
162 lines
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package tw.nekomimi.nekogram.proxy.tcp2ws;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.telegram.messenger.FileLog;
public class Socks4Impl {
final ProxyHandler m_Parent;
final byte[] DST_Port = new byte[2];
byte[] DST_Addr = new byte[4];
byte SOCKS_Version = 0;
byte socksCommand;
InetAddress m_ServerIP = null;
int m_nServerPort = 0;
InetAddress m_ClientIP = null;
int m_nClientPort = 0;
Socks4Impl(ProxyHandler Parent) {
m_Parent = Parent;
public byte getSuccessCode() {
return 90;
public byte getFailCode() {
return 91;
public String commName(byte code) {
switch (code) {
case 0x01:
return "CONNECT";
case 0x02:
return "BIND";
case 0x03:
return "UDP Association";
return "Unknown Command";
public String replyName(byte code) {
switch (code) {
case 0:
return "SUCCESS";
case 1:
return "General SOCKS Server failure";
case 2:
return "Connection not allowed by ruleset";
case 3:
return "Network Unreachable";
case 4:
return "HOST Unreachable";
case 5:
return "Connection Refused";
case 6:
return "TTL Expired";
case 7:
return "Command not supported";
case 8:
return "Address Type not Supported";
case 9:
return "to 0xFF UnAssigned";
case 90:
return "Request GRANTED";
case 91:
return "Request REJECTED or FAILED";
case 92:
return "Request REJECTED - SOCKS server can't connect to Identd on the client";
case 93:
return "Request REJECTED - Client and Identd report diff user-ID";
return "Unknown Command";
public boolean isInvalidAddress() {
// IP v4 Address Type
m_ServerIP = Utils.calcInetAddress(DST_Addr);
m_nServerPort = Utils.calcPort(DST_Port[0], DST_Port[1]);
m_ClientIP = m_Parent.m_ClientSocket.getInetAddress();
m_nClientPort = m_Parent.m_ClientSocket.getPort();
return m_ServerIP == null || m_nServerPort < 0;
protected byte getByte() {
try {
return m_Parent.getByteFromClient();
} catch (Exception e) {
return 0;
public void authenticate(byte SOCKS_Ver) throws Exception {
SOCKS_Version = SOCKS_Ver;
public void getClientCommand() throws Exception {
// Version was get in method Authenticate()
socksCommand = getByte();
DST_Port[0] = getByte();
DST_Port[1] = getByte();
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
DST_Addr[i] = getByte();
//noinspection StatementWithEmptyBody
while (getByte() != 0x00) {
// keep reading bytes
if ((socksCommand < SocksConstants.SC_CONNECT) || (socksCommand > SocksConstants.SC_BIND)) {
refuseCommand((byte) 91);
throw new Exception("Socks 4 - Unsupported Command : " + commName(socksCommand));
if (isInvalidAddress()) { // Gets the IP Address
refuseCommand((byte) 92); // Host Not Exists...
throw new Exception("Socks 4 - Unknown Host/IP address '" + m_ServerIP.toString());
FileLog.d("Accepted SOCKS 4 Command: \"" + commName(socksCommand) + "\"");
public void replyCommand(byte ReplyCode) {
FileLog.d("Socks 4 reply: \"" + replyName(ReplyCode) + "\"");
byte[] REPLY = new byte[8];
REPLY[0] = 0;
REPLY[1] = ReplyCode;
REPLY[2] = DST_Port[0];
REPLY[3] = DST_Port[1];
REPLY[4] = DST_Addr[0];
REPLY[5] = DST_Addr[1];
REPLY[6] = DST_Addr[2];
REPLY[7] = DST_Addr[3];
protected void refuseCommand(byte errorCode) {
FileLog.d("Socks 4 - Refuse Command: \"" + replyName(errorCode) + "\"");
public void connect() throws Exception {
// Connect to the Remote Host
m_Parent.connectToServer(m_ServerIP.getHostAddress(), () -> replyCommand(getSuccessCode()), () -> refuseCommand(getFailCode()));