
2042 lines
81 KiB

* This is the source code of Telegram for Android v. 1.3.x.
* It is licensed under GNU GPL v. 2 or later.
* You should have received a copy of the license in this archive (see LICENSE).
* Copyright Nikolai Kudashov, 2013-2018.
package org.telegram.messenger;
import android.view.View;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.AnimatedFileDrawable;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.LoadingStickerDrawable;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.RLottieDrawable;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.RecyclableDrawable;
import androidx.annotation.Keep;
public class ImageReceiver implements NotificationCenter.NotificationCenterDelegate {
public interface ImageReceiverDelegate {
void didSetImage(ImageReceiver imageReceiver, boolean set, boolean thumb, boolean memCache);
default void onAnimationReady(ImageReceiver imageReceiver) {
public static class BitmapHolder {
private String key;
private boolean recycleOnRelease;
public Bitmap bitmap;
public Drawable drawable;
public int orientation;
public BitmapHolder(Bitmap b, String k, int o) {
bitmap = b;
key = k;
orientation = o;
if (key != null) {
public BitmapHolder(Drawable d, String k, int o) {
drawable = d;
key = k;
orientation = o;
if (key != null) {
public BitmapHolder(Bitmap b) {
bitmap = b;
recycleOnRelease = true;
public int getWidth() {
return bitmap != null ? bitmap.getWidth() : 0;
public int getHeight() {
return bitmap != null ? bitmap.getHeight() : 0;
public boolean isRecycled() {
return bitmap == null || bitmap.isRecycled();
public void release() {
if (key == null) {
if (recycleOnRelease && bitmap != null) {
bitmap = null;
drawable = null;
boolean canDelete = ImageLoader.getInstance().decrementUseCount(key);
if (!ImageLoader.getInstance().isInMemCache(key, false)) {
if (canDelete) {
if (bitmap != null) {
} else if (drawable != null) {
if (drawable instanceof RLottieDrawable) {
RLottieDrawable fileDrawable = (RLottieDrawable) drawable;
} else if (drawable instanceof AnimatedFileDrawable) {
AnimatedFileDrawable fileDrawable = (AnimatedFileDrawable) drawable;
} else if (drawable instanceof BitmapDrawable) {
Bitmap bitmap = ((BitmapDrawable) drawable).getBitmap();
key = null;
bitmap = null;
drawable = null;
private static class SetImageBackup {
public ImageLocation imageLocation;
public String imageFilter;
public ImageLocation thumbLocation;
public String thumbFilter;
public ImageLocation mediaLocation;
public String mediaFilter;
public Drawable thumb;
public int size;
public int cacheType;
public Object parentObject;
public String ext;
private boolean isSet() {
return imageLocation != null || thumbLocation != null || mediaLocation != null || thumb != null;
private boolean isWebfileSet() {
return imageLocation != null && (imageLocation.webFile != null || imageLocation.path != null) ||
thumbLocation != null && (thumbLocation.webFile != null || thumbLocation.path != null) ||
mediaLocation != null && (mediaLocation.webFile != null || mediaLocation.path != null);
private void clear() {
imageLocation = null;
thumbLocation = null;
mediaLocation = null;
thumb = null;
public final static int TYPE_IMAGE = 0;
public final static int TYPE_THUMB = 1;
private final static int TYPE_CROSSFDADE = 2;
public final static int TYPE_MEDIA = 3;
public final static int DEFAULT_CROSSFADE_DURATION = 150;
private int currentAccount;
private View parentView;
private int param;
private Object currentParentObject;
private boolean canceledLoading;
private static PorterDuffColorFilter selectedColorFilter = new PorterDuffColorFilter(0xffdddddd, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN);
private static PorterDuffColorFilter selectedGroupColorFilter = new PorterDuffColorFilter(0xffbbbbbb, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN);
private boolean forceLoding;
private int currentLayerNum;
private int currentOpenedLayerFlags;
private SetImageBackup setImageBackup;
private ImageLocation strippedLocation;
private ImageLocation currentImageLocation;
private String currentImageFilter;
private String currentImageKey;
private int imageTag;
private Drawable currentImageDrawable;
private BitmapShader imageShader;
private int imageOrientation;
private ImageLocation currentThumbLocation;
private String currentThumbFilter;
private String currentThumbKey;
private int thumbTag;
private Drawable currentThumbDrawable;
private BitmapShader thumbShader;
private int thumbOrientation;
private ImageLocation currentMediaLocation;
private String currentMediaFilter;
private String currentMediaKey;
private int mediaTag;
private Drawable currentMediaDrawable;
private BitmapShader mediaShader;
private Drawable staticThumbDrawable;
private String currentExt;
private boolean ignoreImageSet;
private int currentGuid;
private int currentSize;
private int currentCacheType;
private boolean allowStartAnimation = true;
private boolean allowStartLottieAnimation = true;
private boolean useSharedAnimationQueue;
private boolean allowDecodeSingleFrame;
private int autoRepeat = 1;
private boolean animationReadySent;
private boolean crossfadeWithOldImage;
private boolean crossfadingWithThumb;
private Drawable crossfadeImage;
private String crossfadeKey;
private BitmapShader crossfadeShader;
private boolean needsQualityThumb;
private boolean shouldGenerateQualityThumb;
private TLRPC.Document qulityThumbDocument;
private boolean currentKeyQuality;
private boolean invalidateAll;
private float imageX, imageY, imageW, imageH;
private float sideClip;
private RectF drawRegion = new RectF();
private boolean isVisible = true;
private boolean isAspectFit;
private boolean forcePreview;
private boolean forceCrossfade;
private int[] roundRadius = new int[4];
private boolean isRoundRect;
private Paint roundPaint;
private RectF roundRect = new RectF();
private RectF bitmapRect = new RectF();
private Matrix shaderMatrix = new Matrix();
private Path roundPath = new Path();
private static float[] radii = new float[8];
private float overrideAlpha = 1.0f;
private int isPressed;
private boolean centerRotation;
private ImageReceiverDelegate delegate;
private float currentAlpha;
private long lastUpdateAlphaTime;
private byte crossfadeAlpha = 1;
private boolean manualAlphaAnimator;
private boolean crossfadeWithThumb;
private ColorFilter colorFilter;
private boolean isRoundVideo;
private long startTime;
private long endTime;
private int crossfadeDuration = DEFAULT_CROSSFADE_DURATION;
private float pressedProgress;
private int animateFromIsPressed;
public ImageReceiver() {
public ImageReceiver(View view) {
parentView = view;
roundPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG | Paint.FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG);
currentAccount = UserConfig.selectedAccount;
public void cancelLoadImage() {
forceLoding = false;
ImageLoader.getInstance().cancelLoadingForImageReceiver(this, true);
canceledLoading = true;
public void setForceLoading(boolean value) {
forceLoding = value;
public boolean isForceLoding() {
return forceLoding;
public void setStrippedLocation(ImageLocation location) {
strippedLocation = location;
public void setIgnoreImageSet(boolean value) {
ignoreImageSet = value;
public ImageLocation getStrippedLocation() {
return strippedLocation;
public void setImage(ImageLocation imageLocation, String imageFilter, Drawable thumb, String ext, Object parentObject, int cacheType) {
setImage(imageLocation, imageFilter, null, null, thumb, 0, ext, parentObject, cacheType);
public void setImage(ImageLocation imageLocation, String imageFilter, Drawable thumb, int size, String ext, Object parentObject, int cacheType) {
setImage(imageLocation, imageFilter, null, null, thumb, size, ext, parentObject, cacheType);
public void setImage(String imagePath, String imageFilter, Drawable thumb, String ext, int size) {
setImage(ImageLocation.getForPath(imagePath), imageFilter, null, null, thumb, size, ext, null, 1);
public void setImage(ImageLocation imageLocation, String imageFilter, ImageLocation thumbLocation, String thumbFilter, String ext, Object parentObject, int cacheType) {
setImage(imageLocation, imageFilter, thumbLocation, thumbFilter, null, 0, ext, parentObject, cacheType);
public void setImage(ImageLocation imageLocation, String imageFilter, ImageLocation thumbLocation, String thumbFilter, int size, String ext, Object parentObject, int cacheType) {
setImage(imageLocation, imageFilter, thumbLocation, thumbFilter, null, size, ext, parentObject, cacheType);
public void setImage(ImageLocation fileLocation, String fileFilter, ImageLocation thumbLocation, String thumbFilter, Drawable thumb, int size, String ext, Object parentObject, int cacheType) {
setImage(null, null, fileLocation, fileFilter, thumbLocation, thumbFilter, thumb, size, ext, parentObject, cacheType);
public void setImage(ImageLocation mediaLocation, String mediaFilter, ImageLocation imageLocation, String imageFilter, ImageLocation thumbLocation, String thumbFilter, Drawable thumb, int size, String ext, Object parentObject, int cacheType) {
if (ignoreImageSet) {
if (crossfadeWithOldImage && setImageBackup != null && setImageBackup.isWebfileSet()) {
if (setImageBackup != null) {
if (imageLocation == null && thumbLocation == null && mediaLocation == null) {
for (int a = 0; a < 4; a++) {
recycleBitmap(null, a);
currentImageLocation = null;
currentImageFilter = null;
currentImageKey = null;
currentMediaLocation = null;
currentMediaFilter = null;
currentMediaKey = null;
currentThumbLocation = null;
currentThumbFilter = null;
currentThumbKey = null;
currentMediaDrawable = null;
mediaShader = null;
currentImageDrawable = null;
imageShader = null;
thumbShader = null;
crossfadeShader = null;
currentExt = ext;
currentParentObject = null;
currentCacheType = 0;
staticThumbDrawable = thumb;
currentAlpha = 1.0f;
currentSize = 0;
ImageLoader.getInstance().cancelLoadingForImageReceiver(this, true);
if (parentView != null) {
if (invalidateAll) {
} else {
parentView.invalidate((int) imageX, (int) imageY, (int) (imageX + imageW), (int) (imageY + imageH));
if (delegate != null) {
delegate.didSetImage(this, currentImageDrawable != null || currentThumbDrawable != null || staticThumbDrawable != null || currentMediaDrawable != null, currentImageDrawable == null && currentMediaDrawable == null, false);
String imageKey = imageLocation != null ? imageLocation.getKey(parentObject, null, false) : null;
if (imageKey == null && imageLocation != null) {
imageLocation = null;
currentKeyQuality = false;
if (imageKey == null && needsQualityThumb && (parentObject instanceof MessageObject || qulityThumbDocument != null)) {
TLRPC.Document document = qulityThumbDocument != null ? qulityThumbDocument : ((MessageObject) parentObject).getDocument();
if (document != null && document.dc_id != 0 && != 0) {
imageKey = "q_" + document.dc_id + "_" +;
currentKeyQuality = true;
if (imageKey != null && imageFilter != null) {
imageKey += "@" + imageFilter;
String mediaKey = mediaLocation != null ? mediaLocation.getKey(parentObject, null, false) : null;
if (mediaKey == null && mediaLocation != null) {
mediaLocation = null;
if (mediaKey != null && mediaFilter != null) {
mediaKey += "@" + mediaFilter;
if (mediaKey == null && currentImageKey != null && currentImageKey.equals(imageKey) || currentMediaKey != null && currentMediaKey.equals(mediaKey)) {
if (delegate != null) {
delegate.didSetImage(this, currentImageDrawable != null || currentThumbDrawable != null || staticThumbDrawable != null || currentMediaDrawable != null, currentImageDrawable == null && currentMediaDrawable == null, false);
if (!canceledLoading) {
ImageLocation strippedLoc;
if (strippedLocation != null) {
strippedLoc = strippedLocation;
} else {
strippedLoc = mediaLocation != null ? mediaLocation : imageLocation;
String thumbKey = thumbLocation != null ? thumbLocation.getKey(parentObject, strippedLoc, false) : null;
if (thumbKey != null && thumbFilter != null) {
thumbKey += "@" + thumbFilter;
if (crossfadeWithOldImage) {
if (currentMediaDrawable != null) {
if (currentMediaDrawable instanceof AnimatedFileDrawable) {
((AnimatedFileDrawable) currentMediaDrawable).stop();
recycleBitmap(thumbKey, TYPE_THUMB);
recycleBitmap(null, TYPE_CROSSFDADE);
recycleBitmap(mediaKey, TYPE_IMAGE);
crossfadeImage = currentMediaDrawable;
crossfadeShader = mediaShader;
crossfadeKey = currentImageKey;
crossfadingWithThumb = false;
currentMediaDrawable = null;
currentMediaKey = null;
} else if (currentImageDrawable != null) {
recycleBitmap(thumbKey, TYPE_THUMB);
recycleBitmap(null, TYPE_CROSSFDADE);
recycleBitmap(mediaKey, TYPE_MEDIA);
crossfadeShader = imageShader;
crossfadeImage = currentImageDrawable;
crossfadeKey = currentImageKey;
crossfadingWithThumb = false;
currentImageDrawable = null;
currentImageKey = null;
} else if (currentThumbDrawable != null) {
recycleBitmap(imageKey, TYPE_IMAGE);
recycleBitmap(null, TYPE_CROSSFDADE);
recycleBitmap(mediaKey, TYPE_MEDIA);
crossfadeShader = thumbShader;
crossfadeImage = currentThumbDrawable;
crossfadeKey = currentThumbKey;
crossfadingWithThumb = false;
currentThumbDrawable = null;
currentThumbKey = null;
} else if (staticThumbDrawable != null) {
recycleBitmap(imageKey, TYPE_IMAGE);
recycleBitmap(thumbKey, TYPE_THUMB);
recycleBitmap(null, TYPE_CROSSFDADE);
recycleBitmap(mediaKey, TYPE_MEDIA);
crossfadeShader = thumbShader;
crossfadeImage = staticThumbDrawable;
crossfadingWithThumb = false;
crossfadeKey = null;
currentThumbDrawable = null;
currentThumbKey = null;
} else {
recycleBitmap(imageKey, TYPE_IMAGE);
recycleBitmap(thumbKey, TYPE_THUMB);
recycleBitmap(null, TYPE_CROSSFDADE);
recycleBitmap(mediaKey, TYPE_MEDIA);
crossfadeShader = null;
} else {
recycleBitmap(imageKey, TYPE_IMAGE);
recycleBitmap(thumbKey, TYPE_THUMB);
recycleBitmap(null, TYPE_CROSSFDADE);
recycleBitmap(mediaKey, TYPE_MEDIA);
crossfadeShader = null;
currentImageLocation = imageLocation;
currentImageFilter = imageFilter;
currentImageKey = imageKey;
currentMediaLocation = mediaLocation;
currentMediaFilter = mediaFilter;
currentMediaKey = mediaKey;
currentThumbLocation = thumbLocation;
currentThumbFilter = thumbFilter;
currentThumbKey = thumbKey;
currentParentObject = parentObject;
currentExt = ext;
currentSize = size;
currentCacheType = cacheType;
staticThumbDrawable = thumb;
imageShader = null;
thumbShader = null;
mediaShader = null;
currentAlpha = 1.0f;
if (delegate != null) {
delegate.didSetImage(this, currentImageDrawable != null || currentThumbDrawable != null || staticThumbDrawable != null || currentMediaDrawable != null, currentImageDrawable == null && currentMediaDrawable == null, false);
if (parentView != null) {
if (invalidateAll) {
} else {
parentView.invalidate((int)imageX, (int) imageY, (int) (imageX + imageW), (int) (imageY + imageH));
isRoundVideo = parentObject instanceof MessageObject && ((MessageObject) parentObject).isRoundVideo();
public boolean canInvertBitmap() {
return currentMediaDrawable instanceof ExtendedBitmapDrawable || currentImageDrawable instanceof ExtendedBitmapDrawable || currentThumbDrawable instanceof ExtendedBitmapDrawable || staticThumbDrawable instanceof ExtendedBitmapDrawable;
public void setColorFilter(ColorFilter filter) {
colorFilter = filter;
public void setDelegate(ImageReceiverDelegate delegate) {
this.delegate = delegate;
public void setPressed(int value) {
isPressed = value;
public boolean getPressed() {
return isPressed != 0;
public void setOrientation(int angle, boolean center) {
while (angle < 0) {
angle += 360;
while (angle > 360) {
angle -= 360;
imageOrientation = thumbOrientation = angle;
centerRotation = center;
public void setInvalidateAll(boolean value) {
invalidateAll = value;
public Drawable getStaticThumb() {
return staticThumbDrawable;
public int getAnimatedOrientation() {
AnimatedFileDrawable animation = getAnimation();
return animation != null ? animation.getOrientation() : 0;
public int getOrientation() {
return imageOrientation;
public void setLayerNum(int value) {
currentLayerNum = value;
public void setImageBitmap(Bitmap bitmap) {
setImageBitmap(bitmap != null ? new BitmapDrawable(null, bitmap) : null);
public void setImageBitmap(Drawable bitmap) {
ImageLoader.getInstance().cancelLoadingForImageReceiver(this, true);
if (crossfadeWithOldImage) {
if (currentImageDrawable != null) {
recycleBitmap(null, TYPE_THUMB);
recycleBitmap(null, TYPE_CROSSFDADE);
recycleBitmap(null, TYPE_MEDIA);
crossfadeShader = imageShader;
crossfadeImage = currentImageDrawable;
crossfadeKey = currentImageKey;
crossfadingWithThumb = true;
} else if (currentThumbDrawable != null) {
recycleBitmap(null, TYPE_IMAGE);
recycleBitmap(null, TYPE_CROSSFDADE);
recycleBitmap(null, TYPE_MEDIA);
crossfadeShader = thumbShader;
crossfadeImage = currentThumbDrawable;
crossfadeKey = currentThumbKey;
crossfadingWithThumb = true;
} else if (staticThumbDrawable != null) {
recycleBitmap(null, TYPE_IMAGE);
recycleBitmap(null, TYPE_THUMB);
recycleBitmap(null, TYPE_CROSSFDADE);
recycleBitmap(null, TYPE_MEDIA);
crossfadeShader = thumbShader;
crossfadeImage = staticThumbDrawable;
crossfadingWithThumb = true;
crossfadeKey = null;
} else {
for (int a = 0; a < 4; a++) {
recycleBitmap(null, a);
crossfadeShader = null;
} else {
for (int a = 0; a < 4; a++) {
recycleBitmap(null, a);
if (staticThumbDrawable instanceof RecyclableDrawable) {
RecyclableDrawable drawable = (RecyclableDrawable) staticThumbDrawable;
if (bitmap instanceof AnimatedFileDrawable) {
AnimatedFileDrawable fileDrawable = (AnimatedFileDrawable) bitmap;
if (allowStartAnimation) {
} else if (bitmap instanceof RLottieDrawable) {
RLottieDrawable fileDrawable = (RLottieDrawable) bitmap;
if (allowStartLottieAnimation && (!fileDrawable.isHeavyDrawable() || currentOpenedLayerFlags == 0)) {
staticThumbDrawable = bitmap;
currentMediaLocation = null;
currentMediaFilter = null;
currentMediaDrawable = null;
currentMediaKey = null;
mediaShader = null;
currentImageLocation = null;
currentImageFilter = null;
currentImageDrawable = null;
currentImageKey = null;
imageShader = null;
currentThumbLocation = null;
currentThumbFilter = null;
currentThumbKey = null;
currentKeyQuality = false;
currentExt = null;
currentSize = 0;
currentCacheType = 0;
currentAlpha = 1;
if (setImageBackup != null) {
if (delegate != null) {
delegate.didSetImage(this, currentThumbDrawable != null || staticThumbDrawable != null, true, false);
if (parentView != null) {
if (invalidateAll) {
} else {
parentView.invalidate((int)imageX, (int) imageY, (int) (imageX + imageW), (int) (imageY + imageH));
if (forceCrossfade && crossfadeWithOldImage && crossfadeImage != null) {
currentAlpha = 0.0f;
lastUpdateAlphaTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
crossfadeWithThumb = currentThumbDrawable != null || staticThumbDrawable != null;
private void setDrawableShader(Drawable drawable, BitmapShader shader) {
if (drawable == currentThumbDrawable || drawable == staticThumbDrawable) {
thumbShader = shader;
} else if (drawable == currentMediaDrawable) {
mediaShader = shader;
} else if (drawable == currentImageDrawable) {
imageShader = shader;
private boolean hasRoundRadius() {
/*for (int a = 0; a < roundRadius.length; a++) {
if (roundRadius[a] != 0) {
return true;
return true;
private void updateDrawableRadius(Drawable drawable) {
if (hasRoundRadius() && drawable instanceof BitmapDrawable) {
if (drawable instanceof RLottieDrawable) {
} else if (drawable instanceof AnimatedFileDrawable) {
AnimatedFileDrawable animatedFileDrawable = (AnimatedFileDrawable) drawable;
} else {
setDrawableShader(drawable, new BitmapShader(((BitmapDrawable) drawable).getBitmap(), Shader.TileMode.CLAMP, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP));
} else {
setDrawableShader(drawable, null);
public void clearImage() {
for (int a = 0; a < 4; a++) {
recycleBitmap(null, a);
ImageLoader.getInstance().cancelLoadingForImageReceiver(this, true);
public void onDetachedFromWindow() {
if (currentImageLocation != null || currentMediaLocation != null || currentThumbLocation != null || staticThumbDrawable != null) {
if (setImageBackup == null) {
setImageBackup = new SetImageBackup();
setImageBackup.mediaLocation = currentMediaLocation;
setImageBackup.mediaFilter = currentMediaFilter;
setImageBackup.imageLocation = currentImageLocation;
setImageBackup.imageFilter = currentImageFilter;
setImageBackup.thumbLocation = currentThumbLocation;
setImageBackup.thumbFilter = currentThumbFilter;
setImageBackup.thumb = staticThumbDrawable;
setImageBackup.size = currentSize;
setImageBackup.ext = currentExt;
setImageBackup.cacheType = currentCacheType;
setImageBackup.parentObject = currentParentObject;
NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.didReplacedPhotoInMemCache);
NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.stopAllHeavyOperations);
NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.startAllHeavyOperations);
if (staticThumbDrawable != null) {
staticThumbDrawable = null;
thumbShader = null;
if (isPressed == 0) {
pressedProgress = 0f;
private boolean setBackupImage() {
if (setImageBackup != null && setImageBackup.isSet()) {
SetImageBackup temp = setImageBackup;
setImageBackup = null;
setImage(temp.mediaLocation, temp.mediaFilter, temp.imageLocation, temp.imageFilter, temp.thumbLocation, temp.thumbFilter, temp.thumb, temp.size, temp.ext, temp.parentObject, temp.cacheType);
setImageBackup = temp;
RLottieDrawable lottieDrawable = getLottieAnimation();
if (lottieDrawable != null && allowStartLottieAnimation && (!lottieDrawable.isHeavyDrawable() || currentOpenedLayerFlags == 0)) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean onAttachedToWindow() {
currentOpenedLayerFlags = NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().getCurrentHeavyOperationFlags();
currentOpenedLayerFlags &=~ currentLayerNum;
NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.didReplacedPhotoInMemCache);
NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.stopAllHeavyOperations);
NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.startAllHeavyOperations);
if (setBackupImage()) {
return true;
RLottieDrawable lottieDrawable = getLottieAnimation();
if (lottieDrawable != null && allowStartLottieAnimation && (!lottieDrawable.isHeavyDrawable() || currentOpenedLayerFlags == 0)) {
if (NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().isAnimationInProgress()) {
didReceivedNotification(NotificationCenter.stopAllHeavyOperations, currentAccount, 512);
return false;
private void drawDrawable(Canvas canvas, Drawable drawable, int alpha, BitmapShader shader, int orientation) {
if (isPressed == 0 && pressedProgress != 0) {
pressedProgress -= 16 / 150f;
if (pressedProgress < 0) {
pressedProgress = 0;
if (parentView != null) {
if (isPressed != 0) {
pressedProgress = 1f;
animateFromIsPressed = isPressed;
if (pressedProgress == 0 || pressedProgress == 1f) {
drawDrawable(canvas, drawable, alpha, shader, orientation, isPressed);
} else {
drawDrawable(canvas, drawable, alpha, shader, orientation, isPressed);
drawDrawable(canvas, drawable, (int) (alpha * pressedProgress), shader, orientation, animateFromIsPressed);
private void drawDrawable(Canvas canvas, Drawable drawable, int alpha, BitmapShader shader, int orientation, int isPressed) {
if (drawable instanceof BitmapDrawable) {
BitmapDrawable bitmapDrawable = (BitmapDrawable) drawable;
Paint paint;
if (shader != null) {
paint = roundPaint;
} else {
paint = bitmapDrawable.getPaint();
boolean hasFilter = paint != null && paint.getColorFilter() != null;
if (hasFilter && isPressed == 0) {
if (shader != null) {
} else if (staticThumbDrawable != drawable) {
} else if (!hasFilter && isPressed != 0) {
if (isPressed == 1) {
if (shader != null) {
} else {
} else {
if (shader != null) {
} else {
if (colorFilter != null) {
if (shader != null) {
} else {
int bitmapW;
int bitmapH;
if (bitmapDrawable instanceof AnimatedFileDrawable || bitmapDrawable instanceof RLottieDrawable) {
if (orientation % 360 == 90 || orientation % 360 == 270) {
bitmapW = bitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight();
bitmapH = bitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
} else {
bitmapW = bitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
bitmapH = bitmapDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight();
} else {
Bitmap bitmap = bitmapDrawable.getBitmap();
if (bitmap != null && bitmap.isRecycled()) {
if (orientation % 360 == 90 || orientation % 360 == 270) {
bitmapW = bitmap.getHeight();
bitmapH = bitmap.getWidth();
} else {
bitmapW = bitmap.getWidth();
bitmapH = bitmap.getHeight();
float realImageW = imageW - sideClip * 2;
float realImageH = imageH - sideClip * 2;
float scaleW = imageW == 0 ? 1.0f : (bitmapW / realImageW);
float scaleH = imageH == 0 ? 1.0f : (bitmapH / realImageH);
if (shader != null) {
if (isAspectFit) {
float scale = Math.max(scaleW, scaleH);
bitmapW /= scale;
bitmapH /= scale;
drawRegion.set(imageX + (imageW - bitmapW) / 2, imageY + (imageH - bitmapH) / 2, imageX + (imageW + bitmapW) / 2, imageY + (imageH + bitmapH) / 2);
if (isVisible) {
shaderMatrix.preScale(1.0f / scale, 1.0f / scale);
if (isRoundRect) {
try {
canvas.drawRoundRect(roundRect,roundRadius[0], roundRadius[0],roundPaint);
} catch (Exception e) {
} else {
for (int a = 0; a < roundRadius.length; a++) {
radii[a * 2] = roundRadius[a];
radii[a * 2 + 1] = roundRadius[a];
roundPath.addRoundRect(roundRect, radii, Path.Direction.CW);
canvas.drawPath(roundPath, roundPaint);
} else {
float scale = 1.0f / Math.min(scaleW, scaleH);
roundRect.set(imageX + sideClip, imageY + sideClip, imageX + imageW - sideClip, imageY + imageH - sideClip);
if (Math.abs(scaleW - scaleH) > 0.0005f) {
if (bitmapW / scaleH > realImageW) {
bitmapW /= scaleH;
drawRegion.set(imageX - (bitmapW - realImageW) / 2, imageY, imageX + (bitmapW + realImageW) / 2, imageY + realImageH);
} else {
bitmapH /= scaleW;
drawRegion.set(imageX, imageY - (bitmapH - realImageH) / 2, imageX + realImageW, imageY + (bitmapH + realImageH) / 2);
} else {
drawRegion.set(imageX, imageY, imageX + realImageW, imageY + realImageH);
if (isVisible) {
shaderMatrix.setTranslate(drawRegion.left + sideClip, + sideClip);
if (orientation == 90) {
shaderMatrix.preTranslate(0, -drawRegion.width());
} else if (orientation == 180) {
shaderMatrix.preTranslate(-drawRegion.width(), -drawRegion.height());
} else if (orientation == 270) {
shaderMatrix.preTranslate(-drawRegion.height(), 0);
shaderMatrix.preScale(scale, scale);
if (isRoundVideo) {
float postScale = (realImageW + AndroidUtilities.roundMessageInset * 2) / realImageW;
shaderMatrix.postScale(postScale, postScale, drawRegion.centerX(), drawRegion.centerY());
if (isRoundRect) {
try {
canvas.drawRoundRect(roundRect, roundRadius[0], roundRadius[0], roundPaint);
} catch (Exception e) {
} else {
for (int a = 0; a < roundRadius.length; a++) {
radii[a * 2] = roundRadius[a];
radii[a * 2 + 1] = roundRadius[a];
roundPath.addRoundRect(roundRect, radii, Path.Direction.CW);
canvas.drawPath(roundPath, roundPaint);
} else {
if (isAspectFit) {
float scale = Math.max(scaleW, scaleH);;
bitmapW /= scale;
bitmapH /= scale;
drawRegion.set(imageX + (imageW - bitmapW) / 2.0f, imageY + (imageH - bitmapH) / 2.0f, imageX + (imageW + bitmapW) / 2.0f, imageY + (imageH + bitmapH) / 2.0f);
bitmapDrawable.setBounds((int) drawRegion.left, (int), (int) drawRegion.right, (int) drawRegion.bottom);
if (bitmapDrawable instanceof AnimatedFileDrawable) {
((AnimatedFileDrawable) bitmapDrawable).setActualDrawRect(drawRegion.left,, drawRegion.width(), drawRegion.height());
if (isVisible) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
} else {
if (Math.abs(scaleW - scaleH) > 0.00001f) {;
canvas.clipRect(imageX, imageY, imageX + imageW, imageY + imageH);
if (orientation % 360 != 0) {
if (centerRotation) {
canvas.rotate(orientation, imageW / 2, imageH / 2);
} else {
canvas.rotate(orientation, 0, 0);
if (bitmapW / scaleH > imageW) {
bitmapW /= scaleH;
drawRegion.set(imageX - (bitmapW - imageW) / 2.0f, imageY, imageX + (bitmapW + imageW) / 2.0f, imageY + imageH);
} else {
bitmapH /= scaleW;
drawRegion.set(imageX, imageY - (bitmapH - imageH) / 2.0f, imageX + imageW, imageY + (bitmapH + imageH) / 2.0f);
if (bitmapDrawable instanceof AnimatedFileDrawable) {
((AnimatedFileDrawable) bitmapDrawable).setActualDrawRect(imageX, imageY, imageW, imageH);
if (orientation % 360 == 90 || orientation % 360 == 270) {
float width = drawRegion.width() / 2;
float height = drawRegion.height() / 2;
float centerX = drawRegion.centerX();
float centerY = drawRegion.centerY();
bitmapDrawable.setBounds((int) (centerX - height), (int) (centerY - width), (int) (centerX + height), (int) (centerY + width));
} else {
bitmapDrawable.setBounds((int) drawRegion.left, (int), (int) drawRegion.right, (int) drawRegion.bottom);
if (isVisible) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
} else {;
if (orientation % 360 != 0) {
if (centerRotation) {
canvas.rotate(orientation, imageW / 2, imageH / 2);
} else {
canvas.rotate(orientation, 0, 0);
drawRegion.set(imageX, imageY, imageX + imageW, imageY + imageH);
if (isRoundVideo) {
drawRegion.inset(-AndroidUtilities.roundMessageInset, -AndroidUtilities.roundMessageInset);
if (bitmapDrawable instanceof AnimatedFileDrawable) {
((AnimatedFileDrawable) bitmapDrawable).setActualDrawRect(imageX, imageY, imageW, imageH);
if (orientation % 360 == 90 || orientation % 360 == 270) {
float width = drawRegion.width() / 2;
float height = drawRegion.height() / 2;
float centerX = drawRegion.centerX();
float centerY = drawRegion.centerY();
bitmapDrawable.setBounds((int) (centerX - height), (int) (centerY - width), (int) (centerX + height), (int) (centerY + width));
} else {
bitmapDrawable.setBounds((int) drawRegion.left, (int), (int) drawRegion.right, (int) drawRegion.bottom);
if (isVisible) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
} else {
drawRegion.set(imageX, imageY, imageX + imageW, imageY + imageH);
drawable.setBounds((int) drawRegion.left, (int), (int) drawRegion.right, (int) drawRegion.bottom);
if (isVisible) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
private void onBitmapException(Drawable bitmapDrawable) {
if (bitmapDrawable == currentMediaDrawable && currentMediaKey != null) {
currentMediaKey = null;
} else if (bitmapDrawable == currentImageDrawable && currentImageKey != null) {
currentImageKey = null;
} else if (bitmapDrawable == currentThumbDrawable && currentThumbKey != null) {
currentThumbKey = null;
setImage(currentMediaLocation, currentMediaFilter, currentImageLocation, currentImageFilter, currentThumbLocation, currentThumbFilter, currentThumbDrawable, currentSize, currentExt, currentParentObject, currentCacheType);
private void checkAlphaAnimation(boolean skip) {
if (manualAlphaAnimator) {
if (currentAlpha != 1) {
if (!skip) {
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long dt = currentTime - lastUpdateAlphaTime;
if (dt > 18) {
dt = 18;
currentAlpha += dt / (float) crossfadeDuration;
if (currentAlpha > 1) {
currentAlpha = 1;
if (crossfadeImage != null) {
recycleBitmap(null, 2);
crossfadeShader = null;
lastUpdateAlphaTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (parentView != null) {
if (invalidateAll) {
} else {
parentView.invalidate((int)imageX, (int) imageY, (int) (imageX + imageW), (int) (imageY + imageH));
public void skipDraw() {
RLottieDrawable lottieDrawable = getLottieAnimation();
if (lottieDrawable != null) {
public boolean draw(Canvas canvas) {
try {
Drawable drawable = null;
AnimatedFileDrawable animation = getAnimation();
RLottieDrawable lottieDrawable = getLottieAnimation();
boolean animationNotReady = animation != null && !animation.hasBitmap() || lottieDrawable != null && !lottieDrawable.hasBitmap();
if (animation != null) {
if (lottieDrawable != null) {
if ((animation != null || lottieDrawable != null) && !animationNotReady && !animationReadySent) {
animationReadySent = true;
if (delegate != null) {
int orientation = 0;
BitmapShader shaderToUse = null;
if (!forcePreview && currentMediaDrawable != null && !animationNotReady) {
drawable = currentMediaDrawable;
shaderToUse = mediaShader;
orientation = imageOrientation;
} else if (!forcePreview && currentImageDrawable != null && (!animationNotReady || currentMediaDrawable != null)) {
drawable = currentImageDrawable;
shaderToUse = imageShader;
orientation = imageOrientation;
animationNotReady = false;
} else if (crossfadeImage != null && !crossfadingWithThumb) {
drawable = crossfadeImage;
shaderToUse = crossfadeShader;
orientation = imageOrientation;
} else if (staticThumbDrawable instanceof BitmapDrawable) {
drawable = staticThumbDrawable;
shaderToUse = thumbShader;
orientation = thumbOrientation;
} else if (currentThumbDrawable != null) {
drawable = currentThumbDrawable;
shaderToUse = thumbShader;
orientation = thumbOrientation;
if (drawable != null) {
if (crossfadeAlpha != 0) {
if (crossfadeWithThumb && animationNotReady) {
drawDrawable(canvas, drawable, (int) (overrideAlpha * 255), shaderToUse, orientation);
} else {
if (crossfadeWithThumb && currentAlpha != 1.0f) {
Drawable thumbDrawable = null;
BitmapShader thumbShaderToUse = null;
if (drawable == currentImageDrawable || drawable == currentMediaDrawable) {
if (crossfadeImage != null) {
thumbDrawable = crossfadeImage;
thumbShaderToUse = crossfadeShader;
} else if (currentThumbDrawable != null) {
thumbDrawable = currentThumbDrawable;
thumbShaderToUse = thumbShader;
} else if (staticThumbDrawable != null) {
thumbDrawable = staticThumbDrawable;
thumbShaderToUse = thumbShader;
} else if (drawable == currentThumbDrawable || drawable == crossfadeImage) {
if (staticThumbDrawable != null) {
thumbDrawable = staticThumbDrawable;
thumbShaderToUse = thumbShader;
} else if (drawable == staticThumbDrawable) {
if (crossfadeImage != null) {
thumbDrawable = crossfadeImage;
thumbShaderToUse = crossfadeShader;
if (thumbDrawable != null) {
drawDrawable(canvas, thumbDrawable, (int) (overrideAlpha * 255), thumbShaderToUse, thumbOrientation);
drawDrawable(canvas, drawable, (int) (overrideAlpha * currentAlpha * 255), shaderToUse, orientation);
} else {
drawDrawable(canvas, drawable, (int) (overrideAlpha * 255), shaderToUse, orientation);
checkAlphaAnimation(animationNotReady && crossfadeWithThumb);
return true;
} else if (staticThumbDrawable != null) {
drawDrawable(canvas, staticThumbDrawable, (int) (overrideAlpha * 255), null, thumbOrientation);
return true;
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
public void setManualAlphaAnimator(boolean value) {
manualAlphaAnimator = value;
public float getCurrentAlpha() {
return currentAlpha;
public void setCurrentAlpha(float value) {
currentAlpha = value;
public Drawable getDrawable() {
if (currentMediaDrawable != null) {
return currentMediaDrawable;
} else if (currentImageDrawable != null) {
return currentImageDrawable;
} else if (currentThumbDrawable != null) {
return currentThumbDrawable;
} else if (staticThumbDrawable != null) {
return staticThumbDrawable;
return null;
public Bitmap getBitmap() {
AnimatedFileDrawable animation = getAnimation();
RLottieDrawable lottieDrawable = getLottieAnimation();
if (lottieDrawable != null && lottieDrawable.hasBitmap()) {
return lottieDrawable.getAnimatedBitmap();
} else if (animation != null && animation.hasBitmap()) {
return animation.getAnimatedBitmap();
} else if (currentMediaDrawable instanceof BitmapDrawable && !(currentMediaDrawable instanceof AnimatedFileDrawable) && !(currentMediaDrawable instanceof RLottieDrawable)) {
return ((BitmapDrawable) currentMediaDrawable).getBitmap();
} else if (currentImageDrawable instanceof BitmapDrawable && !(currentImageDrawable instanceof AnimatedFileDrawable) && !(currentMediaDrawable instanceof RLottieDrawable)) {
return ((BitmapDrawable) currentImageDrawable).getBitmap();
} else if (currentThumbDrawable instanceof BitmapDrawable && !(currentThumbDrawable instanceof AnimatedFileDrawable) && !(currentMediaDrawable instanceof RLottieDrawable)) {
return ((BitmapDrawable) currentThumbDrawable).getBitmap();
} else if (staticThumbDrawable instanceof BitmapDrawable) {
return ((BitmapDrawable) staticThumbDrawable).getBitmap();
return null;
public BitmapHolder getBitmapSafe() {
Bitmap bitmap = null;
String key = null;
AnimatedFileDrawable animation = getAnimation();
RLottieDrawable lottieDrawable = getLottieAnimation();
int orientation = 0;
if (lottieDrawable != null && lottieDrawable.hasBitmap()) {
bitmap = lottieDrawable.getAnimatedBitmap();
} else if (animation != null && animation.hasBitmap()) {
bitmap = animation.getAnimatedBitmap();
orientation = animation.getOrientation();
if (orientation != 0) {
return new BitmapHolder(Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap), null, orientation);
} else if (currentMediaDrawable instanceof BitmapDrawable && !(currentMediaDrawable instanceof AnimatedFileDrawable) && !(currentMediaDrawable instanceof RLottieDrawable)) {
bitmap = ((BitmapDrawable) currentMediaDrawable).getBitmap();
key = currentMediaKey;
} else if (currentImageDrawable instanceof BitmapDrawable && !(currentImageDrawable instanceof AnimatedFileDrawable) && !(currentMediaDrawable instanceof RLottieDrawable)) {
bitmap = ((BitmapDrawable) currentImageDrawable).getBitmap();
key = currentImageKey;
} else if (currentThumbDrawable instanceof BitmapDrawable && !(currentThumbDrawable instanceof AnimatedFileDrawable) && !(currentMediaDrawable instanceof RLottieDrawable)) {
bitmap = ((BitmapDrawable) currentThumbDrawable).getBitmap();
key = currentThumbKey;
} else if (staticThumbDrawable instanceof BitmapDrawable) {
bitmap = ((BitmapDrawable) staticThumbDrawable).getBitmap();
if (bitmap != null) {
return new BitmapHolder(bitmap, key, orientation);
return null;
public BitmapHolder getDrawableSafe() {
Drawable drawable = null;
String key = null;
if (currentMediaDrawable instanceof BitmapDrawable && !(currentMediaDrawable instanceof AnimatedFileDrawable) && !(currentMediaDrawable instanceof RLottieDrawable)) {
drawable = currentMediaDrawable;
key = currentMediaKey;
} else if (currentImageDrawable instanceof BitmapDrawable && !(currentImageDrawable instanceof AnimatedFileDrawable) && !(currentMediaDrawable instanceof RLottieDrawable)) {
drawable = currentImageDrawable;
key = currentImageKey;
} else if (currentThumbDrawable instanceof BitmapDrawable && !(currentThumbDrawable instanceof AnimatedFileDrawable) && !(currentMediaDrawable instanceof RLottieDrawable)) {
drawable = currentThumbDrawable;
key = currentThumbKey;
} else if (staticThumbDrawable instanceof BitmapDrawable) {
drawable = staticThumbDrawable;
if (drawable != null) {
return new BitmapHolder(drawable, key, 0);
return null;
public Bitmap getThumbBitmap() {
if (currentThumbDrawable instanceof BitmapDrawable) {
return ((BitmapDrawable) currentThumbDrawable).getBitmap();
} else if (staticThumbDrawable instanceof BitmapDrawable) {
return ((BitmapDrawable) staticThumbDrawable).getBitmap();
return null;
public BitmapHolder getThumbBitmapSafe() {
Bitmap bitmap = null;
String key = null;
if (currentThumbDrawable instanceof BitmapDrawable) {
bitmap = ((BitmapDrawable) currentThumbDrawable).getBitmap();
key = currentThumbKey;
} else if (staticThumbDrawable instanceof BitmapDrawable) {
bitmap = ((BitmapDrawable) staticThumbDrawable).getBitmap();
if (bitmap != null) {
return new BitmapHolder(bitmap, key, 0);
return null;
public int getBitmapWidth() {
Drawable drawable = getDrawable();
AnimatedFileDrawable animation = getAnimation();
if (animation != null) {
return imageOrientation % 360 == 0 || imageOrientation % 360 == 180 ? animation.getIntrinsicWidth() : animation.getIntrinsicHeight();
RLottieDrawable lottieDrawable = getLottieAnimation();
if (lottieDrawable != null) {
return lottieDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
Bitmap bitmap = getBitmap();
if (bitmap == null) {
if (staticThumbDrawable != null) {
return staticThumbDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
return 1;
return imageOrientation % 360 == 0 || imageOrientation % 360 == 180 ? bitmap.getWidth() : bitmap.getHeight();
public int getBitmapHeight() {
Drawable drawable = getDrawable();
AnimatedFileDrawable animation = getAnimation();
if (animation != null) {
return imageOrientation % 360 == 0 || imageOrientation % 360 == 180 ? animation.getIntrinsicHeight() : animation.getIntrinsicWidth();
RLottieDrawable lottieDrawable = getLottieAnimation();
if (lottieDrawable != null) {
return lottieDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight();
Bitmap bitmap = getBitmap();
if (bitmap == null) {
if (staticThumbDrawable != null) {
return staticThumbDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight();
return 1;
return imageOrientation % 360 == 0 || imageOrientation % 360 == 180 ? bitmap.getHeight() : bitmap.getWidth();
public void setVisible(boolean value, boolean invalidate) {
if (isVisible == value) {
isVisible = value;
if (invalidate && parentView != null) {
if (invalidateAll) {
} else {
parentView.invalidate((int) imageX, (int) imageY, (int) (imageX + imageW), (int) (imageY + imageH));
public boolean getVisible() {
return isVisible;
public void setAlpha(float value) {
overrideAlpha = value;
public float getAlpha() {
return overrideAlpha;
public void setCrossfadeAlpha(byte value) {
crossfadeAlpha = value;
public boolean hasImageSet() {
return currentImageDrawable != null || currentMediaDrawable != null || currentThumbDrawable != null || staticThumbDrawable != null || currentImageKey != null || currentMediaKey != null;
public boolean hasBitmapImage() {
return currentImageDrawable != null || currentThumbDrawable != null || staticThumbDrawable != null || currentMediaDrawable != null;
public boolean hasNotThumb() {
return currentImageDrawable != null || currentMediaDrawable != null;
public boolean hasStaticThumb() {
return staticThumbDrawable != null;
public void setAspectFit(boolean value) {
isAspectFit = value;
public boolean isAspectFit() {
return isAspectFit;
public void setParentView(View view) {
parentView = view;
AnimatedFileDrawable animation = getAnimation();
if (animation != null) {
public void setImageX(int x) {
imageX = x;
public void setImageY(float y) {
imageY = y;
public void setImageWidth(int width) {
imageW = width;
public void setImageCoords(float x, float y, float width, float height) {
imageX = x;
imageY = y;
imageW = width;
imageH = height;
public void setSideClip(float value) {
sideClip = value;
public float getCenterX() {
return imageX + imageW / 2.0f;
public float getCenterY() {
return imageY + imageH / 2.0f;
public float getImageX() {
return imageX;
public float getImageX2() {
return imageX + imageW;
public float getImageY() {
return imageY;
public float getImageY2() {
return imageY + imageH;
public float getImageWidth() {
return imageW;
public float getImageHeight() {
return imageH;
public float getImageAspectRatio() {
return imageOrientation % 180 != 0 ? drawRegion.height() / drawRegion.width() : drawRegion.width() / drawRegion.height();
public String getExt() {
return currentExt;
public boolean isInsideImage(float x, float y) {
return x >= imageX && x <= imageX + imageW && y >= imageY && y <= imageY + imageH;
public RectF getDrawRegion() {
return drawRegion;
public int getNewGuid() {
return ++currentGuid;
public String getImageKey() {
return currentImageKey;
public String getMediaKey() {
return currentMediaKey;
public String getThumbKey() {
return currentThumbKey;
public int getSize() {
return currentSize;
public ImageLocation getMediaLocation() {
return currentMediaLocation;
public ImageLocation getImageLocation() {
return currentImageLocation;
public ImageLocation getThumbLocation() {
return currentThumbLocation;
public String getMediaFilter() {
return currentMediaFilter;
public String getImageFilter() {
return currentImageFilter;
public String getThumbFilter() {
return currentThumbFilter;
public int getCacheType() {
return currentCacheType;
public void setForcePreview(boolean value) {
forcePreview = value;
public void setForceCrossfade(boolean value) {
forceCrossfade = value;
public boolean isForcePreview() {
return forcePreview;
public void setRoundRadius(int value) {
setRoundRadius(new int[]{value, value, value, value});
public void setRoundRadius(int tl, int tr, int bl, int br) {
setRoundRadius(new int[]{tl, tr, bl, br});
public void setRoundRadius(int[] value) {
boolean changed = false;
int firstValue = value[0];
isRoundRect = true;
for (int a = 0; a < roundRadius.length; a++) {
if (roundRadius[a] != value[a]) {
changed = true;
if (firstValue != value[a]) {
isRoundRect = false;
roundRadius[a] = value[a];
if (changed) {
if (currentImageDrawable != null && imageShader == null) {
if (currentMediaDrawable != null && mediaShader == null) {
if (thumbShader == null) {
if (currentThumbDrawable != null) {
} else if (staticThumbDrawable != null) {
public void setCurrentAccount(int value) {
currentAccount = value;
public int[] getRoundRadius() {
return roundRadius;
public Object getParentObject() {
return currentParentObject;
public void setNeedsQualityThumb(boolean value) {
needsQualityThumb = value;
public void setQualityThumbDocument(TLRPC.Document document) {
qulityThumbDocument = document;
public TLRPC.Document getQulityThumbDocument() {
return qulityThumbDocument;
public void setCrossfadeWithOldImage(boolean value) {
crossfadeWithOldImage = value;
public boolean isNeedsQualityThumb() {
return needsQualityThumb;
public boolean isCurrentKeyQuality() {
return currentKeyQuality;
public int getCurrentAccount() {
return currentAccount;
public void setShouldGenerateQualityThumb(boolean value) {
shouldGenerateQualityThumb = value;
public boolean isShouldGenerateQualityThumb() {
return shouldGenerateQualityThumb;
public void setAllowStartAnimation(boolean value) {
allowStartAnimation = value;
public boolean getAllowStartAnimation() {
return allowStartAnimation;
public void setAllowStartLottieAnimation(boolean value) {
allowStartLottieAnimation = value;
public void setAllowDecodeSingleFrame(boolean value) {
allowDecodeSingleFrame = value;
public void setAutoRepeat(int value) {
autoRepeat = value;
RLottieDrawable drawable = getLottieAnimation();
if (drawable != null) {
public void setUseSharedAnimationQueue(boolean value) {
useSharedAnimationQueue = value;
public boolean isAllowStartAnimation() {
return allowStartAnimation;
public void startAnimation() {
AnimatedFileDrawable animation = getAnimation();
if (animation != null) {
} else {
RLottieDrawable rLottieDrawable = getLottieAnimation();
if (rLottieDrawable != null && !rLottieDrawable.isRunning()) {
public void stopAnimation() {
AnimatedFileDrawable animation = getAnimation();
if (animation != null) {
} else {
RLottieDrawable rLottieDrawable = getLottieAnimation();
if (rLottieDrawable != null && !rLottieDrawable.isRunning()) {
public boolean isAnimationRunning() {
AnimatedFileDrawable animation = getAnimation();
return animation != null && animation.isRunning();
public AnimatedFileDrawable getAnimation() {
AnimatedFileDrawable animatedFileDrawable;
if (currentMediaDrawable instanceof AnimatedFileDrawable) {
return (AnimatedFileDrawable) currentMediaDrawable;
} else if (currentImageDrawable instanceof AnimatedFileDrawable) {
return (AnimatedFileDrawable) currentImageDrawable;
} else if (currentThumbDrawable instanceof AnimatedFileDrawable) {
return (AnimatedFileDrawable) currentThumbDrawable;
} else if (staticThumbDrawable instanceof AnimatedFileDrawable) {
return (AnimatedFileDrawable) staticThumbDrawable;
return null;
public RLottieDrawable getLottieAnimation() {
RLottieDrawable animatedFileDrawable;
if (currentMediaDrawable instanceof RLottieDrawable) {
return (RLottieDrawable) currentMediaDrawable;
} else if (currentImageDrawable instanceof RLottieDrawable) {
return (RLottieDrawable) currentImageDrawable;
} else if (currentThumbDrawable instanceof RLottieDrawable) {
return (RLottieDrawable) currentThumbDrawable;
} else if (staticThumbDrawable instanceof RLottieDrawable) {
return (RLottieDrawable) staticThumbDrawable;
return null;
protected int getTag(int type) {
if (type == TYPE_THUMB) {
return thumbTag;
} else if (type == TYPE_MEDIA) {
return mediaTag;
} else {
return imageTag;
protected void setTag(int value, int type) {
if (type == TYPE_THUMB) {
thumbTag = value;
} else if (type == TYPE_MEDIA) {
mediaTag = value;
} else {
imageTag = value;
public void setParam(int value) {
param = value;
public int getParam() {
return param;
protected boolean setImageBitmapByKey(Drawable drawable, String key, int type, boolean memCache, int guid) {
if (drawable == null || key == null || currentGuid != guid) {
return false;
if (type == TYPE_IMAGE) {
if (!key.equals(currentImageKey)) {
return false;
if (!(drawable instanceof AnimatedFileDrawable)) {
} else {
((AnimatedFileDrawable) drawable).setStartEndTime(startTime, endTime);
currentImageDrawable = drawable;
if (drawable instanceof ExtendedBitmapDrawable) {
imageOrientation = ((ExtendedBitmapDrawable) drawable).getOrientation();
if (isVisible && (!memCache && !forcePreview || forceCrossfade)) {
boolean allowCorssfade = true;
if (currentMediaDrawable instanceof AnimatedFileDrawable && ((AnimatedFileDrawable) currentMediaDrawable).hasBitmap()) {
allowCorssfade = false;
} else if (currentImageDrawable instanceof RLottieDrawable) {
allowCorssfade = staticThumbDrawable instanceof LoadingStickerDrawable;
if (allowCorssfade && (currentThumbDrawable == null && staticThumbDrawable == null || currentAlpha == 1.0f || forceCrossfade)) {
currentAlpha = 0.0f;
lastUpdateAlphaTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
crossfadeWithThumb = crossfadeImage != null || currentThumbDrawable != null || staticThumbDrawable != null;
} else {
currentAlpha = 1.0f;
} else if (type == TYPE_MEDIA) {
if (!key.equals(currentMediaKey)) {
return false;
if (!(drawable instanceof AnimatedFileDrawable)) {
} else {
((AnimatedFileDrawable) drawable).setStartEndTime(startTime, endTime);
currentMediaDrawable = drawable;
if (currentImageDrawable == null) {
boolean allowCorssfade = true;
if (!memCache && !forcePreview || forceCrossfade) {
if (currentThumbDrawable == null && staticThumbDrawable == null || currentAlpha == 1.0f || forceCrossfade) {
currentAlpha = 0.0f;
lastUpdateAlphaTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
crossfadeWithThumb = crossfadeImage != null || currentThumbDrawable != null || staticThumbDrawable != null;
} else {
currentAlpha = 1.0f;
} else if (type == TYPE_THUMB) {
if (currentThumbDrawable != null) {
return false;
if (!forcePreview) {
AnimatedFileDrawable animation = getAnimation();
if (animation != null && animation.hasBitmap()) {
return false;
if (currentImageDrawable != null && !(currentImageDrawable instanceof AnimatedFileDrawable) || currentMediaDrawable != null && !(currentMediaDrawable instanceof AnimatedFileDrawable)) {
return false;
if (!key.equals(currentThumbKey)) {
return false;
currentThumbDrawable = drawable;
if (drawable instanceof ExtendedBitmapDrawable) {
thumbOrientation = ((ExtendedBitmapDrawable) drawable).getOrientation();
if (!memCache && crossfadeAlpha != 2) {
if (currentParentObject instanceof MessageObject && ((MessageObject) currentParentObject).isRoundVideo() && ((MessageObject) currentParentObject).isSending()) {
currentAlpha = 1.0f;
} else {
currentAlpha = 0.0f;
lastUpdateAlphaTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
crossfadeWithThumb = staticThumbDrawable != null && currentImageKey == null && currentMediaKey == null;
} else {
currentAlpha = 1.0f;
if (delegate != null) {
delegate.didSetImage(this, currentImageDrawable != null || currentThumbDrawable != null || staticThumbDrawable != null || currentMediaDrawable != null, currentImageDrawable == null && currentMediaDrawable == null, memCache);
if (drawable instanceof AnimatedFileDrawable) {
AnimatedFileDrawable fileDrawable = (AnimatedFileDrawable) drawable;
if (allowStartAnimation) {
animationReadySent = false;
} else if (drawable instanceof RLottieDrawable) {
RLottieDrawable fileDrawable = (RLottieDrawable) drawable;
if (allowStartLottieAnimation && (!fileDrawable.isHeavyDrawable() || currentOpenedLayerFlags == 0)) {
animationReadySent = false;
if (parentView != null) {
if (invalidateAll) {
} else {
parentView.invalidate((int) imageX, (int) imageY, (int) (imageX + imageW), (int) (imageY + imageH));
return true;
public void setMediaStartEndTime(long startTime, long endTime) {
this.startTime = startTime;
this.endTime = endTime;
if (currentMediaDrawable instanceof AnimatedFileDrawable) {
((AnimatedFileDrawable) currentMediaDrawable).setStartEndTime(startTime, endTime);
private void recycleBitmap(String newKey, int type) {
String key;
Drawable image;
if (type == TYPE_MEDIA) {
key = currentMediaKey;
image = currentMediaDrawable;
} else if (type == TYPE_CROSSFDADE) {
key = crossfadeKey;
image = crossfadeImage;
} else if (type == TYPE_THUMB) {
key = currentThumbKey;
image = currentThumbDrawable;
} else {
key = currentImageKey;
image = currentImageDrawable;
if (key != null && (key.startsWith("-") || key.startsWith("strippedmessage-"))) {
String replacedKey = ImageLoader.getInstance().getReplacedKey(key);
if (replacedKey != null) {
key = replacedKey;
if (image instanceof RLottieDrawable) {
RLottieDrawable lottieDrawable = (RLottieDrawable) image;
if (key != null && (newKey == null || !newKey.equals(key)) && image != null) {
if (image instanceof RLottieDrawable) {
RLottieDrawable fileDrawable = (RLottieDrawable) image;
boolean canDelete = ImageLoader.getInstance().decrementUseCount(key);
if (!ImageLoader.getInstance().isInMemCache(key, true)) {
if (canDelete) {
} else if (image instanceof AnimatedFileDrawable) {
AnimatedFileDrawable fileDrawable = (AnimatedFileDrawable) image;
} else if (image instanceof BitmapDrawable) {
Bitmap bitmap = ((BitmapDrawable) image).getBitmap();
boolean canDelete = ImageLoader.getInstance().decrementUseCount(key);
if (!ImageLoader.getInstance().isInMemCache(key, false)) {
if (canDelete) {
if (type == TYPE_MEDIA) {
currentMediaKey = null;
currentMediaDrawable = null;
} else if (type == TYPE_CROSSFDADE) {
crossfadeKey = null;
crossfadeImage = null;
} else if (type == TYPE_THUMB) {
currentThumbDrawable = null;
currentThumbKey = null;
} else {
currentImageDrawable = null;
currentImageKey = null;
public void setCrossfadeDuration(int duration) {
crossfadeDuration = duration;
public void didReceivedNotification(int id, int account, Object... args) {
if (id == NotificationCenter.didReplacedPhotoInMemCache) {
String oldKey = (String) args[0];
if (currentMediaKey != null && currentMediaKey.equals(oldKey)) {
currentMediaKey = (String) args[1];
currentMediaLocation = (ImageLocation) args[2];
if (setImageBackup != null) {
setImageBackup.mediaLocation = (ImageLocation) args[2];
if (currentImageKey != null && currentImageKey.equals(oldKey)) {
currentImageKey = (String) args[1];
currentImageLocation = (ImageLocation) args[2];
if (setImageBackup != null) {
setImageBackup.imageLocation = (ImageLocation) args[2];
if (currentThumbKey != null && currentThumbKey.equals(oldKey)) {
currentThumbKey = (String) args[1];
currentThumbLocation = (ImageLocation) args[2];
if (setImageBackup != null) {
setImageBackup.thumbLocation = (ImageLocation) args[2];
} else if (id == NotificationCenter.stopAllHeavyOperations) {
Integer layer = (Integer) args[0];
if (currentLayerNum >= layer) {
currentOpenedLayerFlags |= layer;
if (currentOpenedLayerFlags != 0) {
RLottieDrawable lottieDrawable = getLottieAnimation();
if (lottieDrawable != null && lottieDrawable.isHeavyDrawable()) {
} else if (id == NotificationCenter.startAllHeavyOperations) {
Integer layer = (Integer) args[0];
if (currentLayerNum >= layer || currentOpenedLayerFlags == 0) {
currentOpenedLayerFlags &=~ layer;
if (currentOpenedLayerFlags == 0) {
RLottieDrawable lottieDrawable = getLottieAnimation();
if (allowStartLottieAnimation && lottieDrawable != null && lottieDrawable.isHeavyDrawable()) {