/* * This is the source code of Telegram for Android v. 1.3.x. * It is licensed under GNU GPL v. 2 or later. * You should have received a copy of the license in this archive (see LICENSE). * * Copyright Nikolai Kudashov, 2013-2018. */ package org.telegram.messenger; import android.app.Activity; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.telephony.TelephonyManager; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.text.format.DateFormat; import android.util.Xml; import org.telegram.messenger.time.FastDateFormat; import org.telegram.tgnet.ConnectionsManager; import org.telegram.tgnet.TLObject; import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser; import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Currency; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.TimeZone; public class LocaleController { static final int QUANTITY_OTHER = 0x0000; static final int QUANTITY_ZERO = 0x0001; static final int QUANTITY_ONE = 0x0002; static final int QUANTITY_TWO = 0x0004; static final int QUANTITY_FEW = 0x0008; static final int QUANTITY_MANY = 0x0010; public static boolean isRTL = false; public static int nameDisplayOrder = 1; public static boolean is24HourFormat = false; public FastDateFormat formatterDay; public FastDateFormat formatterWeek; public FastDateFormat formatterWeekLong; public FastDateFormat formatterDayMonth; public FastDateFormat formatterYear; public FastDateFormat formatterYearMax; public FastDateFormat formatterStats; public FastDateFormat formatterBannedUntil; public FastDateFormat formatterBannedUntilThisYear; public FastDateFormat chatDate; public FastDateFormat chatFullDate; public FastDateFormat formatterScheduleDay; public FastDateFormat formatterScheduleYear; public FastDateFormat formatterMonthYear; public FastDateFormat[] formatterScheduleSend = new FastDateFormat[15]; private HashMap allRules = new HashMap<>(); private Locale currentLocale; private Locale systemDefaultLocale; private PluralRules currentPluralRules; private LocaleInfo currentLocaleInfo; private HashMap localeValues = new HashMap<>(); private String languageOverride; private boolean changingConfiguration = false; private boolean reloadLastFile; private String currentSystemLocale; private HashMap currencyValues; private HashMap translitChars; private HashMap ruTranslitChars; private class TimeZoneChangedReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { ApplicationLoader.applicationHandler.post(() -> { if (!formatterDayMonth.getTimeZone().equals(TimeZone.getDefault())) { LocaleController.getInstance().recreateFormatters(); } }); } } public static class LocaleInfo { public String name; public String nameEnglish; public String shortName; public String pathToFile; public String baseLangCode; public String pluralLangCode; public boolean isRtl; public int version; public int baseVersion; public boolean builtIn; public int serverIndex; public String getSaveString() { String langCode = baseLangCode == null ? "" : baseLangCode; String pluralCode = TextUtils.isEmpty(pluralLangCode) ? shortName : pluralLangCode; return name + "|" + nameEnglish + "|" + shortName + "|" + pathToFile + "|" + version + "|" + langCode + "|" + pluralLangCode + "|" + (isRtl ? 1 : 0) + "|" + baseVersion + "|" + serverIndex; } public static LocaleInfo createWithString(String string) { if (string == null || string.length() == 0) { return null; } String[] args = string.split("\\|"); LocaleInfo localeInfo = null; if (args.length >= 4) { localeInfo = new LocaleInfo(); localeInfo.name = args[0]; localeInfo.nameEnglish = args[1]; localeInfo.shortName = args[2].toLowerCase(); localeInfo.pathToFile = args[3]; if (args.length >= 5) { localeInfo.version = Utilities.parseInt(args[4]); } localeInfo.baseLangCode = args.length >= 6 ? args[5] : ""; localeInfo.pluralLangCode = args.length >= 7 ? args[6] : localeInfo.shortName; if (args.length >= 8) { localeInfo.isRtl = Utilities.parseInt(args[7]) == 1; } if (args.length >= 9) { localeInfo.baseVersion = Utilities.parseInt(args[8]); } if (args.length >= 10) { localeInfo.serverIndex = Utilities.parseInt(args[9]); } else { localeInfo.serverIndex = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(localeInfo.baseLangCode)) { localeInfo.baseLangCode = localeInfo.baseLangCode.replace("-", "_"); } } return localeInfo; } public File getPathToFile() { if (isRemote()) { return new File(ApplicationLoader.getFilesDirFixed(), "remote_" + shortName + ".xml"); } else if (isUnofficial()) { return new File(ApplicationLoader.getFilesDirFixed(), "unofficial_" + shortName + ".xml"); } return !TextUtils.isEmpty(pathToFile) ? new File(pathToFile) : null; } public File getPathToBaseFile() { if (isUnofficial()) { return new File(ApplicationLoader.getFilesDirFixed(), "unofficial_base_" + shortName + ".xml"); } return null; } public String getKey() { if (pathToFile != null && !isRemote() && !isUnofficial()) { return "local_" + shortName; } else if (isUnofficial()) { return "unofficial_" + shortName; } return shortName; } public boolean hasBaseLang() { return isUnofficial() && !TextUtils.isEmpty(baseLangCode) && !baseLangCode.equals(shortName); } public boolean isRemote() { return "remote".equals(pathToFile); } public boolean isUnofficial() { return "unofficial".equals(pathToFile); } public boolean isLocal() { return !TextUtils.isEmpty(pathToFile) && !isRemote() && !isUnofficial(); } public boolean isBuiltIn() { return builtIn; } public String getLangCode() { return shortName.replace("_", "-"); } public String getBaseLangCode() { return baseLangCode == null ? "" : baseLangCode.replace("_", "-"); } } private boolean loadingRemoteLanguages; public ArrayList languages = new ArrayList<>(); public ArrayList unofficialLanguages = new ArrayList<>(); public ArrayList remoteLanguages = new ArrayList<>(); public HashMap remoteLanguagesDict = new HashMap<>(); public HashMap languagesDict = new HashMap<>(); private ArrayList otherLanguages = new ArrayList<>(); private static volatile LocaleController Instance = null; public static LocaleController getInstance() { LocaleController localInstance = Instance; if (localInstance == null) { synchronized (LocaleController.class) { localInstance = Instance; if (localInstance == null) { Instance = localInstance = new LocaleController(); } } } return localInstance; } public LocaleController() { addRules(new String[]{"bem", "brx", "da", "de", "el", "en", "eo", "es", "et", "fi", "fo", "gl", "he", "iw", "it", "nb", "nl", "nn", "no", "sv", "af", "bg", "bn", "ca", "eu", "fur", "fy", "gu", "ha", "is", "ku", "lb", "ml", "mr", "nah", "ne", "om", "or", "pa", "pap", "ps", "so", "sq", "sw", "ta", "te", "tk", "ur", "zu", "mn", "gsw", "chr", "rm", "pt", "an", "ast"}, new PluralRules_One()); addRules(new String[]{"cs", "sk"}, new PluralRules_Czech()); addRules(new String[]{"ff", "fr", "kab"}, new PluralRules_French()); addRules(new String[]{"ru", "uk", "be"}, new PluralRules_Balkan()); addRules(new String[]{"sr", "hr", "bs", "sh"}, new PluralRules_Serbian()); addRules(new String[]{"lv"}, new PluralRules_Latvian()); addRules(new String[]{"lt"}, new PluralRules_Lithuanian()); addRules(new String[]{"pl"}, new PluralRules_Polish()); addRules(new String[]{"ro", "mo"}, new PluralRules_Romanian()); addRules(new String[]{"sl"}, new PluralRules_Slovenian()); addRules(new String[]{"ar"}, new PluralRules_Arabic()); addRules(new String[]{"mk"}, new PluralRules_Macedonian()); addRules(new String[]{"cy"}, new PluralRules_Welsh()); addRules(new String[]{"br"}, new PluralRules_Breton()); addRules(new String[]{"lag"}, new PluralRules_Langi()); addRules(new String[]{"shi"}, new PluralRules_Tachelhit()); addRules(new String[]{"mt"}, new PluralRules_Maltese()); addRules(new String[]{"ga", "se", "sma", "smi", "smj", "smn", "sms"}, new PluralRules_Two()); addRules(new String[]{"ak", "am", "bh", "fil", "tl", "guw", "hi", "ln", "mg", "nso", "ti", "wa"}, new PluralRules_Zero()); addRules(new String[]{"az", "bm", "fa", "ig", "hu", "ja", "kde", "kea", "ko", "my", "ses", "sg", "to", "tr", "vi", "wo", "yo", "zh", "bo", "dz", "id", "jv", "jw", "ka", "km", "kn", "ms", "th", "in"}, new PluralRules_None()); LocaleInfo localeInfo = new LocaleInfo(); localeInfo.name = "English"; localeInfo.nameEnglish = "English"; localeInfo.shortName = localeInfo.pluralLangCode = "en"; localeInfo.pathToFile = null; localeInfo.builtIn = true; languages.add(localeInfo); languagesDict.put(localeInfo.shortName, localeInfo); localeInfo = new LocaleInfo(); localeInfo.name = "Italiano"; localeInfo.nameEnglish = "Italian"; localeInfo.shortName = localeInfo.pluralLangCode = "it"; localeInfo.pathToFile = null; localeInfo.builtIn = true; languages.add(localeInfo); languagesDict.put(localeInfo.shortName, localeInfo); localeInfo = new LocaleInfo(); localeInfo.name = "Español"; localeInfo.nameEnglish = "Spanish"; localeInfo.shortName = localeInfo.pluralLangCode = "es"; localeInfo.builtIn = true; languages.add(localeInfo); languagesDict.put(localeInfo.shortName, localeInfo); localeInfo = new LocaleInfo(); localeInfo.name = "Deutsch"; localeInfo.nameEnglish = "German"; localeInfo.shortName = localeInfo.pluralLangCode = "de"; localeInfo.pathToFile = null; localeInfo.builtIn = true; languages.add(localeInfo); languagesDict.put(localeInfo.shortName, localeInfo); localeInfo = new LocaleInfo(); localeInfo.name = "Nederlands"; localeInfo.nameEnglish = "Dutch"; localeInfo.shortName = localeInfo.pluralLangCode = "nl"; localeInfo.pathToFile = null; localeInfo.builtIn = true; languages.add(localeInfo); languagesDict.put(localeInfo.shortName, localeInfo); localeInfo = new LocaleInfo(); localeInfo.name = "العربية"; localeInfo.nameEnglish = "Arabic"; localeInfo.shortName = localeInfo.pluralLangCode = "ar"; localeInfo.pathToFile = null; localeInfo.builtIn = true; localeInfo.isRtl = true; languages.add(localeInfo); languagesDict.put(localeInfo.shortName, localeInfo); localeInfo = new LocaleInfo(); localeInfo.name = "Português (Brasil)"; localeInfo.nameEnglish = "Portuguese (Brazil)"; localeInfo.shortName = localeInfo.pluralLangCode = "pt_br"; localeInfo.pathToFile = null; localeInfo.builtIn = true; languages.add(localeInfo); languagesDict.put(localeInfo.shortName, localeInfo); localeInfo = new LocaleInfo(); localeInfo.name = "한국어"; localeInfo.nameEnglish = "Korean"; localeInfo.shortName = localeInfo.pluralLangCode = "ko"; localeInfo.pathToFile = null; localeInfo.builtIn = true; languages.add(localeInfo); languagesDict.put(localeInfo.shortName, localeInfo); loadOtherLanguages(); if (remoteLanguages.isEmpty()) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> loadRemoteLanguages(UserConfig.selectedAccount)); } for (int a = 0; a < otherLanguages.size(); a++) { LocaleInfo locale = otherLanguages.get(a); languages.add(locale); languagesDict.put(locale.getKey(), locale); } for (int a = 0; a < remoteLanguages.size(); a++) { LocaleInfo locale = remoteLanguages.get(a); LocaleInfo existingLocale = getLanguageFromDict(locale.getKey()); if (existingLocale != null) { existingLocale.pathToFile = locale.pathToFile; existingLocale.version = locale.version; existingLocale.baseVersion = locale.baseVersion; existingLocale.serverIndex = locale.serverIndex; remoteLanguages.set(a, existingLocale); } else { languages.add(locale); languagesDict.put(locale.getKey(), locale); } } for (int a = 0; a < unofficialLanguages.size(); a++) { LocaleInfo locale = unofficialLanguages.get(a); LocaleInfo existingLocale = getLanguageFromDict(locale.getKey()); if (existingLocale != null) { existingLocale.pathToFile = locale.pathToFile; existingLocale.version = locale.version; existingLocale.baseVersion = locale.baseVersion; existingLocale.serverIndex = locale.serverIndex; unofficialLanguages.set(a, existingLocale); } else { languagesDict.put(locale.getKey(), locale); } } systemDefaultLocale = Locale.getDefault(); is24HourFormat = DateFormat.is24HourFormat(ApplicationLoader.applicationContext); LocaleInfo currentInfo = null; boolean override = false; try { SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); String lang = preferences.getString("language", null); if (lang != null) { currentInfo = getLanguageFromDict(lang); if (currentInfo != null) { override = true; } } if (currentInfo == null && systemDefaultLocale.getLanguage() != null) { currentInfo = getLanguageFromDict(systemDefaultLocale.getLanguage()); } if (currentInfo == null) { currentInfo = getLanguageFromDict(getLocaleString(systemDefaultLocale)); if (currentInfo == null) { currentInfo = getLanguageFromDict("en"); } } applyLanguage(currentInfo, override, true, UserConfig.selectedAccount); } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } try { IntentFilter timezoneFilter = new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_TIMEZONE_CHANGED); ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.registerReceiver(new TimeZoneChangedReceiver(), timezoneFilter); } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> currentSystemLocale = getSystemLocaleStringIso639()); } public LocaleInfo getLanguageFromDict(String key) { if (key == null) { return null; } return languagesDict.get(key.toLowerCase().replace("-", "_")); } private void addRules(String[] languages, PluralRules rules) { for (String language : languages) { allRules.put(language, rules); } } private String stringForQuantity(int quantity) { switch (quantity) { case QUANTITY_ZERO: return "zero"; case QUANTITY_ONE: return "one"; case QUANTITY_TWO: return "two"; case QUANTITY_FEW: return "few"; case QUANTITY_MANY: return "many"; default: return "other"; } } public Locale getSystemDefaultLocale() { return systemDefaultLocale; } public boolean isCurrentLocalLocale() { return currentLocaleInfo.isLocal(); } public void reloadCurrentRemoteLocale(int currentAccount, String langCode, boolean force) { if (langCode != null) { langCode = langCode.replace("-", "_"); } if (langCode == null || currentLocaleInfo != null && (langCode.equals(currentLocaleInfo.shortName) || langCode.equals(currentLocaleInfo.baseLangCode))) { applyRemoteLanguage(currentLocaleInfo, langCode, force, currentAccount); } } public void checkUpdateForCurrentRemoteLocale(int currentAccount, int version, int baseVersion) { if (currentLocaleInfo == null || currentLocaleInfo != null && !currentLocaleInfo.isRemote() && !currentLocaleInfo.isUnofficial()) { return; } if (currentLocaleInfo.hasBaseLang()) { if (currentLocaleInfo.baseVersion < baseVersion) { applyRemoteLanguage(currentLocaleInfo, currentLocaleInfo.baseLangCode, false, currentAccount); } } if (currentLocaleInfo.version < version) { applyRemoteLanguage(currentLocaleInfo, currentLocaleInfo.shortName, false, currentAccount); } } private String getLocaleString(Locale locale) { if (locale == null) { return "en"; } String languageCode = locale.getLanguage(); String countryCode = locale.getCountry(); String variantCode = locale.getVariant(); if (languageCode.length() == 0 && countryCode.length() == 0) { return "en"; } StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(11); result.append(languageCode); if (countryCode.length() > 0 || variantCode.length() > 0) { result.append('_'); } result.append(countryCode); if (variantCode.length() > 0) { result.append('_'); } result.append(variantCode); return result.toString(); } public static String getSystemLocaleStringIso639() { Locale locale = getInstance().getSystemDefaultLocale(); if (locale == null) { return "en"; } String languageCode = locale.getLanguage(); String countryCode = locale.getCountry(); String variantCode = locale.getVariant(); if (languageCode.length() == 0 && countryCode.length() == 0) { return "en"; } StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(11); result.append(languageCode); if (countryCode.length() > 0 || variantCode.length() > 0) { result.append('-'); } result.append(countryCode); if (variantCode.length() > 0) { result.append('_'); } result.append(variantCode); return result.toString(); } public static String getLocaleStringIso639() { LocaleInfo info = getInstance().currentLocaleInfo; if (info != null) { return info.getLangCode(); } Locale locale = getInstance().currentLocale; if (locale == null) { return "en"; } String languageCode = locale.getLanguage(); String countryCode = locale.getCountry(); String variantCode = locale.getVariant(); if (languageCode.length() == 0 && countryCode.length() == 0) { return "en"; } StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(11); result.append(languageCode); if (countryCode.length() > 0 || variantCode.length() > 0) { result.append('-'); } result.append(countryCode); if (variantCode.length() > 0) { result.append('_'); } result.append(variantCode); return result.toString(); } public static String getLocaleAlias(String code) { if (code == null) { return null; } switch (code) { case "in": return "id"; case "iw": return "he"; case "jw": return "jv"; case "no": return "nb"; case "tl": return "fil"; case "ji": return "yi"; case "id": return "in"; case "he": return "iw"; case "jv": return "jw"; case "nb": return "no"; case "fil": return "tl"; case "yi": return "ji"; } return null; } public boolean applyLanguageFile(File file, int currentAccount) { try { HashMap stringMap = getLocaleFileStrings(file); String languageName = stringMap.get("LanguageName"); String languageNameInEnglish = stringMap.get("LanguageNameInEnglish"); String languageCode = stringMap.get("LanguageCode"); if (languageName != null && languageName.length() > 0 && languageNameInEnglish != null && languageNameInEnglish.length() > 0 && languageCode != null && languageCode.length() > 0) { if (languageName.contains("&") || languageName.contains("|")) { return false; } if (languageNameInEnglish.contains("&") || languageNameInEnglish.contains("|")) { return false; } if (languageCode.contains("&") || languageCode.contains("|") || languageCode.contains("/") || languageCode.contains("\\")) { return false; } File finalFile = new File(ApplicationLoader.getFilesDirFixed(), languageCode + ".xml"); if (!AndroidUtilities.copyFile(file, finalFile)) { return false; } String key = "local_" + languageCode.toLowerCase(); LocaleInfo localeInfo = getLanguageFromDict(key); if (localeInfo == null) { localeInfo = new LocaleInfo(); localeInfo.name = languageName; localeInfo.nameEnglish = languageNameInEnglish; localeInfo.shortName = languageCode.toLowerCase(); localeInfo.pluralLangCode = localeInfo.shortName; localeInfo.pathToFile = finalFile.getAbsolutePath(); languages.add(localeInfo); languagesDict.put(localeInfo.getKey(), localeInfo); otherLanguages.add(localeInfo); saveOtherLanguages(); } localeValues = stringMap; applyLanguage(localeInfo, true, false, true, false, currentAccount); return true; } } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } return false; } private void saveOtherLanguages() { SharedPreferences preferences = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getSharedPreferences("langconfig", Activity.MODE_PRIVATE); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int a = 0; a < otherLanguages.size(); a++) { LocaleInfo localeInfo = otherLanguages.get(a); String loc = localeInfo.getSaveString(); if (loc != null) { if (stringBuilder.length() != 0) { stringBuilder.append("&"); } stringBuilder.append(loc); } } editor.putString("locales", stringBuilder.toString()); stringBuilder.setLength(0); for (int a = 0; a < remoteLanguages.size(); a++) { LocaleInfo localeInfo = remoteLanguages.get(a); String loc = localeInfo.getSaveString(); if (loc != null) { if (stringBuilder.length() != 0) { stringBuilder.append("&"); } stringBuilder.append(loc); } } editor.putString("remote", stringBuilder.toString()); stringBuilder.setLength(0); for (int a = 0; a < unofficialLanguages.size(); a++) { LocaleInfo localeInfo = unofficialLanguages.get(a); String loc = localeInfo.getSaveString(); if (loc != null) { if (stringBuilder.length() != 0) { stringBuilder.append("&"); } stringBuilder.append(loc); } } editor.putString("unofficial", stringBuilder.toString()); editor.commit(); } public boolean deleteLanguage(LocaleInfo localeInfo, int currentAccount) { if (localeInfo.pathToFile == null || localeInfo.isRemote() && localeInfo.serverIndex != Integer.MAX_VALUE) { return false; } if (currentLocaleInfo == localeInfo) { LocaleInfo info = null; if (systemDefaultLocale.getLanguage() != null) { info = getLanguageFromDict(systemDefaultLocale.getLanguage()); } if (info == null) { info = getLanguageFromDict(getLocaleString(systemDefaultLocale)); } if (info == null) { info = getLanguageFromDict("en"); } applyLanguage(info, true, false, currentAccount); } unofficialLanguages.remove(localeInfo); remoteLanguages.remove(localeInfo); remoteLanguagesDict.remove(localeInfo.getKey()); otherLanguages.remove(localeInfo); languages.remove(localeInfo); languagesDict.remove(localeInfo.getKey()); File file = new File(localeInfo.pathToFile); file.delete(); saveOtherLanguages(); return true; } private void loadOtherLanguages() { SharedPreferences preferences = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getSharedPreferences("langconfig", Activity.MODE_PRIVATE); String locales = preferences.getString("locales", null); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(locales)) { String[] localesArr = locales.split("&"); for (String locale : localesArr) { LocaleInfo localeInfo = LocaleInfo.createWithString(locale); if (localeInfo != null) { otherLanguages.add(localeInfo); } } } locales = preferences.getString("remote", null); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(locales)) { String[] localesArr = locales.split("&"); for (String locale : localesArr) { LocaleInfo localeInfo = LocaleInfo.createWithString(locale); localeInfo.shortName = localeInfo.shortName.replace("-", "_"); if (remoteLanguagesDict.containsKey(localeInfo.getKey())) { continue; } if (localeInfo != null) { remoteLanguages.add(localeInfo); remoteLanguagesDict.put(localeInfo.getKey(), localeInfo); } } } locales = preferences.getString("unofficial", null); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(locales)) { String[] localesArr = locales.split("&"); for (String locale : localesArr) { LocaleInfo localeInfo = LocaleInfo.createWithString(locale); localeInfo.shortName = localeInfo.shortName.replace("-", "_"); if (localeInfo != null) { unofficialLanguages.add(localeInfo); } } } } private HashMap getLocaleFileStrings(File file) { return getLocaleFileStrings(file, false); } private HashMap getLocaleFileStrings(File file, boolean preserveEscapes) { FileInputStream stream = null; reloadLastFile = false; try { if (!file.exists()) { return new HashMap<>(); } HashMap stringMap = new HashMap<>(); XmlPullParser parser = Xml.newPullParser(); //AndroidUtilities.copyFile(file, new File(ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getExternalFilesDir(null), "locale10.xml")); stream = new FileInputStream(file); parser.setInput(stream, "UTF-8"); int eventType = parser.getEventType(); String name = null; String value = null; String attrName = null; while (eventType != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) { if (eventType == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) { name = parser.getName(); int c = parser.getAttributeCount(); if (c > 0) { attrName = parser.getAttributeValue(0); } } else if (eventType == XmlPullParser.TEXT) { if (attrName != null) { value = parser.getText(); if (value != null) { value = value.trim(); if (preserveEscapes) { value = value.replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">").replace("'", "\\'").replace("& ", "& "); } else { value = value.replace("\\n", "\n"); value = value.replace("\\", ""); String old = value; value = value.replace("<", "<"); if (!reloadLastFile && !value.equals(old)) { reloadLastFile = true; } } } } } else if (eventType == XmlPullParser.END_TAG) { value = null; attrName = null; name = null; } if (name != null && name.equals("string") && value != null && attrName != null && value.length() != 0 && attrName.length() != 0) { stringMap.put(attrName, value); name = null; value = null; attrName = null; } eventType = parser.next(); } return stringMap; } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); reloadLastFile = true; } finally { try { if (stream != null) { stream.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } } return new HashMap<>(); } public void applyLanguage(LocaleInfo localeInfo, boolean override, boolean init, final int currentAccount) { applyLanguage(localeInfo, override, init, false, false, currentAccount); } public void applyLanguage(final LocaleInfo localeInfo, boolean override, boolean init, boolean fromFile, boolean force, final int currentAccount) { if (localeInfo == null) { return; } boolean hasBase = localeInfo.hasBaseLang(); File pathToFile = localeInfo.getPathToFile(); File pathToBaseFile = localeInfo.getPathToBaseFile(); String shortName = localeInfo.shortName; if (!init) { ConnectionsManager.setLangCode(localeInfo.getLangCode()); } LocaleInfo existingInfo = getLanguageFromDict(localeInfo.getKey()); if (existingInfo == null) { if (localeInfo.isRemote()) { remoteLanguages.add(localeInfo); remoteLanguagesDict.put(localeInfo.getKey(), localeInfo); languages.add(localeInfo); languagesDict.put(localeInfo.getKey(), localeInfo); saveOtherLanguages(); } else if (localeInfo.isUnofficial()) { unofficialLanguages.add(localeInfo); languagesDict.put(localeInfo.getKey(), localeInfo); saveOtherLanguages(); } } if ((localeInfo.isRemote() || localeInfo.isUnofficial()) && (force || !pathToFile.exists() || hasBase && !pathToBaseFile.exists())) { if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) { FileLog.d("reload locale because one of file doesn't exist" + pathToFile + " " + pathToBaseFile); } if (init) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> applyRemoteLanguage(localeInfo, null, true, currentAccount)); } else { applyRemoteLanguage(localeInfo, null, true, currentAccount); } } try { Locale newLocale; String[] args; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(localeInfo.pluralLangCode)) { args = localeInfo.pluralLangCode.split("_"); } else if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(localeInfo.baseLangCode)) { args = localeInfo.baseLangCode.split("_"); } else { args = localeInfo.shortName.split("_"); } if (args.length == 1) { newLocale = new Locale(args[0]); } else { newLocale = new Locale(args[0], args[1]); } if (override) { languageOverride = localeInfo.shortName; SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putString("language", localeInfo.getKey()); editor.commit(); } if (pathToFile == null) { localeValues.clear(); } else if (!fromFile) { localeValues = getLocaleFileStrings(hasBase ? localeInfo.getPathToBaseFile() : localeInfo.getPathToFile()); if (hasBase) { localeValues.putAll(getLocaleFileStrings(localeInfo.getPathToFile())); } } currentLocale = newLocale; currentLocaleInfo = localeInfo; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(currentLocaleInfo.pluralLangCode)) { currentPluralRules = allRules.get(currentLocaleInfo.pluralLangCode); } if (currentPluralRules == null) { currentPluralRules = allRules.get(args[0]); if (currentPluralRules == null) { currentPluralRules = allRules.get(currentLocale.getLanguage()); if (currentPluralRules == null) { currentPluralRules = new PluralRules_None(); } } } changingConfiguration = true; Locale.setDefault(currentLocale); android.content.res.Configuration config = new android.content.res.Configuration(); config.locale = currentLocale; ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getResources().updateConfiguration(config, ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getResources().getDisplayMetrics()); changingConfiguration = false; if (reloadLastFile) { if (init) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> reloadCurrentRemoteLocale(currentAccount, null, force)); } else { reloadCurrentRemoteLocale(currentAccount, null, force); } reloadLastFile = false; } } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); changingConfiguration = false; } recreateFormatters(); } public LocaleInfo getCurrentLocaleInfo() { return currentLocaleInfo; } public Locale getCurrentLocale() { return currentLocale; } public static String getCurrentLanguageName() { LocaleInfo localeInfo = getInstance().currentLocaleInfo; return localeInfo == null || TextUtils.isEmpty(localeInfo.name) ? getString("LanguageName", R.string.LanguageName) : localeInfo.name; } private String getStringInternal(String key, int res) { return getStringInternal(key, null, res); } private String getStringInternal(String key, String fallback, int res) { String value = BuildVars.USE_CLOUD_STRINGS ? localeValues.get(key) : null; if (value == null) { if (BuildVars.USE_CLOUD_STRINGS && fallback != null) { value = localeValues.get(fallback); } if (value == null) { try { value = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getString(res); } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } } } if (value == null) { value = "LOC_ERR:" + key; } return value; } public static String getServerString(String key) { String value = getInstance().localeValues.get(key); if (value == null) { int resourceId = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getResources().getIdentifier(key, "string", ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getPackageName()); if (resourceId != 0) { value = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getString(resourceId); } } return value; } public static String getString(String key, int res) { return getInstance().getStringInternal(key, res); } public static String getString(String key, String fallback, int res) { return getInstance().getStringInternal(key, fallback, res); } public static String getString(String key) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(key)) { return "LOC_ERR:" + key; } int resourceId = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getResources().getIdentifier(key, "string", ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getPackageName()); if (resourceId != 0) { return getString(key, resourceId); } return getServerString(key); } public static String getPluralString(String key, int plural) { if (key == null || key.length() == 0 || getInstance().currentPluralRules == null) { return "LOC_ERR:" + key; } String param = getInstance().stringForQuantity(getInstance().currentPluralRules.quantityForNumber(plural)); param = key + "_" + param; int resourceId = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getResources().getIdentifier(param, "string", ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getPackageName()); return getString(param, key + "_other", resourceId); } public static String formatPluralString(String key, int plural) { if (key == null || key.length() == 0 || getInstance().currentPluralRules == null) { return "LOC_ERR:" + key; } String param = getInstance().stringForQuantity(getInstance().currentPluralRules.quantityForNumber(plural)); param = key + "_" + param; int resourceId = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getResources().getIdentifier(param, "string", ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getPackageName()); return formatString(param, key + "_other", resourceId, plural); } public static String formatPluralStringComma(String key, int plural) { try { if (key == null || key.length() == 0 || getInstance().currentPluralRules == null) { return "LOC_ERR:" + key; } String param = getInstance().stringForQuantity(getInstance().currentPluralRules.quantityForNumber(plural)); param = key + "_" + param; StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(String.format(Locale.US, "%d", plural)); for (int a = stringBuilder.length() - 3; a > 0; a -= 3) { stringBuilder.insert(a, ','); } String value = BuildVars.USE_CLOUD_STRINGS ? getInstance().localeValues.get(param) : null; if (value == null) { value = BuildVars.USE_CLOUD_STRINGS ? getInstance().localeValues.get(key + "_other") : null; } if (value == null) { int resourceId = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getResources().getIdentifier(param, "string", ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getPackageName()); value = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getString(resourceId); } value = value.replace("%1$d", "%1$s"); if (getInstance().currentLocale != null) { return String.format(getInstance().currentLocale, value, stringBuilder); } else { return String.format(value, stringBuilder); } } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); return "LOC_ERR: " + key; } } public static String formatString(String key, int res, Object... args) { return formatString(key, null, res, args); } public static String formatString(String key, String fallback, int res, Object... args) { try { String value = BuildVars.USE_CLOUD_STRINGS ? getInstance().localeValues.get(key) : null; if (value == null) { if (BuildVars.USE_CLOUD_STRINGS && fallback != null) { value = getInstance().localeValues.get(fallback); } if (value == null) { value = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getString(res); } } if (getInstance().currentLocale != null) { return String.format(getInstance().currentLocale, value, args); } else { return String.format(value, args); } } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); return "LOC_ERR: " + key; } } public static String formatTTLString(int ttl) { if (ttl < 60) { return LocaleController.formatPluralString("Seconds", ttl); } else if (ttl < 60 * 60) { return LocaleController.formatPluralString("Minutes", ttl / 60); } else if (ttl < 60 * 60 * 24) { return LocaleController.formatPluralString("Hours", ttl / 60 / 60); } else if (ttl < 60 * 60 * 24 * 7) { return LocaleController.formatPluralString("Days", ttl / 60 / 60 / 24); } else { int days = ttl / 60 / 60 / 24; if (ttl % 7 == 0) { return LocaleController.formatPluralString("Weeks", days / 7); } else { return String.format("%s %s", LocaleController.formatPluralString("Weeks", days / 7), LocaleController.formatPluralString("Days", days % 7)); } } } private static char[] defaultNumbers = new char[]{'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'}; private static char[][] otherNumbers = new char[][]{ {'٠', '١', '٢', '٣', '٤', '٥', '٦', '٧', '٨', '٩'}, {'۰', '۱', '۲', '۳', '۴', '۵', '۶', '۷', '۸', '۹'}, {'०', '१', '२', '३', '४', '५', '६', '७', '८', '९'}, {'૦', '૧', '૨', '૩', '૪', '૫', '૬', '૭', '૮', '૯'}, {'੦', '੧', '੨', '੩', '੪', '੫', '੬', '੭', '੮', '੯'}, {'০', '১', '২', '৩', '৪', '৫', '৬', '৭', '৮', '৯'}, {'೦', '೧', '೨', '೩', '೪', '೫', '೬', '೭', '೮', '೯'}, {'୦', '୧', '୨', '୩', '୪', '୫', '୬', '୭', '୮', '୯'}, {'൦', '൧', '൨', '൩', '൪', '൫', '൬', '൭', '൮', '൯'}, {'௦', '௧', '௨', '௩', '௪', '௫', '௬', '௭', '௮', '௯'}, {'౦', '౧', '౨', '౩', '౪', '౫', '౬', '౭', '౮', '౯'}, {'၀', '၁', '၂', '၃', '၄', '၅', '၆', '၇', '၈', '၉'}, {'༠', '༡', '༢', '༣', '༤', '༥', '༦', '༧', '༨', '༩'}, {'᠐', '᠑', '᠒', '᠓', '᠔', '᠕', '᠖', '᠗', '᠘', '᠙'}, {'០', '១', '២', '៣', '៤', '៥', '៦', '៧', '៨', '៩'}, {'๐', '๑', '๒', '๓', '๔', '๕', '๖', '๗', '๘', '๙'}, {'໐', '໑', '໒', '໓', '໔', '໕', '໖', '໗', '໘', '໙'}, {'꧐', '꧑', '꧒', '꧓', '꧔', '꧕', '꧖', '꧗', '꧘', '꧙'} }; public static String fixNumbers(CharSequence numbers) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(numbers); for (int c = 0, N = builder.length(); c < N; c++) { char ch = builder.charAt(c); if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' || ch == '.' || ch == ',') { continue; } for (int a = 0; a < otherNumbers.length; a++) { for (int b = 0; b < otherNumbers[a].length; b++) { if (ch == otherNumbers[a][b]) { builder.setCharAt(c, defaultNumbers[b]); a = otherNumbers.length; break; } } } } return builder.toString(); } public String formatCurrencyString(long amount, String type) { return formatCurrencyString(amount, true, true, false, type); } public String formatCurrencyString(long amount, boolean fixAnything, boolean withExp, boolean editText, String type) { type = type.toUpperCase(); String customFormat; double doubleAmount; boolean discount = amount < 0; amount = Math.abs(amount); Currency currency = Currency.getInstance(type); switch (type) { case "CLF": customFormat = " %.4f"; doubleAmount = amount / 10000.0; break; case "IRR": doubleAmount = amount / 100.0f; if (fixAnything && amount % 100 == 0) { customFormat = " %.0f"; } else { customFormat = " %.2f"; } break; case "BHD": case "IQD": case "JOD": case "KWD": case "LYD": case "OMR": case "TND": customFormat = " %.3f"; doubleAmount = amount / 1000.0; break; case "BIF": case "BYR": case "CLP": case "CVE": case "DJF": case "GNF": case "ISK": case "JPY": case "KMF": case "KRW": case "MGA": case "PYG": case "RWF": case "UGX": case "UYI": case "VND": case "VUV": case "XAF": case "XOF": case "XPF": customFormat = " %.0f"; doubleAmount = amount; break; case "MRO": customFormat = " %.1f"; doubleAmount = amount / 10.0; break; default: customFormat = " %.2f"; doubleAmount = amount / 100.0; break; } if (!withExp) { customFormat = " %.0f"; } if (currency != null) { NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(currentLocale != null ? currentLocale : systemDefaultLocale); format.setCurrency(currency); if (editText) { format.setGroupingUsed(false); } if (!withExp || fixAnything && type.equals("IRR")) { format.setMaximumFractionDigits(0); } String result = (discount ? "-" : "") + format.format(doubleAmount); int idx = result.indexOf(type); if (idx >= 0) { idx += type.length(); if (idx < result.length() && result.charAt(idx) != ' ') { result = result.substring(0, idx) + " " + result.substring(idx); } } return result; } return (discount ? "-" : "") + String.format(Locale.US, type + customFormat, doubleAmount); } public static int getCurrencyExpDivider(String type) { switch (type) { case "CLF": return 10000; case "BHD": case "IQD": case "JOD": case "KWD": case "LYD": case "OMR": case "TND": return 1000; case "BIF": case "BYR": case "CLP": case "CVE": case "DJF": case "GNF": case "ISK": case "JPY": case "KMF": case "KRW": case "MGA": case "PYG": case "RWF": case "UGX": case "UYI": case "VND": case "VUV": case "XAF": case "XOF": case "XPF": return 1; case "MRO": return 10; default: return 100; } } public String formatCurrencyDecimalString(long amount, String type, boolean inludeType) { type = type.toUpperCase(); String customFormat; double doubleAmount; amount = Math.abs(amount); switch (type) { case "CLF": customFormat = " %.4f"; doubleAmount = amount / 10000.0; break; case "IRR": doubleAmount = amount / 100.0f; if (amount % 100 == 0) { customFormat = " %.0f"; } else { customFormat = " %.2f"; } break; case "BHD": case "IQD": case "JOD": case "KWD": case "LYD": case "OMR": case "TND": customFormat = " %.3f"; doubleAmount = amount / 1000.0; break; case "BIF": case "BYR": case "CLP": case "CVE": case "DJF": case "GNF": case "ISK": case "JPY": case "KMF": case "KRW": case "MGA": case "PYG": case "RWF": case "UGX": case "UYI": case "VND": case "VUV": case "XAF": case "XOF": case "XPF": customFormat = " %.0f"; doubleAmount = amount; break; case "MRO": customFormat = " %.1f"; doubleAmount = amount / 10.0; break; default: customFormat = " %.2f"; doubleAmount = amount / 100.0; break; } return String.format(Locale.US, inludeType ? type : "" + customFormat, doubleAmount).trim(); } public static String formatStringSimple(String string, Object... args) { try { if (getInstance().currentLocale != null) { return String.format(getInstance().currentLocale, string, args); } else { return String.format(string, args); } } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); return "LOC_ERR: " + string; } } public static String formatDuration(int duration) { if (duration <= 0) { return formatPluralString("Seconds", 0); } final int hours = duration / 3600; final int minutes = duration / 60 % 60; final int seconds = duration % 60; final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); if (hours > 0) { stringBuilder.append(formatPluralString("Hours", hours)); } if (minutes > 0) { if (stringBuilder.length() > 0) { stringBuilder.append(' '); } stringBuilder.append(formatPluralString("Minutes", minutes)); } if (seconds > 0) { if (stringBuilder.length() > 0) { stringBuilder.append(' '); } stringBuilder.append(formatPluralString("Seconds", seconds)); } return stringBuilder.toString(); } public static String formatCallDuration(int duration) { if (duration > 3600) { String result = LocaleController.formatPluralString("Hours", duration / 3600); int minutes = duration % 3600 / 60; if (minutes > 0) { result += ", " + LocaleController.formatPluralString("Minutes", minutes); } return result; } else if (duration > 60) { return LocaleController.formatPluralString("Minutes", duration / 60); } else { return LocaleController.formatPluralString("Seconds", duration); } } public void onDeviceConfigurationChange(Configuration newConfig) { if (changingConfiguration) { return; } is24HourFormat = DateFormat.is24HourFormat(ApplicationLoader.applicationContext); systemDefaultLocale = newConfig.locale; if (languageOverride != null) { LocaleInfo toSet = currentLocaleInfo; currentLocaleInfo = null; applyLanguage(toSet, false, false, UserConfig.selectedAccount); } else { Locale newLocale = newConfig.locale; if (newLocale != null) { String d1 = newLocale.getDisplayName(); String d2 = currentLocale.getDisplayName(); if (d1 != null && d2 != null && !d1.equals(d2)) { recreateFormatters(); } currentLocale = newLocale; if (currentLocaleInfo != null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(currentLocaleInfo.pluralLangCode)) { currentPluralRules = allRules.get(currentLocaleInfo.pluralLangCode); } if (currentPluralRules == null) { currentPluralRules = allRules.get(currentLocale.getLanguage()); if (currentPluralRules == null) { currentPluralRules = allRules.get("en"); } } } } String newSystemLocale = getSystemLocaleStringIso639(); if (currentSystemLocale != null && !newSystemLocale.equals(currentSystemLocale)) { currentSystemLocale = newSystemLocale; ConnectionsManager.setSystemLangCode(currentSystemLocale); } } public static String formatDateChat(long date) { return formatDateChat(date, false); } public static String formatDateChat(long date, boolean checkYear) { try { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTimeInMillis(System.currentTimeMillis()); int currentYear = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR); date *= 1000; calendar.setTimeInMillis(date); if (checkYear && currentYear == calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) || !checkYear && Math.abs(System.currentTimeMillis() - date) < 31536000000L) { return getInstance().chatDate.format(date); } return getInstance().chatFullDate.format(date); } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } return "LOC_ERR: formatDateChat"; } public static String formatDate(long date) { try { date *= 1000; Calendar rightNow = Calendar.getInstance(); int day = rightNow.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR); int year = rightNow.get(Calendar.YEAR); rightNow.setTimeInMillis(date); int dateDay = rightNow.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR); int dateYear = rightNow.get(Calendar.YEAR); if (dateDay == day && year == dateYear) { return getInstance().formatterDay.format(new Date(date)); } else if (dateDay + 1 == day && year == dateYear) { return getString("Yesterday", R.string.Yesterday); } else if (Math.abs(System.currentTimeMillis() - date) < 31536000000L) { return getInstance().formatterDayMonth.format(new Date(date)); } else { return getInstance().formatterYear.format(new Date(date)); } } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } return "LOC_ERR: formatDate"; } public static String formatDateAudio(long date, boolean shortFormat) { try { date *= 1000; Calendar rightNow = Calendar.getInstance(); int day = rightNow.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR); int year = rightNow.get(Calendar.YEAR); rightNow.setTimeInMillis(date); int dateDay = rightNow.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR); int dateYear = rightNow.get(Calendar.YEAR); if (dateDay == day && year == dateYear) { if (shortFormat) { return LocaleController.formatString("TodayAtFormatted", R.string.TodayAtFormatted, getInstance().formatterDay.format(new Date(date))); } else { return LocaleController.formatString("TodayAtFormattedWithToday", R.string.TodayAtFormattedWithToday, getInstance().formatterDay.format(new Date(date))); } } else if (dateDay + 1 == day && year == dateYear) { return LocaleController.formatString("YesterdayAtFormatted", R.string.YesterdayAtFormatted, getInstance().formatterDay.format(new Date(date))); } else if (Math.abs(System.currentTimeMillis() - date) < 31536000000L) { return LocaleController.formatString("formatDateAtTime", R.string.formatDateAtTime, getInstance().formatterDayMonth.format(new Date(date)), getInstance().formatterDay.format(new Date(date))); } else { return LocaleController.formatString("formatDateAtTime", R.string.formatDateAtTime, getInstance().formatterYear.format(new Date(date)), getInstance().formatterDay.format(new Date(date))); } } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } return "LOC_ERR"; } public static String formatDateCallLog(long date) { try { date *= 1000; Calendar rightNow = Calendar.getInstance(); int day = rightNow.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR); int year = rightNow.get(Calendar.YEAR); rightNow.setTimeInMillis(date); int dateDay = rightNow.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR); int dateYear = rightNow.get(Calendar.YEAR); if (dateDay == day && year == dateYear) { return getInstance().formatterDay.format(new Date(date)); } else if (dateDay + 1 == day && year == dateYear) { return LocaleController.formatString("YesterdayAtFormatted", R.string.YesterdayAtFormatted, getInstance().formatterDay.format(new Date(date))); } else if (Math.abs(System.currentTimeMillis() - date) < 31536000000L) { return LocaleController.formatString("formatDateAtTime", R.string.formatDateAtTime, getInstance().chatDate.format(new Date(date)), getInstance().formatterDay.format(new Date(date))); } else { return LocaleController.formatString("formatDateAtTime", R.string.formatDateAtTime, getInstance().chatFullDate.format(new Date(date)), getInstance().formatterDay.format(new Date(date))); } } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } return "LOC_ERR"; } public static String formatLocationUpdateDate(long date) { try { date *= 1000; Calendar rightNow = Calendar.getInstance(); int day = rightNow.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR); int year = rightNow.get(Calendar.YEAR); rightNow.setTimeInMillis(date); int dateDay = rightNow.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR); int dateYear = rightNow.get(Calendar.YEAR); if (dateDay == day && year == dateYear) { int diff = (int) (ConnectionsManager.getInstance(UserConfig.selectedAccount).getCurrentTime() - date / 1000) / 60; if (diff < 1) { return LocaleController.getString("LocationUpdatedJustNow", R.string.LocationUpdatedJustNow); } else if (diff < 60) { return LocaleController.formatPluralString("UpdatedMinutes", diff); } return LocaleController.formatString("LocationUpdatedFormatted", R.string.LocationUpdatedFormatted, LocaleController.formatString("TodayAtFormatted", R.string.TodayAtFormatted, getInstance().formatterDay.format(new Date(date)))); } else if (dateDay + 1 == day && year == dateYear) { return LocaleController.formatString("LocationUpdatedFormatted", R.string.LocationUpdatedFormatted, LocaleController.formatString("YesterdayAtFormatted", R.string.YesterdayAtFormatted, getInstance().formatterDay.format(new Date(date)))); } else if (Math.abs(System.currentTimeMillis() - date) < 31536000000L) { String format = LocaleController.formatString("formatDateAtTime", R.string.formatDateAtTime, getInstance().formatterDayMonth.format(new Date(date)), getInstance().formatterDay.format(new Date(date))); return LocaleController.formatString("LocationUpdatedFormatted", R.string.LocationUpdatedFormatted, format); } else { String format = LocaleController.formatString("formatDateAtTime", R.string.formatDateAtTime, getInstance().formatterYear.format(new Date(date)), getInstance().formatterDay.format(new Date(date))); return LocaleController.formatString("LocationUpdatedFormatted", R.string.LocationUpdatedFormatted, format); } } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } return "LOC_ERR"; } public static String formatLocationLeftTime(int time) { String text; int hours = time / 60 / 60; time -= hours * 60 * 60; int minutes = time / 60; time -= minutes * 60; if (hours != 0) { text = String.format("%dh", hours + (minutes > 30 ? 1 : 0)); } else if (minutes != 0) { text = String.format("%d", minutes + (time > 30 ? 1 : 0)); } else { text = String.format("%d", time); } return text; } public static String formatDateOnline(long date) { try { date *= 1000; Calendar rightNow = Calendar.getInstance(); int day = rightNow.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR); int year = rightNow.get(Calendar.YEAR); rightNow.setTimeInMillis(date); int dateDay = rightNow.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR); int dateYear = rightNow.get(Calendar.YEAR); if (dateDay == day && year == dateYear) { return LocaleController.formatString("LastSeenFormatted", R.string.LastSeenFormatted, LocaleController.formatString("TodayAtFormatted", R.string.TodayAtFormatted, getInstance().formatterDay.format(new Date(date)))); /*int diff = (int) (ConnectionsManager.getInstance().getCurrentTime() - date) / 60; if (diff < 1) { return LocaleController.getString("LastSeenNow", R.string.LastSeenNow); } else if (diff < 60) { return LocaleController.formatPluralString("LastSeenMinutes", diff); } else { return LocaleController.formatPluralString("LastSeenHours", (int) Math.ceil(diff / 60.0f)); }*/ } else if (dateDay + 1 == day && year == dateYear) { return LocaleController.formatString("LastSeenFormatted", R.string.LastSeenFormatted, LocaleController.formatString("YesterdayAtFormatted", R.string.YesterdayAtFormatted, getInstance().formatterDay.format(new Date(date)))); } else if (Math.abs(System.currentTimeMillis() - date) < 31536000000L) { String format = LocaleController.formatString("formatDateAtTime", R.string.formatDateAtTime, getInstance().formatterDayMonth.format(new Date(date)), getInstance().formatterDay.format(new Date(date))); return LocaleController.formatString("LastSeenDateFormatted", R.string.LastSeenDateFormatted, format); } else { String format = LocaleController.formatString("formatDateAtTime", R.string.formatDateAtTime, getInstance().formatterYear.format(new Date(date)), getInstance().formatterDay.format(new Date(date))); return LocaleController.formatString("LastSeenDateFormatted", R.string.LastSeenDateFormatted, format); } } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } return "LOC_ERR"; } private FastDateFormat createFormatter(Locale locale, String format, String defaultFormat) { if (format == null || format.length() == 0) { format = defaultFormat; } FastDateFormat formatter; try { formatter = FastDateFormat.getInstance(format, locale); } catch (Exception e) { format = defaultFormat; formatter = FastDateFormat.getInstance(format, locale); } return formatter; } public void recreateFormatters() { Locale locale = currentLocale; if (locale == null) { locale = Locale.getDefault(); } String lang = locale.getLanguage(); if (lang == null) { lang = "en"; } lang = lang.toLowerCase(); isRTL = lang.length() == 2 && (lang.equals("ar") || lang.equals("fa") || lang.equals("he") || lang.equals("iw")) || lang.startsWith("ar_") || lang.startsWith("fa_") || lang.startsWith("he_") || lang.startsWith("iw_") || currentLocaleInfo != null && currentLocaleInfo.isRtl; nameDisplayOrder = lang.equals("ko") ? 2 : 1; formatterMonthYear = createFormatter(locale, getStringInternal("formatterMonthYear", R.string.formatterMonthYear), "MMM yyyy"); formatterDayMonth = createFormatter(locale, getStringInternal("formatterMonth", R.string.formatterMonth), "dd MMM"); formatterYear = createFormatter(locale, getStringInternal("formatterYear", R.string.formatterYear), "dd.MM.yy"); formatterYearMax = createFormatter(locale, getStringInternal("formatterYearMax", R.string.formatterYearMax), "dd.MM.yyyy"); chatDate = createFormatter(locale, getStringInternal("chatDate", R.string.chatDate), "d MMMM"); chatFullDate = createFormatter(locale, getStringInternal("chatFullDate", R.string.chatFullDate), "d MMMM yyyy"); formatterWeek = createFormatter(locale, getStringInternal("formatterWeek", R.string.formatterWeek), "EEE"); formatterWeekLong = createFormatter(locale, getStringInternal("formatterWeekLong", R.string.formatterWeekLong), "EEEE"); formatterScheduleDay = createFormatter(locale, getStringInternal("formatDateSchedule", R.string.formatDateSchedule), "MMM d"); formatterScheduleYear = createFormatter(locale, getStringInternal("formatDateScheduleYear", R.string.formatDateScheduleYear), "MMM d yyyy"); formatterDay = createFormatter(lang.toLowerCase().equals("ar") || lang.toLowerCase().equals("ko") ? locale : Locale.US, is24HourFormat ? getStringInternal("formatterDay24H", R.string.formatterDay24H) : getStringInternal("formatterDay12H", R.string.formatterDay12H), is24HourFormat ? "HH:mm" : "h:mm a"); formatterStats = createFormatter(locale, is24HourFormat ? getStringInternal("formatterStats24H", R.string.formatterStats24H) : getStringInternal("formatterStats12H", R.string.formatterStats12H), is24HourFormat ? "MMM dd yyyy, HH:mm" : "MMM dd yyyy, h:mm a"); formatterBannedUntil = createFormatter(locale, is24HourFormat ? getStringInternal("formatterBannedUntil24H", R.string.formatterBannedUntil24H) : getStringInternal("formatterBannedUntil12H", R.string.formatterBannedUntil12H), is24HourFormat ? "MMM dd yyyy, HH:mm" : "MMM dd yyyy, h:mm a"); formatterBannedUntilThisYear = createFormatter(locale, is24HourFormat ? getStringInternal("formatterBannedUntilThisYear24H", R.string.formatterBannedUntilThisYear24H) : getStringInternal("formatterBannedUntilThisYear12H", R.string.formatterBannedUntilThisYear12H), is24HourFormat ? "MMM dd, HH:mm" : "MMM dd, h:mm a"); formatterScheduleSend[0] = createFormatter(locale, getStringInternal("SendTodayAt", R.string.SendTodayAt), "'Send today at' HH:mm"); formatterScheduleSend[1] = createFormatter(locale, getStringInternal("SendDayAt", R.string.SendDayAt), "'Send on' MMM d 'at' HH:mm"); formatterScheduleSend[2] = createFormatter(locale, getStringInternal("SendDayYearAt", R.string.SendDayYearAt), "'Send on' MMM d yyyy 'at' HH:mm"); formatterScheduleSend[3] = createFormatter(locale, getStringInternal("RemindTodayAt", R.string.RemindTodayAt), "'Remind today at' HH:mm"); formatterScheduleSend[4] = createFormatter(locale, getStringInternal("RemindDayAt", R.string.RemindDayAt), "'Remind on' MMM d 'at' HH:mm"); formatterScheduleSend[5] = createFormatter(locale, getStringInternal("RemindDayYearAt", R.string.RemindDayYearAt), "'Remind on' MMM d yyyy 'at' HH:mm"); formatterScheduleSend[6] = createFormatter(locale, getStringInternal("StartTodayAt", R.string.StartTodayAt), "'Start today at' HH:mm"); formatterScheduleSend[7] = createFormatter(locale, getStringInternal("StartDayAt", R.string.StartDayAt), "'Start on' MMM d 'at' HH:mm"); formatterScheduleSend[8] = createFormatter(locale, getStringInternal("StartDayYearAt", R.string.StartDayYearAt), "'Start on' MMM d yyyy 'at' HH:mm"); formatterScheduleSend[9] = createFormatter(locale, getStringInternal("StartShortTodayAt", R.string.StartShortTodayAt), "'Today,' HH:mm"); formatterScheduleSend[10] = createFormatter(locale, getStringInternal("StartShortDayAt", R.string.StartShortDayAt), "MMM d',' HH:mm"); formatterScheduleSend[11] = createFormatter(locale, getStringInternal("StartShortDayYearAt", R.string.StartShortDayYearAt), "MMM d yyyy, HH:mm"); formatterScheduleSend[12] = createFormatter(locale, getStringInternal("StartsTodayAt", R.string.StartsTodayAt), "'Starts today at' HH:mm"); formatterScheduleSend[13] = createFormatter(locale, getStringInternal("StartsDayAt", R.string.StartsDayAt), "'Starts on' MMM d 'at' HH:mm"); formatterScheduleSend[14] = createFormatter(locale, getStringInternal("StartsDayYearAt", R.string.StartsDayYearAt), "'Starts on' MMM d yyyy 'at' HH:mm"); } public static boolean isRTLCharacter(char ch) { return Character.getDirectionality(ch) == Character.DIRECTIONALITY_RIGHT_TO_LEFT || Character.getDirectionality(ch) == Character.DIRECTIONALITY_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_ARABIC || Character.getDirectionality(ch) == Character.DIRECTIONALITY_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_EMBEDDING || Character.getDirectionality(ch) == Character.DIRECTIONALITY_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_OVERRIDE; } public static String formatStartsTime(long date, int type) { return formatStartsTime(date, type, true); } public static String formatStartsTime(long date, int type, boolean needToday) { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTimeInMillis(System.currentTimeMillis()); int currentYear = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR); int currentDay = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR); calendar.setTimeInMillis(date * 1000); int selectedYear = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR); int selectedDay = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR); int num; if (currentYear == selectedYear) { if (needToday && selectedDay == currentDay) { num = 0; } else { num = 1; } } else { num = 2; } if (type == 1) { num += 3; } else if (type == 2) { num += 6; } else if (type == 3) { num += 9; } else if (type == 4) { num += 12; } return LocaleController.getInstance().formatterScheduleSend[num].format(calendar.getTimeInMillis()); } public static String formatSectionDate(long date) { try { date *= 1000; Calendar rightNow = Calendar.getInstance(); int year = rightNow.get(Calendar.YEAR); rightNow.setTimeInMillis(date); int dateYear = rightNow.get(Calendar.YEAR); int month = rightNow.get(Calendar.MONTH); final String[] months = new String[]{ LocaleController.getString("January", R.string.January), LocaleController.getString("February", R.string.February), LocaleController.getString("March", R.string.March), LocaleController.getString("April", R.string.April), LocaleController.getString("May", R.string.May), LocaleController.getString("June", R.string.June), LocaleController.getString("July", R.string.July), LocaleController.getString("August", R.string.August), LocaleController.getString("September", R.string.September), LocaleController.getString("October", R.string.October), LocaleController.getString("November", R.string.November), LocaleController.getString("December", R.string.December) }; if (year == dateYear) { return months[month]; } else { return months[month] + " " + dateYear; } } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } return "LOC_ERR"; } public static String formatDateForBan(long date) { try { date *= 1000; Calendar rightNow = Calendar.getInstance(); int year = rightNow.get(Calendar.YEAR); rightNow.setTimeInMillis(date); int dateYear = rightNow.get(Calendar.YEAR); if (year == dateYear) { return getInstance().formatterBannedUntilThisYear.format(new Date(date)); } else { return getInstance().formatterBannedUntil.format(new Date(date)); } } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } return "LOC_ERR"; } public static String stringForMessageListDate(long date) { try { date *= 1000; Calendar rightNow = Calendar.getInstance(); int day = rightNow.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR); rightNow.setTimeInMillis(date); int dateDay = rightNow.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR); if (Math.abs(System.currentTimeMillis() - date) >= 31536000000L) { return getInstance().formatterYear.format(new Date(date)); } else { int dayDiff = dateDay - day; if (dayDiff == 0 || dayDiff == -1 && System.currentTimeMillis() - date < 60 * 60 * 8 * 1000) { return getInstance().formatterDay.format(new Date(date)); } else if (dayDiff > -7 && dayDiff <= -1) { return getInstance().formatterWeek.format(new Date(date)); } else { return getInstance().formatterDayMonth.format(new Date(date)); } } } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } return "LOC_ERR"; } public static String formatShortNumber(int number, int[] rounded) { StringBuilder K = new StringBuilder(); int lastDec = 0; int KCount = 0; while (number / 1000 > 0) { K.append("K"); lastDec = (number % 1000) / 100; number /= 1000; } if (rounded != null) { double value = number + lastDec / 10.0; for (int a = 0; a < K.length(); a++) { value *= 1000; } rounded[0] = (int) value; } if (lastDec != 0 && K.length() > 0) { if (K.length() == 2) { return String.format(Locale.US, "%d.%dM", number, lastDec); } else { return String.format(Locale.US, "%d.%d%s", number, lastDec, K.toString()); } } if (K.length() == 2) { return String.format(Locale.US, "%dM", number); } else { return String.format(Locale.US, "%d%s", number, K.toString()); } } public static String formatUserStatus(int currentAccount, TLRPC.User user) { return formatUserStatus(currentAccount, user, null); } public static String formatJoined(long date) { try { date *= 1000; String format; if (Math.abs(System.currentTimeMillis() - date) < 31536000000L) { format = LocaleController.formatString("formatDateAtTime", R.string.formatDateAtTime, getInstance().formatterDayMonth.format(new Date(date)), getInstance().formatterDay.format(new Date(date))); } else { format = LocaleController.formatString("formatDateAtTime", R.string.formatDateAtTime, getInstance().formatterYear.format(new Date(date)), getInstance().formatterDay.format(new Date(date))); } return formatString("ChannelOtherSubscriberJoined", R.string.ChannelOtherSubscriberJoined, format); } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } return "LOC_ERR"; } public static String formatImportedDate(long date) { try { date *= 1000; Date dt = new Date(date); return String.format("%1$s, %2$s", getInstance().formatterYear.format(dt), getInstance().formatterDay.format(dt)); } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } return "LOC_ERR"; } public static String formatUserStatus(int currentAccount, TLRPC.User user, boolean[] isOnline) { if (user != null && user.status != null && user.status.expires == 0) { if (user.status instanceof TLRPC.TL_userStatusRecently) { user.status.expires = -100; } else if (user.status instanceof TLRPC.TL_userStatusLastWeek) { user.status.expires = -101; } else if (user.status instanceof TLRPC.TL_userStatusLastMonth) { user.status.expires = -102; } } if (user != null && user.status != null && user.status.expires <= 0) { if (MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).onlinePrivacy.containsKey(user.id)) { if (isOnline != null) { isOnline[0] = true; } return getString("Online", R.string.Online); } } if (user == null || user.status == null || user.status.expires == 0 || UserObject.isDeleted(user) || user instanceof TLRPC.TL_userEmpty) { return getString("ALongTimeAgo", R.string.ALongTimeAgo); } else { int currentTime = ConnectionsManager.getInstance(currentAccount).getCurrentTime(); if (user.status.expires > currentTime) { if (isOnline != null) { isOnline[0] = true; } return getString("Online", R.string.Online); } else { if (user.status.expires == -1) { return getString("Invisible", R.string.Invisible); } else if (user.status.expires == -100) { return getString("Lately", R.string.Lately); } else if (user.status.expires == -101) { return getString("WithinAWeek", R.string.WithinAWeek); } else if (user.status.expires == -102) { return getString("WithinAMonth", R.string.WithinAMonth); } else { return formatDateOnline(user.status.expires); } } } } private String escapeString(String str) { if (str.contains("[CDATA")) { return str; } return str.replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">").replace("& ", "& "); } public void saveRemoteLocaleStringsForCurrentLocale(final TLRPC.TL_langPackDifference difference, int currentAccount) { if (currentLocaleInfo == null) { return; } final String langCode = difference.lang_code.replace('-', '_').toLowerCase(); if (!langCode.equals(currentLocaleInfo.shortName) && !langCode.equals(currentLocaleInfo.baseLangCode)) { return; } saveRemoteLocaleStrings(currentLocaleInfo, difference, currentAccount); } public void saveRemoteLocaleStrings(LocaleInfo localeInfo, final TLRPC.TL_langPackDifference difference, int currentAccount) { if (difference == null || difference.strings.isEmpty() || localeInfo == null || localeInfo.isLocal()) { return; } final String langCode = difference.lang_code.replace('-', '_').toLowerCase(); int type; if (langCode.equals(localeInfo.shortName)) { type = 0; } else if (langCode.equals(localeInfo.baseLangCode)) { type = 1; } else { type = -1; } if (type == -1) { return; } File finalFile; if (type == 0) { finalFile = localeInfo.getPathToFile(); } else { finalFile = localeInfo.getPathToBaseFile(); } try { final HashMap values; if (difference.from_version == 0) { values = new HashMap<>(); } else { values = getLocaleFileStrings(finalFile, true); } for (int a = 0; a < difference.strings.size(); a++) { TLRPC.LangPackString string = difference.strings.get(a); if (string instanceof TLRPC.TL_langPackString) { values.put(string.key, escapeString(string.value)); } else if (string instanceof TLRPC.TL_langPackStringPluralized) { values.put(string.key + "_zero", string.zero_value != null ? escapeString(string.zero_value) : ""); values.put(string.key + "_one", string.one_value != null ? escapeString(string.one_value) : ""); values.put(string.key + "_two", string.two_value != null ? escapeString(string.two_value) : ""); values.put(string.key + "_few", string.few_value != null ? escapeString(string.few_value) : ""); values.put(string.key + "_many", string.many_value != null ? escapeString(string.many_value) : ""); values.put(string.key + "_other", string.other_value != null ? escapeString(string.other_value) : ""); } else if (string instanceof TLRPC.TL_langPackStringDeleted) { values.remove(string.key); } } if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) { FileLog.d("save locale file to " + finalFile); } BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(finalFile)); writer.write("\n"); writer.write("\n"); for (HashMap.Entry entry : values.entrySet()) { writer.write(String.format("%2$s\n", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())); } writer.write(""); writer.close(); boolean hasBase = localeInfo.hasBaseLang(); final HashMap valuesToSet = getLocaleFileStrings(hasBase ? localeInfo.getPathToBaseFile() : localeInfo.getPathToFile()); if (hasBase) { valuesToSet.putAll(getLocaleFileStrings(localeInfo.getPathToFile())); } AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { if (type == 0) { localeInfo.version = difference.version; } else { localeInfo.baseVersion = difference.version; } saveOtherLanguages(); try { if (currentLocaleInfo == localeInfo) { Locale newLocale; String[] args; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(localeInfo.pluralLangCode)) { args = localeInfo.pluralLangCode.split("_"); } else if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(localeInfo.baseLangCode)) { args = localeInfo.baseLangCode.split("_"); } else { args = localeInfo.shortName.split("_"); } if (args.length == 1) { newLocale = new Locale(args[0]); } else { newLocale = new Locale(args[0], args[1]); } languageOverride = localeInfo.shortName; SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getGlobalMainSettings(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putString("language", localeInfo.getKey()); editor.commit(); localeValues = valuesToSet; currentLocale = newLocale; currentLocaleInfo = localeInfo; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(currentLocaleInfo.pluralLangCode)) { currentPluralRules = allRules.get(currentLocaleInfo.pluralLangCode); } if (currentPluralRules == null) { currentPluralRules = allRules.get(currentLocale.getLanguage()); if (currentPluralRules == null) { currentPluralRules = allRules.get("en"); } } changingConfiguration = true; Locale.setDefault(currentLocale); Configuration config = new Configuration(); config.locale = currentLocale; ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getResources().updateConfiguration(config, ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getResources().getDisplayMetrics()); changingConfiguration = false; } } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); changingConfiguration = false; } recreateFormatters(); NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.reloadInterface); }); } catch (Exception ignore) { } } public void loadRemoteLanguages(final int currentAccount) { if (loadingRemoteLanguages) { return; } loadingRemoteLanguages = true; TLRPC.TL_langpack_getLanguages req = new TLRPC.TL_langpack_getLanguages(); ConnectionsManager.getInstance(currentAccount).sendRequest(req, (response, error) -> { if (response != null) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { loadingRemoteLanguages = false; TLRPC.Vector res = (TLRPC.Vector) response; for (int a = 0, size = remoteLanguages.size(); a < size; a++) { remoteLanguages.get(a).serverIndex = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } for (int a = 0, size = res.objects.size(); a < size; a++) { TLRPC.TL_langPackLanguage language = (TLRPC.TL_langPackLanguage) res.objects.get(a); if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) { FileLog.d("loaded lang " + language.name); } LocaleInfo localeInfo = new LocaleInfo(); localeInfo.nameEnglish = language.name; localeInfo.name = language.native_name; localeInfo.shortName = language.lang_code.replace('-', '_').toLowerCase(); if (language.base_lang_code != null) { localeInfo.baseLangCode = language.base_lang_code.replace('-', '_').toLowerCase(); } else { localeInfo.baseLangCode = ""; } localeInfo.pluralLangCode = language.plural_code.replace('-', '_').toLowerCase(); localeInfo.isRtl = language.rtl; localeInfo.pathToFile = "remote"; localeInfo.serverIndex = a; LocaleInfo existing = getLanguageFromDict(localeInfo.getKey()); if (existing == null) { languages.add(localeInfo); languagesDict.put(localeInfo.getKey(), localeInfo); } else { existing.nameEnglish = localeInfo.nameEnglish; existing.name = localeInfo.name; existing.baseLangCode = localeInfo.baseLangCode; existing.pluralLangCode = localeInfo.pluralLangCode; existing.pathToFile = localeInfo.pathToFile; existing.serverIndex = localeInfo.serverIndex; localeInfo = existing; } if (!remoteLanguagesDict.containsKey(localeInfo.getKey())) { remoteLanguages.add(localeInfo); remoteLanguagesDict.put(localeInfo.getKey(), localeInfo); } } for (int a = 0; a < remoteLanguages.size(); a++) { LocaleInfo info = remoteLanguages.get(a); if (info.serverIndex != Integer.MAX_VALUE || info == currentLocaleInfo) { continue; } if (BuildVars.LOGS_ENABLED) { FileLog.d("remove lang " + info.getKey()); } remoteLanguages.remove(a); remoteLanguagesDict.remove(info.getKey()); languages.remove(info); languagesDict.remove(info.getKey()); a--; } saveOtherLanguages(); NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.suggestedLangpack); applyLanguage(currentLocaleInfo, true, false, currentAccount); }); } }, ConnectionsManager.RequestFlagWithoutLogin); } private void applyRemoteLanguage(LocaleInfo localeInfo, String langCode, boolean force, final int currentAccount) { if (localeInfo == null || !localeInfo.isRemote() && !localeInfo.isUnofficial()) { return; } if (localeInfo.hasBaseLang() && (langCode == null || langCode.equals(localeInfo.baseLangCode))) { if (localeInfo.baseVersion != 0 && !force) { if (localeInfo.hasBaseLang()) { TLRPC.TL_langpack_getDifference req = new TLRPC.TL_langpack_getDifference(); req.from_version = localeInfo.baseVersion; req.lang_code = localeInfo.getBaseLangCode(); req.lang_pack = ""; ConnectionsManager.getInstance(currentAccount).sendRequest(req, (response, error) -> { if (response != null) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> saveRemoteLocaleStrings(localeInfo, (TLRPC.TL_langPackDifference) response, currentAccount)); } }, ConnectionsManager.RequestFlagWithoutLogin); } } else { TLRPC.TL_langpack_getLangPack req = new TLRPC.TL_langpack_getLangPack(); req.lang_code = localeInfo.getBaseLangCode(); ConnectionsManager.getInstance(currentAccount).sendRequest(req, (TLObject response, TLRPC.TL_error error) -> { if (response != null) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> saveRemoteLocaleStrings(localeInfo, (TLRPC.TL_langPackDifference) response, currentAccount)); } }, ConnectionsManager.RequestFlagWithoutLogin); } } if (langCode == null || langCode.equals(localeInfo.shortName)) { if (localeInfo.version != 0 && !force) { TLRPC.TL_langpack_getDifference req = new TLRPC.TL_langpack_getDifference(); req.from_version = localeInfo.version; req.lang_code = localeInfo.getLangCode(); req.lang_pack = ""; ConnectionsManager.getInstance(currentAccount).sendRequest(req, (response, error) -> { if (response != null) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> saveRemoteLocaleStrings(localeInfo, (TLRPC.TL_langPackDifference) response, currentAccount)); } }, ConnectionsManager.RequestFlagWithoutLogin); } else { for (int a = 0; a < UserConfig.MAX_ACCOUNT_COUNT; a++) { ConnectionsManager.setLangCode(localeInfo.getLangCode()); } TLRPC.TL_langpack_getLangPack req = new TLRPC.TL_langpack_getLangPack(); req.lang_code = localeInfo.getLangCode(); ConnectionsManager.getInstance(currentAccount).sendRequest(req, (TLObject response, TLRPC.TL_error error) -> { if (response != null) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> saveRemoteLocaleStrings(localeInfo, (TLRPC.TL_langPackDifference) response, currentAccount)); } }, ConnectionsManager.RequestFlagWithoutLogin); } } } public String getTranslitString(String src) { return getTranslitString(src, true, false); } public String getTranslitString(String src, boolean onlyEnglish) { return getTranslitString(src, true, onlyEnglish); } public String getTranslitString(String src, boolean ru, boolean onlyEnglish) { if (src == null) { return null; } if (ruTranslitChars == null) { ruTranslitChars = new HashMap<>(33); ruTranslitChars.put("а", "a"); ruTranslitChars.put("б", "b"); ruTranslitChars.put("в", "v"); ruTranslitChars.put("г", "g"); ruTranslitChars.put("д", "d"); ruTranslitChars.put("е", "e"); ruTranslitChars.put("ё", "yo"); ruTranslitChars.put("ж", "zh"); ruTranslitChars.put("з", "z"); ruTranslitChars.put("и", "i"); ruTranslitChars.put("й", "i"); ruTranslitChars.put("к", "k"); ruTranslitChars.put("л", "l"); ruTranslitChars.put("м", "m"); ruTranslitChars.put("н", "n"); ruTranslitChars.put("о", "o"); ruTranslitChars.put("п", "p"); ruTranslitChars.put("р", "r"); ruTranslitChars.put("с", "s"); ruTranslitChars.put("т", "t"); ruTranslitChars.put("у", "u"); ruTranslitChars.put("ф", "f"); ruTranslitChars.put("х", "h"); ruTranslitChars.put("ц", "ts"); ruTranslitChars.put("ч", "ch"); ruTranslitChars.put("ш", "sh"); ruTranslitChars.put("щ", "sch"); ruTranslitChars.put("ы", "i"); ruTranslitChars.put("ь", ""); ruTranslitChars.put("ъ", ""); ruTranslitChars.put("э", "e"); ruTranslitChars.put("ю", "yu"); ruTranslitChars.put("я", "ya"); } if (translitChars == null) { translitChars = new HashMap<>(487); translitChars.put("ȼ", "c"); translitChars.put("ᶇ", "n"); translitChars.put("ɖ", "d"); translitChars.put("ỿ", "y"); translitChars.put("ᴓ", "o"); translitChars.put("ø", "o"); translitChars.put("ḁ", "a"); translitChars.put("ʯ", "h"); translitChars.put("ŷ", "y"); translitChars.put("ʞ", "k"); translitChars.put("ừ", "u"); translitChars.put("ꜳ", "aa"); translitChars.put("ij", "ij"); translitChars.put("ḽ", "l"); translitChars.put("ɪ", "i"); translitChars.put("ḇ", "b"); translitChars.put("ʀ", "r"); translitChars.put("ě", "e"); translitChars.put("ffi", "ffi"); translitChars.put("ơ", "o"); translitChars.put("ⱹ", "r"); translitChars.put("ồ", "o"); translitChars.put("ǐ", "i"); translitChars.put("ꝕ", "p"); translitChars.put("ý", "y"); translitChars.put("ḝ", "e"); translitChars.put("ₒ", "o"); translitChars.put("ⱥ", "a"); translitChars.put("ʙ", "b"); translitChars.put("ḛ", "e"); translitChars.put("ƈ", "c"); translitChars.put("ɦ", "h"); translitChars.put("ᵬ", "b"); translitChars.put("ṣ", "s"); translitChars.put("đ", "d"); translitChars.put("ỗ", "o"); translitChars.put("ɟ", "j"); translitChars.put("ẚ", "a"); translitChars.put("ɏ", "y"); translitChars.put("ʌ", "v"); translitChars.put("ꝓ", "p"); translitChars.put("fi", "fi"); translitChars.put("ᶄ", "k"); translitChars.put("ḏ", "d"); translitChars.put("ᴌ", "l"); translitChars.put("ė", "e"); translitChars.put("ᴋ", "k"); translitChars.put("ċ", "c"); translitChars.put("ʁ", "r"); translitChars.put("ƕ", "hv"); translitChars.put("ƀ", "b"); translitChars.put("ṍ", "o"); translitChars.put("ȣ", "ou"); translitChars.put("ǰ", "j"); translitChars.put("ᶃ", "g"); translitChars.put("ṋ", "n"); translitChars.put("ɉ", "j"); translitChars.put("ǧ", "g"); translitChars.put("dz", "dz"); translitChars.put("ź", "z"); translitChars.put("ꜷ", "au"); translitChars.put("ǖ", "u"); translitChars.put("ᵹ", "g"); translitChars.put("ȯ", "o"); translitChars.put("ɐ", "a"); translitChars.put("ą", "a"); translitChars.put("õ", "o"); translitChars.put("ɻ", "r"); translitChars.put("ꝍ", "o"); translitChars.put("ǟ", "a"); translitChars.put("ȴ", "l"); translitChars.put("ʂ", "s"); translitChars.put("fl", "fl"); translitChars.put("ȉ", "i"); translitChars.put("ⱻ", "e"); translitChars.put("ṉ", "n"); translitChars.put("ï", "i"); translitChars.put("ñ", "n"); translitChars.put("ᴉ", "i"); translitChars.put("ʇ", "t"); translitChars.put("ẓ", "z"); translitChars.put("ỷ", "y"); translitChars.put("ȳ", "y"); translitChars.put("ṩ", "s"); translitChars.put("ɽ", "r"); translitChars.put("ĝ", "g"); translitChars.put("ᴝ", "u"); translitChars.put("ḳ", "k"); translitChars.put("ꝫ", "et"); translitChars.put("ī", "i"); translitChars.put("ť", "t"); translitChars.put("ꜿ", "c"); translitChars.put("ʟ", "l"); translitChars.put("ꜹ", "av"); translitChars.put("û", "u"); translitChars.put("æ", "ae"); translitChars.put("ă", "a"); translitChars.put("ǘ", "u"); translitChars.put("ꞅ", "s"); translitChars.put("ᵣ", "r"); translitChars.put("ᴀ", "a"); translitChars.put("ƃ", "b"); translitChars.put("ḩ", "h"); translitChars.put("ṧ", "s"); translitChars.put("ₑ", "e"); translitChars.put("ʜ", "h"); translitChars.put("ẋ", "x"); translitChars.put("ꝅ", "k"); translitChars.put("ḋ", "d"); translitChars.put("ƣ", "oi"); translitChars.put("ꝑ", "p"); translitChars.put("ħ", "h"); translitChars.put("ⱴ", "v"); translitChars.put("ẇ", "w"); translitChars.put("ǹ", "n"); translitChars.put("ɯ", "m"); translitChars.put("ɡ", "g"); translitChars.put("ɴ", "n"); translitChars.put("ᴘ", "p"); translitChars.put("ᵥ", "v"); translitChars.put("ū", "u"); translitChars.put("ḃ", "b"); translitChars.put("ṗ", "p"); translitChars.put("å", "a"); translitChars.put("ɕ", "c"); translitChars.put("ọ", "o"); translitChars.put("ắ", "a"); translitChars.put("ƒ", "f"); translitChars.put("ǣ", "ae"); translitChars.put("ꝡ", "vy"); translitChars.put("ff", "ff"); translitChars.put("ᶉ", "r"); translitChars.put("ô", "o"); translitChars.put("ǿ", "o"); translitChars.put("ṳ", "u"); translitChars.put("ȥ", "z"); translitChars.put("ḟ", "f"); translitChars.put("ḓ", "d"); translitChars.put("ȇ", "e"); translitChars.put("ȕ", "u"); translitChars.put("ȵ", "n"); translitChars.put("ʠ", "q"); translitChars.put("ấ", "a"); translitChars.put("ǩ", "k"); translitChars.put("ĩ", "i"); translitChars.put("ṵ", "u"); translitChars.put("ŧ", "t"); translitChars.put("ɾ", "r"); translitChars.put("ƙ", "k"); translitChars.put("ṫ", "t"); translitChars.put("ꝗ", "q"); translitChars.put("ậ", "a"); translitChars.put("ʄ", "j"); translitChars.put("ƚ", "l"); translitChars.put("ᶂ", "f"); translitChars.put("ᵴ", "s"); translitChars.put("ꞃ", "r"); translitChars.put("ᶌ", "v"); translitChars.put("ɵ", "o"); translitChars.put("ḉ", "c"); translitChars.put("ᵤ", "u"); translitChars.put("ẑ", "z"); translitChars.put("ṹ", "u"); translitChars.put("ň", "n"); translitChars.put("ʍ", "w"); translitChars.put("ầ", "a"); translitChars.put("lj", "lj"); translitChars.put("ɓ", "b"); translitChars.put("ɼ", "r"); translitChars.put("ò", "o"); translitChars.put("ẘ", "w"); translitChars.put("ɗ", "d"); translitChars.put("ꜽ", "ay"); translitChars.put("ư", "u"); translitChars.put("ᶀ", "b"); translitChars.put("ǜ", "u"); translitChars.put("ẹ", "e"); translitChars.put("ǡ", "a"); translitChars.put("ɥ", "h"); translitChars.put("ṏ", "o"); translitChars.put("ǔ", "u"); translitChars.put("ʎ", "y"); translitChars.put("ȱ", "o"); translitChars.put("ệ", "e"); translitChars.put("ế", "e"); translitChars.put("ĭ", "i"); translitChars.put("ⱸ", "e"); translitChars.put("ṯ", "t"); translitChars.put("ᶑ", "d"); translitChars.put("ḧ", "h"); translitChars.put("ṥ", "s"); translitChars.put("ë", "e"); translitChars.put("ᴍ", "m"); translitChars.put("ö", "o"); translitChars.put("é", "e"); translitChars.put("ı", "i"); translitChars.put("ď", "d"); translitChars.put("ᵯ", "m"); translitChars.put("ỵ", "y"); translitChars.put("ŵ", "w"); translitChars.put("ề", "e"); translitChars.put("ứ", "u"); translitChars.put("ƶ", "z"); translitChars.put("ĵ", "j"); translitChars.put("ḍ", "d"); translitChars.put("ŭ", "u"); translitChars.put("ʝ", "j"); translitChars.put("ê", "e"); translitChars.put("ǚ", "u"); translitChars.put("ġ", "g"); translitChars.put("ṙ", "r"); translitChars.put("ƞ", "n"); translitChars.put("ḗ", "e"); translitChars.put("ẝ", "s"); translitChars.put("ᶁ", "d"); translitChars.put("ķ", "k"); translitChars.put("ᴂ", "ae"); translitChars.put("ɘ", "e"); translitChars.put("ợ", "o"); translitChars.put("ḿ", "m"); translitChars.put("ꜰ", "f"); translitChars.put("ẵ", "a"); translitChars.put("ꝏ", "oo"); translitChars.put("ᶆ", "m"); translitChars.put("ᵽ", "p"); translitChars.put("ữ", "u"); translitChars.put("ⱪ", "k"); translitChars.put("ḥ", "h"); translitChars.put("ţ", "t"); translitChars.put("ᵱ", "p"); translitChars.put("ṁ", "m"); translitChars.put("á", "a"); translitChars.put("ᴎ", "n"); translitChars.put("ꝟ", "v"); translitChars.put("è", "e"); translitChars.put("ᶎ", "z"); translitChars.put("ꝺ", "d"); translitChars.put("ᶈ", "p"); translitChars.put("ɫ", "l"); translitChars.put("ᴢ", "z"); translitChars.put("ɱ", "m"); translitChars.put("ṝ", "r"); translitChars.put("ṽ", "v"); translitChars.put("ũ", "u"); translitChars.put("ß", "ss"); translitChars.put("ĥ", "h"); translitChars.put("ᵵ", "t"); translitChars.put("ʐ", "z"); translitChars.put("ṟ", "r"); translitChars.put("ɲ", "n"); translitChars.put("à", "a"); translitChars.put("ẙ", "y"); translitChars.put("ỳ", "y"); translitChars.put("ᴔ", "oe"); translitChars.put("ₓ", "x"); translitChars.put("ȗ", "u"); translitChars.put("ⱼ", "j"); translitChars.put("ẫ", "a"); translitChars.put("ʑ", "z"); translitChars.put("ẛ", "s"); translitChars.put("ḭ", "i"); translitChars.put("ꜵ", "ao"); translitChars.put("ɀ", "z"); translitChars.put("ÿ", "y"); translitChars.put("ǝ", "e"); translitChars.put("ǭ", "o"); translitChars.put("ᴅ", "d"); translitChars.put("ᶅ", "l"); translitChars.put("ù", "u"); translitChars.put("ạ", "a"); translitChars.put("ḅ", "b"); translitChars.put("ụ", "u"); translitChars.put("ằ", "a"); translitChars.put("ᴛ", "t"); translitChars.put("ƴ", "y"); translitChars.put("ⱦ", "t"); translitChars.put("ⱡ", "l"); translitChars.put("ȷ", "j"); translitChars.put("ᵶ", "z"); translitChars.put("ḫ", "h"); translitChars.put("ⱳ", "w"); translitChars.put("ḵ", "k"); translitChars.put("ờ", "o"); translitChars.put("î", "i"); translitChars.put("ģ", "g"); translitChars.put("ȅ", "e"); translitChars.put("ȧ", "a"); translitChars.put("ẳ", "a"); translitChars.put("ɋ", "q"); translitChars.put("ṭ", "t"); translitChars.put("ꝸ", "um"); translitChars.put("ᴄ", "c"); translitChars.put("ẍ", "x"); translitChars.put("ủ", "u"); translitChars.put("ỉ", "i"); translitChars.put("ᴚ", "r"); translitChars.put("ś", "s"); translitChars.put("ꝋ", "o"); translitChars.put("ỹ", "y"); translitChars.put("ṡ", "s"); translitChars.put("nj", "nj"); translitChars.put("ȁ", "a"); translitChars.put("ẗ", "t"); translitChars.put("ĺ", "l"); translitChars.put("ž", "z"); translitChars.put("ᵺ", "th"); translitChars.put("ƌ", "d"); translitChars.put("ș", "s"); translitChars.put("š", "s"); translitChars.put("ᶙ", "u"); translitChars.put("ẽ", "e"); translitChars.put("ẜ", "s"); translitChars.put("ɇ", "e"); translitChars.put("ṷ", "u"); translitChars.put("ố", "o"); translitChars.put("ȿ", "s"); translitChars.put("ᴠ", "v"); translitChars.put("ꝭ", "is"); translitChars.put("ᴏ", "o"); translitChars.put("ɛ", "e"); translitChars.put("ǻ", "a"); translitChars.put("ffl", "ffl"); translitChars.put("ⱺ", "o"); translitChars.put("ȋ", "i"); translitChars.put("ᵫ", "ue"); translitChars.put("ȡ", "d"); translitChars.put("ⱬ", "z"); translitChars.put("ẁ", "w"); translitChars.put("ᶏ", "a"); translitChars.put("ꞇ", "t"); translitChars.put("ğ", "g"); translitChars.put("ɳ", "n"); translitChars.put("ʛ", "g"); translitChars.put("ᴜ", "u"); translitChars.put("ẩ", "a"); translitChars.put("ṅ", "n"); translitChars.put("ɨ", "i"); translitChars.put("ᴙ", "r"); translitChars.put("ǎ", "a"); translitChars.put("ſ", "s"); translitChars.put("ȫ", "o"); translitChars.put("ɿ", "r"); translitChars.put("ƭ", "t"); translitChars.put("ḯ", "i"); translitChars.put("ǽ", "ae"); translitChars.put("ⱱ", "v"); translitChars.put("ɶ", "oe"); translitChars.put("ṃ", "m"); translitChars.put("ż", "z"); translitChars.put("ĕ", "e"); translitChars.put("ꜻ", "av"); translitChars.put("ở", "o"); translitChars.put("ễ", "e"); translitChars.put("ɬ", "l"); translitChars.put("ị", "i"); translitChars.put("ᵭ", "d"); translitChars.put("st", "st"); translitChars.put("ḷ", "l"); translitChars.put("ŕ", "r"); translitChars.put("ᴕ", "ou"); translitChars.put("ʈ", "t"); translitChars.put("ā", "a"); translitChars.put("ḙ", "e"); translitChars.put("ᴑ", "o"); translitChars.put("ç", "c"); translitChars.put("ᶊ", "s"); translitChars.put("ặ", "a"); translitChars.put("ų", "u"); translitChars.put("ả", "a"); translitChars.put("ǥ", "g"); translitChars.put("ꝁ", "k"); translitChars.put("ẕ", "z"); translitChars.put("ŝ", "s"); translitChars.put("ḕ", "e"); translitChars.put("ɠ", "g"); translitChars.put("ꝉ", "l"); translitChars.put("ꝼ", "f"); translitChars.put("ᶍ", "x"); translitChars.put("ǒ", "o"); translitChars.put("ę", "e"); translitChars.put("ổ", "o"); translitChars.put("ƫ", "t"); translitChars.put("ǫ", "o"); translitChars.put("i̇", "i"); translitChars.put("ṇ", "n"); translitChars.put("ć", "c"); translitChars.put("ᵷ", "g"); translitChars.put("ẅ", "w"); translitChars.put("ḑ", "d"); translitChars.put("ḹ", "l"); translitChars.put("œ", "oe"); translitChars.put("ᵳ", "r"); translitChars.put("ļ", "l"); translitChars.put("ȑ", "r"); translitChars.put("ȭ", "o"); translitChars.put("ᵰ", "n"); translitChars.put("ᴁ", "ae"); translitChars.put("ŀ", "l"); translitChars.put("ä", "a"); translitChars.put("ƥ", "p"); translitChars.put("ỏ", "o"); translitChars.put("į", "i"); translitChars.put("ȓ", "r"); translitChars.put("dž", "dz"); translitChars.put("ḡ", "g"); translitChars.put("ṻ", "u"); translitChars.put("ō", "o"); translitChars.put("ľ", "l"); translitChars.put("ẃ", "w"); translitChars.put("ț", "t"); translitChars.put("ń", "n"); translitChars.put("ɍ", "r"); translitChars.put("ȃ", "a"); translitChars.put("ü", "u"); translitChars.put("ꞁ", "l"); translitChars.put("ᴐ", "o"); translitChars.put("ớ", "o"); translitChars.put("ᴃ", "b"); translitChars.put("ɹ", "r"); translitChars.put("ᵲ", "r"); translitChars.put("ʏ", "y"); translitChars.put("ᵮ", "f"); translitChars.put("ⱨ", "h"); translitChars.put("ŏ", "o"); translitChars.put("ú", "u"); translitChars.put("ṛ", "r"); translitChars.put("ʮ", "h"); translitChars.put("ó", "o"); translitChars.put("ů", "u"); translitChars.put("ỡ", "o"); translitChars.put("ṕ", "p"); translitChars.put("ᶖ", "i"); translitChars.put("ự", "u"); translitChars.put("ã", "a"); translitChars.put("ᵢ", "i"); translitChars.put("ṱ", "t"); translitChars.put("ể", "e"); translitChars.put("ử", "u"); translitChars.put("í", "i"); translitChars.put("ɔ", "o"); translitChars.put("ɺ", "r"); translitChars.put("ɢ", "g"); translitChars.put("ř", "r"); translitChars.put("ẖ", "h"); translitChars.put("ű", "u"); translitChars.put("ȍ", "o"); translitChars.put("ḻ", "l"); translitChars.put("ḣ", "h"); translitChars.put("ȶ", "t"); translitChars.put("ņ", "n"); translitChars.put("ᶒ", "e"); translitChars.put("ì", "i"); translitChars.put("ẉ", "w"); translitChars.put("ē", "e"); translitChars.put("ᴇ", "e"); translitChars.put("ł", "l"); translitChars.put("ộ", "o"); translitChars.put("ɭ", "l"); translitChars.put("ẏ", "y"); translitChars.put("ᴊ", "j"); translitChars.put("ḱ", "k"); translitChars.put("ṿ", "v"); translitChars.put("ȩ", "e"); translitChars.put("â", "a"); translitChars.put("ş", "s"); translitChars.put("ŗ", "r"); translitChars.put("ʋ", "v"); translitChars.put("ₐ", "a"); translitChars.put("ↄ", "c"); translitChars.put("ᶓ", "e"); translitChars.put("ɰ", "m"); translitChars.put("ᴡ", "w"); translitChars.put("ȏ", "o"); translitChars.put("č", "c"); translitChars.put("ǵ", "g"); translitChars.put("ĉ", "c"); translitChars.put("ᶗ", "o"); translitChars.put("ꝃ", "k"); translitChars.put("ꝙ", "q"); translitChars.put("ṑ", "o"); translitChars.put("ꜱ", "s"); translitChars.put("ṓ", "o"); translitChars.put("ȟ", "h"); translitChars.put("ő", "o"); translitChars.put("ꜩ", "tz"); translitChars.put("ẻ", "e"); } StringBuilder dst = new StringBuilder(src.length()); int len = src.length(); boolean upperCase = false; for (int a = 0; a < len; a++) { String ch = src.substring(a, a + 1); if (onlyEnglish) { String lower = ch.toLowerCase(); upperCase = !ch.equals(lower); ch = lower; } String tch = translitChars.get(ch); if (tch == null && ru) { tch = ruTranslitChars.get(ch); } if (tch != null) { if (onlyEnglish && upperCase) { if (tch.length() > 1) { tch = tch.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + tch.substring(1); } else { tch = tch.toUpperCase(); } } dst.append(tch); } else { if (onlyEnglish) { char c = ch.charAt(0); if (((c < 'a' || c > 'z') || (c < '0' || c > '9')) && c != ' ' && c != '\'' && c != ',' && c != '.' && c != '&' && c != '-' && c != '/') { return null; } if (upperCase) { ch = ch.toUpperCase(); } } dst.append(ch); } } return dst.toString(); } abstract public static class PluralRules { abstract int quantityForNumber(int n); } public static class PluralRules_Zero extends PluralRules { public int quantityForNumber(int count) { if (count == 0 || count == 1) { return QUANTITY_ONE; } else { return QUANTITY_OTHER; } } } public static class PluralRules_Welsh extends PluralRules { public int quantityForNumber(int count) { if (count == 0) { return QUANTITY_ZERO; } else if (count == 1) { return QUANTITY_ONE; } else if (count == 2) { return QUANTITY_TWO; } else if (count == 3) { return QUANTITY_FEW; } else if (count == 6) { return QUANTITY_MANY; } else { return QUANTITY_OTHER; } } } public static class PluralRules_Two extends PluralRules { public int quantityForNumber(int count) { if (count == 1) { return QUANTITY_ONE; } else if (count == 2) { return QUANTITY_TWO; } else { return QUANTITY_OTHER; } } } public static class PluralRules_Tachelhit extends PluralRules { public int quantityForNumber(int count) { if (count >= 0 && count <= 1) { return QUANTITY_ONE; } else if (count >= 2 && count <= 10) { return QUANTITY_FEW; } else { return QUANTITY_OTHER; } } } public static class PluralRules_Slovenian extends PluralRules { public int quantityForNumber(int count) { int rem100 = count % 100; if (rem100 == 1) { return QUANTITY_ONE; } else if (rem100 == 2) { return QUANTITY_TWO; } else if (rem100 >= 3 && rem100 <= 4) { return QUANTITY_FEW; } else { return QUANTITY_OTHER; } } } public static class PluralRules_Romanian extends PluralRules { public int quantityForNumber(int count) { int rem100 = count % 100; if (count == 1) { return QUANTITY_ONE; } else if ((count == 0 || (rem100 >= 1 && rem100 <= 19))) { return QUANTITY_FEW; } else { return QUANTITY_OTHER; } } } public static class PluralRules_Polish extends PluralRules { public int quantityForNumber(int count) { int rem100 = count % 100; int rem10 = count % 10; if (count == 1) { return QUANTITY_ONE; } else if (rem10 >= 2 && rem10 <= 4 && !(rem100 >= 12 && rem100 <= 14)) { return QUANTITY_FEW; } else if (rem10 >= 0 && rem10 <= 1 || rem10 >= 5 && rem10 <= 9 || rem100 >= 12 && rem100 <= 14) { return QUANTITY_MANY; } else { return QUANTITY_OTHER; } } } public static class PluralRules_One extends PluralRules { public int quantityForNumber(int count) { return count == 1 ? QUANTITY_ONE : QUANTITY_OTHER; } } public static class PluralRules_None extends PluralRules { public int quantityForNumber(int count) { return QUANTITY_OTHER; } } public static class PluralRules_Maltese extends PluralRules { public int quantityForNumber(int count) { int rem100 = count % 100; if (count == 1) { return QUANTITY_ONE; } else if (count == 0 || (rem100 >= 2 && rem100 <= 10)) { return QUANTITY_FEW; } else if (rem100 >= 11 && rem100 <= 19) { return QUANTITY_MANY; } else { return QUANTITY_OTHER; } } } public static class PluralRules_Macedonian extends PluralRules { public int quantityForNumber(int count) { if (count % 10 == 1 && count != 11) { return QUANTITY_ONE; } else { return QUANTITY_OTHER; } } } public static class PluralRules_Lithuanian extends PluralRules { public int quantityForNumber(int count) { int rem100 = count % 100; int rem10 = count % 10; if (rem10 == 1 && !(rem100 >= 11 && rem100 <= 19)) { return QUANTITY_ONE; } else if (rem10 >= 2 && rem10 <= 9 && !(rem100 >= 11 && rem100 <= 19)) { return QUANTITY_FEW; } else { return QUANTITY_OTHER; } } } public static class PluralRules_Latvian extends PluralRules { public int quantityForNumber(int count) { if (count == 0) { return QUANTITY_ZERO; } else if (count % 10 == 1 && count % 100 != 11) { return QUANTITY_ONE; } else { return QUANTITY_OTHER; } } } public static class PluralRules_Langi extends PluralRules { public int quantityForNumber(int count) { if (count == 0) { return QUANTITY_ZERO; } else if (count == 1) { return QUANTITY_ONE; } else { return QUANTITY_OTHER; } } } public static class PluralRules_French extends PluralRules { public int quantityForNumber(int count) { if (count >= 0 && count < 2) { return QUANTITY_ONE; } else { return QUANTITY_OTHER; } } } public static class PluralRules_Czech extends PluralRules { public int quantityForNumber(int count) { if (count == 1) { return QUANTITY_ONE; } else if (count >= 2 && count <= 4) { return QUANTITY_FEW; } else { return QUANTITY_OTHER; } } } public static class PluralRules_Breton extends PluralRules { public int quantityForNumber(int count) { if (count == 0) { return QUANTITY_ZERO; } else if (count == 1) { return QUANTITY_ONE; } else if (count == 2) { return QUANTITY_TWO; } else if (count == 3) { return QUANTITY_FEW; } else if (count == 6) { return QUANTITY_MANY; } else { return QUANTITY_OTHER; } } } public static class PluralRules_Balkan extends PluralRules { public int quantityForNumber(int count) { int rem100 = count % 100; int rem10 = count % 10; if (rem10 == 1 && rem100 != 11) { return QUANTITY_ONE; } else if (rem10 >= 2 && rem10 <= 4 && !(rem100 >= 12 && rem100 <= 14)) { return QUANTITY_FEW; } else if ((rem10 == 0 || (rem10 >= 5 && rem10 <= 9) || (rem100 >= 11 && rem100 <= 14))) { return QUANTITY_MANY; } else { return QUANTITY_OTHER; } } } public static class PluralRules_Serbian extends PluralRules { public int quantityForNumber(int count) { int rem100 = count % 100; int rem10 = count % 10; if (rem10 == 1 && rem100 != 11) { return QUANTITY_ONE; } else if (rem10 >= 2 && rem10 <= 4 && !(rem100 >= 12 && rem100 <= 14)) { return QUANTITY_FEW; } else { return QUANTITY_OTHER; } } } public static class PluralRules_Arabic extends PluralRules { public int quantityForNumber(int count) { int rem100 = count % 100; if (count == 0) { return QUANTITY_ZERO; } else if (count == 1) { return QUANTITY_ONE; } else if (count == 2) { return QUANTITY_TWO; } else if (rem100 >= 3 && rem100 <= 10) { return QUANTITY_FEW; } else if (rem100 >= 11 && rem100 <= 99) { return QUANTITY_MANY; } else { return QUANTITY_OTHER; } } } public static String addNbsp(String src) { return src.replace(' ', '\u00A0'); } private static Boolean useImperialSystemType; public static void resetImperialSystemType() { useImperialSystemType = null; } public static boolean getUseImperialSystemType() { ensureImperialSystemInit(); return useImperialSystemType; } public static void ensureImperialSystemInit() { if (useImperialSystemType != null) { return; } if (SharedConfig.distanceSystemType == 0) { try { TelephonyManager telephonyManager = (TelephonyManager) ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE); if (telephonyManager != null) { String country = telephonyManager.getSimCountryIso().toUpperCase(); useImperialSystemType = "US".equals(country) || "GB".equals(country) || "MM".equals(country) || "LR".equals(country); } } catch (Exception e) { useImperialSystemType = false; FileLog.e(e); } } else { useImperialSystemType = SharedConfig.distanceSystemType == 2; } } public static String formatDistance(float distance, int type) { return formatDistance(distance, type, null); } public static String formatDistance(float distance, int type, Boolean useImperial) { ensureImperialSystemInit(); boolean imperial = useImperial != null && useImperial || useImperial == null && useImperialSystemType; if (imperial) { distance *= 3.28084f; if (distance < 1000) { switch (type) { case 0: return formatString("FootsAway", R.string.FootsAway, String.format("%d", (int) Math.max(1, distance))); case 1: return formatString("FootsFromYou", R.string.FootsFromYou, String.format("%d", (int) Math.max(1, distance))); case 2: default: return formatString("FootsShort", R.string.FootsShort, String.format("%d", (int) Math.max(1, distance))); } } else { String arg; if (distance % 5280 == 0) { arg = String.format("%d", (int) (distance / 5280)); } else { arg = String.format("%.2f", distance / 5280.0f); } switch (type) { case 0: return formatString("MilesAway", R.string.MilesAway, arg); case 1: return formatString("MilesFromYou", R.string.MilesFromYou, arg); default: case 2: return formatString("MilesShort", R.string.MilesShort, arg); } } } else { if (distance < 1000) { switch (type) { case 0: return formatString("MetersAway2", R.string.MetersAway2, String.format("%d", (int) Math.max(1, distance))); case 1: return formatString("MetersFromYou2", R.string.MetersFromYou2, String.format("%d", (int) Math.max(1, distance))); case 2: default: return formatString("MetersShort", R.string.MetersShort, String.format("%d", (int) Math.max(1, distance))); } } else { String arg; if (distance % 1000 == 0) { arg = String.format("%d", (int) (distance / 1000)); } else { arg = String.format("%.2f", distance / 1000.0f); } switch (type) { case 0: return formatString("KMetersAway2", R.string.KMetersAway2, arg); case 1: return formatString("KMetersFromYou2", R.string.KMetersFromYou2, arg); case 2: default: return formatString("KMetersShort", R.string.KMetersShort, arg); } } } } }