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2020-08-31 18:50:41 +02:00
makewad.cpp - convert textures into 8-bit indexed and pack into wad3 file
Copyright (C) 2015 Uncle Mike
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "conprint.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <io.h>
#include "cmdlib.h"
#include "stringlib.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "imagelib.h"
#include "makewad.h"
wfile_t *source_wad = NULL; // input WAD3 file
wfile_t *output_wad = NULL; // output WAD3 file
char output_path[256];
char output_ext[8];
float resize_percent = 0.0f;
int processed_files = 0;
int processed_errors = 0;
int graphics_wadfile = 0;
// just for debug
void Test_ConvertImageTo8Bit( const char *filename )
char outpath[256];
rgbdata_t *pic;
MsgDev( D_INFO, "Quantize %s\n", filename );
pic = COM_LoadImage( filename );
if( !pic )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "couldn't load (%s)\n", filename );
pic = Image_Quantize( pic );
Q_strncpy( outpath, filename, sizeof( outpath ));
COM_StripExtension( outpath );
Q_strncat( outpath, "_8bit.bmp", sizeof( outpath ));
if( COM_SaveImage( outpath, pic ))
MsgDev( D_INFO, "Write %s\n", outpath );
else MsgDev( D_INFO, "Failed to save %s\n", outpath );
Mem_Free( pic );
put the texture in the wad or
extract her onto disk
bool WAD_CreateTexture( const char *filename )
const char *ext = COM_FileExtension( filename );
int width, height, len = WAD3_NAMELEN;
dlumpinfo_t *find, *find2;
char lumpname[64], hint;
int mipwidth, mipheight;
rgbdata_t *image;
// store name for detect suffixes
COM_FileBase( filename, lumpname );
hint = Image_HintFromSuf( lumpname );
if( hint != IMG_DIFFUSE )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "WAD_CreateTexture: non-diffuse texture %s rejected\n", lumpname );
return false; // only diffuse textures can be passed
if( Q_strlen( lumpname ) > len )
// NOTE: technically we can cutoff too long names but it just not needs
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "WAD_CreateTexture: %s more than %i symbols\n", lumpname, len );
return false;
image = COM_LoadImage( filename );
if( !image ) return false;
width = mipwidth = image->width;
height = mipheight = image->height;
// wad-copy mode: wad->wad
if( source_wad && output_wad )
if( !Q_stricmp( ext, "mip" ))
find = W_FindMiptex( source_wad, lumpname );
if( !find )
Mem_Free( image );
return false;
find2 = W_FindMiptex( output_wad, lumpname );
if( !MIP_CheckForReplace( find2, image, mipwidth, mipheight ))
return false; // NOTE: image already freed on failed
// fit to the replacement
image = Image_Resample( image, mipwidth, mipheight );
image = Image_Quantize( image ); // just in case.
bool result = MIP_WriteMiptex( lumpname, image );
if( result ) MsgDev( D_INFO, "%s.mip\n", lumpname );
else MsgDev( D_ERROR, "coudln't copy: %s.mip\n", lumpname );
Mem_Free( image );
return result;
else if( !Q_stricmp( ext, "lmp" ))
find = W_FindLmptex( source_wad, lumpname );
if( !find )
Mem_Free( image );
return false;
find2 = W_FindLmptex( output_wad, lumpname );
if( !LMP_CheckForReplace( find2, image, mipwidth, mipheight ))
return false; // NOTE: image already freed on failed
// fit to the replacement
image = Image_Resample( image, mipwidth, mipheight );
image = Image_Quantize( image ); // just in case.
bool result = LMP_WriteLmptex( lumpname, image );
if( result ) MsgDev( D_INFO, "%s.lmp\n", lumpname );
else MsgDev( D_ERROR, "coudln't copy: %s.lmp\n", lumpname );
Mem_Free( image );
return result;
// unknown format?
Mem_Free( image );
return false;
// extraction or conversion mode: wad->bmp, wad->tga
if( !output_wad && output_path[0] && output_ext[0] )
char real_ext[8];
// set default extension
Q_strcpy( real_ext, output_ext );
// wad-extract mode
const char *path = va( "%s\\%s.%s", output_path, lumpname, real_ext );
bool result = COM_SaveImage( path, image );
if( result ) MsgDev( D_INFO, "%s\n", path );
else MsgDev( D_ERROR, "coudln't save: %s\n", path );
Mem_Free( image );
return result;
// normal mode: bmp->wad, tga->wad
if( graphics_wadfile )
if( !FBitSet( image->flags, IMAGE_QUANTIZED ))
// check for minmax sizes
mipwidth = bound( IMAGE_MINWIDTH, mipwidth, IMAGE_MAXWIDTH );
mipheight = bound( IMAGE_MINHEIGHT, mipheight, IMAGE_MAXHEIGHT );
find2 = W_FindLmptex( output_wad, lumpname );
if( !LMP_CheckForReplace( find2, image, mipwidth, mipheight ))
return false; // NOTE: image already freed on failed
rgbdata_t *rgba_image = Image_Copy( image );
// align by 16 or fit to the replacement
image = Image_Resample( image, mipwidth, mipheight );
// now quantize image
image = Image_Quantize( image );
bool result = LMP_WriteLmptex( lumpname, image );
if( result ) MsgDev( D_INFO, "%s.lmp\n", lumpname );
else MsgDev( D_ERROR, "coudln't write: %s.lmp\n", lumpname );
Mem_Free( rgba_image );
Mem_Free( image ); // no reason to keep it
return result;
else // image already indexed
// check for minmax sizes
mipwidth = bound( IMAGE_MINWIDTH, mipwidth, IMAGE_MAXWIDTH );
mipheight = bound( IMAGE_MINHEIGHT, mipheight, IMAGE_MAXHEIGHT );
find = W_FindLmptex( output_wad, lumpname );
if( !LMP_CheckForReplace( find, image, mipwidth, mipheight ))
return false; // NOTE: image already freed on failed
// align by 16 or fit to the replacement
image = Image_Resample( image, mipwidth, mipheight );
bool result = LMP_WriteLmptex( lumpname, image );
if( result ) MsgDev( D_INFO, "%s.lmp\n", lumpname );
else MsgDev( D_ERROR, "coudln't write: %s.lmp\n", lumpname );
if( image ) Mem_Free( image );
return result;
// all the mips must be aligned by 16
width = (width + 7) & ~7;
height = (height + 7) & ~7;
if( !FBitSet( image->flags, IMAGE_QUANTIZED ))
// check for minmax sizes
mipwidth = bound( IMAGE_MINWIDTH, mipwidth, IMAGE_MAXWIDTH );
mipheight = bound( IMAGE_MINHEIGHT, mipheight, IMAGE_MAXHEIGHT );
if( resize_percent != 0.0f )
mipwidth *= (resize_percent / 100.0f);
mipheight *= (resize_percent / 100.0f);
// all the mips must be aligned by 16
mipwidth = (mipwidth + 7) & ~7;
mipheight = (mipheight + 7) & ~7;
find2 = W_FindMiptex( output_wad, lumpname );
if( !MIP_CheckForReplace( find2, image, mipwidth, mipheight ))
return false; // NOTE: image already freed on failed
rgbdata_t *rgba_image = Image_Copy( image );
// align by 16 or fit to the replacement
image = Image_Resample( image, mipwidth, mipheight );
// now quantize image
image = Image_Quantize( image );
if( lumpname[0] == '{' )
Image_MakeOneBitAlpha( image ); // make one-bit alpha from blue color
bool result = MIP_WriteMiptex( lumpname, image );
if( result ) MsgDev( D_INFO, "%s.mip\n", lumpname );
else MsgDev( D_ERROR, "coudln't write: %s.mip\n", lumpname );
Mem_Free( rgba_image );
Mem_Free( image ); // no reason to keep it
return result;
else // image already indexed
// check for minmax sizes
mipwidth = bound( IMAGE_MINWIDTH, mipwidth, IMAGE_MAXWIDTH );
mipheight = bound( IMAGE_MINHEIGHT, mipheight, IMAGE_MAXHEIGHT );
if( resize_percent != 0.0f )
mipwidth *= (resize_percent / 100.0f);
mipheight *= (resize_percent / 100.0f);
// all the mips must be aligned by 16
mipwidth = (mipwidth + 7) & ~7;
mipheight = (mipheight + 7) & ~7;
find = W_FindMiptex( output_wad, lumpname );
if( !MIP_CheckForReplace( find, image, mipwidth, mipheight ))
return false; // NOTE: image already freed on failed
// align by 16 or fit to the replacement
image = Image_Resample( image, mipwidth, mipheight );
if( lumpname[0] == '{' )
Image_MakeOneBitAlpha( image ); // make one-bit alpha from blue color
bool result = MIP_WriteMiptex( lumpname, image );
if( result ) MsgDev( D_INFO, "%s.mip\n", lumpname );
else MsgDev( D_ERROR, "coudln't write: %s.mip\n", lumpname );
if( image ) Mem_Free( image );
return result;
return false;
void CDECL Shutdown_Makewad( void )
W_Close( source_wad );
W_Close( output_wad );
int main( int argc, char **argv )
char srcpath[256], dstpath[256];
char srcwad[256], dstwad[256];
bool srcset = false;
bool dstset = false;
double start, end;
char str[64];
int i;
start = I_FloatTime();
Msg( " Image Quantizer & Wad3 creator\n" );
Msg( " Xash XT Group 2018(^1c^7)\n\n\n" );
atexit( Shutdown_Makewad );
// initialize command vars
SetReplaceLevel( REP_IGNORE );
output_path[0] = '\0';
output_ext[0] = '\0';
for( i = 1; i < argc; i++ )
if( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-input" ))
Q_strncpy( srcpath, argv[i+1], sizeof( srcpath ));
srcset = true;
else if( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-output" ))
Q_strncpy( dstpath, argv[i+1], sizeof( dstpath ));
dstset = true;
else if( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-replace" ))
SetReplaceLevel( REP_NORMAL ); // replace only if image dimensions is equal
else if( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-forcereplace" ))
SetReplaceLevel( REP_FORCE ); // rescale image, replace in any cases
else if( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-resize" ))
resize_percent = atof( argv[i+1] ); // resize source image (percent)
resize_percent = bound( 10.0f, resize_percent, 200.0f );
else if( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-dev" ))
SetDeveloperLevel( atoi( argv[i+1] ));
Msg( "makewad: unknown option %s\n", argv[i] );
if( i != argc || !srcset || !dstset )
Msg( "Usage: -input <wad|tga|bmp|lmp> -output <wadname.wad|tga|bmp|lmp> <options>\n"
"\nlist options:\n"
"^2-replace^7 - replace existing images if they matched by size\n"
"^2-forcereplace^7 - replace existing images even if they doesn't matched by size\n"
"^2-resize^7 - resize source image in percents (range 10%%-200%%)\n\n"
"\t\tPress any key to exit" );
system( "pause>nul" );
return 1;
char testname[64];
char *find = NULL;
Q_strncpy( srcwad, srcpath, sizeof( srcwad ));
find = Q_stristr( srcwad, ".wad" );
if( find )
find += 4, *find = '\0';
source_wad = W_Open( srcwad, "rb" );
search_t *search = COM_Search( srcpath, true, source_wad );
if( !search ) return 1; // nothing found
Q_strncpy( dstwad, dstpath, sizeof( dstwad ));
find = Q_stristr( dstwad, ".wad" );
if( find )
find += 4, *find = '\0';
output_wad = W_Open( dstwad, "a+b" );
COM_FileBase( dstwad, testname );
if( !Q_stricmp( testname, "gfx" ) || !Q_stricmp( testname, "cached" ))
Msg( "graphics wad detected\n" );
graphics_wadfile = 1;
const char *ext = COM_FileExtension( srcwad );
if( !Q_stricmp( dstpath, "bmp" ) || !Q_stricmp( dstpath, "tga" ) || !Q_stricmp( dstpath, "lmp" ))
COM_ExtractFilePath( srcwad, output_path );
COM_StripExtension( output_path );
Q_strncpy( output_ext, dstpath, sizeof( output_ext ));
if( !output_path[0] ) _getcwd( output_path, sizeof( output_path ));
Msg( "Usage: -input <wad|tga|bmp|lmp> -output <wadname.wad|tga|bmp|lmp> <options>\n"
"\nlist options:\n"
"^2-replace^7 - replace existing images if they matched by size\n"
"^2-forcereplace^7 - replace existing images even if they doesn't matched by size\n"
"^2-resize^7 - resize source image in percents (range 10%%-200%%)\n\n"
"\t\tPress any key to exit" );
Mem_Free( search );
system( "pause>nul" );
return 1;
if( source_wad && !output_wad && output_path[0] && output_ext[0] )
MsgDev( D_INFO, "extract textures from %s\n", srcwad );
else if( source_wad && output_wad )
MsgDev( D_INFO, "copying textures from %s to %s\n", srcwad, dstwad );
MsgDev( D_INFO, "write textures into %s\n", dstwad );
for( i = 0; i < search->numfilenames; i++ )
if( WAD_CreateTexture( search->filenames[i] ))
else processed_errors++;
end = I_FloatTime();
MsgDev( D_INFO, "%3i files processed, %3i errors\n", processed_files, processed_errors );
Q_timestring((int)(end - start), str );
MsgDev( D_INFO, "%s elapsed\n", str );
W_Close( source_wad );
source_wad = NULL;
W_Close( output_wad );
output_wad = NULL;
Mem_Free( search );
Mem_Check(); // report leaks
return 0;