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* Copyright (c) 1996-2002, Valve LLC. All rights reserved.
* This product contains software technology licensed from Id
* Software, Inc. ("Id Technology"). Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
#include "cmdlib.h"
#include "threads.h"
#include <windows.h>
#define THREAD_STACK_SIZE (4096 * 1024) // 4 Mb
#define PACIFIER_STEP 40
typedef struct thread_s
int number; // threadnum
pfnRunThreads func; // thread func
} thread_t;
static HANDLE g_threadhandles[MAX_THREADS];
static thread_t g_threads[MAX_THREADS];
static int g_dispatch = 0;
static int g_workcount = 0;
static qboolean g_pacifier = false;
static qboolean g_threaded = false;
static pfnThreadWork g_workfunction;
int g_numthreads = -1;
static int g_oldnumthreads;
static int g_oldf = -1;
static bool g_enter;
void UpdatePacifier( float percent )
int f;
f = (int)(percent * (float)PACIFIER_STEP);
f = bound( g_oldf, f, PACIFIER_STEP );
if( f != g_oldf )
for( int i = g_oldf + 1; i <= f; i++ )
if(( i % PACIFIER_REM ) == 0 )
Msg( "%d%%", ( i / PACIFIER_REM ) * 10 );
if( i != PACIFIER_STEP )
Msg( "." );
g_oldf = f;
void StartPacifier( void )
g_oldf = -1;
UpdatePacifier( 0.001f );
void EndPacifier( double total )
UpdatePacifier( 1.0f );
Msg( " (%.2f secs)\n", total );
int GetThreadWork( void )
int r;
if( g_dispatch == g_workcount )
return -1;
if( g_pacifier )
UpdatePacifier( (float)g_dispatch / g_workcount );
r = g_dispatch;
ThreadUnlock ();
return r;
static void ThreadWorkerFunction( int thread )
int work;
while( 1 )
work = GetThreadWork ();
if( work == -1 ) break;
g_workfunction( work, thread );
// This runs in the thread and dispatches a RunThreadsFn call.
static DWORD WINAPI InternalRunThreadsFn( LPVOID pData )
thread_t *pThread = (thread_t *)pData;
pThread->func( pThread->number );
return 0;
void ThreadSetDefault( void )
if( g_numthreads == -1 )
// not set manually
GetSystemInfo( &info );
g_numthreads = info.dwNumberOfProcessors;
if( g_numthreads < 1 || g_numthreads > MAX_THREADS )
g_numthreads = 1;
MsgDev( D_REPORT, "%i threads\n", g_numthreads );
g_oldnumthreads = g_numthreads;
void ThreadLock( void )
if( !g_threaded ) return;
EnterCriticalSection( &g_crit );
if( g_enter ) COM_FatalError( "recursive ThreadLock\n" );
g_enter = true;
void ThreadUnlock( void )
if( !g_threaded ) return;
if( !g_enter ) COM_FatalError( "ThreadUnlock without lock\n" );
g_enter = false;
LeaveCriticalSection( &g_crit );
bool ThreadLocked( void )
return g_enter;
void ThreadPush( void )
g_numthreads = 1;
void ThreadPop( void )
g_numthreads = g_oldnumthreads;
void RunThreadsOn( int workcnt, bool showpacifier, pfnRunThreads func )
double start, end;
DWORD dwDummy;
int i;
if( showpacifier )
if( g_numthreads == 1 )
Msg( " (single-threaded)\n" );
else Msg( "\n" );
start = I_FloatTime();
g_pacifier = showpacifier;
g_workcount = workcnt;
g_dispatch = 0;
if( g_pacifier ) StartPacifier();
if( g_numthreads == 1 )
// use same thread
func( 0 );
// run threads in parallel
InitializeCriticalSection( &g_crit );
g_threaded = true;
for( i = 0; i < g_numthreads; i++ )
g_threads[i].number = i;
g_threads[i].func = func;
g_threadhandles[i] = CreateThread( NULL, THREAD_STACK_SIZE, InternalRunThreadsFn, &g_threads, 0, &dwDummy );
WaitForMultipleObjects( g_numthreads, g_threadhandles, TRUE, INFINITE );
for ( i = 0; i < g_numthreads; i++ )
CloseHandle( g_threadhandles[i] );
DeleteCriticalSection( &g_crit );
g_threaded = false;
end = I_FloatTime ();
if( g_pacifier ) EndPacifier( end - start );
void RunThreadsOnIndividual( int workcnt, bool showpacifier, pfnThreadWork func )
g_workfunction = func;
RunThreadsOn( workcnt, showpacifier, ThreadWorkerFunction );
void RunThreadsOnIncremental( int workcnt, bool showpacifier, pfnRunThreads func )
RunThreadsOn( workcnt, showpacifier, func );