/* * Copyright (c) 2017-2022 Joris Vink * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #define CORO_STATE_RUNNABLE 1 #define CORO_STATE_SUSPENDED 2 struct python_coro { u_int64_t id; int state; int killed; PyObject *obj; char *name; PyObject *result; struct pylock_op *lockop; struct pysocket_op *sockop; struct pygather_op *gatherop; struct http_request *request; PyObject *exception; char *exception_msg; TAILQ_ENTRY(python_coro) list; }; TAILQ_HEAD(coro_list, python_coro); static PyObject *python_kore_app(PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *python_kore_log(PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *python_kore_time(PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *python_kore_lock(PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *python_kore_proc(PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *python_kore_fatal(PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *python_kore_queue(PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *python_kore_worker(PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *python_kore_tracer(PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *python_kore_fatalx(PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *python_kore_task_id(PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *python_kore_sigtrap(PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *python_kore_setname(PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *python_kore_suspend(PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *python_kore_shutdown(PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *python_kore_coroname(PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *python_kore_corotrace(PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *python_kore_task_kill(PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *python_kore_prerequest(PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *python_kore_task_create(PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *python_kore_socket_wrap(PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *python_kore_route(PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *python_kore_timer(PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *python_kore_domain(PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *python_kore_gather(PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *python_kore_sendobj(PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *python_kore_server(PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *python_kore_privsep(PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *); #if defined(KORE_USE_PGSQL) static PyObject *python_kore_pgsql_query(PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *python_kore_pgsql_register(PyObject *, PyObject *); #endif #if defined(KORE_USE_CURL) static PyObject *python_kore_curl_handle(PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *python_kore_httpclient(PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *); #endif static PyObject *python_websocket_broadcast(PyObject *, PyObject *); #define METHOD(n, c, a) { n, (PyCFunction)c, a, NULL } #define GETTER(n, g) { n, (getter)g, NULL, NULL, NULL } #define SETTER(n, s) { n, NULL, (setter)s, NULL, NULL } #define GETSET(n, g, s) { n, (getter)g, (setter)s, NULL, NULL } static struct PyMethodDef pykore_methods[] = { METHOD("app", python_kore_app, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("log", python_kore_log, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("time", python_kore_time, METH_NOARGS), METHOD("lock", python_kore_lock, METH_NOARGS), METHOD("proc", python_kore_proc, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("queue", python_kore_queue, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("worker", python_kore_worker, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("tracer", python_kore_tracer, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("fatal", python_kore_fatal, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("fatalx", python_kore_fatalx, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("task_id", python_kore_task_id, METH_NOARGS), METHOD("sigtrap", python_kore_sigtrap, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("setname", python_kore_setname, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("suspend", python_kore_suspend, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("shutdown", python_kore_shutdown, METH_NOARGS), METHOD("coroname", python_kore_coroname, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("corotrace", python_kore_corotrace, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("task_kill", python_kore_task_kill, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("prerequest", python_kore_prerequest, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("task_create", python_kore_task_create, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("socket_wrap", python_kore_socket_wrap, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("route", python_kore_route, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS), METHOD("timer", python_kore_timer, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS), METHOD("domain", python_kore_domain, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS), METHOD("server", python_kore_server, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS), METHOD("gather", python_kore_gather, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS), METHOD("privsep", python_kore_privsep, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS), METHOD("sendobj", python_kore_sendobj, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS), METHOD("websocket_broadcast", python_websocket_broadcast, METH_VARARGS), #if defined(KORE_USE_PGSQL) METHOD("dbsetup", python_kore_pgsql_register, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("dbquery", python_kore_pgsql_query, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS), #endif #if defined(KORE_USE_CURL) METHOD("curl", python_kore_curl_handle, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("httpclient", python_kore_httpclient, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS), #endif { NULL, NULL, 0, NULL } }; static struct PyModuleDef pykore_module = { PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT, "kore", NULL, -1, pykore_methods }; struct pyconfig { PyObject_HEAD }; static int pyconfig_setattr(PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyTypeObject pyconfig_type = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0) .tp_name = "kore.config", .tp_doc = "kore configuration", .tp_setattro = pyconfig_setattr, .tp_basicsize = sizeof(struct pyconfig), .tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, }; #if defined(__linux__) struct pyseccomp { PyObject_HEAD size_t elm; u_int8_t *filters; }; static PyObject *pyseccomp_allow(struct pyseccomp *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pyseccomp_allow_arg(struct pyseccomp *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pyseccomp_allow_flag(struct pyseccomp *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pyseccomp_allow_mask(struct pyseccomp *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pyseccomp_deny(struct pyseccomp *, PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pyseccomp_deny_arg(struct pyseccomp *, PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pyseccomp_deny_flag(struct pyseccomp *, PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pyseccomp_deny_mask(struct pyseccomp *, PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pyseccomp_bpf_stmt(struct pyseccomp *, PyObject *); static PyMethodDef pyseccomp_methods[] = { METHOD("allow", pyseccomp_allow, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("bpf_stmt", pyseccomp_bpf_stmt, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("allow_arg", pyseccomp_allow_arg, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("allow_flag", pyseccomp_allow_flag, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("allow_mask", pyseccomp_allow_mask, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("deny", pyseccomp_deny, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS), METHOD("deny_arg", pyseccomp_deny_arg, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS), METHOD("deny_flag", pyseccomp_deny_flag, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS), METHOD("deny_mask", pyseccomp_deny_mask, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS), METHOD(NULL, NULL, -1) }; static void pyseccomp_dealloc(struct pyseccomp *); static PyTypeObject pyseccomp_type = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0) .tp_name = "kore.seccomp", .tp_doc = "kore seccomp configuration", .tp_methods = pyseccomp_methods, .tp_basicsize = sizeof(struct pyseccomp), .tp_dealloc = (destructor)pyseccomp_dealloc, .tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, }; #endif struct pyroute { PyObject_HEAD char *path; PyObject *func; PyObject *kwargs; struct kore_domain *domain; TAILQ_ENTRY(pyroute) list; }; static PyObject *pyroute_inner(struct pyroute *, PyObject *); static void pyroute_dealloc(struct pyroute *); static PyMethodDef pyroute_methods[] = { METHOD("inner", pyroute_inner, METH_VARARGS), METHOD(NULL, NULL, -1) }; static PyTypeObject pyroute_type = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0) .tp_name = "kore.route", .tp_doc = "kore route function", .tp_methods = pyroute_methods, .tp_basicsize = sizeof(struct pyroute), .tp_dealloc = (destructor)pyroute_dealloc, .tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, }; struct pydomain { PyObject_HEAD struct kore_domain *config; struct kore_module_handle *next; PyObject *kwargs; }; static PyObject *pydomain_filemaps(struct pydomain *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pydomain_route(struct pydomain *, PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyMethodDef pydomain_methods[] = { METHOD("filemaps", pydomain_filemaps, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("route", pydomain_route, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS), METHOD(NULL, NULL, -1) }; static int pydomain_set_accesslog(struct pydomain *, PyObject *, void *); static PyGetSetDef pydomain_getset[] = { SETTER("accesslog", pydomain_set_accesslog), SETTER(NULL, NULL), }; static void pydomain_dealloc(struct pydomain *); static PyTypeObject pydomain_type = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0) .tp_name = "kore.domain", .tp_doc = "kore domain configuration", .tp_getset = pydomain_getset, .tp_methods = pydomain_methods, .tp_basicsize = sizeof(struct pydomain), .tp_dealloc = (destructor)pydomain_dealloc, .tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, }; #define PYSUSPEND_OP_INIT 1 #define PYSUSPEND_OP_WAIT 2 #define PYSUSPEND_OP_CONTINUE 3 struct pysuspend_op { PyObject_HEAD int state; int delay; struct python_coro *coro; struct kore_timer *timer; }; static void pysuspend_op_dealloc(struct pysuspend_op *); static PyObject *pysuspend_op_await(PyObject *); static PyObject *pysuspend_op_iternext(struct pysuspend_op *); static PyAsyncMethods pysuspend_op_async = { (unaryfunc)pysuspend_op_await, NULL, NULL }; static PyTypeObject pysuspend_op_type = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0) .tp_name = "kore.suspend", .tp_doc = "suspension operation", .tp_as_async = &pysuspend_op_async, .tp_iternext = (iternextfunc)pysuspend_op_iternext, .tp_basicsize = sizeof(struct pysuspend_op), .tp_dealloc = (destructor)pysuspend_op_dealloc, .tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, }; struct pytimer { PyObject_HEAD int flags; struct kore_timer *run; PyObject *callable; PyObject *udata; }; static PyObject *pytimer_close(struct pytimer *, PyObject *); static PyMethodDef pytimer_methods[] = { METHOD("close", pytimer_close, METH_NOARGS), METHOD(NULL, NULL, -1) }; static void pytimer_dealloc(struct pytimer *); static PyTypeObject pytimer_type = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0) .tp_name = "kore.timer", .tp_doc = "kore timer implementation", .tp_methods = pytimer_methods, .tp_basicsize = sizeof(struct pytimer), .tp_dealloc = (destructor)pytimer_dealloc, .tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, }; /* XXX */ struct pysocket; struct pysocket_op; struct pysocket_event { struct kore_event evt; struct pysocket *s; }; struct pysocket { PyObject_HEAD int fd; int family; int protocol; int scheduled; PyObject *socket; socklen_t addr_len; struct pysocket_event event; struct pysocket_op *recvop; struct pysocket_op *sendop; union { struct sockaddr_in ipv4; struct sockaddr_un sun; } addr; }; static PyObject *pysocket_send(struct pysocket *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pysocket_recv(struct pysocket *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pysocket_close(struct pysocket *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pysocket_accept(struct pysocket *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pysocket_sendto(struct pysocket *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pysocket_connect(struct pysocket *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pysocket_recvmsg(struct pysocket *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pysocket_recvfrom(struct pysocket *, PyObject *); static PyMethodDef pysocket_methods[] = { METHOD("recv", pysocket_recv, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("send", pysocket_send, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("close", pysocket_close, METH_NOARGS), METHOD("accept", pysocket_accept, METH_NOARGS), METHOD("sendto", pysocket_sendto, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("connect", pysocket_connect, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("recvmsg", pysocket_recvmsg, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("recvfrom", pysocket_recvfrom, METH_VARARGS), METHOD(NULL, NULL, -1), }; static void pysocket_dealloc(struct pysocket *); static PyTypeObject pysocket_type = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0) .tp_name = "kore.socket", .tp_doc = "kore socket implementation", .tp_methods = pysocket_methods, .tp_basicsize = sizeof(struct pysocket), .tp_dealloc = (destructor)pysocket_dealloc, .tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, }; #define PYSOCKET_TYPE_ACCEPT 1 #define PYSOCKET_TYPE_CONNECT 2 #define PYSOCKET_TYPE_RECV 3 #define PYSOCKET_TYPE_SEND 4 #define PYSOCKET_TYPE_RECVFROM 5 #define PYSOCKET_TYPE_SENDTO 6 #define PYSOCKET_TYPE_RECVMSG 7 struct pysocket_op { PyObject_HEAD int eof; int type; void *self; struct python_coro *coro; int state; size_t length; struct kore_buf buffer; struct pysocket *socket; struct kore_timer *timer; union { struct sockaddr_in ipv4; struct sockaddr_un sun; } sendaddr; }; static void pysocket_op_dealloc(struct pysocket_op *); static PyObject *pysocket_op_await(PyObject *); static PyObject *pysocket_op_iternext(struct pysocket_op *); static PyAsyncMethods pysocket_op_async = { (unaryfunc)pysocket_op_await, NULL, NULL }; static PyTypeObject pysocket_op_type = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0) .tp_name = "kore.socketop", .tp_doc = "socket operation", .tp_as_async = &pysocket_op_async, .tp_iternext = (iternextfunc)pysocket_op_iternext, .tp_basicsize = sizeof(struct pysocket_op), .tp_dealloc = (destructor)pysocket_op_dealloc, .tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, }; struct pyqueue_waiting { struct python_coro *coro; struct pyqueue_op *op; TAILQ_ENTRY(pyqueue_waiting) list; }; struct pyqueue_object { PyObject *obj; TAILQ_ENTRY(pyqueue_object) list; }; struct pyqueue { PyObject_HEAD TAILQ_HEAD(, pyqueue_object) objects; TAILQ_HEAD(, pyqueue_waiting) waiting; }; static PyObject *pyqueue_pop(struct pyqueue *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pyqueue_push(struct pyqueue *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pyqueue_popnow(struct pyqueue *, PyObject *); static PyMethodDef pyqueue_methods[] = { METHOD("pop", pyqueue_pop, METH_NOARGS), METHOD("push", pyqueue_push, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("popnow", pyqueue_popnow, METH_NOARGS), METHOD(NULL, NULL, -1) }; static void pyqueue_dealloc(struct pyqueue *); static PyTypeObject pyqueue_type = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0) .tp_name = "kore.queue", .tp_doc = "queue", .tp_methods = pyqueue_methods, .tp_basicsize = sizeof(struct pyqueue), .tp_dealloc = (destructor)pyqueue_dealloc, .tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, }; struct pyqueue_op { PyObject_HEAD struct pyqueue *queue; struct pyqueue_waiting *waiting; }; static void pyqueue_op_dealloc(struct pyqueue_op *); static PyObject *pyqueue_op_await(PyObject *); static PyObject *pyqueue_op_iternext(struct pyqueue_op *); static PyAsyncMethods pyqueue_op_async = { (unaryfunc)pyqueue_op_await, NULL, NULL }; static PyTypeObject pyqueue_op_type = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0) .tp_name = "kore.queueop", .tp_doc = "queue waitable", .tp_as_async = &pyqueue_op_async, .tp_iternext = (iternextfunc)pyqueue_op_iternext, .tp_basicsize = sizeof(struct pyqueue_op), .tp_dealloc = (destructor)pyqueue_op_dealloc, .tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, }; struct pylock { PyObject_HEAD struct python_coro *owner; TAILQ_HEAD(, pylock_op) ops; }; static PyObject *pylock_aexit(struct pylock *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pylock_aenter(struct pylock *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pylock_release(struct pylock *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pylock_trylock(struct pylock *, PyObject *); static PyMethodDef pylock_methods[] = { METHOD("acquire", pylock_aenter, METH_NOARGS), METHOD("release", pylock_release, METH_NOARGS), METHOD("trylock", pylock_trylock, METH_NOARGS), METHOD("__aexit__", pylock_aexit, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("__aenter__", pylock_aenter, METH_NOARGS), METHOD(NULL, NULL, -1) }; static void pylock_dealloc(struct pylock *); static PyTypeObject pylock_type = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0) .tp_name = "kore.lock", .tp_doc = "locking mechanism", .tp_methods = pylock_methods, .tp_basicsize = sizeof(struct pylock), .tp_dealloc = (destructor)pylock_dealloc, .tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, }; struct pylock_op { PyObject_HEAD int locking; int active; struct pylock *lock; struct python_coro *coro; TAILQ_ENTRY(pylock_op) list; }; static void pylock_op_dealloc(struct pylock_op *); static PyObject *pylock_op_await(PyObject *); static PyObject *pylock_op_iternext(struct pylock_op *); static PyAsyncMethods pylock_op_async = { (unaryfunc)pylock_op_await, NULL, NULL }; static PyTypeObject pylock_op_type = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0) .tp_name = "kore.lockop", .tp_doc = "lock awaitable", .tp_as_async = &pylock_op_async, .tp_iternext = (iternextfunc)pylock_op_iternext, .tp_basicsize = sizeof(struct pylock_op), .tp_dealloc = (destructor)pylock_op_dealloc, .tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, }; struct pyproc { PyObject_HEAD pid_t pid; pid_t apid; int reaped; int status; struct pyproc_op *op; struct pysocket *in; struct pysocket *out; struct python_coro *coro; struct kore_timer *timer; TAILQ_ENTRY(pyproc) list; }; static void pyproc_dealloc(struct pyproc *); static PyObject *pyproc_kill(struct pyproc *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pyproc_reap(struct pyproc *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pyproc_recv(struct pyproc *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pyproc_send(struct pyproc *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pyproc_close_stdin(struct pyproc *, PyObject *); static PyMethodDef pyproc_methods[] = { METHOD("kill", pyproc_kill, METH_NOARGS), METHOD("reap", pyproc_reap, METH_NOARGS), METHOD("recv", pyproc_recv, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("send", pyproc_send, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("close_stdin", pyproc_close_stdin, METH_NOARGS), METHOD(NULL, NULL, -1), }; static PyObject *pyproc_get_pid(struct pyproc *, void *); static PyGetSetDef pyproc_getset[] = { GETTER("pid", pyproc_get_pid), GETTER(NULL, NULL), }; static PyTypeObject pyproc_type = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0) .tp_name = "kore.proc", .tp_doc = "async process", .tp_getset = pyproc_getset, .tp_methods = pyproc_methods, .tp_basicsize = sizeof(struct pyproc), .tp_dealloc = (destructor)pyproc_dealloc, .tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, }; struct pyproc_op { PyObject_HEAD struct pyproc *proc; struct python_coro *coro; }; static void pyproc_op_dealloc(struct pyproc_op *); static PyObject *pyproc_op_await(PyObject *); static PyObject *pyproc_op_iternext(struct pyproc_op *); static PyAsyncMethods pyproc_op_async = { (unaryfunc)pyproc_op_await, NULL, NULL }; static PyTypeObject pyproc_op_type = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0) .tp_name = "kore.proc_op", .tp_doc = "proc reaper awaitable", .tp_as_async = &pyproc_op_async, .tp_iternext = (iternextfunc)pyproc_op_iternext, .tp_basicsize = sizeof(struct pyproc_op), .tp_dealloc = (destructor)pyproc_op_dealloc, .tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, }; struct pygather_coro { struct python_coro *coro; PyObject *result; TAILQ_ENTRY(pygather_coro) list; }; struct pygather_result { PyObject *obj; TAILQ_ENTRY(pygather_result) list; }; struct pygather_op { PyObject_HEAD int count; int running; int concurrency; struct python_coro *coro; TAILQ_HEAD(, pygather_result) results; TAILQ_HEAD(, pygather_coro) coroutines; }; static void pygather_op_dealloc(struct pygather_op *); static PyObject *pygather_op_await(PyObject *); static PyObject *pygather_op_iternext(struct pygather_op *); static PyAsyncMethods pygather_op_async = { (unaryfunc)pygather_op_await, NULL, NULL }; static PyTypeObject pygather_op_type = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0) .tp_name = "kore.pygather_op", .tp_doc = "coroutine gathering", .tp_as_async = &pygather_op_async, .tp_iternext = (iternextfunc)pygather_op_iternext, .tp_basicsize = sizeof(struct pygather_op), .tp_dealloc = (destructor)pygather_op_dealloc, .tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, }; struct pyconnection { PyObject_HEAD struct connection *c; }; static PyObject *pyconnection_disconnect(struct pyconnection *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pyconnection_websocket_send(struct pyconnection *, PyObject *); static PyMethodDef pyconnection_methods[] = { METHOD("disconnect", pyconnection_disconnect, METH_NOARGS), METHOD("websocket_send", pyconnection_websocket_send, METH_VARARGS), METHOD(NULL, NULL, -1), }; static PyObject *pyconnection_get_fd(struct pyconnection *, void *); static PyObject *pyconnection_get_addr(struct pyconnection *, void *); static PyObject *pyconnection_get_peer_x509(struct pyconnection *, void *); static PyObject *pyconnection_get_peer_x509dict(struct pyconnection *, void *); static PyGetSetDef pyconnection_getset[] = { GETTER("fd", pyconnection_get_fd), GETTER("addr", pyconnection_get_addr), GETTER("x509", pyconnection_get_peer_x509), GETTER("x509dict", pyconnection_get_peer_x509dict), GETTER(NULL, NULL), }; static void pyconnection_dealloc(struct pyconnection *); static PyTypeObject pyconnection_type = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0) .tp_name = "kore.connection", .tp_doc = "struct connection", .tp_getset = pyconnection_getset, .tp_methods = pyconnection_methods, .tp_basicsize = sizeof(struct pyconnection), .tp_dealloc = (destructor)pyconnection_dealloc, .tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, }; #define PYHTTP_STATE_INIT 0 #define PYHTTP_STATE_PREPROCESS 1 #define PYHTTP_STATE_RUN 2 struct pyhttp_request { PyObject_HEAD struct http_request *req; PyObject *dict; PyObject *data; }; struct pyhttp_iterobj { int remove; PyObject *iterator; struct connection *connection; struct kore_buf buf; }; struct pyhttp_file { PyObject_HEAD struct http_file *file; }; static void pyhttp_dealloc(struct pyhttp_request *); static void pyhttp_file_dealloc(struct pyhttp_file *); static PyObject *pyhttp_cookie(struct pyhttp_request *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pyhttp_response(struct pyhttp_request *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pyhttp_argument(struct pyhttp_request *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pyhttp_body_read(struct pyhttp_request *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pyhttp_file_lookup(struct pyhttp_request *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pyhttp_populate_get(struct pyhttp_request *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pyhttp_populate_post(struct pyhttp_request *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pyhttp_populate_multi(struct pyhttp_request *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pyhttp_populate_cookies(struct pyhttp_request *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pyhttp_request_header(struct pyhttp_request *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pyhttp_response_header(struct pyhttp_request *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pyhttp_websocket_handshake(struct pyhttp_request *, PyObject *); static PyMethodDef pyhttp_request_methods[] = { METHOD("cookie", pyhttp_cookie, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("response", pyhttp_response, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("argument", pyhttp_argument, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("body_read", pyhttp_body_read, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("file_lookup", pyhttp_file_lookup, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("populate_get", pyhttp_populate_get, METH_NOARGS), METHOD("populate_post", pyhttp_populate_post, METH_NOARGS), METHOD("populate_multi", pyhttp_populate_multi, METH_NOARGS), METHOD("populate_cookies", pyhttp_populate_cookies, METH_NOARGS), METHOD("request_header", pyhttp_request_header, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("response_header", pyhttp_response_header, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("websocket_handshake", pyhttp_websocket_handshake, METH_VARARGS), METHOD(NULL, NULL, -1) }; static PyObject *pyhttp_get_host(struct pyhttp_request *, void *); static PyObject *pyhttp_get_path(struct pyhttp_request *, void *); static PyObject *pyhttp_get_body(struct pyhttp_request *, void *); static PyObject *pyhttp_get_agent(struct pyhttp_request *, void *); static PyObject *pyhttp_get_method(struct pyhttp_request *, void *); static PyObject *pyhttp_get_protocol(struct pyhttp_request *, void *); static PyObject *pyhttp_get_body_path(struct pyhttp_request *, void *); static PyObject *pyhttp_get_connection(struct pyhttp_request *, void *); static PyObject *pyhttp_get_body_digest(struct pyhttp_request *, void *); static PyGetSetDef pyhttp_request_getset[] = { GETTER("host", pyhttp_get_host), GETTER("path", pyhttp_get_path), GETTER("body", pyhttp_get_body), GETTER("agent", pyhttp_get_agent), GETTER("method", pyhttp_get_method), GETTER("protocol", pyhttp_get_protocol), GETTER("body_path", pyhttp_get_body_path), GETTER("body_digest", pyhttp_get_body_digest), GETTER("connection", pyhttp_get_connection), GETTER(NULL, NULL) }; static PyTypeObject pyhttp_request_type = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0) .tp_name = "kore.http_request", .tp_doc = "struct http_request", .tp_setattro = PyObject_GenericSetAttr, .tp_getattro = PyObject_GenericGetAttr, .tp_getset = pyhttp_request_getset, .tp_methods = pyhttp_request_methods, .tp_dealloc = (destructor)pyhttp_dealloc, .tp_basicsize = sizeof(struct pyhttp_request), .tp_dictoffset = offsetof(struct pyhttp_request, dict), .tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, }; static PyObject *pyhttp_file_read(struct pyhttp_file *, PyObject *); static PyMethodDef pyhttp_file_methods[] = { METHOD("read", pyhttp_file_read, METH_VARARGS), METHOD(NULL, NULL, -1) }; static PyObject *pyhttp_file_get_name(struct pyhttp_file *, void *); static PyObject *pyhttp_file_get_filename(struct pyhttp_file *, void *); static PyGetSetDef pyhttp_file_getset[] = { GETTER("name", pyhttp_file_get_name), GETTER("filename", pyhttp_file_get_filename), GETTER(NULL, NULL) }; static PyTypeObject pyhttp_file_type = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0) .tp_name = "kore.http_file", .tp_doc = "struct http_file", .tp_getset = pyhttp_file_getset, .tp_methods = pyhttp_file_methods, .tp_dealloc = (destructor)pyhttp_file_dealloc, .tp_basicsize = sizeof(struct pyhttp_file), .tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, }; #if defined(KORE_USE_CURL) #define CURL_CLIENT_OP_RUN 1 #define CURL_CLIENT_OP_RESULT 2 struct pycurl_slist { struct curl_slist *slist; LIST_ENTRY(pycurl_slist) list; }; struct pycurl_data { struct kore_curl curl; LIST_HEAD(, pycurl_slist) slists; }; struct pycurl_handle { PyObject_HEAD char *url; struct kore_buf *body; struct pycurl_data data; }; struct pycurl_handle_op { PyObject_HEAD int state; struct python_coro *coro; struct pycurl_handle *handle; }; static PyObject *pycurl_handle_op_await(PyObject *); static PyObject *pycurl_handle_op_iternext(struct pycurl_handle_op *); static void pycurl_handle_dealloc(struct pycurl_handle *); static void pycurl_handle_op_dealloc(struct pycurl_handle_op *); static PyObject *pycurl_handle_run(struct pycurl_handle *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pycurl_handle_setopt(struct pycurl_handle *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pycurl_handle_setbody(struct pycurl_handle *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pycurl_handle_setopt_string(struct pycurl_data *, int, PyObject *); static PyObject *pycurl_handle_setopt_long(struct pycurl_data *, int, PyObject *); static PyObject *pycurl_handle_setopt_slist(struct pycurl_data *, int, PyObject *); static PyMethodDef pycurl_handle_methods[] = { METHOD("run", pycurl_handle_run, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("setopt", pycurl_handle_setopt, METH_VARARGS), METHOD("setbody", pycurl_handle_setbody, METH_VARARGS), METHOD(NULL, NULL, -1) }; static PyTypeObject pycurl_handle_type = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0) .tp_name = "kore.curl", .tp_doc = "An asynchronous CURL handle", .tp_methods = pycurl_handle_methods, .tp_basicsize = sizeof(struct pycurl_handle), .tp_dealloc = (destructor)pycurl_handle_dealloc, .tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, }; static PyAsyncMethods pycurl_handle_op_async = { (unaryfunc)pycurl_handle_op_await, NULL, NULL }; static PyTypeObject pycurl_handle_op_type = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0) .tp_name = "kore.curlop", .tp_doc = "Asynchronous CURL operation", .tp_as_async = &pycurl_handle_op_async, .tp_iternext = (iternextfunc)pycurl_handle_op_iternext, .tp_basicsize = sizeof(struct pycurl_handle_op), .tp_dealloc = (destructor)pycurl_handle_op_dealloc, .tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, }; struct pyhttp_client { PyObject_HEAD char *url; char *unix; char *tlskey; char *tlscert; char *cabundle; PyObject *curlopt; int tlsverify; }; struct pyhttp_client_op { PyObject_HEAD int state; int headers; struct python_coro *coro; struct pyhttp_client *client; struct pycurl_data data; }; static PyObject *pyhttp_client_op_await(PyObject *); static PyObject *pyhttp_client_op_iternext(struct pyhttp_client_op *); static void pyhttp_client_dealloc(struct pyhttp_client *); static void pyhttp_client_op_dealloc(struct pyhttp_client_op *); static PyObject *pyhttp_client_get(struct pyhttp_client *, PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pyhttp_client_put(struct pyhttp_client *, PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pyhttp_client_post(struct pyhttp_client *, PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pyhttp_client_head(struct pyhttp_client *, PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pyhttp_client_patch(struct pyhttp_client *, PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pyhttp_client_delete(struct pyhttp_client *, PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyObject *pyhttp_client_options(struct pyhttp_client *, PyObject *, PyObject *); static PyMethodDef pyhttp_client_methods[] = { METHOD("get", pyhttp_client_get, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS), METHOD("put", pyhttp_client_put, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS), METHOD("post", pyhttp_client_post, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS), METHOD("head", pyhttp_client_head, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS), METHOD("patch", pyhttp_client_patch, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS), METHOD("delete", pyhttp_client_delete, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS), METHOD("options", pyhttp_client_options, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS), METHOD(NULL, NULL, -1) }; static PyTypeObject pyhttp_client_type = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0) .tp_name = "kore.httpclient", .tp_doc = "An asynchronous HTTP client", .tp_methods = pyhttp_client_methods, .tp_basicsize = sizeof(struct pyhttp_client), .tp_dealloc = (destructor)pyhttp_client_dealloc, .tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, }; static PyAsyncMethods pyhttp_client_op_async = { (unaryfunc)pyhttp_client_op_await, NULL, NULL }; static PyTypeObject pyhttp_client_op_type = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0) .tp_name = "kore.httpclientop", .tp_doc = "Asynchronous HTTP client operation", .tp_as_async = &pyhttp_client_op_async, .tp_iternext = (iternextfunc)pyhttp_client_op_iternext, .tp_basicsize = sizeof(struct pyhttp_client_op), .tp_dealloc = (destructor)pyhttp_client_op_dealloc, .tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, }; #endif #if defined(KORE_USE_PGSQL) #define PYKORE_PGSQL_PREINIT 1 #define PYKORE_PGSQL_INITIALIZE 2 #define PYKORE_PGSQL_QUERY 3 #define PYKORE_PGSQL_WAIT 4 struct pykore_pgsql { PyObject_HEAD struct kore_pgsql sql; int state; int binary; char *db; struct python_coro *coro; char *query; PyObject *result; struct { int count; const char **values; int *lengths; int *formats; PyObject **objs; } param; }; static void pykore_pgsql_dealloc(struct pykore_pgsql *); static PyObject *pykore_pgsql_await(PyObject *); static PyObject *pykore_pgsql_iternext(struct pykore_pgsql *); static PyAsyncMethods pykore_pgsql_async = { (unaryfunc)pykore_pgsql_await, NULL, NULL }; static PyTypeObject pykore_pgsql_type = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0) .tp_name = "kore.pgsql", .tp_doc = "struct kore_pgsql", .tp_as_async = &pykore_pgsql_async, .tp_iternext = (iternextfunc)pykore_pgsql_iternext, .tp_basicsize = sizeof(struct pykore_pgsql), .tp_dealloc = (destructor)pykore_pgsql_dealloc, .tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, }; #endif