# Example Kore configuration # Server configuration. bind 443 # The path worker processes will chroot into after starting. chroot /home/joris/src/kore # Worker processes will run as the specified user. runas joris # Set workers to the amount of CPU's available in your system, # kore will automatically distribute all workers on them. workers 4 # The number of active connections each worker can handle. # You might have to tweak this number based on your hardware. #worker_max_connections 250 # Limit of maximum open files per worker. #worker_rlimit_nofiles 1024 # Store the main process its pid in this file. #pidfile /var/run/kore.pid # You can define a callback Kore calls from its parent process or # workers everytime the kore_cb_interval timer (in milliseconds) is reached. # # NOTE: Remember that the parent process runs as root and is not chroot(). # NOTE: If you want the cb to run on a worker, be sure to set kore_cb_worker. #kore_cb my_callback #kore_cb_interval 1000 #kore_cb_worker 3 # HTTP specific settings. # http_header_max Maximum size of HTTP headers (in bytes). # # http_postbody_max Maximum size of an HTTP POST body (in bytes). # # http_keepalive_time Maximum seconds an HTTP connection can be # kept alive by the browser. # (Set to 0 to disable keepalive completely). # # http_hsts_enable Send Strict Transport Security header in # all responses. Parameter is the age. # (Set to 0 to disable sending this header). #http_header_max 4096 #http_postbody_max 10240000 #http_keepalive_time 0 #http_hsts_enable 31536000 # Load modules (you can load multiple at the same time). # An additional parameter can be specified as the "onload" function # which Kore will call when the module is loaded/reloaded. load contrib/examples/generic/example.module example_load # Validators # validator name type regex|function # validator v_example function v_example_func validator v_regex regex ^/test/[a-z]*$ validator v_number regex ^[0-9]*$ validator v_session function v_session_validate # Specify the SSL ciphers that will be used. #ssl_cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:kEDH+AESGCM:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA:DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA:DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256:DHE-DSS-AES256-SHA:AES128-GCM-SHA256:AES256-GCM-SHA384:HIGH:!aNULL:!eNULL:!EXPORT:!DES:!3DES:!MD5:!PSK # If you wish to use EDH / ECDH specify a file containing # a generated DH key (See OpenSSL dhparam). #ssl_dhparam dh2048.pem # Set this if you want to disable SSL zlib compression. ssl_no_compression # Specify the amount of seconds a SPDY connection is kept open. # You can keep it open indefinately by setting this to 0. #spdy_idle_time 120 # Authentication configuration # # Using authentication blocks you can define a standard way for # Kore to validate your users. In the example below we create # a authentication block called auth_example, which requires # a cookie (session_id) to be set. # # If no cookie is present or the cookie is not valid according # to the set validator, Kore will redirect the browser to the # URI set in authentication_uri. # # Page handlers can be bound to authentication by specifying # authentication block at the end of the page directive (see below). authentication auth_example { # The authentication type denotes the way the user should # be authenticated. # # Allow values: # - cookie (checks for the cookie presence + pass to validator) # - header (checks for header presence + pass to validator) # - requuest (passes the http_request to the validator) # # Use cases for request could for example be IP based ACLs or # any other criteria that can be extracted from a http_request. # # The request type does not need an authentication_validator. # authentication_type cookie # The name of whatever we are looking for. authentication_value session_id # The validator that will be called to verify the cookie. # Note this is YOUR validator, Kore does not have built-in # session support. You must add this manually using your # preferred method (Storing it in postgres, redis, ...) authentication_validator v_session # The URI Kore will redirect to if a authentication fails. # If this is not set, Kore will return a simple 403. authentication_uri /private } # Domain configuration # # Each domain configuration starts with listing what domain # the directives that follow are to be applied upon. # # Additionally you can specify the following in a domain configuration: # # accesslog # - File where all requests are logged. # require_client_cert # - Asks the client to present a certificate # matching the CA given to require_client_cert # # Handlers # # Handlers are either static (for fixed paths) or dynamic. # Dynamic handlers take a POSIX regular expression as its path. # # Syntax: # handler path module_callback [auth block] # # Note that the auth block is optional and if set will force Kore to # authenticate the user according to the authentication block its settings # before allowing access to the page. # Example domain that responds to localhost. domain localhost { certfile cert/server.crt certkey cert/server.key accesslog /var/log/kore_access.log # Page handlers with no authentication required. static /css/style.css serve_style_css static / serve_index static /intro.jpg serve_intro static /b64test serve_b64test static /spdy-reset serve_spdyreset static /upload serve_file_upload static /lock-test serve_lock_test static /validator serve_validator static /params-test serve_params_test static /private serve_private # Page handlers with authentication. static /private/test serve_private_test auth_example # Configure /params-test POST to only accept the following parameters. # They are automatically tested against the validator listed. # If the validator would fail Kore will automatically remove the # failing parameter, indicating something was wrong with it. # Any parameters not present in the params block are also filtered out. params post /params-test { validate test1 v_example validate test2 v_regex } # Configure a GET parameter that /params-test can received. As before # this is validated against the validator and removed if validation # fails. All extra parameters in the GET query are filtered out. params get /params-test { validate arg1 v_example validate id v_number } } #domain domain.com { # certfile cert/other/server.crt # certkey cert/other/server.key # accesslog /var/log/other_kore_access.log # require_client_cert cert/other/ca.crt # static /css/style.css serve_style_css # static / serve_index # dynamic ^/[a-z0-9_]*$ serve_profile #}