
715 lines
30 KiB

* This is the source code of Telegram for Android v. 5.x.x.
* It is licensed under GNU GPL v. 2 or later.
* You should have received a copy of the license in this archive (see LICENSE).
* Copyright Nikolai Kudashov, 2013-2018.
package org.telegram.ui.Cells;
import android.content.Context;
import android.text.Layout;
import android.text.StaticLayout;
import android.text.TextPaint;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import org.telegram.PhoneFormat.PhoneFormat;
import org.telegram.messenger.AndroidUtilities;
import org.telegram.messenger.ChatObject;
import org.telegram.messenger.DialogObject;
import org.telegram.messenger.Emoji;
import org.telegram.messenger.ImageLocation;
import org.telegram.messenger.ImageReceiver;
import org.telegram.messenger.LocaleController;
import org.telegram.messenger.MessagesController;
import org.telegram.messenger.NotificationCenter;
import org.telegram.messenger.R;
import org.telegram.messenger.UserConfig;
import org.telegram.messenger.UserObject;
import org.telegram.tgnet.ConnectionsManager;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLObject;
import org.telegram.tgnet.TLRPC;
import org.telegram.ui.ActionBar.Theme;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.AnimatedEmojiDrawable;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.AvatarDrawable;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.CheckBox2;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.CombinedDrawable;
import org.telegram.ui.Components.Premium.PremiumGradient;
import org.telegram.ui.NotificationsSettingsActivity;
public class ProfileSearchCell extends BaseCell implements NotificationCenter.NotificationCenterDelegate {
private CharSequence currentName;
private ImageReceiver avatarImage;
private AvatarDrawable avatarDrawable;
private CharSequence subLabel;
private Theme.ResourcesProvider resourcesProvider;
private TLRPC.User user;
private TLRPC.Chat chat;
private TLRPC.EncryptedChat encryptedChat;
private long dialog_id;
private String lastName;
private int lastStatus;
private TLRPC.FileLocation lastAvatar;
private boolean savedMessages;
public boolean useSeparator;
private int currentAccount = UserConfig.selectedAccount;
private int nameLeft;
private int nameTop;
private StaticLayout nameLayout;
private boolean drawNameLock;
private int nameLockLeft;
private int nameLockTop;
private int nameWidth;
private int sublabelOffsetX;
private int sublabelOffsetY;
private boolean drawCount;
private int lastUnreadCount;
private int countTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(19);
private int countLeft;
private int countWidth;
private StaticLayout countLayout;
private boolean[] isOnline;
private boolean drawCheck;
private boolean drawPremium;
private int statusLeft;
private StaticLayout statusLayout;
private AnimatedEmojiDrawable.SwapAnimatedEmojiDrawable statusDrawable;
private RectF rect = new RectF();
CheckBox2 checkBox;
public ProfileSearchCell(Context context) {
this(context, null);
public ProfileSearchCell(Context context, Theme.ResourcesProvider resourcesProvider) {
this.resourcesProvider = resourcesProvider;
avatarImage = new ImageReceiver(this);
avatarDrawable = new AvatarDrawable();
checkBox = new CheckBox2(context, 21, resourcesProvider);
checkBox.setColor(null, Theme.key_windowBackgroundWhite, Theme.key_checkboxCheck);
statusDrawable = new AnimatedEmojiDrawable.SwapAnimatedEmojiDrawable(this, AndroidUtilities.dp(20));
public void setData(TLObject object, TLRPC.EncryptedChat ec, CharSequence n, CharSequence s, boolean needCount, boolean saved) {
currentName = n;
if (object instanceof TLRPC.User) {
user = (TLRPC.User) object;
chat = null;
} else if (object instanceof TLRPC.Chat) {
chat = (TLRPC.Chat) object;
user = null;
encryptedChat = ec;
subLabel = s;
drawCount = needCount;
savedMessages = saved;
public void setException(NotificationsSettingsActivity.NotificationException exception, CharSequence name) {
String text;
boolean enabled;
boolean custom = exception.hasCustom;
int value = exception.notify;
int delta = exception.muteUntil;
if (value == 3 && delta != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
delta -= ConnectionsManager.getInstance(currentAccount).getCurrentTime();
if (delta <= 0) {
if (custom) {
text = LocaleController.getString("NotificationsCustom", R.string.NotificationsCustom);
} else {
text = LocaleController.getString("NotificationsUnmuted", R.string.NotificationsUnmuted);
} else if (delta < 60 * 60) {
text = LocaleController.formatString("WillUnmuteIn", R.string.WillUnmuteIn, LocaleController.formatPluralString("Minutes", delta / 60));
} else if (delta < 60 * 60 * 24) {
text = LocaleController.formatString("WillUnmuteIn", R.string.WillUnmuteIn, LocaleController.formatPluralString("Hours", (int) Math.ceil(delta / 60.0f / 60)));
} else if (delta < 60 * 60 * 24 * 365) {
text = LocaleController.formatString("WillUnmuteIn", R.string.WillUnmuteIn, LocaleController.formatPluralString("Days", (int) Math.ceil(delta / 60.0f / 60 / 24)));
} else {
text = null;
} else {
if (value == 0) {
enabled = true;
} else if (value == 1) {
enabled = true;
} else if (value == 2) {
enabled = false;
} else {
enabled = false;
if (enabled && custom) {
text = LocaleController.getString("NotificationsCustom", R.string.NotificationsCustom);
} else {
text = enabled ? LocaleController.getString("NotificationsUnmuted", R.string.NotificationsUnmuted) : LocaleController.getString("NotificationsMuted", R.string.NotificationsMuted);
if (text == null) {
text = LocaleController.getString("NotificationsOff", R.string.NotificationsOff);
if (DialogObject.isEncryptedDialog(exception.did)) {
TLRPC.EncryptedChat encryptedChat = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).getEncryptedChat(DialogObject.getEncryptedChatId(exception.did));
if (encryptedChat != null) {
TLRPC.User user = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).getUser(encryptedChat.user_id);
if (user != null) {
setData(user, encryptedChat, name, text, false, false);
} else if (DialogObject.isUserDialog(exception.did)) {
TLRPC.User user = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).getUser(exception.did);
if (user != null) {
setData(user, null, name, text, false, false);
} else {
TLRPC.Chat chat = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).getChat(-exception.did);
if (chat != null) {
setData(chat, null, name, text, false, false);
protected void onDetachedFromWindow() {
NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().removeObserver(this, NotificationCenter.emojiLoaded);
protected void onAttachedToWindow() {
NotificationCenter.getGlobalInstance().addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.emojiLoaded);
public void didReceivedNotification(int id, int account, Object... args) {
if (id == NotificationCenter.emojiLoaded) {
protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
if (checkBox != null) {
checkBox.measure(MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(AndroidUtilities.dp(24), MeasureSpec.EXACTLY), MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(AndroidUtilities.dp(24), MeasureSpec.EXACTLY));
setMeasuredDimension(MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec), AndroidUtilities.dp(60) + (useSeparator ? 1 : 0));
protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
if (user == null && chat == null && encryptedChat == null) {
if (checkBox != null) {
int x = LocaleController.isRTL ? (right - left) - AndroidUtilities.dp(42) : AndroidUtilities.dp(42);
int y = AndroidUtilities.dp(36);
checkBox.layout(x, y, x + checkBox.getMeasuredWidth(), y + checkBox.getMeasuredHeight());
if (changed) {
public TLRPC.User getUser() {
return user;
public TLRPC.Chat getChat() {
return chat;
public void setSublabelOffset(int x, int y) {
sublabelOffsetX = x;
sublabelOffsetY = y;
public void buildLayout() {
CharSequence nameString;
TextPaint currentNamePaint;
drawNameLock = false;
drawCheck = false;
drawPremium = false;
if (encryptedChat != null) {
drawNameLock = true;
dialog_id = DialogObject.makeEncryptedDialogId(;
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameLockLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(AndroidUtilities.leftBaseline);
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(AndroidUtilities.leftBaseline + 4) + Theme.dialogs_lockDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
} else {
nameLockLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(AndroidUtilities.leftBaseline + 2) - Theme.dialogs_lockDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(11);
nameLockTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(22.0f);
updateStatus(false, null, false);
} else {
if (chat != null) {
dialog_id =;
drawCheck = chat.verified;
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(AndroidUtilities.leftBaseline);
} else {
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(11);
updateStatus(drawCheck, null, false);
} else if (user != null) {
dialog_id =;
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(AndroidUtilities.leftBaseline);
} else {
nameLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(11);
nameLockTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(21);
drawCheck = user.verified;
drawPremium = !user.self && MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).isPremiumUser(user);
updateStatus(drawCheck, user, false);
if (currentName != null) {
nameString = currentName;
} else {
String nameString2 = "";
if (chat != null) {
nameString2 = chat.title;
} else if (user != null) {
nameString2 = UserObject.getUserName(user);
nameString = nameString2.replace('\n', ' ');
if (nameString.length() == 0) {
if (user != null && != null && != 0) {
nameString = PhoneFormat.getInstance().format("+" +;
} else {
nameString = LocaleController.getString("HiddenName", R.string.HiddenName);
if (encryptedChat != null) {
currentNamePaint = Theme.dialogs_searchNameEncryptedPaint;
} else {
currentNamePaint = Theme.dialogs_searchNamePaint;
int statusWidth;
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
statusWidth = nameWidth = getMeasuredWidth() - nameLeft - AndroidUtilities.dp(14);
} else {
statusWidth = nameWidth = getMeasuredWidth() - nameLeft - AndroidUtilities.dp(AndroidUtilities.leftBaseline);
if (drawNameLock) {
nameWidth -= AndroidUtilities.dp(6) + Theme.dialogs_lockDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
nameWidth -= getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight();
statusWidth -= getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight();
if (drawCount) {
TLRPC.Dialog dialog = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).dialogs_dict.get(dialog_id);
if (dialog != null && dialog.unread_count != 0) {
lastUnreadCount = dialog.unread_count;
String countString = String.format("%d", dialog.unread_count);
countWidth = Math.max(AndroidUtilities.dp(12), (int) Math.ceil(Theme.dialogs_countTextPaint.measureText(countString)));
countLayout = new StaticLayout(countString, Theme.dialogs_countTextPaint, countWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER, 1.0f, 0.0f, false);
int w = countWidth + AndroidUtilities.dp(18);
nameWidth -= w;
statusWidth -= w;
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
countLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - countWidth - AndroidUtilities.dp(19);
} else {
countLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(19);
nameLeft += w;
} else {
lastUnreadCount = 0;
countLayout = null;
} else {
lastUnreadCount = 0;
countLayout = null;
if (nameWidth < 0) {
nameWidth = 0;
CharSequence nameStringFinal = TextUtils.ellipsize(nameString, currentNamePaint, nameWidth - AndroidUtilities.dp(12), TextUtils.TruncateAt.END);
if (nameStringFinal != null) {
nameStringFinal = Emoji.replaceEmoji(nameStringFinal, currentNamePaint.getFontMetricsInt(), AndroidUtilities.dp(20), false);
nameLayout = new StaticLayout(nameStringFinal, currentNamePaint, nameWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0.0f, false);
CharSequence statusString = null;
TextPaint currentStatusPaint = Theme.dialogs_offlinePaint;
if (!LocaleController.isRTL) {
statusLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(AndroidUtilities.leftBaseline);
} else {
statusLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(11);
if (chat == null || subLabel != null) {
if (subLabel != null) {
statusString = subLabel;
} else if (user != null) {
if (MessagesController.isSupportUser(user)) {
statusString = LocaleController.getString("SupportStatus", R.string.SupportStatus);
} else if ( {
statusString = LocaleController.getString("Bot", R.string.Bot);
} else if ( == 333000 || == 777000) {
statusString = LocaleController.getString("ServiceNotifications", R.string.ServiceNotifications);
} else {
if (isOnline == null) {
isOnline = new boolean[1];
isOnline[0] = false;
statusString = LocaleController.formatUserStatus(currentAccount, user, isOnline);
if (isOnline[0]) {
currentStatusPaint = Theme.dialogs_onlinePaint;
if (user != null && ( == UserConfig.getInstance(currentAccount).getClientUserId() || user.status != null && user.status.expires > ConnectionsManager.getInstance(currentAccount).getCurrentTime())) {
currentStatusPaint = Theme.dialogs_onlinePaint;
statusString = LocaleController.getString("Online", R.string.Online);
if (savedMessages || UserObject.isReplyUser(user)) {
statusString = null;
nameTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(20);
} else {
if (ChatObject.isChannel(chat) && !chat.megagroup) {
if (chat.participants_count != 0) {
statusString = LocaleController.formatPluralString("Subscribers", chat.participants_count);
} else {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(chat.username)) {
statusString = LocaleController.getString("ChannelPrivate", R.string.ChannelPrivate).toLowerCase();
} else {
statusString = LocaleController.getString("ChannelPublic", R.string.ChannelPublic).toLowerCase();
} else {
if (chat.participants_count != 0) {
statusString = LocaleController.formatPluralString("Members", chat.participants_count);
} else {
if (chat.has_geo) {
statusString = LocaleController.getString("MegaLocation", R.string.MegaLocation);
} else if (TextUtils.isEmpty(chat.username)) {
statusString = LocaleController.getString("MegaPrivate", R.string.MegaPrivate).toLowerCase();
} else {
statusString = LocaleController.getString("MegaPublic", R.string.MegaPublic).toLowerCase();
nameTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(19);
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(statusString)) {
CharSequence statusStringFinal = TextUtils.ellipsize(statusString, currentStatusPaint, statusWidth - AndroidUtilities.dp(12), TextUtils.TruncateAt.END);
statusLayout = new StaticLayout(statusStringFinal, currentStatusPaint, statusWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0.0f, false);
nameTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(9);
nameLockTop -= AndroidUtilities.dp(10);
} else {
nameTop = AndroidUtilities.dp(20);
statusLayout = null;
int avatarLeft;
if (LocaleController.isRTL) {
avatarLeft = getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(57) - getPaddingRight();
} else {
avatarLeft = AndroidUtilities.dp(11) + getPaddingLeft();
avatarImage.setImageCoords(avatarLeft, AndroidUtilities.dp(7), AndroidUtilities.dp(46), AndroidUtilities.dp(46));
double widthpx;
float left;
if (LocaleController.isRTL) {
if (nameLayout.getLineCount() > 0) {
left = nameLayout.getLineLeft(0);
if (left == 0) {
widthpx = Math.ceil(nameLayout.getLineWidth(0));
if (widthpx < nameWidth) {
nameLeft += (nameWidth - widthpx);
if (statusLayout != null && statusLayout.getLineCount() > 0) {
left = statusLayout.getLineLeft(0);
if (left == 0) {
widthpx = Math.ceil(statusLayout.getLineWidth(0));
if (widthpx < statusWidth) {
statusLeft += (statusWidth - widthpx);
} else {
if (nameLayout.getLineCount() > 0) {
left = nameLayout.getLineRight(0);
if (left == nameWidth) {
widthpx = Math.ceil(nameLayout.getLineWidth(0));
if (widthpx < nameWidth) {
nameLeft -= (nameWidth - widthpx);
if (statusLayout != null && statusLayout.getLineCount() > 0) {
left = statusLayout.getLineRight(0);
if (left == statusWidth) {
widthpx = Math.ceil(statusLayout.getLineWidth(0));
if (widthpx < statusWidth) {
statusLeft -= (statusWidth - widthpx);
nameLeft += getPaddingLeft();
statusLeft += getPaddingLeft();
nameLockLeft += getPaddingLeft();
public void updateStatus(boolean verified, TLRPC.User user, boolean animated) {
if (verified) {
statusDrawable.set(new CombinedDrawable(Theme.dialogs_verifiedDrawable, Theme.dialogs_verifiedCheckDrawable, 0, 0), animated);
} else if (user != null && !user.self && user.emoji_status instanceof TLRPC.TL_emojiStatusUntil && ((TLRPC.TL_emojiStatusUntil) user.emoji_status).until > (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)) {
statusDrawable.set(((TLRPC.TL_emojiStatusUntil) user.emoji_status).document_id, animated);
statusDrawable.setColor(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_chats_verifiedBackground, resourcesProvider));
} else if (user != null && !user.self && user.emoji_status instanceof TLRPC.TL_emojiStatus) {
statusDrawable.set(((TLRPC.TL_emojiStatus) user.emoji_status).document_id, animated);
statusDrawable.setColor(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_chats_verifiedBackground, resourcesProvider));
} else if (user != null && !user.self && MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).isPremiumUser(user)) {
statusDrawable.set(PremiumGradient.getInstance().premiumStarDrawableMini, animated);
statusDrawable.setColor(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_chats_verifiedBackground, resourcesProvider));
} else {
statusDrawable.set((Drawable) null, animated);
statusDrawable.setColor(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_chats_verifiedBackground, resourcesProvider));
public void update(int mask) {
TLRPC.FileLocation photo = null;
if (user != null) {
if (UserObject.isReplyUser(user)) {
avatarImage.setImage(null, null, avatarDrawable, null, null, 0);
} else if (savedMessages) {
avatarImage.setImage(null, null, avatarDrawable, null, null, 0);
} else {
Drawable thumb = avatarDrawable;
if ( != null) {
photo =;
if ( != null) {
thumb =;
avatarImage.setImage(ImageLocation.getForUserOrChat(user, ImageLocation.TYPE_SMALL), "50_50", ImageLocation.getForUserOrChat(user, ImageLocation.TYPE_STRIPPED), "50_50", thumb, user, 0);
} else if (chat != null) {
Drawable thumb = avatarDrawable;
if ( != null) {
photo =;
if ( != null) {
thumb =;
avatarImage.setImage(ImageLocation.getForUserOrChat(chat, ImageLocation.TYPE_SMALL), "50_50", ImageLocation.getForUserOrChat(chat, ImageLocation.TYPE_STRIPPED), "50_50", thumb, chat, 0);
} else {
avatarDrawable.setInfo(0, null, null);
avatarImage.setImage(null, null, avatarDrawable, null, null, 0);
if (mask != 0) {
boolean continueUpdate = false;
if ((mask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_AVATAR) != 0 && user != null || (mask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_CHAT_AVATAR) != 0 && chat != null) {
if (lastAvatar != null && photo == null || lastAvatar == null && photo != null || lastAvatar != null && (lastAvatar.volume_id != photo.volume_id || lastAvatar.local_id != photo.local_id)) {
continueUpdate = true;
if (!continueUpdate && (mask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_STATUS) != 0 && user != null) {
int newStatus = 0;
if (user.status != null) {
newStatus = user.status.expires;
if (newStatus != lastStatus) {
continueUpdate = true;
if (!continueUpdate && (mask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_EMOJI_STATUS) != 0 && user != null) {
updateStatus(user.verified, user, true);
if (!continueUpdate && ((mask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_NAME) != 0 && user != null) || (mask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_CHAT_NAME) != 0 && chat != null) {
String newName;
if (user != null) {
newName = user.first_name + user.last_name;
} else {
newName = chat.title;
if (!newName.equals(lastName)) {
continueUpdate = true;
if (!continueUpdate && drawCount && (mask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_READ_DIALOG_MESSAGE) != 0) {
TLRPC.Dialog dialog = MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).dialogs_dict.get(dialog_id);
if (dialog != null && dialog.unread_count != lastUnreadCount) {
continueUpdate = true;
if (!continueUpdate) {
if (user != null) {
if (user.status != null) {
lastStatus = user.status.expires;
} else {
lastStatus = 0;
lastName = user.first_name + user.last_name;
} else if (chat != null) {
lastName = chat.title;
lastAvatar = photo;
if (getMeasuredWidth() != 0 || getMeasuredHeight() != 0) {
} else {
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
if (user == null && chat == null && encryptedChat == null) {
if (useSeparator) {
if (LocaleController.isRTL) {
canvas.drawLine(0, getMeasuredHeight() - 1, getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(AndroidUtilities.leftBaseline), getMeasuredHeight() - 1, Theme.dividerPaint);
} else {
canvas.drawLine(AndroidUtilities.dp(AndroidUtilities.leftBaseline), getMeasuredHeight() - 1, getMeasuredWidth(), getMeasuredHeight() - 1, Theme.dividerPaint);
if (drawNameLock) {
setDrawableBounds(Theme.dialogs_lockDrawable, nameLockLeft, nameLockTop);
if (nameLayout != null) {;
canvas.translate(nameLeft, nameTop);
int x;
if (LocaleController.isRTL) {
if (nameLayout.getLineLeft(0) == 0) {
x = nameLeft - AndroidUtilities.dp(6) - statusDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
} else {
float w = nameLayout.getLineWidth(0);
x = (int) (nameLeft + nameWidth - Math.ceil(w) - AndroidUtilities.dp(6) - statusDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth());
} else {
x = (int) (nameLeft + nameLayout.getLineRight(0) + AndroidUtilities.dp(6));
setDrawableBounds(statusDrawable, x, nameTop + (nameLayout.getHeight() - statusDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight()) / 2f);
if (statusLayout != null) {;
canvas.translate(statusLeft + sublabelOffsetX, AndroidUtilities.dp(33) + sublabelOffsetY);
if (countLayout != null) {
int x = countLeft - AndroidUtilities.dp(5.5f);
rect.set(x, countTop, x + countWidth + AndroidUtilities.dp(11), countTop + AndroidUtilities.dp(23));
canvas.drawRoundRect(rect, 11.5f * AndroidUtilities.density, 11.5f * AndroidUtilities.density, MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).isDialogMuted(dialog_id) ? Theme.dialogs_countGrayPaint : Theme.dialogs_countPaint);;
canvas.translate(countLeft, countTop + AndroidUtilities.dp(4));
public void onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(AccessibilityNodeInfo info) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
if (nameLayout != null) {
if (drawCheck) {
builder.append(", ").append(LocaleController.getString("AccDescrVerified", R.string.AccDescrVerified)).append("\n");
if (statusLayout != null) {
if (builder.length() > 0) {
builder.append(", ");
if (checkBox.isChecked()) {
public long getDialogId() {
return dialog_id;
public void setChecked(boolean checked, boolean animated) {
if (checkBox == null) {
checkBox.setChecked(checked, animated);