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gl_local.h - renderer local definitions
this code written for Paranoia 2: Savior modification
Copyright (C) 2013 Uncle Mike
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#ifndef GL_LOCAL_H
#define GL_LOCAL_H
#include "gl_export.h"
#include "ref_params.h"
#include "com_model.h"
#include "r_studioint.h"
#include "gl_framebuffer.h"
#include "gl_frustum.h"
#include "gl_primitive.h"
#include "cl_dlight.h"
#include "enginefeatures.h"
#include <utlarray.h>
#include <matrix.h>
#define ACTUAL_GL_VERSION 30.0f
// limits
#define MAX_REF_STACK 8 // pass depth
#define MAX_VISIBLE_ENTS 4096 // total pack of frame ents
#define MAX_SORTED_FACES 32768 // bmodels only
#define MAX_SUBVIEW_FACES 1024 // mirrors, portals, monitors, water, puddles. NOTE: multipass faces can merge view passes
#define MAX_OCCLUDED_FACES 1024 // mirrors + water
#define MAX_SORTED_MESHES 2048 // studio only
#define MAX_MOVIES 16 // max various movies per level
#define MAX_MOVIE_TEXTURES 64 // max # of unique video textures per level
#define MAX_LIGHTSTYLES 64 // a byte limit, don't modify
#define MAX_LIGHTMAPS 256 // Xash3D supports up to 256 lightmaps
#define MAX_DLIGHTS 64 // per one frame. unsigned int limit
#define MAX_LIGHTCACHE 2048 // unique models with instanced vertex lighting
#define MAX_SUBVIEW_TEXTURES 64 // total depth
#define MAX_FBO_ATTACHMENTS 8 // color attachments per FBO
#define DEFAULT_CUBEMAP_SIZE 32 // same as in Source
#define AMBIENT_EPSILON 0.001f // to avoid division by zero
#define STAIR_INTERP_TIME 100.0f
#define LIGHT_PROBES 10 // eight OBB corners, center and one reserved slot (NOTE: not all the probes will be used)
#define LIGHT_SAMPLES 8 // GPU limitation for local arrays (very slowly if more than eight elements)
#define MOD_FRAMES 20
#define WATER_ANIMTIME 20.0f
#define INVALID_HANDLE 0xFFFF // studio cache
#define FLASHLIGHT_KEY -666
#define SUNLIGHT_KEY -777
#define SKYBOX_ENTITY 70
#define LM_SAMPLE_SIZE 16
#define BLOCK_SIZE glConfig.block_size // lightmap blocksize
#define BLOCK_SIZE_DEFAULT 128 // for keep backward compatibility
#define BLOCK_SIZE_MAX 2048 // must match with engine const!!!
#define SHADOW_SIZE 4096 // atlas size
#define WORLD_MATRIX 0 // must be 0 always
#define REFPVS_RADIUS 2.0f // PVS radius for rendering
#define Z_NEAR 4.0f
#define Z_NEAR_LIGHT 0.1f
#define BACKFACE_EPSILON 0.01f
#define CVAR_TO_BOOL( x ) ((x) && ((x)->value != 0.0f) ? true : false )
// VBO offsets
#define OFFSET( type, var ) ((const void *)&(((type *)NULL)->var))
#define R_OpaqueEntity( e ) (( (e)->curstate.rendermode == kRenderNormal ) || ( (e)->curstate.rendermode == kRenderTransAlpha ))
#define R_ModelOpaque( rm ) (( rm == kRenderNormal ) || ( rm == kRenderTransAlpha ))
#define R_StaticEntity( e ) ( (e)->origin == g_vecZero && (e)->angles == g_vecZero && (e)->curstate.renderfx != SKYBOX_ENTITY )
#define R_FullBright() ( CVAR_TO_BOOL( r_fullbright ) || !worldmodel->lightdata )
#define RP_OUTSIDE( leaf ) (((( leaf ) - worldmodel->leafs ) - 1 ) == -1 )
#define R_WaterEntity( m ) ( FBitSet( m->flags, BIT( 2 )))
#define ScreenCopyRequired( x ) ((x) && FBitSet( (x)->status, SHADER_USE_SCREENCOPY ))
#define IsReflectShader( x ) ((x) && FBitSet( (x)->status, SHADER_USE_CUBEMAPS ))
// refparams
#define RP_NONE 0
#define RP_DRAW_WORLD BIT( 1 ) // otherwise it's player customization window
#define RP_DRAW_OVERVIEW BIT( 2 ) // dev_overview is active
#define RP_CLIPPLANE BIT( 3 ) // mirrors used
#define RP_MERGE_PVS BIT( 4 ) // merge PVS with previous pass
#define RP_MIRRORVIEW BIT( 5 ) // lock pvs at vieworg
#define RP_ENVVIEW BIT( 6 ) // used for cubemapshot
#define RP_SHADOWVIEW BIT( 7 ) // view through light
#define RP_NOSHADOWS BIT( 8 ) // disable shadows for this pass
#define RP_SKYVIEW BIT( 9 ) // render skyonly
#define RP_WATERPASS BIT( 10 ) // it's mirorring plane for water surface
#define RP_NOGRASS BIT( 11 ) // don't draw grass
#define RP_DEFERREDSCENE BIT( 12 ) // render scene into geometry buffer
#define RP_DEFERREDLIGHT BIT( 13 ) // render scene into low-res lightmap
// RI->view.changed
#define RC_ORIGIN_CHANGED BIT( 0 ) // origin is changed from the previous frame
#define RC_ANGLES_CHANGED BIT( 1 ) // angles is changed from the previous frame
#define RC_VIEWLEAF_CHANGED BIT( 2 ) // viewleaf is changed
#define RC_FOV_CHANGED BIT( 3 ) // FOV is changed
#define RC_PVS_CHANGED BIT( 4 ) // now our PVS was potentially changed :-)
#define RC_FRUSTUM_CHANGED BIT( 5 ) // now our frustum was potentially changed :-)
#define RC_FORCE_UPDATE BIT( 6 ) // some cvar manipulations invoke updates of visible list
// RI->view.flags
#define RF_SKYVISIBLE BIT( 0 ) // sky is visible for this frame
#define RF_HASDYNLIGHTS BIT( 1 ) // pass have dynlights
#define RP_LOCALCLIENT( e ) (gEngfuncs.GetLocalPlayer() && ((e)->index == gEngfuncs.GetLocalPlayer()->index && e->curstate.entityType == ET_PLAYER ))
#define RP_NORMALPASS() ( FBitSet( RI->params, RP_NONVIEWERREF ) == 0 )
#define RP_CUBEPASS() ( FBitSet( RI->params, RP_SKYVIEW|RP_ENVVIEW ))
#define CULL_VISIBLE 0 // not culled
#define CULL_BACKSIDE 1 // backside of transparent wall
#define CULL_FRUSTUM 2 // culled by frustum
#define CULL_OTHER 3 // culled by other reason
#define FBO_MAIN 0
// light types
#define LIGHT_SPOT 0 // standard projection light
#define LIGHT_OMNI 1 // omnidirectional light
#define LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL 2 // parallel light (sun light)
// helpers
#define GetVForward() Vector( RI->view.matrix[0] )
#define GetVRight() Vector( RI->view.matrix[1] )
#define GetVLeft() -Vector(RI->view.matrix[1] )
#define GetVUp() Vector( RI->view.matrix[2] )
#define GetVieworg() RI->view.origin
typedef enum
DRAWLIST_ALL = 0, // special case for decals
} drawlist_t;
class DecalGroupEntry;
typedef int (*cmpfunc)( const void *a, const void *b );
typedef void (*pfnShaderCallback)( struct glsl_prog_s *shader );
// multiple output draw buffers
typedef struct
char name[32];
int width;
int height;
int depth;
int colortarget[MAX_FBO_ATTACHMENTS];
int depthtarget;
uint id;
} gl_drawbuffer_t;
typedef struct gl_fbo_s
GLboolean init;
GLuint framebuffer;
GLuint renderbuffer;
int texture;
} gl_fbo_t;
typedef struct gl_movie_s
char name[32];
void *state;
float length; // total cinematic length
long xres, yres; // size of cinematic
} gl_movie_t;
typedef struct gl_texbuffer_s
int framebuffer;
int texturenum;
int texframe; // this frame texture was used
matrix4x4 matrix; // texture matrix
} gl_texbuffer_t;
class gl_state_t
GLfloat modelMatrix[16]; // matrix4x4( origin, angles, scale )
matrix4x4 transform; // entity transformation matrix
bool m_bSkyEntity;
const Vector GetModelOrigin( void );
typedef enum
LM_FREE = 0, // lightmap is clear
LM_USED, // partially used, has free space
LM_DONE, // completely full
} lmstate_t;
typedef struct
lmstate_t state;
unsigned short allocated[BLOCK_SIZE_MAX];
int lightmap;
int deluxmap;
} gl_lightmap_t;
typedef struct
unsigned short allocated[SHADOW_SIZE];
CFrameBuffer shadowmap;
} gl_shadowmap_t;
typedef struct
Vector diffuse; // direct light color
Vector normal; // direct light normal
int ambientlight; // clip at 128
int shadelight; // clip at 192 - ambientlight
Vector ambient[6]; // cubemap 1x1 (single pixel per side)
bool nointerp; // flickering light force nointerp
} mstudiolight_t;
// NOTE: if this is changed it must be changed in studio.h and com_model.h too!!!
typedef struct
float smoothness; // smoothness factor
float detailScale[2]; // detail texture scales x, y
float reflectScale; // reflection scale for translucent water
float refractScale; // refraction scale for mirrors, windows, water
float aberrationScale; // chromatic abberation
float reliefScale; // relief-mapping
struct matdef_s *effects; // hit, impact, particle effects etc
char name[64];
unsigned short dt_texturenum; // detail texture load directly from material specific
char diffusemap[64];
char normalmap[64];
char glossmap[64];
} matdesc_t;
typedef struct
char name[64];
char diffuse[64];
unsigned short gl_diffuse_id; // diffuse texture
unsigned short gl_heightmap_id;
unsigned short width, height;
byte maxHeight;
byte numLayers; // layers that specified on heightmap
byte *pixels; // pixels are immediately goes here
} indexMap_t;
typedef struct
char pathes[MAX_LANDSCAPE_LAYERS][64]; // path to texture (may include extension etc)
char names[MAX_LANDSCAPE_LAYERS][64]; // basenames
matdesc_t *material[MAX_LANDSCAPE_LAYERS]; // layer settings
float smoothness[MAX_LANDSCAPE_LAYERS]; // shader params
unsigned short gl_diffuse_id; // diffuse texture array
unsigned short gl_detail_id; // detail texture
unsigned short gl_normalmap_id; // normalmap array
unsigned short gl_specular_id; // specular array
} layerMap_t;
typedef struct terrain_s
char name[16];
indexMap_t indexmap;
layerMap_t layermap;
int numLayers; // count of array textures
int tessSize;
float texScale; // global texture scale
bool valid; // if heightmap was actual
} terrain_t;
typedef struct
int changed; // whats changed from last frame
int flags; // some info about current frame (sets by renderer)
int entity; // playernum or camera edict
Vector origin;
Vector angles;
Vector pvspoint;
ref_overview_t over; // cached overview
int client_frame; // cached client frame
bool novis_cached; // last value of r_novis variable
bool lockpvs_cached; // last value of r_lockpvs variable
float fov_x; // actual fov_x
float fov_y; // actual fov_y
float farClip;
float planedist; // for sort translucent surfaces
float lodScale;
int port[4]; // cached view.port
CFrustum frustum; // view frustum
CFrustum splitFrustum[MAX_SHADOWMAPS];
float parallelSplitDistances[MAX_SHADOWMAPS]; // distances in camera space
matrix4x4 matrix; // untransformed viewmatrix
matrix4x4 worldMatrix; // modelview for world
matrix4x4 projectionMatrix; // gl frustum
matrix4x4 worldProjectionMatrix; // worldviewMatrix * projectionMatrix
mleaf_t *leaf; // leaf where are vieworg located
vec3_t visMins; // visMins used for compute precision farclip
vec3_t visMaxs;
float skyMins[2][6]; // sky texcoords
float skyMaxs[2][6]; // sky texcoords
byte pvsarray[(MAX_MAP_LEAFS+7)/8]; // actual PVS for current frame
byte visfaces[(MAX_MAP_FACES+7)/8]; // actual visible faces for current frame (world only)
byte vislight[(MAX_MAP_WORLDLIGHTS+7)/8]; // visible lights per current frame
} ref_viewcache_t;
typedef struct
// forward rendering lists
CUtlArray<CSolidEntry> solid_faces;
CUtlArray<CSolidEntry> solid_meshes;
CUtlArray<CTransEntry> trans_list;
CUtlArray<struct grass_s*> grass_list;
CUtlArray<Vector> primverts; // primitive vertexes
// forward lighting lists
CUtlArray<CSolidEntry> light_faces;
CUtlArray<CSolidEntry> light_meshes;
CUtlArray<struct grass_s*> light_grass;
msurface_t *subview_faces[MAX_SUBVIEW_FACES]; // 6 kb
int num_subview_faces;
} ref_drawlist_t;
// contain gl-friendly data that may keep from previous frame
// to avoid to recompute it again
typedef struct
int viewport[4]; // in OpenGL space
GLfloat modelviewMatrix[16]; // worldviewMatrix
GLfloat projectionMatrix[16]; // projection matrix
GLfloat modelviewProjectionMatrix[16];// send to engine
} ref_glstate_t;
typedef struct
int params; // rendering parameters
ref_viewcache_t view; // cached view
ref_glstate_t glstate; // cached glstate
ref_drawlist_t frame; // frame lists
mplane_t clipPlane;
cl_entity_t *currententity;
model_t *currentmodel;
CDynLight *currentlight;
struct glsl_prog_s *currentshader;
msurface_t *reject_face; // avoid recursion to himself
} ref_instance_t;
R_OPENGL_110 = 0, // base
R_TEXTURE_ARRAY_EXT, // shaders only
R_EXT_GPU_SHADER4, // shaders only
R_VERTEX_SHADER_EXT, // glsl vertex program
R_FRAGMENT_SHADER_EXT, // glsl fragment program
R_PARANOIA_EXT, // custom OpenGL32.dll with hacked function glDepthRange
R_EXTCOUNT, // must be last
GL_KEEP_UNIT = -1, // alternative way - change the unit by GL_SelectTexture
typedef struct
bool fCustomRendering;
bool fClearScreen; // force clear if world shaders failed to build
int fGamePaused;
double time; // cl.time
double oldtime; // cl.oldtime
double frametime; // special frametime for multipass rendering (will set to 0 on a nextview)
double saved_frametime; // push\pop
cl_entity_t *draw_entities[MAX_VISIBLE_ENTS]; // list of all pending entities for current frame
int num_draw_entities; // count for actual rendering frame
int defaultTexture; // use for bad textures
int skyboxTextures[6]; // skybox sides
int normalmapTexture; // default normalmap
int deluxemapTexture; // default deluxemap
int vsdctCubeTexture; // Virtual Shadow Depth Cubemap Texture
int whiteCubeTexture; // stub
int depthTexture; // stub
int depthCubemap; // stub
int normalsFitting; // best fit normals
int defaultProjTexture; // fallback for missed textures
int flashlightTexture; // flashlight projection texture
int spotlightTexture[8];// reserve for eight textures
int cinTextures[MAX_MOVIE_TEXTURES];
gl_texbuffer_t subviewTextures[MAX_SUBVIEW_TEXTURES];
int shadowTextures[MAX_SHADOWS];
int shadowCubemaps[MAX_SHADOWS];
int waterTextures[WATER_TEXTURES];
int num_2D_shadows_used; // used shadow textures per full frame
int num_CM_shadows_used; // used shadow textures per full frame
int num_subview_used; // used mirror textures per full frame
int num_cin_used; // used movie textures per full frame
int screen_color;
int screen_depth;
int grayTexture;
int whiteTexture;
int blackTexture;
int screenTexture;
CUtlArray<gl_state_t> cached_state;
gl_lightmap_t lightmaps[MAX_LIGHTMAPS];
byte current_lightmap_texture;
int packed_lights_texture;
int packed_planes_texture;
int packed_nodes_texture;
int packed_models_texture;
gl_shadowmap_t shadowmap; // single atlas
// framebuffers
CFrameBuffer fbo_shadow2D; // used for projection shadowmapping
CFrameBuffer fbo_shadowCM; // used for omnidirectional shadowmapping
CFrameBuffer sunShadowFBO[MAX_SHADOWMAPS]; // extra-large shadowmap for sun rendering
CFrameBuffer fbo_light; // store lightmap
CFrameBuffer fbo_filter; // store filtered lightmap
CFrameBuffer fbo_shadow; // store shadowflags
gl_drawbuffer_t *defscene_fbo;
gl_drawbuffer_t *deflight_fbo;
word defSceneShader[2]; // geometry pass
word defLightShader; // light pass
word defDynLightShader[2];// dynamic light pass
word bilateralShader; // upscale filter
// skybox shaders
word skyboxEnv[2]; // skybox & sun
word defSceneSky; // skybox & sun
word defLightSky; // skybox & sun
// framebuffers
gl_fbo_t frame_buffers[MAX_FRAMEBUFFERS];
int num_framebuffers;
int realframecount; // not including passes
int grassunloadframe; // unload too far grass to save video memory
Vector ambientLight; // at vieworg
int waterlevel; // player waterlevel
cl_entity_t *waterentity; // player inside
// fog params
bool fogEnabled;
Vector fogColor;
float fogDensity;
float fogSkyDensity;
// sky params
Vector sky_origin;
Vector sky_world_origin;
float sky_speed;
Vector sky_normal; // sky vector
Vector sky_ambient; // sky ambient color
// global ambient\direct factors
float ambientFactor;
float diffuseFactor;
float sun_refract;
float sun_ambient;
Vector sun_diffuse;
CDynLight *sunlight; // sun is active if not a NULL
Vector screen_normals[4]; // helper to transform world->screen space
float farclip; // max viewable distance
float gravity; // particles used
float lightstyle[MAX_LIGHTSTYLES]; // value 0 - 65536
gl_movie_t cinematics[MAX_MOVIES]; // precached cinematics
struct movevars_s *movevars;
// generic light that used to cache shaders
CDynLight defaultlightSpot;
CDynLight defaultlightOmni;
CDynLight defaultlightProj;
matdesc_t *materials;
unsigned int matcount;
bool params_changed; // some cvars are toggled, shaders needs to recompile and resort
bool local_client_added; // indicate what a local client already been added into renderlist
bool sun_light_enabled; // map have a light_environment with valid direction
bool lighting_changed; // r_lighting_modulate was changed
bool shadows_notsupport; // no shadow textures
bool show_uniforms_peak; // print the maxcount of used uniforms
int glsl_valid_sequence; // reloas shaders while some render cvars was changed
int total_vbo_memory; // statistics
Vector4D gamma_table[64];
CDynLight dlights[MAX_DLIGHTS];
vec3_t ambient_color;
float direct_scale;
float light_gamma;
float light_threshold;
float smoothing_threshold;
// original player vieworg and angles
Vector cached_vieworigin;
Vector cached_viewangles;
struct mvbocache_s *vertex_light_cache[MAX_LIGHTCACHE]; // FIXME: make growable
struct mvbocache_s *surface_light_cache[MAX_LIGHTCACHE];
// cull info
Vector modelorg; // relative to viewpoint
} ref_globals_t;
typedef struct
unsigned int c_world_leafs;
unsigned int c_world_nodes; // walking by BSP tree
unsigned int c_culled_entities;
unsigned int c_total_tris; // triangle count
unsigned int c_subview_passes;
unsigned int c_shadow_passes;
unsigned int c_worldlights;
unsigned int c_occlusion_culled; // culled by occlusion query
unsigned int c_screen_copy; // how many times screen was copied
unsigned int num_shader_binds;
unsigned int num_flushes;
msurface_t *debug_surface;
} ref_stats_t;
typedef struct
double compile_shader;
double create_light_cache;
double create_buffer_object;
double total_buildtime;
} ref_buildstats_t;
typedef enum
GLHW_GENERIC, // where everthing works the way it should
GLHW_RADEON, // where you don't have proper GLSL support
GLHW_NVIDIA // Geforce 8/9 class DX10 hardware
} glHWType_t;
typedef struct
int width, height;
int defWidth, defHeight;
qboolean fullScreen;
qboolean wideScreen;
int faceCull;
int frontFace;
int frameBuffer;
GLfloat depthmin;
GLfloat depthmax;
GLint depthmask;
GLfloat identityMatrix[16];
ref_instance_t stack[MAX_REF_STACK];
GLuint stack_position;
} glState_t;
typedef struct
const char *renderer_string; // ptrs to OpenGL32.dll, use with caution
const char *version_string;
const char *vendor_string;
glHWType_t hardware_type;
float version;
// list of supported extensions
const char *extensions_string;
bool extension[R_EXTCOUNT];
int block_size; // lightmap blocksize
int max_texture_units;
GLint max_2d_texture_size;
GLint max_3d_texture_size;
GLint max_2d_texture_layers;
GLint max_cubemap_size;
GLint binary_formats;
GLint num_formats;
int max_vertex_uniforms;
int max_vertex_attribs;
int max_varying_floats;
int max_skinning_bones; // total bones that can be transformed with GLSL
int peak_used_uniforms;
} glConfig_t;
extern glState_t glState;
extern glConfig_t glConfig;
extern engine_studio_api_t IEngineStudio;
extern float gldepthmin, gldepthmax;
extern int sunSize[MAX_SHADOWMAPS];
extern char r_speeds_msg[2048];
extern char r_depth_msg[2048];
extern model_t *worldmodel;
extern int g_iGunMode;
extern ref_stats_t r_stats;
extern ref_buildstats_t r_buildstats;
extern ref_instance_t *RI;
extern ref_globals_t tr;
// gl_backend.cpp
void R_InitRefState( void );
void R_PushRefState( void );
void R_PopRefState( void );
void R_ResetRefState( void );
ref_instance_t *R_GetPrevInstance( void );
void CompressNormalizedVector( char outVec[3], const Vector &inVec );
bool GL_BackendStartFrame( ref_viewpass_t *rvp, int params );
void GL_BackendEndFrame( ref_viewpass_t *rvp, int params );
int R_GetSpriteTexture( const model_t *m_pSpriteModel, int frame );
void GL_BindDrawbuffer( gl_drawbuffer_t *framebuffer );
void GL_DepthRange( GLfloat depthmin, GLfloat depthmax );
void R_RenderQuadPrimitive( CSolidEntry *entry );
void GL_LoadMatrix( const matrix4x4 &source );
void GL_LoadTexMatrix( const matrix4x4 &source );
void GL_BindFrameBuffer( int buffer, int texture );
void R_Speeds_Printf( const char *msg, ... );
int R_AllocFrameBuffer( int viewport[4] );
void GL_CheckVertexArrayBinding( void );
void R_FreeFrameBuffer( int buffer );
void GL_CleanupAllTextureUnits( void );
void GL_ComputeScreenRays( void );
void GL_DisableAllTexGens( void );
void GL_DepthMask( GLint enable );
void GL_FrontFace( GLenum front );
void GL_ClipPlane( bool enable );
void GL_BindFBO( GLuint buffer );
void GL_AlphaTest( GLint enable );
void GL_DepthTest( GLint enable );
void GL_CleanupDrawState( void );
void GL_SetDefaultState( void );
void GL_Blend( GLint enable );
void GL_Cull( GLenum cull );
void GL_Setup2D( void );
void GL_Setup3D( void );
// gl_cubemaps.cpp
void CL_FindNearestCubeMap( const Vector &pos, mcubemap_t **result );
void CL_FindTwoNearestCubeMap( const Vector &pos, mcubemap_t **result1, mcubemap_t **result2 );
void CL_FindNearestCubeMapForSurface( const Vector &pos, const msurface_t *surf, mcubemap_t **result );
void CL_FindTwoNearestCubeMapForSurface( const Vector &pos, const msurface_t *surf, mcubemap_t **result1, mcubemap_t **result2 );
void CL_BuildCubemaps_f( void );
// gl_cull.cpp
bool R_CullModel( cl_entity_t *e, const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs );
int R_CullSurface( msurface_t *surf, const Vector &vieworg, CFrustum *frustum, int clipFlags = 0 );
bool R_CullBrushModel( cl_entity_t *e );
bool R_CullNodeTopView( mnode_t *node );
#define R_CullBox( mins, maxs ) ( RI->view.frustum.CullBox( mins, maxs ))
#define R_CullSphere( centre, radius ) ( RI->view.frustum.CullSphere( centre, radius ))
#define R_CullFrustum( otherFrustum ) ( RI->view.frustum.CullFrustum( otherFrustum ))
// gl_debug.cpp
void DBG_PrintVertexVBOSizes( void );
void DBG_DrawLightFrustum( void );
void DBG_DrawGlassScissors( void );
void DrawLightProbes( void );
void R_ShowLightMaps( void );
void R_RenderLightProbeInternal( const Vector &origin, const Vector lightCube[] );
void DBG_DrawBBox( const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs );
void DrawWirePoly( msurface_t *surf );
void DrawTangentSpaces( void );
void DrawWireFrame( void );
void DrawViewLeaf( void );
void DrawCubeMaps( void );
// gl_deferred.cpp
void GL_SetupGBuffer( void );
void GL_ResetGBuffer( void );
void GL_DrawDeferredPass( void );
// gl_framebuffer.c
gl_drawbuffer_t *GL_AllocDrawbuffer( const char *name, int width, int height, int depth = 1 );
void GL_ResizeDrawbuffer( gl_drawbuffer_t *fbo, int width, int height, int depth = 1 );
void GL_AttachColorTextureToFBO( gl_drawbuffer_t *fbo, int textrue, int colorIndex, int side = 0 );
void GL_AttachDepthTextureToFBO( gl_drawbuffer_t *fbo, int texture, int side = 0 );
void GL_CheckFBOStatus( gl_drawbuffer_t *fbo );
void GL_VidInitDrawBuffers( void );
void GL_FreeDrawbuffers( void );
// gl_lightmap.cpp
void R_UpdateSurfaceParams( msurface_t *surf );
void R_UpdateSurfaceParams( struct mstudiosurface_s *surf );
void GL_BeginBuildingLightmaps( void );
void GL_AllocLightmapForFace( msurface_t *surf );
bool GL_AllocLightmapForFace( struct mstudiosurface_s *surf );
void GL_EndBuildingLightmaps( bool lightmap, bool deluxmap );
void R_TextureCoords( msurface_t *surf, const Vector &vec, float *out );
void R_GlobalCoords( msurface_t *surf, const Vector &point, float *out );
void R_GlobalCoords( msurface_t *surf, const Vector &point, const Vector &absmin, const Vector &absmax, float scale, float *out );
void R_LightmapCoords( msurface_t *surf, const Vector &vec, float *coords, int style );
void R_LightmapCoords( struct mstudiosurface_s *surf, const Vector &vec, const Vector lmvecs[2], float *coords, int style );
// gl_rlight.cpp
CDynLight *CL_AllocDlight( int key );
void R_GetLightVectors( cl_entity_t *pEnt, Vector &origin, Vector &angles );
void R_SetupLightParams( CDynLight *pl, const Vector &origin, const Vector &angles, float radius, float fov, int type, int flags = 0 );
void R_FindWorldLights( const Vector &origin, const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs, byte lights[MAXDYNLIGHTS], bool skipZ = false );
void R_LightForStudio( const Vector &point, mstudiolight_t *light, bool ambient );
void R_PointAmbientFromLeaf( const Vector &point, mstudiolight_t *light );
void R_LightForSky( const Vector &point, mstudiolight_t *light );
void R_LightVec( const Vector &point, mstudiolight_t *light, bool ambient );
Vector R_LightsForPoint( const Vector &point, float radius );
void R_SetupLightTexture( CDynLight *pl, int texture );
void R_SetupDynamicLights( void );
void CL_ClearDlights( void );
void R_AnimateLight( void );
int HasDynamicLights( void );
int HasStaticLights( void );
void CL_DecayLights( void );
// gl_rmain.cpp
void R_ClearScene( void );
int R_ComputeFxBlend( cl_entity_t *e );
void R_RenderScene( const ref_viewpass_t *rvp, int params );
qboolean R_AddEntity( struct cl_entity_s *clent, int entityType );
bool R_WorldToScreen( const Vector &point, Vector &screen );
void R_ScreenToWorld( const Vector &screen, Vector &point );
void R_SetupProjectionMatrix( float fov_x, float fov_y, matrix4x4 &m );
unsigned short GL_CacheState( const Vector &origin, const Vector &angles, bool skyentity = false );
void R_MarkWorldVisibleFaces( model_t *model );
gl_state_t *GL_GetCache( word hCachedMatrix );
void R_DrawParticles( qboolean trans );
void R_SetupGLstate( void );
void R_RenderTransList( void );
void R_SetupFrustum( void );
void R_Clear( int bitMask );
// gl_rmisc.cpp
void R_NewMap( void );
void R_VidInit( void );
void CL_InitMaterials( void );
matdesc_t *CL_FindMaterial( const char *name );
void R_LoadLandscapes( const char *filename );
terrain_t *R_FindTerrain( const char *texname );
void R_InitDynLightShaders( void );
void R_InitShadowTextures( void );
void R_FreeLandscapes( void );
// gl_rsurf.cpp
texture_t *R_TextureAnimation( msurface_t *s );
void GL_InitRandomTable( void );
// gl_shader.cpp
const char *GL_PretifyListOptions( const char *options, bool newlines = false );
word GL_FindUberShader( const char *glname, const char *options = "" );
word GL_FindShader( const char *glname, const char *vpname, const char *fpname, const char *options = "" );
void GL_SetShaderDirective( char *options, const char *directive );
void GL_AddShaderDirective( char *options, const char *directive );
void GL_AddShaderFeature( word shaderNum, int feature );
void GL_CheckTextureAlpha( char *options, int texturenum );
void GL_EncodeNormal( char *options, int texturenum );
void GL_BindShader( struct glsl_prog_s *shader );
void GL_FreeUberShaders( void );
void GL_InitGPUShaders( void );
void GL_FreeGPUShaders( void );
// gl_shadows.cpp
void R_RenderShadowmaps( void );
void R_RenderDeferredShadows( void );
// gl_movie.cpp
void R_InitCinematics( void );
void R_FreeCinematics( void );
int R_PrecacheCinematic( const char *cinname );
int R_AllocateCinematicTexture( unsigned int txFlags );
void R_UpdateCinematic( const msurface_t *surf );
void R_UpdateCinSound( cl_entity_t *e );
// gl_mirror.cpp
void R_RenderSubview( void );
// gl_scene.cpp
void R_CheckChanges( void );
void R_InitDefaultLights( void );
// gl_sky.cpp
void R_AddSkyBoxSurface( msurface_t *fa );
void R_DrawSkyBox( void );
// gl_postprocess.cpp
void InitPostTextures( void );
void InitPostEffects( void );
void RenderDOF( void );
void RenderUnderwaterBlur( void );
void RenderNerveGasBlur( void );
void RenderMonochrome( void );
void RenderSunShafts( void );
void RenderFSQ( int wide, int tall );
// gl_world_new.cpp
void Mod_ThrowModelInstances( void );
void Mod_PrepareModelInstances( void );
void GL_LoadAndRebuildCubemaps( int refParams );
void Mod_SetOrthoBounds( const float *mins, const float *maxs );
bool Mod_CheckLayerNameForSurf( msurface_t *surf, const char *checkName );
bool Mod_CheckLayerNameForPixel( mfaceinfo_t *land, const Vector &point, const char *checkName );
int Mod_FatPVS( model_t *model, const vec3_t org, float radius, byte *visbuffer, int visbytes, bool merge, bool fullvis );
void Mod_FindStaticLights( byte *vislight, byte lights[MAXDYNLIGHTS], const Vector &origin );
void R_ProcessWorldData( model_t *mod, qboolean create, const byte *buffer );
bool R_AddSurfaceToDrawList( msurface_t *surf, drawlist_t type );
void R_MarkVisibleLights( byte lights[MAXDYNLIGHTS] );
gl_texbuffer_t *Surf_GetSubview( mextrasurf_t *es );
void R_RenderTransSurface( CTransEntry *entry );
int Mod_SampleSizeForFace( msurface_t *surf );
bool Surf_CheckSubview( mextrasurf_t *es, bool puddle = false );
void R_RenderDynLightList( bool solid );
void R_MarkSubmodelVisibleFaces( void );
void Mod_InitBSPModelsTexture( void );
void R_UpdateSubmodelParams( void );
void Mod_ResortFaces( void );
// gl_world.cpp
void R_RenderDeferredBrushList( void );
void R_RenderSolidBrushList( void );
void R_RenderShadowBrushList( void );
void R_RenderSurfOcclusionList( void );
// rain.cpp
void R_DrawWeather( void );
void ParseRain( void );
void ResetRain( void );
void InitRain( void );