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# Example Kore configuration
# Server configuration.
bind 443
certfile /etc/kore/server.crt
certkey /etc/kore/server.key
# The path worker processes will chroot too after starting.
chroot /home/joris/src/kore
# Worker processes will run as the specified user.
runas joris
# Set workers to the amount of CPU's available in your system,
# kore will automatically distribute all workers on them.
workers 2
# Store the main process its pid in this file.
#pidfile /var/run/kore.pid
# The onload function is called everytime the module is loaded or reloaded.
#onload myinit
# Specifies what module to be loaded.
load example/example.module
# Domain configuration
# Each domain configuration starts with listing what domain
# the directives that follow are to be applied upon.
# Additionally you can specify the following in a domain configuration:
# - Nothing yet
# Handlers
# Handlers are either static (for fixed paths) or dynamic.
# Dynamic handlers take a POSIX regular expression as its path.
# Syntax:
# handler path module_callback
# Example domain that responds to
static /css/style.css serve_style_css
static / serve_index
dynamic ^/[a-z0-9_]*$ serve_profile
# Another domain that responds to foo.bar.
domain foo.bar
dynamic ^/*$ serve_foobar