#include "pch.h" #include "proj.h" mat4_row_major proj::matrix; float proj::d_, proj::centerx, proj::centery; void proj::init(float* mat4x3, float d, float centerX, float centerY) { /*for (auto colIndex = 0; colIndex < 4; ++colIndex) { // Todo: out of bounds read from mat4x3? for (int rowIndex = colIndex, i = 4; i > 0; rowIndex += 4, --i) { ((float*)&matrix)[rowIndex] = mat4x3[rowIndex]; } }*/ memcpy(&matrix, mat4x3, sizeof(float) * 4 * 3); matrix.Row3.X = 0.0; matrix.Row3.Y = 0.0; matrix.Row3.Z = 0.0; matrix.Row3.W = 1.0; d_ = d; centerx = centerX; centery = centerY; } vector3 proj::matrix_vector_multiply(const mat4_row_major& mat, const vector3& vec) { vector3 dstVec; const float x = vec.X, y = vec.Y, z = vec.Z; dstVec.X = z * mat.Row0.Z + y * mat.Row0.Y + x * mat.Row0.X + mat.Row0.W; dstVec.Y = z * mat.Row1.Z + y * mat.Row1.Y + x * mat.Row1.X + mat.Row1.W; dstVec.Z = z * mat.Row2.Z + y * mat.Row2.Y + x * mat.Row2.X + mat.Row2.W; return dstVec; } float proj::z_distance(const vector3& vec) { auto projVec = matrix_vector_multiply(matrix, vec); return maths::magnitude(projVec); } vector2i proj::xform_to_2d(const vector2& vec) { vector3 vec3{ vec.X, vec.Y, 0 }; return xform_to_2d(vec3); } vector3 proj::ReverseXForm(const vector2i& vec) { // Pinball perspective projection matrix, the same for all tables resolutions: // X: 1.000000 Y: 0.000000 Z: 0.000000 W: 0.000000 // X: 0.000000 Y: -0.913545 Z: 0.406737 W: 3.791398 // X: 0.000000 Y: -0.406737 Z: -0.913545 W: 24.675402 // X: 0.000000 Y: 0.000000 Z: 0.000000 W: 1.000000 // Let A = -0.913545, B = 0.406737, F = 3.791398, G = 24.675402 // Then forward projection can be expressed as: // x1 = x0 // y1 = y0 * A + z0 * B + F // z1 = -y0 * B + z0 * A + G // x2 = x1 / z1 = x0 / z1 // y2 = y1 / z1 // z2 = z1 / z1 = 1 // Reverse projection: find x0, y0, z0 given x2 and y2 // y0 from y2 and z0, based on substitution in y2 = y1 / z1 // y0 = (y2 * (A * z0 + G) - B * z0 - F)/(A + B * y2) // x0 from x2, y0 and z0, based on substitution in x2 = x0 / z1 // x0 = (x2 * (A * z0 - B * y0 + G) // This pair of equations is solvable with fixed z0; most commonly z0 = 0 // PB projection also includes scaling and offset, this can be undone before the main calculations // x2 = x0 * D / z1 + cX // x0 = ((x2 - cX) / D) * z1 const auto A = matrix.Row1.Y, B = matrix.Row1.Z, F = matrix.Row1.W, G = matrix.Row2.W, D = d_; const auto x2 = (vec.X - centerx) /D, y2 = (vec.Y - centery)/D, z0 = 0.0f; auto y0 = (y2 * (A * z0 + G) - B * z0 - F) / (A + B * y2); auto x0 = x2 * (A * z0 - B * y0 + G); return {x0, y0, z0}; } vector2i proj::xform_to_2d(const vector3& vec) { float projCoef; auto projVec = matrix_vector_multiply(matrix, vec); if (projVec.Z == 0.0f) projCoef = 999999.88f; else projCoef = d_ / projVec.Z; return { static_cast(projVec.X * projCoef + centerx), static_cast(projVec.Y * projCoef + centery) }; } void proj::recenter(float centerX, float centerY) { centerx = centerX; centery = centerY; }