
405 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Looper;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
* An extensible media player that plays {@link MediaSource}s. Instances can be obtained from {@link
* SimpleExoPlayer.Builder} or {@link ExoPlayer.Builder}.
* <h3>Player components</h3>
* <p>ExoPlayer is designed to make few assumptions about (and hence impose few restrictions on) the
* type of the media being played, how and where it is stored, and how it is rendered. Rather than
* implementing the loading and rendering of media directly, ExoPlayer implementations delegate this
* work to components that are injected when a player is created or when it's prepared for playback.
* Components common to all ExoPlayer implementations are:
* <ul>
* <li>A <b>{@link MediaSource}</b> that defines the media to be played, loads the media, and from
* which the loaded media can be read. A MediaSource is injected via {@link
* #prepare(MediaSource)} at the start of playback. The library modules provide default
* implementations for progressive media files ({@link ProgressiveMediaSource}), DASH
* (DashMediaSource), SmoothStreaming (SsMediaSource) and HLS (HlsMediaSource), an
* implementation for loading single media samples ({@link SingleSampleMediaSource}) that's
* most often used for side-loaded subtitle files, and implementations for building more
* complex MediaSources from simpler ones ({@link MergingMediaSource}, {@link
* ConcatenatingMediaSource}, {@link LoopingMediaSource} and {@link ClippingMediaSource}).
* <li><b>{@link Renderer}</b>s that render individual components of the media. The library
* provides default implementations for common media types ({@link MediaCodecVideoRenderer},
* {@link MediaCodecAudioRenderer}, {@link TextRenderer} and {@link MetadataRenderer}). A
* Renderer consumes media from the MediaSource being played. Renderers are injected when the
* player is created.
* <li>A <b>{@link TrackSelector}</b> that selects tracks provided by the MediaSource to be
* consumed by each of the available Renderers. The library provides a default implementation
* ({@link DefaultTrackSelector}) suitable for most use cases. A TrackSelector is injected
* when the player is created.
* <li>A <b>{@link LoadControl}</b> that controls when the MediaSource buffers more media, and how
* much media is buffered. The library provides a default implementation ({@link
* DefaultLoadControl}) suitable for most use cases. A LoadControl is injected when the player
* is created.
* </ul>
* <p>An ExoPlayer can be built using the default components provided by the library, but may also
* be built using custom implementations if non-standard behaviors are required. For example a
* custom LoadControl could be injected to change the player's buffering strategy, or a custom
* Renderer could be injected to add support for a video codec not supported natively by Android.
* <p>The concept of injecting components that implement pieces of player functionality is present
* throughout the library. The default component implementations listed above delegate work to
* further injected components. This allows many sub-components to be individually replaced with
* custom implementations. For example the default MediaSource implementations require one or more
* {@link DataSource} factories to be injected via their constructors. By providing a custom factory
* it's possible to load data from a non-standard source, or through a different network stack.
* <h3>Threading model</h3>
* <p>The figure below shows ExoPlayer's threading model.
* <p style="align:center"><img src="doc-files/exoplayer-threading-model.svg" alt="ExoPlayer's
* threading model">
* <ul>
* <li>ExoPlayer instances must be accessed from a single application thread. For the vast
* majority of cases this should be the application's main thread. Using the application's
* main thread is also a requirement when using ExoPlayer's UI components or the IMA
* extension. The thread on which an ExoPlayer instance must be accessed can be explicitly
* specified by passing a `Looper` when creating the player. If no `Looper` is specified, then
* the `Looper` of the thread that the player is created on is used, or if that thread does
* not have a `Looper`, the `Looper` of the application's main thread is used. In all cases
* the `Looper` of the thread from which the player must be accessed can be queried using
* {@link #getApplicationLooper()}.
* <li>Registered listeners are called on the thread associated with {@link
* #getApplicationLooper()}. Note that this means registered listeners are called on the same
* thread which must be used to access the player.
* <li>An internal playback thread is responsible for playback. Injected player components such as
* Renderers, MediaSources, TrackSelectors and LoadControls are called by the player on this
* thread.
* <li>When the application performs an operation on the player, for example a seek, a message is
* delivered to the internal playback thread via a message queue. The internal playback thread
* consumes messages from the queue and performs the corresponding operations. Similarly, when
* a playback event occurs on the internal playback thread, a message is delivered to the
* application thread via a second message queue. The application thread consumes messages
* from the queue, updating the application visible state and calling corresponding listener
* methods.
* <li>Injected player components may use additional background threads. For example a MediaSource
* may use background threads to load data. These are implementation specific.
* </ul>
public interface ExoPlayer extends Player {
* A builder for {@link ExoPlayer} instances.
* <p>See {@link #Builder(Context, Renderer...)} for the list of default values.
final class Builder {
private final Renderer[] renderers;
private Clock clock;
private TrackSelector trackSelector;
private LoadControl loadControl;
private BandwidthMeter bandwidthMeter;
private Looper looper;
private AnalyticsCollector analyticsCollector;
private boolean useLazyPreparation;
private boolean buildCalled;
* Creates a builder with a list of {@link Renderer Renderers}.
* <p>The builder uses the following default values:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link TrackSelector}: {@link DefaultTrackSelector}
* <li>{@link LoadControl}: {@link DefaultLoadControl}
* <li>{@link BandwidthMeter}: {@link DefaultBandwidthMeter#getSingletonInstance(Context)}
* <li>{@link Looper}: The {@link Looper} associated with the current thread, or the {@link
* Looper} of the application's main thread if the current thread doesn't have a {@link
* Looper}
* <li>{@link AnalyticsCollector}: {@link AnalyticsCollector} with {@link Clock#DEFAULT}
* <li>{@code useLazyPreparation}: {@code true}
* <li>{@link Clock}: {@link Clock#DEFAULT}
* </ul>
* @param context A {@link Context}.
* @param renderers The {@link Renderer Renderers} to be used by the player.
public Builder(Context context, Renderer... renderers) {
new DefaultTrackSelector(context),
new DefaultLoadControl(),
new AnalyticsCollector(Clock.DEFAULT),
/* useLazyPreparation= */ true,
* Creates a builder with the specified custom components.
* <p>Note that this constructor is only useful if you try to ensure that ExoPlayer's default
* components can be removed by ProGuard or R8. For most components except renderers, there is
* only a marginal benefit of doing that.
* @param renderers The {@link Renderer Renderers} to be used by the player.
* @param trackSelector A {@link TrackSelector}.
* @param loadControl A {@link LoadControl}.
* @param bandwidthMeter A {@link BandwidthMeter}.
* @param looper A {@link Looper} that must be used for all calls to the player.
* @param analyticsCollector An {@link AnalyticsCollector}.
* @param useLazyPreparation Whether media sources should be initialized lazily.
* @param clock A {@link Clock}. Should always be {@link Clock#DEFAULT}.
public Builder(
Renderer[] renderers,
TrackSelector trackSelector,
LoadControl loadControl,
BandwidthMeter bandwidthMeter,
Looper looper,
AnalyticsCollector analyticsCollector,
boolean useLazyPreparation,
Clock clock) {
Assertions.checkArgument(renderers.length > 0);
this.renderers = renderers;
this.trackSelector = trackSelector;
this.loadControl = loadControl;
this.bandwidthMeter = bandwidthMeter;
this.looper = looper;
this.analyticsCollector = analyticsCollector;
this.useLazyPreparation = useLazyPreparation;
this.clock = clock;
* Sets the {@link TrackSelector} that will be used by the player.
* @param trackSelector A {@link TrackSelector}.
* @return This builder.
* @throws IllegalStateException If {@link #build()} has already been called.
public Builder setTrackSelector(TrackSelector trackSelector) {
this.trackSelector = trackSelector;
return this;
* Sets the {@link LoadControl} that will be used by the player.
* @param loadControl A {@link LoadControl}.
* @return This builder.
* @throws IllegalStateException If {@link #build()} has already been called.
public Builder setLoadControl(LoadControl loadControl) {
this.loadControl = loadControl;
return this;
* Sets the {@link BandwidthMeter} that will be used by the player.
* @param bandwidthMeter A {@link BandwidthMeter}.
* @return This builder.
* @throws IllegalStateException If {@link #build()} has already been called.
public Builder setBandwidthMeter(BandwidthMeter bandwidthMeter) {
this.bandwidthMeter = bandwidthMeter;
return this;
* Sets the {@link Looper} that must be used for all calls to the player and that is used to
* call listeners on.
* @param looper A {@link Looper}.
* @return This builder.
* @throws IllegalStateException If {@link #build()} has already been called.
public Builder setLooper(Looper looper) {
this.looper = looper;
return this;
* Sets the {@link AnalyticsCollector} that will collect and forward all player events.
* @param analyticsCollector An {@link AnalyticsCollector}.
* @return This builder.
* @throws IllegalStateException If {@link #build()} has already been called.
public Builder setAnalyticsCollector(AnalyticsCollector analyticsCollector) {
this.analyticsCollector = analyticsCollector;
return this;
* Sets whether media sources should be initialized lazily.
* <p>If false, all initial preparation steps (e.g., manifest loads) happen immediately. If
* true, these initial preparations are triggered only when the player starts buffering the
* media.
* @param useLazyPreparation Whether to use lazy preparation.
* @return This builder.
* @throws IllegalStateException If {@link #build()} has already been called.
public Builder setUseLazyPreparation(boolean useLazyPreparation) {
this.useLazyPreparation = useLazyPreparation;
return this;
* Sets the {@link Clock} that will be used by the player. Should only be set for testing
* purposes.
* @param clock A {@link Clock}.
* @return This builder.
* @throws IllegalStateException If {@link #build()} has already been called.
public Builder setClock(Clock clock) {
this.clock = clock;
return this;
* Builds an {@link ExoPlayer} instance.
* @throws IllegalStateException If {@link #build()} has already been called.
public ExoPlayer build() {
buildCalled = true;
return new ExoPlayerImpl(
renderers, trackSelector, loadControl, bandwidthMeter, clock, looper);
/** Returns the {@link Looper} associated with the playback thread. */
Looper getPlaybackLooper();
* Retries a failed or stopped playback. Does nothing if the player has been reset, or if playback
* has not failed or been stopped.
void retry();
* Prepares the player to play the provided {@link MediaSource}. Equivalent to {@code
* prepare(mediaSource, true, true)}.
void prepare(MediaSource mediaSource);
* Prepares the player to play the provided {@link MediaSource}, optionally resetting the playback
* position the default position in the first {@link Timeline.Window}.
* @param mediaSource The {@link MediaSource} to play.
* @param resetPosition Whether the playback position should be reset to the default position in
* the first {@link Timeline.Window}. If false, playback will start from the position defined
* by {@link #getCurrentWindowIndex()} and {@link #getCurrentPosition()}.
* @param resetState Whether the timeline, manifest, tracks and track selections should be reset.
* Should be true unless the player is being prepared to play the same media as it was playing
* previously (e.g. if playback failed and is being retried).
void prepare(MediaSource mediaSource, boolean resetPosition, boolean resetState);
* Creates a message that can be sent to a {@link PlayerMessage.Target}. By default, the message
* will be delivered immediately without blocking on the playback thread. The default {@link
* PlayerMessage#getType()} is 0 and the default {@link PlayerMessage#getPayload()} is null. If a
* position is specified with {@link PlayerMessage#setPosition(long)}, the message will be
* delivered at this position in the current window defined by {@link #getCurrentWindowIndex()}.
* Alternatively, the message can be sent at a specific window using {@link
* PlayerMessage#setPosition(int, long)}.
PlayerMessage createMessage(PlayerMessage.Target target);
* Sets the parameters that control how seek operations are performed.
* @param seekParameters The seek parameters, or {@code null} to use the defaults.
void setSeekParameters(@Nullable SeekParameters seekParameters);
/** Returns the currently active {@link SeekParameters} of the player. */
SeekParameters getSeekParameters();
* Sets whether the player is allowed to keep holding limited resources such as video decoders,
* even when in the idle state. By doing so, the player may be able to reduce latency when
* starting to play another piece of content for which the same resources are required.
* <p>This mode should be used with caution, since holding limited resources may prevent other
* players of media components from acquiring them. It should only be enabled when <em>both</em>
* of the following conditions are true:
* <ul>
* <li>The application that owns the player is in the foreground.
* <li>The player is used in a way that may benefit from foreground mode. For this to be true,
* the same player instance must be used to play multiple pieces of content, and there must
* be gaps between the playbacks (i.e. {@link #stop} is called to halt one playback, and
* {@link #prepare} is called some time later to start a new one).
* </ul>
* <p>Note that foreground mode is <em>not</em> useful for switching between content without gaps
* between the playbacks. For this use case {@link #stop} does not need to be called, and simply
* calling {@link #prepare} for the new media will cause limited resources to be retained even if
* foreground mode is not enabled.
* <p>If foreground mode is enabled, it's the application's responsibility to disable it when the
* conditions described above no longer hold.
* @param foregroundMode Whether the player is allowed to keep limited resources even when in the
* idle state.
void setForegroundMode(boolean foregroundMode);