/* * This is the source code of Telegram for Android v. 5.x.x. * It is licensed under GNU GPL v. 2 or later. * You should have received a copy of the license in this archive (see LICENSE). * * Copyright Nikolai Kudashov, 2013-2018. */ package org.telegram.messenger; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.net.ConnectivityManager; import android.util.Pair; import android.util.SparseArray; import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import androidx.collection.LongSparseArray; import cn.hutool.core.util.StrUtil; import tw.nekomimi.nkmr.NekomuraConfig; public class DownloadController extends BaseController implements NotificationCenter.NotificationCenterDelegate { public interface FileDownloadProgressListener { void onFailedDownload(String fileName, boolean canceled); void onSuccessDownload(String fileName); void onProgressDownload(String fileName, long downloadSize, long totalSize); void onProgressUpload(String fileName, long downloadSize, long totalSize, boolean isEncrypted); int getObserverTag(); } public static final int AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_PHOTO = 1; public static final int AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_AUDIO = 2; public static final int AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_VIDEO = 4; public static final int AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_DOCUMENT = 8; public static final int PRESET_NUM_CONTACT = 0; public static final int PRESET_NUM_PM = 1; public static final int PRESET_NUM_GROUP = 2; public static final int PRESET_NUM_CHANNEL = 3; public static final int PRESET_SIZE_NUM_PHOTO = 0; public static final int PRESET_SIZE_NUM_VIDEO = 1; public static final int PRESET_SIZE_NUM_DOCUMENT = 2; public static final int PRESET_SIZE_NUM_AUDIO = 3; private int lastCheckMask = 0; private ArrayList photoDownloadQueue = new ArrayList<>(); private ArrayList audioDownloadQueue = new ArrayList<>(); private ArrayList documentDownloadQueue = new ArrayList<>(); private ArrayList videoDownloadQueue = new ArrayList<>(); private HashMap downloadQueueKeys = new HashMap<>(); private HashMap, DownloadObject> downloadQueuePairs = new HashMap<>(); private HashMap>> loadingFileObservers = new HashMap<>(); private HashMap> loadingFileMessagesObservers = new HashMap<>(); private SparseArray observersByTag = new SparseArray<>(); private boolean listenerInProgress = false; private HashMap addLaterArray = new HashMap<>(); private ArrayList deleteLaterArray = new ArrayList<>(); private int lastTag = 0; private boolean loadingAutoDownloadConfig; private LongSparseArray typingTimes = new LongSparseArray<>(); public static class Preset { public int[] mask = new int[4]; public int[] sizes = new int[4]; public boolean preloadVideo; public boolean preloadMusic; public boolean lessCallData; public boolean enabled; public int maxVideoBitrate; public Preset(int[] m, int p, int v, int f, boolean pv, boolean pm, boolean e, boolean l, int bitrate) { System.arraycopy(m, 0, mask, 0, mask.length); sizes[PRESET_SIZE_NUM_PHOTO] = p; sizes[PRESET_SIZE_NUM_VIDEO] = v; sizes[PRESET_SIZE_NUM_DOCUMENT] = f; sizes[PRESET_SIZE_NUM_AUDIO] = 512 * 1024; preloadVideo = pv; preloadMusic = pm; lessCallData = l; maxVideoBitrate = bitrate; enabled = e; } public Preset(String str, String deafultValue) { String[] args = str.split("_"); String[] defaultArgs = null; if (args.length >= 11) { mask[0] = Utilities.parseInt(args[0]); mask[1] = Utilities.parseInt(args[1]); mask[2] = Utilities.parseInt(args[2]); mask[3] = Utilities.parseInt(args[3]); sizes[PRESET_SIZE_NUM_PHOTO] = Utilities.parseInt(args[4]); sizes[PRESET_SIZE_NUM_VIDEO] = Utilities.parseInt(args[5]); sizes[PRESET_SIZE_NUM_DOCUMENT] = Utilities.parseInt(args[6]); sizes[PRESET_SIZE_NUM_AUDIO] = Utilities.parseInt(args[7]); preloadVideo = Utilities.parseInt(args[8]) == 1; preloadMusic = Utilities.parseInt(args[9]) == 1; enabled = Utilities.parseInt(args[10]) == 1; if (args.length >= 12) { lessCallData = Utilities.parseInt(args[11]) == 1; } else { defaultArgs = deafultValue.split("_"); lessCallData = Utilities.parseInt(defaultArgs[11]) == 1; } if (args.length >= 13) { maxVideoBitrate = Utilities.parseInt(args[12]); } else { if (defaultArgs == null) { defaultArgs = deafultValue.split("_"); } maxVideoBitrate = Utilities.parseInt(defaultArgs[12]); } } } public void set(Preset preset) { System.arraycopy(preset.mask, 0, mask, 0, mask.length); System.arraycopy(preset.sizes, 0, sizes, 0, sizes.length); preloadVideo = preset.preloadVideo; preloadMusic = preset.preloadMusic; lessCallData = preset.lessCallData; maxVideoBitrate = preset.maxVideoBitrate; } public void set(TLRPC.TL_autoDownloadSettings settings) { preloadMusic = settings.audio_preload_next; preloadVideo = settings.video_preload_large; lessCallData = settings.phonecalls_less_data; maxVideoBitrate = settings.video_upload_maxbitrate; sizes[PRESET_SIZE_NUM_PHOTO] = Math.max(500 * 1024, settings.photo_size_max); sizes[PRESET_SIZE_NUM_VIDEO] = Math.max(500 * 1024, settings.video_size_max); sizes[PRESET_SIZE_NUM_DOCUMENT] = Math.max(500 * 1024, settings.file_size_max); for (int a = 0; a < mask.length; a++) { if (settings.photo_size_max != 0 && !settings.disabled) { mask[a] |= AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_PHOTO; } else { mask[a] &= ~AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_PHOTO; } if (settings.video_size_max != 0 && !settings.disabled) { mask[a] |= AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_VIDEO; } else { mask[a] &= ~AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_VIDEO; } if (settings.file_size_max != 0 && !settings.disabled) { mask[a] |= AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_DOCUMENT; } else { mask[a] &= ~AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_DOCUMENT; } } } @Override public String toString() { return mask[0] + "_" + mask[1] + "_" + mask[2] + "_" + mask[3] + "_" + sizes[PRESET_SIZE_NUM_PHOTO] + "_" + sizes[PRESET_SIZE_NUM_VIDEO] + "_" + sizes[PRESET_SIZE_NUM_DOCUMENT] + "_" + sizes[PRESET_SIZE_NUM_AUDIO] + "_" + (preloadVideo ? 1 : 0) + "_" + (preloadMusic ? 1 : 0) + "_" + (enabled ? 1 : 0) + "_" + (lessCallData ? 1 : 0) + "_" + maxVideoBitrate; } public boolean equals(Preset obj) { return mask[0] == obj.mask[0] && mask[1] == obj.mask[1] && mask[2] == obj.mask[2] && mask[3] == obj.mask[3] && sizes[0] == obj.sizes[0] && sizes[1] == obj.sizes[1] && sizes[2] == obj.sizes[2] && sizes[3] == obj.sizes[3] && preloadVideo == obj.preloadVideo && preloadMusic == obj.preloadMusic && maxVideoBitrate == obj.maxVideoBitrate; } public boolean isEnabled() { for (int a = 0; a < mask.length; a++) { if (mask[a] != 0) { return true; } } return false; } } public Preset lowPreset; public Preset mediumPreset; public Preset highPreset; public Preset mobilePreset; public Preset wifiPreset; public Preset roamingPreset; public int currentMobilePreset; public int currentWifiPreset; public int currentRoamingPreset; private static SparseArray Instance = new SparseArray<>(); public static DownloadController getInstance(int num) { DownloadController localInstance = Instance.get(num); if (localInstance == null) { synchronized (DownloadController.class) { localInstance = Instance.get(num); if (localInstance == null) { Instance.put(num, localInstance = new DownloadController(num)); } } } return localInstance; } public DownloadController(int instance) { super(instance); SharedPreferences preferences = MessagesController.getMainSettings(currentAccount); String defaultLow = "1_1_1_1_1048576_512000_512000_524288_0_0_1_1_50"; String defaultMedium = "13_13_13_13_1048576_10485760_1048576_524288_1_1_1_0_100"; String defaultHigh = "13_13_13_13_1048576_15728640_3145728_524288_1_1_1_0_100"; lowPreset = new Preset(preferences.getString("preset0", defaultLow), defaultLow); mediumPreset = new Preset(preferences.getString("preset1", defaultMedium), defaultMedium); highPreset = new Preset(preferences.getString("preset2", defaultHigh), defaultHigh); boolean newConfig; if ((newConfig = preferences.contains("newConfig")) || !getUserConfig().isClientActivated()) { mobilePreset = new Preset(preferences.getString("mobilePreset", defaultMedium), defaultMedium); wifiPreset = new Preset(preferences.getString("wifiPreset", defaultHigh), defaultHigh); roamingPreset = new Preset(preferences.getString("roamingPreset", defaultLow), defaultLow); currentMobilePreset = preferences.getInt("currentMobilePreset", 3); currentWifiPreset = preferences.getInt("currentWifiPreset", 3); currentRoamingPreset = preferences.getInt("currentRoamingPreset", 3); if (!newConfig) { preferences.edit().putBoolean("newConfig", true).commit(); } } else { int[] mobileDataDownloadMask = new int[4]; int[] wifiDownloadMask = new int[4]; int[] roamingDownloadMask = new int[4]; int[] mobileMaxFileSize = new int[7]; int[] wifiMaxFileSize = new int[7]; int[] roamingMaxFileSize = new int[7]; for (int a = 0; a < 4; a++) { String key = "mobileDataDownloadMask" + (a == 0 ? "" : a); if (a == 0 || preferences.contains(key)) { mobileDataDownloadMask[a] = preferences.getInt(key, AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_PHOTO | AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_VIDEO | AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_DOCUMENT); wifiDownloadMask[a] = preferences.getInt("wifiDownloadMask" + (a == 0 ? "" : a), AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_PHOTO | AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_VIDEO | AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_DOCUMENT); roamingDownloadMask[a] = preferences.getInt("roamingDownloadMask" + (a == 0 ? "" : a), AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_PHOTO); } else { mobileDataDownloadMask[a] = mobileDataDownloadMask[0]; wifiDownloadMask[a] = wifiDownloadMask[0]; roamingDownloadMask[a] = roamingDownloadMask[0]; } } mobileMaxFileSize[2] = preferences.getInt("mobileMaxDownloadSize" + 2, mediumPreset.sizes[PRESET_SIZE_NUM_VIDEO]); mobileMaxFileSize[3] = preferences.getInt("mobileMaxDownloadSize" + 3, mediumPreset.sizes[PRESET_SIZE_NUM_DOCUMENT]); wifiMaxFileSize[2] = preferences.getInt("wifiMaxDownloadSize" + 2, highPreset.sizes[PRESET_SIZE_NUM_VIDEO]); wifiMaxFileSize[3] = preferences.getInt("wifiMaxDownloadSize" + 3, highPreset.sizes[PRESET_SIZE_NUM_DOCUMENT]); roamingMaxFileSize[2] = preferences.getInt("roamingMaxDownloadSize" + 2, lowPreset.sizes[PRESET_SIZE_NUM_VIDEO]); roamingMaxFileSize[3] = preferences.getInt("roamingMaxDownloadSize" + 3, lowPreset.sizes[PRESET_SIZE_NUM_DOCUMENT]); boolean globalAutodownloadEnabled = preferences.getBoolean("globalAutodownloadEnabled", true); mobilePreset = new Preset(mobileDataDownloadMask, mediumPreset.sizes[PRESET_SIZE_NUM_PHOTO], mobileMaxFileSize[2], mobileMaxFileSize[3], true, true, globalAutodownloadEnabled, false, 100); wifiPreset = new Preset(wifiDownloadMask, highPreset.sizes[PRESET_SIZE_NUM_PHOTO], wifiMaxFileSize[2], wifiMaxFileSize[3], true, true, globalAutodownloadEnabled, false, 100); roamingPreset = new Preset(roamingDownloadMask, lowPreset.sizes[PRESET_SIZE_NUM_PHOTO], roamingMaxFileSize[2], roamingMaxFileSize[3], false, false, globalAutodownloadEnabled, true, 50); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean("newConfig", true); editor.putString("mobilePreset", mobilePreset.toString()); editor.putString("wifiPreset", wifiPreset.toString()); editor.putString("roamingPreset", roamingPreset.toString()); editor.putInt("currentMobilePreset", currentMobilePreset = 3); editor.putInt("currentWifiPreset", currentWifiPreset = 3); editor.putInt("currentRoamingPreset", currentRoamingPreset = 3); editor.commit(); } AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { getNotificationCenter().addObserver(DownloadController.this, NotificationCenter.fileLoadFailed); getNotificationCenter().addObserver(DownloadController.this, NotificationCenter.fileLoaded); getNotificationCenter().addObserver(DownloadController.this, NotificationCenter.fileLoadProgressChanged); getNotificationCenter().addObserver(DownloadController.this, NotificationCenter.fileUploadProgressChanged); getNotificationCenter().addObserver(DownloadController.this, NotificationCenter.httpFileDidLoad); getNotificationCenter().addObserver(DownloadController.this, NotificationCenter.httpFileDidFailedLoad); loadAutoDownloadConfig(false); }); BroadcastReceiver networkStateReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { checkAutodownloadSettings(); } }; IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION); ApplicationLoader.applicationContext.registerReceiver(networkStateReceiver, filter); if (getUserConfig().isClientActivated()) { checkAutodownloadSettings(); } } public void loadAutoDownloadConfig(boolean force) { if (loadingAutoDownloadConfig || !force && Math.abs(System.currentTimeMillis() - getUserConfig().autoDownloadConfigLoadTime) < 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) { return; } loadingAutoDownloadConfig = true; TLRPC.TL_account_getAutoDownloadSettings req = new TLRPC.TL_account_getAutoDownloadSettings(); getConnectionsManager().sendRequest(req, (response, error) -> AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { loadingAutoDownloadConfig = false; getUserConfig().autoDownloadConfigLoadTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); getUserConfig().saveConfig(false); if (response != null) { TLRPC.TL_account_autoDownloadSettings res = (TLRPC.TL_account_autoDownloadSettings) response; lowPreset.set(res.low); mediumPreset.set(res.medium); highPreset.set(res.high); for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++) { Preset preset; if (a == 0) { preset = mobilePreset; } else if (a == 1) { preset = wifiPreset; } else { preset = roamingPreset; } if (preset.equals(lowPreset)) { preset.set(res.low); } else if (preset.equals(mediumPreset)) { preset.set(res.medium); } else if (preset.equals(highPreset)) { preset.set(res.high); } } SharedPreferences.Editor editor = MessagesController.getMainSettings(currentAccount).edit(); editor.putString("mobilePreset", mobilePreset.toString()); editor.putString("wifiPreset", wifiPreset.toString()); editor.putString("roamingPreset", roamingPreset.toString()); editor.putString("preset0", lowPreset.toString()); editor.putString("preset1", mediumPreset.toString()); editor.putString("preset2", highPreset.toString()); editor.commit(); String str1 = lowPreset.toString(); String str2 = mediumPreset.toString(); String str3 = highPreset.toString(); checkAutodownloadSettings(); } })); } public Preset getCurrentMobilePreset() { if (currentMobilePreset == 0) { return lowPreset; } else if (currentMobilePreset == 1) { return mediumPreset; } else if (currentMobilePreset == 2) { return highPreset; } else { return mobilePreset; } } public Preset getCurrentWiFiPreset() { if (currentWifiPreset == 0) { return lowPreset; } else if (currentWifiPreset == 1) { return mediumPreset; } else if (currentWifiPreset == 2) { return highPreset; } else { return wifiPreset; } } public Preset getCurrentRoamingPreset() { if (currentRoamingPreset == 0) { return lowPreset; } else if (currentRoamingPreset == 1) { return mediumPreset; } else if (currentRoamingPreset == 2) { return highPreset; } else { return roamingPreset; } } public static int typeToIndex(int type) { if (type == AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_PHOTO) { return PRESET_SIZE_NUM_PHOTO; } else if (type == AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_AUDIO) { return PRESET_SIZE_NUM_DOCUMENT; } else if (type == AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_VIDEO) { return PRESET_SIZE_NUM_VIDEO; } else if (type == AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_DOCUMENT) { return PRESET_SIZE_NUM_DOCUMENT; } return PRESET_SIZE_NUM_PHOTO; } public void cleanup() { photoDownloadQueue.clear(); audioDownloadQueue.clear(); documentDownloadQueue.clear(); videoDownloadQueue.clear(); downloadQueueKeys.clear(); downloadQueuePairs.clear(); typingTimes.clear(); } public int getMaxVideoBitrate() { int networkType = ApplicationLoader.getAutodownloadNetworkType(); if (networkType == StatsController.TYPE_WIFI) { return getCurrentWiFiPreset().maxVideoBitrate; } else if (networkType == StatsController.TYPE_ROAMING) { return getCurrentRoamingPreset().maxVideoBitrate; } else { return getCurrentMobilePreset().maxVideoBitrate; } } public int getAutodownloadMask() { int result = 0; int[] masksArray; int networkType = ApplicationLoader.getAutodownloadNetworkType(); if (networkType == StatsController.TYPE_WIFI) { if (!wifiPreset.enabled) { return 0; } masksArray = getCurrentWiFiPreset().mask; } else if (networkType == StatsController.TYPE_ROAMING) { if (!roamingPreset.enabled) { return 0; } masksArray = getCurrentRoamingPreset().mask; } else { if (!mobilePreset.enabled) { return 0; } masksArray = getCurrentMobilePreset().mask; } for (int a = 0; a < masksArray.length; a++) { int mask = 0; if ((masksArray[a] & AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_PHOTO) != 0) { mask |= AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_PHOTO; } if ((masksArray[a] & AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_AUDIO) != 0) { mask |= AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_AUDIO; } if ((masksArray[a] & AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_VIDEO) != 0) { mask |= AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_VIDEO; } if ((masksArray[a] & AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_DOCUMENT) != 0) { mask |= AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_DOCUMENT; } result |= mask << (a * 8); } return result; } protected int getAutodownloadMaskAll() { if (!mobilePreset.enabled && !roamingPreset.enabled && !wifiPreset.enabled) { return 0; } int mask = 0; for (int a = 0; a < 4; a++) { if ((getCurrentMobilePreset().mask[a] & AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_PHOTO) != 0 || (getCurrentWiFiPreset().mask[a] & AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_PHOTO) != 0 || (getCurrentRoamingPreset().mask[a] & AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_PHOTO) != 0) { mask |= AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_PHOTO; } if ((getCurrentMobilePreset().mask[a] & AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_AUDIO) != 0 || (getCurrentWiFiPreset().mask[a] & AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_AUDIO) != 0 || (getCurrentRoamingPreset().mask[a] & AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_AUDIO) != 0) { mask |= AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_AUDIO; } if ((getCurrentMobilePreset().mask[a] & AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_VIDEO) != 0 || (getCurrentWiFiPreset().mask[a] & AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_VIDEO) != 0 || (getCurrentRoamingPreset().mask[a] & AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_VIDEO) != 0) { mask |= AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_VIDEO; } if ((getCurrentMobilePreset().mask[a] & AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_DOCUMENT) != 0 || (getCurrentWiFiPreset().mask[a] & AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_DOCUMENT) != 0 || (getCurrentRoamingPreset().mask[a] & AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_DOCUMENT) != 0) { mask |= AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_DOCUMENT; } } return mask; } public void checkAutodownloadSettings() { int currentMask = getCurrentDownloadMask(); if (currentMask == lastCheckMask) { return; } lastCheckMask = currentMask; if ((currentMask & AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_PHOTO) != 0) { if (photoDownloadQueue.isEmpty()) { newDownloadObjectsAvailable(AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_PHOTO); } } else { for (int a = 0; a < photoDownloadQueue.size(); a++) { DownloadObject downloadObject = photoDownloadQueue.get(a); if (downloadObject.object instanceof TLRPC.Photo) { TLRPC.Photo photo = (TLRPC.Photo) downloadObject.object; TLRPC.PhotoSize photoSize = FileLoader.getClosestPhotoSizeWithSize(photo.sizes, AndroidUtilities.getPhotoSize()); getFileLoader().cancelLoadFile(photoSize); } else if (downloadObject.object instanceof TLRPC.Document) { getFileLoader().cancelLoadFile((TLRPC.Document) downloadObject.object); } } photoDownloadQueue.clear(); } if ((currentMask & AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_AUDIO) != 0) { if (audioDownloadQueue.isEmpty()) { newDownloadObjectsAvailable(AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_AUDIO); } } else { for (int a = 0; a < audioDownloadQueue.size(); a++) { DownloadObject downloadObject = audioDownloadQueue.get(a); getFileLoader().cancelLoadFile((TLRPC.Document) downloadObject.object); } audioDownloadQueue.clear(); } if ((currentMask & AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_DOCUMENT) != 0) { if (documentDownloadQueue.isEmpty()) { newDownloadObjectsAvailable(AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_DOCUMENT); } } else { for (int a = 0; a < documentDownloadQueue.size(); a++) { DownloadObject downloadObject = documentDownloadQueue.get(a); TLRPC.Document document = (TLRPC.Document) downloadObject.object; getFileLoader().cancelLoadFile(document); } documentDownloadQueue.clear(); } if ((currentMask & AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_VIDEO) != 0) { if (videoDownloadQueue.isEmpty()) { newDownloadObjectsAvailable(AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_VIDEO); } } else { for (int a = 0; a < videoDownloadQueue.size(); a++) { DownloadObject downloadObject = videoDownloadQueue.get(a); getFileLoader().cancelLoadFile((TLRPC.Document) downloadObject.object); } videoDownloadQueue.clear(); } int mask = getAutodownloadMaskAll(); if (mask == 0) { getMessagesStorage().clearDownloadQueue(0); } else { if ((mask & AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_PHOTO) == 0) { getMessagesStorage().clearDownloadQueue(AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_PHOTO); } if ((mask & AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_AUDIO) == 0) { getMessagesStorage().clearDownloadQueue(AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_AUDIO); } if ((mask & AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_VIDEO) == 0) { getMessagesStorage().clearDownloadQueue(AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_VIDEO); } if ((mask & AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_DOCUMENT) == 0) { getMessagesStorage().clearDownloadQueue(AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_DOCUMENT); } } } public boolean canDownloadMedia(MessageObject messageObject) { if (messageObject.getDocument() != null) { String documentName = messageObject.getDocument().file_name; if (StrUtil.isNotBlank(documentName)) { if ((NekomuraConfig.disableAutoDownloadingWin32Executable.Bool() && documentName.toLowerCase().matches(".*\\.(cmd|bat|com|exe|lnk|msi|ps1|reg|vb|vbe|vbs|vbscript)") ) || (NekomuraConfig.disableAutoDownloadingArchive.Bool() && documentName.toLowerCase().matches(".*\\.(apk|zip|7z|tar|gz|zst|iso|xz|lha|lzh)") ) ) return false; } } return canDownloadMedia(messageObject.messageOwner) == 1; } public boolean canDownloadMedia(int type, int size) { Preset preset; int networkType = ApplicationLoader.getAutodownloadNetworkType(); if (networkType == StatsController.TYPE_WIFI) { if (!wifiPreset.enabled) { return false; } preset = getCurrentWiFiPreset(); } else if (networkType == StatsController.TYPE_ROAMING) { if (!roamingPreset.enabled) { return false; } preset = getCurrentRoamingPreset(); } else { if (!mobilePreset.enabled) { return false; } preset = getCurrentMobilePreset(); } int mask = preset.mask[1]; int maxSize = preset.sizes[typeToIndex(type)]; return (type == AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_PHOTO || size != 0 && size <= maxSize) && (type == AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_AUDIO || (mask & type) != 0); } public int canDownloadMedia(TLRPC.Message message) { if (message == null) { return 0; } int type; boolean isVideo; if ((isVideo = MessageObject.isVideoMessage(message)) || MessageObject.isGifMessage(message) || MessageObject.isRoundVideoMessage(message) || MessageObject.isGameMessage(message)) { type = AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_VIDEO; } else if (MessageObject.isVoiceMessage(message)) { type = AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_AUDIO; } else if (MessageObject.isPhoto(message) || MessageObject.isStickerMessage(message) || MessageObject.isAnimatedStickerMessage(message)) { type = AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_PHOTO; } else if (MessageObject.getDocument(message) != null) { type = AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_DOCUMENT; } else { return 0; } int index; TLRPC.Peer peer = message.peer_id; if (peer != null) { if (peer.user_id != 0) { if (getContactsController().contactsDict.containsKey(peer.user_id)) { index = 0; } else { index = 1; } } else if (peer.chat_id != 0) { if (message.from_id instanceof TLRPC.TL_peerUser && getContactsController().contactsDict.containsKey(message.from_id.user_id)) { index = 0; } else { index = 2; } } else { TLRPC.Chat chat = message.peer_id.channel_id != 0 ? getMessagesController().getChat(message.peer_id.channel_id) : null; if (ChatObject.isChannel(chat) && chat.megagroup) { if (message.from_id instanceof TLRPC.TL_peerUser && getContactsController().contactsDict.containsKey(message.from_id.user_id)) { index = 0; } else { index = 2; } } else { index = 3; } } } else { index = 1; } Preset preset; int networkType = ApplicationLoader.getAutodownloadNetworkType(); if (networkType == StatsController.TYPE_WIFI) { if (!wifiPreset.enabled) { return 0; } preset = getCurrentWiFiPreset(); } else if (networkType == StatsController.TYPE_ROAMING) { if (!roamingPreset.enabled) { return 0; } preset = getCurrentRoamingPreset(); } else { if (!mobilePreset.enabled) { return 0; } preset = getCurrentMobilePreset(); } int mask = preset.mask[index]; int maxSize; if (type == AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_AUDIO) { maxSize = Math.max(512 * 1024, preset.sizes[typeToIndex(type)]); } else { maxSize = preset.sizes[typeToIndex(type)]; } int size = MessageObject.getMessageSize(message); if (isVideo && preset.preloadVideo && size > maxSize && maxSize > 2 * 1024 * 1024) { return (mask & type) != 0 ? 2 : 0; } else { return (type == AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_PHOTO || size != 0 && size <= maxSize) && (type == AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_AUDIO || (mask & type) != 0) ? 1 : 0; } } protected boolean canDownloadNextTrack() { int networkType = ApplicationLoader.getAutodownloadNetworkType(); if (networkType == StatsController.TYPE_WIFI) { return wifiPreset.enabled && getCurrentWiFiPreset().preloadMusic; } else if (networkType == StatsController.TYPE_ROAMING) { return roamingPreset.enabled && getCurrentRoamingPreset().preloadMusic; } else { return mobilePreset.enabled && getCurrentMobilePreset().preloadMusic; } } public int getCurrentDownloadMask() { int networkType = ApplicationLoader.getAutodownloadNetworkType(); if (networkType == StatsController.TYPE_WIFI) { if (!wifiPreset.enabled) { return 0; } int mask = 0; for (int a = 0; a < 4; a++) { mask |= getCurrentWiFiPreset().mask[a]; } return mask; } else if (networkType == StatsController.TYPE_ROAMING) { if (!roamingPreset.enabled) { return 0; } int mask = 0; for (int a = 0; a < 4; a++) { mask |= getCurrentRoamingPreset().mask[a]; } return mask; } else { if (!mobilePreset.enabled) { return 0; } int mask = 0; for (int a = 0; a < 4; a++) { mask |= getCurrentMobilePreset().mask[a]; } return mask; } } public void savePresetToServer(int type) { TLRPC.TL_account_saveAutoDownloadSettings req = new TLRPC.TL_account_saveAutoDownloadSettings(); Preset preset; boolean enabled; if (type == 0) { preset = getCurrentMobilePreset(); enabled = mobilePreset.enabled; } else if (type == 1) { preset = getCurrentWiFiPreset(); enabled = wifiPreset.enabled; } else { preset = getCurrentRoamingPreset(); enabled = roamingPreset.enabled; } req.settings = new TLRPC.TL_autoDownloadSettings(); req.settings.audio_preload_next = preset.preloadMusic; req.settings.video_preload_large = preset.preloadVideo; req.settings.phonecalls_less_data = preset.lessCallData; req.settings.video_upload_maxbitrate = preset.maxVideoBitrate; req.settings.disabled = !enabled; boolean photo = false; boolean video = false; boolean document = false; for (int a = 0; a < preset.mask.length; a++) { if ((preset.mask[a] & AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_PHOTO) != 0) { photo = true; } if ((preset.mask[a] & AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_VIDEO) != 0) { video = true; } if ((preset.mask[a] & AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_DOCUMENT) != 0) { document = true; } if (photo && video && document) { break; } } req.settings.photo_size_max = photo ? preset.sizes[PRESET_SIZE_NUM_PHOTO] : 0; req.settings.video_size_max = video ? preset.sizes[PRESET_SIZE_NUM_VIDEO] : 0; req.settings.file_size_max = document ? preset.sizes[PRESET_SIZE_NUM_DOCUMENT] : 0; getConnectionsManager().sendRequest(req, (response, error) -> { }); } protected void cancelDownloading(ArrayList> arrayList) { for (int a = 0, N = arrayList.size(); a < N; a++) { Pair pair = arrayList.get(a); DownloadObject downloadObject = downloadQueuePairs.get(pair); if (downloadObject == null) { continue; } if (downloadObject.object instanceof TLRPC.Document) { TLRPC.Document document = (TLRPC.Document) downloadObject.object; getFileLoader().cancelLoadFile(document, true); } else if (downloadObject.object instanceof TLRPC.Photo) { TLRPC.Photo photo = (TLRPC.Photo) downloadObject.object; TLRPC.PhotoSize photoSize = FileLoader.getClosestPhotoSizeWithSize(photo.sizes, AndroidUtilities.getPhotoSize()); if (photoSize != null) { getFileLoader().cancelLoadFile(photoSize, true); } } } } protected void processDownloadObjects(int type, ArrayList objects) { if (objects.isEmpty()) { return; } ArrayList queue; if (type == AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_PHOTO) { queue = photoDownloadQueue; } else if (type == AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_AUDIO) { queue = audioDownloadQueue; } else if (type == AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_VIDEO) { queue = videoDownloadQueue; } else { queue = documentDownloadQueue; } for (int a = 0; a < objects.size(); a++) { DownloadObject downloadObject = objects.get(a); String path; TLRPC.PhotoSize photoSize = null; if (downloadObject.object instanceof TLRPC.Document) { TLRPC.Document document = (TLRPC.Document) downloadObject.object; path = FileLoader.getAttachFileName(document); } else if (downloadObject.object instanceof TLRPC.Photo) { TLRPC.Photo photo = (TLRPC.Photo) downloadObject.object; photoSize = FileLoader.getClosestPhotoSizeWithSize(photo.sizes, AndroidUtilities.getPhotoSize()); path = FileLoader.getAttachFileName(photoSize); } else { path = null; } if (path == null || downloadQueueKeys.containsKey(path)) { continue; } boolean added = true; if (photoSize != null) { TLRPC.Photo photo = (TLRPC.Photo) downloadObject.object; int cacheType; if (downloadObject.secret) { cacheType = 2; } else if (downloadObject.forceCache) { cacheType = 1; } else { cacheType = 0; } getFileLoader().loadFile(ImageLocation.getForPhoto(photoSize, photo), downloadObject.parent, null, 0, cacheType); } else if (downloadObject.object instanceof TLRPC.Document) { TLRPC.Document document = (TLRPC.Document) downloadObject.object; getFileLoader().loadFile(document, downloadObject.parent, 0, downloadObject.secret ? 2 : 0); } else { added = false; } if (added) { queue.add(downloadObject); downloadQueueKeys.put(path, downloadObject); downloadQueuePairs.put(new Pair<>(downloadObject.id, downloadObject.type), downloadObject); } } } protected void newDownloadObjectsAvailable(int downloadMask) { int mask = getCurrentDownloadMask(); if ((mask & AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_PHOTO) != 0 && (downloadMask & AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_PHOTO) != 0 && photoDownloadQueue.isEmpty()) { getMessagesStorage().getDownloadQueue(AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_PHOTO); } if ((mask & AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_AUDIO) != 0 && (downloadMask & AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_AUDIO) != 0 && audioDownloadQueue.isEmpty()) { getMessagesStorage().getDownloadQueue(AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_AUDIO); } if ((mask & AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_VIDEO) != 0 && (downloadMask & AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_VIDEO) != 0 && videoDownloadQueue.isEmpty()) { getMessagesStorage().getDownloadQueue(AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_VIDEO); } if ((mask & AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_DOCUMENT) != 0 && (downloadMask & AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_DOCUMENT) != 0 && documentDownloadQueue.isEmpty()) { getMessagesStorage().getDownloadQueue(AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_DOCUMENT); } } private void checkDownloadFinished(String fileName, int state) { DownloadObject downloadObject = downloadQueueKeys.get(fileName); if (downloadObject != null) { downloadQueueKeys.remove(fileName); downloadQueuePairs.remove(new Pair<>(downloadObject.id, downloadObject.type)); if (state == 0 || state == 2) { getMessagesStorage().removeFromDownloadQueue(downloadObject.id, downloadObject.type, false /*state != 0*/); } if (downloadObject.type == AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_PHOTO) { photoDownloadQueue.remove(downloadObject); if (photoDownloadQueue.isEmpty()) { newDownloadObjectsAvailable(AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_PHOTO); } } else if (downloadObject.type == AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_AUDIO) { audioDownloadQueue.remove(downloadObject); if (audioDownloadQueue.isEmpty()) { newDownloadObjectsAvailable(AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_AUDIO); } } else if (downloadObject.type == AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_VIDEO) { videoDownloadQueue.remove(downloadObject); if (videoDownloadQueue.isEmpty()) { newDownloadObjectsAvailable(AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_VIDEO); } } else if (downloadObject.type == AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_DOCUMENT) { documentDownloadQueue.remove(downloadObject); if (documentDownloadQueue.isEmpty()) { newDownloadObjectsAvailable(AUTODOWNLOAD_TYPE_DOCUMENT); } } } } public int generateObserverTag() { return lastTag++; } public void addLoadingFileObserver(String fileName, FileDownloadProgressListener observer) { addLoadingFileObserver(fileName, null, observer); } public void addLoadingFileObserver(String fileName, MessageObject messageObject, FileDownloadProgressListener observer) { if (listenerInProgress) { addLaterArray.put(fileName, observer); return; } removeLoadingFileObserver(observer); ArrayList> arrayList = loadingFileObservers.get(fileName); if (arrayList == null) { arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); loadingFileObservers.put(fileName, arrayList); } arrayList.add(new WeakReference<>(observer)); if (messageObject != null) { ArrayList messageObjects = loadingFileMessagesObservers.get(fileName); if (messageObjects == null) { messageObjects = new ArrayList<>(); loadingFileMessagesObservers.put(fileName, messageObjects); } messageObjects.add(messageObject); } observersByTag.put(observer.getObserverTag(), fileName); } public void removeLoadingFileObserver(FileDownloadProgressListener observer) { if (listenerInProgress) { deleteLaterArray.add(observer); return; } String fileName = observersByTag.get(observer.getObserverTag()); if (fileName != null) { ArrayList> arrayList = loadingFileObservers.get(fileName); if (arrayList != null) { for (int a = 0; a < arrayList.size(); a++) { WeakReference reference = arrayList.get(a); if (reference.get() == null || reference.get() == observer) { arrayList.remove(a); a--; } } if (arrayList.isEmpty()) { loadingFileObservers.remove(fileName); } } observersByTag.remove(observer.getObserverTag()); } } private void processLaterArrays() { for (HashMap.Entry listener : addLaterArray.entrySet()) { addLoadingFileObserver(listener.getKey(), listener.getValue()); } addLaterArray.clear(); for (FileDownloadProgressListener listener : deleteLaterArray) { removeLoadingFileObserver(listener); } deleteLaterArray.clear(); } @Override public void didReceivedNotification(int id, int account, Object... args) { if (id == NotificationCenter.fileLoadFailed || id == NotificationCenter.httpFileDidFailedLoad) { String fileName = (String) args[0]; Integer canceled = (Integer) args[1]; listenerInProgress = true; ArrayList> arrayList = loadingFileObservers.get(fileName); if (arrayList != null) { for (int a = 0, size = arrayList.size(); a < size; a++) { WeakReference reference = arrayList.get(a); if (reference.get() != null) { reference.get().onFailedDownload(fileName, canceled == 1); if (canceled != 1) { observersByTag.remove(reference.get().getObserverTag()); } } } if (canceled != 1) { loadingFileObservers.remove(fileName); } } listenerInProgress = false; processLaterArrays(); checkDownloadFinished(fileName, canceled); } else if (id == NotificationCenter.fileLoaded || id == NotificationCenter.httpFileDidLoad) { listenerInProgress = true; String fileName = (String) args[0]; ArrayList messageObjects = loadingFileMessagesObservers.get(fileName); if (messageObjects != null) { for (int a = 0, size = messageObjects.size(); a < size; a++) { MessageObject messageObject = messageObjects.get(a); messageObject.mediaExists = true; } loadingFileMessagesObservers.remove(fileName); } ArrayList> arrayList = loadingFileObservers.get(fileName); if (arrayList != null) { for (int a = 0, size = arrayList.size(); a < size; a++) { WeakReference reference = arrayList.get(a); if (reference.get() != null) { reference.get().onSuccessDownload(fileName); observersByTag.remove(reference.get().getObserverTag()); } } loadingFileObservers.remove(fileName); } listenerInProgress = false; processLaterArrays(); checkDownloadFinished(fileName, 0); } else if (id == NotificationCenter.fileLoadProgressChanged) { listenerInProgress = true; String fileName = (String) args[0]; ArrayList> arrayList = loadingFileObservers.get(fileName); if (arrayList != null) { Long loadedSize = (Long) args[1]; Long totalSize = (Long) args[2]; for (int a = 0, size = arrayList.size(); a < size; a++) { WeakReference reference = arrayList.get(a); if (reference.get() != null) { reference.get().onProgressDownload(fileName, loadedSize, totalSize); } } } listenerInProgress = false; processLaterArrays(); } else if (id == NotificationCenter.fileUploadProgressChanged) { listenerInProgress = true; String fileName = (String) args[0]; ArrayList> arrayList = loadingFileObservers.get(fileName); if (arrayList != null) { Long loadedSize = (Long) args[1]; Long totalSize = (Long) args[2]; Boolean enc = (Boolean) args[3]; for (int a = 0, size = arrayList.size(); a < size; a++) { WeakReference reference = arrayList.get(a); if (reference.get() != null) { reference.get().onProgressUpload(fileName, loadedSize, totalSize, enc); } } } listenerInProgress = false; processLaterArrays(); try { ArrayList delayedMessages = getSendMessagesHelper().getDelayedMessages(fileName); if (delayedMessages != null) { for (int a = 0; a < delayedMessages.size(); a++) { SendMessagesHelper.DelayedMessage delayedMessage = delayedMessages.get(a); if (delayedMessage.encryptedChat == null) { long dialogId = delayedMessage.peer; int topMessageId = delayedMessage.topMessageId; Long lastTime = typingTimes.get(dialogId); if (delayedMessage.type == 4) { if (lastTime == null || lastTime + 4000 < System.currentTimeMillis()) { MessageObject messageObject = (MessageObject) delayedMessage.extraHashMap.get(fileName + "_i"); if (messageObject != null && messageObject.isVideo()) { getMessagesController().sendTyping(dialogId, topMessageId, 5, 0); } else if (messageObject != null && messageObject.getDocument() != null) { getMessagesController().sendTyping(dialogId, topMessageId, 3, 0); } else { getMessagesController().sendTyping(dialogId, topMessageId, 4, 0); } typingTimes.put(dialogId, System.currentTimeMillis()); } } else { TLRPC.Document document = delayedMessage.obj.getDocument(); if (lastTime == null || lastTime + 4000 < System.currentTimeMillis()) { if (delayedMessage.obj.isRoundVideo()) { getMessagesController().sendTyping(dialogId, topMessageId, 8, 0); } else if (delayedMessage.obj.isVideo()) { getMessagesController().sendTyping(dialogId, topMessageId, 5, 0); } else if (delayedMessage.obj.isVoice()) { getMessagesController().sendTyping(dialogId, topMessageId, 9, 0); } else if (delayedMessage.obj.getDocument() != null) { getMessagesController().sendTyping(dialogId, topMessageId, 3, 0); } else if (delayedMessage.photoSize != null) { getMessagesController().sendTyping(dialogId, topMessageId, 4, 0); } typingTimes.put(dialogId, System.currentTimeMillis()); } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } } } public static float getProgress(long[] progressSizes) { if (progressSizes == null || progressSizes.length < 2 || progressSizes[1] == 0) { return 0f; } return Math.min(1f, progressSizes[0] / (float) progressSizes[1]); } }