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Zorglube 2020-08-23 17:55:26 +02:00
parent 7c33ba91d1
commit 6fd61f822f
1 changed files with 25 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
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**Table of Contents**
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- [MovieNight stream server](#movienight-stream-server)
- [Build requirements](#build-requirements)
- [Older Go Versions](#older-go-versions)
@ -16,7 +19,10 @@
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# MovieNight stream server
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[![Build status](](
This is a single-instance streaming server with chat. Originally written to
@ -24,12 +30,18 @@ replace Rabbit as the platform for watching movies with a group of people
## Build requirements
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- Go 1.13 or newer
- GNU Make
### Older Go Versions
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You can install a newer version of Go alongside your OS's distribution by
following the guide here: [](
@ -45,7 +57,11 @@ You have to :
- build **make TARGET=windows ARCH=386**;
- and run **./MovieNight**;
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Example :
Example :
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$ git clone
$ cd MovieNight
@ -94,7 +110,10 @@ The container needs to be restarted to apply any changes you make to *settings.j
An script wich setup an Jail and build and run MovieNight into that Jail as been writen, you'll find it here [freenas-iocage-movienight] (
## Usage
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Now you can use OBS to push a stream to the server. Set the stream URL to
@ -139,7 +158,10 @@ Usage of .\MovieNight.exe:
## Configuration
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MovieNights configuration is controlled by `settings.json`:
- `AdminPassword`: users can enter `/auth <value>` into chat to grant themselves
@ -179,5 +201,8 @@ MovieNights configuration is controlled by `settings.json`:
header, to prevent caching responses.
## License
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`flv.js` is Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. This project is licened under the MIT license.