
371 lines
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// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/containers/stack.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/synchronization/condition_variable.h"
#include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
#include "base/task/thread_pool/task.h"
#include "base/task/thread_pool/task_source.h"
#include "base/task/thread_pool/thread_group.h"
#include "base/task/thread_pool/tracked_ref.h"
#include "base/task/thread_pool/worker_thread.h"
#include "base/task/thread_pool/worker_thread_stack.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
namespace base {
class HistogramBase;
class WorkerThreadObserver;
namespace internal {
class TaskTracker;
// A group of workers that run Tasks.
// The thread group doesn't create threads until Start() is called. Tasks can be
// posted at any time but will not run until after Start() is called.
// This class is thread-safe.
class BASE_EXPORT ThreadGroupImpl : public ThreadGroup {
// Constructs a group without workers.
// |histogram_label| is used to label the thread group's histograms as
// "ThreadPool." + histogram_name + "." + |histogram_label| + extra suffixes.
// It must not be empty. |thread group_label| is used to label the thread
// group's threads, it must not be empty. |priority_hint| is the preferred
// thread priority; the actual thread priority depends on shutdown state and
// platform capabilities. |task_tracker| keeps track of tasks.
ThreadGroupImpl(StringPiece histogram_label,
StringPiece thread_group_label,
ThreadPriority priority_hint,
TrackedRef<TaskTracker> task_tracker,
TrackedRef<Delegate> delegate);
// Creates threads, allowing existing and future tasks to run. The thread
// group runs at most |max_tasks| / |max_best_effort_tasks| unblocked task
// with any / BEST_EFFORT priority concurrently. It reclaims unused threads
// after |suggested_reclaim_time|. It uses |service_thread_task_runner| to
// monitor for blocked tasks. If specified, it notifies
// |worker_thread_observer| when a worker enters and exits its main function
// (the observer must not be destroyed before JoinForTesting() has returned).
// |worker_environment| specifies the environment in which tasks are executed.
// |may_block_threshold| is the timeout after which a task in a MAY_BLOCK
// ScopedBlockingCall is considered blocked (the thread group will choose an
// appropriate value if none is specified). Can only be called once. CHECKs on
// failure.
void Start(int max_tasks,
int max_best_effort_tasks,
TimeDelta suggested_reclaim_time,
scoped_refptr<SequencedTaskRunner> service_thread_task_runner,
WorkerThreadObserver* worker_thread_observer,
WorkerEnvironment worker_environment,
Optional<TimeDelta> may_block_threshold = Optional<TimeDelta>());
// Destroying a ThreadGroupImpl returned by Create() is not allowed in
// production; it is always leaked. In tests, it can only be destroyed after
// JoinForTesting() has returned.
~ThreadGroupImpl() override;
// ThreadGroup:
void JoinForTesting() override;
size_t GetMaxConcurrentNonBlockedTasksDeprecated() const override;
void ReportHeartbeatMetrics() const override;
void DidUpdateCanRunPolicy() override;
const HistogramBase* num_tasks_before_detach_histogram() const {
return num_tasks_before_detach_histogram_;
// Waits until at least |n| workers are idle. Note that while workers are
// disallowed from cleaning up during this call: tests using a custom
// |suggested_reclaim_time_| need to be careful to invoke this swiftly after
// unblocking the waited upon workers as: if a worker is already detached by
// the time this is invoked, it will never make it onto the idle stack and
// this call will hang.
void WaitForWorkersIdleForTesting(size_t n);
// Waits until at least |n| workers are idle.
void WaitForWorkersIdleLockRequiredForTesting(size_t n)
// Waits until all workers are idle.
void WaitForAllWorkersIdleForTesting();
// Waits until |n| workers have cleaned up (went through
// WorkerThreadDelegateImpl::OnMainExit()) since the last call to
// WaitForWorkersCleanedUpForTesting() (or Start() if that wasn't called yet).
void WaitForWorkersCleanedUpForTesting(size_t n);
// Returns the number of workers in this thread group.
size_t NumberOfWorkersForTesting() const;
// Returns |max_tasks_|.
size_t GetMaxTasksForTesting() const;
// Returns the number of workers that are idle (i.e. not running tasks).
size_t NumberOfIdleWorkersForTesting() const;
class ScopedCommandsExecutor;
class WorkerThreadDelegateImpl;
// Friend tests so that they can access |blocked_workers_poll_period| and
// may_block_threshold().
friend class ThreadGroupImplBlockingTest;
friend class ThreadGroupImplMayBlockTest;
// ThreadGroup:
void UpdateSortKey(TaskSource::Transaction transaction) override;
void PushTaskSourceAndWakeUpWorkers(
TransactionWithRegisteredTaskSource transaction_with_task_source)
void EnsureEnoughWorkersLockRequired(BaseScopedCommandsExecutor* executor)
// Creates a worker and schedules its start, if needed, to maintain one idle
// worker, |max_tasks_| permitting.
void MaintainAtLeastOneIdleWorkerLockRequired(
ScopedCommandsExecutor* executor) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(lock_);
// Returns true if worker cleanup is permitted.
bool CanWorkerCleanupForTestingLockRequired() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(lock_);
// Creates a worker, adds it to the thread group, schedules its start and
// returns it. Cannot be called before Start().
scoped_refptr<WorkerThread> CreateAndRegisterWorkerLockRequired(
ScopedCommandsExecutor* executor) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(lock_);
// Returns the number of workers that are awake (i.e. not on the idle stack).
size_t GetNumAwakeWorkersLockRequired() const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(lock_);
// Returns the desired number of awake workers, given current workload and
// concurrency limits.
size_t GetDesiredNumAwakeWorkersLockRequired() const
// Examines the list of WorkerThreads and increments |max_tasks_| for each
// worker that has been within the scope of a MAY_BLOCK ScopedBlockingCall for
// more than BlockedThreshold(). Reschedules a call if necessary.
void AdjustMaxTasks();
// Returns the threshold after which the max tasks is increased to compensate
// for a worker that is within a MAY_BLOCK ScopedBlockingCall.
TimeDelta may_block_threshold_for_testing() const {
return after_start().may_block_threshold;
// Interval at which the service thread checks for workers in this thread
// group that have been in a MAY_BLOCK ScopedBlockingCall for more than
// may_block_threshold().
TimeDelta blocked_workers_poll_period_for_testing() const {
return after_start().blocked_workers_poll_period;
// Starts calling AdjustMaxTasks() periodically on
// |service_thread_task_runner_|.
void ScheduleAdjustMaxTasks();
// Schedules AdjustMaxTasks() through |executor| if required.
void MaybeScheduleAdjustMaxTasksLockRequired(ScopedCommandsExecutor* executor)
// Returns true if AdjustMaxTasks() should periodically be called on
// |service_thread_task_runner_|.
bool ShouldPeriodicallyAdjustMaxTasksLockRequired()
// Updates the minimum priority allowed to run below which tasks should yield.
// This should be called whenever |num_running_tasks_| or |max_tasks| changes,
// or when a new task is added to |priority_queue_|.
void UpdateMinAllowedPriorityLockRequired() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(lock_);
// Increments/decrements the number of tasks of |priority| that are currently
// running in this thread group. Must be invoked before/after running a task.
void DecrementTasksRunningLockRequired(TaskPriority priority)
void IncrementTasksRunningLockRequired(TaskPriority priority)
// Increments/decrements the number of tasks that can run in this thread
// group. May only be called in a scope where a task is running with
// |priority|.
void DecrementMaxTasksLockRequired(TaskPriority priority)
void IncrementMaxTasksLockRequired(TaskPriority priority)
// Values set at Start() and never modified afterwards.
struct InitializedInStart {
// Set after all members of this struct are set.
bool initialized = false;
// Initial value of |max_tasks_|.
size_t initial_max_tasks = 0;
// Suggested reclaim time for workers.
TimeDelta suggested_reclaim_time;
// Environment to be initialized per worker.
WorkerEnvironment worker_environment = WorkerEnvironment::NONE;
scoped_refptr<SequencedTaskRunner> service_thread_task_runner;
// Optional observer notified when a worker enters and exits its main.
WorkerThreadObserver* worker_thread_observer = nullptr;
bool may_block_without_delay;
bool fixed_max_best_effort_tasks;
// Threshold after which the max tasks is increased to compensate for a
// worker that is within a MAY_BLOCK ScopedBlockingCall.
TimeDelta may_block_threshold;
// The period between calls to AdjustMaxTasks() when the thread group is at
// capacity.
TimeDelta blocked_workers_poll_period;
} initialized_in_start_;
InitializedInStart& in_start() {
return initialized_in_start_;
const InitializedInStart& after_start() const {
return initialized_in_start_;
const std::string thread_group_label_;
const ThreadPriority priority_hint_;
// All workers owned by this thread group.
std::vector<scoped_refptr<WorkerThread>> workers_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// Maximum number of tasks of any priority / BEST_EFFORT priority that can run
// concurrently in this thread group.
size_t max_tasks_ GUARDED_BY(lock_) = 0;
size_t max_best_effort_tasks_ GUARDED_BY(lock_) = 0;
// Number of tasks of any priority / BEST_EFFORT priority that are currently
// running in this thread group.
size_t num_running_tasks_ GUARDED_BY(lock_) = 0;
size_t num_running_best_effort_tasks_ GUARDED_BY(lock_) = 0;
// Number of workers running a task of any priority / BEST_EFFORT priority
// that are within the scope of a MAY_BLOCK ScopedBlockingCall but haven't
// caused a max tasks increase yet.
int num_unresolved_may_block_ GUARDED_BY(lock_) = 0;
int num_unresolved_best_effort_may_block_ GUARDED_BY(lock_) = 0;
// Stack of idle workers. Initially, all workers are on this stack. A worker
// is removed from the stack before its WakeUp() function is called and when
// it receives work from GetWork() (a worker calls GetWork() when its sleep
// timeout expires, even if its WakeUp() method hasn't been called). A worker
// is pushed on this stack when it receives nullptr from GetWork().
WorkerThreadStack idle_workers_stack_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// Signaled when a worker is added to the idle workers stack.
std::unique_ptr<ConditionVariable> idle_workers_stack_cv_for_testing_
// Stack that contains the timestamps of when workers get cleaned up.
// Timestamps get popped off the stack as new workers are added.
base::stack<TimeTicks, std::vector<TimeTicks>> cleanup_timestamps_
// Whether an AdjustMaxTasks() task was posted to the service thread.
bool adjust_max_tasks_posted_ GUARDED_BY(lock_) = false;
// Indicates to the delegates that workers are not permitted to cleanup.
bool worker_cleanup_disallowed_for_testing_ GUARDED_BY(lock_) = false;
// Counts the number of workers cleaned up (went through
// WorkerThreadDelegateImpl::OnMainExit()) since the last call to
// WaitForWorkersCleanedUpForTesting() (or Start() if that wasn't called yet).
// |some_workers_cleaned_up_for_testing_| is true if this was ever
// incremented. Tests with a custom |suggested_reclaim_time_| can wait on a
// specific number of workers being cleaned up via
// WaitForWorkersCleanedUpForTesting().
size_t num_workers_cleaned_up_for_testing_ GUARDED_BY(lock_) = 0;
bool some_workers_cleaned_up_for_testing_ GUARDED_BY(lock_) = false;
// Signaled, if non-null, when |num_workers_cleaned_up_for_testing_| is
// incremented.
std::unique_ptr<ConditionVariable> num_workers_cleaned_up_for_testing_cv_
// Set at the start of JoinForTesting().
bool join_for_testing_started_ GUARDED_BY(lock_) = false;
// Cached HistogramBase pointers, can be accessed without
// holding |lock_|. If |lock_| is held, add new samples using
// ThreadGroupImpl::ScopedCommandsExecutor (increase
// |scheduled_histogram_samples_| size as needed) to defer until after |lock_|
// release, due to metrics system callbacks which may schedule tasks.
// ThreadPool.DetachDuration.[thread group name] histogram. Intentionally
// leaked.
HistogramBase* const detach_duration_histogram_;
// ThreadPool.NumTasksBeforeDetach.[thread group name] histogram.
// Intentionally leaked.
HistogramBase* const num_tasks_before_detach_histogram_;
// ThreadPool.NumWorkers.[thread group name] histogram.
// Intentionally leaked.
HistogramBase* const num_workers_histogram_;
// ThreadPool.NumActiveWorkers.[thread group name] histogram.
// Intentionally leaked.
HistogramBase* const num_active_workers_histogram_;
// Ensures recently cleaned up workers (ref.
// WorkerThreadDelegateImpl::CleanupLockRequired()) had time to exit as
// they have a raw reference to |this| (and to TaskTracker) which can
// otherwise result in racy use-after-frees per no longer being part of
// |workers_| and hence not being explicitly joined in JoinForTesting():
// Uses AtomicRefCount to make its only public
// method thread-safe.
TrackedRefFactory<ThreadGroupImpl> tracked_ref_factory_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace base