObject.put("button_text_color", Theme.getColor(Theme.key_featuredStickers_buttonText)); req.theme_params = new TLRPC.TL_dataJSON(); req.theme_params.data = jsonObject.toString(); req.flags |= 1; } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } getConnectionsManager().sendRequest(req, requestDelegate, ConnectionsManager.RequestFlagFailOnServerErrors); } else { TLRPC.TL_payments_getPaymentReceipt req = new TLRPC.TL_payments_getPaymentReceipt(); req.msg_id = messageObject.messageOwner.media.receipt_msg_id; req.peer = getMessagesController().getInputPeer(messageObject.messageOwner.peer_id); getConnectionsManager().sendRequest(req, requestDelegate, ConnectionsManager.RequestFlagFailOnServerErrors); } } else { TLRPC.TL_messages_getBotCallbackAnswer req = new TLRPC.TL_messages_getBotCallbackAnswer(); req.peer = getMessagesController().getInputPeer(messageObject.getDialogId()); req.msg_id = messageObject.getId(); req.game = button instanceof TLRPC.TL_keyboardButtonGame; if (button.requires_password) { req.password = req.password = srp != null ? srp : new TLRPC.TL_inputCheckPasswordEmpty();; req.flags |= 4; } if (button.data != null) { req.flags |= 1; req.data = button.data; } getConnectionsManager().sendRequest(req, requestDelegate, ConnectionsManager.RequestFlagFailOnServerErrors); } } } public boolean isSendingCallback(MessageObject messageObject, TLRPC.KeyboardButton button) { if (messageObject == null || button == null) { return false; } int type; if (button instanceof TLRPC.TL_keyboardButtonUrlAuth) { type = 3; } else if (button instanceof TLRPC.TL_keyboardButtonGame) { type = 1; } else if (button instanceof TLRPC.TL_keyboardButtonBuy) { type = 2; } else { type = 0; } final String key = messageObject.getDialogId() + "_" + messageObject.getId() + "_" + Utilities.bytesToHex(button.data) + "_" + type; return waitingForCallback.containsKey(key); } public void sendGame(TLRPC.InputPeer peer, TLRPC.TL_inputMediaGame game, long random_id, final long taskId) { if (peer == null || game == null) { return; } TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMedia request = new TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMedia(); request.peer = peer; if (request.peer instanceof TLRPC.TL_inputPeerChannel) { request.silent = MessagesController.getNotificationsSettings(currentAccount).getBoolean("silent_" + -peer.channel_id, false); } else if (request.peer instanceof TLRPC.TL_inputPeerChat) { request.silent = MessagesController.getNotificationsSettings(currentAccount).getBoolean("silent_" + -peer.chat_id, false); } else { request.silent = MessagesController.getNotificationsSettings(currentAccount).getBoolean("silent_" + peer.user_id, false); } request.random_id = random_id != 0 ? random_id : getNextRandomId(); request.message = ""; request.media = game; long fromId = ChatObject.getSendAsPeerId(getMessagesController().getChat(peer.chat_id), getMessagesController().getChatFull(peer.chat_id)); if (fromId != UserConfig.getInstance(currentAccount).getClientUserId()) { request.send_as = getMessagesController().getInputPeer(fromId); } final long newTaskId; if (taskId == 0) { NativeByteBuffer data = null; try { data = new NativeByteBuffer(peer.getObjectSize() + game.getObjectSize() + 4 + 8); data.writeInt32(3); data.writeInt64(random_id); peer.serializeToStream(data); game.serializeToStream(data); } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } newTaskId = getMessagesStorage().createPendingTask(data); } else { newTaskId = taskId; } getConnectionsManager().sendRequest(request, (response, error) -> { if (error == null) { getMessagesController().processUpdates((TLRPC.Updates) response, false); } if (newTaskId != 0) { getMessagesStorage().removePendingTask(newTaskId); } }); } public void sendMessage(MessageObject retryMessageObject) { sendMessage(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, retryMessageObject.getDialogId(), retryMessageObject.messageOwner.attachPath, null, null, null, true, retryMessageObject, null, retryMessageObject.messageOwner.reply_markup, retryMessageObject.messageOwner.params, !retryMessageObject.messageOwner.silent, retryMessageObject.scheduled ? retryMessageObject.messageOwner.date : 0, 0, null, null); } public void sendMessage(TLRPC.User user, long peer, MessageObject replyToMsg, MessageObject replyToTopMsg, TLRPC.ReplyMarkup replyMarkup, HashMap params, boolean notify, int scheduleDate) { sendMessage(null, null, null, null, null, user, null, null, null, null, peer, null, replyToMsg, replyToTopMsg, null, true, null, null, replyMarkup, params, notify, scheduleDate, 0, null, null); } public void sendMessage(TLRPC.TL_messageMediaInvoice invoice, long peer, MessageObject replyToMsg, MessageObject replyToTopMsg, TLRPC.ReplyMarkup replyMarkup, HashMap params, boolean notify, int scheduleDate) { sendMessage(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, invoice, peer, null, replyToMsg, replyToTopMsg, null, true, null, null, replyMarkup, params, notify, scheduleDate, 0, null, null); } public void sendMessage(TLRPC.TL_document document, VideoEditedInfo videoEditedInfo, String path, long peer, MessageObject replyToMsg, MessageObject replyToTopMsg, String caption, ArrayList entities, TLRPC.ReplyMarkup replyMarkup, HashMap params, boolean notify, int scheduleDate, int ttl, Object parentObject, MessageObject.SendAnimationData sendAnimationData) { sendMessage(null, caption, null, null, videoEditedInfo, null, document, null, null, null, peer, path, replyToMsg, replyToTopMsg, null, true, null, entities, replyMarkup, params, notify, scheduleDate, ttl, parentObject, sendAnimationData); } public void sendMessage(String message, long peer, MessageObject replyToMsg, MessageObject replyToTopMsg, TLRPC.WebPage webPage, boolean searchLinks, ArrayList entities, TLRPC.ReplyMarkup replyMarkup, HashMap params, boolean notify, int scheduleDate, MessageObject.SendAnimationData sendAnimationData) { sendMessage(message, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, peer, null, replyToMsg, replyToTopMsg, webPage, searchLinks, null, entities, replyMarkup, params, notify, scheduleDate, 0, null, sendAnimationData); } public void sendMessage(TLRPC.MessageMedia location, long peer, MessageObject replyToMsg, MessageObject replyToTopMsg, TLRPC.ReplyMarkup replyMarkup, HashMap params, boolean notify, int scheduleDate) { sendMessage(null, null, location, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, peer, null, replyToMsg, replyToTopMsg, null, true, null, null, replyMarkup, params, notify, scheduleDate, 0, null, null); } public void sendMessage(TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPoll poll, long peer, MessageObject replyToMsg, MessageObject replyToTopMsg, TLRPC.ReplyMarkup replyMarkup, HashMap params, boolean notify, int scheduleDate) { sendMessage(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, poll, null, peer, null, replyToMsg, replyToTopMsg, null, true, null, null, replyMarkup, params, notify, scheduleDate, 0, null, null); } public void sendMessage(TLRPC.TL_game game, long peer, TLRPC.ReplyMarkup replyMarkup, HashMap params, boolean notify, int scheduleDate) { sendMessage(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, game, null, null, peer, null, null, null, null, true, null, null, replyMarkup, params, notify, scheduleDate, 0, null, null); } public void sendMessage(TLRPC.TL_photo photo, String path, long peer, MessageObject replyToMsg, MessageObject replyToTopMsg, String caption, ArrayList entities, TLRPC.ReplyMarkup replyMarkup, HashMap params, boolean notify, int scheduleDate, int ttl, Object parentObject) { sendMessage(null, caption, null, photo, null, null, null, null, null, null, peer, path, replyToMsg, replyToTopMsg, null, true, null, entities, replyMarkup, params, notify, scheduleDate, ttl, parentObject, null); } private void sendMessage(String message, String caption, TLRPC.MessageMedia location, TLRPC.TL_photo photo, VideoEditedInfo videoEditedInfo, TLRPC.User user, TLRPC.TL_document document, TLRPC.TL_game game, TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPoll poll, TLRPC.TL_messageMediaInvoice invoice, long peer, String path, MessageObject replyToMsg, MessageObject replyToTopMsg, TLRPC.WebPage webPage, boolean searchLinks, MessageObject retryMessageObject, ArrayList entities, TLRPC.ReplyMarkup replyMarkup, HashMap params, boolean notify, int scheduleDate, int ttl, Object parentObject, MessageObject.SendAnimationData sendAnimationData) { if (user != null && user.phone == null) { return; } if (peer == 0) { return; } if (message == null && caption == null) { caption = ""; } String originalPath = null; if (params != null && params.containsKey("originalPath")) { originalPath = params.get("originalPath"); } TLRPC.Message newMsg = null; MessageObject newMsgObj = null; DelayedMessage delayedMessage = null; int type = -1; boolean isChannel = false; boolean forceNoSoundVideo = false; TLRPC.Peer fromPeer = null; String rank = null; long linkedToGroup = 0; TLRPC.EncryptedChat encryptedChat = null; TLRPC.InputPeer sendToPeer = !DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(peer) ? getMessagesController().getInputPeer(peer) : null; long myId = getUserConfig().getClientUserId(); if (DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(peer)) { encryptedChat = getMessagesController().getEncryptedChat(DialogObject.getEncryptedChatId(peer)); if (encryptedChat == null) { if (retryMessageObject != null) { getMessagesStorage().markMessageAsSendError(retryMessageObject.messageOwner, retryMessageObject.scheduled); retryMessageObject.messageOwner.send_state = MessageObject.MESSAGE_SEND_STATE_SEND_ERROR; getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.messageSendError, retryMessageObject.getId()); processSentMessage(retryMessageObject.getId()); } return; } } else if (sendToPeer instanceof TLRPC.TL_inputPeerChannel) { TLRPC.Chat chat = getMessagesController().getChat(sendToPeer.channel_id); TLRPC.ChatFull chatFull = getMessagesController().getChatFull(chat.id); isChannel = chat != null && !chat.megagroup; if (isChannel && chat.has_link && chatFull != null) { linkedToGroup = chatFull.linked_chat_id; } fromPeer = getMessagesController().getPeer(ChatObject.getSendAsPeerId(chat, chatFull, true)); } try { if (retryMessageObject != null) { newMsg = retryMessageObject.messageOwner; if (parentObject == null && params != null && params.containsKey("parentObject")) { parentObject = params.get("parentObject"); } if (retryMessageObject.isForwarded() || params != null && params.containsKey("fwd_id")) { type = 4; } else { if (retryMessageObject.isDice()) { type = 11; message = retryMessageObject.getDiceEmoji(); caption = ""; } else if (retryMessageObject.type == 0 || retryMessageObject.isAnimatedEmoji()) { if (retryMessageObject.messageOwner.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaGame) { //game = retryMessageObject.messageOwner.media.game; } else { message = newMsg.message; } type = 0; } else if (retryMessageObject.type == 4) { location = newMsg.media; type = 1; } else if (retryMessageObject.type == 1) { photo = (TLRPC.TL_photo) newMsg.media.photo; if (retryMessageObject.messageOwner.message != null) { caption = retryMessageObject.messageOwner.message; } type = 2; } else if (retryMessageObject.type == 3 || retryMessageObject.type == 5 || retryMessageObject.videoEditedInfo != null) { type = 3; document = (TLRPC.TL_document) newMsg.media.document; if (retryMessageObject.messageOwner.message != null) { caption = retryMessageObject.messageOwner.message; } } else if (retryMessageObject.type == 12) { user = new TLRPC.TL_userRequest_old2(); user.phone = newMsg.media.phone_number; user.first_name = newMsg.media.first_name; user.last_name = newMsg.media.last_name; TLRPC.TL_restrictionReason reason = new TLRPC.TL_restrictionReason(); reason.platform = ""; reason.reason = ""; reason.text = newMsg.media.vcard; user.restriction_reason.add(reason); user.id = newMsg.media.user_id; type = 6; } else if (retryMessageObject.type == 8 || retryMessageObject.type == 9 || retryMessageObject.type == MessageObject.TYPE_STICKER || retryMessageObject.type == 14 || retryMessageObject.type == MessageObject.TYPE_ANIMATED_STICKER) { document = (TLRPC.TL_document) newMsg.media.document; type = 7; if (retryMessageObject.messageOwner.message != null) { caption = retryMessageObject.messageOwner.message; } } else if (retryMessageObject.type == 2) { document = (TLRPC.TL_document) newMsg.media.document; type = 8; if (retryMessageObject.messageOwner.message != null) { caption = retryMessageObject.messageOwner.message; } } else if (retryMessageObject.type == MessageObject.TYPE_POLL) { poll = (TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPoll) newMsg.media; type = 10; } if (params != null && params.containsKey("query_id")) { type = 9; } if (newMsg.media.ttl_seconds > 0) { ttl = newMsg.media.ttl_seconds; } } } else { boolean canSendStickers = true; if (DialogObject.isChatDialog(peer)) { TLRPC.Chat chat = getMessagesController().getChat(-peer); canSendStickers = ChatObject.canSendStickers(chat); } if (message != null) { if (encryptedChat != null) { newMsg = new TLRPC.TL_message_secret(); } else { newMsg = new TLRPC.TL_message(); } if (encryptedChat != null && webPage instanceof TLRPC.TL_webPagePending) { if (webPage.url != null) { TLRPC.WebPage newWebPage = new TLRPC.TL_webPageUrlPending(); newWebPage.url = webPage.url; webPage = newWebPage; } else { webPage = null; } } if (canSendStickers && message.length() < 30 && webPage == null && (entities == null || entities.isEmpty()) && getMessagesController().diceEmojies.contains(message.replace("\ufe0f", "")) && encryptedChat == null && scheduleDate == 0) { TLRPC.TL_messageMediaDice mediaDice = new TLRPC.TL_messageMediaDice(); mediaDice.emoticon = message; mediaDice.value = -1; newMsg.media = mediaDice; type = 11; caption = ""; } else { if (webPage == null) { newMsg.media = new TLRPC.TL_messageMediaEmpty(); } else { newMsg.media = new TLRPC.TL_messageMediaWebPage(); newMsg.media.webpage = webPage; } if (params != null && params.containsKey("query_id")) { type = 9; } else { type = 0; } newMsg.message = message; } } else if (poll != null) { if (encryptedChat != null) { newMsg = new TLRPC.TL_message_secret(); } else { newMsg = new TLRPC.TL_message(); } newMsg.media = poll; type = 10; } else if (location != null) { if (encryptedChat != null) { newMsg = new TLRPC.TL_message_secret(); } else { newMsg = new TLRPC.TL_message(); } newMsg.media = location; if (params != null && params.containsKey("query_id")) { type = 9; } else { type = 1; } } else if (photo != null) { if (encryptedChat != null) { newMsg = new TLRPC.TL_message_secret(); } else { newMsg = new TLRPC.TL_message(); } newMsg.media = new TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPhoto(); newMsg.media.flags |= 3; if (entities != null) { newMsg.entities = entities; } if (ttl != 0) { newMsg.ttl = newMsg.media.ttl_seconds = ttl; newMsg.media.flags |= 4; } newMsg.media.photo = photo; if (params != null && params.containsKey("query_id")) { type = 9; } else { type = 2; } if (path != null && path.length() > 0 && path.startsWith("http")) { newMsg.attachPath = path; } else { TLRPC.FileLocation location1 = photo.sizes.get(photo.sizes.size() - 1).location; newMsg.attachPath = FileLoader.getInstance(currentAccount).getPathToAttach(location1, true).toString(); } } else if (game != null) { newMsg = new TLRPC.TL_message(); newMsg.media = new TLRPC.TL_messageMediaGame(); newMsg.media.game = game; if (params != null && params.containsKey("query_id")) { type = 9; } } else if (invoice != null) { newMsg = new TLRPC.TL_message(); newMsg.media = invoice; if (params != null && params.containsKey("query_id")) { type = 9; } } else if (user != null) { if (encryptedChat != null) { newMsg = new TLRPC.TL_message_secret(); } else { newMsg = new TLRPC.TL_message(); } newMsg.media = new TLRPC.TL_messageMediaContact(); newMsg.media.phone_number = user.phone; newMsg.media.first_name = user.first_name; newMsg.media.last_name = user.last_name; newMsg.media.user_id = user.id; if (!user.restriction_reason.isEmpty() && user.restriction_reason.get(0).text.startsWith("BEGIN:VCARD")) { newMsg.media.vcard = user.restriction_reason.get(0).text; } else { newMsg.media.vcard = ""; } if (newMsg.media.first_name == null) { user.first_name = newMsg.media.first_name = ""; } if (newMsg.media.last_name == null) { user.last_name = newMsg.media.last_name = ""; } if (params != null && params.containsKey("query_id")) { type = 9; } else { type = 6; } } else if (document != null) { if (encryptedChat != null) { newMsg = new TLRPC.TL_message_secret(); } else { newMsg = new TLRPC.TL_message(); } if (DialogObject.isChatDialog(peer)) { if (!canSendStickers) { for (int a = 0, N = document.attributes.size(); a < N; a++) { if (document.attributes.get(a) instanceof TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeAnimated) { document.attributes.remove(a); forceNoSoundVideo = true; break; } } } } newMsg.media = new TLRPC.TL_messageMediaDocument(); newMsg.media.flags |= 3; if (ttl != 0) { newMsg.ttl = newMsg.media.ttl_seconds = ttl; newMsg.media.flags |= 4; } newMsg.media.document = document; if (params != null && params.containsKey("query_id")) { type = 9; } else if (!MessageObject.isVideoSticker(document) && (MessageObject.isVideoDocument(document) || MessageObject.isRoundVideoDocument(document) || videoEditedInfo != null)) { type = 3; } else if (MessageObject.isVoiceDocument(document)) { type = 8; } else { type = 7; } if (videoEditedInfo != null) { String ve = videoEditedInfo.getString(); if (params == null) { params = new HashMap<>(); } params.put("ve", ve); } if (encryptedChat != null && document.dc_id > 0 && !MessageObject.isStickerDocument(document) && !MessageObject.isAnimatedStickerDocument(document, true)) { newMsg.attachPath = FileLoader.getInstance(currentAccount).getPathToAttach(document).toString(); } else { newMsg.attachPath = path; } if (encryptedChat != null && (MessageObject.isStickerDocument(document) || MessageObject.isAnimatedStickerDocument(document, true))) { for (int a = 0; a < document.attributes.size(); a++) { TLRPC.DocumentAttribute attribute = document.attributes.get(a); if (attribute instanceof TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeSticker) { document.attributes.remove(a); TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeSticker_layer55 attributeSticker = new TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeSticker_layer55(); document.attributes.add(attributeSticker); attributeSticker.alt = attribute.alt; if (attribute.stickerset != null) { String name; if (attribute.stickerset instanceof TLRPC.TL_inputStickerSetShortName) { name = attribute.stickerset.short_name; } else { name = getMediaDataController().getStickerSetName(attribute.stickerset.id); } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(name)) { attributeSticker.stickerset = new TLRPC.TL_inputStickerSetShortName(); attributeSticker.stickerset.short_name = name; } else { if (attribute.stickerset instanceof TLRPC.TL_inputStickerSetID) { delayedMessage = new DelayedMessage(peer); delayedMessage.encryptedChat = encryptedChat; delayedMessage.locationParent = attributeSticker; delayedMessage.type = 5; delayedMessage.parentObject = attribute.stickerset; } attributeSticker.stickerset = new TLRPC.TL_inputStickerSetEmpty(); } } else { attributeSticker.stickerset = new TLRPC.TL_inputStickerSetEmpty(); } break; } } } } if (entities != null && !entities.isEmpty()) { newMsg.entities = entities; newMsg.flags |= TLRPC.MESSAGE_FLAG_HAS_ENTITIES; } if (caption != null) { newMsg.message = caption; } else if (newMsg.message == null) { newMsg.message = ""; } if (newMsg.attachPath == null) { newMsg.attachPath = ""; } newMsg.local_id = newMsg.id = getUserConfig().getNewMessageId(); newMsg.out = true; if (isChannel && sendToPeer != null) { newMsg.from_id = new TLRPC.TL_peerChannel(); newMsg.from_id.channel_id = sendToPeer.channel_id; } else if (fromPeer != null) { newMsg.from_id = fromPeer; if (rank != null) { newMsg.post_author = rank; newMsg.flags |= 65536; } } else { newMsg.from_id = new TLRPC.TL_peerUser(); newMsg.from_id.user_id = myId; newMsg.flags |= TLRPC.MESSAGE_FLAG_HAS_FROM_ID; } getUserConfig().saveConfig(false); } newMsg.silent = !notify || MessagesController.getNotificationsSettings(currentAccount).getBoolean("silent_" + peer, false); if (newMsg.random_id == 0) { newMsg.random_id = getNextRandomId(); } if (params != null && params.containsKey("bot")) { if (encryptedChat != null) { newMsg.via_bot_name = params.get("bot_name"); if (newMsg.via_bot_name == null) { newMsg.via_bot_name = ""; } } else { newMsg.via_bot_id = Utilities.parseInt(params.get("bot")); } newMsg.flags |= TLRPC.MESSAGE_FLAG_HAS_BOT_ID; } newMsg.params = params; if (retryMessageObject == null || !retryMessageObject.resendAsIs) { newMsg.date = scheduleDate != 0 ? scheduleDate : getConnectionsManager().getCurrentTime(); if (sendToPeer instanceof TLRPC.TL_inputPeerChannel) { if (scheduleDate == 0 && isChannel) { newMsg.views = 1; newMsg.flags |= TLRPC.MESSAGE_FLAG_HAS_VIEWS; } TLRPC.Chat chat = getMessagesController().getChat(sendToPeer.channel_id); if (chat != null) { if (chat.megagroup) { newMsg.unread = true; } else { newMsg.post = true; if (chat.signatures) { newMsg.from_id = new TLRPC.TL_peerUser(); newMsg.from_id.user_id = myId; } } } } else { newMsg.unread = true; } } newMsg.flags |= TLRPC.MESSAGE_FLAG_HAS_MEDIA; newMsg.dialog_id = peer; if (replyToMsg != null) { newMsg.reply_to = new TLRPC.TL_messageReplyHeader(); if (encryptedChat != null && replyToMsg.messageOwner.random_id != 0) { newMsg.reply_to.reply_to_random_id = replyToMsg.messageOwner.random_id; newMsg.flags |= TLRPC.MESSAGE_FLAG_REPLY; } else { newMsg.flags |= TLRPC.MESSAGE_FLAG_REPLY; } newMsg.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id = replyToMsg.getId(); if (replyToTopMsg != null && replyToTopMsg != replyToMsg) { newMsg.reply_to.reply_to_top_id = replyToTopMsg.getId(); newMsg.reply_to.flags |= 2; } } if (linkedToGroup != 0) { newMsg.replies = new TLRPC.TL_messageReplies(); newMsg.replies.comments = true; newMsg.replies.channel_id = linkedToGroup; newMsg.replies.flags |= 1; newMsg.flags |= 8388608; } if (replyMarkup != null && encryptedChat == null) { newMsg.flags |= TLRPC.MESSAGE_FLAG_HAS_MARKUP; newMsg.reply_markup = replyMarkup; } if (!DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(peer)) { newMsg.peer_id = getMessagesController().getPeer(peer); if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(peer)) { TLRPC.User sendToUser = getMessagesController().getUser(peer); if (sendToUser == null) { processSentMessage(newMsg.id); return; } if (sendToUser.bot) { newMsg.unread = false; } } } else { newMsg.peer_id = new TLRPC.TL_peerUser(); if (encryptedChat.participant_id == myId) { newMsg.peer_id.user_id = encryptedChat.admin_id; } else { newMsg.peer_id.user_id = encryptedChat.participant_id; } if (ttl != 0) { newMsg.ttl = ttl; } else { newMsg.ttl = encryptedChat.ttl; if (newMsg.ttl != 0 && newMsg.media != null) { newMsg.media.ttl_seconds = newMsg.ttl; newMsg.media.flags |= 4; } } if (newMsg.ttl != 0 && newMsg.media.document != null) { if (MessageObject.isVoiceMessage(newMsg)) { int duration = 0; for (int a = 0; a < newMsg.media.document.attributes.size(); a++) { TLRPC.DocumentAttribute attribute = newMsg.media.document.attributes.get(a); if (attribute instanceof TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeAudio) { duration = attribute.duration; break; } } newMsg.ttl = Math.max(newMsg.ttl, duration + 1); } else if (MessageObject.isVideoMessage(newMsg) || MessageObject.isRoundVideoMessage(newMsg)) { int duration = 0; for (int a = 0; a < newMsg.media.document.attributes.size(); a++) { TLRPC.DocumentAttribute attribute = newMsg.media.document.attributes.get(a); if (attribute instanceof TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeVideo) { duration = attribute.duration; break; } } newMsg.ttl = Math.max(newMsg.ttl, duration + 1); } } } if (MessageObject.isVoiceMessage(newMsg) || MessageObject.isRoundVideoMessage(newMsg)) { newMsg.media_unread = true; } if (newMsg.from_id == null) { newMsg.from_id = newMsg.peer_id; } newMsg.send_state = MessageObject.MESSAGE_SEND_STATE_SENDING; long groupId = 0; boolean isFinalGroupMedia = false; if (params != null) { String groupIdStr = params.get("groupId"); if (groupIdStr != null) { groupId = Utilities.parseLong(groupIdStr); newMsg.grouped_id = groupId; newMsg.flags |= 131072; } isFinalGroupMedia = params.get("final") != null; } newMsgObj = new MessageObject(currentAccount, newMsg, replyToMsg, true, true); newMsgObj.sendAnimationData = sendAnimationData; newMsgObj.wasJustSent = true; newMsgObj.scheduled = scheduleDate != 0; if (!newMsgObj.isForwarded() && (newMsgObj.type == 3 || videoEditedInfo != null || newMsgObj.type == 2) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(newMsg.attachPath)) { newMsgObj.attachPathExists = true; } if (newMsgObj.videoEditedInfo != null && videoEditedInfo == null) { videoEditedInfo = newMsgObj.videoEditedInfo; } if (groupId == 0) { ArrayList objArr = new ArrayList<>(); objArr.add(newMsgObj); ArrayList arr = new ArrayList<>(); arr.add(newMsg); MessagesStorage.getInstance(currentAccount).putMessages(arr, false, true, false, 0, scheduleDate != 0); MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).updateInterfaceWithMessages(peer, objArr, scheduleDate != 0); if (scheduleDate == 0) { NotificationCenter.getInstance(currentAccount).postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.dialogsNeedReload); } } else { String key = "group_" + groupId; ArrayList arrayList = delayedMessages.get(key); if (arrayList != null) { delayedMessage = arrayList.get(0); } if (delayedMessage == null) { delayedMessage = new DelayedMessage(peer); delayedMessage.initForGroup(groupId); delayedMessage.encryptedChat = encryptedChat; delayedMessage.scheduled = scheduleDate != 0; } delayedMessage.performMediaUpload = false; delayedMessage.photoSize = null; delayedMessage.videoEditedInfo = null; delayedMessage.httpLocation = null; if (isFinalGroupMedia) { delayedMessage.finalGroupMessage = newMsg.id; } } if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) { if (sendToPeer != null) { FileLog.d("send message user_id = " + sendToPeer.user_id + " chat_id = " + sendToPeer.chat_id + " channel_id = " + sendToPeer.channel_id + " access_hash = " + sendToPeer.access_hash + " notify = " + notify + " silent = " + MessagesController.getNotificationsSettings(currentAccount).getBoolean("silent_" + peer, false)); } } boolean performMediaUpload = false; if (type == 0 || type == 9 && message != null && encryptedChat != null) { if (encryptedChat == null) { TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMessage reqSend = new TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMessage(); reqSend.message = message; reqSend.clear_draft = retryMessageObject == null; reqSend.silent = newMsg.silent; reqSend.peer = sendToPeer; reqSend.random_id = newMsg.random_id; if (newMsg.from_id != null) { reqSend.send_as = getMessagesController().getInputPeer(newMsg.from_id); } if (newMsg.reply_to != null && newMsg.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id != 0) { reqSend.flags |= 1; reqSend.reply_to_msg_id = newMsg.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id; } if (!searchLinks) { reqSend.no_webpage = true; } if (entities != null && !entities.isEmpty()) { reqSend.entities = entities; reqSend.flags |= 8; } if (scheduleDate != 0) { reqSend.schedule_date = scheduleDate; reqSend.flags |= 1024; } performSendMessageRequest(reqSend, newMsgObj, null, null, parentObject, params, scheduleDate != 0); if (retryMessageObject == null) { getMediaDataController().cleanDraft(peer, replyToTopMsg != null ? replyToTopMsg.getId() : 0, false); } } else { TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessage reqSend; reqSend = new TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessage(); reqSend.ttl = newMsg.ttl; if (entities != null && !entities.isEmpty()) { reqSend.entities = entities; reqSend.flags |= TLRPC.MESSAGE_FLAG_HAS_ENTITIES; } if (newMsg.reply_to != null && newMsg.reply_to.reply_to_random_id != 0) { reqSend.reply_to_random_id = newMsg.reply_to.reply_to_random_id; reqSend.flags |= TLRPC.MESSAGE_FLAG_REPLY; } if (params != null && params.get("bot_name") != null) { reqSend.via_bot_name = params.get("bot_name"); reqSend.flags |= TLRPC.MESSAGE_FLAG_HAS_BOT_ID; } reqSend.silent = newMsg.silent; reqSend.random_id = newMsg.random_id; reqSend.message = message; if (webPage != null && webPage.url != null) { reqSend.media = new TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageMediaWebPage(); reqSend.media.url = webPage.url; reqSend.flags |= TLRPC.MESSAGE_FLAG_HAS_MEDIA; } else { reqSend.media = new TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageMediaEmpty(); } getSecretChatHelper().performSendEncryptedRequest(reqSend, newMsgObj.messageOwner, encryptedChat, null, null, newMsgObj); if (retryMessageObject == null) { getMediaDataController().cleanDraft(peer, replyToTopMsg != null ? replyToTopMsg.getId() : 0, false); } } } else if (type >= 1 && type <= 3 || type >= 5 && type <= 8 || type == 9 && encryptedChat != null || type == 10 || type == 11) { if (encryptedChat == null) { TLRPC.InputMedia inputMedia = null; if (type == 1) { if (location instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaVenue) { inputMedia = new TLRPC.TL_inputMediaVenue(); inputMedia.address = location.address; inputMedia.title = location.title; inputMedia.provider = location.provider; inputMedia.venue_id = location.venue_id; inputMedia.venue_type = ""; } else if (location instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaGeoLive) { inputMedia = new TLRPC.TL_inputMediaGeoLive(); inputMedia.period = location.period; inputMedia.flags |= 2; if (location.heading != 0) { inputMedia.heading = location.heading; inputMedia.flags |= 4; } if (location.proximity_notification_radius != 0) { inputMedia.proximity_notification_radius = location.proximity_notification_radius; inputMedia.flags |= 8; } } else { inputMedia = new TLRPC.TL_inputMediaGeoPoint(); } inputMedia.geo_point = new TLRPC.TL_inputGeoPoint(); inputMedia.geo_point.lat = location.geo.lat; inputMedia.geo_point._long = location.geo._long; } else if (type == 2 || type == 9 && photo != null) { TLRPC.TL_inputMediaUploadedPhoto uploadedPhoto = new TLRPC.TL_inputMediaUploadedPhoto(); if (ttl != 0) { newMsg.ttl = uploadedPhoto.ttl_seconds = ttl; uploadedPhoto.flags |= 2; } if (params != null) { String masks = params.get("masks"); if (masks != null) { SerializedData serializedData = new SerializedData(Utilities.hexToBytes(masks)); int count = serializedData.readInt32(false); for (int a = 0; a < count; a++) { uploadedPhoto.stickers.add(TLRPC.InputDocument.TLdeserialize(serializedData, serializedData.readInt32(false), false)); } uploadedPhoto.flags |= 1; serializedData.cleanup(); } } if (photo.access_hash == 0) { inputMedia = uploadedPhoto; performMediaUpload = true; } else { TLRPC.TL_inputMediaPhoto media = new TLRPC.TL_inputMediaPhoto(); media.id = new TLRPC.TL_inputPhoto(); media.id.id = photo.id; media.id.access_hash = photo.access_hash; media.id.file_reference = photo.file_reference; if (media.id.file_reference == null) { media.id.file_reference = new byte[0]; } inputMedia = media; } if (delayedMessage == null) { delayedMessage = new DelayedMessage(peer); delayedMessage.type = 0; delayedMessage.obj = newMsgObj; delayedMessage.originalPath = originalPath; delayedMessage.scheduled = scheduleDate != 0; } delayedMessage.inputUploadMedia = uploadedPhoto; delayedMessage.performMediaUpload = performMediaUpload; if (path != null && path.length() > 0 && path.startsWith("http")) { delayedMessage.httpLocation = path; } else { delayedMessage.photoSize = photo.sizes.get(photo.sizes.size() - 1); delayedMessage.locationParent = photo; } } else if (type == 3) { TLRPC.TL_inputMediaUploadedDocument uploadedDocument = new TLRPC.TL_inputMediaUploadedDocument(); uploadedDocument.mime_type = document.mime_type; uploadedDocument.attributes = document.attributes; if (forceNoSoundVideo || !MessageObject.isRoundVideoDocument(document) && (videoEditedInfo == null || !videoEditedInfo.muted && !videoEditedInfo.roundVideo)) { uploadedDocument.nosound_video = true; if (BuildVars.DEBUG_VERSION) { FileLog.d("nosound_video = true"); } } if (ttl != 0) { newMsg.ttl = uploadedDocument.ttl_seconds = ttl; uploadedDocument.flags |= 2; } if (params != null) { String masks = params.get("masks"); if (masks != null) { SerializedData serializedData = new SerializedData(Utilities.hexToBytes(masks)); int count = serializedData.readInt32(false); for (int a = 0; a < count; a++) { uploadedDocument.stickers.add(TLRPC.InputDocument.TLdeserialize(serializedData, serializedData.readInt32(false), false)); } uploadedDocument.flags |= 1; serializedData.cleanup(); } } if (document.access_hash == 0) { inputMedia = uploadedDocument; performMediaUpload = true; } else { TLRPC.TL_inputMediaDocument media = new TLRPC.TL_inputMediaDocument(); media.id = new TLRPC.TL_inputDocument(); media.id.id = document.id; media.id.access_hash = document.access_hash; media.id.file_reference = document.file_reference; if (media.id.file_reference == null) { media.id.file_reference = new byte[0]; } if (params != null && params.containsKey("query")) { media.query = params.get("query"); media.flags |= 2; } inputMedia = media; } if (delayedMessage == null) { delayedMessage = new DelayedMessage(peer); delayedMessage.type = 1; delayedMessage.obj = newMsgObj; delayedMessage.originalPath = originalPath; delayedMessage.parentObject = parentObject; delayedMessage.scheduled = scheduleDate != 0; } delayedMessage.inputUploadMedia = uploadedDocument; delayedMessage.performMediaUpload = performMediaUpload; if (!document.thumbs.isEmpty()) { TLRPC.PhotoSize photoSize = document.thumbs.get(0); if (!(photoSize instanceof TLRPC.TL_photoStrippedSize)) { delayedMessage.photoSize = photoSize; delayedMessage.locationParent = document; } } delayedMessage.videoEditedInfo = videoEditedInfo; } else if (type == 6) { inputMedia = new TLRPC.TL_inputMediaContact(); inputMedia.phone_number = user.phone; inputMedia.first_name = user.first_name; inputMedia.last_name = user.last_name; if (!user.restriction_reason.isEmpty() && user.restriction_reason.get(0).text.startsWith("BEGIN:VCARD")) { inputMedia.vcard = user.restriction_reason.get(0).text; } else { inputMedia.vcard = ""; } } else if (type == 7 || type == 9) { boolean http = false; TLRPC.InputMedia uploadedMedia; if (originalPath != null || path != null || document.access_hash == 0) { uploadedMedia = new TLRPC.TL_inputMediaUploadedDocument(); if (ttl != 0) { newMsg.ttl = uploadedMedia.ttl_seconds = ttl; uploadedMedia.flags |= 2; } if (forceNoSoundVideo || !TextUtils.isEmpty(path) && path.toLowerCase().endsWith("mp4") && (params == null || params.containsKey("forceDocument"))) { uploadedMedia.nosound_video = true; } uploadedMedia.force_file = params != null && params.containsKey("forceDocument"); uploadedMedia.mime_type = document.mime_type; uploadedMedia.attributes = document.attributes; } else { uploadedMedia = null; } if (document.access_hash == 0) { inputMedia = uploadedMedia; performMediaUpload = uploadedMedia instanceof TLRPC.TL_inputMediaUploadedDocument; } else { TLRPC.TL_inputMediaDocument media = new TLRPC.TL_inputMediaDocument(); media.id = new TLRPC.TL_inputDocument(); media.id.id = document.id; media.id.access_hash = document.access_hash; media.id.file_reference = document.file_reference; if (media.id.file_reference == null) { media.id.file_reference = new byte[0]; } if (params != null && params.containsKey("query")) { media.query = params.get("query"); media.flags |= 2; } inputMedia = media; } if (!http && uploadedMedia != null) { if (delayedMessage == null) { delayedMessage = new DelayedMessage(peer); delayedMessage.type = 2; delayedMessage.obj = newMsgObj; delayedMessage.originalPath = originalPath; delayedMessage.parentObject = parentObject; delayedMessage.scheduled = scheduleDate != 0; } delayedMessage.inputUploadMedia = uploadedMedia; delayedMessage.performMediaUpload = performMediaUpload; if (!document.thumbs.isEmpty()) { TLRPC.PhotoSize photoSize = document.thumbs.get(0); if (!(photoSize instanceof TLRPC.TL_photoStrippedSize)) { delayedMessage.photoSize = photoSize; delayedMessage.locationParent = document; } } } } else if (type == 8) { TLRPC.TL_inputMediaUploadedDocument uploadedDocument = new TLRPC.TL_inputMediaUploadedDocument(); uploadedDocument.mime_type = document.mime_type; uploadedDocument.attributes = document.attributes; if (ttl != 0) { newMsg.ttl = uploadedDocument.ttl_seconds = ttl; uploadedDocument.flags |= 2; } if (document.access_hash == 0) { inputMedia = uploadedDocument; performMediaUpload = true; } else { TLRPC.TL_inputMediaDocument media = new TLRPC.TL_inputMediaDocument(); media.id = new TLRPC.TL_inputDocument(); media.id.id = document.id; media.id.access_hash = document.access_hash; media.id.file_reference = document.file_reference; if (media.id.file_reference == null) { media.id.file_reference = new byte[0]; } if (params != null && params.containsKey("query")) { media.query = params.get("query"); media.flags |= 2; } inputMedia = media; } delayedMessage = new DelayedMessage(peer); delayedMessage.type = 3; delayedMessage.obj = newMsgObj; delayedMessage.parentObject = parentObject; delayedMessage.inputUploadMedia = uploadedDocument; delayedMessage.performMediaUpload = performMediaUpload; delayedMessage.scheduled = scheduleDate != 0; } else if (type == 10) { TLRPC.TL_inputMediaPoll inputMediaPoll = new TLRPC.TL_inputMediaPoll(); inputMediaPoll.poll = poll.poll; if (params != null && params.containsKey("answers")) { byte[] answers = Utilities.hexToBytes(params.get("answers")); if (answers.length > 0) { for (int a = 0; a < answers.length; a++) { inputMediaPoll.correct_answers.add(new byte[]{answers[a]}); } inputMediaPoll.flags |= 1; } } if (poll.results != null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(poll.results.solution)) { inputMediaPoll.solution = poll.results.solution; inputMediaPoll.solution_entities = poll.results.solution_entities; inputMediaPoll.flags |= 2; } inputMedia = inputMediaPoll; } else if (type == 11) { TLRPC.TL_inputMediaDice inputMediaDice = new TLRPC.TL_inputMediaDice(); inputMediaDice.emoticon = message; inputMedia = inputMediaDice; } TLObject reqSend; if (groupId != 0) { TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMultiMedia request; if (delayedMessage.sendRequest != null) { request = (TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMultiMedia) delayedMessage.sendRequest; } else { request = new TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMultiMedia(); request.peer = sendToPeer; request.silent = newMsg.silent; if (newMsg.reply_to != null && newMsg.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id != 0) { request.flags |= 1; request.reply_to_msg_id = newMsg.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id; } if (scheduleDate != 0) { request.schedule_date = scheduleDate; request.flags |= 1024; } delayedMessage.sendRequest = request; } delayedMessage.messageObjects.add(newMsgObj); delayedMessage.parentObjects.add(parentObject); delayedMessage.locations.add(delayedMessage.photoSize); delayedMessage.videoEditedInfos.add(delayedMessage.videoEditedInfo); delayedMessage.httpLocations.add(delayedMessage.httpLocation); delayedMessage.inputMedias.add(delayedMessage.inputUploadMedia); delayedMessage.messages.add(newMsg); delayedMessage.originalPaths.add(originalPath); TLRPC.TL_inputSingleMedia inputSingleMedia = new TLRPC.TL_inputSingleMedia(); inputSingleMedia.random_id = newMsg.random_id; inputSingleMedia.media = inputMedia; inputSingleMedia.message = caption; if (entities != null && !entities.isEmpty()) { inputSingleMedia.entities = entities; inputSingleMedia.flags |= 1; } request.multi_media.add(inputSingleMedia); reqSend = request; } else { TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMedia request = new TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMedia(); request.peer = sendToPeer; request.silent = newMsg.silent; if (newMsg.reply_to != null && newMsg.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id != 0) { request.flags |= 1; request.reply_to_msg_id = newMsg.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id; } request.random_id = newMsg.random_id; if (newMsg.from_id != null) { request.send_as = getMessagesController().getInputPeer(newMsg.from_id); } request.media = inputMedia; request.message = caption; if (entities != null && !entities.isEmpty()) { request.entities = entities; request.flags |= 8; } if (scheduleDate != 0) { request.schedule_date = scheduleDate; request.flags |= 1024; } if (delayedMessage != null) { delayedMessage.sendRequest = request; } reqSend = request; } if (groupId != 0) { performSendDelayedMessage(delayedMessage); } else if (type == 1) { performSendMessageRequest(reqSend, newMsgObj, null, delayedMessage, parentObject, params, scheduleDate != 0); } else if (type == 2) { if (performMediaUpload) { performSendDelayedMessage(delayedMessage); } else { performSendMessageRequest(reqSend, newMsgObj, originalPath, null, true, delayedMessage, parentObject, params, scheduleDate != 0); } } else if (type == 3) { if (performMediaUpload) { performSendDelayedMessage(delayedMessage); } else { performSendMessageRequest(reqSend, newMsgObj, originalPath, delayedMessage, parentObject, params, scheduleDate != 0); } } else if (type == 6) { performSendMessageRequest(reqSend, newMsgObj, originalPath, delayedMessage, parentObject, params, scheduleDate != 0); } else if (type == 7) { if (performMediaUpload && delayedMessage != null) { performSendDelayedMessage(delayedMessage); } else { performSendMessageRequest(reqSend, newMsgObj, originalPath, delayedMessage, parentObject, params, scheduleDate != 0); } } else if (type == 8) { if (performMediaUpload) { performSendDelayedMessage(delayedMessage); } else { performSendMessageRequest(reqSend, newMsgObj, originalPath, delayedMessage, parentObject, params, scheduleDate != 0); } } else if (type == 10 || type == 11) { performSendMessageRequest(reqSend, newMsgObj, originalPath, delayedMessage, parentObject, params, scheduleDate != 0); } } else { TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessage reqSend; if (AndroidUtilities.getPeerLayerVersion(encryptedChat.layer) >= 73) { reqSend = new TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessage(); if (groupId != 0) { reqSend.grouped_id = groupId; reqSend.flags |= 131072; } } else { reqSend = new TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessage_layer45(); } reqSend.ttl = newMsg.ttl; if (entities != null && !entities.isEmpty()) { reqSend.entities = entities; reqSend.flags |= TLRPC.MESSAGE_FLAG_HAS_ENTITIES; } if (newMsg.reply_to != null && newMsg.reply_to.reply_to_random_id != 0) { reqSend.reply_to_random_id = newMsg.reply_to.reply_to_random_id; reqSend.flags |= TLRPC.MESSAGE_FLAG_REPLY; } reqSend.silent = newMsg.silent; reqSend.flags |= TLRPC.MESSAGE_FLAG_HAS_MEDIA; if (params != null && params.get("bot_name") != null) { reqSend.via_bot_name = params.get("bot_name"); reqSend.flags |= TLRPC.MESSAGE_FLAG_HAS_BOT_ID; } reqSend.random_id = newMsg.random_id; reqSend.message = ""; if (type == 1) { if (location instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaVenue) { reqSend.media = new TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageMediaVenue(); reqSend.media.address = location.address; reqSend.media.title = location.title; reqSend.media.provider = location.provider; reqSend.media.venue_id = location.venue_id; } else { reqSend.media = new TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageMediaGeoPoint(); } reqSend.media.lat = location.geo.lat; reqSend.media._long = location.geo._long; getSecretChatHelper().performSendEncryptedRequest(reqSend, newMsgObj.messageOwner, encryptedChat, null, null, newMsgObj); } else if (type == 2 || type == 9 && photo != null) { TLRPC.PhotoSize small = photo.sizes.get(0); TLRPC.PhotoSize big = photo.sizes.get(photo.sizes.size() - 1); ImageLoader.fillPhotoSizeWithBytes(small); reqSend.media = new TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageMediaPhoto(); reqSend.media.caption = caption; if (small.bytes != null) { ((TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageMediaPhoto) reqSend.media).thumb = small.bytes; } else { ((TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageMediaPhoto) reqSend.media).thumb = new byte[0]; } reqSend.media.thumb_h = small.h; reqSend.media.thumb_w = small.w; reqSend.media.w = big.w; reqSend.media.h = big.h; reqSend.media.size = big.size; if (big.location.key == null || groupId != 0) { if (delayedMessage == null) { delayedMessage = new DelayedMessage(peer); delayedMessage.encryptedChat = encryptedChat; delayedMessage.type = 0; delayedMessage.originalPath = originalPath; delayedMessage.sendEncryptedRequest = reqSend; delayedMessage.obj = newMsgObj; if (params != null && params.containsKey("parentObject")) { delayedMessage.parentObject = params.get("parentObject"); } else { delayedMessage.parentObject = parentObject; } delayedMessage.performMediaUpload = true; delayedMessage.scheduled = scheduleDate != 0; } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(path) && path.startsWith("http")) { delayedMessage.httpLocation = path; } else { delayedMessage.photoSize = photo.sizes.get(photo.sizes.size() - 1); delayedMessage.locationParent = photo; } if (groupId == 0) { performSendDelayedMessage(delayedMessage); } } else { TLRPC.TL_inputEncryptedFile encryptedFile = new TLRPC.TL_inputEncryptedFile(); encryptedFile.id = big.location.volume_id; encryptedFile.access_hash = big.location.secret; reqSend.media.key = big.location.key; reqSend.media.iv = big.location.iv; getSecretChatHelper().performSendEncryptedRequest(reqSend, newMsgObj.messageOwner, encryptedChat, encryptedFile, null, newMsgObj); } } else if (type == 3) { TLRPC.PhotoSize thumb = getThumbForSecretChat(document.thumbs); ImageLoader.fillPhotoSizeWithBytes(thumb); if (MessageObject.isNewGifDocument(document) || MessageObject.isRoundVideoDocument(document)) { reqSend.media = new TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageMediaDocument(); reqSend.media.attributes = document.attributes; if (thumb != null && thumb.bytes != null) { ((TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageMediaDocument) reqSend.media).thumb = thumb.bytes; } else { ((TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageMediaDocument) reqSend.media).thumb = new byte[0]; } } else { reqSend.media = new TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageMediaVideo(); if (thumb != null && thumb.bytes != null) { ((TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageMediaVideo) reqSend.media).thumb = thumb.bytes; } else { ((TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageMediaVideo) reqSend.media).thumb = new byte[0]; } } reqSend.media.caption = caption; reqSend.media.mime_type = "video/mp4"; reqSend.media.size = document.size; for (int a = 0; a < document.attributes.size(); a++) { TLRPC.DocumentAttribute attribute = document.attributes.get(a); if (attribute instanceof TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeVideo) { reqSend.media.w = attribute.w; reqSend.media.h = attribute.h; reqSend.media.duration = attribute.duration; break; } } reqSend.media.thumb_h = thumb.h; reqSend.media.thumb_w = thumb.w; if (document.key == null || groupId != 0) { if (delayedMessage == null) { delayedMessage = new DelayedMessage(peer); delayedMessage.encryptedChat = encryptedChat; delayedMessage.type = 1; delayedMessage.sendEncryptedRequest = reqSend; delayedMessage.originalPath = originalPath; delayedMessage.obj = newMsgObj; if (params != null && params.containsKey("parentObject")) { delayedMessage.parentObject = params.get("parentObject"); } else { delayedMessage.parentObject = parentObject; } delayedMessage.performMediaUpload = true; delayedMessage.scheduled = scheduleDate != 0; } delayedMessage.videoEditedInfo = videoEditedInfo; if (groupId == 0) { performSendDelayedMessage(delayedMessage); } } else { TLRPC.TL_inputEncryptedFile encryptedFile = new TLRPC.TL_inputEncryptedFile(); encryptedFile.id = document.id; encryptedFile.access_hash = document.access_hash; reqSend.media.key = document.key; reqSend.media.iv = document.iv; getSecretChatHelper().performSendEncryptedRequest(reqSend, newMsgObj.messageOwner, encryptedChat, encryptedFile, null, newMsgObj); } } else if (type == 6) { reqSend.media = new TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageMediaContact(); reqSend.media.phone_number = user.phone; reqSend.media.first_name = user.first_name; reqSend.media.last_name = user.last_name; reqSend.media.user_id = user.id; getSecretChatHelper().performSendEncryptedRequest(reqSend, newMsgObj.messageOwner, encryptedChat, null, null, newMsgObj); } else if (type == 7 || type == 9 && document != null) { if (document.access_hash != 0 && (MessageObject.isStickerDocument(document) || MessageObject.isAnimatedStickerDocument(document, true))) { reqSend.media = new TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageMediaExternalDocument(); reqSend.media.id = document.id; reqSend.media.date = document.date; reqSend.media.access_hash = document.access_hash; reqSend.media.mime_type = document.mime_type; reqSend.media.size = document.size; reqSend.media.dc_id = document.dc_id; reqSend.media.attributes = document.attributes; TLRPC.PhotoSize thumb = getThumbForSecretChat(document.thumbs); if (thumb != null) { ((TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageMediaExternalDocument) reqSend.media).thumb = thumb; } else { ((TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageMediaExternalDocument) reqSend.media).thumb = new TLRPC.TL_photoSizeEmpty(); ((TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageMediaExternalDocument) reqSend.media).thumb.type = "s"; } if (delayedMessage != null && delayedMessage.type == 5) { delayedMessage.sendEncryptedRequest = reqSend; delayedMessage.obj = newMsgObj; performSendDelayedMessage(delayedMessage); } else { getSecretChatHelper().performSendEncryptedRequest(reqSend, newMsgObj.messageOwner, encryptedChat, null, null, newMsgObj); } } else { reqSend.media = new TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageMediaDocument(); reqSend.media.attributes = document.attributes; reqSend.media.caption = caption; TLRPC.PhotoSize thumb = getThumbForSecretChat(document.thumbs); if (thumb != null) { ImageLoader.fillPhotoSizeWithBytes(thumb); ((TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageMediaDocument) reqSend.media).thumb = thumb.bytes; reqSend.media.thumb_h = thumb.h; reqSend.media.thumb_w = thumb.w; } else { ((TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageMediaDocument) reqSend.media).thumb = new byte[0]; reqSend.media.thumb_h = 0; reqSend.media.thumb_w = 0; } reqSend.media.size = document.size; reqSend.media.mime_type = document.mime_type; if (document.key == null || groupId != 0) { if (delayedMessage == null) { delayedMessage = new DelayedMessage(peer); delayedMessage.encryptedChat = encryptedChat; delayedMessage.type = 2; delayedMessage.sendEncryptedRequest = reqSend; delayedMessage.originalPath = originalPath; delayedMessage.obj = newMsgObj; if (params != null && params.containsKey("parentObject")) { delayedMessage.parentObject = params.get("parentObject"); } else { delayedMessage.parentObject = parentObject; } delayedMessage.performMediaUpload = true; delayedMessage.scheduled = scheduleDate != 0; } if (path != null && path.length() > 0 && path.startsWith("http")) { delayedMessage.httpLocation = path; } if (groupId == 0) { performSendDelayedMessage(delayedMessage); } } else { TLRPC.TL_inputEncryptedFile encryptedFile = new TLRPC.TL_inputEncryptedFile(); encryptedFile.id = document.id; encryptedFile.access_hash = document.access_hash; reqSend.media.key = document.key; reqSend.media.iv = document.iv; getSecretChatHelper().performSendEncryptedRequest(reqSend, newMsgObj.messageOwner, encryptedChat, encryptedFile, null, newMsgObj); } } } else if (type == 8) { delayedMessage = new DelayedMessage(peer); delayedMessage.encryptedChat = encryptedChat; delayedMessage.sendEncryptedRequest = reqSend; delayedMessage.obj = newMsgObj; delayedMessage.type = 3; delayedMessage.parentObject = parentObject; delayedMessage.performMediaUpload = true; delayedMessage.scheduled = scheduleDate != 0; reqSend.media = new TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageMediaDocument(); reqSend.media.attributes = document.attributes; reqSend.media.caption = caption; TLRPC.PhotoSize thumb = getThumbForSecretChat(document.thumbs); if (thumb != null) { ImageLoader.fillPhotoSizeWithBytes(thumb); ((TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageMediaDocument) reqSend.media).thumb = thumb.bytes; reqSend.media.thumb_h = thumb.h; reqSend.media.thumb_w = thumb.w; } else { ((TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageMediaDocument) reqSend.media).thumb = new byte[0]; reqSend.media.thumb_h = 0; reqSend.media.thumb_w = 0; } reqSend.media.mime_type = document.mime_type; reqSend.media.size = document.size; delayedMessage.originalPath = originalPath; performSendDelayedMessage(delayedMessage); } if (groupId != 0) { TLRPC.TL_messages_sendEncryptedMultiMedia request; if (delayedMessage.sendEncryptedRequest != null) { request = (TLRPC.TL_messages_sendEncryptedMultiMedia) delayedMessage.sendEncryptedRequest; } else { request = new TLRPC.TL_messages_sendEncryptedMultiMedia(); delayedMessage.sendEncryptedRequest = request; } delayedMessage.messageObjects.add(newMsgObj); delayedMessage.messages.add(newMsg); delayedMessage.originalPaths.add(originalPath); delayedMessage.performMediaUpload = true; request.messages.add(reqSend); TLRPC.TL_inputEncryptedFile encryptedFile = new TLRPC.TL_inputEncryptedFile(); encryptedFile.id = type == 3 || type == 7 ? 1 : 0; request.files.add(encryptedFile); performSendDelayedMessage(delayedMessage); } if (retryMessageObject == null) { getMediaDataController().cleanDraft(peer, replyToTopMsg != null ? replyToTopMsg.getId() : 0, false); } } } else if (type == 4) { TLRPC.TL_messages_forwardMessages reqSend = new TLRPC.TL_messages_forwardMessages(); reqSend.to_peer = sendToPeer; reqSend.with_my_score = retryMessageObject.messageOwner.with_my_score; if (params != null && params.containsKey("fwd_id")) { int fwdId = Utilities.parseInt(params.get("fwd_id")); reqSend.drop_author = true; long peerId = Utilities.parseLong(params.get("fwd_peer")); if (peerId < 0) { TLRPC.Chat chat = getMessagesController().getChat(-peerId); if (ChatObject.isChannel(chat)) { reqSend.from_peer = new TLRPC.TL_inputPeerChannel(); reqSend.from_peer.channel_id = chat.id; reqSend.from_peer.access_hash = chat.access_hash; } else { reqSend.from_peer = new TLRPC.TL_inputPeerEmpty(); } } else { reqSend.from_peer = new TLRPC.TL_inputPeerEmpty(); } reqSend.id.add(fwdId); } else { reqSend.from_peer = new TLRPC.TL_inputPeerEmpty(); } reqSend.silent = newMsg.silent; if (scheduleDate != 0) { reqSend.schedule_date = scheduleDate; reqSend.flags |= 1024; } reqSend.random_id.add(newMsg.random_id); if (retryMessageObject.getId() >= 0) { reqSend.id.add(retryMessageObject.getId()); } else { if (retryMessageObject.messageOwner.fwd_msg_id != 0) { reqSend.id.add(retryMessageObject.messageOwner.fwd_msg_id); } else if (retryMessageObject.messageOwner.fwd_from != null) { reqSend.id.add(retryMessageObject.messageOwner.fwd_from.channel_post); } } performSendMessageRequest(reqSend, newMsgObj, null, null, parentObject, params, scheduleDate != 0); } else if (type == 9) { TLRPC.TL_messages_sendInlineBotResult reqSend = new TLRPC.TL_messages_sendInlineBotResult(); reqSend.peer = sendToPeer; reqSend.random_id = newMsg.random_id; if (newMsg.from_id != null) { reqSend.send_as = getMessagesController().getInputPeer(newMsg.from_id); } reqSend.hide_via = !params.containsKey("bot"); if (newMsg.reply_to != null && newMsg.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id != 0) { reqSend.flags |= 1; reqSend.reply_to_msg_id = newMsg.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id; } reqSend.silent = newMsg.silent; if (scheduleDate != 0) { reqSend.schedule_date = scheduleDate; reqSend.flags |= 1024; } reqSend.query_id = Utilities.parseLong(params.get("query_id")); reqSend.id = params.get("id"); if (retryMessageObject == null) { reqSend.clear_draft = true; getMediaDataController().cleanDraft(peer, replyToTopMsg != null ? replyToTopMsg.getId() : 0, false); } performSendMessageRequest(reqSend, newMsgObj, null, null, parentObject, params, scheduleDate != 0); } } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); getMessagesStorage().markMessageAsSendError(newMsg, scheduleDate != 0); if (newMsgObj != null) { newMsgObj.messageOwner.send_state = MessageObject.MESSAGE_SEND_STATE_SEND_ERROR; } getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.messageSendError, newMsg.id); processSentMessage(newMsg.id); } } private void performSendDelayedMessage(final DelayedMessage message) { performSendDelayedMessage(message, -1); } private TLRPC.PhotoSize getThumbForSecretChat(ArrayList arrayList) { if (arrayList == null || arrayList.isEmpty()) { return null; } for (int a = 0, N = arrayList.size(); a < N; a++) { TLRPC.PhotoSize size = arrayList.get(a); if (size == null || size instanceof TLRPC.TL_photoStrippedSize || size instanceof TLRPC.TL_photoPathSize || size instanceof TLRPC.TL_photoSizeEmpty || size.location == null) { continue; } TLRPC.TL_photoSize photoSize = new TLRPC.TL_photoSize_layer127(); photoSize.type = size.type; photoSize.w = size.w; photoSize.h = size.h; photoSize.size = size.size; photoSize.bytes = size.bytes; if (photoSize.bytes == null) { photoSize.bytes = new byte[0]; } photoSize.location = new TLRPC.TL_fileLocation_layer82(); photoSize.location.dc_id = size.location.dc_id; photoSize.location.volume_id = size.location.volume_id; photoSize.location.local_id = size.location.local_id; photoSize.location.secret = size.location.secret; return photoSize; } return null; } private void performSendDelayedMessage(final DelayedMessage message, int index) { if (message.type == 0) { if (message.httpLocation != null) { putToDelayedMessages(message.httpLocation, message); ImageLoader.getInstance().loadHttpFile(message.httpLocation, "file", currentAccount); } else { if (message.sendRequest != null) { String location = FileLoader.getInstance(currentAccount).getPathToAttach(message.photoSize).toString(); putToDelayedMessages(location, message); getFileLoader().uploadFile(location, false, true, ConnectionsManager.FileTypePhoto); putToUploadingMessages(message.obj); } else { String location = FileLoader.getInstance(currentAccount).getPathToAttach(message.photoSize).toString(); if (message.sendEncryptedRequest != null && message.photoSize.location.dc_id != 0) { File file = new File(location); if (!file.exists()) { location = FileLoader.getInstance(currentAccount).getPathToAttach(message.photoSize, true).toString(); file = new File(location); } if (!file.exists()) { putToDelayedMessages(FileLoader.getAttachFileName(message.photoSize), message); getFileLoader().loadFile(ImageLocation.getForObject(message.photoSize, message.locationParent), message.parentObject, "jpg", 2, 0); return; } } putToDelayedMessages(location, message); getFileLoader().uploadFile(location, true, true, ConnectionsManager.FileTypePhoto); putToUploadingMessages(message.obj); } } } else if (message.type == 1) { if (message.videoEditedInfo != null && message.videoEditedInfo.needConvert()) { String location = message.obj.messageOwner.attachPath; TLRPC.Document document = message.obj.getDocument(); if (location == null) { location = FileLoader.getDirectory(FileLoader.MEDIA_DIR_CACHE) + "/" + document.id + ".mp4"; } putToDelayedMessages(location, message); MediaController.getInstance().scheduleVideoConvert(message.obj); putToUploadingMessages(message.obj); } else { if (message.videoEditedInfo != null) { if (message.videoEditedInfo.file != null) { TLRPC.InputMedia media; if (message.sendRequest instanceof TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMedia) { media = ((TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMedia) message.sendRequest).media; } else { media = ((TLRPC.TL_messages_editMessage) message.sendRequest).media; } media.file = message.videoEditedInfo.file; message.videoEditedInfo.file = null; } else if (message.videoEditedInfo.encryptedFile != null) { TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessage decryptedMessage = (TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessage) message.sendEncryptedRequest; decryptedMessage.media.size = (int) message.videoEditedInfo.estimatedSize; decryptedMessage.media.key = message.videoEditedInfo.key; decryptedMessage.media.iv = message.videoEditedInfo.iv; getSecretChatHelper().performSendEncryptedRequest(decryptedMessage, message.obj.messageOwner, message.encryptedChat, message.videoEditedInfo.encryptedFile, message.originalPath, message.obj); message.videoEditedInfo.encryptedFile = null; return; } } if (message.sendRequest != null) { TLRPC.InputMedia media; if (message.sendRequest instanceof TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMedia) { media = ((TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMedia) message.sendRequest).media; } else { media = ((TLRPC.TL_messages_editMessage) message.sendRequest).media; } if (media.file == null) { String location = message.obj.messageOwner.attachPath; TLRPC.Document document = message.obj.getDocument(); if (location == null) { location = FileLoader.getDirectory(FileLoader.MEDIA_DIR_CACHE) + "/" + document.id + ".mp4"; } putToDelayedMessages(location, message); if (message.obj.videoEditedInfo != null && message.obj.videoEditedInfo.needConvert()) { getFileLoader().uploadFile(location, false, false, document.size, ConnectionsManager.FileTypeVideo, false); } else { getFileLoader().uploadFile(location, false, false, ConnectionsManager.FileTypeVideo); } putToUploadingMessages(message.obj); } else { String location = FileLoader.getDirectory(FileLoader.MEDIA_DIR_CACHE) + "/" + message.photoSize.location.volume_id + "_" + message.photoSize.location.local_id + ".jpg"; putToDelayedMessages(location, message); getFileLoader().uploadFile(location, false, true, ConnectionsManager.FileTypePhoto); putToUploadingMessages(message.obj); } } else { String location = message.obj.messageOwner.attachPath; TLRPC.Document document = message.obj.getDocument(); if (location == null) { location = FileLoader.getDirectory(FileLoader.MEDIA_DIR_CACHE) + "/" + document.id + ".mp4"; } if (message.sendEncryptedRequest != null && document.dc_id != 0) { File file = new File(location); if (!file.exists()) { putToDelayedMessages(FileLoader.getAttachFileName(document), message); getFileLoader().loadFile(document, message.parentObject, 2, 0); return; } } putToDelayedMessages(location, message); if (message.obj.videoEditedInfo != null && message.obj.videoEditedInfo.needConvert()) { getFileLoader().uploadFile(location, true, false, document.size, ConnectionsManager.FileTypeVideo, false); } else { getFileLoader().uploadFile(location, true, false, ConnectionsManager.FileTypeVideo); } putToUploadingMessages(message.obj); } } } else if (message.type == 2) { if (message.httpLocation != null) { putToDelayedMessages(message.httpLocation, message); ImageLoader.getInstance().loadHttpFile(message.httpLocation, "gif", currentAccount); } else { if (message.sendRequest != null) { TLRPC.InputMedia media; if (message.sendRequest instanceof TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMedia) { media = ((TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMedia) message.sendRequest).media; } else { media = ((TLRPC.TL_messages_editMessage) message.sendRequest).media; } if (media.file == null) { String location = message.obj.messageOwner.attachPath; putToDelayedMessages(location, message); getFileLoader().uploadFile(location, message.sendRequest == null, false, ConnectionsManager.FileTypeFile); putToUploadingMessages(message.obj); } else if (media.thumb == null && message.photoSize != null && !(message.photoSize instanceof TLRPC.TL_photoStrippedSize)) { String location = FileLoader.getDirectory(FileLoader.MEDIA_DIR_CACHE) + "/" + message.photoSize.location.volume_id + "_" + message.photoSize.location.local_id + ".jpg"; putToDelayedMessages(location, message); getFileLoader().uploadFile(location, false, true, ConnectionsManager.FileTypePhoto); putToUploadingMessages(message.obj); } } else { String location = message.obj.messageOwner.attachPath; TLRPC.Document document = message.obj.getDocument(); if (message.sendEncryptedRequest != null && document.dc_id != 0) { File file = new File(location); if (!file.exists()) { putToDelayedMessages(FileLoader.getAttachFileName(document), message); getFileLoader().loadFile(document, message.parentObject, 2, 0); return; } } putToDelayedMessages(location, message); getFileLoader().uploadFile(location, true, false, ConnectionsManager.FileTypeFile); putToUploadingMessages(message.obj); } } } else if (message.type == 3) { String location = message.obj.messageOwner.attachPath; putToDelayedMessages(location, message); getFileLoader().uploadFile(location, message.sendRequest == null, true, ConnectionsManager.FileTypeAudio); putToUploadingMessages(message.obj); } else if (message.type == 4) { boolean add = index < 0; if (message.performMediaUpload) { if (index < 0) { index = message.messageObjects.size() - 1; } MessageObject messageObject = message.messageObjects.get(index); if (messageObject.getDocument() != null) { if (message.videoEditedInfo != null) { String location = messageObject.messageOwner.attachPath; TLRPC.Document document = messageObject.getDocument(); if (location == null) { location = FileLoader.getDirectory(FileLoader.MEDIA_DIR_CACHE) + "/" + document.id + ".mp4"; } putToDelayedMessages(location, message); message.extraHashMap.put(messageObject, location); message.extraHashMap.put(location + "_i", messageObject); if (message.photoSize != null && message.photoSize.location != null) { message.extraHashMap.put(location + "_t", message.photoSize); } MediaController.getInstance().scheduleVideoConvert(messageObject); message.obj = messageObject; putToUploadingMessages(messageObject); } else { TLRPC.Document document = messageObject.getDocument(); String documentLocation = messageObject.messageOwner.attachPath; if (documentLocation == null) { documentLocation = FileLoader.getDirectory(FileLoader.MEDIA_DIR_CACHE) + "/" + document.id + ".mp4"; } if (message.sendRequest != null) { TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMultiMedia request = (TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMultiMedia) message.sendRequest; TLRPC.InputMedia media = request.multi_media.get(index).media; if (media.file == null) { putToDelayedMessages(documentLocation, message); message.extraHashMap.put(messageObject, documentLocation); message.extraHashMap.put(documentLocation, media); message.extraHashMap.put(documentLocation + "_i", messageObject); if (message.photoSize != null && message.photoSize.location != null) { message.extraHashMap.put(documentLocation + "_t", message.photoSize); } if (messageObject.videoEditedInfo != null && messageObject.videoEditedInfo.needConvert()) { getFileLoader().uploadFile(documentLocation, false, false, document.size, ConnectionsManager.FileTypeVideo, false); } else { getFileLoader().uploadFile(documentLocation, false, false, ConnectionsManager.FileTypeVideo); } putToUploadingMessages(messageObject); } else if (message.photoSize != null) { String location = FileLoader.getDirectory(FileLoader.MEDIA_DIR_CACHE) + "/" + message.photoSize.location.volume_id + "_" + message.photoSize.location.local_id + ".jpg"; putToDelayedMessages(location, message); message.extraHashMap.put(location + "_o", documentLocation); message.extraHashMap.put(messageObject, location); message.extraHashMap.put(location, media); getFileLoader().uploadFile(location, false, true, ConnectionsManager.FileTypePhoto); putToUploadingMessages(messageObject); } } else { TLRPC.TL_messages_sendEncryptedMultiMedia request = (TLRPC.TL_messages_sendEncryptedMultiMedia) message.sendEncryptedRequest; putToDelayedMessages(documentLocation, message); message.extraHashMap.put(messageObject, documentLocation); message.extraHashMap.put(documentLocation, request.files.get(index)); message.extraHashMap.put(documentLocation + "_i", messageObject); if (message.photoSize != null && message.photoSize.location != null) { message.extraHashMap.put(documentLocation + "_t", message.photoSize); } if (messageObject.videoEditedInfo != null && messageObject.videoEditedInfo.needConvert()) { getFileLoader().uploadFile(documentLocation, true, false, document.size, ConnectionsManager.FileTypeVideo, false); } else { getFileLoader().uploadFile(documentLocation, true, false, ConnectionsManager.FileTypeVideo); } putToUploadingMessages(messageObject); } } message.videoEditedInfo = null; message.photoSize = null; } else { if (message.httpLocation != null) { putToDelayedMessages(message.httpLocation, message); message.extraHashMap.put(messageObject, message.httpLocation); message.extraHashMap.put(message.httpLocation, messageObject); ImageLoader.getInstance().loadHttpFile(message.httpLocation, "file", currentAccount); message.httpLocation = null; } else { TLObject inputMedia; if (message.sendRequest != null) { TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMultiMedia request = (TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMultiMedia) message.sendRequest; inputMedia = request.multi_media.get(index).media; } else { TLRPC.TL_messages_sendEncryptedMultiMedia request = (TLRPC.TL_messages_sendEncryptedMultiMedia) message.sendEncryptedRequest; inputMedia = request.files.get(index); } String location = FileLoader.getInstance(currentAccount).getPathToAttach(message.photoSize).toString(); putToDelayedMessages(location, message); message.extraHashMap.put(location, inputMedia); message.extraHashMap.put(messageObject, location); getFileLoader().uploadFile(location, message.sendEncryptedRequest != null, true, ConnectionsManager.FileTypePhoto); putToUploadingMessages(messageObject); message.photoSize = null; } } message.performMediaUpload = false; } else if (!message.messageObjects.isEmpty()) { putToSendingMessages(message.messageObjects.get(message.messageObjects.size() - 1).messageOwner, message.finalGroupMessage != 0); } sendReadyToSendGroup(message, add, true); } else if (message.type == 5) { String key = "stickerset_" + message.obj.getId(); TLRPC.TL_messages_getStickerSet req = new TLRPC.TL_messages_getStickerSet(); req.stickerset = (TLRPC.InputStickerSet) message.parentObject; getConnectionsManager().sendRequest(req, (response, error) -> { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { boolean found = false; if (response != null) { TLRPC.TL_messages_stickerSet set = (TLRPC.TL_messages_stickerSet) response; getMediaDataController().storeTempStickerSet(set); TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeSticker_layer55 attributeSticker = (TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeSticker_layer55) message.locationParent; attributeSticker.stickerset = new TLRPC.TL_inputStickerSetShortName(); attributeSticker.stickerset.short_name = set.set.short_name; found = true; } ArrayList arrayList = delayedMessages.remove(key); if (arrayList != null && !arrayList.isEmpty()) { if (found) { getMessagesStorage().replaceMessageIfExists(arrayList.get(0).obj.messageOwner, null, null, false); } getSecretChatHelper().performSendEncryptedRequest((TLRPC.DecryptedMessage) message.sendEncryptedRequest, message.obj.messageOwner, message.encryptedChat, null, null, message.obj); } }); }); putToDelayedMessages(key, message); } } private void uploadMultiMedia(final DelayedMessage message, final TLRPC.InputMedia inputMedia, final TLRPC.InputEncryptedFile inputEncryptedFile, String key) { if (inputMedia != null) { TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMultiMedia multiMedia = (TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMultiMedia) message.sendRequest; for (int a = 0; a < multiMedia.multi_media.size(); a++) { if (multiMedia.multi_media.get(a).media == inputMedia) { putToSendingMessages(message.messages.get(a), message.scheduled); getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.fileUploadProgressChanged, key, -1L, -1L, false); break; } } TLRPC.TL_messages_uploadMedia req = new TLRPC.TL_messages_uploadMedia(); req.media = inputMedia; req.peer = ((TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMultiMedia) message.sendRequest).peer; getConnectionsManager().sendRequest(req, (response, error) -> AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { TLRPC.InputMedia newInputMedia = null; if (response != null) { TLRPC.MessageMedia messageMedia = (TLRPC.MessageMedia) response; if (inputMedia instanceof TLRPC.TL_inputMediaUploadedPhoto && messageMedia instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPhoto) { TLRPC.TL_inputMediaPhoto inputMediaPhoto = new TLRPC.TL_inputMediaPhoto(); inputMediaPhoto.id = new TLRPC.TL_inputPhoto(); inputMediaPhoto.id.id = messageMedia.photo.id; inputMediaPhoto.id.access_hash = messageMedia.photo.access_hash; inputMediaPhoto.id.file_reference = messageMedia.photo.file_reference; newInputMedia = inputMediaPhoto; if (BuildVars.DEBUG_VERSION) { FileLog.d("set uploaded photo"); } } else if (inputMedia instanceof TLRPC.TL_inputMediaUploadedDocument && messageMedia instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaDocument) { TLRPC.TL_inputMediaDocument inputMediaDocument = new TLRPC.TL_inputMediaDocument(); inputMediaDocument.id = new TLRPC.TL_inputDocument(); inputMediaDocument.id.id = messageMedia.document.id; inputMediaDocument.id.access_hash = messageMedia.document.access_hash; inputMediaDocument.id.file_reference = messageMedia.document.file_reference; newInputMedia = inputMediaDocument; if (BuildVars.DEBUG_VERSION) { FileLog.d("set uploaded document"); } } } if (newInputMedia != null) { if (inputMedia.ttl_seconds != 0) { newInputMedia.ttl_seconds = inputMedia.ttl_seconds; newInputMedia.flags |= 1; } TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMultiMedia req1 = (TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMultiMedia) message.sendRequest; for (int a = 0; a < req1.multi_media.size(); a++) { if (req1.multi_media.get(a).media == inputMedia) { req1.multi_media.get(a).media = newInputMedia; break; } } sendReadyToSendGroup(message, false, true); } else { message.markAsError(); } })); } else if (inputEncryptedFile != null) { TLRPC.TL_messages_sendEncryptedMultiMedia multiMedia = (TLRPC.TL_messages_sendEncryptedMultiMedia) message.sendEncryptedRequest; for (int a = 0; a < multiMedia.files.size(); a++) { if (multiMedia.files.get(a) == inputEncryptedFile) { putToSendingMessages(message.messages.get(a), message.scheduled); getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.fileUploadProgressChanged, key, -1L, -1L, false); break; } } sendReadyToSendGroup(message, false, true); } } private void sendReadyToSendGroup(DelayedMessage message, boolean add, boolean check) { if (message.messageObjects.isEmpty()) { message.markAsError(); return; } String key = "group_" + message.groupId; if (message.finalGroupMessage != message.messageObjects.get(message.messageObjects.size() - 1).getId()) { if (add) { if (BuildVars.DEBUG_VERSION) { FileLog.d("final message not added, add"); } putToDelayedMessages(key, message); } else { if (BuildVars.DEBUG_VERSION) { FileLog.d("final message not added"); } } return; } else if (add) { delayedMessages.remove(key); getMessagesStorage().putMessages(message.messages, false, true, false, 0, message.scheduled); getMessagesController().updateInterfaceWithMessages(message.peer, message.messageObjects, message.scheduled); if (!message.scheduled) { getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.dialogsNeedReload); } if (BuildVars.DEBUG_VERSION) { FileLog.d("add message"); } } if (message.sendRequest instanceof TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMultiMedia) { TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMultiMedia request = (TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMultiMedia) message.sendRequest; for (int a = 0; a < request.multi_media.size(); a++) { TLRPC.InputMedia inputMedia = request.multi_media.get(a).media; if (inputMedia instanceof TLRPC.TL_inputMediaUploadedPhoto || inputMedia instanceof TLRPC.TL_inputMediaUploadedDocument) { if (BuildVars.DEBUG_VERSION) { FileLog.d("multi media not ready"); } return; } } if (check) { DelayedMessage maxDelayedMessage = findMaxDelayedMessageForMessageId(message.finalGroupMessage, message.peer); if (maxDelayedMessage != null) { maxDelayedMessage.addDelayedRequest(message.sendRequest, message.messageObjects, message.originalPaths, message.parentObjects, message, message.scheduled); if (message.requests != null) { maxDelayedMessage.requests.addAll(message.requests); } if (BuildVars.DEBUG_VERSION) { FileLog.d("has maxDelayedMessage, delay"); } return; } } } else { TLRPC.TL_messages_sendEncryptedMultiMedia request = (TLRPC.TL_messages_sendEncryptedMultiMedia) message.sendEncryptedRequest; for (int a = 0; a < request.files.size(); a++) { TLRPC.InputEncryptedFile inputMedia = request.files.get(a); if (inputMedia instanceof TLRPC.TL_inputEncryptedFile) { return; } } } if (message.sendRequest instanceof TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMultiMedia) { performSendMessageRequestMulti((TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMultiMedia) message.sendRequest, message.messageObjects, message.originalPaths, message.parentObjects, message, message.scheduled); } else { getSecretChatHelper().performSendEncryptedRequest((TLRPC.TL_messages_sendEncryptedMultiMedia) message.sendEncryptedRequest, message); } message.sendDelayedRequests(); } public void stopVideoService(final String path) { getMessagesStorage().getStorageQueue().postRunnable(() -> AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.stopEncodingService, path, currentAccount))); } protected void putToSendingMessages(TLRPC.Message message, boolean scheduled) { if (Thread.currentThread() != ApplicationLoader.applicationHandler.getLooper().getThread()) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> putToSendingMessages(message, scheduled, true)); } else { putToSendingMessages(message, scheduled, true); } } protected void putToSendingMessages(TLRPC.Message message, boolean scheduled, boolean notify) { if (message == null) { return; } if (message.id > 0) { editingMessages.put(message.id, message); } else { boolean contains = sendingMessages.indexOfKey(message.id) >= 0; removeFromUploadingMessages(message.id, scheduled); sendingMessages.put(message.id, message); if (!scheduled && !contains) { long did = MessageObject.getDialogId(message); sendingMessagesIdDialogs.put(did, sendingMessagesIdDialogs.get(did, 0) + 1); if (notify) { getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.sendingMessagesChanged); } } } } protected TLRPC.Message removeFromSendingMessages(int mid, boolean scheduled) { TLRPC.Message message; if (mid > 0) { message = editingMessages.get(mid); if (message != null) { editingMessages.remove(mid); } } else { message = sendingMessages.get(mid); if (message != null) { sendingMessages.remove(mid); if (!scheduled) { long did = MessageObject.getDialogId(message); Integer currentCount = sendingMessagesIdDialogs.get(did); if (currentCount != null) { int count = currentCount - 1; if (count <= 0) { sendingMessagesIdDialogs.remove(did); } else { sendingMessagesIdDialogs.put(did, count); } getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.sendingMessagesChanged); } } } } return message; } public int getSendingMessageId(long did) { for (int a = 0; a < sendingMessages.size(); a++) { TLRPC.Message message = sendingMessages.valueAt(a); if (message.dialog_id == did) { return message.id; } } for (int a = 0; a < uploadMessages.size(); a++) { TLRPC.Message message = uploadMessages.valueAt(a); if (message.dialog_id == did) { return message.id; } } return 0; } protected void putToUploadingMessages(MessageObject obj) { if (obj == null || obj.getId() > 0 || obj.scheduled) { return; } TLRPC.Message message = obj.messageOwner; boolean contains = uploadMessages.indexOfKey(message.id) >= 0; uploadMessages.put(message.id, message); if (!contains) { long did = MessageObject.getDialogId(message); uploadingMessagesIdDialogs.put(did, uploadingMessagesIdDialogs.get(did, 0) + 1); getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.sendingMessagesChanged); } } protected void removeFromUploadingMessages(int mid, boolean scheduled) { if (mid > 0 || scheduled) { return; } TLRPC.Message message = uploadMessages.get(mid); if (message != null) { uploadMessages.remove(mid); long did = MessageObject.getDialogId(message); Integer currentCount = uploadingMessagesIdDialogs.get(did); if (currentCount != null) { int count = currentCount - 1; if (count <= 0) { uploadingMessagesIdDialogs.remove(did); } else { uploadingMessagesIdDialogs.put(did, count); } getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.sendingMessagesChanged); } } } public boolean isSendingMessage(int mid) { return sendingMessages.indexOfKey(mid) >= 0 || editingMessages.indexOfKey(mid) >= 0; } public boolean isSendingMessageIdDialog(long did) { return sendingMessagesIdDialogs.get(did, 0) > 0; } public boolean isUploadingMessageIdDialog(long did) { return uploadingMessagesIdDialogs.get(did, 0) > 0; } protected void performSendMessageRequestMulti(final TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMultiMedia req, final ArrayList msgObjs, final ArrayList originalPaths, final ArrayList parentObjects, DelayedMessage delayedMessage, boolean scheduled) { for (int a = 0, size = msgObjs.size(); a < size; a++) { putToSendingMessages(msgObjs.get(a).messageOwner, scheduled); } getConnectionsManager().sendRequest(req, (response, error) -> { if (error != null && FileRefController.isFileRefError(error.text)) { if (parentObjects != null) { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList<>(parentObjects); getFileRefController().requestReference(arrayList, req, msgObjs, originalPaths, arrayList, delayedMessage, scheduled); return; } else if (delayedMessage != null && !delayedMessage.retriedToSend) { delayedMessage.retriedToSend = true; AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { boolean hasEmptyFile = false; for (int a = 0, size = req.multi_media.size(); a < size; a++) { if (delayedMessage.parentObjects.get(a) == null) { continue; } removeFromSendingMessages(msgObjs.get(a).getId(), scheduled); TLRPC.TL_inputSingleMedia request = req.multi_media.get(a); if (request.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_inputMediaPhoto) { request.media = delayedMessage.inputMedias.get(a); } else if (request.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_inputMediaDocument) { request.media = delayedMessage.inputMedias.get(a); } delayedMessage.videoEditedInfo = delayedMessage.videoEditedInfos.get(a); delayedMessage.httpLocation = delayedMessage.httpLocations.get(a); delayedMessage.photoSize = delayedMessage.locations.get(a); delayedMessage.performMediaUpload = true; if (request.media.file == null || delayedMessage.photoSize != null) { hasEmptyFile = true; } performSendDelayedMessage(delayedMessage, a); } if (!hasEmptyFile) { for (int i = 0; i < msgObjs.size(); i++) { TLRPC.Message newMsgObj = msgObjs.get(i).messageOwner; getMessagesStorage().markMessageAsSendError(newMsgObj, scheduled); newMsgObj.send_state = MessageObject.MESSAGE_SEND_STATE_SEND_ERROR; getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.messageSendError, newMsgObj.id); processSentMessage(newMsgObj.id); removeFromSendingMessages(newMsgObj.id, scheduled); } } }); return; } } AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { boolean isSentError = false; if (error == null) { SparseArray newMessages = new SparseArray<>(); LongSparseArray newIds = new LongSparseArray<>(); final TLRPC.Updates updates = (TLRPC.Updates) response; ArrayList updatesArr = ((TLRPC.Updates) response).updates; LongSparseArray> channelReplies = null; for (int a = 0; a < updatesArr.size(); a++) { TLRPC.Update update = updatesArr.get(a); if (update instanceof TLRPC.TL_updateMessageID) { TLRPC.TL_updateMessageID updateMessageID = (TLRPC.TL_updateMessageID) update; newIds.put(updateMessageID.random_id, updateMessageID.id); updatesArr.remove(a); a--; } else if (update instanceof TLRPC.TL_updateNewMessage) { final TLRPC.TL_updateNewMessage newMessage = (TLRPC.TL_updateNewMessage) update; newMessages.put(newMessage.message.id, newMessage.message); Utilities.stageQueue.postRunnable(() -> getMessagesController().processNewDifferenceParams(-1, newMessage.pts, -1, newMessage.pts_count)); updatesArr.remove(a); a--; } else if (update instanceof TLRPC.TL_updateNewChannelMessage) { final TLRPC.TL_updateNewChannelMessage newMessage = (TLRPC.TL_updateNewChannelMessage) update; long channelId = MessagesController.getUpdateChannelId(newMessage); TLRPC.Chat chat = getMessagesController().getChat(channelId); if ((chat == null || chat.megagroup) && newMessage.message.reply_to != null && (newMessage.message.reply_to.reply_to_top_id != 0 || newMessage.message.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id != 0)) { if (channelReplies == null) { channelReplies = new LongSparseArray<>(); } long did = MessageObject.getDialogId(newMessage.message); SparseArray replies = channelReplies.get(did); if (replies == null) { replies = new SparseArray<>(); channelReplies.put(did, replies); } int id = newMessage.message.reply_to.reply_to_top_id != 0 ? newMessage.message.reply_to.reply_to_top_id : newMessage.message.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id; TLRPC.MessageReplies messageReplies = replies.get(id); if (messageReplies == null) { messageReplies = new TLRPC.TL_messageReplies(); replies.put(id, messageReplies); } if (newMessage.message.from_id != null) { messageReplies.recent_repliers.add(0, newMessage.message.from_id); } messageReplies.replies++; } newMessages.put(newMessage.message.id, newMessage.message); Utilities.stageQueue.postRunnable(() -> getMessagesController().processNewChannelDifferenceParams(newMessage.pts, newMessage.pts_count, newMessage.message.peer_id.channel_id)); updatesArr.remove(a); a--; } else if (update instanceof TLRPC.TL_updateNewScheduledMessage) { final TLRPC.TL_updateNewScheduledMessage newMessage = (TLRPC.TL_updateNewScheduledMessage) update; newMessages.put(newMessage.message.id, newMessage.message); updatesArr.remove(a); a--; } } if (channelReplies != null) { getMessagesStorage().putChannelViews(null, null, channelReplies, true); getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.didUpdateMessagesViews, null, null, channelReplies, true); } for (int i = 0; i < msgObjs.size(); i++) { final MessageObject msgObj = msgObjs.get(i); final String originalPath = originalPaths.get(i); final TLRPC.Message newMsgObj = msgObj.messageOwner; final int oldId = newMsgObj.id; final ArrayList sentMessages = new ArrayList<>(); final String attachPath = newMsgObj.attachPath; final long grouped_id; final int existFlags; Integer id = newIds.get(newMsgObj.random_id); if (id != null) { TLRPC.Message message = newMessages.get(id); if (message != null) { MessageObject.getDialogId(message); sentMessages.add(message); if ((message.flags & 33554432) != 0) { msgObj.messageOwner.ttl_period = message.ttl_period; msgObj.messageOwner.flags |= 33554432; } updateMediaPaths(msgObj, message, message.id, originalPath, false); existFlags = msgObj.getMediaExistanceFlags(); newMsgObj.id = message.id; grouped_id = message.grouped_id; if (!scheduled) { Integer value = getMessagesController().dialogs_read_outbox_max.get(message.dialog_id); if (value == null) { value = getMessagesStorage().getDialogReadMax(message.out, message.dialog_id); getMessagesController().dialogs_read_outbox_max.put(message.dialog_id, value); } message.unread = value < message.id; } } else { isSentError = true; break; } } else { isSentError = true; break; } if (!isSentError) { getStatsController().incrementSentItemsCount(ApplicationLoader.getCurrentNetworkType(), StatsController.TYPE_MESSAGES, 1); newMsgObj.send_state = MessageObject.MESSAGE_SEND_STATE_SENT; getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.messageReceivedByServer, oldId, newMsgObj.id, newMsgObj, newMsgObj.dialog_id, grouped_id, existFlags, scheduled); getMessagesStorage().getStorageQueue().postRunnable(() -> { getMessagesStorage().updateMessageStateAndId(newMsgObj.random_id, MessageObject.getPeerId(newMsgObj.peer_id), oldId, newMsgObj.id, 0, false, scheduled ? 1 : 0); getMessagesStorage().putMessages(sentMessages, true, false, false, 0, scheduled); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { getMediaDataController().increasePeerRaiting(newMsgObj.dialog_id); getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.messageReceivedByServer, oldId, newMsgObj.id, newMsgObj, newMsgObj.dialog_id, grouped_id, existFlags, scheduled); processSentMessage(oldId); removeFromSendingMessages(oldId, scheduled); }); }); } } Utilities.stageQueue.postRunnable(() -> getMessagesController().processUpdates(updates, false)); } else { AlertsCreator.processError(currentAccount, error, null, req); isSentError = true; } if (isSentError) { for (int i = 0; i < msgObjs.size(); i++) { TLRPC.Message newMsgObj = msgObjs.get(i).messageOwner; getMessagesStorage().markMessageAsSendError(newMsgObj, scheduled); newMsgObj.send_state = MessageObject.MESSAGE_SEND_STATE_SEND_ERROR; getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.messageSendError, newMsgObj.id); processSentMessage(newMsgObj.id); removeFromSendingMessages(newMsgObj.id, scheduled); } } }); }, null, ConnectionsManager.RequestFlagCanCompress | ConnectionsManager.RequestFlagInvokeAfter); } private void performSendMessageRequest(final TLObject req, final MessageObject msgObj, final String originalPath, DelayedMessage delayedMessage, Object parentObject, HashMap params, boolean scheduled) { performSendMessageRequest(req, msgObj, originalPath, null, false, delayedMessage, parentObject, params, scheduled); } private DelayedMessage findMaxDelayedMessageForMessageId(int messageId, long dialogId) { DelayedMessage maxDelayedMessage = null; int maxDalyedMessageId = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (HashMap.Entry> entry : delayedMessages.entrySet()) { ArrayList messages = entry.getValue(); int size = messages.size(); for (int a = 0; a < size; a++) { DelayedMessage delayedMessage = messages.get(a); if ((delayedMessage.type == 4 || delayedMessage.type == 0) && delayedMessage.peer == dialogId) { int mid = 0; if (delayedMessage.obj != null) { mid = delayedMessage.obj.getId(); } else if (delayedMessage.messageObjects != null && !delayedMessage.messageObjects.isEmpty()) { mid = delayedMessage.messageObjects.get(delayedMessage.messageObjects.size() - 1).getId(); } if (mid != 0 && mid > messageId) { if (maxDelayedMessage == null && maxDalyedMessageId < mid) { maxDelayedMessage = delayedMessage; maxDalyedMessageId = mid; } } } } } return maxDelayedMessage; } protected void performSendMessageRequest(final TLObject req, final MessageObject msgObj, final String originalPath, DelayedMessage parentMessage, boolean check, DelayedMessage delayedMessage, Object parentObject, HashMap params, boolean scheduled) { if (!(req instanceof TLRPC.TL_messages_editMessage)) { if (check) { DelayedMessage maxDelayedMessage = findMaxDelayedMessageForMessageId(msgObj.getId(), msgObj.getDialogId()); if (maxDelayedMessage != null) { maxDelayedMessage.addDelayedRequest(req, msgObj, originalPath, parentObject, delayedMessage, parentMessage != null ? parentMessage.scheduled : false); if (parentMessage != null && parentMessage.requests != null) { maxDelayedMessage.requests.addAll(parentMessage.requests); } return; } } } final TLRPC.Message newMsgObj = msgObj.messageOwner; putToSendingMessages(newMsgObj, scheduled); newMsgObj.reqId = getConnectionsManager().sendRequest(req, (response, error) -> { if (error != null && (req instanceof TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMedia || req instanceof TLRPC.TL_messages_editMessage) && FileRefController.isFileRefError(error.text)) { if (parentObject != null) { getFileRefController().requestReference(parentObject, req, msgObj, originalPath, parentMessage, check, delayedMessage, scheduled); return; } else if (delayedMessage != null) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { removeFromSendingMessages(newMsgObj.id, scheduled); if (req instanceof TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMedia) { TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMedia request = (TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMedia) req; if (request.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_inputMediaPhoto) { request.media = delayedMessage.inputUploadMedia; } else if (request.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_inputMediaDocument) { request.media = delayedMessage.inputUploadMedia; } } else if (req instanceof TLRPC.TL_messages_editMessage) { TLRPC.TL_messages_editMessage request = (TLRPC.TL_messages_editMessage) req; if (request.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_inputMediaPhoto) { request.media = delayedMessage.inputUploadMedia; } else if (request.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_inputMediaDocument) { request.media = delayedMessage.inputUploadMedia; } } delayedMessage.performMediaUpload = true; performSendDelayedMessage(delayedMessage); }); return; } } if (req instanceof TLRPC.TL_messages_editMessage) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { if (error == null) { final String attachPath = newMsgObj.attachPath; final TLRPC.Updates updates = (TLRPC.Updates) response; ArrayList updatesArr = ((TLRPC.Updates) response).updates; TLRPC.Message message = null; for (int a = 0; a < updatesArr.size(); a++) { TLRPC.Update update = updatesArr.get(a); if (update instanceof TLRPC.TL_updateEditMessage) { final TLRPC.TL_updateEditMessage newMessage = (TLRPC.TL_updateEditMessage) update; message = newMessage.message; break; } else if (update instanceof TLRPC.TL_updateEditChannelMessage) { final TLRPC.TL_updateEditChannelMessage newMessage = (TLRPC.TL_updateEditChannelMessage) update; message = newMessage.message; break; } else if (update instanceof TLRPC.TL_updateNewScheduledMessage) { final TLRPC.TL_updateNewScheduledMessage newMessage = (TLRPC.TL_updateNewScheduledMessage) update; message = newMessage.message; break; } } if (message != null) { ImageLoader.saveMessageThumbs(message); updateMediaPaths(msgObj, message, message.id, originalPath, false); } Utilities.stageQueue.postRunnable(() -> { getMessagesController().processUpdates(updates, false); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { processSentMessage(newMsgObj.id); removeFromSendingMessages(newMsgObj.id, scheduled); }); }); if (MessageObject.isVideoMessage(newMsgObj) || MessageObject.isRoundVideoMessage(newMsgObj) || MessageObject.isNewGifMessage(newMsgObj)) { stopVideoService(attachPath); } } else { AlertsCreator.processError(currentAccount, error, null, req); if (MessageObject.isVideoMessage(newMsgObj) || MessageObject.isRoundVideoMessage(newMsgObj) || MessageObject.isNewGifMessage(newMsgObj)) { stopVideoService(newMsgObj.attachPath); } removeFromSendingMessages(newMsgObj.id, scheduled); revertEditingMessageObject(msgObj); } }); } else { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { boolean currentSchedule = scheduled; boolean isSentError = false; if (error == null) { final int oldId = newMsgObj.id; final ArrayList sentMessages = new ArrayList<>(); final String attachPath = newMsgObj.attachPath; final int existFlags; boolean scheduledOnline = newMsgObj.date == 0x7FFFFFFE; if (response instanceof TLRPC.TL_updateShortSentMessage) { final TLRPC.TL_updateShortSentMessage res = (TLRPC.TL_updateShortSentMessage) response; updateMediaPaths(msgObj, null, res.id, null, false); existFlags = msgObj.getMediaExistanceFlags(); newMsgObj.local_id = newMsgObj.id = res.id; newMsgObj.date = res.date; newMsgObj.entities = res.entities; newMsgObj.out = res.out; if ((res.flags & 33554432) != 0) { newMsgObj.ttl_period = res.ttl_period; newMsgObj.flags |= 33554432; } if (res.media != null) { newMsgObj.media = res.media; newMsgObj.flags |= TLRPC.MESSAGE_FLAG_HAS_MEDIA; ImageLoader.saveMessageThumbs(newMsgObj); } if ((res.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaGame || res.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaInvoice) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(res.message)) { newMsgObj.message = res.message; } if (!newMsgObj.entities.isEmpty()) { newMsgObj.flags |= TLRPC.MESSAGE_FLAG_HAS_ENTITIES; } currentSchedule = false; if (!currentSchedule) { Integer value = getMessagesController().dialogs_read_outbox_max.get(newMsgObj.dialog_id); if (value == null) { value = getMessagesStorage().getDialogReadMax(newMsgObj.out, newMsgObj.dialog_id); getMessagesController().dialogs_read_outbox_max.put(newMsgObj.dialog_id, value); } newMsgObj.unread = value < newMsgObj.id; } Utilities.stageQueue.postRunnable(() -> getMessagesController().processNewDifferenceParams(-1, res.pts, res.date, res.pts_count)); sentMessages.add(newMsgObj); } else if (response instanceof TLRPC.Updates) { final TLRPC.Updates updates = (TLRPC.Updates) response; ArrayList updatesArr = ((TLRPC.Updates) response).updates; TLRPC.Message message = null; LongSparseArray> channelReplies = null; for (int a = 0; a < updatesArr.size(); a++) { TLRPC.Update update = updatesArr.get(a); if (update instanceof TLRPC.TL_updateNewMessage) { final TLRPC.TL_updateNewMessage newMessage = (TLRPC.TL_updateNewMessage) update; sentMessages.add(message = newMessage.message); Utilities.stageQueue.postRunnable(() -> getMessagesController().processNewDifferenceParams(-1, newMessage.pts, -1, newMessage.pts_count)); updatesArr.remove(a); break; } else if (update instanceof TLRPC.TL_updateNewChannelMessage) { final TLRPC.TL_updateNewChannelMessage newMessage = (TLRPC.TL_updateNewChannelMessage) update; long channelId = MessagesController.getUpdateChannelId(newMessage); TLRPC.Chat chat = getMessagesController().getChat(channelId); if ((chat == null || chat.megagroup) && newMessage.message.reply_to != null && (newMessage.message.reply_to.reply_to_top_id != 0 || newMessage.message.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id != 0)) { if (channelReplies == null) { channelReplies = new LongSparseArray<>(); } long did = MessageObject.getDialogId(newMessage.message); SparseArray replies = channelReplies.get(did); if (replies == null) { replies = new SparseArray<>(); channelReplies.put(did, replies); } int id = newMessage.message.reply_to.reply_to_top_id != 0 ? newMessage.message.reply_to.reply_to_top_id : newMessage.message.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id; TLRPC.MessageReplies messageReplies = replies.get(id); if (messageReplies == null) { messageReplies = new TLRPC.TL_messageReplies(); replies.put(id, messageReplies); } if (newMessage.message.from_id != null) { messageReplies.recent_repliers.add(0, newMessage.message.from_id); } messageReplies.replies++; } sentMessages.add(message = newMessage.message); Utilities.stageQueue.postRunnable(() -> getMessagesController().processNewChannelDifferenceParams(newMessage.pts, newMessage.pts_count, newMessage.message.peer_id.channel_id)); updatesArr.remove(a); break; } else if (update instanceof TLRPC.TL_updateNewScheduledMessage) { final TLRPC.TL_updateNewScheduledMessage newMessage = (TLRPC.TL_updateNewScheduledMessage) update; sentMessages.add(message = newMessage.message); updatesArr.remove(a); break; } } if (channelReplies != null) { getMessagesStorage().putChannelViews(null, null, channelReplies, true); getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.didUpdateMessagesViews, null, null, channelReplies, true); } if (message != null) { MessageObject.getDialogId(message); if (scheduledOnline && message.date != 0x7FFFFFFE) { currentSchedule = false; } ImageLoader.saveMessageThumbs(message); if (!currentSchedule) { Integer value = getMessagesController().dialogs_read_outbox_max.get(message.dialog_id); if (value == null) { value = getMessagesStorage().getDialogReadMax(message.out, message.dialog_id); getMessagesController().dialogs_read_outbox_max.put(message.dialog_id, value); } message.unread = value < message.id; } msgObj.messageOwner.post_author = message.post_author; if ((message.flags & 33554432) != 0) { msgObj.messageOwner.ttl_period = message.ttl_period; msgObj.messageOwner.flags |= 33554432; } msgObj.messageOwner.entities = message.entities; updateMediaPaths(msgObj, message, message.id, originalPath, false); existFlags = msgObj.getMediaExistanceFlags(); newMsgObj.id = message.id; } else { isSentError = true; existFlags = 0; } Utilities.stageQueue.postRunnable(() -> getMessagesController().processUpdates(updates, false)); } else { existFlags = 0; } if (MessageObject.isLiveLocationMessage(newMsgObj) && newMsgObj.via_bot_id == 0 && TextUtils.isEmpty(newMsgObj.via_bot_name)) { getLocationController().addSharingLocation(newMsgObj); } if (!isSentError) { getStatsController().incrementSentItemsCount(ApplicationLoader.getCurrentNetworkType(), StatsController.TYPE_MESSAGES, 1); newMsgObj.send_state = MessageObject.MESSAGE_SEND_STATE_SENT; if (scheduled && !currentSchedule) { ArrayList messageIds = new ArrayList<>(); messageIds.add(oldId); getMessagesController().deleteMessages(messageIds, null, null, newMsgObj.dialog_id, false, true); getMessagesStorage().getStorageQueue().postRunnable(() -> { getMessagesStorage().putMessages(sentMessages, true, false, false, 0, false); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { ArrayList messageObjects = new ArrayList<>(); messageObjects.add(new MessageObject(msgObj.currentAccount, msgObj.messageOwner, true, true)); getMessagesController().updateInterfaceWithMessages(newMsgObj.dialog_id, messageObjects, false); getMediaDataController().increasePeerRaiting(newMsgObj.dialog_id); processSentMessage(oldId); removeFromSendingMessages(oldId, scheduled); }); if (MessageObject.isVideoMessage(newMsgObj) || MessageObject.isRoundVideoMessage(newMsgObj) || MessageObject.isNewGifMessage(newMsgObj)) { stopVideoService(attachPath); } }); } else { getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.messageReceivedByServer, oldId, newMsgObj.id, newMsgObj, newMsgObj.dialog_id, 0L, existFlags, scheduled); getMessagesStorage().getStorageQueue().postRunnable(() -> { getMessagesStorage().updateMessageStateAndId(newMsgObj.random_id, MessageObject.getPeerId(newMsgObj.peer_id), oldId, newMsgObj.id, 0, false, scheduled ? 1 : 0); getMessagesStorage().putMessages(sentMessages, true, false, false, 0, scheduled); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { getMediaDataController().increasePeerRaiting(newMsgObj.dialog_id); getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.messageReceivedByServer, oldId, newMsgObj.id, newMsgObj, newMsgObj.dialog_id, 0L, existFlags, scheduled); processSentMessage(oldId); removeFromSendingMessages(oldId, scheduled); }); if (MessageObject.isVideoMessage(newMsgObj) || MessageObject.isRoundVideoMessage(newMsgObj) || MessageObject.isNewGifMessage(newMsgObj)) { stopVideoService(attachPath); } }); } } } else { AlertsCreator.processError(currentAccount, error, null, req); isSentError = true; } if (isSentError) { getMessagesStorage().markMessageAsSendError(newMsgObj, scheduled); newMsgObj.send_state = MessageObject.MESSAGE_SEND_STATE_SEND_ERROR; getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.messageSendError, newMsgObj.id); processSentMessage(newMsgObj.id); if (MessageObject.isVideoMessage(newMsgObj) || MessageObject.isRoundVideoMessage(newMsgObj) || MessageObject.isNewGifMessage(newMsgObj)) { stopVideoService(newMsgObj.attachPath); } removeFromSendingMessages(newMsgObj.id, scheduled); } }); } }, () -> { final int msg_id = newMsgObj.id; AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { newMsgObj.send_state = MessageObject.MESSAGE_SEND_STATE_SENT; getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.messageReceivedByAck, msg_id); }); }, ConnectionsManager.RequestFlagCanCompress | ConnectionsManager.RequestFlagInvokeAfter | (req instanceof TLRPC.TL_messages_sendMessage ? ConnectionsManager.RequestFlagNeedQuickAck : 0)); if (parentMessage != null) { parentMessage.sendDelayedRequests(); } } private void updateMediaPaths(MessageObject newMsgObj, TLRPC.Message sentMessage, int newMsgId, String originalPath, boolean post) { TLRPC.Message newMsg = newMsgObj.messageOwner; TLRPC.PhotoSize strippedNew = null; if (newMsg.media != null) { TLRPC.PhotoSize strippedOld = null; TLObject photoObject = null; if (newMsgObj.isLiveLocation() && sentMessage.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaGeoLive) { newMsg.media.period = sentMessage.media.period; } else if (newMsgObj.isDice()) { TLRPC.TL_messageMediaDice mediaDice = (TLRPC.TL_messageMediaDice) newMsg.media; TLRPC.TL_messageMediaDice mediaDiceNew = (TLRPC.TL_messageMediaDice) sentMessage.media; mediaDice.value = mediaDiceNew.value; } else if (newMsg.media.photo != null) { strippedOld = FileLoader.getClosestPhotoSizeWithSize(newMsg.media.photo.sizes, 40); if (sentMessage != null && sentMessage.media != null && sentMessage.media.photo != null) { strippedNew = FileLoader.getClosestPhotoSizeWithSize(sentMessage.media.photo.sizes, 40); } else { strippedNew = strippedOld; } photoObject = newMsg.media.photo; } else if (newMsg.media.document != null) { strippedOld = FileLoader.getClosestPhotoSizeWithSize(newMsg.media.document.thumbs, 40); if (sentMessage != null && sentMessage.media != null && sentMessage.media.document != null) { strippedNew = FileLoader.getClosestPhotoSizeWithSize(sentMessage.media.document.thumbs, 40); } else { strippedNew = strippedOld; } photoObject = newMsg.media.document; } else if (newMsg.media.webpage != null) { if (newMsg.media.webpage.photo != null) { strippedOld = FileLoader.getClosestPhotoSizeWithSize(newMsg.media.webpage.photo.sizes, 40); if (sentMessage != null && sentMessage.media != null && sentMessage.media.webpage != null && sentMessage.media.webpage.photo != null) { strippedNew = FileLoader.getClosestPhotoSizeWithSize(sentMessage.media.webpage.photo.sizes, 40); } else { strippedNew = strippedOld; } photoObject = newMsg.media.webpage.photo; } else if (newMsg.media.webpage.document != null) { strippedOld = FileLoader.getClosestPhotoSizeWithSize(newMsg.media.webpage.document.thumbs, 40); if (sentMessage != null && sentMessage.media != null && sentMessage.media.webpage != null && sentMessage.media.webpage.document != null) { strippedNew = FileLoader.getClosestPhotoSizeWithSize(sentMessage.media.webpage.document.thumbs, 40); } else { strippedNew = strippedOld; } photoObject = newMsg.media.webpage.document; } } if (strippedNew instanceof TLRPC.TL_photoStrippedSize && strippedOld instanceof TLRPC.TL_photoStrippedSize) { String oldKey = "stripped" + FileRefController.getKeyForParentObject(newMsgObj); String newKey = null; if (sentMessage != null) { newKey = "stripped" + FileRefController.getKeyForParentObject(sentMessage); } else { newKey = "stripped" + "message" + newMsgId + "_" + newMsgObj.getChannelId() + "_" + newMsgObj.scheduled; } ImageLoader.getInstance().replaceImageInCache(oldKey, newKey, ImageLocation.getForObject(strippedNew, photoObject), post); } } if (sentMessage == null) { return; } if (sentMessage.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPhoto && sentMessage.media.photo != null && newMsg.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPhoto && newMsg.media.photo != null) { if (sentMessage.media.ttl_seconds == 0 && !newMsgObj.scheduled) { getMessagesStorage().putSentFile(originalPath, sentMessage.media.photo, 0, "sent_" + sentMessage.peer_id.channel_id + "_" + sentMessage.id); } if (newMsg.media.photo.sizes.size() == 1 && newMsg.media.photo.sizes.get(0).location instanceof TLRPC.TL_fileLocationUnavailable) { newMsg.media.photo.sizes = sentMessage.media.photo.sizes; } else { for (int b = 0; b < newMsg.media.photo.sizes.size(); b++) { TLRPC.PhotoSize size2 = newMsg.media.photo.sizes.get(b); if (size2 == null || size2.location == null || size2.type == null) { continue; } boolean found = false; for (int a = 0; a < sentMessage.media.photo.sizes.size(); a++) { TLRPC.PhotoSize size = sentMessage.media.photo.sizes.get(a); if (size == null || size.location == null || size instanceof TLRPC.TL_photoSizeEmpty || size.type == null) { continue; } if (size2.location.volume_id == Integer.MIN_VALUE && size.type.equals(size2.type) || size.w == size2.w && size.h == size2.h) { found = true; String fileName = size2.location.volume_id + "_" + size2.location.local_id; String fileName2 = size.location.volume_id + "_" + size.location.local_id; if (fileName.equals(fileName2)) { break; } File cacheFile = new File(FileLoader.getDirectory(FileLoader.MEDIA_DIR_CACHE), fileName + ".jpg"); File cacheFile2; if (sentMessage.media.ttl_seconds == 0 && (sentMessage.media.photo.sizes.size() == 1 || size.w > 90 || size.h > 90)) { cacheFile2 = FileLoader.getInstance(currentAccount).getPathToAttach(size); } else { cacheFile2 = new File(FileLoader.getDirectory(FileLoader.MEDIA_DIR_CACHE), fileName2 + ".jpg"); } cacheFile.renameTo(cacheFile2); ImageLoader.getInstance().replaceImageInCache(fileName, fileName2, ImageLocation.getForPhoto(size, sentMessage.media.photo), post); size2.location = size.location; size2.size = size.size; break; } } if (!found) { String fileName = size2.location.volume_id + "_" + size2.location.local_id; File cacheFile = new File(FileLoader.getDirectory(FileLoader.MEDIA_DIR_CACHE), fileName + ".jpg"); cacheFile.delete(); if ("s".equals(size2.type) && strippedNew != null) { newMsg.media.photo.sizes.set(b, strippedNew); ImageLocation location = ImageLocation.getForPhoto(strippedNew, sentMessage.media.photo); ImageLoader.getInstance().replaceImageInCache(fileName, location.getKey(sentMessage, null, false), location, post); } } } } newMsg.message = sentMessage.message; sentMessage.attachPath = newMsg.attachPath; newMsg.media.photo.id = sentMessage.media.photo.id; newMsg.media.photo.dc_id = sentMessage.media.photo.dc_id; newMsg.media.photo.access_hash = sentMessage.media.photo.access_hash; } else if (sentMessage.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaDocument && sentMessage.media.document != null && newMsg.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaDocument && newMsg.media.document != null) { if (sentMessage.media.ttl_seconds == 0 && (newMsgObj.videoEditedInfo == null || newMsgObj.videoEditedInfo.mediaEntities == null && TextUtils.isEmpty(newMsgObj.videoEditedInfo.paintPath) && newMsgObj.videoEditedInfo.cropState == null)) { boolean isVideo = MessageObject.isVideoMessage(sentMessage); if ((isVideo || MessageObject.isGifMessage(sentMessage)) && MessageObject.isGifDocument(sentMessage.media.document) == MessageObject.isGifDocument(newMsg.media.document)) { if (!newMsgObj.scheduled) { getMessagesStorage().putSentFile(originalPath, sentMessage.media.document, 2, "sent_" + sentMessage.peer_id.channel_id + "_" + sentMessage.id); } if (isVideo) { sentMessage.attachPath = newMsg.attachPath; } } else if (!MessageObject.isVoiceMessage(sentMessage) && !MessageObject.isRoundVideoMessage(sentMessage) && !newMsgObj.scheduled) { getMessagesStorage().putSentFile(originalPath, sentMessage.media.document, 1, "sent_" + sentMessage.peer_id.channel_id + "_" + sentMessage.id); } } TLRPC.PhotoSize size2 = FileLoader.getClosestPhotoSizeWithSize(newMsg.media.document.thumbs, 320); TLRPC.PhotoSize size = FileLoader.getClosestPhotoSizeWithSize(sentMessage.media.document.thumbs, 320); if (size2 != null && size2.location != null && size2.location.volume_id == Integer.MIN_VALUE && size != null && size.location != null && !(size instanceof TLRPC.TL_photoSizeEmpty) && !(size2 instanceof TLRPC.TL_photoSizeEmpty)) { String fileName = size2.location.volume_id + "_" + size2.location.local_id; String fileName2 = size.location.volume_id + "_" + size.location.local_id; if (!fileName.equals(fileName2)) { File cacheFile = new File(FileLoader.getDirectory(FileLoader.MEDIA_DIR_CACHE), fileName + ".jpg"); File cacheFile2 = new File(FileLoader.getDirectory(FileLoader.MEDIA_DIR_CACHE), fileName2 + ".jpg"); cacheFile.renameTo(cacheFile2); ImageLoader.getInstance().replaceImageInCache(fileName, fileName2, ImageLocation.getForDocument(size, sentMessage.media.document), post); size2.location = size.location; size2.size = size.size; } } else if (size != null && size2 != null && MessageObject.isStickerMessage(sentMessage) && size2.location != null) { size.location = size2.location; } else if (size2 == null || size2 != null && size2.location instanceof TLRPC.TL_fileLocationUnavailable || size2 instanceof TLRPC.TL_photoSizeEmpty) { newMsg.media.document.thumbs = sentMessage.media.document.thumbs; } newMsg.media.document.dc_id = sentMessage.media.document.dc_id; newMsg.media.document.id = sentMessage.media.document.id; newMsg.media.document.access_hash = sentMessage.media.document.access_hash; byte[] oldWaveform = null; for (int a = 0; a < newMsg.media.document.attributes.size(); a++) { TLRPC.DocumentAttribute attribute = newMsg.media.document.attributes.get(a); if (attribute instanceof TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeAudio) { oldWaveform = attribute.waveform; break; } } newMsg.media.document.attributes = sentMessage.media.document.attributes; if (oldWaveform != null) { for (int a = 0; a < newMsg.media.document.attributes.size(); a++) { TLRPC.DocumentAttribute attribute = newMsg.media.document.attributes.get(a); if (attribute instanceof TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeAudio) { attribute.waveform = oldWaveform; attribute.flags |= 4; } } } newMsg.media.document.size = sentMessage.media.document.size; newMsg.media.document.mime_type = sentMessage.media.document.mime_type; if ((sentMessage.flags & TLRPC.MESSAGE_FLAG_FWD) == 0 && MessageObject.isOut(sentMessage)) { if (MessageObject.isNewGifDocument(sentMessage.media.document)) { boolean save; if (MessageObject.isDocumentHasAttachedStickers(sentMessage.media.document)) { save = getMessagesController().saveGifsWithStickers; } else { save = true; } if (save) { getMediaDataController().addRecentGif(sentMessage.media.document, sentMessage.date, true); } } else if (MessageObject.isStickerDocument(sentMessage.media.document) || MessageObject.isAnimatedStickerDocument(sentMessage.media.document, true)) { getMediaDataController().addRecentSticker(MediaDataController.TYPE_IMAGE, sentMessage, sentMessage.media.document, sentMessage.date, false); } } if (newMsg.attachPath != null && newMsg.attachPath.startsWith(FileLoader.getDirectory(FileLoader.MEDIA_DIR_CACHE).getAbsolutePath())) { File cacheFile = new File(newMsg.attachPath); File cacheFile2 = FileLoader.getInstance(currentAccount).getPathToAttach(sentMessage.media.document, sentMessage.media.ttl_seconds != 0); if (!cacheFile.renameTo(cacheFile2)) { if (cacheFile.exists()) { sentMessage.attachPath = newMsg.attachPath; } else { newMsgObj.attachPathExists = false; } newMsgObj.mediaExists = cacheFile2.exists(); sentMessage.message = newMsg.message; } else { if (MessageObject.isVideoMessage(sentMessage)) { newMsgObj.attachPathExists = true; } else { newMsgObj.mediaExists = newMsgObj.attachPathExists; newMsgObj.attachPathExists = false; newMsg.attachPath = ""; if (originalPath != null && originalPath.startsWith("http")) { getMessagesStorage().addRecentLocalFile(originalPath, cacheFile2.toString(), newMsg.media.document); } } } } else { sentMessage.attachPath = newMsg.attachPath; sentMessage.message = newMsg.message; } } else if (sentMessage.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaContact && newMsg.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaContact) { newMsg.media = sentMessage.media; } else if (sentMessage.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaWebPage) { newMsg.media = sentMessage.media; } else if (sentMessage.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaGeo) { sentMessage.media.geo.lat = newMsg.media.geo.lat; sentMessage.media.geo._long = newMsg.media.geo._long; } else if (sentMessage.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaGame || sentMessage.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaInvoice) { newMsg.media = sentMessage.media; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(sentMessage.message)) { newMsg.entities = sentMessage.entities; newMsg.message = sentMessage.message; } if (sentMessage.reply_markup != null) { newMsg.reply_markup = sentMessage.reply_markup; newMsg.flags |= TLRPC.MESSAGE_FLAG_HAS_MARKUP; } } else if (sentMessage.media instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPoll) { newMsg.media = sentMessage.media; } } private void putToDelayedMessages(String location, DelayedMessage message) { ArrayList arrayList = delayedMessages.get(location); if (arrayList == null) { arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); delayedMessages.put(location, arrayList); } arrayList.add(message); } protected ArrayList getDelayedMessages(String location) { return delayedMessages.get(location); } protected long getNextRandomId() { long val = 0; while (val == 0) { val = Utilities.random.nextLong(); } return val; } public void checkUnsentMessages() { getMessagesStorage().getUnsentMessages(1000); } protected void processUnsentMessages(final ArrayList messages, final ArrayList scheduledMessages, final ArrayList users, final ArrayList chats, final ArrayList encryptedChats) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { getMessagesController().putUsers(users, true); getMessagesController().putChats(chats, true); getMessagesController().putEncryptedChats(encryptedChats, true); for (int a = 0, N = messages.size(); a < N; a++) { MessageObject messageObject = new MessageObject(currentAccount, messages.get(a), false, true); long groupId = messageObject.getGroupId(); if (groupId != 0 && messageObject.messageOwner.params != null && !messageObject.messageOwner.params.containsKey("final")) { if (a == N - 1 || messages.get(a + 1).grouped_id != groupId) { messageObject.messageOwner.params.put("final", "1"); } } retrySendMessage(messageObject, true); } if (scheduledMessages != null) { for (int a = 0; a < scheduledMessages.size(); a++) { MessageObject messageObject = new MessageObject(currentAccount, scheduledMessages.get(a), false, true); messageObject.scheduled = true; retrySendMessage(messageObject, true); } } }); } public ImportingStickers getImportingStickers(String shortName) { return importingStickersMap.get(shortName); } public ImportingHistory getImportingHistory(long dialogId) { return importingHistoryMap.get(dialogId); } public boolean isImportingStickers() { return importingStickersMap.size() != 0; } public boolean isImportingHistory() { return importingHistoryMap.size() != 0; } public void prepareImportHistory(long dialogId, Uri uri, ArrayList mediaUris, MessagesStorage.LongCallback onStartImport) { if (importingHistoryMap.get(dialogId) != null) { onStartImport.run(0); return; } if (DialogObject.isChatDialog(dialogId)) { TLRPC.Chat chat = getMessagesController().getChat(-dialogId); if (chat != null && !chat.megagroup) { getMessagesController().convertToMegaGroup(null, -dialogId, null, (chatId) -> { if (chatId != 0) { prepareImportHistory(-chatId, uri, mediaUris, onStartImport); } else { onStartImport.run(0); } }); return; } } new Thread(() -> { ArrayList uris = mediaUris != null ? mediaUris : new ArrayList<>(); ImportingHistory importingHistory = new ImportingHistory(); importingHistory.mediaPaths = uris; importingHistory.dialogId = dialogId; importingHistory.peer = getMessagesController().getInputPeer(dialogId); HashMap files = new HashMap<>(); for (int a = 0, N = uris.size(); a < N + 1; a++) { Uri mediaUri; if (a == 0) { mediaUri = uri; } else { mediaUri = uris.get(a - 1); } if (mediaUri == null || AndroidUtilities.isInternalUri(mediaUri)) { if (a == 0) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { onStartImport.run(0); }); return; } continue; } String path = MediaController.copyFileToCache(mediaUri, "txt"); if (path == null) { continue; } final File f = new File(path); long size; if (!f.exists() || (size = f.length()) == 0) { if (a == 0) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { onStartImport.run(0); }); return; } continue; } importingHistory.totalSize += size; if (a == 0) { if (size > 32 * 1024 * 1024) { f.delete(); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { Toast.makeText(ApplicationLoader.applicationContext, LocaleController.getString("ImportFileTooLarge", R.string.ImportFileTooLarge), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); onStartImport.run(0); }); return; } importingHistory.historyPath = path; } else { importingHistory.uploadMedia.add(path); } importingHistory.uploadSet.add(path); files.put(path, importingHistory); } AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { importingHistoryFiles.putAll(files); importingHistoryMap.put(dialogId, importingHistory); getFileLoader().uploadFile(importingHistory.historyPath, false, true, 0, ConnectionsManager.FileTypeFile, true); getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.historyImportProgressChanged, dialogId); onStartImport.run(dialogId); Intent intent = new Intent(ApplicationLoader.applicationContext, ImportingService.class); try { ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.startService(intent); } catch (Throwable e) { FileLog.e(e); } }); }).start(); } public void prepareImportStickers(String title, String shortName, String sofrware, ArrayList paths, MessagesStorage.StringCallback onStartImport) { if (importingStickersMap.get(shortName) != null) { onStartImport.run(null); return; } new Thread(() -> { ImportingStickers importingStickers = new ImportingStickers(); importingStickers.title = title; importingStickers.shortName = shortName; importingStickers.software = sofrware; HashMap files = new HashMap<>(); for (int a = 0, N = paths.size(); a < N; a++) { ImportingSticker sticker = paths.get(a); final File f = new File(sticker.path); long size; if (!f.exists() || (size = f.length()) == 0) { if (a == 0) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { onStartImport.run(null); }); return; } continue; } importingStickers.totalSize += size; importingStickers.uploadMedia.add(sticker); importingStickers.uploadSet.put(sticker.path, sticker); files.put(sticker.path, importingStickers); } AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { if (importingStickers.uploadMedia.get(0).item != null) { importingStickers.startImport(); } else { importingStickersFiles.putAll(files); importingStickersMap.put(shortName, importingStickers); importingStickers.initImport(); getNotificationCenter().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.historyImportProgressChanged, shortName); onStartImport.run(shortName); } Intent intent = new Intent(ApplicationLoader.applicationContext, ImportingService.class); try { ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.startService(intent); } catch (Throwable e) { FileLog.e(e); } }); }).start(); } public TLRPC.TL_photo generatePhotoSizes(String path, Uri imageUri) { return generatePhotoSizes(null, path, imageUri); } public TLRPC.TL_photo generatePhotoSizes(TLRPC.TL_photo photo, String path, Uri imageUri) { Bitmap bitmap = ImageLoader.loadBitmap(path, imageUri, AndroidUtilities.getPhotoSize(), AndroidUtilities.getPhotoSize(), true); if (bitmap == null) { bitmap = ImageLoader.loadBitmap(path, imageUri, 800, 800, true); } ArrayList sizes = new ArrayList<>(); TLRPC.PhotoSize size = ImageLoader.scaleAndSaveImage(bitmap, 90, 90, 55, true); if (size != null) { sizes.add(size); } size = ImageLoader.scaleAndSaveImage(bitmap, AndroidUtilities.getPhotoSize(), AndroidUtilities.getPhotoSize(), true, 80, false, 101, 101); if (size != null) { sizes.add(size); } if (bitmap != null) { bitmap.recycle(); } if (sizes.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { getUserConfig().saveConfig(false); if (photo == null) { photo = new TLRPC.TL_photo(); } photo.date = getConnectionsManager().getCurrentTime(); photo.sizes = sizes; photo.file_reference = new byte[0]; return photo; } } private final static int ERROR_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED = 1; private final static int ERROR_TYPE_FILE_TOO_LARGE = 2; private static int prepareSendingDocumentInternal(AccountInstance accountInstance, String path, String originalPath, Uri uri, String mime, long dialogId, MessageObject replyToMsg, MessageObject replyToTopMsg, CharSequence caption, final ArrayList entities, final MessageObject editingMessageObject, long[] groupId, boolean isGroupFinal, boolean forceDocument, boolean notify, int scheduleDate, Integer[] docType) { if ((path == null || path.length() == 0) && uri == null) { return ERROR_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED; } if (uri != null && AndroidUtilities.isInternalUri(uri)) { return ERROR_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED; } if (path != null && AndroidUtilities.isInternalUri(Uri.fromFile(new File(path)))) { return ERROR_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED; } MimeTypeMap myMime = MimeTypeMap.getSingleton(); TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeAudio attributeAudio = null; String extension = null; if (uri != null && path == null) { if (checkFileSize(accountInstance, uri)) { return ERROR_TYPE_FILE_TOO_LARGE; } boolean hasExt = false; if (mime != null) { extension = myMime.getExtensionFromMimeType(mime); } if (extension == null) { extension = "txt"; } else { hasExt = true; } path = MediaController.copyFileToCache(uri, extension); if (path == null) { return ERROR_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED; } if (!hasExt) { extension = null; } } final File f = new File(path); if (!f.exists() || f.length() == 0) { return ERROR_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED; } if (!FileLoader.checkUploadFileSize(accountInstance.getCurrentAccount(), f.length())) { return ERROR_TYPE_FILE_TOO_LARGE; } boolean isEncrypted = DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(dialogId); String name = f.getName(); String ext = ""; if (extension != null) { ext = extension; } else { int idx = path.lastIndexOf('.'); if (idx != -1) { ext = path.substring(idx + 1); } } String extL = ext.toLowerCase(); String permormer = null; String title = null; boolean isVoice = false; int duration = 0; if (extL.equals("mp3") || extL.equals("m4a")) { AudioInfo audioInfo = AudioInfo.getAudioInfo(f); if (audioInfo != null) { long d = audioInfo.getDuration(); if (d != 0) { permormer = audioInfo.getArtist(); title = audioInfo.getTitle(); duration = (int) (d / 1000); } } } else if (extL.equals("opus") || extL.equals("ogg") || extL.equals("flac")) { MediaMetadataRetriever mediaMetadataRetriever = null; try { mediaMetadataRetriever = new MediaMetadataRetriever(); mediaMetadataRetriever.setDataSource(f.getAbsolutePath()); String d = mediaMetadataRetriever.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_DURATION); if (d != null) { duration = (int) Math.ceil(Long.parseLong(d) / 1000.0f); title = mediaMetadataRetriever.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE); permormer = mediaMetadataRetriever.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_ARTIST); } if (editingMessageObject == null && extL.equals("ogg") && MediaController.isOpusFile(f.getAbsolutePath()) == 1) { isVoice = true; } } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } finally { try { if (mediaMetadataRetriever != null) { mediaMetadataRetriever.release(); } } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } } } if (duration != 0) { attributeAudio = new TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeAudio(); attributeAudio.duration = duration; attributeAudio.title = title; attributeAudio.performer = permormer; if (attributeAudio.title == null) { attributeAudio.title = ""; } attributeAudio.flags |= 1; if (attributeAudio.performer == null) { attributeAudio.performer = ""; } attributeAudio.flags |= 2; if (isVoice) { attributeAudio.voice = true; } } boolean sendNew = false; if (originalPath != null) { if (originalPath.endsWith("attheme")) { sendNew = true; } else if (attributeAudio != null) { originalPath += "audio" + f.length(); } else { originalPath += "" + f.length(); } } TLRPC.TL_document document = null; String parentObject = null; if (!sendNew && !isEncrypted) { Object[] sentData = accountInstance.getMessagesStorage().getSentFile(originalPath, !isEncrypted ? 1 : 4); if (sentData != null && sentData[0] instanceof TLRPC.TL_document) { document = (TLRPC.TL_document) sentData[0]; parentObject = (String) sentData[1]; } if (document == null && !path.equals(originalPath) && !isEncrypted) { sentData = accountInstance.getMessagesStorage().getSentFile(path + f.length(), !isEncrypted ? 1 : 4); if (sentData != null && sentData[0] instanceof TLRPC.TL_document) { document = (TLRPC.TL_document) sentData[0]; parentObject = (String) sentData[1]; } } ensureMediaThumbExists(accountInstance, isEncrypted, document, path, null, 0); } if (document == null) { document = new TLRPC.TL_document(); document.id = 0; document.date = accountInstance.getConnectionsManager().getCurrentTime(); TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeFilename fileName = new TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeFilename(); fileName.file_name = name; document.file_reference = new byte[0]; document.attributes.add(fileName); document.size = f.length(); document.dc_id = 0; if (attributeAudio != null) { document.attributes.add(attributeAudio); } if (ext.length() != 0) { switch (extL) { case "webp": document.mime_type = "image/webp"; break; case "opus": document.mime_type = "audio/opus"; break; case "mp3": document.mime_type = "audio/mpeg"; break; case "m4a": document.mime_type = "audio/m4a"; break; case "ogg": document.mime_type = "audio/ogg"; break; case "flac": document.mime_type = "audio/flac"; break; default: String mimeType = myMime.getMimeTypeFromExtension(extL); if (mimeType != null) { document.mime_type = mimeType; } else { document.mime_type = "application/octet-stream"; } break; } } else { document.mime_type = "application/octet-stream"; } if (!forceDocument && document.mime_type.equals("image/gif") && (editingMessageObject == null || editingMessageObject.getGroupIdForUse() == 0)) { try { Bitmap bitmap = ImageLoader.loadBitmap(f.getAbsolutePath(), null, 90, 90, true); if (bitmap != null) { fileName.file_name = "animation.gif"; document.attributes.add(new TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeAnimated()); TLRPC.PhotoSize thumb = ImageLoader.scaleAndSaveImage(bitmap, 90, 90, 55, isEncrypted); if (thumb != null) { document.thumbs.add(thumb); document.flags |= 1; } bitmap.recycle(); } } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } } if (document.mime_type.equals("image/webp") && editingMessageObject == null) { BitmapFactory.Options bmOptions = new BitmapFactory.Options(); try { bmOptions.inJustDecodeBounds = true; RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile(path, "r"); ByteBuffer buffer = file.getChannel().map(FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY, 0, path.length()); Utilities.loadWebpImage(null, buffer, buffer.limit(), bmOptions, true); file.close(); } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } if (bmOptions.outWidth != 0 && bmOptions.outHeight != 0 && bmOptions.outWidth <= 800 && bmOptions.outHeight <= 800) { TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeSticker attributeSticker = new TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeSticker(); attributeSticker.alt = ""; attributeSticker.stickerset = new TLRPC.TL_inputStickerSetEmpty(); document.attributes.add(attributeSticker); TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeImageSize attributeImageSize = new TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeImageSize(); attributeImageSize.w = bmOptions.outWidth; attributeImageSize.h = bmOptions.outHeight; document.attributes.add(attributeImageSize); } } } final String captionFinal = caption != null ? caption.toString() : ""; final TLRPC.TL_document documentFinal = document; final String pathFinal = path; final String parentFinal = parentObject; final HashMap params = new HashMap<>(); if (originalPath != null) { params.put("originalPath", originalPath); } if (forceDocument && attributeAudio == null) { params.put("forceDocument", "1"); } if (parentFinal != null) { params.put("parentObject", parentFinal); } Integer prevType = 0; boolean isSticker = false; if (docType != null) { prevType = docType[0]; if (document.mime_type != null && document.mime_type.toLowerCase().startsWith("image/webp")) { docType[0] = -1; isSticker = true; } else if (document.mime_type != null && (document.mime_type.toLowerCase().startsWith("image/") || document.mime_type.toLowerCase().startsWith("video/mp4")) || MessageObject.canPreviewDocument(document)) { docType[0] = 1; } else if (attributeAudio != null) { docType[0] = 2; } else { docType[0] = 0; } } if (!isEncrypted && groupId != null) { if (docType != null && prevType != null && prevType != docType[0]) { finishGroup(accountInstance, groupId[0], scheduleDate); groupId[0] = Utilities.random.nextLong(); } if (!isSticker) { params.put("groupId", "" + groupId[0]); if (isGroupFinal) { params.put("final", "1"); } } } AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { if (editingMessageObject != null) { accountInstance.getSendMessagesHelper().editMessage(editingMessageObject, null, null, documentFinal, pathFinal, params, false, parentFinal); } else { accountInstance.getSendMessagesHelper().sendMessage(documentFinal, null, pathFinal, dialogId, replyToMsg, replyToTopMsg, captionFinal, entities, null, params, notify, scheduleDate, 0, parentFinal, null); } }); return 0; } private static boolean checkFileSize(AccountInstance accountInstance, Uri uri) { long len = 0; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) { try { AssetFileDescriptor assetFileDescriptor = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getContentResolver().openAssetFileDescriptor(uri, "r", null); if (assetFileDescriptor != null ) { len = assetFileDescriptor.getLength(); } Cursor cursor = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getContentResolver().query(uri, new String[]{OpenableColumns.SIZE}, null, null, null); int sizeIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(OpenableColumns.SIZE); cursor.moveToFirst(); len = cursor.getLong(sizeIndex); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (!FileLoader.checkUploadFileSize(accountInstance.getCurrentAccount(), len)) { return true; } return false; } @UiThread public static void prepareSendingDocument(AccountInstance accountInstance, String path, String originalPath, Uri uri, String caption, String mine, long dialogId, MessageObject replyToMsg, MessageObject replyToTopMsg, InputContentInfoCompat inputContent, MessageObject editingMessageObject, boolean notify, int scheduleDate) { if ((path == null || originalPath == null) && uri == null) { return; } ArrayList paths = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList originalPaths = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList uris = null; if (uri != null) { uris = new ArrayList<>(); uris.add(uri); } if (path != null) { paths.add(path); originalPaths.add(originalPath); } prepareSendingDocuments(accountInstance, paths, originalPaths, uris, caption, mine, dialogId, replyToMsg, replyToTopMsg, inputContent, editingMessageObject, notify, scheduleDate); } @UiThread public static void prepareSendingAudioDocuments(AccountInstance accountInstance, ArrayList messageObjects, String caption, long dialogId, MessageObject replyToMsg, MessageObject replyToTopMsg, MessageObject editingMessageObject, boolean notify, int scheduleDate) { new Thread(() -> { int count = messageObjects.size(); long groupId = 0; int mediaCount = 0; for (int a = 0; a < count; a++) { final MessageObject messageObject = messageObjects.get(a); String originalPath = messageObject.messageOwner.attachPath; final File f = new File(originalPath); boolean isEncrypted = DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(dialogId); if (!isEncrypted && count > 1 && mediaCount % 10 == 0) { groupId = Utilities.random.nextLong(); mediaCount = 0; } if (originalPath != null) { originalPath += "audio" + f.length(); } TLRPC.TL_document document = null; String parentObject = null; if (!isEncrypted) { Object[] sentData = accountInstance.getMessagesStorage().getSentFile(originalPath, !isEncrypted ? 1 : 4); if (sentData != null && sentData[0] instanceof TLRPC.TL_document) { document = (TLRPC.TL_document) sentData[0]; parentObject = (String) sentData[1]; ensureMediaThumbExists(accountInstance, isEncrypted, document, originalPath, null, 0); } } if (document == null) { document = (TLRPC.TL_document) messageObject.messageOwner.media.document; } if (isEncrypted) { int encryptedChatId = DialogObject.getEncryptedChatId(dialogId); TLRPC.EncryptedChat encryptedChat = accountInstance.getMessagesController().getEncryptedChat(encryptedChatId); if (encryptedChat == null) { return; } } final TLRPC.TL_document documentFinal = document; final String parentFinal = parentObject; final String captionFinal = a == 0 ? caption : null; final HashMap params = new HashMap<>(); if (originalPath != null) { params.put("originalPath", originalPath); } if (parentFinal != null) { params.put("parentObject", parentFinal); } mediaCount++; params.put("groupId", "" + groupId); if (mediaCount == 10 || a == count - 1) { params.put("final", "1"); } AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { if (editingMessageObject != null) { accountInstance.getSendMessagesHelper().editMessage(editingMessageObject, null, null, documentFinal, messageObject.messageOwner.attachPath, params, false, parentFinal); } else { accountInstance.getSendMessagesHelper().sendMessage(documentFinal, null, messageObject.messageOwner.attachPath, dialogId, replyToMsg, replyToTopMsg, captionFinal, null, null, params, notify, scheduleDate, 0, parentFinal, null); } }); } }).start(); } private static void finishGroup(AccountInstance accountInstance, long groupId, int scheduleDate) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { SendMessagesHelper instance = accountInstance.getSendMessagesHelper(); ArrayList arrayList = instance.delayedMessages.get("group_" + groupId); if (arrayList != null && !arrayList.isEmpty()) { DelayedMessage message = arrayList.get(0); MessageObject prevMessage = message.messageObjects.get(message.messageObjects.size() - 1); message.finalGroupMessage = prevMessage.getId(); prevMessage.messageOwner.params.put("final", "1"); TLRPC.TL_messages_messages messagesRes = new TLRPC.TL_messages_messages(); messagesRes.messages.add(prevMessage.messageOwner); accountInstance.getMessagesStorage().putMessages(messagesRes, message.peer, -2, 0, false, scheduleDate != 0); instance.sendReadyToSendGroup(message, true, true); } }); } @UiThread public static void prepareSendingDocuments(AccountInstance accountInstance, ArrayList paths, ArrayList originalPaths, ArrayList uris, String caption, String mime, long dialogId, MessageObject replyToMsg, MessageObject replyToTopMsg, InputContentInfoCompat inputContent, MessageObject editingMessageObject, boolean notify, int scheduleDate) { if (paths == null && originalPaths == null && uris == null || paths != null && originalPaths != null && paths.size() != originalPaths.size()) { return; } Utilities.globalQueue.postRunnable(() -> { int error = 0; long[] groupId = new long[1]; int mediaCount = 0; Integer[] docType = new Integer[1]; boolean isEncrypted = DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(dialogId); if (paths != null) { int count = paths.size(); for (int a = 0; a < count; a++) { final String captionFinal = a == 0 ? caption : null; if (!isEncrypted && count > 1 && mediaCount % 10 == 0) { if (groupId[0] != 0) { finishGroup(accountInstance, groupId[0], scheduleDate); } groupId[0] = Utilities.random.nextLong(); mediaCount = 0; } mediaCount++; long prevGroupId = groupId[0]; error = prepareSendingDocumentInternal(accountInstance, paths.get(a), originalPaths.get(a), null, mime, dialogId, replyToMsg, replyToTopMsg, captionFinal, null, editingMessageObject, groupId, mediaCount == 10 || a == count - 1, inputContent == null, notify, scheduleDate, docType); if (prevGroupId != groupId[0] || groupId[0] == -1) { mediaCount = 1; } } } if (uris != null) { groupId[0] = 0; mediaCount = 0; int count = uris.size(); for (int a = 0; a < uris.size(); a++) { final String captionFinal = a == 0 && (paths == null || paths.size() == 0) ? caption : null; if (!isEncrypted && count > 1 && mediaCount % 10 == 0) { if (groupId[0] != 0) { finishGroup(accountInstance, groupId[0], scheduleDate); } groupId[0] = Utilities.random.nextLong(); mediaCount = 0; } mediaCount++; long prevGroupId = groupId[0]; error = prepareSendingDocumentInternal(accountInstance, null, null, uris.get(a), mime, dialogId, replyToMsg, replyToTopMsg, captionFinal, null, editingMessageObject, groupId, mediaCount == 10 || a == count - 1, inputContent == null, notify, scheduleDate, docType); if (prevGroupId != groupId[0] || groupId[0] == -1) { mediaCount = 1; } } } if (inputContent != null) { inputContent.releasePermission(); } handleError(error, accountInstance); }); } private static void handleError(int error, AccountInstance accountInstance) { if (error != 0) { int finalError = error; AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { try { if (finalError == ERROR_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED) { NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.showBulletin, Bulletin.TYPE_ERROR, LocaleController.getString("UnsupportedAttachment", R.string.UnsupportedAttachment)); } else if (finalError == ERROR_TYPE_FILE_TOO_LARGE) { NotificationCenter.getInstance(accountInstance.getCurrentAccount()).postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.currentUserShowLimitReachedDialog, LimitReachedBottomSheet.TYPE_LARGE_FILE); } } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } }); } } @UiThread public static void prepareSendingLocation(AccountInstance accountInstance, final Location location, final long dialog_id) { accountInstance.getMessagesStorage().getStorageQueue().postRunnable(() -> Utilities.stageQueue.postRunnable(() -> AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { CharSequence venueTitle = location.getExtras().getCharSequence("venueTitle"); CharSequence venueAddress = location.getExtras().getCharSequence("venueAddress"); TLRPC.MessageMedia sendingMedia; if(venueTitle != null || venueAddress != null) { sendingMedia = new TLRPC.TL_messageMediaVenue(); sendingMedia.address = venueAddress == null ? "" : venueAddress.toString(); sendingMedia.title = venueTitle == null ? "" : venueTitle.toString(); sendingMedia.provider = ""; sendingMedia.venue_id = ""; } else { sendingMedia = new TLRPC.TL_messageMediaGeo(); } sendingMedia.geo = new TLRPC.TL_geoPoint(); sendingMedia.geo.lat = location.getLatitude(); sendingMedia.geo._long = location.getLongitude(); accountInstance.getSendMessagesHelper().sendMessage(sendingMedia, dialog_id, null, null, null, null, true, 0); }))); } @UiThread public static void prepareSendingPhoto(AccountInstance accountInstance, String imageFilePath, Uri imageUri, long dialogId, MessageObject replyToMsg, MessageObject replyToTopMsg, CharSequence caption, ArrayList entities, ArrayList stickers, InputContentInfoCompat inputContent, int ttl, MessageObject editingMessageObject, boolean notify, int scheduleDate) { prepareSendingPhoto(accountInstance, imageFilePath, null, imageUri, dialogId, replyToMsg, replyToTopMsg, caption, entities, stickers, inputContent, ttl, editingMessageObject, null, notify, scheduleDate, false); } @UiThread public static void prepareSendingPhoto(AccountInstance accountInstance, String imageFilePath, String thumbFilePath, Uri imageUri, long dialogId, MessageObject replyToMsg, MessageObject replyToTopMsg, CharSequence caption, ArrayList entities, ArrayList stickers, InputContentInfoCompat inputContent, int ttl, MessageObject editingMessageObject, VideoEditedInfo videoEditedInfo, boolean notify, int scheduleDate, boolean forceDocument) { SendingMediaInfo info = new SendingMediaInfo(); info.path = imageFilePath; info.thumbPath = thumbFilePath; info.uri = imageUri; if (caption != null) { info.caption = caption.toString(); } info.entities = entities; info.ttl = ttl; if (stickers != null) { info.masks = new ArrayList<>(stickers); } info.videoEditedInfo = videoEditedInfo; ArrayList infos = new ArrayList<>(); infos.add(info); prepareSendingMedia(accountInstance, infos, dialogId, replyToMsg, replyToTopMsg, inputContent, forceDocument, false, editingMessageObject, notify, scheduleDate); } @UiThread public static void prepareSendingBotContextResult(AccountInstance accountInstance, TLRPC.BotInlineResult result, HashMap params, long dialogId, MessageObject replyToMsg, MessageObject replyToTopMsg, boolean notify, int scheduleDate) { if (result == null) { return; } if (result.send_message instanceof TLRPC.TL_botInlineMessageMediaAuto) { new Thread(() -> { boolean isEncrypted = DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(dialogId); String finalPath = null; TLRPC.TL_document document = null; TLRPC.TL_photo photo = null; TLRPC.TL_game game = null; if ("game".equals(result.type)) { if (isEncrypted) { return; //doesn't work in secret chats for now } game = new TLRPC.TL_game(); game.title = result.title; game.description = result.description; game.short_name = result.id; game.photo = result.photo; if (game.photo == null) { game.photo = new TLRPC.TL_photoEmpty(); } if (result.document instanceof TLRPC.TL_document) { game.document = result.document; game.flags |= 1; } } else if (result instanceof TLRPC.TL_botInlineMediaResult) { if (result.document != null) { if (result.document instanceof TLRPC.TL_document) { document = (TLRPC.TL_document) result.document; } } else if (result.photo != null) { if (result.photo instanceof TLRPC.TL_photo) { photo = (TLRPC.TL_photo) result.photo; } } } else if (result.content != null) { String ext = ImageLoader.getHttpUrlExtension(result.content.url, null); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(ext)) { ext = FileLoader.getExtensionByMimeType(result.content.mime_type); } else { ext = "." + ext; } File f = new File(FileLoader.getDirectory(FileLoader.MEDIA_DIR_CACHE), Utilities.MD5(result.content.url) + ext); if (f.exists()) { finalPath = f.getAbsolutePath(); } else { finalPath = result.content.url; } switch (result.type) { case "audio": case "voice": case "file": case "video": case "sticker": case "gif": { document = new TLRPC.TL_document(); document.id = 0; document.size = 0; document.dc_id = 0; document.mime_type = result.content.mime_type; document.file_reference = new byte[0]; document.date = accountInstance.getConnectionsManager().getCurrentTime(); TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeFilename fileName = new TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeFilename(); document.attributes.add(fileName); switch (result.type) { case "gif": { fileName.file_name = "animation.gif"; if (finalPath.endsWith("mp4")) { document.mime_type = "video/mp4"; document.attributes.add(new TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeAnimated()); } else { document.mime_type = "image/gif"; } try { int side = isEncrypted ? 90 : 320; Bitmap bitmap; if (finalPath.endsWith("mp4")) { bitmap = createVideoThumbnail(finalPath, MediaStore.Video.Thumbnails.MINI_KIND); if (bitmap == null && result.thumb instanceof TLRPC.TL_webDocument && "video/mp4".equals(result.thumb.mime_type)) { ext = ImageLoader.getHttpUrlExtension(result.thumb.url, null); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(ext)) { ext = FileLoader.getExtensionByMimeType(result.thumb.mime_type); } else { ext = "." + ext; } f = new File(FileLoader.getDirectory(FileLoader.MEDIA_DIR_CACHE), Utilities.MD5(result.thumb.url) + ext); bitmap = createVideoThumbnail(f.getAbsolutePath(), MediaStore.Video.Thumbnails.MINI_KIND); } } else { bitmap = ImageLoader.loadBitmap(finalPath, null, side, side, true); } if (bitmap != null) { TLRPC.PhotoSize thumb = ImageLoader.scaleAndSaveImage(bitmap, side, side, side > 90 ? 80 : 55, false); if (thumb != null) { document.thumbs.add(thumb); document.flags |= 1; } bitmap.recycle(); } } catch (Throwable e) { FileLog.e(e); } break; } case "voice": { TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeAudio audio = new TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeAudio(); audio.duration = MessageObject.getInlineResultDuration(result); audio.voice = true; fileName.file_name = "audio.ogg"; document.attributes.add(audio); break; } case "audio": { TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeAudio audio = new TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeAudio(); audio.duration = MessageObject.getInlineResultDuration(result); audio.title = result.title; audio.flags |= 1; if (result.description != null) { audio.performer = result.description; audio.flags |= 2; } fileName.file_name = "audio.mp3"; document.attributes.add(audio); break; } case "file": { int idx = result.content.mime_type.lastIndexOf('/'); if (idx != -1) { fileName.file_name = "file." + result.content.mime_type.substring(idx + 1); } else { fileName.file_name = "file"; } break; } case "video": { fileName.file_name = "video.mp4"; TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeVideo attributeVideo = new TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeVideo(); int wh[] = MessageObject.getInlineResultWidthAndHeight(result); attributeVideo.w = wh[0]; attributeVideo.h = wh[1]; attributeVideo.duration = MessageObject.getInlineResultDuration(result); attributeVideo.supports_streaming = true; document.attributes.add(attributeVideo); try { if (result.thumb != null) { String thumbPath = new File(FileLoader.getDirectory(FileLoader.MEDIA_DIR_CACHE), Utilities.MD5(result.thumb.url) + "." + ImageLoader.getHttpUrlExtension(result.thumb.url, "jpg")).getAbsolutePath(); Bitmap bitmap = ImageLoader.loadBitmap(thumbPath, null, 90, 90, true); if (bitmap != null) { TLRPC.PhotoSize thumb = ImageLoader.scaleAndSaveImage(bitmap, 90, 90, 55, false); if (thumb != null) { document.thumbs.add(thumb); document.flags |= 1; } bitmap.recycle(); } } } catch (Throwable e) { FileLog.e(e); } break; } case "sticker": { TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeSticker attributeSticker = new TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeSticker(); attributeSticker.alt = ""; attributeSticker.stickerset = new TLRPC.TL_inputStickerSetEmpty(); document.attributes.add(attributeSticker); TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeImageSize attributeImageSize = new TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeImageSize(); int wh[] = MessageObject.getInlineResultWidthAndHeight(result); attributeImageSize.w = wh[0]; attributeImageSize.h = wh[1]; document.attributes.add(attributeImageSize); fileName.file_name = "sticker.webp"; try { if (result.thumb != null) { String thumbPath = new File(FileLoader.getDirectory(FileLoader.MEDIA_DIR_CACHE), Utilities.MD5(result.thumb.url) + "." + ImageLoader.getHttpUrlExtension(result.thumb.url, "webp")).getAbsolutePath(); Bitmap bitmap = ImageLoader.loadBitmap(thumbPath, null, 90, 90, true); if (bitmap != null) { TLRPC.PhotoSize thumb = ImageLoader.scaleAndSaveImage(bitmap, 90, 90, 55, false); if (thumb != null) { document.thumbs.add(thumb); document.flags |= 1; } bitmap.recycle(); } } } catch (Throwable e) { FileLog.e(e); } break; } } if (fileName.file_name == null) { fileName.file_name = "file"; } if (document.mime_type == null) { document.mime_type = "application/octet-stream"; } if (document.thumbs.isEmpty()) { TLRPC.PhotoSize thumb = new TLRPC.TL_photoSize(); int wh[] = MessageObject.getInlineResultWidthAndHeight(result); thumb.w = wh[0]; thumb.h = wh[1]; thumb.size = 0; thumb.location = new TLRPC.TL_fileLocationUnavailable(); thumb.type = "x"; document.thumbs.add(thumb); document.flags |= 1; } break; } case "photo": { if (f.exists()) { photo = accountInstance.getSendMessagesHelper().generatePhotoSizes(finalPath, null); } if (photo == null) { photo = new TLRPC.TL_photo(); photo.date = accountInstance.getConnectionsManager().getCurrentTime(); photo.file_reference = new byte[0]; TLRPC.TL_photoSize photoSize = new TLRPC.TL_photoSize(); int wh[] = MessageObject.getInlineResultWidthAndHeight(result); photoSize.w = wh[0]; photoSize.h = wh[1]; photoSize.size = 1; photoSize.location = new TLRPC.TL_fileLocationUnavailable(); photoSize.type = "x"; photo.sizes.add(photoSize); } break; } } } final String finalPathFinal = finalPath; final TLRPC.TL_document finalDocument = document; final TLRPC.TL_photo finalPhoto = photo; final TLRPC.TL_game finalGame = game; if (params != null && result.content != null) { params.put("originalPath", result.content.url); } final Bitmap[] precahcedThumb = new Bitmap[1]; final String[] precachedKey = new String[1]; if (MessageObject.isGifDocument(document)) { TLRPC.PhotoSize photoSizeThumb = FileLoader.getClosestPhotoSizeWithSize(document.thumbs, 320); File gifFile = FileLoader.getInstance(accountInstance.getCurrentAccount()).getPathToAttach(document); if (!gifFile.exists()) { gifFile = FileLoader.getInstance(accountInstance.getCurrentAccount()).getPathToAttach(document, true); } ensureMediaThumbExists(accountInstance, isEncrypted, document, gifFile.getAbsolutePath(), null, 0); precachedKey[0] = getKeyForPhotoSize(accountInstance, photoSizeThumb, precahcedThumb, true, true); } AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { if (finalDocument != null) { if (precahcedThumb[0] != null && precachedKey[0] != null) { ImageLoader.getInstance().putImageToCache(new BitmapDrawable(precahcedThumb[0]), precachedKey[0], false); } accountInstance.getSendMessagesHelper().sendMessage(finalDocument, null, finalPathFinal, dialogId, replyToMsg, replyToTopMsg, result.send_message.message, result.send_message.entities, result.send_message.reply_markup, params, notify, scheduleDate, 0, result, null); } else if (finalPhoto != null) { accountInstance.getSendMessagesHelper().sendMessage(finalPhoto, result.content != null ? result.content.url : null, dialogId, replyToMsg, replyToTopMsg, result.send_message.message, result.send_message.entities, result.send_message.reply_markup, params, notify, scheduleDate, 0, result); } else if (finalGame != null) { accountInstance.getSendMessagesHelper().sendMessage(finalGame, dialogId, result.send_message.reply_markup, params, notify, scheduleDate); } }); }).run(); } else if (result.send_message instanceof TLRPC.TL_botInlineMessageText) { TLRPC.WebPage webPage = null; if (DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(dialogId)) { for (int a = 0; a < result.send_message.entities.size(); a++) { TLRPC.MessageEntity entity = result.send_message.entities.get(a); if (entity instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageEntityUrl) { webPage = new TLRPC.TL_webPagePending(); webPage.url = result.send_message.message.substring(entity.offset, entity.offset + entity.length); break; } } } accountInstance.getSendMessagesHelper().sendMessage(result.send_message.message, dialogId, replyToMsg, replyToTopMsg, webPage, !result.send_message.no_webpage, result.send_message.entities, result.send_message.reply_markup, params, notify, scheduleDate, null); } else if (result.send_message instanceof TLRPC.TL_botInlineMessageMediaVenue) { TLRPC.TL_messageMediaVenue venue = new TLRPC.TL_messageMediaVenue(); venue.geo = result.send_message.geo; venue.address = result.send_message.address; venue.title = result.send_message.title; venue.provider = result.send_message.provider; venue.venue_id = result.send_message.venue_id; venue.venue_type = venue.venue_id = result.send_message.venue_type; if (venue.venue_type == null) { venue.venue_type = ""; } accountInstance.getSendMessagesHelper().sendMessage(venue, dialogId, replyToMsg, replyToTopMsg, result.send_message.reply_markup, params, notify, scheduleDate); } else if (result.send_message instanceof TLRPC.TL_botInlineMessageMediaGeo) { if (result.send_message.period != 0 || result.send_message.proximity_notification_radius != 0) { TLRPC.TL_messageMediaGeoLive location = new TLRPC.TL_messageMediaGeoLive(); location.period = result.send_message.period != 0 ? result.send_message.period : 900; location.geo = result.send_message.geo; location.heading = result.send_message.heading; location.proximity_notification_radius = result.send_message.proximity_notification_radius; accountInstance.getSendMessagesHelper().sendMessage(location, dialogId, replyToMsg, replyToTopMsg, result.send_message.reply_markup, params, notify, scheduleDate); } else { TLRPC.TL_messageMediaGeo location = new TLRPC.TL_messageMediaGeo(); location.geo = result.send_message.geo; location.heading = result.send_message.heading; accountInstance.getSendMessagesHelper().sendMessage(location, dialogId, replyToMsg, replyToTopMsg, result.send_message.reply_markup, params, notify, scheduleDate); } } else if (result.send_message instanceof TLRPC.TL_botInlineMessageMediaContact) { TLRPC.User user = new TLRPC.TL_user(); user.phone = result.send_message.phone_number; user.first_name = result.send_message.first_name; user.last_name = result.send_message.last_name; TLRPC.TL_restrictionReason reason = new TLRPC.TL_restrictionReason(); reason.text = result.send_message.vcard; reason.platform = ""; reason.reason = ""; user.restriction_reason.add(reason); accountInstance.getSendMessagesHelper().sendMessage(user, dialogId, replyToMsg, replyToTopMsg, result.send_message.reply_markup, params, notify, scheduleDate); } else if (result.send_message instanceof TLRPC.TL_botInlineMessageMediaInvoice) { if (DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(dialogId)) { return; //doesn't work in secret chats for now } TLRPC.TL_botInlineMessageMediaInvoice invoice = (TLRPC.TL_botInlineMessageMediaInvoice) result.send_message; TLRPC.TL_messageMediaInvoice messageMediaInvoice = new TLRPC.TL_messageMediaInvoice(); messageMediaInvoice.shipping_address_requested = invoice.shipping_address_requested; messageMediaInvoice.test = invoice.test; messageMediaInvoice.title = invoice.title; messageMediaInvoice.description = invoice.description; if (invoice.photo != null) { messageMediaInvoice.photo = invoice.photo; messageMediaInvoice.flags |= 1; } messageMediaInvoice.currency = invoice.currency; messageMediaInvoice.total_amount = invoice.total_amount; messageMediaInvoice.start_param = ""; accountInstance.getSendMessagesHelper().sendMessage(messageMediaInvoice, dialogId, replyToMsg, replyToTopMsg, result.send_message.reply_markup, params, notify, scheduleDate); } } private static String getTrimmedString(String src) { String result = src.trim(); if (result.length() == 0) { return result; } while (src.startsWith("\n")) { src = src.substring(1); } while (src.endsWith("\n")) { src = src.substring(0, src.length() - 1); } return src; } @UiThread public static void prepareSendingText(AccountInstance accountInstance, String text, long dialogId, boolean notify, int scheduleDate) { accountInstance.getMessagesStorage().getStorageQueue().postRunnable(() -> Utilities.stageQueue.postRunnable(() -> AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { String textFinal = getTrimmedString(text); if (textFinal.length() != 0) { int count = (int) Math.ceil(textFinal.length() / 4096.0f); for (int a = 0; a < count; a++) { String mess = textFinal.substring(a * 4096, Math.min((a + 1) * 4096, textFinal.length())); accountInstance.getSendMessagesHelper().sendMessage(mess, dialogId, null, null, null, true, null, null, null, notify, scheduleDate, null); } } }))); } public static void ensureMediaThumbExists(AccountInstance accountInstance, boolean isEncrypted, TLObject object, String path, Uri uri, long startTime) { if (object instanceof TLRPC.TL_photo) { TLRPC.TL_photo photo = (TLRPC.TL_photo) object; boolean smallExists; TLRPC.PhotoSize smallSize = FileLoader.getClosestPhotoSizeWithSize(photo.sizes, 90); if (smallSize instanceof TLRPC.TL_photoStrippedSize || smallSize instanceof TLRPC.TL_photoPathSize) { smallExists = true; } else { File smallFile = FileLoader.getInstance(accountInstance.getCurrentAccount()).getPathToAttach(smallSize, true); smallExists = smallFile.exists(); } TLRPC.PhotoSize bigSize = FileLoader.getClosestPhotoSizeWithSize(photo.sizes, AndroidUtilities.getPhotoSize()); File bigFile = FileLoader.getInstance(accountInstance.getCurrentAccount()).getPathToAttach(bigSize, false); boolean bigExists = bigFile.exists(); if (!smallExists || !bigExists) { Bitmap bitmap = ImageLoader.loadBitmap(path, uri, AndroidUtilities.getPhotoSize(), AndroidUtilities.getPhotoSize(), true); if (bitmap == null) { bitmap = ImageLoader.loadBitmap(path, uri, 800, 800, true); } if (!bigExists) { TLRPC.PhotoSize size = ImageLoader.scaleAndSaveImage(bigSize, bitmap, Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, true, AndroidUtilities.getPhotoSize(), AndroidUtilities.getPhotoSize(), 80, false, 101, 101,false); if (size != bigSize) { photo.sizes.add(0, size); } } if (!smallExists) { TLRPC.PhotoSize size = ImageLoader.scaleAndSaveImage(smallSize, bitmap, 90, 90, 55, true, false); if (size != smallSize) { photo.sizes.add(0, size); } } if (bitmap != null) { bitmap.recycle(); } } } else if (object instanceof TLRPC.TL_document) { TLRPC.TL_document document = (TLRPC.TL_document) object; if ((MessageObject.isVideoDocument(document) || MessageObject.isNewGifDocument(document)) && MessageObject.isDocumentHasThumb(document)) { TLRPC.PhotoSize photoSize = FileLoader.getClosestPhotoSizeWithSize(document.thumbs, 320); if (photoSize instanceof TLRPC.TL_photoStrippedSize || photoSize instanceof TLRPC.TL_photoPathSize) { return; } File smallFile = FileLoader.getInstance(accountInstance.getCurrentAccount()).getPathToAttach(photoSize, true); if (!smallFile.exists()) { Bitmap thumb = createVideoThumbnailAtTime(path, startTime); if (thumb == null) { thumb = SendMessagesHelper.createVideoThumbnail(path, MediaStore.Video.Thumbnails.MINI_KIND); } int side = isEncrypted ? 90 : 320; document.thumbs.set(0, ImageLoader.scaleAndSaveImage(photoSize, thumb, side, side, side > 90 ? 80 : 55, false, true)); } } } } public static String getKeyForPhotoSize(AccountInstance accountInstance, TLRPC.PhotoSize photoSize, Bitmap[] bitmap, boolean blur, boolean forceCache) { if (photoSize == null || photoSize.location == null) { return null; } Point point = ChatMessageCell.getMessageSize(photoSize.w, photoSize.h); if (bitmap != null) { try { BitmapFactory.Options opts = new BitmapFactory.Options(); opts.inJustDecodeBounds = true; File file = FileLoader.getInstance(accountInstance.getCurrentAccount()).getPathToAttach(photoSize, forceCache); FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(file); BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is, null, opts); is.close(); float photoW = opts.outWidth; float photoH = opts.outHeight; float scaleFactor = Math.max(photoW / point.x, photoH / point.y); if (scaleFactor < 1) { scaleFactor = 1; } opts.inJustDecodeBounds = false; opts.inSampleSize = (int) scaleFactor; opts.inPreferredConfig = Bitmap.Config.RGB_565; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) { is = new FileInputStream(file); bitmap[0] = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is, null, opts); is.close(); } else { /*opts.inPurgeable = true; RandomAccessFile f = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r"); int len = (int) f.length(); int offset = 0; byte[] data = bytes != null && bytes.length >= len ? bytes : null; if (data == null) { bytes = data = new byte[len]; } f.readFully(data, 0, len); f.close(); bitmapFinal[0] = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(data, offset, len, opts);*/ } } catch (Throwable ignore) { } } return String.format(Locale.US, blur ? "%d_%d@%d_%d_b" : "%d_%d@%d_%d", photoSize.location.volume_id, photoSize.location.local_id, (int) (point.x / AndroidUtilities.density), (int) (point.y / AndroidUtilities.density)); } public static boolean shouldSendWebPAsSticker(String path, Uri uri) { BitmapFactory.Options bmOptions = new BitmapFactory.Options(); bmOptions.inJustDecodeBounds = true; try { if (path != null) { RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile(path, "r"); ByteBuffer buffer = file.getChannel().map(FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY, 0, path.length()); Utilities.loadWebpImage(null, buffer, buffer.limit(), bmOptions, true); file.close(); } else { try (InputStream inputStream = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri)) { BitmapFactory.decodeStream(inputStream, null, bmOptions); } catch (Exception e) { } } } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } return bmOptions.outWidth < 800 && bmOptions.outHeight < 800; } @UiThread public static void prepareSendingMedia(AccountInstance accountInstance, ArrayList media, long dialogId, MessageObject replyToMsg, MessageObject replyToTopMsg, InputContentInfoCompat inputContent, boolean forceDocument, boolean groupMedia, MessageObject editingMessageObject, boolean notify, int scheduleDate) { if (media.isEmpty()) { return; } for (int a = 0, N = media.size(); a < N; a++) { if (media.get(a).ttl > 0) { groupMedia = false; break; } } final boolean groupMediaFinal = groupMedia; mediaSendQueue.postRunnable(() -> { long beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); HashMap workers; int count = media.size(); boolean isEncrypted = DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(dialogId); if (!forceDocument && groupMediaFinal) { workers = new HashMap<>(); for (int a = 0; a < count; a++) { final SendingMediaInfo info = media.get(a); if (info.searchImage == null && !info.isVideo && info.videoEditedInfo == null) { String originalPath = info.path; String tempPath = info.path; if (tempPath == null && info.uri != null) { tempPath = AndroidUtilities.getPath(info.uri); originalPath = info.uri.toString(); } boolean isWebP = false; if (tempPath != null && info.ttl <= 0 && (tempPath.endsWith(".gif") || (isWebP = tempPath.endsWith(".webp")))) { if (media.size() <= 1 && (!isWebP || shouldSendWebPAsSticker(tempPath, null))) { continue; } else { info.forceImage = true; } } else if (ImageLoader.shouldSendImageAsDocument(info.path, info.uri)) { continue; } else if (tempPath == null && info.uri != null) { if (MediaController.isGif(info.uri) || (isWebP = MediaController.isWebp(info.uri))) { if (media.size() <= 1 && (!isWebP || shouldSendWebPAsSticker(null, info.uri))) { continue; } else { info.forceImage = true; } } } if (tempPath != null) { File temp = new File(tempPath); originalPath += temp.length() + "_" + temp.lastModified(); } else { originalPath = null; } TLRPC.TL_photo photo = null; String parentObject = null; if (!isEncrypted && info.ttl == 0) { Object[] sentData = accountInstance.getMessagesStorage().getSentFile(originalPath, !isEncrypted ? 0 : 3); if (sentData != null && sentData[0] instanceof TLRPC.TL_photo) { photo = (TLRPC.TL_photo) sentData[0]; parentObject = (String) sentData[1]; } if (photo == null && info.uri != null) { sentData = accountInstance.getMessagesStorage().getSentFile(AndroidUtilities.getPath(info.uri), !isEncrypted ? 0 : 3); if (sentData != null && sentData[0] instanceof TLRPC.TL_photo) { photo = (TLRPC.TL_photo) sentData[0]; parentObject = (String) sentData[1]; } } ensureMediaThumbExists(accountInstance, isEncrypted, photo, info.path, info.uri, 0); } final MediaSendPrepareWorker worker = new MediaSendPrepareWorker(); workers.put(info, worker); if (photo != null) { worker.parentObject = parentObject; worker.photo = photo; } else { worker.sync = new CountDownLatch(1); mediaSendThreadPool.execute(() -> { worker.photo = accountInstance.getSendMessagesHelper().generatePhotoSizes(info.path, info.uri); if (isEncrypted && info.canDeleteAfter) { new File(info.path).delete(); } worker.sync.countDown(); }); } } } } else { workers = null; } long groupId = 0; long lastGroupId = 0; ArrayList sendAsDocuments = null; ArrayList sendAsDocumentsOriginal = null; ArrayList sendAsDocumentsUri = null; ArrayList sendAsDocumentsCaptions = null; ArrayList> sendAsDocumentsEntities = null; String extension = null; int mediaCount = 0; for (int a = 0; a < count; a++) { final SendingMediaInfo info = media.get(a); if (groupMediaFinal && count > 1 && mediaCount % 10 == 0) { lastGroupId = groupId = Utilities.random.nextLong(); mediaCount = 0; } if (info.searchImage != null && info.videoEditedInfo == null) { if (info.searchImage.type == 1) { final HashMap params = new HashMap<>(); TLRPC.TL_document document = null; String parentObject = null; File cacheFile; if (info.searchImage.document instanceof TLRPC.TL_document) { document = (TLRPC.TL_document) info.searchImage.document; cacheFile = FileLoader.getInstance(accountInstance.getCurrentAccount()).getPathToAttach(document, true); } else { /*if (!isEncrypted) { Object[] sentData = getMessagesStorage().getSentFile(info.searchImage.imageUrl, !isEncrypted ? 1 : 4); if (sentData != null && sentData[0] instanceof TLRPC.TL_document) { document = (TLRPC.TL_document) sentData[0]; parentObject = (String) sentData[1]; } }*/ String md5 = Utilities.MD5(info.searchImage.imageUrl) + "." + ImageLoader.getHttpUrlExtension(info.searchImage.imageUrl, "jpg"); cacheFile = new File(FileLoader.getDirectory(FileLoader.MEDIA_DIR_CACHE), md5); } if (document == null) { File thumbFile = null; document = new TLRPC.TL_document(); document.id = 0; document.file_reference = new byte[0]; document.date = accountInstance.getConnectionsManager().getCurrentTime(); TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeFilename fileName = new TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeFilename(); fileName.file_name = "animation.gif"; document.attributes.add(fileName); document.size = info.searchImage.size; document.dc_id = 0; if (!forceDocument && cacheFile.toString().endsWith("mp4")) { document.mime_type = "video/mp4"; document.attributes.add(new TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeAnimated()); } else { document.mime_type = "image/gif"; } if (cacheFile.exists()) { thumbFile = cacheFile; } else { cacheFile = null; } if (thumbFile == null) { String thumb = Utilities.MD5(info.searchImage.thumbUrl) + "." + ImageLoader.getHttpUrlExtension(info.searchImage.thumbUrl, "jpg"); thumbFile = new File(FileLoader.getDirectory(FileLoader.MEDIA_DIR_CACHE), thumb); if (!thumbFile.exists()) { thumbFile = null; } } if (thumbFile != null) { try { int side = isEncrypted || info.ttl != 0 ? 90 : 320; Bitmap bitmap; if (thumbFile.getAbsolutePath().endsWith("mp4")) { bitmap = SendMessagesHelper.createVideoThumbnail(thumbFile.getAbsolutePath(), MediaStore.Video.Thumbnails.MINI_KIND); } else { bitmap = ImageLoader.loadBitmap(thumbFile.getAbsolutePath(), null, side, side, true); } if (bitmap != null) { TLRPC.PhotoSize thumb = ImageLoader.scaleAndSaveImage(bitmap, side, side, side > 90 ? 80 : 55, isEncrypted); if (thumb != null) { document.thumbs.add(thumb); document.flags |= 1; } bitmap.recycle(); } } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } } if (document.thumbs.isEmpty()) { TLRPC.TL_photoSize thumb = new TLRPC.TL_photoSize(); thumb.w = info.searchImage.width; thumb.h = info.searchImage.height; thumb.size = 0; thumb.location = new TLRPC.TL_fileLocationUnavailable(); thumb.type = "x"; document.thumbs.add(thumb); document.flags |= 1; } } final TLRPC.TL_document documentFinal = document; final String parentFinal = parentObject; final String originalPathFinal = info.searchImage.imageUrl; final String pathFinal = cacheFile == null ? info.searchImage.imageUrl : cacheFile.toString(); if (params != null && info.searchImage.imageUrl != null) { params.put("originalPath", info.searchImage.imageUrl); } if (parentFinal != null) { params.put("parentObject", parentFinal); } AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { if (editingMessageObject != null) { accountInstance.getSendMessagesHelper().editMessage(editingMessageObject, null, null, documentFinal, pathFinal, params, false, parentFinal); } else { accountInstance.getSendMessagesHelper().sendMessage(documentFinal, null, pathFinal, dialogId, replyToMsg, replyToTopMsg, info.caption, info.entities, null, params, notify, scheduleDate, 0, parentFinal, null); } }); } else { boolean needDownloadHttp = true; TLRPC.TL_photo photo = null; String parentObject = null; if (info.searchImage.photo instanceof TLRPC.TL_photo) { photo = (TLRPC.TL_photo) info.searchImage.photo; } else { if (!isEncrypted && info.ttl == 0) { /*Object[] sentData = getMessagesStorage().getSentFile(info.searchImage.imageUrl, !isEncrypted ? 0 : 3); if (sentData != null) { photo = (TLRPC.TL_photo) sentData[0]; parentObject = (String) sentData[1]; ensureMediaThumbExists(currentAccount, photo, ); }*/ } } if (photo == null) { String md5 = Utilities.MD5(info.searchImage.imageUrl) + "." + ImageLoader.getHttpUrlExtension(info.searchImage.imageUrl, "jpg"); File cacheFile = new File(FileLoader.getDirectory(FileLoader.MEDIA_DIR_CACHE), md5); if (cacheFile.exists() && cacheFile.length() != 0) { photo = accountInstance.getSendMessagesHelper().generatePhotoSizes(cacheFile.toString(), null); if (photo != null) { needDownloadHttp = false; } } if (photo == null) { md5 = Utilities.MD5(info.searchImage.thumbUrl) + "." + ImageLoader.getHttpUrlExtension(info.searchImage.thumbUrl, "jpg"); cacheFile = new File(FileLoader.getDirectory(FileLoader.MEDIA_DIR_CACHE), md5); if (cacheFile.exists()) { photo = accountInstance.getSendMessagesHelper().generatePhotoSizes(cacheFile.toString(), null); } if (photo == null) { photo = new TLRPC.TL_photo(); photo.date = accountInstance.getConnectionsManager().getCurrentTime(); photo.file_reference = new byte[0]; TLRPC.TL_photoSize photoSize = new TLRPC.TL_photoSize(); photoSize.w = info.searchImage.width; photoSize.h = info.searchImage.height; photoSize.size = 0; photoSize.location = new TLRPC.TL_fileLocationUnavailable(); photoSize.type = "x"; photo.sizes.add(photoSize); } } } if (photo != null) { final TLRPC.TL_photo photoFinal = photo; final String parentFinal = parentObject; final boolean needDownloadHttpFinal = needDownloadHttp; final HashMap params = new HashMap<>(); if (info.searchImage.imageUrl != null) { params.put("originalPath", info.searchImage.imageUrl); } if (parentFinal != null) { params.put("parentObject", parentFinal); } if (groupMediaFinal) { mediaCount++; params.put("groupId", "" + groupId); if (mediaCount == 10 || a == count -1) { params.put("final", "1"); lastGroupId = 0; } } AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { if (editingMessageObject != null) { accountInstance.getSendMessagesHelper().editMessage(editingMessageObject, photoFinal, null, null, needDownloadHttpFinal ? info.searchImage.imageUrl : null, params, false, parentFinal); } else { accountInstance.getSendMessagesHelper().sendMessage(photoFinal, needDownloadHttpFinal ? info.searchImage.imageUrl : null, dialogId, replyToMsg, replyToTopMsg, info.caption, info.entities, null, params, notify, scheduleDate, info.ttl, parentFinal); } }); } } } else { if (info.isVideo || info.videoEditedInfo != null) { Bitmap thumb = null; String thumbKey = null; final VideoEditedInfo videoEditedInfo; if (forceDocument) { videoEditedInfo = null; } else { videoEditedInfo = info.videoEditedInfo != null ? info.videoEditedInfo : createCompressionSettings(info.path); } if (!forceDocument && (videoEditedInfo != null || info.path.endsWith("mp4"))) { if (info.path == null && info.searchImage != null) { if (info.searchImage.photo instanceof TLRPC.TL_photo) { info.path = FileLoader.getInstance(accountInstance.getCurrentAccount()).getPathToAttach(info.searchImage.photo, true).getAbsolutePath(); } else { String md5 = Utilities.MD5(info.searchImage.imageUrl) + "." + ImageLoader.getHttpUrlExtension(info.searchImage.imageUrl, "jpg"); info.path = new File(FileLoader.getDirectory(FileLoader.MEDIA_DIR_CACHE), md5).getAbsolutePath(); } } String path = info.path; String originalPath = info.path; File temp = new File(originalPath); long startTime = 0; boolean muted = false; originalPath += temp.length() + "_" + temp.lastModified(); if (videoEditedInfo != null) { muted = videoEditedInfo.muted; originalPath += videoEditedInfo.estimatedDuration + "_" + videoEditedInfo.startTime + "_" + videoEditedInfo.endTime + (videoEditedInfo.muted ? "_m" : ""); if (videoEditedInfo.resultWidth != videoEditedInfo.originalWidth) { originalPath += "_" + videoEditedInfo.resultWidth; } startTime = videoEditedInfo.startTime >= 0 ? videoEditedInfo.startTime : 0; } TLRPC.TL_document document = null; String parentObject = null; if (!isEncrypted && info.ttl == 0 && (videoEditedInfo == null || videoEditedInfo.filterState == null && videoEditedInfo.paintPath == null && videoEditedInfo.mediaEntities == null && videoEditedInfo.cropState == null)) { Object[] sentData = accountInstance.getMessagesStorage().getSentFile(originalPath, !isEncrypted ? 2 : 5); if (sentData != null && sentData[0] instanceof TLRPC.TL_document) { document = (TLRPC.TL_document) sentData[0]; parentObject = (String) sentData[1]; ensureMediaThumbExists(accountInstance, isEncrypted, document, info.path, null, startTime); } } if (document == null) { if (info.thumbPath != null) { thumb = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(info.thumbPath); } if (thumb == null) { thumb = createVideoThumbnailAtTime(info.path, startTime); if (thumb == null) { thumb = createVideoThumbnail(info.path, MediaStore.Video.Thumbnails.MINI_KIND); } } TLRPC.PhotoSize size = null; if (thumb != null) { int side = isEncrypted || info.ttl != 0 ? 90 : Math.max(thumb.getWidth(), thumb.getHeight()); size = ImageLoader.scaleAndSaveImage(thumb, side, side, side > 90 ? 80 : 55, isEncrypted); thumbKey = getKeyForPhotoSize(accountInstance, size, null, true, false); } document = new TLRPC.TL_document(); document.file_reference = new byte[0]; if (size != null) { document.thumbs.add(size); document.flags |= 1; } document.mime_type = "video/mp4"; accountInstance.getUserConfig().saveConfig(false); TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeVideo attributeVideo; if (isEncrypted) { attributeVideo = new TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeVideo(); } else { attributeVideo = new TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeVideo(); attributeVideo.supports_streaming = true; } document.attributes.add(attributeVideo); if (videoEditedInfo != null && (videoEditedInfo.needConvert() || !info.isVideo)) { if (info.isVideo && videoEditedInfo.muted) { fillVideoAttribute(info.path, attributeVideo, videoEditedInfo); videoEditedInfo.originalWidth = attributeVideo.w; videoEditedInfo.originalHeight = attributeVideo.h; } else { attributeVideo.duration = (int) (videoEditedInfo.estimatedDuration / 1000); } int w, h; int rotation = videoEditedInfo.rotationValue; if (videoEditedInfo.cropState != null) { w = videoEditedInfo.cropState.transformWidth; h = videoEditedInfo.cropState.transformHeight; } else { w = videoEditedInfo.resultWidth; h = videoEditedInfo.resultHeight; } if (rotation == 90 || rotation == 270) { attributeVideo.w = h; attributeVideo.h = w; } else { attributeVideo.w = w; attributeVideo.h = h; } document.size = (int) videoEditedInfo.estimatedSize; } else { if (temp.exists()) { document.size = (int) temp.length(); } fillVideoAttribute(info.path, attributeVideo, null); } } if (videoEditedInfo != null && videoEditedInfo.muted) { boolean found = false; for (int b = 0, N = document.attributes.size(); b < N; b++) { if (document.attributes.get(b) instanceof TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeAnimated) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { document.attributes.add(new TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeAnimated()); } } if (videoEditedInfo != null && (videoEditedInfo.needConvert() || !info.isVideo)) { String fileName = Integer.MIN_VALUE + "_" + SharedConfig.getLastLocalId() + ".mp4"; File cacheFile = new File(FileLoader.getDirectory(FileLoader.MEDIA_DIR_CACHE), fileName); SharedConfig.saveConfig(); path = cacheFile.getAbsolutePath(); } final TLRPC.TL_document videoFinal = document; final String parentFinal = parentObject; final String originalPathFinal = originalPath; final String finalPath = path; final HashMap params = new HashMap<>(); final Bitmap thumbFinal = thumb; final String thumbKeyFinal = thumbKey; if (originalPath != null) { params.put("originalPath", originalPath); } if (parentFinal != null) { params.put("parentObject", parentFinal); } if (!muted && groupMediaFinal) { mediaCount++; params.put("groupId", "" + groupId); if (mediaCount == 10 || a == count -1) { params.put("final", "1"); lastGroupId = 0; } } if (!isEncrypted && info.masks != null && !info.masks.isEmpty()) { document.attributes.add(new TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeHasStickers()); SerializedData serializedData = new SerializedData(4 + info.masks.size() * 20); serializedData.writeInt32(info.masks.size()); for (int b = 0; b < info.masks.size(); b++) { info.masks.get(b).serializeToStream(serializedData); } params.put("masks", Utilities.bytesToHex(serializedData.toByteArray())); serializedData.cleanup(); } AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { if (thumbFinal != null && thumbKeyFinal != null) { ImageLoader.getInstance().putImageToCache(new BitmapDrawable(thumbFinal), thumbKeyFinal, false); } if (editingMessageObject != null) { accountInstance.getSendMessagesHelper().editMessage(editingMessageObject, null, videoEditedInfo, videoFinal, finalPath, params, false, parentFinal); } else { accountInstance.getSendMessagesHelper().sendMessage(videoFinal, videoEditedInfo, finalPath, dialogId, replyToMsg, replyToTopMsg, info.caption, info.entities, null, params, notify, scheduleDate, info.ttl, parentFinal, null); } }); } else { if (sendAsDocuments == null) { sendAsDocuments = new ArrayList<>(); sendAsDocumentsOriginal = new ArrayList<>(); sendAsDocumentsCaptions = new ArrayList<>(); sendAsDocumentsEntities = new ArrayList<>(); sendAsDocumentsUri = new ArrayList<>(); } sendAsDocuments.add(info.path); sendAsDocumentsOriginal.add(info.path); sendAsDocumentsUri.add(info.uri); sendAsDocumentsCaptions.add(info.caption); sendAsDocumentsEntities.add(info.entities); //prepareSendingDocumentInternal(accountInstance, info.path, info.path, null, null, dialogId, replyToMsg, replyToTopMsg, info.caption, info.entities, editingMessageObject, null, false, forceDocument, notify, scheduleDate, null); } } else { String originalPath = info.path; String tempPath = info.path; if (tempPath == null && info.uri != null) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 30 && "content".equals(info.uri.getScheme())) { tempPath = null; } else { tempPath = AndroidUtilities.getPath(info.uri); } originalPath = info.uri.toString(); } boolean isDocument = false; if (inputContent != null && info.uri != null) { ClipDescription description = inputContent.getDescription(); if (description.hasMimeType("image/png")) { InputStream inputStream = null; FileOutputStream stream = null; try { BitmapFactory.Options bmOptions = new BitmapFactory.Options(); inputStream = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getContentResolver().openInputStream(info.uri); Bitmap b = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(inputStream, null, bmOptions); String fileName = Integer.MIN_VALUE + "_" + SharedConfig.getLastLocalId() + ".webp"; File fileDir = FileLoader.getDirectory(FileLoader.MEDIA_DIR_CACHE); final File cacheFile = new File(fileDir, fileName); stream = new FileOutputStream(cacheFile); b.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.WEBP, 100, stream); SharedConfig.saveConfig(); info.uri = Uri.fromFile(cacheFile); } catch (Throwable e) { FileLog.e(e); } finally { try { if (inputStream != null) { inputStream.close(); } } catch (Exception ignore) { } try { if (stream != null) { stream.close(); } } catch (Exception ignore) { } } } } if (forceDocument || ImageLoader.shouldSendImageAsDocument(info.path, info.uri)) { isDocument = true; extension = tempPath != null ? FileLoader.getFileExtension(new File(tempPath)) : ""; } else if (!info.forceImage && tempPath != null && (tempPath.endsWith(".gif") || tempPath.endsWith(".webp")) && info.ttl <= 0) { if (tempPath.endsWith(".gif")) { extension = "gif"; } else { extension = "webp"; } isDocument = true; } else if (!info.forceImage && tempPath == null && info.uri != null) { if (MediaController.isGif(info.uri)) { isDocument = true; originalPath = info.uri.toString(); tempPath = MediaController.copyFileToCache(info.uri, "gif"); extension = "gif"; } else if (MediaController.isWebp(info.uri)) { isDocument = true; originalPath = info.uri.toString(); tempPath = MediaController.copyFileToCache(info.uri, "webp"); extension = "webp"; } } if (isDocument) { if (sendAsDocuments == null) { sendAsDocuments = new ArrayList<>(); sendAsDocumentsOriginal = new ArrayList<>(); sendAsDocumentsCaptions = new ArrayList<>(); sendAsDocumentsEntities = new ArrayList<>(); sendAsDocumentsUri = new ArrayList<>(); } sendAsDocuments.add(tempPath); sendAsDocumentsOriginal.add(originalPath); sendAsDocumentsUri.add(info.uri); sendAsDocumentsCaptions.add(info.caption); sendAsDocumentsEntities.add(info.entities); } else { if (tempPath != null) { File temp = new File(tempPath); originalPath += temp.length() + "_" + temp.lastModified(); } else { originalPath = null; } TLRPC.TL_photo photo = null; String parentObject = null; if (workers != null) { MediaSendPrepareWorker worker = workers.get(info); photo = worker.photo; parentObject = worker.parentObject; if (photo == null) { try { worker.sync.await(); } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } photo = worker.photo; parentObject = worker.parentObject; } } else { if (!isEncrypted && info.ttl == 0) { Object[] sentData = accountInstance.getMessagesStorage().getSentFile(originalPath, !isEncrypted ? 0 : 3); if (sentData != null && sentData[0] instanceof TLRPC.TL_photo) { photo = (TLRPC.TL_photo) sentData[0]; parentObject = (String) sentData[1]; } if (photo == null && info.uri != null) { sentData = accountInstance.getMessagesStorage().getSentFile(AndroidUtilities.getPath(info.uri), !isEncrypted ? 0 : 3); if (sentData != null && sentData[0] instanceof TLRPC.TL_photo) { photo = (TLRPC.TL_photo) sentData[0]; parentObject = (String) sentData[1]; } } ensureMediaThumbExists(accountInstance, isEncrypted, photo, info.path, info.uri, 0); } if (photo == null) { photo = accountInstance.getSendMessagesHelper().generatePhotoSizes(info.path, info.uri); if (isEncrypted && info.canDeleteAfter) { new File(info.path).delete(); } } } if (photo != null) { final TLRPC.TL_photo photoFinal = photo; final String parentFinal = parentObject; final HashMap params = new HashMap<>(); final Bitmap[] bitmapFinal = new Bitmap[1]; final String[] keyFinal = new String[1]; if (photo.has_stickers = info.masks != null && !info.masks.isEmpty()) { SerializedData serializedData = new SerializedData(4 + info.masks.size() * 20); serializedData.writeInt32(info.masks.size()); for (int b = 0; b < info.masks.size(); b++) { info.masks.get(b).serializeToStream(serializedData); } params.put("masks", Utilities.bytesToHex(serializedData.toByteArray())); serializedData.cleanup(); } if (originalPath != null) { params.put("originalPath", originalPath); } if (parentFinal != null) { params.put("parentObject", parentFinal); } try { if (!groupMediaFinal || media.size() == 1) { TLRPC.PhotoSize currentPhotoObject = FileLoader.getClosestPhotoSizeWithSize(photoFinal.sizes, AndroidUtilities.getPhotoSize()); if (currentPhotoObject != null) { keyFinal[0] = getKeyForPhotoSize(accountInstance, currentPhotoObject, bitmapFinal, false, false); } } } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } if (groupMediaFinal) { mediaCount++; params.put("groupId", "" + groupId); if (mediaCount == 10 || a == count - 1) { params.put("final", "1"); lastGroupId = 0; } } AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { if (bitmapFinal[0] != null && keyFinal[0] != null) { ImageLoader.getInstance().putImageToCache(new BitmapDrawable(bitmapFinal[0]), keyFinal[0], false); } if (editingMessageObject != null) { accountInstance.getSendMessagesHelper().editMessage(editingMessageObject, photoFinal, null, null, null, params, false, parentFinal); } else { accountInstance.getSendMessagesHelper().sendMessage(photoFinal, null, dialogId, replyToMsg, replyToTopMsg, info.caption, info.entities, null, params, notify, scheduleDate, info.ttl, parentFinal); } }); } else { if (sendAsDocuments == null) { sendAsDocuments = new ArrayList<>(); sendAsDocumentsOriginal = new ArrayList<>(); sendAsDocumentsCaptions = new ArrayList<>(); sendAsDocumentsEntities = new ArrayList<>(); sendAsDocumentsUri = new ArrayList<>(); } sendAsDocuments.add(tempPath); sendAsDocumentsOriginal.add(originalPath); sendAsDocumentsUri.add(info.uri); sendAsDocumentsCaptions.add(info.caption); sendAsDocumentsEntities.add(info.entities); } } } } } if (lastGroupId != 0) { finishGroup(accountInstance, lastGroupId, scheduleDate); } if (inputContent != null) { inputContent.releasePermission(); } if (sendAsDocuments != null && !sendAsDocuments.isEmpty()) { long[] groupId2 = new long[1]; int documentsCount = sendAsDocuments.size(); for (int a = 0; a < documentsCount; a++) { if (forceDocument && !isEncrypted && count > 1 && mediaCount % 10 == 0) { groupId2[0] = Utilities.random.nextLong(); mediaCount = 0; } mediaCount++; int error = prepareSendingDocumentInternal(accountInstance, sendAsDocuments.get(a), sendAsDocumentsOriginal.get(a), sendAsDocumentsUri.get(a), extension, dialogId, replyToMsg, replyToTopMsg, sendAsDocumentsCaptions.get(a), sendAsDocumentsEntities.get(a), editingMessageObject, groupId2, mediaCount == 10 || a == documentsCount - 1, forceDocument, notify, scheduleDate, null); handleError(error, accountInstance); } } if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) { FileLog.d("total send time = " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - beginTime)); } }); } private static void fillVideoAttribute(String videoPath, TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeVideo attributeVideo, VideoEditedInfo videoEditedInfo) { boolean infoObtained = false; MediaMetadataRetriever mediaMetadataRetriever = null; try { mediaMetadataRetriever = new MediaMetadataRetriever(); mediaMetadataRetriever.setDataSource(videoPath); String width = mediaMetadataRetriever.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_VIDEO_WIDTH); if (width != null) { attributeVideo.w = Integer.parseInt(width); } String height = mediaMetadataRetriever.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_VIDEO_HEIGHT); if (height != null) { attributeVideo.h = Integer.parseInt(height); } String duration = mediaMetadataRetriever.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_DURATION); if (duration != null) { attributeVideo.duration = (int) Math.ceil(Long.parseLong(duration) / 1000.0f); } if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 17) { String rotation = mediaMetadataRetriever.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_VIDEO_ROTATION); if (rotation != null) { int val = Utilities.parseInt(rotation); if (videoEditedInfo != null) { videoEditedInfo.rotationValue = val; } else if (val == 90 || val == 270) { int temp = attributeVideo.w; attributeVideo.w = attributeVideo.h; attributeVideo.h = temp; } } } infoObtained = true; } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } finally { try { if (mediaMetadataRetriever != null) { mediaMetadataRetriever.release(); } } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } } if (!infoObtained) { try { MediaPlayer mp = MediaPlayer.create(ApplicationLoader.applicationContext, Uri.fromFile(new File(videoPath))); if (mp != null) { attributeVideo.duration = (int) Math.ceil(mp.getDuration() / 1000.0f); attributeVideo.w = mp.getVideoWidth(); attributeVideo.h = mp.getVideoHeight(); mp.release(); } } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } } } public static Bitmap createVideoThumbnail(String filePath, int kind) { float size; if (kind == MediaStore.Video.Thumbnails.FULL_SCREEN_KIND) { size = 1920; } else if (kind == MediaStore.Video.Thumbnails.MICRO_KIND) { size = 96; } else { size = 512; } Bitmap bitmap = createVideoThumbnailAtTime(filePath, 0); if (bitmap != null) { int w = bitmap.getWidth(); int h = bitmap.getHeight(); if (w > size || h > size) { float scale = Math.max(w, h) / size; w /= scale; h /= scale; bitmap = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bitmap, w, h, true); } } return bitmap; } public static Bitmap createVideoThumbnailAtTime(String filePath, long time) { return createVideoThumbnailAtTime(filePath, time, null, false); } public static Bitmap createVideoThumbnailAtTime(String filePath, long time, int[] orientation, boolean precise) { Bitmap bitmap = null; if (precise) { AnimatedFileDrawable fileDrawable = new AnimatedFileDrawable(new File(filePath), true, 0, null, null, null, 0, 0, true); bitmap = fileDrawable.getFrameAtTime(time, precise); if (orientation != null) { orientation[0] = fileDrawable.getOrientation(); } fileDrawable.recycle(); if (bitmap == null) { return createVideoThumbnailAtTime(filePath, time, orientation, false); } } else { MediaMetadataRetriever retriever = new MediaMetadataRetriever(); try { retriever.setDataSource(filePath); bitmap = retriever.getFrameAtTime(time, MediaMetadataRetriever.OPTION_NEXT_SYNC); if (bitmap == null) { bitmap = retriever.getFrameAtTime(time, MediaMetadataRetriever.OPTION_CLOSEST); } } catch (Exception ignore) { // Assume this is a corrupt video file. } finally { try { retriever.release(); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { // Ignore failures while cleaning up. } } } return bitmap; } private static VideoEditedInfo createCompressionSettings(String videoPath) { int[] params = new int[AnimatedFileDrawable.PARAM_NUM_COUNT]; AnimatedFileDrawable.getVideoInfo(videoPath, params); if (params[AnimatedFileDrawable.PARAM_NUM_SUPPORTED_VIDEO_CODEC] == 0) { if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) { FileLog.d("video hasn't avc1 atom"); } return null; } int originalBitrate = MediaController.getVideoBitrate(videoPath); if (originalBitrate == -1) { originalBitrate = params[AnimatedFileDrawable.PARAM_NUM_BITRATE]; } int bitrate = originalBitrate; float videoDuration = params[AnimatedFileDrawable.PARAM_NUM_DURATION]; long videoFramesSize = params[AnimatedFileDrawable.PARAM_NUM_VIDEO_FRAME_SIZE]; long audioFramesSize = params[AnimatedFileDrawable.PARAM_NUM_AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE]; int videoFramerate = params[AnimatedFileDrawable.PARAM_NUM_FRAMERATE]; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 18) { try { MediaCodecInfo codecInfo = MediaController.selectCodec(MediaController.VIDEO_MIME_TYPE); if (codecInfo == null) { if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) { FileLog.d("no codec info for " + MediaController.VIDEO_MIME_TYPE); } return null; } else { String name = codecInfo.getName(); if (name.equals("OMX.google.h264.encoder") || name.equals("OMX.ST.VFM.H264Enc") || name.equals("OMX.Exynos.avc.enc") || name.equals("OMX.MARVELL.VIDEO.HW.CODA7542ENCODER") || name.equals("OMX.MARVELL.VIDEO.H264ENCODER") || name.equals("OMX.k3.video.encoder.avc") || name.equals("OMX.TI.DUCATI1.VIDEO.H264E")) { if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) { FileLog.d("unsupported encoder = " + name); } return null; } else { if (MediaController.selectColorFormat(codecInfo, MediaController.VIDEO_MIME_TYPE) == 0) { if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) { FileLog.d("no color format for " + MediaController.VIDEO_MIME_TYPE); } return null; } } } } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } VideoEditedInfo videoEditedInfo = new VideoEditedInfo(); videoEditedInfo.startTime = -1; videoEditedInfo.endTime = -1; videoEditedInfo.bitrate = bitrate; videoEditedInfo.originalPath = videoPath; videoEditedInfo.framerate = videoFramerate; videoEditedInfo.estimatedDuration = (long) Math.ceil(videoDuration); videoEditedInfo.resultWidth = videoEditedInfo.originalWidth = params[AnimatedFileDrawable.PARAM_NUM_WIDTH]; videoEditedInfo.resultHeight = videoEditedInfo.originalHeight = params[AnimatedFileDrawable.PARAM_NUM_HEIGHT]; videoEditedInfo.rotationValue = params[AnimatedFileDrawable.PARAM_NUM_ROTATION]; videoEditedInfo.originalDuration = (long) (videoDuration * 1000); int compressionsCount; float maxSize = Math.max(videoEditedInfo.originalWidth, videoEditedInfo.originalHeight); if (maxSize > 1280) { compressionsCount = 4; } else if (maxSize > 854) { compressionsCount = 3; } else if (maxSize > 640) { compressionsCount = 2; } else { compressionsCount = 1; } int selectedCompression = Math.round(DownloadController.getInstance(UserConfig.selectedAccount).getMaxVideoBitrate() / (100f / compressionsCount)); if (selectedCompression > compressionsCount) { selectedCompression = compressionsCount; } boolean needCompress = false; if (selectedCompression != compressionsCount || Math.max(videoEditedInfo.originalWidth, videoEditedInfo.originalHeight) > 1280) { needCompress = true; switch (selectedCompression) { case 1: maxSize = 432.0f; break; case 2: maxSize = 640.0f; break; case 3: maxSize = 848.0f; break; default: maxSize = 1280.0f; break; } float scale = videoEditedInfo.originalWidth > videoEditedInfo.originalHeight ? maxSize / videoEditedInfo.originalWidth : maxSize / videoEditedInfo.originalHeight; videoEditedInfo.resultWidth = Math.round(videoEditedInfo.originalWidth * scale / 2) * 2; videoEditedInfo.resultHeight = Math.round(videoEditedInfo.originalHeight * scale / 2) * 2; } bitrate = MediaController.makeVideoBitrate( videoEditedInfo.originalHeight, videoEditedInfo.originalWidth, originalBitrate, videoEditedInfo.resultHeight, videoEditedInfo.resultWidth ); if (!needCompress) { videoEditedInfo.resultWidth = videoEditedInfo.originalWidth; videoEditedInfo.resultHeight = videoEditedInfo.originalHeight; videoEditedInfo.bitrate = bitrate; } else { videoEditedInfo.bitrate = bitrate; } videoEditedInfo.estimatedSize = (int) (audioFramesSize + videoDuration / 1000.0f * bitrate / 8); if (videoEditedInfo.estimatedSize == 0) { videoEditedInfo.estimatedSize = 1; } return videoEditedInfo; } @UiThread public static void prepareSendingVideo(AccountInstance accountInstance, String videoPath, VideoEditedInfo info, long dialogId, MessageObject replyToMsg, MessageObject replyToTopMsg, CharSequence caption, ArrayList entities, int ttl, MessageObject editingMessageObject, boolean notify, int scheduleDate, boolean forceDocument) { if (videoPath == null || videoPath.length() == 0) { return; } new Thread(() -> { final VideoEditedInfo videoEditedInfo = info != null ? info : createCompressionSettings(videoPath); boolean isEncrypted = DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(dialogId); boolean isRound = videoEditedInfo != null && videoEditedInfo.roundVideo; Bitmap thumb = null; String thumbKey = null; if (videoEditedInfo != null || videoPath.endsWith("mp4") || isRound) { String path = videoPath; String originalPath = videoPath; File temp = new File(originalPath); long startTime = 0; originalPath += temp.length() + "_" + temp.lastModified(); if (videoEditedInfo != null) { if (!isRound) { originalPath += videoEditedInfo.estimatedDuration + "_" + videoEditedInfo.startTime + "_" + videoEditedInfo.endTime + (videoEditedInfo.muted ? "_m" : ""); if (videoEditedInfo.resultWidth != videoEditedInfo.originalWidth) { originalPath += "_" + videoEditedInfo.resultWidth; } } startTime = videoEditedInfo.startTime >= 0 ? videoEditedInfo.startTime : 0; } TLRPC.TL_document document = null; String parentObject = null; if (!isEncrypted && ttl == 0 && (videoEditedInfo == null || videoEditedInfo.filterState == null && videoEditedInfo.paintPath == null && videoEditedInfo.mediaEntities == null && videoEditedInfo.cropState == null)) { Object[] sentData = accountInstance.getMessagesStorage().getSentFile(originalPath, !isEncrypted ? 2 : 5); if (sentData != null && sentData[0] instanceof TLRPC.TL_document) { document = (TLRPC.TL_document) sentData[0]; parentObject = (String) sentData[1]; ensureMediaThumbExists(accountInstance, isEncrypted, document, videoPath, null, startTime); } } if (document == null) { thumb = createVideoThumbnailAtTime(videoPath, startTime); if (thumb == null) { thumb = createVideoThumbnail(videoPath, MediaStore.Video.Thumbnails.MINI_KIND); } int side = isEncrypted || ttl != 0 ? 90 : 320; TLRPC.PhotoSize size = ImageLoader.scaleAndSaveImage(thumb, side, side, side > 90 ? 80 : 55, isEncrypted); if (thumb != null && size != null) { if (isRound) { if (isEncrypted) { thumb = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(thumb, 90, 90, true); Utilities.blurBitmap(thumb, 7, Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 21 ? 0 : 1, thumb.getWidth(), thumb.getHeight(), thumb.getRowBytes()); Utilities.blurBitmap(thumb, 7, Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 21 ? 0 : 1, thumb.getWidth(), thumb.getHeight(), thumb.getRowBytes()); Utilities.blurBitmap(thumb, 7, Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 21 ? 0 : 1, thumb.getWidth(), thumb.getHeight(), thumb.getRowBytes()); thumbKey = String.format(size.location.volume_id + "_" + size.location.local_id + "@%d_%d_b2", (int) (AndroidUtilities.roundMessageSize / AndroidUtilities.density), (int) (AndroidUtilities.roundMessageSize / AndroidUtilities.density)); } else { Utilities.blurBitmap(thumb, 3, Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 21 ? 0 : 1, thumb.getWidth(), thumb.getHeight(), thumb.getRowBytes()); thumbKey = String.format(size.location.volume_id + "_" + size.location.local_id + "@%d_%d_b", (int) (AndroidUtilities.roundMessageSize / AndroidUtilities.density), (int) (AndroidUtilities.roundMessageSize / AndroidUtilities.density)); } } else { thumb = null; } } document = new TLRPC.TL_document(); if (size != null) { document.thumbs.add(size); document.flags |= 1; } document.file_reference = new byte[0]; document.mime_type = "video/mp4"; accountInstance.getUserConfig().saveConfig(false); TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeVideo attributeVideo; if (isEncrypted) { int encryptedChatId = DialogObject.getEncryptedChatId(dialogId); TLRPC.EncryptedChat encryptedChat = accountInstance.getMessagesController().getEncryptedChat(encryptedChatId); if (encryptedChat == null) { return; } attributeVideo = new TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeVideo(); } else { attributeVideo = new TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeVideo(); attributeVideo.supports_streaming = true; } attributeVideo.round_message = isRound; document.attributes.add(attributeVideo); if (videoEditedInfo != null && videoEditedInfo.needConvert()) { if (videoEditedInfo.muted) { document.attributes.add(new TLRPC.TL_documentAttributeAnimated()); fillVideoAttribute(videoPath, attributeVideo, videoEditedInfo); videoEditedInfo.originalWidth = attributeVideo.w; videoEditedInfo.originalHeight = attributeVideo.h; } else { attributeVideo.duration = (int) (videoEditedInfo.estimatedDuration / 1000); } int w, h; int rotation = videoEditedInfo.rotationValue; if (videoEditedInfo.cropState != null) { w = videoEditedInfo.cropState.transformWidth; h = videoEditedInfo.cropState.transformHeight; rotation += videoEditedInfo.cropState.transformRotation; } else { w = videoEditedInfo.resultWidth; h = videoEditedInfo.resultHeight; } if (rotation == 90 || rotation == 270) { attributeVideo.w = h; attributeVideo.h = w; } else { attributeVideo.w = w; attributeVideo.h = h; } document.size = (int) videoEditedInfo.estimatedSize; } else { if (temp.exists()) { document.size = (int) temp.length(); } fillVideoAttribute(videoPath, attributeVideo, null); } } if (videoEditedInfo != null && videoEditedInfo.needConvert()) { String fileName = Integer.MIN_VALUE + "_" + SharedConfig.getLastLocalId() + ".mp4"; File cacheFile = new File(FileLoader.getDirectory(FileLoader.MEDIA_DIR_CACHE), fileName); SharedConfig.saveConfig(); path = cacheFile.getAbsolutePath(); } final TLRPC.TL_document videoFinal = document; final String parentFinal = parentObject; final String originalPathFinal = originalPath; final String finalPath = path; final HashMap params = new HashMap<>(); final Bitmap thumbFinal = thumb; final String thumbKeyFinal = thumbKey; final String captionFinal = caption != null ? caption.toString() : ""; if (originalPath != null) { params.put("originalPath", originalPath); } if (parentFinal != null) { params.put("parentObject", parentFinal); } AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { if (thumbFinal != null && thumbKeyFinal != null) { ImageLoader.getInstance().putImageToCache(new BitmapDrawable(thumbFinal), thumbKeyFinal, false); } if (editingMessageObject != null) { accountInstance.getSendMessagesHelper().editMessage(editingMessageObject, null, videoEditedInfo, videoFinal, finalPath, params, false, parentFinal); } else { accountInstance.getSendMessagesHelper().sendMessage(videoFinal, videoEditedInfo, finalPath, dialogId, replyToMsg, replyToTopMsg, captionFinal, entities, null, params, notify, scheduleDate, ttl, parentFinal, null); } }); } else { prepareSendingDocumentInternal(accountInstance, videoPath, videoPath, null, null, dialogId, replyToMsg, replyToTopMsg, caption, entities, editingMessageObject, null, false, forceDocument, notify, scheduleDate, null); } }).start(); } }