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Raw Normal View History

2020-08-31 18:50:41 +02:00
* Copyright (c) 1996-2002, Valve LLC. All rights reserved.
* This product contains software technology licensed from Id
* Software, Inc. ("Id Technology"). Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
#include "cmdlib.h"
#include "mathlib.h"
#include "polylib.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "threads.h"
#include "bspfile.h"
void pw( winding_t *w )
for( int i = 0; w && i < w->numpoints; i++ )
Msg( "(%5.1f, %5.1f, %5.1f)\n", w->p[i][0], w->p[i][1], w->p[i][2] );
winding_t *AllocWinding( int numpoints )
if( numpoints > MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING )
COM_FatalError( "AllocWinding: MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING limit exceeded\n", numpoints );
return (winding_t *)Mem_Alloc( (int)((winding_t *)0)->p[numpoints], C_WINDING );
void FreeWinding( winding_t *w )
// simple sentinel by Carmack
if( *(unsigned *)w == 0xDEADC0DE )
COM_FatalError( "FreeWinding: freed a freed winding\n" );
*(unsigned *)w = 0xDEADC0DE;
Mem_Free( w, C_WINDING );
winding_t *CopyWinding( const winding_t *w )
winding_t *c = AllocWinding( w->numpoints );
memcpy( c, w, (int)((winding_t *)0)->p[w->numpoints] );
return c;
winding_t *CopyWinding( int numpoints, vec3_t *points )
winding_t *c = AllocWinding( numpoints );
memcpy( c->p, points, sizeof( *points ) * numpoints );
c->numpoints = numpoints;
return c;
void ReverseWinding( winding_t **inout )
winding_t *c, *w;
if( !inout || !*inout )
w = *inout;
c = AllocWinding( w->numpoints );
for( int i = 0; i < w->numpoints; i++ )
VectorCopy( w->p[w->numpoints-1-i], c->p[i] );
c->numpoints = w->numpoints;
FreeWinding( w );
*inout = c;
void RemoveColinearPointsEpsilon( winding_t *w, vec_t epsilon )
vec3_t v1, v2;
vec_t *p1, *p2, *p3;
for( int i = 0; w && i < w->numpoints; i++ )
p1 = w->p[(i+w->numpoints-1) % w->numpoints];
p2 = w->p[i];
p3 = w->p[(i+1)%w->numpoints];
VectorSubtract( p2, p1, v1 );
VectorSubtract( p3, p2, v2 );
// v1 or v2 might be close to 0
if( DotProduct( v1, v2 ) * DotProduct( v1, v2 ) >= DotProduct( v1, v1 ) * DotProduct( v2, v2 )
- epsilon * epsilon * ( DotProduct( v1, v1 ) + DotProduct( v2, v2 ) + epsilon * epsilon ))
for( ; i < w->numpoints; i++ )
VectorCopy( w->p[i+1], w->p[i] );
i = -1;
void WindingPlane( winding_t *w, vec3_t normal, vec_t *dist )
vec3_t v1, v2;
if( w && w->numpoints >= 3 )
VectorSubtract( w->p[2], w->p[1], v1 );
VectorSubtract( w->p[0], w->p[1], v2 );
CrossProduct( v2, v1, normal );
VectorNormalize( normal );
*dist = DotProduct( w->p[0], normal );
VectorClear( normal );
*dist = 0.0;
Returns true if the winding would be crunched out of
existance by the vertex snapping.
bool WindingIsTiny( winding_t *w )
vec3_t delta;
vec_t length;
int edges = 0;
for( int i = 0; w != NULL && i < w->numpoints; i++ )
int j = ( i == ( w->numpoints - 1 )) ? 0 : ( i + 1 );
VectorSubtract( w->p[j], w->p[i], delta );
length = VectorLength( delta );
if( length > EDGE_LENGTH )
if( ++edges == 3 )
return false;
return true;
Returns true if the winding still has one of the points
from basewinding for plane
bool WindingIsHuge( winding_t *w )
for( int i = 0; w != NULL && i < w->numpoints; i++ )
for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
if( w->p[i][j] < WORLD_MINS || w->p[i][j] > WORLD_MAXS )
return true;
return false;
vec_t WindingArea( const winding_t *w )
vec3_t d1, d2, cross;
vec_t total;
total = 0.0;
for( int i = 2; w != NULL && w->numpoints >= 3 && i < w->numpoints; i++ )
VectorSubtract( w->p[i-1], w->p[0], d1 );
VectorSubtract( w->p[i], w->p[0], d2 );
CrossProduct( d1, d2, cross );
total += 0.5 * VectorLength ( cross );
return total;
void WindingBounds( winding_t *w, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, bool merge )
if( !merge ) ClearBounds( mins, maxs );
for( int i = 0; w != NULL && i < w->numpoints; i++ )
for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
vec_t v = w->p[i][j];
if( v < mins[j] ) mins[j] = v;
if( v > maxs[j] ) maxs[j] = v;
void WindingCenter( winding_t *w, vec3_t center )
VectorClear( center );
if( !w || w->numpoints <= 0 )
for( int i = 0; i < w->numpoints; i++ )
VectorAdd( w->p[i], center, center );
vec_t scale = 1.0 / w->numpoints;
VectorScale( center, scale, center );
vec_t WindingAreaAndBalancePoint( winding_t *w, vec3_t center )
vec3_t d1, d2, cross;
vec_t total, area;
VectorClear( center );
if( !w ) return 0;
total = 0.0;
for( int i = 2; i < w->numpoints; i++ )
VectorSubtract( w->p[i-1], w->p[0], d1 );
VectorSubtract( w->p[i], w->p[0], d2 );
CrossProduct( d1, d2, cross );
area = VectorLength( cross );
total += area;
// center of triangle, weighted by area
VectorMA( center, area / 3.0, w->p[i-1], center );
VectorMA( center, area / 3.0, w->p[i], center );
VectorMA( center, area / 3.0, w->p[0], center );
if( total ) VectorScale( center, 1.0 / total, center );
return total * 0.5;
winding_t *BaseWindingForPlane( const vec3_t normal, vec_t dist )
vec3_t org, vright, vup;
vec_t v, max = 0.56;
int x = -1;
winding_t *w;
// find the major axis
for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
v = fabs( normal[i] );
if( v > max )
max = v;
x = i;
if( x == -1 ) COM_FatalError( "BaseWindingForPlane: no axis found\n" );
switch( x )
case 0:
case 1: // fall through to next case.
vright[0] = -normal[1];
vright[1] = normal[0];
vright[2] = 0;
case 2:
vright[0] = 0;
vright[1] = -normal[2];
vright[2] = normal[1];
VectorScale( vright, (vec_t)WORLD_MAXS * 4.0, vright );
CrossProduct( normal, vright, vup );
VectorScale( normal, (vec_t)dist, org );
// project a really big axis aligned box onto the plane
w = AllocWinding( 4 );
VectorSubtract( org, vright, w->p[0] );
VectorAdd( w->p[0], vup, w->p[0] );
VectorAdd( org, vright, w->p[1] );
VectorAdd( w->p[1], vup, w->p[1] );
VectorAdd( org, vright, w->p[2] );
VectorSubtract( w->p[2], vup, w->p[2] );
VectorSubtract( org, vright, w->p[3] );
VectorSubtract( w->p[3], vup, w->p[3] );
w->numpoints = 4;
return w;
void ClipWindingEpsilon( winding_t *in, const vec3_t normal, vec_t dist, vec_t epsilon, winding_t **front, winding_t **back, bool keepon )
vec_t dists[MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING+4];
int counts[3];
vec_t dot;
int i, j;
vec_t *p1, *p2;
vec3_t mid;
winding_t *f, *b;
int maxpts;
counts[0] = counts[1] = counts[2] = 0;
// determine sides for each point
for( i = 0; i < in->numpoints; i++ )
dot = DotProduct( in->p[i], normal );
dot -= dist;
dists[i] = dot;
if( dot > epsilon )
sides[i] = SIDE_FRONT;
else if( dot < -epsilon )
sides[i] = SIDE_BACK;
else sides[i] = SIDE_ON;
sides[i] = sides[0];
dists[i] = dists[0];
*front = *back = NULL;
if( keepon && !counts[SIDE_FRONT] && !counts[SIDE_BACK] )
vec_t sum = 0.0;
for( i = 0; i < in->numpoints; i++)
dot = DotProduct( in->p[i], normal );
dot -= dist;
sum += dot;
if( sum > NORMAL_EPSILON )
*front = CopyWinding( in );
else *back = CopyWinding( in );
if( !counts[SIDE_FRONT] )
*back = CopyWinding( in );
if( !counts[SIDE_BACK] )
*front = CopyWinding( in );
maxpts = in->numpoints + 4; // cant use counts[0] + 2 because of fp grouping errors
*front = f = AllocWinding( maxpts );
*back = b = AllocWinding( maxpts );
VectorClear( mid );
for( i = 0; i < in->numpoints; i++ )
p1 = in->p[i];
if( sides[i] == SIDE_ON )
VectorCopy( p1, f->p[f->numpoints] );
VectorCopy( p1, b->p[b->numpoints] );
else if( sides[i] == SIDE_FRONT )
VectorCopy( p1, f->p[f->numpoints] );
else if( sides[i] == SIDE_BACK )
VectorCopy( p1, b->p[b->numpoints] );
if(( sides[i+1] == SIDE_ON ) | ( sides[i+1] == sides[i] )) // | instead of || for branch optimization
// generate a split point
p2 = in->p[(i + 1) % in->numpoints];
dot = dists[i] / (dists[i] - dists[i+1]);
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
// avoid round off error when possible
if( normal[j] == 1 )
mid[j] = dist;
else if( normal[j] == -1 )
mid[j] = -dist;
else mid[j] = p1[j] + dot * ( p2[j] - p1[j] );
VectorCopy( mid, f->p[f->numpoints] );
VectorCopy( mid, b->p[b->numpoints] );
if(( f->numpoints > maxpts ) | ( b->numpoints > maxpts ))
COM_FatalError( "ClipWinding: points exceeded estimate\n" );
if(( f->numpoints > MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING ) | ( b->numpoints > MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING ))
COM_FatalError( "ClipWinding: MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING limit exceeded\n" );
RemoveColinearPointsEpsilon( f, epsilon );
RemoveColinearPointsEpsilon( b, epsilon );
if( f->numpoints < 3 )
FreeWinding( f );
*front = NULL;
if( b->numpoints < 3 )
FreeWinding( b );
*back = NULL;
Divides a winding by a plane, producing one or two windings. The
original winding is not damaged or freed. If only on one side, the
returned winding will be the input winding. If on both sides, two
new windings will be created.
void DivideWindingEpsilon( winding_t *in, vec3_t normal, vec_t dist, vec_t epsilon, winding_t **front, winding_t **back, vec_t *fnormal, bool keepon )
vec_t dists[MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING+4];
int counts[3];
vec_t dot;
int i, j;
vec_t *p1, *p2;
vec3_t mid;
winding_t *f, *b;
int maxpts;
counts[0] = counts[1] = counts[2] = 0;
// determine sides for each point
for( i = 0; i < in->numpoints; i++ )
dot = DotProduct( in->p[i], normal );
dot -= dist;
dists[i] = dot;
if( dot > epsilon )
sides[i] = SIDE_FRONT;
else if( dot < -epsilon )
sides[i] = SIDE_BACK;
else sides[i] = SIDE_ON;
sides[i] = sides[0];
dists[i] = dists[0];
*front = *back = NULL;
if( keepon && !counts[SIDE_FRONT] && !counts[SIDE_BACK] )
if( fnormal )
// put front face in front node, and back face in back node.
if( DotProduct( fnormal, normal ) > NORMAL_EPSILON ) // usually near 1.0 or -1.0
*front = in;
else *back = in;
vec_t sum = 0.0;
for( i = 0; i < in->numpoints; i++)
dot = DotProduct( in->p[i], normal );
dot -= dist;
sum += dot;
if( sum > NORMAL_EPSILON )
*front = in;
else *back = in;
if( !counts[SIDE_FRONT] )
*back = in;
if( !counts[SIDE_BACK] )
*front = in;
maxpts = in->numpoints + 4; // can't use counts[0]+2 because of fp grouping errors
*front = f = AllocWinding( maxpts );
*back = b = AllocWinding( maxpts );
for( i = 0; i < in->numpoints; i++ )
p1 = in->p[i];
if( sides[i] == SIDE_ON )
VectorCopy( p1, f->p[f->numpoints] );
VectorCopy( p1, b->p[b->numpoints] );
if( sides[i] == SIDE_FRONT )
VectorCopy( p1, f->p[f->numpoints] );
else if( sides[i] == SIDE_BACK )
VectorCopy( p1, b->p[b->numpoints] );
if(( sides[i+1] == SIDE_ON ) | ( sides[i+1] == sides[i] )) // | instead of || for branch optimization
// generate a split point
p2 = in->p[(i + 1) % in->numpoints];
dot = dists[i] / (dists[i] - dists[i+1]);
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
// avoid round off error when possible
if( normal[j] == 1 )
mid[j] = dist;
else if( normal[j] == -1 )
mid[j] = -dist;
else mid[j] = p1[j] + dot * ( p2[j] - p1[j] );
VectorCopy( mid, f->p[f->numpoints] );
VectorCopy( mid, b->p[b->numpoints] );
if(( f->numpoints > maxpts ) | ( b->numpoints > maxpts ))
COM_FatalError( "ClipWinding: points exceeded estimate\n" );
if(( f->numpoints > MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING ) | ( b->numpoints > MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING ))
COM_FatalError( "ClipWinding: MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING limit exceeded\n" );
RemoveColinearPointsEpsilon( f, epsilon );
RemoveColinearPointsEpsilon( b, epsilon );
if( f->numpoints < 3 )
FreeWinding( f );
FreeWinding( b );
*front = NULL;
*back = in;
else if( b->numpoints < 3 )
FreeWinding( f );
FreeWinding( b );
*front = in;
*back = NULL;
bool ChopWindingInPlace( winding_t **inout, const vec3_t normal, vec_t dist, vec_t epsilon, bool keepon )
winding_t *in;
vec_t dists[MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING+4];
int counts[3];
vec_t dot;
int i, j;
vec_t *p1, *p2;
vec3_t mid;
winding_t *f;
int maxpts;
in = *inout;
counts[0] = counts[1] = counts[2] = 0;
// determine sides for each point
for( i = 0; i < in->numpoints; i++ )
dot = DotProduct( in->p[i], normal );
dot -= dist;
dists[i] = dot;
if( dot > epsilon )
sides[i] = SIDE_FRONT;
else if( dot < -epsilon )
sides[i] = SIDE_BACK;
else sides[i] = SIDE_ON;
sides[i] = sides[0];
dists[i] = dists[0];
if( keepon && !counts[SIDE_FRONT] && !counts[SIDE_BACK] )
return true; // SIDE_ON
if( !counts[0] )
FreeWinding( in );
*inout = NULL;
return false;
if( !counts[1] ) return true; // inout stays the same
maxpts = in->numpoints + 4; // cant use counts[0] + 2 because of fp grouping errors
VectorClear( mid );
f = AllocWinding( maxpts );
for( i = 0; i < in->numpoints; i++ )
p1 = in->p[i];
if( sides[i] == SIDE_ON )
VectorCopy( p1, f->p[f->numpoints] );
if( sides[i] == SIDE_FRONT )
VectorCopy( p1, f->p[f->numpoints] );
if(( sides[i+1] == SIDE_ON ) | ( sides[i+1] == sides[i] )) // | instead of || for branch optimization
// generate a split point
p2 = in->p[(i + 1) % in->numpoints];
dot = dists[i] / (dists[i] - dists[i+1]);
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
// avoid round off error when possible
if( normal[j] == 1 )
mid[j] = dist;
else if( normal[j] == -1 )
mid[j] = -dist;
else mid[j] = p1[j] + dot * ( p2[j] - p1[j] );
VectorCopy( mid, f->p[f->numpoints] );
if( f->numpoints > maxpts )
COM_FatalError( "ChopWinding: points exceeded estimate\n" );
if( f->numpoints > MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING )
COM_FatalError( "ChopWinding: MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING limit exceeded\n" );
RemoveColinearPointsEpsilon( f, epsilon );
if( f->numpoints < 3 )
FreeWinding( f );
*inout = NULL;
return false;
FreeWinding( in );
*inout = f;
return true;
If two polygons share a common edge and the edges that meet at the
common points are both inside the other polygons, merge them
Returns NULL if the windings couldn't be merged, or the new winding.
The originals will NOT be freed.
winding_t *TryMergeWindingEpsilon( winding_t *w1, winding_t *w2, const vec3_t planenormal, vec_t epsilon )
vec_t *front, *back;
bool keep1, keep2;
vec3_t normal, delta;
int edge1, edge2;
winding_t *neww;
vec_t dot;
int k;
// check for early out
if( !w1 || !w2 ) return NULL;
edge1 = edge2 = -1;
// find a common edge
for( int i = 0; i < w1->numpoints; i++ )
vec_t *p1 = w1->p[i];
vec_t *p2 = w1->p[(i + 1) % w1->numpoints];
for( int j = 0; j < w2->numpoints; j++ )
vec_t *p3 = w2->p[j];
vec_t *p4 = w2->p[(j + 1) % w2->numpoints];
if( VectorCompareEpsilon( p1, p4, epsilon ) && VectorCompareEpsilon( p2, p3, epsilon ))
edge2 = j;
if( edge2 >= 0 )
edge1 = i;
if( edge1 < 0 || edge2 < 0 )
return false; // no collinear edge
// check slope of connected lines
// if the slopes are colinear, the point can be removed
front = w1->p[edge1];
back = w1->p[(i - 1 + w1->numpoints) % w1->numpoints];
VectorSubtract( front, back, delta );
CrossProduct( planenormal, delta, normal );
VectorNormalize( normal );
back = w2->p[(edge2 + 2) % w2->numpoints];
VectorSubtract( back, front, delta );
dot = DotProduct( delta, normal );
if( dot > epsilon ) return NULL; // not a convex polygon
keep1 = dot < -epsilon;
front = w2->p[edge2];
back = w1->p[(edge1 + 2) % w1->numpoints];
VectorSubtract( back, front, delta );
CrossProduct( planenormal, delta, normal );
VectorNormalize( normal );
back = w2->p[(edge2 - 1 + w2->numpoints) % w2->numpoints];
VectorSubtract( back, front, delta );
dot = DotProduct( delta, normal );
if( dot > epsilon ) return NULL; // not a convex polygon
keep2 = dot < -epsilon;
// build the new polygon
neww = AllocWinding( w1->numpoints + w2->numpoints - 4 + keep1 + keep2 );
// copy first polygon
for( k = (edge1 + 1) % w1->numpoints; k != edge1; k = (k + 1) % w1->numpoints )
if( k == (edge1 + 1) % w1->numpoints && !keep2 )
VectorCopy( w1->p[k], neww->p[neww->numpoints] );
// copy second polygon
for( k = (edge2 + 1) % w2->numpoints; k != edge2; k = (k + 1) % w2->numpoints )
if( k == (edge2 + 1) % w2->numpoints && !keep1 )
VectorCopy( w2->p[k], neww->p[neww->numpoints] );
RemoveColinearPointsEpsilon( neww, epsilon );
if( neww->numpoints < 3 )
FreeWinding( neww );
return NULL;
return neww;
If two polygons share a common edge and the edges that meet at the
common points are both inside the other polygons, merge them
Returns NULL if the windings couldn't be merged, or the new winding.
The originals will NOT be freed.
bool BiteWindingEpsilon( winding_t **in1, winding_t **in2, const vec3_t planenormal, vec_t epsilon )
vec_t *front, *back;
winding_t *neww, *fw, *bw;
bool convex1, convex2;
vec3_t normal, delta;
int edge1, edge2;
int edgetype = 0;
vec_t len1, len2;
winding_t *w1 = *in1;
winding_t *w2 = *in2;
vec3_t dir1, dir2;
vec_t dot, dist;
if( !w1 || !w2 )
return false;
edge1 = edge2 = -1;
// p11 = p1
// p12 = p2
// p21 = p3
// p22 = p4
// find a common edge
for( int i = 0; i < w1->numpoints; i++ )
vec_t *p1 = w1->p[i];
vec_t *p2 = w1->p[(i + 1) % w1->numpoints];
for( int j = 0; j < w2->numpoints; j++ )
vec_t *p3 = w2->p[j];
vec_t *p4 = w2->p[(j + 1) % w2->numpoints];
if( VectorCompareEpsilon( p1, p4, epsilon ) && VectorCompareEpsilon( p2, p3, epsilon ))
// really common edge
edgetype = 0;
edge2 = j;
VectorSubtract( p1, p2, dir1 );
VectorSubtract( p4, p3, dir2 );
len1 = VectorNormalize( dir1 );
len2 = VectorNormalize( dir2 );
dot = DotProduct( dir1, dir2 );
if( VectorCompareEpsilon( p1, p4, epsilon ) && ( dot > ( 1.0 - NORMAL_EPSILON )) && ( len1 < len2 ))
// collinear edge with common point 1
edgetype = 1;
edge2 = j;
if( VectorCompareEpsilon( p2, p3, epsilon ) && ( dot > ( 1.0 - NORMAL_EPSILON )) && ( len1 < len2 ))
// collinear edge with common point 2
edgetype = 2;
edge2 = j;
if( edge2 >= 0 )
edge1 = i;
if( edge1 < 0 || edge2 < 0 )
return false; // no collinear edge
if( edgetype == 0 )
// Detemine collinear edge, and split at non-collinear
// If both edges are non-collinear, don't split at all!
front = w1->p[edge1];
back = w1->p[(edge1 + w1->numpoints - 1) % w1->numpoints];
VectorSubtract( front, back, delta );
CrossProduct( planenormal, delta, normal );
VectorNormalize( normal );
back = w2->p[(edge2 + 2) % w2->numpoints];
VectorSubtract( back, front, delta );
dot = DotProduct( delta, normal );
convex1 = dot <= epsilon;
front = w2->p[edge2];
back = w1->p[(edge1 + 2) % w1->numpoints];
VectorSubtract( back, front, delta );
CrossProduct( planenormal, delta, normal );
VectorNormalize( normal );
back = w2->p[(edge2 + w2->numpoints - 1) % w2->numpoints];
VectorSubtract( back, front, delta );
dot = DotProduct( delta, normal );
convex2 = dot <= epsilon;
if( convex1 && convex2 )
return false;
front = w1->p[edge1];
back = w1->p[(edge1 + w1->numpoints - 1) % w1->numpoints];
VectorSubtract( front, back, delta );
CrossProduct( planenormal, delta, normal );
VectorNormalize( normal );
dist = DotProduct( normal, front );
ClipWindingEpsilon( w2, normal, dist, epsilon, &fw, &bw );
if( !fw || !bw )
if( fw ) FreeWinding( fw );
if( bw ) FreeWinding( bw );
front = w1->p[(edge1 + 2) % w1->numpoints];
back = w1->p[(edge1 + 1) % w1->numpoints];
VectorSubtract( front, back, delta );
CrossProduct( planenormal, delta, normal );
VectorNormalize( normal );
dist = DotProduct( normal, front );
ClipWindingEpsilon( w2, normal, dist, epsilon, &fw, &bw );
if( !fw || !bw )
if( fw ) FreeWinding( fw );
if( bw ) FreeWinding( bw );
return false;
neww = TryMergeWindingEpsilon( w1, bw, planenormal, epsilon );
if( !neww )
if( fw ) FreeWinding( fw );
if( bw ) FreeWinding( bw );
return false;
// throw old windings
FreeWinding( bw );
FreeWinding( w1 );
FreeWinding( w2 );
*in1 = neww;
*in2 = fw;
else if( edgetype == 1 )
// common point 1
front = w1->p[(edge1 + 2) % w1->numpoints];
back = w1->p[(edge1 + 1) % w1->numpoints];
VectorSubtract( front, back, delta );
CrossProduct( planenormal, delta, normal );
VectorNormalize( normal );
dist = DotProduct( normal, front );
ClipWindingEpsilon( w2, normal, dist, epsilon, &fw, &bw );
if ( !fw || !bw )
if( fw ) FreeWinding( fw );
if( bw ) FreeWinding( bw );
return false;
neww = TryMergeWindingEpsilon( w1, bw, planenormal, epsilon );
if( !neww )
if( fw ) FreeWinding( fw );
if( bw ) FreeWinding( bw );
return false;
// throw old windings
FreeWinding( bw );
FreeWinding( w1 );
FreeWinding( w2 );
*in1 = neww;
*in2 = fw;
else if( edgetype == 2 )
// common point 2
front = w1->p[edge1];
back = w1->p[(edge1 + w1->numpoints - 1) % w1->numpoints];
VectorSubtract( front, back, delta );
CrossProduct( planenormal, delta, normal );
VectorNormalize( normal );
dist = DotProduct( normal, front );
ClipWindingEpsilon( w2, normal, dist, epsilon, &fw, &bw );
if ( !fw || !bw )
if( fw ) FreeWinding( fw );
if( bw ) FreeWinding( bw );
return false;
neww = TryMergeWindingEpsilon( w1, bw, planenormal, epsilon );
if( !neww )
if( fw ) FreeWinding( fw );
if( bw ) FreeWinding( bw );
return false;
// throw old windings
FreeWinding( bw );
FreeWinding( w1 );
FreeWinding( w2 );
*in1 = neww;
*in2 = fw;
return true;
debugging thing
void CheckWindingEpsilon( winding_t *w, vec_t epsilon, bool show_warnings )
vec_t *p1, *p2;
vec_t d, edgedist;
vec3_t dir, edgenormal;
vec_t area, facedist;
vec3_t facenormal;
int i, j;
if( !w ) return;
if( w->numpoints < 3 )
COM_FatalError( "CheckWinding: %i points\n", w->numpoints );
area = WindingArea( w );
if( area < MICROVOLUME ) COM_FatalError( "CheckWinding: %f area\n", area );
WindingPlane( w, facenormal, &facedist );
for( i = 0; i < w->numpoints; i++ )
p1 = w->p[i];
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
if( p1[j] > WORLD_MAXS || p1[j] < WORLD_MINS )
COM_FatalError( "CheckWinding: BOGUS_RANGE: %f", p1[j] );
j = i + 1 == w->numpoints ? 0 : i + 1;
// check the point is on the face plane
d = DotProduct( p1, facenormal ) - facedist;
if( show_warnings && ( d < -epsilon || d > epsilon ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "CheckWinding: point off plane: %f\n", d );
// check the edge isn't degenerate
p2 = w->p[j];
VectorSubtract( p2, p1, dir );
d = VectorLength( dir );
if( show_warnings && ( d < epsilon ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "CheckWinding: degenerate edge: %f\n", d );
CrossProduct( facenormal, dir, edgenormal );
VectorNormalize( edgenormal );
edgedist = DotProduct( p1, edgenormal );
edgedist += epsilon;
// all other points must be on front side
for( j = 0; j < w->numpoints; j++ )
if( j == i ) continue;
d = DotProduct( w->p[j], edgenormal );
if( d > edgedist ) COM_FatalError( "CheckWinding: non-convex\n" );
bool PointInWindingEpsilon( const winding_t *w, const vec3_t planenormal, const vec3_t point, vec_t epsilon, bool noedge )
vec3_t delta;
vec3_t normal;
vec_t dist;
ASSERT( w != NULL );
#if 0
vec3_t edge, cross0, cross1;
// get the first normal to test
VectorSubtract( point, w->p[0], delta );
VectorSubtract( w->p[1], w->p[0], edge );
CrossProduct( edge, delta, cross0 );
VectorNormalize( cross0 );
for( int i = 1; i < w->numpoints; i++ )
VectorSubtract( point, w->p[i], delta );
VectorSubtract( w->p[(i+1)%w->numpoints], w->p[i], edge );
CrossProduct( edge, delta, cross1 );
VectorNormalize( cross1 );
if( DotProduct( cross0, cross1 ) < 0.0f )
return false;
for( int i = 0; i < w->numpoints; i++ )
VectorSubtract( w->p[(i+1) % w->numpoints], w->p[i], delta );
CrossProduct( delta, planenormal, normal );
dist = DotProduct( point, normal ) - DotProduct( w->p[i], normal );
if( noedge )
if( dist < 0.0 && ( epsilon == 0.0 || dist * dist <= epsilon * epsilon * DotProduct( normal, normal )))
return false;
if(dist < 0.0 && ( epsilon == 0.0 || dist * dist > epsilon * epsilon * DotProduct( normal, normal )))
return false;
return true;
void WindingSnapPoint( const winding_t *w, const vec3_t planenormal, vec3_t point )
int x;
const vec_t *p1, *p2;
vec3_t delta;
vec3_t normal;
vec_t dist;
vec_t dot0, dot1, dot2;
vec3_t bestpoint;
vec_t bestdist;
bool in = true;
for( x = 0; x < w->numpoints; x++ )
p1 = w->p[x];
p2 = w->p[(x + 1) % w->numpoints];
VectorSubtract( p2, p1, delta );
CrossProduct( delta, planenormal, normal );
dist = DotProduct( point, normal ) - DotProduct( p1, normal );
if( dist < 0.0 )
in = false;
CrossProduct( planenormal, normal, delta );
dot0 = DotProduct( delta, point );
dot1 = DotProduct( delta, p1 );
dot2 = DotProduct( delta, p2 );
if( dot1 < dot0 && dot0 < dot2 )
dist = dist / DotProduct( normal, normal );
VectorMA( point, -dist, normal, point );
if( in ) return; // inside
vec_t planedot = DotProduct( planenormal, planenormal );
for( x = 0; x < w->numpoints; x++ )
p1 = w->p[x];
VectorSubtract( p1, point, delta );
dist = DotProduct( delta, planenormal ) / planedot;
VectorMA( delta, -dist, planenormal, delta );
dot0 = DotProduct( delta, delta );
if( x == 0 || dot0 < bestdist )
VectorAdd( point, delta, bestpoint );
bestdist = dot0;
if( w->numpoints > 0 )
VectorCopy( bestpoint, point );
vec_t WindingSnapPointEpsilon( const winding_t *w, const vec3_t planenormal, vec3_t point, vec_t width, vec_t maxmove )
dplane_t planes[MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING];
int x, pass, numplanes;
vec3_t v, bestpoint;
vec_t bestwidth;
vec_t newwidth;
WindingSnapPoint( w, planenormal, point );
numplanes = 0;
for( x = 0; x < w->numpoints; x++ )
VectorSubtract( w->p[(x + 1) % w->numpoints], w->p[x], v );
CrossProduct( v, planenormal, planes[numplanes].normal );
vec_t len = VectorLength( planes[numplanes].normal );
if( !len ) continue;
VectorScale( planes[numplanes].normal, 1.0 / len, planes[numplanes].normal );
planes[numplanes].dist = DotProduct( w->p[x], planes[numplanes].normal );
VectorCopy( point, bestpoint );
newwidth = width;
bestwidth = 0;
// apply binary search method for 5 iterations to find the maximal distance that the point can be kept away from all the edges
for( pass = 0; pass < 5; pass++ )
winding_t *neww = CopyWinding( w );
vec3_t newpoint, planenormal;
bool failed = true;
for( x = 0; x < numplanes && neww != NULL; x++ )
VectorCopy( planes[x].normal, planenormal );
ChopWindingInPlace( &neww, planenormal, planes[x].dist + newwidth, ON_EPSILON, false );
if( neww && neww->numpoints > 0 )
VectorCopy( point, newpoint );
WindingSnapPoint( neww, planenormal, newpoint );
VectorSubtract( newpoint, point, v );
if( VectorLength( v ) <= maxmove + ON_EPSILON )
failed = false;
FreeWinding( neww );
if( !failed )
VectorCopy( newpoint, bestpoint );
bestwidth = newwidth;
if( pass == 0 ) break;
newwidth += width * pow( 0.5, pass + 1 );
else newwidth -= width * pow( 0.5, pass + 1 );
VectorCopy( bestpoint, point );
return bestwidth;
int WindingOnPlaneSide( winding_t *w, const vec3_t normal, vec_t dist, vec_t epsilon )
bool front = false;
bool back = false;
vec_t d;
for( int i = 0; i < w->numpoints; i++ )
d = DotProduct( w->p[i], normal ) - dist;
if( d < -epsilon )
if( front )
return SIDE_CROSS;
back = true;
if( d > epsilon )
if( back )
return SIDE_CROSS;
front = true;
if( back ) return SIDE_BACK;
if( front ) return SIDE_FRONT;
return SIDE_ON;