/* * This is the source code of Telegram for Android v. 5.x.x. * It is licensed under GNU GPL v. 2 or later. * You should have received a copy of the license in this archive (see LICENSE). * * Copyright Nikolai Kudashov, 2013-2018. */ package org.telegram.ui.Cells; import android.content.Context; import android.graphics.Canvas; import android.graphics.PorterDuff; import android.graphics.PorterDuffColorFilter; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.view.Gravity; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import android.widget.ImageView; import org.telegram.messenger.AndroidUtilities; import org.telegram.messenger.ImageLocation; import org.telegram.messenger.LocaleController; import org.telegram.messenger.MessagesController; import org.telegram.messenger.R; import org.telegram.messenger.UserConfig; import org.telegram.messenger.UserObject; import org.telegram.tgnet.ConnectionsManager; import org.telegram.tgnet.TLObject; import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC; import org.telegram.ui.ActionBar.SimpleTextView; import org.telegram.ui.ActionBar.Theme; import org.telegram.ui.Components.AvatarDrawable; import org.telegram.ui.Components.BackupImageView; import org.telegram.ui.Components.LayoutHelper; public class ManageChatUserCell extends FrameLayout { private BackupImageView avatarImageView; private SimpleTextView nameTextView; private SimpleTextView statusTextView; private ImageView optionsButton; private AvatarDrawable avatarDrawable; private TLObject currentObject; private CharSequence currentName; private CharSequence currrntStatus; private String lastName; private int lastStatus; private TLRPC.FileLocation lastAvatar; private boolean isAdmin; private boolean needDivider; private int statusColor; private int statusOnlineColor; private int namePadding; private int currentAccount = UserConfig.selectedAccount; private ManageChatUserCellDelegate delegate; public interface ManageChatUserCellDelegate { boolean onOptionsButtonCheck(ManageChatUserCell cell, boolean click); } public ManageChatUserCell(Context context, int avatarPadding, int nPadding, boolean needOption) { super(context); statusColor = Theme.getColor(Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteGrayText); statusOnlineColor = Theme.getColor(Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteBlueText); namePadding = nPadding; avatarDrawable = new AvatarDrawable(); avatarImageView = new BackupImageView(context); avatarImageView.setRoundRadius(AndroidUtilities.dp(23)); addView(avatarImageView, LayoutHelper.createFrame(46, 46, (LocaleController.isRTL ? Gravity.RIGHT : Gravity.LEFT) | Gravity.TOP, LocaleController.isRTL ? 0 : 7 + avatarPadding, 8, LocaleController.isRTL ? 7 + avatarPadding : 0, 0)); nameTextView = new SimpleTextView(context); nameTextView.setTextColor(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhiteBlackText)); nameTextView.setTextSize(17); nameTextView.setTypeface(AndroidUtilities.getTypeface("fonts/rmedium.ttf")); nameTextView.setGravity((LocaleController.isRTL ? Gravity.RIGHT : Gravity.LEFT) | Gravity.TOP); addView(nameTextView, LayoutHelper.createFrame(LayoutHelper.MATCH_PARENT, 20, (LocaleController.isRTL ? Gravity.RIGHT : Gravity.LEFT) | Gravity.TOP, LocaleController.isRTL ? 28 + 18 : (68 + namePadding), 11.5f, LocaleController.isRTL ? (68 + namePadding) : 28 + 18, 0)); statusTextView = new SimpleTextView(context); statusTextView.setTextSize(14); statusTextView.setGravity((LocaleController.isRTL ? Gravity.RIGHT : Gravity.LEFT) | Gravity.TOP); addView(statusTextView, LayoutHelper.createFrame(LayoutHelper.MATCH_PARENT, 20, (LocaleController.isRTL ? Gravity.RIGHT : Gravity.LEFT) | Gravity.TOP, LocaleController.isRTL ? 28 : (68 + namePadding), 34.5f, LocaleController.isRTL ? (68 + namePadding) : 28, 0)); if (needOption) { optionsButton = new ImageView(context); optionsButton.setFocusable(false); optionsButton.setBackgroundDrawable(Theme.createSelectorDrawable(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_stickers_menuSelector))); optionsButton.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_ab_other); optionsButton.setColorFilter(new PorterDuffColorFilter(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_stickers_menu), PorterDuff.Mode.MULTIPLY)); optionsButton.setScaleType(ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER); addView(optionsButton, LayoutHelper.createFrame(52, 64, (LocaleController.isRTL ? Gravity.LEFT : Gravity.RIGHT) | Gravity.TOP)); optionsButton.setOnClickListener(v -> delegate.onOptionsButtonCheck(ManageChatUserCell.this, true)); optionsButton.setContentDescription(LocaleController.getString("AccDescrUserOptions", R.string.AccDescrUserOptions)); } } public void setData(TLObject object, CharSequence name, CharSequence status, boolean divider) { if (object == null) { currrntStatus = null; currentName = null; currentObject = null; nameTextView.setText(""); statusTextView.setText(""); avatarImageView.setImageDrawable(null); return; } currrntStatus = status; currentName = name; currentObject = object; if (optionsButton != null) { boolean visible = delegate.onOptionsButtonCheck(ManageChatUserCell.this, false); optionsButton.setVisibility(visible ? VISIBLE : INVISIBLE); nameTextView.setLayoutParams(LayoutHelper.createFrame(LayoutHelper.MATCH_PARENT, 20, (LocaleController.isRTL ? Gravity.RIGHT : Gravity.LEFT) | Gravity.TOP, LocaleController.isRTL ? (visible ? 46 : 28) : (68 + namePadding), status == null || status.length() > 0 ? 11.5f : 20.5f, LocaleController.isRTL ? (68 + namePadding) : (visible ? 46 : 28), 0)); statusTextView.setLayoutParams(LayoutHelper.createFrame(LayoutHelper.MATCH_PARENT, 20, (LocaleController.isRTL ? Gravity.RIGHT : Gravity.LEFT) | Gravity.TOP, LocaleController.isRTL ? (visible ? 46 : 28) : (68 + namePadding), 34.5f, LocaleController.isRTL ? (68 + namePadding) : (visible ? 46 : 28), 0)); } needDivider = divider; setWillNotDraw(!needDivider); update(0); } @Override protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { super.onMeasure(MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec), MeasureSpec.EXACTLY), MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(AndroidUtilities.dp(64) + (needDivider ? 1 : 0), MeasureSpec.EXACTLY)); } public void setStatusColors(int color, int onlineColor) { statusColor = color; statusOnlineColor = onlineColor; } public void setIsAdmin(boolean value) { isAdmin = value; } public void update(int mask) { if (currentObject == null) { return; } if (currentObject instanceof TLRPC.User) { TLRPC.User currentUser = (TLRPC.User) currentObject; TLRPC.FileLocation photo = null; String newName = null; if (currentUser.photo != null) { photo = currentUser.photo.photo_small; } if (mask != 0) { boolean continueUpdate = false; if ((mask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_AVATAR) != 0) { if (lastAvatar != null && photo == null || lastAvatar == null && photo != null || lastAvatar != null && photo != null && (lastAvatar.volume_id != photo.volume_id || lastAvatar.local_id != photo.local_id)) { continueUpdate = true; } } if (currentUser != null && !continueUpdate && (mask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_STATUS) != 0) { int newStatus = 0; if (currentUser.status != null) { newStatus = currentUser.status.expires; } if (newStatus != lastStatus) { continueUpdate = true; } } if (!continueUpdate && currentName == null && lastName != null && (mask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_NAME) != 0) { newName = UserObject.getUserName(currentUser); if (!newName.equals(lastName)) { continueUpdate = true; } } if (!continueUpdate) { return; } } avatarDrawable.setInfo(currentUser); if (currentUser.status != null) { lastStatus = currentUser.status.expires; } else { lastStatus = 0; } if (currentName != null) { lastName = null; nameTextView.setText(currentName); } else { lastName = newName == null ? UserObject.getUserName(currentUser) : newName; nameTextView.setText(lastName); } if (currrntStatus != null) { statusTextView.setTextColor(statusColor); statusTextView.setText(currrntStatus); } else { if (currentUser.bot) { statusTextView.setTextColor(statusColor); if (currentUser.bot_chat_history || isAdmin) { statusTextView.setText(LocaleController.getString("BotStatusRead", R.string.BotStatusRead)); } else { statusTextView.setText(LocaleController.getString("BotStatusCantRead", R.string.BotStatusCantRead)); } } else { if (currentUser.id == UserConfig.getInstance(currentAccount).getClientUserId() || currentUser.status != null && currentUser.status.expires > ConnectionsManager.getInstance(currentAccount).getCurrentTime() || MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).onlinePrivacy.containsKey(currentUser.id)) { statusTextView.setTextColor(statusOnlineColor); statusTextView.setText(LocaleController.getString("Online", R.string.Online)); } else { statusTextView.setTextColor(statusColor); statusTextView.setText(LocaleController.formatUserStatus(currentAccount, currentUser)); } } } lastAvatar = photo; avatarImageView.setImage(ImageLocation.getForUser(currentUser, false), "50_50", avatarDrawable, currentUser); } else if (currentObject instanceof TLRPC.Chat) { TLRPC.Chat currentChat = (TLRPC.Chat) currentObject; TLRPC.FileLocation photo = null; String newName = null; if (currentChat.photo != null) { photo = currentChat.photo.photo_small; } if (mask != 0) { boolean continueUpdate = false; if ((mask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_AVATAR) != 0) { if (lastAvatar != null && photo == null || lastAvatar == null && photo != null || lastAvatar != null && photo != null && (lastAvatar.volume_id != photo.volume_id || lastAvatar.local_id != photo.local_id)) { continueUpdate = true; } } if (!continueUpdate && currentName == null && lastName != null && (mask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_NAME) != 0) { newName = currentChat.title; if (!newName.equals(lastName)) { continueUpdate = true; } } if (!continueUpdate) { return; } } avatarDrawable.setInfo(currentChat); if (currentName != null) { lastName = null; nameTextView.setText(currentName); } else { lastName = newName == null ? currentChat.title : newName; nameTextView.setText(lastName); } if (currrntStatus != null) { statusTextView.setTextColor(statusColor); statusTextView.setText(currrntStatus); } else { statusTextView.setTextColor(statusColor); if (currentChat.participants_count != 0) { statusTextView.setText(LocaleController.formatPluralString("Members", currentChat.participants_count)); } else if (TextUtils.isEmpty(currentChat.username)) { statusTextView.setText(LocaleController.getString("MegaPrivate", R.string.MegaPrivate)); } else { statusTextView.setText(LocaleController.getString("MegaPublic", R.string.MegaPublic)); } } lastAvatar = photo; avatarImageView.setImage(ImageLocation.getForChat(currentChat, false), "50_50", avatarDrawable, currentChat); } } public void recycle() { avatarImageView.getImageReceiver().cancelLoadImage(); } public void setDelegate(ManageChatUserCellDelegate manageChatUserCellDelegate) { delegate = manageChatUserCellDelegate; } public TLObject getCurrentObject() { return currentObject; } @Override public boolean hasOverlappingRendering() { return false; } @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { if (needDivider) { canvas.drawLine(LocaleController.isRTL ? 0 : AndroidUtilities.dp(68), getMeasuredHeight() - 1, getMeasuredWidth() - (LocaleController.isRTL ? AndroidUtilities.dp(68) : 0), getMeasuredHeight() - 1, Theme.dividerPaint); } } }