
763 lines
16 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-08-31 18:50:41 +02:00
* Copyright (c) 1996-2002, Valve LLC. All rights reserved.
* This product contains software technology licensed from Id
* Software, Inc. ("Id Technology"). Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
#include "bsp5.h"
plane_t g_mapplanes[MAX_INTERNAL_MAP_PLANES];
int g_mappedtexinfo[MAX_INTERNAL_MAP_TEXINFO];
dtexinfo_t g_maptexinfo[MAX_MAP_TEXINFO];
int g_nummaptexinfo;
int g_nummapplanes;
static bool PlaneEqual( const plane_t *p, const vec3_t normal, vec_t dist )
vec_t t;
if( -DIST_EPSILON < ( t = p->dist - dist ) && t < DIST_EPSILON
&& -DIR_EPSILON < ( t = p->normal[0] - normal[0] ) && t < DIR_EPSILON
&& -DIR_EPSILON < ( t = p->normal[1] - normal[1] ) && t < DIR_EPSILON
&& -DIR_EPSILON < ( t = p->normal[2] - normal[2] ) && t < DIR_EPSILON )
return true;
return false;
static int CreateNewFloatPlane( const vec3_t srcnormal, vec_t dist )
plane_t *p0, *p1, temp;
vec3_t normal;
int type;
if( VectorLength( srcnormal ) < 0.5 )
return -1;
// create a new plane
if(( g_nummapplanes + 2 ) > MAX_INTERNAL_MAP_PLANES )
COM_FatalError( "MAX_INTERNAL_MAP_PLANES limit exceeded\n" );
p0 = &g_mapplanes[g_nummapplanes+0];
p1 = &g_mapplanes[g_nummapplanes+1];
// snap plane normal
VectorCopy( srcnormal, normal );
type = SnapNormal( normal );
// only snap distance if the normal is an axis. Otherwise there
// is nothing "natural" about snapping the distance to an integer.
if( VectorIsOnAxis( normal ) && fabs( dist - Q_rint( dist )) < DIST_EPSILON )
dist = Q_rint( dist ); // catch -0.0
VectorCopy( normal, p0->normal );
VectorNegate( normal, p1->normal );
p0->dist = dist;
p1->dist = -dist;
p0->type = type;
p1->type = type;
g_nummapplanes += 2;
// always put axial planes facing positive first
if( normal[type % 3] < 0 )
// flip order
temp = *p0;
*p0 = *p1;
*p1 = temp;
return g_nummapplanes - 1;
return g_nummapplanes - 2;
int FindFloatPlane( const vec3_t normal, vec_t dist )
vec_t srcdist = dist;
plane_t *p;
// NOTE: bsp only alloc a few planes for world portalize
// so linear search doesn't hit by perfomance
for( int i = 0; i < g_nummapplanes; i++ )
p = &g_mapplanes[i];
if( PlaneEqual( p, normal, dist ))
return p - g_mapplanes;
// allocate a new two opposite planes
return CreateNewFloatPlane( normal, srcdist );
emit a mapped plane
int EmitPlane( int planenum, bool check )
plane_t *plane = &g_mapplanes[planenum & (~1)];
if( plane->outplanenum == -1 )
int i = g_numplanes;
dplane_t *dplane = &g_dplanes[i];
if( check && g_numplanes == MAX_MAP_PLANES )
COM_FatalError( "MAX_MAP_PLANES limit exceeded\n" );
VectorCopy( plane->normal, dplane->normal );
dplane->dist = plane->dist;
dplane->type = plane->type;
plane->outplanenum = g_numplanes++;
return plane->outplanenum;
emit a texinfo
int EmitTexinfo( int texinfo )
if( texinfo == -1 ) COM_FatalError( "EmitTexinfo: texinfo == -1\n" );
dtexinfo_t *dtexinfo = &g_texinfo[texinfo];
if( g_mappedtexinfo[texinfo] == -1 )
int i = g_nummaptexinfo;
dtexinfo_t *mtexinfo = &g_maptexinfo[i];
if( g_nummaptexinfo == MAX_MAP_TEXINFO )
COM_FatalError( "MAX_MAP_TEXINFO limit exceeded\n" );
memcpy( mtexinfo, dtexinfo, sizeof( dtexinfo_t ));
g_mappedtexinfo[texinfo] = g_nummaptexinfo++;
return g_mappedtexinfo[texinfo];
static int EmitClipNodes_r( node_t *node, const node_t *portalleaf )
int i, c;
dclipnode32_t *cn;
int num;
if( FBitSet( node->flags, FNODE_LEAFPORTAL ))
if( node->contents == CONTENTS_SOLID )
else portalleaf = node;
if( node->planenum == PLANENUM_LEAF )
if( FBitSet( node->flags, FNODE_DETAILCONTENTS ))
else num = portalleaf->contents;
return num;
// emit a clipnode
if( g_numclipnodes == MAX_MAP_CLIPNODES )
MsgAnim( D_INFO, "^3=== MAX_MAP_CLIPNODES is exceeded. Map will not run under GoldSource ===\r" );
if( g_numclipnodes == MAX_MAP_CLIPNODES32 )
COM_FatalError( "MAX_MAP_CLIPNODES32 limit exceeded\n" );
c = g_numclipnodes;
cn = &g_dclipnodes32[g_numclipnodes++];
if( node->planenum & 1 )
COM_FatalError( "WriteClipNodes_r: odd planenum\n" );
cn->planenum = EmitPlane( node->planenum, false );
for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
cn->children[i] = EmitClipNodes_r( node->children[i], portalleaf );
return c;
static int EmitLeaf( node_t *node, const node_t *portalleaf )
face_t **fp, *f;
dleaf_t *leaf_p;
int leafnum = g_numleafs;
vec3_t mins, maxs;
if( g_numleafs == MAX_MAP_LEAFS )
COM_FatalError( "MAX_MAP_LEAFS limit exceeded\n" );
leaf_p = &g_dleafs[g_numleafs++]; // emit a leaf
leaf_p->contents = portalleaf->contents;
leaf_p->visofs = -1; // no vis info yet
if( FBitSet( node->flags, FNODE_DETAIL ))
// intersect its loose bounds with the strict bounds of its parent portalleaf
VectorCompareMax( portalleaf->mins, node->loosemins, mins );
VectorCompareMin( portalleaf->maxs, node->loosemaxs, maxs );
VectorCopy( node->mins, mins );
VectorCopy( node->maxs, maxs );
// write bounding box info
for( int k = 0; k < 3; k++ )
leaf_p->mins[k] = (short)bound( -32767, (int)mins[k], 32767 );
leaf_p->maxs[k] = (short)bound( -32767, (int)maxs[k], 32767 );
// write the marksurfaces
leaf_p->firstmarksurface = g_nummarksurfaces;
for( fp = node->markfaces; *fp != NULL; fp++ )
for( f = *fp; f != NULL; f = f->original )
if( f->outputnumber == -1 )
// grab tjunction split faces
if( g_nummarksurfaces == MAX_MAP_MARKSURFACES )
COM_FatalError( "MAX_MAP_MARKSURFACES limit exceeded\n" );
g_dmarksurfaces[g_nummarksurfaces++] = f->outputnumber; // emit a marksurface
leaf_p->nummarksurfaces = g_nummarksurfaces - leaf_p->firstmarksurface;
return leafnum;
static bool CheckNullFace( face_t *f )
// bad winding
if( !f->w || f->w->numpoints < 3 )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "degenerated face\n" );
return true;
// no texinfo or face is unreferenced
if( f->texturenum == -1 || f->referenced == 0 )
return true;
// discardable contents
if( f->facestyle == face_hint || f->facestyle == face_discardable )
return true;
return false;
static void WriteFace( face_t *f )
dface_t *df;
winding_t *w = f->w;
int i, e;
if( CheckNullFace( f ))
f->outputnumber = -1;
return; // discardable face
f->outputnumber = g_numfaces;
df = &g_dfaces[g_numfaces];
if( g_numfaces >= MAX_MAP_FACES )
COM_FatalError( "MAX_MAP_FACES limit exceeded\n" );
df->planenum = EmitPlane( f->planenum, true );
df->side = f->planenum & 1; // odd-even
df->firstedge = g_numsurfedges;
df->numedges = f->numedges;
df->texinfo = EmitTexinfo( f->texturenum );
for( i = 0; i < f->numedges; i++ )
e = f->outputedges[i];
if( g_numsurfedges >= MAX_MAP_SURFEDGES )
COM_FatalError( "MAX_MAP_SURFEDGES limit exceeded\n" );
g_dsurfedges[g_numsurfedges] = e;
Mem_Free( f->outputedges );
f->outputedges = NULL;
static int EmitDrawNodes_r( node_t *node, const node_t *portalleaf )
dnode_t *n;
face_t *f;
int nodenum = g_numnodes;
vec3_t mins, maxs;
if( FBitSet( node->flags, FNODE_LEAFPORTAL ))
if( node->contents == CONTENTS_SOLID )
return -1;
else portalleaf = node;
if( node->planenum == PLANENUM_LEAF )
if( FBitSet( node->flags, FNODE_DETAILCONTENTS ))
Mem_Free( node->markfaces );
node->markfaces = NULL;
return -1;
int leafnum = EmitLeaf( node, portalleaf );
return -1 - leafnum;
if( g_numnodes == MAX_MAP_NODES )
COM_FatalError( "MAX_MAP_NODES limit exceeded\n" );
n = &g_dnodes[g_numnodes++]; // emit a node
if( FBitSet( node->flags, FNODE_DETAIL ))
// intersect its loose bounds with the strict bounds of its parent portalleaf
VectorCompareMax( portalleaf->mins, node->loosemins, mins );
VectorCompareMin( portalleaf->maxs, node->loosemaxs, maxs );
VectorCopy( node->mins, mins );
VectorCopy( node->maxs, maxs );
// write bounding box info
for( int k = 0; k < 3; k++ )
n->mins[k] = (short)bound( -32767, (int)mins[k], 32767 );
n->maxs[k] = (short)bound( -32767, (int)maxs[k], 32767 );
if( node->planenum & 1 )
COM_FatalError( "EmitDrawNodes_r: odd planenum\n" );
n->planenum = EmitPlane( node->planenum, true );
n->firstface = g_numfaces;
for( f = node->faces; f != NULL; f = f->next )
WriteFace( f );
n->numfaces = g_numfaces - n->firstface;
// recursively output the other nodes
for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
n->children[i] = EmitDrawNodes_r( node->children[i], portalleaf );
return nodenum;
static void FreeDrawNodes_r( node_t *node )
face_t *f, *next;
for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
// NOTE: optimized tree converts some nodes to leafs
// but leave childrens are valid, so we can throw mem correctly
if( node->children[i] != NULL )
FreeDrawNodes_r( node->children[i] );
if( node->surfaces )
FreeLeafSurfs( node );
node->surfaces = NULL;
if( !node->children[0] && !node->children[1] )
// real leaf
Mem_Free( node->markfaces );
node->markfaces = NULL;
// free the faces on the node
for( f = node->faces; f != NULL; f = next )
next = f->next;
FreeFace( f );
FreeNode( node );
static void CalcModelBoundBox( dmodel_t *bmod, tree_t *tree, int hullnum, int modnum )
vec3_t mins, maxs;
int i;
if( !tree->surfaces || ( tree->mins[0] > tree->maxs[0] ))
MsgDev( D_REPORT, "model %d hull %d empty\n", modnum, hullnum );
if( hullnum && ( bmod->mins[0] <= bmod->maxs[0] ))
return; // bbox is computed
VectorSubtract( tree->mins, g_hull_size[0][0], mins );
VectorSubtract( tree->maxs, g_hull_size[0][1], maxs );
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
if( mins[i] > maxs[i] )
vec_t tmp = (mins[i] + maxs[i]) * 0.5;
mins[i] = maxs[i] = tmp;
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
bmod->maxs[i] = Q_max( bmod->maxs[i], maxs[i] );
bmod->mins[i] = Q_min( bmod->mins[i], mins[i] );
static void FaceOutputEdges( face_t *f )
if( CheckNullFace( f ))
f->outputedges = (int *)Mem_Alloc( f->w->numpoints * sizeof( int ));
f->numedges = f->w->numpoints;
for( int i = 0; i < f->w->numpoints; i++ )
f->outputedges[i] = GetEdge( f->w->p[i], f->w->p[(i + 1) % f->w->numpoints], f );
static int OutputEdges_r( node_t *node, int detaillevel )
int next = -1;
if( node->planenum == PLANENUM_LEAF )
return next;
for( face_t *f = node->faces; f != NULL; f = f->next )
if( f->detaillevel > detaillevel )
if( next == -1 ? true : f->detaillevel < next )
next = f->detaillevel;
if( f->detaillevel == detaillevel )
FaceOutputEdges( f );
for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
int r = OutputEdges_r( node->children[i], detaillevel );
if( r == -1 ? false : next == -1 ? true : r < next )
next = r;
return next;
static void RemoveCoveredFaces_r( node_t *node )
if( FBitSet( node->flags, FNODE_LEAFPORTAL ))
if( node->contents == CONTENTS_SOLID )
return; // stop here, don't go deeper into children
if( node->planenum == PLANENUM_LEAF )
// this is a leaf
if( FBitSet( node->flags, FNODE_DETAILCONTENTS ))
for( face_t **fp = node->markfaces; *fp != NULL; fp++ )
for( face_t *f = *fp; f != NULL; f = f->original ) // for each tjunc subface
f->referenced++; // mark the face as referenced
// this is a node
for( face_t *f = node->faces; f != NULL; f = f->next )
f->referenced = 0; // clear the mark
RemoveCoveredFaces_r( node->children[0] );
RemoveCoveredFaces_r( node->children[1] );
void EmitDrawNodes( tree_t *tree )
int firstleaf;
int l, next;
vec3_t origin;
dmodel_t *bm;
MsgDev( D_REPORT, "--- EmitDrawNodes ---\n" );
if( g_nummodels == MAX_MAP_MODELS )
COM_FatalError( "MAX_MAP_MODELS limit exceeded\n" );
bm = &g_dmodels[g_nummodels++]; // emit a model
VectorFill( bm->mins, 999999 );
VectorFill( bm->maxs, -999999 );
bm->headnode[0] = g_numnodes;
bm->firstface = g_numfaces;
firstleaf = g_numleafs;
// fill "referenced" value
RemoveCoveredFaces_r( tree->headnode );
for( l = 0; l != -1; l = next )
next = OutputEdges_r( tree->headnode, l );
EmitDrawNodes_r( tree->headnode, NULL );
bm->numfaces = g_numfaces - bm->firstface;
bm->visleafs = g_numleafs - firstleaf;
CalcModelBoundBox( bm, tree, 0, g_nummodels - 1 );
// g-cont. copy origin from entity settings into dmodel_t struct
entity_t *ent = EntityForModel( g_nummodels - 1 );
GetVectorForKey( ent, "origin", origin );
VectorCopy( origin, bm->origin );
FreeDrawNodes_r( tree->headnode );
tree->headnode = NULL;
Called after the clipping hull is completed. Generates a disk format
representation and frees the original memory.
void EmitClipNodes( tree_t *tree, int modnum, int hullnum )
dmodel_t *bm;
MsgDev( D_REPORT, "--- EmitClipNodes ---\n" );
bm = &g_dmodels[modnum]; // emit a model
// if noclip is enabled
if( tree->headnode->planenum == PLANENUM_LEAF )
bm->headnode[hullnum] = CONTENTS_EMPTY;
else bm->headnode[hullnum] = g_numclipnodes;
EmitClipNodes_r( tree->headnode, NULL );
CalcModelBoundBox( bm, tree, hullnum, modnum );
FreeDrawNodes_r( tree->headnode );
tree->headnode = NULL;
int EmitVertex( const vec3_t point )
dvertex_t *vert;
if( g_numvertexes == MAX_MAP_VERTS )
COM_FatalError( "MAX_MAP_VERTS limit exceeded\n" );
for( int i = 0; i < g_numvertexes; i++ )
if( VectorCompareEpsilon2( point, g_dvertexes[i].point, EQUAL_EPSILON ))
return i;
vert = &g_dvertexes[g_numvertexes++]; // emit a new vertex
VectorCopy( point, vert->point );
return i;
void BeginBSPFile (void)
// these values may actually be initialized
// if the file existed when loaded, so clear them explicitly
g_nummodels = 0;
g_numfaces = 0;
g_numnodes = 0;
g_numclipnodes = 0;
g_numvertexes = 0;
g_nummarksurfaces = 0;
g_numsurfedges = 0;
g_numplanes = 0;
// edge 0 is not used, because 0 can't be negated
g_numedges = 1;
// leaf 0 is common solid with no faces
g_numleafs = 1;
g_dleafs[0].contents = CONTENTS_SOLID;
memset( g_mappedtexinfo, -1, sizeof( g_mappedtexinfo ));
InitHash ();
void FinishBSPFile( const char *source )
MsgDev( D_REPORT, "--- FinishBSPFile ---\n" );
memcpy( g_texinfo, g_maptexinfo, sizeof( dtexinfo_t ) * g_nummaptexinfo );
MsgDev( D_REPORT, "total texinfo %d, output texinfo %d\n", g_numtexinfo, g_nummaptexinfo );
g_numtexinfo = g_nummaptexinfo;
MsgDev( D_REPORT, "total planes %d, output planes %d\n", g_nummapplanes, g_numplanes );
if( GetDeveloperLevel() >= D_REPORT )
PrintBSPFileSizes ();
WriteBSPFile( source );