#include "pch.h" #include "options.h" #include "fullscrn.h" #include "midi.h" #include "Sound.h" #include "winmain.h" constexpr int options::MaxUps, options::MaxFps, options::MinUps, options::MinFps, options::DefUps, options::DefFps; constexpr int options::MaxSoundChannels, options::MinSoundChannels, options::DefSoundChannels; optionsStruct options::Options{}; std::map options::settings{}; ControlsStruct options::RebindControls{}; bool options::ShowDialog = false; GameInput* options::ControlWaitingForInput = nullptr; const ControlRef options::Controls[6] { {"Left Flipper", RebindControls.LeftFlipper}, {"Right Flipper", RebindControls.RightFlipper}, {"Left Table Bump", RebindControls.LeftTableBump}, {"Right Table Bump", RebindControls.RightTableBump}, {"Bottom Table Bump", RebindControls.BottomTableBump}, {"Plunger", RebindControls.Plunger}, }; void options::init() { auto imContext = ImGui::GetCurrentContext(); ImGuiSettingsHandler ini_handler; ini_handler.TypeName = "Pinball"; ini_handler.TypeHash = ImHashStr(ini_handler.TypeName); ini_handler.ReadOpenFn = MyUserData_ReadOpen; ini_handler.ReadLineFn = MyUserData_ReadLine; ini_handler.WriteAllFn = MyUserData_WriteAll; imContext->SettingsHandlers.push_back(ini_handler); // Settings are loaded from disk on the first frame if (!imContext->SettingsLoaded) { ImGui::NewFrame(); ImGui::EndFrame(); } Options.Key = Options.KeyDft = { { {InputTypes::Keyboard, SDLK_z}, {InputTypes::Mouse, SDL_BUTTON_LEFT}, {InputTypes::GameController, SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_LEFTSHOULDER}, }, { {InputTypes::Keyboard, SDLK_SLASH}, {InputTypes::Mouse, SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT}, {InputTypes::GameController, SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_RIGHTSHOULDER}, }, { {InputTypes::Keyboard, SDLK_SPACE}, {InputTypes::Mouse, SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE}, {InputTypes::GameController, SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_A}, }, { {InputTypes::Keyboard, SDLK_x}, {InputTypes::Mouse, SDL_BUTTON_X1}, {InputTypes::GameController, SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT}, }, { {InputTypes::Keyboard, SDLK_PERIOD}, {InputTypes::Mouse, SDL_BUTTON_X2}, {InputTypes::GameController, SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT}, }, { {InputTypes::Keyboard, SDLK_UP}, {InputTypes::Mouse, SDL_BUTTON_X2 + 1}, {InputTypes::GameController, SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_UP}, }, }; GetInput("Left Flipper key", Options.Key.LeftFlipper); GetInput("Right Flipper key", Options.Key.RightFlipper); GetInput("Plunger key", Options.Key.Plunger); GetInput("Left Table Bump key", Options.Key.LeftTableBump); GetInput("Right Table Bump key", Options.Key.RightTableBump); GetInput("Bottom Table Bump key", Options.Key.BottomTableBump); Options.Sounds = get_int("Sounds", true); Options.Music = get_int("Music", false); Options.FullScreen = get_int("FullScreen", false); Options.Players = get_int("Players", 1); Options.UniformScaling = get_int("Uniform scaling", true); ImGui::GetIO().FontGlobalScale = get_float("UI Scale", 1.0f); Options.Resolution = get_int("Screen Resolution", -1); Options.LinearFiltering = get_int("Linear Filtering", true); Options.FramesPerSecond = std::min(MaxFps, std::max(MinUps, get_int("Frames Per Second", DefFps))); Options.UpdatesPerSecond = std::min(MaxUps, std::max(MinUps, get_int("Updates Per Second", DefUps))); Options.UpdatesPerSecond = std::max(Options.UpdatesPerSecond, Options.FramesPerSecond); Options.ShowMenu = get_int("ShowMenu", true); Options.UncappedUpdatesPerSecond = get_int("Uncapped Updates Per Second", false); Options.SoundChannels = get_int("Sound Channels", DefSoundChannels); Options.SoundChannels = std::min(MaxSoundChannels, std::max(MinSoundChannels, Options.SoundChannels)); winmain::UpdateFrameRate(); auto maxRes = fullscrn::GetMaxResolution(); if (Options.Resolution >= 0 && Options.Resolution > maxRes) Options.Resolution = maxRes; fullscrn::SetResolution(Options.Resolution == -1 ? maxRes : Options.Resolution); } void options::uninit() { SetInput("Left Flipper key", Options.Key.LeftFlipper); SetInput("Right Flipper key", Options.Key.RightFlipper); SetInput("Plunger key", Options.Key.Plunger); SetInput("Left Table Bump key", Options.Key.LeftTableBump); SetInput("Right Table Bump key", Options.Key.RightTableBump); SetInput("Bottom Table Bump key", Options.Key.BottomTableBump); set_int("Sounds", Options.Sounds); set_int("Music", Options.Music); set_int("FullScreen", Options.FullScreen); set_int("Players", Options.Players); set_int("Screen Resolution", Options.Resolution); set_int("Uniform scaling", Options.UniformScaling); set_float("UI Scale", ImGui::GetIO().FontGlobalScale); set_int("Linear Filtering", Options.LinearFiltering); set_int("Frames Per Second", Options.FramesPerSecond); set_int("Updates Per Second", Options.UpdatesPerSecond); set_int("ShowMenu", Options.ShowMenu); set_int("Uncapped Updates Per Second", Options.UncappedUpdatesPerSecond); set_int("Sound Channels", Options.SoundChannels); } int options::get_int(LPCSTR lpValueName, int defaultValue) { auto value = GetSetting(lpValueName, std::to_string(defaultValue)); return std::stoi(value); } void options::set_int(LPCSTR lpValueName, int data) { SetSetting(lpValueName, std::to_string(data)); } std::string options::get_string(LPCSTR lpValueName, LPCSTR defaultValue) { return GetSetting(lpValueName, defaultValue); } void options::set_string(LPCSTR lpValueName, LPCSTR value) { SetSetting(lpValueName, value); } float options::get_float(LPCSTR lpValueName, float defaultValue) { auto value = GetSetting(lpValueName, std::to_string(defaultValue)); return std::stof(value); } void options::set_float(LPCSTR lpValueName, float data) { SetSetting(lpValueName, std::to_string(data)); } void options::GetInput(const std::string& rowName, GameInput (&defaultValues)[3]) { for (auto i = 0u; i <= 2; i++) { auto name = rowName + " " + std::to_string(i); auto inputType = static_cast(get_int((name + " type").c_str(), -1)); auto input = get_int((name + " input").c_str(), -1); if (inputType <= InputTypes::GameController && input != -1) defaultValues[i] = {inputType, input}; } } void options::SetInput(const std::string& rowName, GameInput (&values)[3]) { for (auto i = 0u; i <= 2; i++) { auto input = values[i]; auto name = rowName + " " + std::to_string(i); set_int((name + " type").c_str(), static_cast(input.Type)); set_int((name + " input").c_str(), input.Value); } } void options::toggle(Menu1 uIDCheckItem) { switch (uIDCheckItem) { case Menu1::Sounds: Options.Sounds ^= true; Sound::Enable(Options.Sounds); return; case Menu1::Music: Options.Music ^= true; if (!Options.Music) midi::music_stop(); else midi::play_pb_theme(); return; case Menu1::Show_Menu: Options.ShowMenu = Options.ShowMenu == 0; fullscrn::window_size_changed(); return; case Menu1::Full_Screen: Options.FullScreen ^= true; fullscrn::set_screen_mode(Options.FullScreen); return; case Menu1::OnePlayer: case Menu1::TwoPlayers: case Menu1::ThreePlayers: case Menu1::FourPlayers: Options.Players = static_cast(uIDCheckItem) - static_cast(Menu1::OnePlayer) + 1; break; case Menu1::MaximumResolution: case Menu1::R640x480: case Menu1::R800x600: case Menu1::R1024x768: { auto restart = false; int newResolution = static_cast(uIDCheckItem) - static_cast(Menu1::R640x480); if (uIDCheckItem == Menu1::MaximumResolution) { restart = fullscrn::GetResolution() != fullscrn::GetMaxResolution(); Options.Resolution = -1; } else if (newResolution <= fullscrn::GetMaxResolution()) { restart = newResolution != (Options.Resolution == -1 ? fullscrn::GetMaxResolution() : fullscrn::GetResolution()); Options.Resolution = newResolution; } if (restart) winmain::Restart(); break; } case Menu1::WindowUniformScale: Options.UniformScaling ^= true; fullscrn::window_size_changed(); break; case Menu1::WindowLinearFilter: Options.LinearFiltering ^= true; winmain::Restart(); break; default: break; } } void options::InputDown(GameInput input) { if (ControlWaitingForInput) { // Skip function keys, just in case. if (input.Type == InputTypes::Keyboard && input.Value >= SDLK_F1 && input.Value <= SDLK_F12) return; // Start is reserved for pause if (input.Type == InputTypes::GameController && input.Value == SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_START) return; *ControlWaitingForInput = input; ControlWaitingForInput = nullptr; } } void options::ShowControlDialog() { if (!ShowDialog) { ControlWaitingForInput = nullptr; RebindControls = Options.Key; ShowDialog = true; } } void options::RenderControlDialog() { static const char* mouseButtons[] { nullptr, "Mouse Left", "Mouse Middle", "Mouse Right", "Mouse X1", "Mouse X2", }; if (!ShowDialog) return; ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_WindowMinSize, ImVec2{550, 450}); if (ImGui::Begin("3D Pinball: Player Controls", &ShowDialog)) { ImGui::TextUnformatted("Instructions"); ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::TextWrapped( "To change game controls, click the control button, press the new key, and then choose OK."); ImGui::TextWrapped( "To restore 3D Pinball to its original settings, choose Default, and then choose OK."); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::TextUnformatted("Control Options"); ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_CellPadding, ImVec2{5, 10}); if (ImGui::BeginTable("Controls", 4, ImGuiTableFlags_NoSavedSettings | ImGuiTableFlags_Borders)) { ImGui::TableSetupColumn("Control"); ImGui::TableSetupColumn("Binding 1"); ImGui::TableSetupColumn("Binding 2"); ImGui::TableSetupColumn("Binding 3"); ImGui::TableHeadersRow(); int index = 0; for (auto& row : Controls) { ImGui::TableNextColumn(); ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Button, ImVec4{0.5, 0, 0, 1}); if (ImGui::Button(row.Name)) { for (auto i = 0u; i <= 2; i++) row.Option[i] = {}; } ImGui::PopStyleColor(1); for (auto i = 0u; i <= 2; i++) { auto& ctrl = row.Option[i]; ImGui::TableNextColumn(); if (ControlWaitingForInput == &ctrl) { ImGui::Button("Press the key", ImVec2(-1, 0)); } else { std::string tmp; const char* keyName; switch (ctrl.Type) { case InputTypes::Keyboard: keyName = SDL_GetKeyName(ctrl.Value); break; case InputTypes::Mouse: if (ctrl.Value >= SDL_BUTTON_LEFT && ctrl.Value <= SDL_BUTTON_X2) keyName = mouseButtons[ctrl.Value]; else keyName = (tmp += "Mouse " + std::to_string(ctrl.Value)).c_str(); break; case InputTypes::GameController: keyName = SDL_GameControllerGetStringForButton( static_cast(ctrl.Value)); break; case InputTypes::None: default: keyName = "Unused"; } if (!keyName || !keyName[0]) keyName = "Unknown key"; if (ImGui::Button((std::string{keyName} + "##" + std::to_string(index++)).c_str(), ImVec2(-1, 0))) { ControlWaitingForInput = &ctrl; } } } } ImGui::EndTable(); } ImGui::PopStyleVar(); ImGui::Spacing(); if (ImGui::Button("OK")) { Options.Key = RebindControls; ShowDialog = false; } ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button("Cancel")) { ShowDialog = false; } ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button("Default")) { RebindControls = Options.KeyDft; ControlWaitingForInput = nullptr; } } ImGui::End(); ImGui::PopStyleVar(); if (!ShowDialog) ControlWaitingForInput = nullptr; } void options::MyUserData_ReadLine(ImGuiContext* ctx, ImGuiSettingsHandler* handler, void* entry, const char* line) { auto& keyValueStore = *static_cast*>(entry); std::string keyValue = line; auto separatorPos = keyValue.find('='); if (separatorPos != std::string::npos) { auto key = keyValue.substr(0, separatorPos); auto value = keyValue.substr(separatorPos + 1, keyValue.size()); keyValueStore[key] = value; } } void* options::MyUserData_ReadOpen(ImGuiContext* ctx, ImGuiSettingsHandler* handler, const char* name) { // There is only one custom entry return strcmp(name, "Settings") == 0 ? &settings : nullptr; } void options::MyUserData_WriteAll(ImGuiContext* ctx, ImGuiSettingsHandler* handler, ImGuiTextBuffer* buf) { buf->appendf("[%s][%s]\n", handler->TypeName, "Settings"); for (const auto& setting : settings) { buf->appendf("%s=%s\n", setting.first.c_str(), setting.second.c_str()); } buf->append("\n"); } const std::string& options::GetSetting(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) { auto setting = settings.find(key); if (setting == settings.end()) { settings[key] = value; if (ImGui::GetCurrentContext()) ImGui::MarkIniSettingsDirty(); return value; } return setting->second; } void options::SetSetting(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) { settings[key] = value; if (ImGui::GetCurrentContext()) ImGui::MarkIniSettingsDirty(); }