/*** * * Copyright (c) 1996-2002, Valve LLC. All rights reserved. * * This product contains software technology licensed from Id * Software, Inc. ("Id Technology"). Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * * Use, distribution, and modification of this source code and/or resulting * object code is restricted to non-commercial enhancements to products from * Valve LLC. All other use, distribution, or modification is prohibited * without written permission from Valve LLC. * ****/ #ifndef ACTIVITY_H #define ACTIVITY_H typedef enum { ACT_RESET = 0, // Set m_Activity to this invalid value to force a reset to m_IdealActivity ACT_IDLE = 1, ACT_GUARD, ACT_WALK, ACT_RUN, ACT_FLY, // Fly (and flap if appropriate) ACT_SWIM, ACT_HOP, // vertical jump ACT_LEAP, // long forward jump ACT_FALL, ACT_LAND, ACT_STRAFE_LEFT, ACT_STRAFE_RIGHT, ACT_ROLL_LEFT, // tuck and roll, left ACT_ROLL_RIGHT, // tuck and roll, right ACT_TURN_LEFT, // turn quickly left (stationary) ACT_TURN_RIGHT, // turn quickly right (stationary) ACT_CROUCH, // the act of crouching down from a standing position ACT_CROUCHIDLE, // holding body in crouched position (loops) ACT_STAND, // the act of standing from a crouched position ACT_USE, ACT_SIGNAL1, ACT_SIGNAL2, ACT_SIGNAL3, ACT_TWITCH, ACT_COWER, ACT_SMALL_FLINCH, ACT_BIG_FLINCH, ACT_RANGE_ATTACK1, ACT_RANGE_ATTACK2, ACT_MELEE_ATTACK1, ACT_MELEE_ATTACK2, ACT_RELOAD, ACT_ARM, // pull out gun, for instance ACT_DISARM, // reholster gun ACT_EAT, // monster chowing on a large food item (loop) ACT_DIESIMPLE, ACT_DIEBACKWARD, ACT_DIEFORWARD, ACT_DIEVIOLENT, ACT_BARNACLE_HIT, // barnacle tongue hits a monster ACT_BARNACLE_PULL, // barnacle is lifting the monster ( loop ) ACT_BARNACLE_CHOMP, // barnacle latches on to the monster ACT_BARNACLE_CHEW, // barnacle is holding the monster in its mouth ( loop ) ACT_SLEEP, ACT_INSPECT_FLOOR, // for active idles, look at something on or near the floor ACT_INSPECT_WALL, // for active idles, look at something directly ahead of you ( doesn't HAVE to be a wall or on a wall ) ACT_IDLE_ANGRY, // alternate idle animation in which the monster is clearly agitated. (loop) ACT_WALK_HURT, // limp (loop) ACT_RUN_HURT, // limp (loop) ACT_HOVER, // Idle while in flight ACT_GLIDE, // Fly (don't flap) ACT_FLY_LEFT, // Turn left in flight ACT_FLY_RIGHT, // Turn right in flight ACT_DETECT_SCENT, // this means the monster smells a scent carried by the air ACT_SNIFF, // this is the act of actually sniffing an item in front of the monster ACT_BITE, // some large monsters can eat small things in one bite. This plays one time, EAT loops. ACT_THREAT_DISPLAY, // without attacking, monster demonstrates that it is angry. (Yell, stick out chest, etc ) ACT_FEAR_DISPLAY, // monster just saw something that it is afraid of ACT_EXCITED, // for some reason, monster is excited. Sees something he really likes to eat, or whatever. ACT_SPECIAL_ATTACK1, // very monster specific special attacks. ACT_SPECIAL_ATTACK2, ACT_COMBAT_IDLE, // agitated idle. ACT_WALK_SCARED, ACT_RUN_SCARED, ACT_VICTORY_DANCE, // killed a player, do a victory dance. ACT_DIE_HEADSHOT, // die, hit in head. ACT_DIE_CHESTSHOT, // die, hit in chest ACT_DIE_GUTSHOT, // die, hit in gut ACT_DIE_BACKSHOT, // die, hit in back ACT_FLINCH_HEAD, ACT_FLINCH_CHEST, ACT_FLINCH_STOMACH, ACT_FLINCH_LEFTARM, ACT_FLINCH_RIGHTARM, ACT_FLINCH_LEFTLEG, ACT_FLINCH_RIGHTLEG, // acts for viewmodel ACT_VM_NONE, // weapon viewmodel animations ACT_VM_DEPLOY, // deploy ACT_VM_DEPLOY_EMPTY, // deploy empty weapon ACT_VM_HOLSTER, // holster empty weapon ACT_VM_HOLSTER_EMPTY, ACT_VM_IDLE, ACT_VM_IDLE_IS, // IronSight animations ACT_VM_RANGE_ATTACK, ACT_VM_RANGE_ATTACK_IS, // IronSight animations ACT_VM_MELEE_ATTACK, ACT_VM_MELEE_ATTACK_IS, // IronSight animations ACT_VM_SHOOT_LAST, ACT_VM_SHOOT_LAST_IS, // IronSight animations ACT_VM_LAST_MELEE_ATTACK, ACT_VM_LAST_MELEE_ATTACK_IS, // IronSight animations ACT_VM_START_RELOAD, ACT_VM_START_RELOAD_IS, ACT_VM_RELOAD, ACT_VM_RELOAD_IS, ACT_VM_RELOAD_EMPTY, ACT_VM_RELOAD_EMPTY_IS, ACT_VM_TURNON, // switch firemode on ACT_VM_TURNOFF, // switch firemode off ACT_VM_PUMP, // user animations ACT_VM_PUMP_IS, ACT_VM_PUMP_EMPTY, ACT_VM_PUMP_EMPTY_IS, ACT_VM_START_CHARGE, ACT_VM_CHARGE, ACT_VM_OVERLOAD, ACT_VM_IDLE_EMPTY, ACT_VM_IDLE_EMPTY_IS, ACT_VM_IRONSIGHT_ON, ACT_VM_IRONSIGHT_OFF, ACT_VM_SHOOT_EMPTY, ACT_VM_SHOOT_EMPTY_IS, ACT_VM_IRONSIGHT_ON_EMPTY, ACT_VM_IRONSIGHT_OFF_EMPTY, ACT_VM_RESERVED0, // reserved acts for future expansions ACT_VM_RESERVED1, ACT_VM_RESERVED2, ACT_VM_RESERVED3, ACT_VM_RESERVED4, // continue enumerate acts for monsters ACT_FLASHLIGHT, ACT_WALKBACK_FIRE, ACT_FIRINGWALK, ACT_FIRINGRUN, ACT_DIERAGDOLL, ACT_180_LEFT, // 180 degree left turn ACT_180_RIGHT, ACT_90_LEFT, // 90 degree turns ACT_90_RIGHT, // Sometimes, you just want to set an NPC's sequence to a sequence that doesn't actually // have an activity. The AI will reset the NPC's sequence to whatever its IDEAL activity // is, though. So if you set ideal activity to DO_NOT_DISTURB, the AI will not interfere // with the NPC's current sequence. (SJB) ACT_DO_NOT_DISTURB, ACT_TRANSITION, } Activity; typedef struct { int type; char *name; } activity_map_t; extern activity_map_t activity_map[]; #endif // ACTIVITY_H