/* * This is the source code of Telegram for Android v. 5.x.x. * It is licensed under GNU GPL v. 2 or later. * You should have received a copy of the license in this archive (see LICENSE). * * Copyright Nikolai Kudashov, 2013-2018. */ package org.telegram.messenger; import android.app.Activity; import android.app.ActivityManager; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.net.Uri; import android.content.pm.PackageInfo; import android.os.Build; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Base64; import android.util.SparseArray; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import androidx.core.content.pm.ShortcutManagerCompat; import com.v2ray.ang.V2RayConfig; import com.v2ray.ang.dto.AngConfig; import com.v2ray.ang.util.Utils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.dizitart.no2.objects.filters.ObjectFilters; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import androidx.annotation.IntDef; import androidx.core.content.pm.ShortcutManagerCompat; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.telegram.tgnet.ConnectionsManager; import org.telegram.tgnet.SerializedData; import org.telegram.ui.Components.SwipeGestureSettingsView; import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC; import org.telegram.ui.Components.SwipeGestureSettingsView; import java.io.File; import java.io.RandomAccessFile; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.net.Proxy; import java.util.Arrays; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import cn.hutool.core.util.StrUtil; import okhttp3.HttpUrl; import tw.nekomimi.nekogram.ProxyManager; import tw.nekomimi.nekogram.ShadowsocksLoader; import tw.nekomimi.nekogram.ShadowsocksRLoader; import tw.nekomimi.nekogram.VmessLoader; import tw.nekomimi.nekogram.WsLoader; import tw.nekomimi.nekogram.sub.SubInfo; import tw.nekomimi.nekogram.sub.SubManager; import tw.nekomimi.nekogram.utils.AlertUtil; import tw.nekomimi.nekogram.utils.EnvUtil; import tw.nekomimi.nekogram.utils.FileUtil; import tw.nekomimi.nekogram.utils.UIUtil; import tw.nekomimi.nkmr.NekomuraConfig; import static com.v2ray.ang.V2RayConfig.SSR_PROTOCOL; import static com.v2ray.ang.V2RayConfig.SS_PROTOCOL; import static com.v2ray.ang.V2RayConfig.WSS_PROTOCOL; import static com.v2ray.ang.V2RayConfig.WS_PROTOCOL; import java.util.Locale; public class SharedConfig { public static String pushString = ""; public static String pushStringStatus = ""; public static long pushStringGetTimeStart; public static long pushStringGetTimeEnd; public static boolean pushStatSent; public static byte[] pushAuthKey; public static byte[] pushAuthKeyId; public static String directShareHash; public static boolean saveIncomingPhotos; public static String passcodeHash = ""; public static long passcodeRetryInMs; public static long lastUptimeMillis; public static int badPasscodeTries; public static byte[] passcodeSalt = new byte[0]; public static boolean appLocked; public static int passcodeType; public static int autoLockIn = 60 * 60; public static boolean allowScreenCapture; public static int lastPauseTime; public static boolean isWaitingForPasscodeEnter; public static boolean useFingerprint = true; public static String lastUpdateVersion; public static int suggestStickers; public static boolean loopStickers; public static int keepMedia = 2; public static int lastKeepMediaCheckTime; public static int lastLogsCheckTime; public static int searchMessagesAsListHintShows; public static int textSelectionHintShows; public static int scheduledOrNoSoundHintShows; public static int lockRecordAudioVideoHint; public static boolean forwardingOptionsHintShown; public static boolean searchMessagesAsListUsed; public static boolean stickersReorderingHintUsed; public static boolean disableVoiceAudioEffects; public static boolean drawSnowInChat; private static int lastLocalId = -210000; public static String storageCacheDir; private static String passportConfigJson = ""; private static HashMap passportConfigMap; public static int passportConfigHash; private static boolean configLoaded; private static final Object sync = new Object(); private static final Object localIdSync = new Object(); public static boolean saveToGallery; public static int mapPreviewType = 2; public static boolean chatBubbles = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 30; public static boolean autoplayGifs = true; public static boolean autoplayVideo = true; public static boolean raiseToSpeak = true; public static boolean customTabs = true; public static boolean directShare = true; public static boolean inappCamera = true; public static boolean roundCamera16to9 = true; public static boolean noSoundHintShowed = false; public static boolean streamMedia = true; public static boolean streamAllVideo = false; public static boolean streamMkv = false; public static boolean saveStreamMedia = true; public static boolean smoothKeyboard = true; public static boolean pauseMusicOnRecord = true; public static boolean noiseSupression; public static boolean noStatusBar; public static boolean sortContactsByName; public static boolean sortFilesByName; public static boolean shuffleMusic; public static boolean playOrderReversed; public static boolean hasCameraCache; public static boolean showNotificationsForAllAccounts = true; public static int repeatMode; public static boolean allowBigEmoji; public static int fontSize = 12; public static int bubbleRadius = 3; public static int ivFontSize = 12; public static int messageSeenHintCount; public static int emojiInteractionsHintCount; public static int dayNightThemeSwitchHintCount; public static TLRPC.TL_help_appUpdate pendingAppUpdate; public static int pendingAppUpdateBuildVersion; public static long lastUpdateCheckTime; private static int devicePerformanceClass; public static boolean drawDialogIcons; public static boolean useThreeLinesLayout; public static boolean archiveHidden; private static int chatSwipeAction; public static int distanceSystemType; public static int mediaColumnsCount = 3; public static int fastScrollHintCount = 3; public static boolean dontAskManageStorage; public static CopyOnWriteArraySet activeAccounts; public static int loginingAccount = -1; static { loadConfig(); } public static class ProxyInfo implements Comparable { public int group; public String address; public int port; public String username; public String password; public String secret; public long proxyCheckPingId; public long ping; public boolean checking; public boolean available; public long availableCheckTime; @Override public int compareTo(ProxyInfo info) { if (available && !info.available) { return -1; } else if (!available && info.available) { return 1; } else if (available && info.available) { return (int) (ping - info.ping); } else { return hashCode() + "".compareTo(info.hashCode() + ""); } } public long subId; public ProxyInfo() { address = ""; password = ""; username = ""; secret = ""; } public ProxyInfo(String a, int p, String u, String pw, String s) { address = a; port = p; username = u; password = pw; secret = s; if (address == null) { address = ""; } if (password == null) { password = ""; } if (username == null) { username = ""; } if (secret == null) { secret = ""; } } public String getAddress() { return address + ":" + port; } public String getType() { if (!StrUtil.isBlank(secret)) { return "MTProto"; } else { return "Socks5"; } } public String getTitle() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("[ "); if (subId != 0L) { try { builder.append(SubManager.getSubList().find(ObjectFilters.eq("id", subId)).firstOrDefault().displayName()); } catch (Exception e) { builder.append("Unknown"); } } else { builder.append(getType()); } builder.append(" ] "); if (StrUtil.isBlank(getRemarks())) { builder.append(getAddress()); } else { builder.append(getRemarks()); } return builder.toString(); } private String remarks; public String getRemarks() { return remarks; } public void setRemarks(String remarks) { this.remarks = remarks; if (StrUtil.isBlank(remarks)) { this.remarks = null; } } public String toUrl() { HttpUrl.Builder builder = HttpUrl.parse(StrUtil.isBlank(secret) ? "https://t.me/socks" : "https://t.me/proxy").newBuilder() .addQueryParameter("server", address) .addQueryParameter("port", port + ""); if (!StrUtil.isBlank(secret)) { builder.addQueryParameter("secret", secret); } else { builder.addQueryParameter("user", username) .addQueryParameter("pass", password); } if (!StrUtil.isBlank(remarks)) { builder.fragment(Utils.INSTANCE.urlEncode(remarks)); } return builder.toString(); } public static ProxyInfo fromUrl(String url) { Uri lnk = Uri.parse(url); if (lnk == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(url); ProxyInfo info = new ProxyInfo(lnk.getQueryParameter("server"), Utilities.parseInt(lnk.getQueryParameter("port")), lnk.getQueryParameter("user"), lnk.getQueryParameter("pass"), lnk.getQueryParameter("secret")); if (StrUtil.isNotBlank(lnk.getFragment())) { info.setRemarks(lnk.getFragment()); } return info; } public JSONObject toJsonInternal() throws JSONException { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); if (!StrUtil.isBlank(remarks)) { obj.put("remarks", remarks); } if (group != 0) { obj.put("group", group); } obj.put("address", address); obj.put("port", port); if (StrUtil.isBlank(secret)) { obj.put("type", "socks5"); if (!username.isEmpty()) { obj.put("username", username); } if (!password.isEmpty()) { obj.put("password", password); } } else { obj.put("type", "mtproto"); obj.put("secret", secret); } return obj; } public static ProxyInfo fromJson(JSONObject obj) { ProxyInfo info; switch (obj.optString("type", "null")) { case "socks5": { info = new ProxyInfo(); info.group = obj.optInt("group", 0); info.address = obj.optString("address", ""); info.port = obj.optInt("port", 443); info.username = obj.optString("username", ""); info.password = obj.optString("password", ""); info.remarks = obj.optString("remarks"); if (StrUtil.isBlank(info.remarks)) info.remarks = null; info.group = obj.optInt("group", 0); break; } case "mtproto": { info = new ProxyInfo(); info.address = obj.optString("address", ""); info.port = obj.optInt("port", 443); info.secret = obj.optString("secret", ""); info.remarks = obj.optString("remarks"); if (StrUtil.isBlank(info.remarks)) info.remarks = null; info.group = obj.optInt("group", 0); break; } case "vmess": { info = new VmessProxy(obj.optString("link")); break; } case "shadowsocks": { info = new ShadowsocksProxy(obj.optString("link")); break; } case "shadowsocksr": { info = new ShadowsocksRProxy(obj.optString("link")); break; } case "ws": { info = new WsProxy(obj.optString("link")); break; } default: { throw new IllegalStateException("invalid proxy type " + obj.optString("type", "null")); } } return info; } @Override public int hashCode() { return (address + port + username + password + secret).hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) { return super.equals(obj) || (obj instanceof ProxyInfo && hashCode() == obj.hashCode()); } } public abstract static class ExternalSocks5Proxy extends ProxyInfo { public ExternalSocks5Proxy() { address = ""; username = ""; password = ""; secret = ""; } public abstract boolean isStarted(); public abstract void start(); public abstract void stop(); @Override public abstract String getAddress(); @Override public abstract String toUrl(); @Override public abstract String getRemarks(); @Override public abstract void setRemarks(String remarks); @Override public abstract String getType(); @Override public abstract JSONObject toJsonInternal() throws JSONException; } public static class VmessProxy extends ExternalSocks5Proxy { public AngConfig.VmessBean bean; public VmessLoader loader; { if (BuildVars.isMini) { throw new RuntimeException(LocaleController.getString("MiniVersionAlert", R.string.MiniVersionAlert)); } } public VmessProxy(String vmessLink) { this(VmessLoader.parseVmessLink(vmessLink)); } public VmessProxy(AngConfig.VmessBean bean) { this.bean = bean; } @Override public String getAddress() { return bean.getAddress() + ":" + bean.getPort(); } @Override public boolean isStarted() { return loader != null; } @Override public void start() { if (loader != null) return; VmessLoader loader = new VmessLoader(); try { loader.initConfig(bean); port = loader.start(); this.loader = loader; if (SharedConfig.proxyEnabled && SharedConfig.currentProxy == this) { ConnectionsManager.setProxySettings(true, address, port, username, password, secret); } } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); AlertUtil.showToast(e.getMessage() == null ? e.getClass().getSimpleName() : e.getMessage()); } } @Override public void stop() { if (loader != null) { VmessLoader loader = this.loader; loader.stop(); this.loader = null; } } @Override public String toUrl() { return bean.toString(); } @Override public String getRemarks() { return bean.getRemarks(); } @Override public void setRemarks(String remarks) { bean.setRemarks(remarks); } @Override public String getType() { if (bean.getConfigType() == V2RayConfig.EConfigType.Trojan) { return "Trojan"; } else { return "Vmess"; } } @Override public JSONObject toJsonInternal() throws JSONException { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); obj.put("type", "vmess"); obj.put("link", toUrl()); return obj; } @Override public int hashCode() { return (bean.getAddress() + bean.getPort() + bean.getId() + bean.getNetwork() + bean.getPath()).hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) { return super.equals(obj) || (obj instanceof VmessProxy && bean.equals(((VmessProxy) obj).bean)); } } public static class ShadowsocksProxy extends ExternalSocks5Proxy { public ShadowsocksLoader.Bean bean; public ShadowsocksLoader loader; public ShadowsocksProxy(String ssLink) { this(ShadowsocksLoader.Bean.Companion.parse(ssLink)); } public ShadowsocksProxy(ShadowsocksLoader.Bean bean) { this.bean = bean; if (BuildVars.isMini) { throw new RuntimeException(LocaleController.getString("MiniVersionAlert", R.string.MiniVersionAlert)); } if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) { throw new RuntimeException(LocaleController.getString("MinApi21Required", R.string.MinApi21Required)); } } @Override public String getAddress() { return bean.getHost() + ":" + bean.getRemotePort(); } @Override public boolean isStarted() { return loader != null; } @Override public void start() { if (loader != null) return; port = ProxyManager.mkPort(); ShadowsocksLoader loader = new ShadowsocksLoader(); loader.initConfig(bean, port); loader.start(); this.loader = loader; if (SharedConfig.proxyEnabled && SharedConfig.currentProxy == this) { ConnectionsManager.setProxySettings(true, address, port, username, password, secret); } } @Override public void stop() { if (loader != null) { FileLog.d(getTitle() + " stopped"); ShadowsocksLoader loader = this.loader; loader.stop(); this.loader = null; } } @Override public String toUrl() { return bean.toString(); } @Override public String getRemarks() { return bean.getRemarks(); } @Override public void setRemarks(String remarks) { bean.setRemarks(remarks); } @Override public String getType() { return "SS"; } @Override public JSONObject toJsonInternal() throws JSONException { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); obj.put("type", "shadowsocks"); obj.put("link", toUrl()); return obj; } @Override public int hashCode() { return (bean.getHost() + bean.getRemotePort() + bean.getMethod()).hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) { return super.equals(obj) || (obj instanceof ShadowsocksProxy && bean.equals(((ShadowsocksProxy) obj).bean)); } } public static class ShadowsocksRProxy extends ExternalSocks5Proxy { public ShadowsocksRLoader.Bean bean; public ShadowsocksRLoader loader; public ShadowsocksRProxy(String ssLink) { this(ShadowsocksRLoader.Bean.Companion.parse(ssLink)); } public ShadowsocksRProxy(ShadowsocksRLoader.Bean bean) { this.bean = bean; if (BuildVars.isMini) { throw new RuntimeException(LocaleController.getString("MiniVersionAlert", R.string.MiniVersionAlert)); } if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) { throw new RuntimeException(LocaleController.getString("MinApi21Required", R.string.MinApi21Required)); } } @Override public String getAddress() { return bean.getHost() + ":" + bean.getRemotePort(); } @Override public boolean isStarted() { return loader != null; } @Override public void start() { if (loader != null) return; port = ProxyManager.mkPort(); ShadowsocksRLoader loader = new ShadowsocksRLoader(); loader.initConfig(bean, port); loader.start(); this.loader = loader; if (SharedConfig.proxyEnabled && SharedConfig.currentProxy == this) { ConnectionsManager.setProxySettings(true, address, port, username, password, secret); } } @Override public void stop() { if (loader != null) { ShadowsocksRLoader loader = this.loader; this.loader = null; loader.stop(); } } @Override public String toUrl() { return bean.toString(); } @Override public String getRemarks() { return bean.getRemarks(); } @Override public void setRemarks(String remarks) { bean.setRemarks(remarks); } @Override public String getType() { return "SSR"; } @Override public JSONObject toJsonInternal() throws JSONException { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); obj.put("type", "shadowsocksr"); obj.put("link", toUrl()); return obj; } @Override public int hashCode() { return (bean.getHost() + bean.getRemotePort() + bean.getMethod() + bean.getProtocol() + bean.getProtocol_param() + bean.getObfs() + bean.getObfs_param()).hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) { return super.equals(obj) || (obj instanceof ShadowsocksRProxy && bean.equals(((ShadowsocksRProxy) obj).bean)); } } public static class WsProxy extends ExternalSocks5Proxy { public WsLoader.Bean bean; public WsLoader loader; public WsProxy(String url) { this(WsLoader.Companion.parse(url)); } public WsProxy(WsLoader.Bean bean) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) { throw new RuntimeException(LocaleController.getString("MinApi21Required", R.string.MinApi21Required)); } this.bean = bean; } @Override public boolean isStarted() { return loader != null; } @Override public void start() { if (loader != null) return; synchronized (this) { loader = new WsLoader(); port = ProxyManager.mkPort(); loader.init(bean, port); loader.start(); if (SharedConfig.proxyEnabled && SharedConfig.currentProxy == this) { ConnectionsManager.setProxySettings(true, address, port, username, password, secret); } } } @Override public void stop() { if (loader == null) return; ConnectionsManager.setProxySettings(false, address, port, username, password, secret); UIUtil.runOnIoDispatcher(() -> { synchronized (this) { if (loader == null) return; loader.stop(); loader = null; } }); } @Override public String getAddress() { return bean.getServer(); } @Override public String toUrl() { return bean.toString(); } @Override public String getRemarks() { return bean.getRemarks(); } @Override public void setRemarks(String remarks) { bean.setRemarks(remarks); } @Override public String getType() { return "WS"; } @Override public int hashCode() { return bean.hashCode(); } @Override public JSONObject toJsonInternal() throws JSONException { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); obj.put("type", "ws"); obj.put("link", toUrl()); return obj; } } public static LinkedList proxyList = new LinkedList<>(); public static LinkedList getProxyList() { while (true) { try { return new LinkedList<>(proxyList); } catch (Exception ignored) { } } } private static boolean proxyListLoaded; public static ProxyInfo currentProxy; public static Proxy getActiveSocks5Proxy() { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.M) return null; // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36205896/how-to-use-httpurlconnection-over-socks-proxy-on-android // Android did not support socks proxy natively(using HURL) on devices previous than Marshmallow // Hutool use HttpURLConnection too if (!(currentProxy instanceof ExternalSocks5Proxy) || currentProxy instanceof WsProxy) return null; final ExternalSocks5Proxy proxy = (ExternalSocks5Proxy) currentProxy; if (!proxy.isStarted()) return null; FileLog.w("Return socks5 proxy: " + currentProxy.toString() + " port:" + currentProxy.port); return new Proxy(Proxy.Type.SOCKS, new InetSocketAddress(currentProxy.address, currentProxy.port)); } public static void saveConfig() { synchronized (sync) { try { SharedPreferences preferences = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getSharedPreferences("userconfing", Context.MODE_PRIVATE); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean("saveIncomingPhotos", saveIncomingPhotos); editor.putString("passcodeHash1", passcodeHash); editor.putString("passcodeSalt", passcodeSalt.length > 0 ? Base64.encodeToString(passcodeSalt, Base64.DEFAULT) : ""); editor.putBoolean("appLocked", appLocked); editor.putInt("passcodeType", passcodeType); editor.putLong("passcodeRetryInMs", passcodeRetryInMs); editor.putLong("lastUptimeMillis", lastUptimeMillis); editor.putInt("badPasscodeTries", badPasscodeTries); editor.putInt("autoLockIn", autoLockIn); editor.putInt("lastPauseTime", lastPauseTime); editor.putString("lastUpdateVersion2", lastUpdateVersion); editor.putBoolean("useFingerprint", useFingerprint); editor.putBoolean("allowScreenCapture", allowScreenCapture); editor.putString("pushString2", pushString); editor.putBoolean("pushStatSent", pushStatSent); editor.putString("pushAuthKey", pushAuthKey != null ? Base64.encodeToString(pushAuthKey, Base64.DEFAULT) : ""); editor.putInt("lastLocalId", lastLocalId); editor.putString("passportConfigJson", passportConfigJson); editor.putInt("passportConfigHash", passportConfigHash); editor.putBoolean("sortContactsByName", sortContactsByName); editor.putBoolean("sortFilesByName", sortFilesByName); editor.putInt("textSelectionHintShows", textSelectionHintShows); editor.putInt("scheduledOrNoSoundHintShows", scheduledOrNoSoundHintShows); editor.putBoolean("forwardingOptionsHintShown", forwardingOptionsHintShown); editor.putInt("lockRecordAudioVideoHint", lockRecordAudioVideoHint); editor.putString("storageCacheDir", !TextUtils.isEmpty(storageCacheDir) ? storageCacheDir : ""); if (pendingAppUpdate != null) { try { SerializedData data = new SerializedData(pendingAppUpdate.getObjectSize()); pendingAppUpdate.serializeToStream(data); String str = Base64.encodeToString(data.toByteArray(), Base64.DEFAULT); editor.putString("appUpdate", str); editor.putInt("appUpdateBuild", pendingAppUpdateBuildVersion); data.cleanup(); } catch (Exception ignore) { } } else { editor.remove("appUpdate"); } editor.putLong("appUpdateCheckTime", lastUpdateCheckTime); editor.apply(); } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } } } public static int getLastLocalId() { int value; synchronized (localIdSync) { value = lastLocalId--; } return value; } public static void saveAccounts() { FileLog.e("Save accounts: " + activeAccounts, new Exception()); ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getSharedPreferences("mainconfig", Activity.MODE_PRIVATE).edit() .putString("active_accounts", StringUtils.join(activeAccounts, ",")) .apply(); } public static void loadConfig() { synchronized (sync) { if (configLoaded || ApplicationLoader.applicationContext == null) { return; } SharedPreferences preferences = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getSharedPreferences("userconfing", Context.MODE_PRIVATE); saveIncomingPhotos = preferences.getBoolean("saveIncomingPhotos", false); passcodeHash = preferences.getString("passcodeHash1", ""); appLocked = preferences.getBoolean("appLocked", false); passcodeType = preferences.getInt("passcodeType", 0); passcodeRetryInMs = preferences.getLong("passcodeRetryInMs", 0); lastUptimeMillis = preferences.getLong("lastUptimeMillis", 0); badPasscodeTries = preferences.getInt("badPasscodeTries", 0); autoLockIn = preferences.getInt("autoLockIn", 60 * 60); lastPauseTime = preferences.getInt("lastPauseTime", 0); useFingerprint = preferences.getBoolean("useFingerprint", true); lastUpdateVersion = preferences.getString("lastUpdateVersion2", "3.5"); allowScreenCapture = preferences.getBoolean("allowScreenCapture", false); lastLocalId = preferences.getInt("lastLocalId", -210000); pushString = preferences.getString("pushString2", ""); pushStatSent = preferences.getBoolean("pushStatSent", false); passportConfigJson = preferences.getString("passportConfigJson", ""); passportConfigHash = preferences.getInt("passportConfigHash", 0); storageCacheDir = preferences.getString("storageCacheDir", null); String authKeyString = preferences.getString("pushAuthKey", null); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(authKeyString)) { pushAuthKey = Base64.decode(authKeyString, Base64.DEFAULT); } if (passcodeHash.length() > 0 && lastPauseTime == 0) { lastPauseTime = (int) (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() / 1000 - 60 * 10); } String passcodeSaltString = preferences.getString("passcodeSalt", ""); if (passcodeSaltString.length() > 0) { passcodeSalt = Base64.decode(passcodeSaltString, Base64.DEFAULT); } else { passcodeSalt = new byte[0]; } lastUpdateCheckTime = preferences.getLong("appUpdateCheckTime", System.currentTimeMillis()); try { String update = preferences.getString("appUpdate", null); if (update != null) { pendingAppUpdateBuildVersion = preferences.getInt("appUpdateBuild", BuildVars.BUILD_VERSION); byte[] arr = Base64.decode(update, Base64.DEFAULT); if (arr != null) { SerializedData data = new SerializedData(arr); pendingAppUpdate = (TLRPC.TL_help_appUpdate) TLRPC.help_AppUpdate.TLdeserialize(data, data.readInt32(false), false); data.cleanup(); } } if (pendingAppUpdate != null) { long updateTime = 0; int updateVersion = 0; String updateVersionString = null; try { PackageInfo packageInfo = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getPackageName(), 0); updateVersion = packageInfo.versionCode; updateVersionString = packageInfo.versionName; } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } if (updateVersion == 0) { updateVersion = BuildVars.BUILD_VERSION; } if (updateVersionString == null) { updateVersionString = BuildVars.BUILD_VERSION_STRING; } if (pendingAppUpdateBuildVersion != updateVersion || pendingAppUpdate.version == null || updateVersionString.compareTo(pendingAppUpdate.version) >= 0) { pendingAppUpdate = null; AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(SharedConfig::saveConfig); } } } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } preferences = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getSharedPreferences("mainconfig", Activity.MODE_PRIVATE); saveToGallery = preferences.getBoolean("save_gallery", false); autoplayGifs = preferences.getBoolean("autoplay_gif", true); autoplayVideo = preferences.getBoolean("autoplay_video", true); mapPreviewType = preferences.getInt("mapPreviewType", 2); raiseToSpeak = preferences.getBoolean("raise_to_speak", true); customTabs = preferences.getBoolean("custom_tabs", true); directShare = preferences.getBoolean("direct_share", true); shuffleMusic = preferences.getBoolean("shuffleMusic", false); playOrderReversed = !shuffleMusic && preferences.getBoolean("playOrderReversed", false); inappCamera = preferences.getBoolean("inappCamera", true); hasCameraCache = preferences.contains("cameraCache"); roundCamera16to9 = true;//preferences.getBoolean("roundCamera16to9", false); repeatMode = preferences.getInt("repeatMode", 0); fontSize = preferences.getInt("fons_size", AndroidUtilities.isTablet() ? 14 : 12); bubbleRadius = preferences.getInt("bubbleRadius", 3); ivFontSize = preferences.getInt("iv_font_size", fontSize); allowBigEmoji = preferences.getBoolean("allowBigEmoji", true); streamMedia = preferences.getBoolean("streamMedia", true); saveStreamMedia = preferences.getBoolean("saveStreamMedia", true); smoothKeyboard = preferences.getBoolean("smoothKeyboard2", true); pauseMusicOnRecord = preferences.getBoolean("pauseMusicOnRecord", false); streamAllVideo = preferences.getBoolean("streamAllVideo", BuildVars.DEBUG_VERSION); streamMkv = preferences.getBoolean("streamMkv", false); suggestStickers = preferences.getInt("suggestStickers", 0); sortContactsByName = preferences.getBoolean("sortContactsByName", false); sortFilesByName = preferences.getBoolean("sortFilesByName", false); noSoundHintShowed = preferences.getBoolean("noSoundHintShowed", false); directShareHash = preferences.getString("directShareHash2", null); useThreeLinesLayout = preferences.getBoolean("useThreeLinesLayout", false); archiveHidden = preferences.getBoolean("archiveHidden", false); distanceSystemType = preferences.getInt("distanceSystemType", 0); devicePerformanceClass = preferences.getInt("devicePerformanceClass", -1); loopStickers = preferences.getBoolean("loopStickers", true); keepMedia = preferences.getInt("keep_media", 2); noStatusBar = preferences.getBoolean("noStatusBar", false); lastKeepMediaCheckTime = preferences.getInt("lastKeepMediaCheckTime", 0); lastLogsCheckTime = preferences.getInt("lastLogsCheckTime", 0); searchMessagesAsListHintShows = preferences.getInt("searchMessagesAsListHintShows", 0); searchMessagesAsListUsed = preferences.getBoolean("searchMessagesAsListUsed", false); stickersReorderingHintUsed = preferences.getBoolean("stickersReorderingHintUsed", false); textSelectionHintShows = preferences.getInt("textSelectionHintShows", 0); scheduledOrNoSoundHintShows = preferences.getInt("scheduledOrNoSoundHintShows", 0); forwardingOptionsHintShown = preferences.getBoolean("forwardingOptionsHintShown", false); lockRecordAudioVideoHint = preferences.getInt("lockRecordAudioVideoHint", 0); disableVoiceAudioEffects = preferences.getBoolean("disableVoiceAudioEffects", false); noiseSupression = preferences.getBoolean("noiseSupression", false); chatSwipeAction = preferences.getInt("ChatSwipeAction", -1); messageSeenHintCount = preferences.getInt("messageSeenCount", 3); emojiInteractionsHintCount = preferences.getInt("emojiInteractionsHintCount", 3); dayNightThemeSwitchHintCount = preferences.getInt("dayNightThemeSwitchHintCount", 3); activeAccounts = Arrays.stream(preferences.getString("active_accounts", "").split(",")).filter(StrUtil::isNotBlank).map(Integer::parseInt).collect(Collectors.toCollection(CopyOnWriteArraySet::new)); if (!preferences.contains("activeAccountsLoaded")) { int maxAccounts; File filesDir = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getFilesDir(); if (new File(filesDir, "account31").isDirectory()) { maxAccounts = 32; } else if (new File(filesDir, "account15").isDirectory()) { maxAccounts = 16; } else { maxAccounts = -1; } for (int i = 0; i < maxAccounts; i++) { SharedPreferences perf; if (i == 0) { perf = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getSharedPreferences("userconfing", Context.MODE_PRIVATE); } else { perf = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getSharedPreferences("userconfig" + i, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); } if (StrUtil.isNotBlank(perf.getString("user", null))) { activeAccounts.add(i); } } if (!SharedConfig.activeAccounts.isEmpty()) { preferences.edit().putString("active_accounts", StringUtils.join(activeAccounts, ",")).apply(); } preferences.edit().putBoolean("activeAccountsLoaded", true).apply(); } mediaColumnsCount = preferences.getInt("mediaColumnsCount", 3); fastScrollHintCount = preferences.getInt("fastScrollHintCount", 3); dontAskManageStorage = preferences.getBoolean("dontAskManageStorage", false); drawSnowInChat = preferences.getBoolean("drawSnowInChat", BuildVars.DEBUG_VERSION); preferences = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getSharedPreferences("Notifications", Activity.MODE_PRIVATE); showNotificationsForAllAccounts = preferences.getBoolean("AllAccounts", true); configLoaded = true; } } public static void increaseBadPasscodeTries() { badPasscodeTries++; if (badPasscodeTries >= 3) { switch (badPasscodeTries) { case 3: passcodeRetryInMs = 5000; break; case 4: passcodeRetryInMs = 10000; break; case 5: passcodeRetryInMs = 15000; break; case 6: passcodeRetryInMs = 20000; break; case 7: passcodeRetryInMs = 25000; break; default: passcodeRetryInMs = 30000; break; } lastUptimeMillis = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); } saveConfig(); } public static boolean isPassportConfigLoaded() { return passportConfigMap != null; } public static void setPassportConfig(String json, int hash) { passportConfigMap = null; passportConfigJson = json; passportConfigHash = hash; saveConfig(); getCountryLangs(); } public static HashMap getCountryLangs() { if (passportConfigMap == null) { passportConfigMap = new HashMap<>(); try { JSONObject object = new JSONObject(passportConfigJson); Iterator iter = object.keys(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String key = iter.next(); passportConfigMap.put(key.toUpperCase(), object.getString(key).toUpperCase()); } } catch (Throwable e) { FileLog.e(e); } } return passportConfigMap; } public static boolean isAppUpdateAvailable() { if (pendingAppUpdate == null || pendingAppUpdate.document == null || !AndroidUtilities.isStandaloneApp()) { return false; } int currentVersion; try { PackageInfo pInfo = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getPackageName(), 0); currentVersion = pInfo.versionCode; } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); currentVersion = BuildVars.BUILD_VERSION; } return pendingAppUpdateBuildVersion == currentVersion; } public static boolean setNewAppVersionAvailable(TLRPC.TL_help_appUpdate update) { String updateVersionString = null; int versionCode = 0; try { PackageInfo packageInfo = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getPackageName(), 0); versionCode = packageInfo.versionCode; updateVersionString = packageInfo.versionName; } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } if (versionCode == 0) { versionCode = BuildVars.BUILD_VERSION; } if (updateVersionString == null) { updateVersionString = BuildVars.BUILD_VERSION_STRING; } if (update.version == null || updateVersionString.compareTo(update.version) >= 0) { return false; } pendingAppUpdate = update; pendingAppUpdateBuildVersion = versionCode; saveConfig(); return true; } public static boolean checkPasscode(String passcode) { if (passcodeSalt.length == 0) { boolean result = Utilities.MD5(passcode).equals(passcodeHash); if (result) { try { passcodeSalt = new byte[16]; Utilities.random.nextBytes(passcodeSalt); byte[] passcodeBytes = passcode.getBytes("UTF-8"); byte[] bytes = new byte[32 + passcodeBytes.length]; System.arraycopy(passcodeSalt, 0, bytes, 0, 16); System.arraycopy(passcodeBytes, 0, bytes, 16, passcodeBytes.length); System.arraycopy(passcodeSalt, 0, bytes, passcodeBytes.length + 16, 16); passcodeHash = Utilities.bytesToHex(Utilities.computeSHA256(bytes, 0, bytes.length)); saveConfig(); } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } } return result; } else { try { byte[] passcodeBytes = passcode.getBytes("UTF-8"); byte[] bytes = new byte[32 + passcodeBytes.length]; System.arraycopy(passcodeSalt, 0, bytes, 0, 16); System.arraycopy(passcodeBytes, 0, bytes, 16, passcodeBytes.length); System.arraycopy(passcodeSalt, 0, bytes, passcodeBytes.length + 16, 16); String hash = Utilities.bytesToHex(Utilities.computeSHA256(bytes, 0, bytes.length)); return passcodeHash.equals(hash); } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } } return false; } public static void clearConfig() { saveIncomingPhotos = false; appLocked = false; passcodeType = 0; passcodeRetryInMs = 0; lastUptimeMillis = 0; badPasscodeTries = 0; passcodeHash = ""; passcodeSalt = new byte[0]; autoLockIn = 60 * 60; lastPauseTime = 0; useFingerprint = true; isWaitingForPasscodeEnter = false; allowScreenCapture = false; lastUpdateVersion = BuildVars.BUILD_VERSION_STRING; textSelectionHintShows = 0; scheduledOrNoSoundHintShows = 0; lockRecordAudioVideoHint = 0; forwardingOptionsHintShown = false; messageSeenHintCount = 3; emojiInteractionsHintCount = 3; dayNightThemeSwitchHintCount = 3; saveConfig(); } public static void setSuggestStickers(int type) { suggestStickers = type; SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putInt("suggestStickers", suggestStickers); editor.commit(); } public static void setSearchMessagesAsListUsed(boolean value) { searchMessagesAsListUsed = value; SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean("searchMessagesAsListUsed", searchMessagesAsListUsed); editor.commit(); } public static void setStickersReorderingHintUsed(boolean value) { stickersReorderingHintUsed = value; SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean("stickersReorderingHintUsed", stickersReorderingHintUsed); editor.commit(); } public static void increaseTextSelectionHintShowed() { SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putInt("textSelectionHintShows", ++textSelectionHintShows); editor.commit(); } public static void removeTextSelectionHint() { SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putInt("textSelectionHintShows", 3); editor.commit(); } public static void increaseScheduledOrNoSuoundHintShowed() { SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putInt("scheduledOrNoSoundHintShows", ++scheduledOrNoSoundHintShows); editor.commit(); } public static void forwardingOptionsHintHintShowed() { SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); forwardingOptionsHintShown = true; editor.putBoolean("forwardingOptionsHintShown", forwardingOptionsHintShown); editor.commit(); } public static void removeScheduledOrNoSuoundHint() { SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putInt("scheduledOrNoSoundHintShows", 3); editor.commit(); } public static void increaseLockRecordAudioVideoHintShowed() { SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putInt("lockRecordAudioVideoHint", ++lockRecordAudioVideoHint); editor.commit(); } public static void removeLockRecordAudioVideoHint() { SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putInt("lockRecordAudioVideoHint", 3); editor.commit(); } public static void increaseSearchAsListHintShows() { SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putInt("searchMessagesAsListHintShows", ++searchMessagesAsListHintShows); editor.commit(); } public static void setKeepMedia(int value) { keepMedia = value; SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putInt("keep_media", keepMedia); editor.commit(); } public static void checkLogsToDelete() { if (!BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) { return; } int time = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000); if (Math.abs(time - lastLogsCheckTime) < 60 * 60) { return; } lastLogsCheckTime = time; Utilities.cacheClearQueue.postRunnable(() -> { long currentTime = time - 60 * 60 * 24 * 10; try { File sdCard = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getExternalFilesDir(null); File dir = new File(sdCard.getAbsolutePath() + "/logs"); Utilities.clearDir(dir.getAbsolutePath(), 0, currentTime, false); } catch (Throwable e) { FileLog.e(e); } SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putInt("lastLogsCheckTime", lastLogsCheckTime); editor.commit(); }); } public static void checkKeepMedia() { int time = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000); if (Math.abs(time - lastKeepMediaCheckTime) < 60 * 60) { return; } lastKeepMediaCheckTime = time; File cacheDir = FileLoader.checkDirectory(FileLoader.MEDIA_DIR_CACHE); Utilities.cacheClearQueue.postRunnable(() -> { if (keepMedia != 2) { int days; if (keepMedia == 0) { days = 7; } else if (keepMedia == 1) { days = 30; } else if (keepMedia == 4) { days = 1; } else { days = 3; } long currentTime = time - 60 * 60 * 24 * days; final SparseArray paths = ImageLoader.getInstance().createMediaPaths(); for (int a = 0; a < paths.size(); a++) { if (paths.keyAt(a) == FileLoader.MEDIA_DIR_CACHE) { continue; } try { Utilities.clearDir(paths.valueAt(a).getAbsolutePath(), 0, currentTime, false); } catch (Throwable e) { FileLog.e(e); } } } File stickersPath = new File(cacheDir, "acache"); if (stickersPath.exists()) { long currentTime = time - 60 * 60 * 24; try { Utilities.clearDir(stickersPath.getAbsolutePath(), 0, currentTime, false); } catch (Throwable e) { FileLog.e(e); } } SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putInt("lastKeepMediaCheckTime", lastKeepMediaCheckTime); editor.commit(); }); } public static void toggleDisableVoiceAudioEffects() { disableVoiceAudioEffects = !disableVoiceAudioEffects; SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean("disableVoiceAudioEffects", disableVoiceAudioEffects); editor.commit(); } public static void toggleDrawSnowInChat() { drawSnowInChat = !drawSnowInChat; SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean("drawSnowInChat", drawSnowInChat); editor.commit(); } public static void toggleNoiseSupression() { noiseSupression = !noiseSupression; SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean("noiseSupression", noiseSupression); editor.commit(); } public static void toggleNoStatusBar() { noStatusBar = !noStatusBar; SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean("noStatusBar", noStatusBar); editor.commit(); } public static void toggleLoopStickers() { loopStickers = !loopStickers; SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean("loopStickers", loopStickers); editor.commit(); } public static void toggleBigEmoji() { allowBigEmoji = !allowBigEmoji; SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean("allowBigEmoji", allowBigEmoji); editor.commit(); } public static void setPlaybackOrderType(int type) { if (type == 2) { shuffleMusic = true; playOrderReversed = false; } else if (type == 1) { playOrderReversed = true; shuffleMusic = false; } else { playOrderReversed = false; shuffleMusic = false; } MediaController.getInstance().checkIsNextMediaFileDownloaded(); SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean("shuffleMusic", shuffleMusic); editor.putBoolean("playOrderReversed", playOrderReversed); editor.commit(); } public static void setRepeatMode(int mode) { repeatMode = mode; if (repeatMode < 0 || repeatMode > 2) { repeatMode = 0; } SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putInt("repeatMode", repeatMode); editor.commit(); } public static void toggleSaveToGallery() { saveToGallery = !saveToGallery; SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean("save_gallery", saveToGallery); editor.commit(); checkSaveToGalleryFiles(); } public static void toggleAutoplayGifs() { autoplayGifs = !autoplayGifs; SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean("autoplay_gif", autoplayGifs); editor.commit(); } public static void setUseThreeLinesLayout(boolean value) { useThreeLinesLayout = value; SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean("useThreeLinesLayout", useThreeLinesLayout); editor.commit(); NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.dialogsNeedReload, true); } public static void toggleArchiveHidden() { archiveHidden = !archiveHidden; SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean("archiveHidden", archiveHidden); editor.commit(); } public static void toggleAutoplayVideo() { autoplayVideo = !autoplayVideo; SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean("autoplay_video", autoplayVideo); editor.commit(); } public static boolean isSecretMapPreviewSet() { SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); return preferences.contains("mapPreviewType"); } public static void setSecretMapPreviewType(int value) { mapPreviewType = value; SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putInt("mapPreviewType", mapPreviewType); editor.commit(); } public static void setNoSoundHintShowed(boolean value) { if (noSoundHintShowed == value) { return; } noSoundHintShowed = value; SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean("noSoundHintShowed", noSoundHintShowed); editor.commit(); } public static void toogleRaiseToSpeak() { raiseToSpeak = !raiseToSpeak; SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean("raise_to_speak", raiseToSpeak); editor.commit(); } public static void toggleCustomTabs() { customTabs = !customTabs; SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean("custom_tabs", customTabs); editor.commit(); } public static void toggleDirectShare() { directShare = !directShare; SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean("direct_share", directShare); editor.commit(); ShortcutManagerCompat.removeAllDynamicShortcuts(ApplicationLoader.applicationContext); MediaDataController.getInstance(UserConfig.selectedAccount).buildShortcuts(); } public static void toggleStreamMedia() { streamMedia = !streamMedia; SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean("streamMedia", streamMedia); editor.commit(); } public static void toggleSortContactsByName() { sortContactsByName = !sortContactsByName; SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean("sortContactsByName", sortContactsByName); editor.commit(); } public static void toggleSortFilesByName() { sortFilesByName = !sortFilesByName; SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean("sortFilesByName", sortFilesByName); editor.commit(); } public static void toggleStreamAllVideo() { streamAllVideo = !streamAllVideo; SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean("streamAllVideo", streamAllVideo); editor.commit(); } public static void toggleStreamMkv() { streamMkv = !streamMkv; SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean("streamMkv", streamMkv); editor.commit(); } public static void toggleSaveStreamMedia() { saveStreamMedia = !saveStreamMedia; SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean("saveStreamMedia", saveStreamMedia); editor.commit(); } public static void toggleSmoothKeyboard() { smoothKeyboard = !smoothKeyboard; SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean("smoothKeyboard2", smoothKeyboard); editor.commit(); } public static void setSmoothKeyboard(boolean smoothKeyboard) { SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean("smoothKeyboard2", smoothKeyboard); editor.commit(); } public static void togglePauseMusicOnRecord() { pauseMusicOnRecord = !pauseMusicOnRecord; SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean("pauseMusicOnRecord", pauseMusicOnRecord); editor.commit(); } public static void toggleInappCamera() { inappCamera = !inappCamera; SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean("inappCamera", inappCamera); editor.commit(); } public static void setInappCamera(boolean inappCamera) { SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean("inappCamera", inappCamera); editor.commit(); } public static void toggleRoundCamera16to9() { roundCamera16to9 = !roundCamera16to9; SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean("roundCamera16to9", roundCamera16to9); editor.commit(); } public static void setDistanceSystemType(int type) { distanceSystemType = type; SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putInt("distanceSystemType", distanceSystemType); editor.commit(); LocaleController.resetImperialSystemType(); } public static boolean proxyEnabled; public static void setProxyEnable(boolean enable) { proxyEnabled = enable; SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); preferences.edit().putBoolean("proxy_enabled", enable).commit(); ProxyInfo info = currentProxy; if (info == null) { info = new ProxyInfo(); } ProxyInfo finalInfo = info; UIUtil.runOnIoDispatcher(() -> { try { if (enable && finalInfo instanceof ExternalSocks5Proxy) { ((ExternalSocks5Proxy) finalInfo).start(); } else if (!enable && finalInfo instanceof ExternalSocks5Proxy) { ((ExternalSocks5Proxy) finalInfo).stop(); } } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); AlertUtil.showToast(e); return; } ConnectionsManager.setProxySettings(enable, finalInfo.address, finalInfo.port, finalInfo.username, finalInfo.password, finalInfo.secret); UIUtil.runOnUIThread(() -> NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.proxySettingsChanged)); }); } public static void setCurrentProxy(@Nullable ProxyInfo info) { if (currentProxy instanceof ExternalSocks5Proxy && !currentProxy.equals(info)) { ((ExternalSocks5Proxy) currentProxy).stop(); } currentProxy = info; MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings().edit() .putInt("current_proxy", info == null ? 0 : info.hashCode()) .apply(); setProxyEnable(info != null); } public static void reloadProxyList() { proxyListLoaded = false; loadProxyList(); if (proxyEnabled && currentProxy == null) { setProxyEnable(false); } } public static void loadProxyList() { if (proxyListLoaded) { return; } if (!proxyList.isEmpty()) { for (ProxyInfo proxyInfo : getProxyList()) { if (proxyInfo instanceof ExternalSocks5Proxy) { ((ExternalSocks5Proxy) proxyInfo).stop(); } } } proxyListLoaded = true; proxyList.clear(); currentProxy = null; int current = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings().getInt("current_proxy", 0); for (SubInfo subInfo : SubManager.getSubList().find()) { if (!subInfo.enable) continue; for (String proxy : subInfo.proxies) { try { ProxyInfo info = parseProxyInfo(proxy); info.subId = subInfo.id; if (info.hashCode() == current) { currentProxy = info; if (info instanceof ExternalSocks5Proxy) { UIUtil.runOnIoDispatcher(() -> { try { ((ExternalSocks5Proxy) info).start(); } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); AlertUtil.showToast(e); } }); } } proxyList.add(info); } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.d("load sub proxy failed: " + e); } } } File proxyListFile = new File(ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getFilesDir().getParentFile(), "nekox/proxy_list.json"); boolean error = false; if (proxyListFile.isFile()) { try { JSONArray proxyArray = new JSONArray(FileUtil.readUtf8String(proxyListFile)); for (int a = 0; a < proxyArray.length(); a++) { JSONObject proxyObj = proxyArray.getJSONObject(a); ProxyInfo info; try { info = ProxyInfo.fromJson(proxyObj); } catch (Exception ex) { FileLog.d("load proxy failed: " + ex); error = true; continue; } proxyList.add(info); if (info.hashCode() == current) { currentProxy = info; if (info instanceof ExternalSocks5Proxy) { UIUtil.runOnIoDispatcher(() -> { try { ((ExternalSocks5Proxy) info).start(); } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); AlertUtil.showToast(e); } }); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { FileLog.d("invalid proxy list json format" + ex); } } if (error) saveProxyList(); SharedPreferences preferences = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getSharedPreferences("mainconfig", Activity.MODE_PRIVATE); boolean proxyEnabledValue = preferences.getBoolean("proxy_enabled", false); if (proxyEnabledValue && currentProxy == null) proxyEnabledValue = false; proxyEnabled = proxyEnabledValue; } public static ProxyInfo parseProxyInfo(String url) throws InvalidProxyException { if (url.startsWith(V2RayConfig.VMESS_PROTOCOL) || url.startsWith(V2RayConfig.VMESS1_PROTOCOL) || url.startsWith(V2RayConfig.TROJAN_PROTOCOL)) { try { return new VmessProxy(url); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new InvalidProxyException(ex); } } else if (url.startsWith(SS_PROTOCOL)) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) { throw new InvalidProxyException("shadowsocks requires min api 21"); } try { return new ShadowsocksProxy(url); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new InvalidProxyException(ex); } } else if (url.startsWith(SSR_PROTOCOL)) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) { throw new InvalidProxyException("shadowsocksR requires min api 21"); } try { return new ShadowsocksRProxy(url); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new InvalidProxyException(ex); } } else if (url.startsWith(WS_PROTOCOL) || url.startsWith(WSS_PROTOCOL)) { try { return new WsProxy(url); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new InvalidProxyException(ex); } }/* else if (url.startsWith(RB_PROTOCOL)) { try { return new RelayBatonProxy(url); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new InvalidProxyException(ex); } } */ if (url.startsWith("tg:proxy") || url.startsWith("tg://proxy") || url.startsWith("tg:socks") || url.startsWith("tg://socks") || url.startsWith("https://t.me/proxy") || url.startsWith("https://t.me/socks")) { return ProxyInfo.fromUrl(url); } throw new InvalidProxyException(); } public static class InvalidProxyException extends Exception { public InvalidProxyException() { } public InvalidProxyException(String messsage) { super(messsage); } public InvalidProxyException(Throwable cause) { super(cause); } } public static void saveProxyList() { UIUtil.runOnIoDispatcher(() -> { JSONArray proxyArray = new JSONArray(); for (ProxyInfo info : getProxyList()) { try { JSONObject obj = info.toJsonInternal(); if (info.subId != 0L) { continue; } proxyArray.put(obj); } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } } File proxyListFile = new File(ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getFilesDir().getParentFile(), "nekox/proxy_list.json"); try { FileUtil.writeUtf8String(proxyArray.toString(), proxyListFile); } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } }); } public static ProxyInfo addProxy(ProxyInfo proxyInfo) { synchronized (sync) { int count = proxyList.size(); for (int a = 0; a < count; a++) { ProxyInfo info = proxyList.get(a); if (info.equals(proxyInfo)) { return info; } } proxyList.add(proxyInfo); } saveProxyList(); return proxyInfo; } public static void deleteProxy(ProxyInfo proxyInfo) { if (currentProxy == proxyInfo) { currentProxy = null; if (proxyEnabled) { setProxyEnable(false); } } proxyList.remove(proxyInfo); if (proxyInfo.subId != 0) { SubInfo sub = SubManager.getSubList().find(ObjectFilters.eq("id", proxyInfo.subId)).firstOrDefault(); try { if (sub.proxies.remove(proxyInfo.toUrl())) { SubManager.getSubList().update(sub); } } catch (UnsupportedOperationException ignored) { } } else { saveProxyList(); } } public static void deleteAllProxy() { setCurrentProxy(null); proxyListLoaded = false; proxyList.clear(); saveProxyList(); loadProxyList(); } public static void checkSaveToGalleryFiles() { Utilities.globalQueue.postRunnable(() -> { try { File telegramPath = EnvUtil.getTelegramPath(); File imagePath = new File(telegramPath, "images"); imagePath.mkdirs(); File videoPath = new File(telegramPath, "videos"); videoPath.mkdirs(); if (saveToGallery) { if (imagePath.isDirectory()) { new File(imagePath, ".nomedia").delete(); } if (videoPath.isDirectory()) { new File(videoPath, ".nomedia").delete(); } } else { if (imagePath.isDirectory()) { AndroidUtilities.createEmptyFile(new File(imagePath, ".nomedia")); } if (videoPath.isDirectory()) { AndroidUtilities.createEmptyFile(new File(videoPath, ".nomedia")); } } } catch (Throwable e) { FileLog.e(e); } }); } public static int getChatSwipeAction(int currentAccount) { if (chatSwipeAction >= 0) { if (chatSwipeAction == SwipeGestureSettingsView.SWIPE_GESTURE_FOLDERS && MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).dialogFilters.isEmpty()) { return SwipeGestureSettingsView.SWIPE_GESTURE_ARCHIVE; } return chatSwipeAction; } else if (!MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).dialogFilters.isEmpty()) { return SwipeGestureSettingsView.SWIPE_GESTURE_FOLDERS; } return SwipeGestureSettingsView.SWIPE_GESTURE_ARCHIVE; } public static void updateChatListSwipeSetting(int newAction) { chatSwipeAction = newAction; SharedPreferences preferences = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getSharedPreferences("mainconfig", Activity.MODE_PRIVATE); preferences.edit().putInt("ChatSwipeAction", chatSwipeAction).apply(); } public static void updateMessageSeenHintCount(int count) { messageSeenHintCount = count; SharedPreferences preferences = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getSharedPreferences("mainconfig", Activity.MODE_PRIVATE); preferences.edit().putInt("messageSeenCount", messageSeenHintCount).apply(); } public static void updateEmojiInteractionsHintCount(int count) { emojiInteractionsHintCount = count; SharedPreferences preferences = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getSharedPreferences("mainconfig", Activity.MODE_PRIVATE); preferences.edit().putInt("emojiInteractionsHintCount", emojiInteractionsHintCount).apply(); } public static void updateDayNightThemeSwitchHintCount(int count) { dayNightThemeSwitchHintCount = count; SharedPreferences preferences = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getSharedPreferences("mainconfig", Activity.MODE_PRIVATE); preferences.edit().putInt("dayNightThemeSwitchHintCount", dayNightThemeSwitchHintCount).apply(); } public final static int PERFORMANCE_CLASS_LOW = 0; public final static int PERFORMANCE_CLASS_AVERAGE = 1; public final static int PERFORMANCE_CLASS_HIGH = 2; @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) @IntDef({ PERFORMANCE_CLASS_LOW, PERFORMANCE_CLASS_AVERAGE, PERFORMANCE_CLASS_HIGH }) public @interface PerformanceClass {} @PerformanceClass public static int getDevicePerformanceClass() { if (devicePerformanceClass == -1) { int androidVersion = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT; int cpuCount = ConnectionsManager.CPU_COUNT; int memoryClass = ((ActivityManager) ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE)).getMemoryClass(); int totalCpuFreq = 0; int freqResolved = 0; for (int i = 0; i < cpuCount; i++) { try { RandomAccessFile reader = new RandomAccessFile(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%d/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq", i), "r"); String line = reader.readLine(); if (line != null) { totalCpuFreq += Utilities.parseInt(line) / 1000; freqResolved++; } reader.close(); } catch (Throwable ignore) {} } int maxCpuFreq = freqResolved == 0 ? -1 : (int) Math.ceil(totalCpuFreq / (float) freqResolved); if (androidVersion < 21 || cpuCount <= 2 || memoryClass <= 100 || cpuCount <= 4 && maxCpuFreq != -1 && maxCpuFreq <= 1250 || cpuCount <= 4 && maxCpuFreq <= 1600 && memoryClass <= 128 && androidVersion <= 21 || cpuCount <= 4 && maxCpuFreq <= 1300 && memoryClass <= 128 && androidVersion <= 24) { devicePerformanceClass = PERFORMANCE_CLASS_LOW; } else if (cpuCount < 8 || memoryClass <= 160 || maxCpuFreq != -1 && maxCpuFreq <= 2050 || maxCpuFreq == -1 && cpuCount == 8 && androidVersion <= 23) { devicePerformanceClass = PERFORMANCE_CLASS_AVERAGE; } else { devicePerformanceClass = PERFORMANCE_CLASS_HIGH; } if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) { FileLog.d("device performance info (cpu_count = " + cpuCount + ", freq = " + maxCpuFreq + ", memoryClass = " + memoryClass + ", android version " + androidVersion + ")"); } } return devicePerformanceClass; } public static void setMediaColumnsCount(int count) { if (mediaColumnsCount != count) { mediaColumnsCount = count; ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getSharedPreferences("mainconfig", Activity.MODE_PRIVATE).edit().putInt("mediaColumnsCount", mediaColumnsCount).apply(); } } public static void setFastScrollHintCount(int count) { if (fastScrollHintCount != count) { fastScrollHintCount = count; ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getSharedPreferences("mainconfig", Activity.MODE_PRIVATE).edit().putInt("fastScrollHintCount", fastScrollHintCount).apply(); } } public static void setDontAskManageStorage(boolean b) { dontAskManageStorage = b; ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getSharedPreferences("mainconfig", Activity.MODE_PRIVATE).edit().putBoolean("dontAskManageStorage", dontAskManageStorage).apply(); } }