#include "pch.h" #include "gdrv.h" #include "memory.h" #include "winmain.h" SDL_Texture* gdrv::vScreenTex = nullptr; char* gdrv::vScreenPixels = nullptr; int gdrv::vScreenWidth, gdrv::vScreenHeight; ColorRgba gdrv::current_palette[256]{}; SDL_Rect gdrv::DestinationRect{}; int gdrv::init(int width, int height) { SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, "linear"); vScreenTex = SDL_CreateTexture ( winmain::Renderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, width, height ); vScreenPixels = memory::allocate(width * height * 4); vScreenWidth = width; vScreenHeight = height; return 0; } int gdrv::uninit() { SDL_DestroyTexture(vScreenTex); memory::free(vScreenPixels); return 0; } void gdrv::get_focus() { } int gdrv::create_bitmap(gdrv_bitmap8* bmp, int width, int height) { bmp->Width = width; bmp->Stride = width; if (width % 4) bmp->Stride = 4 - width % 4 + width; bmp->Height = height; bmp->BitmapType = BitmapTypes::DibBitmap; bmp->BmpBufPtr1 = memory::allocate(bmp->Height * bmp->Stride); return 0; } int gdrv::create_raw_bitmap(gdrv_bitmap8* bmp, int width, int height, int flag) { bmp->Width = width; bmp->Stride = width; if (flag && width % 4) bmp->Stride = width - width % 4 + 4; unsigned int sizeInBytes = height * bmp->Stride; bmp->Height = height; bmp->BitmapType = BitmapTypes::RawBitmap; char* buf = memory::allocate(sizeInBytes); bmp->BmpBufPtr1 = buf; if (!buf) return -1; return 0; } int gdrv::create_spliced_bitmap(gdrv_bitmap8* bmp, int width, int height, int size) { bmp->Width = width; bmp->Stride = width; bmp->BitmapType = BitmapTypes::Spliced; bmp->Height = height; char* buf = memory::allocate(size); bmp->BmpBufPtr1 = buf; if (!buf) return -1; return 0; } int gdrv::display_palette(ColorRgba* plt) { const uint32_t sysPaletteColors[] { 0x00000000, 0x00000080, 0x00008000, 0x00008080, 0x00800000, 0x00800080, 0x00808000, 0x00C0C0C0, 0x00C0DCC0, 0x00F0CAA6 }; memcpy(current_palette, sysPaletteColors, sizeof sysPaletteColors); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { current_palette[i].rgba.peFlags = 0; } auto pltSrc = &plt[10]; auto pltDst = ¤t_palette[10]; for (int index = 236; index > 0; --index) { if (plt) { pltDst->rgba.peRed = pltSrc->rgba.peRed; pltDst->rgba.peGreen = pltSrc->rgba.peGreen; pltDst->rgba.peBlue = pltSrc->rgba.peBlue; } pltDst->rgba.peFlags = 4; pltSrc++; pltDst++; } current_palette[255].rgba.peBlue = -1; current_palette[255].rgba.peGreen = -1; current_palette[255].rgba.peRed = -1; return 0; } int gdrv::destroy_bitmap(gdrv_bitmap8* bmp) { if (!bmp) return -1; if (bmp->BitmapType != BitmapTypes::None) { memory::free(bmp->BmpBufPtr1); } memset(bmp, 0, sizeof(gdrv_bitmap8)); return 0; } void gdrv::start_blit_sequence() { } void gdrv::end_blit_sequence() { } void gdrv::blit(gdrv_bitmap8* bmp, int xSrc, int ySrc, int xDest, int yDest, int width, int height) { StretchDIBitsScaled( xSrc, ySrc , xDest, yDest, width, height, bmp ); } void gdrv::blat(gdrv_bitmap8* bmp, int xDest, int yDest) { StretchDIBitsScaled( 0, 0, xDest, yDest, bmp->Width, bmp->Height, bmp ); } void gdrv::fill_bitmap(gdrv_bitmap8* bmp, int width, int height, int xOff, int yOff, char fillChar) { int bmpHeight = bmp->Height; if (bmpHeight < 0) bmpHeight = -bmpHeight; char* bmpPtr = &bmp->BmpBufPtr1[bmp->Width * (bmpHeight - height - yOff) + xOff]; for (; height > 0; --height) { if (width > 0) memset(bmpPtr, fillChar, width); bmpPtr += bmp->Stride; } } void gdrv::copy_bitmap(gdrv_bitmap8* dstBmp, int width, int height, int xOff, int yOff, gdrv_bitmap8* srcBmp, int srcXOff, int srcYOff) { int dstHeight = abs(dstBmp->Height); int srcHeight = abs(srcBmp->Height); char* srcPtr = &srcBmp->BmpBufPtr1[srcBmp->Stride * (srcHeight - height - srcYOff) + srcXOff]; char* dstPtr = &dstBmp->BmpBufPtr1[dstBmp->Stride * (dstHeight - height - yOff) + xOff]; for (int y = height; y > 0; --y) { for (int x = width; x > 0; --x) *dstPtr++ = *srcPtr++; srcPtr += srcBmp->Stride - width; dstPtr += dstBmp->Stride - width; } } void gdrv::copy_bitmap_w_transparency(gdrv_bitmap8* dstBmp, int width, int height, int xOff, int yOff, gdrv_bitmap8* srcBmp, int srcXOff, int srcYOff) { int dstHeight = abs(dstBmp->Height); int srcHeight = abs(srcBmp->Height); char* srcPtr = &srcBmp->BmpBufPtr1[srcBmp->Stride * (srcHeight - height - srcYOff) + srcXOff]; char* dstPtr = &dstBmp->BmpBufPtr1[dstBmp->Stride * (dstHeight - height - yOff) + xOff]; for (int y = height; y > 0; --y) { for (int x = width; x > 0; --x) { if (*srcPtr) *dstPtr = *srcPtr; ++srcPtr; ++dstPtr; } srcPtr += srcBmp->Stride - width; dstPtr += dstBmp->Stride - width; } } void gdrv::grtext_draw_ttext_in_box(LPCSTR text, int xOff, int yOff, int width, int height, int a6) { } int gdrv::StretchDIBitsScaled(int xSrc, int ySrc, int xDst, int yDst, int width, int height, gdrv_bitmap8* bmp) { // Y is inverted, X normal left to right ySrc = std::max(0, std::min(bmp->Height - height, bmp->Height)) - ySrc; yDst = std::max(0, std::min(vScreenHeight - height, vScreenHeight)) - yDst; // Negative dst == positive src offset if (xDst < 0) { xSrc -= xDst; xDst = 0; } if (yDst < 0) { ySrc -= yDst; yDst = 0; } // Clamp out of bounds rectangles xSrc = std::max(0, std::min(xSrc, bmp->Width)); ySrc = std::max(0, std::min(ySrc, bmp->Height)); if (xSrc + width > bmp->Width) width = bmp->Width - xSrc; if (ySrc + height > bmp->Height) height = bmp->Height - ySrc; xDst = std::max(0, std::min(xDst, vScreenWidth)); yDst = std::max(0, std::min(yDst, vScreenHeight)); if (xDst + width > vScreenWidth) width = vScreenWidth - xDst; if (yDst + height > vScreenHeight) height = vScreenHeight - yDst; auto srcPtr = reinterpret_cast(&bmp->BmpBufPtr1[bmp->Stride * ySrc + xSrc]); auto dstPtr = &reinterpret_cast(vScreenPixels)[vScreenWidth * yDst + xDst]; for (int y = height; y > 0; --y) { for (int x = width; x > 0; --x) { *dstPtr++ = current_palette[*srcPtr++].Color; } srcPtr += bmp->Stride - width; dstPtr += vScreenWidth - width; } return 0; } void gdrv::BlitScreen() { unsigned char* lockedPixels = nullptr; int pitch = 0; SDL_LockTexture ( vScreenTex, nullptr, reinterpret_cast(&lockedPixels), &pitch ); std::memcpy(lockedPixels, vScreenPixels, vScreenWidth * vScreenHeight * 4); SDL_UnlockTexture(vScreenTex); SDL_RenderCopyEx(winmain::Renderer, vScreenTex, nullptr, &DestinationRect, 0, nullptr, SDL_FLIP_VERTICAL); }