#include "pch.h" #include "GroupData.h" #include "EmbeddedData.h" #include "fullscrn.h" #include "gdrv.h" #include "pb.h" #include "pinball.h" #include "zdrv.h" EntryData::~EntryData() { if (Buffer) { if (EntryType == FieldTypes::Bitmap8bit) { delete reinterpret_cast(Buffer); } else if (EntryType == FieldTypes::Bitmap16bit) { delete reinterpret_cast(Buffer); } else delete[] Buffer; } } GroupData::GroupData(int groupId) { GroupId = groupId; } void GroupData::AddEntry(EntryData* entry) { auto addEntry = true; switch (entry->EntryType) { case FieldTypes::GroupName: GroupName = entry->Buffer; break; case FieldTypes::Bitmap8bit: { auto srcBmp = reinterpret_cast(entry->Buffer); if (srcBmp->BitmapType == BitmapTypes::Spliced) { // Get rid of spliced bitmap early on, to simplify render pipeline auto bmp = new gdrv_bitmap8(srcBmp->Width, srcBmp->Height, srcBmp->Width); auto zMap = new zmap_header_type(srcBmp->Width, srcBmp->Height, srcBmp->Width); SplitSplicedBitmap(*srcBmp, *bmp, *zMap); NeedsSort = true; addEntry = false; AddEntry(new EntryData(FieldTypes::Bitmap8bit, reinterpret_cast(bmp))); AddEntry(new EntryData(FieldTypes::Bitmap16bit, reinterpret_cast(zMap))); delete entry; } else { SetBitmap(srcBmp); } break; } case FieldTypes::Bitmap16bit: { SetZMap(reinterpret_cast(entry->Buffer)); break; } default: break; } if (addEntry) Entries.push_back(entry); } void GroupData::FinalizeGroup() { if (NeedsSort) { // Entries within a group are sorted by EntryType, in ascending order. // Dat files follow this rule, zMaps inserted in the middle break it. NeedsSort = false; std::sort(Entries.begin(), Entries.end(), [](const EntryData* lhs, const EntryData* rhs) { return lhs->EntryType < rhs->EntryType; }); Entries.shrink_to_fit(); } } gdrv_bitmap8* GroupData::GetBitmap(int resolution) const { return Bitmaps[resolution]; } zmap_header_type* GroupData::GetZMap(int resolution) const { return ZMaps[resolution]; } void GroupData::SplitSplicedBitmap(const gdrv_bitmap8& srcBmp, gdrv_bitmap8& bmp, zmap_header_type& zMap) { assertm(srcBmp.BitmapType == BitmapTypes::Spliced, "GroupData: wrong bitmap type"); std::memset(bmp.IndexedBmpPtr, 0xff, bmp.Stride * bmp.Height); bmp.XPosition = srcBmp.XPosition; bmp.YPosition = srcBmp.YPosition; bmp.Resolution = srcBmp.Resolution; zdrv::fill(&zMap, zMap.Width, zMap.Height, 0, 0, 0xFFFF); zMap.Resolution = srcBmp.Resolution; auto tableWidth = fullscrn::resolution_array[srcBmp.Resolution].TableWidth; auto src = reinterpret_cast(srcBmp.IndexedBmpPtr); auto srcChar = reinterpret_cast(&src); for (int dstInd = 0;;) { auto stride = static_cast(*src++); if (stride < 0) break; // Stride is in terms of dst stride, hardcoded to match vScreen width in current resolution if (stride > bmp.Width) { stride += bmp.Width - tableWidth; assertm(stride >= 0, "Spliced bitmap: negative computed stride"); } dstInd += stride; for (auto count = *src++; count; count--) { auto depth = *src++; bmp.IndexedBmpPtr[dstInd] = **srcChar; zMap.ZPtr1[dstInd] = depth; (*srcChar)++; dstInd++; } } } void GroupData::SetBitmap(gdrv_bitmap8* bmp) { assertm(Bitmaps[bmp->Resolution] == nullptr, "GroupData: bitmap override"); Bitmaps[bmp->Resolution] = bmp; auto zMap = ZMaps[bmp->Resolution]; if (zMap) { assertm(bmp->Width == zMap->Width && bmp->Height == zMap->Height, "GroupData: mismatched bitmap/zMap dimensions"); } } void GroupData::SetZMap(zmap_header_type* zMap) { // Flip zMap to match with flipped non-indexed bitmaps zdrv::FlipZMapHorizontally(*zMap); assertm(ZMaps[zMap->Resolution] == nullptr, "GroupData: zMap override"); ZMaps[zMap->Resolution] = zMap; auto bmp = Bitmaps[zMap->Resolution]; if (bmp) { assertm(bmp->Width == zMap->Width && bmp->Height == zMap->Height, "GroupData: mismatched bitmap/zMap dimensions"); } } DatFile::~DatFile() { for (auto group : Groups) { if (!group) continue; for (const auto entry : group->GetEntries()) { delete entry; } delete group; } } char* DatFile::field(int groupIndex, FieldTypes targetEntryType) { assertm(targetEntryType != FieldTypes::Bitmap8bit && targetEntryType != FieldTypes::Bitmap16bit, "partman: Use specific get for bitmaps"); auto group = Groups[groupIndex]; for (const auto entry : group->GetEntries()) { if (entry->EntryType == targetEntryType) { return entry->Buffer; } if (entry->EntryType > targetEntryType) break; } return nullptr; } char* DatFile::field_nth(int groupIndex, FieldTypes targetEntryType, int skipFirstN) { assertm(targetEntryType != FieldTypes::Bitmap8bit && targetEntryType != FieldTypes::Bitmap16bit, "partman: Use specific get for bitmaps"); auto group = Groups[groupIndex]; auto skipCount = 0; for (const auto entry : group->GetEntries()) { if (entry->EntryType > targetEntryType) break; if (entry->EntryType == targetEntryType) if (skipCount++ == skipFirstN) return entry->Buffer; } return nullptr; } int DatFile::field_size_nth(int groupIndex, FieldTypes targetEntryType, int skipFirstN) { auto group = Groups[groupIndex]; auto skipCount = 0; for (const auto entry : group->GetEntries()) { if (entry->EntryType > targetEntryType) return 0; if (entry->EntryType == targetEntryType) if (skipCount++ == skipFirstN) return entry->FieldSize; } return 0; } int DatFile::field_size(int groupIndex, FieldTypes targetEntryType) { return field_size_nth(groupIndex, targetEntryType, 0); } int DatFile::record_labeled(LPCSTR targetGroupName) { auto targetLength = strlen(targetGroupName); for (int groupIndex = Groups.size() - 1; groupIndex >= 0; --groupIndex) { auto groupName = field(groupIndex, FieldTypes::GroupName); if (!groupName) continue; auto index = 0u; for (; index < targetLength; index++) if (targetGroupName[index] != groupName[index]) break; if (index == targetLength && !targetGroupName[index] && !groupName[index]) return groupIndex; } return -1; } char* DatFile::field_labeled(LPCSTR lpString, FieldTypes fieldType) { auto groupIndex = record_labeled(lpString); return groupIndex < 0 ? nullptr : field(groupIndex, fieldType); } gdrv_bitmap8* DatFile::GetBitmap(int groupIndex) { auto group = Groups[groupIndex]; return group->GetBitmap(fullscrn::GetResolution()); } zmap_header_type* DatFile::GetZMap(int groupIndex) { auto group = Groups[groupIndex]; return group->GetZMap(fullscrn::GetResolution()); } void DatFile::Finalize() { if (!pb::FullTiltMode) { int groupIndex = record_labeled("pbmsg_ft"); assertm(groupIndex < 0, "DatFile: pbmsg_ft is already in .dat"); // Load 3DPB font into dat to simplify pipeline auto rcData = reinterpret_cast(ImFontAtlas::DecompressCompressedBase85Data( EmbeddedData::PB_MSGFT_bin_compressed_data_base85)); AddMsgFont(rcData, "pbmsg_ft"); IM_FREE(rcData); // PINBALL2.MID is an alternative font provided in 3DPB data // Scaled down because it is too large for top text box /*auto file = pinball::make_path_name("PINBALL2.MID"); auto fileHandle = fopen(file.c_str(), "rb"); fseek(fileHandle, 0, SEEK_END); auto fileSize = static_cast(ftell(fileHandle)); auto rcData = reinterpret_cast(new uint8_t[fileSize]); fseek(fileHandle, 0, SEEK_SET); fread(rcData, 1, fileSize, fileHandle); fclose(fileHandle); auto groupId = Groups.back()->GroupId + 1u; AddMsgFont(rcData, "pbmsg_ft"); delete[] rcData; for (auto i = groupId; i < Groups.size(); i++) Groups[i]->GetBitmap(0)->ScaleIndexed(0.84f, 0.84f);*/ } for (auto group : Groups) { group->FinalizeGroup(); } } void DatFile::AddMsgFont(MsgFont* font, const std::string& fontName) { auto groupId = Groups.back()->GroupId + 1; auto ptrToData = reinterpret_cast(font->Data); for (auto charInd = 32; charInd < 128; charInd++, groupId++) { auto curChar = reinterpret_cast(ptrToData); assertm(curChar->Width == font->CharWidths[charInd], "Score: mismatched font width"); ptrToData += curChar->Width * font->Height + 1; auto bmp = new gdrv_bitmap8(curChar->Width, font->Height, true); auto srcPtr = curChar->Data; auto dstPtr = &bmp->IndexedBmpPtr[bmp->Stride * (bmp->Height - 1)]; for (auto y = 0; y < font->Height; ++y) { memcpy(dstPtr, srcPtr, curChar->Width); srcPtr += curChar->Width; dstPtr -= bmp->Stride; } auto group = new GroupData(groupId); group->AddEntry(new EntryData(FieldTypes::Bitmap8bit, reinterpret_cast(bmp))); if (charInd == 32) { // First font group holds font name and gap width auto groupName = new char[fontName.length() + 1]; strcpy(groupName, fontName.c_str()); group->AddEntry(new EntryData(FieldTypes::GroupName, groupName)); auto gaps = new char[2]; *reinterpret_cast(gaps) = font->GapWidth; group->AddEntry(new EntryData(FieldTypes::ShortArray, gaps)); } else { auto groupName = new char[30]; sprintf(groupName, "char %d='%c'", charInd, charInd); group->AddEntry(new EntryData(FieldTypes::GroupName, groupName)); } Groups.push_back(group); } }