#pragma once #ifdef PS2_MENU #include "Frontend_PS2.h" #else #include "Sprite2d.h" #include "Timer.h" #define MENUHEADER_POS_X 10.0f #define MENUHEADER_POS_Y 10.0f #define MENUHEADER_HEIGHT 2.0f #define MENUHEADER_WIDTH 1.0f #define MENU_X_MARGIN 10.0f #define MENUACTION_SCALE_MULT 0.9f #define MENUSLIDER_BARS 16 #define MENUSLIDER_LOGICAL_BARS MENUSLIDER_BARS #define MENULABEL_X_MARGIN 80.0f #define MENULABEL_POS_X 100.0f #define MENULABEL_POS_Y 97.0f #define MENU_DEFAULT_CONTENT_X 320 #define MENU_DEFAULT_CONTENT_Y 100 #define MENU_DEFAULT_LINE_HEIGHT 29 #define RIGHT_ALIGNED_TEXT_RIGHT_MARGIN(xMargin) (xMargin + 30.0f) #define MENURADIO_ICON_FIRST_X 238.f #define MENURADIO_ICON_Y 288.0f #define MENURADIO_ICON_SIZE 60.0f #define MENURADIO_SELECTOR_START_Y 285.f // other options should leave room on the screen #define MENURADIO_SELECTOR_HEIGHT 65.f #define MENUSLIDER_X 500.0f #define MENUSLIDER_UNK 100.0f #define MENUSLIDER_SMALLEST_BAR 8.0f #define MENUSLIDER_BIGGEST_BAR 25.0f #define BIGTEXT2_X_SCALE 0.6f // For FONT_STANDARD #define BIGTEXT2_Y_SCALE 1.2f #define BIGTEXT_X_SCALE 0.6f // For FONT_HEADING #define BIGTEXT_Y_SCALE 1.0f #define MEDIUMTEXT_X_SCALE 0.48f // For FONT_STANDARD #define MEDIUMTEXT_Y_SCALE 1.0f #define SMALLTEXT_X_SCALE 0.42f // For FONT_STANDARD #define SMALLTEXT_Y_SCALE 0.9f #define SMALLESTTEXT_X_SCALE 0.3f // For FONT_STANDARD #define SMALLESTTEXT_Y_SCALE 0.7f #define LISTITEM_X_SCALE 0.4f // Only unproportional and commonly used scale for FONT_STANDARD #define LISTITEM_Y_SCALE 0.6f #define HELPER_TEXT_RIGHT_MARGIN MENU_X_MARGIN #define HELPER_TEXT_BOTTOM_MARGIN 18.f #define PLAYERSETUP_LIST_TOP 58.0f #define PLAYERSETUP_LIST_BOTTOM 95.0f #define PLAYERSETUP_LIST_LEFT 200.0f #define PLAYERSETUP_LIST_RIGHT 36.0f #ifdef FIX_BUGS // See the scrollbar button drawing code #define PLAYERSETUP_SCROLLBAR_WIDTH 19.0f #else #define PLAYERSETUP_SCROLLBAR_WIDTH 16.0f #endif #define PLAYERSETUP_SCROLLBUTTON_HEIGHT 17.0f #define PLAYERSETUP_SCROLLBUTTON_TXD_DIMENSION 64 #define PLAYERSETUP_SKIN_COLUMN_LEFT 220.0f #define PLAYERSETUP_DATE_COLUMN_RIGHT 56.0f #define PLAYERSETUP_LIST_BODY_TOP 77 #define PLAYERSETUP_ROW_HEIGHT 9 #define STATS_ROW_HEIGHT 17.0f #define STATS_ROW_LEFT_MARGIN 110.0f #define STATS_ROW_RIGHT_MARGIN 113.0f #define STATS_TOP_Y 135.0f // Just faded in #define STATS_BOTTOM_Y 300.0f // Starts to fade out after that #define STATS_FADING_AREA_LENGTH 50.0f #define STATS_VISIBLE_START_Y (STATS_TOP_Y - 10.f) #define STATS_VISIBLE_END_Y (STATS_BOTTOM_Y + 21.f) #define STATS_RATING_X 320.0f #define STATS_RATING_Y_1 85.0f #define STATS_RATING_Y_2 110.0f #define BRIEFS_TOP_MARGIN 140.0f #define BRIEFS_BOTTOM_MARGIN 280.0f #define BRIEFS_LINE_X 100.0f #define BRIEFS_LINE_HEIGHT 20.0f #define BRIEFS_LINE_SPACING 10.0f #define CONTSETUP_STANDARD_ROW_HEIGHT 10.7f #define CONTSETUP_CLASSIC_ROW_HEIGHT 9.0f #define CONTSETUP_BOUND_HIGHLIGHT_HEIGHT 10 #define CONTSETUP_BOUND_COLUMN_WIDTH 190.0f #define CONTSETUP_LIST_TOP 58.0f #define CONTSETUP_LIST_RIGHT 18.0f #define CONTSETUP_LIST_BOTTOM 78.0f #define CONTSETUP_LIST_LEFT 30.0f #define CONTSETUP_COLUMN_1_X 40.0f #define CONTSETUP_COLUMN_2_X 210.0f #define CONTSETUP_COLUMN_3_X (CONTSETUP_COLUMN_2_X + CONTSETUP_BOUND_COLUMN_WIDTH + 10.0f) #define CONTSETUP_BACK_RIGHT 35.0f #define CONTSETUP_BACK_BOTTOM 82.0f #define CONTSETUP_BACK_HEIGHT 25.0f enum { MENUALIGN_LEFT = 1, MENUALIGN_RIGHT, MENUALIGN_CENTER, }; enum eMenuSprites { MENUSPRITE_BACKGROUND, MENUSPRITE_VCLOGO, MENUSPRITE_MOUSE, MENUSPRITE_MAPTOP01, MENUSPRITE_MAPTOP02, MENUSPRITE_MAPTOP03, MENUSPRITE_MAPMID01, MENUSPRITE_MAPMID02, MENUSPRITE_MAPMID03, MENUSPRITE_MAPBOT01, MENUSPRITE_MAPBOT02, MENUSPRITE_MAPBOT03, MENUSPRITE_WILDSTYLE, MENUSPRITE_FLASH, MENUSPRITE_KCHAT, MENUSPRITE_FEVER, MENUSPRITE_VROCK, MENUSPRITE_VCPR, MENUSPRITE_ESPANTOSO, MENUSPRITE_EMOTION, MENUSPRITE_WAVE, MENUSPRITE_MP3, MENUSPRITE_DOWNOFF, MENUSPRITE_DOWNON, MENUSPRITE_UPOFF, MENUSPRITE_UPON, #ifdef GAMEPAD_MENU MENUSPRITE_CONTROLLER, MENUSPRITE_ARROWS1, MENUSPRITE_ARROWS2, MENUSPRITE_ARROWS3, MENUSPRITE_ARROWS4, #endif NUM_MENU_SPRITES }; enum eSaveSlot { SAVESLOT_NONE, SAVESLOT_0, SAVESLOT_1, SAVESLOT_2, SAVESLOT_3, SAVESLOT_4, SAVESLOT_5, SAVESLOT_6, SAVESLOT_7, SAVESLOT_8, SAVESLOT_LABEL = 36 }; enum eMenuScreen { MENUPAGE_DISABLED = -1, MENUPAGE_STATS = 0, MENUPAGE_NEW_GAME = 1, MENUPAGE_BRIEFS = 2, MENUPAGE_SOUND_SETTINGS = 3, MENUPAGE_DISPLAY_SETTINGS = 4, MENUPAGE_LANGUAGE_SETTINGS = 5, MENUPAGE_MAP = 6, MENUPAGE_NEW_GAME_RELOAD = 7, MENUPAGE_CHOOSE_LOAD_SLOT = 8, MENUPAGE_CHOOSE_DELETE_SLOT = 9, MENUPAGE_LOAD_SLOT_CONFIRM = 10, MENUPAGE_DELETE_SLOT_CONFIRM = 11, MENUPAGE_LOADING_IN_PROGRESS = 12, MENUPAGE_DELETING_IN_PROGRESS = 13, MENUPAGE_DELETE_SUCCESSFUL = 14, MENUPAGE_CHOOSE_SAVE_SLOT = 15, MENUPAGE_SAVE_OVERWRITE_CONFIRM = 16, MENUPAGE_SAVING_IN_PROGRESS = 17, MENUPAGE_SAVE_SUCCESSFUL = 18, MENUPAGE_SAVE_CUSTOM_WARNING = 19, MENUPAGE_SAVE_CHEAT_WARNING = 20, MENUPAGE_SKIN_SELECT = 21, MENUPAGE_SAVE_UNUSED = 22, MENUPAGE_SAVE_FAILED = 23, MENUPAGE_SAVE_FAILED_2 = 24, MENUPAGE_LOAD_FAILED = 25, MENUPAGE_CONTROLLER_PC = 26, MENUPAGE_OPTIONS = 27, MENUPAGE_EXIT = 28, MENUPAGE_START_MENU = 29, MENUPAGE_KEYBOARD_CONTROLS = 30, MENUPAGE_MOUSE_CONTROLS = 31, MENUPAGE_PAUSE_MENU = 32, MENUPAGE_NONE = 33, // Then chooses main menu or pause menu #ifdef GAMEPAD_MENU MENUPAGE_CONTROLLER_SETTINGS, #endif #ifdef LEGACY_MENU_OPTIONS MENUPAGE_DEBUG_MENU, MENUPAGE_CONTROLLER_PC_OLD1, MENUPAGE_CONTROLLER_PC_OLD2, MENUPAGE_CONTROLLER_PC_OLD3, MENUPAGE_CONTROLLER_PC_OLD4, MENUPAGE_CONTROLLER_DEBUG, #endif #ifdef CUSTOM_FRONTEND_OPTIONS #ifdef GRAPHICS_MENU_OPTIONS MENUPAGE_GRAPHICS_SETTINGS, #endif #ifdef DETECT_JOYSTICK_MENU MENUPAGE_DETECT_JOYSTICK, #endif #endif #ifdef MISSION_REPLAY MENUPAGE_MISSION_RETRY, #endif MENUPAGE_OUTRO, // Originally 34, but CFO needs last screen to be empty to count number of menu pages MENUPAGES }; enum eMenuAction { #ifdef CUSTOM_FRONTEND_OPTIONS MENUACTION_CFO_SLIDER = -3, MENUACTION_CFO_SELECT = -2, MENUACTION_CFO_DYNAMIC = -1, #endif MENUACTION_NOTHING, MENUACTION_LABEL, MENUACTION_YES, MENUACTION_NO, MENUACTION_CHANGEMENU, MENUACTION_INVERTPADY, MENUACTION_CTRLDISPLAY, MENUACTION_FRAMESYNC, MENUACTION_FRAMELIMIT, MENUACTION_TRAILS, MENUACTION_SUBTITLES, MENUACTION_WIDESCREEN, MENUACTION_BRIGHTNESS, MENUACTION_MUSICVOLUME, MENUACTION_SFXVOLUME, MENUACTION_RADIO, MENUACTION_LANG_ENG, MENUACTION_LANG_FRE, MENUACTION_LANG_GER, MENUACTION_LANG_ITA, MENUACTION_LANG_SPA, MENUACTION_POPULATESLOTS_CHANGEMENU, MENUACTION_CHECKSAVE, MENUACTION_NEWGAME, MENUACTION_RESUME_FROM_SAVEZONE, MENUACTION_RELOADIDE, MENUACTION_SETDBGFLAG, MENUACTION_LOADRADIO, MENUACTION_SAVEGAME, MENUACTION_SWITCHBIGWHITEDEBUGLIGHT, MENUACTION_COLLISIONPOLYS, MENUACTION_LEGENDS, MENUACTION_RADARMODE, MENUACTION_HUD, MENUACTION_GOBACK, MENUACTION_KEYBOARDCTRLS, MENUACTION_GETKEY, MENUACTION_SHOWHEADBOB, MENUACTION_UNK38, // MENUACTION_PARSEHEAP? MENUACTION_DEBUGSTREAM? MENUACTION_MEMCARDSAVECONFIRM? MENUACTION_INVVERT, MENUACTION_CANCELGAME, MENUACTION_RESUME, MENUACTION_DONTCANCEL, MENUACTION_SCREENRES, MENUACTION_AUDIOHW, MENUACTION_SPEAKERCONF, MENUACTION_PLAYERSETUP, MENUACTION_RESTOREDEF, MENUACTION_CTRLMETHOD, MENUACTION_DYNAMICACOUSTIC, MENUACTION_MOUSESTEER, MENUACTION_DRAWDIST, MENUACTION_MOUSESENS, MENUACTION_MP3VOLUMEBOOST, #ifdef GAMEPAD_MENU MENUACTION_CTRLVIBRATION, MENUACTION_CTRLCONFIG, #endif #ifdef MISSION_REPLAY MENUACTION_REJECT_RETRY, MENUACTION_UNK114 #endif }; enum eCheckHover { HOVEROPTION_0, HOVEROPTION_1, HOVEROPTION_RANDOM_ITEM, HOVEROPTION_3, HOVEROPTION_4, HOVEROPTION_5, HOVEROPTION_6, HOVEROPTION_7, HOVEROPTION_8, HOVEROPTION_BACK, // also layer in controller setup and skin menu HOVEROPTION_10, HOVEROPTION_11, HOVEROPTION_OVER_SCROLL_UP, HOVEROPTION_OVER_SCROLL_DOWN, HOVEROPTION_CLICKED_SCROLL_UP, HOVEROPTION_CLICKED_SCROLL_DOWN, HOVEROPTION_HOLDING_SCROLLBAR, HOVEROPTION_PAGEUP, HOVEROPTION_PAGEDOWN, HOVEROPTION_LIST, // also layer in controller setup and skin menu HOVEROPTION_SKIN, HOVEROPTION_USESKIN, // also layer in controller setup and skin menu HOVEROPTION_NEXT_RADIO, HOVEROPTION_PREV_RADIO, HOVEROPTION_INCREASE_BRIGHTNESS, HOVEROPTION_DECREASE_BRIGHTNESS, HOVEROPTION_INCREASE_DRAWDIST, HOVEROPTION_DECREASE_DRAWDIST, HOVEROPTION_INCREASE_MUSICVOLUME, HOVEROPTION_DECREASE_MUSICVOLUME, HOVEROPTION_INCREASE_SFXVOLUME, HOVEROPTION_DECREASE_SFXVOLUME, HOVEROPTION_INCREASE_MOUSESENS, HOVEROPTION_DECREASE_MOUSESENS, HOVEROPTION_INCREASE_MP3BOOST, HOVEROPTION_DECREASE_MP3BOOST, #ifdef CUSTOM_FRONTEND_OPTIONS HOVEROPTION_INCREASE_CFO_SLIDER, HOVEROPTION_DECREASE_CFO_SLIDER, #endif HOVEROPTION_NOT_HOVERING, }; enum { #if defined LEGACY_MENU_OPTIONS || defined CUSTOM_FRONTEND_OPTIONS NUM_MENUROWS = 18, #else NUM_MENUROWS = 12, #endif }; enum eControlMethod { CONTROL_STANDARD = 0, CONTROL_CLASSIC, }; // Why?? enum ControllerSetupColumn { CONTSETUP_PED_COLUMN = 0, CONTSETUP_VEHICLE_COLUMN = 16, }; struct tSkinInfo { int32 skinId; char skinNameDisplayed[256]; char skinNameOriginal[256]; char date[256]; tSkinInfo *nextSkin; }; struct BottomBarOption { char name[8]; int32 screenId; }; #ifndef CUSTOM_FRONTEND_OPTIONS struct CMenuScreen { char m_ScreenName[8]; int32 m_PreviousPage; // eMenuScreen int32 m_ParentEntry; // row struct CMenuEntry { int32 m_Action; // eMenuAction char m_EntryName[8]; int32 m_SaveSlot; // eSaveSlot int32 m_TargetMenu; // eMenuScreen uint16 m_X; uint16 m_Y; uint8 m_Align; } m_aEntries[NUM_MENUROWS]; }; extern CMenuScreen aScreens[MENUPAGES]; #else #include "frontendoption.h" struct CCustomScreenLayout { int startX; // not used at all if first entry has X and Y values int startY; // not used at all if first entry has X and Y values int lineHeight; // used to determine next entry's Y coordinate, if it has 0-0 as coordinates bool showLeftRightHelper; bool noInvasiveBorders; // not needed on pages already handled by game int xMargin; // useful for two part texts - 0/empty = MENU_X_MARGIN }; struct CCFO { void *value; const char *saveCat; const char *save; }; struct CCFOSelect : CCFO { char** rightTexts; int8 numRightTexts; bool onlyApplyOnEnter; int8 displayedValue; // only if onlyApplyOnEnter enabled for now int8 lastSavedValue; // only if onlyApplyOnEnter enabled ChangeFunc changeFunc; bool disableIfGameLoaded; CCFOSelect() {}; CCFOSelect(int8* value, const char* saveCat, const char* save, const char** rightTexts, int8 numRightTexts, bool onlyApplyOnEnter, ChangeFunc changeFunc = nil, bool disableIfGameLoaded = false){ this->value = value; if (value) this->lastSavedValue = this->displayedValue = *value; this->saveCat = saveCat; this->save = save; this->rightTexts = (char**)rightTexts; this->numRightTexts = numRightTexts; this->onlyApplyOnEnter = onlyApplyOnEnter; this->changeFunc = changeFunc; this->disableIfGameLoaded = disableIfGameLoaded; } }; // Value is float in here struct CCFOSlider : CCFO { ChangeFuncFloat changeFunc; float min; float max; CCFOSlider() {}; CCFOSlider(float* value, const char* saveCat, const char* save, float min, float max, ChangeFuncFloat changeFunc = nil){ this->value = value; this->saveCat = saveCat; this->save = save; this->changeFunc = changeFunc; this->min = min; this->max = max; } }; struct CCFODynamic : CCFO { DrawFunc drawFunc; ButtonPressFunc buttonPressFunc; CCFODynamic() {}; CCFODynamic(int8* value, const char* saveCat, const char* save, DrawFunc drawFunc, ButtonPressFunc buttonPressFunc){ this->value = value; this->saveCat = saveCat; this->save = save; this->drawFunc = drawFunc; this->buttonPressFunc = buttonPressFunc; } }; struct CMenuScreenCustom { char m_ScreenName[8]; int32 m_PreviousPage; // eMenuScreen CCustomScreenLayout *layout; ReturnPrevPageFunc returnPrevPageFunc; struct CMenuEntry { int32 m_Action; // eMenuAction - below zero is CFO char m_EntryName[8]; struct { union { CCFO *m_CFO; // for initializing CCFOSelect *m_CFOSelect; CCFODynamic *m_CFODynamic; CCFOSlider *m_CFOSlider; }; int32 m_SaveSlot; // eSaveSlot int32 m_TargetMenu; // eMenuScreen }; uint16 m_X; uint16 m_Y; uint8 m_Align; } m_aEntries[NUM_MENUROWS]; }; extern CMenuScreenCustom aScreens[MENUPAGES]; #endif struct MenuTrapezoid { float topLeft_x; float topLeft_y; float topRight_x; float topRight_y; float bottomLeft_x; float bottomLeft_y; float bottomRight_x; float bottomRight_y; float old_topRight_x; float old_topRight_y; float old_topLeft_x; float old_topLeft_y; float old_bottomLeft_x; float old_bottomLeft_y; float old_bottomRight_x; float old_bottomRight_y; float mult_topRight_x; float mult_topRight_y; float mult_topLeft_x; float mult_topLeft_y; float mult_bottomLeft_x; float mult_bottomLeft_y; float mult_bottomRight_x; float mult_bottomRight_y; MenuTrapezoid(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3, float x4, float y4) { topLeft_x = x1; topLeft_y = y1; topRight_x = x2; topRight_y = y2; bottomLeft_x = x3; bottomLeft_y = y3; bottomRight_x = x4; bottomRight_y = y4; }; void SaveCurrentCoors() { old_topLeft_x = topLeft_x; old_topLeft_y = topLeft_y; old_topRight_x = topRight_x; old_topRight_y = topRight_y; old_bottomLeft_x = bottomLeft_x; old_bottomLeft_y = bottomLeft_y; old_bottomRight_x = bottomRight_x; old_bottomRight_y = bottomRight_y; } void Translate(int delta) { bottomRight_x = delta * mult_bottomRight_x + old_bottomRight_x; bottomRight_y = delta * mult_bottomRight_y + old_bottomRight_y; bottomLeft_x = delta * mult_bottomLeft_x + old_bottomLeft_x; bottomLeft_y = delta * mult_bottomLeft_y + old_bottomLeft_y; topRight_x = delta * mult_topRight_x + old_topRight_x; topRight_y = delta * mult_topRight_y + old_topRight_y; topLeft_x = delta * mult_topLeft_x + old_topLeft_x; topLeft_y = delta * mult_topLeft_y + old_topLeft_y; } void UpdateMultipliers() { mult_bottomRight_x = (bottomRight_x - old_bottomRight_x) / 255.0f; mult_bottomRight_y = (bottomRight_y - old_bottomRight_y) / 255.0f; mult_bottomLeft_x = (bottomLeft_x - old_bottomLeft_x) / 255.0f; mult_bottomLeft_y = (bottomLeft_y - old_bottomLeft_y) / 255.0f; mult_topRight_x = (topRight_x - old_topRight_x) / 255.0f; mult_topRight_y = (topRight_y - old_topRight_y) / 255.0f; mult_topLeft_x = (topLeft_x - old_topLeft_x) / 255.0f; mult_topLeft_y = (topLeft_y - old_topLeft_y) / 255.0f; } }; class CMenuManager { public: int8 m_StatsScrollDirection; float m_StatsScrollSpeed; uint8 field_8; bool m_PrefsUseVibration; bool m_PrefsShowHud; int32 m_PrefsRadarMode; bool m_DisplayControllerOnFoot; bool m_bShutDownFrontEndRequested; bool m_bStartUpFrontEndRequested; int32 m_KeyPressedCode; int32 m_PrefsBrightness; float m_PrefsLOD; int8 m_PrefsShowSubtitles; int8 m_PrefsShowLegends; int8 m_PrefsUseWideScreen; int8 m_PrefsVsync; int8 m_PrefsVsyncDisp; int8 m_PrefsFrameLimiter; int8 m_nPrefsAudio3DProviderIndex; int8 m_PrefsSpeakers; int8 m_PrefsDMA; int8 m_PrefsSfxVolume; int8 m_PrefsMusicVolume; int8 m_PrefsRadioStation; uint8 m_PrefsStereoMono; // unused except restore settings int32 m_nCurrOption; bool m_bQuitGameNoCD; bool m_bMenuMapActive; bool m_AllowNavigation; uint8 field_37; bool m_bMenuActive; bool m_bWantToRestart; bool m_bFirstTime; bool m_bActivateSaveMenu; bool m_bWantToLoad; float m_fMapSize; float m_fMapCenterX; float m_fMapCenterY; uint32 OS_Language; int32 m_PrefsLanguage; int32 field_54; int8 m_bLanguageLoaded; uint8 m_PrefsAllowNastyGame; int8 m_PrefsMP3BoostVolume; int8 m_ControlMethod; int32 m_nPrefsVideoMode; int32 m_nDisplayVideoMode; int32 m_nMouseTempPosX; int32 m_nMouseTempPosY; bool m_bGameNotLoaded; int8 m_lastWorking3DAudioProvider; bool m_bFrontEnd_ReloadObrTxtGxt; int32 *pEditString; uint8 field_74[4]; int32 *pControlEdit; bool m_OnlySaveMenu; int32 m_firstStartCounter; CSprite2d m_aFrontEndSprites[NUM_MENU_SPRITES]; bool m_bSpritesLoaded; int32 m_LeftMostRadioX; int32 m_ScrollRadioBy; int32 m_nCurrScreen; int32 m_nPrevScreen; int32 m_nCurrSaveSlot; uint32 m_LastScreenSwitch; int32 m_nMenuFadeAlpha; int32 m_nOptionHighlightTransitionBlend; bool bMenuChangeOngoing; int32 MouseButtonJustClicked; int32 JoyButtonJustClicked; bool DisplayComboButtonErrMsg; bool m_NoEmptyBinding; bool m_ShowEmptyBindingError; int32 m_nHelperTextAlpha; bool m_bPressedPgUpOnList; bool m_bPressedPgDnOnList; bool m_bPressedUpOnList; bool m_bPressedDownOnList; bool m_bPressedScrollButton; uint8 field_129; uint8 field_12A; uint8 field_12B; int32 m_nMousePosX; int32 m_nMousePosY; int32 m_nMouseOldPosX; int32 m_nMouseOldPosY; int32 m_nHoverOption; bool m_bShowMouse; int32 m_nOptionMouseHovering; bool m_bStartWaitingForKeyBind; bool m_bWaitingForNewKeyBind; bool m_bKeyChangeNotProcessed; int32 m_CurrCntrlAction; uint8 field_150; uint8 field_151; uint8 field_152; uint8 field_153; int32 m_nSelectedContSetupColumn; bool m_bKeyIsOK; bool field_159; uint8 m_nCurrExLayer; char m_PrefsSkinFile[256]; char m_aSkinName[256]; uint8 field_35B; int32 m_nHelperTextMsgId; tSkinInfo m_pSkinListHead; tSkinInfo *m_pSelectedSkin; int32 m_nFirstVisibleRowOnList; float m_nScrollbarTopMargin; int32 m_nTotalListRow; int32 m_nSkinsTotal; uint8 field_67C[4]; int32 m_nSelectedListRow; bool m_bSkinsEnumerated; #ifdef IMPROVED_VIDEOMODE int32 m_nPrefsWidth; int32 m_nPrefsHeight; int32 m_nPrefsDepth; int32 m_nPrefsWindowed; int32 m_nPrefsSubsystem; int32 m_nSelectedScreenMode; #endif #ifdef MULTISAMPLING int8 m_nPrefsMSAALevel; int8 m_nDisplayMSAALevel; #endif #ifdef GAMEPAD_MENU enum { CONTROLLER_DUALSHOCK2 = 0, CONTROLLER_DUALSHOCK3, CONTROLLER_DUALSHOCK4, CONTROLLER_XBOX360, CONTROLLER_XBOXONE, }; int8 m_PrefsControllerType; #endif enum LANGUAGE { LANGUAGE_AMERICAN, LANGUAGE_FRENCH, LANGUAGE_GERMAN, LANGUAGE_ITALIAN, LANGUAGE_SPANISH, #ifdef MORE_LANGUAGES LANGUAGE_POLISH, LANGUAGE_RUSSIAN, LANGUAGE_JAPANESE, #endif }; bool GetIsMenuActive() {return !!m_bMenuActive;} #ifdef CUTSCENE_BORDERS_SWITCH static bool m_PrefsCutsceneBorders; #endif #ifndef MASTER static bool m_PrefsMarketing; static bool m_PrefsDisableTutorials; #endif // !MASTER CMenuManager(void); ~CMenuManager(void) { UnloadTextures(); } #ifdef NO_ISLAND_LOADING enum { ISLAND_LOADING_LOW = 0, ISLAND_LOADING_MEDIUM, ISLAND_LOADING_HIGH }; int8 m_PrefsIslandLoading; #define ISLAND_LOADING_IS(p) if (FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsIslandLoading == CMenuManager::ISLAND_LOADING_##p) #define ISLAND_LOADING_ISNT(p) if (FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsIslandLoading != CMenuManager::ISLAND_LOADING_##p) #else #define ISLAND_LOADING_IS(p) #define ISLAND_LOADING_ISNT(p) #endif #ifdef XBOX_MESSAGE_SCREEN static uint32 m_nDialogHideTimer; static uint32 m_nDialogHideTimerPauseMode; static bool m_bDialogOpen; static wchar *m_pDialogText; static bool m_bSaveWasSuccessful; static void SetDialogText(const char*); static bool DialogTextCmp(const char*); static void ToggleDialog(bool); static void SetDialogTimer(uint32); void ProcessDialogTimer(void); void DrawOverlays(void); void CloseDialog(void); #endif void Initialise(); void PrintMap(); void SetFrontEndRenderStates(); static void CentreMousePointer(); void CheckCodesForControls(int); bool CheckHover(int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2); void CheckSliderMovement(int); void DisplayHelperText(char*); int DisplaySlider(float, float, float, float, float, float, float); void DoSettingsBeforeStartingAGame(); void DrawStandardMenus(bool); void DrawControllerBound(int32, int32, int32, int8); void DrawControllerScreenExtraText(int, int, int); void DrawControllerSetupScreen(); void DrawQuitGameScreen(); void DrawFrontEnd(); void DrawBackground(bool transitionCall); void DrawPlayerSetupScreen(bool); int FadeIn(int alpha); int GetStartOptionsCntrlConfigScreens(); void InitialiseChangedLanguageSettings(); void LoadAllTextures(); void LoadSettings(); void MessageScreen(const char *str, bool); void SmallMessageScreen(const char *str); void PrintBriefs(); static void PrintErrorMessage(); void PrintStats(); void Process(); void ProcessList(bool &optionSelected, bool &goBack); void UserInput(); void ProcessUserInput(uint8, uint8, uint8, uint8, int8); void ChangeRadioStation(int8); void ProcessFileActions(); void ProcessOnOffMenuOptions(); void RequestFrontEndShutDown(); void RequestFrontEndStartUp(); void ResetHelperText(); void SaveSettings(); void SetHelperText(int text); float StretchX(float); float StretchY(float); void SwitchMenuOnAndOff(); void UnloadTextures(); void WaitForUserCD(); int GetNumOptionsCntrlConfigScreens(); void SwitchToNewScreen(int8); void AdditionalOptionInput(bool &goBack); void ExportStats(void); void PrintRadioSelector(void); // New (not in function or inlined in the game) void ThingsToDoBeforeLeavingPage(); void ScrollUpListByOne(); void ScrollDownListByOne(); void PageUpList(bool); void PageDownList(bool); int8 GetPreviousPageOption(); // uint8 GetNumberOfMenuOptions(); #ifdef GAMEPAD_MENU void LoadController(int8 type); void PrintController(void); #endif }; #ifndef IMPROVED_VIDEOMODE VALIDATE_SIZE(CMenuManager, 0x688); #endif extern CMenuManager FrontEndMenuManager; #endif