# From the Bluetooth Mesh Profile Specification v1.0. # # The relevant AES-CCM calls are: # # KEY: EncryptionKey # NONCE: Network Nonce # IN: DST || TransportPDU # AD: (none) # CT: EncTransportPDU # TAG: NetMIC # # KEY: DevKey if present, otherwise AppKey # NONCE: Application Nonce # IN: Access Payload # AD: Label UUID, if present # CT: EncAccessPayload # TAG: TransMIC # Section 8.3.1. KEY: 0953fa93e7caac9638f58820220a398e NONCE: 00800000011201000012345678 IN: fffd034b50057e400000010000 AD: CT: b5e5bfdacbaf6cb7fb6bff871f TAG: 035444ce83a670df # Section 8.3.2 KEY: 0953fa93e7caac9638f58820220a398e NONCE: 00800148202345000012345678 IN: 120104320308ba072f AD: CT: 79d7dbc0c9b4d43eeb TAG: ec129d20a620d01e # Section 8.3.3. KEY: 0953fa93e7caac9638f58820220a398e NONCE: 00802b38322fe3000012345678 IN: 120104fa0205a6000a AD: CT: 53273086b8c5ee00bd TAG: d9cfcc62a2ddf572 # Section 8.3.4. KEY: be635105434859f484fc798e043ce40e NONCE: 00800000021201000012345678 IN: 23450100 AD: CT: b0e5d0ad TAG: 970d579a4e88051c # Section 8.3.5. KEY: be635105434859f484fc798e043ce40e NONCE: 00800148342345000012345678 IN: 120102001234567800 AD: CT: 5c39da1792b1fee9ec TAG: 74b786c56d3a9dee # Section 8.3.7. KEY: 0953fa93e7caac9638f58820220a398e NONCE: 008b0148352345000012345678 IN: 000300a6ac00000002 AD: CT: 0d0d730f94d7f3509d TAG: f987bb417eb7c05f # Section 8.3.9. KEY: 0953fa93e7caac9638f58820220a398e NONCE: 008b0148362345000012345678 IN: 000300a6ac00000003 AD: CT: d85d806bbed248614f TAG: 938067b0d983bb7b # Section 8.3.10. KEY: be635105434859f484fc798e043ce40e NONCE: 00800000031201000012345678 IN: 23450101 AD: CT: 7777ed35 TAG: 5afaf66d899c1e3d # Section 8.3.12. KEY: be635105434859f484fc798e043ce40e NONCE: 00800000041201000012345678 IN: 23450101 AD: CT: ae214660 TAG: 87599c2426ce9a35 # Section 8.3.14. KEY: be635105434859f484fc798e043ce40e NONCE: 00800000051201000012345678 IN: 23450100 AD: CT: 7d3ae62a TAG: 3c75dff683dce24e # Section 8.3.24. KEY: 63964771734fbd76e3b40519d1d94a48 NONCE: 010007080d1234973612345677 IN: ea0a00576f726c64 AD: f4a002c7fb1e4ca0a469a021de0db875 CT: de1547118463123e TAG: 5f6a17b99dbca387