/* * This is the source code of Telegram for Android v. 5.x.x. * It is licensed under GNU GPL v. 2 or later. * You should have received a copy of the license in this archive (see LICENSE). * * Copyright Nikolai Kudashov, 2013-2018. */ package org.telegram.ui; import android.animation.Animator; import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter; import android.animation.AnimatorSet; import android.animation.ObjectAnimator; import android.content.Context; import android.graphics.Canvas; import android.graphics.Paint; import android.os.Bundle; import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder; import android.text.Spanned; import android.text.TextPaint; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.text.style.ForegroundColorSpan; import android.util.SparseIntArray; import android.view.Gravity; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.ViewTreeObserver; import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import androidx.collection.LongSparseArray; import androidx.recyclerview.widget.DefaultItemAnimator; import androidx.recyclerview.widget.DiffUtil; import androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager; import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView; import org.telegram.messenger.AndroidUtilities; import org.telegram.messenger.ChatObject; import org.telegram.messenger.FileLog; import org.telegram.messenger.LocaleController; import org.telegram.messenger.MessageObject; import org.telegram.messenger.MessagesController; import org.telegram.messenger.NotificationCenter; import org.telegram.messenger.R; import org.telegram.messenger.UserObject; import org.telegram.messenger.Utilities; import org.telegram.tgnet.TLObject; import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC; import org.telegram.ui.ActionBar.ActionBar; import org.telegram.ui.ActionBar.ActionBarMenu; import org.telegram.ui.ActionBar.ActionBarMenuItem; import org.telegram.ui.ActionBar.AlertDialog; import org.telegram.ui.ActionBar.BaseFragment; import org.telegram.ui.ActionBar.Theme; import org.telegram.ui.ActionBar.ThemeDescription; import org.telegram.ui.Adapters.SearchAdapterHelper; import org.telegram.ui.Cells.GraySectionCell; import org.telegram.ui.Cells.HeaderCell; import org.telegram.ui.Cells.LoadingCell; import org.telegram.ui.Cells.ManageChatTextCell; import org.telegram.ui.Cells.ManageChatUserCell; import org.telegram.ui.Cells.ShadowSectionCell; import org.telegram.ui.Cells.TextCheckCell2; import org.telegram.ui.Cells.TextInfoPrivacyCell; import org.telegram.ui.Cells.TextSettingsCell; import org.telegram.ui.Components.BulletinFactory; import org.telegram.ui.Components.FlickerLoadingView; import org.telegram.ui.Components.GigagroupConvertAlert; import org.telegram.ui.Components.IntSeekBarAccessibilityDelegate; import org.telegram.ui.Components.LayoutHelper; import org.telegram.ui.Components.RadialProgressView; import org.telegram.ui.Components.RecyclerListView; import org.telegram.ui.Components.SeekBarAccessibilityDelegate; import org.telegram.ui.Components.StickerEmptyView; import org.telegram.ui.Components.UndoView; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; public class ChatUsersActivity extends BaseFragment implements NotificationCenter.NotificationCenterDelegate { private ListAdapter listViewAdapter; private StickerEmptyView emptyView; private RecyclerListView listView; private LinearLayoutManager layoutManager; private SearchAdapter searchListViewAdapter; private ActionBarMenuItem searchItem; private ActionBarMenuItem doneItem; private UndoView undoView; private TLRPC.Chat currentChat; private TLRPC.ChatFull info; private boolean isChannel; private String initialBannedRights; private TLRPC.TL_chatBannedRights defaultBannedRights = new TLRPC.TL_chatBannedRights(); private ArrayList participants = new ArrayList<>(); private ArrayList bots = new ArrayList<>(); private ArrayList contacts = new ArrayList<>(); private boolean botsEndReached; private boolean contactsEndReached; private LongSparseArray participantsMap = new LongSparseArray<>(); private LongSparseArray botsMap = new LongSparseArray<>(); private LongSparseArray contactsMap = new LongSparseArray<>(); private long chatId; private int type; private boolean loadingUsers; private boolean firstLoaded; private LongSparseArray ignoredUsers; private int permissionsSectionRow; private int sendMessagesRow; private int sendMediaRow; private int sendStickersRow; private int sendGamesRow; private int sendInlineRow; private int sendGifsRow; private int sendPollsRow; private int embedLinksRow; private int changeInfoRow; private int addUsersRow; private int pinMessagesRow; private int gigaHeaderRow; private int gigaConvertRow; private int gigaInfoRow; private int recentActionsRow; private int addNewRow; private int addNew2Row; private int removedUsersRow; private int addNewSectionRow; private int restricted1SectionRow; private int participantsStartRow; private int participantsEndRow; private int participantsDividerRow; private int participantsDivider2Row; private int slowmodeRow; private int slowmodeSelectRow; private int slowmodeInfoRow; private int contactsHeaderRow; private int contactsStartRow; private int contactsEndRow; private int botHeaderRow; private int botStartRow; private int botEndRow; private int membersHeaderRow; private int loadingProgressRow; private int participantsInfoRow; private int blockedEmptyRow; private int rowCount; private int selectType; private int loadingUserCellRow; private int loadingHeaderRow; private int delayResults; private ChatUsersActivityDelegate delegate; private boolean needOpenSearch; private boolean searching; private int selectedSlowmode; private int initialSlowmode; private final static int search_button = 0; private final static int done_button = 1; public final static int TYPE_BANNED = 0; public final static int TYPE_ADMIN = 1; public final static int TYPE_USERS = 2; public final static int TYPE_KICKED = 3; public final static int SELECT_TYPE_MEMBERS = 0; // "Subscribers" / "Members" public final static int SELECT_TYPE_ADMIN = 1; // "Add Admin" public final static int SELECT_TYPE_BLOCK = 2; // "Remove User" public final static int SELECT_TYPE_EXCEPTION = 3; // "Add Exception" private boolean openTransitionStarted; private FlickerLoadingView flickerLoadingView; private View progressBar; public interface ChatUsersActivityDelegate { default void didAddParticipantToList(long uid, TLObject participant) { } default void didChangeOwner(TLRPC.User user) { } default void didSelectUser(long uid) { } default void didKickParticipant(long userId) { } } private class ChooseView extends View { private final Paint paint; private final TextPaint textPaint; private final SeekBarAccessibilityDelegate accessibilityDelegate; private int circleSize; private int gapSize; private int sideSide; private int lineSize; private boolean moving; private boolean startMoving; private float startX; private int startMovingItem; private ArrayList strings = new ArrayList<>(); private ArrayList sizes = new ArrayList<>(); public ChooseView(Context context) { super(context); paint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG); textPaint = new TextPaint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG); textPaint.setTextSize(AndroidUtilities.dp(13)); for (int a = 0; a < 7; a++) { String string; switch (a) { case 0: string = LocaleController.getString("SlowmodeOff", R.string.SlowmodeOff); break; case 1: string = LocaleController.formatString("SlowmodeSeconds", R.string.SlowmodeSeconds, 10); break; case 2: string = LocaleController.formatString("SlowmodeSeconds", R.string.SlowmodeSeconds, 30); break; case 3: string = LocaleController.formatString("SlowmodeMinutes", R.string.SlowmodeMinutes, 1); break; case 4: string = LocaleController.formatString("SlowmodeMinutes", R.string.SlowmodeMinutes, 5); break; case 5: string = LocaleController.formatString("SlowmodeMinutes", R.string.SlowmodeMinutes, 15); break; case 6: default: string = LocaleController.formatString("SlowmodeHours", R.string.SlowmodeHours, 1); break; } strings.add(string); sizes.add((int) Math.ceil(textPaint.measureText(string))); } accessibilityDelegate = new IntSeekBarAccessibilityDelegate() { @Override public int getProgress() { return selectedSlowmode; } @Override public void setProgress(int progress) { setItem(progress); } @Override public int getMaxValue() { return strings.size() - 1; } @Override protected CharSequence getContentDescription(View host) { if (selectedSlowmode == 0) { return LocaleController.getString("SlowmodeOff", R.string.SlowmodeOff); } else { return formatSeconds(getSecondsForIndex(selectedSlowmode)); } } }; } @Override public void onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(AccessibilityNodeInfo info) { super.onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(info); accessibilityDelegate.onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfoInternal(this, info); } @Override public boolean performAccessibilityAction(int action, Bundle arguments) { return super.performAccessibilityAction(action, arguments) || accessibilityDelegate.performAccessibilityActionInternal(this, action, arguments); } @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { float x = event.getX(); if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { getParent().requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(true); for (int a = 0; a < strings.size(); a++) { int cx = sideSide + (lineSize + gapSize * 2 + circleSize) * a + circleSize / 2; if (x > cx - AndroidUtilities.dp(15) && x < cx + AndroidUtilities.dp(15)) { startMoving = a == selectedSlowmode; startX = x; startMovingItem = selectedSlowmode; break; } } } else if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) { if (startMoving) { if (Math.abs(startX - x) >= AndroidUtilities.getPixelsInCM(0.5f, true)) { moving = true; startMoving = false; } } else if (moving) { for (int a = 0; a < strings.size(); a++) { int cx = sideSide + (lineSize + gapSize * 2 + circleSize) * a + circleSize / 2; int diff = lineSize / 2 + circleSize / 2 + gapSize; if (x > cx - diff && x < cx + diff) { if (selectedSlowmode != a) { setItem(a); } break; } } } } else if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP || event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL) { if (!moving) { for (int a = 0; a < strings.size(); a++) { int cx = sideSide + (lineSize + gapSize * 2 + circleSize) * a + circleSize / 2; if (x > cx - AndroidUtilities.dp(15) && x < cx + AndroidUtilities.dp(15)) { if (selectedSlowmode != a) { setItem(a); } break; } } } else { if (selectedSlowmode != startMovingItem) { setItem(selectedSlowmode); } } startMoving = false; moving = false; } return true; } private void setItem(int index) { if (info == null) { return; } selectedSlowmode = index; listViewAdapter.notifyItemChanged(slowmodeInfoRow); invalidate(); } @Override protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(AndroidUtilities.dp(74), MeasureSpec.EXACTLY)); circleSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(6); gapSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(2); sideSide = AndroidUtilities.dp(22); lineSize = (getMeasuredWidth() - circleSize * strings.size() - gapSize * 2 * (strings.size() - 1) - sideSide * 2) / (strings.size() - 1); } @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { textPaint.setColor(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteGrayText)); int cy = getMeasuredHeight() / 2 + AndroidUtilities.dp(11); for (int a = 0; a < strings.size(); a++) { int cx = sideSide + (lineSize + gapSize * 2 + circleSize) * a + circleSize / 2; if (a <= selectedSlowmode) { paint.setColor(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_switchTrackChecked)); } else { paint.setColor(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_switchTrack)); } canvas.drawCircle(cx, cy, a == selectedSlowmode ? AndroidUtilities.dp(6) : circleSize / 2, paint); if (a != 0) { int x = cx - circleSize / 2 - gapSize - lineSize; int width = lineSize; if (a == selectedSlowmode || a == selectedSlowmode + 1) { width -= AndroidUtilities.dp(3); } if (a == selectedSlowmode + 1) { x += AndroidUtilities.dp(3); } canvas.drawRect(x, cy - AndroidUtilities.dp(1), x + width, cy + AndroidUtilities.dp(1), paint); } int size = sizes.get(a); String text = strings.get(a); if (a == 0) { canvas.drawText(text, AndroidUtilities.dp(22), AndroidUtilities.dp(28), textPaint); } else if (a == strings.size() - 1) { canvas.drawText(text, getMeasuredWidth() - size - AndroidUtilities.dp(22), AndroidUtilities.dp(28), textPaint); } else { canvas.drawText(text, cx - size / 2, AndroidUtilities.dp(28), textPaint); } } } } public ChatUsersActivity(Bundle args) { super(args); chatId = arguments.getLong("chat_id"); type = arguments.getInt("type"); needOpenSearch = arguments.getBoolean("open_search"); selectType = arguments.getInt("selectType"); currentChat = getMessagesController().getChat(chatId); if (currentChat != null && currentChat.default_banned_rights != null) { defaultBannedRights.view_messages = currentChat.default_banned_rights.view_messages; defaultBannedRights.send_stickers = currentChat.default_banned_rights.send_stickers; defaultBannedRights.send_media = currentChat.default_banned_rights.send_media; defaultBannedRights.embed_links = currentChat.default_banned_rights.embed_links; defaultBannedRights.send_messages = currentChat.default_banned_rights.send_messages; defaultBannedRights.send_games = currentChat.default_banned_rights.send_games; defaultBannedRights.send_inline = currentChat.default_banned_rights.send_inline; defaultBannedRights.send_gifs = currentChat.default_banned_rights.send_gifs; defaultBannedRights.pin_messages = currentChat.default_banned_rights.pin_messages; defaultBannedRights.send_polls = currentChat.default_banned_rights.send_polls; defaultBannedRights.invite_users = currentChat.default_banned_rights.invite_users; defaultBannedRights.change_info = currentChat.default_banned_rights.change_info; } initialBannedRights = ChatObject.getBannedRightsString(defaultBannedRights); isChannel = ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat) && !currentChat.megagroup; } private void updateRows() { currentChat = getMessagesController().getChat(chatId); if (currentChat == null) { return; } recentActionsRow = -1; addNewRow = -1; addNew2Row = -1; addNewSectionRow = -1; restricted1SectionRow = -1; participantsStartRow = -1; participantsDividerRow = -1; participantsDivider2Row = -1; gigaInfoRow = -1; gigaConvertRow = -1; gigaHeaderRow = -1; participantsEndRow = -1; participantsInfoRow = -1; blockedEmptyRow = -1; permissionsSectionRow = -1; sendMessagesRow = -1; sendMediaRow = -1; sendStickersRow = -1; sendGamesRow = -1; sendInlineRow = -1; sendGifsRow = -1; sendPollsRow = -1; embedLinksRow = -1; addUsersRow = -1; pinMessagesRow = -1; changeInfoRow = -1; removedUsersRow = -1; contactsHeaderRow = -1; contactsStartRow = -1; contactsEndRow = -1; botHeaderRow = -1; botStartRow = -1; botEndRow = -1; membersHeaderRow = -1; slowmodeRow = -1; slowmodeSelectRow = -1; slowmodeInfoRow = -1; loadingProgressRow = -1; loadingUserCellRow = -1; loadingHeaderRow = -1; rowCount = 0; if (type == TYPE_KICKED) { permissionsSectionRow = rowCount++; sendMessagesRow = rowCount++; sendMediaRow = rowCount++; sendStickersRow = rowCount++; sendGamesRow = rowCount++; sendInlineRow = rowCount++; sendGifsRow = rowCount++; sendPollsRow = rowCount++; embedLinksRow = rowCount++; addUsersRow = rowCount++; pinMessagesRow = rowCount++; changeInfoRow = rowCount++; if (ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat) && currentChat.creator && currentChat.megagroup && !currentChat.gigagroup) { int count = Math.max(currentChat.participants_count, info != null ? info.participants_count : 0); if (count >= getMessagesController().maxMegagroupCount - 1000) { participantsDivider2Row = rowCount++; gigaHeaderRow = rowCount++; gigaConvertRow = rowCount++; gigaInfoRow = rowCount++; } } if (!ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat) && currentChat.creator || currentChat.megagroup && !currentChat.gigagroup && ChatObject.canBlockUsers(currentChat)) { if (participantsDivider2Row == -1) { participantsDivider2Row = rowCount++; } slowmodeRow = rowCount++; slowmodeSelectRow = rowCount++; slowmodeInfoRow = rowCount++; } if (ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat) && ChatObject.hasAdminRights(currentChat)) { if (participantsDivider2Row == -1) { participantsDivider2Row = rowCount++; } removedUsersRow = rowCount++; } if (slowmodeInfoRow == -1 && gigaHeaderRow == -1 || removedUsersRow != -1) { participantsDividerRow = rowCount++; } if (ChatObject.canBlockUsers(currentChat) && (ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat) || currentChat.creator)) { addNewRow = rowCount++; } if (loadingUsers && !firstLoaded) { if (!firstLoaded) { if (info != null && info.banned_count > 0) { loadingUserCellRow = rowCount++; } } } else { if (!participants.isEmpty()) { participantsStartRow = rowCount; rowCount += participants.size(); participantsEndRow = rowCount; } if (addNewRow != -1 || participantsStartRow != -1) { addNewSectionRow = rowCount++; } } } else if (type == TYPE_BANNED) { if (ChatObject.canBlockUsers(currentChat)) { addNewRow = rowCount++; if (!participants.isEmpty() || (loadingUsers && !firstLoaded && (info != null && info.kicked_count > 0))) { participantsInfoRow = rowCount++; } } if (!(loadingUsers && !firstLoaded)) { if (!participants.isEmpty()) { restricted1SectionRow = rowCount++; participantsStartRow = rowCount; rowCount += participants.size(); participantsEndRow = rowCount; } if (participantsStartRow != -1) { if (participantsInfoRow == -1) { participantsInfoRow = rowCount++; } else { addNewSectionRow = rowCount++; } } else { //restricted1SectionRow = rowCount++; blockedEmptyRow = rowCount++; } } else if (!firstLoaded) { restricted1SectionRow = rowCount++; loadingUserCellRow = rowCount++; } } else if (type == TYPE_ADMIN) { if (ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat) && currentChat.megagroup && !currentChat.gigagroup && (info == null || info.participants_count <= 200 || !isChannel && info.can_set_stickers) && ChatObject.hasAdminRights(currentChat)) { recentActionsRow = rowCount++; addNewSectionRow = rowCount++; } if (ChatObject.canAddAdmins(currentChat)) { addNewRow = rowCount++; } if (!(loadingUsers && !firstLoaded)) { if (!participants.isEmpty()) { participantsStartRow = rowCount; rowCount += participants.size(); participantsEndRow = rowCount; } participantsInfoRow = rowCount++; } else if (!firstLoaded) { loadingUserCellRow = rowCount++; } } else if (type == TYPE_USERS) { if (selectType == SELECT_TYPE_MEMBERS && ChatObject.canAddUsers(currentChat)) { addNewRow = rowCount++; } if (selectType == SELECT_TYPE_MEMBERS && ChatObject.canUserDoAdminAction(currentChat, ChatObject.ACTION_INVITE)) { addNew2Row = rowCount++; } if (!(loadingUsers && !firstLoaded)) { boolean hasAnyOther = false; if (!contacts.isEmpty()) { contactsHeaderRow = rowCount++; contactsStartRow = rowCount; rowCount += contacts.size(); contactsEndRow = rowCount; hasAnyOther = true; } if (!bots.isEmpty()) { botHeaderRow = rowCount++; botStartRow = rowCount; rowCount += bots.size(); botEndRow = rowCount; hasAnyOther = true; } if (!participants.isEmpty()) { if (hasAnyOther) { membersHeaderRow = rowCount++; } participantsStartRow = rowCount; rowCount += participants.size(); participantsEndRow = rowCount; } if (rowCount != 0) { participantsInfoRow = rowCount++; } } else if (!firstLoaded) { if (selectType == SELECT_TYPE_MEMBERS) { loadingHeaderRow = rowCount++; } loadingUserCellRow = rowCount++; } } } @Override public boolean onFragmentCreate() { super.onFragmentCreate(); getNotificationCenter().addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.chatInfoDidLoad); loadChatParticipants(0, 200); return true; } @Override public void onFragmentDestroy() { super.onFragmentDestroy(); getNotificationCenter().removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.chatInfoDidLoad); } @Override public View createView(Context context) { searching = false; actionBar.setBackButtonImage(R.drawable.ic_ab_back); actionBar.setAllowOverlayTitle(true); if (type == TYPE_KICKED) { actionBar.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("ChannelPermissions", R.string.ChannelPermissions)); } else if (type == TYPE_BANNED) { actionBar.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("ChannelBlacklist", R.string.ChannelBlacklist)); } else if (type == TYPE_ADMIN) { actionBar.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("ChannelAdministrators", R.string.ChannelAdministrators)); } else if (type == TYPE_USERS) { if (selectType == SELECT_TYPE_MEMBERS) { if (isChannel) { actionBar.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("ChannelSubscribers", R.string.ChannelSubscribers)); } else { actionBar.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("ChannelMembers", R.string.ChannelMembers)); } } else { if (selectType == SELECT_TYPE_ADMIN) { actionBar.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("ChannelAddAdmin", R.string.ChannelAddAdmin)); } else if (selectType == SELECT_TYPE_BLOCK) { actionBar.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("ChannelBlockUser", R.string.ChannelBlockUser)); } else if (selectType == SELECT_TYPE_EXCEPTION) { actionBar.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("ChannelAddException", R.string.ChannelAddException)); } } } actionBar.setActionBarMenuOnItemClick(new ActionBar.ActionBarMenuOnItemClick() { @Override public void onItemClick(int id) { if (id == -1) { if (checkDiscard()) { finishFragment(); } } else if (id == done_button) { processDone(); } } }); if (selectType != SELECT_TYPE_MEMBERS || type == TYPE_USERS || ChatObject.hasAdminRights(currentChat) && (type == TYPE_BANNED || type == TYPE_KICKED)) { searchListViewAdapter = new SearchAdapter(context); ActionBarMenu menu = actionBar.createMenu(); searchItem = menu.addItem(search_button, R.drawable.ic_ab_search).setIsSearchField(true).setActionBarMenuItemSearchListener(new ActionBarMenuItem.ActionBarMenuItemSearchListener() { @Override public void onSearchExpand() { searching = true; if (doneItem != null) { doneItem.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } @Override public void onSearchCollapse() { searchListViewAdapter.searchUsers(null); searching = false; listView.setAnimateEmptyView(false, 0); listView.setAdapter(listViewAdapter); listViewAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); listView.setFastScrollVisible(true); listView.setVerticalScrollBarEnabled(false); if (doneItem != null) { doneItem.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } } @Override public void onTextChanged(EditText editText) { if (searchListViewAdapter == null) { return; } String text = editText.getText().toString(); int oldItemsCount = listView.getAdapter() == null ? 0 : listView.getAdapter().getItemCount(); searchListViewAdapter.searchUsers(text); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(text) && listView != null && listView.getAdapter() != listViewAdapter) { listView.setAnimateEmptyView(false, 0); listView.setAdapter(listViewAdapter); if (oldItemsCount == 0) { showItemsAnimated(0); } } progressBar.setVisibility(View.GONE); flickerLoadingView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } }); if (type == TYPE_BANNED && !firstLoaded) { searchItem.setVisibility(View.GONE); } if (type == TYPE_KICKED) { searchItem.setSearchFieldHint(LocaleController.getString("ChannelSearchException", R.string.ChannelSearchException)); } else { searchItem.setSearchFieldHint(LocaleController.getString("Search", R.string.Search)); } if (!(ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat) || currentChat.creator)) { searchItem.setVisibility(View.GONE); } if (type == TYPE_KICKED) { doneItem = menu.addItemWithWidth(done_button, R.drawable.ic_ab_done, AndroidUtilities.dp(56), LocaleController.getString("Done", R.string.Done)); } } fragmentView = new FrameLayout(context) { @Override protected void dispatchDraw(Canvas canvas) { canvas.drawColor(Theme.getColor(listView.getAdapter() == searchListViewAdapter ? Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhite : Theme.key_windowBackgroundGray)); super.dispatchDraw(canvas); } }; FrameLayout frameLayout = (FrameLayout) fragmentView; FrameLayout progressLayout = new FrameLayout(context); flickerLoadingView = new FlickerLoadingView(context); flickerLoadingView.setViewType(FlickerLoadingView.USERS_TYPE); flickerLoadingView.showDate(false); flickerLoadingView.setUseHeaderOffset(true); progressLayout.addView(flickerLoadingView); progressBar = new RadialProgressView(context); progressLayout.addView(progressBar, LayoutHelper.createFrame(LayoutHelper.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutHelper.WRAP_CONTENT, Gravity.CENTER)); flickerLoadingView.setVisibility(View.GONE); progressBar.setVisibility(View.GONE); emptyView = new StickerEmptyView(context, progressLayout, StickerEmptyView.STICKER_TYPE_SEARCH); emptyView.title.setText(LocaleController.getString("NoResult", R.string.NoResult)); emptyView.subtitle.setText(LocaleController.getString("SearchEmptyViewFilteredSubtitle2", R.string.SearchEmptyViewFilteredSubtitle2)); emptyView.setVisibility(View.GONE); emptyView.setAnimateLayoutChange(true); emptyView.showProgress(true, false); frameLayout.addView(emptyView, LayoutHelper.createFrame(LayoutHelper.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutHelper.MATCH_PARENT)); emptyView.addView(progressLayout,0); listView = new RecyclerListView(context) { @Override public void invalidate() { super.invalidate(); if (fragmentView != null) { fragmentView.invalidate(); } } }; listView.setLayoutManager(layoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(context, LinearLayoutManager.VERTICAL, false) { @Override public int scrollVerticallyBy(int dy, RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.State state) { if (!firstLoaded && type == TYPE_BANNED && participants.size() == 0) { return 0; } return super.scrollVerticallyBy(dy, recycler, state); } }); DefaultItemAnimator itemAnimator = new DefaultItemAnimator() { @Override protected long getAddAnimationDelay(long removeDuration, long moveDuration, long changeDuration) { return 0; } @Override protected long getMoveAnimationDelay() { return 0; } @Override public long getMoveDuration() { return 220; } @Override public long getRemoveDuration() { return 220; } @Override public long getAddDuration() { return 220; } int animationIndex = -1; @Override protected void onAllAnimationsDone() { super.onAllAnimationsDone(); getNotificationCenter().onAnimationFinish(animationIndex); } @Override public void runPendingAnimations() { boolean removalsPending = !mPendingRemovals.isEmpty(); boolean movesPending = !mPendingMoves.isEmpty(); boolean changesPending = !mPendingChanges.isEmpty(); boolean additionsPending = !mPendingAdditions.isEmpty(); if (removalsPending || movesPending || additionsPending || changesPending) { animationIndex = getNotificationCenter().setAnimationInProgress(animationIndex, null); } super.runPendingAnimations(); } }; listView.setItemAnimator(itemAnimator); itemAnimator.setSupportsChangeAnimations(false); listView.setAnimateEmptyView(true, 0); listView.setAdapter(listViewAdapter = new ListAdapter(context)); listView.setVerticalScrollbarPosition(LocaleController.isRTL ? RecyclerListView.SCROLLBAR_POSITION_LEFT : RecyclerListView.SCROLLBAR_POSITION_RIGHT); frameLayout.addView(listView, LayoutHelper.createFrame(LayoutHelper.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutHelper.MATCH_PARENT)); listView.setOnItemClickListener((view, position) -> { boolean listAdapter = listView.getAdapter() == listViewAdapter; if (listAdapter) { if (position == addNewRow) { if (type == TYPE_BANNED || type == TYPE_KICKED) { Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putLong("chat_id", chatId); bundle.putInt("type", ChatUsersActivity.TYPE_USERS); bundle.putInt("selectType", type == TYPE_BANNED ? ChatUsersActivity.SELECT_TYPE_BLOCK : ChatUsersActivity.SELECT_TYPE_EXCEPTION); ChatUsersActivity fragment = new ChatUsersActivity(bundle); fragment.setInfo(info); fragment.setDelegate(new ChatUsersActivityDelegate() { @Override public void didAddParticipantToList(long uid, TLObject participant) { if (participantsMap.get(uid) == null) { DiffCallback diffCallback = saveState(); participants.add(participant); participantsMap.put(uid, participant); sortUsers(participants); updateListAnimated(diffCallback); } } @Override public void didKickParticipant(long uid) { if (participantsMap.get(uid) == null) { DiffCallback diffCallback = saveState(); TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantBanned chatParticipant = new TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantBanned(); if (uid > 0) { chatParticipant.peer = new TLRPC.TL_peerUser(); chatParticipant.peer.user_id = uid; } else { chatParticipant.peer = new TLRPC.TL_peerChannel(); chatParticipant.peer.channel_id = -uid; } chatParticipant.date = getConnectionsManager().getCurrentTime(); chatParticipant.kicked_by = getAccountInstance().getUserConfig().clientUserId; info.kicked_count++; participants.add(chatParticipant); participantsMap.put(uid, chatParticipant); sortUsers(participants); updateListAnimated(diffCallback); } } }); presentFragment(fragment); } else if (type == TYPE_ADMIN) { Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putLong("chat_id", chatId); bundle.putInt("type", ChatUsersActivity.TYPE_USERS); bundle.putInt("selectType", ChatUsersActivity.SELECT_TYPE_ADMIN); ChatUsersActivity fragment = new ChatUsersActivity(bundle); fragment.setDelegate(new ChatUsersActivityDelegate() { @Override public void didAddParticipantToList(long uid, TLObject participant) { if (participant != null && participantsMap.get(uid) == null) { DiffCallback diffCallback = saveState(); participants.add(participant); participantsMap.put(uid, participant); sortAdmins(participants); updateListAnimated(diffCallback); } } @Override public void didChangeOwner(TLRPC.User user) { onOwnerChaged(user); } @Override public void didSelectUser(long uid) { final TLRPC.User user = getMessagesController().getUser(uid); if (user != null) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { if (BulletinFactory.canShowBulletin(ChatUsersActivity.this)) { BulletinFactory.createPromoteToAdminBulletin(ChatUsersActivity.this, user.first_name).show(); } }, 200); } if (participantsMap.get(uid) == null) { DiffCallback diffCallback = saveState(); TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantAdmin chatParticipant = new TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantAdmin(); chatParticipant.peer = new TLRPC.TL_peerUser(); chatParticipant.peer.user_id = user.id; chatParticipant.date = getConnectionsManager().getCurrentTime(); chatParticipant.promoted_by = getAccountInstance().getUserConfig().clientUserId; participants.add(chatParticipant); participantsMap.put(user.id, chatParticipant); sortAdmins(participants); updateListAnimated(diffCallback); } } }); fragment.setInfo(info); presentFragment(fragment); } else if (type == TYPE_USERS) { Bundle args = new Bundle(); args.putBoolean("addToGroup", true); args.putLong(isChannel ? "channelId" : "chatId", currentChat.id); GroupCreateActivity fragment = new GroupCreateActivity(args); fragment.setInfo(info); fragment.setIgnoreUsers(contactsMap != null && contactsMap.size() != 0 ? contactsMap : participantsMap); fragment.setDelegate(new GroupCreateActivity.ContactsAddActivityDelegate() { @Override public void didSelectUsers(ArrayList users, int fwdCount) { final int count = users.size(); final int[] processed = new int[1]; final ArrayList userRestrictedPrivacy = new ArrayList<>(); processed[0] = 0; final Runnable showUserRestrictedPrivacyAlert = () -> { CharSequence title, description; if (userRestrictedPrivacy.size() == 1) { if (count > 1) { title = LocaleController.getString("InviteToGroupErrorTitleAUser", R.string.InviteToGroupErrorTitleAUser); } else { title = LocaleController.getString("InviteToGroupErrorTitleThisUser", R.string.InviteToGroupErrorTitleThisUser); } description = AndroidUtilities.replaceTags(LocaleController.formatString("InviteToGroupErrorMessageSingle", R.string.InviteToGroupErrorMessageSingle, UserObject.getFirstName(userRestrictedPrivacy.get(0)))); } else if (userRestrictedPrivacy.size() == 2) { title = LocaleController.getString("InviteToGroupErrorTitleSomeUsers", R.string.InviteToGroupErrorTitleSomeUsers); description = AndroidUtilities.replaceTags(LocaleController.formatString("InviteToGroupErrorMessageDouble", R.string.InviteToGroupErrorMessageDouble, UserObject.getFirstName(userRestrictedPrivacy.get(0)), UserObject.getFirstName(userRestrictedPrivacy.get(1)))); } else if (userRestrictedPrivacy.size() == count) { title = LocaleController.getString("InviteToGroupErrorTitleTheseUsers", R.string.InviteToGroupErrorTitleTheseUsers); description = LocaleController.getString("InviteToGroupErrorMessageMultipleAll", R.string.InviteToGroupErrorMessageMultipleAll); } else { title = LocaleController.getString("InviteToGroupErrorTitleSomeUsers", R.string.InviteToGroupErrorTitleSomeUsers); description = LocaleController.getString("InviteToGroupErrorMessageMultipleSome", R.string.InviteToGroupErrorMessageMultipleSome); } new AlertDialog.Builder(context) .setTitle(title) .setMessage(description) .setPositiveButton(LocaleController.getString("OK", R.string.OK), null) .show(); }; for (int a = 0; a < count; a++) { final TLRPC.User user = users.get(a); getMessagesController().addUserToChat(chatId, user, fwdCount, null, ChatUsersActivity.this, false, () -> { processed[0]++; if (processed[0] >= count && userRestrictedPrivacy.size() > 0) { showUserRestrictedPrivacyAlert.run(); } DiffCallback savedState = saveState(); ArrayList array = contactsMap != null && contactsMap.size() != 0 ? contacts : participants; LongSparseArray map = contactsMap != null && contactsMap.size() != 0 ? contactsMap : participantsMap; if (map.get(user.id) == null) { if (ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat)) { TLRPC.TL_channelParticipant channelParticipant1 = new TLRPC.TL_channelParticipant(); channelParticipant1.inviter_id = getUserConfig().getClientUserId(); channelParticipant1.peer = new TLRPC.TL_peerUser(); channelParticipant1.peer.user_id = user.id; channelParticipant1.date = getConnectionsManager().getCurrentTime(); array.add(0, channelParticipant1); map.put(user.id, channelParticipant1); } else { TLRPC.ChatParticipant participant = new TLRPC.TL_chatParticipant(); participant.user_id = user.id; participant.inviter_id = getUserConfig().getClientUserId(); array.add(0, participant); map.put(user.id, participant); } } if (array == participants) { sortAdmins(participants); } updateListAnimated(savedState); }, err -> { processed[0]++; boolean privacyRestricted; if (privacyRestricted = err != null && "USER_PRIVACY_RESTRICTED".equals(err.text)) { userRestrictedPrivacy.add(user); } if (processed[0] >= count && userRestrictedPrivacy.size() > 0) { showUserRestrictedPrivacyAlert.run(); } return !privacyRestricted; }); getMessagesController().putUser(user, false); } } @Override public void needAddBot(TLRPC.User user) { openRightsEdit(user.id, null, null, null, "", true, ChatRightsEditActivity.TYPE_ADMIN, false); } }); presentFragment(fragment); } return; } else if (position == recentActionsRow) { presentFragment(new ChannelAdminLogActivity(currentChat)); return; } else if (position == removedUsersRow) { Bundle args = new Bundle(); args.putLong("chat_id", chatId); args.putInt("type", ChatUsersActivity.TYPE_BANNED); ChatUsersActivity fragment = new ChatUsersActivity(args); fragment.setInfo(info); presentFragment(fragment); return; } else if (position == gigaConvertRow) { showDialog(new GigagroupConvertAlert(getParentActivity(), ChatUsersActivity.this) { @Override protected void onCovert() { getMessagesController().convertToGigaGroup(getParentActivity(), currentChat, ChatUsersActivity.this, (result) -> { if (result && parentLayout != null) { BaseFragment editActivity = parentLayout.fragmentsStack.get(parentLayout.fragmentsStack.size() - 2); if (editActivity instanceof ChatEditActivity) { editActivity.removeSelfFromStack(); Bundle args = new Bundle(); args.putLong("chat_id", chatId); ChatEditActivity fragment = new ChatEditActivity(args); fragment.setInfo(info); parentLayout.addFragmentToStack(fragment, parentLayout.fragmentsStack.size() - 1); finishFragment(); fragment.showConvertTooltip(); } else { finishFragment(); } } }); } @Override protected void onCancel() { } }); } else if (position == addNew2Row) { if (info != null) { ManageLinksActivity fragment = new ManageLinksActivity(chatId, 0, 0); fragment.setInfo(info, info.exported_invite); presentFragment(fragment); } return; } else if (position > permissionsSectionRow && position <= changeInfoRow) { TextCheckCell2 checkCell = (TextCheckCell2) view; if (!checkCell.isEnabled()) { return; } if (checkCell.hasIcon()) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(currentChat.username) && (position == pinMessagesRow || position == changeInfoRow)) { BulletinFactory.of(this).createErrorBulletin(LocaleController.getString("EditCantEditPermissionsPublic", R.string.EditCantEditPermissionsPublic)).show(); } else { BulletinFactory.of(this).createErrorBulletin(LocaleController.getString("EditCantEditPermissions", R.string.EditCantEditPermissions)).show(); } return; } checkCell.setChecked(!checkCell.isChecked()); if (position == changeInfoRow) { defaultBannedRights.change_info = !defaultBannedRights.change_info; } else if (position == addUsersRow) { defaultBannedRights.invite_users = !defaultBannedRights.invite_users; } else if (position == pinMessagesRow) { defaultBannedRights.pin_messages = !defaultBannedRights.pin_messages; } else { boolean disabled = !checkCell.isChecked(); if (position == sendMessagesRow) { defaultBannedRights.send_messages = !defaultBannedRights.send_messages; } else if (position == sendMediaRow) { defaultBannedRights.send_media = !defaultBannedRights.send_media; } else if (position == sendStickersRow) { defaultBannedRights.send_stickers = !defaultBannedRights.send_stickers; } else if (position == sendGamesRow) { defaultBannedRights.send_games = !defaultBannedRights.send_games; } else if (position == sendInlineRow) { defaultBannedRights.send_inline = !defaultBannedRights.send_inline; } else if (position == sendGifsRow) { defaultBannedRights.send_gifs = !defaultBannedRights.send_gifs; } else if (position == embedLinksRow) { defaultBannedRights.embed_links = !defaultBannedRights.embed_links; } else if (position == sendPollsRow) { defaultBannedRights.send_polls = !defaultBannedRights.send_polls; } if (disabled) { if (defaultBannedRights.view_messages && !defaultBannedRights.send_messages) { defaultBannedRights.send_messages = true; RecyclerListView.ViewHolder holder = listView.findViewHolderForAdapterPosition(sendMessagesRow); if (holder != null) { ((TextCheckCell2) holder.itemView).setChecked(false); } } if ((defaultBannedRights.view_messages || defaultBannedRights.send_messages) && !defaultBannedRights.send_media) { defaultBannedRights.send_media = true; RecyclerListView.ViewHolder holder = listView.findViewHolderForAdapterPosition(sendMediaRow); if (holder != null) { ((TextCheckCell2) holder.itemView).setChecked(false); } } if ((defaultBannedRights.view_messages || defaultBannedRights.send_messages) && !defaultBannedRights.send_polls) { defaultBannedRights.send_polls = true; RecyclerListView.ViewHolder holder = listView.findViewHolderForAdapterPosition(sendPollsRow); if (holder != null) { ((TextCheckCell2) holder.itemView).setChecked(false); } } if ((defaultBannedRights.view_messages || defaultBannedRights.send_messages) && !defaultBannedRights.send_stickers) { defaultBannedRights.send_stickers = true; RecyclerListView.ViewHolder holder = listView.findViewHolderForAdapterPosition(sendStickersRow); if (holder != null) { ((TextCheckCell2) holder.itemView).setChecked(false); } } if ((defaultBannedRights.view_messages || defaultBannedRights.send_messages) && !defaultBannedRights.send_games) { defaultBannedRights.send_games = true; RecyclerListView.ViewHolder holder = listView.findViewHolderForAdapterPosition(sendGamesRow); if (holder != null) { ((TextCheckCell2) holder.itemView).setChecked(false); } } if ((defaultBannedRights.view_messages || defaultBannedRights.send_messages) && !defaultBannedRights.send_inline) { defaultBannedRights.send_inline = true; RecyclerListView.ViewHolder holder = listView.findViewHolderForAdapterPosition(sendInlineRow); if (holder != null) { ((TextCheckCell2) holder.itemView).setChecked(false); } } if ((defaultBannedRights.view_messages || defaultBannedRights.send_messages) && !defaultBannedRights.send_gifs) { defaultBannedRights.send_gifs = true; RecyclerListView.ViewHolder holder = listView.findViewHolderForAdapterPosition(sendGifsRow); if (holder != null) { ((TextCheckCell2) holder.itemView).setChecked(false); } } if ((defaultBannedRights.view_messages || defaultBannedRights.send_messages) && !defaultBannedRights.embed_links) { defaultBannedRights.embed_links = true; RecyclerListView.ViewHolder holder = listView.findViewHolderForAdapterPosition(embedLinksRow); if (holder != null) { ((TextCheckCell2) holder.itemView).setChecked(false); } } } else { if ((!defaultBannedRights.embed_links || !defaultBannedRights.send_inline || !defaultBannedRights.send_media || !defaultBannedRights.send_polls) && defaultBannedRights.send_messages) { defaultBannedRights.send_messages = false; RecyclerListView.ViewHolder holder = listView.findViewHolderForAdapterPosition(sendMessagesRow); if (holder != null) { ((TextCheckCell2) holder.itemView).setChecked(true); } } } } return; } } TLRPC.TL_chatBannedRights bannedRights = null; TLRPC.TL_chatAdminRights adminRights = null; String rank = ""; final TLObject participant; long peerId = 0; long promoted_by = 0; boolean canEditAdmin = false; if (listAdapter) { participant = listViewAdapter.getItem(position); if (participant instanceof TLRPC.ChannelParticipant) { TLRPC.ChannelParticipant channelParticipant = (TLRPC.ChannelParticipant) participant; peerId = MessageObject.getPeerId(channelParticipant.peer); bannedRights = channelParticipant.banned_rights; adminRights = channelParticipant.admin_rights; rank = channelParticipant.rank; canEditAdmin = !(channelParticipant instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantAdmin || channelParticipant instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantCreator) || channelParticipant.can_edit; if (participant instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantCreator) { adminRights = ((TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantCreator) participant).admin_rights; if (adminRights == null) { adminRights = new TLRPC.TL_chatAdminRights(); adminRights.change_info = adminRights.post_messages = adminRights.edit_messages = adminRights.delete_messages = adminRights.ban_users = adminRights.invite_users = adminRights.pin_messages = adminRights.add_admins = true; if (!isChannel) { adminRights.manage_call = true; } } } } else if (participant instanceof TLRPC.ChatParticipant) { TLRPC.ChatParticipant chatParticipant = (TLRPC.ChatParticipant) participant; peerId = chatParticipant.user_id; canEditAdmin = currentChat.creator; if (participant instanceof TLRPC.TL_chatParticipantCreator) { adminRights = new TLRPC.TL_chatAdminRights(); adminRights.change_info = adminRights.post_messages = adminRights.edit_messages = adminRights.delete_messages = adminRights.ban_users = adminRights.invite_users = adminRights.pin_messages = adminRights.add_admins = true; if (!isChannel) { adminRights.manage_call = true; } } } } else { TLObject object = searchListViewAdapter.getItem(position); if (object instanceof TLRPC.User) { TLRPC.User user = (TLRPC.User) object; getMessagesController().putUser(user, false); participant = getAnyParticipant(peerId = user.id); } else if (object instanceof TLRPC.ChannelParticipant || object instanceof TLRPC.ChatParticipant) { participant = object; } else { participant = null; } if (participant instanceof TLRPC.ChannelParticipant) { TLRPC.ChannelParticipant channelParticipant = (TLRPC.ChannelParticipant) participant; peerId = MessageObject.getPeerId(channelParticipant.peer); canEditAdmin = !(channelParticipant instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantAdmin || channelParticipant instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantCreator) || channelParticipant.can_edit; bannedRights = channelParticipant.banned_rights; adminRights = channelParticipant.admin_rights; rank = channelParticipant.rank; } else if (participant instanceof TLRPC.ChatParticipant) { TLRPC.ChatParticipant chatParticipant = (TLRPC.ChatParticipant) participant; peerId = chatParticipant.user_id; canEditAdmin = currentChat.creator; bannedRights = null; adminRights = null; } else if (participant == null) { canEditAdmin = true; } } if (peerId != 0) { if (selectType != SELECT_TYPE_MEMBERS) { if (selectType == SELECT_TYPE_EXCEPTION || selectType == SELECT_TYPE_ADMIN) { if (selectType != SELECT_TYPE_ADMIN && canEditAdmin && (participant instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantAdmin || participant instanceof TLRPC.TL_chatParticipantAdmin)) { final TLRPC.User user = getMessagesController().getUser(peerId); final TLRPC.TL_chatBannedRights br = bannedRights; final TLRPC.TL_chatAdminRights ar = adminRights; final boolean canEdit = canEditAdmin; final String rankFinal = rank; AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getParentActivity()); builder.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("AppName", R.string.AppName)); builder.setMessage(LocaleController.formatString("AdminWillBeRemoved", R.string.AdminWillBeRemoved, UserObject.getUserName(user))); builder.setPositiveButton(LocaleController.getString("OK", R.string.OK), (dialog, which) -> openRightsEdit(user.id, participant, ar, br, rankFinal, canEdit, selectType == SELECT_TYPE_ADMIN ? 0 : 1, false)); builder.setNegativeButton(LocaleController.getString("Cancel", R.string.Cancel), null); showDialog(builder.create()); } else { openRightsEdit(peerId, participant, adminRights, bannedRights, rank, canEditAdmin, selectType == SELECT_TYPE_ADMIN ? 0 : 1, selectType == SELECT_TYPE_ADMIN || selectType == SELECT_TYPE_EXCEPTION); } } else { removeParticipant(peerId); } } else { boolean canEdit = false; if (type == TYPE_ADMIN) { canEdit = peerId != getUserConfig().getClientUserId() && (currentChat.creator || canEditAdmin); } else if (type == TYPE_BANNED || type == TYPE_KICKED) { canEdit = ChatObject.canBlockUsers(currentChat); } if (type == TYPE_BANNED || type != TYPE_ADMIN && isChannel || type == TYPE_USERS && selectType == SELECT_TYPE_MEMBERS) { if (peerId == getUserConfig().getClientUserId()) { return; } Bundle args = new Bundle(); if (peerId > 0) { args.putLong("user_id", peerId); } else { args.putLong("chat_id", -peerId); } presentFragment(new ProfileActivity(args)); } else { if (bannedRights == null) { bannedRights = new TLRPC.TL_chatBannedRights(); bannedRights.view_messages = true; bannedRights.send_stickers = true; bannedRights.send_media = true; bannedRights.embed_links = true; bannedRights.send_messages = true; bannedRights.send_games = true; bannedRights.send_inline = true; bannedRights.send_gifs = true; bannedRights.pin_messages = true; bannedRights.send_polls = true; bannedRights.invite_users = true; bannedRights.change_info = true; } ChatRightsEditActivity fragment = new ChatRightsEditActivity(peerId, chatId, adminRights, defaultBannedRights, bannedRights, rank, type == TYPE_ADMIN ? ChatRightsEditActivity.TYPE_ADMIN : ChatRightsEditActivity.TYPE_BANNED, canEdit, participant == null, null, participant); fragment.setDelegate(new ChatRightsEditActivity.ChatRightsEditActivityDelegate() { @Override public void didSetRights(int rights, TLRPC.TL_chatAdminRights rightsAdmin, TLRPC.TL_chatBannedRights rightsBanned, String rank) { if (participant instanceof TLRPC.ChannelParticipant) { TLRPC.ChannelParticipant channelParticipant = (TLRPC.ChannelParticipant) participant; channelParticipant.admin_rights = rightsAdmin; channelParticipant.banned_rights = rightsBanned; channelParticipant.rank = rank; updateParticipantWithRights(channelParticipant, rightsAdmin, rightsBanned, 0, false); } } @Override public void didChangeOwner(TLRPC.User user) { onOwnerChaged(user); } }); presentFragment(fragment); } } } }); listView.setOnItemLongClickListener((view, position) -> !(getParentActivity() == null || listView.getAdapter() != listViewAdapter) && createMenuForParticipant(listViewAdapter.getItem(position), false)); if (searchItem != null) { listView.setOnScrollListener(new RecyclerView.OnScrollListener() { @Override public void onScrollStateChanged(RecyclerView recyclerView, int newState) { if (newState == RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_DRAGGING) { AndroidUtilities.hideKeyboard(getParentActivity().getCurrentFocus()); } } @Override public void onScrolled(RecyclerView recyclerView, int dx, int dy) { } }); } undoView = new UndoView(context); frameLayout.addView(undoView, LayoutHelper.createFrame(LayoutHelper.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutHelper.WRAP_CONTENT, Gravity.BOTTOM | Gravity.LEFT, 8, 0, 8, 8)); updateRows(); listView.setEmptyView(emptyView); listView.setAnimateEmptyView(false, 0); if (needOpenSearch) { searchItem.openSearch(false); } return fragmentView; } private void sortAdmins(ArrayList participants) { Collections.sort(participants, (lhs, rhs) -> { int type1 = getChannelAdminParticipantType(lhs); int type2 = getChannelAdminParticipantType(rhs); if (type1 > type2) { return 1; } else if (type1 < type2) { return -1; } if (lhs instanceof TLRPC.ChannelParticipant && rhs instanceof TLRPC.ChannelParticipant) { return (int) (MessageObject.getPeerId(((TLRPC.ChannelParticipant) lhs).peer) - MessageObject.getPeerId(((TLRPC.ChannelParticipant) rhs).peer)); } return 0; }); } private void showItemsAnimated(int from) { if (isPaused || !openTransitionStarted || (listView.getAdapter() == listViewAdapter && firstLoaded)) { return; } View progressView = null; for (int i = 0; i < listView.getChildCount(); i++) { View child = listView.getChildAt(i); if (child instanceof FlickerLoadingView) { progressView = child; } } final View finalProgressView = progressView; if (progressView != null) { listView.removeView(progressView); from--; } int finalFrom = from; listView.getViewTreeObserver().addOnPreDrawListener(new ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener() { @Override public boolean onPreDraw() { listView.getViewTreeObserver().removeOnPreDrawListener(this); int n = listView.getChildCount(); AnimatorSet animatorSet = new AnimatorSet(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { View child = listView.getChildAt(i); if (child == finalProgressView || listView.getChildAdapterPosition(child) < finalFrom) { continue; } child.setAlpha(0); int s = Math.min(listView.getMeasuredHeight(), Math.max(0, child.getTop())); int delay = (int) ((s / (float) listView.getMeasuredHeight()) * 100); ObjectAnimator a = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(child, View.ALPHA, 0, 1f); a.setStartDelay(delay); a.setDuration(200); animatorSet.playTogether(a); } if (finalProgressView != null && finalProgressView.getParent() == null) { listView.addView(finalProgressView); RecyclerView.LayoutManager layoutManager = listView.getLayoutManager(); if (layoutManager != null) { layoutManager.ignoreView(finalProgressView); Animator animator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(finalProgressView, View.ALPHA, finalProgressView.getAlpha(), 0); animator.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { finalProgressView.setAlpha(1f); layoutManager.stopIgnoringView(finalProgressView); listView.removeView(finalProgressView); } }); animator.start(); } } animatorSet.start(); return true; } }); } public void setIgnoresUsers(LongSparseArray participants) { ignoredUsers = participants; } private void onOwnerChaged(TLRPC.User user) { undoView.showWithAction(-chatId, isChannel ? UndoView.ACTION_OWNER_TRANSFERED_CHANNEL : UndoView.ACTION_OWNER_TRANSFERED_GROUP, user); boolean foundAny = false; currentChat.creator = false; for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++) { LongSparseArray map; ArrayList arrayList; boolean found = false; if (a == 0) { map = contactsMap; arrayList = contacts; } else if (a == 1) { map = botsMap; arrayList = bots; } else { map = participantsMap; arrayList = participants; } TLObject object = map.get(user.id); if (object instanceof TLRPC.ChannelParticipant) { TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantCreator creator = new TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantCreator(); creator.peer = new TLRPC.TL_peerUser(); creator.peer.user_id = user.id; map.put(user.id, creator); int index = arrayList.indexOf(object); if (index >= 0) { arrayList.set(index, creator); } found = true; foundAny = true; } long selfUserId = getUserConfig().getClientUserId(); object = map.get(selfUserId); if (object instanceof TLRPC.ChannelParticipant) { TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantAdmin admin = new TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantAdmin(); admin.peer = new TLRPC.TL_peerUser(); admin.peer.user_id = selfUserId; admin.self = true; admin.inviter_id = selfUserId; admin.promoted_by = selfUserId; admin.date = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000); admin.admin_rights = new TLRPC.TL_chatAdminRights(); admin.admin_rights.change_info = admin.admin_rights.post_messages = admin.admin_rights.edit_messages = admin.admin_rights.delete_messages = admin.admin_rights.ban_users = admin.admin_rights.invite_users = admin.admin_rights.pin_messages = admin.admin_rights.add_admins = true; if (!isChannel) { admin.admin_rights.manage_call = true; } map.put(selfUserId, admin); int index = arrayList.indexOf(object); if (index >= 0) { arrayList.set(index, admin); } found = true; } if (found) { Collections.sort(arrayList, (lhs, rhs) -> { int type1 = getChannelAdminParticipantType(lhs); int type2 = getChannelAdminParticipantType(rhs); if (type1 > type2) { return 1; } else if (type1 < type2) { return -1; } return 0; }); } } if (!foundAny) { TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantCreator creator = new TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantCreator(); creator.peer = new TLRPC.TL_peerUser(); creator.peer.user_id = user.id; participantsMap.put(user.id, creator); participants.add(creator); sortAdmins(participants); updateRows(); } listViewAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); if (delegate != null) { delegate.didChangeOwner(user); } } private void openRightsEdit2(long peerId, int date, TLObject participant, TLRPC.TL_chatAdminRights adminRights, TLRPC.TL_chatBannedRights bannedRights, String rank, boolean canEditAdmin, int type, boolean removeFragment) { boolean[] needShowBulletin = new boolean[1]; final boolean isAdmin = participant instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantAdmin || participant instanceof TLRPC.TL_chatParticipantAdmin; ChatRightsEditActivity fragment = new ChatRightsEditActivity(peerId, chatId, adminRights, defaultBannedRights, bannedRights, rank, type, true, false, null, participant) { @Override protected void onTransitionAnimationEnd(boolean isOpen, boolean backward) { if (!isOpen && backward && needShowBulletin[0] && BulletinFactory.canShowBulletin(ChatUsersActivity.this)) { if (peerId > 0) { TLRPC.User user = getMessagesController().getUser(peerId); if (user != null) { BulletinFactory.createPromoteToAdminBulletin(ChatUsersActivity.this, user.first_name).show(); } } else { TLRPC.Chat chat = getMessagesController().getChat(-peerId); if (chat != null) { BulletinFactory.createPromoteToAdminBulletin(ChatUsersActivity.this, chat.title).show(); } } } } }; fragment.setDelegate(new ChatRightsEditActivity.ChatRightsEditActivityDelegate() { @Override public void didSetRights(int rights, TLRPC.TL_chatAdminRights rightsAdmin, TLRPC.TL_chatBannedRights rightsBanned, String rank) { if (type == 0) { for (int a = 0; a < participants.size(); a++) { TLObject p = participants.get(a); if (p instanceof TLRPC.ChannelParticipant) { TLRPC.ChannelParticipant p2 = (TLRPC.ChannelParticipant) p; if (MessageObject.getPeerId(p2.peer) == peerId) { TLRPC.ChannelParticipant newPart; if (rights == 1) { newPart = new TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantAdmin(); } else { newPart = new TLRPC.TL_channelParticipant(); } newPart.admin_rights = rightsAdmin; newPart.banned_rights = rightsBanned; newPart.inviter_id = getUserConfig().getClientUserId(); if (peerId > 0) { newPart.peer = new TLRPC.TL_peerUser(); newPart.peer.user_id = peerId; } else { newPart.peer = new TLRPC.TL_peerChannel(); newPart.peer.channel_id = -peerId; } newPart.date = date; newPart.flags |= 4; newPart.rank = rank; participants.set(a, newPart); break; } } else if (p instanceof TLRPC.ChatParticipant) { TLRPC.ChatParticipant chatParticipant = (TLRPC.ChatParticipant) p; TLRPC.ChatParticipant newParticipant; if (rights == 1) { newParticipant = new TLRPC.TL_chatParticipantAdmin(); } else { newParticipant = new TLRPC.TL_chatParticipant(); } newParticipant.user_id = chatParticipant.user_id; newParticipant.date = chatParticipant.date; newParticipant.inviter_id = chatParticipant.inviter_id; int index = info.participants.participants.indexOf(chatParticipant); if (index >= 0) { info.participants.participants.set(index, newParticipant); } loadChatParticipants(0, 200); } } if (rights == 1 && !isAdmin) { needShowBulletin[0] = true; } } else if (type == 1) { if (rights == 0) { removeParticipants(peerId); } } } @Override public void didChangeOwner(TLRPC.User user) { onOwnerChaged(user); } }); presentFragment(fragment); } @Override public boolean canBeginSlide() { return checkDiscard(); } private void openRightsEdit(long user_id, TLObject participant, TLRPC.TL_chatAdminRights adminRights, TLRPC.TL_chatBannedRights bannedRights, String rank, boolean canEditAdmin, int type, boolean removeFragment) { ChatRightsEditActivity fragment = new ChatRightsEditActivity(user_id, chatId, adminRights, defaultBannedRights, bannedRights, rank, type, canEditAdmin, participant == null, null, participant); fragment.setDelegate(new ChatRightsEditActivity.ChatRightsEditActivityDelegate() { @Override public void didSetRights(int rights, TLRPC.TL_chatAdminRights rightsAdmin, TLRPC.TL_chatBannedRights rightsBanned, String rank) { if (participant instanceof TLRPC.ChannelParticipant) { TLRPC.ChannelParticipant channelParticipant = (TLRPC.ChannelParticipant) participant; channelParticipant.admin_rights = rightsAdmin; channelParticipant.banned_rights = rightsBanned; channelParticipant.rank = rank; } if (delegate != null && rights == 1) { delegate.didSelectUser(user_id); } else if (delegate != null) { delegate.didAddParticipantToList(user_id, participant); } if (removeFragment) { removeSelfFromStack(); } } @Override public void didChangeOwner(TLRPC.User user) { onOwnerChaged(user); } }); presentFragment(fragment, removeFragment); } private void removeParticipant(long userId) { if (!ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat)) { return; } TLRPC.User user = getMessagesController().getUser(userId); getMessagesController().deleteParticipantFromChat(chatId, user, null); if (delegate != null) { delegate.didKickParticipant(userId); } finishFragment(); } private TLObject getAnyParticipant(long userId) { for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++) { LongSparseArray map; if (a == 0) { map = contactsMap; } else if (a == 1) { map = botsMap; } else { map = participantsMap; } TLObject p = map.get(userId); if (p != null) { return p; } } return null; } private void removeParticipants(TLObject object) { if (object instanceof TLRPC.ChatParticipant) { TLRPC.ChatParticipant chatParticipant = (TLRPC.ChatParticipant) object; removeParticipants(chatParticipant.user_id); } else if (object instanceof TLRPC.ChannelParticipant) { TLRPC.ChannelParticipant channelParticipant = (TLRPC.ChannelParticipant) object; removeParticipants(MessageObject.getPeerId(channelParticipant.peer)); } } private void removeParticipants(long peerId) { boolean updated = false; DiffCallback savedState = saveState(); for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++) { LongSparseArray map; ArrayList arrayList; if (a == 0) { map = contactsMap; arrayList = contacts; } else if (a == 1) { map = botsMap; arrayList = bots; } else { map = participantsMap; arrayList = participants; } TLObject p = map.get(peerId); if (p != null) { map.remove(peerId); arrayList.remove(p); updated = true; if (type == TYPE_BANNED && info != null) { info.kicked_count--; } } } if (updated) { updateListAnimated(savedState); } if (listView.getAdapter() == searchListViewAdapter) { searchListViewAdapter.removeUserId(peerId); } } private void updateParticipantWithRights(TLRPC.ChannelParticipant channelParticipant, TLRPC.TL_chatAdminRights rightsAdmin, TLRPC.TL_chatBannedRights rightsBanned, long user_id, boolean withDelegate) { boolean delegateCalled = false; for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++) { LongSparseArray map; if (a == 0) { map = contactsMap; } else if (a == 1) { map = botsMap; } else { map = participantsMap; } TLObject p = map.get(MessageObject.getPeerId(channelParticipant.peer)); if (p instanceof TLRPC.ChannelParticipant) { channelParticipant = (TLRPC.ChannelParticipant) p; channelParticipant.admin_rights = rightsAdmin; channelParticipant.banned_rights = rightsBanned; if (withDelegate) { channelParticipant.promoted_by = getUserConfig().getClientUserId(); } } if (withDelegate && p != null && !delegateCalled && delegate != null) { delegateCalled = true; delegate.didAddParticipantToList(user_id, p); } } } private boolean createMenuForParticipant(final TLObject participant, boolean resultOnly) { if (participant == null || selectType != SELECT_TYPE_MEMBERS) { return false; } long peerId; boolean canEdit; int date; TLRPC.TL_chatBannedRights bannedRights; TLRPC.TL_chatAdminRights adminRights; String rank; if (participant instanceof TLRPC.ChannelParticipant) { TLRPC.ChannelParticipant channelParticipant = (TLRPC.ChannelParticipant) participant; peerId = MessageObject.getPeerId(channelParticipant.peer); canEdit = channelParticipant.can_edit; bannedRights = channelParticipant.banned_rights; adminRights = channelParticipant.admin_rights; date = channelParticipant.date; rank = channelParticipant.rank; } else if (participant instanceof TLRPC.ChatParticipant) { TLRPC.ChatParticipant chatParticipant = (TLRPC.ChatParticipant) participant; peerId = chatParticipant.user_id; date = chatParticipant.date; canEdit = ChatObject.canAddAdmins(currentChat); bannedRights = null; adminRights = null; rank = ""; } else { peerId = 0; canEdit = false; bannedRights = null; adminRights = null; date = 0; rank = null; } if (peerId == 0 || peerId == getUserConfig().getClientUserId()) { return false; } if (type == TYPE_USERS) { final TLRPC.User user = getMessagesController().getUser(peerId); boolean allowSetAdmin = ChatObject.canAddAdmins(currentChat) && (participant instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelParticipant || participant instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantBanned || participant instanceof TLRPC.TL_chatParticipant || canEdit); boolean canEditAdmin = !(participant instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantAdmin || participant instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantCreator || participant instanceof TLRPC.TL_chatParticipantCreator || participant instanceof TLRPC.TL_chatParticipantAdmin) || canEdit; boolean editingAdmin = participant instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantAdmin || participant instanceof TLRPC.TL_chatParticipantAdmin; if (selectType == SELECT_TYPE_MEMBERS) { allowSetAdmin &= !UserObject.isDeleted(user); } final ArrayList items; final ArrayList actions; final ArrayList icons; if (!resultOnly) { items = new ArrayList<>(); actions = new ArrayList<>(); icons = new ArrayList<>(); } else { items = null; actions = null; icons = null; } if (allowSetAdmin) { if (resultOnly) { return true; } items.add(editingAdmin ? LocaleController.getString("EditAdminRights", R.string.EditAdminRights) : LocaleController.getString("SetAsAdmin", R.string.SetAsAdmin)); icons.add(R.drawable.baseline_stars_24); actions.add(0); } boolean hasRemove = false; if (ChatObject.canBlockUsers(currentChat) && canEditAdmin) { if (resultOnly) { return true; } if (!isChannel) { if (ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat) && !currentChat.gigagroup) { items.add(LocaleController.getString("ChangePermissions", R.string.ChangePermissions)); icons.add(R.drawable.baseline_block_24); actions.add(1); } items.add(LocaleController.getString("KickFromGroup", R.string.KickFromGroup)); } else { items.add(LocaleController.getString("ChannelRemoveUser", R.string.ChannelRemoveUser)); } icons.add(R.drawable.baseline_remove_circle_24); actions.add(2); hasRemove = true; } if (actions == null || actions.isEmpty()) { return false; } AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getParentActivity()); builder.setItems(items.toArray(new CharSequence[actions.size()]), AndroidUtilities.toIntArray(icons), (dialogInterface, i) -> { if (actions.get(i) == 2) { getMessagesController().deleteParticipantFromChat(chatId, user, null); removeParticipants(peerId); if (currentChat != null && user != null && BulletinFactory.canShowBulletin(this)) { BulletinFactory.createRemoveFromChatBulletin(this, user, currentChat.title).show(); } } else { if (actions.get(i) == 1 && canEditAdmin && (participant instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantAdmin || participant instanceof TLRPC.TL_chatParticipantAdmin)) { AlertDialog.Builder builder2 = new AlertDialog.Builder(getParentActivity()); builder2.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("AppName", R.string.AppName)); builder2.setMessage(LocaleController.formatString("AdminWillBeRemoved", R.string.AdminWillBeRemoved, UserObject.getUserName(user))); builder2.setPositiveButton(LocaleController.getString("OK", R.string.OK), (dialog, which) -> openRightsEdit2(peerId, date, participant, adminRights, bannedRights, rank, canEditAdmin, actions.get(i), false)); builder2.setNegativeButton(LocaleController.getString("Cancel", R.string.Cancel), null); showDialog(builder2.create()); } else { openRightsEdit2(peerId, date, participant, adminRights, bannedRights, rank, canEditAdmin, actions.get(i), false); } } }); AlertDialog alertDialog = builder.create(); showDialog(alertDialog); if (hasRemove) { alertDialog.setItemColor(items.size() - 1, Theme.getColor(Theme.key_dialogTextRed2), Theme.getColor(Theme.key_dialogRedIcon)); } } else { CharSequence[] items; int[] icons; if (type == TYPE_KICKED && ChatObject.canBlockUsers(currentChat)) { if (resultOnly) { return true; } items = new CharSequence[]{ LocaleController.getString("ChannelEditPermissions", R.string.ChannelEditPermissions), LocaleController.getString("ChannelDeleteFromList", R.string.ChannelDeleteFromList)}; icons = new int[]{ R.drawable.baseline_block_24, R.drawable.baseline_delete_24}; } else if (type == TYPE_BANNED && ChatObject.canBlockUsers(currentChat)) { if (resultOnly) { return true; } items = new CharSequence[]{ ChatObject.canAddUsers(currentChat) && peerId > 0 ? (isChannel ? LocaleController.getString("ChannelAddToChannel", R.string.ChannelAddToChannel) : LocaleController.getString("ChannelAddToGroup", R.string.ChannelAddToGroup)) : null, LocaleController.getString("ChannelDeleteFromList", R.string.ChannelDeleteFromList)}; icons = new int[]{ R.drawable.baseline_person_add_24, R.drawable.baseline_delete_24}; } else if (type == TYPE_ADMIN && ChatObject.canAddAdmins(currentChat) && canEdit) { if (resultOnly) { return true; } if (currentChat.creator || !(participant instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantCreator) && canEdit) { items = new CharSequence[]{ LocaleController.getString("EditAdminRights", R.string.EditAdminRights), LocaleController.getString("ChannelRemoveUserAdmin", R.string.ChannelRemoveUserAdmin)}; icons = new int[]{ R.drawable.baseline_stars_24, R.drawable.baseline_remove_circle_24}; } else { items = new CharSequence[]{ LocaleController.getString("ChannelRemoveUserAdmin", R.string.ChannelRemoveUserAdmin)}; icons = new int[]{ R.drawable.baseline_remove_circle_24}; } } else { items = null; icons = null; } if (items == null) { return false; } AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getParentActivity()); builder.setItems(items, icons, (dialogInterface, i) -> { if (type == TYPE_ADMIN) { if (i == 0 && items.length == 2) { ChatRightsEditActivity fragment = new ChatRightsEditActivity(peerId, chatId, adminRights, null, null, rank, ChatRightsEditActivity.TYPE_ADMIN, true, false, null, participant); fragment.setDelegate(new ChatRightsEditActivity.ChatRightsEditActivityDelegate() { @Override public void didSetRights(int rights, TLRPC.TL_chatAdminRights rightsAdmin, TLRPC.TL_chatBannedRights rightsBanned, String rank) { if (participant instanceof TLRPC.ChannelParticipant) { TLRPC.ChannelParticipant channelParticipant = (TLRPC.ChannelParticipant) participant; channelParticipant.admin_rights = rightsAdmin; channelParticipant.banned_rights = rightsBanned; channelParticipant.rank = rank; updateParticipantWithRights(channelParticipant, rightsAdmin, rightsBanned, 0, false); } } @Override public void didChangeOwner(TLRPC.User user) { onOwnerChaged(user); } }); presentFragment(fragment); } else { getMessagesController().setUserAdminRole(chatId, getMessagesController().getUser(peerId), new TLRPC.TL_chatAdminRights(), "", !isChannel, ChatUsersActivity.this, false, false, null,null); removeParticipants(peerId); } } else if (type == TYPE_BANNED || type == TYPE_KICKED) { if (i == 0) { if (type == TYPE_KICKED) { ChatRightsEditActivity fragment = new ChatRightsEditActivity(peerId, chatId, null, defaultBannedRights, bannedRights, rank, ChatRightsEditActivity.TYPE_BANNED, true, false, null, participant); fragment.setDelegate(new ChatRightsEditActivity.ChatRightsEditActivityDelegate() { @Override public void didSetRights(int rights, TLRPC.TL_chatAdminRights rightsAdmin, TLRPC.TL_chatBannedRights rightsBanned, String rank) { if (participant instanceof TLRPC.ChannelParticipant) { TLRPC.ChannelParticipant channelParticipant = (TLRPC.ChannelParticipant) participant; channelParticipant.admin_rights = rightsAdmin; channelParticipant.banned_rights = rightsBanned; channelParticipant.rank = rank; updateParticipantWithRights(channelParticipant, rightsAdmin, rightsBanned, 0, false); } } @Override public void didChangeOwner(TLRPC.User user) { onOwnerChaged(user); } }); presentFragment(fragment); } else if (type == TYPE_BANNED) { if (peerId > 0) { TLRPC.User user = getMessagesController().getUser(peerId); getMessagesController().addUserToChat(chatId, user, 0, null, ChatUsersActivity.this, null); } } } else if (i == 1) { TLRPC.TL_channels_editBanned req = new TLRPC.TL_channels_editBanned(); req.participant = getMessagesController().getInputPeer(peerId); req.channel = getMessagesController().getInputChannel(chatId); req.banned_rights = new TLRPC.TL_chatBannedRights(); getConnectionsManager().sendRequest(req, (response, error) -> { if (response != null) { final TLRPC.Updates updates = (TLRPC.Updates) response; getMessagesController().processUpdates(updates, false); if (!updates.chats.isEmpty()) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { TLRPC.Chat chat = updates.chats.get(0); getMessagesController().loadFullChat(chat.id, 0, true); }, 1000); } } }); } if (i == 0 && type == TYPE_BANNED || i == 1) { removeParticipants(participant); } } else { if (i == 0) { TLRPC.User user; TLRPC.Chat chat; if (peerId > 0) { user = getMessagesController().getUser(peerId); chat = null; } else { user = null; chat = getMessagesController().getChat(-peerId); } getMessagesController().deleteParticipantFromChat(chatId, user, chat, null, false, false); } } }); AlertDialog alertDialog = builder.create(); showDialog(alertDialog); if (type == TYPE_ADMIN) { alertDialog.setItemColor(items.length - 1, Theme.getColor(Theme.key_dialogTextRed2), Theme.getColor(Theme.key_dialogRedIcon)); } } return true; } @Override public void didReceivedNotification(int id, int account, Object... args) { if (id == NotificationCenter.chatInfoDidLoad) { TLRPC.ChatFull chatFull = (TLRPC.ChatFull) args[0]; boolean byChannelUsers = (Boolean) args[2]; if (chatFull.id == chatId && (!byChannelUsers || !ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat))) { boolean hadInfo = info != null; info = chatFull; if (!hadInfo) { selectedSlowmode = initialSlowmode = getCurrentSlowmode(); } AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> loadChatParticipants(0, 200)); } } } @Override public boolean onBackPressed() { return checkDiscard(); } public void setDelegate(ChatUsersActivityDelegate chatUsersActivityDelegate) { delegate = chatUsersActivityDelegate; } private int getCurrentSlowmode() { if (info != null) { if (info.slowmode_seconds == 10) { return 1; } else if (info.slowmode_seconds == 30) { return 2; } else if (info.slowmode_seconds == 60) { return 3; } else if (info.slowmode_seconds == 5 * 60) { return 4; } else if (info.slowmode_seconds == 15 * 60) { return 5; } else if (info.slowmode_seconds == 60 * 60) { return 6; } } return 0; } private int getSecondsForIndex(int index) { if (index == 1) { return 10; } else if (index == 2) { return 30; } else if (index == 3) { return 60; } else if (index == 4) { return 5 * 60; } else if (index == 5) { return 15 * 60; } else if (index == 6) { return 60 * 60; } return 0; } private String formatSeconds(int seconds) { if (seconds < 60) { return LocaleController.formatPluralString("Seconds", seconds); } else if (seconds < 60 * 60) { return LocaleController.formatPluralString("Minutes", seconds / 60); } else { return LocaleController.formatPluralString("Hours", seconds / 60 / 60); } } private boolean checkDiscard() { String newBannedRights = ChatObject.getBannedRightsString(defaultBannedRights); if (!newBannedRights.equals(initialBannedRights) || initialSlowmode != selectedSlowmode) { AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getParentActivity()); builder.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("UserRestrictionsApplyChanges", R.string.UserRestrictionsApplyChanges)); if (isChannel) { builder.setMessage(LocaleController.getString("ChannelSettingsChangedAlert", R.string.ChannelSettingsChangedAlert)); } else { builder.setMessage(LocaleController.getString("GroupSettingsChangedAlert", R.string.GroupSettingsChangedAlert)); } builder.setPositiveButton(LocaleController.getString("ApplyTheme", R.string.ApplyTheme), (dialogInterface, i) -> processDone()); builder.setNegativeButton(LocaleController.getString("PassportDiscard", R.string.PassportDiscard), (dialog, which) -> finishFragment()); showDialog(builder.create()); return false; } return true; } public boolean hasSelectType() { return selectType != SELECT_TYPE_MEMBERS; } private String formatUserPermissions(TLRPC.TL_chatBannedRights rights) { if (rights == null) { return ""; } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); if (rights.view_messages && defaultBannedRights.view_messages != rights.view_messages) { builder.append(LocaleController.getString("UserRestrictionsNoRead", R.string.UserRestrictionsNoRead)); } if (rights.send_messages && defaultBannedRights.send_messages != rights.send_messages) { if (builder.length() != 0) { builder.append(", "); } builder.append(LocaleController.getString("UserRestrictionsNoSend", R.string.UserRestrictionsNoSend)); } if (rights.send_media && defaultBannedRights.send_media != rights.send_media) { if (builder.length() != 0) { builder.append(", "); } builder.append(LocaleController.getString("UserRestrictionsNoSendMedia", R.string.UserRestrictionsNoSendMedia)); } if (rights.send_stickers && defaultBannedRights.send_stickers != rights.send_stickers) { if (builder.length() != 0) { builder.append(", "); } builder.append(LocaleController.getString("UserRestrictionsNoSendStickers", R.string.UserRestrictionsNoSendStickers)); } if (rights.send_polls && defaultBannedRights.send_polls != rights.send_polls) { if (builder.length() != 0) { builder.append(", "); } builder.append(LocaleController.getString("UserRestrictionsNoSendPolls", R.string.UserRestrictionsNoSendPolls)); } if (rights.embed_links && defaultBannedRights.embed_links != rights.embed_links) { if (builder.length() != 0) { builder.append(", "); } builder.append(LocaleController.getString("UserRestrictionsNoEmbedLinks", R.string.UserRestrictionsNoEmbedLinks)); } if (rights.invite_users && defaultBannedRights.invite_users != rights.invite_users) { if (builder.length() != 0) { builder.append(", "); } builder.append(LocaleController.getString("UserRestrictionsNoInviteUsers", R.string.UserRestrictionsNoInviteUsers)); } if (rights.pin_messages && defaultBannedRights.pin_messages != rights.pin_messages) { if (builder.length() != 0) { builder.append(", "); } builder.append(LocaleController.getString("UserRestrictionsNoPinMessages", R.string.UserRestrictionsNoPinMessages)); } if (rights.change_info && defaultBannedRights.change_info != rights.change_info) { if (builder.length() != 0) { builder.append(", "); } builder.append(LocaleController.getString("UserRestrictionsNoChangeInfo", R.string.UserRestrictionsNoChangeInfo)); } if (builder.length() != 0) { builder.replace(0, 1, builder.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()); builder.append('.'); } return builder.toString(); } private void processDone() { if (type != TYPE_KICKED) { return; } if (currentChat.creator && !ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat) && selectedSlowmode != initialSlowmode && info != null) { MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).convertToMegaGroup(getParentActivity(), chatId, this, param -> { if (param != 0) { chatId = param; currentChat = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).getChat(param); processDone(); } }); return; } String newBannedRights = ChatObject.getBannedRightsString(defaultBannedRights); if (!newBannedRights.equals(initialBannedRights)) { getMessagesController().setDefaultBannedRole(chatId, defaultBannedRights, ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat), this); TLRPC.Chat chat = getMessagesController().getChat(chatId); if (chat != null) { chat.default_banned_rights = defaultBannedRights; } } if (selectedSlowmode != initialSlowmode && info != null) { info.slowmode_seconds = getSecondsForIndex(selectedSlowmode); info.flags |= 131072; getMessagesController().setChannelSlowMode(chatId, info.slowmode_seconds); } finishFragment(); } public void setInfo(TLRPC.ChatFull chatFull) { info = chatFull; if (info != null) { selectedSlowmode = initialSlowmode = getCurrentSlowmode(); } } @Override public boolean needDelayOpenAnimation() { return true; } private int getChannelAdminParticipantType(TLObject participant) { if (participant instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantCreator || participant instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantSelf) { return 0; } else if (participant instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantAdmin || participant instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelParticipant) { return 1; } else { return 2; } } private void loadChatParticipants(int offset, int count) { if (loadingUsers) { return; } contactsEndReached = false; botsEndReached = false; loadChatParticipants(offset, count, true); } private ArrayList loadChatParticipantsRequests(int offset, int count, boolean reset) { TLRPC.TL_channels_getParticipants req = new TLRPC.TL_channels_getParticipants(); ArrayList requests = new ArrayList<>(); requests.add(req); req.channel = getMessagesController().getInputChannel(chatId); if (type == TYPE_BANNED) { req.filter = new TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantsKicked(); } else if (type == TYPE_ADMIN) { req.filter = new TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantsAdmins(); } else if (type == TYPE_USERS) { if (info != null && info.participants_count <= 200 && currentChat != null && currentChat.megagroup) { req.filter = new TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantsRecent(); } else { if (selectType == SELECT_TYPE_ADMIN) { if (!contactsEndReached) { delayResults = 2; req.filter = new TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantsContacts(); contactsEndReached = true; requests.addAll(loadChatParticipantsRequests(0, 200, false)); } else { req.filter = new TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantsRecent(); } } else { if (!contactsEndReached) { delayResults = 3; req.filter = new TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantsContacts(); contactsEndReached = true; requests.addAll(loadChatParticipantsRequests(0, 200, false)); } else if (!botsEndReached) { req.filter = new TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantsBots(); botsEndReached = true; requests.addAll(loadChatParticipantsRequests(0, 200, false)); } else { req.filter = new TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantsRecent(); } } } } else if (type == TYPE_KICKED) { req.filter = new TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantsBanned(); } req.filter.q = ""; req.offset = offset; req.limit = count; return requests; } private void loadChatParticipants(int offset, int count, boolean reset) { if (!ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat)) { loadingUsers = false; participants.clear(); bots.clear(); contacts.clear(); participantsMap.clear(); contactsMap.clear(); botsMap.clear(); if (type == TYPE_ADMIN) { if (info != null) { for (int a = 0, size = info.participants.participants.size(); a < size; a++) { TLRPC.ChatParticipant participant = info.participants.participants.get(a); if (participant instanceof TLRPC.TL_chatParticipantCreator || participant instanceof TLRPC.TL_chatParticipantAdmin) { participants.add(participant); } participantsMap.put(participant.user_id, participant); } } } else if (type == TYPE_USERS) { if (info != null) { long selfUserId = getUserConfig().clientUserId; for (int a = 0, size = info.participants.participants.size(); a < size; a++) { TLRPC.ChatParticipant participant = info.participants.participants.get(a); if (selectType != SELECT_TYPE_MEMBERS && participant.user_id == selfUserId) { continue; } if (ignoredUsers != null && ignoredUsers.indexOfKey(participant.user_id) >= 0) { continue; } if (selectType == SELECT_TYPE_ADMIN) { if (getContactsController().isContact(participant.user_id)) { contacts.add(participant); contactsMap.put(participant.user_id, participant); } else if (!UserObject.isDeleted(getMessagesController().getUser(participant.user_id))) { participants.add(participant); participantsMap.put(participant.user_id, participant); } } else { if (getContactsController().isContact(participant.user_id)) { contacts.add(participant); contactsMap.put(participant.user_id, participant); } else { TLRPC.User user = getMessagesController().getUser(participant.user_id); if (user != null && user.bot) { bots.add(participant); botsMap.put(participant.user_id, participant); } else { participants.add(participant); participantsMap.put(participant.user_id, participant); } } } } } } if (listViewAdapter != null) { listViewAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } updateRows(); if (listViewAdapter != null) { listViewAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } } else { loadingUsers = true; if (emptyView != null) { emptyView.showProgress(true, false); } if (listViewAdapter != null) { listViewAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } final ArrayList requests = loadChatParticipantsRequests(offset, count, reset); final ArrayList responses = new ArrayList<>(); final Runnable onRequestsEnd = () -> { int objectsCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < requests.size(); ++i) { TLRPC.TL_channels_getParticipants req = requests.get(i); TLRPC.TL_channels_channelParticipants res = responses.get(i); if (req == null || res == null) continue; if (type == TYPE_ADMIN) { getMessagesController().processLoadedAdminsResponse(chatId, res); } getMessagesController().putUsers(res.users, false); getMessagesController().putChats(res.chats, false); long selfId = getUserConfig().getClientUserId(); if (selectType != SELECT_TYPE_MEMBERS) { for (int a = 0; a < res.participants.size(); a++) { if (MessageObject.getPeerId(res.participants.get(a).peer) == selfId) { res.participants.remove(a); break; } } } ArrayList objects; LongSparseArray map; if (type == TYPE_USERS) { delayResults--; if (req.filter instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantsContacts) { objects = contacts; map = contactsMap; } else if (req.filter instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantsBots) { objects = bots; map = botsMap; } else { objects = participants; map = participantsMap; } } else { objects = participants; map = participantsMap; participantsMap.clear(); } objects.clear(); objects.addAll(res.participants); for (int a = 0, size = res.participants.size(); a < size; a++) { TLRPC.ChannelParticipant participant = res.participants.get(a); if (participant.user_id == selfId) { objects.remove(participant); } else { map.put(MessageObject.getPeerId(participant.peer), participant); } } objectsCount += objects.size(); if (type == TYPE_USERS) { for (int a = 0, N = participants.size(); a < N; a++) { TLObject object = participants.get(a); if (!(object instanceof TLRPC.ChannelParticipant)) { participants.remove(a); a--; N--; continue; } TLRPC.ChannelParticipant participant = (TLRPC.ChannelParticipant) object; long peerId = MessageObject.getPeerId(participant.peer); boolean remove = false; if (contactsMap.get(peerId) != null || botsMap.get(peerId) != null) { remove = true; } else if (selectType == SELECT_TYPE_ADMIN && peerId > 0 && UserObject.isDeleted(getMessagesController().getUser(peerId))) { remove = true; } else if (ignoredUsers != null && ignoredUsers.indexOfKey(peerId) >= 0) { remove = true; } if (remove) { participants.remove(a); participantsMap.remove(peerId); a--; N--; } } } try { if ((type == TYPE_BANNED || type == TYPE_KICKED || type == TYPE_USERS) && currentChat != null && currentChat.megagroup && info instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelFull && info.participants_count <= 200) { sortUsers(objects); } else if (type == TYPE_ADMIN) { sortAdmins(participants); } } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } } if (type != TYPE_USERS || delayResults <= 0) { showItemsAnimated(listViewAdapter != null ? listViewAdapter.getItemCount() : 0); loadingUsers = false; firstLoaded = true; if (searchItem != null) { searchItem.setVisibility(type != TYPE_BANNED || firstLoaded && objectsCount > 5 ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); } } updateRows(); if (listViewAdapter != null) { listView.setAnimateEmptyView(openTransitionStarted, 0); listViewAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); if (emptyView != null && listViewAdapter.getItemCount() == 0 && firstLoaded) { emptyView.showProgress(false, true); } } resumeDelayedFragmentAnimation(); }; AtomicInteger responsesReceived = new AtomicInteger(0); for (int i = 0; i < requests.size(); ++i) { responses.add(null); final int index = i; int reqId = getConnectionsManager().sendRequest(requests.get(index), (response, error) -> AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { if (error == null && response instanceof TLRPC.TL_channels_channelParticipants) responses.set(index, (TLRPC.TL_channels_channelParticipants) response); responsesReceived.getAndIncrement(); if (responsesReceived.get() == requests.size()) { onRequestsEnd.run(); } })); getConnectionsManager().bindRequestToGuid(reqId, classGuid); } } } private void sortUsers(ArrayList objects) { int currentTime = getConnectionsManager().getCurrentTime(); Collections.sort(objects, (lhs, rhs) -> { TLRPC.ChannelParticipant p1 = (TLRPC.ChannelParticipant) lhs; TLRPC.ChannelParticipant p2 = (TLRPC.ChannelParticipant) rhs; long peer1 = MessageObject.getPeerId(p1.peer); long peer2 = MessageObject.getPeerId(p2.peer); int status1 = 0; if (peer1 > 0) { TLRPC.User user1 = getMessagesController().getUser(MessageObject.getPeerId(p1.peer)); if (user1 != null && user1.status != null) { if (user1.self) { status1 = currentTime + 50000; } else { status1 = user1.status.expires; } } } else { status1 = -100; } int status2 = 0; if (peer2 > 0) { TLRPC.User user2 = getMessagesController().getUser(MessageObject.getPeerId(p2.peer)); if (user2 != null && user2.status != null) { if (user2.self) { status2 = currentTime + 50000; } else { status2 = user2.status.expires; } } } else { status2 = -100; } if (status1 > 0 && status2 > 0) { if (status1 > status2) { return 1; } else if (status1 < status2) { return -1; } return 0; } else if (status1 < 0 && status2 < 0) { if (status1 > status2) { return 1; } else if (status1 < status2) { return -1; } return 0; } else if (status1 < 0 && status2 > 0 || status1 == 0 && status2 != 0) { return -1; } else if (status2 < 0 && status1 > 0 || status2 == 0 && status1 != 0) { return 1; } return 0; }); } @Override public void onResume() { super.onResume(); AndroidUtilities.requestAdjustResize(getParentActivity(), classGuid); if (listViewAdapter != null) { listViewAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } if (emptyView != null) { emptyView.requestLayout(); } } @Override public void onPause() { super.onPause(); if (undoView != null) { undoView.hide(true, 0); } } @Override protected void onBecomeFullyHidden() { if (undoView != null) { undoView.hide(true, 0); } } public int getSelectType() { return selectType; } // @Override // protected void onTransitionAnimationStart(boolean isOpen, boolean backward) { // super.onTransitionAnimationStart(isOpen, backward); // if (isOpen) { // openTransitionStarted = true; // } // } @Override protected void onTransitionAnimationEnd(boolean isOpen, boolean backward) { if (isOpen) { openTransitionStarted = true; } if (isOpen && !backward && needOpenSearch) { searchItem.getSearchField().requestFocus(); AndroidUtilities.showKeyboard(searchItem.getSearchField()); searchItem.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } private class SearchAdapter extends RecyclerListView.SelectionAdapter { private Context mContext; private ArrayList searchResult = new ArrayList<>(); private LongSparseArray searchResultMap = new LongSparseArray<>(); private ArrayList searchResultNames = new ArrayList<>(); private SearchAdapterHelper searchAdapterHelper; private Runnable searchRunnable; private int totalCount = 0; private boolean searchInProgress; private int groupStartRow; private int contactsStartRow; private int globalStartRow; public SearchAdapter(Context context) { mContext = context; searchAdapterHelper = new SearchAdapterHelper(true); searchAdapterHelper.setDelegate(searchId -> { if (!searchAdapterHelper.isSearchInProgress()) { int oldItemCount = getItemCount(); notifyDataSetChanged(); if (getItemCount() > oldItemCount) { showItemsAnimated(oldItemCount); } if (!searchInProgress) { if (getItemCount() == 0 && searchId != 0) { emptyView.showProgress(false, true); } } } }); } public void searchUsers(final String query) { if (searchRunnable != null) { Utilities.searchQueue.cancelRunnable(searchRunnable); searchRunnable = null; } searchResult.clear(); searchResultMap.clear(); searchResultNames.clear(); searchAdapterHelper.mergeResults(null); searchAdapterHelper.queryServerSearch(null, type != 0, false, true, false, false, ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat) ? chatId : 0, false, type, 0); notifyDataSetChanged(); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(query)) { searchInProgress = true; emptyView.showProgress(true, true); Utilities.searchQueue.postRunnable(searchRunnable = () -> processSearch(query), 300); } } private void processSearch(final String query) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { searchRunnable = null; final ArrayList participantsCopy = !ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat) && info != null ? new ArrayList<>(info.participants.participants) : null; final ArrayList contactsCopy = selectType == SELECT_TYPE_ADMIN ? new ArrayList<>(getContactsController().contacts) : null; Runnable addContacts = null; if (participantsCopy != null || contactsCopy != null) { addContacts = () -> { String search1 = query.trim().toLowerCase(); if (search1.length() == 0) { updateSearchResults(new ArrayList<>(), new LongSparseArray<>(), new ArrayList<>(), new ArrayList<>()); return; } String search2 = LocaleController.getInstance().getTranslitString(search1); if (search1.equals(search2) || search2.length() == 0) { search2 = null; } String[] search = new String[1 + (search2 != null ? 1 : 0)]; search[0] = search1; if (search2 != null) { search[1] = search2; } ArrayList resultArray = new ArrayList<>(); LongSparseArray resultMap = new LongSparseArray<>(); ArrayList resultArrayNames = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList resultArray2 = new ArrayList<>(); if (participantsCopy != null) { for (int a = 0, N = participantsCopy.size(); a < N; a++) { long peerId; TLObject o = participantsCopy.get(a); if (o instanceof TLRPC.ChatParticipant) { peerId = ((TLRPC.ChatParticipant) o).user_id; } else if (o instanceof TLRPC.ChannelParticipant) { peerId = MessageObject.getPeerId(((TLRPC.ChannelParticipant) o).peer); } else { continue; } String name; String username; String firstName; String lastName; if (peerId > 0) { TLRPC.User user = getMessagesController().getUser(peerId); if (user.id == getUserConfig().getClientUserId()) { continue; } name = UserObject.getUserName(user).toLowerCase(); username = user.username; firstName = user.first_name; lastName = user.last_name; } else { TLRPC.Chat chat = getMessagesController().getChat(-peerId); name = chat.title.toLowerCase(); username = chat.username; firstName = chat.title; lastName = null; } String tName = LocaleController.getInstance().getTranslitString(name); if (name.equals(tName)) { tName = null; } int found = 0; for (String q : search) { if (name.startsWith(q) || name.contains(" " + q) || tName != null && (tName.startsWith(q) || tName.contains(" " + q))) { found = 1; } else if (username != null && username.startsWith(q)) { found = 2; } if (found != 0) { if (found == 1) { resultArrayNames.add(AndroidUtilities.generateSearchName(firstName, lastName, q)); } else { resultArrayNames.add(AndroidUtilities.generateSearchName("@" + username, null, "@" + q)); } resultArray2.add(o); break; } } } } if (contactsCopy != null) { for (int a = 0; a < contactsCopy.size(); a++) { TLRPC.TL_contact contact = contactsCopy.get(a); TLRPC.User user = getMessagesController().getUser(contact.user_id); if (user.id == getUserConfig().getClientUserId()) { continue; } String name = UserObject.getUserName(user).toLowerCase(); String tName = LocaleController.getInstance().getTranslitString(name); if (name.equals(tName)) { tName = null; } int found = 0; for (String q : search) { if (name.startsWith(q) || name.contains(" " + q) || tName != null && (tName.startsWith(q) || tName.contains(" " + q))) { found = 1; } else if (user.username != null && user.username.startsWith(q)) { found = 2; } if (found != 0) { if (found == 1) { resultArrayNames.add(AndroidUtilities.generateSearchName(user.first_name, user.last_name, q)); } else { resultArrayNames.add(AndroidUtilities.generateSearchName("@" + user.username, null, "@" + q)); } resultArray.add(user); resultMap.put(user.id, user); break; } } } } updateSearchResults(resultArray, resultMap, resultArrayNames, resultArray2); }; } else { searchInProgress = false; } searchAdapterHelper.queryServerSearch(query, selectType != SELECT_TYPE_MEMBERS, false, true, false, false, ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat) ? chatId : 0, false, type, 1, addContacts); }); } private void updateSearchResults(final ArrayList users, final LongSparseArray usersMap, final ArrayList names, final ArrayList participants) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { if (!searching) { return; } searchInProgress = false; searchResult = users; searchResultMap = usersMap; searchResultNames = names; searchAdapterHelper.mergeResults(searchResult); if (!ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat)) { ArrayList search = searchAdapterHelper.getGroupSearch(); search.clear(); search.addAll(participants); } int oldItemCount = getItemCount(); notifyDataSetChanged(); if (getItemCount() > oldItemCount) { showItemsAnimated(oldItemCount); } if (!searchAdapterHelper.isSearchInProgress()) { if (getItemCount() == 0) { emptyView.showProgress(false, true); } } }); } @Override public boolean isEnabled(RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder) { return holder.getItemViewType() != 1; } @Override public int getItemCount() { return totalCount; } @Override public void notifyDataSetChanged() { totalCount = 0; int count = searchAdapterHelper.getGroupSearch().size(); if (count != 0) { groupStartRow = 0; totalCount += count + 1; } else { groupStartRow = -1; } count = searchResult.size(); if (count != 0) { contactsStartRow = totalCount; totalCount += count + 1; } else { contactsStartRow = -1; } count = searchAdapterHelper.getGlobalSearch().size(); if (count != 0) { globalStartRow = totalCount; totalCount += count + 1; } else { globalStartRow = -1; } if (searching && listView != null && listView.getAdapter() != searchListViewAdapter) { listView.setAnimateEmptyView(true, 0); listView.setAdapter(searchListViewAdapter); listView.setFastScrollVisible(false); listView.setVerticalScrollBarEnabled(true); } super.notifyDataSetChanged(); } public void removeUserId(long userId) { searchAdapterHelper.removeUserId(userId); Object object = searchResultMap.get(userId); if (object != null) { searchResult.remove(object); } notifyDataSetChanged(); } public TLObject getItem(int i) { int count = searchAdapterHelper.getGroupSearch().size(); if (count != 0) { if (count + 1 > i) { if (i == 0) { return null; } else { return searchAdapterHelper.getGroupSearch().get(i - 1); } } else { i -= count + 1; } } count = searchResult.size(); if (count != 0) { if (count + 1 > i) { if (i == 0) { return null; } else { return (TLObject) searchResult.get(i - 1); } } else { i -= count + 1; } } count = searchAdapterHelper.getGlobalSearch().size(); if (count != 0) { if (count + 1 > i) { if (i == 0) { return null; } else { return searchAdapterHelper.getGlobalSearch().get(i - 1); } } } return null; } @Override public RecyclerView.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) { View view; switch (viewType) { case 0: ManageChatUserCell manageChatUserCell = new ManageChatUserCell(mContext, 2, 2, selectType == SELECT_TYPE_MEMBERS); manageChatUserCell.setBackgroundColor(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhite)); manageChatUserCell.setDelegate((cell, click) -> { TLObject object = getItem((Integer) cell.getTag()); if (object instanceof TLRPC.ChannelParticipant) { TLRPC.ChannelParticipant participant = (TLRPC.ChannelParticipant) object; return createMenuForParticipant(participant, !click); } else { return false; } }); view = manageChatUserCell; break; case 1: default: view = new GraySectionCell(mContext); break; } return new RecyclerListView.Holder(view); } @Override public void onBindViewHolder(RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder, int position) { switch (holder.getItemViewType()) { case 0: { TLObject object = getItem(position); TLObject peerObject; String un = null; if (object instanceof TLRPC.User) { peerObject = object; } else if (object instanceof TLRPC.ChannelParticipant) { long peerId = MessageObject.getPeerId(((TLRPC.ChannelParticipant) object).peer); if (peerId >= 0) { TLRPC.User user = getMessagesController().getUser(peerId); if (user != null) { un = user.username; } peerObject = user; } else { TLRPC.Chat chat = getMessagesController().getChat(-peerId); if (chat != null) { un = chat.username; } peerObject = chat; } } else if (object instanceof TLRPC.ChatParticipant) { peerObject = getMessagesController().getUser(((TLRPC.ChatParticipant) object).user_id); } else { return; } CharSequence username = null; CharSequence name = null; int count = searchAdapterHelper.getGroupSearch().size(); boolean ok = false; String nameSearch = null; if (count != 0) { if (count + 1 > position) { nameSearch = searchAdapterHelper.getLastFoundChannel(); ok = true; } else { position -= count + 1; } } if (!ok) { count = searchResult.size(); if (count != 0) { if (count + 1 > position) { ok = true; name = searchResultNames.get(position - 1); if (name != null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(un)) { if (name.toString().startsWith("@" + un)) { username = name; name = null; } } } else { position -= count + 1; } } } if (!ok && un != null) { count = searchAdapterHelper.getGlobalSearch().size(); if (count != 0) { if (count + 1 > position) { String foundUserName = searchAdapterHelper.getLastFoundUsername(); if (foundUserName.startsWith("@")) { foundUserName = foundUserName.substring(1); } try { int index; SpannableStringBuilder spannableStringBuilder = new SpannableStringBuilder(); spannableStringBuilder.append("@"); spannableStringBuilder.append(un); if ((index = AndroidUtilities.indexOfIgnoreCase(un, foundUserName)) != -1) { int len = foundUserName.length(); if (index == 0) { len++; } else { index++; } spannableStringBuilder.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteBlueText4)), index, index + len, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); } username = spannableStringBuilder; } catch (Exception e) { username = un; FileLog.e(e); } } } } if (nameSearch != null && un != null) { name = new SpannableStringBuilder(un); int idx = AndroidUtilities.indexOfIgnoreCase(un, nameSearch); if (idx != -1) { ((SpannableStringBuilder) name).setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteBlueText4)), idx, idx + nameSearch.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); } } ManageChatUserCell userCell = (ManageChatUserCell) holder.itemView; userCell.setTag(position); userCell.setData(peerObject, name, username, false); break; } case 1: { GraySectionCell sectionCell = (GraySectionCell) holder.itemView; if (position == groupStartRow) { if (type == TYPE_BANNED) { sectionCell.setText(LocaleController.getString("ChannelBlockedUsers", R.string.ChannelBlockedUsers)); } else if (type == TYPE_KICKED) { sectionCell.setText(LocaleController.getString("ChannelRestrictedUsers", R.string.ChannelRestrictedUsers)); } else { if (isChannel) { sectionCell.setText(LocaleController.getString("ChannelSubscribers", R.string.ChannelSubscribers)); } else { sectionCell.setText(LocaleController.getString("ChannelMembers", R.string.ChannelMembers)); } } } else if (position == globalStartRow) { sectionCell.setText(LocaleController.getString("GlobalSearch", R.string.GlobalSearch)); } else if (position == contactsStartRow) { sectionCell.setText(LocaleController.getString("Contacts", R.string.Contacts)); } break; } } } @Override public void onViewRecycled(RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder) { if (holder.itemView instanceof ManageChatUserCell) { ((ManageChatUserCell) holder.itemView).recycle(); } } @Override public int getItemViewType(int i) { if (i == globalStartRow || i == groupStartRow || i == contactsStartRow) { return 1; } return 0; } } private class ListAdapter extends RecyclerListView.SelectionAdapter { private Context mContext; public ListAdapter(Context context) { mContext = context; } @Override public boolean isEnabled(RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder) { int viewType = holder.getItemViewType(); if (viewType == 7) { return ChatObject.canBlockUsers(currentChat); } else if (viewType == 0) { ManageChatUserCell cell = (ManageChatUserCell) holder.itemView; Object object = cell.getCurrentObject(); if (type != TYPE_ADMIN && object instanceof TLRPC.User) { TLRPC.User user = (TLRPC.User) object; if (user.self) { return false; } } return true; } return viewType == 0 || viewType == 2 || viewType == 6; } @Override public int getItemCount() { /* if (type == TYPE_KICKED && loadingUsers && !firstLoaded) { return 0; }*/ return rowCount; } @Override public RecyclerView.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) { View view; switch (viewType) { case 0: ManageChatUserCell manageChatUserCell = new ManageChatUserCell(mContext, type == TYPE_BANNED || type == TYPE_KICKED ? 7 : 6, type == TYPE_BANNED || type == TYPE_KICKED ? 6 : 2, selectType == SELECT_TYPE_MEMBERS); manageChatUserCell.setBackgroundColor(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhite)); manageChatUserCell.setDelegate((cell, click) -> { TLObject participant = listViewAdapter.getItem((Integer) cell.getTag()); return createMenuForParticipant(participant, !click); }); view = manageChatUserCell; break; case 1: view = new TextInfoPrivacyCell(mContext); break; case 2: view = new ManageChatTextCell(mContext); view.setBackgroundColor(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhite)); break; case 3: view = new ShadowSectionCell(mContext); break; case 4: view = new TextInfoPrivacyCell(mContext); TextInfoPrivacyCell privacyCell = (TextInfoPrivacyCell) view; if (isChannel) { privacyCell.setText(LocaleController.getString(R.string.NoBlockedChannel2)); } else { privacyCell.setText(LocaleController.getString(R.string.NoBlockedGroup2)); } privacyCell.setBackground(Theme.getThemedDrawable(mContext, R.drawable.greydivider_bottom, Theme.key_windowBackgroundGrayShadow)); break; case 5: HeaderCell headerCell = new HeaderCell(mContext, Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteBlueHeader, 21, 11, false); headerCell.setBackgroundColor(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhite)); headerCell.setHeight(43); view = headerCell; break; case 6: view = new TextSettingsCell(mContext); view.setBackgroundColor(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhite)); break; case 7: view = new TextCheckCell2(mContext); view.setBackgroundColor(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhite)); break; case 8: view = new GraySectionCell(mContext); view.setBackground(null); break; case 10: view = new LoadingCell(mContext, AndroidUtilities.dp(40), AndroidUtilities.dp(120)); break; case 11: FlickerLoadingView flickerLoadingView = new FlickerLoadingView(mContext); flickerLoadingView.setIsSingleCell(true); flickerLoadingView.setViewType(FlickerLoadingView.USERS_TYPE); flickerLoadingView.showDate(false); flickerLoadingView.setPaddingLeft(AndroidUtilities.dp(5)); flickerLoadingView.setBackgroundColor(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhite)); flickerLoadingView.setLayoutParams(new RecyclerView.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT)); view = flickerLoadingView; break; case 9: default: view = new ChooseView(mContext); view.setBackgroundColor(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhite)); break; } return new RecyclerListView.Holder(view); } @Override public void onBindViewHolder(RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder, int position) { switch (holder.getItemViewType()) { case 0: ManageChatUserCell userCell = (ManageChatUserCell) holder.itemView; userCell.setTag(position); TLObject item = getItem(position); int lastRow; boolean showJoined = false; if (position >= participantsStartRow && position < participantsEndRow) { lastRow = participantsEndRow; showJoined = ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat); } else if (position >= contactsStartRow && position < contactsEndRow) { lastRow = contactsEndRow; showJoined = ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat); } else { lastRow = botEndRow; } long peerId; long kickedBy; long promotedBy; TLRPC.TL_chatBannedRights bannedRights; boolean banned; boolean creator; boolean admin; int joined; if (item instanceof TLRPC.ChannelParticipant) { TLRPC.ChannelParticipant participant = (TLRPC.ChannelParticipant) item; peerId = MessageObject.getPeerId(participant.peer); kickedBy = participant.kicked_by; promotedBy = participant.promoted_by; bannedRights = participant.banned_rights; joined = participant.date; banned = participant instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantBanned; creator = participant instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantCreator; admin = participant instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelParticipantAdmin; } else if (item instanceof TLRPC.ChatParticipant) { TLRPC.ChatParticipant participant = (TLRPC.ChatParticipant) item; peerId = participant.user_id; joined = participant.date; kickedBy = 0; promotedBy = 0; bannedRights = null; banned = false; creator = participant instanceof TLRPC.TL_chatParticipantCreator; admin = participant instanceof TLRPC.TL_chatParticipantAdmin; } else { return; } TLObject object; if (peerId > 0) { object = getMessagesController().getUser(peerId); } else { object = getMessagesController().getChat(-peerId); } if (object != null) { if (type == TYPE_KICKED) { userCell.setData(object, null, formatUserPermissions(bannedRights), position != lastRow - 1); } else if (type == TYPE_BANNED) { String role = null; if (banned) { TLRPC.User user1 = getMessagesController().getUser(kickedBy); if (user1 != null) { role = LocaleController.formatString("UserRemovedBy", R.string.UserRemovedBy, UserObject.getUserName(user1)); } } userCell.setData(object, null, role, position != lastRow - 1); } else if (type == TYPE_ADMIN) { String role = null; if (creator) { role = LocaleController.getString("ChannelCreator", R.string.ChannelCreator); } else if (admin) { TLRPC.User user1 = getMessagesController().getUser(promotedBy); if (user1 != null) { if (user1.id == peerId) { role = LocaleController.getString("ChannelAdministrator", R.string.ChannelAdministrator); } else { role = LocaleController.formatString("EditAdminPromotedBy", R.string.EditAdminPromotedBy, UserObject.getUserName(user1)); } } } userCell.setData(object, null, role, position != lastRow - 1); } else if (type == TYPE_USERS) { CharSequence status; if (showJoined && joined != 0) { status = LocaleController.formatJoined(joined); } else { status = null; } userCell.setData(object, null, status, position != lastRow - 1); } } break; case 1: TextInfoPrivacyCell privacyCell = (TextInfoPrivacyCell) holder.itemView; if (position == participantsInfoRow) { if (type == TYPE_BANNED || type == TYPE_KICKED) { if (isChannel) { privacyCell.setText(LocaleController.getString("NoBlockedChannel2", R.string.NoBlockedChannel2)); } else { privacyCell.setText(LocaleController.getString("NoBlockedGroup2", R.string.NoBlockedGroup2)); } privacyCell.setBackgroundDrawable(Theme.getThemedDrawable(mContext, R.drawable.greydivider_bottom, Theme.key_windowBackgroundGrayShadow)); } else if (type == TYPE_ADMIN) { if (addNewRow != -1) { if (isChannel) { privacyCell.setText(LocaleController.getString("ChannelAdminsInfo", R.string.ChannelAdminsInfo)); } else { privacyCell.setText(LocaleController.getString("MegaAdminsInfo", R.string.MegaAdminsInfo)); } } else { privacyCell.setText(""); } privacyCell.setBackgroundDrawable(Theme.getThemedDrawable(mContext, R.drawable.greydivider_bottom, Theme.key_windowBackgroundGrayShadow)); } else if (type == TYPE_USERS) { if (!isChannel || selectType != SELECT_TYPE_MEMBERS) { privacyCell.setText(""); } else { privacyCell.setText(LocaleController.getString("ChannelMembersInfo", R.string.ChannelMembersInfo)); } privacyCell.setBackgroundDrawable(Theme.getThemedDrawable(mContext, R.drawable.greydivider_bottom, Theme.key_windowBackgroundGrayShadow)); } } else if (position == slowmodeInfoRow) { privacyCell.setBackgroundDrawable(Theme.getThemedDrawable(mContext, R.drawable.greydivider, Theme.key_windowBackgroundGrayShadow)); int seconds = getSecondsForIndex(selectedSlowmode); if (info == null || seconds == 0) { privacyCell.setText(LocaleController.getString("SlowmodeInfoOff", R.string.SlowmodeInfoOff)); } else { privacyCell.setText(LocaleController.formatString("SlowmodeInfoSelected", R.string.SlowmodeInfoSelected, formatSeconds(seconds))); } } else if (position == gigaInfoRow) { privacyCell.setText(LocaleController.getString("BroadcastGroupConvertInfo", R.string.BroadcastGroupConvertInfo)); } break; case 2: ManageChatTextCell actionCell = (ManageChatTextCell) holder.itemView; actionCell.setColors(Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteGrayIcon, Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteBlackText); if (position == addNewRow) { if (type == TYPE_KICKED) { actionCell.setColors(Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteBlueIcon, Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteBlueButton); actionCell.setText(LocaleController.getString("ChannelAddException", R.string.ChannelAddException), null, R.drawable.baseline_person_add_24, participantsStartRow != -1); } else if (type == TYPE_BANNED) { actionCell.setText(LocaleController.getString("ChannelBlockUser", R.string.ChannelBlockUser), null, R.drawable.baseline_remove_circle_24, false); } else if (type == TYPE_ADMIN) { actionCell.setColors(Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteBlueIcon, Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteBlueButton); boolean showDivider = !(loadingUsers && !firstLoaded); actionCell.setText(LocaleController.getString("ChannelAddAdmin", R.string.ChannelAddAdmin), null, R.drawable.baseline_stars_24, showDivider); } else if (type == TYPE_USERS) { actionCell.setColors(Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteBlueIcon, Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteBlueButton); boolean showDivider = addNew2Row != -1 || (!(loadingUsers && !firstLoaded) && membersHeaderRow == -1 && !participants.isEmpty()); if (isChannel) { actionCell.setText(LocaleController.getString("AddSubscriber", R.string.AddSubscriber), null, R.drawable.baseline_person_add_24, showDivider); } else { actionCell.setText(LocaleController.getString("AddMember", R.string.AddMember), null, R.drawable.baseline_person_add_24, showDivider); } } } else if (position == recentActionsRow) { actionCell.setText(LocaleController.getString("EventLog", R.string.EventLog), null, R.drawable.baseline_content_copy_24, false); } else if (position == addNew2Row) { actionCell.setColors(Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteBlueIcon, Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteBlueButton); boolean showDivider = !(loadingUsers && !firstLoaded) && membersHeaderRow == -1 && !participants.isEmpty(); actionCell.setText(LocaleController.getString("ChannelInviteViaLink", R.string.ChannelInviteViaLink), null, R.drawable.msg_link2, showDivider); } else if (position == gigaConvertRow) { actionCell.setColors(Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteBlueIcon, Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteBlueButton); actionCell.setText(LocaleController.getString("BroadcastGroupConvert", R.string.BroadcastGroupConvert), null, R.drawable.msg_channel, false); } break; case 3: if (position == addNewSectionRow || type == TYPE_KICKED && position == participantsDividerRow && addNewRow == -1 && participantsStartRow == -1) { holder.itemView.setBackgroundDrawable(Theme.getThemedDrawable(mContext, R.drawable.greydivider_bottom, Theme.key_windowBackgroundGrayShadow)); } else { holder.itemView.setBackgroundDrawable(Theme.getThemedDrawable(mContext, R.drawable.greydivider, Theme.key_windowBackgroundGrayShadow)); } break; case 5: HeaderCell headerCell = (HeaderCell) holder.itemView; if (position == restricted1SectionRow) { if (type == TYPE_BANNED) { int count = info != null ? info.kicked_count : participants.size(); if (count != 0) { headerCell.setText(LocaleController.formatPluralString("RemovedUser", count)); } else { headerCell.setText(LocaleController.getString("ChannelBlockedUsers", R.string.ChannelBlockedUsers)); } } else { headerCell.setText(LocaleController.getString("ChannelRestrictedUsers", R.string.ChannelRestrictedUsers)); } } else if (position == permissionsSectionRow) { headerCell.setText(LocaleController.getString("ChannelPermissionsHeader", R.string.ChannelPermissionsHeader)); } else if (position == slowmodeRow) { headerCell.setText(LocaleController.getString("Slowmode", R.string.Slowmode)); } else if (position == gigaHeaderRow) { headerCell.setText(LocaleController.getString("BroadcastGroup", R.string.BroadcastGroup)); } break; case 6: TextSettingsCell settingsCell = (TextSettingsCell) holder.itemView; settingsCell.setTextAndValue(LocaleController.getString("ChannelBlacklist", R.string.ChannelBlacklist), String.format("%d", info != null ? info.kicked_count : 0), false); break; case 7: TextCheckCell2 checkCell = (TextCheckCell2) holder.itemView; if (position == changeInfoRow) { checkCell.setTextAndCheck(LocaleController.getString("UserRestrictionsChangeInfo", R.string.UserRestrictionsChangeInfo), !defaultBannedRights.change_info && TextUtils.isEmpty(currentChat.username), false); } else if (position == addUsersRow) { checkCell.setTextAndCheck(LocaleController.getString("UserRestrictionsInviteUsers", R.string.UserRestrictionsInviteUsers), !defaultBannedRights.invite_users, true); } else if (position == pinMessagesRow) { checkCell.setTextAndCheck(LocaleController.getString("UserRestrictionsPinMessages", R.string.UserRestrictionsPinMessages), !defaultBannedRights.pin_messages && TextUtils.isEmpty(currentChat.username), true); } else if (position == sendMessagesRow) { checkCell.setTextAndCheck(LocaleController.getString("UserRestrictionsSend", R.string.UserRestrictionsSend), !defaultBannedRights.send_messages, true); } else if (position == sendMediaRow) { checkCell.setTextAndCheck(LocaleController.getString("UserRestrictionsSendMedia", R.string.UserRestrictionsSendMedia), !defaultBannedRights.send_media, true); } else if (position == sendStickersRow) { checkCell.setTextAndCheck(LocaleController.getString("UserRestrictionsSendStickers2", R.string.UserRestrictionsSendStickers2), !defaultBannedRights.send_stickers, true); } else if (position == sendGamesRow) { checkCell.setTextAndCheck(LocaleController.getString("UserRestrictionsSendGames", R.string.UserRestrictionsSendGames), !defaultBannedRights.send_games, true); } else if (position == sendInlineRow) { checkCell.setTextAndCheck(LocaleController.getString("UserRestrictionsSendInline", R.string.UserRestrictionsSendInline), !defaultBannedRights.send_inline, true); } else if (position == sendGifsRow) { checkCell.setTextAndCheck(LocaleController.getString("UserRestrictionsSendGifs", R.string.UserRestrictionsSendGifs), !defaultBannedRights.send_gifs, true); } else if (position == embedLinksRow) { checkCell.setTextAndCheck(LocaleController.getString("UserRestrictionsEmbedLinks", R.string.UserRestrictionsEmbedLinks), !defaultBannedRights.embed_links, true); } else if (position == sendPollsRow) { checkCell.setTextAndCheck(LocaleController.getString("UserRestrictionsSendPolls", R.string.UserRestrictionsSendPolls), !defaultBannedRights.send_polls, true); } if (position == sendMediaRow || position == sendStickersRow || position == sendGamesRow || position == sendInlineRow || position == sendGifsRow || position == embedLinksRow || position == sendPollsRow) { checkCell.setEnabled(!defaultBannedRights.send_messages && !defaultBannedRights.view_messages); } else if (position == sendMessagesRow) { checkCell.setEnabled(!defaultBannedRights.view_messages); } if (ChatObject.canBlockUsers(currentChat)) { if (position == addUsersRow && !ChatObject.canUserDoAdminAction(currentChat, ChatObject.ACTION_INVITE) || position == pinMessagesRow && !ChatObject.canUserDoAdminAction(currentChat, ChatObject.ACTION_PIN) || position == changeInfoRow && !ChatObject.canUserDoAdminAction(currentChat, ChatObject.ACTION_CHANGE_INFO) || !TextUtils.isEmpty(currentChat.username) && (position == pinMessagesRow || position == changeInfoRow)) { checkCell.setIcon(R.drawable.permission_locked); } else { checkCell.setIcon(0); } } else { checkCell.setIcon(0); } break; case 8: GraySectionCell sectionCell = (GraySectionCell) holder.itemView; if (position == membersHeaderRow) { if (ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat) && !currentChat.megagroup) { sectionCell.setText(LocaleController.getString("ChannelOtherSubscribers", R.string.ChannelOtherSubscribers)); } else { sectionCell.setText(LocaleController.getString("ChannelOtherMembers", R.string.ChannelOtherMembers)); } } else if (position == botHeaderRow) { sectionCell.setText(LocaleController.getString("ChannelBots", R.string.ChannelBots)); } else if (position == contactsHeaderRow) { if (ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat) && !currentChat.megagroup) { sectionCell.setText(LocaleController.getString("ChannelContacts", R.string.ChannelContacts)); } else { sectionCell.setText(LocaleController.getString("GroupContacts", R.string.GroupContacts)); } } else if (position == loadingHeaderRow) { sectionCell.setText(""); } break; case 11: FlickerLoadingView flickerLoadingView = (FlickerLoadingView) holder.itemView; if (type == TYPE_BANNED) { flickerLoadingView.setItemsCount(info == null ? 1 : info.kicked_count); } else { flickerLoadingView.setItemsCount(1); } break; } } @Override public void onViewRecycled(RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder) { if (holder.itemView instanceof ManageChatUserCell) { ((ManageChatUserCell) holder.itemView).recycle(); } } @Override public int getItemViewType(int position) { if (position == addNewRow || position == addNew2Row || position == recentActionsRow || position == gigaConvertRow) { return 2; } else if (position >= participantsStartRow && position < participantsEndRow || position >= botStartRow && position < botEndRow || position >= contactsStartRow && position < contactsEndRow) { return 0; } else if (position == addNewSectionRow || position == participantsDividerRow || position == participantsDivider2Row) { return 3; } else if (position == restricted1SectionRow || position == permissionsSectionRow || position == slowmodeRow || position == gigaHeaderRow) { return 5; } else if (position == participantsInfoRow || position == slowmodeInfoRow || position == gigaInfoRow) { return 1; } else if (position == blockedEmptyRow) { return 4; } else if (position == removedUsersRow) { return 6; } else if (position == changeInfoRow || position == addUsersRow || position == pinMessagesRow || position == sendMessagesRow || position == sendMediaRow || position == sendStickersRow || position == sendGamesRow || position == sendInlineRow || position == sendGifsRow || position == embedLinksRow || position == sendPollsRow) { return 7; } else if (position == membersHeaderRow || position == contactsHeaderRow || position == botHeaderRow || position == loadingHeaderRow) { return 8; } else if (position == slowmodeSelectRow) { return 9; } else if (position == loadingProgressRow) { return 10; } else if (position == loadingUserCellRow) { return 11; } return 0; } public TLObject getItem(int position) { if (position >= participantsStartRow && position < participantsEndRow) { return participants.get(position - participantsStartRow); } else if (position >= contactsStartRow && position < contactsEndRow) { return contacts.get(position - contactsStartRow); } else if (position >= botStartRow && position < botEndRow) { return bots.get(position - botStartRow); } return null; } } public DiffCallback saveState() { DiffCallback diffCallback = new DiffCallback(); diffCallback.oldRowCount = rowCount; diffCallback.oldBotStartRow = botStartRow; diffCallback.oldBotEndRow = botEndRow; diffCallback.oldBots.clear(); diffCallback.oldBots.addAll(bots); diffCallback.oldContactsEndRow = contactsEndRow; diffCallback.oldContactsStartRow = contactsStartRow; diffCallback.oldContacts.clear(); diffCallback.oldContacts.addAll(contacts); diffCallback.oldParticipantsStartRow = participantsStartRow; diffCallback.oldParticipantsEndRow = participantsEndRow; diffCallback.oldParticipants.clear(); diffCallback.oldParticipants.addAll(participants); diffCallback.fillPositions(diffCallback.oldPositionToItem); return diffCallback; } public void updateListAnimated(DiffCallback savedState) { if (listViewAdapter == null) { updateRows(); return; } updateRows(); savedState.fillPositions(savedState.newPositionToItem); DiffUtil.calculateDiff(savedState).dispatchUpdatesTo(listViewAdapter); if (listView != null && layoutManager != null && listView.getChildCount() > 0) { View view = null; int position = -1; for (int i = 0; i < listView.getChildCount(); i++) { position = listView.getChildAdapterPosition(listView.getChildAt(i)); if (position != RecyclerListView.NO_POSITION) { view = listView.getChildAt(i); break; } } if (view != null) { layoutManager.scrollToPositionWithOffset(position, view.getTop() - listView.getPaddingTop()); } } } private class DiffCallback extends DiffUtil.Callback { int oldRowCount; SparseIntArray oldPositionToItem = new SparseIntArray(); SparseIntArray newPositionToItem = new SparseIntArray(); int oldParticipantsStartRow; int oldParticipantsEndRow; int oldContactsStartRow; int oldContactsEndRow; int oldBotStartRow; int oldBotEndRow; private ArrayList oldParticipants = new ArrayList<>(); private ArrayList oldBots = new ArrayList<>(); private ArrayList oldContacts = new ArrayList<>(); @Override public int getOldListSize() { return oldRowCount; } @Override public int getNewListSize() { return rowCount; } @Override public boolean areItemsTheSame(int oldItemPosition, int newItemPosition) { if (oldItemPosition >= oldBotStartRow && oldItemPosition < oldBotEndRow && newItemPosition >= botStartRow && newItemPosition < botEndRow) { return oldBots.get(oldItemPosition - oldBotStartRow).equals(bots.get(newItemPosition - botStartRow)); } else if (oldItemPosition >= oldContactsStartRow && oldItemPosition < oldContactsEndRow && newItemPosition >= contactsStartRow && newItemPosition < contactsEndRow) { return oldContacts.get(oldItemPosition - oldContactsStartRow).equals(contacts.get(newItemPosition - contactsStartRow)); } else if (oldItemPosition >= oldParticipantsStartRow && oldItemPosition < oldParticipantsEndRow && newItemPosition >= participantsStartRow && newItemPosition < participantsEndRow) { return oldParticipants.get(oldItemPosition - oldParticipantsStartRow).equals(participants.get(newItemPosition - participantsStartRow)); } return oldPositionToItem.get(oldItemPosition) == newPositionToItem.get(newItemPosition); } @Override public boolean areContentsTheSame(int oldItemPosition, int newItemPosition) { if (areItemsTheSame(oldItemPosition, newItemPosition)) { if (restricted1SectionRow == newItemPosition) { return false; } return true; } return false; } public void fillPositions(SparseIntArray sparseIntArray) { sparseIntArray.clear(); int pointer = 0; put(++pointer, recentActionsRow, sparseIntArray); put(++pointer, addNewRow, sparseIntArray); put(++pointer, addNew2Row, sparseIntArray); put(++pointer, addNewSectionRow, sparseIntArray); put(++pointer, restricted1SectionRow, sparseIntArray); put(++pointer, participantsDividerRow, sparseIntArray); put(++pointer, participantsDivider2Row, sparseIntArray); put(++pointer, gigaHeaderRow, sparseIntArray); put(++pointer, gigaConvertRow, sparseIntArray); put(++pointer, gigaInfoRow, sparseIntArray); put(++pointer, participantsInfoRow, sparseIntArray); put(++pointer, blockedEmptyRow, sparseIntArray); put(++pointer, permissionsSectionRow, sparseIntArray); put(++pointer, sendMessagesRow, sparseIntArray); put(++pointer, sendMediaRow, sparseIntArray); put(++pointer, sendStickersRow, sparseIntArray); put(++pointer, sendPollsRow, sparseIntArray); put(++pointer, embedLinksRow, sparseIntArray); put(++pointer, addUsersRow, sparseIntArray); put(++pointer, pinMessagesRow, sparseIntArray); put(++pointer, changeInfoRow, sparseIntArray); put(++pointer, removedUsersRow, sparseIntArray); put(++pointer, contactsHeaderRow, sparseIntArray); put(++pointer, botHeaderRow, sparseIntArray); put(++pointer, membersHeaderRow, sparseIntArray); put(++pointer, slowmodeRow, sparseIntArray); put(++pointer, slowmodeSelectRow, sparseIntArray); put(++pointer, slowmodeInfoRow, sparseIntArray); put(++pointer, loadingProgressRow, sparseIntArray); put(++pointer, loadingUserCellRow, sparseIntArray); put(++pointer, loadingHeaderRow, sparseIntArray); } private void put(int id, int position, SparseIntArray sparseIntArray) { if (position >= 0) { sparseIntArray.put(position, id); } } } @Override public ArrayList getThemeDescriptions() { ArrayList themeDescriptions = new ArrayList<>(); ThemeDescription.ThemeDescriptionDelegate cellDelegate = () -> { if (listView != null) { int count = listView.getChildCount(); for (int a = 0; a < count; a++) { View child = listView.getChildAt(a); if (child instanceof ManageChatUserCell) { ((ManageChatUserCell) child).update(0); } } } }; themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(listView, ThemeDescription.FLAG_CELLBACKGROUNDCOLOR, new Class[]{HeaderCell.class, ManageChatUserCell.class, ManageChatTextCell.class, TextCheckCell2.class, TextSettingsCell.class, ChooseView.class}, null, null, null, Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhite)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(fragmentView, ThemeDescription.FLAG_BACKGROUND, null, null, null, null, Theme.key_windowBackgroundGray)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(actionBar, ThemeDescription.FLAG_BACKGROUND, null, null, null, null, Theme.key_actionBarDefault)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(listView, ThemeDescription.FLAG_LISTGLOWCOLOR, null, null, null, null, Theme.key_actionBarDefault)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(actionBar, ThemeDescription.FLAG_AB_ITEMSCOLOR, null, null, null, null, Theme.key_actionBarDefaultIcon)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(actionBar, ThemeDescription.FLAG_AB_TITLECOLOR, null, null, null, null, Theme.key_actionBarDefaultTitle)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(actionBar, ThemeDescription.FLAG_AB_SELECTORCOLOR, null, null, null, null, Theme.key_actionBarDefaultSelector)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(listView, ThemeDescription.FLAG_SELECTOR, null, null, null, null, Theme.key_listSelector)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(listView, 0, new Class[]{View.class}, Theme.dividerPaint, null, null, Theme.key_divider)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(listView, ThemeDescription.FLAG_BACKGROUNDFILTER, new Class[]{TextInfoPrivacyCell.class}, null, null, null, Theme.key_windowBackgroundGrayShadow)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(listView, 0, new Class[]{TextInfoPrivacyCell.class}, new String[]{"textView"}, null, null, null, Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteGrayText4)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(listView, ThemeDescription.FLAG_BACKGROUNDFILTER, new Class[]{ShadowSectionCell.class}, null, null, null, Theme.key_windowBackgroundGrayShadow)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(listView, 0, new Class[]{HeaderCell.class}, new String[]{"textView"}, null, null, null, Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteBlueHeader)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(listView, 0, new Class[]{GraySectionCell.class}, new String[]{"textView"}, null, null, null, Theme.key_graySectionText)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(listView, ThemeDescription.FLAG_CELLBACKGROUNDCOLOR, new Class[]{GraySectionCell.class}, null, null, null, Theme.key_graySection)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(listView, 0, new Class[]{TextSettingsCell.class}, new String[]{"textView"}, null, null, null, Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteBlackText)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(listView, 0, new Class[]{TextSettingsCell.class}, new String[]{"valueTextView"}, null, null, null, Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteValueText)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(listView, 0, new Class[]{TextCheckCell2.class}, new String[]{"textView"}, null, null, null, Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteBlackText)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(listView, 0, new Class[]{TextCheckCell2.class}, new String[]{"valueTextView"}, null, null, null, Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteGrayText2)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(listView, 0, new Class[]{TextCheckCell2.class}, new String[]{"checkBox"}, null, null, null, Theme.key_switch2Track)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(listView, 0, new Class[]{TextCheckCell2.class}, new String[]{"checkBox"}, null, null, null, Theme.key_switch2TrackChecked)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(listView, 0, new Class[]{ManageChatUserCell.class}, new String[]{"nameTextView"}, null, null, null, Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteBlackText)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(listView, 0, new Class[]{ManageChatUserCell.class}, new String[]{"statusColor"}, null, null, cellDelegate, Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteGrayText)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(listView, 0, new Class[]{ManageChatUserCell.class}, new String[]{"statusOnlineColor"}, null, null, cellDelegate, Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteBlueText)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(undoView, ThemeDescription.FLAG_BACKGROUNDFILTER, null, null, null, null, Theme.key_undo_background)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(undoView, 0, new Class[]{UndoView.class}, new String[]{"undoImageView"}, null, null, null, Theme.key_undo_cancelColor)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(undoView, 0, new Class[]{UndoView.class}, new String[]{"undoTextView"}, null, null, null, Theme.key_undo_cancelColor)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(undoView, 0, new Class[]{UndoView.class}, new String[]{"infoTextView"}, null, null, null, Theme.key_undo_infoColor)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(undoView, 0, new Class[]{UndoView.class}, new String[]{"textPaint"}, null, null, null, Theme.key_undo_infoColor)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(undoView, 0, new Class[]{UndoView.class}, new String[]{"progressPaint"}, null, null, null, Theme.key_undo_infoColor)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(undoView, ThemeDescription.FLAG_IMAGECOLOR, new Class[]{UndoView.class}, new String[]{"leftImageView"}, null, null, null, Theme.key_undo_infoColor)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(listView, ThemeDescription.FLAG_CHECKTAG, new Class[]{ManageChatTextCell.class}, new String[]{"textView"}, null, null, null, Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteBlackText)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(listView, ThemeDescription.FLAG_CHECKTAG, new Class[]{ManageChatTextCell.class}, new String[]{"imageView"}, null, null, null, Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteGrayIcon)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(listView, ThemeDescription.FLAG_CHECKTAG, new Class[]{ManageChatTextCell.class}, new String[]{"imageView"}, null, null, null, Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteBlueButton)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(listView, ThemeDescription.FLAG_CHECKTAG, new Class[]{ManageChatTextCell.class}, new String[]{"textView"}, null, null, null, Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteBlueIcon)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(listView, 0, new Class[]{StickerEmptyView.class}, new String[]{"title"}, null, null, null, Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteBlackText)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(listView, 0, new Class[]{StickerEmptyView.class}, new String[]{"subtitle"}, null, null, null, Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteBlackText)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(emptyView.title, ThemeDescription.FLAG_TEXTCOLOR, null, null, null, null, Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteBlackText)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(emptyView.subtitle, ThemeDescription.FLAG_TEXTCOLOR, null, null, null, null, Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteGrayText)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(listView, 0, new Class[]{ManageChatUserCell.class}, null, Theme.avatarDrawables, null, Theme.key_avatar_text)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(null, 0, null, null, null, cellDelegate, Theme.key_avatar_backgroundRed)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(null, 0, null, null, null, cellDelegate, Theme.key_avatar_backgroundOrange)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(null, 0, null, null, null, cellDelegate, Theme.key_avatar_backgroundViolet)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(null, 0, null, null, null, cellDelegate, Theme.key_avatar_backgroundGreen)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(null, 0, null, null, null, cellDelegate, Theme.key_avatar_backgroundCyan)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(null, 0, null, null, null, cellDelegate, Theme.key_avatar_backgroundBlue)); themeDescriptions.add(new ThemeDescription(null, 0, null, null, null, cellDelegate, Theme.key_avatar_backgroundPink)); return themeDescriptions; } }