
2490 lines
121 KiB

* This is the source code of Telegram for Android v. 1.3.x.
* It is licensed under GNU GPL v. 2 or later.
* You should have received a copy of the license in this archive (see LICENSE).
* Copyright Nikolai Kudashov, 2013-2018.
package org.telegram.ui.Cells;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.text.Layout;
import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder;
import android.text.Spanned;
import android.text.StaticLayout;
import android.text.TextPaint;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.view.HapticFeedbackConstants;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo;
import android.view.animation.Interpolator;
import org.telegram.messenger.AndroidUtilities;
import org.telegram.messenger.BuildVars;
import org.telegram.messenger.ChatObject;
import org.telegram.messenger.FileLoader;
import org.telegram.messenger.MediaDataController;
import org.telegram.messenger.DialogObject;
import org.telegram.messenger.ImageLocation;
import org.telegram.messenger.LocaleController;
import org.telegram.messenger.MessageObject;
import org.telegram.messenger.MessagesStorage;
import org.telegram.messenger.SharedConfig;
import org.telegram.messenger.UserObject;
import org.telegram.messenger.FileLog;
import org.telegram.tgnet.ConnectionsManager;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC;
import org.telegram.messenger.ContactsController;
import org.telegram.messenger.Emoji;
import org.telegram.messenger.MessagesController;
import org.telegram.messenger.R;
import org.telegram.messenger.UserConfig;
import org.telegram.messenger.ImageReceiver;
import org.telegram.ui.ActionBar.Theme;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.PullForegroundDrawable;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.AvatarDrawable;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.CheckBox2;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.CubicBezierInterpolator;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.RLottieDrawable;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.StaticLayoutEx;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.TypefaceSpan;
import org.telegram.ui.DialogsActivity;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class DialogCell extends BaseCell {
public static class FixedWidthSize extends ReplacementSpan {
private int width;
public FixedWidthSize(int w) {
width = w;
public int getSize(Paint paint, CharSequence text, int start, int end, Paint.FontMetricsInt fm) {
if (fm == null) {
fm = paint.getFontMetricsInt();
if (fm != null) {
int h = fm.descent - fm.ascent;
fm.bottom = fm.descent = 1 - h; = fm.ascent = -1;
return width;
public void draw(Canvas canvas, CharSequence text, int start, int end, float x, int top, int y, int bottom, Paint paint) {
public static class CustomDialog {
public String name;
public String message;
public int id;
public int unread_count;
public boolean pinned;
public boolean muted;
public int type;
public int date;
public boolean verified;
public boolean isMedia;
public boolean sent;
private int paintIndex;
private int currentAccount = UserConfig.selectedAccount;
private CustomDialog customDialog;
private long currentDialogId;
private int currentDialogFolderId;
private int currentDialogFolderDialogsCount;
private int currentEditDate;
private boolean isDialogCell;
private int lastMessageDate;
private int unreadCount;
private boolean markUnread;
private int mentionCount;
private boolean lastUnreadState;
private int lastSendState;
private boolean dialogMuted;
private MessageObject message;
private boolean clearingDialog;
private CharSequence lastMessageString;
private int index;
private int dialogsType;
private int folderId;
private int messageId;
private boolean archiveHidden;
private float cornerProgress;
private long lastUpdateTime;
private float onlineProgress;
private float clipProgress;
private int topClip;
private int bottomClip;
private float translationX;
private boolean isSliding;
private RLottieDrawable translationDrawable;
private boolean translationAnimationStarted;
private boolean drawRevealBackground;
private float currentRevealProgress;
private float currentRevealBounceProgress;
private float archiveBackgroundProgress;
private static String[] newLine = new String[]{"\n"};
private static String[] space = new String[]{" "};
private boolean hasMessageThumb;
private ImageReceiver thumbImage = new ImageReceiver(this);
private ImageReceiver avatarImage = new ImageReceiver(this);
private AvatarDrawable avatarDrawable = new AvatarDrawable();
private boolean animatingArchiveAvatar;
private float animatingArchiveAvatarProgress;
private BounceInterpolator interpolator = new BounceInterpolator();
private PullForegroundDrawable archivedChatsDrawable;
private TLRPC.User user;
private TLRPC.Chat chat;
private TLRPC.EncryptedChat encryptedChat;
private CharSequence lastPrintString;
private TLRPC.DraftMessage draftMessage;
private CheckBox2 checkBox;
public boolean useForceThreeLines;
public boolean useSeparator;
public boolean fullSeparator;
public boolean fullSeparator2;
private boolean useMeForMyMessages;
private int nameLeft;
private StaticLayout nameLayout;
private boolean drawNameLock;
private boolean drawNameGroup;
private boolean drawNameBroadcast;
private boolean drawNameBot;
private int nameMuteLeft;
private int nameLockLeft;
private int nameLockTop;
private int timeLeft;
private int timeTop;
private StaticLayout timeLayout;
private boolean promoDialog;
private boolean drawCheck1;
private boolean drawCheck2;
private boolean drawClock;
private int checkDrawLeft;
private int checkDrawTop;
private int halfCheckDrawLeft;
private int messageTop;
private int messageLeft;
private StaticLayout messageLayout;
private int messageNameTop;
private int messageNameLeft;
private StaticLayout messageNameLayout;
private boolean drawError;
private int errorTop;
private int errorLeft;
private boolean attachedToWindow;
private float reorderIconProgress;
private boolean drawReorder;
private boolean drawPinBackground;
private boolean drawPin;
private int pinTop;
private int pinLeft;
private boolean drawCount;
private int countTop;
private int countLeft;
private int countWidth;
private StaticLayout countLayout;
private boolean drawMention;
private int mentionLeft;
private int mentionWidth;
private StaticLayout mentionLayout;
private boolean drawVerified;
private boolean drawScam;
private boolean isSelected;
private RectF rect = new RectF();
public static class BounceInterpolator implements Interpolator {
public float getInterpolation(float t) {
if (t < 0.33f) {
return 0.1f * (t / 0.33f);
} else {
t -= 0.33f;
if (t < 0.33f) {
return 0.1f - 0.15f * (t / 0.34f);
} else {
t -= 0.34f;
return -0.05f + 0.05f * (t / 0.33f);
public DialogCell(Context context, boolean needCheck, boolean forceThreeLines) {
useForceThreeLines = forceThreeLines;
if (needCheck) {
checkBox = new CheckBox2(context, 21);
checkBox.setColor(null, Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhite, Theme.key_checkboxCheck);
public void setDialog(TLRPC.Dialog dialog, int type, int folder) {
currentDialogId =;
isDialogCell = true;
if (dialog instanceof TLRPC.TL_dialogFolder) {
TLRPC.TL_dialogFolder dialogFolder = (TLRPC.TL_dialogFolder) dialog;
currentDialogFolderId =;
if (archivedChatsDrawable != null) {
} else {
currentDialogFolderId = 0;
dialogsType = type;
folderId = folder;
messageId = 0;
public void setDialogIndex(int i) {
index = i;
public void setDialog(CustomDialog dialog) {
customDialog = dialog;
messageId = 0;
private void checkOnline() {
boolean isOnline = user != null && !user.self && (user.status != null && user.status.expires > ConnectionsManager.getInstance(currentAccount).getCurrentTime() || MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).onlinePrivacy.containsKey(;
onlineProgress = isOnline ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
public void setDialog(long dialog_id, MessageObject messageObject, int date, boolean useMe) {
currentDialogId = dialog_id;
message = messageObject;
useMeForMyMessages = useMe;
isDialogCell = false;
lastMessageDate = date;
currentEditDate = messageObject != null ? messageObject.messageOwner.edit_date : 0;
unreadCount = 0;
markUnread = false;
messageId = messageObject != null ? messageObject.getId() : 0;
mentionCount = 0;
lastUnreadState = messageObject != null && messageObject.isUnread();
if (message != null) {
lastSendState = message.messageOwner.send_state;
public long getDialogId() {
return currentDialogId;
public int getDialogIndex() {
return index;
public int getMessageId() {
return messageId;
protected void onDetachedFromWindow() {
isSliding = false;
drawRevealBackground = false;
currentRevealProgress = 0.0f;
attachedToWindow = false;
reorderIconProgress = drawPin && drawReorder ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
if (translationDrawable != null) {
translationDrawable = null;
translationAnimationStarted = false;
protected void onAttachedToWindow() {
public void resetPinnedArchiveState() {
archiveHidden = SharedConfig.archiveHidden;
archiveBackgroundProgress = archiveHidden ? 0.0f : 1.0f;
clipProgress = 0.0f;
isSliding = false;
reorderIconProgress = drawPin && drawReorder ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
attachedToWindow = true;
cornerProgress = 0.0f;
protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
if (checkBox != null) {
checkBox.measure(MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(AndroidUtilities.dp(24), MeasureSpec.EXACTLY), MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(AndroidUtilities.dp(24), MeasureSpec.EXACTLY));
setMeasuredDimension(MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec), AndroidUtilities.dp(useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout ? 78 : 72) + (useSeparator ? 1 : 0));
topClip = 0;
bottomClip = getMeasuredHeight();
protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
if (currentDialogId == 0 && customDialog == null) {
if (checkBox != null) {
int x = LocaleController.isRTL ? (right - left) - AndroidUtilities.dp(45) : AndroidUtilities.dp(45);
int y = AndroidUtilities.dp(46);
checkBox.layout(x, y, x + checkBox.getMeasuredWidth(), y + checkBox.getMeasuredHeight());
if (changed) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
public boolean isUnread() {
return (unreadCount != 0 || markUnread) && !dialogMuted;
private CharSequence formatArchivedDialogNames() {
ArrayList<TLRPC.Dialog> dialogs = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).getDialogs(currentDialogFolderId);
currentDialogFolderDialogsCount = dialogs.size();
SpannableStringBuilder builder = new SpannableStringBuilder();
for (int a = 0, N = dialogs.size(); a < N; a++) {
TLRPC.Dialog dialog = dialogs.get(a);
TLRPC.User currentUser = null;
TLRPC.Chat currentChat = null;
if (DialogObject.isSecretDialogId( {
TLRPC.EncryptedChat encryptedChat = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).getEncryptedChat((int) ( >> 32));
if (encryptedChat != null) {
currentUser = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).getUser(encryptedChat.user_id);
} else {
int lowerId = (int);
if (lowerId > 0) {
currentUser = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).getUser(lowerId);
} else {
currentChat = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).getChat(-lowerId);
String title;
if (currentChat != null) {
title = currentChat.title.replace('\n', ' ');
} else if (currentUser != null) {
if (UserObject.isDeleted(currentUser)) {
title = LocaleController.getString("HiddenName", R.string.HiddenName);
} else {
title = ContactsController.formatName(currentUser.first_name, currentUser.last_name).replace('\n', ' ');
} else {
if (builder.length() > 0) {
builder.append(", ");
int boldStart = builder.length();
int boldEnd = boldStart + title.length();
if (dialog.unread_count > 0) {
builder.setSpan(new TypefaceSpan(AndroidUtilities.getTypeface("fonts/rmedium.ttf"), 0, Theme.getColor(Theme.key_chats_nameArchived)), boldStart, boldEnd, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
if (builder.length() > 150) {
return Emoji.replaceEmoji(builder, Theme.dialogs_messagePaint[paintIndex].getFontMetricsInt(), AndroidUtilities.dp(17), false);
public void buildLayout() {
int thumbSize;
if (useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout) {
Theme.dialogs_messagePaint[1].setColor(Theme.dialogs_messagePaint[1].linkColor = Theme.getColor(Theme.key_chats_message_threeLines));
paintIndex = 1;
thumbSize = 18;
} else {
Theme.dialogs_messagePaint[0].setColor(Theme.dialogs_messagePaint[0].linkColor = Theme.getColor(Theme.key_chats_message));
paintIndex = 0;
thumbSize = 19;
currentDialogFolderDialogsCount = 0;
String nameString = "";
String timeString = "";
String countString = null;
String mentionString = null;
CharSequence messageString = "";
CharSequence messageNameString = null;
CharSequence printingString = null;
if (isDialogCell) {
printingString = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).printingStrings.get(currentDialogId);
TextPaint currentMessagePaint = Theme.dialogs_messagePaint[paintIndex];
boolean checkMessage = true;
drawNameGroup = false;
drawNameBroadcast = false;
drawNameLock = false;
drawNameBot = false;
drawVerified = false;
drawScam = false;
drawPinBackground = false;
hasMessageThumb = false;
int offsetName = 0;
boolean showChecks = !UserObject.isUserSelf(user) && !useMeForMyMessages;
boolean drawTime = true;
String messageFormat;
boolean hasNameInMessage;
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 18) {
if (!useForceThreeLines && !SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout || currentDialogFolderId != 0) {
messageFormat = "%2$s: \u2068%1$s\u2069";
hasNameInMessage = true;
} else {
messageFormat = "\u2068%s\u2069";
hasNameInMessage = false;
} else {
if (!useForceThreeLines && !SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout || currentDialogFolderId != 0) {
messageFormat = "%2$s: %1$s";
hasNameInMessage = true;
} else {
messageFormat = "%1$s";
hasNameInMessage = false;
lastMessageString = message != null ? message.messageText : null;
if (customDialog != null) {
if (customDialog.type == 2) {
drawNameLock = true;
if (useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout) {
nameLockTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(12.5f);
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameLockLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 6);
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 10) + Theme.dialogs_lockDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
} else {
nameLockLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 6) - Theme.dialogs_lockDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(22);
} else {
nameLockTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(16.5f);
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameLockLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 4);
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 8) + Theme.dialogs_lockDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
} else {
nameLockLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 4) - Theme.dialogs_lockDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(18);
} else {
drawVerified = customDialog.verified;
if (SharedConfig.drawDialogIcons && customDialog.type == 1) {
drawNameGroup = true;
if (useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout) {
nameLockTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(13.5f);
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameLockLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 6);
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 10) + (drawNameGroup ? Theme.dialogs_groupDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() : Theme.dialogs_broadcastDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth());
} else {
nameLockLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 6) - (drawNameGroup ? Theme.dialogs_groupDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() : Theme.dialogs_broadcastDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth());
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(22);
} else {
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameLockTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(17.5f);
nameLockLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 4);
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 8) + (drawNameGroup ? Theme.dialogs_groupDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() : Theme.dialogs_broadcastDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth());
} else {
nameLockLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 4) - (drawNameGroup ? Theme.dialogs_groupDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() : Theme.dialogs_broadcastDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth());
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(18);
} else {
if (useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout) {
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 6);
} else {
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(22);
} else {
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 4);
} else {
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(18);
if (customDialog.type == 1) {
messageNameString = LocaleController.getString("FromYou", R.string.FromYou);
checkMessage = false;
SpannableStringBuilder stringBuilder;
if (customDialog.isMedia) {
currentMessagePaint = Theme.dialogs_messagePrintingPaint[paintIndex];
stringBuilder = SpannableStringBuilder.valueOf(String.format(messageFormat, message.messageText));
stringBuilder.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_chats_attachMessage)), 0, stringBuilder.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
} else {
String mess = customDialog.message;
if (mess.length() > 150) {
mess = mess.substring(0, 150);
if (useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout) {
stringBuilder = SpannableStringBuilder.valueOf(String.format(messageFormat, mess, messageNameString));
} else {
stringBuilder = SpannableStringBuilder.valueOf(String.format(messageFormat, mess.replace('\n', ' '), messageNameString));
messageString = Emoji.replaceEmoji(stringBuilder, Theme.dialogs_messagePaint[paintIndex].getFontMetricsInt(), AndroidUtilities.dp(20), false);
} else {
messageString = customDialog.message;
if (customDialog.isMedia) {
currentMessagePaint = Theme.dialogs_messagePrintingPaint[paintIndex];
timeString = LocaleController.stringForMessageListDate(;
if (customDialog.unread_count != 0) {
drawCount = true;
countString = String.format("%d", customDialog.unread_count);
} else {
drawCount = false;
if (customDialog.sent) {
drawCheck1 = true;
drawCheck2 = true;
} else {
drawCheck1 = false;
drawCheck2 = false;
drawClock = false;
drawError = false;
nameString =;
} else {
if (useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout) {
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 6);
} else {
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(22);
} else {
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 4);
} else {
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(18);
if (encryptedChat != null) {
if (currentDialogFolderId == 0) {
drawNameLock = true;
if (useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout) {
nameLockTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(12.5f);
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameLockLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 6);
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 10) + Theme.dialogs_lockDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
} else {
nameLockLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 6) - Theme.dialogs_lockDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(22);
} else {
nameLockTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(16.5f);
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameLockLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 4);
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 8) + Theme.dialogs_lockDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
} else {
nameLockLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 4) - Theme.dialogs_lockDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(18);
} else {
if (currentDialogFolderId == 0) {
if (chat != null) {
if (chat.scam) {
drawScam = true;
} else {
drawVerified = chat.verified;
if (SharedConfig.drawDialogIcons) {
if (useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout) {
if ( < 0 || ChatObject.isChannel(chat) && !chat.megagroup) {
drawNameBroadcast = true;
nameLockTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(12.5f);
} else {
drawNameGroup = true;
nameLockTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(13.5f);
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameLockLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 6);
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 10) + (drawNameGroup ? Theme.dialogs_groupDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() : Theme.dialogs_broadcastDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth());
} else {
nameLockLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 6) - (drawNameGroup ? Theme.dialogs_groupDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() : Theme.dialogs_broadcastDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth());
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(22);
} else {
if ( < 0 || ChatObject.isChannel(chat) && !chat.megagroup) {
drawNameBroadcast = true;
nameLockTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(16.5f);
} else {
drawNameGroup = true;
nameLockTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(17.5f);
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameLockLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 4);
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 8) + (drawNameGroup ? Theme.dialogs_groupDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() : Theme.dialogs_broadcastDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth());
} else {
nameLockLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 4) - (drawNameGroup ? Theme.dialogs_groupDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() : Theme.dialogs_broadcastDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth());
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(18);
} else if (user != null) {
if (user.scam) {
drawScam = true;
} else {
drawVerified = user.verified;
if (SharedConfig.drawDialogIcons && {
drawNameBot = true;
if (useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout) {
nameLockTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(12.5f);
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameLockLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 6);
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 10) + Theme.dialogs_botDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
} else {
nameLockLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 6) - Theme.dialogs_botDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(22);
} else {
nameLockTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(16.5f);
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameLockLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 4);
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 8) + Theme.dialogs_botDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
} else {
nameLockLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 4) - Theme.dialogs_botDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(18);
int lastDate = lastMessageDate;
if (lastMessageDate == 0 && message != null) {
lastDate =;
if (isDialogCell) {
draftMessage = MediaDataController.getInstance(currentAccount).getDraft(currentDialogId);
if (draftMessage != null && (TextUtils.isEmpty(draftMessage.message) && draftMessage.reply_to_msg_id == 0 || lastDate > && unreadCount != 0) ||
ChatObject.isChannel(chat) && !chat.megagroup && !chat.creator && (chat.admin_rights == null || !chat.admin_rights.post_messages) ||
chat != null && (chat.left || chat.kicked)) {
draftMessage = null;
} else {
draftMessage = null;
if (printingString != null) {
lastPrintString = messageString = printingString;
currentMessagePaint = Theme.dialogs_messagePrintingPaint[paintIndex];
} else {
lastPrintString = null;
if (draftMessage != null) {
checkMessage = false;
messageNameString = LocaleController.getString("Draft", R.string.Draft);
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(draftMessage.message)) {
if (useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout) {
messageString = "";
} else {
SpannableStringBuilder stringBuilder = SpannableStringBuilder.valueOf(messageNameString);
stringBuilder.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_chats_draft)), 0, messageNameString.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
messageString = stringBuilder;
} else {
String mess = draftMessage.message;
if (mess.length() > 150) {
mess = mess.substring(0, 150);
SpannableStringBuilder stringBuilder = SpannableStringBuilder.valueOf(String.format(messageFormat, mess.replace('\n', ' '), messageNameString));
if (!useForceThreeLines && !SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout) {
stringBuilder.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_chats_draft)), 0, messageNameString.length() + 1, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
messageString = Emoji.replaceEmoji(stringBuilder, Theme.dialogs_messagePaint[paintIndex].getFontMetricsInt(), AndroidUtilities.dp(20), false);
} else {
if (clearingDialog) {
currentMessagePaint = Theme.dialogs_messagePrintingPaint[paintIndex];
messageString = LocaleController.getString("HistoryCleared", R.string.HistoryCleared);
} else if (message == null) {
if (encryptedChat != null) {
currentMessagePaint = Theme.dialogs_messagePrintingPaint[paintIndex];
if (encryptedChat instanceof TLRPC.TL_encryptedChatRequested) {
messageString = LocaleController.getString("EncryptionProcessing", R.string.EncryptionProcessing);
} else if (encryptedChat instanceof TLRPC.TL_encryptedChatWaiting) {
messageString = LocaleController.formatString("AwaitingEncryption", R.string.AwaitingEncryption, UserObject.getFirstName(user));
} else if (encryptedChat instanceof TLRPC.TL_encryptedChatDiscarded) {
messageString = LocaleController.getString("EncryptionRejected", R.string.EncryptionRejected);
} else if (encryptedChat instanceof TLRPC.TL_encryptedChat) {
if (encryptedChat.admin_id == UserConfig.getInstance(currentAccount).getClientUserId()) {
messageString = LocaleController.formatString("EncryptedChatStartedOutgoing", R.string.EncryptedChatStartedOutgoing, UserObject.getFirstName(user));
} else {
messageString = LocaleController.getString("EncryptedChatStartedIncoming", R.string.EncryptedChatStartedIncoming);
} else {
messageString = "";
} else {
TLRPC.User fromUser = null;
TLRPC.Chat fromChat = null;
if (message.isFromUser()) {
fromUser = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).getUser(message.messageOwner.from_id);
} else {
fromChat = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).getChat(message.messageOwner.to_id.channel_id);
if (dialogsType == 3 && UserObject.isUserSelf(user)) {
messageString = LocaleController.getString("SavedMessagesInfo", R.string.SavedMessagesInfo);
showChecks = false;
drawTime = false;
} else if (!useForceThreeLines && !SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout && currentDialogFolderId != 0) {
checkMessage = false;
messageString = formatArchivedDialogNames();
} else if (message.messageOwner instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageService) {
if (ChatObject.isChannel(chat) && (message.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionHistoryClear ||
message.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionChannelMigrateFrom)) {
messageString = "";
showChecks = false;
} else {
messageString = message.messageText;
currentMessagePaint = Theme.dialogs_messagePrintingPaint[paintIndex];
} else {
boolean needEmoji = true;
if (BuildVars.DEBUG_VERSION && encryptedChat == null && !message.needDrawBluredPreview() && (message.isPhoto() || message.isNewGif() || message.isVideo())) {
TLRPC.PhotoSize smallThumb = FileLoader.getClosestPhotoSizeWithSize(message.photoThumbs, 40);
TLRPC.PhotoSize bigThumb = FileLoader.getClosestPhotoSizeWithSize(message.photoThumbs, AndroidUtilities.getPhotoSize());
if (smallThumb == bigThumb) {
bigThumb = null;
if (smallThumb != null) {
hasMessageThumb = true;
//TODO respect autodownload settings?
thumbImage.setImage(ImageLocation.getForObject(bigThumb, message.photoThumbsObject), "20_20", ImageLocation.getForObject(smallThumb, message.photoThumbsObject), "20_20", null, message, 0);
needEmoji = false;
if (chat != null && > 0 && fromChat == null) {
if (message.isOutOwner()) {
messageNameString = LocaleController.getString("FromYou", R.string.FromYou);
} else if (fromUser != null) {
if (useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout) {
if (UserObject.isDeleted(fromUser)) {
messageNameString = LocaleController.getString("HiddenName", R.string.HiddenName);
} else {
messageNameString = ContactsController.formatName(fromUser.first_name, fromUser.last_name).replace("\n", "");
} else {
messageNameString = UserObject.getFirstName(fromUser).replace("\n", "");
} else if (fromChat != null) {
messageNameString = fromChat.title.replace("\n", "");
} else {
messageNameString = "DELETED";
checkMessage = false;
SpannableStringBuilder stringBuilder;
if (message.caption != null) {
String mess = message.caption.toString();
if (mess.length() > 150) {
mess = mess.substring(0, 150);
String emoji;
if (!needEmoji) {
emoji = "";
} else if (message.isVideo()) {
emoji = "\uD83D\uDCF9 ";
} else if (message.isVoice()) {
emoji = "\uD83C\uDFA4 ";
} else if (message.isMusic()) {
emoji = "\uD83C\uDFA7 ";
} else if (message.isPhoto()) {
emoji = "\uD83D\uDDBC ";
} else {
emoji = "\uD83D\uDCCE ";
stringBuilder = SpannableStringBuilder.valueOf(String.format(messageFormat, emoji + mess.replace('\n', ' '), messageNameString));
} else if ( != null && !message.isMediaEmpty()) {
currentMessagePaint = Theme.dialogs_messagePrintingPaint[paintIndex];
String innerMessage;
if ( instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPoll) {
TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPoll mediaPoll = (TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPoll);
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 18) {
innerMessage = String.format("\uD83D\uDCCA \u2068%s\u2069", mediaPoll.poll.question);
} else {
innerMessage = String.format("\uD83D\uDCCA %s", mediaPoll.poll.question);
} else if ( instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaGame) {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 18) {
innerMessage = String.format("\uD83C\uDFAE \u2068%s\u2069",;
} else {
innerMessage = String.format("\uD83C\uDFAE %s",;
} else if (message.type == 14) {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 18) {
innerMessage = String.format("\uD83C\uDFA7 \u2068%s - %s\u2069", message.getMusicAuthor(), message.getMusicTitle());
} else {
innerMessage = String.format("\uD83C\uDFA7 %s - %s", message.getMusicAuthor(), message.getMusicTitle());
} else {
innerMessage = message.messageText.toString();
innerMessage = innerMessage.replace('\n', ' ');
stringBuilder = SpannableStringBuilder.valueOf(String.format(messageFormat, innerMessage, messageNameString));
try {
stringBuilder.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_chats_attachMessage)), hasNameInMessage ? messageNameString.length() + 2 : 0, stringBuilder.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
} catch (Exception e) {
} else if (message.messageOwner.message != null) {
String mess = message.messageOwner.message;
if (mess.length() > 150) {
mess = mess.substring(0, 150);
stringBuilder = SpannableStringBuilder.valueOf(String.format(messageFormat, mess.replace('\n', ' '), messageNameString));
} else {
stringBuilder = SpannableStringBuilder.valueOf("");
int thumbInsertIndex = 0;
if (!useForceThreeLines && !SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout || currentDialogFolderId != 0 && stringBuilder.length() > 0) {
try {
stringBuilder.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_chats_nameMessage)), 0, thumbInsertIndex = messageNameString.length() + 1, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
offsetName = thumbInsertIndex;
} catch (Exception e) {
messageString = Emoji.replaceEmoji(stringBuilder, Theme.dialogs_messagePaint[paintIndex].getFontMetricsInt(), AndroidUtilities.dp(20), false);
if (hasMessageThumb) {
if (!(messageString instanceof SpannableStringBuilder)) {
messageString = new SpannableStringBuilder(messageString);
checkMessage = false;
SpannableStringBuilder builder = (SpannableStringBuilder) messageString;
builder.insert(thumbInsertIndex, " ");
builder.setSpan(new FixedWidthSize(AndroidUtilities.dp(thumbSize + 6)), thumbInsertIndex, thumbInsertIndex + 1, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
} else {
if ( instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPhoto && instanceof TLRPC.TL_photoEmpty && != 0) {
messageString = LocaleController.getString("AttachPhotoExpired", R.string.AttachPhotoExpired);
} else if ( instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaDocument && instanceof TLRPC.TL_documentEmpty && != 0) {
messageString = LocaleController.getString("AttachVideoExpired", R.string.AttachVideoExpired);
} else if (message.caption != null) {
String emoji;
if (!needEmoji) {
emoji = "";
} else if (message.isVideo()) {
emoji = "\uD83D\uDCF9 ";
} else if (message.isVoice()) {
emoji = "\uD83C\uDFA4 ";
} else if (message.isMusic()) {
emoji = "\uD83C\uDFA7 ";
} else if (message.isPhoto()) {
emoji = "\uD83D\uDDBC ";
} else {
emoji = "\uD83D\uDCCE ";
messageString = emoji + message.caption;
} else {
if ( instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPoll) {
TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPoll mediaPoll = (TLRPC.TL_messageMediaPoll);
messageString = "\uD83D\uDCCA " + mediaPoll.poll.question;
} else if ( instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaGame) {
messageString = "\uD83C\uDFAE " +;
} else if (message.type == 14) {
messageString = String.format("\uD83C\uDFA7 %s - %s", message.getMusicAuthor(), message.getMusicTitle());
} else {
messageString = message.messageText;
if ( != null && !message.isMediaEmpty()) {
currentMessagePaint = Theme.dialogs_messagePrintingPaint[paintIndex];
if (hasMessageThumb) {
if (messageString.length() > 150) {
messageString = messageString.subSequence(0, 150);
messageString = TextUtils.replace(messageString, newLine, space);
if (!(messageString instanceof SpannableStringBuilder)) {
messageString = new SpannableStringBuilder(messageString);
checkMessage = false;
SpannableStringBuilder builder = (SpannableStringBuilder) messageString;
builder.insert(0, " ");
builder.setSpan(new FixedWidthSize(AndroidUtilities.dp(thumbSize + 6)), 0, 1, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
Emoji.replaceEmoji(builder, Theme.dialogs_messagePaint[paintIndex].getFontMetricsInt(), AndroidUtilities.dp(17), false);
if (currentDialogFolderId != 0) {
messageNameString = formatArchivedDialogNames();
if (draftMessage != null) {
timeString = LocaleController.stringForMessageListDate(;
} else if (lastMessageDate != 0) {
timeString = LocaleController.stringForMessageListDate(lastMessageDate);
} else if (message != null) {
timeString = LocaleController.stringForMessageListDate(;
if (message == null) {
drawCheck1 = false;
drawCheck2 = false;
drawClock = false;
drawCount = false;
drawMention = false;
drawError = false;
} else {
if (currentDialogFolderId != 0) {
if (unreadCount + mentionCount > 0) {
if (unreadCount > mentionCount) {
drawCount = true;
drawMention = false;
countString = String.format("%d", unreadCount + mentionCount);
} else {
drawCount = false;
drawMention = true;
mentionString = String.format("%d", unreadCount + mentionCount);
} else {
drawCount = false;
drawMention = false;
} else {
if (clearingDialog) {
drawCount = false;
showChecks = false;
} else if (unreadCount != 0 && (unreadCount != 1 || unreadCount != mentionCount || message == null || !message.messageOwner.mentioned)) {
drawCount = true;
countString = String.format("%d", unreadCount);
} else if (markUnread) {
drawCount = true;
countString = "";
} else {
drawCount = false;
if (mentionCount != 0) {
drawMention = true;
mentionString = "@";
} else {
drawMention = false;
if (message.isOut() && draftMessage == null && showChecks && !(message.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionHistoryClear)) {
if (message.isSending()) {
drawCheck1 = false;
drawCheck2 = false;
drawClock = true;
drawError = false;
} else if (message.isSendError()) {
drawCheck1 = false;
drawCheck2 = false;
drawClock = false;
drawError = true;
drawCount = false;
drawMention = false;
} else if (message.isSent()) {
drawCheck1 = !message.isUnread() || ChatObject.isChannel(chat) && !chat.megagroup;
drawCheck2 = true;
drawClock = false;
drawError = false;
} else {
drawCheck1 = false;
drawCheck2 = false;
drawClock = false;
drawError = false;
promoDialog = false;
MessagesController messagesController = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount);
if (dialogsType == 0 && messagesController.isPromoDialog(currentDialogId, true)) {
drawPinBackground = true;
promoDialog = true;
if (messagesController.promoDialogType == MessagesController.PROMO_TYPE_PROXY) {
timeString = LocaleController.getString("UseProxySponsor", R.string.UseProxySponsor);
} else if (messagesController.promoDialogType == MessagesController.PROMO_TYPE_PSA) {
timeString = LocaleController.getString("PsaType_" + messagesController.promoPsaType);
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(timeString)) {
timeString = LocaleController.getString("PsaTypeDefault", R.string.PsaTypeDefault);
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(messagesController.promoPsaMessage)) {
messageString = messagesController.promoPsaMessage;
hasMessageThumb = false;
if (currentDialogFolderId != 0) {
nameString = LocaleController.getString("ArchivedChats", R.string.ArchivedChats);
} else {
if (chat != null) {
nameString = chat.title;
} else if (user != null) {
if (UserObject.isUserSelf(user)) {
if (useMeForMyMessages) {
nameString = LocaleController.getString("FromYou", R.string.FromYou);
} else {
if (dialogsType == 3) {
drawPinBackground = true;
nameString = LocaleController.getString("SavedMessages", R.string.SavedMessages);
} else {
nameString = UserObject.getUserName(user);
if (nameString.length() == 0) {
nameString = LocaleController.getString("HiddenName", R.string.HiddenName);
int timeWidth;
if (drawTime) {
timeWidth = (int) Math.ceil(Theme.dialogs_timePaint.measureText(timeString));
timeLayout = new StaticLayout(timeString, Theme.dialogs_timePaint, timeWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0.0f, false);
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
timeLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(15) - timeWidth;
} else {
timeLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(15);
} else {
timeWidth = 0;
timeLayout = null;
timeLeft = 0;
int nameWidth;
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameWidth = getMeasuredWidth() - nameLeft - AndroidUtilities.dp(14) - timeWidth;
} else {
nameWidth = getMeasuredWidth() - nameLeft - AndroidUtilities.dp(77) - timeWidth;
nameLeft += timeWidth;
if (drawNameLock) {
nameWidth -= AndroidUtilities.dp(4) + Theme.dialogs_lockDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
} else if (drawNameGroup) {
nameWidth -= AndroidUtilities.dp(4) + Theme.dialogs_groupDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
} else if (drawNameBroadcast) {
nameWidth -= AndroidUtilities.dp(4) + Theme.dialogs_broadcastDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
} else if (drawNameBot) {
nameWidth -= AndroidUtilities.dp(4) + Theme.dialogs_botDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
if (drawClock) {
int w = Theme.dialogs_clockDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() + AndroidUtilities.dp(5);
nameWidth -= w;
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
checkDrawLeft = timeLeft - w;
} else {
checkDrawLeft = timeLeft + timeWidth + AndroidUtilities.dp(5);
nameLeft += w;
} else if (drawCheck2) {
int w = Theme.dialogs_checkDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() + AndroidUtilities.dp(5);
nameWidth -= w;
if (drawCheck1) {
nameWidth -= Theme.dialogs_halfCheckDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(8);
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
halfCheckDrawLeft = timeLeft - w;
checkDrawLeft = halfCheckDrawLeft - AndroidUtilities.dp(5.5f);
} else {
checkDrawLeft = timeLeft + timeWidth + AndroidUtilities.dp(5);
halfCheckDrawLeft = checkDrawLeft + AndroidUtilities.dp(5.5f);
nameLeft += w + Theme.dialogs_halfCheckDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(8);
} else {
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
checkDrawLeft = timeLeft - w;
} else {
checkDrawLeft = timeLeft + timeWidth + AndroidUtilities.dp(5);
nameLeft += w;
if (dialogMuted && !drawVerified && !drawScam) {
int w = AndroidUtilities.dp(6) + Theme.dialogs_muteDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
nameWidth -= w;
if (LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameLeft += w;
} else if (drawVerified) {
int w = AndroidUtilities.dp(6) + Theme.dialogs_verifiedDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
nameWidth -= w;
if (LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameLeft += w;
} else if (drawScam) {
int w = AndroidUtilities.dp(6) + Theme.dialogs_scamDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
nameWidth -= w;
if (LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameLeft += w;
nameWidth = Math.max(AndroidUtilities.dp(12), nameWidth);
try {
CharSequence nameStringFinal = TextUtils.ellipsize(nameString.replace('\n', ' '), Theme.dialogs_namePaint[paintIndex], nameWidth - AndroidUtilities.dp(12), TextUtils.TruncateAt.END);
nameLayout = new StaticLayout(nameStringFinal, Theme.dialogs_namePaint[paintIndex], nameWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0.0f, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
int messageWidth;
int avatarLeft;
int avatarTop;
int thumbLeft;
if (useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout) {
avatarTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(11);
messageNameTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(32);
timeTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(13);
errorTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(43);
pinTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(43);
countTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(43);
checkDrawTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(13);
messageWidth = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 21);
if (LocaleController.isRTL) {
messageLeft = messageNameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(16);
avatarLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(66);
thumbLeft = avatarLeft - AndroidUtilities.dp(13 + 18);
} else {
messageLeft = messageNameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 6);
avatarLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(10);
thumbLeft = avatarLeft + AndroidUtilities.dp(56 + 13);
avatarImage.setImageCoords(avatarLeft, avatarTop, AndroidUtilities.dp(56), AndroidUtilities.dp(56));
thumbImage.setImageCoords(thumbLeft, avatarTop + AndroidUtilities.dp(31), AndroidUtilities.dp(18), AndroidUtilities.dp(18));
} else {
avatarTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(9);
messageNameTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(31);
timeTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(16);
errorTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(39);
pinTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(39);
countTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(39);
checkDrawTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(17);
messageWidth = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 23);
if (LocaleController.isRTL) {
messageLeft = messageNameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(22);
avatarLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(64);
thumbLeft = avatarLeft - AndroidUtilities.dp(11 + thumbSize);
} else {
messageLeft = messageNameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(72 + 4);
avatarLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(10);
thumbLeft = avatarLeft + AndroidUtilities.dp(56 + 11);
avatarImage.setImageCoords(avatarLeft, avatarTop, AndroidUtilities.dp(54), AndroidUtilities.dp(54));
thumbImage.setImageCoords(thumbLeft, avatarTop + AndroidUtilities.dp(30), AndroidUtilities.dp(thumbSize), AndroidUtilities.dp(thumbSize));
if (drawPin) {
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
pinLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - Theme.dialogs_pinnedDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(14);
} else {
pinLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(14);
if (drawError) {
int w = AndroidUtilities.dp(23 + 8);
messageWidth -= w;
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
errorLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(23 + 11);
} else {
errorLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(11);
messageLeft += w;
messageNameLeft += w;
} else if (countString != null || mentionString != null) {
if (countString != null) {
countWidth = Math.max(AndroidUtilities.dp(12), (int) Math.ceil(Theme.dialogs_countTextPaint.measureText(countString)));
countLayout = new StaticLayout(countString, Theme.dialogs_countTextPaint, countWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER, 1.0f, 0.0f, false);
int w = countWidth + AndroidUtilities.dp(18);
messageWidth -= w;
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
countLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - countWidth - AndroidUtilities.dp(20);
} else {
countLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(20);
messageLeft += w;
messageNameLeft += w;
drawCount = true;
} else {
countWidth = 0;
if (mentionString != null) {
if (currentDialogFolderId != 0) {
mentionWidth = Math.max(AndroidUtilities.dp(12), (int) Math.ceil(Theme.dialogs_countTextPaint.measureText(mentionString)));
mentionLayout = new StaticLayout(mentionString, Theme.dialogs_countTextPaint, mentionWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER, 1.0f, 0.0f, false);
} else {
mentionWidth = AndroidUtilities.dp(12);
int w = mentionWidth + AndroidUtilities.dp(18);
messageWidth -= w;
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
mentionLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - mentionWidth - AndroidUtilities.dp(20) - (countWidth != 0 ? countWidth + AndroidUtilities.dp(18) : 0);
} else {
mentionLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(20) + (countWidth != 0 ? countWidth + AndroidUtilities.dp(18) : 0);
messageLeft += w;
messageNameLeft += w;
drawMention = true;
} else {
if (drawPin) {
int w = Theme.dialogs_pinnedDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() + AndroidUtilities.dp(8);
messageWidth -= w;
if (LocaleController.isRTL) {
messageLeft += w;
messageNameLeft += w;
drawCount = false;
drawMention = false;
if (checkMessage) {
if (messageString == null) {
messageString = "";
String mess = messageString.toString();
if (mess.length() > 150) {
mess = mess.substring(0, 150);
if (!useForceThreeLines && !SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout || messageNameString != null) {
mess = mess.replace('\n', ' ');
} else {
mess = mess.replace("\n\n", "\n");
messageString = Emoji.replaceEmoji(mess, Theme.dialogs_messagePaint[paintIndex].getFontMetricsInt(), AndroidUtilities.dp(17), false);
messageWidth = Math.max(AndroidUtilities.dp(12), messageWidth);
if ((useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout) && messageNameString != null && (currentDialogFolderId == 0 || currentDialogFolderDialogsCount == 1)) {
try {
messageNameLayout = StaticLayoutEx.createStaticLayout(messageNameString, Theme.dialogs_messageNamePaint, messageWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0, false, TextUtils.TruncateAt.END, messageWidth, 1);
} catch (Exception e) {
messageTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(32 + 19);
thumbImage.setImageY(avatarTop + AndroidUtilities.dp(40));
} else {
messageNameLayout = null;
if (useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout) {
messageTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(32);
thumbImage.setImageY(avatarTop + AndroidUtilities.dp(21));
} else {
messageTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(39);
try {
CharSequence messageStringFinal;
if ((useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout) && currentDialogFolderId != 0 && currentDialogFolderDialogsCount > 1) {
messageStringFinal = messageNameString;
messageNameString = null;
currentMessagePaint = Theme.dialogs_messagePaint[paintIndex];
} else if (!useForceThreeLines && !SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout || messageNameString != null) {
messageStringFinal = TextUtils.ellipsize(messageString, currentMessagePaint, messageWidth - AndroidUtilities.dp(12), TextUtils.TruncateAt.END);
} else {
messageStringFinal = messageString;
if (useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout) {
if (hasMessageThumb && messageNameString != null) {
messageWidth += AndroidUtilities.dp(4);
messageLayout = StaticLayoutEx.createStaticLayout(messageStringFinal, currentMessagePaint, messageWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, AndroidUtilities.dp(1), false, TextUtils.TruncateAt.END, messageWidth, messageNameString != null ? 1 : 2);
} else {
if (hasMessageThumb) {
messageWidth += AndroidUtilities.dp(4);
messageLayout = new StaticLayout(messageStringFinal, currentMessagePaint, messageWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0.0f, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
double widthpx;
float left;
if (LocaleController.isRTL) {
if (nameLayout != null && nameLayout.getLineCount() > 0) {
left = nameLayout.getLineLeft(0);
widthpx = Math.ceil(nameLayout.getLineWidth(0));
if (dialogMuted && !drawVerified && !drawScam) {
nameMuteLeft = (int) (nameLeft + (nameWidth - widthpx) - AndroidUtilities.dp(6) - Theme.dialogs_muteDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth());
} else if (drawVerified) {
nameMuteLeft = (int) (nameLeft + (nameWidth - widthpx) - AndroidUtilities.dp(6) - Theme.dialogs_verifiedDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth());
} else if (drawScam) {
nameMuteLeft = (int) (nameLeft + (nameWidth - widthpx) - AndroidUtilities.dp(6) - Theme.dialogs_scamDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth());
if (left == 0) {
if (widthpx < nameWidth) {
nameLeft += (nameWidth - widthpx);
if (messageLayout != null) {
int lineCount = messageLayout.getLineCount();
if (lineCount > 0) {
int w = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (int a = 0; a < lineCount; a++) {
left = messageLayout.getLineLeft(a);
if (left == 0) {
widthpx = Math.ceil(messageLayout.getLineWidth(a));
w = Math.min(w, (int) (messageWidth - widthpx));
} else {
w = 0;
if (w != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
messageLeft += w;
if (messageNameLayout != null && messageNameLayout.getLineCount() > 0) {
left = messageNameLayout.getLineLeft(0);
if (left == 0) {
widthpx = Math.ceil(messageNameLayout.getLineWidth(0));
if (widthpx < messageWidth) {
messageNameLeft += (messageWidth - widthpx);
} else {
if (nameLayout != null && nameLayout.getLineCount() > 0) {
left = nameLayout.getLineRight(0);
if (left == nameWidth) {
widthpx = Math.ceil(nameLayout.getLineWidth(0));
if (widthpx < nameWidth) {
nameLeft -= (nameWidth - widthpx);
if (dialogMuted || drawVerified || drawScam) {
nameMuteLeft = (int) (nameLeft + left + AndroidUtilities.dp(6));
if (messageLayout != null) {
int lineCount = messageLayout.getLineCount();
if (lineCount > 0) {
left = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (int a = 0; a < lineCount; a++) {
left = Math.min(left, messageLayout.getLineLeft(a));
messageLeft -= left;
if (messageNameLayout != null && messageNameLayout.getLineCount() > 0) {
messageNameLeft -= messageNameLayout.getLineLeft(0);
if (messageLayout != null && hasMessageThumb) {
try {
int textLen = messageLayout.getText().length();
if (offsetName >= textLen) {
offsetName = textLen - 1;
float x1 = messageLayout.getPrimaryHorizontal(offsetName);
float x2 = messageLayout.getPrimaryHorizontal(offsetName + 1);
int offset = (int) Math.ceil(Math.min(x1, x2));
if (offset != 0) {
offset += AndroidUtilities.dp(3);
thumbImage.setImageX(messageLeft + offset);
} catch (Exception e) {
public boolean isPointInsideAvatar(float x, float y) {
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
return x >= 0 && x < AndroidUtilities.dp(60);
} else {
return x >= getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(60) && x < getMeasuredWidth();
public void setDialogSelected(boolean value) {
if (isSelected != value) {
isSelected = value;
public void checkCurrentDialogIndex(boolean frozen) {
ArrayList<TLRPC.Dialog> dialogsArray = DialogsActivity.getDialogsArray(currentAccount, dialogsType, folderId, frozen);
if (index < dialogsArray.size()) {
TLRPC.Dialog dialog = dialogsArray.get(index);
TLRPC.Dialog nextDialog = index + 1 < dialogsArray.size() ? dialogsArray.get(index + 1) : null;
TLRPC.DraftMessage newDraftMessage = MediaDataController.getInstance(currentAccount).getDraft(currentDialogId);
MessageObject newMessageObject;
if (currentDialogFolderId != 0) {
newMessageObject = findFolderTopMessage();
} else {
newMessageObject = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).dialogMessage.get(;
if (currentDialogId != ||
message != null && message.getId() != dialog.top_message ||
newMessageObject != null && newMessageObject.messageOwner.edit_date != currentEditDate ||
unreadCount != dialog.unread_count ||
mentionCount != dialog.unread_mentions_count ||
markUnread != dialog.unread_mark ||
message != newMessageObject ||
message == null && newMessageObject != null || newDraftMessage != draftMessage || drawPin != dialog.pinned) {
boolean dialogChanged = currentDialogId !=;
currentDialogId =;
if (dialog instanceof TLRPC.TL_dialogFolder) {
TLRPC.TL_dialogFolder dialogFolder = (TLRPC.TL_dialogFolder) dialog;
currentDialogFolderId =;
} else {
currentDialogFolderId = 0;
if (dialogsType == 7 || dialogsType == 8) {
MessagesController.DialogFilter filter = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).selectedDialogFilter[dialogsType == 8 ? 1 : 0];
fullSeparator = dialog instanceof TLRPC.TL_dialog && nextDialog != null && filter != null && filter.pinnedDialogs.indexOfKey( >= 0 && filter.pinnedDialogs.indexOfKey( < 0;
fullSeparator2 = false;
} else {
fullSeparator = dialog instanceof TLRPC.TL_dialog && dialog.pinned && nextDialog != null && !nextDialog.pinned;
fullSeparator2 = dialog instanceof TLRPC.TL_dialogFolder && nextDialog != null && !nextDialog.pinned;
if (dialogChanged) {
reorderIconProgress = drawPin && drawReorder ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
public void animateArchiveAvatar() {
if (avatarDrawable.getAvatarType() != AvatarDrawable.AVATAR_TYPE_ARCHIVED) {
animatingArchiveAvatar = true;
animatingArchiveAvatarProgress = 0.0f;
public void setChecked(boolean checked, boolean animated) {
if (checkBox == null) {
checkBox.setChecked(checked, animated);
private MessageObject findFolderTopMessage() {
ArrayList<TLRPC.Dialog> dialogs = DialogsActivity.getDialogsArray(currentAccount, dialogsType, currentDialogFolderId, false);
MessageObject maxMessage = null;
if (!dialogs.isEmpty()) {
for (int a = 0, N = dialogs.size(); a < N; a++) {
TLRPC.Dialog dialog = dialogs.get(a);
MessageObject object = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).dialogMessage.get(;
if (object != null && (maxMessage == null || > {
maxMessage = object;
if (dialog.pinnedNum == 0 && maxMessage != null) {
return maxMessage;
public boolean isFolderCell() {
return currentDialogFolderId != 0;
public void update(int mask) {
if (customDialog != null) {
lastMessageDate =;
lastUnreadState = customDialog.unread_count != 0;
unreadCount = customDialog.unread_count;
drawPin = customDialog.pinned;
dialogMuted = customDialog.muted;
avatarDrawable.setInfo(,, null);
avatarImage.setImage(null, "50_50", avatarDrawable, null, 0);
thumbImage.setImageBitmap((BitmapDrawable) null);
} else {
if (isDialogCell) {
TLRPC.Dialog dialog = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).dialogs_dict.get(currentDialogId);
if (dialog != null) {
if (mask == 0) {
clearingDialog = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).isClearingDialog(;
message = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).dialogMessage.get(;
lastUnreadState = message != null && message.isUnread();
if (dialog instanceof TLRPC.TL_dialogFolder) {
unreadCount = MessagesStorage.getInstance(currentAccount).getArchiveUnreadCount();
mentionCount = 0;
} else {
unreadCount = dialog.unread_count;
mentionCount = dialog.unread_mentions_count;
markUnread = dialog.unread_mark;
currentEditDate = message != null ? message.messageOwner.edit_date : 0;
lastMessageDate = dialog.last_message_date;
if (dialogsType == 7 || dialogsType == 8) {
MessagesController.DialogFilter filter = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).selectedDialogFilter[dialogsType == 8 ? 1 : 0];
drawPin = filter != null && filter.pinnedDialogs.indexOfKey( >= 0;
} else {
drawPin = currentDialogFolderId == 0 && dialog.pinned;
if (message != null) {
lastSendState = message.messageOwner.send_state;
} else {
unreadCount = 0;
mentionCount = 0;
currentEditDate = 0;
lastMessageDate = 0;
clearingDialog = false;
} else {
drawPin = false;
if (mask != 0) {
boolean continueUpdate = false;
if (user != null && (mask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_STATUS) != 0) {
user = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).getUser(;
if (isDialogCell) {
if ((mask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_USER_PRINT) != 0) {
CharSequence printString = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).printingStrings.get(currentDialogId);
if (lastPrintString != null && printString == null || lastPrintString == null && printString != null || lastPrintString != null && printString != null && !lastPrintString.equals(printString)) {
continueUpdate = true;
if (!continueUpdate && (mask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_MESSAGE_TEXT) != 0) {
if (message != null && message.messageText != lastMessageString) {
continueUpdate = true;
if (!continueUpdate && (mask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_AVATAR) != 0) {
if (chat == null) {
continueUpdate = true;
if (!continueUpdate && (mask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_NAME) != 0) {
if (chat == null) {
continueUpdate = true;
if (!continueUpdate && (mask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_CHAT_AVATAR) != 0) {
if (user == null) {
continueUpdate = true;
if (!continueUpdate && (mask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_CHAT_NAME) != 0) {
if (user == null) {
continueUpdate = true;
if (!continueUpdate && (mask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_READ_DIALOG_MESSAGE) != 0) {
if (message != null && lastUnreadState != message.isUnread()) {
lastUnreadState = message.isUnread();
continueUpdate = true;
if (isDialogCell) {
TLRPC.Dialog dialog = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).dialogs_dict.get(currentDialogId);
int newCount;
int newMentionCount;
if (dialog instanceof TLRPC.TL_dialogFolder) {
newCount = MessagesStorage.getInstance(currentAccount).getArchiveUnreadCount();
newMentionCount = 0;
} else if (dialog != null) {
newCount = dialog.unread_count;
newMentionCount = dialog.unread_mentions_count;
} else {
newCount = 0;
newMentionCount = 0;
if (dialog != null && (unreadCount != newCount || markUnread != dialog.unread_mark || mentionCount != newMentionCount)) {
unreadCount = newCount;
mentionCount = newMentionCount;
markUnread = dialog.unread_mark;
continueUpdate = true;
if (!continueUpdate && (mask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_SEND_STATE) != 0) {
if (message != null && lastSendState != message.messageOwner.send_state) {
lastSendState = message.messageOwner.send_state;
continueUpdate = true;
if (!continueUpdate) {
user = null;
chat = null;
encryptedChat = null;
long dialogId;
if (currentDialogFolderId != 0) {
dialogMuted = false;
message = findFolderTopMessage();
if (message != null) {
dialogId = message.getDialogId();
} else {
dialogId = 0;
} else {
dialogMuted = isDialogCell && MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).isDialogMuted(currentDialogId);
dialogId = currentDialogId;
if (dialogId != 0) {
int lower_id = (int) dialogId;
int high_id = (int) (dialogId >> 32);
if (lower_id != 0) {
if (lower_id < 0) {
chat = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).getChat(-lower_id);
if (!isDialogCell && chat != null && chat.migrated_to != null) {
TLRPC.Chat chat2 = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).getChat(chat.migrated_to.channel_id);
if (chat2 != null) {
chat = chat2;
} else {
user = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).getUser(lower_id);
} else {
encryptedChat = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).getEncryptedChat(high_id);
if (encryptedChat != null) {
user = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).getUser(encryptedChat.user_id);
if (useMeForMyMessages && user != null && message.isOutOwner()) {
user = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).getUser(UserConfig.getInstance(currentAccount).clientUserId);
if (currentDialogFolderId != 0) {
avatarImage.setImage(null, null, avatarDrawable, null, user, 0);
} else {
if (user != null) {
if (UserObject.isUserSelf(user) && !useMeForMyMessages) {
avatarImage.setImage(null, null, avatarDrawable, null, user, 0);
} else {
avatarImage.setImage(ImageLocation.getForUser(user, false), "50_50", avatarDrawable, null, user, 0);
} else if (chat != null) {
avatarImage.setImage(ImageLocation.getForChat(chat, false), "50_50", avatarDrawable, null, chat, 0);
if (getMeasuredWidth() != 0 || getMeasuredHeight() != 0) {
} else {
public float getTranslationX() {
return translationX;
public void setTranslationX(float value) {
translationX = (int) value;
if (translationDrawable != null && translationX == 0) {
translationAnimationStarted = false;
archiveHidden = SharedConfig.archiveHidden;
currentRevealProgress = 0;
isSliding = false;
if (translationX != 0) {
isSliding = true;
if (isSliding) {
boolean prevValue = drawRevealBackground;
drawRevealBackground = Math.abs(translationX) >= getMeasuredWidth() * 0.3f;
if (prevValue != drawRevealBackground && archiveHidden == SharedConfig.archiveHidden) {
try {
performHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackConstants.KEYBOARD_TAP, HapticFeedbackConstants.FLAG_IGNORE_GLOBAL_SETTING);
} catch (Exception ignore) {
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
if (currentDialogId == 0 && customDialog == null) {
boolean needInvalidate = false;
if (currentDialogFolderId != 0 && archivedChatsDrawable != null && archivedChatsDrawable.outProgress == 0.0f && translationX == 0.0f) {
long newTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
long dt = newTime - lastUpdateTime;
if (dt > 17) {
dt = 17;
lastUpdateTime = newTime;
if (clipProgress != 0.0f && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT != 24) {;
canvas.clipRect(0, topClip * clipProgress, getMeasuredWidth(), getMeasuredHeight() - (int) (bottomClip * clipProgress));
if (translationX != 0 || cornerProgress != 0.0f) {;
String archive;
int backgroundColor;
int revealBackgroundColor;
if (currentDialogFolderId != 0) {
if (archiveHidden) {
backgroundColor = Theme.getColor(Theme.key_chats_archivePinBackground);
revealBackgroundColor = Theme.getColor(Theme.key_chats_archiveBackground);
archive = LocaleController.getString("UnhideFromTop", R.string.UnhideFromTop);
translationDrawable = Theme.dialogs_unpinArchiveDrawable;
} else {
backgroundColor = Theme.getColor(Theme.key_chats_archiveBackground);
revealBackgroundColor = Theme.getColor(Theme.key_chats_archivePinBackground);
archive = LocaleController.getString("HideOnTop", R.string.HideOnTop);
translationDrawable = Theme.dialogs_pinArchiveDrawable;
} else {
if (promoDialog) {
backgroundColor = Theme.getColor(Theme.key_chats_archiveBackground);
revealBackgroundColor = Theme.getColor(Theme.key_chats_archivePinBackground);
archive = LocaleController.getString("PsaHide", R.string.PsaHide);
translationDrawable = Theme.dialogs_hidePsaDrawable;
} else if (folderId == 0) {
backgroundColor = Theme.getColor(Theme.key_chats_archiveBackground);
revealBackgroundColor = Theme.getColor(Theme.key_chats_archivePinBackground);
archive = LocaleController.getString("Archive", R.string.Archive);
translationDrawable = Theme.dialogs_archiveDrawable;
} else {
backgroundColor = Theme.getColor(Theme.key_chats_archivePinBackground);
revealBackgroundColor = Theme.getColor(Theme.key_chats_archiveBackground);
archive = LocaleController.getString("Unarchive", R.string.Unarchive);
translationDrawable = Theme.dialogs_unarchiveDrawable;
if (!translationAnimationStarted && Math.abs(translationX) > AndroidUtilities.dp(43)) {
translationAnimationStarted = true;
float tx = getMeasuredWidth() + translationX;
if (currentRevealProgress < 1.0f) {
canvas.drawRect(tx - AndroidUtilities.dp(8), 0, getMeasuredWidth(), getMeasuredHeight(), Theme.dialogs_pinnedPaint);
if (currentRevealProgress == 0) {
if (Theme.dialogs_archiveDrawableRecolored) {
Theme.dialogs_archiveDrawable.setLayerColor("Arrow.**", Theme.getNonAnimatedColor(Theme.key_chats_archiveBackground));
Theme.dialogs_archiveDrawableRecolored = false;
if (Theme.dialogs_hidePsaDrawableRecolored) {
Theme.dialogs_hidePsaDrawable.setLayerColor("Line 1.**", Theme.getNonAnimatedColor(Theme.key_chats_archiveBackground));
Theme.dialogs_hidePsaDrawable.setLayerColor("Line 2.**", Theme.getNonAnimatedColor(Theme.key_chats_archiveBackground));
Theme.dialogs_hidePsaDrawable.setLayerColor("Line 3.**", Theme.getNonAnimatedColor(Theme.key_chats_archiveBackground));
Theme.dialogs_hidePsaDrawableRecolored = false;
int drawableX = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(43) - translationDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() / 2;
int drawableY = AndroidUtilities.dp(useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout ? 12 : 9);
int drawableCx = drawableX + translationDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() / 2;
int drawableCy = drawableY + translationDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() / 2;
if (currentRevealProgress > 0.0f) {;
canvas.clipRect(tx - AndroidUtilities.dp(8), 0, getMeasuredWidth(), getMeasuredHeight());
float rad = (float) Math.sqrt(drawableCx * drawableCx + (drawableCy - getMeasuredHeight()) * (drawableCy - getMeasuredHeight()));
canvas.drawCircle(drawableCx, drawableCy, rad * AndroidUtilities.accelerateInterpolator.getInterpolation(currentRevealProgress), Theme.dialogs_pinnedPaint);
if (!Theme.dialogs_archiveDrawableRecolored) {
Theme.dialogs_archiveDrawable.setLayerColor("Arrow.**", Theme.getNonAnimatedColor(Theme.key_chats_archivePinBackground));
Theme.dialogs_archiveDrawableRecolored = true;
if (!Theme.dialogs_hidePsaDrawableRecolored) {
Theme.dialogs_hidePsaDrawable.setLayerColor("Line 1.**", Theme.getNonAnimatedColor(Theme.key_chats_archivePinBackground));
Theme.dialogs_hidePsaDrawable.setLayerColor("Line 2.**", Theme.getNonAnimatedColor(Theme.key_chats_archivePinBackground));
Theme.dialogs_hidePsaDrawable.setLayerColor("Line 3.**", Theme.getNonAnimatedColor(Theme.key_chats_archivePinBackground));
Theme.dialogs_hidePsaDrawableRecolored = true;
canvas.translate(drawableX, drawableY);
if (currentRevealBounceProgress != 0.0f && currentRevealBounceProgress != 1.0f) {
float scale = 1.0f + interpolator.getInterpolation(currentRevealBounceProgress);
canvas.scale(scale, scale, translationDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() / 2, translationDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight() / 2);
setDrawableBounds(translationDrawable, 0, 0);
canvas.clipRect(tx, 0, getMeasuredWidth(), getMeasuredHeight());
int width = (int) Math.ceil(Theme.dialogs_countTextPaint.measureText(archive));
canvas.drawText(archive, getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(43) - width / 2, AndroidUtilities.dp(useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout ? 62 : 59), Theme.dialogs_archiveTextPaint);
} else if (translationDrawable != null) {
translationDrawable = null;
translationAnimationStarted = false;
if (translationX != 0) {;
canvas.translate(translationX, 0);
if (isSelected) {
canvas.drawRect(0, 0, getMeasuredWidth(), getMeasuredHeight(), Theme.dialogs_tabletSeletedPaint);
if (currentDialogFolderId != 0 && (!SharedConfig.archiveHidden || archiveBackgroundProgress != 0)) {
Theme.dialogs_pinnedPaint.setColor(AndroidUtilities.getOffsetColor(0, Theme.getColor(Theme.key_chats_pinnedOverlay), archiveBackgroundProgress, 1.0f));
canvas.drawRect(0, 0, getMeasuredWidth(), getMeasuredHeight(), Theme.dialogs_pinnedPaint);
} else if (drawPin || drawPinBackground) {
canvas.drawRect(0, 0, getMeasuredWidth(), getMeasuredHeight(), Theme.dialogs_pinnedPaint);
if (translationX != 0 || cornerProgress != 0.0f) {;
rect.set(getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(64), 0, getMeasuredWidth(), getMeasuredHeight());
canvas.drawRoundRect(rect, AndroidUtilities.dp(8) * cornerProgress, AndroidUtilities.dp(8) * cornerProgress, Theme.dialogs_pinnedPaint);
if (currentDialogFolderId != 0 && (!SharedConfig.archiveHidden || archiveBackgroundProgress != 0)) {
Theme.dialogs_pinnedPaint.setColor(AndroidUtilities.getOffsetColor(0, Theme.getColor(Theme.key_chats_pinnedOverlay), archiveBackgroundProgress, 1.0f));
canvas.drawRoundRect(rect, AndroidUtilities.dp(8) * cornerProgress, AndroidUtilities.dp(8) * cornerProgress, Theme.dialogs_pinnedPaint);
} else if (drawPin || drawPinBackground) {
canvas.drawRoundRect(rect, AndroidUtilities.dp(8) * cornerProgress, AndroidUtilities.dp(8) * cornerProgress, Theme.dialogs_pinnedPaint);
if (translationX != 0) {
if (cornerProgress < 1.0f) {
cornerProgress += dt / 150.0f;
if (cornerProgress > 1.0f) {
cornerProgress = 1.0f;
needInvalidate = true;
} else if (cornerProgress > 0.0f) {
cornerProgress -= dt / 150.0f;
if (cornerProgress < 0.0f) {
cornerProgress = 0.0f;
needInvalidate = true;
if (drawNameLock) {
setDrawableBounds(Theme.dialogs_lockDrawable, nameLockLeft, nameLockTop);
} else if (drawNameGroup) {
setDrawableBounds(Theme.dialogs_groupDrawable, nameLockLeft, nameLockTop);
} else if (drawNameBroadcast) {
setDrawableBounds(Theme.dialogs_broadcastDrawable, nameLockLeft, nameLockTop);
} else if (drawNameBot) {
setDrawableBounds(Theme.dialogs_botDrawable, nameLockLeft, nameLockTop);
if (nameLayout != null) {
if (currentDialogFolderId != 0) {
Theme.dialogs_namePaint[paintIndex].setColor(Theme.dialogs_namePaint[paintIndex].linkColor = Theme.getColor(Theme.key_chats_nameArchived));
} else if (encryptedChat != null || customDialog != null && customDialog.type == 2) {
Theme.dialogs_namePaint[paintIndex].setColor(Theme.dialogs_namePaint[paintIndex].linkColor = Theme.getColor(Theme.key_chats_secretName));
} else {
Theme.dialogs_namePaint[paintIndex].setColor(Theme.dialogs_namePaint[paintIndex].linkColor = Theme.getColor(Theme.key_chats_name));
canvas.translate(nameLeft, AndroidUtilities.dp(useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout ? 10 : 13));
if (timeLayout != null && currentDialogFolderId == 0) {;
canvas.translate(timeLeft, timeTop);
if (messageNameLayout != null) {
if (currentDialogFolderId != 0) {
Theme.dialogs_messageNamePaint.setColor(Theme.dialogs_messageNamePaint.linkColor = Theme.getColor(Theme.key_chats_nameMessageArchived_threeLines));
} else if (draftMessage != null) {
Theme.dialogs_messageNamePaint.setColor(Theme.dialogs_messageNamePaint.linkColor = Theme.getColor(Theme.key_chats_draft));
} else {
Theme.dialogs_messageNamePaint.setColor(Theme.dialogs_messageNamePaint.linkColor = Theme.getColor(Theme.key_chats_nameMessage_threeLines));
canvas.translate(messageNameLeft, messageNameTop);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
if (messageLayout != null) {
if (currentDialogFolderId != 0) {
if (chat != null) {
Theme.dialogs_messagePaint[paintIndex].setColor(Theme.dialogs_messagePaint[paintIndex].linkColor = Theme.getColor(Theme.key_chats_nameMessageArchived));
} else {
Theme.dialogs_messagePaint[paintIndex].setColor(Theme.dialogs_messagePaint[paintIndex].linkColor = Theme.getColor(Theme.key_chats_messageArchived));
} else {
Theme.dialogs_messagePaint[paintIndex].setColor(Theme.dialogs_messagePaint[paintIndex].linkColor = Theme.getColor(Theme.key_chats_message));
canvas.translate(messageLeft, messageTop);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
if (currentDialogFolderId == 0) {
if (drawClock) {
setDrawableBounds(Theme.dialogs_clockDrawable, checkDrawLeft, checkDrawTop);
} else if (drawCheck2) {
if (drawCheck1) {
setDrawableBounds(Theme.dialogs_halfCheckDrawable, halfCheckDrawLeft, checkDrawTop);
setDrawableBounds(Theme.dialogs_checkReadDrawable, checkDrawLeft, checkDrawTop);
} else {
setDrawableBounds(Theme.dialogs_checkDrawable, checkDrawLeft, checkDrawTop);
if (dialogMuted && !drawVerified && !drawScam) {
setDrawableBounds(Theme.dialogs_muteDrawable, nameMuteLeft - AndroidUtilities.dp(useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout ? 0 : 1), AndroidUtilities.dp(SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout ? 13.5f : 17.5f));
} else if (drawVerified) {
setDrawableBounds(Theme.dialogs_verifiedDrawable, nameMuteLeft, AndroidUtilities.dp(useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout ? 12.5f : 16.5f));
setDrawableBounds(Theme.dialogs_verifiedCheckDrawable, nameMuteLeft, AndroidUtilities.dp(useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout ? 12.5f : 16.5f));
} else if (drawScam) {
setDrawableBounds(Theme.dialogs_scamDrawable, nameMuteLeft, AndroidUtilities.dp(useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout ? 12 : 15));
if (drawReorder || reorderIconProgress != 0) {
Theme.dialogs_reorderDrawable.setAlpha((int) (reorderIconProgress * 255));
setDrawableBounds(Theme.dialogs_reorderDrawable, pinLeft, pinTop);
if (drawError) {
Theme.dialogs_errorDrawable.setAlpha((int) ((1.0f - reorderIconProgress) * 255));
rect.set(errorLeft, errorTop, errorLeft + AndroidUtilities.dp(23), errorTop + AndroidUtilities.dp(23));
canvas.drawRoundRect(rect, 11.5f * AndroidUtilities.density, 11.5f * AndroidUtilities.density, Theme.dialogs_errorPaint);
setDrawableBounds(Theme.dialogs_errorDrawable, errorLeft + AndroidUtilities.dp(5.5f), errorTop + AndroidUtilities.dp(5));
} else if (drawCount || drawMention) {
if (drawCount) {
Paint paint = dialogMuted || currentDialogFolderId != 0 ? Theme.dialogs_countGrayPaint : Theme.dialogs_countPaint;
paint.setAlpha((int) ((1.0f - reorderIconProgress) * 255));
Theme.dialogs_countTextPaint.setAlpha((int) ((1.0f - reorderIconProgress) * 255));
int x = countLeft - AndroidUtilities.dp(5.5f);
rect.set(x, countTop, x + countWidth + AndroidUtilities.dp(11), countTop + AndroidUtilities.dp(23));
canvas.drawRoundRect(rect, 11.5f * AndroidUtilities.density, 11.5f * AndroidUtilities.density, paint);
if (countLayout != null) {;
canvas.translate(countLeft, countTop + AndroidUtilities.dp(4));
if (drawMention) {
Theme.dialogs_countPaint.setAlpha((int) ((1.0f - reorderIconProgress) * 255));
int x = mentionLeft - AndroidUtilities.dp(5.5f);
rect.set(x, countTop, x + mentionWidth + AndroidUtilities.dp(11), countTop + AndroidUtilities.dp(23));
Paint paint = dialogMuted && folderId != 0 ? Theme.dialogs_countGrayPaint : Theme.dialogs_countPaint;
canvas.drawRoundRect(rect, 11.5f * AndroidUtilities.density, 11.5f * AndroidUtilities.density, paint);
if (mentionLayout != null) {
Theme.dialogs_countTextPaint.setAlpha((int) ((1.0f - reorderIconProgress) * 255));;
canvas.translate(mentionLeft, countTop + AndroidUtilities.dp(4));
} else {
Theme.dialogs_mentionDrawable.setAlpha((int) ((1.0f - reorderIconProgress) * 255));
setDrawableBounds(Theme.dialogs_mentionDrawable, mentionLeft - AndroidUtilities.dp(2), countTop + AndroidUtilities.dp(3.2f), AndroidUtilities.dp(16), AndroidUtilities.dp(16));
} else if (drawPin) {
Theme.dialogs_pinnedDrawable.setAlpha((int) ((1.0f - reorderIconProgress) * 255));
setDrawableBounds(Theme.dialogs_pinnedDrawable, pinLeft, pinTop);
if (animatingArchiveAvatar) {;
float scale = 1.0f + interpolator.getInterpolation(animatingArchiveAvatarProgress / 170.0f);
canvas.scale(scale, scale, avatarImage.getCenterX(), avatarImage.getCenterY());
if (currentDialogFolderId == 0 || archivedChatsDrawable == null || !archivedChatsDrawable.isDraw()) {
if (hasMessageThumb) {
if (animatingArchiveAvatar) {
if (user != null && isDialogCell && currentDialogFolderId == 0 && !MessagesController.isSupportUser(user) && ! {
boolean isOnline = !user.self && (user.status != null && user.status.expires > ConnectionsManager.getInstance(currentAccount).getCurrentTime() || MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).onlinePrivacy.containsKey(;
if (isOnline || onlineProgress != 0) {
int top = (int) (avatarImage.getImageY2() - AndroidUtilities.dp(useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout ? 6 : 8));
int left;
if (LocaleController.isRTL) {
left = (int) (avatarImage.getImageX() + AndroidUtilities.dp(useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout ? 10 : 6));
} else {
left = (int) (avatarImage.getImageX2() - AndroidUtilities.dp(useForceThreeLines || SharedConfig.useThreeLinesLayout ? 10 : 6));
canvas.drawCircle(left, top, AndroidUtilities.dp(7) * onlineProgress, Theme.dialogs_onlineCirclePaint);
canvas.drawCircle(left, top, AndroidUtilities.dp(5) * onlineProgress, Theme.dialogs_onlineCirclePaint);
if (isOnline) {
if (onlineProgress < 1.0f) {
onlineProgress += dt / 150.0f;
if (onlineProgress > 1.0f) {
onlineProgress = 1.0f;
needInvalidate = true;
} else {
if (onlineProgress > 0.0f) {
onlineProgress -= dt / 150.0f;
if (onlineProgress < 0.0f) {
onlineProgress = 0.0f;
needInvalidate = true;
if (translationX != 0) {
if (currentDialogFolderId != 0 && translationX == 0 && archivedChatsDrawable != null) {
if (useSeparator) {
int left;
if (fullSeparator || currentDialogFolderId != 0 && archiveHidden && !fullSeparator2 || fullSeparator2 && !archiveHidden) {
left = 0;
} else {
left = AndroidUtilities.dp(72);
if (LocaleController.isRTL) {
canvas.drawLine(0, getMeasuredHeight() - 1, getMeasuredWidth() - left, getMeasuredHeight() - 1, Theme.dividerPaint);
} else {
canvas.drawLine(left, getMeasuredHeight() - 1, getMeasuredWidth(), getMeasuredHeight() - 1, Theme.dividerPaint);
if (clipProgress != 0.0f) {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT != 24) {
} else {
canvas.drawRect(0, 0, getMeasuredWidth(), topClip * clipProgress, Theme.dialogs_pinnedPaint);
canvas.drawRect(0, getMeasuredHeight() - (int) (bottomClip * clipProgress), getMeasuredWidth(), getMeasuredHeight(), Theme.dialogs_pinnedPaint);
if (drawReorder || reorderIconProgress != 0.0f) {
if (drawReorder) {
if (reorderIconProgress < 1.0f) {
reorderIconProgress += dt / 170.0f;
if (reorderIconProgress > 1.0f) {
reorderIconProgress = 1.0f;
needInvalidate = true;
} else {
if (reorderIconProgress > 0.0f) {
reorderIconProgress -= dt / 170.0f;
if (reorderIconProgress < 0.0f) {
reorderIconProgress = 0.0f;
needInvalidate = true;
if (archiveHidden) {
if (archiveBackgroundProgress > 0.0f) {
archiveBackgroundProgress -= dt / 230.0f;
if (archiveBackgroundProgress < 0.0f) {
archiveBackgroundProgress = 0.0f;
if (avatarDrawable.getAvatarType() == AvatarDrawable.AVATAR_TYPE_ARCHIVED) {
needInvalidate = true;
} else {
if (archiveBackgroundProgress < 1.0f) {
archiveBackgroundProgress += dt / 230.0f;
if (archiveBackgroundProgress > 1.0f) {
archiveBackgroundProgress = 1.0f;
if (avatarDrawable.getAvatarType() == AvatarDrawable.AVATAR_TYPE_ARCHIVED) {
needInvalidate = true;
if (animatingArchiveAvatar) {
animatingArchiveAvatarProgress += dt;
if (animatingArchiveAvatarProgress >= 170.0f) {
animatingArchiveAvatarProgress = 170.0f;
animatingArchiveAvatar = false;
needInvalidate = true;
if (drawRevealBackground) {
if (currentRevealBounceProgress < 1.0f) {
currentRevealBounceProgress += dt / 170.0f;
if (currentRevealBounceProgress > 1.0f) {
currentRevealBounceProgress = 1.0f;
needInvalidate = true;
if (currentRevealProgress < 1.0f) {
currentRevealProgress += dt / 300.0f;
if (currentRevealProgress > 1.0f) {
currentRevealProgress = 1.0f;
needInvalidate = true;
} else {
if (currentRevealBounceProgress == 1.0f) {
currentRevealBounceProgress = 0.0f;
needInvalidate = true;
if (currentRevealProgress > 0.0f) {
currentRevealProgress -= dt / 300.0f;
if (currentRevealProgress < 0.0f) {
currentRevealProgress = 0.0f;
needInvalidate = true;
if (needInvalidate) {
public void startOutAnimation() {
if (archivedChatsDrawable != null) {
archivedChatsDrawable.outCy = avatarImage.getCenterY();
archivedChatsDrawable.outCx = avatarImage.getCenterX();
archivedChatsDrawable.outRadius = avatarImage.getImageWidth() / 2.0f;
archivedChatsDrawable.outImageSize = avatarImage.getBitmapWidth();
public void onReorderStateChanged(boolean reordering, boolean animated) {
if (!drawPin && reordering || drawReorder == reordering) {
if (!drawPin) {
drawReorder = false;
drawReorder = reordering;
if (animated) {
reorderIconProgress = drawReorder ? 0.0f : 1.0f;
} else {
reorderIconProgress = drawReorder ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
public void setSliding(boolean value) {
isSliding = value;
public void invalidateDrawable(Drawable who) {
if (who == translationDrawable || who == Theme.dialogs_archiveAvatarDrawable) {
} else {
public boolean hasOverlappingRendering() {
return false;
public void onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(AccessibilityNodeInfo info) {
public void onPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent event) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (currentDialogFolderId == 1) {
sb.append(LocaleController.getString("ArchivedChats", R.string.ArchivedChats));
sb.append(". ");
} else {
if (encryptedChat != null) {
sb.append(LocaleController.getString("AccDescrSecretChat", R.string.AccDescrSecretChat));
sb.append(". ");
if (user != null) {
if ( {
sb.append(LocaleController.getString("Bot", R.string.Bot));
sb.append(". ");
if (user.self) {
sb.append(LocaleController.getString("SavedMessages", R.string.SavedMessages));
} else {
sb.append(ContactsController.formatName(user.first_name, user.last_name));
sb.append(". ");
} else if (chat != null) {
if (chat.broadcast) {
sb.append(LocaleController.getString("AccDescrChannel", R.string.AccDescrChannel));
} else {
sb.append(LocaleController.getString("AccDescrGroup", R.string.AccDescrGroup));
sb.append(". ");
sb.append(". ");
if (unreadCount > 0) {
sb.append(LocaleController.formatPluralString("NewMessages", unreadCount));
sb.append(". ");
if (message == null || currentDialogFolderId != 0) {
int lastDate = lastMessageDate;
if (lastMessageDate == 0 && message != null) {
lastDate =;
String date = LocaleController.formatDateAudio(lastDate, true);
if (message.isOut()) {
sb.append(LocaleController.formatString("AccDescrSentDate", R.string.AccDescrSentDate, date));
} else {
sb.append(LocaleController.formatString("AccDescrReceivedDate", R.string.AccDescrReceivedDate, date));
sb.append(". ");
if (chat != null && !message.isOut() && message.isFromUser() && message.messageOwner.action == null) {
TLRPC.User fromUser = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).getUser(message.messageOwner.from_id);
if (fromUser != null) {
sb.append(ContactsController.formatName(fromUser.first_name, fromUser.last_name));
sb.append(". ");
if (encryptedChat == null) {
if (!message.isMediaEmpty()) {
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(message.caption)) {
sb.append(". ");
public void setClipProgress(float value) {
clipProgress = value;
public float getClipProgress() {
return clipProgress;
public void setTopClip(int value) {
topClip = value;
public void setBottomClip(int value) {
bottomClip = value;
public void setArchivedPullAnimation(PullForegroundDrawable drawable) {
archivedChatsDrawable = drawable;