
687 lines
28 KiB

* This is the source code of Telegram for Android v. 1.3.x.
* It is licensed under GNU GPL v. 2 or later.
* You should have received a copy of the license in this archive (see LICENSE).
* Copyright Nikolai Kudashov, 2013-2018.
package org.telegram.ui.Components;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.text.Layout;
import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder;
import android.text.Spanned;
import android.text.StaticLayout;
import android.text.TextPaint;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.Pair;
import android.view.HapticFeedbackConstants;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import org.telegram.messenger.AndroidUtilities;
import org.telegram.messenger.Emoji;
import org.telegram.messenger.FileLog;
import org.telegram.messenger.MessageObject;
import org.telegram.messenger.Utilities;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
public class VideoPlayerSeekBar {
public interface SeekBarDelegate {
void onSeekBarDrag(float progress);
default void onSeekBarContinuousDrag(float progress) {
private float progress;
private static Paint paint;
private static Paint strokePaint;
private static int thumbWidth;
private int thumbX = 0;
private float animatedThumbX = 0;
private int draggingThumbX = 0;
private int thumbDX = 0;
private boolean pressed = false;
private boolean pressedDelayed = false;
private int width;
private int height;
private SeekBarDelegate delegate;
private int backgroundColor;
private int cacheColor;
private int circleColor;
private int progressColor;
private int backgroundSelectedColor;
private RectF rect = new RectF();
private boolean selected;
private float animateFromBufferedProgress;
private boolean animateResetBuffering;
private float bufferedAnimationValue = 1f;
private float bufferedProgress;
private float currentRadius;
private long lastUpdateTime;
private View parentView;
private int lineHeight = AndroidUtilities.dp(4);
private int smallLineHeight = AndroidUtilities.dp(2);
private float transitionProgress;
private int horizontalPadding;
private int smallLineColor;
private int fromThumbX = 0;
private float animateThumbProgress = 1f;
private AnimatedFloat animateThumbLoopBackProgress;
private float loopBackWasThumbX;
public VideoPlayerSeekBar(View parent) {
if (paint == null) {
paint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
strokePaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
parentView = parent;
thumbWidth = AndroidUtilities.dp(24);
currentRadius = AndroidUtilities.dp(6);
animateThumbLoopBackProgress = new AnimatedFloat(0f, parent, 0, 300, CubicBezierInterpolator.EASE_OUT_QUINT);
public void setDelegate(SeekBarDelegate seekBarDelegate) {
delegate = seekBarDelegate;
public boolean onTouch(int action, float x, float y) {
if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
if (transitionProgress > 0f) {
return false;
int additionWidth = (height - thumbWidth) / 2;
if (x >= -additionWidth && x <= width + additionWidth && y >= 0 && y <= height) {
if (!(thumbX - additionWidth <= x && x <= thumbX + thumbWidth + additionWidth)) {
thumbX = (int) x - thumbWidth / 2;
if (thumbX < 0) {
thumbX = 0;
} else if (thumbX > width - thumbWidth) {
thumbX = thumbWidth - width;
animatedThumbX = thumbX;
pressed = pressedDelayed = true;
draggingThumbX = thumbX;
thumbDX = (int) (x - thumbX);
return true;
} else if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP || action == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL) {
if (pressed) {
animatedThumbX = thumbX = draggingThumbX;
if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP && delegate != null) {
delegate.onSeekBarDrag((float) thumbX / (float) (width - thumbWidth));
pressed = false;
AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> pressedDelayed = false, 50);
return true;
} else if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) {
if (pressed) {
draggingThumbX = (int) (x - thumbDX);
if (draggingThumbX < 0) {
draggingThumbX = 0;
} else if (draggingThumbX > width - thumbWidth) {
draggingThumbX = width - thumbWidth;
if (delegate != null) {
delegate.onSeekBarContinuousDrag((float) draggingThumbX / (float) (width - thumbWidth));
return true;
return false;
public void setColors(int background, int cache, int progress, int circle, int selected, int smallLineColor) {
backgroundColor = background;
cacheColor = cache;
circleColor = circle;
progressColor = progress;
backgroundSelectedColor = selected;
this.smallLineColor = smallLineColor;
public void setProgress(float progress, boolean animated) {
if (Math.abs(this.progress - 1f) < 0.04f && Math.abs(progress) < 0.04f) {
animateThumbLoopBackProgress.set(1, true);
loopBackWasThumbX = thumbX;
this.progress = progress;
int newThumb = (int) Math.ceil((width - thumbWidth) * progress);
if (animated) {
if (Math.abs(newThumb - thumbX) > AndroidUtilities.dp(10)) {
float progressInterpolated = CubicBezierInterpolator.DEFAULT.getInterpolation(animateThumbProgress);
fromThumbX = (int) (thumbX * progressInterpolated + fromThumbX * (1f - progressInterpolated));
animateThumbProgress = 0;
} else if (animateThumbProgress == 1f) {
animateThumbProgress = 0;
fromThumbX = thumbX;
thumbX = newThumb;
if (thumbX < 0) {
thumbX = 0;
} else if (thumbX > width - thumbWidth) {
thumbX = width - thumbWidth;
if (Math.abs(animatedThumbX - thumbX) > AndroidUtilities.dp(8)) {
animatedThumbX = thumbX;
public void setProgress(float progress) {
setProgress(progress, false);
public void setBufferedProgress(float value) {
if (value != bufferedProgress) {
animateFromBufferedProgress = bufferedProgress;
animateResetBuffering = value < bufferedProgress;
bufferedProgress = value;
bufferedAnimationValue = 0;
public float getProgress() {
return (float) thumbX / (float) (width - thumbWidth);
public int getThumbX() {
return (pressed ? draggingThumbX : thumbX) + thumbWidth / 2;
public boolean isDragging() {
return pressed;
public void setSelected(boolean value) {
selected = value;
public void setSize(int w, int h) {
width = w;
height = h;
public int getWidth() {
return width - thumbWidth;
public float getTransitionProgress() {
return transitionProgress;
public void setTransitionProgress(float transitionProgress) {
if (this.transitionProgress != transitionProgress) {
this.transitionProgress = transitionProgress;
public int getHorizontalPadding() {
return horizontalPadding;
public void setHorizontalPadding(int horizontalPadding) {
this.horizontalPadding = horizontalPadding;
private ArrayList<Pair<Float, CharSequence>> timestamps;
private CharSequence lastCaption;
private long lastVideoDuration;
public void updateTimestamps(MessageObject messageObject, long videoDuration) {
if (messageObject == null || videoDuration < 0) {
timestamps = null;
currentTimestamp = -1;
timestampsAppearing = 0;
if (timestampLabel != null) {
timestampLabel[0] = timestampLabel[1] = null;
lastCaption = null;
lastVideoDuration = -1;
CharSequence text = messageObject.caption;
if (text == lastCaption && lastVideoDuration == videoDuration) {
lastCaption = text;
lastVideoDuration = videoDuration;
if (!(text instanceof Spanned)) {
timestamps = null;
currentTimestamp = -1;
timestampsAppearing = 0;
if (timestampLabel != null) {
timestampLabel[0] = timestampLabel[1] = null;
Spanned spanned = (Spanned) text;
URLSpanNoUnderline[] links;
try {
links = spanned.getSpans(0, spanned.length(), URLSpanNoUnderline.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
timestamps = null;
currentTimestamp = -1;
timestampsAppearing = 0;
if (timestampLabel != null) {
timestampLabel[0] = timestampLabel[1] = null;
timestamps = new ArrayList<>();
timestampsAppearing = 0;
if (timestampLabelPaint == null) {
timestampLabelPaint = new TextPaint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
for (int i = 0; i < links.length; ++i) {
URLSpanNoUnderline link = links[i];
if (link != null && link.getURL().startsWith("video?")) {
Integer seconds = Utilities.parseInt(link.getURL().substring(6));
if (seconds != null && seconds >= 0) {
float position = seconds * 1000L / (float) videoDuration;
String label = link.label;
SpannableStringBuilder builder = new SpannableStringBuilder(label);
Emoji.replaceEmoji(builder, timestampLabelPaint.getFontMetricsInt(), AndroidUtilities.dp(14), false);
timestamps.add(new Pair<>(position, builder));
Collections.sort(timestamps, (a, b) -> {
if (a.first > b.first) {
return 1;
} else if (b.first > a.first) {
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
public void draw(Canvas canvas, View view) {
rect.left = horizontalPadding + AndroidUtilities.lerp(thumbWidth / 2f, 0, transitionProgress); = AndroidUtilities.lerp((height - lineHeight) / 2f, height - AndroidUtilities.dp(3) - smallLineHeight, transitionProgress);
rect.bottom = AndroidUtilities.lerp((height + lineHeight) / 2f, height - AndroidUtilities.dp(3), transitionProgress);
float thumbX = this.thumbX;
animatedThumbX = Math.min(animatedThumbX, thumbX);
animatedThumbX = AndroidUtilities.lerp(animatedThumbX, thumbX, .5f);
if (Math.abs(thumbX - animatedThumbX) > 0.005f) {
thumbX = animatedThumbX;
float currentThumbX = thumbX;
if (animateThumbProgress != 1f) {
animateThumbProgress += 16 / 220f;
if (animateThumbProgress >= 1f) {
animateThumbProgress = 1f;
} else {
float progressInterpolated = CubicBezierInterpolator.DEFAULT.getInterpolation(animateThumbProgress);
currentThumbX = fromThumbX * (1f - progressInterpolated) + thumbX * progressInterpolated;
float loopBack = animateThumbLoopBackProgress.set(0);
if (pressed) {
loopBack = 0;
// background
rect.right = horizontalPadding + AndroidUtilities.lerp(width - thumbWidth / 2f, parentView.getWidth() - horizontalPadding * 2f, transitionProgress);
setPaintColor(selected ? backgroundSelectedColor : backgroundColor, 1f - transitionProgress);
drawProgressBar(canvas, rect, paint);
if (bufferedAnimationValue != 1f) {
bufferedAnimationValue += 16 / 100f;
if (bufferedAnimationValue > 1) {
bufferedAnimationValue = 1f;
} else {
// buffered
if (animateResetBuffering) {
if (animateFromBufferedProgress > 0) {
rect.right = horizontalPadding + AndroidUtilities.lerp(thumbWidth / 2f + animateFromBufferedProgress * (width - thumbWidth), parentView.getWidth() - horizontalPadding * 2f, transitionProgress);
setPaintColor(selected ? backgroundSelectedColor : cacheColor, (1f - transitionProgress) * (1f - bufferedAnimationValue));
drawProgressBar(canvas, rect, paint);
if (bufferedProgress > 0) {
rect.right = horizontalPadding + AndroidUtilities.lerp(thumbWidth / 2f + bufferedProgress * (width - thumbWidth), parentView.getWidth() - horizontalPadding * 2f, transitionProgress);
setPaintColor(selected ? backgroundSelectedColor : cacheColor, 1f - transitionProgress);
drawProgressBar(canvas, rect, paint);
} else {
float currentBufferedProgress = animateFromBufferedProgress * (1f - bufferedAnimationValue) + bufferedProgress * bufferedAnimationValue;
if (currentBufferedProgress > 0) {
rect.right = horizontalPadding + AndroidUtilities.lerp(thumbWidth / 2f + currentBufferedProgress * (width - thumbWidth), parentView.getWidth() - horizontalPadding * 2f, transitionProgress);
setPaintColor(selected ? backgroundSelectedColor : cacheColor, 1f - transitionProgress);
drawProgressBar(canvas, rect, paint);
int newRad = AndroidUtilities.dp(pressed ? 8 : 6);
if (currentRadius != newRad) {
long newUpdateTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
long dt = newUpdateTime - lastUpdateTime;
lastUpdateTime = newUpdateTime;
if (dt > 18) {
dt = 16;
if (currentRadius < newRad) {
currentRadius += AndroidUtilities.dp(1) * (dt / 60.0f);
if (currentRadius > newRad) {
currentRadius = newRad;
} else {
currentRadius -= AndroidUtilities.dp(1) * (dt / 60.0f);
if (currentRadius < newRad) {
currentRadius = newRad;
if (parentView != null) {
final float circleRadius = AndroidUtilities.lerp(currentRadius, 0, transitionProgress);
if (loopBack > 0) {
float wasLeft = rect.left;
rect.right = horizontalPadding + AndroidUtilities.lerp(thumbWidth / 2f + (width - thumbWidth), parentView.getWidth() - horizontalPadding * 2f, transitionProgress);
rect.left = AndroidUtilities.lerp(wasLeft, rect.right, 1f - loopBack);
if (transitionProgress > 0f && rect.width() > 0) {
// progress stroke
strokePaint.setAlpha((int) (transitionProgress * 255 * 0.2f));
drawProgressBar(canvas, rect, strokePaint);
setPaintColor(ColorUtils.blendARGB(progressColor, smallLineColor, transitionProgress), 1f);
drawProgressBar(canvas, rect, paint);
rect.left = wasLeft;
setPaintColor(ColorUtils.blendARGB(circleColor, getProgress() == 0 ? Color.TRANSPARENT : smallLineColor, transitionProgress), 1f - transitionProgress);
float wasRight = horizontalPadding + AndroidUtilities.lerp(thumbWidth / 2f + loopBackWasThumbX, (parentView.getWidth() - horizontalPadding * 2f) * (loopBackWasThumbX / (float) (width - thumbWidth)), transitionProgress);
canvas.drawCircle(wasRight, rect.centerY(), circleRadius * loopBack, paint);
// progress
rect.right = horizontalPadding + AndroidUtilities.lerp(thumbWidth / 2f + (pressed ? draggingThumbX : currentThumbX), (parentView.getWidth() - horizontalPadding * 2f) * getProgress(), transitionProgress);
if (transitionProgress > 0f && rect.width() > 0) {
// progress stroke
strokePaint.setAlpha((int) (transitionProgress * 255 * 0.2f));
drawProgressBar(canvas, rect, strokePaint);
setPaintColor(ColorUtils.blendARGB(progressColor, smallLineColor, transitionProgress), 1f);
drawProgressBar(canvas, rect, paint);
// circle
setPaintColor(ColorUtils.blendARGB(circleColor, getProgress() == 0 ? Color.TRANSPARENT : smallLineColor, transitionProgress), 1f - transitionProgress);
canvas.drawCircle(rect.right, rect.centerY(), circleRadius * (1f - loopBack), paint);
private float timestampsAppearing = 0;
private long lastTimestampsAppearingUpdate;
private final float TIMESTAMP_GAP = 1f;
private static float[] tmpRadii;
private static Path tmpPath;
private void drawProgressBar(Canvas canvas, RectF rect, Paint paint) {
float radius = AndroidUtilities.dp(AndroidUtilities.lerp(2, 1, transitionProgress));
if (timestamps == null || timestamps.isEmpty()) {
canvas.drawRoundRect(rect, radius, radius, paint);
} else {
float lineWidth = rect.bottom -;
float left = horizontalPadding + AndroidUtilities.lerp(thumbWidth / 2f, 0, transitionProgress);
float right = horizontalPadding + AndroidUtilities.lerp(width - thumbWidth / 2f, parentView.getWidth() - horizontalPadding * 2f, transitionProgress);
float halfGap = AndroidUtilities.dp(TIMESTAMP_GAP * timestampsAppearing) / 2f;
if (tmpPath == null) {
tmpPath = new Path();
float minDur = AndroidUtilities.dp(4) / (right - left);
int start = -1, end = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < timestamps.size(); ++i) {
if (timestamps.get(i).first >= minDur) {
start = i;
if (start < 0) {
start = 0;
for (int i = timestamps.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (1f - timestamps.get(i).first >= minDur) {
end = i + 1;
if (end < 0) {
end = timestamps.size();
boolean first = true;
for (int i = start; i <= end; ++i) {
float from = i == start ? 0 : timestamps.get(i - 1).first;
float to = i == end ? 1 : timestamps.get(i).first;
AndroidUtilities.rectTmp.left = AndroidUtilities.lerp(left, right, from) + (i > 0 ? halfGap : 0);
AndroidUtilities.rectTmp.right = AndroidUtilities.lerp(left, right, to) - (i < end ? halfGap : 0);
boolean last;
if (last = AndroidUtilities.rectTmp.right > rect.right) {
AndroidUtilities.rectTmp.right = rect.right;
if (AndroidUtilities.rectTmp.right < rect.left) {
if (AndroidUtilities.rectTmp.left < rect.left) {
AndroidUtilities.rectTmp.left = rect.left;
if (tmpRadii == null) {
tmpRadii = new float[8];
if (i == start || last && AndroidUtilities.rectTmp.left >= rect.left) {
tmpRadii[0] = tmpRadii[1] = tmpRadii[6] = tmpRadii[7] = radius;
tmpRadii[2] = tmpRadii[3] = tmpRadii[4] = tmpRadii[5] = radius * 0.7f * timestampsAppearing;
} else if (i >= end) {
tmpRadii[0] = tmpRadii[1] = tmpRadii[6] = tmpRadii[7] = radius * 0.7f * timestampsAppearing;
tmpRadii[2] = tmpRadii[3] = tmpRadii[4] = tmpRadii[5] = radius;
} else {
tmpRadii[0] = tmpRadii[1] = tmpRadii[6] = tmpRadii[7] =
tmpRadii[2] = tmpRadii[3] = tmpRadii[4] = tmpRadii[5] = radius * 0.7f * timestampsAppearing;
tmpPath.addRoundRect(AndroidUtilities.rectTmp, tmpRadii, Path.Direction.CW);
if (last) {
canvas.drawPath(tmpPath, paint);
private int currentTimestamp = -1, lastTimestamp = -1;
private StaticLayout[] timestampLabel;
private TextPaint timestampLabelPaint;
private float timestampChangeT = 1;
private int timestampChangeDirection;
private long lastTimestampUpdate;
private float lastWidth = -1;
private void drawTimestampLabel(Canvas canvas) {
if (timestamps == null || timestamps.isEmpty()) {
float progress = pressed || pressedDelayed ? (draggingThumbX / (float) (width - thumbWidth)) : (animatedThumbX / (float) (width - thumbWidth));
int timestampIndex = -1;
for (int i = timestamps.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (timestamps.get(i).first - 0.001f <= progress) {
timestampIndex = i;
if (timestampLabel == null) {
timestampLabel = new StaticLayout[2];
float left = horizontalPadding + AndroidUtilities.lerp(thumbWidth / 2f, 0, transitionProgress);
float right = horizontalPadding + AndroidUtilities.lerp(width - thumbWidth / 2f, parentView.getWidth() - horizontalPadding * 2f, transitionProgress);
float rightPadded = horizontalPadding + (width - thumbWidth / 2f);
float width = Math.abs(left - rightPadded) - AndroidUtilities.dp(16);
if (lastWidth > 0 && Math.abs(lastWidth - width) > 0.01f) {
if (timestampLabel[0] != null) {
timestampLabel[0] = makeStaticLayout(timestampLabel[0].getText(), (int) width);
if (timestampLabel[1] != null) {
timestampLabel[1] = makeStaticLayout(timestampLabel[1].getText(), (int) width);
lastWidth = width;
if (timestampIndex != currentTimestamp) {
timestampLabel[1] = timestampLabel[0];
if (pressed) {
try {
parentView.performHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackConstants.TEXT_HANDLE_MOVE, HapticFeedbackConstants.FLAG_IGNORE_VIEW_SETTING);
} catch (Exception ignore) {}
if (timestampIndex >= 0 && timestampIndex < timestamps.size()) {
CharSequence label = timestamps.get(timestampIndex).second;
if (label == null) {
timestampLabel[0] = null;
} else {
timestampLabel[0] = makeStaticLayout(label, (int) width);
} else {
timestampLabel[0] = null;
timestampChangeT = 0;
if (timestampIndex == -1) {
timestampChangeDirection = -1;
} else if (currentTimestamp == -1) {
timestampChangeDirection = 1;
} else if (timestampIndex < currentTimestamp) {
timestampChangeDirection = -1;
} else if (timestampIndex > currentTimestamp) {
timestampChangeDirection = 1;
lastTimestamp = currentTimestamp;
currentTimestamp = timestampIndex;
if (timestampChangeT < 1f) {
long tx = Math.min(17, Math.abs(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - lastTimestampUpdate));
float duration = timestamps.size() > 8 ? 160f : 220f;
timestampChangeT = Math.min(timestampChangeT + tx / duration, 1);
lastTimestampUpdate = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
if (timestampsAppearing < 1f) {
long tx = Math.min(17, Math.abs(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - lastTimestampUpdate));
timestampsAppearing = Math.min(timestampsAppearing + tx / 200f, 1);
lastTimestampsAppearingUpdate = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
float changeT = CubicBezierInterpolator.DEFAULT.getInterpolation(timestampChangeT);;
float bottom = AndroidUtilities.lerp((height + lineHeight) / 2f, height - AndroidUtilities.dp(3), transitionProgress);
canvas.translate(left + (right - rightPadded) * (transitionProgress), bottom + AndroidUtilities.dp(12));
if (timestampLabel[1] != null) {;
if (timestampChangeDirection != 0) {
canvas.translate(AndroidUtilities.dp(8) + AndroidUtilities.dp(16) * -timestampChangeDirection * changeT, 0);
canvas.translate(0, -timestampLabel[1].getHeight() / 2f);
timestampLabelPaint.setAlpha((int) (255 * (1f - transitionProgress) * (1f - changeT) * timestampsAppearing));
if (timestampLabel[0] != null) {;
if (timestampChangeDirection != 0) {
canvas.translate(AndroidUtilities.dp(8) + AndroidUtilities.dp(16) * timestampChangeDirection * (1f - changeT), 0);
canvas.translate(0, -timestampLabel[0].getHeight() / 2f);
timestampLabelPaint.setAlpha((int) (255 * (1f - transitionProgress) * changeT * timestampsAppearing));
private StaticLayout makeStaticLayout(CharSequence text, int width) {
if (timestampLabelPaint == null) {
timestampLabelPaint = new TextPaint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
return StaticLayout.Builder.obtain(text, 0, text.length(), timestampLabelPaint, width)
.setEllipsizedWidth(Math.min(AndroidUtilities.dp(400), width))
} else {
return new StaticLayout(
Math.min(AndroidUtilities.dp(400), (int) width)
private void setPaintColor(int color, float alpha) {
if (alpha < 1f) {
color = ColorUtils.setAlphaComponent(color, (int) (Color.alpha(color) * alpha));